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SO CENTS '.: ISSUE NO. 91 • 56 PAGES 1 1'- 28, 1997

R -l-. _Police say woman'5 clear thinIfg probably saved het.Ufe ..'-- .. r/'... . 83-year-old stops attacker Wlth a shot

By TONI K. lAXSON . Adrian Evans. who temporarilY" h~ld daughter Pam Thorp for support. Ruidoso News Staff Writer Struve captive in her b.edroom before . "Well, she got up, looked around, • she man~gedto shoot him. and escap~. and he w~. standing right over her." Ruth Struve woke up in·the dark Evans, an unemployed Mescaler.o :- Tho.rp said, picking up the narrative early Wednesday morning to find a man, underwent emergency BUr~ry for her grandmother. .. stranger standU;lg abOve her. for a small-caliber gunshot wound. to "And h bbed " St ·d his stomach at the Lincoln Coupty " e gra me, ruve Sal . "The noise woke me up," said the ~Q~ d 83-year-old' . Ruidoso woman Medical Center He is reported in sta.. .And he.sat on the bed.an. ble condition police reports said ~ pulled me onto hIB lap. And he sald, I Wednesday I afternoon from her , . ., l()v~ you, I love you,' and he burped -I kitchen at 810 Carrizo Canyon. "In the . Stru..ve, who has ha~ trouble sleep: don't know how m4ny times. He was hall here, the floor squeaks. And the lng sln~ ~vans broke mto her homeqf dnink.. and he smelled just awful." door was open, usually I keep the door 42 years, faltered for a mOlllfmt Toni K. Lax50nlRuidoso News closed ..... Wednesday afternoon while descrilfuig Longtime Ruidoso resident Ruth Struve describes her escape from The stranger was 48-year-old the attack. She looks to her grand- See Intruder, page 2A an Intruder. .

~ HISTORY 3A Hale handles .... SPORTS comet celebrity It's taken a lot of also finds fame has its downside teamwork to By DIANNE STALUNGS strange new worlds appealed provide a new Ruidoso News Staff Writer to him. But were never home for the Thursday was one of his area of special interest, those days when Alan Hale the 39-year-old Hale said. Ruidoso High experienced the downside of "They'rejust a hobby," he being~heco-discoverer ofthe said. "My actual research baseball team. century's brightest comet. work was in the search for His telephon~ h~dn't planetary systems around PAGE 1B stopped ringing all morning other stars and the search ~s the media pestered him for life elsewhere in the uni­ .. CAPITAN for comment about the con­ verse. nection between "I observe Stitchers help the flppearahce comets mainly -of-eumM'''"Ha1~. ·~just,...fo~ raise money for Bopp and the said, adding apparent suicide that he began community needs of 39 iDem­ watching them bers in San back in his high with their needles Diego, Calif., school days. this week. "I enjoyed and thread. "I'm getting science fiction dooded with and read quite a PAGE SA calls about this. bit of it," Hale to which I'm said. ~ saying no com­ But reports BUSINESS ment . at this that a UFO has time," an inter- been trailing Ruidoso News Comet Hale- vie w ... w ear Y Alan Hal.: co-discoverer of circulation man­ Hale said from the Hale-Bopp Comet Bopp are exas­ his home near perating for ager is the 'new Cloudcroft. "I'm Hale. still gathering information "UFO (reports) I consider state director of on it and I plan to come out quite different, because with a statement later.·' they're not trying to pass the Midwest Eager to hit the pave­ that off as fiction, they're ment for a quick run before trying to pass that off as Circulation lunch, Hale hung around fact," Hale said. "That's not long enough to share some of science fiction, that's fiction­ Managers the factors that put him in al science." Association. the right place at the right In a related hot topic, time July 22, 1995 to see a Hale doesn't dispute that the PAGE 7A blurred object in the evening threat of a meteor strike on sky above his home, about 40 earth is real, but Hollywood Copyright 1997 Ron Keller miles south of Ruidoso. has exaggerated the proba­ .. COMMUNITY UPDATE ~Several thUngs con­ bility( and the most likely Comet Hale-Bopp above the Sacramento Mountains. tributed (to his interest in effects, he said. A special section ). One simply was "We know the earth has Ji~g in Alam~gordo in the been struck by large objects looking at our 80uthern desert before; for instance, the one Cornet's getting a star party . , .herethe skiesare clear and that hit Mexico 65 million Star gazers will have a once-in-a­ Everyone is invited to attend the communIty s dark a lot," Hale said. years ago and wiped out the lifetime chance to see Comet Hale­ party and bring their binoculars along. future. The astronomer now . There have been Bopp Thesday, April 1, at a star party two impacts .this century, Hosts for the star party will be lives 'between the mountain at Eastern New Mexico University­ ENMU-Ruidoso and Ruidoso Middle communities of Mayhill and both in relativ~lyunpopulat­ Cloudcroft. . ed areas of' .JSiberia:' Hale Ruidoso. School Instructor Carla Burns, When Hale was six, his said. "But if something like The party will be held from 7:30 to ENMU-Ruidoso Librarian Mary ~ WEATHER father checked out several that would happen over a . 9 .p.m. in honor of the Hale-Bopp Weaver and Miller. books on astroQomy tq. see if mlUor metropolitan area, it Comet. ENMU-Ruidoso Director Dr. The Hale-Bopp comet was co-discov­ Sunny t~e his son was interested. certainly could wipe out a Jim Miller said public will be given ered by Cloudcroft resident Alan Hale. skies are "Thi$ was, during the city, but chances of it being both outdoor and indoor viewing The comet is only known to make on tap for post:Sputnik era. th~ Apollo globally catastrophic (are opportunities. Outsid~a slew of tele­ tracks through the sky once every Friday and s~ Program and the rush to the extremely low.). scopes will be set up the comet ean 4,000 years or so. ~ Saturday. moon. That was rather "The chances of it hap­ be viewed as it m~es\it,s way across "The week of April 1 is supposed to Details 58 inspiring:' Hale said. He also pening any time during our the northwest sky. Inside, ENMU­ (provide) the best viewing of the watched the television series lifetime is very remote, but Ruidoso computers will\be connected comet:' Miller added. "By that time it "Star Trek," whose weekly to the Internet for cOlliet watching. should be high up in, the northwest ~troduction about exploring See Comet, page aA ... VAMONOS .. INDEX Sporu 1-4B ~Women Rral esrate ~68 Talk~ aassifi~ ..6-108 The News has a new look, you undoubtedly noticed comedy Opinion ..... AA 1 , opens at the Letren ....•.. AA The changes on the fro.nt pa. and other Nordyke also was involved with the fin~1 The News already has made other Ruidoso Business ..••.•7A ~esult s~own WeathcF ...... •58 parts of the newspaper are the of designs, and it was to cqmmunity changes, such as Keith Green's Mountain Little CapilAn ...•.. .sA O1onths of analysis. Awardl\Vim'J.ing papers member£{ such.:as the Rui(Ios() News9 News Asides column, and bbxes showing the votes Theater's NeilJhbon " .l-5V from fU"ound· the world WElnJf.peruSed for their Advisory Board, : and photos of local government bodies. The Going Our ..?-IOV ~ttributes, thi~ paw~rs.6nal ~pon, Castle. A pre­ Crossword ..•.UV although design Once arlesign was settled it was most popular change is our new early morn­ view in thiS Old West ..•..14V is a calatlated effort to refteet this cotttmuni- _printed tWice on the press to see bow it aetQ- ing delivery. week's ty. not tbo~ p~~~~. , • .",,~. ;' ally look4ll .~ , ~~ "i.." ,,/0 . l'l~lV th, News staffis looking at changes in ,~. "We want.eCl'to reflect the ,~Wtb and - . The nf!iW· design is meant to '1:J l6J~ 't-eild. COhtent. Ifyou have ideas, please call the Vamonos. fision ofRuidoso." t\bldoSQ Nj\Vs Publisher .er-friend\t.. ; th~ font sty}.el.h~a8 Iln"8'er, l.et~~, . Ruidoso News Hotline at 257-1122. . We also want to hear your opinion about ~,~iJ=~t;;=~~~BJdpe!ilti~i1&BOb, . .,=~==d·a color Ph"to on ~h.~,!!~~~ ~~.. qtte~lionswe'll iisk on each Opinion page.

