Notes and addresses in front of diary:

Linley Sambourne, 18 Stafford Terrace, Kensington, W. 5/s reward if lost.

Store ticket 1904 91122.

Mrs Maxwell, Galloway Arms, Mount Stewart.

Favoured by Hamilton Fletcher 29/2/04. Man for mahogany & brass tubs: Edward Parkhouse, Antique Furniture Depot, 78 Old Tower Street, Plymouth

Colonel Kennedy's cigars: La Breta Cosens & Co, 23 Wellington St, Strand, W.C. Camera Club porter: A.Wills. Acid for green globes as per Swain: Muriatic. Same as Hydrochloric Acid. Mrs Carter, 27 Canonbury Park North, N. A & N Managing Director: W Phaysey. Athenaeum Secy: Henry R.Tedder Armour, G.D. Etchelhampton House, Devizes. Bellini's. Hanover Rest, 6 Mill St, W. Bonvoisin. 53 Rue Pierre Charon. Camera C. Miss M.Cromach. Clarke, Lady C.M. 20 Lennox Gardens. Anderson Anderson & Co. J.G.S Anderson, 5 Fenchurch Avenue, E.C. Bingham, W. 15 Kenbourne Rd, Sharrow, Sheffield. Bradbury Agnew, Herbert Heather. Crompton, Col R.Evelyn. Triplands, Kensington Court, W. Phipson Beale, Drumlanford, Barrhill, Ayrshire. Mrs Maxwell, Galloway Arms, Newton Stewart. Sir Walter Lawrence K.C.I.E. Hotel Splendide,Wimmaraux, Nr Boulogne sur Mer.

Edward Thomas Foley Esquire of Stoke Edith, County . Born 21 Dec 1791. D 20 March 1846. Married 16 Aug 1832 Lady Emily Graham 4th daughter of James 3rd Duke of Montrose. Lady Emily born 23 June 1805. Died 1 January 1900.

Easton Park shoots Jany '97, Oct '97, Jany '00,'01, Dec '02, Dec '03. Gotz, L.R. 215 Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C. Howlden, R.Linley. Park Grange, Sheffield. Harris, Walter H. Rusthall Avenue, Tunbridge Wells. Horlick, Robt A. Arbrook farm, Esher, Surrey.

Gloves. Tan Sabian, 3/6.

Sir Charles Bright McLaren Bart. Post & Telegraph Station Talycafn. McIlvaine, Clarence. 32 Portland Pl, W.


Morris, Barnard. 15 Copthall Avenue E.C. Ladders, all sorts. J.H.Heatman & Co, 72 Rectory Rd, Barons Green, Fulham, S.W. McDonnell, Hon Sir Schomberg. H.M.Office of Works, Storey's Gate, S.W. Military (Royal) Tournament. Capn G.A.Armytage, Press Box. Lincoln Bennett & Co. W.J.Sale John Baptist Sodi 1892. Died 23 March 98. Mr Johnson, earlier. Lindley Tinsley. 14 Park Terrace, Nottingham. J.Le Couteur. 16 Brook St, Hanover Sq, W. Hamilton Langley, Bedstone Court. Hopton Heath station. Postal address Bedstone Court, Bucknell R.S.O. Salop. until March: Sir Henry Irving’s Company (illeg) Empire Theatre New York City.

The O.W. 100 Great Russell St, W.C.

Mixture of beeswax & turps for polishing portmanteaus & bags. Tobacco, Lennie's. Mr Simpson, Princes Street, Edinburgh. also Ivan Brumfit, 13 St Swithun's Lane. 84 Cannon St. 31 King William St E.C.

Spooner,W. 379 Strand W.C. Raven Hill, L. Battle Farm, Bramham, Nr Chippenham, Wilts. Stace. 14 Hatfield Road, Ramsgate. 'Auricula'. Taxes. George Howe. Office of Surveyor of Taxes, Wrights Lane, Kensington, W. Soap. Courts Castile. 6lb bar 3/3. Sands Hunter. 20 Cranbourne St, W.C. Royal Academy waiters: Mr H.Goolden, Mr Sanders. Col Sir Charles Euan Smith K.C.B. 15 South Audley Street, W. Sutton, Arthur E. Shanks House, Wincanton, Somersetshire. Reed, E.T. Cardiff House, Wimbledon Common. Swain, Joseph & Son. 157 Temple Chambers, Temple Avenue E.C. Sintram Freemantle & Co. 217 Piccadilly, London.

Waterbury Watches. Allan Ross & Co, 66 Holborn Viaduct E.C. Watney, Vernon. 'Faunich', Loch Luichart, Rossshire N.B. Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire. H.Waterbury, 180 Fleet Street, E.C. Sheffield Telegraph Bldgs.

Friday January 1 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. Out with Rags. Small kitten in road. Led him home. Breakfast. Dull & cold weather. Roy packing to go to Pyt House. Got on with drawing of Young New Year & Time at Restaurant. Lunch. Roy off in carriage at 2.45pm. Worked until 9.30pm when finished. Boy in doubt where

2 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1904 to go to. Dinner, M & self. Sat in chair till 12.0am. Letter from Club with Xmas cards etc. Bed. Cold & damp.

Saturday January 2 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.40. Bath. Out. Rain had frozen, roads very slippery. Man from Eames & Keys came to look at stove at 10.0. Wrote up diary to end of year. Wire from Vaudeville to say no seats. Private View of Old Masters. Wrote & put things tidy. After lunch with M left at 2.45 & up by bus to Burlington House. Show of Old Masters. Sir Thomas Lawrence principally & lovely Rembrandt, King Charles I & Henrietta Maria. Saw many people I knew. Spielmanns (about America) etc, Lennie & Miss Walford. M enjoyed it. Left 4.45. Lord Charles Beresford. Walked to Knightsbridge. Home by bus. Tea. After wrote letters till 7.20 when dressed & by carriage to dine at Mite's. M, self & Mite, Lennie & Miss Walford. Looked at fans. Home by carriage. War impending. Rest & doze till 12.30 when to bed. M slept well. (Red ink: Went to Old Masters, M & self. Dined at Mite's after.)

Sunday January 3 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.50. Out by church with Rags. Warmer. Muggy. Good breakfast. After took M for walk round Round Pond. Dear Mite, Lennie, Miss W in to lunch. Lennie up in my room afterwards. Left at 3.45 & to the Athenaeum. Wrote letters & looked over books. Back 8.0 & M & self dined quietly. Lord Kingsborough had called. Delighted with my Radium drawing. Also Lady Lockyer. After M & self in Morning Room & bed at 11.30 after reading. (Cuttings glued in: The wife of Guy Laking, of a son. Death of James Ferguson. Death of Wiliam Francis. Death of George Gosling. Obituary and photograph of Princess Mathilde Bonaparte.)

Monday January 4 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. Out with Rags. My birthday. Few noticed it. Dear M in bed. After wrote letters & put things tidy. Mite & Miss Walford to lunch. After rest schemed drawing for Automobile. Letter from F.C.B saying New Year's cut all wrong. Wrote him & also Seaman. Dressed 7.15 & dear M & self went in the carriage to 16 Penywern Road & dined with Sir Norman & Lady Lockyer. Very pleasant dinner. N.L took Beer, Champagne, Port & Whisky. Oh! Talk of Radium & after home at 10.50 by carriage. (Red ink: Dined with Sir Norman & Lady Lockyer.)

Tuesday January 5 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.20. Bath & out. Dark morning. Man from Stores came for watch & to see clocks. After sent letter R to R. M out in the carriage. Developed 8 photos of M.R also 2 after that. M back to lunch. In room after glued head of ivory stick on. Went on with drawing for Automobile & sent Otley to the Club with bag. M & self dined at 8.15 quietly & in Drawing Room after. Chilly. Mrs Pirrie & others called. Also a model for me by mistake. Bed at 11.45 after rest. (Cutting glued in: Birthday, Edward Linley Sambourne, Jan 4 1845.)


Wednesday January 6 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.20 & out. Dull dark miserable morning. Rags got hold of a sandy cat in Phillimore Gardens. Surly workman. Roy to return from Pyt. Left for town at 11.0am. To C.C by 12.0. Miss J.H. Took careless photos owing to dark day. Worst ever did. Out. To Garrick. Lo! Lawrence Bradbury there. Lunch with him. Left 2.10 & by bus to Brompton. Saw marriage near Oratory. Walked home. Tea. After dressed carefully & by bus to Piccadilly & to the Punch Dinner. Sir W.A, L.B, Graves, a new man, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G, F.C.B, self, B.P, R.L, O.S. Phil A left owing to B. F.C.B grumbling at New Year cartoon. Lehmann offensive about dress. F.C.B said no cut about Chamberlain & finally had his orchidsta (sic) & all Chamberlains. Left 11.0 & took Lucy home by carriage. Roy up from Pyt. Did not go to Stoke Edith until tomorrow.

Thursday January 7 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & out with Rags. Breakfast. Wired to Miss Tambay. Schemed subject. Hilton came at 11.0 & photod him. Lunch with Roy at 12.30. Got him off with M in carriage at 1.0. M lunched with Mrs Nemhard. At 1.30 Miss Tambay came. Photod her for Britannia. Got prints with difficulty & enlargements. Otley came in to help. Up in room & worked till 8.30pm when dined. Put in head of Britannia clean away all right. M in room. M & self dined together at 8.45. Bed after a rest. Tired. (Cuttings glued in: Marriage of Hugh Moultrie to Maisey Reid. Obituary and photograph of M.Gerome. Sketch Jan 20 04.)

Friday January 8 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & out with Rags. At work all day on drawing of Balfour & Britannia on Yacht. A most successful drawing. M up in my room. Finished at 9.30pm. Dined by self, M looking on. In Morning Room after. Bed at 12.0am.

Saturday January 9 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Tired. Out. breakfast. After developed photos taken on Wednesday. Left at 1.20 in the carriage to lunch at the Pirries. Such a lunch! Lady Kingsborough, the Caustens, Lord Mayor's daughter etc. Old Mrs Hervey. Long talk. Left 4.15. M put me down in Piccadilly. Found had been given wrong coat. Turned out to be Mr Caustens. Walked back to Downshire House. Back by bus to Garrick & C.C. Wrote letters. Home by bus. Dressed & M, Roy & self went to dine at dear Mite's. Selves & Miss Walford. Roy had come back from Stoke Edith. Left 10.20 & home in the carriage. Went out after breakfast & down to Jarvis's to look at commode. (Red ink: M, Roy & self dined at Mite's. M & self lunched with the Pirries at Downshire House.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Sir Albert Woods. Friday Jany 8th.)

Sunday January 10 Stafford Terrace. Up at 9.0. Dull morning. Out. Round by Kensington Church. After breakfast printed some blues. Failures. Took M at 12.0 for walk up Park. Met no one. Sent M back by bus & lunch at the Garrick. Cold beef 1/5. At 2.20 photod for 1st time C.L. Intelligent model. Out & to Athenaeum. Wrote. Sent cheque for £20 to Tom Brown. Tea. Sleepy. Home by bus. At 8.0 Mr &


Mrs Graham Keith & Dr Lockyer dined. Bright little delightful woman. Looked over house. They left at 11.0. Read & to bed 12.30. (Red ink: Went to the Athenaeum. Mr & Mrs Keith & young Lockyer dined.) (Cutting glued in: Antoinette Sterling's philanthropic works.)

Monday January 11 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. Out with Rags. Mistake of half sovereign for 6d. Breakfast. Got off at 10.30 & up to C.C by bus. Talk to old gent on motors. At 11.15 photod Miss R.W. Insipid poor model. Out 12.45 & home by bus. Mrs Harold Messel & dear Mite to lunch. Ada S.J came in in the middle. All afternoon developing etc photos taken yesterday & tidying in hut till 4.0. Very tired. Rest. M in my room. The commode given me by Lennie delivered by Jarvis at 6.30pm. Quiet dinner M & self. Roy at drill. Home 11.0pm. Bed 11.30pm. Tired. (Red ink: Photod Rose Woodcock. Commode put in Drawing Room.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Antoinette Stirling. Mon 11 Jany.)

Tuesday January 12 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.20. Dull damp wretched morning. Out. Met Pepys Cockerell. Back. Roy off to Chichester. Difficulty in getting prints. M out in carriage. Got blues ready in morning. Spencer called 1.10. Stayed to lunch. From 2.0 to 4.0 enlarged 6 photos (doubles) taken on Sunday & yesterday. M back from Mite's. M had a pretty new morning dress. Miserable day. Otley took Roy's bag to London Bridge. After put photos together & squared them. M up after at 7.30. No one but a Mrs Leonard called. M & self dined together. In the Drawing Room afterwards. M to bed 10.30. Self 11.30pm. (Cutting glued in: Death of Clare Bâby.)

Wednesday January 13 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30 & saw Old W at 8.15 in distance. Stopped & walked up thro' Durham & down Holland Road or Walk. Breakfast. After a note from Lennie came saying dear Mite taken with her trouble. M off in carriage at 10.10. Printed blues & wrote letters. Otley back at 11.10 to say a son was born to dear Mite. Rejoiced. Printed blues till 1.15. Lunch. Mended Drawing Room window. Worked on Automobile drawing. At 5.20 dressed & went over to Mite's by bus. Saw a classical little girl & gave conductor my card. To Mite's. All well. Saw M & after thro' Wardour St. Called Lowes (illeg) To Garrick . Punch Dinner. F.C.B, self, new man, Owen S, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. Got Tarquinius as suggested by Guthrie. Home by bus. Bed 11.30 after reading paper. (Red ink: Mite's dear little son born.) (Cutting glued in: Photograph of Jean Leon Gerome. B & W. Jan 16 1904.)

Thursday January 14 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.20 & walk round C.H. After breakfast schemed subjet of Chamberlain as Tarquinius. Hilton came at 11.30. Had sent messenger boy to May's. Photod him as Roman & self after. Developed & all ready by 3.0pm. Rest in room & got on with work. Dined at 8.15pm, M, Roy & self. Quiet in Morning Room after.


Friday January 15 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.20 & out. Old W shambled after me with dogs. Band. After got to work & all day at Chamberlain & Tarquinius. Finished at 9.30 when M, Roy & self dined quietly & in Morning Room after. Old Brandy '51. Bed at 12.30 very tired. Bother in finding Banchory or another Temple. In lower drawer. (Cutting glued in: Photograph of Antoinette Stirling.)

Saturday January 16 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.45. Very tired. Out for walk before breakfast. Met young Bergne. No it was yesterday. In morning tidied up room etc. Very cold. Left with M in the carriage at 1.30 after lunch & drove to the Vaudeville Theatre & saw The Cherry Girl. Silly play but prettily done. Pretty girls & children. Put M in carriage & to Garrick for tea etc. Wrote letters. Got sausages bacon & fruit & home by 7.45. Dressed. M, Roy & self at dinner. In Morning Room after. Very cold. (Red ink: M & self went to matinée of The Cherry Girl.)

Sunday January 17 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.45. Cold. Dry morning. Out round church & back with Rags. After put phos away etc & room straight. Took M at 11.30 for walk to Mite's & saw the new baby. Walk back with Harold & his wife & Lennie. Lunch with M. All the morning & afternoon putting the room in order. Put all the whole plate prints in drawers with the others. Dressed at 7.45. Tabs, William Stone & Lennie to dinner. Pleasant evening. They left 11.0. Rest in chair very tired. M knocked. Bed at 12.0. Had the stove in Drawing Room for the 1st time this winter. (Red ink: Tabs, Lennie & William Stone dined. 1st saw the new grandson.)

Monday January 18 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.20. x. Out. Old Rick in hall. Wet drizzling morning & miserable but warmer. Invite from Hamilton Langley to go to Stoke Edith. After all day on drawing for Automobile. M in my room. Roy home with a very bad cold. He had a small bottle of Champagne at dinner & bitterly complained after of his career in the City. Bed at 12.0 after reading in the Morning Room.

Tuesday January 19 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15 & out round Campden Hill. Met Pepys Cockerell in Holland Walk. Back. Cold miserable wet day. Heard a tapping & found it was men doing the creeper in our garden. Roy had a bad cold. M out in the morning. Got on with drawing of Automobile. Put in the figure & in the evening the head. No this was tomorrow. Got outline & traced it on to cardboard & put the wand & hands & foot in in ink. M up in my room reading The Sins of the Virtuous. M & self dined together & in Drawing Room after. Roy out to dinner somewhere. Back at 12.10 giving up a Dance. Bed 12.15am. Very cold & raw.

Wednesday January 20 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.20 & out. Cold & raw. Again met Pepys Cockerell who praised my drawing of Britannia on a boat. After all morning on Automobile. Put foot in. Lunch & put photo hut right. Men doing front of house. Rest in afternoon. At 3.0 M out in Mite's carriage. At 4.0 went on to put the head in of


Automobile drawing. Did not like it when done. M in my room. Dressed at 5.30 & left for Punch Dinner by bus. Got letters at Athenaeum & C.C. Walk thro' Covent Garden. Punch Dinner. F.C.B, self, R.H, Graves, R.L, O.S, P.A, L.B, new man, B.P, H.W.L. Partridge in praise of my cartoon. Long discussion especially for title of Gog & Magog. Left at 10.30. Home by carriage calling at Athenaeum to write letters. Read paper & bed at 12.0.

Thursday January 21 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.20 & out in raw dark morning, Rags with me. Breakfast by Electric Light. After in room writing letters. Lunch after packing at 12.45. Left in dog cart at 1.10. In Palace Gardens White Nose shied at a steam roller & broke a trace. Doubt as to getting to station. There 1.30pm. Met Fletcher & down to Stoke Edith. One other man in carriage. Hamilton met us in break with Mr Foster & Col Davidson. H & self walked to house. No Midge & no Dora. Tea. After in room writing letters. Astonished at Tom Brown's bills. Dinner 7.30. Sat next Foster. Another young man came. After H. Fletcher & self played 2 100 up games at Billiards. Rest at Bridge. Back in Billiard Room. Left at 11.15 & wrote diary. Undressed 11.35. (Red ink: Went down to Stoke Edith Park with Hamilton Fletcher.) (Cuttings glued in: Death and Obituary of Sir Frederick Hunt. Sat 23 Jany.)

Friday January 22 Stoke Edith Park. Up at 8.25 & breakfast. at 9.0pm. Most lovely morning which lasted the entire day. Brilliant sun & not a cloud in the sky. Guns H.L, H.F, Mr Foster, Mr Simpson Hayward, Col Davidson & self. Only got 4 cock to self & 2 not picked up. Left off at 4.0pm & back to house. Tea. After looked out books etc. Wrote letter to Tom B, M etc, Lehmann. Put on white waistcoat & black tie. Good dinner. Claret. After played Mr Simpson Hayward 2 100 games. Won both easily. After beat H.F one game & he beat me 1 game. All gone to bed. Read book on Scotland 1860. Could not get to sleep for hour. Opened window. (Red ink: 1st day's shoot at Stoke Edith Park.)

Saturday January 23 Stoke Edith Park. Up at 8.15am. Bath. Down. Evening papers. Bad news of war. Started to shoot 9.45. 6 guns. Same as yesterday only Mr Buxton instead of Mr Foster. Long walk up to Bunkers Hill. H & Col D rode up. Got nothing all the morning. Only fired 1 cartridge. Good lunch. After Fletcher feared a cold coming on. Got a pigeon & after 3 cock pheasant at end of a drive & to finish with shot a hen by mistake. 5 head. Mr Green Price on the road. Back 4.30. Tea & after very tired. Rest in chair. Hot bath. Dressed 6.45. Wrote diary etc. Dinner. Champagne. Mr Buxton left. Talk of Finlay K's Cruise of Falcon etc. Game of Pool. Won 4/s. Col D won 10/s. Left to change jacket & fell asleep on sofa & did not go down again. Wanted soda water. They stopped up to 12.0 & foraged for food. Nothing but parrot food. Self to bed 11.30pm. (Red ink: 2nd day's shoot at Stoke Edith Park.) (Cutting glued in: Dense fog in London.)

Sunday January 24 Stoke Edith Park. Up at 8.45. Had slept heavily. Out in morning. A horrid day, cold & dark. Bath. Out on lawn. No letters. Breakfast. H, little H, M.S.H went

7 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1904 to church. Little H returned having cold. Wrote many letters. After strolled out to church. How can they possibly get all the wedding guests into the church. Very cold & frost. Lunch. Read Tom Taylor's life of Sir Joshua Reynolds. Sleepy & tired. Up in room from 3.0 to 4.30pm. Fletcher came in for stamps. Tea. After read Reynolds book. Letters. Dinner. Good. After they played bridge. Read Reynolds on Billiard Table & bed at 11.15pm. Slept well.

Monday January 25 Stoke Edith Park. Up at 8.15am. Good bath. Breakfast. Mr Foster, Mr Buxton & a Mr Martin there. Col D came to my side for R. After started at 10.0 & strolled up the Park & gate. Very cold. Wore Stohwasser suit & Golden leggings. Only got 2 cock pheasants & shot 7 cartridges all day. 8 guns. 2 H's, self, Col D, Mr F, Mr B, Mr S.H, Mr Martin. Left off at 4.30. In room & posted letters. After changed & rested from 5.45 to dinner. Very cold in my room. Read 1st vol of Life of Sir Joshua Reynolds by C.R.Leslie & Tom Taylor, John Murray 1865. Dressed. Talk of William Stone. H.F's story of solicitiors duel. After played H.F 100. Beat him & the odd game. Mr Martin beat me 100 up by 11. Back to Bridge Room & to bed at 10.45pm. Read Reynolds. (Red ink: 3rd day's shoot at Stoke Edith Park.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Whitaker Wright. Wed 27 Jany.)

Tuesday January 26 Stoke Edith Park. Up 8.15. Good bath. 20 degrees warmer. Letters from M. Sophia H dysentry. Started to walk up Park again. Col D said goodbye. 6 guns. 2 H's, self, Mr Buxton, Mr Bromley Martin, Mr Simpson Hayward. Long pull to first beat. Began to rain. Fletcher missed a cock. Picked up after. Next stand at corner of road I got a woodcock well shot. After at top 1 fine cock pheasant. Nothing after. Rained heavily. Delay for lunch & another drive. Savage bull terrier. Dead Retriever puppy. Lunch half cold & no whiskey. Fletcher played & sang. After 3 more beats F's cock pheasant came down plump & after got up & ran. Heavy rain at last stand. No break. All waited at a 3 cornered X roads. At 4.45 the break came. Long drive home. Very wet. Home 5.30. Tea. Bath. Packed. Dressed. (Red ink: 4th day's shoot at Stoke Edith Park.)

Wednesday January 27 Stoke Edith Park. Up at 8.0am. Bath etc. Off after breakfast with Hamilton F, Mr Bromley Martin & Simpson Hayward. Caught the 10.5. Long weary journey to Worcester. Bought lunch. B.M left there, S.H at Chipping Norton. London 2.40. Otley met me & to S.T in wet. Dear M there. Felt seedy rather. After tea put drawing out & took head out. Dressed carefully & by bus to Punch Dinner in the wet. Called C.C. Sir W.A, L.B, B.P, new man, E.T.R, A.G, Sir F.C.B, L.S, H.W.L, R.H, O.S there. Got cut of Balfour Hiding Treasure. Left at 10.30 & home by bus. Looked over Punch's. Wet. Read & to bed. Roy at Pyt. (Red ink: Came up from Stoke Edith with Hamilton Fletcher & Simpson Hayward.) (Cutting glued in: Suicide of Whitaker Wright. Wed Jan 27.)

Thursday January 28 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & out. Dull wet morning. Over C.H. Sent messenger boy for costume. Schemed subject of Balfour hiding Medallion.


Hilton came 11.45. Photod him in the dark & wet. Used mackintosh for enlarger for 1st time. Finished by 3.30. In room. Felt unaccountably tired & heavy. ½ hrs rest & went on to work. Roy back from Pyt at 6.0pm, or rather from City. M, Roy & self dined quite quietly & in Mornng, no Drawing R, after.

Friday January 29 Stafford Terrace. Up a 8.15 & out. Over C.H. Band. Breakfast. All day on drawing. Wrote Burne-Jones. Finished at 9.40. Dined, M sitting at table. Roy went to Dance at Stern's. Bed 12.45 after heavy snooze. Took 4 C.L.L.P. (Red ink: Photod Hawk shot by Hamilton Fletcher Saty 23 Jany, Stoke Edith.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Edward Brook. Obituary of Edward Brook.)

Saturday January 30 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.40. Bath. Wet again. Out at 9.10 up Phillimore Gds. Met shop girl. Deaf & dumb. Breakfast. Man from Miles called and measured for great coat. Breakfast. Wrote letters etc. Wired Bouchier. Put things away. M, self & Roy at lunch. Went in the carriage to Garrick Theatre & saw The Cricket on the Hearth. 3 pretty little girls in front. Back by carriage & got pictures from Marchout. Bought sausages & fruit. Dinner. M & self & in Morning Room after. Roy dined with Stern & went to the great Wrestling Match between a Turk & a Russian & to Romanos after. Stayed in the Morning Room till 1.0 when to bed tired. (Red ink: M & self went to matinée of The Cricket on the Hearth.)

Sunday January 31 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.45. Pouring with rain & dark as pitch. Went out & got thoroughly wet. Posted wire to A. Back. Breakfast. All morning & day at work on drawing for Automobile Club. M in my room. Spencer called in afternoon. Cleared up in afternoon. Photod 4 motor cars prints & photos & developed them. Rest in chair & work after. M, Roy & self, Mr Child & Mabel Wallace dined. Champagne & good dinner. Talk to Child about a Swedish doctor after. Bed 12.30pm. Dinner to the Scene Painters got up by Sir Philip Burne-Jones. (Red ink: Mr Child & Mabel Wallace dined.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Stephen Pearce. Feb 6.)

Monday February 1 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. Fine for wonder. Walk with Rags. 3 little kittens. Back. Breakfast. Cheques etc. Sent to Whitlocks & at 11.30 met Otley & photod motor. After developed them & enlarged till 3.0pm. Bright sun & just touched door over steps. After in room. Rest. On with work & put drapery etc in. Dressed & down to dinner at 8.10. Tabby, Spencer, Lennie & M, Roy & self dined. Cold. Letter from H.Tedder. Had not received my cheque. Went up & wrote letter. Spencer posted it. Read evening paper. Bed at 12.30. Tabby slept here. (Red ink: Tabs, Spencer & Lennie dined.)

Tuesday February 2 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.35. Dull & inclined to rain. Over C.H. 3 little kits. Breakfast. Tabs down 9.45. Wrote many letters. Fitted waistcoat etc. Had to write until 12.30. Tabs leaves at 1.0pm. Cold heavy rain. Cleared at 12.15 for the King opening Parliamant. Very wet all afternon. Dined a 6.45pm, M, Roy


& self. Went in the carriage to see 'Old Heidelberg'. Saw no one I knew. 3 pretty girls, sisters. Left & back by carriage. Snack & bed 12.0am. Roy rode outside. Otherwise worked all day on Automobile drawing. (Red ink: M, Roy & self went to see 'Old Heidelberg'.)

Wednesday February 3 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.20. Out for walk. After got on all day with drawing for Automobile. Put in head again. Lunch. After to work until 5.30pm when dressed & left in bus. To Miles, fitted with coat. Met Lennie & young de la Penha. After Garrick & to Punch Dinner. Snowdrops. F.C.B, Sir W.A, self, R.H, O.S, Graves, P.A, B.P, new man, H.W.L, A.G. Suggested both cuts. Left at 10.35 & home by bus. Read in Morning Room & to bed at 12.0am.

Thursday February 4 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & out for walk, Rags & Rick. 3 little kittens. After schemed subject of Morley, Terrier & Badger. Lovely morning. Photod Otley & Rags & got all ready for work by 3.0pm. Went on & worked until 8.30 when M, Roy & self dined quietly. Bed at 11.30 after reading.

Friday February 5 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15am. Out with Rags. Met old Scotchman. After back. Breakfast & on to work all day on drawing of Morley & Badger. Finished at 7.30pm when dressed & went with M to dine at Lady de la Rue's. Large dinner. Took a Mrs Morley in to dinner & after sat next Mrs Herkomer. Pleasant talk. Talk to Lady Something afterwards about Heinemann the publisher. Left by carriage & home. Roy dined with Mr Douglas & went to a Dance at Norwood. (Red ink: M & self dined at Lady De la Rue's. Good dinner.)

Saturday February 6 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15am. Out with Rags. Shop girl at 9.0am. After back. Breakfast. Wrote letters. Put things up & got to work on drawing of Automobile. Put the figure on fresh board & traced the carriage. Could get no box at any theatre. Worked afternoon & up to 8.15 when dined, M, Roy & self, & in Morning Room after. Roy tired. Wanted another chair. Went at 5.30 & called on Isadore Spielmann at 56 Westbourne Terrace & after on dear Mite. Saw her for 1st time since baby was born. Back in carriage. Called Butts & after got ham at Slaters. Bed at 11.30 after reading. (Cutting glued in: Memorial to W.L.Thomas. Feb 6.)

Sunday February 7 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.45. Got on cycle & went to end of Holland Road & up Notting Hill & back to breakfast. Very good grilled herring. (illeg) Wrote letters & at 11.40 (illeg) for walk. Bus & on to dear (illeg) up for 1st time. Lennie (illeg). Back with M & self. (illeg). Left them & caught (illeg) the Garrick Club. Very (illeg) man got in bus & (illeg). Lunch by self. Whit(illeg) were giving a big dinner at the Club in the evening. At 2.15 photod Miss Amess for first time. Not much account. Out & back to Stafford Terrace by bus. Spencer there. Tea & worked till 8.0pm when M & self dined quietly, Roy dining with Stern. Paper boys calling Declaration of War with Japan & Russia at 4.0pm.


(Red ink: War between Russia & Japan.) (Cutting glued in: Photograph of the late Canon Ainger.)

Monday February 8 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.20 & out for walk. Bright warm morning. Rags. News of rupture Japan & Russia. Back. Breakfast. Packed. Did ½ hours work on the Auto-M drawing. Left, M, Roy & self in Otley's cab & to Paddington. Saw (illeg). No Conrad. Hamilton Fletcher girls got in at Worcester. To Stoke Edith. There as usual 2 Clergymen & other guests. Mr & Mrs Schuster & a Mr Vivian, young Vivian etc etc. Dinner. M & self in room we had (illeg) at 1st shoot. Roy opposite. Took Mrs Schuster in to dinner & talk (illeg) Gage. Smoke after. Dance in (illeg) to pianola. Roy beat Mr (illeg) game of Billiards & bed at (illeg). M did not sleep well. (Red ink: Went down to Stoke Edith, M Roy & self.) (Cuttings glued in: Mr Pinero's dinner at the Garrick Club. Pall Mall Gazette Monday 8 Feby 1904. Death of the Rev Alfred Ainger. Obituary of Canon Ainger. I.L.News. Feb 13.04.)

Tuesday February 9 Stoke Edith Park. Up at 7.45. Bath. Pouring wet day which went on all day. M did not sleep well. Down. Wrote diary. Breakfast in Still Room at 9.0, next Lady Knightley. After talk to Schuster & the Rev Jackson. Roy checked suit. Drew in a book. Changed. Lunch at 12.30pm. Claret. Next Hon Mrs Gage. After at 2.0pm to the church. M got in a break. Ran up for cloak. Self walked. All in Lady Emily's pew. Service. 5 bridesmaids. Dora looked beautiful. Still heavy rain. Conrad came. Back. Lunch etc. The Dean's daughter charming. Lord Chesterfield. Went up for M's locket & brooch to show Lady K. Dora left at 4.15pm. After played 100 up with H.F & H.L. Beat them both. After I found out had lost M's brooch. Dressed. Took Mrs Raikes in. Talk of Grace Phillimore. After dance & supper. Danced. Felt tired. Hamilton & Judy Mason played bridge. Lady Knightley & the Schusters & Mr Vivian left by the 4.30 train. M did not sleep well. News of Japan's naval victory. (Red ink across page: Dora Langley married to .)

Wednesday February 10 Stoke Edith Park. Up at 8.15. Finished putting things up. Down. Letters etc. Breakfast & got off at 10.0. Langley & Harris had words. H.F, Gwen, Tabs & self left & Miss Foster. Same train to Worcester & London. Bought sandwiches etc. Cart met me. H & Tabs & G going to Coburg. Home. Developed photo & others taken Sunday last. Tea. Roy & Conrad back from Stoke Edith at 4.40. Dressed & by bus to Garrick & C.C. Heavy rain. Snowdrops. Punch Dinner. F.C.B, self, Graves, L.B, Lucas, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L. Complimented on last week's cut. After long discussion suggested Wrestling. Got Bear & Jap as Sailor. Partridge Joe going to Egypt. Left 10.40. Bus. Drunken woman got in at Charing X. Was put out at St James's St. Home. Read & to bed tired. M's brooch found. M came up by the 12.5 with Mrs Gage, Spencer, Ada, Con & Roy, Evelyn F & friend. Heard of D'Arcy's success. Herkomer drawings at Punch Dinner. (Red ink: Came up from Stoke Edith.)


Thursday February 11 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.40 & out with Rags. Conrad at breakfast. Sent messenger boy to May's. Schemed subject of Bear & Jap Wrestling. Very difficult to compose. At 11.45 Hilton came. Photod him for Jap & Russian & for Motor Car. Developed. Enlarged etc by 3.30. M went to Mite's. Rest for an hour & on to work till 8.15pm when M, Roy & self dined. In Drawing Room after. Conrad left at noon. Overslept & not up till 8.40. Found out 3 little kittens came from 17 Argyll Road. Name of Hartley. (Cutting glued in: Marriage of Richard Denman to Helen Sutherland.)

Friday February 12 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.10 & out. Rags. No band. Papers. Breakfast. After letters (wrote Herkomer) got to work all day on Bear & Jap Sailor Wrestling. Finished 9.45pm when Roy & self dined, M sitting at table. Read after in Morning Room & bed at 1.0 taking coals off fire. Heavy rain most of the day.

Saturday February 13 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Bath. Out. Met no one. Breakfast. After wrote. Put shirts etc up etc & did 2 hrs work on Automobile drawing. Lunch. Packed & got off at 4.30 in Otley's cab, M & self for G.W.R. Down to Pangbourne. Great floods. Arrived. One other man who turned out to be Sir James Knowles's son. To Bowden Green. Miss Seaman & Mrs K, Mona & her husband. Dressed. Dinner. A clergyman & his daughter came. A very dull evening it was. After smoke. Bed 11.30pm. Dear Mite came to Stafford Terrace at 12.0, 1st time since Baby was born. Printed about 30 blues in bright sun, 11.0 to 12.0am. (Red ink: M & self went to Bowden Green.) (Cutting glued in: Mrs Maybrick to be released. Sat 13 Feb 04.)

