ARLO and JANIS by Jimmy Johnson ARLO and JANIS by Jimmy

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ARLO and JANIS by Jimmy Johnson ARLO and JANIS by Jimmy ARLO AND JANIS by Jimmy Johnson :,' YOUolot.)'r I..II(E.1UE WAy I AA~ &E.TT1kl(i:()(,Do W21~~~. GRAY HAIR 0 E.VE.RYTHI~ &M6100. YOU l,OOKE.D 1U), . ..,', Y6ARe, AGO!_ ARLO AND JANIS by Jimmy Johnson I FEEl, UKE MY LIFE HAS 0 -mE TRACK JJ)~OUk)CER Ekl1'EREO'fI.4E I~ &LARI~ '·OtJE.AO~ HOME. ~TREfCH... FURLO~G 1'0 &01" - -- ARLO AND JANIS by Jimmy Johnson WUO) r~Ol.D WO~, l~ GOIkl& fO SOY LOlTERY T1CKET6! SHoe ---------------,-- ---- By Jen MacNe11y J.«>W MUCJ.l WIll IT COST 'l'OU TO RUN FOR PRESIDeNT? '..~ Wasserm~a~n~'s~Vl~i~ew;;--'---------- T'-t(; NbW ~CONOMY HOWARD HUGI- -We had • little pI'Oblemwith the decimal point." "The vet SIll' he should take 16upirin and to call him In the morning." EST AND JOHN REINER nnnnnn, "That', I'lght •••flve-nlnth, peppel'Onland fOUl'-nlnt" --ce." sm GRIN "& BEAR-IT -" - --- bY nilY"G' -'---='-_----- ...- !A\@)@ ·A6 FAR A6 DINNER 16 CONCERNED, LEROV, DECLINES ARE LEADING ADVANCES.- -(' "Who would pay their taxes with a flowered check?" by Art & Chip Sansom ...•. " IU£ ... I WAAT 'lOO to AAVe: ONE.(Jf THBE: $10 BIL.l.5 ~ ~ R£.~ I " N...LRI~T, C.U.::l;:, .. .TODA.Y W£tL oc "I'D LIKE.TO &.6IN BY ASKJN6A~TIOO-.:a CONTINUIN6 OO~ ~1'UDYCF ________ 1 ~OFTI/t\E! I I by Art & Chip Sansom po ~Wf-\O~ TEll M£ HOW 'ffilS Wlti. WIU'lE:l':fQR(£, TAAi W/>6 F~T ... tM.N.Y S€C.ON~ ARE: ThJ(£ ::J:)II£ DON'T TElL /t\E 'ItlU AAV£ THE:. IN '" YEf>..R 7 CALC.LJLA.T1N6, AN~W~ N..~Y I :lOFEfL~ TO Tm./>6 LDN6 />6 '100 NEED .•. WI-a\ 'IOU AAVe:.TII£ ~ER, (J)/t\E UP iO tA.'(~! '(OU SAID IF I TOOK DANCE LESSONS, I WOULDN'T SE LONELY AN'r'MORE 2/16 \ / I I ,.AAAEp-:=• BEETLE BAILEY ------S-y Mon walK'" , I DON'T THINI<' OH YfAH~ ANI7 HOW MANY PAYG YOU COULI7GO I.'LL BET COUL 17YOU GO WITHOUT ONE rJAY WITI-IOUT I COULI7GO NAGGIM5 ME ASOUT MY A PRINK! TWO PAY6! DRINI<ING~ '" All TROTby. Bill ..Amend :••1 :,,-,- ' Let Set,. represent all Let Set C represent aU Of ~,. ,.... .?i.......... .-:.~ three-letter words. .. Words containing two 1 HAT! lM£SE '~: Let Set 8 repl'eSent all vowels. MICICEY MouSE four-letter words. PRoBLEMS. ;". " , ii' o. \1?:±:' lo" •• ~ ~'" '" I-\E USE.SA BASE TEN e g•AVOIDTHE CREATORBEING OF THELET'S .. ~ ~ DILBERT}NUI"\BERCOUNTINGf"\UNIVERSE..~'( STERIOU5by Scott1.000.000WORKSS,(STEMi1'1"\WAYS.Adams\ fEE.LIANDININBUTN G ~£-mESAY.50 YOUYEARINRE.ALLYMOBILE.:2.000.WANTI I-\OMETO I;: , ANXIETY! . t ~ LIKES ROUND NUMBERS. () t THEIN Tl-\EWORLD'(EARWILL;2.000END ~ ) I'M PREDICTING 1t\AT ~ ~)~ - -. CiMfIEUI by Jim Davis --._----_. I JUST F1NI5HEP A 11t-Ii'AY Ii'IET, ANt' ALL I LOST WAS 2 WEEKS FOX TIOT by Bill Amend I WoN! I WON.' No Wot«U 60lF I BEATYou 51 ..•oN T~'1Ho.t lHAT WHoLE WEEKfNDS fouR STRoKES! HoLE. To CoMPLETE. \ I / .'U BOFFOby Joe Martin----------------- ~ ~NI-I" ...