GROWTH SATURDAY OPTION October 15 • Registration: 8:00 a.m.; Program: 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Combine with Oct. 16–21 Certification and take $20 off this program. Past-Life Regression Soul Lessons, Soul Patterns: Awakening to Hypnotherapy Training Past Lives, Future Lives, and Life Between Lives Certification LIMITED ENROLLMENT! with Peter Woodbury, MSW A full-day workshop for healing the past, with Peter Woodbury, MSW building the future. October 16-21 • Registration: Sunday, Oct. 16 at 4:30 p.m.; Tap into past, present, and future lives that are Program Concludes: Friday, Oct. 21, at noon having a major impact upon your soul development! Program prerequisite: Students must have experienced at least one session before attending class. Through regressions, progressions, and self-guided imageries during this one-day -focused workshop, you will learn: n this experiential intensive, you will gain both theoretical knowledge Discover a powerful tool for personal spiritual • The purpose and meaning of life from our creation as , our involution and practical insight into the process of hypnosis and past-life regres- growth while helping others. into Earth, and our slow progression through the laws of and grace sion therapy. You can add a new dimension to your current practice • The role of soul groups, soul mates, and twin souls I This course will focus on both the spiritual and physical healing and use hypnotherapy as a tool for personal insight and transformation. aspects of past-life regression therapy. • How we work through our soul path for a lifetime known as “Pre-life Planning” Understand the evaluation process known as the “Afterlife Review” IN THIS TRAINING YOU WILL: Taught by psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, and Harvard University graduate Peter • Woodbury, MSW, who was trained by Dr. Brian Weiss, Dr. Allen Chips, and Dan Brown, • Learn about Cayce’s unique perspective on “Interplanetary Sojourns” that • Expand your understanding of past-life PhD, Peter’s technique involves practices that include: induction or the process of occur as our life between lives regression and learn to use it as a method entering trance; the regression experience; and review with client in the waking The role our angels, guardians, and council play and how to access them AND of spiritual healing state. He will draw from Edgar Cayce’s teachings, focusing on spiritual purposes and • your unique place in the grand scheme! ways of using prayer and protection that will fit the client’s belief system. • Learn past-life regression techniques that You will also experience a special group hypnotic regression with emphasis on you will both experience firsthand and be YOU WILL EXPLORE… reaching the life-between-lives state and contact with your personal guides. able to apply with others, exploring both theory and practice • Past-life regression therapy • Hypnosis and hypnotherapy techniques • Learn the psychological benefits of LIMITED TO 10 STUDENTS releasing past-life traumas and how to • Overseeing the healing process ADVANCED TRAINING OPTION enable that process with others October 21-23 • Registration: Friday, Oct. 21 at 1:00 p.m.; • The mind-body-spirit connection Program Concludes: Sunday, Oct. 23, at 6:00 p.m. Learn how to gain wisdom from past-life • Edgar Cayce’s perspectives on healing experiences and apply that knowledge in • past-life trauma the here and now Advanced Regression Hypnotherapy Intensive Students will witness the process in a classroom setting and will have the with Peter Woodbury, MSW • Gain experience and confidence in opportunity to practice these methods as both practitioner and client. applying these techniques and learn to use This course will focus on: Take your certification to the next level them safely and ethically to help others with this unique, one-on-one learning • The common past-life regression experience. experiences Edgar Cayce himself recommended hypnosis as a This advanced-level course, limited to 10 students, The unusual experiences tool for healing and transformation. He advised • provides one-on-one training in the use of that “the study of self…may best be done by • The in-between life states advanced regression techniques, practicing as both client and therapist, for deep soul connection and suggestive forces to the body through hypnosis.” • The departure from the body experience healing. • Meeting with guides and councils and The small class size will allow for more individualized experience and personal use of guides interaction with both the instructor and fellow students. In this safe, supportive • Questions, answers, and discussions environment, the deep healing potential of regression hypnotherapy can be explored and experienced. Certificate awarded. Download full schedule at You will receive a Certificate of Completion, certifying that you COURSE PREREQUISITE: You must have prior certification in hypnosis and have have successfully completed this training through the A.R.E. experienced multiple past-life regressions as both client and therapist. Recommended reading: and Karma by Edgar Cayce; Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss, Journey of Souls: Case See brochure registration form and website for more details. Studies of Life Between Lives by Michael Newton. You may order these from the A.R.E. Bookstore by calling 800-333-4499, ext. 7231. fee. Deposit is forfeited if registration is cancelled on or after September 23. fee. DepositisforfeitedifregistrationcancelledonorafterSeptember 23. **Due tothespecialnatureoftheseprograms,anyrefundsgiven willbelessa$75processing each; $350minimumdeposit,balanceduebySeptember23.** Advanced Regression HypnotherapyIntensive: *Sign upforbothandsave$20. minimum deposit,balanceduebySeptember23.** Past-Life Regression Certification*: Members mayusetheirpassesforthisprogramonly. Soul Growth Saturday*: eMembership andalsofornotificationofprogramchangesupcomingevents. A.R.E. Membership:$59/year, eMembership:$39/year. Anemailaddressisrequiredforan receive theadvancetuitionrate. At-Door add$20toeachprogram. & Spa,valuedat$60!Gratuitynotincluded.Nopurchasenecessary. Seewebsiteforfulldetails. will automaticallybeenteredintoadrawingforFREESPA TREATMENT atourHealthCenter thr ics from theCayce readings bothatA.R.E. andinthefield.Fluent in Headquarters & Spa( or757-457-7202) Café you.” humor, balance of “Good self-depreciation, examples, good slides, andsolidcontent. Thank America, India, andEgypt. Alternate hotelandlodginginformation isavailableuponrequest. renowned metaphysical library, meditation room, andgarden View anddownloadconferenceView FAQ’s sent toyou.You willreceiveaprogrampacketatregistrationcheck-in. 215 67thStreet,VirginiaBeach,VA 23451-2061.Aregistrationconfirmationpostcardwillbe customer codefromtheyellowboxonmailpanel.Mailto:A.R.E.HeadquartersConferences, order payabletoA.R.E.ConferencesRegistrar, andstateconferencename,memberID#, TOLL FREE800-333-4499,orbyfax:757-422-6921.To registerbymail: 30 dayspriortotheconference andarebasedonavailability front hotel.Pleasemakeyourreservationsearlyastheycannotguarantee rooms fewerthan 10% discount on all purchases at the A.R.E. Bookstore & Gift Shop Your Trainer:Hypnotherapy Please note that A.R.E.may take videoorphotographs ofparticipants for future promotional use.