Sunday February 14 Bowden Green, Pangbourne. Up at 8.0. M slept well for her. Good bath. Stroll out. Birds. White peacocks. After Baker came out. Gazelle. Breakfast. After changed boots. Driven by Spagnoletti to Pangbourne, Knowles coming too. Walked back by 11.30am. Wrote diary. Saw M & Mrs K walking after Baker. Lunch. Blind Captain Towse & his wife came. Poor man. Shot through both eyes. They lunched & left at 3.0. After we drove to have tea at The Cupola, Mr & Mrs Simpson at Streatley. Saw the Swan Inn under water. Round glass etc in Drawing Room. Back by 5.30. Dinner at 7.0pm. Mr Simmonds & Mrs S wife of the sec came to dinner. Long dreary talk after. Bed at 10.0pm. Mr Blackball Simmonds very deaf. (Red ink: Drove over to see Mrs Telford Simpson.) (Cuttings glued in: Mrs Maybrick will regain her freedom today. Sat 13 Feb. 72nd anniversary, James Smith to Jane Chivers. Golden Wedding, James Hudson to Eliza Watkins. Silver wedding, John Henderson to Bessie May.)

Monday February 15 Bowden Green, Pangbourne. Up 7.0. Bath & breakfast. Discovered drainpipe not square. Good sausages. Got off with M's baggage at 8.30. Up to town. B.B.Spangles, Miss Siemens, Mr Knowles & self. Otley met me Paddington. Home by 10.30am. Did some bromides etc & got on with the drawing of


Automobile. M back in the afternoon. Dinner, M, Roy & self. Snooze after & bed at 11.30pm. (Red ink: Came up from Pangbourne.)

Tuesday February 16 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15am. Out. Very cold. At work all day on drawing for Automobile. Got on with procession of carriages, put coach etc in. Dined 8.30, M & self. Roy out to dinner. Bed at 12.0 after snooze.

Wednesday February 17 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15 & walk with Rags. Very cold. Breakfast. Worked all day on Automobile drawing up to 5.15. Began to shade. 4.30pm. Dressed & off to Punch Dinner. Called C.C & Garrick. Got flower. Sir F.C.B, Raven Hill, Graves, O.S, P.A, Lucas, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G, self. Long discussion. Got The Return of Arthur to do. Left 10.45. Home by bus. Great praise of my cartoon. Partridge sold his to John Aird. Bed after reading W.G. Gave Old Woman 2½ at 9.0am. (Red ink: Great praise of my last week's cartoon.) "Deep graven in the rocks of crime the centuries leave their mark." Above came into my head suddenly.

Thursday February 18 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.45 & out & off in cart at 8.20 to get photo of landing stage at Westminster for drawing. Left W at 9.10 & home 9.35. Breakfast. After schemed subject. Messenger boy over to Mays. Hilton came 11.45. Photod him & Otley for 'The Return of Arthur'. Developed & enlarged by 4.0pm. Up & on to work till 8.30pm when dined, M, Roy & self. In Drawing Room after. Bed 11.45. Very cold. John Aird's dinner. F.C.B, Lady B & Sir B.Baker there.

Friday February 19 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45 & out. Early walk. Back with Rags & Rick. Worked. Developed before breakfast 4 bromides. Breakfast & after worked all day on drawing of 'Arthur is come again'. Roy dined out at Lennie's, being his birthday. Finished 9.45pm. M & self dined. Roy back at 11.0pm. Bed after snooze. Very tired. Great knocking on Drawing Room floor next door. Sent note to the foreman.

Saturday February 20 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30am very tired. Walk with Rags & Rick. After back. Put all things away & squared photos of Thursday. Lunch 1.15. M & self went in the carriage to His Majesty's Theatre & saw 'The Darling of the Gods'. Splendid Japanese scenery but poor play. Girl like Tilda in front of us. Out & in carriage. At Walls bought brawn & sausages. After fruit. Did 1½ hrs work. M, Roy & self dined & bed after snooze in Morning Room. Nightmare of rats. Up at 11.45 to bed. Good morning to Common. (Red ink: M & self went to matinée of 'The Darling of the Gods'.)

Sunday February 21 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.45. Wet morning. Out with Rags. Back in room. Again up Phill Gds & home. Quite warm. Did 2 hrs work after putting up white waistcoat & shirts. Dressed in frock coat & after M & self drove to lunch at the


Pirries. Took a Mrs Loftus in. Next Mrs Carlisle. Very good lunch. Met Wolff, Fred & Miss May & Julia Neilson & Morris & his wife. Secy to the Crystal Palace etc. Left at 4.10 & drove home. Ethel English & a young Larkin called. Worked till dinner when Mr Kenneth Grahame & Mr Spielmann dined. G slow. Talk & they left at 11.0pm. Snooze & to bed. (Red ink: M & self lunched at the Pirries. Wet afternoon. Spielmann & Kenneth Grahame dined.)

Monday February 22 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & out for walk over Campden Hill with Rags. In morning went on all day to shade Automobile drawing. After lunch developed 4 films. Rest & to work again at 4.0pm. Work till dinner. Midge & Hamilton Langley & Ethel English dined & played Bridge after. Sleepy. Rest in chair till 12.30pm when to bed. (Red ink: Midge, H.Langley & Ethel English dined with us.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Sir Edward Moon. Feb. Obituary of Sir Edward Moon. Feb 23. Marriage of Malcolm Baird to Helen MacWhirter.)

Tuesday February 23 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.20 & out on bicycle 1st time for ride since 16 October, that is just round school & back. Lovely morning. Thro' Kensington Square & over to Notting Hill. Breakfast. Sent saws back. After to go on with Automobile drawing. Did so & worked all day until 7.0pm when dressed & walked nearly all the way to Mite's. M & self dined there. Dear Mite down. Looked at Japanese ivories. Back at 11.0. Roy had been to drill. No evening papers. Very tired. Bed at 12.10pm. (Red ink: 1st bicycle ride since 16 October. M & self dined at Mite's.)

Wednesday February 24 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.25 & out on cycle. Thro' Kensington Sq & Earls Court. Very few same girls going to school. Back. Cold lovely morning. After went on all day & finished Automobile drawing at 5.0pm. Packed it up & left in cab to Piccadilly & Leicester Sq. Very fast. Left the drawing with the Hall Porter & on to P.D calling at C.C. Letter from Miss Hall in America. To Punch dinner. Flower. False alarm of 4 Japanese Iron Clads sunk. F.C.B, self, Graves, R.L, O.S, L.B, Lucas, B.P, H.W.L. Long discussion. Suggested both cartoons. Got Bellona & Sultan for self. Fat Boy getting thin for B.P. Left 11.20 & home by bus. Very cold. (Red ink: Finished the Automobile drawing at 5.0pm. Lunched with Roger Wallace Oct 24.)

Thursday February 25 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15am & cycle ride & across Park. Home. After boy to May’s. Difficulty in scheming subject of Bellona & Sultan. At 12.30 photod Otley for Sultan & also Marguerite for arms. Dark & dull alternately. Developed by 4.30. No rest, went on to work on till 8.30pm when M & self dined. Roy out to dinner & a Dance at Alice Larnach's. Bed after Drawing Room. Very large fire. Burnt out by 1.0am. Tired. (Red ink: Roy at the Larnach Ball.)

Friday February 26 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Out for walk Rags. Snow sleet came on. Met no one. After back & long day's work. Got on & finished outline by 4.30pm. Did

14 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1904 not get done until 8.50pm when dear M & self dined alone. In Morning Room after. Roy dined at Lennie's. Rags tossed up a glove & played before bed. Very tired. (Cuttings glued in: The Viking name. Fri 26 Feb. In Memoriam Kate Morris.)

Saturday February 27 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.45 & very tired. Out with Rags & met Common with another. Back & in room. Letters. Wrote Mobile Club not having heard. After at 11.0 Mr Waterbury called. Yarn. Agreed to sell him 8 drawings at 10 gns each, 3 to be delivered in April. After at 12.30 Mr (illeg) another American called. Yarn until 1.10pm or 1.30. Dressed & lunch. Left with M at 2.30 for Criterion Theatre. Saw 'The Duke of Killiekrankie'. Hamilton & Midge with us. Out. Remarks on horse's collar. Sausages & fruit. Tea at home. Roy dined at Harold Messel's. Dressed & went by 2d tube to dine at the Maccabean Club as guest of Isadore Spielmann. Met Reed, Furniss, F.C.B, Straight, Morten Martens, Montefiore (Bart). Next Mr Wolff (Daily Graphic.) After speeches. Jew with one eye. Sat until 12.0am. Cab to Garrick. Picked up Roy & cab home. Very cold. Bed 1.0am. Talk to Chudleigh. (Red ink: 2 Americans called. Dined at the Maccabean Club, Holborn Restaurant. (Red ink across page: Went to matinée of 'The Duke of Killiekrankie' at the Criterion Theatre.)

Sunday February 28 Stafford Terrace. Up at 9.0. Bright very cold morning. Out past Kensington Church. Met Lord Alverstone. Home. Printed back blues. M & self left 12.15 & walked to dear Mite's. Saw her & baby, Harold & wife. Walked back. Lunch 2.0. Up in room all afternoon. Rest till 4.0pm. Wrote letters etc. Very cold. Snow showers. After Hamilton & Midge dined with us. Quiet evening, M, Roy, self & them. They left at 11.0pm. (Red ink: Hamilton & Midge dined with us. Very cold.)

Monday February 29 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.14am & out. Very cold. Met no one. Letter from Joy. Anything but joy. Back. All morning putting things straight etc. Gwen Fletcher came. M, Gwen, Roy & self dined at 6.0pm & Gwen & self left in the carriage for Drury Lane. Box FF. Saw the Pantomime Humpty Dy. Nothing to do with it. Mabel Love very good but ugly stockings. A Scarecrow good. Dan Leno very much gone off. Very cold in box. All home in carriage. Miserably cold in the Drawing Room. Bed at 1.0am. (Red ink: M, Roy, Gwen & self went to see 'Humpty Dumpty' at Drury Lane. Frightfully cold.)

Tuesday March 1 Stafford Terrace. M stayed in bed. Breakfast. Had been for walk with Rags. Bitterly cold. M went to see Mite. All day printing & squaring up. Dressed at 6.15 & left in bus to dine with Galbraith at the Junior Carlton Club. Met Harry Livesay, H.Langley, Mr Martin, Sir Henry Oldham & 2 others. Dull party. Lucas "Did I say all - yes all but one". Good dinner. Out at 11.15. Felt most bitterly cold in Pall Mall. Bus home, when to bed tired. Last dined Tuesday 5 March 1901. (Red ink: Dined with Galbraith at the Junior Carlton Club. Frightfully cold.) (Cutting glued in: The wife of Gerald du Maurier, of a daughter. The wife of Walter Freeman, of a son. The wife of John Gladstone,

15 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1904 of a daughter. To Lilian and Arthur Hackforth, a daughter. The wife of Osman Halliday, of a daughter. The wife of William Hazel, of a daughter. The wife of Wilfred Henderson, of a daughter. The wife of Melville Holmes, of a daughter. The wife of C.W.Kurtz, of a son.)

Wednesday March 2 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.20. Had been disturbed by knocking. Sent in about it. Out with Rags. Cold wretched sleety morning. Gwen at breakfast. Box for the Prince of Wales Theatre this afternoon. All morning printing & tidying. Lunch, M & self. Gwen at Stores or dentist all day. M & self went off in the wet to the Prince of Wales's Theatre & saw 'The School Girl' for the 2nd time. Florence Walford came to box. Very good. Chambermaids high note. Darling of the Guards good & Arthur Roberts. Out at 5.30. Still wet. M put me down at Mr Hepburn's. Had denture seen to. Out & at Garrick Club by 6.10pm. Dressed. Partridge there. Flower. Wrote Mrs Lawrence & Lord Arthur Hill. Punch Dinner. P.A, Lucas, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G, F.C.B, self, Graves, O.S. Got horrid subject, Harcourt as Knight. Left at 10.55 & home by bus. Very cold. Protested against my cut. Gould did it on Saty 5 March. (Red ink: M & self went to see The School Girl.)

Thursday March 3 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & out for walk. Dull cold grey morning. Letter from Joy to say drawing was to be proceeded with. Sent Otley to May's for armour & then schemed subject of Harcourt out of the Lists. Gwen left early on shopping & M & she went to the Hippodrome. At 12.30 with great difficulty photod Otley in armour & Hilton as Squire. Got prints also with extreme difficulty by 4.30pm. Tea. At five commenced & worked up to 8.30. Dinner, Gwen, Roy, M & self & in the Morning Room after. Gwen writing letters till eleven pm. Bed 12.15am. (Red ink: M & Gwen went to the Hippodrome. Otley fetched armour from May's in 4 wheeler & took it back in afternoon.) (Cuttings glued in: To Mr & Mrs Reginald Moon, a son. The wife of William Pheasant, of a daughter. March. The wife of Stanley Oswald, of a son. March.)

Friday March 4 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. Out. Dull cool morning. Dark snow showers. Electric Light at breakfast. Went on with drawing of Harcourt leaving Lists at 9.30 am. Lunch. M out at Midge's. Enlarged 4 photos by 2.15pm. Gwen left for home at 5.0pm. Began to shade at 5.20 & finished 10.0pm. Roy out at a Dance at the Town Hall. M & self dined at 10.0 & I sat up till 1.0 very tired when to bed. Wire from Forbes about train to Arundel. Roy back at 1.10. Got up & spoke to him about the train in the morning. Letter from Joy again altering & saying Mr Wallace could call at S.T on Sunday. Letter came at 9.0pm. Sent denture to Mr Hepburn early & Otley fetched it at 8.0pm. (Red ink: Gwen left. Long day's work.)

Saturday March 5 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.20. Wrote letter of thanks to Forbes. Roy off for Arundel at 8.35. Out wth Rick & Rags. Not so cold. Breakfast. After wrote letters & tidied up. Mended focussing screw. Wrote Joy & Wallace. Lunch. M & self went in the carriage, no by bus, to the Garrick Theatre & saw 'The Arm

16 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1904 of the Law'. Powerful play about French barristers & their callousness. Woodbridge there. Saw Sir A & Lady De la Rue & Mrs Milman. M & self went round Leicester Square & after to Reed's Private View of his drawings. Pilleau, Alfred East, Sir Edward Reed etc. Out after at 5.30pm. Man fell off a dray. On to carriage in the Mall & home after getting sausages & fruit. M & self dined quietly together. Very tired & sleepy after. Roy back 11.0. Rags barked. (Red ink: M & self went to matinée of 'The Arm of the Law' & to Reed's Private View.) Roy dined at Lennie's after Arundel journey to welcome the Duke of Norfolk. (Red ink across page: Gould came out with The Old Crusader like my cartoon for next week.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Count von Waldersee. Mar 7.)

Sunday March 6 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.45. Rain. Dull & gloomy. Walked round church with Rags. Back. Breakfast. After sorted & wrote letters. Sent Otley to R.Wallace. At 12.0 M & self walked in the dull gloomy weather to Mite's. Bus from Kensington to H.P.Corner. Dear Mite better. Ruth & Monkey there. Walked back. Lunch together & after up in my room all the afternoon. Rest. Wrote many letters. A miserable day. Roy at Club. Roy dined with Midge. M & self alone & Rags. Read Spielmann's speech & book on 2nd Empire. M to bed at 10.15. Self after at 11.0, when Roy came in. (Red ink: Dull wretched miserably gloomy weather. Rain cold. M & self walked to Mite's.)

Monday March 7 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. Eat an apple. Out. Dull & rainy. Rags. Back. Breakfast. Letters. After printed blues & tidied up. No Wallace at 12.0 noon. Lunch 1.30 & up from Kensington Church to the Automobile Club. There 2.45. Saw Wallace & Joy. Coffee & settled about drawing. After to Miles's. Measured for dress coat. Then to the Turkish Bath, 1st time for a very long while. Out at 6.5. Raining hard. Walked to Albert Hall. Home. Punch good of Harcourt. Roy dined out with Stern. (Red ink: Went to see Wallace & Joy at Automobile Club. Miles after & to Turkish Bath. Very wet coming home. Miserable.) (Cuttings glued in: In Memoriam Catherine Jones. In loving memory G.R.Venning. Death of Lord Shand. Mar. Obituary of Lord Shand. Mar 7.)

Tuesday March 8 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. Out with Rags. Met Pepys C who said he was going to Greece or it may have been tomorrow Wedy. After back. Breakfast. All the morning tidying up etc. Developed remaining films in afternoon. Rest etc. Tea down in yard. Not many callers. M & self left in carriage & dined at Sir W.H.Wills. Took Mrs George Agnew in to dinner. Next a bride, Mrs Fellows (Synop). Good dinner. The Caustons etc, Lady Roxborough. Left & home by carriage. Locked poor Roy out. Had just been going up to bed & heard him ring. Mrs Reffell had tumbled down in the road & cut her eye off a bus. Bed 1.15am. Worked all morning & up to 3.0pm on drawing for Automobile. Altered it. Then took a photo of it & sent it finally to the Club at 4.0pm. (Red ink: Died at Saranac in the Adirondacs U.S.A, Robert Taber the actor aged 38.) (Red ink across page: Dined at Sir William Henry Wills.)


Wednesday March 9 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. M remained in bed. Went for walk with Rags. After at 10.0 left for C.C. There 10.30. At 11.0 photod Miss A & found no good. Out at 1.0 & home by bus. Lunch. At 2.40 M & self went in carriage to concert at Mrs Lawrence's 23 Eaton Square. Old Shaky, Lady Dorothy etc. Tea. Back. Dressed & by bus to Punch Dinner. Fair girl stared. Flower. F.C.B, self, R.H, Graves, O.S, P.A, L.B, Lucas, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. Got subject of Brodrick as Crushed Author. Long weary discussion. Out 11.0 & home by bus. Extremely pretty dark girl & 2 others got in bus Strand. Stared frightfully. Out at Bond St. Home & read paper. Bed at 12.30am. (Red ink: Went to concert at 23 Eaton Square.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Mary Anne Skirrow. March. Marriage of Alexander Graham to Ethel Paxton. Obituary of Erskine Nicol. Fri 11 March.)

Thursday March 10 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & drove in dog cart to Westminster Theatre, Rags following. Took 8 photos. Back breakfast at 9.30. After schemed subject of Mr Brodrick as Crushed Author. Hilton came 11.30. Otley to Barkers for hats. Got all developed by 3.30pm. M at Tabby's to lunch. Worked till 7.15 when dressed. Roy dined at home by himself. M & self went to dine at the Suttons. Pretty daughter. Met the Master of the Rolls. Also Edmund Gosse & wife. Took a Mrs Parker in. Young man who lived over Harrods. Poor dinner. Bear at door. Left at 11.10 & home. Smoked Maxim cigar. (Red ink: Dined at the Suttons, M & self.)

Friday March 11 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & out on cycle. Lovely ride round school & Bayswater. Breakfast. In room. Worked all day & finished subject of Brodrick as Crushed Author at 9.15pm. Roy dined at Lennie's. M & self together at dinner. Rest in Morning Room after. Roy back at 11.15. Bed 12.15 after uneasy rest. Mademoiselle Horn in to lunch in Morning Room.

Saturday March 12 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.40 & bath. Foggy. Out with both dogs. Old W 6d. Met no one. Breakfast. M off to dentist. Otley in to say his wife was taken ill with diphtheria. Roy to go cycle ride I mean motor with Stern. Roy went to Kempton Park & had an entire day feasting etc. Knocked him up with severe cold. The entire day labelling boxes with numbers. Dear M with me. We went for walk & bought ham & fruit & dined quietly together. Remarkably good mutton. Bed at 12.0 after snooze in Morning Room. (Red ink: Otley's wife taken ill with diphtheria.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Valentine Knight. Death of Caroline Orlebar.)

Sunday March 13 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.45 & out. After breakfast left at 10.10am for Victoria. Annoyed with Roy for not going. Cold. Saw Dixon & Payton & Merry W & friend. Heard of poor Wilkins death on Aug 1, aged 36. Young officer coming home. Back at 7.30. Dressed. Harold Messel & wife & the 2 Rouths dined with us. 2 bottles of Krug. They left by 11.15. Very cold. Roy had a frightful cold coming on. Bed at 12.0. Heard of Dora's having typhoid fever at Rome.


(Red ink: Crossed the Channel 1st time for a long time. Harold Messels & Rouths dined.)

Monday March 14 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. Got up with cold. Went for walk with Rags. Roy in bed with frightful cold caught yesterday. Breakfast. Went by Met Rly & to Portsdown Rd. Got catalogue at Chesterton's. Back 11.15. All day sorting plates etc. M, Roy & self dined quite quietly & bed early. Fine cold weather.

Tuesday March 15 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15 & out on bicyle round school & Earls Court. Nevern Sq house let. Roy did not go to the City. Fine clear day. All day sorting old plates out. Destroyed a great many nudes. Lunch. Roy in. After Mrs Ferguson had called Tabs wired about Dora ill. Left at 5.0. Called Bloomfield Terr. On to C.C & home. The Government defeated. M went to dine at Lennie's & to the German play. Roy & self dined together & had bottle of '74 wine. M back 11.20. Bed 12.0 (Cutting glued in: Obituary of John Galloway. Wed 16 M.)

Wednesday March 16 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.20. Cold stuffy. Out on bicycle with Rags round Park. Saw Galbraith's horse & also George Agnew. Back. Roy to City after his cold. Sent drawing in to Johnson for Academy. After up to lunch weeded photos. Dressed & left at 2.0pm. To C.C. At 2.45 photod for 1st time Miss M. 6'.2". Likely to be good model. Out at 4.30. To Hepburn. Had Turkish Bath. Wallace in but did not speak to him. Tea. Letters. After called Miles & had coat fitted on. To Punch Dinner. Got a flower. F.C.B, self, Graves, R.L, O.S (dressed) L.B, Lucas, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L. Got Sedan Chair subject. Rotten. I hr two titles. Left 10.45. Home by bus. Roy out. Bed 12.0am. (Red ink: Had Turkish Bath. Called on Hepburn. Photod Miss M 1st time.)

Thursday March 17 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10 & out on bicycle completely round Park with Rags. Very cold. After schemed Sedan Chair subject. At 12.0 found boy had never been to May's. Very much annoyed. Sent Otley in a cab. At 11.20 photod Hilton & Otley for Bearers & Balfour. Got all finished by 3.30 & up in room. Wrote letters. Dear Mite left for Balcombe. Went on to work until 8.30pm when M & self dined quietly. Bed after reading. (Red ink: Mite left for Balcombe.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Patience Bennett-Stamford. Marriage of William Anderson to Mary Agnew. Will of the Duke of Cambridge. Times Apl 30.)

Friday March 18 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15 & cycled round Earls Court with Rags. After back. Worked the entire day on drawing of Sedan Chair. Finished at 9.30pm when dined, Roy & self, M looking on. In Morning Room after. Bed 1.0am after snooze very tired. (Cutting glued in: Death of Caroline Millington. M.25.)

Saturday March 19 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Went up Phillimore Gardens. 3 shop girls. Back. Breakfast. After went on with sorting of plates etc. At 2.30 M & self went up in

19 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1904 the carriage & went to play at the Haymarket & saw Joseph's Entanglement. A1 & splendidly acted. Back by omnibus. Wet. After wrote letters & went out & bought fruit & ham. Dressed & went with M to dine at the Galbraiths in Cromwell Road. Took a lady in who had lived in Italy all her life. Mr Wilson MP & a nice little Scotchman & wife. Left at 11.0pm & home. Read & to bed. (Red ink: M & self dined at the Galbraiths.) (Cutting glued in: Death of the Duke of Cambridge.)

Sunday March 20 Stafford Terrace. Up & walk round by church. Breakfast. Dull grey morning. M & self went for walk up Park. Very close & muggy. Put M in a bus to go home & walked up to Garrick. Only man in Club. Lunch. After at C.C 1.50. At 2.20 Miss M came accompanied by Mrs M. Took 3 doz. Out at 5.0 & to Athenaeum. Looked over books. Wrote letters. Mrs Larnach & daughter, M, Roy & self dined together. Pleasant evening. Discordant laugh & voice. Bed 12.0am. (Red ink: Mrs Larnach & Miss L dined with us.) (Cutting glued in: Lady Curzon, of a daughter.)

Monday March 21 Stafford Terrace. Up & cycled round Park short way. Back. Breakfast. Sent Peark's cheque for £30. After the entire day sorting plates etc up to dinner time. Cleared out a great many nudes etc. M & self dined quite quietly. Roy out. Bed 11.30pm. (Red ink: Discarded a quantity of nude plates.)

Tuesday March 22 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & out for walk round C.H. After the entire day sorting plates etc & also weeded out a great many photos of 2nd drawer back row. Callers. Developed 3 or 4 photos taken Sunday. M & self dined quietly together & bed at 12.0 after reading. (Cuttings glued in: Obituary of W.S.Coleman. Mon 28 Mar. Death of John Wigzell. M 24.)

Wednesday March 23 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & out. Collared by Old W for 6d who cried. Back all day sorting plates etc etc. Lunch. After dressed at 5.30 & went up by bus to Miles & had dress coat tried on & another suit. To C.C. & Punch Dinner. There rather late. F.C.B, self, R.H, Graves, O.S, P.A, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G there. Good dinner & discussion. Heard of Frederick Gordon's death. Got cut of Britannia & France to do, Partridge County Council. Left & home by bus. Effie Herapath arrived from Tarring near Worthing. (Cuttings glued in: Death of Frederick Gordon. Obituary Frederick Gordon. M 24. Death of Aubrey Harcourt. F Mar 25.)

Thursday March 24 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & out on cycle right round Park with Rags. Effie at breakfast. After schemed subject of Britannia & France using nude I took of Pettigrews in 1891. Miss Tambay came at 12.0 & photod for drapery, servants next door looking on. Developed. Lunch. All ready by 5.0pm. Worked till 8.30pm. Roy out to dinner. M, Effie & self dined at 8.45. Read & to bed after at 12.0am.


Friday March 25 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10 & out for walk with Rags. Breakfast, the last of the brawn. All day at work. Dull cold & grey. Felt tired & done up. Outlined a good drawing, Britannia & France. Finished 9.55 & sent it off. M at table. Had a bottle of 1880 wine Pol Roger. (illeg). After a frightful cold on my chest developed without coming from the head. Why? Put embrocation on. Most uncomfortable at night. Roy out at a Covent Garden Ball with Stern. Did not come home till 4.0am & then up at 7.0 after. (Red ink: Frightful cold came on. Lasted indefinitely. (Cuttings glued in: Obituary of Jules Garnier. Conscience money. Metropolitan Convalescent Institution. National Anti-Vivisection Society. Wills and Bequests. March 24.04.)

Saturday March 26 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Had had very bad night with frightful cold on chest which came on quite suddenly last night after work. Woken up by motor. Stern called for Roy & they went off at 7.0am to the Oxford & Cambridge Boat Race. Roy back at breakfast at 9.0am, left for City. After I stayed in the entire day owing to frightful cold which came on suddenly last night. M & Effie went in the afternoon to see 'The Cingalee'. Back. Roy dined out & M, Effie & self dined quietly together. Bed 11.30. Had embrocation & salvolatile hot. (Cutting glued in: The University Boat Race. 28 Mar.)

Sunday March 27 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.45. Did not go out before breakfast. Roy went off in Stern's motor to Henley & Oxford. M & self went out for walk round Kensington Gardens. After back in room & went on weeding out drawers etc. Effie dined out & Roy turned up just before dinner & dined at home. At 7.15 dressed & M & self drove in carriage & dined at the Fletcher Moultons. Cold evening. Took a Mrs Gordon Salaman in. Uninteresting woman. Next Lady Johnson wife of Sir Harry. Very nice. Lady Jeckyll there. Came up & spoke afterwards. Isadore & Mrs Spielmann also. After out at 11.0. Carriage waiting ½ an hour. Effie & Roy in the Morning Room. Bed at 12.0am. (Red ink: M & self dined at the Fletcher Moultons.) (Cutting glued in: Table of winners of Oxford & Cambridge Boat Race. Mon 28 March.)

Monday March 28 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. Walk round Campden Hill. After went on tidying room etc. Made sword sheath. Wrote letters etc etc. Cold damp dull morning. Went on tidying & turning out drawers etc. Effie Herapath still with us. M out in afternoon in the carriage. Dressed at 5.30 & left at 6.0pm for the 'Punch Dinner' before Easter. Called C.C, on after walking. Sir F.C.B, self, Lucy (who sat next to me) Graves, O.S, L.B, B.P, Lucas, E.T.R, A.G. 4 cuts to make up. Suggested two of them (my own) myself. One Chinese & Campbell Bannerman climbing up Pig-Tail. The other I went out of room & saw Leech's picture of 'A Specimen of Pluck' & suggested it for Austen Chamberlain going at the brook marked Deficit. Recieved with acclamation. After Partridge's made up. Left at 11.10pm & home by bus. (Red ink: Easter Punch Dinner.)


Tuesday March 29 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. At 8.30 Otley drove me to Downing St. Took 6 photos of house of Arthur Balfour. Civil man. After drove home. Breakfast 9.45. Developed plates. Hilton came at 11.45. Photod him as Chinaman at window. Could not get Otley after owing to heavy rain. Greatly delayed. Took Otley at 2.15. Thunderstorm after. Delayed again. Finally got prints by 4.30. Rested for ½ an hour. Effie Herapath left at 5.0pm. Went on to work until 8.15 when M & self dined quietly together. Roy out. Bed at 12.0 after snooze. A terribly hindered day & weak from cold. (Red ink: Effie left at 5.0pm.) (Cutting glued in: Car attempts non stop run from John o'Groats to Land's End. 28 Mar.)

Wednesday March 30 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & out. Band same as a Friday. After at work entire day on drawing of Downing Street & A.Balfour as Chinaman. Great rush to get done. Had to make a fresh enlargement after breakfast. Put in architecture at 11.30. Lunch. M up in room. Very tired & done up. Finished at 9.30pm. Roy dined out. Had to wire for pass as it never came. M & self dined, M looking on. Bottle of Krug. Bed 11.30, M coming down to Drawing Room. (Red ink: Did bad drawing Chinaman & Campbell Bannerman.)

Thursday March 31 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Felt very seedy. Walk round Campden Hill with Rags. After breakfast went out & had hair cut. Then made enlargement of Leech's picture for cartoon. Up in room & packed with Otley. Down & finished enlargement. Drew cheques. Also for Grinham. Lunch & M & self got off in a strange 4 wheeler for Waterloo. Crowd. Civil porter. Mrs Morrison got in the carriage. 3 others not 1st Class passengers. Young man like Schomberg MacDonnell who took whiskey. At Salisbury met Arthur Balfour on platform walking with a lady & going to stay at Clouds. To Tisbury. Heavy rain on getting out. Arrived Pyt at 6.15. Tabs away. Evelyn & Gareth there. Dressed. Dinner, M, self, Evelyn & Gareth. Tabs arrived 9.0pm. Smoke & sat in Drawing Room till 11.30. Very weak & tired. (Red ink: M & self went down to Pyt House. Very seedy.) (Cutting glued in: Photograph, The last of the old Lyceum. Mar 30, 04. Tatler.)

Friday April 1 Pyt House, Tisbury. Up at 8.30. Bath. Gareth & self at breakfast. After put clock right. Wrote letters & walk with Tabs & M. Nest of rooks blown down. Got Gareth on pony for drawing & photod him. Also 4 of house, 3 dining room & 1 on stairs. Felt cold (very) on hill. After lunch rested for 1½ hrs. Roy came down by 3.30pm. Letters. Tea & after Tabs, Roy & self for walk. Got cheque for £50 from Automobile & Rickett Smith & Co letters. Dressed. Dinner. Talk of Roy's affairs. Smoke. Bed at 10.45. Felt weak all day & seedy from cold. (Red ink: Cheque sent from Automobile. Roy arrived in afternoon. Worked on drawing after Leech.)

Saturday April 2 Pyt House, Tisbury. Up at 8.40. Bath. Down. Gareth, Evelyn, Roy & self at breakfast. After photod Gareth going off for a ride. Stuck enlargement

22 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1904 together. Sun out 11.0am. After Gareth back at 11.15. Went up & photod Court on white horse at 11.30. Cut in stables. Roy, Tabs, M & self in conservatories & picking violets. Lunch. Mr Berkeley Portman arrived. After did 2 hrs work & traced drawing & put it on paper. Tea. Lady Stalbridge. Went for walk with M before lunch. Wrote letters & in afternoon changed plates etc. Tall girl (Miss Chichester) & little boy to lunch. Made sling. Dressed 7.15 & dinner 7.45. Tired after. Slept. Bed at 11.50. Violent gale in the night & very cold. Strange dreams, Frances, also Kate Layton. (Red ink: Berkeley Portman arrived.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Louisa Boughey.)

Sunday April 3 Pyt House, Tisbury. Up 8.30. Luke warm water for bath. Breakfast, B.P, Gareth, Evelyn, Mr Gordon, Roy & self. After all went to church at Semley, Roy going with dogs. M & self followed at 11.25. About Semley till 12.0. Barloo ran away up road. All home together. Dr Blake's motor overtook us & took M & Tabby up the hill home. Beautiful bright sun all the morning. Cold westerly wind. Lunch. Mr Bennett Stanford came. Oh! After Roy, Evelyn & Mr Gordon went in his motor to see the Penders. Sat in my room & felt cold. After went down to lake with camera. Could not find a willow tree. Felt seedy & depressed. Back. Saw Evelyn on bridge. Tea. Read A Yankee at King Arthur's Court until time to dress for dinner. After dinner bridge going. After read book. Tired. Bed 11.30 after yarn of crab at Garrick. (Red ink: Bennett Stanford came to dinner.)

Monday April 4 Pyt House, Tisbury. Up 8.20. Hot bath. Dressed leisurely. Found it raining on getting down. Breakfast. After all getting ready to go to Wincanton Steeplechases. Decided to go. Hurried off. Tabs, Mr B.P, Mr Gordon, Evelyn, Roy, Gareth & self. Drove to Semley. Found a letter in my great-coat pocket written Dec 17 & never posted. Miss Grosvenor drove up to Semley on a motor. Got out Templecombe. Break at station. Drove to course. Lord Stalbridge & 2 sons on break. Tabs had a green tent up. Walked round course with Roy. Lunch 12.45. Very good. After races. Pretty women. The Miss Lascelles, one very pretty. Went to take photo of jump. Stood with Lord S & Evelyn. Man pitched on his head & another fall. Very handsome woman & 2 little girls, one like Lady Tweedmouth. Mrs Hargreaves. Back. Tea. Lady Elcho. After waited cart race. Men in pink. Drove back. Motors. Long wait at Templecoombe. Home at 7.40. Dressed. Dinner. Champagne. Tabs not well. Evelyn, Roy & Mr Gordon went to Lord Wingard's for Dance. M, self & Mr Berkeley Portman talking. Bed at 11.0pm. (Red ink: Went to Wincanton Steeplechase.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Mrs Hardy. Wed 6 April. Wills and Bequests, Sir Edmund Byrne, Sir Arthur Palmer, James Soanes, John Watney.11 May.)