. (,~ lr. __ .' ...... ""A1i11ta18 ... _ ...... _ .h~ M ... ,

2Afl"he Ruidoso.N_riday. March 28. 1997 I .' Guns, ammo seized,:.frOfnR: "He pBBBed it (the fake Man thought Clinton alTJdavit) to his chiropractor wanted to kill him in AlllJDDgordo who called the Secre~ Service," Born ll!Ud. Pollee anested a lIlI·yelU'- •.D • D-'-~__ te-- old Ruidoso man Wednesday ~.-cY"'"__ -g.g afternoon after a search of to interview Papsntony his hotel room netted a cache ThurtJday at the Ruidoeo .r~'. ,",'" ,., "'~""c. of rines, !umdguns and sev. Police Department. L ...... · . . e,w...... ,'. l··,..."t"'d.. ::' .'_ . eral thOUBBnd rounds of BIIrn said four ofticers and her .,., '~ =~Catl ammuJiition, police said. a reserve of1icer ~ the .n;;.. ' .,.; ~.~. -." .n "'. . ."'~'.- .. .-'l'It~" The search warrant for search warrant OD '. '., '. ~,::t"t'. 0 ~.... ' Thomas James Papantony PapantonyattbeArrowhead _lo _."', .. ' ,-'."" iL . ' was initiated after the for. Hotel, 604 West State ,oj got &hold of"A' .eaid.' ' , and 1 Iu>ld it over~.left BOWden I.'·told' poUee'" mer Chicago telephone Highway 70. about 1:30 p.m. jUllt,.~ ~."lJi> worker distributed a written Wednesday. Papantony had sbouIder.and It \l!l .....t iJwestiw d • down," 8lie said, ~l:iJIg lJ!1t.8""'d .inII'...·_...... diatribe against President two guns and,a knife on his ~.' Bill Clinton•.Ruidoso person when arrested. poliee bycrooldDg her. arm .Ut aCl'fllis the ro8d!'lm biobind bar bad<, "and flre4: " Bowden S/li,d h$ Wlint.1Q> td>e Detective Wolf BOJ"Q. said said. Sbe sigbed heav.ijy beihlIe· the. iPan tfutWke4 ~L In a 12-page Pseudo court Born said Papantony hBB addi~'Then I ran out ~ -'-"the mlIn'~ affidavit, Papantony raves lived four yeara at the back 0" iii:rhandJlWi at bini~ . about Clinton being a serial Arrowheed Hotel. where he Ru;.dosO Police Chief. . Police first: eftw a. ' killer and operating Nazi is caretaker. He was convict­ arrivea Lanny Maddox credits Ruth paBllb>g motorist repS!'l).•. death squads. On Pllge oneof ed in February 1994 by a Struve's chlar thinking and 1i11diiltr a bocIy, PoIloe £ the material, Papautony Carlsbad jury of shooting at firl'ann proflc:ieJacyfor bel' ~. will> bod coI1ap' ;, wrote: "Thomas James an occupied building, Born being 4!liVe today...... to the road. . Papantony is expecting to be said. Born said no one was "We haw reason ~be\ieve Struw said she hBB nev8r murdered by President Bill struck at the time of the that he hed the mtent to had any trouble with·bur­ Clinton's Nazi Death Squads shooting. commit a v,!OJent felony .tp JiIars at he1' Iiom&until about .. Papantony has been ,.'...... , '~.,u_'-:~.. bar person, Maddox said, . jIeior -..when He goes on to accuse charged with posseSsion or " ',. ":""~~~~~- adding; thet Ev..... hBB an broIieone into bar storageeomri'id Clinton of"criminally attack· firesrms and destructive RuidosO Police Investigator Ramona _1I,(!>rntQf'22 gunsCClil'i extensive criminal record. TIn'ee mi>re break.iBB • inghis legal secretary" and of devicee by a felon, lJor'n said. fi~ during the searchof Thornas1'a V.nt:IB the 1earn to use firearms. and will be a factor in exactly tion in the month between when Esquibel·came over. IromcaUy. a door to the then can think cleerly wheD what happens to him" in the incident and the case's bouse, only !' few feet awq BBRulted. ~.". ' A Ruidoso police officer sat next· to.1Ier and began from the WBB not "I think her choice to . II regard to his employment w window, was charged Thursday with referral to the district attor "I'1dng bar questions about ~t. the battery of a 29-year-old status with the Ruidoso ney, Maddox added. her work ~ He, reportsd. only ,;,pen still had a I"mtarm and learn to H Ruidoso woman at a local Police, Maddox said. That internal investiga­ Iy m""'ld Joser to the Btruves ke:Ys in It - forgot- proficiently for bar proteC:" Judge Butts said tion considered other aspects ten from when she returned tion is the reBBOD she is allve restaurant, police said. woman, asked' her to kiss. home at about 9 p.m. from atoCiay," Maddox said. The charges against Pete Thursday the charges of Esquibel's conduct besides him, uBed ~ 1anguage family' gathenng, said ' Esquibel, who has beeu on against Esquibel represent a the battery,charges - "viola· and touched bar inappropri. Struve's daughter Marvelle Her daughter and I!"""~- paid leave from the Ruidoso misdemeanor. The maximum tion of.village ruleS and reg­ ately. Thorp , daughter _ssed pride '" . if Police Department since punishment, Esquibel is ulatiops - some related and The woman, after tryingto ""He' pulled a little bench Struve, and considerabt8J:ll Feb. 19, stem from a Feb. 10 found guilty, is six mbnths saIne unrelated," Maddox from back around back here, relief thet the. a~ coii!-"' imprisonment or a fine of move away and warn hinloff incident at Farleys, located said. verbally, got up and left the putitbelowthe window took eluded the wq It did. at 1200 Mechem Dr"official $500. An affidevit about the bat· restaurant. the screen otT and ~ame "She was Vety brave, and reports said. Police officers are not tery case was filed through the window:" we're very proud of her,'" Police Chief Lanny legally barred from service­ WednSsday with Judge Esquibel ' has been a Marvelle Thorp said. "&:d Pam Thorp BRid. Maddox said Esquibel is to with a misdemeanor on their Butts' court,. .{>istri~ ~r~~ '!IJ1tt:~,; all;he bad tqdo;was;walk;in ~-,yeJI.!~I!Jth~p.'1""t... return to work Monday. A records. :' " ., , Attorney Scot Keysliid. ·C·' , , .. .~~t'>..I":L':"" 'c .•• I ...... '~'''b;-·.,.... " fo~Th'~~~~~' una uuur. I ,. -" =1'8l' .• t'" hearing on the charges is set Maddox said his' I dep8H. The affidavit describes _ tUnning'fto1i/ her .aut sheie not ba:vmg.,. fOT 2 p.m. Thursday, April 3 ment turned the case over to Esquibel, reportedly intoxi­ Village officials said home, Struve, barefoot and more buUets. in the court of Lincoln the Lincoln County District cated, 9CCOSting the woman Eequibel WBB promoted to in only her nightgown, ''It J had had another County Magistrate William Attorney's Office on March several times·while she was the title of corporal in 1991 crossed the enow and road to shell.. rd have finished him Butts. 14. The Ruidoso Police at the restaurant. The report and earns $13.29 an hour. her neigbbor's home at· 815 off,'" she said. Hearing set for murder case CRIMESTOPPERS "CRIME OF THE WEEKIJ Henry "Buddy" Adair, 50, Adair reported the shoot­ The Ruldoso-Uncaln County Crime Stoppews wIB pay up to $1.000 for InforrraaUon accused of killing his best ing at the Leigh Murphy that leads to the arrest and Grand Jury tndk1rnlird Of MagtsIQde Court BIndover of friend late last year, is Ranch, known as the Old the person or persor5 who committed ltds crime or any 'other UnllQlved felony scheduled for a preliminary Yeso Ranch, just over the crime In Uncoln County, Lets work together to call a stop to crime. hearing April 8 in DeBaca DeBaca County line, Phone 257-4545 County Magistrate Court in Judge Buddy J. Hall will Board Inves­ Fort Sumner. decide at the April 8 hearing STATEWIDE...The New Mexico Uvestock Is Seniors (55+) and Military AddlUonai 5% OFF Adair lives in the small whether enough evidence tigating several livestock shootings in the'Socorro area, .... Some Restrlctlons Apply ranching settlement of has been presented by the along wi1h some In the Silver City area. &iIween November Ramon in northeast Lincoln prosecution to send the case 7,1996 thru November 17, 1996 there wets 22 head of I"'" ... Coupon MuBt Be Presented at TIme of Order County about 70 miles north to District Court for trial. Block shot anc\ killed...... No Other Discounts Apply JDf!!!Sj_~'; of Roswell, He was charged Adair is out of DeBaca New Mexico Crimesloppers is ~g up 1o'$1.0,00.O()'for ... Eye Exams Available by ~,,~;._="-I;;;;;" Dec. 16 with an open count of Countyjail on bail. according Information that leads 10 the arrests !lfId i~ #f the Independent Doctor CAS) _,en murder in the shooting to his Roswell attorney Mike of'~ EEl! aiD death of Garvin Griffin, 52. Stout. person(s) responsible for the kUling addition­ Expires 3/31/97 WHITE_IIAU. al reward is als". being ofIered by tha "IV":M'!xll\o Ce1lIe GrowerS AssOQiatlon. Hyou helle any lnfoImiitlori about this crime or eny other felony crimea, PIease.,'l@I1 the 2'\-hollr hotllne at 1-800-432-6933, You wUl remain 8n01'lymoua even when you collect your cash reward, Report a drink driver call l-l1OO-BEAT·DWI or "OWl on RUIDOSO NEWS your cellular phone. It's a free Calli

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 128, Ruidoso, NM 88346 Phone: (505) 257-'1001 FBX: (5051 257-7053 This week brought to yoU by: Barbara Trimbte Joanna Dodder Western Auto Publisher Ed/tor

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__ ....tr __' ••t.it •••• . - .•• = '••'Me," .'• .. ' \ 'i'~'"" ',~ ,~, .', , ." 'F';'-' .'" " '-,' ," , :.. " ,," , .' • " I ,,- • - " Frid~. March 28. 1997IRukIo5o New5l3A '. ','" >~~'. ,;1.~·,'~ ~_ f~; .- 'atchers in Alamo , teur astronOmer 'thomas Bopp was in an Arizona ''1Ipsert -watehiDg the _0 comet. Hale silid he has no _problem obaring the honors. "I etumbled ...... this ~ect. I wasn't even hunting for COIIletoI"Hale said. "I was - juot killiJur time looking at ~ect. in the ~while weit- '~~~'j, t~\~1\~j~ 1JulIter tbl't, enw the Iq,~". llOlJt *. . "tI.~" .hare in the discovery ju.t _ w.tive ·...,..$8twdl1y.r ~-tililrease - - _like I ...... The cliIinJS are _ JI>lw_".,tped. eome-$40 !ii~ .1IIb1IDt - - • oqually1JlBY '~.the ~t . level of education 'no ...., report wentin ftret, becauoe I !Dinute that w"uld have ::~_ the wealth ofthe die- Alamogordo.' -. job," he .iIid. -rhat's not ju.t had an advantap. I w.... at !,Uowed .~':._!'..~~...-1 thaPBYt trIci':"" ' . ~ghtheApPrilaet5-. ~,;f~ C'omet astronomy. but all ",c1enc:e. bome and could E..MiUI it. He ~aua- ~ a.u.u ,-r-bf It's so bad, I don"t encourage was in the desert in the mid~ bi~ was acheduled to be It is sometimes caned -the roekete· ..,Iso are being students to pursue a careerin dIe of nowhere.. He droVe approved by the Senate. But state equal1elltlon guaran- . la....ched azul data. JIlOI¥·COn1inued from page 1A ocience uul.... wo change it, home and oent a telegram!' an Albuquerque Republican _. tered atWhIte Sands Mjssjle azul that's what I'm trying to h _. launched a lillbuster- about - RanP In- an eftbrt to learn It'e not zero. It's c:ertsinly do with the inotitution I'm Can e top this? L··ore the aessm'n But the ro.....ula had been more about ....- com-"'-- an hour ....., . In ---+ by ...... ,.-- worth keeping tmck of the trying to get going." "This i. probably a once- elided. and it killed the edu· skewed. !-.... ~ and origIna Qf comets azul to ~ecl.ll out there. An aotoroid Hale .tarted the In.the-lifetime occurrence." ca~ fundi"g bill among -the !eglslat,Vlt ~ of a take a clnserlnok at Comot 1aet year pasaed by juet out- Sonthweet Institute for Spec:e Hale said "But I look at it othm -, "denility factor"- tor larger HaleBO'Dds tail,.a hydrogen .ide the orbit of the moon, Reoearch.as a reeponae to the from the perspoctive that I 'j'o~n's vetoeo to the echool ;dietrlete and a ~te clDud million. ofmne.long. which Is a fairly c100e caD," 1acl< ofjobs for ocientisto and would like to think I ha"., 00 .tate budgat cut new doUars ~ticm ~ent po~- What ecIentiets know as a way _of cal1Ing attention or 40 more yosro of life yet, for districts from about $107 to 18SUe WlUverB to eomedi.. about Hele-Bopp aJready 10 Upside of -fame to the io.ue. and I think I ha"., a few con- million approved by la.....ak· ~. to aJIow ~...~ ~ that: Hevlngyour 11llD1& aeooci- "I Bee a 1acl< ofrespect for trihutione In me during that ers to -about "65 -million. their ~1'1!' ao if ~J'. - the nucleus of Comet ated with a comet that h"" .cientieto and ocience In gen.. time. ThAt meBDB' thet instead· of -ter tralDJDg and Hale..Bopp 18' .about 25 miIeo - f al . ,"Hal 'd "-"I': a"- ua1lylv_nohad captured the attention 0 peG- er In our SOCIety., e 881 . "I'm trying to use the. Ruidoso schools getting enc:e than they act . wide. more than twice the pie around the world has ito "I .ee it reflected in the comet to create a foundation _ atiout $1.115 million new The denility f..,tor, whieh size of , advantageo and dioadvan- .mployment situation. in the So I can actual\y make tbooe ' do1laro, they will get about provides additional funding la.t year's .8J18ation, and teges, Hale lIBid. ocIentific illiteracy and In the contributions. t'm trying to $774,000. to districts of 10.000 .tu· four times the .ize of the ''I can go to a conference late.t'attempt to put ere- build a career for myself 80 Johneon vetoed the lIlOney dents or more preewpabiy famoua Haley's Comet that and kiss every wotllan in ationi.m into the public when that thing goe. and the ' to ensure the .tate would becauae tbooe districts face appoars once every 76 yoars. sight andnal ha"., her puoh school curriculum of our reot of the world more or less _ haVe ~t $100 million In more gong and drug prob- the 1aet time In 1986; mo away. That'. kind ofcool." .tate." forgeto about mo, I can etill _ re&erves. The budget bille lems, has been a oore point - Heb~~=' will' __~ at ito he .iIid. The vision of Hale'. DeW make contributions and put passed by the House and smong of the s~ate's sDialler moet t M ""'" Sl - ''It's given me a forum for organization 10 to have equip- food on the fami1y'. table.' Bonate would ha"., left the diatrlcte. who argue- they April 1, when It will be lit ito ioeues 1 consider important," ment availablefor _nom!- Th that end, Hale aloo has reserves IItjuet over $00 mil· al.o ha"., students Involved cloaeet point to the sun. Hale silidwith a more oerious cal and .pace reoearch. written a book that will be on lion. In druge and gange. C-rh:....~..:~~ tone. "I am able to uoe the ''I'd like to attract other Bale during an aC'C:ce at ~'p ~'1tioJ1. Alamo~. ~*"", The ,New Mexico House- In. additlo- a of the (f ...._ spotlight I presently have.to ocientiete to do t"".I'l!seareh. the paw. _ IUilI Senate ~t;' ~.J:~ la:s'!Zed BclWoI .a¥in~, em: scm'~4':5~-ye;;;' addree'I thoseio."I'd co~· hut open up an opportunity_to. Sl'tu~. "" dWU~IL.- ' nat iI'$IA bilffOHiid 4_ ':.ed the atateEdu~atloil a~," ale .i1id'...... _: are er important and actual y _part-i.cipate to .tudentB, and comet watch, . b·w.lftLd that iBided 'about -...... t the f -- """'Y have someone pAV attention that means more than stu- Hale said he still ..-nmve. --" De...... en over u .. 0 basically- unproce.sed. We ~ -'V-J- $54 million to GOver iDcreas- the tra.ini!Jg and ~rience -..- them in the conditions to,me."" dents in school, that means watching the comet, but· iDg' enrolIlD$tDt, other waivers for teachers. The th~ey ••_ -'hen they were Professionally., the impact anyone interested in the uni- receives the most· pleasure lnereII8ing costo and a pay diatricte lost the suit in dis- --- - 10 harder to judge, he .iIid. verse around uo," Hale .aid.. watching with a few family 'riIiile, and ~~ther eomo $52 trict court but appealed the fW ~Theycloudoamdofonaed ~~ He's still an unemployed The s,'ght,'ng membero, rriend. or neigh. miltion to fi.UIY im~ent a decision' and the case is in 0f Jt. the gas lUlU astronomer.. bora, His wife tolerates his c1Iange In the way the .tate the state Court ofAppealo. , o~ 0"':"""=~they: "The astronomic commu- All of the commotion In late-night viewing _ UD1ess f\IodS puhUc schools..,. The new funding formula tem ~UJformedout of." oity is not falling all over his life would never have the temperature dips to 5 The some $65 mdhon In reftected ':in the b1i~ ~, The National Aeronautics themselves to offer positions, occurred if he hadn't been degrees and he insists on new dollara for ochools that endorsed b)' the Public d SAd' 'etr ti prohably becauoe they don't killing time ...tchlng the.ky snuggling to warm up hi. survt~ Jobnsonl's veto pen School Funding Fonnula an pace ID.1nl a on have the positions to offer," from his driveway near cold limbs when he comes to will bring the 'amount to be Task Force, inclUdes e\imi- (NASA) aloo i. oending a Hale lIBid. Cloudcroft with an amateur bed, Halejoked. . tributsd to the schools na"-- both the denility flu> team to Apache Point Part of a generation teleocope July 22, 1995. '--'~" the _te to $1.28 1 tor...... aDd • - waivers- but ere- SacramentoObservatory Mountilin.In thein _ ...._ by Apo110,- he pur- "I didn,.t ,mm~te.",. Iy rec- b' compared with the ates a factor for the num-ber sued a career in science and ognize it as a comet," Hale $ .214billion thisyear. _ of ~·rIak etudentB In the lat:n.~hope to - map the spent yoar. in college and .aid. ''I .aw it as a fuzzy Cloudcroft will honor The budget aloo includes a diatrict. chemicals In the clDud ofduet graduate school only to lind oQject which I had to ".,rilY Alan Hale and Thomas new formula for distributing That factor would be cal- and gas surrounding the that the -enthusiasm was was a comet, and that took Bopp at 11 a.m. April 5 at money to the ochools. culated baaed PrimarilY on comet and will be working gone and that employment about an hour," The Lodge by proclaiming e state distributes money the number of Poor students with a New Mexico State prospects for scientists today A comet moves against a it Hale-Bopp Day, CNN local schools based not in a district, a district's drop: University astronomer to are "abysmal." background of stars, while wil televise the event and o on enrollment but aloo out rate and the number Of d th . ''It'. extremely difficult to planetB are .tationsry. the public is -invited. ison total distrIct size, the studento with limited profi- penetrate the ".,U aroun e get any type of permanent At the same time, ama- ;C


