
DedicatedZ to the preservation and enjoyment of the / Z Car

a bi-monthly publication of s here Spring i March/April 2011 time to get the Z out! 2011 events calendar inside...

Swap Meet

Monthly Meetings

Driving Tours

Track Events | Driving Tours | Parts Discounts | Show ‘N Shines | Monthly Meetings Ze d l i n e sponsor Ze d l i n e sponsor

h4HE!UTOMOTIVE%XPERTISE9OU%XPECTv Specializing In: Datsun/Nissan “Z” Cars All Model Years 1970 - 2011

• Complete Shocks & Springs Installed • Transmission, Differential Service & Rebuilds • Full Brake Service • Header & Intake System Installations • Custom Stainless Steel Exhaust Systems • General Service of Imports Diane Dale’s G70+ 240Z Race Car & Domestics Prepared & Maintained by Whitehead Performance


Now Servicing Skyline GTR’s



2 Ze d l i n e Ontario Z-Car Owners Association www.ontariozcar.com Ze d l i n e 3 Ze d l i n e Prez sez Ze d l i n e editor

It’s dusk. Do you know where your Z is? Welcome to the new Zedline!

Adventure is very thankful as will the many readers of the different. Howie is now our Treasurer. expertise. This issue, Vuk Zivic from AMS coming our way. Zedline. Together, with our literary and pictorial I was honoured to be asked to take on shares tips on what to check for when Even though contributions, we can make the Zedline even this important role and agreed to work with bringing your Z out of winter hibernation. those hot and better than it already is. Howie on making a smooth transition. To In the Retrospective feature, OZC found- sunny times are We recently had our first Executive Meet- that, I’d like to thank Howie Yoshida for his ing member Dieter Roth, AKA “The Z Mas- still months away, ing of the year and along with an injection of 2011 OZC EXECUTIVE five years of service as Zedline Editor and ter” retells his legendary tale of two Z Cars. they’re coming renewed enthusiasm, some interesting and his guidance in getting me up and running. This is part one of three. at us faster than fresh ideas were proposed. I won’t unveil them President: I’ve discovered that being Zedline Editor is a Other regular features include Member we realize. What awaits may not be “Indiana just yet, but once they’ve been polished and JP Matte fairly large undertaking... but I’m enjoying it! Profile, Club News and Web Talk with OZC Jones” grade adventure, but at least we won’t are ready to go, they’ll be made public. 905-839-8121, Pickering Hello to all my fellow Z Car enthusiasts! I’d also like to take this opportunity to Website Administrator, Eric Zondervan. I’d be getting shot at by the bad guys. Speak- About where I see OZC going, my vision of [email protected] I’ll start by telling you a little about myself. I thank my wife Joanna for her support with also like to thank our advertisers. Without ing of adventure, our Web Administrator Eric what the club is and what it should be striving joined OZC in April 2009 just before acquir- this and my other car club activities. I put a their support, the Zedline Newsletter would Eastern VP: Zondervan, takes adventure seriously. This for, is not so grandiose. I want it to be reali- ing my current Z, a 1995 300ZX 2+2 NA. lot of hours into redesigning this first Zedline not be possible in this format so please Enrique Preza summer he and a good friend Terry Tomlinson tively easy to run as well as have it be a catalyst Previously, in my younger years, I owned a and she has been understanding with me consider calling on our advertisers for what 416-402-0695, Mississauga 1984 300ZX Turbo from 1992 - 1996. I’ve devoting my otherwise family time to this. they have to offer. are embarking on a 20,000km Z tour in his which facilitates good times for the member- [email protected] early model 240. Going as far South as Savan- ship. I’d like to see the expansion of friend- always loved these cars from as far back as Moving on now, I’m very excited to bring Enjoy this first edition of the new Zedline. nah Georgia and as far North as the upper ships between new and old members taken Western VP: I can remember. you the first issue of the next generation I welcome any feedback by way of phone, reaches of Saskatchewan. May the Ashphalt to a new level. And though by any definable Laverne Burkhart I work for “The Mississauga News” news- of Zedline! In this issue we present the all email or through our website - my user Gods smile down upon them. Wouldn’t it be standard we are doing well, it would be nice to 519-748-5187, Kitchener paper as a graphic designer and photog- important OZC events calendar for 2011. name is rockdog. I encourage members great to be in Eric’s shoes? I, and I am sure see more extensive participation in club events [email protected] rapher. I do magazine layout and editing in We have another exciting year planned with to use the forum on ontariozcar.com to ex- many of you, are looking forward to hearing the by our members. Having said that, if the best my job so taking on the position of Zedline all of the usual events that you’ve come to press your ideas and thoughts about what’s details of this epic journey of a lifetime. we do is comparable to what we achieved Membership Director: Newsletter Editor is a natural role for me. expect so please make the most of your going on in the club as I’ll