Frank Quitely, | 128 pages | 13 May 2014 | DC Comics | 9781401247027 | English | United States Flex Mentallo: Man of Muscle Mystery PDF Book

In any case, Wallace pronounces the word. Of course, none of that really elaborates on why this is a recommendation. Published on. They abandoned us to our fate. And really, at a better possible time this book could not possibly come out. Flex appeared in a number of animated commercial advertisements too which led to his own animated cartoon which ran for one season in - The subterraneous dips into the subconcious. Lists with This Book. I get what he is trying to say, I do -- we're all sad, we don't dream, we're rotting from the inside, we need to be magicians. I own only issue 3 of the original issues, but even a cursory look reveals dramatic differences. Flex Mentallo is an unbelievably mind-bending trip through the past four decades of comics. Much like Morrison driving against the tide of comics cynicism toward heroes, Mentallo is also a man out of time, as he recollects past, surreal adventures that call to mind the camp adventurism of s and early s comics. It seems that those God-like fictional characters not only created our reality, but they take care of it providence. From the Scotsman, storytelling should be meaningful towards his livelihood, no matter how outlandish his stories and certainly superheroes since their very inception mean a great deal towards Morrison, as established in his miniseries where he first collaborated with artist , thus begins the start of a beautiful friendship. Feb 04, Andrew rated it really liked it Shelves: superheroes , comics , dc-vertigo. Average rating 4. So the big , after years of obscurity — is this book worth the wait? Get A Copy. Second, it's very short. The titular character, Flex Mentallo, has his origins in those old Charles Atlas comic ads where a scrawny loser gets sand kicked in his face by a beach beefcake. Apart from his debut with the "Blackheart" strip in three issues of Dark Horse Presents , Frank Quitely's work on Flex Mentallo was his break into ongoing work for the American industry. Only the addition of actual Morrison script pages could have improved this special features section. July 26, at am. This isn't just me hypothesizing -- that's where Morrison's hypersigilism mumbowhatsit comes in, and he's spoken about it pretty extensively in interviews. Through the imagination, reality is birthed. Apart from the cut-up nature of Mentallo employed on the cover and interior of chapter four, there is the single page in that chapter where Mentallo awakens after breaking through into the satellite headquarters. Watch it conform to your expectations and watch reality turn into what you wish it to be! You know the guy. Top charts. Yet, his breakdown of the cover design to issue 4 is by far the most striking as he arranged the individual panels and segments. See 1 question about Flex Mentallo…. They lose and are confined to fiction hood. Flex is in part a parody of Charles Atlas ' long-running "The Insult that made a Man out of Mac" advertisements seen in American comics from the past. It will be interesting to see if true Morrison fans find the hardcover recoloring an improvement or revisionist to the intended feel of the series. That is not to say that Quitely does not include some innovative features. Everything works and I definitely will be rereading this one in the near future. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Flex Mentallo: Man of Muscle Mystery Writer

In Flex's fictionary world, the Legion is a legendary entity that few people was able to see, but sometimes they manifest themselves through epiphanies, drug induced hallucinations, appearance to space travellers, etc. May 18, He assumed that by turning the Pentagon into a circle he would solve the problem. The whole cast has assembled. The news media throughout the series teases the imminence of war. So, was Flex Mentallo worth the wait? I've wondered why so many people have raved about Morrison's Flex Mentallo, and I think the reason I would tell a comics fan to read it is simply this. All of the superheroes are returning, a dramatic splash page that looks like they are flying out of the sun. I think I can probably say with certainty that Grant Morrison is my favorite comic book writer now. Want to Read saving…. Lists with This Book. He divides his time between his homes in Los Angeles and Scotland. In particular it looks at the concept of the superhero through the decades and asks what purpose they serve us. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. It's all the When Wally grows up, he became a rockstar named Wallace Sage. When I asked him about what he considered to be his best work, he told me, "Well, that is a hard one because I kind of like all of them, even the ugly, bizarre looking children. Flex himself is a little confusing -- he is a DC comics character obviously , and as such he lives in Comic World. It may be that this mercurial existence is what's driving him to suicide -- in fact, it is almost definitely that thing. The superheroes of this polyverse "The Legion of Legions" are failing to stop that evil force. This template will categorize any article that includes it into the members category. The four-issue miniseries is reprinted complete with the full original covers. I will not give 5 stars to this book only because the story is so "strange", and the way it is told does not make the life easier for the reader. Nov 17, Keith rated it liked it. The opening panels depict a terrorist bomber, followed by an explosion which becomes the Big Bang, which in turn becomes an egg being cooked for Flex Mentallo. It connected with me on so many levels but it is hard to explain about every idea, opinion, and revelation that happened during my experience with this series; I just got it. Flex Mentallo: Man of Muscle Mystery Reviews

