By Bachelor of Arts Phillips Vniversity

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By Bachelor of Arts Phillips Vniversity . THE ~ASSHOPPJmS OF OKLAHOMA1 (ORTl:lOfTERA.: AORIDlDM) By STA~LEY COPPOCK, JR, Bachelor of Arts Phillips Vniversity ~nid, Oklahoma 1947 Mast~r <:>£ Science The University pf Oklahoma Normap, Oklahoma 1951 Submitted to the Faculty of the Gradqate School of the Oklahoma State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOP~ May, 1962 OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY NOV 7 1962 THE GRASSHOPPERS OF OKLAHOMA (ORTHOPTERA: ACRIDIDAE) Thesis Approved: ) <E~-Jyj,jL_ Thesis Adviser 504372 ii PREFACE Because of their wide distribution, abundance, and economic consid­ erations, the Acrididae or short-horned grasshoppers ~ are a very fam i liar and important group of insects. The purpose of this report is to present in one paper descriptions, keys to identification, distribution, and some information on host re­ lationships of the grasshoppers of Oklahoma. The author wishes to acknowledge the kind interest of Dr . D. E. Howell who introduced the student to the study. The valuable advice and criticisms of Dr. R. R. Walton 3 the major adviser, and Ors. H. I. Featherly, W. H. Irwin, and the late Professor G. A. Bieberdorf is deeply appreciated. The constant guidance and advice of Dr . W. A. Drew in taxonomic matters is acknowledged. Several authorities determined and/or verified specimens for the author. Fred Skoog of the Bozeman, Montana, Laboratory of Entomology Research Division of Agricultural Research Service, United States De ­ partment of Agriculture and Dr. A. B. Gurney of the United States Na­ tional Museum , Washington, D. C. aided in the identification of large amounts of material. David Eades and Harold Grants J r . of the Phil­ adelphia Academy of Natural Sciences helped with the determination of certain groups . They also were sources of informati on concerning the distribution of Oklahoma Acri didae . Dr . Herbert S. Wallace, Monroe, Louisiana, determined the speci es of Hesperotettix Scudder. iii Sincere appreciation is extended to Drs" T, H. Hubbell and Irving J. Cantrall of the University of Michigan~ Museum of Zoology, Ann Arbor, Michigan, for their wonderful aid~ hospitality and encouragement during the author's visit to their institution, Appreciation is extended to various members of the Entomology and Plant Industry Division, Oklahoma State Board of Agriculture, and the staff of the Plant Pest Control Division, Agricultural Research Service~ United States Department of Agriculture~ for submitting specimens colro lected in a grasshopper survey, Julyj 1956. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page INTRODUCTION 1 II. REVIEW OF THE IJ.TERATURE • • 3 III. METHODS OF STUDY • • • • 6 IV. PHYSIOGRAPHIC AND BIOGEOGRAPHIC AREAS OF OKLAHOMA . 8 V. FAMILY ACRI DIDAE LATREILLE . 15 Characteristics ..• . • • 15 General Biology ... 15 Economic Considerations • . • 18 VI. KEY TO THE SUBFAMILIES OF ACRIDIDAE IN OKLAHOMA • • 20 VII. SUBFAMILY ROMALEINAE BRUNNER • • 22 Genus Brachystola Scudder . • • 22 Brachystola magna (Girard) '. • 22 VIII. SUBFAMILY CYRTACANTHACRIDINAE KIRBY • 24 Key to the Subfamily Cyrtacanthacridinae • 24 Genus Paropomala Scudder ...