be pulling content What follows is a bit of a synopsis of what’s last year, I shall be a very happy President. Bob Chwalyk Since joining OZC, I’ve been helping membership and come out for some of off the website to use in future Zedlines. waiting for you, and I hope that more of you These are small concerns compared to what 905-389-4024, Hamilton Howie Yoshida with designing the advertise- these great events. I hope to see many of you out at our than ever take advantage of what’s being some people have to consider these days. [email protected] ments. JP noticed my design skill which I have several columns planned to be events this year... I’m getting excited, Spring offered this year. Events will be much as they Historic events on the other side of the planet prompted him to approach me about taking regular features in each issue. Expert Advice is going to be here soon! were the previous year. Joint meetings at the as the Middle East awakens, some might say Treasurer: over as Editor when Howie expressed his is an opportunity for our advertisers to offer Milton Montana’s in May and September, the unravels, have far reaching implications which Howie Yoshida intentions to step down and do something tips and insight on their particular area of Jason Okolisan, Zedline Newsletter Editor MichaelAngelo’s Car Show, a pair of Drag could ultimately affect us all. 905-625-6621, Mississauga Events, a variety of manageably sized Road For so long on the outside looking in, many [email protected] Tours, some action in the U.S. in association there are motivated by a desire for the kind of with the Rochester club, the Z Convention in life we take for granted. And who can blame Website Administrator: Eric Zondervan Contents March/April 2011 Savannah Georgia, Z-Fest at Brantford Nissan, them? As for us, growing up surrounded by 416-455-7445, Toronto events not yet foreseen put on by individual the things we all love and have a realistic shot 6 EVENTS dates for 2011 OZC events and road tours Ze d l i n e Contributers : [email protected] members and our year end social in Novem- at attaining, can we be blamed for concluding JP Matte, Enrique Preza, that this is just the way things are and will for- 7 EXPERT ADVICE things to check when bringing your Z out of storage, by Vuk Zivic Dieter Roth, Howie Yoshida, ber. More about these events will appear in Webmaster: this and future Zedlines and will also be posted ever be? Unfortunately, others are motivated Vuk Zivic, Eric Zondervan Zak Irvine 8 RETROSPECTIVE a tale of two Z Cars, story by OZC founder Dieter Roth on our Website. Get out those calendars and by the desire for something else altogether. [email protected] a bi-monthly publication of start marking off some dates. As I have stated How this all plays out is anybody’s guess. 10 MEMBER PROFILE Enrique Preza’s family vacation to the East Coast 510 Meet in the past, this year I look forward to seeing Closer to home, the U.S. is staring down the Newsletter Editor: many new faces and cars over the coming barrel of economic oblivion as the national debt Jason Okolisan 12 CLUB NEWS monthly meeting locations and a website update by Eric Zondervan Spring, Summer and Fall. reaches staggering proportions and the econ- 905-785-3765, Mississauga You may have noticed that the Zedline has omy struggles to revive, thereby hampering [email protected] taken on a bolder personality. This, courtesy efforts to address the crippling debt. The most WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! of Jason Okolisan our new Newsletter Editor. vicious of cycles if ever there was one. Now Merchandise Director: On behalf of the Ontario Z-Car Club, we are pleased to I can’t wait to see what kind of a ride he has more than ever, nothing happens in a vacuum, Terry Weston WELCOME to the following new members and extend planned for us. But before Jason can take us nothing is guaranteed and it is harder than ever 905-388-5041, Hamilton a cordial invitation for you to participate in club events, anywhere, we’ve got to put something in the to predict where it’s all going. It was once said [email protected] meetings, our website forum and the newsletter. “tank”. In the world of newsletters, if you didn’t that these are the best of times and that these Bill Carlton, Roy Dailey, Fred Davidson, already know, content is king. Interesting are the worst of times. Looking around it’s Events Director: Glen Knox, Ronald Loosemore, Andrew Rizzetto stories don’t write themselves, and take it from hard to disagree. At the risk of sounding fatal- Brian Gracie 9 0 me, coming up with something which strives istic, let’s really take the time to cherish what 519-842-7874, Tillsonburg [email protected] As well, we would like to extend a personal invitation to our to be interesting every month is no picnic. we have and let’s look out for one another. old members to re-join the club and be part of the largest Everyone of our members is up to something, As the clouds gather and we hurtle down this and most exciting Z-Club in Canada! Mailing Address: and though many believe that what they are poorly marked highway, alone or together, in Ontario Z-Car Owners Association doing isn’t that special, you would be surprised everyday life and within the realm of Ontario 2-3415 