Andrea Bianchi



Work Address: The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Maison de la Paix Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2/A Case Postal 1672 CH-1211 Geneva 1 Switzerland Tel. # +41-22-908-5801 (dir.) E-mail: [email protected] ​ Tel. # +41-908 5801 (direct)


Professor of , Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva (since 2002)

Director of Studies, Graduate Institute, 2018-


1) Ph.D. in International Law, University of Milan, 1992.

2) LL.M. Harvard Law School, 1991.

3) Laurea, International Law Major, University of Siena, Faculty of Law, 1987. Thesis in ​ International Law: “The International Safeguard System and the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons”. Final grade: 110/110 summa cum laude . ​ ​

4) Liceo Ginnasio “E.S. Piccolomini”, Siena. Degree: Maturità classica. Final Grade: 60/60.


Head, International Law Department, Graduate Institute (2011-2018)


LLM Programme Director, Graduate Institute (2013-2018)

Dickson Poon Visiting Professor, Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London 2015-2016

Visiting Professor, University of Vienna, Faculty of Law, 2015; 2018

Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, Catholic University, Milan, 2010-2018

Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law, Catholic University, Milan, 2001-2009

Visiting Professor, University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), 2007

Director of the Graduate Programme, Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, 2002-2005

Visiting Professor, ASERI (Post-graduate School of Economics and International Relations), Milan, 2001-2004

Co-director, CUDIH (University Centre for International Humanitarian Law), University of Geneva, 2002-2003

Professorial Lecturer in International Law, Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies, Bologna Centre, 1998-2002.

Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, Catholic University, Milan, 2000-2001.

Associate Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law, University of Parma, 1998-2001.

Assistant Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law, University of Siena, 1990-1997.


1) Swiss National Fund for Research (FNSR) (2010). Funds provided for a two and a half- year project for editing a book on ‘Transparency in International Law’, with Professor Anne Peters, University of Basel Faculty of Law.

2) Swiss National Fund for Research (FNSR) (2009). Funds provided for a two-year project for doing research and writing a monograph on ‘The Shifting Boundaries of Normativity in International Law’.

3) ‘Forum de l’Université 2005-2008’ (Société Académique). The Geneva-based Société ​ ​ ​ Académique awards every three years one research grant on a subject of topical interest to foster scientific research and to make it available to a larger public. The ‘Forum 2005-2008’ was awarded to Professor Alexis Keller (Faculty of Law, University of Geneva) and me for the project ‘Democracy and Terrorism’.


4) Swiss National Fund for Research (FNSR) (2005). Funds provided for a two-year project for writing a book on ‘International Humanitarian Law and Terrorism’.

5) Catholic University, Milan. Ad Hoc Research Grants for research on: relationship between human rights and humanitarian law; states of emergency in international law: amnesties, pardons truth and reconciliation commissions and their compatibility with international criminal law (2002-2005).

6) University of Parma. Grant for the organization of a series of interdisciplinary seminars on international law and economics (together with Professor Francesco Daveri) (1999-2000)

7) Selected by the Standing Committee for External Relations, University of Siena, for a period of research and teaching at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (May 1997) and at the University College London (October-December 1997).

8) Laylin Prize for LL.M. thesis: “Extraterritoriality and Export Controls: Some Remarks on the Alleged Antinomy between the US and the European Approach”, Harvard Law School, June 1991.

9) Fulbright Scholarship and Harvard Law School Fellowship, LL.M. Program, Harvard Law School, 1990-1991.

10) PhD Scholarship (borsa di dottorato di ricerca), University of Milan, 1988-1989. ​ ​

11) Legal Research Scholarship, University of Siena, September 1987.

12) Ministry of Education of Malta, Scholarship, September 1986.

13) State University College at Buffalo, Scholarship, Spring Semester, 1986.

14) Polytechnic of Central London, Scholarship, Summer Term, 1984.


1) Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva (2002-). Courses taught: Extraterritoriality in Theory and Practice; International Human Rights before Domestic Courts; International Law: Advanced Topics; State Responsibility; International Law and Terrorism; International Human Rights and Judicial Interpretation: A Critical Approach; International Law Making; Jurisdiction and Jurisdictional Immunities; the Making of International Law by its Scholars; International Law Methods; International Institutions and Regulation; Counterterrorism and International Law; Judicial Interpretation and Legal Reasoning; Doctoral research Seminar; International Law Theories; International Human Rights in Armed Conflict. Regular participation in executive programmes teachings and trainings.


2) Faculty of Law, Catholic University, Milan (2000-2009). Courses taught: International Law; EC Law (Advanced Course). Seminars on: law of treaties, state responsibility, international criminal law, international economic law, law of jurisdiction and jurisdictional immunities, law of the sea, treatment of aliens, international human rights, humanitarian law, international terrorism, antitrust law.

3) Training Programme on International Law for Senior Officials in Kosovo, Pristina, 2-5 October 2010.

4) Professional Training Programme for State Officials on ‘International Human Rights’, Training Program for Government Officials, sponsored by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, 2004-2009: Baku (Azerbaijan), October 2009 and May 2006); Tbilisi (Georgia), October 2008 and October 2006; Yerevan (Armenia), October 2004.

5) ‘International Humanitarian Law and the War on Terror’, International Committee of the th Red Cross, 26 ​ course on international humanitarian law, Warsaw (Poland), July 2008. ​

6) Seminars given in the framework of the training programme for Swiss Diplomats on ‘Terrorism’, ‘Jurisdictional Immunities : Current Developments’, ‘International Law and How to Use It (as a Diplomat) ’organized jointly by the Graduate Institute of International Studies and the Swiss Minister of Foreign Affairs, Geneva, June 2006-2009.

7) University of Southern California Summer School, Geneva, Summer 2003-2006. Course on: ‘The Role of Law in International Relations’.

8) University of Tulsa Law School, Summer Programme, Geneva, Summer 2005-2006. Course on: ‘Contemporary Issues in Civil and Political Rights’

9) Professional Training Seminar for CEOs on ‘The Shifting Paradigms of International Law’, in the framework of the ‘Comenius International Seminar for CEOs’, organised by the University of Groeningen, Bologna ()(one-day seminar twice a year (May-November) 2002-2006)

10) Faculty of Law, University of Parma (1998-2001). Courses taught: International Law; International Organization. Seminars on: methods and sources in international law, law of treaties, state responsibility, international criminal law, international economic law, law of jurisdiction and jurisdictional immunities, law of the sea, treatment of aliens, international human rights.

11) SAIS-Bologna Center (1998-2002). Courses taught: ‘Foundations of International Law’; ‘International Environmental Law’.