,~'. '" " (:;. . . (i " . ~ .. ~ .... ---,~'i·'i~~_._ , .... _ ....., ,

,~ ­ , ! . • , CAU.US Ph""", ~7-4001 , ,.~. Newillolline: 505-257·1122 . " '.,'~d,:t:1;"",. ,f" ' ~. . . • , ,'. ',.', t •, RumosoNEWs


Barbara A. Trimble, _er joanna Dodder, &11.0' .". .:'. ' ·4·;t;.t~:i. '\~iJ, :{;~ KeI.h GR:en, BdkOlial AdYiser . '. .. ['!:' ,. _ '907 ·'(/J1v::,.r~:'.. I :'t9j".~d' '.:1 "~ _ "~i" . ;' + ·'i"l':" f:•. ,' , . ~"'''~ ".\' ,:~.,"- .Our Opinion - .:.J. ,.,,'" . ~ Community update , ,

, Time flies and the Ruidoso News' eommuniQ< ,,' update luncheon, the rlfth BDnual event sponsoioecl by this newspaper, will take place at high noon o~ Monday at the Ruidoso Convention Center. The added sectionsoftoday's newspapersum up the thinking of many IJncoln County people about where our community stands today, and more importantly where it is going. I In three newspaper sec:tions, labeled "Upward' ,". bound;" "Social I Local issues," and "EducatiOn," some '( of the moat informed JI'lOPle in the area give their .a;.~- thoughts about the community's progress, its chal­ ~-r'l lenges .and opportunities as the clock ticks toWlU'ds a - / . II' new millennium. (A fourth ~on telle something about the Ruidoso News itself; about its new look, and the people who produce and deliver it.) . Progress is noted, in the form of new commercial The Siluer'UninQ and residential construction, new venues such as the Spencer Theater, new air and land transportation ser­ r vices. ~time But Redesigning. a _ • Drunken driving (an improVed fatality record, you,on March 23, the apricot that snow is· 6eginning II is a bit like-exploring.I"'e . but still bad)., trees were in full bloom in _in. and' yet ....t on the IInternet: f.'!o IIUIII,Y' optitillB, . 80-degree sunny weather, me8.dows:fOU ~ see where 80 m!UlY dis- .' • Ever more crowded roads (a1WBYS exacerbated and summer birds were =,,~m~' when improvements are undertaken.) singing Iiongs ofSpring. =::. IQ01ting into the VlEwtoiNT Then on the 24th that This is what YOU, call a 'tations. • The always-present watersupplyissue (and relat­ __rlqgWiJcJiUuI "~I$l""IW, . : ;. Wiiffai-e rercitm 'lind an that unplies for famW • .,.,,' '0,." ,w"',,, 'iji>\:'lll'ifer n(iO,,"tt"jB"40 .leDIlth ahGII$ ing theair, ...nnmd­ , and communities. ing of BDOW, 'which.Qf course tunied on the porch light, degreea, and the· anow is r all ~e per­ • Raising educational standards and measuring was out ofthe question on a and here was the snow, a falling from the .apricot I'3::~~ progress in an ever-more-technological environment. dBY like this. The strong strange siJkU>g- lic interest and must avoid name-eaJling and libelous lan­ Pass IiuI'~ guage. TheRuidosoNews reserves the righttoeditletters, Your Opinion re10cated =te .' . , .== . : Plaza, """" doOr to tIi8 ~ so long as viewpoints are not altered. Shorter 1etters are telephone ofticll. And ...... preferred and generally receive greater readerehlp. . ~ No waste issue arejust gravel roads, the ...... CBDle ~ Letters maybs hand-de1ivered to ths News office at 104 much DU>r'El difBcult to nego­ called a T-l . tIIat pr0­ tiate in inclement weather. vides _ .latei'net Park Avenue or mailed to P.O. Box 128, Ruidoso, NM for Capitan Sure, there were OOl..."s in 88345, attention oftbe'editor. . To the edi_: ths waste collection duriDg ~ The News reserves the right to "liect any latter. ths last snow storm. Is I have bsen _ding with Capi',an than more fawreti interest the readers nmuu:I

. I~ti~h€ri'helrt~~mDt~ty '(:mdineedle~~dthread ,. :.bIlQIANNE STA.l.LJN.GS in tbeIr '. . but.... made _.a .finished , .'.·l'tUidiHll·NQW5 StB'ffwtller n't stop tIJIom, '. ;. produet, '. ' Tb,e'.~ ,at j;be W!W' Me8 c:rou..e _ biIek lbr The _beI'-OI'__ who . ~ the l'bytbni ofa hIilf· the &rat t,ime in a couP!B of &bow up fl>r the se.osions , "··:·dozennilecIles ~'tbreBd monthe I8et week, .When verIes Mim eJB!>t to 10, and ." --,.pl!tterns·and heDl& on artbritis ftIiriHI up i.n her btwk 1:I"lY also bringsome treata to . 8Q oJd'qiWt. .. and hsnds, she couldn't share. The prqjscts have ·Whsn the. JlImdlDal~ attsDd the ·lI:'seIDftll. LII8l:. drawn a few _ WODHlD, are ~ the ~. 'lUsschly, she still .....'t able too. One of Ross' neighbors qulltw/ll~tb'ilwall rila to asw muclI, ~ aaw her WOI'k hanging on a bed and IJreaIEfut in,the Ida- ,watchlngand " . WIISh lIne,.seked about It and -..aettlemsntntleft)amlB",oiehave meatsd or "oepaIred 23 tattoos ~'t aDow her .to recent quilt _ put topther :=s~~~~~~.;;r~",=;=:.nn.:;r~~~";::iP~~,ee5i~~=:~~~ 5:£S~:i!! ... _...1'..1. I.turned back into the mmmu· ~.,. . ·tIlat·kesps us ill VJsIl'B EDls Store BOO'and ·uo~t1()n. ~ IAtY to help groups such as a~, '.' : , said. 'l'he Brukl'1I8l: inJ.lneoln. Lib'. rary,· nea:.s.. , s sta.y open:, Lone '1hls Bible Ranch,.Home . I'Ie ftlpned to ...... &as also Ie hoping to raise .. 'Health Care, the Capitan a ' ',' .to be"eo!d to raise SODl8 money Ibr the commlln;. . Vol~ with the new on, the ·BuillllIlo p",blle ,pueblos, mUllllWDll . Becsues the . Ha pulled out the Dec. 23 The local expandltures by orjpmIze the group. Most of new quilt out of material IIJlIllic they can perfurm on "5Ie tied into·the _ta edition of"Hi"""'lker," a pub- public end ~libraries the women lire in their 70s Dr . already formed Into blocks quIlta, cs1l Rose at 354-3137 9 s,yat;sm, voluntasrs can lication Ibr lIbrllriane in the in the etata Ie $3lI.7 mI1lIon a 80s; some suft'er &om arthritis years ago by a relative, but or Bessie Jones at 354·2373. . • 0rt1er spscliftc books state. _iii''l1though DO eetlm..... of. . . requsetsd by patrop8.Tbe A Hitebl>lbr writer notsd ~omIc. ~ by •• lP"'UP also pieDs to start a thettheNewMexicoOlliceof -_jpven. .. '.. . , SatQrda,y morning pl'Dgram Cultural AfI'aIrs conductsd a m~ a lIbrm7 is ODS of ,' ..' . .. \ forclill4ren. Rumpfsaid. eu1tural resources impact tiJllo!lli reo" he said. Maiy and Ollterprlees that collect, Rumpf said. addiDg that a ' , """.Iethellool'dInator and pteBer\'O alld preeeIIt culture. community with a library ClaD be_taeted at 364-6011. .'That includsd psrI'ormlng makes a _tement about Ita «Hosanna! He is risen!" FirstAssembly ofGod, 139 E~Paso Road, Start-up help'was received _ eventa, art: galleries. commitment to sdl1catlon, . "from Don\Brewer of Brewer IDltian' reservations and knowledss and cultqre. Ruidoso - 6:30 p.m. Friday through Sunday, March 28·30. Eastet presentation of the: drama of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection, complete with cast, CQStumes Coming Soon' New MexiCCJ's and props. Al:Imission is free. Everyone welcome. For more information call Golden Triengle Guide to·the Wild West Easter' 257-2324 or 336-4633.

ButTet Holy'Week Services - sponsored by theRuidoso area mi~isterial alliance • Of ~,!StOiJC~'," '~ ..", . -<. . : : ;\.~'.i'~. . '. .',: _ _ .' •• noon-l p.m. Friday,. March, 28 at the Episcopal Church of the Holy Mount, 121 R . • ·,1 . ~fi\irht/~ Mescalero Trail, Ruidoso. A meal will be served at 12:30 p.m. ,; . '~ . ' ~estaurant~ The Episcopal Church ofLincoln County Easter Day Services ­ Saloon. Gilt Shop &. Fine Art Gallety ..~ Open 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Mond(lV through Sunday .... 6 a.m. The Great Vigil of Easter at Church of the Holy Mount, Ruidoso Catedng. Weddings, Banquet's mstQut'a\\\. ' 9 a.m. Holy Eucharisl Rite II at St. Anne's, Glencoe -A Special Place!ar Specfal People' (606) 663-1426 • P.O. Box WI ' Hwy 70/38q' TInnie. Now M~ 88351 Hand Carved·Ham & 9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II at St. Matthew's, Carrizozo Baran of Beef , ' ~ . . 10:30 a.m. Holy Euchairst Rite II at San Juan, Uncoln ,r-~------~------~~,Bring This Coupon And SIlveI' . •. , Cornish Game Heno with 10:30 a.m. Choral Eucharist Rite II.at Church of the Holy Mount, Ruidoso r I .. 'no1uelM: ~. I Onmgc Sherry Glaze -.lr_ ,... I 1°1~ '~" I Baked LemoD Pepper Ruidoso Word Church Serviees 1 ' Chicken I .-r. .' ,,\ ··,f 9:30 a.m.• adults & children's Sunday school , "";", 10:45 a.m. worship Services I 'li~~ ." - '? 1. Scalloped POlstoes . ... . ~....~- ."':' -.- , Wild Blend Rice Pllsf 7 p.m. Thursday night services Mixed SprIDg Vegetables Easter Services 10:45 .a.m. Sunday, March 30 i~l ,. 505~434~282 1loberIo~ 0.0,' : L.~~~!!7_'!:jji]~ ~~~¥~~~.!'!!!1 1Dssed mixed greeDs with 604 HarrIs Lane, Ruidoso Downs, 378·8464 __ assorted toppings, seaSonsl fresh fruit, crab Angus Church Easter Celebration ..... salad, Waldorf salad, Good Friday communion Service 7 p.m Friday, March 28. .,M homemade E\aster Sunday 9:30·10:30 a.m. Fellowship Times soup SlId a"!lOt1ed fresh 10:30 a.m. Worship Service baked bfeado. ., Located midway between Capitan & Ruidoso on Hwy. 48 at the end of the Desserts . Bonito Park Nazarene Camp Apple, peach, & cherry '" .,. . . ' , '_'.1 -flea ' "f:~:w t;:ommunit,1 Easter Sunrise Serviee SI Chee~choco_ aJ 6 a.m. Sunday, March 30 at Caqizozo High School football field cs~e, apple crioP csk", . : , t'; . IlDd slrswben:jr tart\ \ I $14.95 ' , SacredHeart, Capitan, Holy Week Schedule I 90018: 11 aDl to 3 pm March 28 GfNJtI Frida}' Services . I .25~ 5:30 p.m.:~d.~~CaWtan, and 1 p.m. Santa Rita, Carrizozo, FolI~~.lIlibuaI Wli1k to Our Lady af Guadalupe Cemetery ! .. MarCh-g9, ~:.iurday I '. Ru!doli'>" NMtBJ45 .' 'l'here ~tIlJ6t bit'll'5 p.m. SaCl'ed Heart Capitan Mass or a 6:30 p.m. Santa Rita ~Mass. . ,....47..~ )!~~'t'1Iif1.UMass at 8 ~.mistarting witb the blessing of the fire, will be at SOlI":! I ", Rita.~I~. '. ~ nt· .... l {",ti::J>i!. ''MtJid.:ao. 6asterHunda}' . \ \ t ...... t ('j II :c .. ---: ..,. 'C' ~rm- Sae:ted He4Irt ...."~'itan ...... j, '}'y''",,, "-w.. ~.t"" ii·'"..·;;l"~io:·.;·'e'~'::;;'Jj'Io·"j' . " . ~ ',.,Card _1l:'M,a.~ . i.'_ '•.- ;.~.• • . __ • __ • .. ~'d'_..... l~.~'·~"'~" .. -"0' "i'-"'-,>' ~ ..