Dixie Road, Suite 304 at how many would beg to differ. I know that Z-Car, let’s make the most of every waking mo- “The Editor of Zedline and the Directors and Officers of the Ontario Z-Car Owners Association and the Ontario Z-Car Owners Mississauga, ON L4Y 4J6 Association Inc. do not necessarily adopt to the views expressed in any letters to the Editor or articles published by our members. I do. So, and here’s the pitch, if you’ve got ment we have. We intend to have the Zedline as an open forum available for members to express their views but retain the right to edit or not something going on, something on your mind General Inquiries: publish any letters which are deemed to be offensive, defamatory or slanderous. Further, with respect to any articles outlining or just want to show off something you’ve been JP Matte, President [email protected] mechanical modifications to any motor vehicle, the Editor, Directors and Officers, point out that said modifications need to be working on, send it in to Jason. He will be Ontario Z-Car Owners Association conducted under the supervision of a licensed mechanic in order to ensure owner and public safety.” 4 Ze d l i n e Ontario Z-Car Owners Association www.ontariozcar.com Ze d l i n e 5 Ze d l i n e events Ze d l i n e expert advice OZC 2011 Events Calendar It’s time to bring your Z out of winter hibernation! March 2 - Eastern Chapter Meeting at Route 66, Scarborough Here are some things to check... March 9 - Western Chapter Meeting at East Side Mario’s, Woodstock by Vuk Zivic, Absolute Motor Specialties Inc. (AMS) April 6 - Eastern Chapter Meeting at Route 66, Scarborough pring is in the air and it’s time to start the brakes lines for wear is yet another April 13 - Western Chapter Meeting at Ernie’s Roadhouse, Cambridge thinking about our beloved Z’s! After prudent safety precaution. Pads, rotors April 16 - Swap Meet hosted by Whitehead Performance, contact Greg Whitehead, 416-665-2220 Swhat seems like an eternal hiberna- should also be checked for obvious signs tion the light is definitely at the end of the of wear. When was the last time these May 4 - Joint East-West Chapter Meeting at Montana’s in Milton, join us for dinner at 6pm, meeting at 7:30pm tunnel. Jumping in our Z’s and blasting were serviced? Was there any noticeable May 23 - Michael-Angelo’s Marketplace Car Show, Mississauga, free admission, 11am - 2pm, 905-820-3300 around are a foregone conclusion with pulsation when the Z was on the road last? the introduction of sun and warm weath- With relation to the Z32 the brakes were a June 1 - Eastern Chapter Meeting at Route 66, Scarborough er. Now before our visions of grandeur definite weak spot for such a heavy vehicle. June 8 - Western Chapter Meeting at Ernie’s Roadhouse, Cambridge are fulfilled it is prudent to go over some Warped rotors are a constant reminder of important checklists to ensure optimal this. Perhaps it’s time to upgrade to slotted June 25 - Drag Day #1, St. Thomas Motorsports Park, contact JP Matte, [email protected] enjoyment and minimize heartache and and/or drilled variants. Better yet, several July 6 - Eastern Chapter Meeting at Route 66, Scarborough disappointment. What follows is a pre- larger kits are available as a bolt on affair to liminary check-list of items to look at with improve with overall braking performance. July 8-10 - ZCCR All Japanese Car Show Weekend, Rochester, New York, contact John Taddonio, [email protected] regards to a stored vehicle with some July 13 - Western Chapter Meeting at East Side Mario’s, Woodstock specific reference to Z32’s. This however TIRES: This area can often be overlooked. It July 18-23 - Z Convention in Savannah Georgia, www.zccazconvention.com can be applied across the board to most Vuk Zivic is currently in the process of rebuilding any vehicle that has endured a hyper-sleep the engine in his 1992 300ZX Twin Turbo. shouldn’t as tires are essential what keeps August 3 - Eastern Chapter Meeting at Route 66, Scarborough through our Canadian climate! our Z firmly planted on the ground! Over the August 10 - Western Chapter Meeting at Ernie’s Roadhouse, Cambridge attention to seepage/leak prone areas near course of storage don’t be surprised to see Battery: or on the high pressure power lines. the psi drop. Check and fill to the recom- August 20 - Z-Fest at Brantford Nissan. (Fri, Sat & Sun event planning ongoing) We will assume that most have dis-con- The high pressure line is notorious for leak- mended specifications. Along with this check September 7 - Eastern Chapter Meeting at Route 66, Scarborough nected the battery to their beloved Z over the ing and it is situated right above the alterna- for tire wear and cracks and/or bulges. winter? Either that or some have employed tor. This hose has killed plenty of alternators September 9 - Watkins Glen New York, Grand Prix Festival, featured marque Nissan/Datsun, www.grandprixfestival.com the services of one of the many ‘battery ten- with slow leaks. On Hicas equipped Z32 CONNECTORS: September 14 - Joint East-West Meeting at Montana’s in Milton, join us for dinner at 6pm, meeting at 7:30pm ders’ that ensure the battery stays charged. TT models there are several high pressure Z32’s are also prone to corrosion build- If not you may be disappointed