Tuesday April 5 Pyt House, Tisbury. Up at 8.30. Bath. Wet morning. Hung about. Wrote. Changed plates. Worked from 10.30 to 12.0, put in outline again of drawing after lunch. Lunch. Mr Berkeley Portman left at 3.0. Tabs, M, Roy, Evelyn, Mr Gordon & self went for walk thro' Hatch etc. Lovely old cottages. Got 2 willows. Back 5.0pm exactly. Dogs curious on getting home. Tea. Read


Conrad's 'Youth'. Dressed. Dinner. After all played bridge. Very sleepy. Bed at 11.0pm. (Red ink: Berkeley Portman left.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of James Staats Forbes. Will of James Staats Forbes and others. W.July 6.).

Wednesday April 6 Pyt House, Tisbury. Up 8.30. bath. Had blown a gale in night. Lovely morning. Drew an Indian for Gareth. Letters came. Wrote letters. After got bags up. Decided to walk down to take willow tree. Bright sun. Started 11.20. Long way. Back 12.15. Hurried lunch & off to Tisbury. Caught 1.50 train & up to town, changing Salisbury. Read Heart of Darkness. Otley met me at Waterloo, drove home. Developed a doz ¼ plates & made enlargements for tomorrow from 4.0 to 6.0pm. Dined at 7.45. Dinner. After went up by cab to Alhambra for show. Wrestling etc. Felt unaccountably tired & very seedy. To Garrick. Charley Burnand & Tunstall there. A solicitor who knew Foley & late Lady Emily. Home by carriage. Thought I was going to have cold come on again. Am sure it was a touch of Influenza. (Red ink: Came up to town. Developed plates. Went to the Alhambra.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Lady Larnach. Obituary James Staats Forbes. Wed Ap.6.)

Thursday April 6 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & out on bicycle. All right going east but very cold coming home. Letters. After got to work on parody of Leech's picture Boy Hunting. Put in Austen Chamberlain. Bother with head. Won't use O.W paper any more. Lunch. At 3.0 left & up to C.C. Photod B.J for last time. Out & home by 5.30. Tea. Roy & self dined quietly & in Morning Room after. Bed 11.30pm. (Red ink: Worked at home. Roy back from Pyt.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Lady Isabel Larnach. F.Ap 8. Obituary of Sarah Lady Elliott.)

Friday April 8 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.20. Walk round C.H with Rags. After to work on drawing of parody of Leech's picture Boy Hunting. Letters. Worked till 7.45 when finished. Roy back. Dined & we drove in carriage up to the Palace Theatre. Could not get seats. Club. Left Roy & drove back. Tired. Read till 12.0 when to bed. (Red ink: Roy & self went to the Palace Theatre. Came back.)

Saturday April 9 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & out for walk. Round Hornton St. Rags. Roy down. Leader in Times about Stock Exchange. Developed plates of Steeplechase. Wonderful. Bright morning. Lunch. Cheque for books. Left at 2.45 to Waterloo. Down with one other to Salisbury. Proved to be a man I had met at Suttons a few weeks back. On to Tisbury. M met me with Court. To Pyt. Mr Jack B & another to tea. Wrote. Dressed. Dinner. Talk after & bed 11.0. (Red ink: Went down to Pyt House again.)

Sunday April 10 Pyt House, Tisbury. Up 8.30. Bath. Breakfast. Sausages. After coldish wind. Letters. Went with M for walk with Tabs & Evelyn to church. Took Vannie & Monty. Back by Lincey Farm. M & steers. Wrote letters from 12.0 to 1.0. Made Gareth boomerang after. Read for hr. Rest. Conrad's Heart of


Darkness. Letters. Tea. After long walk with Evy carrying a basket. Round by river. Back 7.0. Jack Bennett & son at Pyt. Dressed. Dinner. Champagne. Talk & bed at 11.30pm. (Red ink: Went for walk with M & Evelyn afterwards.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Queen Isabella of Spain.)

Monday April 11 Pyt House, Tisbury. Up at 8.15. Shave. Bath. Breakfast. After wrote letters & cut out paragraphs of papers. Beautiful bright day. Took ten photos of Tippoo. Mr Pipkin came to lunch. Gave him 4 cigars. After at 2.30pm Tabs, M & self went for drive to Shaftesbury. Lovely afternoon. Saw Miss Oliver & bicycle. Went into an old church & after thro' town. Down an old walk etc. After got key & saw the Abbey excavations. Brought away a jaw bone. Then to tea at the Fox-Pitts. Met a lame artist & lady on hill, a delightful American High Church parson & wife. Also a Mr Fawkes. Left after 2 cigarettes. Drove home. Met Evelyn & Vannie. Tabs, M & self walking from a mile above Semley. Letter from the Bank about £400 bonds. Changed plates. Dressed. Dinner. After read History of Dorset about Shaftesbury. Bed 10.45pm. (Red ink: Went with Tabs & M to Shaftesbury. Tea at the Fox-Pitts.)

Tuesday April 12 Pyt House, Tisbury. Up at 8.15. Bath not hot. Down. Clock won't go after all. Breakfast. Wrote many letters, Mrs Kemp etc. After squared prints. Lunch. Lovely morning. Gareth went riding. Miss Grosvenor to lunch. Read 2nd Jungle Book after. Young Grove came. Brilliant sun. After at 3.45 left in carriage wih M & went down to the Cricket Pavilion. Ladies in conference & Edgar Gordon. Dogs. Then drove to see the garden of Canon Short. Lots of pools with trout in them. Glass, crystal globes etc. Then to the church. Took 3 photos. After to call on Lady Winford. Tea there & many daughters. Long talk to Lady Winford in the conservatories. Left & drove home. Met Evy & young Grove at the church. All the dogs. Took 3 more photos of X roads. Home at 6.50pm. Lovely evening. Wind S.E. Dinner. Young Grove. After Tabs told me of Dora not being so well. Went to bed at 11.15pm. (Red ink: Went to Canon Short's. Tea at Lord Winfords.) (Cutting glued in: Marriage of Louis Mendle to Gladys Raphael. Apl.)

Wednesday April 13 Pyt House, Tisbury. Up at 8.0am. Shave. Bath. Rain & wind. Shine after. Good breakfast. Grilled ham. Evelyn to ride again. Went off with pony & galled withers 11.0am. Had written cheque & letters, Peal etc. After packed. Read A Yankee at the Court of King Arthur. Mr Pitkin waited an hour for Gareth. Hurried lunch & M & self off by 12.30. Up to town. Otley met us. His wife ill again. 4 wheeler home & developed 6 plates. 2 blanks. After dressed & up by bus to have things tried on at Miles's. Then on to C.C. 1 letter. To the Punch Dinner thro' Covent Garden. Sir W.A, L.B, Lucas, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G, F.C.B, self, Raven Hill, Graves, R.L. Lucy made remark about my not knowing Austen Chamberlain. Evidently against my cut. Got rotten subject & left by bus & home at 11.0pm. Read & to bed 12.0. (Red ink: Came up from Tisbury. News of sinking of Rusian Battleship. Verestchagin on board.)


Thursday April 14 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15 & out. Went to Kensington Palace Hotel to try & get a background for Restaurant. Waited about. Took 2 plates. Not much good. Got apples & oranges. Back & breakfast. Developed plates. After schemed subject. Hilton came at 11.30. Had dinner table laid out. Photod him & Otley. Got all done at 3.0 & had rest for 1½ hrs. Then worked till 8.0. Not very pleased with composition. H Langley dined with us. Roy grizzling about business. Spencer came in. Very tired. They stayed till 11.30pm. Bed. (Red ink: Hard days work. Langley dined.) (Cuttings glued in: Marriage of Henry Wheat to Mary Tonkin. Death of William Boteler. Death of Samuel Smiles. Death of Hector Tennent. Empire Tenny Apl. Death of Elizabeth Shackle.)

Friday April 15 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15am. Walk round Campden Hill. After writing letters got to work at drawing of John Bull dining with Balfour. Hard day. Finished at 9.50. Roy had dined earlier & went to Dance at Lewis Cowards. Montgomery engaged. Bed at 12.0 after dining at 10.0pm. Very tired. (Cuttings glued in: Photograph of the late Dr Samuel Smiles. Marriage of Arnold Meiklejohn to Isabel Gregson.)

Saturday April 16 Stafford Terrace. Up Up at 8.30. Very tired. Roy down early. Out round Holland Walk. Back. Breakfast. Printed 50 blues & put all away. Packed etc. After lunch at 1.30 M, self & Roy got off in 4 wheeler to Balcombe. £1.10.0. Down by 4.30pm. Saw Thring & wife. To Balcombe House. Saw dear Chicks & Mite. Mr Wynne there. Took him for Fleishmann. Walk round the garden. Tiles different pitch. Dinner 7.45. All my things all right. Champagne. Tired after. Pianola. Bed at 11.30pm. (Red ink: Came down to Balcombe. First time during the year.) (Cutting glued in; Obituary of Dr Samuel Smiles. 18 April. Funeral Tuesday 19 April.)

Sunday April 17 Balcombe House. Up 8.30. Bath after Roy. Most heavenly day & morning. Wrote letters. After Lennie Roy & self went for walk by lake & Red Road home. Lunch. At 3.0 Lennie Roy & Mr Wynne went in motor to Nymans. M & F.W in carriage. Snooze in chair for 2 hrs. Tea with dear Mite. Wrote letters. At 5.50 posted them & walked to meet motor with dogs. Met M. She got out & walked home. The 3 boys home at 7.15. Dinner. Champagne. After pianola. Looked at The Connoisseur. Bed at 11.45 after pipe. Very pretty under nurse. (Red ink: Lovely day. L, Roy & self went for walk. After quiet afternoon & walk in evening.) (Cuttings glued in: Obituary of Sir Henry Thompson. 19 Apl. Sir Henry Thompson's will. 4 columns 19 April. Letter about Lady Thompson.)

Monday April 18 Balcombe House. Up at 8.0 & saw Roy, Lennie & Mr Wynne off. News of death of Dr Smiles. After wrote Stores order etc & also invites to dinner. Most lovely morning. Took M for walk with 4 dogs, Barney, Peter, Vic & Bobs. All but Peter strolled away. Went Lord Frederick's & home by the lake. Met a lot of girls. Home by 12.45. Lunch. Rest after. After stuck slips in diary. At 4.30 M & self started in motor. Broke down at Paddockhurst. Barney raced after car.


On again & broke down near Grinstead (East). 2 men in pony cart kindly gave us lift. Met Lennie at station 6.15. After home by train cost 7/s. Car back ½ hr after us. Dinner. Quiet evening & bed. Lennie read. Snooze. (Cuttings glued in: Death of Sir Henry Thompson. Funeral of Sir Henry Thompson. Ap 20. Death of Lady Thompson. Sep 1.)

Tuesday April 19 Balcombe House. Up at 7.30. Bath after. Breakfast 8.30. Punch came. Lennie & Mite left for town 9.30 to go to the doctor. After wrote letters & put slips in book. At 11.15 took M for walk with Vick & Peter. Back 12.30. Lunch. Linley behaved abominably. In room after. Put up & left by 4.40 train, M going (picked up mole after). To town. Otley met me. Home & dressed. Offensive letter from the Whitefriars Glass Factory. By the Met Rly to Victoria. Walked to Drapers Gardens, no, Ashley Gardens. Dined with Mr & Mrs Lucy. Met George Wyndham (Stories of Cecil Rhodes & Motoppa Hills) Mr & Mrs Anstruther, C.Arthur Pearson (cad) & wife, Dr Robson Roose, another lady, a Baronet, self. 12 in all. Wyndham very delightful. Left 11.0 & home by carriage. (Red ink: Dined with Lucy to meet Mr George Wyndham.)

Wednesday April 20 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.20 & out on cycle. Saw George Agnew & 2 ladies. Went short turn round Park. After all morning putting things away etc. Tried (illeg) no good & Rodinal after lunch. Lunch by self. Drove in carriage at 5.45 to Miles. Had jacket tried on. After to Garrick. Joe Carr, Sullivan (Shee's son) & Chudleigh all stood as if I was a prince. Walk. Flower. Through New Inn. Phil.A, Lucas, Reed, A.G, F.C.B, self, R.H, Graves & O.S at Punch Dinner. O.S back from Monte Carlo. Long discussion. Got cut of Pump Birrel & Licensing Bill & home in a Turnham Green bus. Roy up when I got back. Bed 11.30. (Cuttings glued in: Analysis of Budget 1904-5. Times 20 Apl. Today Baroness Burdett-Coutts completes her 90th year.)

Thursday April 21 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & out. Cycled completely round Park with Rags. Bitterly cold. N wind & strong. After letters to work on Pump Birrel & Licensing Bill. Difficulty to scheme it. Could not get done by usual time. At 1.50 photod Otley after lunch borrowing hat from Barkers & making the Bill. Got all done (smashed plate) by 3.30pm. 1st used Rodinal. Worked till 8.15 when dined by myself. Roy dined at the Garrick. Bed 12.0 after reading Lady Rose Weigall's book of the Duke of Wellington's letters to her mother. Letter from Powells about account.

Friday April 22 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10 & out completely round Park with Rags. Takes just 40 minutes exactly. Shop girl. After to work & at it all day. Finished at 10.0pm drawing of Pump Birrel & Licensing Bill. Roy dined at the Carlton. Dined by self at 10.0. Roy in 12.15. Was asleep.

Saturday April 23 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & out with Rags. Raining. After Roy at breakfast. Plovers eggs came from Stoke Edith. Wrote many letters. Lunched 12.50 &

27 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1904 after fruitless journey to B saw Walters. Back home at 7.5pm. Wire from Roy to say dining out. Dined by myself & after drove to the Adelphi. Could not get in. To the Wyndhams Theatre. Saw 'His Excellency the Governor'. Mr & Mrs Threlfall & Miss Lewis Belinda. George Wyndham, Countess Grosvenor & Duke of Westminster in box. Play very good. After to Garrick. Back for wire. Wrote letter. Supper. Col Lucas there. A Mr Marsh Mallow waiting for Roy. Left Club 12.25 & home by carriage & to bed. (Red ink: Tired in morning & tiring afternoon. Dined by self & went to see 'His Excellency the Governor'. Supper with Lucas.)

Sunday April 24 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.50 & out at 9.25. Round church with Rags. Roy to play Lawn Tennis with Harold Messel. Weeded out clothes. After wrote on 3 drawings for presents to Johnson Ferguson, Dar Rhodes & Miss McLaren. Lunch. Rested till 4.0. Tea. After left for Sir Alfred Hickmans 1st Lawn Tennis. Met Keith & dear little children. Roy in cab. Up to Gate & to 22 Kensington Palace Gds. Roy not there till 4.50. Col Trench, Sir A, self & Roy played many sets till 6.45pm when left. Home. Blair had called. Wrote letters till 8.15 when Roy & self dined at 8.30pm. Talk over business affairs after. Bed 11.0pm. (Red ink: 1st Lawn Tennis of season at Sir Alfred Hickmans.)

Monday April 25 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.5am. Shave. Bath. Out on cycle. Gave drawing to Otley for Johnson. After went past school & Earls Court Road with Rags. Breakfast. Letters. After dressed & went up to the Varnishing Day at the Royal Academy. There 12.25. Saw Stone. Rampant Radical v Chamberlain. Woods, Storey etc. Out at 1.30 & to the Garrick. Lunch with Judge Bau. Saw Phil Agnew. After stayed & attended General Meeting of Club at 4.0. Hare spoke, Wilby, Captain Jessel etc. Waters in chair. Back to R.A & after at 5.30 to opening of Dramatic College. Out & got brawn at Walls. Home by bus. Roy went out. Dined by self & went to the Palace Theatre. Poor show. Sleepy. Walked to the Garrick. Joe Carr holding forth. Home by carriage at 12.15am. (Red ink: Varnishing Day at the Royal Academy. General Meeting at the Garrick. Opening of Dramatic College of Music.)

Tuesday April 26 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & cycled right round Park with Rags. Back & put things straight. Dear M back from Balcombe at 12.30, Otley met her. No one called except one. Roy dined out. M & self dined quietly together & bed. Thought the Johnson Ferguson wedding was today. It is Thursday. (Red ink: M returned from Balcombe.)

Wednesday April 27 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. x & cycled right round Park with Rags. After breakfast. In morning tidied up etc. Changed water in glass globe. Not a success. Wrong acid or something. Developed some plates etc. In afternoon dressed & M & self went to the St James's Theatre to see the worst play I ever saw called Saturday to Monday. bad. Saw Mrs Clifford. Out. Put M in carriage & walked to the Garrick Club. Got letter from Brighton. Saw Roy there & young Clay. Left & on to Punch Dinner calling at


White's 43 Drury Lane. Sir W.A, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G, F.C.B, self (Lawrence Bradbury next me) Groves, O.S. Got Mars & Venus & home by bus. Partridge back. Lost £30 in Monte Carlo. Drew picture in a Mrs Emmanuel's book. Who is she? (Red ink: M & self went to a matinée at the St James's Theatre.)

Thursday April 28 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & cycled right round Park. No, the last turn, ½ an hour. Back & wrote letters. Difficulty in scheming subject in time. Otley to Barkers for mantle. Boy to May's. At 12.0 photod Hilton as General Mars & after put the mantle on Frances. M at 3.15 went to young Johnson Ferguson's wedding with Elsie McLaren. Finished by 4.45 & up in room. Went on to work until 8.30 when dined, dear M & self. Roy dining out. Bed at 12.0 after snooze. Very tired. M had a bad throat. (Red ink: This day was Alex Johnson Ferguson married to Elsie McLaren. Could not go.) (Cuttings glued in: Marriage of Edward Alexander Johnson Ferguson to Elsie McLaren. Death of Nellie Farren. Obituary of Nellie Farren. Fri Apl 29.)

Friday April 29 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & cycled round Serpentine & back to Kensington thro' school & square & home. After to work & at it all day. M's throat bad. Evelyn Fletcher came. Dear Mite at lunch. Had put in head of drawing clean away without a hitch. Went on to work. Finished at 10.0pm. Not pleased with dress of Madame Venus. M & Evelyn went to the Private View of the Royal Academy. Back at 5.45. Dear M in my room. Dined by self at 10.0. Very tired. Roy dined at the Garrick with Cecil Clay's son. Back at 1.0pm.

Saturday April 30 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15. Very tired. Muggy damp morning. Out for walk. Met shop girl & friend. Back. Evelyn Fletcher at breakfast. After wrote many letters & cheque for books etc. Lunch. After M & self went to reception following Dar Rhodes wedding. Saw many we knew. Boughton etc, Robbs etc. Dull rainy in the afternoon. Back & quiet. No, went to the Garrick. Wrote 2 letters & called Walls & home by bus. M, Evelyn & self dined quietly. Roy out & to a Dance at the Saturday Club. (Red ink: Dar Rodes married this day. M & self went to the wedding.) (Cutting glued in: Marriage of Arthur Hayes-Sadler to Alice Rhodes.)

Sunday May 1 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.5 & walk with Rags. Met Lord Alverstone. Lovely morning & all day. Printed many blues. At 12 M, self & Evelyn walked to top of Park. After M back by bus. Met Sir Alfred H & Col Trench. Lunch. Short rest. After at 4.0 to Hickmans. M & Evelyn came after. Lady Kitson there. Lily played 7 or 8 sets. Roy very slack. Cup. After home. Wrote letters. Roy dined out. At 8.0 Midge & Hamilton dined with us. A little distrait. They left at 11.0pm. (Red ink: Most lovely day. Roy & self played many sets at Sir Alfred Hickman's. M & Evelyn also there. Langleys dined.)


Monday May 2 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10am & out for cycle. No, it was a wet morning. (Walk). Wet & horrid all day. Put all prints away & squared up others. Rest etc. Letters. Dined at 6.45pm. Roy in late. Went with M & Evelyn in carriage to the Imperial Theatre & saw a play by Swete(?) called Miss Elizabeth's Prisoner. Poor play well acted. Beautiful theatre. Not been in it since the seventies. Home by cab Roy & self. Carriage 5 minutes after. Most miserable day. Wet all day. M, Evelyn & self went to the Imperial Theatre. Saw Grace Lane & Waller D(illeg). (Cutting glued in: Funeral of Miss Nellie Farren. 3 May.)

Tuesday May 3 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10am. Cycled short turn round Park. After in morning wrote. Made sword sheath etc. Glue boiled over in bathroom. Lunch. Rest. At 4 to 6.0pm M had an 'at home'. Many came. Up & dressed & left in carriage for the Garrick Club. Arranged dinner. Letter from V.H. Roy came at 8.0. Very good dinner. Felt seedy after in Library. Waited 50 minutes for carriage. All left by 10.45pm. Roy went to a Ball at Princes'. Home by carriage. M & Evelyn dined at Derwent Lodge. (Red ink: Dinner at the Garrick Club to nine. £12.11.6.) (Plan of table seating: Charles Lucas MP, Sir Alfred Hickman, Hon Sir Schomberg McDonnell, L.S, Hon C.N. Lawrence, Sir Thomas Sutherland, K.C.M.G, G.W.Wolff M.P, Sir Squire Bancroft, Roy Sambourne.) Refused: F.C.B, H.W.L, Galbraith, Phil Agnew, Owen Seaman.

1 '92 Bollinger 8.0 8 '92 Cliquot £3.4.0 Old brandy 7.0 Waiters 1.3 Corkage 1.0 £ 4.1.9 Menu: Table 13.6 Caviare, own Tortue claire 1.10.0 Tonate Saumon 18.6 Homard a la Americaine 13.6 Garrick Steak Bearnaise 13.6 Asperges 10.6 Quails, salad 1.2.6 Plovers eggs 6.8 Pouding glacé 7.6 Cuite a la Garrick 4.6 Waiters 1.2.0 Cigarettes, flowers 4.1 8.6.9

Wines 4.1.9 coffee 3 £ 12.11.6


Wednesday May 4 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & out. Rags nearly killed a dove coloured cat. Roy off to City. Evelyn to dentist. Wrote letters. To Victoria. No good. Back at 12.0. Whiteladies with M about the furniture. Lunch. Went up to C.C & to White's, 43 Drury Lane. Back to tea. M & Evelyn went to see Touphs Entanglement & to Maud's afterwards. Dressed & left for Punch Dinner. Round by Victoria. Saw A.J.J. Cab to Punch Dinner. Man lashed his horse. Phil Agnew congratulated me on drawing. P.A, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G, F.C.B, self, R.H, Graves, O.S. Raven Hill & cartoon. Wandered away. Got Bear subject & expostulated. Left 10.45 & home by bus, walking with Guthrie. Bed 12.0am. (Cutting glued in: Mr Gilbert's play at the Garrick Theatre. Wed 4 May.)

Thursday May 5 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & cycled reverse way down Earls Court Road & back to school. Told Otley to send to May's. Schemed subject of Bear Running Away. After photod Otley at 12.0 in knapsack & developed etc. M out with Evelyn in carriage after. In room rested ¾ hr. Evelyn Fletcher left at 5.5pm. Bother with her maid ordering servants about. Gave man one penny for carrying up box. Worked till 8.15. Got on. M & self dined quietly. Roy out. (Red ink: Evelyn Fletcher left at 5.0pm. Maid ordered boxes about. 1d to Commissionaire.)

Friday May 6 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & cycled short turn round Park. Breakfast. Band. After to work & at Bear Running Away. M out in carriage. After worked till 8.15 when finished easily. Roy, M & self dined quietly. A quiet evening & bed early. Weather dull & coldish & thunderstorm in the afternoon.

Saturday May 7 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30 & out up Holland Walk with Rags. Met Common. After to breakfast. Letters. Sorted photos & papers & stuck fleur de lys on scabbard of sword. Lunch. Mademoiselle Jackymot here. Left at 2.0pm & to C.C. At 3.15 photod A.J.J for 1st time. Dark. Out & to Garrick. Tea. Wrote cheque for dinner £12.11.6. Saw Partridge, Sothern & Chitty. Home by bus. Got brawn & fruit. M & self dined quietly & Roy out with Stern. Read after dinner & to bed. (Red ink: Artists General Benevolent Dinner. Did not go. Sent £3.3.0. Dull grey cold day.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Clara Lowe. 10 May.)

Sunday May 8 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.45 & at 9.25 round up Church Street & circuit. Old W at corner. Met servant with King Charles dogs. Back. Breakfast. Dull cold grey day. Stuck leather on sword. After M & self went for a walk. Met Mrs Daniell & Lady Hickman in a Bath chair. Back. Curious dog. Lunch. Florence Walford. After rested in room. Cold. No fire. Left at 4.0pm on bicycle. Spring opened stable. To Palace Gardens cycling up Hill. Rainy. Played 8 sets Sir A & Col Trench, Roy & self. Cup. Left 7.0 & home. Played thro' the rain. Dressed. Mr & Mrs G.Keith dined with us. Pleasant evening. They left 11.0am. In chair till 1.0am when to bed. (Red ink: Dull grey cold day. Rain &

31 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1904 fog. Lunched by the Electric Light.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary Clara Lowe. 14 May.)

Monday May 9 Stafford Terrace. Up & cycled completely round Park. Dull grey day & cold. Roy a new Aquascutum. After put chips etc on sword sheath. Wrote letters. Tired. Lunch. In afternoon wrote Dora & had it posted. Wrote letters etc & dressed & left in carriage with M at 8.45. Dined at Harold Messels. Met Miss Schlesinger, Dr Messel, Mr Allen & an American lady. 8 in all. Good dinner. My stories not listened to. Masses of broken English. Left 10.50 & home by carriage. Roy up. Had dined by himself. Bed 1.0. Hamilton Fletcher called in his small motor. Had (illeg illeg) on envelope. Never again. (Red ink: Dined at Harold Messels, M & self.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Sir H.M.Stanley. 11 May.)

Tuesday May 10 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.20. Tired. M remained in bed. Out. Very wet. Rags & 8 cats. Breakfast. Wrote many letters after. Looked out for portrait of Tenniel. Lunch. M had callers. Rest. Wrote 4 or 5 letters & posted them. Hair cut. After did sword also some blues & developed. Miss McDougall called. Letters. Spencer called & came up to my room about taking M tomorrow to Earl's Court. Sent Otley to Stores for 3 bottles of Champagne. At 8.10 Hamilton Fletcher, Tabs, Maud Paxton, M & self dined. Pleasant evening. H looked over the Store Catalogues & wrote letters. "What's it matter what I am looking for." They left at 11.0pm in 2 hansoms & Maud Paxton in one of them. (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Sir Henry Stanley. 4 columns,11 May.)

Wednesday May 11 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15 & out on cycle round Park. After letters & put Tenniel in outline for Brown. M & Spencer went to the opening of the Earl's Court Exhibition. They had an A1 lunch. Self lunched at 1.0pm & left for C.C at 3.0. Photod for 2nd time Miss A.J.J. (illeg) nearly at last. Left 4.15 & home to tea. Changed & letters & to small Punch Dinner by bus all the way. F.C.B, self, Graves, O.S, L.B, Lucas, Bernard P. Some one took my umbrella & left me a common German silver one. Left. Posted letters & home by bus. Curious girl in bus. Pretty & sleepy. Man stared at her. (Red ink: M went to lunch at Earl's Court Exhibition. Florence Walford arrived.)

Thursday May 12 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & cycled round Park. Back & schemed subject of Chamberlain as Cook. Made a stove of books etc. Hilton came. Photod him & enlarged Stoke Edith & Watney's dairies. At work at 5.0 to 8.30 when M, Florence Walford & self dined. F.W came in the afternoon. Quiet evening & bed 11.50. A Captain Stokes called on me in the morning. Could not see him. He left a note & sketches which I was unable to answer until Tuesday 24th inst. (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Daniel Vierge. Fri 13 May.)

Friday May 13 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & short turn round Park. After at work all day on drawing of Chamberlain as Cook. Finished it at 8.15 when dined & after left at


9.15 for Royal Society. Cab. Met Sir H Roscoe, Crighton Browne etc. Interesting exhibit of Photo Microscope. Flame & Gramophone etc etc. Left at 10.50. To Athenaeum & wrote letters. Left or lost my Pocket Book in bus or street. Home by 12.20, passing Argyle Rd 12.15. Bed. (Red ink: Went to the Soirée of the Royal Society.)

Saturday May 14 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30am. Walk round Campden Hill. After put things in order. Did sword etc. Lunch & M & self went in carriage to see Gilberts new play. Harlequinade. Rather disappointed in it. Saw Vernon Watney & Rosalind & Sylvia at the play in the dress circle. Out. Sent M home. Called C.C, Garrick & home by bus. Bought fruit etc. M, Roy, F.W & self dined quietly. (Red ink: Went to see matinée of Gilberts Fairy's Dilemma.) At 12.0pm M & self walked up to 46 Campden Hill Gardens to look at a sale. M pleased with a Persian carpet. Would go to £5 for it. I subsequently bought it for £50 + commission £52.10.0. (Cuttings glued in: Death of John Whitmore. Death of Walter Wilson. Obituary of Walter Wilson. Monday 16 May.)

Sunday May 15 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Out. Up Hornton St. Back. A most lovely morning. After printed blues & left with M at 12.30pm. Bus to top of Park. Strolled on to 11 Berkeley Square & M & self lunched with Lady Margaret Watney. 2 others there. Back by the carriage at 3.0pm. Dressed & on to Sir Alfreds. Roy & self played 10 sets. H & Trench v Roy & self, we giving 15. 5 sets all. Cup. Left & home. Midge & Miss Rose Innes & F.Walford dined. Pleasant evening. (Red ink: Good Lawn Tennis at Sir A.H. Avoided Spencer, Hilda & Ada. Midge & Miss Rose Innes dined.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Julia de Vaynes, George Donegall, Ann Ensor, Harold Finch-Hatton. Death of Lady Phayre.17 May.)

Monday May 16 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15 & cycled right round Park. Breakfast. After wrote. Sent letters etc. Offered £50 for rug & found knocked down to me at that price. Sale at 46 Campden Hill House. A Mr Gillespie deceased. Dressed & at 1.45 left with M in the carriage for Charley Hartree's. A good lunch. Met Leslie Ward & wife, Johnson Ferguson, Astronomer Royal for Cape, Willie Hartree & others. Sir Trevor & Lady Lawrence. Out 4.0pm & home. Finished drawing of Tenniel for Brown & had worked on it in the morning. After dressed & to Punch Dinner calling C.C. No letters. F.C.B, self, Graves, O.S, P.A, Lucas, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L. Owls at Punch table. Suggested Side Show. Left 10.0 & to Garrick. Got my umbrella someone (Partridge) took on Wednesday. Wrote 4 letters & home by bus. No letters at Club. (Red ink: Punch Dinner for Whitsuntide.) (Cutting glued in: The Hawkins sale of miniatures. Sat 14 May.)

Tuesday May 17 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & cycled round by school & Earls Court. Called Exhibition. Not open till 12.0. No good so home & schemed subject. Otley got me a small boy. Charged for his brother. Photod Otley as Brodrick, Mr Barlow & Boy. Developed & enlarged & to work by 4.45pm. Work till 8.15 when dined, M, Miss W & self. Roy out. Bed 11.30 after reading.


Wednesday May 18 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & cycled completely round Park. Back & to work on Sideshow all day. M dined with Mervyn & Ethel M at her Club. Roy at Garrick. Finished at 9.15pm. Dined. Miss Walford at table with me. M back at 10.30pm. Bed at 12.0 very tired. Dora & Mr Foley arrived at the Coburg from Rome. (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Harold Finch-Hatton. Wed 13 May.)

Thursday May 19 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.20 & out round school. Pretty little girl with rope of hair. Back & wrote letters. Put things away. Left at 12.50 & up by bus. C.C & to Whites & Endell Street for buckles after. To Garrick. Lunch & talk to Butte, Marshall etc. Saw Johnny Waring. C.C 2.30. Had forgotton connection ring. Took 38 photos of Miss V.H. Desperately hard up. Could not find silk socks. To Garrick at 5.0, called Sands & Hunter. Wrote letters & at 6.30 home by bus. Roy dining with Dora at Coburg. M & self dined quietly & went to the Italian Exhibition afterwards. Roy back 11.15pm. Bed 12.30 after snooze. Florence Walford left at 4.0pm. Otley fetched his wife home at 10.0am. (Red ink: M & self went to the Italian Exhibition in the evening.)

Friday May 20 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.20 & out on cycle. School. Thro' Palace Gardens & over Campden Hill. Collided with a girl. Great spill both of us. Picked her up & put her cycle right. Breakfast. No letter from Mite. Roy undecided what to do. Going on motor after. At 10.20 carpet delivered. Otley swept it. Drew cheque for £52.10.0 for it. Put it in room. Letters. Printed a few blues & lunch. Very tired, rested. Did gilt leather on swords. Upset the glue on what I had cut out & spoilt the lot. Annoyed but laughed. Recut them. M & self dined quietly by ourselves at 8.0pm. Roy had left in Mr Stern's motor at 5.30pm. Read Jude the Obscure & bed at 12.0am. (Red ink: Persian carpet delivered. Swept by Otley & put down in Drawing Room.) (Cutting glued in: Chesterton's bill for carpet, £52.10.0.)

Saturday May 21 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. Did not go out. Dressed for travelling. Hurried breakfast & M & self left for Balcombe at 10.0 in a 4 wheeler. No crowds. Dull rainy morning. Arrived at Balcombe House by 11.45am. Lennie there preparing to go to Arundel. Dear Mite & Tilda, Chicks etc. Linley good at lunch. After left in motor as far as Cuckfield. Walked back, meeting Tilda. Took Vixen. Back 6.30. Wrote letters. Dinner. Sleepy after. Bed at 11.0. Slept well. Dreamt. (Red ink: M & self left Stafford Terrace early & came down to Balcombe for Whitsuntide.)

Sunday May 22 Balcombe House. Up at 8.45. Good bath. Breakfast 9.30am. A dull misty morning. Coldish. Mite, M & Tilda to church. After letters posted them & waited at church with Vic & Peter. Saw Mr & Mrs 4(sic)Walker. M & others late to lunch. After read & cut slips from Times from beginning of April. Tea. M & self went for 1½ hrs walk over by lake & back Red Road. Read Mysteries of the Court. Bosh. Dinner. Rest after & bed at 11.45 after snooze. Slept well. No sun all day. Quiet day & walk. Dull grey day. (Cutting glued in: A very

34 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1904 valuable Persian carpet. 46 Campden House Court, W. Late Mr Gillespie. Monday 16th May. Purchased for £50.)