.'-': .. \

,,::'. ." ." -~., Foi'.ll·Y~~ NeW :MexicoG~j under the care ofCody.CoQr.In t' Ski ShoPPeJit,2,716 ~udderth Drive';, New ¥Eixico',Glass specializes i~'" , windows. eustom made windows, sk,ylights.,win , d rock chi? repair, plu,s more: cody is"also known for ~""" ," ' unIque eustom shower enclsures; and SIle does tam~, right in her shop.. " ".~>"" , Call todayl ' .

Upsc~e Outdoors ruidosopaifTI-center Ueck .& Patio Flu:Qt~, ~ ~ ft''' om 2$' ~.....91 Cd' . ' Casual Furniture ~ ,,'~ COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL - +...... '. • WINDOWS-WOOD & ALUMINUM NM UC... , • STORM WINDOWS & DOORS 28950", • Art Supplies ·SKYLIGHTS I • NEWSCREENS & RESCREEf1ING ",.. ~ns • Wallpaper • CUSTOMWINDOW MADEGLASSWINDOWS __ r "., . , • SHOWt:R DOORSIENCLOSURES --- , , MeadoWcraft - MIRRORS -fIl!!!CPr;;;u;:, • Window TreatDlents • FURNIlURE TOPS .- I!!!!!!I Iron Furniture • STORE FRONT CONSJRUcnON Rod • CustODl Color Mixing • SAFETY GLABS WlNDSHIBDS OPEN: ,/ ,l; • INSULATED GlASS MaN-FRI. (1505) 2158-3984 • AUTO ALM SPECW.JSTS .12 1-6 7:30 ...... - 5:30 p.m. Mood..,. -1"IridlQ' • WINDSHIELD ROCK CHIP REPAIR 8:00 a.m.. - 12:00 p.m. satuntay 257-7233 Located In the Echo Plaza 1126 Mechem. ~ve. Ruidoso 257-7447 2716 SUDDERTH DR. 1808-.s....oa • Ruido.... THE 'BARN Soulh..ut'a p lDr-. Sales -AucdmIa • - RetaIl wliiJlellll1el POt. tife' ci~"MYobrlife;'see ourlarge., ,.. ..N'Ow· OPEN,. I, ,. s~lection oftop-quality sleep products. 5l!l1IwY• .,.WEsr, BI\DXIIiO,NEwMmooo ' (SUHMmHo1JRs): M OAID'. (WINl'ER1IomIs). 1ND.uw Featuring Englander, Posture Beauly and Corsicana. 1-810-359-3717 Lowest Prices in Lincoln County - Guarantl!ed! __(AUTypa) We have the new High ProiJIe Pillow Thp Msttress sets. • ...... -S_·ADdcJae,ColIecdW-. uJ RUIDOSO KITCHEN & BATH Qa8IIt:y~·W-.-._lk_ Also Daybeds, Bunkbeds, Headboards & Frames (606) 267-3667 , ~.'INIIeB 107 Wingfield St. Ruidoso, NM 88345 Locolly Owned "We ~IaI/Je ua--", NM Lic#053550 New CODBtructioo '" remodels Loeated at 281o-C Sudderth in Pinetree Square 10...Ill( .ioll &. e ... lau' .... d~, d.IU· ... or inforlllrolerIl' ---­ Decorators Studio invites you to compare usl With 29 years ResJdeatiai • CGm.m-mJ Durl...Culligan's Back to the Seventies Sale of experience to share and serve yoU, we offer:' , L our prtces _ so low you'd awe... you were • Wmdow treatments M • An interior design service, where we help with your homel 24 HOUl{ back In the 70's. FLOOD DAl\.1AGE & " • Contractors, new home and remodeling discounts EMER(~ENCY • PrOfessional installation and aervice WAfER RI':MOVAL • Fsst doIlveryl SEHVICT • Our own workroom,to .....reyou the _ quaHt¥1 1015 Mechem 258-3646 We reel there is no comparison for service and'quality. We .. _to J'OU to come by our Bbowroom or caJI Us to visit with J'OU and discuss'JIOlU' decorating ideas. We _ it is beat to _ a sale thaD a 'dissatisfted customer. Thank lbu. SIoirl

, . ..IHAW EN(;INEERIN(;" -Commercial & Residential Pions '." -Original orRemodel -Land Surveying :=",~INdiie1'RaooATs - -coMflI.ETI; -rrr.;,wn:rno S!!/llIICE- ~'PUTtiiirllifflJ;Nirft. , ,.' Everything Is Cqmputerlzed . ' , • to fit mua, Needsl '. '100800:-267"~'" ,', " John & Judy Shaw ''M' WHITE MOUNTAIN DRIVE & rHAW LANcE ·.,:,',261...... : .,; .' Z58-454S .,~. ," '~r.· . , .'" , .. , • • .. ,. .:.

" ... '~"_""'::'''''''' ",,,. '" ,~~,-...... i ,. '0 '. .... "."

·~··;li(\~,M~ ...I~~~.,,-lccti.OI\ and-Sisters'Too , . .. Cesual CCJIDlInot ...... to ' ,. • ""j~"~~'.~. 8boppJng, NCll.!mlY ...... , lIto.re ~Ii 'IWI.'~ Of ""Bna1 _in .....IIlI*e.~ plus at ~ ~·tJie ch!tbeB boutique;eIaOJl'qoa. raIJdlY feeUIl8 and '.llOIIIilIJ't. .ilb1e "emdl'Oiiill_ thank~ to ; sisters·Dislllle Crawlbid and c..... \Vall... "We want to be DeOJ>1e Oli­ eDted.." Crawlonr-_i.Bid.. U a serviCe orIentaclstore... Ibr IDeaJa." . -- The Bialiers ~ their . ~ into the ~ld of . , I:' " fI when' ~ pur­ 'If: J, chased The Clothil8Iior... at \ 2819 Sudderth. Dr. &om ... ~\h BIrd. The two renamed the store, added a few 'of . ., .. Julie BaxterlThCl: Ruido.o N~ their own' personal touche. Mel (left) aIuf =AIexander (righU haVe lolne,ftorees with Regal Mortgage CEO David ware and plan and '~ed the doors as totreat their ell like royalty...... Sisters Too Feb. 1. Both the iDBplratI'on Ibr the name...d . Nat' I Reg..;.,. the - ltaelf came &om "'r"'ew roy COUp e at· .' a.. Mortgage.. .~<:a;;~.:: :..~ 'I and,their mother. Julie BaxterfTbe Ruidoso News Two new faci,a .at J'lesal beated like people.". "In a 1IIOI'tpge... there's a It often ~'!.~said that Sisters Dianne Crawford (left) and Carole Wall are betting their new M(Jrtpge are keeping clients The secret totheIr...... ,.o lot of infurmatIoa we have to family mem_... sbouldn't SO family business will make customers as happy as it makes them. While keeping it an in "Mel's a number crunchsr gather; we have to walk pel>- into buslnesa to(llllthBr lunIIy. • and I'm a people person," pie through so they don't feel because It·ouIy leeds to trou:. told u. to keep (the name) New spring choices are arriv~ ~ husbandand wife team ~said. hassIed," Mel. said.. ble. Cnawford said she and short so ~ple would ing dcrlly, as is the golf wear of Mel. and 'l\udy AImrander Mel. credits the larRe nom- "One of the things we do wan wets a bit worried. but remember It, Crawlbrd said. that will f'ill a corner of the tesmed up with Repl Chief ber of lenders avaIla6ls as. a that I reslIy like is prequalIfy knew their cl..... relation- The family feeling that Midtown shop. Crawford Eaeutive Oftloer David W$re key to Regal's abIlil¥ to get bu;yers," 'l\udy added'wheD ship would never be dam- ~ Wall and Crawford so and Wall have been busying in Janucu:y. The duo sa,ys loans Ibr IlYs and Sisters Too will have a .opportuDity to expand our Mel. also sllid quiclr. turn- them in a position ofknowing th. ~~hangs on:,,¥: :r::t working Ruidoso resi· grand opening April 24, b""" l&om another IDOI'tgege around makes the Regal d1f- ~affurd. It-makes ...!'N!:-",-,-,'" ~~a;' . ents a chance to browse which will feature discounts, C"tio"~, SIl..... ~s ~-" ·t'ereDal.,.. we ·.~-~.:rE-·'.',~~;'~·~~- ',··thf'lIlIlI;llm·~11I' ->The ~ Mel _ll·fl;·.'bavMV~llh8td'!YMIseldom dohang I ....._~_ ___...... "Wt"-...... ,.. - IO ~jD..<6...'ckp.Rm,9.I!l!.J·Mnondl't9al"oy' the Ruidoso Valley ReilaI philosopl>;y. " A lot of around for more than 30 IIjI:ing gives ~ _ _ er.s we , as a reBBcin throUgh . Thursday and Chamber.of Commerce and IIlOitpp oompcInies will dIo- ~. he noted. Ingpowerbecause sel)ersviaw Sisters Too!" bound for sue- Saturdsy, Crswlbrd and wan cake and coffee. Everyone is tate lo8nIt, dictate D06cY," he The peopIe-first philosopby. prequalifiers as having cesh cess. A pIcture .of Wan, will stay open until 8 p.m. on invited to come out and share said. "We'll take eaCh indivld- al... ranks high on the in hand. Crawlbrd and their mother Friday evenings. Crawford in the family spirit, fBshIons ual's ~ clrcumBtanceil Almranders' list of reasons to 'l\udy and Mel also have Jeanne adorns a shelf in the said she and wan are haping and moderate prices too. in=a