when trying hoses that can show signs of wear. After all up within the fuel injector connectors, power September 24 - Drag Day #2, St. Thomas Motorsports Park, contact JP Matte, [email protected] to crank! If the battery was left connected some of these cars are now 20 plus years transistor unit, coolant temperature sensor, October 5 - Eastern Chapter Meeting at Route 66, Scarborough chances are even if you are able to boost the old. Consequently the clamps and auxiliary etc. With some care the connectors can Z the batteries integrity has been comprom- rubber hoses should be checked for cracks, be taken off and cleaned with an electrical October 12 - Western Chapter Meeting at Ernie’s Roadhouse, Cambridge ised and you may be looking at purchasing tears and seepage. cleaner. Do not steam clean or power wash November 2 - Eastern Chapter Meeting at Route 66, Scarborough, elections for 2012 Executive Committee a new one or if lucky using the warranty that these engine bays! The connectors are not Was a fuel stabilizer used during storage cheap to replace nor is the EFI harness. November 9 - Western Chapter Meeting at East Side Mario’s, Woodstock, elections for 2012 Executive Committee is still existent. Once a battery is discharged it will never be the same again. Look around and was the tank full before being stored? November 19 - Year End Dinner & Social at Grand Valley Golf Club (date and venue to be confirmed) for obvious signs of acid seepage as well If not add some octane boost and get high SUSPENSION: December 7 - Eastern Chapter Meeting at Route 66, Scarborough and check the connectors for corrosion/oxi- octane fuel in the tank. With regards to the While the Z is in the air (or lifted at one dation and clean if necessary. Z32 the oem clamps and hoses are notori- corner at a time) the suspension can be December 14 - Western Chapter Meeting at Ernie’s Roadhouse, Cambridge ous for leaks. Even the fuel dampener and checked for wear and tear. Tie-rod play, up- Oil/Fluids: fuel pressure regulator have shown signs per control arm play, shocks/springs, etc. Flushing the engine oil that has been sit- of seepage. Once again the Z is starting to The Z32 is also prone to blown tension rods 2011 Tour Itinerary ting over this prolonged period especially show it’s age especially on any original com- and even rear sub-frame bushings. These in a high performance automobile is cheap ponents. Any leaks will be very noticeable will crack with wear and age and will leak a The OZC tour sub-committee is planning one tour per month from May to October. Tours will likely be shorter than in insurance. These cars by nature are not apon start-up and will also emit the distinct clear ‘sap’ like fluid. previous years to appeal to more members. Dates and complete details have not yet been set but here is an outline of used as general grocery getters and will be fuel aroma. While we are on the subject of what’s being planned. opened up more often than not so fresh oil fuel when was the last time the fuel filter was ADDITIONAL SERVICE ITEMS: May - Halton Hills Tour featuring Snake Road and back roads up towards Milton. never hurts. Now in addition to changing the replaced? Make sure if you replace this to do When was the last time the air filter was June - Eric’s Cottage Tour to Orillia featuring Southwood Road. oil and filter it would be a good time to look it after the Z has been sitting for a while or looked at? What about the timing belt (Z32’s July 8-10 - ZCCR All Japanese Car Show Weekend, Rochester, New York. into the additional fluids – coolant, brake flu- else you may get a shower and not the way have a recommended service interval of 48 you like it! months or 96K whichever comes first). Plat- August - South Western Tour through Tillsonburg, Port Burwell and Port Stanley. id, power steering fluid and even the wind- shield wiper fluid. Even if the levels are fine inum tipped spark plugs also have a service September - Niagara Wine Tour. the next question should be when was the BRAKES: life of 96K. October - Eastern Autumn Tour through Port Hope and New Castle. last time the Z had these fluids flushed? If We’ve touched on the brake fluid already. you can’t recall then it may be a good idea The Z32’s brake master cylinder is an area The above check-list may seem daunting Tour dates will be set on a Saturday with the Sunday as a fall back rain day. to score some long life coolant from Nis- that needs checking as the original parts at first glance but will ensure that the Z is Once available, further details on the tours will be printed in future issues of Zedline san, power steering and perhaps some high will start seaping sooner or later. Look for ready for the coming season of pleasure- and posted on ontariozcar.com. performance (non-silicon based) brake fluid tell tale signs like low brake fluid levels and able driving. Nothing worse than cruising on NOTE: Please check the events calendar on our website ontariozcar.com for such as Motul or ATE Super Blue. corrosion/fluid trailing underneath the mas- a nice day and having to bring the ride home the latest schedule updates between each printing of Zedline. With regards to the Z32 pay particular ter cylinder along the firewall! Inspecting or to the shop on a hook! Z