TUITION: nies and free breakfast. For hotel reservations, call 757-491-6900 and ask for the A.R.E. discount. Holiday InnExpress at2607AtlanticAvenue offers alloceanfrontroomswithprivatebalco LODGING: WHILE YOUAREHERE YES! SIGN ME UP ee languages, heisalsoknown forhisoutstandingleadershipofA.R.E. tourstoSouth REGISTER TODAY REGISTER —L.H. schedule a massage, a steam, and other health treatments at our A.R.E. Health Center schedule a massage, a steam, and other health treatments at our A.R.E. Health Center

Register in advance to SAVE andWIN! “Peter’s made theprogram lively andinteresting!” humorandenergy of theCayce readings forover 20years, heisapopularpresenter on top key on behalfoftheEdgarCayce around theworld work.he travels Astudent

The A.R.E.hasmadespecialarrangementsforthisconferenceat thislocalocean Register anytimeonline:

Call 800-333-4499 orgoto A.R.E. Members $109 each, Nonmembers $149 each. As aregisteredconferee,forthe durationoftheconference,enjoya today, conducting 250and300sessions as between ayear Peter isone ofthemostprolific regressionists intheworld Beach.hypnotherapist in Virginia also maintainsapr course, Imagery tor forAtlantic University’s Integrative and Dr. Chips, Allen andDanBrown, PhD. Peter- istheinstruc regressionand past-life with Dr. techniques Brian Weiss, work from Boston University. inhypnotherapy Hetrained in Cambridge, andhismaster’s Massachusetts degree insocial University from Harvard degreeundergraduate inpsychology Peter Woodbury,

Join A.R.E. now and save—A.R.E. Members pay lower price. Join A.R.E.nowandsave—A.R.E.Memberspaylowerprice. A.R.E. Members $995 each, Nonmembers $1,095 each; $350 A.R.E. Members $995 each, Nonmembers $1,095 each; $350 You mustregister 48hoursbefore theprogram beginsto takeadvantage ofthebeautifulbeach A.R.E. Members $750 each, Nonmembers $850 A.R.E. Members$750each,Nonmembers$850 Pay in full at least 30 days in advance and you Pay in full at least 30 days in advance and you ivate practice as a psychotherapist and asapsychotherapist and ivate practice All A.R.E. conferences are recorded for possible future distribution and sale. and distribution future possible for recorded are conferences A.R.E. All : walkthe labyrinth. Visit our new Cayce/Miller VisitournewCayce/Miller

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