~--'.•..-'--.... - ---------------- NON SEQUITUR by Wiley FUG\4T ~~NU 1"~KE.-OFF •••••• ~ S.S!Sl u..NDIN& •••••• ~SOO.!!2 U.lGGto.Gf (£AOl ~ Hi.!!!! . tllG(,AbtSOO'iOGUm····~\roNm' m I W\N\:)()w·~\Slk ..•••1.00:' ~Nfto.l' G\J'{Si'tolO••• r~cr=o~r,. WIZARD OF 10 By Brant Parker and Johnny Hart , I I I IiI I 21 I \ ----- {-8 MISTER BOFFO by .Joe Mmtm Ray Billingsley M"( \.\fE 1LI1U. 8E EMPlY FOR c;o4 HOUR~•.. 1LI1'tHOUT PURPOS~ FOR 3O,l.'tO MINUTES •••• ••• by Brian Bassett 1-1'1 '~~,~~E~, ~Q\.ser be ~~~?~~'ll ~~s,6lf,. ~ ~aL".. PlEASE ~" .... ~lEASE 'lEA~ I J ~ CI SHOE by Jeff MacNel1y aHOE 'r'ES •••' DOVOU CAU. nus ·FREE •,• QlICKEN·RANGE ••• -------- ••• by Brian Bassett \OO! PA~t~T.' ~\ PAA1~T I fI ,II CALVIN AND HOBBES By Bill Watterson 'tlH~T IF SOM£IP~ HIT'S yOU 'NITl-I 2S0 SNO'tlW\LLS? -=--------- THE BORN LOSER by Art Sansom I1ATIlE., CAN YOU T£LL US ~HY, I f>.MIMPRESSED I HOW M.A~Y ~pmTt:.WAA~ ~D ().N YOU~TE: COft\PR!$D n\E. FR£~ TI-\O\ FOR AND It-\C>IA~ U~? WAA ? EEKANDMEEK By Howle Schneider ..uI1OGIE •••• by Mike Peters (;RfMMQ I ACCORt'INe TO 1HIS 8001( let-lORANCe ' l~ Bt.ISS, THE BORN LOSER 'WE AAVe: A NQJ S1"OOEHT! HIS N~~ ~ TlI€ ElW1!>. caVIN AND IiOI8ES by Bill Watterson 1\\15 Gtts E"S\£.R ~\I£~ EIG", "u~OR£D AI'ij) _ ~~ I-Mlt>R£D~1~tTf·~£ W£N\)Met5 ,..fl£ BIG. SE.'4~i'f •'ffiR~ ~lllIOI'l... 1\-\OOS~Q.... I • •i ,, I i - '-10 ax TROTby Bill Amend THE BORN LOSER 6UT '(OUR Sl~ 9-,YS Yoo'RE ~N~5 D\YS! / PeE DR'( (.LEANING . OPEN 3b5 [)\YS HAGAR THE HOfIf'IBLE By Ch •.•• Browne I¥y; wAirifiI.I'Ve GCr Ot£AY ••• t PIZO~l,..e~ A ~~M WitH -rrl/6 p/ZIMe 1216! WIZARD OF ID IT 7AY~He~~ fOu" yeA~~ of «)£,(,6&8 &-AN COSTA HUN,,~p THO~AN" 90L.VA({~ ~o AND JANIS by Jimmy-Johnson . TEt.l? ~t.l our Of ~ "UOORED~ HOWCOO\.O YOU M~KE A n:tJ Ot.} YOUR .m~lJ, n:~n BLONDIE I DON"!" KNOW ... HOW WOUI.D VOU 1.1KE 'TO e~ING YOU~ WI~E q POUNOSO~ iHE WRONGSiU~~? 1-10 .~ .:iAKtIELD hy .Jim DavIs I1HOUc:rH" YOO I'M iAK'N~ TWO WERE. CUTiINC:1 FOUR-HouR NAP~ OOWN ON I~STE.AD OF FOUR ~OOR NAPS! TWO-HouR NAPS THE BORN LOSER WILLA M6M8e~ OFlH~AllDI~(,~ ~L~aA OOM8~ FIitl't\ 1-100, .• EEKANDMEEK By Howle Schneider I THIIJKMQlJI~ SH£ seJJr ME A IS SE€£NG OtHER ((J.J(5 CHRlSTW\AS CARO THAT 5AID'~Re. CU IIJ A. MILUOO' D•••• FOXTRDI' by' Bill Amend .---- WHATcHA OM, WEREN'T [)o1N<;~ TI'\ERE LIKE NoW, FoR 10 DoZ.EN? JANlJA,RY, \ I I'LL 511c.lC To LETTlJCE._. I •• by Brian Bassett 'tll <:JNE~ A. C;.;.~\~U;e~~ lala \f '1()\) a.~E ~I<:'~IS \)\~~. 4-10 BEETLE BAILEY By Mort Walker OH, NO! I: r70N'T WORRY, IT r70EGN'T THAT GO" MA"E 81LLlON6 II ~TEPPEC7 ON GO" MAt7E MATTE~ IF POE5N/j MAKE OF PEOPLE, TOO! I A SUG! SI LLIONG ~OME: GET ME FeEl- AN'! I '.,,0\ OF 8UG~ GTEPPE17 g~TTER, GO~r<Y! ON BEeTI-E WIZARDOFID By Brant parker and Johnny Hart I GARFIELD I'M GOINGr TO THE: STORE.. IS THE.RE ANl,lTHINGr 'TOU 170N'T WANT? (~ .L!t!. ~ o o o by Jeff Millar & BUI Hinds BEETLEBA4rr:,L:EEYV---=:.