12) College of Europe in Parma (2000 and 2001). Course taught: ‘The European Convention on Human Rights’.

13) Visiting Professor, Tulane Law School Summer Programme, Siena, 1999. Course on: ‘EU Environmental Law’. 4

14) LUISS School of Management (Rome). Course on: ‘The New Law of International Trade’, Rome, March 1998; March 1997; March 1996, May 1995.

15) Visiting Professor, Italian Association of European Jurists (AIGE). Advanced course on ‘EU Law’ for the Rome Bar. Rome, May 1998; May 1996; June 1994.

16) Assistant Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law, University of Siena, 1990-1997. Courses and seminars taught on the following subjects: public international law, law of treaties, state responsibility, international human rights, international humanitarian law, the role of domestic courts in the enforcement of international human rights, international criminal law, law of the sea, law of treaties, international economic law, international environmental law, European environmental law, international protection of the cultural heritage.

17) Visiting Lecturer, University College London, October-December 1996. Classes taught in Prof. M. Mendelson’s courses on: ‘Methods and Sources of International law’ and ‘Law of the Sea’.

18) Visiting Professor, Western State University Summer Programme, Cambridge (U.K.), 1993-1996. Course: ‘The Jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice’.

19) Guest Lecturer, LUISS University, Rome, Political Science Department, May 1995. Lectures on: ‘Current Trends in International Environmental Law’.

20) Visiting Professor, Tulane Law School Summer Programme, Siena, 1994 and 1995. Course: ‘The Environmental Law of the European Union’.

21) Visiting Professor, Tulane Law School Summer Programme, Siena, 1993. Course: ‘Comparative Constitutional Law’.

22) Visiting Professor, Tulane Law School Summer Programme, Siena, 1992. Course. ‘International Human Rights’.

23) Visiting Lecturer at the ‘Advanced Course in International Relations for Latino-American Diplomats at the International Research and Studies Foundation (Florence), 1990. Course: ‘European Defence: Interaction Between Military Systems of Alliance and Cooperation for the Maintenance of Peace’.


1) Director of Studies, 2018-

2) Head of the International Law Department (2011-2018)

3) Director, LLM Programme (2013-2018)


4) Board Member, Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights (2008-)

5) Director of the Graduate Programme, Graduate Institute of International Studies (2002-2005); Member of the Executive Committee HEI (2002-2005).

6) Supervision of Ph. D. Theses and Master’s Dissertations (since 2002)(see Annex 1).

7) International Law Department Lead for the External Evaluation Process of the IL Department, Winter term 2018.

8) Member of the self-evaluation Committee, the Reform of Studies Committee; the ad-hoc ​ ​ Committee for the evaluation of the computer centre (2003).

9) Member of Search Committees for:

i. CUDIH (University Centre for International Humanitarian Law) Directorship (2003); Graduate Institute’s Directorship (2004); ii. Political Science Professorship, Graduate Institute, Geneva (2005); iii. International Economic Law Professorship, Graduate Institute, Geneva (2006); iv. International Criminal Law Professorship, University of Geneva, Faculty of Law (2007-2008); v. International Law Professorship, University of Geneva, Faculty of Law (2007-2008); International Trade Law Chair, Graduate Institute of International Studies (2008); International Law Chair, Faculty of Law, University of Neuchâtel (2008) vi. Private and/or Transnational Law Chair, Graduate Institute, 2010-2011 vii. Pictet’s Chair in Finance and Development, Graduate Institute, 2010-2011 viii. International Organizations Law Chair, Graduate Institute, 2013-2014 ix. Sociology of Expertise Chair, Graduate Institute, 2013-2014 x. International Law Assistant Professorship, Graduate Institute, 2014-2015 xi. Graduate Institute’s Directorship (2018-2019)

10) Administration of exams, supervision of Laurea theses; Participation in Faculty meetings ​ and other academic committees, including Graduation Committees (Commissioni di ​ Laurea); Catholic University, Milan (2001-2009); Faculty of Law, University of Parma ​ (1998-2000); Faculty of Law, University of Siena (1990-1997)

11) Member of the Selection Committee for the National Bar Exam (Bologna District), 1999-2000.


1) Designated Member, Global Agenda Council on Terrorism, World Economic Forum (2010-2014)


2) Founding Member and Member of the Executive Council of the European Society of International Law, 2001- 2010.

3) Member of the American Society of International Law (since 1988); of the European Society of International Law (since 2002) and of the French Society of International Law (2005-2012).



1) Theory and Philosophy of International Law – Volumes 1-2 (Editor and contributor), Edward Elgar, 2017. (Individual contribution: ‘On Asking Questions’ ix-xxx).

2) International Law Theories – An Inquiry into Different Ways of Thinking, Oxford: Oxford ​ University Press, 2016.

3) Interpretation in international law (Co-editor, together with Daniel Peat and Matthew Windsor), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. (Individual Contribution: ‘The Game of Interpretation in International Law. The Players, the Cards and Why the Game is Worth the Candle’ 34-57).

4) Transparency in International Law (Co-editor with Professor Anne Peters and contributor), ​ Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013, (xx-620). (Individual Contribution: ‘On Power and Illusion: The Concept of Transparency in International Law’ 1-19).

5) International Humanitarian Law and Terrorism (Co-author with Yasmin Naqvi) Oxford, Hart ​ Publishing, 2011 (xxix-403 pp).

6) Non-State-Actors and International Law (Editor and contributor) Farnham, Ashgate, 2009, 643 p. (Individual Contribution: ‘Relativizing the Subjects or Subjectivizing the Actors? That is the Question’, xi-xxx). ​ ​ 7) Counterterrorism: Democracy’s Challenge (Co-editor with Prof. A. Keller, and contributor) Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2008, 453 p. (Individual Contribution: ‘International Law, Counter-terrorism and the Quest for Checks and Balances’, 395-424).

8) The Precautionary Principle in International and Community Law (in Italian: ‘Il principio precauzionale nel diritto internazionale e comunitario’) (Co-editor with Prof. M. Gestri, and contributor) Milan, Giuffrè, 2006, 544 p. (Individual contribution: ‘Principi di diritto, modularità funzionale e relatività normativa: il concetto di precauzione nel diritto internazionale’ (Principles of Law, Functional Modularity and Relative Normativity: the Concept of ​ Precaution in International Law) 429-459). ​ 9) Enforcing International Law Norms against Terrrorism (Editor and contributor) Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2004, 549 p. (Individual contribution: ‘Enforcing International Law Norms against Terrorism: Achievements and Prospects’, 491-534).