6 Ze d l i n e Ontario Z-Car Owners Association www.ontariozcar.com Ze d l i n e 7 Ze d l i n e retrospective Ze d l i n e retrospective a tale of two Z cars OZC founder Dieter Roth, AKA The Z Master, is back to retell his legendary story...

by Dieter Roth

Back in 1970 an orange 240Z was born Ontario GT-2 champion • Firehawk ing a race weekend at Mosport, Ahmad in Japan and shipped to Canada to live a Endurance Series GT-1 and overall mentioned that racing expenses for the went for a test drive east on the 401 and the pulley and blue locktight. 12 bent valves happy life. It was driven daily and enjoyed champion • Canadian National GT-2 Rothmans Porsche series were getting a came back the next day with instructions are now mounted on a trophy and were B little out of hand. I offered a suggestion to by its owner for about ten years and then champion • Ice Racing Studded Class to turn this car into a full GT-2 race car. presented to Ahmad by yours truly at the sold to it’s second owner. At this time the Z overall champion • 1990 Ontario GT-2 race in the GT class and have just as much We had one month to get into the last two ice race banquet. Despite all that %$#@ was taken apart into ten zillion pieces with champion • GT-2 track record at Mosport fun at half the cost. But, he didn’t know Firehawk endurance races of 1988. we won the championship. “YES!” a complete restoration in mind. But, I’m at 1:34:9 seconds which still stands today which car would be good enough to be Greg Whitehead worked his genius with sure you all know this story… two kids and • 1991 Ontario GT-2 champion a championshipPartPart contender. I immediately 11 the drive train, I worked on the chassis, a new house later it was still in pieces. But • Canadian National GT-2 champion • Ice mentioned the Datsun 240Z. “What is a interior and suspension. We did it, team how does one describe the Ahmad and Greg Whitehead don’t worry little Z, you will become quite Racing Studded Class overall champion Datsun 240Z?” cameof the reply. 3 Now how of 3 work, lots of extra hours and enthusiasm beauty and racing potential famous. • 1992 Ontario GT-2 champion does one describe the beauty and racing was the key to success. The first race at Meanwhile, back in Japan in the year • Canadian National GT-2 champion. potential of a 240Z to a man who has Mosport was a success. No win but an of a 240Z to a man who of 1972 another orange 240Z was born 1993 Switch and modifications to raced everything from Porsche to BMW to “ encouraging outing. The next race at Mount has raced everything from ley main pumps, one of which served as a destined for Canada. It’s life became a little GT-1 specs: fastest time by a normally Mercedes but has never seen a Z? Well… I Tremblant was more successful but also a Porsche to BMW to Mercedes backup. On board fire extinguisher one but- more exiting, as it’s last owner (Len Whelen, aspirated 3 litre car at Mosport, 1:31:504 couldn’t. So, as I walked past the Porsche little hairy for Greg. Not only was he the co- but has never seen a Z?” ton operation to fuel cell, driver and engine. ex C.A.S.C. President) turned it into a killer • Development of fuel injection • Ontario compound on my way to the hotdog stand, driver at every race, he was also the engine Full custom dash gauge package includ- solo and street machine. overall champion • And the beat goes a devine light came from the racing gods builder and had to be the passenger in ing: 10,000 RPM tach, oil pressure, water on... and fell on an almost hidden 240Z sitting Ahmad’s custom 911 turbo on a record run During the winter of ‘88/89 the GT car temperature, exhaust manifold temperature, Now back in the 60s and early 70s I was under a tree in the parking lot. I ran back from Le Circuit to Montreal and back in less was completely stripped and improved fuel level, volts, kill switch, relays and circuit having a good old time racing stock cars - In 1986, having been reduced to a 1980 and dragged Ahmad to the car and with a than three hours. Reason for the trip? Badly from drive train to suspension, interior to breakers. A button on the steering wheel to my Cortina twin cam in rallies and dabbling Honda Civic, I stumbled into a Honda ceremonial TA-DAA introduced him to the Z scored camshaft. I think Greg’s face gained brakes and aero dynamics, etc. Greg’s pump drinking water to the drivers helmet, in Formula 1600. The Z Car and I were love specialist shop run by one Martin Sissons. I Car. You guessed it, love at first sight! a few age lines, to say the least, but he also connections and experience proved to be start button, fuel pump switches, a large at first sight, but again you know the story, was looking for a little maintenance work on As ice racing went into full swing that enjoyed Ahmad’s driving. We learned a lot a god sent. By May of ’89 we were ready. red oil pressure warning light and switches two kids, the house, etc. At around this my car. In the corner of the shop sat