Using GIS to Reconstruct the Roman Centuriated Landscape in the Low Plain ()

Michele Matteazzi University of Padua, Italy and Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology, Spain

Abstract: This paper deals with the application of Geographical Information Systems to landscape archaeological studies and, in particular, with researches that follow an archaeomorphological approach. The study outlines the analytical potential especially for studying ancient land divisions. The case study presented here, drawn from a Phd project, is specifically dealing with the contribution that such Systems can bring to the archaeomorphological study of a wide stretch of the alluvial plain extended to the south of the city of Padua, with the Venice Lagoon to the east and the Euganei Hills to the west (Fig. 1): in this area, the analysis of landscape features highlights the traces of ancient territorial structures organized by orthogonal axes. We think they could be recognised as land divisions carried out during Roman times.

Keywords: Landscape Archaeology, Archaeomorphology, GIS, Centuriation, Padua Plain

1. Introduction 1972 by the finding, near the village of San Pietro Viminario, of a gromatic stone bearing When Romans took the control of the the cadastral indications of a land division Venetia in the IInd century BC, the plain to the carried out in the area during early imperial south of Padua was administratively divided times (Lazzaro 1971-2). Despite this finding, among the ancient Venetic oppida of Patavium however, all the attempts to reconstruct the (Padua), Ateste (Este) and Atria (Adria) - morphology and extent of this land division in see Fig. 2. In the Ist century BC these centres detail have given until now few and uncertain gradually increased their importance, first results (Lazzaro 1981; Pesavento Mattioli 1984; becoming coloniae Latinae (89 BC) and later, Rosada and Bressan 2008). with Julius Caesar, being elevated to the rank of municipia (49 BC). For trying to better understand the characteristics of the Roman intervention in From this time and, in particular, from the low Padua plain, it was therefore decided to the subsequent Augustan age onwards, the implement a new study based on the principles archaeological data begin recording the expressed by Landscape Archaeology that, existence of a population distributed over the proceeding by way of an archaeomorphological greater part of the plain and which lasts until approach2, took advantage of using GIS and the entire IInd century AD. An evidence that spatial technology (Matteazzi 2012; Fig. 3). would lead to think that in this moment a major programme of territorial reorganisation must have been implemented in order to exploit the 2 Archaeomorphology is a discipline closely related to Landscape land’s agrarian potential to the full. Archeology. It considers the present landscape as shaped by a series of structural components (such as roads, paths, channels, The real existence of this intervention, field boundaries), that are the traces of interventions carried out at different times and by different communities. These already variously hypothesized since the mid- components came over time to overlap, change and erase each XIXth century, was officially confirmed in the other, transforming the landscape in a complex palimpsest of traces that could be investigated by way of a “stratigraphic” reading, i.e. by establishing some relative chronological sequence Corresponding author: [email protected] among the traces themselves. See Palet 1997. 1 CAA2012 Proceedings of the 40th Conference in Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Using GIS to Reconstruct the Roman Centuriated Landscape in the Low Padua Plain (Italy) Southampton, United Kingdom, 26-30 March 2012 Michele Matteazzi

Figure 3. Diachronic archaeomorphological analysis of the study area (drawing by M. Matteazzi).