Monday May 23 Balcombe House. Up 8.0am. Fine sunny morning. Breakfast. Linley & horse. Finished sticking slips in diary since 7 April. After altered buckles for sword & wrote many letters. Lunch. Dear Mite away lunching at Mrs Hohlers. Again wrote letters & Store orders etc. Tea 4.30. After from 5.10 to 6.50 took M for walk round the 4(sic) Walkers. Met the gentleman in question on a bicycle. 'Last night there were 4 Walkers'. Dear Mite back to dinner. Miss Vennings engaged to a Major Painter. Dinner. Rest in Drawing Room after. Bed 12.0. Clock striking chimes. (Red ink: Bank Holiday. Spent a quiet peaceful day. Took M for walk.)

Tuesday May 24 Balcombe House. Up at 8.0am. Good bath. A dull raw slightly rainy day. No Punch. Breakfast. After wrote many letters. Cheque to Spiers & Pond etc etc. Barney sneaked into the room. Posted letters. Cleared off all my long list of back letters. Lunch. Fan from Paris broken. Lunch. Uncomfortable in Lennie's room after. Again wrote letters. Mite took Tilda to Nymans. M & self went for walk in the rain with Barney & Bobs as far as Major Oxley's. Back. Wrote letters etc & dinner at 8.0pm, M, Mite, Tilda, self. Got wine from Raven Hill at 8.15. 'Got him'. Refered to sketch on envelope. Bed after snooze. (Red ink: A dull grey rainy day. Cold & uncomfortable. Finished letters.)

Wednesday May 25 Balcombe House. Up at 8.0am. Tilda at breakfast. Got off by the 9.38 train. Old gent objected to smoking. Otley met me & home. Wrote & put matters straight. Lunch 1.30 & up to C.C. Met Mrs Spofforth in omnibus. Waited 1½ hrs to no good. Out & to 88 High Holborn. Saw V.L. No good. After to Club. Dressed & left for the Punch Dinner. Had a talk with Spielmann about commission for book £60 at 5.45pm. At Punch Dinner Sir W.A, Lucas, B.P, L.B (out of his place) H.W.L, F.C.B, self, R.H, Graves, R.L & O.S. Memorable evening. Told R.L to his face he took too much on himself & wasn't Editor. Great row about my refusing to see Mr Chamberlain as a Gun. Suggested cut of Laying Mines & got a Derby cut for self. Left at 10.45 & home by cart. Dense humid fog. Bed 12.0.

Thursday May 26 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0 or 10 minutes before. Up in room. Looked over racing crowds. Wrote two letters. Out for walk. Rags & Irish terrier. Like a hot steamy oven. Over Campden Hill. After home & schemed subject of John Bull & France on Race Course. Difficult. At 12.15 photod Otley & Hilton. Developed etc. After letters got to work at 5.0 to 6.45. Roy & self dined at 7.10 & went in carriage to see The Prince of Pilsen at the Shaftesbury Theatre. 2nd act not bad. Met Wolff. Home at 11.0. Frightfully hot stuffy day. (Red ink: Roy & self went to The Prince of Pilsen.) (Cutting glued in: A Grange struck by lightning. Killed by a duck's egg. W.G. Friday May 27 1904.)


Friday May 27 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10 & out. Close & rainy. Got very wet. Back. Breakfast. At 10.15am blacker than the blackest night. Could not see to write or work. Also breakfasted by Electric Light. Got to work after it cleared at 10.45. At it all day till 9.45pm when finished. Dined by self. Roy went to 'La Poupée' with Bulteel. Slept in chair till 1.0pm when to bed. (Red ink: At 10.30 as dark as pitch. Horrid day all day.)

Saturday May 28 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.20. Out. Avoided Old Woman. Dull but cooler. Looked out picture for Waterbury. Dressed at 11.30. Wire came from W at 12.10am, not coming. Dressed. Lunch at 1.0pm. After at 1.15 left in cab for C.C. Horse throwing its head up. At 2.10 photod Miss A.J.J. Disappointing model. Out & tea at the Garrick. Long talk with Chitty KC on the Club. After left & by bus to Hyde Park Corner & on home. Curious society lady with big mouth got out at Albert Hall with elderly (small drawing of face and hat). Got asparagrass & had a most excellent dinner by Mrs R. Left in carriage & to the P of W's Theatre & saw Edna May in La Poupée. Young man dropped a sovereign. Out & home. Saw 'Ching ching ching ching ching a ring a rhina' & Marie Dainton in box. Home by bus. Lady like Lilian Braithwaite. Roy away up river with Stern. Bed 12.0 after reading. (Red ink: Went by self to Prince of Wales's. Saw Edna May as 'La Poupée'.)

Sunday May 29 Stafford Terrace. By self in London, a rare thing. Most lovely morning. Made up mind to X over to Calais. Did not go out & dressed in blue suit. Left at 10.10 & by bus to Victoria. Unluckily came across Jack Bennett & Miss Farquhar & another. In carriage a pleasant man called Woodcock. Long talk with him. Calais. Saw Dixon & many who knew me. At lunch Benet & WerryW, Mrs W & his friend. Saw Payton etc. After pretty nurse from Nursing Home George St Hanover Sq with a patient. Harry Dickens from Marseilles. After delayed for an hour by Paris train not coming in. Carriage back. Sleep. 2 girls & a man to whom Jack Bennett talked. Cab home. Then 8.40. Dined by myself & read about Dawson City. Bed 12.40. Quite cold at night. Roy away at the river. (Red ink: Crossed the Channel 1st time since March 13th. Lovely day.)

Monday May 30 Stafford Terrace. Dull & cold again. Out 8.55. Old W at corner. Avoided little Common. Back. Breakfast. After printed blues etc. Lunch. Put phos away in dispatch box. At 12.0 Waterbury called. Agreed to take £80 worth of drawings. Stuck rings & finished sword scabbard. Dear M returned at 6.15pm. Roy had sprained his leg or foot. Came over close in the evening. M, Roy & self dined at 8.0pm & Roy & self went in carriage & attended Mrs Farquharson's at home. Saw George Agnew & wife & daughter. Lady Roxboro', Causton, Mrs C & others. Mrs Alex Tweedie, Mrs Hepworth Dixon, Violet Hunt etc etc. Very pretty girl with the Caustons. Big fair girl. Left 11.30 & home by carriage. (Red ink: Mrs Farquharson's 'at home'. Roy & self went.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Mrs Frank Hill. Obituary of Leonard Cooper. May 31.)


Tuesday May 31 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & out. Gave Old W 2d. Round Campden Hill. Rags dirty in Morning Room. After all morning putting away etc. Finished sword. Spencer in & took Bone for Royal Military T. After lunch developed 18 or 20 films. Last of Miss Amess & friend. No good. Tea. Drew helmet on cartridge paper. At 7.0 dressed & left with M at 7.50pm to dine at the Johnson Fergusons. Took a Lady Strachey in. Delightful to talk to. Lady Dixon Hartland & Sir F there. The bride & bridegroom & many others, 24. Fair dinner. Left 10.45pm & home by carriage. Roy dreadfully bitten about the face with gnats & a sprained foot. Bed 1.15 after snooze. (Red ink: M & self dined at Mrs Johnson Fergusons. Took in Lady Strachey.)

Wednesday June 1 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10. Bath. Roy's cheque & after walk in the rain. Breakfast. Sent Otley with helmet etc. After took film out of water. A few frilled. Got letter from A.J.J, going to the Derby. Went out & wired Dawson. Lunch. Dull heavy wet day & morning. At 4.0 went to C.C & at 5.0 saw E.D, 1st time since March 25 03. Looked well. No photos. Out & went to Embankment to see model. Not much good. Back to Club & on to Punch Dinner. F.C.B, self, R.H, Graves, O.S, P.A, Lucas, B.P, H.W.L, A.G. Got cut of Bishop & Balfour. Long weary discussion. Home by bus. (Cutting glued in: The Affairs of Mr Wreford. Wedy 1 June.)

Thursday June 2 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & out for walk round Campden Hill. Rags. Very cold. After schemed subject of Archbishop & Balfour in Conservatory. Hilton came at 12.0 & photod him & Otley as Archbishop. Got all ready by 3.30, Otley helping me. Tea & to work 4.30. M up in room. Worked to 8.0pm when dressed. At 8.15 Midge, M, Roy & self dined. At 10.45 M, Roy & self went to an at home at Mrs Johnson Fergusons. Very good. Met Lady Strachey & also Mrs Fildes, Kitty & many others. Tired. Sent the carriage back for Roy. Home at 11.45 & to bed at 12.0am. (Red ink: M, Roy & self went to an 'at home' at Mrs Johnson Fergusons. Met Lady Strachey who had written to ask to allow to call but never did.)

Friday June 3 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. Felt very tired & unfit for work. Walk over Campden Hill & back. Coldish. After breakfast got to work on drawing of Archbishop of Canterbury & Balfour in Conservatory & worked at it until 9.45pm when Roy & self dined. A very bad subject & indifferent drawing. Had bad salmon & also doubtful sardines. Rested in chair afterwards until 1.0am dead tired. To bed & slept fairly well. M much better. (Cuttings glued in: Obituary of Lord Powerscourt. June 6. Testimonial to Mr J.B.Wood.)

Saturday June 4 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Very tired. Out up Holland Walk & home. In morning after breakfast printed many blues etc. Lunch. After M & self went in the carriage to the Shaftesbury Theatre & saw The Prince of Pilsen. Ran up against Willie Humphreys with a lady! After out & M back in the carriage. Went to the Garrick, wrote letters etc. Saw Spielmann & also Chitty. Left at


6.15 & got asparagrass & ham. Home. Roy out. M & self dined quietly & delightful evening after rest. Margaret had been out without leave. Bed at 1.0am after heavy snooze. (Red ink: M & self went to see The Prince of Pilsen. Met William Humphreys.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Alexander Nelson Viscount Bridport. Death of Viscount Powerscourt.)

Sunday June 5 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30 & out for walk in grey suit. After decided to go across Channel with Roy. Got ready & off by 10.15. Bus to Victoria. Down to Dover with one other. Came across F.C.B & Wilfred on board. Captain Dixon. Delightful crossing. Sea just right. Good lunch, 8fr. Payton said he would let us know. Never did. Rush to get back on board. Another good crossing. Ladies ill all round. Marie Tempest coming from America. A carriage to ourselves & snooze up to town. Home 7.30pm exactly. Rosie McGuire & Miss Rose Innes, M, Roy & self dined. Bed at 12.0 after reading Greek Love. (Red ink: X'd Channel with F.C.B & Wilfred. Payton episode.) (Cuttings glued in: Obituary of Eugenie Lady Esher. June 6. Obituary of Clemens. June 7.)

Monday June 6 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & out on bicycle. Went past school & by Earls Court. Back. Rags attacked by a black lurcher greyhound. Breakfast. Lovely morning. After all day tidying up etc. In the evening see after. Left after lunch & went to Mite's about waistcoat & called on John le Couture at 16 Brook St Hanover Sq. After to Whites about helmet & then to a General Meeting at the Garrick Club presided over by the Duke of Fife. Stormy meeting. Talk to Stone & Roy after. Sir George Faudel Phillips in room & I talked of Jews mentioning him & Lord Burnham. Left & walked with Roy to top of Piccadilly. On home by bus. Dressed & left with M for Ranelagh to dine with Sir Henry & Lady Bergne. Met Sir Clement Hill. Delightful talk on Africa. Saw Phil Agnew & wife with Marsula people. Left at 10.15 & home 10.45. Roy out. (Red ink across page: Stormy meeting at the Garrick Club. M & self dined with Sir Henry Bergne at the Ranelagh Club.) (Cutting glued in: Marriage of Herbert Turtle and Emily Turtle.)

Tuesday June 7 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15 & out on bicycle past school etc. Back. Brown called with a drawing of Britannia wanted by a lady. After looked out all I had on Peace etc & sent them up to Brown by Otley at 12.0pm. Began to scheme page for Opening Vol (blank). Enlarged some films of Miss M.H after. In evening M & self left in carriage at 7.30 to dine at the Carlton with Miss Rose Innes. Met Dr Lockyer, Prof & Mrs Dewar, pretty Chilean, William Stone etc. Lovely dinner. Saw Charley Burnand. Home by carriage. Midge there. Could not take her in carriage. Roy dined at home by himself. (Red ink: M & self dined at the Carlton with Miss Rose Innes. Extraordinary good dinner.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Lord Bridport. 7 June.)

Wednesday June 8 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15 & cycled reverse way past school & after over Palace Gardens & home. In morning worked at Opening Page Vol (blank). Lunch. Put all ready & left at 2.20pm for Camera Club. There 3.0pm. At 3.25


Miss A.J.J came for 4th time. Took 6 plates in nurses dress. Out at 4.45. Tea at Garrick. After called Lambs Hosiers. Met Bouchier, & also to Scantleburys. Walked to Punch Dinner. Got flower. F.C.B, self, Graves, O.S, P.A, B.P, E.T.R & A.G. Suggested cut of Bear on Ice Floe & settled to do double page. Left after writing Mudies & to Hilton. Home by bus by 11.45. Lucas also there. (Red ink: Suggested cartoon of Bear on Ice, Port Arthur.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Graham Burnand. The marriage arrnged between John Pollock & Gladys Holman Hunt will not take place. June 7.)

Thursday June 9 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. Out on bicycle past school & Earls Court thro Edwards Square. After sent boy to Mudies for book on Arctic Regions. After schemed subject of Bear on Ice Floe & Japanese Flag. Decided to go to the Zoological Gardens. Got in dog cart at 11.20am. Took camera & also 18 photos of Bears. None of them turned out to be any good. The Keeper took three which were the most useful to me. Back home by 12.45. Developed plates by lunch. After got all ready by tea time. Very tired & exhausted. Worked up to 8.15 when M & self dined quietly. Bed after. (Red ink: Went to the Zoo & got photos of Bears.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Levi Leiter. June 10.)

Friday June 10 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. Rain in night. Walk with Rags over C.H. Back. Rags pulled down hot plate & all the porridge & broke a plate & burnt my thumb. In room after & worked entire day up to 10.10pm on double page cartoon of Bear on Ice Floe & Japanese Flag sun. After Roy & self dined at 10.15. In Drawing Room after. Bed at 12.30 after snooze. M left the Electric Light burning outside door. (Cutting glued in: Napoleon's horse.)

Saturday June 11 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.25. Did not go out before breakfast. Roy talking of going to Paris. Out at 10.0am & went over to 11 Sussex Gardens to look at furniture. Saw book had been looking for since 1867. Out. Rainy. Met Richmond & after Fred Karr(sic, Kerr). Wrote letters after interview with Mr H.Lane at Chestertons. After lunch packed & left 4.30pm with M for Pangbourne by 5.5pm train, Otley's cab. Out. Traps to meet us & Mrs Kemp. Mr Mackie there. Who is he? Up to house. Baker met us. Had to dress immediately. Dinner. Sir (blank) Clark & Lady C dined. Pleasant evening. They left after chat in the Billiard Room. Bed 11.0pm. Read a book by F.C.Vernon Harcourt, A Play Actor & Saint. (Red ink: Found Hope's Costume of the Ancients at 11 Sussex Square. M & self went down to Pangbourne to visit Baker & Mrs Kemp.) (Cutting glued in: The wife of Chas F.Kearley, of a son.)

Sunday June 12 Bowden Green, Pangbourne. Up at 8.0. Breakfast 9.0. Bad ham, worse kidney. Poor breakfast. Out with pipe after & talk to Mackie. Mrs K took photos with £1.11.6 camera. Did not believe in price. Left in motor at 11.0. Spagnolletti, Mackie, Mona & self. Went delightful run to Newbury. Poor place. Over downs etc. Back 1.30, 50 miles. Petrol just lasted. Lunch. A


General & a friend called. At 3.15 in the motor again, M, self & Mona & the Chauffeur. Went along river to Goring & Streetley & back to Pangbourne & after to tea at Sir (blank) Clark's. Pretty little girls & one boy. Wishing well. Chinese paper. Left at 6.0pm & home by 6.15. Read paper. Another General (Williams, no, Genl Owen) & a pretty Miss Jones called. Went to meet Baker. After dressed. Dinner. Sir (blank) Cayzer & Lady C to dinner. Had been Governor of Sierra Leone. Left at 10.30. Bed 10.45pm. Wonderful camera by Butcher? (Red ink: Wonderful motor run to Newbury.)

Monday June 13 Bowden Green, Pangbourne. Up at 7.10am. Awake 6.30. Bath. Breakfast. Left M in room & off in motor at 8.50 after saying goodbye to Mrs K, Mona, baby gazelle & doggie. Run to station & up to Paddington by 10.15. Otley met me. Called 11 Sussex Square. Belly band broke. Home 1.5. Gave Old W 6d. After went on to work at Opening Vol 126 up to dinner time when M & self dined quietly. Rest after & bed 12.30pm. (Red ink: Came up from Bowden Green. M followed after.)

Tuesday June 14 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15 & walk round Campden Hill. After in morning & up to lunch went on with Opening Vol 126, Eagle & Japanese Cock. Squire Hammond & Mrs H came to lunch. They stayed till 3.0pm when M & self went off to the Reception by Mrs Tate after Mabel Terry Lewis's wedding to Captain Batley. Great show. Pretty Miss Belleville of Reckitts Blue. 22 Berkeley Sq. Back in carriage at 4.0pm no 5.0. Tea & went on with work. At 8.15 young Bergne & Roy, M & self dined. Pleasant evening. Bed 12.0 after snooze. (Red ink: Squire & Mrs Hammond lunched. M & self went to Mabel Lewis's wedding.) (Cuttings glued in: Marriage of Captain Ralph Batley to Mabel Terry. 'Melting', a striking cartoon by Mr Linley Sambourne in the famous cartoonist's very best vein.)

Wednesday June 15 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & walk over Campden Hill. After at work all day on drawing for Opening Volume 126. In afternoon heard tootling at 4.0 & Lennie & Mite back in motor. Finished drawing at 6.0pm & off to Punch Dinner, dressed, by bus. Called C.C. Sir W.A, Lucas, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G, F.C.B, self, A.H, Graves, R.L. Suggested both cartoons. Self Yachting, & Collie Dog for B.P which was subsequently done by Gold on Thursday 16th night. Left & home by bus. F.C.B said Mr Rothschild wanted my Bear drawing. Did he? Had not heard up to Sunday night. (Red ink: Finished Opening Volume drawing 126.)

Thursday June 16 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15 & went for walk over Campden Hill. Sent Otley after to Lincoln & Bennetts for yachting cap. After worked & schemed subject of King Edward & Kaiser Yachting. Hilton came at 11.45. Photod him Otley & self & developed & enlarged by 4.0pm. Rest for ½ an hour. Worked until 8.15 when Lennie, Mite, Roy, M & self dined. Tired after. They left at 10.30, Roy going off to Taplow to join Stern for Ascot. Bed at 12.30am after rest. Gould

40 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1904 comes out with a cartoon same as I suggested at the Punch Table yesterday for B.P. (Red ink: Lennie & Mite dined with us.)

Friday June 17 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15 & cycled reverse way round by school. After home & all day at work on drawing of King & Kaiser on Yacht. Finished at 10.0 & dined, M looking on. Roy at Ascot with Stern. Things delivered from sale at 11 Sussex Square. Chair, books etc. Bed 12.30 after snooze. (Cutting glued in: Sale of John Heenan's Championship belt. Thursday 16 June.)

Saturday June 18 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Very tired. Did not go out before breakfast. After left after seeing Chesterton's youth who broke my vase at 10.10am for Lambs. Called Lamb & after Aquascutum. Then to C.C at 11.45. At 12.30 Miss Mackenzie came. Photod her for Britannia. Out 2.0 & to Garrick for lunch. The whole day regretted taking Burgundy. Talk to Lord Dungarvan & also Captn Marshall. After to the Haymarket Theatre & saw stupid play called Lady Flint. Well acted. Kerr, Ellis Jeffrey, Maude, Maurice etc. To Athenaeum. M drove home. Tea. Saw Graves. On to C.C & changed plates etc etc. Nice new member at top. Home by bus. Saw Effie & Ethel English. Dined 8.15, M & self. Tired after. Roy out at Stern's & to Gaiety. (Red ink: M & self went to see Lady Flint at the Haymarket.) (Cutting glued in: Cruise of the Sunbeam. 1904. Death of George Thunder. June.)

Sunday June 19 Stafford Terrace. Dull morning. Up 8.30. Out at 9.0 & walk up Holland Walk. Breakfast. After from 10.45 to 1.15 writing lettters. After dressed & left in carriage at 1.55 to lunch with Lady Rosalind Christie. M with me. Extraordinary dirty servants. Met a Japanese also a charming wife of a Colonel. Left at 3.30 & home at 3.50. Changed. Midge there looking very well. Roy & self played 5 sets v Sir A & Col Trench. Won the odd set. Sir A very seedy after influenza. Left at 6.10 & home on bicycle. Effie there. Up in room & wrote 3 more letters. Dressed & went with M in the carriage to dine at Sir Alfred Hickmans. Took Mrs Trench in. A South African colonial his wife & daughter there. Old Colonel of the Yorkshire Regt. Left at 10.30 & home by carriage. (Red ink: M & self dined at Sir A.Hickmans after tennis. Lunch at Lady Rosamund Christies.) Last saw Colonel Rich in Palace Gate opposite Millais. Died in August.

Monday June 20 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15. Cycled reverse way down Earls Court & over Campden Hill. Breakfast. After packed up parcels etc. Tried to scheme Vol 127. Wrote on mount for the drawing purchased by Mr Lionel de Rothschild & worked on drawing for an hour. In afternoon developed a number of films, 6 of A.J.J etc. M went to lunch out. Letter by hand from Mr Rothschild with cheque for 25 guineas. In the morning went up to 33 Argyle Road to see sale. Men not very civil. Back. (Red ink: Paid by Mr Rothschild for double page Bear Drawing.)


Tuesday June 21 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15. Cycled round reverse way. Rags ran back. Saw Common coming back over Campden Hill. In morning tried to get on with Opening page for Vol 127. Up hill work. Rest in chair after lunch. Many callers. At 4.0 F.C.B came up to my room & talked over the Almanack. Smoked a cigar. Left after looking at Roy's room. After settled to work & thought of Lion & after Riding a Unicorn. Mabel Wallace out with M at Rawlinsons. She dined with us after. Roy at Ranelagh with Stern. Back 10.0pm. Mended Etruscan Vase in the morning. (Red ink: F.C.B called & settled Almanack page for 1905. Mabel Wallace dined.)

Wednesday June 22 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15 & cycled round school & Campden Hill. After went on with drawing of Opening Vol 127. Decided for Unicorn. Lunch. Miss Gill there. Left at 2.0 & to C.C with bags. At 3.45 to 4.0 photod E.D for Britannia sitting. Poor model. Tea in Studio. Out at 6.0pm. Called Sands & Hunter. Garrick. Letters. Saw Partridge. Strolled to the Punch Dinner. F.C.B, self, R.H, O.S, P.A, Graves, Lucas, B.P. Got cut of Motor & H.O.Arnold Forster, John Bull & Austen Chamberlain. Suggested a Visit to Aesculapius for Partridge on R.A Chantry Fund. Left 10.30pm & home by bus. Read & to bed. (Cuttings glued in: News of the Emperor Francis Joseph and Empress Eugenie. June 22. Rumoured death of Mr Justice Wright. June 22.)

Thursday June 23 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15. Cycled reverse school & Campden Hill. Lovely morning. Saw F.C.B, or the back of him. Back. Breakfast. After schemed subject of Motor, H.O.Arnold Forster etc. Photod Hilton & Otley at 12.20pm. Lunch. Enlarged. Very tired. Worked & got outline by 7.30. Dressed & dined with M at Mrs Larnach's. Good dinner. Gerald Ansdell, Mrs Larnach, M, self & 2 others. Slow. Maud Larnach awful voice. Left 10.30 & home by carriage. Bed 12.0 after cigar. Roy out. (Red ink: M & self dined at Mrs Larnachs.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Henry Copeland. Obituary of Lord Cork. June 23 1904. Royal Society Ladies' Conversatzione.)

Friday June 24 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0. Walk round Campden Hill. Back by 9.0. Band. After at work all day on drawing of Motor & H.O.Arnold Forster, John Bull etc. Dear Mite at lunch. After from 2.0 to 4.0 enlarged animals for Opening Vol 127. Failure. Tea & on to work. Finished drawing 8.35pm. M & self dined quietly. Bed 11.30pm. Roy out. (Cuttings glued in: Marriage of Reginald Wigram to Olive Lister. Death of Frederick Sandys.)

Saturday June 25 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.0am. Not very tired. Drove off after breakfast at 8.35 & got to Victoria. Lucy, Lockyer, Sir James Blyth being seen off by their wives etc. Down in carriage wih Sir Fleetwood Wilson, Sir Robert Hunter, Sir James Blyth, Mr Hayes Fisher & 2 others. Got on board the S.S.Vectis at 10.30. Tender. Many I knew. Rough sea & wind. Burney Yeo & 3 others went back. Walk up & down. Had ale & sandwich. Lunch good. Sir Douglas Straight. Sir Walter Foster, Lockyer, Hunter etc. After steamed down Channel. Long walk

42 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1904 before dinner with Sir Edward Lechmere. Dinner, corner seat. Champagne, Perrier Jouet '92. Parkinson's table. After in Smoking Room talk to Sir Walter Foster. Turned in at 11.0pm. Slept well. Dinner opposite Sir John A(illeg). (Red ink: Went on board the 'Vectis'.) (Cutting glued in: Birthday Honours. Friday 24 June.)

Sunday June 26 P&O. S.S 'Vectis'. Up 6.40 & out. Bath. Strawberries. Tea. Shave after breakfast. After walk. Took photos etc. Talk all round, Sir James Blyth also many others. Lunch. Next Gilbert & Wemyss Reid. Steward took his plate. After more photos. Passing the Isle of Wight. Next Sir Edward Lechmere. Photos. Tea. Long talk to Gilbert, after to Hayes Fisher. Pilot took off his hat to me. Talk to Wright. German liner. Looked at The Hook. After anchored at 7.30pm. Long line of Castle liners. Attended the church service at 4.0pm. Wrote letters 7.30pm. Dressed. Dinner. After sat betwen Boughton & Conway, Gilbert opposite. Good dinner. After with Reid & Lockyer. Talk to Col Saunderson. Turned in 11.45. Changed plates. Bed 12.30am. Attended church service at 4.0pm. Grantham pointed out the ship that his murder case was tried on, sailor killing boys. (Cutting glued in: Death of Clement Scott.)

Monday June 27 P&O. S.S 'Vectis'. Up 6.45. Good bath. Strawberries. Breakfast 8.0am. A great many left at 9.15 by tender. Lucy, Snagge, Henderson, Cawston etc. Took snap shot. Papers. Death of Clement Scott in Times. After most lovely morning. Took snap shots of wheel, bridge etc etc. Talk to Boughton, Gilbert etc. Cocktail at 10.30am. After most delightful run all day. Lunch. Reverse side. Boughton etc. Long talk with Sir Henry Craik. Band. Talk to Seymour Grenfell. More snap shots. Dressed. Dinner off Margate. Murray’s Fish. Nipped in & Boughton after. Opposite to charming man, private secy to Lord Curzon, & next Sir Henry Craik & Boughton. Curious man with long head, a Sea Captain. (small sketch). Boughton's stories. Jack & Gill etc. After in Smoking Room. Lockyer on Radium. Turned in at 11.15pm. (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Clement Scott. Monday 27 June.) Tuesday June 28 P&O. S.S 'Vectis. Was woken up at 5.0am by clanging of Fog Bell & never got to sleep after. Breakfast 8.0 after packing. Last meal. Opposite Sutherland, next Gilbert & a man like Rose. After smoke & then got under weigh. Lovely Thames barges etc etc. Left Tilbury about 10.0 & got to Fenchurch Street 11.20am. Great confusion. In carriage with Blyth, Green etc. Felt very tired. After drove home calling at C.C. Home 12.30. Changed. Enlarged 3 plates after. All done by 3.30. Rested dead tired. Tea. Snooze for one hour. At 6.0 commenced drawing of Opening page Unicorn. At 7.15 dressed & went with M in carriage to dine at Sir Robert Romer's. Charming dinner & 2 delightful ladies, one his daughter. Left 10.30pm. Home. Night of Greys Inn Ball. Roy out. (Red ink: M & self dined at Sir Robert & Lady Romer's.)

Wednesday June 29 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0. x. (illeg) round on bicycle. Past school. Breakfast. Lovely morning. Filled in Income Tax Paper for £825, less £24.16.8 for


Premiums £10.3.4. Invite from Wolff came. After got to work & finished the page for Opening Vol at 5.30pm. Britannia on Unicorn, Vol 127. Dressed in grey suit & all the way to Bouverie Street in a bus. Sir W.A, Lucas, E.T.R, B.P, H.W.L, F.C.B, self, R.H, O.S. Got cut of Balfour as Falconer. Partridge Japan. Agnew said goodbye indefinitely till we had finished the cut. Left at 11.0 & home all way by bus. Sleepy. Carried to Phillimore Gds. M & Roy at the Royal Academy Soirée. Effie Herapath came. (Red ink: Sent in Income Tax Paper for next year.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Frederick Sandys. 27 June.)

Thursday June 30 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & round over Campden Hill reverse way after going by Redcliffe Gardens. Met F.C.B who said he could not come to dine on Tuesday. Effie Herapath at breakfast. Strawberries. After writing Lord Inverclyde schemed subject of Balfour as Falconer. Hilton came at 12.0. Costume from Mays. Got all ready by 3.30. Hour's rest dead tired when went on to draw from 6.0 to 8.0pm. Outline in. Effie, M, Roy & self dined & after to at home at Percy Holland's. M, Roy & self in carriage. Saw Dora, Mr Foley & many others. Dunlop, Dr & Mrs Hartley etc etc. Supper with Mrs Daniell. Left 12.30 & home by carriage. Smoked a cigar. (Red ink: M, Roy & self went to an at home at the Percy Holland's. Saw Mrs Daniell.) (Cutting glued in: Death of George Frederick Watts.)

Friday July 1 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.50. Bath. Wrote cheque, letters etc before going out. Round by Redcliffe Gardens & home over C.H. M in room & Effie also. After at work all day on drawing of Balfour as Falconer. Lovely day & morning. M very tired from last night. Gave up at homes etc. Worked until 8.55 when finished & sent drawing off. M had dined with Lennie & Maud & went to the French play at the Avenue. Dined by myself at nine & rest after, talking to Effie. M back 10.30. Bed. Roy at Stafford House at a Ball. Met Hamilton Fletcher. (Cutting glued in: Obituary of George Frederick Watts. Saty 2 July.)

Saturday July 2 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Tired. Out 9.0pm. Read advertisement & avoided Old W. Breakfast. Effie there. After M ran a splint up her finger. Cheque from Brown for £18.18.0. Death of Mr Watts. After printing blues in sun dressed & left with M in carriage to lunch at the Pirrie's. Met Lord & Lady Robertson, Wolff, Miss May, Lady Egmont & Mr Briscoe. Lord (blank) late Mr Jackson. Delightful lunch. Left at 4.15 & walked up to C.C, M going to at home at the Riviere’s. At 5.30 photod A.J.J. No good. Out at 6.0. To Garrick after calling Moss's. Home by bus, getting fruit & ham. After M, Effie & self dined. Roy out at Albert Hall, wrestling match with Stern. Bed at 12.0 after rest. Slept well. Nostril began painful. (Red ink: Never saw A.J.J after. M & self lunched at the Pirrie's.)

Sunday July 3 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.55. Out with Rags. Had been heavy rain in night. Breakfast. Good ham etc. Printed blues. Wrote letter of condolence Mrs Watts & 3 of congratulations new honours. In all morning. M & Effie about.


Rest & after dressed & went up to Sir A.Hickman's at 4.15. Roy drove up as I started & then got there ½ a minute before me. Back 7.0. At 8.0 Paul Foley, Dora, Effie, M, Roy & self dined. Only one bottle of Champagne. They talked till 10.30 when they left. (Red ink: Tennis at the Hickmans. Paul Foley & Dora dined with us.) (Cutting glued in: Funeral of the late Mr Watts RA. M 4 June 04.)

Monday July 4 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & cycled Earls Court & round C.H. Rags ran back. Breakfast, Effie & Roy. After all day dating photos & squaring up. Effie left after lunch at 3.15. Developed 1 doz films taken Miss M. Rest in afternoon. Dressed 7.15. M never told me we were dining at Mrs Gill. Hurried change & walked over. Mr & Mrs G, Mr & Mrs Walter, Mrs Tattersall, William Stone, selves & a very supercilious young man & an ugly woman. Dull dinner. Left at 10.30. Read & to bed 12.30. Roy out. Nostril extremely painful. (Red ink: M & self dined at the Arthur Gills. Dressed hurriedly.)

Tuesday July 5 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0. Nostril discharged. Dull morning. Out on bicycle. Down Earls Court. Very pretty well set up tall girl by school. Maid to 27 Cathcart Rd. Pretty. Rags with me. Over Campden Hill. Went past Moray Lodge. Why? Met Pepys Cockerell who had been weeks back from Greece. Developed the last doz of plates taken as far back as Monday 12 June 1893 on Pearce's yacht. Came fairly well. After at work on clearing up. At 8.0 Sir Henry & Lady Bergne, Mrs Bien Cardy & Harry & Mrs Routh, M, Roy & self dined. Very good dinner. Nostril extremely painful. They left at 11.0pm. (Red ink: 1st saw A. Met Pepys Cockerell. Dinner at home. Sir H & Lady Bergne, Mr & Mrs Routh. Asked Burnand & Lady B.) (Cutting glued in: Photograph of G.F.Watts.)

Wednesday July 6 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & cycled round Earls Court. Saw Aphrodite. Home over Campden Hill. In morning printed blues etc. Lunch. After left at 2.30 & by bus to C.C. Perspiring old woman who felt the heat in the bus. At 3.30 photod Miss M for Britannia weeping & (illeg). Out 5.0. Tea at Club. Called at Standens & ordered stockings. After back by bus. Wrote letters at Club. To the Punch Dinner. Very small attendance. F.C.B, self, R.H, O.S, Lucas & B.P only. Partridge late. His wife had had a sun stroke at Chorley Wood. Long weary discussion. Got ghost of Gladstone to do. Left 11.0 & home by bus. Drunken man went all the way for Hammersmith. M up. Had dined at Fleishmann's & very disgusted with the company. Geoff Hamilton came. (Red ink: M dined at Fleishmann's.)