a little winter (‘87/88), the search for “THE” perfect that first year, all of which paid for itself the Through Ahmad’s incredible ability to for night racing lights. Then we added a time the second party of our little tale was ’78 Civic, roll cage, headers, twin Webbers, Z went on and on. This is when the third following years. organize and finance the projects, we had a button on the steering wheel for the radio building a very successful business in Ger- the whole nine yards. I enquired as to it’s part of the story, Greg Whitehead, came team, a race car and a lot of confidence. communications. many and racing till his hearts content with purpose and ownership and was told that it into the picture. Greg was introduced to Late August 1988 Ahmad wanted to Modifications to the car were extensive. It How the heck Ahmad and Greg ever kept Mercedes, Porsche and BMW. The other lives as an ice racer and was owned by one Ahmad as the Datsun god of Ontario. If know how a car like the 240Z would do as was 100% GT-2 race car now: track of what was what and raced at the party was also building a business, but in Ahmad Khodkar. Being the fall of the year, anyone would know of any 240’s hidden an ice racer. I told him the car would kick Aerodynamics: aluminium skid plate, same time is beyond me. Canada. He also started racing, but with work on the car was at a fever pitch to get it away, he would. So we all started to look butt. He said he had never seen one at the new front spoiler, rear skirt, side skirts, Engine: Venolia 14 to 1 fully floating ’s and B210’s and fell in love ready for the season. I offered to help with for “THE” Z Car. Greg finally found “THE” ice race track. I said, “time to introduce 1.5 inch ground clearance, no drip rails, forged pistons, Carrillo rods, fully ported with the Z Car. Am I boring you yet? the prep work in exchange for a little work car. Then I got the call from Ahmad. “Dieter the world of ice racing to the Z Car, and I headlight covers and flush mounted Lexan polished and balanced N42 cylinder head, on my car and thus fate took it’s first step meet me at the 401 and Park Road exit, I know where I can find one just perfect for side windows. Nissan Competition header, 14 inch alum- Wait for it… you’ll see how those two Z toward in Z Car history. found THE car, I want you to see it!” the job.” And that is how we acquired the Suspension: Wildwood 4 piston callipers inium competition flywheel with triple plate Cars brought all three of us together and Ahmad and I met that fall and became I was parked at the exit waiting and then 1970 240Z from my good friend Phil, still in and 11 inch discs, vented rear discs with 2 clutch, one hell of a wild cam, competi- how a little history was made. Just to wet very good friends. In the summer of ’87 I I saw it on the ramp. The most gorgeous ten zillion pieces. So here we go again, piston callipers. Cockpit mounted bias con- tion rocker arms, MSD crank fire ignition your appetite to continue reading, I’ll give watched him race his 944S in the Roth- blue 240Z I had ever seen. It was done. another deadline. trol to rear brakes, modified lower control system, aluminium radiator, modified turbo you the racing achievements of those two mans Porsche Series as one of the top Full roll cage, fully adjustable suspension, Greg does his magic with the driveline arm pivot locations with mono ball bush- oil pump, eight quart oil scraper oil pan, orange Z Cars: private entries. That fall, as we were enjoy- 2.8 litre engine, triple Mikuni carbs. Ahmad and I start assembling the five zillion pieces ings and mono ball bushings at the upper competition crank and alternator pulleys, we need to make this into an ice racer. We strut mounts. Modified steering rack with reduction gear starter and triple Micuni make the first race dispite all the wild modi- quick disconnect steering wheel. Modified carbs with 34mm chokes. (GT-2 rules). fications. Lesson 1: Do not mount the radi- front and rear strut towers. Tokiko Black Tranny: Nissan Competition close ratio ator in the tailgate for extra weight transfer racing shock inserts in oil all around. All 5 speed. Two differentials - fully welded R or hook it up to the engine with ABS pipe new adjustable racing springs and spring 200’s with 3:90 gears and 3:60 gears. and rubber hoses. I guarantee you they seats with racing damper springs on all Miscellaneous: Fiberglass hood, fenders will separate. I speak of experience. Yes four corners. Completely adjustable rear and rear hatch. Removable lights for night Ahmad got wet. Back to plan B. suspension in Teflon bushings. racing. Also do not use factory torque specs to Interior: Upgraded full roll cage, custom And that folks was just the first year! tighten the camshaft pulley bolt to the cam. made 20 gallon fuel cell with gauge sender, Use a prey bar, a large screwdriver to jam two S&W accumulator pumps and two Hol- Part one of three, to be continued... Z Ahmad’s ice racing 240Z

