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OAKT-August4 42 OAKVILLE BEAVER, Friday, August 4, 2006 PART-TIME Daycare pro- BABY items: small car GE side by side fridge. NEW metro-sectional sofa GOLDEN Retriever: The VERY rare classic 1984 1996 Dodge Grand Cara- vider/ Nanny required, bed; single beds. All good Water & ice dispenser. from Upcountry in excel- most gentle faithful and Toyota Land Cruiser. Soft van, 3.3L, 4 captain seats, ARE you a person with a Mon.-Fri., 2-6pm. to care condition. 905-257-4640. $750 obo. Stove, $50. lent condition. Cream Ultra caring friend a human can top/ hard top. 5-spd deisel. immaculate condition, A/C, for 2 girls (aged 5&7) in my 905-330-6972. suede. 3 new black leather have. A puppy to bring Great on fuel. Excellent e-tested, certified, 185K, disability interested in home (Gladys Speers P.S. BEAUTIFUL Diningroom bar stools with chrome. 2 many years of uncondition- condition. Drive a classic. $3900. Call 905-332-8623 area). Light housekeeping/ Suite, oak, 6 chairs, 2 HOT Tub (Spa) Covers new black leather high al love. 905-827-1921 or $15,000. 905-854-1936 training for a new career? leaves, 48"x96" extended, best price, Best quality. All meal preparation desired. grade Wassily Chairs and 905-845-9262. 1999 Van, White Pontiac hutch included. $800 for shapes & colours. Call 1- 905-827-1815. side table of chrome and trans sport. 7 passenger, Call Centre Environment suite, $600 for table & 866-585-0056 www.theco- PERSIANS purebred, glass. 905-319-1917 A/C, CD, 172,000kms. chairs. 905-339-1414 verguy.ca kittens & adults. Regis- Asking $2,995. 905-465- Customer Service Rep tered. View at PLAY centre, new, wood- 0590 or 905-464-1443 BED, amazing bargain, HOT Tub/ Spa- Brand new en, with fort, rope ladder, www.littlesecrets.ca WANTED Have you ever considered a career in queen orthopedic pillow w/all options, including BALLROOM and Latin rockwall, swings, slide, 905-549-0800 financial services but thought your top set, new in plastic war- cover, 2006 model. Still in Used & Abused lessons, come dance with monkey ladder $475. disability would make it impossible? ranty. $250. 905-567- wrapper. Cost $10900., Autos & Trucks us! Save up to 50%, Sim- 905-319-9032. RABBIT, 2yr old Albino 4042 Sacrifice $5,500. Call 905- ply Ballroom, 905-510- male Lop-ear, Neutered. Candidates must: •Have a disability 971-1777 7546. POOL table, 4x 8 slate Includes Deluxe cage and 1998 Yamaha V Star, •Be ODSP eligible BEDROOM set, cherry with accessories. $250 all accessories. Free to 650cc, 8,500Km, accesso- wood. Bed, chest, JUKI Overlocker- Four loving home. 905-523- Also scrap ries included, black. Well •Willing to work in Mississauga/ FRENCH teacher from You move. 905-383-0739 dresser, mirror, 2 night Thread Model number 5578 maintained, asking $5,800. Halton France living in Burlington: vehicles. stands. Dovetail construc- MO-634DE. Pressure foot POOL Table, Professional 905-617-4719. adults, students, children, CASH PAID •Live in Halton, Peel, Dufferin tion. Never opened. Cost adjustment, industrial Series, Solid Wood, all levels. Call veronique •Have good computer skills $8000. Sacrifice $1900. style, all accessories, just 1"Slate, All Accessories. 905-690-6494 905-320-8697 905-567-4042 serviced. $240. 905-333- New, Still Boxed, Cost 905-320-3287 9815 $6,200, Sell $1,950. 905- Call 1-866-806-0662 CARPET I have several 304-9994 1988 YJ Jeep from B.C. Community Partnerships at Work 1,000 yards of new Stain KAYAK, Riot Stealth, red, No rust ever. Corvette yel- MOTORSCOOTER 1984 Honda Areo80. Good shape Master & 100% nylon car- incl. paddle, life jacket, RENOVATION sale. GE low, 33" tires. Beautiful! pet. Will do living room & travel gear. Used 4 times. $7,000. 905-854-1936 runs well asking $700. 905- Sponsored by Profile stainless steel 523-5578 Book your hall for $389. Includes car- $700.obo. 905-337-3965 fridge (bottom mount 1999 Silverado LS, ex- pet, pad & installation (30 freezer) $1,100 obo; maple 1991 Dodge Colt auto., tended cab, 168,000km, KENMORE Washer and yards) Steve, 905-633- corner cabinet (Woodcraft) 250K., new battery/ alter- w/matching cap, rust Dryer, Moffatt Stove in to place an ad call directory ad 8192 $1,100 obo; solid wood of- nator, good running condi- proofed annually, E-tested, good working order. $125 fice filing cabinet $200 tion, $650 obo. 905-465- Certified. Excellent Condi- a piece obo. 905-336-9920 905.337.5610 CHESTERFIELD and obo; dining room table and 0887. tion. 905-483-4797 Today! Love Seat, $200. Single KING headboard, cherry- 4 chairs $150obo. 905- Sept. issue - 250,000 bed frame $50, 20" boys 815-1503 1991 Honda Civic DX, mountain bike $50, washer wood +accessories; teak 5spd, B16 motor, e-tested, copies and Dryer $400/pr. Large dresser, armoire; veneer asking $3500 OBO, 647- wall units; diningroom ROXTON maple 3pc. en- Deadline: table 4X 9 ft $75 Call 905- tertainment unit, Barry- 280-5476 331-6904 suite, 8-pce. walnut. 