Thursday July 7 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0 & cycled round Earls Court. No Aphrodite. Girls at 27 C.R. Back over Campden Hill. After breakfast schemed subject of Gladstone & Guillotine. Hilton came at 11.45. Boy to Mays. Curious day for July, as black as November. The greatest difficulty in getting a photo at all. Cleared after. Finished at 3.0 & had 2 hrs sleep. Nostril very painful. After put outline in & dressed. At 7.15 left with M in the carriage to dine at Mrs Rouths.


Good dinner. Nostril excessively uncomfortable. Mr Welby, a Swedish lady, Miss Thursby, Mr Gordon, a Colonel & his wife, M, self & the Rouths. Left at 11.0 & home by carriage. Saw the Bergne's carriage going. Bed at 12.0. Geoff Herapath here. (Red ink: M & self dined at the Rouths.)

Friday July 8 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0 & cycled round down Earls Ct with Rags. Saw little Aphrodite girl at 27 Cathcart Road & back thro Kensington Square. After got to work on cut of Ghost of Gladstone. In great pain & discomfort all day with nostril. Finished 6.0pm. After sent patterns off for pyjamas etc etc. Also Miles. Dined at 8.0, M, Geoff & self. Roy out dining at Lennie's. Very seedy & tired after. Great heat & great discomfort from nostril. Roy here 11.0. Went to bed 11.30. Perspiration.

Saturday July 9 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.5. Nostril at last discharged after exactly a week of great pain & discomfort. Put on white coat for 1st time this year & went for walk with Rags. Breakfast. Very hot. Fan. Heavy books. After printed blues & also dressed & left in carriage & went with M to the Far Far East Entrance to Earls Court Exhibition & lunched with Mr & Mrs Hartley. Pleasant company. Mrs Ward, Lady Dorothy Neville, Max Pemberton & many others. Horsley, young German, Douglas Gordon, wife 3 daughters, 17 years between youngest & the next. Left at 4.10 & out at entrance near Earls Court Road. Went round with pretty little girl in Maxim's Flying Machine, M looking on. Otley said that Eton boys coming back from match so did not go down to Butts. Paid for flowers & got fruit & also ham & cream cheese. Back & 2 hours developing plates. M called on Mrs Trench. Roy away with Stern. M, Geoff & self dined & after went to the Earls Court Exhibition again. Difficult to get chairs. Saw Carlisle. Introduced us to a ship owner, a Mr Carriola & another stallion. Diasy came up again. Left 11.0 & home by the carriage from Earls Court end. Bed 12.0. Very hot. (Red ink: M & self went to Earls Court Exn. Eton & Harrow Cricket Match.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Sir William Charley. Saty 9 July 04.)

Sunday July 10 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.45. Out in heat. Roy away. Geoff went with M into the Park. Did not go out. Printed blues etc. Lunch. Slept for 2 hours after. Then at 4.15 to Sir A.Hickmans. Very good game, Talbot & self versus Col Trench & Sir A. 4 sets all. Cup etc. Little dancer draws very well. Dinner at home to Mr & Mrs Phipson Beale. 2 bottles Ayala 1878 wine, A1. 1848 Brandy. They left 11.0. Roy back & Geoff also. Bed 11.30. Very tired. Extremely hot day. (Red ink: Mr & Mrs Phipson Beale dined with us.)

Monday July 11 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0. Lovely bright morning. Out on cycle. Saw Aphrodite. Flats. Back over Palace Gardens. Breakfast. Sent T squares etc, letterweight. Also drew cheque for Orton. After all day tidying up & developing etc. M, self, Geoff & Roy dined. They went to see the Earls Court Exhibition after. Bed at 12.0 after snooze. Very warm. (Red ink: Paid Orton £15.0.0.)


Tuesday July 12 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & out. Rags filthy dirty. Round Earls Court. Saw A with a lengthened skirt since yesterday. Goes to 173 Cromwell Road. Back by school & over Campden Hill. Great gale. Dust flying about. Coals delivered at 8.0am. Dust coming in from outside. Breakfast. After left at 10.0am & to 9 Portland Place by bus & tube. There an hour. Had lower tooth stopped & left denture. Bus to C.C & changed films taken last Wednesday. Home by bus. Lunch. Great wedding at Kensington. After up in room, read Nana & slept for 1½ hrs. Tea. Roy out. Geoff left in middle of dinner to go to the Alhambra. Roy out. Eat some cooked tomato & fish which disagreed with me. Saw May & Lillie Hickman at top of Piccadilly. The wedding was Lord Aberdeen's daughter & Capn Sinclair MP. All day without denture. Had indigestion after. (Red ink: Tooth stopped by Hepburn.)

Wednesday July 13 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0 & out round Earls Court. Saw A. Breakfast. Geoff's last morning. Very hot. All morning tidying up etc. Lunch. Something I eat yesterday, probably tomato & fish, upset me. Indigestion all day. After left & bus to C.C. No letters etc. To Hepburn who fitted denture. Back to C.C. Met Judge Snagge. At 4.30 photod Miss E.Jessop. New camera. St G & Dragon. Out at 5.30. To Garrick & after strolled quietly to the Punch Dinner. F.C.B, self, Lucy (next me) O.S, B.P, E.T.R. Got cut of Bear Posting Bill over Cirque Russe. Sat till 11.0 when home by bus. Roy up & said he had 'outed' Geoff. Bed 12.0. Geoff left in the afternoon. Huge box. Mrs Otley came back.

Thursday July 14 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & out on cycle round Earls Court. No A. Over C.H with Rags & back. Breakfast. After schemed subject of Bear Pasting up Bill over Cirque Russe. At 12.30 photod Otley & done by 3.30pm. Very tired. Slept 1 hr. After to work from 5.0 to 8.15 when M & self dined quietly. Roy out. Bed at 11.0pm. Roy back in night. Electric Light in W.C. (Cutting glued in: Marriage of Bruce Ingram to Amy Foy.)

Friday July 15 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0 & out on cycle. Saw A. Long skirt. After back High Street. Got to work 10.0am & finished at 7.0. Dressed leisurely & strolled to dine with Sir Norman Lockyer. Dr Lockyer, self, Sir - Clarke, Dr Laurence Brunton, Buckler, a guest, Abbey, Sir Alma Tadema, Lord Welby, Lockyer, Sir Wm White, Sir Benjamin Stone. Very good dinner. Bouillebasse. Lady Lockyer in room after. Long talk to Sir Wm White. Tadema could get no cab to take him. Strolled back to High St with him. Home 11.0pm. M & Roy had dined together. (Red ink: Dined with Sir Norman Lockyer.) (Cutting glued in: Creditors meeting. Times T 14 July.)

Saturday July 16 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.10 & out for walk. Gave Old W 3d. Over C.H & after breakfast. Very warm. Looked over the years 'Sketch' etc. Long morning. M preparing to go to Mabel Wallace's wedding. Lunch. Dear Mite came in. After rested an hour & read Conan Doyle's silly story for July. Developed 14 plates films. Spoilt 2 stuck together & one scratched. M back at 6.0pm from Mabel


Wallace's wedding. Very hot. Roy back & went to wedding in motor. Dressed & went out & bought fruit. Back & after M & self dined quite quietly. Intensely hot. Read & to bed at 11.0pm. (Red ink: Mabel Wallace married. M & self went to Abbey's on Sunday morning.) (Cutting glued in: Our London Letter. W.G. T 14 July.)

Sunday July 17 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.45 & out for walk. Hottest morning of year. Saw Weston. Breakfast. Fan etc. After wrote & touched up photos. Put grey suit on & went with M in carriage to call & see Abbey's picture of the Coronation. Disappointed with it. Poor likenesses. After Abbey told me about Fildes having sent the Queen's dress back dirty & Her Majesty furious. Old Duchess of Mecklenburg. There’s the loose B... 'I did not say it'. Lord Rosebery refused to sit. Why? Lord Roberts made 4 appointments, never came. Abbey delighted to see us. Mrs A home. Drove back in the heat. After lunch, M & self, rest from 2.0 to 4.0 when went up to Sir A.Hickmans & played 6 sets of Lawn Tennis. John H & self & Col Trench & self v Roy & Sir A. Beaten every set. Was introduced to a lady & thinking it tea said 'No thank you'. Back & at 8.0 H.W.Langley & Midge & Col & Mrs Trench dined with M, Roy & self. A very pleasant dinner. M drew 2 cheques after. (Red ink: Langleys & Trench's dined with us.)

Monday July 18 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0 & out with Rags round Earls Court. Saw A. Cool east wind. Back 9.15. Lovely morning. After all day sorting & tidying up. Lunch. A rest after. M, Roy & self dined & went to the Earls Court Exhibition by cab after. Saw Dr & Harold Messel & his wife. Roy went 3 times round the wheel. Maxim's Flying Machine. All (illeg). Walked home. (Red ink: M, Roy & self went to Earls Court Exhibition.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Roger Fitz- Hardinge Gage. July 19. Marriage of Leopold Norman to Ursula Soulsby. July. Marriage of John Beaumont to Mabel Wallace. Marriage of John Campbell to Amy Penn. July.)

Tuesday July 19 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & round with Rags to Redcliffe. Met A crossing road. Back. Breakfast. Cooler. After all morning indexing letters etc. Lunch. Left & went up to Miles & had court suit tried on. Called Glyns 40 Old Bond St about hat. On to C.C & Garrick & called Moss's about bags. Home by bus. After dinner M & self went to the Earls Court Exhibition by carriage. Trouble about Press pass at further entrance. Went through Venice by Night. After home by carriage. Roy out. (Red ink: M & self went to Earls Court Exhibition.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Elizabeth Appleton. Death of James Appleton.)

Wednesday July 20 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0. Round to end of Redcliffe Gardens & back Cromwell Rd. Just missed A. Back. Breakfast. Cooler. After all day writing, tidying etc etc. M out in morning. Dressed in blue serge suit & left at 7.5 for Hurlingham. Dined at a round table with Phil Agnew, F.C.B, self, R.H, R.L, O.S, P.A, Lucas, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, L.B. Very good dinner. Offered to take Lucy & F.C.B back. No back seat. Home 11.0. Roy out. Bed 12.0. Pleasant

48 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1904 evening. Lennie & Mite motored down to Stoke Edith in 11 hrs. Left Balcombe 8.30am & arrived at Stoke Edith 7.30. (Cuttings glued in: Marriage of Charles Hill to Ada Lewis. Release of Mrs Maybrick. Thurs 21 July 04.)

Thursday July 21 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0 & out on cycle. Saw A, Cromwell Rd. Congested traffic. No Rags. Warmer. Met F.C.B. Redcliffe Gardens. Doubt about war with Russia over the Malacca business. After back. Letters. Schemed subject of Bear as Buccaneer. Photod Otley 12.30 (illeg). Very hot. After got prints. At 4.0pm up in room. Rested in chair & worked till 8.30pm when M & self dined quietly. Roy out. (Cuttings glued in: Obituary Herbert Campbell. July 20th. Photograph of Herbert Campbell. Marriage of Cornwallis Tottenham to Isabel Thomas. July 21.)

Friday July 22 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & out. Left letter F.C.B. After saw A. Along Earls Court Road past school & over Hill & home. Letters up to 11.0am. Malacca business blown over. Worked hard all day altho rather tired on Bear as Buccaneer. Finished at 9.0. M, Roy & self dined quietly at 9.15pm. All in after. Rest & to bed 12.0. Death of Wilson Barrett. (Red ink: M & self went to see 'The Cingalee' at Daly's Theatre Saty afternoon.)

Saturday July 23 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.20. Very tired. Hot morning. Out for walk. No Rags. No Common. Disappeared. Tramps use dog water for washing. Back. Roy preparing for Hamburg. After wrote letters. Did up T squares etc. All morning clearing. After lunch. Roy at Oxford & Cambridge versus Harvard & Yale. M & self went in the carriage at 1.45 & went to Daly's Theatre to see The Cingalee. Huntley Wright good. Back by bus to Hyde Park Corner & carriage home. Tea & clearing after. M & self dined quietly after. Roy out with Stern. Very hot day & most oppressive. (Cuttings glued in: Obituary of Wilson Barrett. July 23rd. Funeral of Wilson Barrett. July 26.)

Sunday July 24 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Out for walk up Holland Walk. Very hot. In morning clearing. Roy in pottering about. Lunch. After a rest. Roy had left his bicycle at Queens Club. At 4.15 to Sir Alfred Hickmans for the last Sunday's Tennis of the season. Roy & Sir A.H versus Col Trench & self. They beat us about 6 sets to 2 giving us half fifteen. Old dog been operated on for tumour. May H in garden. After left & home to dress & all in carriage to Sir A.H's to dinner, M, Roy & self. 5 minutes late. Dinner of 12. A Lady Trevor amusing. Took Lady Kitson in to dinner. Talk of Strathpeffer. Left at 11.0pm & home by carriage. So ends a very pleasant season at Palace Gardens. (Red ink: M, Roy & self dined at Lady Hickman's after Tennis. Last Sunday's Tennis 1904.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Walter Tatton.)

Monday July 25 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & out on bicycle. Holidays commenced for High School. Saw A walking along. Back, breakfast, over Campden Hill. Very warm in morning. After all the morning clearing etc. Lunch. Left with M in the

49 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1904 carriage at 3.30 & put down for meeting at the Garrick Club for 4.0. Parcel to Mays. M went on to an at home at Lady Grove's in Bedford Square. After speeches by Carr, Poland, Bancroft etc. Great show of hands in favour of Club remaining where it is. Lord Burnham & also Sir George Faudel Phillips. Left at 5.0. On to C.C & then to Moss's & bought 2 bags for £4.14.0. Then met May C or W? which. Then to Glyn's for cap. Then to Miles for suit tried on. Then strolled along Oxford Street. Great rain & thunder storm came on. Took shelter & then a cab to Bouverie Steet. Punch Dinner. F.C.B, self, R.L, O.S, P.A, Lucas, B.P, E.T.R. Got cut of Shying at Cocoa Nuts. Gave my opinion on it. Partridge Hobby Horse. Left at 11.0. Violent rain. Home by bus. (Red ink across page: Punch Dinner for Bank Holiday.)

Tuesday July 26 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Out for walk. Heavy rain in the night. Saw Old W. Gave her 3d. 3 little kittens swept round the corner. Back. Breakfast. After wrote many letters. At 11.30 schemed subject of Campbell Bannerman shying at Cocoa Nuts. Had sent Otley up to Moss Bros for 2 new bags, or one new & one old one, 2nd hand. He back 12.30 & at 12.45 photod him & bags or baskets for cocoa nuts. Late lunch, M & self. Up in room at 4.0 & on to work till 8.30pm. Roy out with Stern dining & carriage fetched him at 10.0pm. M & he to bed 10.40. Rest & bed 12.0am. (Cuttings glued in: Death of Clara Herkler. Marriage of James Spillane to Marion Beaufort.).

Wednesday July 27 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0. Out. Wet morning, dull. Saw 3 little kittens. After back. Breakfast. Roy bothering about his packing. Up in room & worked all day at drawing of Campbell Bannerman shying at Cocoa Nuts. Roy sent his things on to Balcombe. Dear M in room. Told me 3 little kittens were Mrs Hartley's daughters. After worked on. Roy home & left in Stern's motor at 6.0pm to go to Balcombe for Goodwood. Worked on till 8.30pm when I finished cartoon & dined with M. Rest & after bed at 12.0. News of Oswestry Election, against the Government.

Thursday July 28 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30 & out. Great rise in the Glass. No kittens. Holidays commenced. Walk over Campden Hill. After breakfast man from Harrods came about repair of windows. Up in room. Ordered 2nd suit of Shetlands. Quiet day tidying & re-arranged all my 5 x 4's in smaller boxes. Roy at Mite's. M & self dined quietly together & bed 12.0 after. (Cuttings glued in: Death of Frederick Goodall. Marriage of Harold Austen to Annie Maclean.)

Friday July 29 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0 & cycled round by Earls Court. No A. Over Park or through Palace Gardens after. Breakfast & went off at 10.20 & up to Bond St. Called with cloth about cap. On to C.C & at 12.0 sharp photod 2 Miss Woodcocks. Out at 1.25 & home to lunch. After rest went on with 5 x 4's. At 8.10 Orton dined with us, 1st time for many years. Long yarn. He stayed until 11.50 when left. Bed. Roy at Mite's. (Red ink: Orton dined with us.) (Cuttings glued in: Obituary of William Adams. Thurs 28 July. Obituary of Frederick Goodall, RA. Aug 1.)


Saturday July 30 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. Walk over Hill & down Holland Walk. No Old W. After the entire day tidying & 5 x 4 boxes. Labelling etc etc. Very heavy wet in the afternoon. M ordered the carriage & sent it back again. After dinner we went by bus to the Earls Court Exhibition & listened to new band. Not the Welcome Club. Wet underfoot. Strolled home at 11.0. Bed 12.15. Roy at Mite's. (Red ink: M & self went after dinner to the Earls Court Exhibition.)

Sunday July 31 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Lovely morning. Round Holland Walk. Roy at Mite's. Otley said the horse was not well. Very annoyed. All morning putting 5 x 4's in smaller boxes. Lunch & immediately after M & self went in a 4 wheeler to the Zoo. Not many people. Took 18 photos, Lions, Eagles, Bears etc. All thro' bars. Melancholy Bear waving his paw. Lost my Dora's marriage gloves. Left on seat. Home by carriage. The horse going very sluggishly. The Oswald Crawfurds called. M in doubt who she was. M & self had a very quiet dinner by ourselves & bed at 11.0 after. (Red ink: Roy at Balcombe. Horse ill. M & self went to the Zoological Gardens.)

Monday August 1 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0 & out with Rags round Park who left me & rolled. Went by Marble Arch. Breakfast & the whole day putting 5 x 4's away & made divisions etc etc. M & self a quiet peaceful tidying day. Roy at Mite's. Otley came in about 6.0pm or rather 7.45 to say that the horse was seriously ill & he had to have a vet to him. Very anxious. M & self dined quietly & had hard sardines. Otley out on enquiring for the horse. Bed after reading The Court in Exile. At 12.0am dropped my Waterbury watch on carpet & broke it. (Red ink: Horse seriously ill. Otley came round to say so.)

Tuesday August 2 Stafford Terrace. Up Up 8.10 & out on bicycle short turn round Park. No Rags. Horse better thankful to say. Very warm. In morning wrote Galbraith etc. Finished 5 x 4's & began Almanack page in earnest. Lunch with M. Rest after & squared Times etc. No one called. Roy back in evening from Mite's. M & self dined quietly & quiet peaceful evening after. Very hot weather. (Cutting glued in: Death of Martha Maitland-Heriot.)

Wednesday August 3 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15 & cycled round Park. Back & all day tidying & putting 5 x 4's in boxes. Lunch. After left in afternoon at 5.45 & up by bus. Called at Glyns & also Miles. After to C.C for letters & walked to Punch Dinner after in new Panama hat. Very hot. F.C.B, self, O.S, L.B, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L. Long discussion. Got Bear cut to do. Suggested Partridge's subject for him & got him out of doing Troops of Children. Home on the top of a bus. Very hot. 'Punch' Dinner decided for next Tuesday to oblige me. Got a puncture going past Albert Hall & had to walk back. Met Coward & 2 girls. "What! Not gone yet?"


Thursday August 4 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15 & cycled short turn round Park. Back & wrote letters. Then schemed subject of Bear with a Pain & German Emperor. Intensely hot all day. The hottest day for 4 years. 86º in my room. Photod Otley for Bear in sun. After my photos all right but the bromide ran down the screen & had to do them over again after going to Whitcocks to photo a motor for Xmas picture. Back. Finished before ten. Dear M in my room & we dined quietly together at 8.15pm. Bed after snooze. My Electric Light exploded by making a short circuit by the water overflowing & wetting the cord. At 7.30pm Otley got a man to make the connection. (Red ink: Frightfully hot.)

Friday August 5 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & out for walk over C.H. Met no one. After all day at work on drawing of Bear with a Pain. Electric Light would not work. Put it on to dark one. Finished 8.45 & M & self dined by ourselves. M in room. Dear Mite's birthday. Wrote to her. Quiet evening & bed after. (Red ink: Mite's birthday.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Thomas Tanqueray. Aug 5.)

Saturday August 5 Stafford Terrace. Up at 9.5am. Both M & self overslept ourselves. Roy down & off to the City before we came down. Did not go out. After all day tidying, printing etc. Developed plates taken last Sunday & the motor car on Thursday. At 5.30 M had gone on to Slaters. Followed her & bought fruit. Walk round the Round Pond. Stiff breeze & model yachts & a little steamer in Round Pond. After home. Roy, Douglas Herapath, M & self dined. Boys went to the Exhibition after. Bed 11.30. M & self went to stables to see the horse. Otley had had distinctly too much & was quite stupid. (Red ink: Otley drunk in afternoon.) (Cuttings glued in: Obituary Lady Tweedmouth. Sat 6 Aug. Funeral of Lady Tweedmouth. Wed 10 Aug.)

Sunday August 7 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Out 9.15. Up Holland Walk. Cleared drinking fountain. Beautifully cooler. After I packed bags & printed blues. Roy in to lunch. Rest & wrote many letters. At 5.35 took M for walk down to Serpentine. Rags ran back. Home. Wood about blinds. Roy out to dinner. Daggles to arrive. Daggles did come to dinner with M & self. Last evening of season after in Drawing Room. M & Daggles looking at maps & tearing them out. Bed 11.30 after reading. (Red ink: Last evening of season in Drawing Room.)

Monday August 8 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & out in gale round Park. After back. No opportunity of speaking to Otley. At 10.30 photod Whitcock in motor. Beautiful bright sun. After in afternoon developed it & remaining photos of Miss McKenzie etc. Rest & after letters & finished arranging plates etc. Quiet afternoon. M & self dined quietly together & in Morning Room after, the Drawing Room being dismantled & covered up. Otley ought to have come round to help the maids but did not. Curtains being shaken. After M & self dined quietly. In Morning Room after. Bed 11.15pm. Motor car came up for Roy at 8.0pm who went off to dine at the Hyde Park Hotel in straw hat. (Red ink: Photod motor for Xmas Page.)


Tuesday August 9 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & cycled round Park. Back & breakfast. After printed blues & tidied up etc. Letters. Lunch. After left at 2.30 & by cab up to C.C. There at 3.0. Bother about my carriers for the camera. Sands & Hunter had taken them away. Broke the lifting gear of camera. At 3.45 Miss R.M came, 1st time since April 1902. Took 30 films. Some N. Out & to the Garrick. Wash etc & strolled down to the Savoy for 'Punch' Dinner in panama hat. L.B, F.C.B, self, Graves back, R.L, O.S, E.T.R, B.P, H.W.L. A remarkably good dinner, A1. Left 11.30 after making 2 cuts up. Just missed bus lopping along. Waited 10 minutes. A dance going on at the Savoy. Home & to bed. Out again to post letter. Roy in. In the morning gave Otley a serious talking to. (Red ink: Punch dinner at 'The Savoy'. Very good.)

Wednesday August 10 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0 & out. Cycled round Park & back at 9.15. After letters schemed subject of Balfour on Moor Shooting. At 11.30 Edwards a model recommended by Boughton came. Proved a very little man & no good whatever. Photod him & Otley. Forgot to expose plate on table figure binding up legs. Developed. Midge called. Lunch. Rested 1 hour after & got all done at 4.0pm. Went on to work until 8.30pm or 8.15 when M & self dined quietly together. Frances waited for the last time. Roy out. Bed at 11.0 after reading. Roy gave a little dinner at the Garrick Club to Stern. M would insist on my eating greengages. Swallowed a greengage stone.

Thursday August 11 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.0am & up in room & worked to 8.30. Bath. After out. Saw man about tree in front, yucca. Short walk. Breakfast. After letters on to work. Finished at 5.0pm easily. Lunch 1.0pm, tea 4.0. Dressed & put hand bags up & dined 5.45 with M. Last view of Frances. Roy back 6.45. Goodbye. Got in bus at 7.0pm, Otley going, & drove to Euston. Beautiful clouds & evening in London. At station not the slightest crowd & no trouble whatever. Got to sleeping berth. Naughty little children. Hon A McDonnell in a berth. Read Conan Doyle's story in Strand. After to sleep at 9.30. M did not sleep well. Took off my collar in the night. (Red ink: Left Stafford Terrace for Ayrshire.)

Friday August 12 On board train, Newton Stewart. Called 4.15 am. Had slept fairly well, M not well. Out. Misty & slight drizzle. Got into trap closed taking a box. Long drive to Drumlanford. Then 7.0am. Tea. Mrs P.B up. Shewn to rooms. Changed & put on homespun suit. Very good breakfast, soused herring, at 8.30. M hers in her room. Started 9.45am. Keeper Stewart. Guns, Mr P.B, self & Mr Young. Lovely day & slight breeze. Got the 1st grouse shot. After shot indifferently. About 7 brace to self. Mr Borthwick joined us at lunch. No soda water, only burn water. Bag 14 brace & a couple of snipe. After divided. Wandered off with Mr P.B. Got very tired. 8½ hours walking. Home at 6.0pm. Bolted for cold coffee. After some tea very good bath. Changed. Dinner 7.30. No Champagne. Whiskey & soda. Very tired & done up. Talk after & all went to bed at 10pm. Tumbled in & asleep in a minute. Great gale in the night. (Red

53 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1904 ink across page: M & self arrived Drumlanford. Shot all day.) (Cutting glued in: Death of William Renshaw.)

Saturday August 13 Drumlanford, Ayrshire. Up at 7.45. Bath. Had slept heavily, M also. Great gale in the night & reversal of weather. Pouring with rain. Breakfast 8.30am. Good. Lady Margaret suit. After left at 10.0 & walked a long way out in the rain. Changed for Gaberdine coat. Only got 1 grouse up to lunch. Missed snipe. Lunch in the rain at a ruined farm after seeing an old Scotch woman who lives with her sister at a farm. Lunch in an old unused garden. Poured all the time. After got 1 snipe, 1 plover, 2 grouse & that was all. Guns Mr P.B, self, Mr Young, Mr Borthwick. My blue great coat taken out by mistake. Home at 4.0. Changed & bath. Letters. Tea. Doggie Bobs. M & others played Bridge. Dressed. Dinner. Grouse. After cigar played Bridge till 11.5pm. Bed. Slept well. Still blowing & pouring with rain. (Red ink: Pouring wet day. Shot in it all day. Drumlanford.)

Sunday August 14 Drumlanford, Ayrshire. Up at 8.0. Bath. Finer morning, sun but colder. Good breakfast. After read Tales of my Grandfather 1715 - 1745 Rebellions. Short walk with Mr P.B & Bobs. Caught M & Miss Thompson up. Lunch. After smoke & read. Up in room & with magazine of 1884. Read about Greek cities & Roman dominions. After all but Mr B went for walk along the road to Barr Hill. Back. Dressed & dinner. Champagne. Talk after & bed at 10.30. Tried the bottled cider at lunch. Cognac with coffee. (Red ink: Quiet day. Walks.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of the Rev Marshall Tweddell. Death and Obituary of Elizabeth Duchess of Wellington.)

Monday August 15 Drumlanford, Ayrshire. Up a 7.10. Bath & after very windy morning. Started to shoot 10.50 & all 4 guns walked along the road to Barr Hill. Drew lots. Mr Borthwick & self together. Mr B & Mr Y separate. Had not started 2 minutes before a golden plover got up. Shot it but could not be picked up. Got about 3 brace of grouse to self all day. Lunched together. After separated. Very few birds. Rest at 4.0pm & walked home by 5.45. Paper & letters. Dinner. Snipe. Drank cider. Never again. Played Bridge. Never held a card. Took some whiskey. Bed 11.15pm. (Red ink: Mr Borthwick & I shot together, Drumlanford.) (Cuttings glued in: The Earl of Tankerville's invitation. Lord Tankerville and Dr Lunn. Times Wed Oct 5.)

Tuesday August 16 Drumlanford, Ayrshire. Up 7.15 with a headache which lasted nearly all day. Taking whiskey. All left at 9.50 in break & drove towards Barr Hill. Began at a farm with a paralytic owner. Walked for ages along a wall. Got to lunch 2½ brace 1½ after. Never had a chance at snipe. Bird lost at a wall. Got him after. Lunch at spring. Grouse. Felt very sleepy & tired after lunch. Up & on again. Up & down. At the last Beale got a cock pheasant & a snipe. Golden plover came over. Left off 6.15 & home by break. Letters. Dressed. Dinner. Tired after. Did not play Bridge. Bed 10.30pm. (Red ink: Indifferent day's shoot at


Drumlanford. Brown suit.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Frederic Inderwick. Obituary of Frederic Inderwick.)

Wednesday August 17 Drumlanford, Ayrshire. Up 7.35. Very tired in morning. Pouring with rain. Breakfast. After all morning read old English classics, The World etc etc 1755. Lunch. Again read. Sleepy, very. After at 5.0 went with Mr Borthwick to catch trout with a worm. Not a bite. Walked back & past the Colonel's House Boat with Mr Y & B. A huge Newfoundland dog. Bath. Dinner. Bridge after. Lost 157 pts. Bed 11.0pm. Colonel Hay-Boyd. (Red ink: Rained all day. Tried the burn for trout. Oh!) (Cuttings glued in: The wife of Louis Samron, of a daughter. The wife of W.Starr, of a daughter. The wife of Sir Charles Tennant, of a daughter.)

Thursday August 18 Drumlanford, Ayrshire. Up 7.30. Slept well & M also. Breakfast. After at 10.30 M, Miss Thompson, P.B, Mr Y & self & Stewart all went in break to pool to fish. There at 11.5. Took 1 dozen photos. At 12.50 Stewart hooked a fish & played it. Gaffed at 1.0pm. Mr P.B lost a beauty by hook breaking just before lunch at 1.45pm. Lunch. Whipped the burn after. 2 or 3 rose. On to the rock pool. Left off 4.30 & walked home. Miss Tuer & Mrs Fuller Maitland there. Tea. Letters & passes. Wrote letters & diary. Shower. Finer. Bath. Good dinner. Game of Bridge after, Mrs B & self versus M & Mrs Beale. Each won a game. Bed at 11.0. Changed plates. (Red ink: Fishing day at Drumlanford.) (Cutting glued in: Social news. W.G. Th 18 Aug 04.)

Friday August 19 Drumlanford, Ayrshire. Up at 8.30. Good breakfast. After the Factor came. Left in break at 10.0, Factor, 4 guns etc. Shot over moor past Col Hay-Boyd's. Long walk without a shot. Gun did not pull at a snipe. Shot 1 grouse not picked up till after lunch. Lunch. Midges very troublesome. No, grouse picked up just before lunch. After continued walk by fishing ground of yesterday. Got a grey hen, 3 snipe & 1 golden plover after just at the last. Beale disappointed at bag of grouse. Home by 6.0. No news. Tea. Wrote letters etc. Let a fine old black cock off. Terribly bitten by midges. Bath & dinner. Bridge after. Bed 11.0. (Red ink: Lack of grouse at shoot. Good snipe day. Let a black cock off.) (Cuttings glued in: In Memoriam Thomas Hamp. The wife of Arthur Scawen Blunt, of a son.)

Saturday August 20 Drumlanford, Ayrshire. Up at 7.30. Breakfast at 8.30. Wore Lady M suit. After all off at 9.30 & walked with Beale & Miss Thompson to gate at 10.50. A motor came up. OS1. Mr Fox & grandson, Mr Jonas & an old surveyor with a voice like Edmund Maurice's. Got bird 1st shot at N˚ 3 butt. Moved up 2 all day. At 4th drive got 7 birds 6 picked up. Lunch. Good. M, Miss T & Mrs B came. Hot sun. On again & 9 drives altogether. 40 brace of grouse etc. 7.10 when left off. Most lovely evening & brilliant hot sun. Home 7.40. No bath. Dinner 8.15. Good. Bridge after & bed 11.0pm. (Red ink: Best day's shoot at Drumlanford. Driving.) Same old man shot in 1906 as above.


Sunday August 21 Drumlanford, Ayrshire. Up at 7.35. Tired. No water in bath as tap had been left on. Probably me. Lower W.C. A grey wet morning & grey all day. Breakfast. After sat about & read nearly all day & wrote letters. Read a book by Samuel Butler entitled Erewhon. Written 1868 & like Lilliput & also The Coming Race. Lunch. After up in M's room for rest. Mr Young weeding all day. Tea. Walk after. Tiff about getting the boat out to go to island. Mr Y & Mr B went to No 7 Butt on far moor to get pipe. Dinner. Champagne. After read & looked at 1897 Punch. Own work not so good. Bed 11.0pm. (Cutting glued in: The wife of Anthony Hope Hawkins, of a daughter.)

Monday August 22 Drumlanford, Ayrshire. Up at 7.30. Breakfast. After all four went out to go at the back of the Butts for wounded birds, or rather 3 of us. Beale joined at luncheon. Guessed the range of hills 7 miles. Got a hare before lunch. 3 brace of grouse. No snipe. Left off in field by stables. Put dress things in bag. Dinner. Bridge. Bed at 11.0pm. Last night at Drumlanford. (Red ink: Good pick-up shoot. Last at Drumlanford. Death of Colonel Rich. Found dead off his horse.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Francis Jeune. M 22 Augt.)

Tuesday August 23 Drumlanford, Ayrshire. Up 7.0. Breakfast 8.0am. After Beale & Mr Borthwick off across loch to shoot with Mr Fox. Going to loch for trout. A young Mrs Beale came. M & self finished packing. Lunch put up. Tips £1.0.0 Stewart, 5/s Under Keeper, 7/6 Boots. Goodbye to Mrs B & Miss Thompson & M & self started at 10.55. Drove to Newton Stewart. Sent parcel off & wire to Wolff. Got to Newton Stewart 12.50. Ruined village passed. Long drive. A Miss Saint on platform. M.I.S. 11.15 to Carlisle. Slight bother with luggage on platform. Mr Jackson of Midland Railway. Saw dear M off. Cup of tea. Impudent barmaid. Ticket to Perth £1.0.6d return. Left at 4.30. Got to Perth punctually 8.0pm. Mr Hamilton met me. Letters & one from Mrs Pirrie. Very good dinner. Coffee after & wrote M, Mrs Pirrie & others. Bed 11.15. Read. Dropped silver in night. Slept well. (Red ink: Left Drumlanford. Parted with M at Carlisle.) Mrs McAndrew was Jeanetta Bond. (Cutting glued in: Death of Emily Reid.)

