Rodents and Insectivores from the Lower Miocene (Agenian and Ramblian) of the Tudela Formation (Ebro Basin, Spain)
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ISSN (print): 1698-6180. ISSN (online): 1886-7995 Journal of Iberian Geology 38 (2) 2012: 349-372 Rodents and insectivores from the Lower Miocene (Agenian and Ramblian) of the Tudela Formation (Ebro Basin, Spain) Roedores e insectívoros del Mioceno Inferior (Ageniense y Rambliense) de la Formación Tudela (Cuenca del Ebro, España) F. J. Ruiz-Sánchez1*, X. Murelaga2, M. Freudenthal3,4, J. C. Larrasoaña5, M. Furió6, M. Garcés7, M. González-Pardos1, O. Suarez-Hernando2 1 Departament de Geologia. Universitat de València, 46100 Burjassot, Spain [email protected]; [email protected]. 2 Departamento de Estratigrafía y Paleontología, Universidad del País Vasco, 48080 Bilbao, Spain [email protected]; [email protected]. 3 Departamento de Estratigrafía y Paleontología, Universidad de Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain. [email protected] 4 Netherlands Centre for Biodiversity, Naturalis, Leiden, The Netherlands. 5 Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Unidad de Zaragoza, 50006 Zaragoza, Spain. [email protected]. 6 Institut Català de Paleontologia M. Crusafont, Edifici ICP, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Cerdanyola del Vallès, 08193 Barcelona, Spain, [email protected]. 7 Grup de Geodinàmica i Anàlisi de Conques, Universitat de Barcelona, Zona Universitaria de Pedralbes, 08028 Barcelona, Spain, [email protected]. *corresponding author Received: 12/12/2011 / Accepted: 02/04/2012 Abstract The rodent and insectivore faunas of Agenian and Ramblian age from the Tudela Formation (Ebro Basin, Spain) are described. Four of the localities (CH1, CA1, CC1 and CA2) contain rodent remains of Agenian age (local zone Y), and three (CA3, CA3B and CA4) of Ramblian age (local zones Z and A). Typical Agenian taxa include Armantomys cf. bijmai (CH1), Eucricetodon cf. ge- randianus (CA1), Peridyromys turbatus, Simplomys aff. aljaphi and Armantomys daamsi (CA2) and Eucricetodon aff. aquitanicus (CC1). On the other hand, some typical Ramblian taxa are Armantomys cf. parsani (CA3), Ligerimys aff. magnus and Pseudothe- ridomys sp. (CA4) and Prodryomys cf. brailloni (CA3B). The faunas are characterized by the richness and diversity of the glirids. The presence of the glirid Altomiramys in CA4 represents the first Upper Ramblian record of this taxon. Keywords: Rodentia, Insectivora, Ebro Basin, Miocene, MN2, MN3 350 Ruiz-Sánchez et al. / Journal of Iberian Geology 38 (2) 2012: 349-372 Resumen En este trabajo se describen las faunas de roedores e insectívoros de edad Ageniense y Rambliense de la Formación Tudela (Cuen- ca del Ebro, España). Cuatro de las localidades (CH1, CA1, CC1 y CA2) contienen restos de edad Ageniense (zona local Y), y tres (CA3, CA3B y CA4) de edad Rambliense (zonas locales Z y A). Entre otras, las faunas Agenienses incluyen a Armantomys cf. bijmai (CH1), Eucricetodon cf. gerandianus (CA1), Peridyromys turbatus, Simplomys aff. aljaphi y Armantomys daamsi (CA2) y Eucricetodon aff. aquitanicus (CC1). Del mismo modo, entre las faunas Ramblienses se incluye a Armantomys cf. parsani (CA3), Ligerimys aff. magnus y Pseudotheridomys sp. (CA4) y Prodryomys cf. brailloni (CA3B). Las faunas encontradas en estos yaci- mientos se caracterizan por la riqueza y diversidad de glíridos. La presencia del glírido Altomiramys en CA4, representa el primer registro de este taxon en el Rambliense superior. Palabras clave: Rodentia, Insectivora, Cuenca del Ebro, Mioceno, MN2, M1 1. Introduction the Iberian Peninsula. In this contribution we present a complete study of the micromammal faunas of the seven In the past two decades, our team has performed an ex- new sites found in the basal part of the Tudela Formation, tensive paleontological investigation in the Bardenas Re- which permits a detailed biostratigraphical definition ales of Navarra, in the western part of the central sector and to confirm the calibration of the Agenian-Ramblian of the Ebro Basin (see Murelaga, 2000). This led to am- boundary, proposed by Ruiz-Sánchez et al. (2012) on the ple knowledge of the vertebrate fauna of Ramblian age basis of hypsodont glirids only. (Lower Miocene) of the deposits of the Tudela Formation (Larrasoaña et al., 2006), including mammals (Murelaga 2. Material, methods and abbreviations et al., 2004a, 2004b), amphibians, reptiles (Murelaga et al., 2002) and birds (Murelaga, 2000). The paleontologi- The fossils were collected during the campaigns of cal knowledge of the Ramblian deposits is accompanied 2004 and 2006. The samples were excavated and trans- by a magnetostratigraphical characterization (Larrasoaña ported to Cenicero (La Rioja). Sieving was done in this et al., 2006), allowing to establish a detailed chronology locality with a sieve with 0.5 mm. mess. The fossils are of the fossiliferous sites. deposited in the ‘Departamento de Estratigrafía y Pale- Seven new fossiliferous levels have been found (CH1, ontología de la Universidad del País Vasco’ (UPV/EHU). CC1, CA1, CA2, CA3, CA3B and CA4) (Table 1) in