LOCAL: He’s ba-ack! Lizard Man heading to big screen A2 PANORAMA Hop downtown Microbrew Festival returns May 12 to raise money for C1 SERVING SOUTH CAROLINA SINCE OCTOBER 15, 1894 Sumter Senior Services WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 2017 $1.00 Council Parnell wins Dem primary approves GOP candidates Norman, Pope head for runoff in SC-5 race BY JIM HILLEY Goldman Sachs tax adviser was easily “Tonight’s results show there is so zoning
[email protected] outdistancing his Democratic prima- much energy and support across the ry opponents with more than 70 per- 5th Congressional District,” Parnell Democrat Archie Parnell will have cent of the vote, meaning he will said. “I’m proud to be your nominee.” to wait two weeks to see who his Re- avoid a runoff against either Alexis In the 5th Congressional District changes publican opponent will be in the Frank (21 percent) or Les Murphy (7 Republican primary, two York County South Carolina 5th Congressional percent). Those results were as of 10 residents, former state Rep. Ralph District election set for June 20. p.m. Tuesday with nine of 11 counties BY JIM HILLEY The Sumter resident and former reporting. SEE RESULTS, PAGE A6
[email protected] Sumter City Council breezed through a light agenda at its regular meeting in Sumter Opera House’s City Council Hitching a ride Chambers on Tuesday. Council received an update from City Manager Deron Mc- Cormick on progress on the budget for fiscal year 2018, which begins July 1. He said staff was spending a lot of its time working on the general PHOTO PROVIDED MCCORMICK fund and through After casting their votes, Sumter native cost-cutting mea- and 5th Congressional District candidate Ar- sures had reduced chie Parnell and his wife, Sarah, greeted vot- the projected deficit to $2.2 mil- ers at Cut Rate Drugs, where a number of lion.