10) Municipal Courts, Foreign States and Serious Violations of Human Rights (in Italian: ‘Tribunali interni, Stati stranieri e gravi violazioni dei diritti dell’uomo’) Parma, 2000, 239 pp.

11) The Extraterritorial Application of Export Controls (in Italian: ‘L’applicazione extraterritoriale dei controlli all’esportazione: contributo allo studio dei fenomeni di extraterritorialità nel diritto internazionale’) Padova, CEDAM, 1995, 518 p. (with English summary, 25 pages).

B) ARTICLES AND BOOK CHAPTERS (other than those listed above): ​ ​ 1) ‘Fear and International Law-Making: an Exploratory Inquiry’, 32 Leiden Journal of ​ International Law (2019)(forthcoming). ​ 2) ‘Jurisdictional Immunities, Constitutional Values and System Closures’, in Curtis A. Bradley (ed), Oxford Handbook of Comparative Foreign Relations Law 685-699 (OUP, 2019) ​ (forthcoming).

3) ‘Counterterrorism and International Law’, in: Erica Chenoweth, Andreas Gofas, Richard English, and Stathis Kalyvas (eds), Oxford Handbook on Terrorism 659-676 (Oxford ​ University Press 2019) (forthcoming).

4) ‘Epistemic Communities in International Arbitration’, in Federico Ortino and Thomas Shultz (eds), Oxford Handbook of International Arbitration (Oxford University Press, 2019) ​ (forthcoming).

5) ‘Epistemic Communities’, in Jean d’Aspremont and Sahib Singh (eds), Concepts for ​ International Law – Contributions to Disciplinary Thought 251-266 (Edward Elgar 2019). ​ 6) ‘The Unbearable Lightness of International Law’ 6(3) London Review of International Law ​ 335-359 (2018)

7) ‘Choice and (the Awareness of) its Consequences – The ICJ’s Structural Bias Strikes again in the Marshall Islands Case’ 111 AJIL Unbound 81-87 (2017). ​ ​ 8) ‘International Adjudication, Rhetoric and Storytelling’ 8 Journal of International Dispute ​ Settlement 28-44 (2017). ​ 9) ‘Engaging with Theory – Why Bother?’ EJIL Talk, 7 February 2017, available at: ​ ​

10) ‘Academic Writing between Freedom and Constraints’, ESIL Newsletter (March 2017), ​ available at:

11) (with Yasmin Naqvi) ‘Terrorism’, in: Andrew Clapham and Paola Gaeta (Eds), The Oxford Handbook of International law in Armed Conflict, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014, 574-604.

12) ‘Gazing at the Crystal Ball (again): State Immunity and Jus Cogens beyond v Italy’, 4 ​ ​ ​ Journal of International Dispute Settlement 457-475 (2013). ​ 8

13) ‘Law, Time and Change: The Self-Regulatory Function of Subsequent Practice’, in (Ed.), Treaties and Subsequent Practice (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013) 133-141. ​ ​

14) (with Delphine Hayim) ‘Unmanned Warfare Devices and the Laws of War: The Challenge of Regulation’, 31 Sicherheit und Frieden/Security and Peace 93-98 (2013). ​ ​

15) ‘The International Regulation of the Use of Force: the Politics of Interpretive Method, in Larissa van den Herik and Nico Schrijver (Eds.), Counter-Terrorism Strategies in a Fragmented ​ International Legal Order. Meeting the Challenges (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013) ​ 283-316. Previously published as: ‘The international regulation of the use of force: the politics of interpretive method’ 22 Leiden Journal of International Law 651-676 (2009). ​ ​ 16) ‘Reflexive Butterfly Catching: Insights from a Situated Catcher’, in: Joost Pauwelyn et al. (Eds.), Informal International Lawmaking, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012: 200-215. ​ ​ 17) ‘Il tempio e i suoi sacerdoti. Considerazioni su retorica e diritto a margine del caso Germania c. Italia’, 6 Diritti Umani e Diritto Internazionale 293-309 (2012).

18) ‘On Certainty’, EJIL Talk, 16 February 2012 (8th most read blog post in 2012 according to ​ ​ ​ EJIL Talk ranking)(

19) ‘’The Fight for Inclusion: Non-State Actors and International Law’ in U. Fastenrath, R. Geiger, D.E. Khan, A. Paulus, S. von Schorlemer, C. Vedder (eds.) From Bilateralism to ​ Community Interest: Essays in Honour of Bruno Simma, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2011: ​ 39-57.

20) ‘Terrorism and Armed Conflicts: Insights from a Law and Literature Perspective’, 24 Leiden ​ ​ ​ Journal of International Law 1-21 (2011). ​ 21) ‘Textual interpretation and (international) law reading: the myth of (in)determinacy and the genealogy of meaning’ in P. Bekker et al (eds.) Making Transnational Law Work in the Global ​ Economy: Essays in Honour of Detlev Vagts, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2010, ​ 34-56, also published in French as: ‘Les différents mythes de l’interprétation du texte et l’origine sociale de l’acte interprétatif’, in Samantha Besson et al. (eds), Interprétation et droit ​ européen (Schulthess, 2011), 45-64. ​ 22) ‘Fear’s Legal Dimension. Counterterrorism and Human Rights’ in L. Boisson de Chazournes and M. Kohen (eds.) International Law and the Quest for its Implementation – Le droit ​ international et la quête de sa mise en oeuvre: Liber Amicorum Vera Gowlland-Debbas, Leiden, ​ Martinus Nijhoff, 2010, 175-192.

23) ‘State Responsibility and Criminal Liability of Individuals’ in A. Cassese (ed.) The Oxford ​ Companion to International Criminal Justice, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 16-24 (2009). ​ 24) ‘Looking ahead: international law’s main challenges’ in D. Armstrong (ed.) Routledge ​ Handbook of International Law, London, Routledge, 2009, 392-409. ​ 25) ‘Human Rights and the Magic of Jus Cogens’ 19 European Journal of International Law ​ 491-508 (2008). 9

26) ‘Une génération de communautaristes’ in E. Jouannet, H. Ruiz-Fabri, J-M. Sorel (eds.) ​ Regards d’une génération sur le droit international, Paris, Pedone, 2008, 95-107. ​ 27) ‘Developing Countries, Countermeasures and WTO Law: Reinterpreting the DSU against the Background of International Law’ (Co-authored with Lorenzo Gradoni), ICTSD Project ​ ​ on Dispute Settlement, Series Issue Paper No. 5, International Centre for Trade and ​ Sustainable Development, Geneva, Switzerland, 2008, 1-70.

28) ‘The Act of State, the State of the Act: Judicial Interpretation and Human Rights Enforcement’ in M. Kohen (ed.) Liber Amicorum Lucius Caflisch, Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff, ​ ​ 2007, 129-150.