Wednesday August 24 Station Hotel, Perth. Up 7.30. Picked up silver. No bath. Breakfast at 8.30. Good. Bill. Drew cheque £2.0.0. Left at 9.0. Came across Mrs Arthur Lewis on platform looking well. Left Perth 20 minutes late. Got to Ballechin at 11.20. Met by Wolff. Room I had not been in before. Mr Coats & Toots, Mr Torrey. Went for motor ride from 11.45 to 1.15. Foot of Loch Tay. New motor. Changed hastily & lunch. Left at 2.15 to shoot near moor with Torrey. Rode pannier pony. Most uncomfortable. Hoisted on by Torrey. The worst ride I ever had. Began to shoot 3.10pm. Got a right & left 1st point & 3 hares. Shot altogether 6½ brace out of 9½, 4 brace grouse & 2½ black game. One good shot just before leaving off. Walk back by 7.30. Dressed & dinner. A Mr & Mrs Wilson. She x between Mrs Bosanquet & Ellie Ritchie. He a motor maker. Mr & Mrs McAndrew. He a wooden headed stock broker. She like Mrs Reid, sister of Mary Bond. Grateful champagne. After played disastrous game of bridge. Coats & self v Wolff & Mrs Wilson. Lost 6/s. After divided a pool, won


3/6. Bed 11.30pm. Uneasy sleep. (Red ink across page: Arrived Ballechin. Shot with Torrey across moor.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Margaret Russell. Death of Lady Reid.)

Thursday August 25 Ballechin, Ballinluig. Up at 8.10. Woke with a headache & seedy. Down. Wrote letters before breakfast 9.0pm. Letters from M & H.Langley. Scramble to get off. Mr C, Mr T, Wilson & self. To far moor. Rode white pony. Left 10.15 & got to dogs at 12.0. Shot with Mr Coats & only fired 4 cartridges to 2 hares. Coats got a brace immediately. Long weary walk. Lunch. Felt chilled altho' put waistcoat on. Uncomfortable. Borrowed Coats' coat. On again. More violent hill climbing & no birds. Got nothing after lunch, C brace & a half. Heavy rain came on & miserably cold. No birds. Left off at 4.10pm. Long walk home. Rode white pony from burn to middle of wood. Walked rest with C. Changed. Hot bath. Met Toots in hall who said it was not allowed. Wolff back at 6.0. In room & wrote diary. Still grey & rainy. Dinner. Took Mrs McAndrew in. No Bridge or Billiards. Frivolous games after. Bed at 11.15pm. (Red ink: Went to (illeg). Rain & (illeg)). (Cutting glued in: Mr T.A.Lawrence appointed High Court Judge.)

Friday August 26 Ballechin, Ballinluig. Up at 8.15. Slept better. New suit. Breakfast. Long letter from H. After in lower room & wrote letters from 9.30 to 1.15pm, M, Langley, etc etc. Lunch. After read a book Wolff gave me called Gallia. Fairly good. There till 4.45 when took camera & went up the hill. Took 11 photos altogether, a group at 1.20pm. Coats, McAndrew & Torrey went to shoot the wood. Sorry I did not go after as they got 2 roebuck, 3 brace black game, grouse, rabbits etc. Went at 6.30 into the gooseberry garden & eat raspberries. Smoke & back. Wilson took the ladies to Loch Rannock. Bath & dressed. Took Mrs Wilson in to dinner. Stories. After Bridge. Did not play. Beat Mr Wilson 100 up by 30 points. After a pool. Lost 2/s, Torrey taking it all. Changed plates. Woke as usual. Wilson's firm Wilson & Pilcher. P killed experimenting on aeroplane. (Red ink: Idle day. Did not shoot.) (Cuttings glued in: In Memoriam Campbell Clarke. Demolition of a famous windmill. Aug 26.)

Saturday August 27 Ballechin, Ballinluig. Up 8.45. Good soles for breakfast. After wrote M, Otley etc & at 10.30 was hoisted on pony by Torrey. Left with Mr Coats & went up to Pitcastle Moor riding white pony. Began to walk 11.30. Took photos. Just before lunch I got a teal with a very long shot. Lunch in the old Boat Hut. Good. Yarns abt family etc. Frightful walk up hill after. Coats going higher. Got a sporting shot at grouse & got one, Coats 2. Missed one by fence & got another walking home. Self 2 grouse & 1 teal. Total bag 4½ grouse & 1 teal. Photod Sandy & his pony, Coats etc & long house. Walk home. Wolff & McA got no fish. Most comfortable bath & dressed leisurely. Dinner. Took Miss May in. Good stories etc. After Torrey gave me 35 in hundred & I won by 1. After beat Mr McAndrew. Talk to Wilson. Others at Bridge. Bed 12.20. Woke at 4.0am. (Red ink: Shot with Mr Coats at Pitcastle Moor.)


Sunday August 28 Ballechin, Ballinluig. The Wilson's motor left at 8.0am. Up 8.30 & breakfast. Wonderful haddock. After wrote letters till 11.45. Bozey killed a rat. Played 1 set of Lawn Tennis, Mr McA & self v Freddy & Mrs McA. 5 to 1 at first, then 5 all. Deuce, when they won by 1 point. Up in room. Changed everything. Put on light suit. In Morning Room. Sleep. After read 'Pigs in Clover'. Attractive at 1st, bosh after. More letters after tea, Lady Jeune & M. Dressed at 7.15. Intensely close. Warm & thundery. Good dinner. Champagne. Cut in after & played Bridge with Wolff, Mr Coats & McAndrew. Won 4/s. Nothing after. Bed 11.20. Slept indifferently. (Red ink: Very hot & close. Played Lawn Tennis before lunch.)

Monday August 29 Ballechin, Ballinluig. Up 8.15. Down. Breakfast. Letters. After wrote. At 11.0 started 4 guns to shoot ferreted rabbits. Coats & self got 10 to 12 cartridges before lunch, 5 after, 45 in all. Left off at 4.50 & home. Close to. The McArthurs had left & another couple came up in a motor at 5.30. Tea in Billiard Room. Into garden after. Took 4 photos, greenhouse etc. Eat raspberries. In room. Camera sticks in the spring shutter. Bath. Dressed. Very thirsty. The couple were Major & Mrs Caysor. He only 33. She a little tub of a woman looking ten years older. Dinner. Good. Must have taken too much of something as I had a wretched sick headache in the morning. After played Bridge. Asked all sorts of questions by Mrs C. Won 4/3. After played another. Coats & self v Wolff & Torrey. Neither won. Bed 12.30. Woke up several times. (Red ink: Rabbit shoot at Ballechin.)

Tuesday August 30 Ballechin, Ballinluig. Up at 8.15. Woke several times. Extraordinary quantity of U. Bath. A sick headache all morning. Worst breakfast of all. Wrote M etc. Up in room & packed. Felt most slack & seedy the entire day. Bilious. Lunch. Very warm & stuffy. Long talk with Mrs Cayzor after & rest in chair again. Weary afternoon. Tea. Torrey & Cayzor in at 5.45 or 6.0. Only 5 brace. Left 6.20. Long wait at station. Came on stuffy & raining. Perth. Dinner. Came across the McAndrews. No wine or smoke. Train ½ hour late. Carriage to self & slept fairly well. Lay down 10.30pm. Never saw a guard. (Red ink: Idle day. Very seedy with bilious headache. Left Ballechin at 6.20pm.)

Wednesday August 31 On board train from Perth. Uneasy slumber. Woke up near Willesden. Euston 8.15. Otley met me with cab & drove home. There 9.5am. Bath & breakfast. After put things straight. Weighed Rodinal etc. Lunch. Left at 2.0 & by bus to Sands & Hunters, after C.C. At 3.30 E.D came. Without dress after all. Took a few dancing & 1 portrait. Out & tea at Garrick. Saw Lehmann & Cyril Maude. Dressed. Heavy rain. Bus on to Pagani's restaurant for Punch Dinner. A large attendance. Phil A, Lawrence B, O.S, self, R.H, Graves, R.L, B.P, Lucas, Lucy. Weary discussion. Indifferent dinner, badly waited on. Man in a frock coat. Got subject of Bear & Dogs. Felt tired. Left 11.5 & home by the tube. Still wet & miserable. Bed 12.30. Marguerite called out? Seaman told me of dream he had last night. Sudden death of Mr Linley Sambourne.


Consequently wired Raven Hill to come. (Red ink: Arrived London from Ballechin.)

Thursday September 1 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0 & over Campden Hill. Was run after by Old Woman with a letter. Told her she must not follow me. Home. Breakfast. Letters etc. Schemed subject of Bear & Dogs. Wet morning. Enlarged some plates at 12.50, Otley helping. After to work, resting an hour in the Morning Room till tea. Worked up to 8.20 when dined by self. Read Macmillans Magazine about Roman families. Bed at 11.30 after snooze. Roy at Stoke Edith, M at Harrogate.

Friday September 2 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0. Slept in Roy's room. Out & round avoiding Old W. Back. Breakfast & all day hard at work on Bear at Bay with Dogs. Not very pleased with it when finishd at 9.45. Dined by self & rest after. Bed at 1.0am. (Red ink: Not a good cartoon.) (Cutting glued in: Death of James Archer.)

Saturday September 3 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30. Felt very tired. Out & up Holland Walk. No Common. Back. Breakfast. Saw man from Harrods about the blinds. Packed & wrote cheques & letters. Put photos away. Lunch 12.30 or 12.50 & left in a 4 wheel cab to catch the 1.40pm for Stoke Edith. Crowded train. Was put in compartment with very odd couple. Not bad looking woman. Champagne lunch. Offered some to me. After they got out at Malvern. Nearly choked in the tunnel. Arrived Stoke Edith & found Evelyn Fletcher, Dora & Miss Forster. Roy looking well & a young Burn. Tea. All went for walk to & up hill. Back. Croquet. Hamilton Langley arrived 6.50pm. Dressed & 5 minutes late for dinner. Good Champagne etc. Game of strings. Corner packets after. Bed at 11.30. Slept all right. Most exquisite light & sun on the Carpet Garden. (Red ink: Went to Stoke Edith by self.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of James Archer.)

Sunday September 4 Stoke Edith Park. Up 8.15 & out. Breakfast 9.30am. Good. After wrote letters, pipe etc. Walked with Roy at 12.0 to Tarrington. Hot going back. All back from church. Looked out Garborieau's 'Little old man of Batignolles'. In garden with Dora. Eat figs, plums, apples etc. Lunch. At 3.45 all, Dora, Evelyn, Miss Forster, self, Paul, Roy & Burn, went to Adam Rock & a single tree. Good walk. Back at 6.30pm. Pipe. Looked over Dora's bureaux, Boudoir, etc. Dressed & dinner. Took Claret. Played Paul 2 games of Billiards after. One I got to 97. Beaten both. Read 1st vol of Notes & Queries. Bed 11.30. Roy up later. (Red ink: Lovely day & walk at Stoke Edith. Went to the Adam Stone.)

Monday September 5 Stoke Edith Park. Up 8.0am. bath. Breakfast 9.0. Wore homespun. Goodbye to Roy. Started at 10.0am with Langley in a ricketty pony cart. Began to shoot partridges at 10.30. 5 guns, self, Paul F, H.W.L, Mr Foster & Mr Simpson Hayward. Missed a hare 1st shot. Got in day 7 brace to own gun & 9 hares. Bag 42 brace, 37 hares. Lunch. Talk of O.S. After went on got 3 birds to 2

59 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1904 barrels. Left off at 5.20. Home at 6 in Langley's cart. Old Keeper of 80, name Cook. Tired. Tea. Hot bath. Wrote diary. After dinner. Took child Evelyn in. Champagne. Very tired after. Played Paul 2 games 100 up. He gave me 20. Beat him both games. Others at Bridge. Bed 11.15. Read 'The Heart of Rome'. Uneasy waking. Kept Electric Light burning. (Red ink: Good day's partridge shoot Stoke Edith Park. Roy went up to town.)

Tuesday September 6 Stoke Edith Park. Up at 8.0 & got up tired. Breakfast. Miss Forster left. She lives at Newbury. Wrote 3 letters. All started at 10.0, Dora & Evelyn going also but not Mr Foster who joined after. Shot all round house & up hill. Got 2 birds 1st starting. Lunch altogether behind hedge on High Road. After long walk thro' hop gardens. Got altogether 5½ brace & about 9 hares own gun, total bag 19½ brace, 32 hares. Tip 10/s to Head Keeper, 4/s gun cleaner & 2/6 carrying cartridges. Left off at 5.0pm. 3 cups tea. Bath & milk & soda. Rest for 1½ hrs & dressed. Read 'Heart of Rome'. Dinner. Good talk. Cigar. After beat Hamilton L 100 up. String game. Bed 11.10. Woke 3.0 to 4.0am. Uneasy rest. (Red ink: 2nd day's shoot Stoke Edith.)

Wednesday September 7 Stoke Edith Park. Up 8.0. Curious dream of M & self coming down Highland Rly. Breakfast. After wrote letters. Heart of Rome. Packed. Sat about. All went for walk to see the hop gardens. Lunch at 2.15. Dora, Eveleen & self left without seeing Paul, H or S.H. Girls went to Worcester. On to London. Slept in train to nearly Langley Station. Otley met me at 4.10pm. Home. Unpacked. Dressed & left for Punch D at 5.35. Called C.C, Garrick. Wrote letters. To Punch D. Phil A, O.S, self, R.H, Lucas & Lucy. Cosy little dinner. Got cut of Bear & Europe. R.H blundering (illeg) cartoon. Left & home by bus. Girl like Ethel Barrymore on bus. Spoken to by man in evening dress. Read & to bed 12.20. M's light going. Slept well. (Red ink: Came up by self from Stoke Edith Park. 1st invite for Springkell issued for Dec 8th to 13th.) (Cuttings glued in: Obituary John Billington. Photograph John Billington.)

Thursday September 8 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0 & out 8.35. Little girl from stables 8.40. No Old W. Wet. Home. Rags & cat. Breakfast. Looked out photos for Raven Hill. Schemed subject Europa & Bear. Difficulty. Sent Otley to Mays. At 12.45 photod him for Russian. Enlarged 2 photos. Lunch. Finished by 3.0pm. Rest from 3.15 to 4.30. Looked over 1886 Punch. Tea. Letter to M. Diary etc. Worked up to 8.30 when dined by self. Did not get on as well as usual. Bed 12.0am. (Red ink: 1st Lot.)

Friday September 9 Stafford Terrace. Up at 7.30 & wrote letters. Out with Rags. Little Lot. Round & home. Got to work at 10.0am & got on. Bother with figure. Lunch & on. Began to shade 5.0pm. Not pleased with block when done. Would have been better with 1st composition. Finished 9.30 when dined very tired. Rest after & bed at 1.0am. Haunch of venison came from V.W. Sent it on to Lady Burnand. News of invite to Springkell for December 8th.


Saturday September 10 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.5. Out for walk. Lovely morning. Saw labourers in Work Shelter & went back & got camera & took plates of it. Breakfast. After letters to Watney, M, Lady Burnand etc. Put all photos away. At 12.0 photod self & Otley for motor car & enlarged. Very good venison for luncheon. Rest an hour & at 4.0 left for Camera Club. At 5.0 B.J & sister came. No good. Lucky I did not give up the morning. Left 5.30 & home by bus. Bought pears, plums, ham etc. Wrote diary. Letter to M. Dined 7.45 & went by cab to Empire. Poor show. Old Katie Launer thrust herself before the curtain. Home by bus & bed. (Red ink: Went to the Empire by self.)

Sunday September 11 Stafford Terrace. Up at 9.0am. No walk. Breakfast. Went off at 10.15 in serge suit to Victoria by bus. Down to Dover with one other by Ashford route. Lovely day. No one I knew on board. Pretty little brown woman with mouth curled up on deck chair. Calais. Came across MerryW at lunch, after Morris. Long talk. Payton, also a man who met me on the 'Vectis'. Also a brother of Vincent Hills, an engineer. Then the Braunsteins. Mr B asked me to dinner tomorrow. Back. Sleep. Home 7.35 & dined by self. Indigestion after. Bed 12.30. Slept in Roy's room. (Red ink: Crossed Channel by self. Dined at home by self.) (Cuttings glued in: Death and Obituary of Sir Albert A'Beckett. T Sep15. Photo Albert A'Beckett.)

Monday September 12 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0. Little Lot at Campden Hill Court. After back & after breakfast schemed subject of Almanack in earnest. Roy back from the Sterns at 11.0am. At 12 developed 14 films. Lunch, Roy & I together. Partridge & venison. Short rest & on with page for Almanack till 7.0pm. Roy dined out & I dressed & walked to Mrs Braunsteins & dined. A good dinner. Jew boy son. Stood looking at E.W.Cooke's house. Many memories. Left 10.30 & walked home. Bed 12.0. (Red ink: Dined by self at the Braunsteins.) (Cuttings glued in: The marriage of Miss Constance Ritchie will not take place. Times Mon 12 Sep. Death of James Lowther. Tues Sep 13.)

Tuesday September 13 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0. Out. Rags. Little Lot. 'Mind your persons'. Lovely morning. Labourers cleared away shelter. Back. breakfast. Roy down. After went on with Almanack page. At 12 enlarged motor car again & developed 24 films & 2 Jessop ditto. Lunch. Short read. No rest & on with drawing again. After at 7.30 dressed & Roy & self dined at 7.30. Left 8.20 to see Sergeant Bruce. Poor. Arthur Williams good. Music pretty. Home by cab. Snack & bed at 12.0am. Dear M left Harrogate & went to Bedstone Court. Wire from Lennie. (Red ink: M left Harrogate. Roy & self went to see a play called Sergeant Bruce.) (Cuttings glued in: Obituary of James Lowther. Photograph of James Lowther.)

Wednesday September 14 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & out. Met Lot at Holland Walk, no in lane by Lewis's. After back. Breakfast. Dull grey morning. Got on with design for Xmas Page. Put in tracing of motor car only to be taken out afterwards.


Schemed Wales, Canada, Ireland etc & dancing round. Lunch. Left after at 2.0pm & went up in wet outside a bus to C.C. At 2.50 photod Miss R.A.Morgan, Canada etc etc. Took 18. Asked for more fee. Left at 5.0 & to Garrick. Tea. Dressed. Sent things home by Otley. Called Mrs Evans & Spooner about Bears. Walking to the 'Punch' Dinner. Phil A, Lucas, Reed, O.S, self, R.H, Graves. Made remark about Raven Hill's cartoon just as he was coming in. Long dinner. Left 11.0pm & home by omnibus. Roy in at 12.15am.

Thursday September 15 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & over Campden Hill. Met Lot in walk, Holland Park. Back. Breakfast. After at once schemed subject of War Correspondent . At 11.15 Miss Huxley came. No Miss Tambay. Photod Miss H & Marguerite for European Countries. Lovely day. After Fireman came at 1.15. Photod him in Roy's coat for War Correspondent. Developed & enlarged. Rest until 3.30 to 5.0pm when tea & went on to work until 8.30 pm when Roy & self dined alone. Read after. Roy there. Bed 11.30pm. (Cuttings glued in: Betrothal of Guthrie Percival to Violet Bewicke. July 5 04. The marriage of Guthrie Percival and Miss Bewicke will take place on September 15. Wed 10 Aug. Marriage of Guthrie Percival to Violet Bewicke. Scene in a Police Court. Sep 15.)

Friday September 16 Stafford Terrace. Up a 8.0 & out. Walk over C.H. Gave Old W 3d. Letter on Thursday Sep 1 about Hopping. Saw Lot. Policeman. After home. Breakfast. Developed 8 of Drumlanford. Photod 4. Spoilt. Why? On with work of Othello War Correspondent. Greatly bothered & not pleased with head in afternoon. Took it out 3 or 4 times. Finished 9.45 when dined with Roy by self. Read after & to bed at 2.0am after sleep in chair. Slept uneasily.

Saturday September 17 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.20. Tired. Walk along Kensington & through passage with Rags. Back. Breakfast. After put away photos, then traced motor car again & at 12.0 Otley & self enlarged 19 bromides. Roy in all the time. After lunch packed & dressed for Balcombe. Nash demands by an early bird seventy pounds. Why? Left at 3.50 with Roy in a 4 wheeler for Victoria. Down with 2 others to dear Mite's. Miite & Linley met us. Linley very much grown, Ann a darling & Oliver changed. Lennie had been to shoot at Mr Tate's. Maud Paxton there. Walk round the garden with Lennie. Harold M & his wife also. Dressed at 7.15. Dinner. Good. Sat 2 hours over it. Harold went to sleep & after to bed seedy. Music. Lennie danced. Bed at 11.30. Sleep 12.15am. Roy's cold bad. (Red ink: Roy & self went down to Balcombe House.)

Sunday September 18 Balcombe House. Up at 8.0. Roy in room. Bath. After breakfast wrote many letters. Cheque to Nash also. Most lovely day all day & not a cloud in the sky. Lennie & Maud Paxton went to Nymans in motor after church. Lunch, Mite, self, Mr & Mrs Harold, Roy & Nonie. After cigar in sun. Read Rudyard Kipling's 'Mark of the Beast' etc. Mite & Harold left in motor 3.45. After tea


Roy & self walked past Mill, Lord Frederick's & home by pond. Met Louis Stern in a motor. All back from Nymans. (Red ink: Most lovely day without cloud in sky.)

Monday September 19 Balcombe House. Up at 7.0am. No bath. Went in room & had sponge. After breakfast left with Lennie, Harold & Roy & went by the 8.40 to Victoria changing at East Croydon. Home 10.30am. Went on after with x-over page. Re-enlarged all the circle of dancers. In afternoon drew France & Italy in. Dinner, Roy & self. After went up to the new Theatre & could not get in. We went to Alhambra. Man at the box. Said 'Punch' paper. A very good biograph of Russians. Poor ballet, 'L'entente Cordiale'. Straight home in hansom. (Red ink: Roy & self went to the Alhambra.) In morning went up to see sale of Japanese goods Campden Hill Road. Put a few down. (Cutting glued in: Death of Prince Herbert Bismarck. )

Tuesday September 20 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & out on bicycle 1st time since 10 Aug. Round School. No Aphrodite. After back & at work most of day on drawing of Xmas Page. Put Wales in in ink in afternoon. Roy & self dined quite quietly in evening, did not go out. Ethel & Mervyn Herapath came at 9.30 to say goodbye before going to New Zealand. (Red ink: Bought 2 lovely Chrysanthemum vases, a bronze Japanese jar, a red jar & a brass coal scuttle extraordinarily cheap at Campden Hill Road, No 2.)

Wednesday September 21 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Bicycle with Rags round Park. Missed Lot. Back & on with drawing for Xmas Page. Put Wales & Canada in. Lunch. At 2.0 left for C.C. Photod G.Taverner, good model, for Persia etc. Dresses from Mays. After out. Saw Roy at Garrick. Tea & dressed & walked thro' Covent Garden & to Punch Dinner. L.B, O.S, self, Graves, Lucas, Reed & Lucy. Raven Hill came at 10.55. Got cut of Infants Russia & Italy. Home by bus & bed. Roy dined at the Garrick Club. LUCAS FECIT 'Go ask papa' the maiden said He knew that her papa was dead He knew the kind of life he'd led, He understood when Mary said 'Go ask Papa'. (Red ink: Jars etc overleaf came home at 1.0pm.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary Lord Hastings. Tuesy Sep 20.)

Thursday September 22 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & out on bicycle past school & C.H. After schemed subject for Baby Russia & Italy. Otley got me a doll bassinet. Photod it with difficulty at 12.30. Enlarged by 4.0pm. Rest for ¾ hr. Letters & worked till 8.30. Got outline in. Roy & self dined quietly. Bed 11.30. Neither went out. (Cuttings glued in: The wife of E.T.Reed, of a son. The wife of Saugy, of a daughter. The wife of Geoffrey Syme, of a daughter. The wife of Joshua Westmorland, of a son. Death of William Houghton. Death of William


Hunt. Death of John Lugg. Death of James Marshall. Death of Indie Masters. Death of Lucy Maughan. Death of Emily Moore. Death of Walter Severn.)

Friday September 23 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0 & out on bicycle past school & over C.H with Rags. After at work all day on drawing of Baby Russia & Italy. Ordered tops for Japanese vases. Worked on. Began to shade 5.30 & finished at 10pm. Roy & self dined together. Slept in chair till 12.0am when to bed. (Obituary of Walter Severn. 23 Sep.)

Saturday September 24 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.45. very tired. Out with Rags who was bowled over by a black dog & squawked out. Breakfast. After went out & had my hair cut. Letters. Box from Bourchier for Wednesday returned. Letters. Enlargement for drawing. Developed a dozen films. Rest, worn out. Tea. 2 hrs work tracing & dinner at 7.30, Roy & self. After went to see The Duke of Killiecrankie. Very good. Out & to Garrick. Supper. Cyril Maude. Saw Sothern, Lord Cork (illeg) etc. Left 12.30pm & home in cab. Young Warre. (Red ink: Roy & self went to see The Duke of Killiecrankie. Garrick after.)

Sunday September 25 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.45 & out with Rags. Back. Roy would not go to Ramsgate. After great row in Terrace with dogs. Roy out all day. Stayed at home & worked entire day. Rest after lunch. Dinner 8.30pm. Fire in my room for first time. Sat up after dinner with Roy & read Anthony Hope's Double Harness. Unsatisfactory. (Cuttings glued in: Romance of a fiddle. Oct. Death of Colin Hunter. Obituary of Colin Hunter.)

Monday September 26 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.5. Slight frost & foggy. Out round school with Rags. Met no one. News of poor Colin Hunter's death. Wrote M & also accepting Sir C.B, B.B. Bright McLaren's invite for Dec 3rd. After went on with my Xmas Page. At 12.30 photod Otley & Marguerite for cake dance. Developed. Lunch. An hour's rest & after to work till 7.0pm. Roy & self dined 7.30 & went by cab to the New Theatre. Saw Beauty & the Barge. A mere farce. Well acted. Beautiful woman in stalls in front of me. Fleishmanns in theatre. Out & to Garrick. Talk to Dion Boucicault & also Norman Forbes Robertson. Home by cab & to bed 12.30am. (Red ink: Roy & self went to the New Theatre & saw Beauty & the Barge.)

Tuesday September 27 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. Very foggy morning & raw. Out on cycle with Rags. Met Mrs Wootton. Short round & over Campden Hill. Met no one at all. Sausages. Wrote Langley. Woke with a headache. Why? All day at work on drawing for Xmas Page. Roy & self dined quietly at 8.30. Bed at 11.30 after.

Wednesday September 28 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & cycled round Park. Road stopped. After in morning on with drawing for Xmas Page. Got sizes for studies. Lunch at 1.0 & at 1.20 left by bus for Camera Club. A 2.30 photod 2 Miss Taverners for


Xmas Page. 2nd would stop. After out at 5.0 to Garrick. Tea. Looked for Col Rich's death in Morning Post. Could not find it. Walked thro' Covent Garden to the P.D. Sir W.A, Lucas, Reed, Raven Hill, Lucy, F.C.B (back 1st time since August 17th) self, Graves, R.L, O.S. Discussion about Llama & Lion. Got (with strong protest from me) silly subject of Llama. Left at 11.0. Raven Hill's disappointment, wire to stop him going to Scotland. Talkative man in bus. Had been with Vernon Heath. Conductor never heard of him. Home. Roy had not been out & was in for a wonder. Bed. (Red ink: F.C.B back. Bill Bailey discussion.)

Thursday September 29 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0 & walked over C.H. Met Lot in passage. After breakfast took at 10.30 a cab to the Zoo & photod Llama 13 plates. Keeper Shelley. Most lovely & sunny bright morning. After took 4 of Lion. 2 no good. Cab home by 12.0 exactly. Developed & also plates or films rather taken Wednesday 28th. All afternoon at it. At 5.0 began drawing. At 8.30 Roy & self dined, drinking M's health for her birthday in bottle of '78 Ayala. Bed at 12.0 after. Fire. (Red ink: M Left Bedstone Court & went to Stoke Edith Park. Her birthday. Went to Zoo in the morning. Lovely day.) (Cuttings glued in: Damage to a picture. Thurs 29 Sept. Death of Samuel Melville-Bergheim. Sep. The wife of James Ismay, of a daughter.)

Friday September 30 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. Out at 8.40 on bicycle. Saw little A. On to school & over C.H. Gave Old W 6d. Breakfast & after got to work on drawing of Llama & Lion. At it all day & finished at 10.0pm. F.C.B wrote a postcard complaining of turning his head away (Llama) & shade under rock. Bosh. Dined at 10.0 by self. Roy dined at the Garrick & supper at Savoy after. He did not go to the Garden (Covent) Ball. Bed 1.20. (Red ink: Did silly cartoon of Llama.)

Saturday October 1 Stafford Terrace. Overslept myself & did not go out. Roy down 1st. Very tired. Letter from M to say she would be home on Thursday. After put photos away. Wrote letters etc. Then went on to work at Xmas Double Page. Had been wet all morning & muggy. Lunch. After Otley & self enlarged & reduced 1 doz about photos taken on Wednesday. Up in room at 4.20 & traced till 7.0 when dressed. Roy & self dined on partridge etc. Left in cab at 8.15 for St James's Theatre. Saw a rotten play called 'The Garden of Lies'. Alexander as absinthe drinking & D.T.Maloney. Mrs Alex Tweedie & Mr & Mrs Bainbridge there. Walked to Garrick with Roy. Pain in chest. Supper, haddock. Talk of Captain Marshall & Chudleigh. "How long may I ask Captain Marshall did it take you to write The Worst Woman in London?" Seymour Hicks joke. Home at 12.30 & bed 1.0am. (Red ink across page: Roy & self went to see ‘The Garden of Lies’ at the St James's Theatre.)

Sunday October 2 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30 & out 9.5am. Coldish & foggy. Round past church & Lord Alverstone's with Rags. Met no one. Breakfast Roy & self. Rags refused to finish his. Otley put up cartridges. Ordered collars. Worked all day on


Christmas drawing. Put in America & South Sea Islands in. Roy & self dined quietly together at 8.30pm & quiet evening & bed after. (Cutting glued in: Death of General Owen Williams.)

Monday October 3 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Walked all way to end of Earls Court Road. No A. Back by Holland Walk. Roy had gone to City. All morning at work. Put in South American Republics & after Scotland & Ireland etc. Roy & self dined at 8.30 off a bought pheasant. Quiet evening & bed after. Copied about 1 doz plates from Italian Polar Expedition by the Duke of the Abruzzi. (Cutting glued in: Obituary of General Owen Williams. Mon Oct 3 '04.)

Tuesday October 4 Stafford Terrace. Up at 6.15am & left at 7.0 in Otley's cab for Victoria. Down to Balcombe. Saw Eric Parker on the steps. Breakfast & off in motor at 9.20. Began to shoot at 10.0am. Most lovely day possible. Brilliant sun & hot. Got 11 pheasants, 12 duck, 6 partridge, 1 hare, 1 rabbit. Self 2 hen pheasants, 1 french partridge. Same place as last year, 9 duck. Guns Eric Parker, Captain Gibbs, Lennie & self. Left at 5.45 after tea. Called on old Nanny & to Balcombe. Dear Mite & May Nemhard. Left with Parker at 6.40 & to station with oak branch & holly, pears & 2 pheasants. Home 8.35. No Otley. Dinner 8.45 Roy & self. Had a grouse which was sent from Drumlanford. Bed 11.30 very tired. Short winded & pain in chest at Nymans. (Red ink: Up early & had day's shoot at Balcombe coming up same day.)

Wednesday October 5 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & out. Cycled past Earls Court & school & thro' Kensington Sq. Home. After got on with drawing for Xmas Page. Put the motor & Punch & Toby in & St Pauls. Left dressed at 6.15 for Punch Dinner. All way by bus. Rained. F.C.B (looked worried) self, Graves, R.L, O.S, P.A, L.B looking frightfully depressed. E.T.R, H.W.L. Partridge came at 9.30pm after cut made up. Got Magic Kettle, & P Rosebery & Palmists. Left at 9.55 & on to Palace Theatre. Saw Rose looking an awful bounder. Saw Magic Kettle & away home. The manager Mr Millar. Home. Roy out. Bed 11.15. Unpleasant dreams. (Red ink: Went to Palace Theatre for the Magic Kettle.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Henry Le Jeune.)

Thursday October 6 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0. Lovely sunny morning. Great wind. Out. Met no one except maid with dogs. Back. After schemed subject of Magic Kettle. Photod Otley in my rain coat at 12.0. After photod oak etc & enlarged. Finished 3.30. Letter from M to say she was going to Midge's tomorrow or Saty & not home. Went on to work & left off at 8.0 when Roy & self dined. He came in late from the Queen's Club. Read after. Bed 11.30. (Cuttings glued in: Death of Margaret Galbraith. Oct. Death of Laura Stanley.)

Friday October 7 Stafford Terrace. Up t 8.0 & out for walk. Met Sniff. Back & to work after breakfast on drawing of Chamberlain & Kettle. At 12.0 F.C.B called & was shewn up to my room. He had completely forgotten subject made up last


Wednesday & wanted to make out I had it wrong. Shewed him instructions. He left at 12.30. On with work & finished 9.45. Not altogether satisfactory. Very cold in afternoon & evening, went & put a waistcoat on. Roy & self dined quietly. Had grouse. Bed after snooze. (Red ink: F.C.B called about Magic Kettle.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Dame Mary Besant. Oct. Photograph of the late John Hollingshead.)

Saturday October 8 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15 & out. Walk up Holland Walk. Fine morning. Breakfast. After out & to 7 Leonards Place by 9.45. Looked over Mrs E.Corton's goods. Not much. Back to work. At it all afternoon & up to 6.45 when dressed. Dinner. Grouse. Roy & self drove in cab & went to see a stupid play at the Imperial Theatre called The King's Messenger. & Evelyn Millard. Bosh by two ladies. Out & home again by cab. Snack & bed at 12.0am. Slightly warmer. In morning 11.0 to 12.30am photod Antarctic & Arctic book. Got on very badly with drawing. Bother with England's head. (Red ink: Roy & self went to the Imperial Theatre & saw The King's Messenger.) (Cutting glued in: Thanet Election. M 10 Oct.)

Sunday October 9 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30 & out with Rags. Right round church etc. Back. Sent Otley to Euston after getting a wire from H.L at 8.30am. Worked all day on Xmas Page. Got on very well. Otley back. Train all right. Had put in heads of England & Scotland & Boer woman & Uitlander dancing. Lunch. At 3.15 work again till 8.0pm. Roy & self dined off a grouse etc. Read. Snooze. To bed at 12.0am. Alice Linley & Mrs Barker called. (Red ink: Hard at work all day by self.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Lady Besant. Saty Oct 8.)