:Quidoso News circulation manager Candyce Garrett's Signa, Century 21/Aspen New Mexico Independent Signs, . Lsi AtureUe (pine needle bas· dew director of statewide association Real Estate home to 1,949 kete), M&M 'Engraving & wins Pinnacle manufacturers Trophy, McGary Studios, Noisy Water Inc., ~ News Circulation Century 21 Real Eztate The number ofmanufactur­ Artwear Mspagei-'Gina Booty haz been Print Shop ofRuido.... Quick Corp., the world's lergest ing firms in New Mexico Print Express, Ruidoso namea state ~ of the ·real eetate system, bee hon­ totals 1,949, according to the Mldwest'CIn:ulation Mansgers ored Aspen Real Eztate with . 1997 New Mexico Printing, Rustic Log Homes, Association. Its coveted QualIty 'Service Manufacturer's Register. Signs by Smith and She was elected to the two­ PInnacle Award. • blished lOr the first time Worldwest Ltd. Liahility Co. yeartermattheMCMAsnnu­ The award is one of. the C; Manufacturer's News Inc. (The Ruidoso News) - and 98 al ~onin WIchita, Kan. higbezt distinctions that the of Evaueton, Ill. The 1,949 jobs. .. Mai-c4 19-22. organization gives. It is an plants account for 56,558 More than half of New 'ThIS'was my first oonveD­ aDDual recognition or of Industrialjobs statewide. ~ Mexico's manufacturers Call tion, and aJot told CenrJ 21 offices that con­ Albuquerque beads the within five types of industry me how!l"'!ting • to the sisten provide a superior manufacturing community - printing and publishing, state .dii9ctoi 18 such an level 0 customer servIee to with 80S plants listed in the honor," BOotysaid. which comprises the largest Ita elienta. The award is 1997 register. state iJidustrial group with Oneofherfavorite based on accumulative quan­ Santa Fe ranks second jedB will be . =s.- tified resulte from CeD.m." with 182 manufacturers, fol­ 883 establishments; indus­ Newspapers In . n, 21 QualIty Service SurveyS lowed by Las Cnroes with trial machinerY, which ranks which supplies tesclIers with .sent to nearly every client at 102 plants and Farmington second largest with 209 such . . tools to' '. the and or a tranaactlon. Out .with 77 plants. Hobbs, which plants; food with 185 related . ." "", . plants' ranks third; metal ~ '.~~ of 5.000 offices lUItionwide, boasts 61 manufacturers. , - -, -, - -. t-'. . rounda out the top five. fabricating is -the fourtb­ . . . "'" , _. =t7 ~=-honored with Cloaer to l1ome, Roswell lMpst industrial group with .' . QUalitiY Service bee 53 manufacturers wha 170 f'mna, and lumber and P1nn8cle Award honors provide 2,508 jobs and wood products ranked fifih with 145 firms listed In the 21/Aspen Real ~rdO has 311 plants . ~Cen* Its oontinued dedi- . ng 798 jobs. 1997 register• :.=tecmst<.n'er satlsCac­ Ruldo... Diade the 1Iet with Combined, the five cate­ ~"1lU8Jity ~. In a 18 manufacturers -' Cnroea gories total nearlY 53% ofthe Art and Bronze Foundry, .tate's total manufacturers. 0ll1'IJ, eBming such~ ..,. IJioUa awIlrd, based solel,y on • ,lao....,Dodd"""'" Ru...... tile feedback &om prevIoua ~ldii!OSO~NewsCirculation Mi; looks at clrculatlDfl ellent&. Is the IIltiml1te of Interest Rates This Week .•• ~ she sits below a Chait showing the.lJft1eer~COiIntury 21 Pioneer Savings Dink ~.-abiNsn~-. CMA' .;Mf8s6wi, JiiAl ~ tIon. 3 months •••..•.•.••. ,' •••• , •• ,." ••• ,., ••••••••4.25% "'~~~'lt.c~....~·~~.- ". ,~, , "(lllsnt . Is para- 6 molllhs 5.15% I'!' ". = ~ .' Mebraab ~ tI! bui/lDclBB and 1 year 5.35% . ",1'!'_ '.''fIt:·....CI!ISfl":! .ald James New c:ar Loan Rate. cot!!·· ciI"~'rea.:t,.·. ~ ~~..:r l'ioMorSaY.....Baak . ::. nij;ely gilt' . . ,~~It<,. " . .... that thle 48 MQDdIs ,...... ,.. ••• , •• , •• ,....., •••• ,.8.25% .. ~"'.". ':M-~, '" ~::; to Olonlhs A25% • U1i _ All UJaoonI County banks are. welcome 10 have their Interest IIltes Iisled "".~ ~, "'-.FMloy.on Ihe Busin.... JIilic -.a.257-4OO1 or , ...... ,..". foi{i:Ui'RDt _ on Thuradaya 10 257-_.:.e"....3. • ,..~ '.;., i • tf: , ,_- I' -d',:-' _'. _,;,', .,.- ' ':'t'~t ,h· ,' ~I .. ' .. -- -, • ,'-I~ . i'


'. ."" . . ~' ~ I , . " , •:... ,

from'die tyHu"'.". f.. ..,... " '.. ;·.r-.~ .. ~"i\~" - . "f .""" , .. ~., y.tI·;R~ad :··i~.~,~:~r 'f:"'~~' ., .'" Bavilan. .. •.''''7,.8841 ...... :; " , . '.' '," .• " .'--. -'.- ~." ....'-.,iIi!.""""....~._""'" Doughnut· iUli$_:~. ..'.;' \ ~bro- I 2-month-old female heeler. . 5-year-old spayed and hGti$__ or d· • Lucy. Ethel's ."k~r::~~:dOWS Galte6urs.· '\" ·.~~IOS 1'1 . 1108 Sudderth Drive • RUidoso 301 Country Club Drive.•,Ruld:dSc;ll lve • 'RuldOSO 257-9800 257-9186 . • .. 00 . Freckles • Oscar Je.,ljb<:'; I 0 . 2.5-month-old Bemese Mountain 2-plus-year-old male An s••·.~aleShepherd ",' dog mix. ,.' Chow/Labrador mix. . .~, , Sierra Bank CoplianKennels 1096 Mechem DriVE!· Ruidoso Judge & Roxanne Butts Capitan 58-35 . , 354-2509 Phil' asey .. Howard 2-year-oId, neutered Maln.e Coon Neutered Basset mix male. Neutered male Beagle mix. mix. K-BUY Radio Cattle Baron Mountain View Animal Clinic' 657 Sudderth Drive • RuidosO . 665 Sudderth Ditve • RUidoso Ruidoso 257-9128 •. ~. 257-7333- 257·9355 • Chums Turtle Pudge 1-year-old neutered male heeler 2-year-old female calico. 2-year-old blue, heeler. male. mix. . • New Mexico'Flnanclal Power'Plus Car Wash. McGary's Studios Investment Services '1001 Sudderth Drive• Ruldosq • I 2002 Sudderth Drive • Ruidoso 2825 Sudderth • Ruidoso 257·2107 \ .. 57-1000 257-9256 Angel .Skinny Lakota 3-year-old apricot female Poodle. 1.5-year-old gray anl:j white female. 4-month-old Terrier/Husky female. Fll'st Alclrm SecurItY . Bill & Ellen Lucas Fa~ey's Food, Fun & Pub Fred & Carol Volquardsen 1200 Mechem Drive • Ruidoso 135 Juniper • Ruidoso 257·5676 257-4907 Hazel Tripod 2-year-old spayed Boxer female. Queenie. , An orange tabby female missing 1-year-old mackerel tabby female. New Mexico Financial a rear foot. Investment Services McGary's Studios Weldon & Janice 2825 Sudderth • Ruidoso 2002 Sudderth Drive • Ruidoso 257-9256 257-1000 Spencer ...... ";;".. Piddles Shoefly & Trini Chins , ...l..a.... . 5-year-old spayed and housebro- 8-week-old, short-hair females An orange, short-hair female. ~.~. ken Queensland heeler. H...,; ,..t" Cattle Baron Patricia Ortiz McGary'S Studios . 657 Sudderth Drive· Ruidoso 301 Mechem Drive #5· RUidoso ... t. 2002 Sudderth Drive • Ruidoso 257-9355 257-3525 257-1000 . , , Cricket Spot . Kiwi 2-year-old, neutered tabby who 8-year-old, giantmale neutered 4-year-old; sweet-natured loves other cats. Queensland heeler Capitan Kennels The RU~OSO News' . farley'S Food, Fun & Pub L Capitan 1.1> 104 Park :::~; Ruidoso ·1200 Mechem Drive· Ruidoso. ! J-=;;::==::;: ....::3:.;5;;;::4..;-2;:5;;:09;.;... .L. - ....._ ...... 'l,,*:'1jf~-~' 00...25....7-...56..,..7..6 ...

,'" .. :\ ". ~~ ,1;- . .. of ,i ,-,'.t°";. • "". '~iJ-': ~ •• . , -f::I,)~ ~ •• ~,~>.\ 'J'\ PI,ease ",,~h.;,t.-to' .. ,. .;:~~~~~:-:J";'~h:;' : • -')jli;, ,-;?~, ~'!- • .... / ~~}P;./ .. . "., 4.i{- J- H.lp ,W. "". ..,:. ,..,;.

. . " ..

Charmagne .. 1.5-year-old spayed female heeler mix. •

. ,,..

...._-- , ' , .,, , .~ , .' '; . " >" . "B""':~t . . .8tll:don " • ·new- hotne ofthe lBr..... BDd finest hish eahooI fields in the state. Briley ...... S~ , of iv¥eell it B field Briley . ~~ , ,. for aIBoaed'tile " . '1rctat.sotp~. c:'_tion forllinlr ,montbe Of cOJ1BtrQcti9n BDd ahead with the _pin. ',' hell11lNoheIping of.\lOOilera- "Just thejointeftl>Jt. tioJI WU1 he rewarilecf ' between the BChooIB, city . Tueadsy when the Ruidoso ,qlUllmttotheWhite . BDd,_~.. BDd~ _. '~'S/lbool Warriors take 3 p.m. In tletWeen the to. . pew bBBBbaII field ~~from Mo1mtain s.n,ools. who passed the bond iDitia- at ,. Mountain ~ sChools, the vi!.l,llp ~ ~ the1J&ll1;O\ling. '. tive,DeIped to make it a BDd the'~ ,,:, JIecreatipn COIJIPlex. The WiJlIiedioate the muatered' up &$1 reaIJ,y--,.. ...-t P!"lio>ct." he ==' "IMUQ. : ,eyent will mark the~t the'lIIP'JleId imd_pIex. million bond.BUe to "tim!! the newly ,ref<, Alan'BrIley, Ru1doBO deputy psy for the prqiect. Voters ~ ·Lincoln County " WlU'l'f!n's'bit,1lipuuJ 1JUIIJ8&V1". said the· p!" the boOd the green Commissioner L. Ray. , ~,UPhomebaJJs, ~ BDd line-up for the dedication light. paving the wsy for bee not been penciled in yet the hiring of an architect Nunley echoed Briley's CC>m­ illoves em •...,.•. mendation. . The field comes em the BDd ideas for a n"bbon cut­ and planning. Uncoln heels ofthe reorganization ting or throwing out ofthe Cc»mtyjoined in and pr0­ "This is not the first ofWarrior b"""",, after a I fIrSt IJitch are st1lI being vided road """""s to the time we'vejoined hands... nBlU"li ~ hiatus. In toBseiI around. complex from White but it's cSrtein1y one ofthe 19156,;the Ihst RHS ball The opening ofWhite MountBin and Hull roads, most significant." Nunley club startAld ita Bhort-Iived Mountein Recreation along with equipment BDd said. 'Tm reaIJ,y glad this run on the baBe patbe,BDd Complex is the c..lmination employees to work on the came up at this time while I in 1998, under.the guidance ofa cooperative eft'ort prqjeet. was a commissioner. ofCoach Rodney Webb, the between the eahooI district, Construction be~ on because I feel reaIJ,y good , , team BtartAod anew witn the ~ BDd CQUDty. In the CQmplex, which IS home about it." boPeB ofmaking a go at 1995, RaidoBO echooIs BDd to the baBeball field and many ye..... ofseventh­ the viii ofRuidoBO three BOccer Ilelds, in Nunley added he hopes inningstretches. entared~to ajoint agree­ December and was complet- that m~ _tive The RaidoBO boys will ment for the CQnstruction of ed in early Febl"'-ary. ' eft'ortB can be mede to elim­ Pile photQIRuidoso NaWri make their home debut the...... tion complex. For The baBeball field is the ' inate duplication and pro­ DlvQlng Inat home plate win take _ a whole new mesning for agaitl\lt visiting SoCQrrO for ita part. the school district , crowningjewel ofthe vide cm1y the best for the RuldDso,_ors 1\Iesday as they take to their new field. a double header at~ingat donated 17 acres ofland $810.000 project and is one LiDCQln County residenta. " Golfers gear up for spring season