29) ‘Security Council’s Anti-terror resolutions and their Implementation by Member States: an Overview’ 4 Journal of International Criminal Justice 1044-1073 (2006). ​ ​ 30) ‘Assessing the Effectiveness of the UN Security Council’s Anti-terrorism Measures: the Quest for Legitimacy and Cohesion’ 17 European Journal of International Law 880-919 (2006). ​ ​ 31) ‘Dismantling the Wall: the ICJ’s Advisory Opinion and its Likely Impact on International Law’ 47 German Yearbook of International Law 343-391 (2005). ​ ​ 32) ‘Ferrini c. Repubblica Federale di Germania (Italian Court of Cassation, Judgment of 11 March ​ 2004): a Comment’ 99 American Journal of International Law 242-248 (2005). ​ ​ 33) ‘International Law and US Courts: the Myth of Lohengrin Revisited’ 15 European Journal of ​ International Law 751-781 (2004). ​ 34) ‘L'immunité des Etats et les violations graves des droits de l'homme: la fonction de l'interprète dans la détermination du droit international’ 108 Revue générale de droit international ​ public 63-101 (2004). ​ 35) ‘Managing the Risk of International Terrorism’ 15 Revue européenne de droit public 151-163 ​ (2003).

36) ‘Serious Violations of Human Rights and Foreign States’ Accountability Before Municipal Courts’ in L.C. Vorah, F. Pocar, Y. Featherstone et al (eds.) Man’s Inhumanity to Man: Essays ​ in Honour of Judge A. Cassese, The Hague, Kluwer Law International (2002). ​ 37) ‘The foreign sovereign immunity doctrine and human rights violations’ 18 Ragion Pratica ​ 27-62 (2002) (in Italian).

38) ‘Ad-hocism and the Rule of Law’ 13 European Journal of International Law 263-272 (2002). ​ ​ ​ ​ 39) ‘The international community facing the challenges of terrorism: the role of law’ 84 Vita e ​ ​ Pensiero 427-445 (2001) (in Italian). ​ 40) ‘The Impact of International Trade Law on Environmental Law and Process’ in F. Francioni (ed.) Environment, Human Rights and the Liberalisation of Trade, Oxford, Hart ​ ​ Publishing, 105-134 (2001).


41) ‘The Holocaust before Municipal Courts’ 1 Palomar 88-98 (2000) (in Italian). ​ ​ 42) ‘Immunity v. Human Rights: the Pinochet Case’ 10 European Journal of International Law ​ 237-277 (1999).

43) ‘Individual Accountability for Crimes against Humanity. Reckoning With the Past, Thinking of the Future’ 19 SAIS Review 97-131 (1999). ​ ​ 44) ‘Harmonizing Liability Rules for Environmental Damage in Europe: Achievements and Prospects’ in A. Gambaro and A.M. Rabello (eds.) Towards a New European Jus Commune, ​ ​ Jerusalem, Hebrew Univ. Press, 261-278 (1999).

45) ‘Recent U.S. Sanctions Against Cuba: Are They Lawful Under International Law?’ 81 Rivista di diritto internazionale 313-391 (1998) (in Italian). ​ 46) ‘Harm to the Environment in Italian Practice: the Interaction of International Law and Domestic Law’ in A. Rosas and P. Wetterstein (eds.) Harm to the Environment, Oxford, ​ ​ Oxford University Press, 103-130 (1997).

47) ‘The Role of Non-State Actors in the Globalization of Human Rights: an International Lawyer’s Perspective’ in G. Teubner (ed.) Global Law Without the State, Aldershot, ​ ​ Dartmouth, 179-212 (1997).

48) ‘Venezia c. Ministero di Grazia e Giustizia (Italian Constitutional Court, Judgment No. 223 of ​ 27 June 1996): a Comment’ 88 American Journal of International Law 727-733 (1997). ​ ​ 49) ‘Unity v. Fragmentation: the Customary Law of Jurisdiction in Contemporary International Law’ in K. Meessen (ed.) Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in Theory and Practice, The Hague, Kluwer ​ ​ Law Publishers, 74-11 (1996).

50) ‘New Institutional Arrangements and Old Paradigms: Some Remarks on the Nature of the European Union’ in Today’s Europe: the Present Situation, Trends in Italy and the Nordic Countries, ​ ​ Oslo, Europa-programmet, 12-21 (1995).

51) ‘The Harmonization of Laws on Liability for Environmental Damage in Europe’ 6 Journal ​ of Environmental Law 21-42 (1994). ​ 52) ‘Denying State Immunity to Violators of Human Rights’ 46 Austrian Journal of Public and ​ International Law 195-229 (1994). ​ 53) ‘The International Safeguard Regime Applicable to Nuclear Powered Space Objects’ in F. Pocar (ed.) The International Legal Regime of Outer Space, Milan, Giuffrè, 113-167 (1993) (in ​ ​ Italian).

54) ‘Liability for Environmental Damage: an Italian View in a European Perspective’ in Lessons ​ from Europe ’93: Proceedings of the 2nd Italian-Dutch Scientific Seminar on the Impact of European Environmental Law on Italian and Dutch Policy, 67-82 (1993). ​


55) ‘Extraterritoriality and Export Controls: Some Remarks on the Alleged Antinomy Between the U.S. and the European Approach’ 35 German Yearbook of International Law 336-434 ​ (1992).

56) ‘The Export and Transit of Armament Materials: International Law Aspects’ 75 Rivista di ​ Diritto Internazionale 65-90 (1992) (in Italian). ​ 57) ‘Outer Space’ in T. Scovazzi and T. Treves (eds.) World Treaties for the Protection of the ​ Environment, Milan, Istituto per l'Ambiente, 1992, 307-320. ​ 58) ‘Environmental Policy’ in F. Francioni (ed.) EEC Membership under Scrutiny: Italy, London, ​ ​ Pinter Publishers, 71- 105 (1992).

59) ‘Export Controls in Italy’ (with F. Francioni) in K. Meessen (ed.) International Law of Export ​ Controls, London, Graham & Trotman, 1992, 105-116. ​ 60) ‘Environmental Harm Resulting From the Use of Nuclear Power Sources in Outer Space: Some Remarks on State Responsibility and Liability’ in F. Francioni and T. Scovazzi (eds.) International Responsibility for Environmental Harm, The Hague, Kluwer Law International, ​ 1991, 231-272.