•. 26 Parapomala wyomingensis (Thomas) • • • 26 Genus Leptysma Stal ...•••••..•.• • 27 Leptysma marginicollis (Serville) • • • 27 Genus Dactylotum Charpentier ••• 28 Dactylotum bicolor pictum (Thomas) • • 29 Genus Schi stocerca Stal • . • • • . •• • • • 30 Key t o the Species of Schistocerca in Oklahoma • • 31 Alutacea Group ..•.••.•••••. • 31 Key to Alutacea Group • • • . • • . • • . • • 32 Schistocerca americana americana (Drury) •. • • 32 Schistocer ca damnifica damnifaca (Saussure) ••• 34 Schistocerca obscura (Fabricius). 35 Schistocerca alutacea (Harris) . • • • • • 36 Schistocerca lineata Scudder • • 37 Genus Paratylotropidia Scudder .••• 38 Key to the Species of Paratylotropidia in Oklahoma. • 39 Paratylotropidia brunneri Scudder ••••••.. • • • 39 V TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Chapter Page VIII. SUBFAMILY CYRTACANTHACRIDINAE KIRBY (Con tinued) Paratylotropi dia morsei Rehn and Rehn ·40 Genus Dendrotettix Packard. 41 Dendrotettix qu r cus Packard. 42 Genus Hypochlora Brunner. 43 Hypochlora alba Do dge . 43 Genus Campy lacantra Scudder . 44 Key to M l es of the Subspecies of Campylancatha olivacea (Scudder) in Oklahoma . ..... , 44 Campylacantha olivacea olivacea (Scudder) . 45 Campylacantha olivacea vivax (Scudder) . 46 Genus Hesperotettix ~cudder . 46 Key to the Species of Hesperotettix in Oklahoma 47 Hesperotettix specios.u s Scudder .' . , . 48 Hesperotettix viridis viridis (Thomas) . 49 Hesperotettix viridis pratensis Scudder SO Genus Aeoloplides Caudell . • . , . 51 Aeoloplides t urnbulli bruneri (Caudell) 52 Genus Phoetaliotes Scudder. 53 Phoetaliotes nebrascensis (Tnomas) . 53 Genus Melanoplus Stal . 55 Key to Males of the Species of Melanoplus in Oklahoma . 56 Melanoplus scudderi (Uhler) "complex" 60 Melanoplus discolor (Scudder) . 61 Melanoplus gracilis (Bruner) . 63 Melanoplus i nconspicuus Caudell . 63 Melanoplus ponderosus (Scudder) 64 Melanoplus oklahomae Hebard . 66 Melanoplus warneri Little . 67 Melanoplus texanus (Scudder) . 67 Melanoplus laki nus (Scudder) . 68 Melanoplus plebejus plebejus (Stal) . 69 Melanoplus rusticus (Stal) , . 70 Key to Subspecies of tl· rusticus (Stal) in Oklahoma 71 Melanoplus rusticus obovatipennis Blatchley 71 Melanoplus rusticus rusticus (Stal) 72 Melanoplus keeleri (Thomas ) . 73 Melanoplus bivittatus (Say) . , . 75 Melanoplus confusus Scudder .. , . 76 Melanoplus differentialis nigricans Cockrell . 77 Melanoplus punctulatus arboreus Scudder . 79 Melanoplus angustipennis impiger Scudder. 80 Melanoplus bispinosus Scudder 82 Melanoplus splendidus. Hebard .. , . , . 83 Melanoplus packardii Scudder. 84 Key to Subspecies of Melanoplus foedus in Oklahoma . 86 Melanoplus foedus foedus Scudder .. , , . 86 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Chapter Page _VIII, SUBFAMILY CYRTACANTHACRIDINAE KIRBY (Continued) Melano}?)us foed~ fl~ Bruner • , . , 87 Melan£E_lt.:s foedus ~ Hebard. , 88 Melal:}.£,Elus ~mp~~icus Scudder , , • , ~ .•• 89 Me~1usg!~cJpes (Scudder) • • , . • • 90 Kelan~s ocddentali.s occ:l~ (Thomas), 91 Melanoplu_s b:i.lituratus vulturnis Gurney and Brooks • 92 !1'2..1:'lr~lu,~ fl~~ • bo_~di.t.~.h! ttcomplex", , . , , _, 94 Key to flavidus - bowditchi. ncomplex" in Oklahoma. , 95 ~lan£Pli.!i1I~iidus Sci.i'dci'er .. , , . , • 95 ~e1~plus bowditchi bowditchi Scudder 96 Me_lanoElus arizonae Scudder. 