and photographic raster sources, was the digitised version of Carta Tecnica Regionale Figure 4. Archaemorphological analysis on the 1954- (CTR) at 1:10.000 scale and the 2006-2007 55 georeferenced and orthorectified aerial photographs. Figure 2. The low Padua plain during Roman Legend: continuous lines: roads of likely Roman origin; Figure 1. Location of the study area (drawing by M. orthophotographic series at the same scale, Matteazzi). times. Hypothesis of reconstruction based on dashed lines: roads of medieval origin; dotted lines: paleoenvironmental, archaeological and historical data both provided by the Cartographic Office of roads of modern origin. (drawing by M. Matteazzi). Region (UCRV). Besides these, we 2. Methodology have also used various tables of the Military the UCRV have been used, in order to carry out It must however be outlined that Geographical Institute (IGM) cartographic a systematic reading of the territory searching 2.1 The Use of GIS these technical abilities do not bring a new series at 1:25.000 scale. for tracks that could be connected with ancient methodology in the archaeomorphological land use. This choice was suggested by the study, being their advantage the fact that allow Concerning the cartographic sources, increasing use of GIS in Landscape Archaeology the realization of more rapid, more precise and geomorphological and geological maps Vector data were extracted from 168 studies, and particularly in those that consider more comprehensive analysis. at 1:50.000 scale and planimetries of the vector maps at 1:5.000 scale, from which it has an archaeomorphological approach (Palet and excavated Roman settlements have also been been created a series of layers, including field Orengo 2010), being their success mainly due to Another important aspect of GIS is its incorporated. Numerous historical maps, boundaries, hydrology, paths, roads. Modern the high spatial and planimetric accuracy they capability in presenting the results. The ability created between XVIIth and XIXth century cadastral divisions, lithological soil and land ensure. Actually, this aspect results essential to export graphics in multiple and high quality have therefore been included: these were all use maps and the Venice Lagoon map, as well especially in those territorial studies in which formats allows one to obtain excellent results in georeferenced and rectified, but because of as elements of geomorphological (eg. alluvial the metrological basis plays a key role, as the presentations, illustrations and dissemination their high degree of imperfection, have never ridges, ancient coastlines ...) and archaeological research on the ancient land divisions where tasks in general. been used in metrological analysis, although interest (an especially created Roman sites the distances among landscape components they were considered as relevant documents on distribution map) were other vector layers become the most important criterion for 2.2 The Geo-database landscape history. included in the geo-database. chronological definitions (Tolba and Romano 1996; Slapšak and Stančič 1998; Orengo and The analytical capability of GIS and, above In respect of the photographic material, Finally, it was included a DTM with 5 m Palet 2009; Palet et al. 2011). all, their reliability is based on the quality of very useful for the archaeomorphological study cells also provided by UCRV. The use of this the starting data entered into the system. For were the aerial photographs taken ​​between DTM has proved crucial: thanks to a definition These tools also allow that a large number this reason, at the beginning of the research it 1954 and 1955 approximately at 1:33.000 scale, of this sort, the microrelief (e.g. alluvial ridges of geographically referenced sources, needed was necessary to proceed in constructing of a provided by CNR of Padua (Fig. 4): these were and depressions) and other morphogenetic to conduct the archaeomorphological research, suitable geo-database - in this case developed scanned with a resolution of less than 1m/pixel, characteristics that influence the morphology of can be included and analysed in a single with ArcGIS 10 - which included all the most which allowed them to be orthorectified and the territory could particularly be highlighted, environment, permitting a high analytical important geo-referenced information about georeferenced, obtaining RMSE of less than making it easy to connect the identified traces potential: thanks to the multilayered and the morphology of the study area. The input 5m. The interest of these photographs mainly to the natural environment, for a better multiscale environment they provide, in fact data were both raster and vector data. lies in their date of realization, cause they understanding of origin and evolution of the the material can be combined in many ways impress the image of the landscape before the traces themselves, as well as the reasons that and at different scales in order to achieve a The initial cartography, which served heavy modifications it has experienced since the led them to be preserved within the present- more accurate data set. as basis to georeference other cartographic 1960s. All the aerial photographs available at day landscape or, on the contrary, to be erased.