61) ‘Violations of International Law and Foreign Sovereign Immunity: the Hercules Case’ 72 Rivista di diritto internazionale 546-590 (1989) (in Italian). ​ 62) ‘International Arms Trade and Extraterritorial Effects of Export Controls’ 12 Studi & ​ Informazioni 105-120 (1989) (in Italian). ​ 63) ‘The Ultra-Activity of the Non-Proliferation Treaty via-à-vis Third Parties’ 37 Studi Senesi ​ 263-326 (1988) (in Italian).


1) S. de Bellis, L’immunità delle organizzazioni internazionali dalla giurisdizione, Bari, 1991, in 88 ​ ​ American Journal of International Law 212-214 (1994). ​ 2) G. Ziccardi Capaldo, Terrorismo internazionale e garanzie collettive, Milano, 1990, in 87 American ​ ​ Journal of International Law 175-177 (1993). ​ 3) Chadwick/Long/Nissanke, Soviet Oil Exports, Oxford, 1987, in 17 Economic Notes 292-296 ​ ​ ​ (1988).

4) Onida/Viesti, The Italian Multinationals, London, 1988, in: 17 Economic Notes 292-294 (1988). ​ ​ ​ ​ 5) P. Nunnenkamp, The International Debt Crisis of the Third World, Brighton (U.K.), 1986, in 16 ​ ​ Economic Notes 141-145 (1987). ​



1) Moderator of the Agora on ‘The Universal and the Particular’ at the Annual Conference of the European Society of International Law, Manchester, 13 September 2018.

2) Interview by Dr Surabhi Ranganathan and public debate on the book ‘International Law Theories – An Inquiry into Different Ways of Thinking’, Max Planck Institute for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law, Luxembourg, 17 February 2017.

3) Participation in the Workshop on: ‘Violence, Rhetoric and Reason in the Argumentative Practice of International Law’, organized jointly by the University of Amsterdam and the University of Manchester, Amsterdam 10 June 2016.

4) Speaker at the Conference on: ‘The Mediterranean in Crisis – Key Political, Legal and Humanitarian Challenges for Europe’, King’s College, London, 22 March 2016.

5) Chair and contributor to the workshop on. ‘The Position of the Individual in International Law: Chinese Perspectives’, organized jointly by the Graduate Institute and Chatham House, Geneva, 5-6 March 2016.

6) Speaker at the Workshop o: ‘Interpretation in International Adjudication’, organized jointly by the British Institute of International and Comparative Law and by Temple Gardens Chambers, London 14 May 2015.

7) Speaker at the book launch event: ‘Interpretation in International Law – A Conversation with the Editors’, Graduate Institute, Geneva, 12 May 2015.

8) Panellist at the expert panel discussion on: ‘Autonomous weapons under international law’, organised by the Geneva Academy of international humanitarian law and human rights, Geneva, 1 December 2014.

9) Chair and contributor to the roundtable on ‘Public International Law and the Rights of Individuals’, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, 14-15 November 2014.

10) Panellist at the expert panel discussion on: ‘Foreign Fighters under International Law’, organised by the Geneva Academy of international humanitarian law and human rights, Geneva, 7 November 2014.

11) Panellist at the panel discussion on: ‘Des organisations internationals en mutation: nouvelles formes, nouvelles coopérations’, à l’occasion de la parution du Traité de droit des ​ organisations internationales, sous la direction d’Evelyne Lagrange et Jean-Marc Sorel, LGDJ, ​ 2013. Université de Genève, Faculté de droit, 22 Octobre 2014.

12) Roundtable (moderator) on: ‘Justice that Kills. The Death Penalty in the 21st Century’, The ​ Graduate Institute, Geneva, 9 October 2014.


13) Panellist at the roundtable on the screening of the documentary ’One Humanity’, to celebrate the Nelson Mandela International Day, Ciné Onu Event, Geneva, , 18 July 2014.

14) Chair and contributor to the workshop on: ‘Identification of Customary International Law’, International Law Commission Seminar, Geneva, 14 July 2014.

15) Chair and contributor to the roundtable on: ‘The Actors of Postnational Rule-Making and their Legitimacy’, Amsterdam, Faculty of Law, 6 June 2014.

16) Chair and contributor to the roundtable on: ‘Exploring International Law and the Rights of Individuals with Chinese Scholars’, Chatham House, London 14-17 April 2014.

17) Book launch panellist at the occasion of the publication of Thomas Schultz’s book on: Transnational Legality, OUP, 2014. King’s College, London, 20 March 2014. ​

18) Participant in the Annual Global Agenda Councils Meeting, organized by the World Economic Forum, Abu Dhabi, 18-20 November 2013.

19) Chairperson of the Roundtable on ‘Extraterritorial Surveillance: Perspectives from International Law and Diplomacy, The Graduate Institute, Geneva, 9 December 2013.

20) Chairperson of the Panel on ‘The Identity of International Law’, European Society of International Law Research Forum, Amsterdam, 23-24 May 2013.

21) Participant in the Annual Global Agenda Councils Meeting, organized by the World Economic Forum, Dubai, 10-13 November 2012.

22) Discussant at the International Law Commission Seminar on ‘The protection of the atmosphere in international law’, organized jointly by the International Law Commission and by the Graduate Institute, Geneva, 16 July 2012.

23) Panellist (together with Carla Del Ponte) at the Round Table on: ‘Giustizia internazionale e Nazioni Unite’, Lugano, Università del Ticino, 22 May 2012.

24) Chair of the Panel on ‘Immunity of State Officials’ at the Conference on: ‘Immunity and Human Rights Violations. Where do we Stand?’, organized by the Geneva Academy of international humanitarian law and human rights, Geneva, 11 November 2011

25) Participant in the Annual Global Agenda Councils Meeting, organized by the World Economic Forum, Abu Dhabi, 8-10 October 2011.

26) Panellist at the concluding round table on ‘Italian international legal scholarship’ at the Conference on: ‘Reflection on the evolution of international law in Italy at the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Italian unity’, organized by the University of Rome 3, Rome, 25 ​ May 2011.


27) Participant in the Round Table ‘Methods in International Law Making: Assessing Theory in Practice’, organized by the Department of International Law of the Amsterdam Faculty of Law, Geneva, 2 May 2011.

28) Panellist at the public debate on ‘Le Camp de Guantanamo: de l’ère Bush à Obama’, at the occasion of the presentation of the movie ‘The Response’ by Adam Rodgers, organized by the Graduate Institute and by the Festival international du film oriental de Genève, Geneva, 13 April 2011.

29) Participant in the Annual Global Agenda Councils Meeting, organized by the World Economic Forum, Dubai, 29 November-1 December 2010.