8 Ze d l i n e Ontario Z-Car Owners Association www.ontariozcar.com Ze d l i n e 9 Ze d l i n e member profile Ze d l i n e member profile

Vital Stats: Member: Enrique Preza Occupation: Operations Supervisor, Kito Hoists & Cranes Residence: Mississauga Cars: 1969 Datsun 510 1979 Datsun 140Y

LEFT: The Preza family; Enrique, Julie, Katja and Jacquelina on their way to Road Atlanta. RIGHT: Datsun racing legend Peter Brock admires Enrique’s stock engine.

qualifiers which included Georgetown’s Now, before we departed The Mitty, there of this special event. I can’t wait for the next Derek Young in his 1971 240Z. My kids was one more highlight. This one came East Coast 510 meet happening May 13-15, The Mitty were a bit annoyed by the noise, but soon courtesy of Mr. Peter Brock. I packed up 2011. I’m going… who’s coming with me? The long and hilly road to were thrilled to see all the cars speeding my car and headed out to say my good- I really hope to have a good representa- by Enrique Preza only yards away from our tent. It was a day byes. Some of my new 510 brothers had tion from the OZC this year’s East Coast full of action, but the highlight of the day mentioned to Mr. Brock that there was a Meet. It’s not as far as Atlanta. This year uly 26, 2009, I find myself at the airport OZC’s legendary 510 rally race car driver US - and possibly in all of North America. was when I got to take Kaipo on the track 510 in the group with a family and lots of it’s being held at Summit Point Raceway in in Buffalo, flying to Manchester New Bob Esseltine. Thanks again Bob. I hope Why did I drive all the way there? Well, this for a few laps with all the 510’s and a few Z camping gear. West Virginia, approximately 800 KM’s from JHampshire. I’m on my way to pick up one day you get your 510 back on the road. particular one was honoring none other cars. My wife Julie and our girls Jacquelina I could not believe my eyes when I Toronto. my newly purchased 1969 Datsun 510. On our first day we cruised all the way than Datsun racing champion Peter Brock and Katja came along for the ride. They saw him coming down to see my car. He Hope to see you there. I promise a July 27, 2009 I meet up with Lou, the down to Beckley, West Virginia for a total and his BRE racing team. loved it!! admired my packing job and asked to look Datsun good time!!! Z seller. After a few minutes inspecting 550 miles. The scenery was awesome and I pulled up to the designated parking area In the evening we had a blast. Live music, under the hood to see my stock engine. my purchase I pay the balance, get the my two daughters Jacquelina (11) and Katja for my group - the SPEC510. This year the drinks and lots of Datsun stories by the fire. He was not at all surprised that Kaipo had Enrique Preza is the newly elected OZC documentation from him and start driving (5) were well-behaved. Annual East Coast 510 Meet was being Sunday morning meant time to pack up come from so far away. I asked if he would Eastern VP for 2011. His contact info is back to Mississauga. “I’ll see you next year During our second day we headed into held here as part of The Mitty. Wow, what and get on the road for the rest of the trip autograph my glove box and he happily available on page 4 of Zedline under the at The Mitty, right?” says Lou. I say “sure” the hilly part of the journey - Virginia, Ten- a turn out we had. I think by the end of the which included a stop to see friends at my obliged. I took a couple of pictures with the Executive Committee list. not knowing exactly what this Mitty was all nessee and North Carolina. This meant weekend we had 44 of our 510’s on the former residence Jubilee Partners, www. legend and headed out. about... the Appalachian Mountains were part of track and my Kaipo was one of them! jubileepartners.org. Our return trip also fea- I drove away from the track extremely April 29, 2010, I found myself driving to our route - ouch!! But, Kaipo was up for As soon as I pulled up I felt the familiar tured staying at Myrtle Beach for a few days happy and pleased with all the new friend- “The Mitty” in Atlanta, Georgia with my wife, the challenge. Considering the amount of feeling of Datsun owner’s hospitality. A of relaxation and back to North Carolina ships I made. It was definitely worth the kids, lots of camping gear and of course weight I packed, it climbed those moun- couple of gentlemen I had never met before and Smokey Mountains National Park. 1,000 mile plus drive to Georgia to be part my 510 named Kaipo (Beloved in Hawai- tains like Lance Armstrong climbed the Alps jumped out of their lawn chairs to help me ian). We had just over 1,000 miles to go, but and Pyrenees for many years in his prime. set up my tent and make us feel welcome. I was confident that all the work I put into At some points we reached over 5,500 feet. When that was done, it was time to open the car over the winter was done right. This Somewhere in Tennessee I decide to give my cooler and share my Canadian beer. It included a transmission swap from a boring Kaipo a well-deserved break. was a hit as it coincided with the roaring of automatic to a peppy 5 speed that I found We got back on the road only to climb engines on the track. I turned to see who in the US. This job would not have been more mountains. I must say that most of was on the track and in no time I spotted possible without the help and expertise of these steep climbs were done in fourth Lou, Kaipo’s previous owner! He was in his gear. Very rarely did I have to shift into third bright yellow 1969 510 doing laps around gear. I was so pleased with the way the car the track. I knew right then and there why performed, but at the same time relieved Lou said to me: “you must come to The when we hit the flatter areas in South Caro- Mitty.” I was in 510 heaven! Eventually all lina and Georgia. the 510’s came off the track and joined By 4 PM on April 30th we arrived at our the party in the infield located right in the destination, the legendary track at Road middle of the straight away. We had a bon- Atlanta. We were finally at The Mitty. What fire and talked cars all night. is