The RuidoBO Warrior powers such as Academy, Jal. three tournamenta this fall. boys golf team will kiclt off l.clvington and Grants.. On the sidelines, the ita eprlng eeason Mondsy in' Last year's MVP BDd All- Warriors have two eighth­ the St., Pius Invitetiemal in District selection Stephen graders who will pose an Albuquerque. Owners of live Houghton returns, along interesting challenge to the strllillht district. cbe!Dpi- with other seniors Brian veterans of the team. Chris oneblpB.;.the..w..,....· haw PbUlips ,BDd ~"'!>t .Duncan Iqld ~_ their· eyes _ on the state Hightower. Houghton biinp both bring CQnsiderabJe tour­ title meet that will take two years of varsity~. nament experience from the place in May at Paradise ence to the tBbls BDd will summer junior tour. and HUls Golf Course in the hold down the PreBS~!",- both youngsters have the Duke City. packed number one ~B1tion game to shoot in the 70s. The WlIlT\orB, who got on the ~. The eenlO.r has. Juniors Adrian Wallen two of three &tate QUa1iI'yina adde!l eome yards to biB dri- and R¥an Edwards. as well Ie. in the fall sesson,-wiD ver m the o~ season and 8S freshman FrizzeD CQUDt Mondsy's tournament should heve J;1iB best Besson Frizzell, aIeo heve a legiti­ as a ecrimmage. but wiD yet a~ a Warnor: mate chance to qualifY for nonatbelen play to win the ~Jghtowm; 18 short, on 'varsity eventa. Both plsyers event; a feat RaidoBO has vars.ty experieDCB, but has 80 and . pUlled offin three ofthe 1_ played well this ~ in Shoot near . have good ftve years. preparation ofthl> seasOn.' fundemental~.. Returning four of five Freshman """'ation Ben The Warnors will play memberS of last year's dis- Andrews led the Warriors th~e to~nam~ts' in Coules,. phOlO trIct championshipteam. the this fall in ecoring with three RUidoso. thIS sp!"'ng. :the Guadalupe Garcia was one of the Ruidoso High School tracksten who had exceptional finishes at Warriors recorded one win scores in the 70s over three Great E.ght. which bnnJIB the ROse Relay in TUlarosa last Friday. and two second-1?1ace finiBb- difficult ,<:PurBe~. Andrews the top eight Bcboo" in the , es this ran, while shooting brinJIB a razor-shsrp Short state toge~r at the I~n of very good scores in th't·"~ to th",CQurBe and has the Mountain Gods April 10; prDceBB, Anchored by three·'adde., BOmEl 4eede!l di_nee an~ the Leroy G",?"h RIiS comes up seniors. the Warriors bring to ,,bIB repertoire for t!'e InVltational, ,th;e '-thigh • QODaiderable tournament Bptiing. . .. schot)1 event In tIi8 state. roses m meet ""perience to the season, " J~ J;lric R_" will whicb~will be played April which will be necessary to ~(fout a.e smiitd. hevlng 21-2lI 'atAlto Lakes Country Spring Break sent some _at defending champion pIlIl.yed ~ ,an of blat ~ Club ~ the l.,InM at Sierra student athletes nJDDi"..g for I.os Alamos as well as other varsity events .... ~ as ~ Bl~_ . , vacation spots, but thst did­ , n't stop Coach Ronny Maskew and biB track team SKIREPoRT from runningin theTularosa Rose Relsy Iaat Fridsy. The snow report for Ski Despite being short bend- ~.e for Fridsy, March. ed. the 'CQ8Ch and biB team lIB: traveled to the heme of the : lncha ofnew B110W ira past WI1dcata and came heme to lf4 hours: ,l.lnchaofnew jra Warrior CQUntry with sec- J!r1t!t 48 lWurs: 1. N~{lIJ,ql ' ond-place team finishes for II" last severa ~B: 11~" " both the boye and the girk Snow base: varies ' . Nine ...... cOmbined for the ,to 75 inches on traile :' , aecond:'piace team finish; , Snow surfaee: p" 01. with eight individuale in the and . top six.The '-- aIeo fared' ed Skiing ,. ..en. Aside ih;';;; their BeC- ~:-""-r t~ '~,"_ ...... ~ of' _ ,.r .boysBDd-placeran awsyteamwithf"QliBh.10 con-the = ""'- of55.'94% open. ' ", ,teatantB in the S: six...... Lifts' opera: 11 of 11. " "I thouD'ht every did Coach Ronny Maskew takes a moment with PriscU" Rojas C-m ineI.uding the Gondola. real wall,lI""MaBkew ..... "I'm and Jessica Daniels at the _ Relay la.. FrldBy. CIhairB 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 and very ulessed with their ~~~. ~~ and Danie". :56.70. second. parr~. 10:63.52; • 800m reIsy - first, Bixtb. Collin Msy, 11:37.77. ''It JJ¥iiB.::-'t:::r. Girls flfJii.tc) e1tlJlth.g''- _inplli)(,,'''lsJ ~naj,1IIlnk, Re~taarefromas thioll~~ Lewallen. Rqjas. SandOval • 400m reIsy - second, 4BY tiekfiIi..,l!lI>Id~ after. ;"" ".....'Gil"1a: ' and Daniels. 1:63t83. Garvin Graht. Trey • diacus ~ Iburth. Tawnya Bran~JID'OIlIY Weise and ~~foob)1,;_~ ~~)eiids.,wJ.tb shOqt"OUt ", ': ~oo.::.:r:D~ Heineken. 86'11.75". Garcia, :46.92. • 800m reIsy _ mDh. X; latest cOnditions at Ski J.#tb, ~f ~ of the 'team' _ . ;104.04; f~ PrisciIIil • sbot put - third. i1l8ui4C1slk Heineken, 27'10.5". Grant, Brantley, Weise and ,PB:".Ap...he will remain B, tballl!4'iijl1ua~CUtB. s!'a., S! J:lii1nim:t'~sa ~iif~4~ _ ~ -Boys: Edward W-.... 1:40.35. , n thl'QUgb ':J!lall-~,';' ~~ .' • EriIci'( ;, ' ,, ...... '1663 • 1600m mildley-Iifth, .....__...-80 .'w. rrTf\. ' ~...],...... r. I. ~~~... • 110m hurdles - firat. ~- ~.' "'~ Guadalupe Garcia. :15.34; B;rantley. Misclu.... David "• ,. r..' , tl.b... qd' kaChe \ -:- first. second, 1I1IiehaeI H11fatecIIlll', Wheeler BDd 'i.'hmDas SheiIe, I, -l'7:...~ 4:16.80. 'l"Q-" .$(1, f ", " ~~.,"for. iI6.61. ' I,,' ....," ,1'- . ,• l6Q,OIb run ~ firat. , , ,BOnitd', , Hull. 132'O.6"Ltjdn!, B.J. , . • ",

"'. ,

'~'; ':i>' " .>.,,\~'"'Ij<'Cl."~·>,

" , . _. ,", \ . !.", ...... ' ," .;:,''l\iilio ~DJ.Jr ~ ~Je:I!., ,Chjndsw::.:u ~ 'at the .,,",~ of _ ii> libii e:~tC.:t:~=IdiiB ~ DurinIir the .. 'a~~'BDd~~': , f"18henDeD ...... eaugbt Dicit f"1Sh. ' . The IQlQortt;y of f"1Ilhennaa' the' , on Grindstone Lake Bi'e guild', nsing ~ rip, BDd are DatWaJ;, eitheJo'bait r18biDg. or uS' in~, ""{f~'.;t.,.~ ,\"':\l~. -":, ",". >~',.

: 'J~~dIbddooo- $a5~i: thIS ~ ".;" TII~ ;;f7uru..~. ~ =:'~:.-I,~,";111."=~.: ' I• This quiet SCIOne at Bonito Lake will be replaced with lots of activity come andthe o""n· , attacbed,tothebusl...... and. If YD." fish Bjo lIli. ,:'.. '.' ,I, hebe ing of fishing season. As fishermen dig out their rod.. reels. tacldeboxes. and balt employees of The IQOst popular ofthobub- Rnidoso clUring the spa_ .. \ the New Mexico Gam. and Fish Department have been picking out the finest Rainb_ Trout to ble rig Oiea is the Po:oPeJIel" and you take, fish &oil>, it. was '., .' " fill with water with, So'get ready, get ..... go fish. .. . .,:i:::-"'it, .. beful[~.b < ' Lakes and streams to - Bonito Lake fishing starts Tuesday; By JUUIt BAXTER stocked with 1,2/i0 a.ikaboW· Ha~ ii>8Imtalfo."': , Ruidoso News 6lIitI Wrlter ~~$. Ga=-~~' get set to pick your favorite spot As fiBhennen read;y to Various br .ofthe Wator Iowls cIoaeI,y tomake bett thair hooks for theApril Rio Bonito also are set to be ...... they are bIBb ..-.&h to 1 opening offishing at stocksd. The ereek below the aoutUtuo tho skiCking SQ1led-, By JIM SHOOP doors clean and scenic. Hairs ear nymphs have been Bonito Lake, the New clam Ia slated to receive 609 uls. Put iIim~ McInnis . Ay's Etc. for The Ruidoso News Grindstone Lake has succeasful. It won't take too Mezico Game BDd Fish .Jalnbow Trwt the f"lJ"St and BBp1ainecl. ifwater a1resdy been producing well. much sunshine to start the Depsriment is fi1linJ< the third weeks ofAprIl, May drop _low there is=~ / April 1 isjust around Spinning gear has been pr0­ surface hatches on the local water with bait for iIle 1Ish- and June. The eieek's north . enongh room for the t. If the corner. ducing well Crom midday to lakes. ·ermen. and south forks will got 100 Ibr llOIDS.reason the This date marks the pop­ . sunset. Early mornings have Both Grindstone and Bonito Lake was stocked fish the lirst and third . 1eveI does drop BDd=• ular opening of flshing at been spotty, according to Bonito have been stocked with 2,669 Rainbow trout ' weeks ofApril. May and . ~ not possible, lish Lake Bonito northwest of several fISherman we talked within the past 10 days. The the lint weak ofMuch. BDd June.' for the Rio Rnidoso BDd Ruidoso. This year"s opening to. river is seeing.8 strong snow is slated to be stocked again GrIndstone Lake also smallersve_will be put should be one of the best in Propeller flies cast melt runoff. The f"Ishing oVer with that _,number the has been filled. Game and into Bonito and/or ' paet three the years. This behind a bubble rig seem to the weekend was spotty. f"Irst BDd third weeks of Fish stocked the water with o,indstone lakes. . I year we have had and are be the consistent winner Cor April, May, June, July, , 2,289 Jalnbow ThJa stocking Eagle Lske and Sil""r Trout the season's still having a good BnOW the spin tadde fisherman. August; the lirst weak of· second weak ofMuch. BDd numbers are relatively ronoff from the mountains. with the castmasters and Lakes will not open until t>Ians to puttbat s...... nam- uncbanpd troal pastyearS, later. ~=.. The lake has had several small spoon close behind. a:;tJ::,:,::.t BDd her in the second BDd fourth accordinototCgMcInniS. He upgrades to the shoreline The fly fishermen have The snow on Tueaday And for the lint time ii> weeks ofAa>rIl BDd May, the said ...... Ins fairly area. which should make for reported fair success thIS kind of put a c1amp8i- on , 2-3 years, the Rio Ruidoso . a more 'comf


• BigJack RV" Mobile HomeCentet Just Arrived 1997 Palm HarborArIzona 3 bedroom, 2 bsth Comptete tape & texture Only $453.98 per mootb S'YD down 360 mo ARM DL660 r-"',ot.n-uJJJ. tJ:' • Hwy. 70154 N. Alamogordo, N.M. • (585)434-3783.10800-258-0078

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...... , '. '. " ' '. • '0 ", would" ...... like to _8<. :.' 6~ $U.jN:1 . au_r.,,17 1/4Pz., 'Perfinne on· 8 ~ &dv Ditfon. :.3'earB ofservice & sales in SUI'I'OUIld~ . 8 CZl. S/ft»tf;Jr Gel '&/IIJIes our community and . .' or . log...... NWS'" ancl...... ' . vices and delivas spas, OVYAP-.- Custom gift boskets. candles, personal spa " , ""ltaQllllIIII _ ofmilddsfor .n'appl_..· ,....JjulJt-Ia. '" and bath Items ° cosmetIcS· ," ....}1,r.. iql

...".. I • e-rnc ' " , ~i~,,,!,iIII$Odown6_ ..m...c:asb. ,.;', ". ~ ~ liP'!W 8IJ ~luxury for roIllX811oJ1. _llziIIg and " II' ....fajpily tim. '. , -.L-",tfons •• ':~ lo;uM_·~15' 1031 Mechem DI'ive, Ruidoso. NM 8834S . '-" . :': . .. ;.," ., ". . ,"30- 5.00 • Sat. !1:80 "3:08 50S 258-3030 ° 1-81)0-322-0214 . <' ,,-":" \ •' ,', ;"'1'~ "" •• : ,t"~ ~; t;~' ''1,,,.',-, .,,"',.):.~~,' f.". :;" .. ~ . ,. "., .' :',J,",~' ~'V:,:;" "".,', ,:oJ " . "\" ~ ~ , 3~~ "::·:·:.'~i:,:~;}~~~~t:p: .., ; " " '

·"".;·i:!~ ~.~~tlilS:~~rgq~~i¥»iQJ), ." i.-, ..•." ,-, 257-3104 ,HORSESHOE WESTERN WEAR ·oub'. " of s(lll';JriSwear,and southwesl cIoIhlng " Ie" fTce Consultations AcCeSSOrtes. fine anttques. primitives. bronzes. etc NOlin. L Oboioslcr ViSA. 1WC • DiSCOver Payment Plans S .... • S ....··,S.... Willter, earance 5O'K.· 8Jl~ 'Up Dermaloglot Biggest Selection ofWestern Shirts ."!1I{pw you can lia.ve wlia.t 9Il.ature fo'l/0t." 50% off Great selection of for Men & Women aj; ~ . t.uto....~.£Ii> £IlIIr. "141 £Ii, C_ NewSprblg c Ear'P_'Pr~ INTAADERMAL PIGMENTATION Merc~e;pse A f'eVOlUtiQll4ry new mec:hocl of applyins mic:ro inMrd01JS of natUral Boots $80 pismcnts co the dermal layer of skin. This tee:hniquo i.tn*dically open dally clevdopod allll ...... fk:ally dcaigned few a completely'..feI _11y Got to make room for new inventory 10:00 a.m.•~ S:3O pom. pain~....d sterile permal'lCllt"'applic.ar:ion of variO... prqc:cdu..... •.no" 130I SUdderth DrIVe ° .LPS Suddcn:h Dr., *6, Ruidoso, NM"8IUS '\ (50S) 25709797 . 257-4864 CUDJ.7C.X1'ING 5 ~ IN lSIJ$JWESS' 7111 L Mil...... 1._ ...... 88345 J.ROBERTS Ladies and men's clothing ladies shoes and acceSSQi'leS MldtOWD~ .....Open Dally,

2319 S~dderthRulohiso, 1'01 888411' . _ '257-3288 ° Fax: 888-7792 , ° PetItes ° MJsses°PlusSlzes. 0'QualIty ClcJthins:id: I\IIotlerate Prlees " o Computerized GIfl; RePttY. , . • "Free Gift WrappIAg ·'Pb.o..- ~ AcxlepIed , ' i' 10 8' Mcm.,'i'des;; Thurs..'.. _ am " Pm' • Belts. Watches, FrI. 10 - 8 pm Wed." Sun. " Closed Handbags and New I 1J;l\'~l!-lWJ)laIme ~ I 5ervIce with and Sprtng Shoes... I "JIeSt" '" 8D\S~Too.- '. ! \: 1 ! , , , , , • To~ 1'0TQCM):; ApparQl . I ~) 257-3'657 Sizes 4-20 , Toys. Clothes. ,; ,f Hours: 9:30 - 6:00 Gifts & Accessories , •· 721 Mechem Dr• • Up to :sIze 16 for girls ~," Ruidoso, NewMexlco Up to size 20 for boys Megon, Thompson, Owner ," ';;'(.'IN .', ",anl Sudderth' . ' R "ti"-45 'I" U:1~~~l'r.w;;.-' ..',~. , "'0 "

.''';--'!-1f!'*'- <,···.i·f'>O-,""··· ..... ,~,~ ....,4~·~ .•, ,.,~,.' ", .... '. . ' ,,:,'),t,;-, , ; . " ;_'.: ,"_"/_', ~ oj .'." ,"-. .Ii if.