97 Mclan£1?,lus reB!!lis (Dodge) , . 98 MclanopJ"-u~ femur-rubrum femur::rubrum (De Geer) 99 IX. SUBFAMILY ACRIDINAE LATREILLE., ..... , . 102 Key to the Subfamily Acri.d:i.nae (Slant~faced Grasshopper) in Oklahoma , . , . , . , . 103 Ge111.1s Ac~~J_ophi tus Thomas , , . 105 ~crolopJli.J;us !lirt~es hi~tipe~ (Say) 105 li!:.i teJ;.!=J~ Bruner, . 106 Key to the Subspecies of Eritett..!2£. ~implex Scudder in Oklahoma, . , ....... , . 107 Eri tettix Si!!!£.lex simplex (Scudder). 107 Eri t;,et_tix simplex tricarinatus (Thoma$). 108 Genus ~rbula Stal, , . , . , , , 109 Key to the Species of _§y£bula in Oklahoma 110 illJlul!, ~.abili~ (Uhler), , 110 §;yrbul!! foscovi ttata Thomas. 111 Genus ]?,hilibost17oma Scudder , , , . , . , 112 Phili~E.™ gu~:&_I!}a_cul~ (Thomas) , 112 Genus £2.nt~Uac~!!!, Rehn .. , , . , •. , 113 Rey to the Species of £2rdilla.c_Fis in Oklahoma. , . 114 .92!.9.ill;.,acr:ts £.9cipital~.J! ocCl_l£!.~alis (Thomas). • 114 Q.ordiJJ.a£~l! ££.!~.1J,Ulat~ C!'.§!Jl:~lata(Brune;). • . 115 Genus P~lli!!!~.$.~!!_ Giglio~Tos , , .....•... , •• 116 Key to the Species of O:r12huleUa in Oklahoma. 116 .Q!12hul~li.! s:eec&,Q~ (Scudder). • . , . • • • . 116 Qt'phul_elll! _Eelidna _EelidI,!.a (Burmeister). , . 118 Genus Amphitornus McNeill .... , ... , 119 !t.!1.£ coloradus coloradus McNeill. , 119 Genus £hJ_oeal lli Harris , . 121 Chloeal!!:.! coniersa (Harris) . 121 Genus J!h.c=:.hromor.E!}_! Morse, • , • • • 122 . fils\romorpha ~is (Scudder) 122 Genus Amblytrop~ Stal. , . 123 ~1bl1trop:I.dia occid.entalis Saussure, 124 Genus ~~ Stal . " . , . • 125 vH TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Chapter Page IX. SUBFAMILY ACRIDINAE LATREILLE {Co~tinued) Key to the Species of Mermiria in Oklahoma. 125 Mermiria texana Bruner. •.• .. 126 Mermiria neomexicana ('l1lomas) 127 Mermiria picta Walker ....• . , 128 Mermiria maculipennis Bruner •. 129 Mermiria bivittata (Serville) . , . ·131 Genus Opeia McNeUl ........•• . , . , . 132 Opeia obscura obscura {'!1los.) . • 132 G~nus Pseudopomala Morse ..•. • . 133 Pseudopomala brachyptera Scudder. 133 Genus Drepanopterna. Rehn, ..... • • . 134 Drepanopterna femoratum {Scudder) . 134 Genus Aulocara Scudder ......•. ' . .. 135 . Auloc·are . elliotti {'l'homas). • . • • . 136 Genus Heliaula Caudell; . 137 Heliaula rufa {Scudder) . , ,· . 138 Genus Boope~'l'homas . ••. 139 Key to the Species of Boopedon in Okla~oma .. 139 Boopedon auriventris McNeill. • . 140 Boopedon nubilum (Say). 141 Boopedon gracile .~ehn •... 142 Genu.s Agenotettix McNeill . 142 Ageneotettix deorum deorum (Scudder). • • 143 Genus Psol oessa Scudder •....... 145 Key to the Species of Psoloesaa in Oklahoma. 145 Psoloessa texana Scudder ........ 146 Psoloessa delicatula delicatula (Scudder) 147 x. SUBFAMILY OEDIPODINAE WALKER ..... 149 Key to the Subfamily Oedipodinae (Banded - Win8ed Grass- hoppers In Oklahoma). • . 150 Genus Encoptolophus Scudder. 153 Key to species of Encoptolophus in Oklahoma 153 Encoptolophus sordidus costflis (Scu4der) 153 Eneoptolophus subgracilis texensis Bruner 154 Genus Chort.ophaga Saussure. 155 Chortophaga viridifasciata (De Geer). 155 · Genus Dissosteira Scudder ....
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