30) Participant in the workshop on: ‘Drones and Targeted Killings’, organized by the International Commission of Jurists, Geneva, 20-21 September 2010.

31) Participant in the Conference on: ‘The Condition of International Law’, upon invitation by the Ditchley Foundation, Ditchley Park (UK), 21-23 May 2010.

32) Co-chair (together with Sir Michael Wood) of the Working Group on the Use of Force, in the framework of the Initiative for Developing the Leiden Policy Recommendations on ​ Counter-terrorism and International Law (Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies, Leiden University, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) (2008-2010).

33) External Expert for the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CITF), UN Headquarters, New York (2009).

34) Presenter at the workshop on: ‘The WTO Dispute Settlement and Third World Countries’, organized by the ICTSD (International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development), Geneva, 27 April 2009.

35) Participant in the first workshop on: ‘International Process on Global Counterterrorism Cooperation’, organized by the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zürich, 21-22 2008.

36) External Expert for the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and for the UN Office for Drugs and Organized Crimes on matters of counterterrorism and human rights (2007).

37) Chairperson of the Panel on: ‘Judicial Review of Internationally-enacted Anti-terror Measures’, American Society of International Law and Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal Recht, Hague Joint Conference on Contemporary Issues of International Law – 2007: Criminal Jurisdiction 100 After the 1907 Hague Peace Conference, The Hague, 28-30 June 2007.

38) Organizer and Co-chair of the Geneva Workshop on Human Rights and Implementation of the UNGA Global Counter-terrorism Strategy, organised jointly by the Center on Global Counter-Terrorism Cooperation (N.Y.) and the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, 20-21 June 2007.


39) Participant in the expert seminar on: ‘Counter-terrorism Strategies, Human Rights and International Law: Meeting the Challenges’ at the invitation of the Dutch Minsitry of Foreign Affairs, Leiden, 10-12 April 2007.

40) Moderator of the Seminar/Workshop : ‘Peut-on lutter efficacement contre le terrorisme, tout en préservant l'Etat de droit et les droits de l'homme?’, Paul Seger, Ambassadeur, Chef de la Direction du droit international public, Direction fédérale des affaires étrangères de la Confédération suisse, Geneva (Les Salons), 1 November 2006.

41) Moderator of the Seminar/Workshop : ‘Quel avenir pour le Conseil des droits de l'homme?’, by Federico Andreu-Guzmann, Secrétaire-général adjoint, Commission internationale des juristes, Geneva (Les Salons), 27 September 2006.

42) Moderator of the Seminar/Workshop : ‘Conventions de Genève et lutte antiterroriste: quels enjeux?’, by Stéphane Ojeda, Conseiller juridique aux Opérations, Comité international de la Croix-Rouge, Geneva (Les Salons), 29 June 2006.

43) Moderator of the Seminar/Workshop: ‘Revisiting the Torture Memos’, by Andrew Clapham and David Sylvan (Professors, GIIS, Geneva) 31 May 2006.

44) Chair, Panel on ‘Intervention on Humanitarian Grounds: History, Issues and Prospects’, organised by The Luxembourg Group, Geneva, 24-25 May 2004.

45) Commentator on ‘Human Rights and Terrorism’. Symposium on ‘Europe and International Law’ organised jointly by the European Journal of International Law, Michigan Law School and New York University School of Law, Florence, 16-17 May 2004

46) Chair of the Agora on ‘International Legal Doctrine’ at the First Conference of the European Society of International Law on ‘International Law in Europe: Between Tradition and Renewal, Florence, 13-15 May 2004.

47) Panellist in the Workshop on ‘Not to Forget: Ten Years from the Rwandan Genocide’, Faculty of Law, Catholic University, 30 April 2004.

48) Chair of the Session on ‘Contemporary Challenges of International Humanitarian Law, Refugee Law and Human Rights Law’, at the XIIth Annual Seminar on International Humanitarian Law for Diplomats Accredited at the United Nations, organised by the International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva, 14 October 2003.

49) Panellist in the Round Table, organised by the GIIS, on ‘War in Irak: the Paradoxes of Military Power’, Geneva, 1 April 2003

50) Founder and organizer of the International Law Department's Series on ‘International Law in the Making. Rencontres avec les practiciens du droit international’, Geneva, GIIS, 2002-2003. ​ ​

51) Consultant to Professor James Crawford, Special Rapporteur of the International Law Commission on State Responsibility. In this capacity he participated in the ‘Conference on State Responsibility’, Cambridge, 22-23 January 2000. 16

52) Co-founder (with Prof. F. Daveri) and coordinator of the joint interdisciplinary seminar series EpoDI (international law and economics seminars) at the Faculty of Law, University of Parma.

53) Panellist in the workshop: ‘Immunity Vs. Human Rights: an International Law Appraisal of the Pinochet Case’, organised by the Bologna Center of the Johns Hopkins University, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Bologna, 14 December 1998.

54) Participation in the Meeting of Independent Experts on Environmental Liability, at the invitation of the European Commissioner for the Environment, Brussels, October 1997; May 1996.

55) Participant in the Conference on ‘Extraterritorial Application of National Laws Regulating Business Activities’, upon invitation by the Ditchley Foundation, Ditchley Park, Enstone, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire (U.K.), 21-23 March 1997.

56) Visiting Scholar, University College London, October-December 1996.

57) Panellist in the International Workshop: ‘The Article 53 countries and the Restructuring of the UN’, Siena, 28-31 August 1994.

58) Participant in a Special Panel on: ‘National and International Arms Transfers’, at the Conference on: ‘Transparency in International Arms Transfers. Initiatives of Governments and Possible Multilateral Action’, Florence, 27-28 April 1990.

59) Assistant to the Italian Delegation during the ‘Forum on the International Law of the Environment’, Siena, 17-21 April 1990.

60) Research Assistant in International Law, Faculty of Law, University of Siena, 1987-1989.

61) Public International Law Course (attendance) at The Hague Academy of International Law, Summer 1987; Summer 1988.


1. ‘Engaging with Theory’, Leiden University Faculty of Law, 12 October 2018.

2. ‘Expertise and its Discontents’, Graduate Institute Geneva (for the participants in the Europaeum Scholars Programme), Geneva, 21 June 2018.

3. ‘The Unbearable Lightness of International Law’, Humboldt Unversität, Faculty of Law, 4 December 2017.

4. ‘International Law Theories’, The University of East Anglia School of Law, Norwich, 21 November 2017.


5. ‘International Adjudication, Rhetoric and Storytelling’, Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, Cambridge 20 October 2017.

6. ‘The Politics of the International Legal Law on the Use of Force’, Moscow State Institute for International Relations, Moscow, 27 September 2017.