905- 319-0267. more sofas/ chairs, leather Aug. 31, 2006 sofa/ chair, office furniture, 1993 Plym-Gr. Voyager, CLIFF Thorborn pool ta- downsizing. Other quality fully loaded, new transmis- Max 25 words. ble, 3/4" slate, new felt and KING mattress & box- items. 905-854-5605, visit sion, e-tested $750 as is. www.uniongas.com cover, all accessories. spring, Sealy, Coronation Only $79. Email: www.ourstuff4sale.ca 905-339-7532, 905-319- $1200 OBO. 905-827- Posturpedic Valerian 8893 advertising@live-it.ca 6460 please leave mes- Wool, Ultra-Firm. Mint con- SAMSUNG 47" HD ready sage dition, $800 obo. (Down- 1995 Grand Am, new tires sizing) 905-845-5947 projection TV. 2 years old, excellent condition $1000 and brakes, no rust, e-test, COMPLETE Yamaha digi- great deal! $1,800. 905- Start each day with a sense of purpose. KITCHEN set, 5-pce. Dark green fabric sofa, ex- tal stereo. cost $1800+, 467-9225. sell $800 obo. 2001 Rocky wrought iron, square glass cellent condition $100 905- mountain full suspension top, 4-cream cushions, 635-4104 End each day safely with a sense of accomplishment. HERBALIFE Products 1995 Olds Cutlass Cierra. $750 obo. 2005 Gary Fish- purchased at Pier 1, ask- Certified, e-tested, recent available. Call your Inde- er Mullet $650 obo. Both ing $500. 905-315-7173. SEARS queen size hide-a- pendant Herbalife Dis- bed. Multi colored, excel- brakes, runs great, good bikes in excellent Condi- shape. 115,000km, A/C tributor today at: 905-319- tion. 905-469-6060 LEATHER sofa w/match- lent condition, paid $1800 Union Gas is an integrated We are seeking qualified individuals to become 3637 or visit: http://herbal- ing loveseat, blue, $600; asking $300 obo. 905- does not function, all other nutrition.net/tlane1385 solid pine 4-poster bed, 634-3323 features do work. 4-door natural gas storage, COMPUTER Desk, hides sedan blue. Senior Driven the computer, large solid double/ Queen $400. All excellent condition. 905- SINGLE bed, dresser, and well maintained. transmission and distribution LIVE It ! New health & wood 4dr cabinet, with 2 Clean. $2,900.00 OBO. wellness magazine. 847-5188. desk, nightstand, $250, slide out shelves. Built in Call Ben 416-254-5588. company that provides energy Utility Service 250,000 copies. Cost-ef- light, lots of storage. 905- 5-piece kitchen set, $80. LEATHER! 3 piece Italian 905-510-8098. fective directory ads, word 635-2601 1998 Sunfire, 245k, black, ads. Call today to book for set. Sofa, loveseat and delivery and related services chair. New, in plastic. SNOWBLOWER, Toro, A/C, tires 1 y.o., needs a the next issue. 416-493- COMPUTER, AMD 2800+ little work $500. 905-331- to 1.3 million residential, Representatives 1300 ext. 288 1gb ram 9600XT complete Cost $6900. Sell $2500. 6.5 hp, 3 years old, im- 905-304-4873. maculate condition. Call 6904. system w/printer, $500; commercial and industrial solid oak dining set 905-257-1198; 647-836- in the following locations: LIFE fitness treadmill, 8339. 1999 Mercury Mystique LS w/lighted hutch, 4-chairs, Sport, very clean, auto, customers in more than 400 2leafs, $800 obo. 905-592- Light commercial (used) must sell $600. Call Greg THERMAMAX Electric olive green ext, beige • Windsor (# WI2006-08) UPTOWN Oakville, Leda's 9508. communities in northern, at 905-336-3633 Bed w/remote control to leather int, 2.5l V6, sun • London (# L2006-31) Personal Training Studio raise/ lower bed. Re- roof. Cert. & E-Test. Bur- offers safe and effective COUCH, pull-out, $200; lington - Susan 905-335- southwestern and eastern couch, 2 chairs, $250; teak LIVINGROOM Sofa~ Cus- movable/ adjustable side • Woodstock (# L2006-29) one-to-one strength train- tom Made. Excellent con- arms. Only 4yrs old. 2439 ing and weight loss pro- diningroom table, 6 chairs, Ontario. The company also • Owen Sound (# W2006-13) $350; 2"submersible pump dition $400. obo. Call 905- $500. 905-331-2284, grams, top of the line 847-0332 leave message. 1999 Mercury Sable- E- equipment, request your w/100' hose; 30' ladder; Tested, 3-litre, 6 cyl., pow- provides natural gas storage • Hanover (# W2006-03) free session. 905-337- Honda riding lawnmower MAPLE Dinette, Round/ er doors/ steering, leather $250; 36" fridge w/icemak- TOTAL Gym, rarely used, and transportation services • Guelph (# W2006-17) 2605 oval with 2 leaves and 4 complete with manuals seats, 65,000km, genuine er; 10" table saw; 6" sand- chairs. Includes 2pc corner reason for sale. $6200. (# W2006-16) er; 12" planer. Pool table and videos, $800. Call to other utilities and energy • Simcoe hutch $600. Oak Rocking 905-632-8108.
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