=----~ I'll' YOUKNOW··H~E ONARE-~IGHT52. WAR6NOW AROUNl7GOING I.' THE: WORLl7~ i I~ 1 j! ANO INSiEAO OF l-4A.VINe • SEVEN YEARS OF ~ L.UCK ••. MOTHER GOOSE & GRIMM by Mike Peters NOT REALLY. NOW TllEY'RE MAKING SAY TllEY'LL TlE'( Tl£SI'EEDUMIT Acc.OMPLlS~ Tl£ 'S DOWN MAIN SANCmNGW~ STREET. 50 BUCKS' WOR1lI OF NEW SIGNS. AMYby Jack Tippit .'/ •.•."•...--.- "The Bruisers squeaked by us today ...72 to 7." CLOSE TO HOME by John McPherson CLOSE TO HOME by John McPherson il II II {I i . I I . I 15-3 -1(••••• 1 "'• un.1s playpen is good up to ace 141" At • track ••••• New Jeney • MUt'. __ TWI_lIe ••. -·..•_" HERMAN by Jim Unger -I've got only S86and 37 cents. '"What the heck-I t1.,••• it •• eta. enout&h I.that ,•• sonabler tOl'"0". ,.,1Mt wOl'k." t'(' ~;~ •••• ~ lZ' AA&n.IN~"'IM"4PENT~tt'TN& Re4T AWAV. ~ . BY BUNNY HOEST AND .JOHN REINER THE FAR SIDE ByGARYlARSOf\ ,,-).{!-:) ~>~ ."11--&-•.• (_-'1(; .'" ·Hai••••••sto •••••P You're supposed to be working on ·St•••warsf'" "Oh, Professor DeWlttI ..,. you •••••• Profeuo( Welnbe'l1'''ume inIICtIlne? •••It'. dIgital I" 1PfIIeN" quite • ROI'J .-out olctTom Whlttake ••••• CLOSE TO HOME by John McPhersOIi- Bobby's excitement abDUt ping to summer ~SORE, TkEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER" , ea.., faded •.••••• he I'Md tne lign • BOT FOR HOW LONG'? .-1_ to start fInt4Id trIII*II. DIILJ'II ••••• $25,000 "We're •••••••. ---.-'o_IIl••••aII._••• ~" u How many calories per (I.: teaspoon of sugar? ~ : c). 16calories. Less than ,ou thought, eh! Now you can enjoy your favorite sweet tastes, in moderation, without htMng to jump on the scaJe every 10 seconds, "Het.'s a woman with five thousand coupons who wants to buy a part ~ .. ,,- in_tere_s_t_in_th_e_st_ore_,_" _ ~'( RMclKnu.lo c_ •.••••O """H' -. -'-"Oluft'l; _'TlolOlO€" _ •• - " -.. ••• OF 'NO Tc """"'NC ••.~~_ REALITY CHECK BY SlGNE WILKINSON a.E 18~ byJohn McPherson BU~\NE:~~Mf\1\1 M~. TooLAN KNoWs -mE stAlS Of E.'4~'{ HALLof fAME. PJf~~ fO~1HE.L.A~TTWfNl'('{EARS . ', '(oU, I.!I<Et'1OSTWo~, \!' • 'JUsr NEVf.R f;<H'B1T THE CS~ME.fACILITy' vJ\Trl NUMlSt:R~ PLUGGERS by Jeff MacNelly ~ 5M • officially become a pluaer on the .I.••• ch week of a six-week remodlline Job. PEANUTS by Chari •• M. SChulz CALVIN AND HOBBES By Bm Watterson Q.\, 1\-1t>-l{\('3 fOR nlt>-TS J>... nlR'tt, FOLLOW£,t> B'I n\1:. BIG \-IELP.' 85 1.I:.RO<;:,'5, WIZARDOFID By Bra,nt Parker ana .Johnny Hart Ie\l" CRIATOR' ""OleaTI. 'Me TUN~ IN AT e-l..E~V~NfOfl.. New~ ••.O~ A~UT THe ~ND ~e~N17 OF TH~ 'M?({~I7! ,HOUbHT ..· ,!:j' t*?T~~ '::!: ti\4~~ THAT t ~TY! J ADAM by Brian Bassett- , 1 , ------------- - - - - by Jeff Millar & Bill Hinds , , , EVE.)JBY ~A,I~ Ec;.'IMA'Ec;., WO~PLACE D1c;.cuc;.~IQl.l17OF ,I-IE ~ BOWL WILL WAI7IE MORE ,AAtJ " MILLlQl.l MAtJ-j.\~c;.
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