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were later correlated with the Roman sites layer, this centuriation (the decumanus maximus) in with the aim of defining the criteria for dating a road currently passing through the village of the identified traces, in particular by analysing Cartura. the existing relationship among traces and distribution, chronology and (when available) The grid we could reconstruct includes orientation of the known roman sites. the entire Roman urban area of Patavium, suggesting a direct connection between this Exploiting the high definition of the intervention of centuriation and the ancient DTM at our disposal, we have also carried out ​​ town (Fig. 5). Such a relationship is also certain types of topographic analysis, including suggested by a straight stretch of road, recently Viewshed and Least Cost Route (LCR). The identified as a part of the route from Patavium latter, in particular, was calculated from cost to Vicetia () mentioned in ancient and friction surfaces: despite the numerous itineraries (Matteazzi 2008): this road would applicable cost models now available in the then be exit from the Roman town acting as a recent archaeological literature (De Silva decumanus (Fig. 6a). and Pizziolo 2001; Van Leusen 2002; Fiz and Orengo 2008; Verhagen and Jeneson 2012), Two other roads, one leading to the nevertheless it was necessary to create a specific medieval castrum of Bovolenta (and recognised model that took into account the particular as a part of the Roman route to Atria) and geomorphological features of the study area, a another leading to the medieval fortified Figure 5. Archaeomorphological analysis of the study low plain greatly influenced by fluvial and lagoon village of Piove di Sacco, seem to have played area showing locations of the centuriated grids detected activity. This made ​​it possible to reconstruct a different role, since they diagonally cross the in the low Padua Plain (drawing by M. Matteazzi). the ancient routes from Patavium to Ateste centurial grid (Fig. 6a): the first one cutting each and from Patavium to Atria, lying on data grid unit, the other one going through groups of 2.3 GIS Applications provided by archaeomorphological analysis, Figure 6. Two details of the study area, showing the three grid units. This fact is noteworthy because archaeological and toponymy evidence, relationship between the centuriated grid detected in the it has been argued that centuriations could be For what more closely concerns the medieval written sources and, most important, low Padua plain and some roads acting as diagonal lines constructed from straight stretches of road, (drawing by M. Matteazzi). archaeomorphological study, the work has the reconstructions of ancient environmental which would act as hypotenuses, or diagonal been based on digitised restitution of the conditions (Fig. 2). lines, of the grid, following the gromatic process main morphologies structuring the landscape, Roman settlements are perfectly oriented with known as varatio (Roth Congès 1996; Palet made from the carto-photographic base that it, beside the clear deformations and erasures and Orengo 2011). These diagonal lines could has been created (Fig. 4). Specifically, this 3. Reconstructing the Centuriated caused by the setting of medieval road network cross one or more grid units, depending on the work has been realised through the creation Landscape and field systems, are good clues that could angular relationship between the road and the of a vector polyline layer to which was joined testify for its ancient origin. land division and the grid module. a table reporting the type of the component Using this methodology, it was possible (road, path, field boundary, municipal limit to identify the traces of a wide orthogonal Metrological analysis show that almost all In our study area we can find out another ...), the documentary source (cartographic or field system which extends over the greater the identified traces respect modular distances example of road acting as diagonal line of photographic) from which it was restituted, its part of the study area (Fig. 5). This structure among them, based on multiples of a common the land division. It is a long straight track orientation and morphologic features, eventual respects the same orientation followed by most divisor corresponding to 5 Roman actus (about highlighted by aerial photographs southeast of historical data associated and a hypothesis of of the components forming the territory main 177.5 m): this would allow to recognise in this the village of Agna and identified as a part of the chronology. hydrological network and, in particular, by the orthogonal field system an example of the most route Patavium-Atria (Fig. 6b): hypothetically, Bovolenta channel, which seems having acted popular typology of Roman land divisions if we extend the track line to the northwest, Another vector polyline layer merged as an important axis of the field system itself. known as centuriation, in this case modulated we can see how it crosses diagonally our grid, all the information connected to traces and on base units (centuriae) corresponding passing through groups of four centuriae. anomalies detectable from aerial photos The alignment of the majority of the to rectangles of 15x20 actus (532x710m). (known or otherwise) and recognisable as known Roman sites along or near the traces According with the information provided by Concerning the true extent of this human intervention in territory structuring belonging to this orthogonal system, the fact the gromatic stone of San Pietro Viminario, we centuriated field system, we can find its (roads, paths, field boundaries...). Both layers that the wall structures of the (few) excavated can also try to recognise the main E-W axis of northern limit in an area north of Padua, where

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The new analysis carried out, beside divided among the various communities which International Conference on Computer Applications the confirmation of the existence of such were distributed over it. and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, edited by A. a centuriation, for which an unusual grid Posluschny, K. Lambers, and I. Herzog, 316-321. Bonn: modules of 27x27 actus (958.5 x988, 5 m) The use of a particular metrology of Kolloquien zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Vol. 10. Dr. have been proven, also has led to define the 15 actus, quite common during Caesar and Rudolf Habelt GmbH. limits between the “centuriation of Adria” and Augustus times both in Italy and Spain (Palet, the one we have identified in the Padua plain. Fiz and Orengo 2009), and the evidence Lazzaro, L. 1971-72. “Scoperta di un cippo gromatico These limits can be recognised, to the east, in provided by archaeological data testifying a a S. Pietro Viminario.” Atti e Memorie dell’Accademia an ancient alluvial ridge of the Po river surely population spreading from the second half of Patavina di Lettere, Scienze ed Arti 84: 191-201. active between the Bronze Age and Early Iron the Ist century BC, could suggest the study area Age (Piovan, Mozzi and Stefani 2010); to the has been subjected to this intense territorial Lazzaro, L. 1981. Fons Aponi: Abano e Montegrotto north, in the final stretch of what has been structuring phase during the principate of nell’antichità. Abano Terme: Francisci. identified as the palaeo-bed followed in Roman Augustus. A centuriation carried out at this Figure 7. 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