this? Well, it is the biggest and best Saturday May 1st, 8 AM we were awak- Enrique and family enjoy a little track time vintage race weekend in the South-Eastern ened by the roaring of the first group of Enrique won first place in the “Other Nissan” category at Road Atlanta Speedway. at Z-Fest 2010 for his Datsun 510 and 140Y. 10 Ze d l i n e Ontario Z-Car Owners Association www.ontariozcar.com Ze d l i n e 11 Ze d l i n e club news Ze d l i n e web talk Ontariozcar.com 2011 MEMBERSHIP FORM 2011 MEMBERSHIP FORM our website has come a long way! by Eric Zondervan, Website Administrator ❑ NEW ❑ RENEWAL ❑ ADDRESS UNCHANGED ❑ NEW ❑ RENEWAL ❑ ADDRESS UNCHANGED The OZC website, www.ontariozcar.com, had been looking for someone First Name: Last Name: First Name: Last Name: was originally created by Edward Burkhart in to bring the site into the 21st Address: Address: 1997. Edward was also Membership Director century, and here was this City: Province: City: Province: and Newsletter Editor, all at the same time! guy bubbling with enthusiasm, In 2001 Nigel White relieved Edward of the spewing technical jargon like Postal Code: Postal Code: website duties and in 2005 Edward took over an active volcano, and offering Home Phone: ABOVE: TheHome 2011 Phone: OZC Executive Committee; again. To see what the website looked like to do it all for free! automatically blocks the known culprits. front from left; Terry Weston, Eric Zondervan, Email: JP Matte, EBrianmail: Gracie. Behind: Bob Chwalyk, back in the early days, search “websites of At this time we were using Motortopia to Every time someone new signs up, a notice is Howie Yoshida, Enrique Preza and the past” on ontariozcar.com. host our forum and it was getting about one sent to Zak, Howie and myself. If they look at Jason Okolisan. NOT IN PHOTO: Zak Irvine. When Edward was ready for a change, hit per month (we now get 25-35 hits a day). all suspicious, we can check where they are Z year: Model: Colour: Transmission: Z year: Model: Colour: Transmission: INSET: Laverne Burkhart. word went out that the club needed a new A couple of executive meetings later we ap- logging in from (usually India or China) and Z year: Model: Colour: Transmission: Contact informationZ year: for theModel: Executive isColour: Transmission: Webmaster so I volunteered with the proviso proved the expenditure to purchase the basic block them before they get started. available on page 4 of Zedline. Z year: Model: Colour: Transmission: Z year: Model: Colour: Transmission: that I had no idea how to do the job. With a lot version of vBulletin and gave Zak the go I’ve spoken to a few people who stopped of patient coaching from Edward and Nigel, ahead to rebuild the site. Within a few months going to the site after we got hacked last Classification: ❑ STOCK ❑ MODIFIED ❑ RACE Join Classification:us at ❑ SourTOCK ❑ regularMODIFIED ❑ RAC Emonthly meetings I learned enough to keep the site updated, we had basically what you see now. summer, but rest assured, Zak is keeping Interests: Interests: post member ride photos and maintain the It wasn’t long before we started attracting it up and running 99.9% of the time. If you Eastern meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month starting at 7:30pm. Events Calendar. spammers, then hackers and we got a couple haven’t been on for awhile, be sure to come Route 66 Sports Bar & Grill, 416-755-7869, located in the Eglinton Square Shopping Centre at Victoria Park and Eglinton. About three years ago at the OZC swap of bad hits which took the site right off-line. back and check it out. There is lots going on - meet, this guy Zak introduced himself to me. We quickly approved the expenditure for the several new people registering every day and Membership $50 per year Western meetings are held theMembership second Wednesday $50 per of theyear month starting at 7:30pm, alternating I had never heard of him, and he must have latest and best version of vBulletin, which is many interesting posts to follow. payable by cheque to: Ontario Z-Car Owners Association between Cambridgepayable and Woodstock.by cheque to: CheckOntario the Z-Car events Owners calendar Association of page 6 for location dates. thought with the title Webmaster, I knew a lot supposed to block these low life idiots. So far Next issue I will go through all the steps to 2-3415 Dixie Road, Suite 304, Mississauga, ON L4Y 4J6 CAMBRIDGE: Ernie’s2-3415 Roadhouse Dixie Road,, 519-658-9562. Suite 304, Mississauga, From Hwy ON 401, L4Y exit 4J6 at Hwy 24 North, a short get yourself registered, post photos, search distance will take you to the Queen Street exit on your right, take it and go up 3 lights, Ernie’s is on the more than I did. He was talking so technical it has worked. We still get the spammers try- Paypal payment may also be made on our website: www.ontariozcar.com left at the cornerPaypal of Queen payment and may Guelph. also be made on our website: www.ontariozcar.com that I was lost in ten seconds... something ing to join the forum to push Viagra and other old posts and help make you familiar with the For more information, contact the membership director For more information, contact the membership director Bob Chwalyk, 905-389-4024, [email protected] Woodstock: EastBob Side Chwalyk, Mario’s 905-389-4024,, 519-537-6100. [email protected] 555 Norwich Ave. (Hwy 59) just north of the 401. about vBulletin and various modules. We junk, but Zak has attached a program which site so you get the most from it. Z ZEETOYZ INC. WWW.ZEETOYZ.COM PROFESSIONAL AUTO SERVICE At Master Mechanic, you talk to the mechanic Specializing in automotive & home dress-up items for Datsun & Nissan cars

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12 Ze d l i n e Ontario Z-Car Owners Association www.ontariozcar.com Ze d l i n e 13 Ze d l i n e sponsor Ze d l i n e sponsor Mark Michael MacKew Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public 8GGI8@J8CJ

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14 Ze d l i n e Ontario Z-Car Owners Association www.ontariozcar.com Ze d l i n e 15 Ze d l i n e sponsor

16 Ze d l i n e Ontario Z-Car Owners Association