7. ‘Epistemic Communities in International Law’, Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, Cambridge (UK), 11 February 2016.

8. ‘Interpretation beyond Rules’, organized jointly by the Faculty of Law of the University of Vienna and the Austrian Supreme Court, Vienna, 15 December 2015.

9. ‘Le droit international face aux défis posés par l’Etat Islamique’, University of Lausanne, 10 March 2015.

10. ‘The International Legal Regulation of the Use of Force: Problems and Prospects’, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, 14 November 2014.

11. Lecture given at the Department of Psychiatrics of the University of Lausanne on: ‘Le côté sombre ​ de la transparence’, 26 November 2013. ​

12. Lectio Magistralis, The UN and Global Governance, Official Opening of the Academic Year of the ​ ​ th School of International Studies, Trento (Italy), Thursday, 24 ​ October 2013. ​

13. ‘My problem with sharing – A critique of shared responsibility’, SHARES Lecture, Faculty of Law, Unviersity of Amsterdam, 6 December 2012.

14. ‘Terrorism and Armed Conflict’, Academic Year Inaugural Lecture, Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, Geneva, 24 September 2009.

15. ‘Textual Interpretation : the Myth of (In)Determinacy’, Ecole Doctorale, Faculty of Law, University of Freiburg, 30 April 2009.

16. ‘The Use of Force against Terrorist Groups’, Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, 7 December 2007.

17. ‘Les internationalistes: ont-ils perdu leur boussole? Le droit international entre fragmentation et constitutionnalisme’, Ecole doctorale, Faculté de droit, University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), 10 February 2007.

18. ‘The Magic of Jus Cogens’, University of Naples (Federico II), Faculty of Law, 5 December 2006

19. ‘International Law and Terrorism’, Lecture given at the 4th Capacity Building Programme for ​ Officials from Iraq ‘Enhancing Iraq’s Presence in the International Arena: Challenges and Opportunities’, Geneva, 6 September 2006.


20. ‘International Terrorism: the Challenges for Diplomats’, 1st Diplomatic Programme for ​ Diplomats from Afghanistan, organised by the Centre for Applied Studies in International Negotiations, Geneva, 17 September 2004

21. ‘Le droit international face au terrorisme’, Faculty of Law, University of Geneva, 13 January 2004

22. ‘The fight against international terrorism between state and individual responsibility’ (in Italian), University of Naples (Federico II), Faculty of Law, 11 April 2003

23. ‘The Act of the State: the State of the Act. Judicial Interpretation and Human Rights Enforcement’, The Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, 17 May 2001.

24. ‘Municipal Courts, Foreign States and Serious Violations of International Law’ (in Italian), Faculty of Law, University of Palermo, 5 June 2001.

25. ‘European Environmental Law and Individual Rights’, delivered at the University of Modena, Faculty of Law, Research Center on European Community Law. Modena, 28 May 1998.

26. ‘The Apollonyan and the Dionisyan in Contemporary Human Rights Law: Old Subjects and New Actors on the Global Stage’, The Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, 29 January 1997.

27. ‘Of Law and Justice: the Strange Case of State Immunity for Violations of Human Rights’, The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London, 12 November, 1996.

28. ‘State Immunity and Human Rights’, Faculty of Law, University of Edinburgh, 8 November 1996.


1. ‘International Judgments as Holy Writs’, paper delivered at the Conference: ‘Sociological Perspectives on International Tribunals’, organized by the Max Planck Institute for Procedural Law, Luxembourg, 9 November 2018.

2. ‘Conclusive Remarks’, submitted at the end of the Conference ‘Knowledge Production and International Law’, organised by the Graduate Institute International Law Department, Geneva, 8 September 2018.

3. ‘Staying Put or Running Wild? The Politics of Interpretation of the European Court of Human Rights as a Function of its Judicial Policy’, paper delivered at the Conference ‘The European Court of Human Rights in East-West Relations: Norms, Values and Legal Politics’, organised by The High School of Economics National Research University, Moscow, 19 May 2018.

4. ‘The Qualification of Extraterritorial Operations against Terrorist Groups’, paper delivered at the Conference ‘Counter-terrorism: Legal Challenges and Regional Approaches’, organized


jointly by the ICRC Russian Delegation and by the International and Comparative Law Research Centre, Moscow 28 September 2017.

5. ‘Back to the Future: the Untold Story of Obligations Erga Omnes’, paper delivered at the European Society of International Law Annual Conference, Naples 8 September 2017.

6. ‘Fear and International Lawmaking’ (with Anne Saab), paper delivered at the Conference ‘Cognitive Sociology, Culture and International Law’, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, 28-29 April 2017.

7. ‘On the Skeptron – Visions of Authority in International Law’, paper delivered at the Conference ‘The Construction of Authority in International Law’, Durham Law School, 25-26 April 2017

8. Keynote speaker on: ‘Theory, Actors and Change: the Importance of Being Earnest’, at the Spring Conference of the International Law Association British Branch, Lancaster (UK), 15 April 2016.

9. ‘International law, constitutional values and system closures. Lessons to be Learnt from Recent Case Law’, paper delivered at the Duke-Geneva Conference on Comparative Foreign relations Law, Geneva, 10-11 2015.

10. Keynote Speaker at the Conference on: Interpretation in International Law, Cambridge, Lauterpacht ​ ​ Centre and Faculty of Law, 26 August 2013. Paper Delivered: ‘The Game of Interpretation in International Law: the Cards, the Players and Why is the Game Worth the Candle’.

11. Keynote Speaker at the Conference on: The ICJ’s Judicial Year in Review, European University ​ ​ Institute, Florence (Italy), 24-25 May 2013. Paper Delivered: ‘State Immunity and Jus Cogens Beyond Germany v. Italy’.

12. ‘Subsequent Practice’, paper delivered at the Conference ‘Treaties and subsequent practice’, organized by the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, the International Law Commission and the University of Geneva, Geneva, 20-21 May 2011.

13. ‘Reflexive Butterfly Catching: Insights from a Situated Catcher’, paper delivered at the workshop on: ‘Informal International Public Policy Making’, Geneva, 24-25 June 2010.

14. ‘The Use of Force against Terrorism’, paper delivered at the Expert Meting on ‘Counterterrorism Strategies, Human Rights and International Law: Meeting the Challenges’, The Hague, 11-13 June 2009.

15. ‘US Courts and International Law: an Impertinent Look from Outside’, ASIL/ESIL Joint Leadership Retreat, 11-12 January 2008

16. ‘The Evolution of International Law on Immunities With Respect to Crimes under International Law in Light of Recent Case Law’, paper presented in the framework of the Journée du droit international 2007: “Les immunités juridictionnelles en droit international: ​ 20

développements récents”, organized by the Swiss Ministry of foreign Affairs, Bern, 19 November 2007.

