Military Exchanges Consolidate the Marine Forces Pacific Band Is Scheduled to Play at Serve Customers
Inside DEFY Intramural Marines help A-5 program hoops New MCIs A-10 Cyclist B-3 Kids, B-1 Sports, B-2 Vol. 25, No. 4 Serving Marine Forces Pacific, MCB Hawaii, Ill MEF, Hawaii and 1 st Radio Battalion January 30. 1997 MarForl'ac Band Military exchanges consolidate The Marine Forces Pacific Band is scheduled to play at serve customers. the Annual Twilight Tattoo, Tom Ptillpott "Absent the economies associated with integra- Feb. 8. The concert, from 4 to Fen Lao tion," he warned, "the future viability of the 6 p.m. at Fort DeRussy Facing stiff competition from civilian dis- exchanges is threatened, as is customer service parade field in Waikiki, will also feature performances count stores like Wal-Mart and Kmart, the and dividends to troops. three military exchange services have been Exchange patrons not only enjoy shopping dis- from other military and civil- told to consolidate operations by 1999. counts while avoiding local sales tax, but ian bands as well. For more of exchange profits fund base morale, welfare and information, call 655-9759. Frederick Pang, assistant secretary defense for force management policy, recreation services. unveiled the move in a Jan. 8 memo to ser- Merging the Army and Air Force Exchange l'ovver outages vice secretaries. Pang and his staff had Service with the smaller Navy exchange service Dipoci pkoso by Cpl. Sloven Wiliorns been discussing the issue with exchange could save roughly $200 million a year, said a Marine exchanges will be affected by the con- officials since August. Pentagon official, citing a recent study commis- solidation.
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