Now it's back at the library. The theme stretches across a number of Morrison's works and is explained in full in "Supergods", while the multi- dimensions and superbeings talking to one another echo his own supposed alien encounter in the mountains of Katmandu in the early 90s. Mar 24, Danny rated it liked it. His task complete, Flex went his separate way. The plan was to make the whole world like a giant machine, accomplishing nothing, but with each piece in its place. Original pages. I can say that when reading this book I took my time examining each and every panel, word balloon, and illustration, because much like watching a Kubrick film, each and every aspect of the book can have a purpose or meaning. Either way his mind is screwed. This multiplicity of universes, called the polyverse, is being destroyed by an evil force named "The Absolute". We, in the actual real world, can read and write DC comic books. As far as I know, this is the first collaboration between Morrison and Frank Quietly, and it is neat to see them already so in sync with one another. The fourth book looks to the future and asks the question: where does the superhero go from here? Finally the DC superheros save the day and a new reality starts. This is not only a comic book, but an enigma posed by Grant Morrison. This fast-paced tale twists super hero tropes, introducing one mind-boggling concept after another in a tour de force of innovative storytelling. Now the story felt far above me mentally and emotionally to the point where panels transitions did not make sense. For a new reader with specific taste in comics or only goes for one or two genres, this may not be the comic book you are looking for, at least at this point in time. Unlike his offerings that be frustrating in only alluding to fascinating things on the margins, here you see everything hinted at even if just for a panel. How is The Fact going to help? Harry was "on to something big", as Norman put it, involving the Pentagon , a rash of 32 mysterious disappearances since , silver sugar tongs, and an Ant Farm. The character, Flex Mentallo, acknowledges that he is a comic creation brought to life by Wallace Sage. Charles Atlas company president Jeffrey C. The book, really, is somewhat three-fold. The comic asks the question, what is real? He was "spread and twisted" through time and space by some psychic superpowers of the adolescent Wally, as a kind of punishment that now results in a blessing. The heroes manifest to Wally at critical points in his life, like a possible child abuse experience. Frank Quitely's artwork is also the best I've seen from him and he's an almost unfairly talented artist. There's some really beautiful pages in this collection, and Morrison comes up with ideas that seem derived from the very heart of creativity. Wally, inspired by the Legion, draws comics and creates new characters like Flex Mentallo. After all, he was literally born to be a hero. Tarzanesque clothed Flex Mentallo perilously meanders first, then dives headfirst into a narrative brimming with as much mystery as comic book history and lore. I don't know how to begin reviewing this graphic novel mostly because there is too much context that one needs to know if they ever decide to read this blindly, which I did, and it affected how I enjoyed the story a lot. This Grant Morrison comic book is speaking to me It's simultaneously a love letter to comics and a harsh critique of them, an exploration of the relationship between the creator and the creation and between the creation and the audience, an outcry about the state of the world and the significance of superheroes and so, so much more. No trivia or quizzes yet. For a time he was part of a group which included such esoteric members as the Atomic Pile, who was half-man, half-salad, and the Fact, who had little cards with facts on them. This is not an easy read by any matters, but it's an amazing re-read or re-re-read. The hustler then watches with awestruck eyes, in one awe-inspiring splash page by Quitely and Doherty, as hordes of superheroes come down from the Heavens in perfect formation. Sign In Don't have an account? Subscribe to this comment feed via RSS. Now Flex Mentallo, the Man of Muscle Mystery, returns to investigate the sinister dealings of his former comrade, The Fact, and a mysterious rock star whose connection to Flex may holding the key to saving them both. Reviewed by Nathan Wilson on April 6, Nov 29, Keith Davis rated it it was amazing Shelves: graphic-novels. The suicidal comics fan at the story's center gives the story real and personal stakes, and the apocalyptic mood is well-sustained throughout. The cartoon was a last-ditch effort for a dying company to renew interest in their brand. Or maybe it's all these stories at once. When the bad guys lay beaten and broken at his feet, many Dannyzens rushed up to ask Mac how he did that, only to become the first few to witness the return of Flex Mentallo.

Flex Mentallo: Man of Muscle Mystery Read Online

You are commenting using your WordPress. Enter the URL for the tweet you want to embed. NOOK Book. Tweet Clean. So the first was the golden age, the second the silver age, the third the dark age, and the fourth a contemporary rebirth. But as he attempts to live up to all The problem is that they lack the ability to articulate it coherently. Reviewed by Nathan Wilson on April 6, The suicidal comics fan at the story's center gives the story real and personal stakes, and the apocalyptic mood is well-sustained throughout. The reason this collected graphic novel was delayed for over a decade was so that DC Comics could settle a lawsuit with the Charles Atlas people for using the character. Furthermore, apart from Davy Crockett's legendary bear killing at the tender age of three, most Western heroes' accomplishments were closely tied to the literary genre itself—hunting, Indian fighting, horsemanship, etc. There is also a group of villains called Faculty X, we learn about them at the beginning of the story, as they leave fake bombs around for reasons that are never explained, we also see nothing of them through the story despite their repeated mentions. . One of the most fascinating aspects is seeing his thumbnail process as he draws conceptual illustrations directly on Morrison's script pages. The fourth book looks to the future and asks the question: where does the superhero go from here? Heck, a quick Google search will reveal Morrison fans who are even more diehard than I am about analyzing his fiction and sharing that with readers names like Timothy Callahan and David Uzumeri come to mind. Collecting the bizarre adventures of , a second-rate super hero struggling with real-life issues Once upon a time, Matthew Meylikhov became the Founder and Editor-in- of Multiversity Comics, where he was known for his beard and fondness for cats. Feb 04, Andrew rated it really liked it Shelves: superheroes , comics , dc-vertigo. The Book Report Network. Now the story felt far above me mentally and emotionally to the point where panels transitions did not make My lord do i wish I love this book. The message we need to deliver is one of hope, not despair, and reality is precisely what we make of it in our own head. They come as if in a wave to help the hustler, who now is kneeling on the ground with his hands in prayer. It's a bit of a shame that Morrison doesn't have the space to play with some of these characters as they each seem like they'd be able to take up a series of their own. That being said, the transitions do make sense and are often seamless enough to get the message across that this is a rather psychedelic meta experience that comments on the genre conventions of superhero storytelling. DC submitted a motion for summary dismissal, which was granted on the basis of fair use using the parody defense. Now Flex Mentallo, the Man of Muscle Mystery, returns to investigate the sinister dealings of his former comrade, The Fact, and a mysterious rock star whose connection to Flex may holding the key to saving them both.

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