17. ‘Cosi fan tutt(e)!’, paper delivered at the Conference: ‘L’amour du droit (international) – Propos croisés autour de Brigitte Stern’, Geneva, Graduate Institute, 12 Octobr 2007.

18. ‘Fear’s Legal Dimension’ (‘La dimensione giuridica della paura’), paper delivered at the Conference: ‘Human Rights Protection and the Fight against Terrorism’ (‘La protezione dei diritti dell’uomo nella lotta al terrorismo’), organised by the Faculty of Law of the University of Teramo (Italy), 29-30 November 2007.

19. ‘The Fight Against Terrorism in International Law: The Quest for Checks and Balances’, paper delivered at the Conference on ‘Democracy, Separation of Powers and the Fight against Terrorism: Is There a Quest for New Paradigms?’, organized jointly by the Graduate Institute of International Studies and the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva. Geneva, 16-18 November 2006.

20. ‘Introductory Paper’, presented at the Workshop: ‘The Mexican soft drinks dispute: implications for regionalism and for trade and sustainable development’, Geneva, ICTSD (International Centre on Trade and Sustainable Development), 30 May 2006.

21. ‘The Jurisdiction of the Court and the Question of Judicial Propriety’, paper delivered at the ‘ESIL Research Forum on International Law: Contemporary Issues’, in the framework of a special panel on ‘The ICJ Advisory Opinion on the Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in Palestinian Territory’, Geneva, 26-28 May 2005

22. ‘Les dissonances du droit international’, paper delivered at the Conference ‘Quel droit international pour le XXIème siècle?’, organised by the University of Neuchâtel and the Swiss Foreign Ministry, Neuchâtel (Switzerland), 6-7 May 2005

23. ‘Jus cogens violations, municipal courts and remedies for victims of human rights atrocities: the ​ way ahead”, paper delivered at the Workshop: “In Search for Justice and Accountability in the th XXIst Century”, Yale Law School, 30 ​ March 2005 ​

24. ‘The UN and the Unilateral Use of Force by States: a Recurrent Dilemma’, paper delivered at the Workshop ‘Winds of War: Iraq, the United States and the Institutional Crisis of the European Union’, Milan, Catholic University, 17 March 2003

25. ‘Managing the Risk of International Terrorism’. Paper delivered at the Conference: ‘Risk and Public Policy’, Spetzes (Athens), 13-15 September, 2002.

26. ‘The Status of the Precautionary Principle in International Law’. Paper delivered at the Conference: ‘The Precautionary Principle in International and European Community Law’, Modena, 30 November 2001.

27. ‘Ad-hocism and the Rule of Law’. Paper delivered at the Symposium on ‘The Impact on International Law of a decade of Measures Against Iraq’, organized jointly by the European


Journal of International Law and Michigan Law School, European University Institute, Florence, 24-25 May 2001.

28. ‘State Immunity and Human Rights’. Paper delivered at the Conference: ‘Customary Law, State Responsibility and Human Rights Violations’, organised by the Political Science Department, University of Siena, 15-16 December 2000.

29. ‘The Impact of International Trade Law on Environmental Law and Process’. Paper delivered at the Conference: ‘Environment, Human Rights and the Liberalisation of International Trade’, organised jointly by the University of Siena and the University of Milan-Bicocca. Siena, 10-11 April 2000.

30. ‘Asylum in International and European Union Law’. Paper delivered at the Conference: ‘Immigration, Asylum and Citizenship’, organised by the University of Parma. Parma, 22-23 October 1999.

31. ‘Liability in Respect of Ecological Damage’. Paper submitted at the ‘Workshop on Environmental Liability’, organised by the University of Cambridge and the Commission of the European Communities. Cambridge, 16-17 January 1998.

32. ‘The Assessment of Environmental Damage in International Treaty Practice’. Paper delivered at the workshop on ‘Civil Liability for Environmental Harm: Selected Questions of Comparative, European and International Law’, organised by the University of Milan and by the European Science Foundation. Gargnano (Brescia), 10-13 September 1997.

33. ‘Harmonizing Liability Rules for Environmental Damage in Europe: Achievements and Prospects’. Paper delivered at the Conference: ‘Towards a New European Jus Commune’, ​ ​ organised by the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Jerusalem, 4-8 May 1997.

34. ‘Harm to the Environment in Italian Practice: the Interaction of International Law and Domestic Law’. Paper delivered at the Conference: ‘Harm to the Environment: the Right to Compensation and the Assessment of Damages’, Turku/Abo (Finland), 15-18 June 1995.

35. ‘New Institutional Arrangements and Old Paradigms: Some Remarks on the Nature of the European Union’. Paper delivered at the Conference: ‘Today’s Europe: Present Situation and Trends in Italy and the Nordic Countries’, Oslo, 10 October 1994.

36. ‘Jurisdictional Rules in Customary International Law: Selected Issues’. International Symposium on Extra-territorial Jurisdiction, Dresden, 8-10 October 1993.

37. ‘Overcoming the Jurisdictional Hurdle of State Immunity’. International Conference on the Role of Domestic Courts in the Enforcement of International Human Rights, 21-22 June 1993.

38. ‘Liability for Environmental Damage. An Italian View in a European Perspective’. Lessons From Europe 1993: Workshop on the Impact of European Environmental Law on Italian and Dutch Policies, Amsterdam, 8 March 1993.


39. ‘The International Lawyer’s Perspective’. Seminar on European Citizenship: Legal Aspects, Siena 18-19 October 1991.

40. ‘Environmental Harm Resulting From the Use of Nuclear Power Sources in Outer Space: Some Remarks on State Responsibility and Liability’. Conference on International Responsibility for Environmental Harm Resulting From Industrial Activities, Siena, 23-24 March 1990.

41. ‘The International Safeguard System Applicable to Nuclear-Powered Space Objects’ (in Italian). Conference on the International Legal Regime of Outer Space, Trieste (Italy), 20-21 January 1990.

42. ‘Costs and Benefits of EC Membership for Italian Environmental Policy’. Erasmus research project on Costs and Benefits of European Community Membership: a Twelve Nations Study, Joint Seminar (Universities of Siena/Bonn/Oxford), Siena, March 1989, Oxford, April 1989, Bonn, June 1989.

43. ‘The Non-Proliferation Treaty and Articles 10 and 11 of the Italian Constitution’. Joint Seminar of the Universities of Siena and Munich o International Law and the Constitution, Siena, October 1987.