Monday October 10 Stafford Terrace. Called & up 5.40am. Dressed & breakfast at 6.0am. Otley's cab round 6.15. Things put in & off 6.20. Otley came panting round half dressed as I was starting. Caught 7.10 for Craven Ams. Changed Stafford & Shrewsbury. An American Clergyman got in. To C.A to time. H's trap there & drove to cover side by 1.10pm. Horse a little lame. Got gun & shot one drive before lunch. H.L & self, Mr Evelyn, a farmer (Green) Mr Kevil Davis & Colonel Kennedy. Warm. Only got one pigeon & a rabbit all day. Left off at 5.45 & to Bedstone Court. Tea. Saw dear M. Mrs Evelyn, Mrs Kennedy, Mrs Kevil Davis & Midge. Dressed. Good dinner. Beat Col K 100 up & after Mr Evelyn. 'There I told you I was no Billiard player'. (Red ink: Went down to Bedstone Court. Met dear M 1st time since Aug 23.)

Tuesday October 11 Bedstone Court. Up at 8.0 bath. Large taps etc. Good breakfast. Started to shoot at 10.0am. Guns Mr Green Price, H.L, self, Col Kennedy, Mr Kevil Davis & Mr Evelyn. Lovely day. Got a brace of partridge 1st drive. After very bad luck. No birds anyway. 1 rabbit, 1 hen pheasant. Lunch. Midge, M & Mrs K.D came. Lovely hot sun & very good lunch. After walked up & down hill. Bad stands. Got one good rocketter. Hen pheasant. Nothing else. Missed pigeons. Left off at 5.45. Mr Evelyn friend of Vernon Watney's & all the set. Good tea. Mr & Mrs Evelyn left. Talk to Midge & other ladies. Looked at 1875


P. My work A1. Dressed. Dinner. Went in by self. After played 3 100 up with Col K. Won 2, he 1. After to bed at 12.0am. Slept most uncomfortably. Bed too small & hot. Could not get to sleep. (Red ink: Shot at Bedstone Court.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Emily De la Rue. Obituary John Hollingshead. Tues 11 Oct. Funeral John Hollingshead. Oct 15.)

Wednesday October 12 Bedstone Court. Up at 8.0. Had slept badly. Dull cloudy morning. After left at 10.0 or a few minutes before. In the break with guns & dogs. On to Hopley Heath. Civil guards & porters. Got lunch at Stafford. Pretty barmaid. Otley met us 4.15. Shooting stick left behind. Home. Dressed & left for Punch Dinner by 6.5pm. Called C.C & walked to P.D from Garrick. Sir W.A, L.B, B.P, H.W.L, Guthrie back 1st time since (blank) F.C.B, self, Graves, O.S. Got cut of Russian Soldier. Left 10.15 & home by bus. Not a soul got in from Chancery Lane all way home. Only 2 others who got out Piccadilly. Read & to bed 12.0am. (Red ink: M & self returned from Bedstone.) (Cutting glued in: Marriage of Frederick Francis to Lilian Drake.)

Thursday October 13 Stafford Terrace. x. Up & out on bicycle round Earls Court. No A. Round C.H. After schemed subject of Russian Soldier. Sent O to Mays. Hilton came at 11.45. Photod him & all done by 3.0pm. Up in room rested & to work by 4.45. Worked till 8.15 when M & self dined. Roy out. Bed at 12.0 after snooze. (Cutting glued in: Wyndams Theatre, a comedy by Arthur Pinero. Thurs 13 Oct.)

Friday October 14 Stafford Terrace. Up & out on cycle. Round Earls Court. No A. After to work all day on drawing of Russian Soldier. M called on Fanny Barker. Finished 9.15. M, Roy & self dined quietly. (Cuttings glued in: Mr Heywood Johnstone has returned from the south of France. Sep 19. Death of John Heywood Johnstone.)

Saturday October 15 Stafford Terrace. Up & walk round Holland Walk. After at 11.0 went on with Xmas Page. All day putting African division in. M up in my room. M, Roy & self dined. Roy would not go to Stern's after. Bed at 12.0 after snooze. Electric Light suddenly went out at 7.20. Knocked off work. (Cutting glued in: Funeral of Mr Heywood Johnstone.15 Oct.)

Sunday October 16 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30. Walk round church with Rags. After worked 1 hr on North Pole. At 12.15 took M up Park. A boozy man in bus. Back. Edgar & Sophia Herapath back from round the world & to lunch. After gave me a little Japanese House. Foggy day. Up to work at 3.0. Looked over Mudie's list. From 4.30 to 8.0 worked. Put in North Pole. Spencer & Hilda called. Quiet evening, M & self. Roy dined at Savoy. Bed 12.0. Roy back. Rags uneasy. (Red ink: Edgar & Sophia lunched with us on their return from round the world.)


Monday October 17 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0. 1st bath. After out. Met Lot. Rainy morning. Back. Roy off 9.15. Wire from Hilda Herapath. After all day at work on Xmas Page. Put in African details etc. At 7.30 M & self dined & went by 4 wheeler to the Comedy Theatre & saw His Highness my Husband. Roy dined with Fanny Barker & went to see Pinero's play, dined at Carlton. Got back in 4 wheeler. Snack & to bed. (Red ink: M & self went to the Comedy Theatre & saw His Highness my Husband.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Charles Furse.)

Tuesday October 18 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0. Met L. Looked round. After all day at work on drawing of Xmas Page. Put in North Pole, musicians, Toby etc. In evening quiet dinner, M, Roy & self. Rested after & bed 12.0am. (Cuttings glued in: Will of Charles Morton. The wife of Eric Parker, of a son. Mrs Hills injured in cycling accident. Oc 20. Death of Margaret Hills. Oc 20. Death of Henry Titmum. Death of Edward Nansittart. The wife of Bertram Watney, of a daughter. Death of infant daughter of Mr & Mrs Bertram Watney. Death of Horatio Vertue. Death of Louisa Vertue.)

Wednesday October 19 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. Walked round by church. Missed L after sending bicycle back. Poor Mrs Hills Sir Robert Phillimore's daughter killed at 9.15 on bicycle. After got on all day with drawing for Xmas Page. Put South Pole & also Asia in. Dressed & left for Punch Dinner. All way up to Club by bus. Letters. Walked from the Garrick. Phil A, B.P, H.W.L, A.G, F.C.B, self, R.H, Graves & Lucas there. Decided to run cartoons opposite one another. Complimented on Russian Soldier. Left & home all way by bus. (Cutting glued in: Inquest on Mrs Margaret Hills. Fri 21 Oct.)

Thursday October 20 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. Out for walk. Met L. After sent Otley to Mays & to Miss Huxley. Schemed subject of Arthur Balfour & Miss C.A. M out at lunch at Edgar's. At 12.0 photod Hilton in composite dress & at 1.15 Miss Huxley. Got all ready by 3.30. Short rest & to work until 8.15pm. M & self dined, Roy also. Quiet evening. Up in room early & wrote letters & looked over photos. Round by church. Missed L. (Red ink: Our Wedding Day.) M, Roy & self dined. Our Wedding day 30 years ago. Had 2 bottles of Ayala 1892.

Friday October 21 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0 & out. Met L. Goes past Pitt St. Walked back & then home. After to work all day on drawing of Arthur Balfour & Miss Conservative A. Finished at 10.10pm. Roy, M & self dined. This cartoon to face one of Partridge's. Bed after snooze at 1.0am. (Cuttings glued in: Lady Beatrice Pole-Carew, of a daughter. Oct. Obituary of Charles Morton. 19 Oct.)

Saturday October 22 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. Tired. Out for walk with Rags. After breakfast put things away & got to work on Xmas Page. Put in names & finished leaves, maple etc. Lunch. Rest after. At 3.40 began to shade. Put in sky etc in ruled lines. M reading. Dined 8.30. Roy odd & ill-behaved. M upset & unpleasant

69 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1904 dinner. Roy worried about money. (Red ink: Most unpleasant dinner. Roy worried & upset.)

Sunday October 23 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.20. Tired. Out for walk round church. After to work till 12.0 when dressed & took M for walk. Bus to Queen's Gate & across to Notting Hill. Back. M & self to lunch. Rest till 3.30 when went on to shade centre of drawing for Almanack. Put in Wales, Ireland, hawk etc to 8.0pm when dressed. M, Roy & self dined. M told me in morning Roy had lost money. (Red ink: Began to shade Almanack drawing at 3.30pm. Roy had lost money in deals.) (Cuttings glued in: Obituary and photograph of Charles Morton. Obituary of Lady Dilke.)

Monday October 24 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.15. Out. Damp morning. Met L.W in passage. Rags & a cat (sandy) in road. News of Russians firing on fishing fleet off Hull. After at work all day on drawing of Xmas Page. Shaded Europe & America. Sent Otley to see horse. M in room. Roy back at 6.0. Done nothing. Dressed at 8.0. Roy called me in room. Very tired. Edgar came to dinner & stayed till 11.0. Bed at 12.30. Very tired & glad to get to bed. (Red ink: Edgar came unexpectedly to dinner.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Emilia Dilke. Death of Blandina Jerome. Death of John Joyce.)

Tuesday October 25 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15. Very tired. Out round corner. Met Lord Alverstone. After L with 2 others. Back. Most lovely morning. After to work on Xmas Page. Put in India, Africa & finished America shading. Dear Mite & Nonie at luncheon. Nonie & Fan & Fish etc. Up in room & to work again till 8.0 when M & I dined quite quietly & restful evening. Roy went to see The Chevalier. Roy had lost £12 on a deal & very depressed. (Red ink: Roy went to The Chevalier.) (Cutting glued in: Exraordinary outrage by Russian Baltic Squadron. Monday Oct 24.)

Wednesday October 26 Stafford Terrace. Up 7.45. Went out at 8.20 on bicycle 1st time since 14th. Round Earls Court & over C.H. Met L. Back. Roy a cold & very depressed. After breakfast got to work on drawing for Xmas Double Page. Shaded oak leaves & finished centre etc. M up in room. At five fifteen finished drawing & sent it off. Dressed & left by bus for the Punch Dinner. Called C.C. Letters. Walked thro' Covent Garden & bus from Gaiety. Punch Dinner. Sir W.A, Lucas, L.B (late) B.P, E.T.R, A.G, F.C.B, self, R.H, Graves, O.S. Agnew congratulated me on drawing of this week's cartoon. Like Mrs Carl Meyer. Also Phil A. Left a letter. We had a very long sitting. Cut made up at 11.30 for me. A Britannia. Discussion as to Sword or Trident. Left at 11.30 & home 12.15 by bus. Lovely weather. (Red ink: Finished the Almanack drawing at 5.15pm. Complimented on last week's cartoon by Agnew.) (Cutting glued in: Letter from Albert Rollit about the Russian outrage. Oct 26 Times.)


Thursday October 27 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. Went up in room. Very foggy. Walk with Rags round C.H. No, without him. Met L who turned round & answered. Back. Breakfast. Hiked Rags out who had been filthily dirty in Morning Room last night. Schemed subject & at 12.0 photod Miss Huxley for Britannia. Wire from F.C.B to say he was coming at 2.15. M packing. Enlarged before lunch. After F.C.B did come. All about Partridge's cut, not mine. He left 2.45. M left for Balcombe at 3.50pm. Rest for an hour & then to work till 8.30pm. Got outline & inked sword in. Roy out. Dined alone. Great suspense as to Russia's answer. Went up to bed at 12.0. Roy back 1.0am. (Red ink: M went down to Balcombe.) (Cuttings glued in: The wife of Sir Walter Barttelot, of a son. Marriage of Capt Ramborne-Palmer to Caroline Anstey. Death of George Best Baron Wynford.)

Friday October 28 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0 & out on cycle. Rags squorked(sic) out in square near A's. Round over hill & home 9.15am. After got to work 10.30 & hard at it all day on drawing of Britannia & Fishing Fleet. Letter from a firm Mead & Son of Jermyn St about Roberson's acct. Answered it at once. Finished drawing at 10.10pm when Roy & self dined. Tired. Both in Morning Room & bed 12.30am. (Red ink: Did Britannia cut about Russian Fishing Outrage.)

Saturday October 29 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10. Out. Most lovely morning. Went up Hornton St. Back. Breakfast. Gave Roy cheque. After put all photos away. Packed. Left at 11.0 & to C.C. Photod Boughton's model Miss Grecy. No good at all. Wasted time. After back by 1.50. Lunch. Finished packing & papers & good bye to Roy. Left at 3.50 in Otley's cab & down by the 4.30 to Balcombe. M & Mite met me & drove to Balcombe H. Most lovely day. Russian Episode most happily blown over. Saw a Times. After saw Chicks & dressed. Lennie back from shooting 7.15. Gun headache. Dinner. (Red ink: Most lovely day. Came down by the 4.30 to Balcombe.) Sat up in Lennie's room tired till 12.0 when to bed. (Cuttings glued in: Marriage of Frederick Harrold to Clementina Caesar. Marriage of Raoul Cremieu-Javal to Kate Pawle. Obituary of Lord Wynford. Oct Mon 31.)

Sunday October 30 Balcombe House. Up 8.30am. Fine day. In morning squared prints. Wrote letters etc. After at 12.15 went to meet them coming from church. Quite a party came. People sitting in the Mill Cottage. After Lennie went to Nymans in the motor & M & Mite at 4.0pm. Had a rest in Lennie's room & started at 4.40. Posted letters. Rustic maid waiting for her swain opposite the church. Walked as far as the Loder's house when turned. Motor overtook me & rode home. Very hot. Changed things for evening & squared up prints till dinner time. Good dinner. Pianola after. Rest & to bed at 11.0pm or rather 10.30.

Monday October 31 Balcombe House. Up at 8.10. Down. Times. Saw Lennie off & after bath & shave. The entire day sticking slips in this book & writing in red. Nonie in room in afternoon. Said Major Paynter & wife had called. M & Mite drove over to


Nymans & back 4.30. Tea. Took M for walk to Tate's & back. Hot. Squared prints. Cheque to Harrods etc. Lennie back tired at 7.30pm. Dinner 8.0. Bed 11.0 after. Most curious dreams. Lennie read Kipling out loud. (Red ink: Dull wet day.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Dan Leno. Times Tues Nov 1.)

Tuesday November 1 Balcombe House. Up at 8.0. Dull morning, misty. Breakfast. Letter from the Palace Theatre. Started 9.30 on motor with Lennie & thro' Crawley to Glovers. Shot all day with Mr Lardenberg. 4 guns, Mr L, Lennie, Mr Turner & self. Miss Lindo & Miss Lardenburg. Yarns about Mr Gibson. His rudeness about dogs etc. Good Keeper. Little or rather very large black rabbit shot by Lennie at the last. Had very good stand where I had so often been with M near the old barn which has tumbled down. Bag 34 pheasants & partridges, 10 ducks, many rabbits 1 black. Self got 14 pheasants, 2 duck, 1 rabbit. Had a delightful day. Mr L gave me a finger guard. Left in motor 4.0 & home 5.30. Tea. Cleaned gun & wrote letters, diary etc. Dressed & dinner. Quiet evening & smoke. Bed at 11.0pm. No pianola. (Red ink: Very pleasant day's shoot with Lennie at Mr Ladenberg's at Glovers.)

Wednesday November 2 Balcombe House. Up at 8.0. Bath. Lennie to shoot at Campbells. Left after breakfast & off by the 10.41 train. Met Canon Meade & young Vaughn Morgan on platform. M with me. Confusion as I could not find my ticket. Paid excess fare. Otley met me & took bag. On by bus to C.C & the Garrick. Lunched with Beetle, Scoones etc. Met Bancroft. To C.C at 1.30. Waited an hour, no E.J. Home by bus. Drawing from Johnsons. Wrote on it, legend for Aird. Dressed. Roy back. Bus to C.C. Letter. The Garrick. Met Lawrence Bradbury, on to the Punch D. Complimented on Almanack by Phil A. 12 at dinner. F.C.B, self, R.H, Graves, R.L, O.S, P.A, Lucas, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. A weary discussion after. Got Falstaff cut. Left 11.30. Lucas said "Another ... ghastly evening". Home by bus to 18 Stafford Terrace. Roy in. Bed 1.0am. (Red ink: Went up to town. Left ticket behind.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Edward Stanford. Obituary of Paul de Cassagnac.)

Thursday November 3 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & out on bicycle. Met A at same place. After round by school short way & over C.H. Breakfast. Roy left. After schemed subject of Sir John False Toff. Sent Otley to May's in cab for dress. A lovely morning. Sent money for the creeper. At 12.30 photod Otley for Falstaff & Prince Hal, Emma holding the dress out. After got all done by 3.0pm. Up in room. Finished Aird's drawing & packed it up. I wrote on it this morning at 10.0am not yesterday. After tea went on with it to 8.30pm. Roy out when dined by self & bed at 12.0 after. Tired. (Cutting glued in: Death of H.W.Allingham. Mon 10 Nov.)

Friday November 4 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & out on cycle. Met A. Goes to same school. Round by Kensington Sq & up Hornton St. Roy at breakfast. Bad mustard. After at work all day & up to 10.0pm on Admiral False Toff. Roy out to dinner at the Conservative Club where he met Guthrie. At 8.30 a nasty irritation &

72 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1904 cold came on. Why or wherefore who knows. Took Quinine at once. Dined alone & smoke after. No snooze. Bed at 12.15am. (Red ink: Snuffly cold came on about 8.0pm. Took Quinine.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Herbert Allingham. Obituary of Herbert Allingham.)

Saturday November 5 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10am. Cold bad. Wrote wire & walked round with Rags to Gen Post Office. After breakfast saw man about creepers. Put photos away & left by 11.0am for C.C. From 12.0 to 12.45 B.J came. No good at all. Out & home by bus by 1.10am. Bath, changed & lunch. Pheasant. Books late. After left at 3.50 in hansom for Balcombe. 3 in carriage. Offensive cigar. On platform met Captain Gibbs & wife. To Balcombe House. Mite a cold, the same as I. Tea. Lozenge & after wrote diary. Good dinner. Champagne. Music. Bed at 11.0 & had confections for cold. (Red ink: Bad cold. Came down to Balcombe. Lovely day. Thermometer 63° outside Bathroom at 2.30pm.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Thomas Guest.)

Sunday November 6 Balcombe House. Up at 8.10. Cold not so bad as feared. No bath. M & shares. After writing letters took M for walk at 12.15pm & back with Bobs & Bogie up the Red Road. Lunch. Others went to Nymans in motor. Rest in Lennie's room. Tea. After squared prints & wrote many letters. Dressed. M & self down & Mr Welch Thornton arrived for dinner. Good dinner. Champagne. Dance music. Talk & bed at 12.0pm. Took lemon. Cold better. M did not sleep well. Woke at 6.0am.

Monday November 7 Balcombe House. Up at 8.0. Had been a pouring wet night & rain when got up. No bath. Breakfast 8.15. Got off at 9.30 in motor with Lennie & Mr Welch Thornton for Nymans. Saw Mr Messel at door. Otley there who went over with the old mare Gaily. Poured with rain after starting. Guns Mr Whittaker, Mr Lester Reed, Mr Welch Thornton, Mr Eric Parker, Captain Gibbs, Lennie & self. Began at 10.0. Cock pheasant came out same place as last 2 years, could have got him. Guns in the way. Got 1 pheaant & missed 2 others. Heavy rain then came on 11.0am. At 12.0 to 1.15pm great duck drive. 120 bagged. Self 12. All walked to Nymans. Lunch. Hung about & home by motor. No water in bath. Cleaned guns. Mr Welch Thornton & Eric Parker left. Dinner, Mite, M, Lennie, Capn & Mrs Gibbs & self. Very tired & low after. Lennie looked at Punch. Bed 11.0. had Sal Va Latterly(sic). M slept better. (Red ink: Shoot at Nymans. Frightfully wet. Great duck drive after.)

Tuesday November 8 Balcombe House. Up at 8.0. No bath. Breakfast. After Captain Gibbs & Hilda left. In morning went on squaring prints etc. At 12.0 took M for walk down to Mill Cottage. Saw the pretty wife digging & planting. Muddy. Took Vic & new whippet puppy. Back by 1.0pm. Lunch. Wire from Lennie to say he could not come back to dinner. Went on with squaring. Mr Brough arrived at 6.0pm. Dressed. Dinner, Mite, M, Mr Brough & self. German Emperor cigars. Delightful evening. Mr Brough's stories, 'Come a little nearer'. Have not smelt whiskey. Sat in Morning room. Left Mr B up. Bed at 11.0pm. Cold better.


Chest rubbed & mustard leaf on. Quiet day at Balcombe. First saw Mr Brough. (Cuttings glued in: Death of Louie Heathcote. Obituary of G.L.Watson.)

Wednesday November 9 Balcombe House. Up 8.0am. Down for paper. Bath. After breakfast shaved. Got off in brougham & caught the 10.51 train. Up to Victoria. Otley met me. Took bags. On to C.C & Garrick. Lunch with Sir Douglas Straight. After to C.C. At 3.0 photod E.D last time. Out because of dark at 4.0pm. Home by bus. Changed, bath & dressed. Wrote letters & to Punch Dinner calling Club thro' Covent Garden. Dull heavy grey day but no rain. Sir W.A, L.B, B.P, Lucas, E.T.R, H.W.L, F.C.B, self, R.H, Graves. F.C.B at Lord Mayor's Banquet. Got cut of Field Guns, Partridge Russian Soldier. 'Ave Caesar'. O.S presiding. Left at 10.15 after writing letters & home. Roy up & asleep in Morning Room. Bed at 11.45. (Red ink: Went up to town.) A girl upon the ice did frisk, Oh foolish maid her *.

Thursday November 10 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0. Fine morning. Out on cycle. Met A. Very pretty. Round over Campden Hill. After breakfast. Schemed subject after, Balfour & Artillary Field Gun. Raven Hill sent things no good. Sent Otley to Mays 10.15. At 11.45 photod Hilton for Balfour & Otley for John Bull. At 1.0 frightfully dark cloud came over. Could get no satisfactory prints. Finished 4.30. Up in room. Bitter tea. Was nearly poisoned. Roy dined at the Garrick. Dined 8.45 by self. Roy back at 12.30 in heavy rain. Clock had stopped. Bed. Looked over Illustrated Paper. (Cutting glued in: List of Birthday Honours.)

Friday November 11 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0. Fine morning. Rain in the night. Out for walk with Rags. Met L & another. After back. Band. Got to work at 10.15 & all day on Balfour & Artillery Field Gun. Finished at 9.45 when Roy & self dined quietly. Bed 11.45pm. Rags with us. Roy cheerful. (Red ink: Death of Val Prinsep R.A.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Valentine Prinsep. Death of Frank Ridley. Death of George Watson.)

Saturday November 12 Stafford Terrace. Up at 5.10 & in Bathroom. Called 6.5 after & got up. Hurried breakfast & off by 6.55 in Otley's cab with Otley for Nymans. Handed in 5/8 credit note & took ticket to Haywards Heath. Balcombe at 8.45. Met friend of Lennie's on platform. Breakfast again & off in motor to Nymans. 8 guns, Major Lister, Mr Dudley Ryder, Lennie, self, Captain Gibbes, Eric Parker & Mr Whitwick. Got hare & cock pheasant (no hens) 1st stand. Most lovely day. Brilliant sun all day. Bag 142 pheasants picked up. 1 duck, 1 pigeon, 1 woodcock, 6 hares. 5 rabbits. Self got 25 pheasants, 2 hares, 1 woodcock. Good lunch. Mr Messel, Hilda & Muriel out. Got off old stand at 4.5pm. Walk up to house. Tea. Mrs Messel with illness. Parker & Mr Whitwick left for London. Otley took my guns & magazine back. Dressed. A frightfully bad dinner. Hare Oh! No Champagne. Music after. Very tired. Bed 11.15 after talk. M rubbed my back with Pomade de Vine. M & self slept well. (Red ink: Great shoot at Nymans. Got woodcock. Bad dinner. No wine at Balcombe.) (Red ink

74 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1904 across page: Came down early for Balcombe House shoot at Nymans. Most lovely day.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Val Princep R.A.)

Sunday November 13 Balcombe House. Up at 8.30. No bath. Fine frosty morning. Down & after pipe. Looked at Mite's portrait. Very great success. Dear little Ann taken up & said it was 'not a picture' but Mother. After M & Mite went to church. Mr Brough, Lennie & I in motor to Nymans. Mr & Mrs Messel walking in the grounds. Lennie went to try & pick up birds. Mr B & the fishing rod. Gaffed a salmon. Had been kept with Mrs Messel for long stroll. Told me of death of Val Princep. After we left & home by 1.20 to lunch. Cigar & rest after. Then tea in Drawing Room with the children. Then wrote letters till dinner. No champagne altho' glasses out. Indifferent dinner. After in Drawing Room. Torak etc. Long talk after & smoke. Bed 11.34. M & self slept well. (Red ink: Lovely day. Ann & her mother's picture.)

Monday November 14 Balcombe House. Up 8.0. Fine frosty fresh morning. Lennie off. Down & looked at paper. Shaved. Breakfast. After wrote 6 letters & squared few prints. Took M for walk as far as the 4 Walkers. Vic & mouse. Back. Lunch. Linley & photograph of young Crown Prince of Saxony. Dogs etc all out in the sun. Talk to Brock. Put up things by 3.30. Tea. M & self left in brougham with Mite to catch the 4.20 train. Mite on platform. After to London. 4 people got in at East Croydon going to Dieu Donné Restaurant. Otley met us & home by 4 wheeler. Roy dining out. M & self dined quietly. Read The Jewel of the 7 Stars by Bram Stoker after & bed at 11.30 after snooze. (Red ink: Came home. House in order the 1st time since August 8th.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Henrietta Rintoul. Nov.)

Tuesday November 15 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0. Dense fog. Walked over C.H. Missed L. Saw Counterpoint in Holland Walk. Back. Breakfast. After wrote letters etc. Put photos away etc. Read Jewel of Seven Stars. M up in my room after. Schemed subject for Cunard cartoon & dressed at 7.30pm. M & self left in cab for exceedingly dull dinner at Sir Norman Lockyers. Sat next to Winnie Lockyer & Lady Ramsay who was Blair's cousin. Colour photos after, when M & self walked home. (Red ink: Dined M & self at Sir Norman & Lady Lockyers.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Marie Chambers. Nov.)

Wednesday November 16 Stafford Terrace. Went out on cycle round Earls Court & Kensington Square. Saw A. Back. Letters. After schemed subject for Cunard Lines. Thought of 'As sure as there is a sea' etc from Poe. Photod Otley & Marguerite at 11.45. Countermanded Miss Huxley. Developed them & all enlarged by 3.30. Rest & then dressed. Left for 'Punch' Dinner by bus at 6.0pm. Called C.C. One letter. Could not find anything about Jury summons. On to Punch Dinner after leaving 6d for flowers. L.B, P.A, Lucas, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G, F.C.B, self, Graves, R.Lehmann & O.S. Frightfully long weary discussion on King of Portugal. Had settled it when Bradbury & Agnew made such strenuous objections that I chucked the cut over to B.P. Seaman read out suggestion of


De Wet as Cincinnatus. Settled at once. Left 11.30 & waited ¼ hour for bus. 11.45 at Chancery Lane. Seaman passed. A most lovely girl & woman keeper got in at Piccadilly, girl dead tired, & out at Harvey Nichols & Co. Curious. Home. Roy in. Bed after Apollinaris at 1.10am. Otley fetched horse from Horlick. (Cuttings glued in: Death of Ronald Megaw. Death of the Earl of Northbridge. Death of Mary Otter. Death of Susanna Rayment. Death of Henrietta Rintoul. Death of Samuel Starey. Death of Louis Tannenbaum.)

Thursday November 17 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0 & out over C.H with Rags. Spoke to workman at Winkworth's wall. L.L passed at nine. Looked round. After back. Dull dark wretched morning. King of Portugal lunched in the City. Fog. Schemed subject of Cincinnatus. Sent Otley to May's. Back 12.15. Photod with great difficulty & enlarged by 3.30. Up in room. Rest till tea when got drawing Oxen etc in by 6.0pm when dressed & left in cab for Lincoln's Inn Hall. Got there 7.0pm exactly. Lord Alverstone presided. Sat between Phipson Beale & a pleasant little man called Chadwyck Healey. After coffee & port wine. Lovely Charles 2nd cup. Talk to General Sir T.Kelly-Kenny. Sir W.B Richmond drove me home. Midge had been to dine. Roy & M up. Snooze till 1.15am. Bed. Could not find the paper. (Red ink: Dined with Lord Alverstone & the Benchers at Lincoln's Inn Hall.)

Friday November 18 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0. Out for walk over Campden Hil, Rick & Rags. Met L.L. Not a word. After Double. Back. Band. Breakfast. Good. Worked all day on drawing of De Wet as Cincinnatus. Made an enlargement frightfully over exposed at 2.0pm. Finished drawing 9.20pm. Roy & self dined, M sitting at table. Cigar & bed after snooze in Morning Room 12.15am. (Cutting glued in: Dinner at Lincoln's Inn. Fri 18 Nov.)

Saturday November 19 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.10 & out with Rags & walked down across Cromwell Road & into Earls Court Road. No A. Called furniture shop. After back. Breakfast. Roy left bag at Queens Club. After wrote Galbraith. Dressed & left at 12.0 for Bond St. Measured for coat Inverness cape at Stohwassers. Strolled to Garrick. No letters. C.C. After lunched. Beetle. Captain Marshall going to Hall Barn tonight. Seymour Hicks & Allen Aynesworth. Coffee & liqueur. Saw Sothern. Went to Apollo Theatre. Met M. Lovely brunette in front of us. Poor play. Pretty women. Out & walked all the way to Butts in drizzle. Bought fruit etc. Roy out motoring with Stern. Dressed 7.0pm. (Red ink: M & self went to see 'Veronique'. Walked home in drizzle rain.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Susan Wicke.)

Sunday November 20 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30 & out past church with Rags. After at 12.0 went with M on bus to top of Row & walked home. Lunch. Rest. After at 6.0 to work on drawing of Cunard Line. Spencer & Paxton called. At 8.0 Sir Norman & Lady Lockyer & Spencer dined. Sir N not in his usual form. Had last bottle of Geisler '74. Splendid. Spencer & his rifle invention. They left in a carriage &

76 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1904 pair. Read & to bed 11.30. (Red ink: Sir Norman & Lady Lockyer & Spencer dined. Very cold weather. (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Walter Shoolbred.)

Monday November 21 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0 & out. Up over Campden Hill. Met L. Deaf & dumb. After gave Old Woman 3d for a blessing. Lovely bright warm morning. Lennie at Pyt shooting. After back & wrote letters. Then got to work on drawing for Cunard. At 12.0 enlarged ½ doz plates etc for drawing up to lunch time. After rest from 2.0 to 4.0pm. M out in carriage 1st time since August. Went to Stores & Cook for Mite. After at 4.30 went on till 8.15 with drawing. Dressed & M, Roy & self dined. Bottle of Geisler 1885. Very cold. In Morning Room after. No chair. Roy had had a good day on the Stock Exchange. Bed at 11.0pm. (Red ink: Bitterly cold.) See Times for Wills, could not find.

Tuesday November 22 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.5. Bitterly cold. Snow. Out 8.40 & walked up Hornton St. Met L & Double. Back. Breakfast. After went on all day with Cunard Drawing. Put in outline. M up in my room, after Mite. Mrs Morland Agnew & others calling. In Drawing Room after. Roy had good day but not so good as yesterday. M put me mustard leaf on for cough. (Red ink: Very cold. Snow in afternoon.) (Cuttings glued in: Marriage of Arnold Martin to Editha Schwann. Death of George Assheton-Smith. Death of James Hay-Boyd. Death of Guy Leech. Death of Teresa Sinclair. Obituary of James Hay-Boyd. Nov 22.)

Wednesday November 23 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am. Over C.H. Chaussée in Holland Walk. Back. Breakfast. After at work all day on drawing of Cunard Company. Began to shade at 11.45. Could not quite finish by 6.0. Dressed & left for Punch Dinner by bus. Called C.C & Garrick & walked down New Road to St Clement Danes. W.A, Lucas, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G, self, F.C.B, Graves & R.L. Cuts made up by 9.0am. Left 9.45 & home by bus. Cold. Wore grey coat. Took 2 Carters L.L.Pills. Had ineffective mustard leaf on. (Red ink: Cuts made up by 9.0pm.)

Thursday November 24 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & out. Met L in Campden H Road. D & D. On after, back at 9.0. Schemed subject of Russia, Japan & John Bull. Sent boy to Mays. At 12.20 photod Otley for all three. Bitterly cold. After developed & got ready by 3.30pm. Rest ½ an hour. Worked till 8.15 when M, Roy & self dined. In the Drawing Room after. Took 1 Carters L.L.Pill. Coughed very much. Had chest rubbed & several lozenges. (Red ink: Cough very troublesome.) (Cuttings glued in: Marriage of Frederick Breslauer to Mary Agnew. Death of Sophia Collard.)

Friday November 25 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0. Out over Campden Hill before L. Back 8.55. Band after. Not quite so cold. Work all day until 9.25 on drawing of Russia walking away with Destroyer. Bitterly cold. Hot fire. M in room reading Sir Edgar Boehm's book. M, Roy & self in Morning Room after dining at 9.40pm. Bed 12.20. M with candle. Lozenge.


Saturday November 26 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.10 & out over Campden Hill & down Holland Walk. Bitterly cold. Roy going to Margate. In morning hung about & at 11.15 Orton came examined chest & pronounced on cough. He left 12.15. Then dressed in dark suit & went & called at Barkers to complain of having been charged too much on 3 bottles of Geisler 1898 wine. Was a mistake. After took a 4 wheeler to Conduit Street. Had Inverness cape tried on. Then walked to lunch at Downshire House. Sat between Lady Carew & Mrs Leonard Courtney. Talk to Causton after. Then to the Drawing Room. Talk for ½ an hour to Mrs Pirrie & Miss Carlisle. Then drove in carriage to Butts. Bought fruit. Very foggy. Home. Took Orton's medicine. 1st time in carriage since Sunday July 31st last. M & self dined quietly at 8.0pm. Bed at 10.50. Cough troublesome in room. (Red ink: M & self lunched with the Pirries at Downshire House.)

Sunday November 27 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.30am. Put things away & wrote letters. At 12.0 took M to top of Row & walked back. Met the Braunsteins, also Richmond. After home. Lunch. Colley wobbles came on either from Orton's medicine or chill. Rest for an hour & read Wells' stories. At 4.0 to 7.45 went on with drawing for Cunard Company. Spencer came up. Dressed 7.45 & at 8.0pm Mr & Mrs Phipson Beale & Mr & Mrs Spielmann dined with us. A very pleasant evening. Roy back at 10.50 after they left. Bed 12.10. Still uncomfortable from medicine. (Red ink: Colley wobbles came on at 1.30pm. Cough very troublesome. Gastric attack, lasted the rest of year.)