- ~ - ...... • ••• e historic'ul1NNI£'Sl1.VER · • . ~.\ - "" ~ . , DOLlAR" wo.lcI:~j,e y~ r "'.,~ : • • ~a~i1y tospeDd: • • SUNDAY witllll$.~ ••• • , .3',~' • ,,, '. • • • " • • • , • • • • • • • • • • • • , • , , "' • < -'" • ,', , S-yqur_d88YOU .... ,:., ~ beau(¥'';


" COMPLETE EYE·CARE ._s,.._.foI'~ ' ·Bye~dJee . • CDIIt8ct Lcra8ea • RadbIl KeratotoIpy _. ',~ ;. • Full 0ptlcII1 ~-,?'~;'.;f. ­ ", ~ ,'. 0I088e8, ...... ii< , ~ . ' . .

.'- . . ,.,.Yniaae' ,fI'om ~t and real opmetlt. .',,' I ,:~~ ': eetiltoJ lUttllli. . '. APPROVED UNANI·. ," ,,16~ • , D, 1· MOwn.'l.-Abid "UllMi,ll82 '" ~;,J~, ~~' ~ ~' '",:i~~P!i:if~ J 1Iii'-:'aI1~,;~ t:..o ounty offi.clals' p8y"~OOoft e _true- ::: lIl'lliiPal about~...Ilion 1'01' vit· tion cost. ' • ...... ' a:am a lalP" '... pjoVl~ tP "', • APPROVED UNANl- ',~ .. ~'~ liDlitatloD, coUnt,y"" toJ,'··,· ~SLY - Out-of'state,' .. ' ,Wili1h~ 'BOb 8Ilercbi • APPROVED UNANI. 'travel for Chief of Poliee " . ,,' . ~ tile _ ....da-t;.but "MOUSlH ... A _ IlIDeDCl- 'L_ Maddox to ~lt,,) '~" ,", " .' • ~ wtiJlIj 1'01' th8 toJrin liDJita· _ntto two lotoJ inthe White ArIs., for the Rocky w ~to,ba u-. Mountain Estates'subdivi. Mountain InfOrMation ,. s :~er8d wide • AJ'PROVED ,UNANI. sion, The, d_nt Network Executive Board'~ ...... i...; ~...~rld~·,jjOhI8i·~·,ii,',Dieil$i~' __~ l\lOUSLY' - An a....nded. cha..ps \he Ina ftc!Jh -m.g'onMay 27. .'~ ",1'"'"""",'.' " ,tie...... to Jbotion to a seven· high·densit,y residenti81, • APPROVED UNANl·, ~,_to fo~ ,_ ·iloI1IilllllUo of lhe iI.$llds of "' dumib.... to study such as that -ede4 for MPUSLY - to apply al ,to 'iI§i', nlV., and, ~ ' and th8n ~ cleve10pInent feeoi. apa_t·' buildings, to $9:,000 £edel'll1 grant 1'01' a' ,~~ " EY!" ,_U",t,ytollb,ossbo.. Village M_~ Gary multi·tinnily residential, part-eI;me crime victllll8' ~. ' • ,, wU,AAhP, 117. , .',' .... Fer ...... ~,.... worth J~.1iIai4 n:,w deva1op. such as thezoningnesded 1'01' eon WlththeBuldoso POllee;~ ,.... l!o\I~ b¥ ,ll'!8t. . "lUI ~tf"""""".for _slUll.V _ .ditmlI..ch1 . on the vit. , _truetion of a triplex. Dspartuumt. : ...... '." •;,., " .,'... ,aI1l1&~I>h' .,' customers,.sh/> said. lap'" lnhs_ war· • APPROVED UNANI. The Council was schad·' CJ(tlieliLildosoV. " .. The'.~.wq\Ild COIIlriBt ofhospitallt,y rante conaideration of the MOUSLY - Acesptance,of a u1edto discuss the following' .. ·sqw~;~J;om. les.;IQbIlolr&relfovera . ofBeYera1dBys, fees. The C 'tal .sovemment ant for a cIIs- Inclooedsssslon: ..

'. ' .' . i have 40 % of Its _barB m:mved with Birport davel· gy. '.

'" ' .. j,j .",.',1'Ja.'.eWort,l,s,;" UO\61N..' "~:.. ";'"". Etoom. Easter egg hunt Saturday . "" ", ".; ''11 "'~-D ,l\lemb...... ·of the Lincoln over Lincoln Count,y tb find, . ·:ls..~.~.OpenPor EaSter ~cdals! . ~~~~": ~ng~~~~aa: ~ '~ 'A r..__ H 'Bas prepare for their .....ual GolfCouroe clubhouse. E, ....oy'~.. OIDC. u:rrescntation... Easter Egg Hunt. PrevIous Information that ..' cIc They will decorate 1,000 the hunt will bsgln at 10:30 . ,BBQ Pod< Baby Ba Ribs _. for children from all a ..... was Incorrect. ;, Conauy Fdc


Apr. 7 Apr. 14 Apr. 22: , STARDATE Look ror Comel Hale-Bopp low in lhe nCNIhwest ju..t l'I5 lWi­ liam fada 10 darkn-. Tbe cornel II> ul lUi biglu$l muI brightel'll , lhmup mid-AprIl. By the end ofApril, the CDfIIClltlould be fad­ '. Ing BII it mOYl$lower in thB we5t-northwetd, Malibu ...,...... a whole n

~ ASSOC. I 217 S. Lincoln Avenue 354-2260 • 1-800-358-8443 OTERO COUNTY ELECTRIC '. , CO-OPERATIVE INC. ,.. '\ Office Serving Abo . Capitan • Mescalero , , , , 8:00 A.M. "til 5:00 P.M. I . . 336-4550 For Power Outage Call Toll Free • . 1-800-548-4660

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~III.!.'1\.. C la.sslfletl~l. To place aD .dcall (505)257-4001 1-800-857..0955 FAX (505) 257-7053 Hours: Monday -Friday

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. - • Tiffany Thompson Thomas Dosie

37¢ per word 14 word minimum Pre-paid discounts available Classified display: $6.63 an inch Consecutive run discounts available B~iness and Service Dil'ectory $25 per week Business card size 8 week commitment No copy change

~ , ,. 1ST TIME IluVeRB 5:00 p.m. Monday for Wednesday 'l!.~"i,~ 5:00 p.m. Wednesday fo,. FrIday easy SGC888 $50,000 awr. SpecialJ ...._Il8UI...... Ask tor Jennie 0 Noon Monday for Wednesday Noon Wednesday for Friday ,. ;l&ula I 3:00 p.m. Monday for Wednesday 3:00 p.m. WednesdBy for FrIday

• EXCEPTIONALVlSBUI'Y 1. Real Estate Location Bnd partdng wllh thilll prlmlI commerd81 afferinI qnSUdderth 26. Farm Equipment Drivel Land and buIlding wiIh plenty at room tottXD8nd. car.tmulti­ 2. Real Estate Trades 27. Feed & Grains use potenl1BI. $229.000. M9861NM7. CALL DOUG SIDDE!NS 81 3. Land for Sale 28. Produce & Plants 4. Houses for Sale 29. Pets & Supplies UGHTALLED"""""""" 5. Cabins for Sale 30. Yard Sales With new Berber ClMp8IIng a'ld so.-lIItVIIIIhW. a large bedrooms, 6. Mobile Homes for Sale 31. Household Goods 3bathB and atJuge1lvtno.,.., all'WhIte MountaIn~. thls ttrnffcHlal....borne I'iinBI. '189.&00-185011_ 7. Houses for Rent 32. Musical Instruments cALL'SUSANOA,ill.... . ,_:338-4248" ". 8. Apartments for Rent 33. Antiques 9. Mobiles for Rent 34, Arts All8UNA8LIlI . Clean, furnished, 3 b8cflbom zewh IIDrnII on two .... Twoc:avered so.oo DOWN1 $187/MO. t'uvs to. Condos for Rent 35. Sporting Goods decks; f\r8p1ace, fen9lId blIDJc _. storage. "'500.118770184. 1.7 acres near l.cNM. Gt:anCIe 11. Cabins for Rent 36. Miscellaneous CALL JOSEPkA. %AGONE at 257-9057~ _ wa...... Ie_" ... phon.. can 257..a086 Dr 12. Mobile Spaces for Rent 37. Wanted to Buy MOBILE ON TWO LOTS , 1-506-1525-1811 13. Room for Rent 38. Help Wanted 1\vo bedroom., 1 beth wtIh a Iarg" add-on for extra living space. 14. Want to Rent 39. Includes small shOD/8tOf8ae. Room to put anotheIr mabll8 on eecancl ENCHANTED FOIIEST Work Wanted lot. 135,500. 1I977oa2fi. CALL LARRY nLLMAN at257-9057. woodsd tot. tiUlftlea. sr. 15. Storage Space for Rent 40. Services $3,700 OBO cash' or .....r f1nanc81 16. Pasture for Rent 41. House Sitting 2574561 .' ", 17. Business Rentals 42. Child Care Alsp'~m Est~t~. LAND FOR SALE Lk\l:oln 18. Business Opportunities 43. Child Care Wanted ," CENTURY 21 Real ". area~ r'ur aoree.' ,all 19. Autos for Sale 44. Firewood for Sale 7117 M

As always...Please check your advertisement for errors. Oa.ims for errors must be received by:"he Ruidoso News witb 24 hours. of the first pubJi~tion date. -

.' Prepaid ads will be cancelled upon request. bUI without refunds, in consideration of the reduced rate. . ,, Publisher assumes no financial responsibility for typograpbical errors in advertisements except to publish 8 correction in the next issue. .. PUBUSBERS NOTICE - All real eslate advertising in thi~ newBpBper is subject to IHe Federal Fair HOtJSing Act of 1968 ' which makes il iOegallO adv~,ltlse "aity p~nl:e. 1iP1ilalionm diSC!i~in8tion based ~n race~.,," ~r, r~~i~on, ~x, bandicap, , famihal statUS, or .natjpn~ ",," "" or aJUR~ntion ~ make may sU,ch preferen"", ..mi\lIt~~QfII . Il\fMti9~:n,.JS newsJll!llCll: will.mt~,. lilly ~~g '" 'esIBte wIDell is in vi'llad"<>fihe Ia • Our readers Bre here yinformed \h~ all dwe:!:IldVO~tflhia,~paper.Jeon lID .. equal op riily bIJS~, 10=llIin bf di , ti9!I. Call' HUD 10 -free all-8OO"'124- • Por lite' ' DC... p 1~3SQ11A'i~.!"I!~~.,.~ num6er 1 ,..;~.. ",.~~ik'~~~~4'>'!.~ I ·...... ,--. , ,.

