Detailed Instructions for installing OpenAFS for Mac OS X

Download and install AFS 1) Go to to download the appropriate version of AFS for your system. If you are unsure what version of Mac OS X you have go to the and select ‘About This Mac’. a. Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) – Download the newest OpenAFS 1.5.x client (currently 1.5.75) b. Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) – Download the newest OpenAFS 1.5.x client (currently c. Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) – Download the newest OpenAFS 1.4.x client (currently 1.4.11) 2) Save the file, and then double click the downloaded file to run. 3) Click the OpenAFS.pkg icon to install.

4) Click Continue/Agree for the Introduction, Read Me, and License steps of installation. 5) When prompted, type “” as the name of the “local cell”. Do NOT enter anything in the “” box:

6) Click Continue and complete the steps of the installation. 7) Open .

8) Click the OpenAFS preference pane icon (under Other)

9) In the Open AFS Preference Panel check the boxes shown below. You may be prompted for your computer password.

10) Close the Preference Panel. 11) Restart your computer. 12) Obtain tokens by clicking on the AFS icon that should now appear on the upper right side of your screen. Select “Get New Token” from the drop down menu.

13) Type in your friendly Calnet ID followed by @BERKELEY.EDU as seen below. Click Continue. Note that “BERKELEY.EDU” must be in ALL CAPS.

14) In the Password Dialogue box type in your Calnet passphrase and click continue. You may want to check “Remember this password”.

15) If your password is accepted you have successfully obtained AFS Tokens. Good Job! You can verify that it works by looking at the AFS icon on the upper right hand side of your screen. The red X should have disappeared from the icon. AFS tokens are valid for 10 hours (by default). Each time you want to access AFS, you should check the status of the padlock icon to make sure you have a token. If you see a red X, you will need to obtain a new AFS Token.

16) Open the AFS drive that appears on your desktop and browse to “”. If the AFS drive does not appear on your desktop, go to the “” menu and select “Finder Preferences”. Make sure the “Connected servers” box is checked under the “Show these items on Desktop” section.