Monday November 28 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Bath & out. Still very cold. Met no one. Back. Eat good breakfast. Felt seedy fom colley wobbles. Finished Cunard Drawing by 11.40 & sent it off. After wrote letters etc. Lunch up in room. Began to rest when Orton came. Yarn. Said it must be something I had eaten. German sausage. After up in room. Uneasy rest. Put all photos away & after began Vol 127 drawing. Dressed at 7.15 & then at 7.50 drove with M to the Hans Crescent Hotel & dined with O.S. Mr & Mrs Arnold-Forster, Mr Austen Chamberlain, Mrs Phil Agnew, Miss Clench, 2 other married couples. Pleasant dinner. M not impressed with Cabinet Ministers. Pleasant chat & smoke. Left at 11.10 & home by 11.30. Roy had dined at home & was up. (Red ink: M & self dined with O.S at the Hans Crescent Hotel. Met Mr H.O.Arnold Forster & also Mr Austen Chamberlain.) The other couples were Mr & Mrs Alcroft (Dent & Alcroft) & Mr & Mrs Carfax.

Tuesday November 29 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & out. Avoided L. Early. Back. Breakfast. After schemed subject for Title Page. Decided for Japanese Knight. Rest after lunch. Dressed & at 8.10 Mite & Lennie, Mrs Blair & Geoff Blair, M, Roy & self dined. Cheery evening. Drank Harold Messel's son & Geoff Blair's health. 2 bottles Geisler. They left 10.45. Talk. Bed 12.0 after rest. (Red ink: Reminder invite from Springkell sent. Issued Sepr 7th for Dec 8th to 13th. Geoffrey Blair & his mother dined with us also Mite & Lennie.) (Cuttings glued in: Marriage of Patrice De Bathe to Violet Wood.)


Wednesday November 30 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0. M told me about Marguerite & her ways. After out & walked over Campden Hill. Just missed L. All day at work on drawing for Title Page, Japanese Knight. Dressed. Miss Blair had lunched with us. Left in bus. Letter at C.C. Walked to Punch Dinner. Last flower. L.B, F.C.B, self, R.H, Graves, R.L, O.S, Lucas, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. Got easy bird cut, German Eagle & Dove. Left at 10.45 & home by bus. Roy out. Lay awake coughing a long time. Most troublesome. Roy home late. (Red ink: Cough most troublesome.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of the Earl of Harwicke.)

Thursday December 1 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & out. Met no one. L.W round the corner. Back. No May no model. Schemed subject Eagle & Dove. Enlarged photos at lunch time & after up in room. Rest & to work from 4.30 to 8.30pm. After M. Roy & self dined. Quiet evening. Roy went out to a dance after at 10.45pm. Bed at 12.0am. Posted letters last thing. Before breakfast not as above but walked down to Earls Court. Met A. Gen Reid's house shutters up.

Friday December 2 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & out with Rags. Met no one. Back. Band. Roy left. After got to work & finished drawing of Eagle & Dove at 6.20pm. Hilda S.J in to lunch. Mrs Adlam called. Dressed & changed. Bother about proof of drawing the last moment, Cunard. M & self dined quietly. Roy at Prince's Gate. Left in cart at 7.50 for Euston. Saw Mr Brock. Bought Munby told by Stead. Comfortable journey. Arrived Chester 12.35. Shewn room. Fire. Put things ready for tomorrow. Apollinaris & egg. Bed & sleep 2.0am. (Red ink: Left after early dinner for Euston & went through to Chester. Slept there.) (Cutting glued in: The Fatal Poaching Affray in Yorkshire. Thursday 1 Dec 1904.)

Saturday December 3 Queen's Hotel, Chester. Up at 6.55am. Dark. Had very good hot bath. Breakfast. Attendants civil. Left by 8.5am for Llandudno Junction. Read Mail. Got there at 9.45. Carriage met me. Egg on lip. Drove straight to covert side. Very stiff climb up hill 2nd beat. Came across young Bainbridge. 7 guns, Mr McLaren Jnr, Sir Charles, self, young Bainbridge, Mr Barbour, Mr Barlow & a Scotsman. Got all day 12 duck, 17 pheasants, 39 head. Very bad luck in stands. Most excellent lunch in a lovely schloss. Left off at 4.30 & drove home. Talk & tea. Up in room. Wrote M. Put things straight. After dressed & went in to dinner. Took Miss McL in. Good dinner & wine. After smoke in the Billiard Room. 2 pictures which reverse with a horrible Mask of Death behind them. Game going on between Mr Cross & young Bainbridge. Went to bed at 11.0. Slept well. (Red ink across page: 1st day's shoot at Bodnant Hall.) (Cutting glued in: Death of Herbert Radcliffe.)

Sunday December 4 Bodnant Hall, Tal-y-Cafn. Up at 8.0. Bath in room. After down & walk in garden. Most friendly black jackdaw & peacock. After signed book & got Maeterlinck. Dear old Mrs Pochin. Wrote many letters. After at 11.0 went for walk round gardens with camera. Took nothing. Lovely small skating lake

79 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1904 made. Costly Mausoleum etc. After a great gale & heavy sleet came on. Went on with letters. At lunch Mr Bainbridge (illeg) & another guest came. A (illeg) MP. Good coffee & liqueur. Talk. After in room finished letters. Rest. At 4.30 down to tea. Very long interesting talk on Free Trade. After up in room & finished letters. Dinner. Sat next Mr Cross & after Col Tompkinson came. Talk of (illeg). Young Barbour, C, self & H.McL on Ventriloquism etc. Cigar & bed 11.15. Read Maeterlinck. (Red ink: Great gale at Bodnant.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Frederick Hohenzollern von Sigmaringen. Saty Dec 3.)

Monday December 5 Bodnant Hall, Tal-y-Cafn. Up 7.30am. Down & breakfast 8.30. Took 2 plates of valley. Group also taken. After started 9.20. 6 guns. 2 McLs, Col Tompkinson, self, Mr Cross, Mr Emmett. Got 40 birds up to lunch. On bridge with Miss McL. After in to lunch. A Mr & Mrs Bright there. Out after coffee & liqueurs. Got 3 birds walking. After 9 more. Shot badly after lunch. 52 birds in all. Left off 4.15. In to tea. After in room wrote M & drew 3 mice in book. Dressed. Dinner 7.30pm. Dinner. Took Lady McL in. Mr Cross left at 8.45. Talk of sugar & Punch after. Mrs Pochin & Miss McL at chess. Talk of my ancestry. Smoke & general talk of Wellington, Peninsular & Mascot etc. Bed at 11.15pm. (Red ink across page: 2nd day's shoot at Bodnant in Park.) (Cuttings glued in: Marriage of Major Charles Duer to Caroline Blackstock- Downey. In Memorium Herbert Crossthwaite, In loving memory Katie Tallentire. In loving memory Baron Huddlestone. Death of General Sir Richard Taylor. Death of Major Colin Taylor. Death of William Clowes.)

Tuesday December 6 Bodnant Hall, Tal-y-Cafn. Up 7.35. Shave. Breakfast. letters. One from G. After got off 9.20. 6 guns. A Mr Jones Mortimer, Colonel Tompkinson, 2 McL's, self, Emmett. Long walk up hill. Got 8 birds there. A fox with a curious tail shot by Sir Charles' loader. After 20 duck & good stand by cover on mountain. Back. Lunch. After bottom of wood. Burnt hand with cigar. Then up stone steps. Changed places with McLaren. Shot extraordinarily well. Got 15 gallery shot birds. All looking on. Only 2 after. Got either 38 or 41 in the day. Col T two high birds. After sent wire from Post Office & back. Tea. Then up in room. Wrote letters & packed. Keeper's name is Parry. Down to dinner. Good. In lamb's wool suit. Only the family left. Told them of D'Arcy. After left at 8.45pm. Doubts as to leaving shooting stick at Llandudno Junction. On to Crewe. Drunken man. 'Do you think me a fool'. Got into 1.10am train. No sleeping berth. Pillow. Most uncomfortable journey. (Red ink across page: 3rd days shoot at Bodnant. Extraordinary good stand on hill. Left after dinner.)

Wednesday December 7 On Board Train for Euston. Woke at Willesden 5.0am. Shunted & knocked about. Could not sleep. Turned out 7.0am & home by 4 wheeler by 7.45. Saw M in bed. Letters. Went for usual walk. Met L & asked follower about her. Back. Breakfast. Letters & tidied up. Got to work on Title Page by 12.0. Miss Gill came. Sleepy & tired. Rest after lunch till 4.30pm. Worked. Put in pony etc. At 8.15 M, Roy & self dined. In Drawing Room after. Bed at 11.15. Very tired. (Red ink: Arrived home from Bodnant.) (Cuttings glued in: The wife of


Robert Browning, of a daughter. Death of Maximo Terrero.) (Red ink: See Sunday 18 Sepr 1898 for death of Madame Terraro aged 87.)

Thursday December 8 Stafford Terrace. Up at 6.45, mean 6.30. Dressed & finished packing. Breakfast at 8.0 & off in Otley's 4 wheeler by 8.30. Roy on steps. Drove in dreary cold weather to St Pancras. Mr Snow civil. Got off for Carlisle 9.30. Comfortable uneventful journey. Good lunch & tea. Carlisle 3.45. 2¼ hrs to wait. Hard frost. M & self went for walk. Saw Rickerby's shop & also Robert Little & Co. Going into Cathedral met Miss Barran. Curious bow of the 2 clergymen. Out. Walked up & down & met Mr Barran & also the Newmans. After to Springkell. Mr Donner on platform. Very cold. At house 8.0pm, delay for luggage. Dinner at 8.30pm. Took Mrs Donner in & next Mrs Newman. Talk of Lord Listowel. Bed at 11.45 after cigar. M's room cold. (Red ink: M & self went by Midland Rly to Carlisle. Bitter frost. Met Miss Barran near Carlisle Cathedral. On to Springkell.) (Cutting glued in: Obituary of General Sir Richard Taylor. Dec 7.)

Friday December 9 Sprinkell, Ecclefechan. Up at 8.0am. Bitter frost in night. Breakfast 9.0. All off for shoot at 10.0am. 7 guns, Mr J-F & Alex J-F, self, Mr Donner, Mr Newman, Mr Barran M.P, Mr Broadhurst. Poor sport up to when M came for last stand before lunch. Got in day 40 pheasants, 1 pigeon, 2 rabbits. 1 stand of 10, 1 of 17 by brook. Shot very badly at brook. Left off in cold wind & sleet at 3.50pm. Walked home. Tea & cigarettes. Hot bath. Wrote diary. Took Miss Barran in. Short of wine at dinner. Played game of Patience. After cigar. Sleepy. Talk of Alex Henderson. Bed. (Red ink: 1st day’s shoot Springkell. M at stand with me. Barran missed 2 woodcock.)

Saturday December 10 Sprinkell, Ecclefechan. Up at 7.45. Stohwasser suit. Hard frost in night. Breakfast. No ladies. After left at 9.0 & off in break to same shoot I remember in 1899. 7 guns, same as yesterday. Most enjoyable day & sun most of the time. All day except the 1st & last stand in a wood. Got to own gun 52 pheasants, 3 hares & 5 rabbits. One stand 21 birds. Left off at 4.15. Walk back to farm where we lunched. In break at 4.30 & clipping drive home. Tea & lovely bath. After wrote letters. Took Miss White into dinner. On the fire side. Game after. Very sleepy & in Smoking Room after. Bed at 11.15. Very tired. (Red ink: 2nd day's shoot Springkell. In long wood.) (Cuttings glued in: Marriage of Captain Montague Percy Oakes to Queenie Cawston. Death of William Black. 04. Edward Terry, his family and company leave for New York. Rudyard Kipling and family leave for the Cape. Monday 12 Dec T. Funeral of General Sir Richard Hayes. )

Sunday December 11 Sprinkell, Ecclefechan. Up 7.45. Down 8.30. Wrote letters. Breakfast 9.0am. Wrote more letters till 11.0. M went to church. Worked from 11.10 till 1.20pm. Lunch 2.0pm. After smoke. Too dark to work. Went for walk with M & Johnson-Ferguson to the ruined church of the Irvines & Maxwells. Story of Fair Helen Irvine & her lover Fleming shot by Mr Bell the Laird. She was

81 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1904 heiress of Kirconnell. After read Private Lives of William 2nd & his Consort to M. Dressed. Dinner. Took Mrs Johnson-F in. Good dinner. Drew pictures after in book. Smoke. Talk of Dilke. Bed at 11.45pm. (Red ink: Walk to chapel ruins. Worked in morning on Japanese Knight.) (Cutting glued in: Betrothal of Colonel J.Parkinson to Constance Daubeny. Mon 12 Dec.)

Monday December 12 Sprinkell, Ecclefechan. Up at 8.0. No letters. Shaved & breakfast. Wore herring grey suit. After glass frightfully low but fine morning. All walked to 1st stand. Got 2 birds. Missed cock overhead. After to valley with Burne. Got a woodcock. After nothing. Then long walk to duck pond. Miss White standing by. Got only 4 duck, 1 pheasant. Lunch in Factor's house after. 4 stands after lunch. Got altogether 28 pheasants, 4 duck, 1 woodcock, 1 pigeon. Solitary walk home. Gave Johnson the Loader £1.2.6 & Loudon (pronounced Loud- on) £1.10.0. Mr Donner going at 7.0pm. Got bath, not very hot. Took Mrs Johnson-F in to dinner. Slow evening after. Bed at 11.10pm. M & self slept well. (Red ink: 3rd day's shoot at Springkell.)

Tuesday December 13 Sprinkell, Ecclefechan. Up at 8.0. Nipped in & got hot bath put for someone else. After breakfast. Good bye. Tips. Got away 9.50. Very hard frost. To Carlisle. Mrs Donner by herself in coupé. All went to Mrs Rickerby's shop. Back & most comfortable journey. Lunch & tea. The Barrans & the Newmans got out at Leeds. Old gent playing Patience by himself. Otley met us. Home in his cab by 7.0pm. Roy with spots. Wrote 6 letters. M & self dined quietly. After a letter came by express from Hamilton Fletcher putting off shoot for next Saty. Bed 11.10. Raw & cold. (Red ink: M & self came up from Ecclefechan.)

Wednesday December 14 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0. Out in rain with Rags & Rick. Met L. After breakfast wrote many letters. Very wet morning. After a whole day at work on drawing for Opening Volume 127. Worked up to 5.45 when found could not quite finish it. Dressed & all the way to Bouverie Street by omnibus. Arrived 7.15. F.C.B, self, Graves, R.L, O.S, P.A, L.B, Lucas, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L. F.C.B had had bronchitis & looked very seedy. Long weary discussion. At last I suggested the Lever, John Bull & the Australian & Canadian walking after. Left at 11.10pm & home by bus. M had dined by herself at the Vaughn Morgans & was up. Roy dined at home. Bed 12.15pm. Had taken Orton's medicine. (Red ink: M dined by herself at the Vaughn Morgans. Orton's upset with medicine tonic 2nd time.) (Cutting glued in: The King attended the christening of the infant son of the Duke of Westminster. Dec 13.)

Thursday December 15 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am & out with Rags. Met L. After home & breakfast. Schemed subject of John Bull & Canada & Australia at 11.45 having sent boy to May's. Photod Hilton & Otley with pole. Developed & enlarged by 3.30pm. Rest till 4.30 when after tea went on & finished drawing for Title Page Vol 127. Sent it off at 6.30pm. Worked till 8.30 on cartoon & after M & self dined together. After dinner frightful fit of indigestion came on probably on acct of Orton's medicine. Felt sick & heartburn. Roy dined with Stern. Bed at 12.0

82 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1904 after rest. M went to Stores for Bradbury present. (Red ink: Gastric trouble & indigestion commenced.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Norman Maccoll. Inquest into death of Norman Maccoll. Mon 19 Dec.)

Friday December 16 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. Had been frightfully seedy with indigestion from Orton's medicine. After out with Rags. Met L who answered. Rags attacked by a Cook at No 11 with a toasting fork. Breakfast. After letters at work all day on drawing of John Bull & Colonies. M out. Up in room. Worked till 9.40 when finished. Roy & self dined. Did not smoke all day or take liqueur. Seedy. Bed at 12.0 after snooze. Wearther unaccountably mild & warm. King's great shoot at Lord Cadogan's. (Cutting glued in: Obituary of Norman Maccoll. Friday Dec 16.)

Saturday December 17 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.20. Very seedy still with indigestion. Was to have been at a great hare drive on the Wiltshire Downs today but it was postponed. Out with Rags. Back. Roy went to see Dr Orton about his spots. Thermometer 57 outside my room in morning. All morning tidying up. Put things away & wrote letters. Shaved & dressed. Lunch at 1.0pm & left in carriage with M at 1.40 for the Haymarket Theatre His Majesty's & saw 'The Tempest'. Viola Tree capering about. A very beautiful little girl with her father. Vulgar young man behind us. Out & walked past Walls. Got sausages & after to Hyde Park Corner. Drove home spending 7 shillings & 8d on fruit. Roy not gone to Mite's after all. (Red ink: M & self went to matinée of The Tempest.)

Sunday December 18 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.30 & out. Dull morning. Walked past church & met anon Barrister. Felt very low & seedy. Met Pepys Cockerell after in Holland Walk. Home. Roy in seedy with barbers rash. M & self went for walk going to Hyde Park Corner by the French Embassy by bus. Walked home. After lunch which I enjoyed rested in room till 4.30. Tea. Daggles called. After squared prints etc. At 8.0 Mr & Mrs Wolfram Ford dined with us. She bright & delightful. Sang after. No appetite for dinner. They left at 11.0. Roy back. He had dined with Stern at the Savoy. Rest & bed. Woke at 3.0 with cough & heartburn. Went down. Sick. Better rest after but very seedy. M broken rest. (Red ink: Mr & Mrs Wolfram Ford dined with us. My cough & gastric trouble very bad. Sick at night.) (Cutting glued in: The King enjoyed an excellent day's sport. Saty Dec 17.)

Monday December 19 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.5 & out. Went through school after having met Mr Richardson. Felt very seedy & bad with my indigestion. After met L in Holland Street. Very foggy. Back & letters. Orton called at 11.0 & saw me. Changed medicine. After put things straight. Letters etc. Rest. Left at 5.0 & went up by bus to C.C. 1 letter. On to Jones's & chose Lawrence Bradbury's present. To Garrick. Wrote letters. Signed book. On to Punch Dinner. No F.C.B, ill. O.S, self, Graves, P.A, Lucas, B.P, E.T.R, H.W.L, A.G. Long weary discussion. Eat hardly anything. No wine. No smoke. Sat till I got both my cuts & then left with a protest from O.S. In the Strand gave a man 1/s, came back saying 'Look

83 LINLEY SAMBOURNE'S DIARY 1904 what you've given me'. Home by bus. Roy in W.C. Midge & Dora had dined with M. (Red ink: Punch Dinner. Very seedy & ill with gastric disturbance.)

Tuesday December 20 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.5am & out. Met L & another at Hornton St. Fine morning, colder. Back. Breakfast. Had had rather better night but still very bad. After letters schemed subject of Peace on Battlefield using plate of Etty Pettigrew taken (?) years ago. Enlarged at 12.45. Lunch. After done by 3.15pm. Rest & on to work. Many callers in afternoon. M gave Miss White 6d short. Long debate over it. Roy & self dined quietly & bed early after. Lord Burnham's shoot at which His Majesty attended. (Cuttings glued in: The King had a day's shooting over Lord Burnham's preserves. Wed 21 Oct. A marauding wolf in Northumberland. Mon 19 Dec. See December 30th.)

Wednesday December 21 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.0am. & out. with Rags. Met L. Past Lord A's, after home. A dense fog fog came on. Had to work by Electric Light the entire day. M could not go out at all. Was up in my room resting quietly. Worked all day on Peace on the Battlefield & up to 10.20 when finished. Most unsatsfactory. Down & M, Roy & self dined at 10.30. After at 11.15pm Roy went out in the fog & to the Oakes’ Ball. Back 4.0am. (Red ink: Worked entire day by Electric Light. Dense fog.) (Cuttings glued in: Fog settled on the metropolitan area and other parts of the country. 23 Dec. Death of Arthur Chappell. Lord Beaconsfield's birthday.)

Thursday December 22 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.15 & out with Rags. Still very foggy. No L. Back. Breakfast. Roy off to the City. Wrote letters. Letter from Laurence Bradbury who is married this day. After a dense fog all day. Put away all photos & wrote cards & letters. Lunch. Rest & snooze after. M came back at 5.0pm having had to walk & be lead by Otley on the Bayswater side. Got to work & decided on Hand Shadow for Opening Volume. Had read delightful story called 'Snap' by Mr Sampson Seton. At 8.0pm M, Roy & self dined together. Quiet evening after. Gave Roy the story of Snap to read. Bed at 11.30. Chest rubbed. (Cuttings glued in: Obituary of Arthur Chappell. Obituary of Captain John Castle. Marriage of Laurence Bradbury to Olga Morgan.)

Friday December 23 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.20 & out with Rags. Met no one. Collared by the German bandsman & gave him 2/s. After dull cold & foggy. Said good bye to Roy. In room. Letters. Went on with Title for Vol 128. Packed. Lunch. After M & self got off at 3.45 in Otley's cab to Victoria. Met Lennie. Then the Hohlers. Then Donna Linda. All got into carriage. Waited 1½ hrs before starting & arrived at Balcombe 2¼ hrs late. Not till 7.40. Stopped at Post Office to write post card to Otley. Balcombe House. Tea. Dressed. Dinner 8.45. Geoff Herapath there. Donna L danced afterwards. Bed at 12.0. Dear M tired. Slept well. (Red ink: Went out of miserable fog to Balcombe House, 3½ hrs getting there. Invite for Easton Park issued for the 9th to 13th January 1905. Got it Tuesday 27th December.)


Saturday December 24 Balcombe House. Up at 8.45 & finished letter to Otley. Bath. Breakfast late, 10.0am. A poodle puppy dirty all over the house. Old Mademoiselle had left. Put coat on not worn since Monday 7th November. In morning busy writing diary & letters. Lennie got me a small table for work. L, Geoff & Donna Linda & F.W went over to Nymans to lunch. Worked till 2.15 when lunched with Mite, M, Mrs Hohler. After they went to Nymans at 3.30. Looked at books. After Mr Marriott came. Had sent my things on. Walked nearly to Hand X. Carriage sent back for me. Car overtook me & on to Nymans with Marriott. All playing Snooker Pool. Harold M looking seedy. Eric P & Capn Gibbes. Dr Messel, who I was sorry to hear had been frightfully ill with diabetes. Dressed in a man's room. Dinner, cold. Dance after. Long talk to Mrs Sington & Dr Messel. All left for home, self with M, Mite & Mrs H in carriage, rest by a motor. Home at 1.0am. Chaff about sausage & mash. Bed late. Slept well. Felt better. (Red ink: Walked to Hand Cross. Dined & Dance at Nymans.)

Sunday December 25 Balcombe House. Up 8.30 & bath. Bed again. After down & breakfast 9.45am. Very hungry. Grey day. After all went to church. Got to work at 11.15 to 1.30 on page for Vol 128. Lunch. After went for walk with Lennie, Hohler & Marriott & poodle, Vic & Bogey. Back 5.0. Hot. Changed. Tea. Xmas tree & children. Switch back & tumble toys. At 6.0 to 7.45 wrote many letters. Dinner. Crackers etc. Charades after. Talk & bed at 1.0am. (Red ink: Quiet delightful Xmas day.)

Monday December 26 Balcombe House. Up 8.30. Bath. Breakfast. Off in green suit & Fletcher boots to shoot. Motor at 10.10. Nymans. Guns, Parker, Gibbes, Hohler, Lennie & self. Shot with L's No 1 gun. Got 4 pheasants, 2 cocks & 2 hens, 5 duck. Lunch. Surley keeper of Loder's ordered Lennie off the field. Back 4.0 & home 4.20. Changed. Tea 5.10. After wrote letters & dressed. Dinner. Took Donna Linda in. At 9.30 dance people arrived. 2 good musicians & a very good Dance. Stout girl. Lady of the Mill & Miss Parker. Youth like Cartwright. Took Lady of the Mill into supper. Danced Lancers, American dance & also Post Horn Galop. Smoke & to bed 2.0am. Geoff & Donna Linda. (Red ink: Dance at Balcombe House.)

Tuesday December 27 Balcombe House. Up at 8.20 & after bath. Lennie went up to town. Breakfast. After got to work & did 3 hours at drawing of Opening Heading Volume 128. Lunch. Rest in room after. Letters. Gave up going to the Mill. Went for walk to the Post Office & saw motor turn into the Park with Hohler & Geoff & Donna Linda who had been to East Grinstead. Back 6.0pm. Again letters. Dinner. Oh! so dull & slow with Mrs H & D.L. After looked out Burlington Magazine Limited, 17 Berners St, W. Bed at 11.0pm. No Lennie at dinner. Slept well. Grey day still. At 11.30 in the morning photod little Oliver in chair in the Conservatory for my cartoon for next week. (Cuttings glued in: Death of Samborne Stukely Palmer-Samborne. Marriage of George Wright to Nellie Terrell.)


Wednesday December 28 Balcombe House. Up at 8.0. Bath. Breakfast & off at 9.30 with Florence Walford. Good bye to Hohlers. Mrs Thring & man on platform. Up with Major Oxley & others & to Victoria. Otley met me. Home by 11.30am. After at 12.15 went to Dunk & Clarkes & gave a plate 35 minutes for interior by Electric Light. Most successful. Developed photos taken of Oliver yesterday & after lunch a rest. Went on at 4.0pm & finished by 9.0pm Title Heading for Volume 128. Roy & self dined together & bed at 12.0 after reading. Quite warm weather. Thermometer 65 outside window in the Bathroom. (Red ink: Came up from Balcombe. Photod Barber's shop.) (Cuttings glued in: Letter about obituary of Captain Castle.Wed Dec 27. Death of Evelyn Terrell.)

Thursday December 29 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.0am & out over C.H with Rags directly after breakfast. Letters & schemed subject of Chamberlain & Little New Year in Barber's shop. At 11.0 Hilton came. Photod him as Chamberlain & Old Year & got plates developed & some enlarged before lunch, after till 3.30pm. At 4.15 M back from Balcombe by carriage. Tea & up in my room. Roy out to dinner & to a supper given by George Edwardes at Romano's. M & self to dinner. Had a bitter pheasant, Oh! Read after & to bed unaccountably tired at 11.30. Fire in room. Glad to have M back. (Red ink: M returned from Balcombe.) (Cuttings glued in: Death of Emily Maple. Death of John Lock. The wife of Louis De Ayala, of a son.)

Friday December 30 Stafford Terrace. Up at 8.10. Cold in morning. Out with Rags over C.H & down P.G. Band. After letters to work & all day on drawing of Chamberlain & Little New Year in Barber's Shop. Very tired & doubtful about getting done. M went to Stores & got me shoes. Finished at 9.30. Dinner, M, Roy & self. Morning Room after for snooze & bed at 12.15am. (Cuttings glued in: Obiuary of John Lock. Wolf killed on railway. Friday Dec 30. Creditors' meeting. Thurs 29 Dec. Obituary of Percival Fowler. Death of Elizabeth Reid. Death of Cardinal Langenieux.)

Saturday December 31 Stafford Terrace. Up 8.20 & out over C.H with Rags. Gave Old W 1/s for Xmas box. Breakfast. Roy off. After wrote letters & put all away. Orton called & looked me over at 11.25. Up in my room. Packed. Lunch, M & self. Roy back. Got off in Otley's cab at 2.35 & drove to Waterloo. Carriage to self & down to Tisbury. 2 carriages & motor. Got in motor with a young man for Pyt. Wire to M at Post Office. At Pyt 6.0pm. Children's Fancy Ball in full swing. Mervyn's birthday. Tea. Talk to Routh in Smoking Room & a clergyman. Pretty children & rose leaves. Up in room after talk to George Gordon. Dressed. Dinner. Mal à propos remark to what turned out to be Dorothy Shakespeare. Said did old Hope dance a Hornpipe. 2 pretty Miss Lascelles & Miss Forster. After smoke a game of cards. Putting cards one on top of other. Smoke & bed at 12.15 after seeing the New Year in with Routh, a youth & Hamilton Fletcher. Window open & slept fairly well. Adieu 1904. (Red ink: Went down to Pyt House. Childrens' Ball.)


Notes and addresses at back of diary:

Mrs A.H.Morgan. 49 Melrose Gardens, West Kensington Pk, W. G.Barker. 84 Clifton Rise, St John's Wood. Amy Ada Harper. 24 Lillyville Road, Putney. Martin. 25 Gratton Road, W.Kensington. Edith Cooke. 21 Clarence Gate Gds, Upper Baker St, W. Janet Hird. 48 Grove End Road, St John's Wood, N.W.

Addresses below sent 10 Decr 1903: R.Manlove, 15. 76 Fortess Road, Kentish Town. Lily Manlove 16½. Spanish, Grecian, evening costume. Daisy Smith, tall, dark. 41a Blenheim Crescent, Bayswater. above recommended Head Master Birkbeck College: Miss M Amess (Mabel). 16 Mardale Street, Shepherds Bush, W. c/o Mrs Young, 59 Thistle St, Edinboro.

M Hall. 94 Hotham Road, Putney S.W R.Woodcock. 122 Victoria Road, Kilburn. Jessops E & B. 79 Amhurst Road, Hackney. V.Smith. 146 Adrian Terrace, Radcliffe Square. R.Morgan. 38 Tabor Road, Hammersmith. S.Martin. 32 Charville Road, West Kensington. E.Huxley. 1 Portland Mansions, Kensington W. J.Best. 44 Newman Street, Oxford St, W. M.Tambay. 24 Mirabel Road, Dawes Road, Fulham. Edith G.Hall. 94 Hotham Road. V.Hamilton. 56 Chelverton Road, Putney. E.Dawson. 12 Normand Mansions, W.K. 1 Adelaide Road, Sheen Road, Richmond. Clotilde Louer. 157 Brixton Road, S.W. Alice J.Jones. 19 Portland Place, Brighton. Mackenzie. 6 Bloomfield Terrace, Sloane St, S.W. c/o Mrs Maxwell, 45 Berners St, W. B.Taverner (Grace). 3 Lena Gardens, Brook Green, W. B.Grecy. 26 Bolton Road, S Johns Wood. 88 High Holborn W.C Gwendoline Ley. 24. 5ft 9. Dark. 353 Clarewood Terrace, Coldharbour Lane, Brixton S.W. Dawson. 12 Normand Mansions West Kensington. Jessop. Napier House, Hertford Road, Lower Edmonton. Jessop, E. Liverpool St Buffet, G.E.Rly.

E.W.Burrow Esq. 2 Fitzroy Street, W. C.L.Delph. 90 Sydney Street, Chelsea. A.Hilton. 26 Preston Gardens, Willesden. W.L.Bolton. 4 Gayton Road, . W.Grayson. 18 Arlington Street, Clerkenwell. Melville Edwards. 62 Robert Street, Hampstead Road. N.W. Clean shaven, fine head, young man. Good figure, sits well.



Apollo G.S.Biggs. W Shaftesbury Avenue. Avenue WC Northumberland A, Charing X. Adelphi WC 401 Strand. Comedy SW Panton Street. Criterion W 218-222 Piccadilly. Daly's G.E Mason WC 6 Cranbourne St, Leicester Sq. Duke of York James W.Mathews WC St Martins Lane. Gaiety E.Marshall WC 345 Strand. Garrick H.Bouchier WC 2 Charing X Road. Haymarket Cyril Maude SW 7-8 Haymarket. His Majestys Henry Dance SW Haymarket. Imperial Lyston Lyle SW Westminster. Lyric H.J Callan W 29 Shaftesbury Avenue. New C.Wyndham WC St Martins Lane. Palace Charles Morton WC Cambridge Circus. Mr Millard 5 Oct. Prince of Wales's R.S Donald W Coventry Street, Piccadilly. Sir Frank Curzon W.H.Dawes for George Edwardes & . Princess's W 152 Oxford St. Royal Court SW Sloane Square. Royalty W 73 Dean St, Soho. St James's G. Alexander SW King St St James's. Savoy WC Beaufort Buildings, Strand. Terry's E.P.Morgan WC 105-6 Strand. T.R.C.Garden WC Bow Street. T.R Drury Lane A.Collins WC Catherine St, Covent Garden. Sydney Smith Vaudeville Herbert Clarke WC 404 Strand. Wyndhams WC Charing X Road. Strand Byron Webber WC Royal Strand. Shaftesbury W Shaftesbury Avenue. London Hippo H.W.Garrick WC Cranbourne St. Empire H.S Hitchens WC Leicester Square. Tivoli J Howells. WC Strand. Royal Pavilion W Piccadilly.

A.J.Jones Saturday 7 May 04 Wednesday 11 May 04 Saturday 28 May 04 * Wednesday 8 June 04 * Saturday 2 July 04 *

Amess Sunday 7 Feb Wednesday 9 March


Mackenzie Wednesday 16 March 04 Sunday 20 March 04 Saty 18 June 04 Wednesday 6 July 04

Ruby Morgan Tuesday 9 Aug Wedy 14 Sep

Otley & Marguerite Monday 26 Sep

Hamilton Thursday 19 May 04

Woodcocks Friday 29 July 04

E.Jessop Wedny 13 July 04

B.Jessop Saty 10 Sep 04 Saty 5 Nov 04

Hird shoes & sits 22 Aug 03

Dawson Wedny 1 June 04 Wedny 22 June 04 Wedny 31 Aug 04 * Wedny 9 Nov 04 *

Grecy Saty 29 Aug 04

G.Taverner Wedy 28 Sep

2 Taverners Wedy 28 Sep

Sir Angus Tuer Bitters Miss Merchant Warble, mixing Shunting Dr Birchmore


Autograph Hunters, 1903- 4: Elsa Rosenfeld. 8 Linfield Gds, Hampstead N.W. Jenny Gossip. Knowsley, Inverness, N.B. Mrs J.G.Gilhurst. Fountain House, West Hartlepool, Durham Tom Hutt. Croft Villa, Road, Coventry. Helen Forster. Haselden, Castle Eden. M.Lyon. The Hall, Uppingham, Rutland. D.Turner, Mrs. Huntercombe, Blackhall Road, Oxford.

Stories: American Chef de Police: "Oh I beg your pardon, we have some of the finest burglaries in the world."

"Beg your pardon Mr Attenborough, very glad to make the aquaintance of the rest of you."

Visit to Jews: "Would you mind taking off your jewels, my husband must not get excited."

Bishop: "Nothing wrong with your head. Heart all right. Now shew me your unruly member."

Quain. Delane. P: "It must have been the Duchess."

Bear in Scotland. Lady: "I don't know who you are but you must & shall not come into my bed with your motor coat on."

Jack & Gill went up the hill Gill was a Miller's daughter Gill came down with ½ a crown But not for drawing water. G.H.Boughton Esquire R.A. Pinx.