The nomenclature used in the description of the teeth the lower part of the Tudela Formation. Recently, Ruiz- and the measurement methods are taken from Fahlbusch Sánchez et al. (2012) have described the remains of (1970), Álvarez-Sierra (1988) (Eomyidae), Mein and hypsodont glirids of the genera Armantomys de Bruijn, Freudenthal (1971) (Cricetidae), Cuenca (1988) (Sciu- 1966 and Praearmantomys de Bruijn, 1966 from several ridae), Hugueney (1999b) (Castoridae) and Freudenthal of these sites (CH1, CC1, CA2, CA3 and CA4) (Table (2004) (Gliridae). The measurements are given in units of 1). The first practical result of this work are, on the one 0.1 mm, and were taken on a binocular microscope Leica hand, the proposal of a biostratigraphical sequence of the MZ75, by means of displacement of a mechanical stage, sediments of the Lower Miocene of the Ebro Basin and, connected to a Sony Magnescale measuring equipment. on the other hand, the proposition of the chronostrati- Lower teeth are coded as p4, m1, m2, m3, upper teeth graphical position of the Agenian-Ramblian boundary in as P4, M1, M2 and M3. We use the MN units (European Table 1.- Fossil localities and number of specimens for each species. Asterisks indicate assignation of this fossil re- main to Rhodanomys or Ritteneria genera. Tabla 1.- Número de especímenes por especie y localidad. Los asteriscos indican la asignación del resto en cuestión al género Rhodanomys o Ritteneria. Libro 38-2.indb 350 19/11/2012 16:59:51 Ruiz-Sánchez et al. / Journal of Iberian Geology 38 (2) 2012: 349-372 351 Fig. 1.- Geological map of the Tudela Formation in the Bardenas Reales of Navarra, with the situation of the localities presented in this work. CH1: Cabezo Hermoso, CC1: Cabezo Carboneras 1, CA1 to CA4: Cuesta Agujeros 1 to 4. Also shown the situation of other localities previously studied in the lower part of the Tudela Formation (Murelaga, 2000; Murelaga et al., 2004a,b). Fig. 1.- Mapa geológico de la Forma- ción Tudela en Las Bardenas Rea- les de Navarra, con la situación de las localidades presentadas en este trabajo. CH1: Cabezo Hermoso, CC1: Cabezo Carboneras 1, CA1 to CA4: Cuesta Agujeros 1 a 4. Así mismo se muestra la situación de las otras localidades previamente estudiadas en la parte inferior de la Formación Tudela (Murelaga, 2000; Murelaga et al., 2004a,b). Neogene land mammal units) or the local zones defined 3. Geological setting by Álvarez-Sierra et al. (1987), Daams and Freudenthal (1988), Daams et al. (1999) and/or van der Meulen et al. The Ebro Basin developed during the Tertiary as fore- (2012). land basin of the Pyrenean, Iberian and Coastal-Catalan Institutional and locality abbreviations.— Cordilleras (Fig. 1). From the Late Eocene onwards, SCSIE(UV), Servei Central de Suport a la Investigació when the basin lost its connection with the Atlantic (Cos- Experimental de la Universitat de València, Burjassot, ta et al., 2010), and until the Late Miocene, when it began Spain; UPV/EHU, Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal to drain towards the Mediterranean (Urgeles et al., 2011), Herriko Unibertsitatea, Bilbao, Spain; CA1, Cuesta the Ebro Basin was an endorrheic depression in which the Agujeros 1; CA2, Cuesta Agujeros 2; CA3, Cuesta fluvial systems that drained the surrounding mountains Agujeros 3; CA3B, Cuesta Agujeros 3B; CA4, Cuesta converged. These systems flowed into the central zone of Agujeros 4; CC1, Cabezo Carboneras 1; CH1, Cabezo the basin, where, depending on the climatic conditions, Hermoso 1; L, length; MN, European Neogene land carbonatated fresh-water lakes or evaporitic systems mammal units; W, width. formed (Alonso-Zarza et al., 2002). Libro 38-2.indb 351 19/11/2012 16:59:52 352 Ruiz-Sánchez et al. / Journal of Iberian Geology 38 (2) 2012: 349-372 The Tudela Formation is composed of 655 meters of thickness between 10 and 300 cm, are associated with fluvial distal, palustrine and lacustrine sediments accu- reddish and brownish lutites, and present predominantly mulated during the Early and Middle Miocene in the cen- tabular geometries. The limestones frequently show bio- tral part of the Western sector of the basin (Larrasoaña turbations and include abundant remains of gastropods, et al., 2006) and crops out extensively in the so-called ostracods and charophytes, as well as other organisms. Bardenas Reales of Navarra (Fig.1). The sediments are The limestone levels are up to 200 cm thick, and are fre- grey, yellowish, brown and reddish lutites with frequent quently grouped in packets of decametric thickness. The intercalations of sandstones and limestones, and oc- sedimentary facies represented in the Tudela Formation casionally gypsum levels. The sandstone layers vary in are similar to those described in other sectors of the cen- Fig. 2.- Stratigraphy of the Tudela Formation in the studied sections, with the localities presented in this work and other localities studied previously (Murelaga 2000; Murelaga et al. 2004a,b; Larrasoaña et al. 2006), and with the paleomagnetic sequence of the higher part of the section of Cuesta Agujeros and of the section of Cabezo Marijuán (see Larrasoaña et al.