Sussex. (Kelly's
2191) H.ULSHAM. SUSSEX. (KELLY'S ' At Otham was a religious house of the Premonstratensian IPuBLIC EsTABLISHliiENTS :- oder, founded by Ralpb de Dene and Sibilla his wife, in Cemetery, Francis William Terry, High street, clerk to the the reign of llenry Il. and dedicated to SS. Mary and burial board Lawrence; the society wa11 afterwards- removed to Bay- County Police Office, Robert Renville, superintendent; 1 ham: portion& of the walls are still to be traced. Michel- sergeant & 13 constables • ham Priory, on the river Cuckmere~ near here, was founded Sussex ~2nd) Artillery Volunteers {No. 6 battery); Capt. in the 16th Henry Ill. (1231-2) by Gilbert de Aquila G. E. Hillman, commandant , · (Aiguillon), for canons of the Augustinian order, and dedi- Pu11uc OFFICERS:- . cated to the Holy Trinity; ·the remaining buildings, now £ertifyingFactorySurgeon,Jas.PymarBillingL.K.Q.C.P.rreL partly used as a farmhouse, comprise a bridge of eight The Willows arches, which spans the moat, the refectory, 61 feet by 36 Collector of Poor's Rates, Francis William Terry feet, with a lavatory, an Early English vaulted passage and Inland Revenue Officer, John Robert Polsue a cellarage of two bays. Stamp Distributor, Thomas Snashall The town is within the Duchy of Lancaster. Lord Sack- HAILSHAM UNION. t '\"ille is lord of the manar of Michelham Parkgate and Col. Board day,alternate wednesdays,at the Board room, at 1 I a. m M. D. Treherne is lord of the manors of Down Ash and 'The Union comprises eleven parishes, viz.:-Arlington, Chid- Bowley. The principal landowners are the Duke of Devon- dingly, Hailsbam, Heathfield, Hellingly, Hurstmonceux, shire K.G.
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