._..•. -•' .• , ••,ti •• ,. ~~ h, ; (oJ...... •• SDC"a..-'on _ 257004075' '107~'" SUPER SALE SUPER H~S 'New 28x8D dau­ .~ b .,.-1140,900. 2XQ walls JOS-D7·nn...... ­.. 4 or b8idrodins, new lifetime ..O_·GIlD. . 11...-r.=,;r.:::... . '-f{ . ~"'" ....n•• 1...... -.. . _ dlshwBsb8i. ¥l8m. :It. _ large re'tlgeratair,=...... leland. ''GREAT nlilltrlhbortUJ4lf wllh ';y trade " 3baIhs. Pluih pile ClUPBt & For Rent ,-~_. have the I~_ 1581. Of much more. PaYments under sir ale end d..:;.lbIewidtiis In '. D~1-:8OQ·632-2834. ·211'K;;RiDI': . N&\! MexklO. Free dlt5Yerv.' ...... D:"H~40591. - I 25HD57o;2&7-7es7 Call -B06; ...... U80+utL • aFiEAT-ESCAP.El-162 Brady 1"0-853--1717. ­ ClliWan·.... on ...... NoBI ...... :i:e:mo', . fireplaCe,.• ra:a~­ ... aBDAM. $S8,OOOSlerr. 412. _urn;,_110.. e=Deanr2&7...2678·- . wood 1lI1!1lJ11'l1m1, ,"=--r,au Inau value $45.995. S7S0 + ull. 8 Mobiles for Sale Jim. JaM DL ...... _..'S ...... FOR _. SALI!: Newly reo rriadeled mobile on large 101• ...... H.tLQ. HQriIH available 2 to 4 bldlOOms. 10 choose 2BDRMl1.5BA. nice deck A •• + utIL a $28,500. Call anyllme SUPER SALE New 16 wldes from-In ~·ruea. caD b de· overstocked 3BDRMI2BA. tails. $3$,800. 257-~ ....d_S_ From Loaded, stered's. dish­ Ium. concIo 1-a0D-959-72'15 washers. cooIera & 8tdrllng. AAAAAAAAAAAI Need a $23.BOO, paymlilnt· under a8xsa' 412, 2 IMnb areas. homel Low down! Credll ....Iace. pmble"" We can _. Call "80.00 p., inonIh...... u._ ....,_ and delivered. Qualltv & ...... -+ ..... MIl _ol. d.'Ive.. oo'-u•• Rick or Johnny. lowest prices guaranfeed. tur.. h...._- AIC...... S"'_ ..", , -SOD-'l26-0649. DL732 1..aoD-832-2834. 8OQ;.3Q4..7287 DL.a43 ...... '. re..... :.::::::::"-S9OO+ UlL ."•• + utL I08Cardlda" Rulclosor NM SIERRA BLANCA' VIEW .·irbree bedrcJolll, 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath, lU5 sq. ft. :,DR::r"':: =..:w.r.;,~ UDflnished home, call for details. ::25::,7-25::;:;76====---=="", 2 bath, near\y ,8iI1e-LocatloD: - UNFURNISHE,8 aBDRM/ Front steps ofLincoln County Courthouse. CfllTizozo. NM 2BA. good nelahborhood. No new, DatelApril18.1997 TIme: 10:00 B.m. pets. C811258·1120 large fann Appral8edValue: ...... _ GovernDUtDt BId: $28.188 SUM MER LEABE 3-6.' Leph Lot 4, Block 19. PineclilTSubdiviirion. Llneoln County, NM months. Completely fur- kitchen Properties are DDt available for nonnal inspection as they are Btill. owned by private Indi- nlshed 28/1 3I4BA adobe viduala. HoweVer, ifthe property is abandoned, interested parties can contact the local brick, 2 stall horse bam, 18 1/2 acres val1ey views and pad for RV Rural Development otIice to see ifan inspection ofthe property can be rriade. Foreeloaui'e fenced yard, WID, carp6rt, is still pending in the NM Distric:t Court. Under some circumstances the sale' may be ~e~~:~~ r::o ~':'po::;: canceled. RD will not pay brokers or ftnde,rs eommisaion fur succeasful bidders. $5501Mo. plus lOW utilities. 200' ~..400' roping' arena with ...... 01 Balm Bid amount to be paid by the end or the day ofsale payable to the· 378-4946 return chute and water· Public Trustee. payment must be made in U.S. eu.rrency by cashiers or certified elreek. =3B"D"R"M/1:=c:...=A:-:2:-....=-c.=....=·=•• JNII'ORMATlO~N~'~C!.~"~U~SUA!::R:ur;;;;alIUove-;;~lopmen;,;-;~t;;;;;::;;;;,-;~ FOR ADDrnoNAL .... 2400Mo. F'-""sq.ft. log plu.hame.."""""$8001 FIREPLACE , 1.65 mllss up SkI Run Ffoad. Rediuled to$188,OlIlI 97 Pal H b L_...lI..._ FREE. , ree OPEN HOUSE Frl/Sat. , m ar or 3 ucuiuOlD, 2 bath. Tape .. washertdrY8r & sklfting. No· 28129. 9A-4P " ..• Call Dlck Weber 'ThxtUre. 'Tho many up-...::a:"'sto list, fire- payments'" until 1897. AU =;:;=.=-=;;:;:;;;;-:::~;:::- .• 61""""'" 1996 models must sell. 3 SUMMER RENTAL 312, fur- place in~luded. call 1-800-848-1010 before bedroom under $1751Mo. nlshed. clshed. linens. IA- Tall Pines Realty 't' DY ~06ln caIlDOUble, .wloo-d·79~~::72' S2491Mo· eludes bills except elec. Off I, B gone. 1o.AIf'U' .ro, - ...... DL549• Hull $1,2D01Mo. 268-6668 257-7786 • 1-800·257-7788 SMALL I.BDRM. MOBILE 4BORMI2BA house on Car· Special edition Palm Harbor. l8x80 3 bed­ $375/Mo. References/ rizo Creek wUh aaundry room 336-7'l~ • 1..s88-83807711 neposlt 420-0443 or wood burning stove, 2 room.).2 bath, islpd kitchen, glamour • 257-3844 carports. ferlced yard; $8001 'Ii, . Mo. call Mark MobleY. at bath. IDcludes many upgrades at this intro.­ 7 Houses for Rent 257-7786 Tall Pines Realty. ductory price of$335/010. Call 1~IOlciDLtlOO6l2. BEAUTIFUL HOME 8. IDCa' 8 Apts. for Rent tlon In Alia e1'88. 3BDRMI ':":-:-':"::-:-:::-~:-::~:-:': 2eA, $8501M0. plus ulUllles. CLASS.IC RETREAT unfurnished. R&qulre 1 1BDAM apt. .No pets. UlDIIIes month security. p.vall~ble 88'. paid $4OO1Mo. 653-4023 Of May 'f8t.o"C811 &Iter 4PM al • 605--336-7929 VALLEY VIEW APART- . MENTS .&18- 1 f 1 Rio This recently f'miahed cedar and stucco bome on 8 t 2BDRM. CONDO OR EFFI- Arriba, unfurnished 1BDR. large lot on Cree Meadows Nll tairwa,y is at 207 I CIENCY HOUSE $36OJMo.. 314-BA. wlflrepJace. $5501 $ 3 2 P/ Mo. b 111 spaI d. Mo. Includes basic utlJllles. Barcue. This 1676 sq. ft. home has a finished two- i 257-3553 Call Cindy, Gary Lynch ear carese, master suite with a jacuzzi and walk-in : FOR RENT: 312 1/2 house Realty. 257-4011. Lie. c:1oaet. There is a fun security·system installed and j and Two 212 condos. Fur- :."27:,:3;:5:::2:::S,,.====:--::-­ numerous custom feature&. Construction is also ' nlshed. n1ghBy or monthly LUXURY APARTMENT sulla­ beginning on a cedar home which is for eale at 201 ' 257-6735 ble for slnglalcouDla. Fur­ nished wlgarage & utUllies Buckner. FOT an appointment to tour either sites ! NORTH OF RUIDOSO paid. No smoking/pels. p1000e eaII .118-4408. ' 2BDRM/1 BA Single-wide. On Adults preferred. $SOOIMo. --~-~ .« - -~._". -- approx. 1 acre. --$45OIMO. 257-5794, l +utililies. No horses. Call ~~7.::' =::---:-:=,--;­ Cindy. Gary Lynch Realty, 1 & 2BDAM. APTS. fur- REDUCED 257-4011. Uc.fI27352S nlshed. blllslcable paid. No ~ 113 WINGFIELD Un. pet;>.caIl258-3111. __,,-,_nATUiIEIIII- .....r.oac.__Poc_ByOwaa: lumlshed 2BDRM/1BA with CARRIZOZO: Two large IDls of room. $675 +utillties. 1 S.oAM duplexes. Uno. . " .', ' Cell Cindy. Gary Lync:h furnished exc:epl for BIove ....~In:. _"""""andGaldcns Z In yean old, 2300 sq. &. n-eb_om, 3 R a a I t Y , 2 5 T· 4 0 0 1 . and refrigerator. Owner pays ~ UcI27352S. water. sewer and Irash. ,{IO~7-407S (800) 687-2596 . Ita. + 2 carganae &: Ia•• area. Marbk . $25OJMo. call Chris e' Rei 8oon, cusmDl boUt cab~III!:'" mauer suite, jaro:u=i, 3 BDRM/2BA fireplace, Max (505) 258-5833 or ~.2"'" lenced yard. storage blda.· 1-800-657-8570 ...... -.,lMt-pI, dcalaratlJ\ Too lIUUly exuas CIt IUc. Fully Iaud­ Small outside dOg OK. $4501 acapcd wIoh sprialdcn ... fenced bOck yard. Fl•• Mo.+ ulllllh9S.& deposit. NICE FURNISHED one 378-4701. bedroom apartmen1. Bills _easy access willi m.llfP"Accat view ofSIar. Blaaca.' paid. Good for" one person. 3BDRMI2BA Modular home, No pelS. $400lMo. 258-5751 unfumlsh9d $575/Mo. plus ==::,:::=:.=.:=-==::='-­ Sbowa by_o....meo. oaIy. 122 Skyvac. 257·S668 Dills.2BDRMI2.5BACondo.un- CIMMARON has emciency lurnlshed $55OIMo. pius bills. apts. available. No pets. 2BDRM/1.5BA furnished $3OO1Mo. Call 378-4375. condo $550IMo. plU8 bills. NICEST TWO BEDROOM No pets. Call Pat al The Pru· , dentlal. Lela Easter Realtors, ONE BATH APARTMENT In 257-7313. town. Cathedral ceilings. ',. You'U love this new, rustic cabin with green m.etal roof, wBsherldryer, dishwasher. re­ 'r., i$land in kitchen, refrigerated air coodltioning. gas heat. CHARMING, WELL IN- frlgeralor, stove Included. SULATED large 2BDRMI Gasheatlhotwater.-LOW jacuzzi tub. redwood decks front and back, circle drive, 2BA home. 411 4th 51. lois of ununES- 257-9085-'or de- and ONLY $89,900. Woo't last long. Drive by, then call storage. easy acc:ess. Exc:ep- Ialls. Iionatly clean. $55OlMo. plus me today. Take Upper.Canyon. right on Ebarb, left on utllllles. lease/deposlt SOWDER APARTMENTS Ex· Perk ¢anyon. left on W. ItedwoocL Hurry! 505.521-4057 . cellenl aCC88B and location ;;=~:;::=':. on river. prlvale 2BDRMl1 ;. NICE QUIET carpBted.===--'=_un- 1I2BA.. carpe1ed, VERY furnrshed. 2BDRM/1 BrA CLEAN melor appliances. house with fireplace. Outside dishwasher. WID, patio. oul· storage. No pets $425J11J1o. slda storage LOW unu­ plus deposll/Ulillties. Water TIES, $50"0lMO. 338-4859 fumlBhed ~58-40B1 leave message. . '2BDRMr2BA completely fur· LARGE: 2BDRMI2BA duplex nlshed house In Black In Ruidoso Downs. Stove. re­ Forest. Lara. 101 with lovely frlg8ralor. dlehwaehtH, view, $80DlMo. w/1 year flreiJlace. window coverings leas8. $500 dep. end new carpal Owner pays 50 5 - 2 6 7 - 0 1 39 0 I water. sewer and ·trash. 817-387-1319 $4OO1Mo. Call Chris al Rei Max (606) 258-6833 or FANTAS11C VIEW 1 '332l1;";l!1I43~1~ _ 3f~ '700 ..... "DRM!Nice ... - =.h:~ #51~b. FU::: 9 Mobiles for Rent THIS C TOM·BUD.T HOME HABITALLI nlsh&d $f076JMo. SmaB de· . posit 281-471-5550 ask lor FURNISHED 3BDRM12BA Charm ...d character is this (almost) new 4 DoM)' 281-592-0108 Furnished 2BDRM/1 BA. waler paid. easy access. bedroom, 3 bath home, in beautiful White Mt. 2ROOMHOUSEonMaInHUD welcome 'Estetes, Illw maintenance, msta1 roof aDd 50 ...... , 01...... BI...... 378-44881378-4487 . S250/Mo_ 808-872-6619. . . vinyl aidin double finished plus WT-4311 "'BAT· VIEW 3BDRMI2I!~1 ~ing1s ~ $195,Oor.:fll08 ,...... Iqe addIOonl decks. S4l:':o1 gar.. to 81!A1JT1RJL spac...... r· MO., S400 aap. 506 Col­ nlldlad 2BDRMf2BA with orado. Ruidoso Downs (505) views!Ing. NIlM dec:k8,appliancescathedraland uti..cell- ="S48-OII=='S1",::==:-=:=::;::,_. COLDWELL lI&s. Lease $8QOIMo. Dep. 8. 2BDflY MOBILE $325IMO.• Ref8nmcM. No pels. Adults smaller f 1/2BDRM. Mobile r • f • r red. C a I I $23OIMD. on carrizo canyon 'bANKER • 6015 9 Ad. 257-1390 .:t~.. 1tIIkbo~ Rental HotUne. Call 24 hours a day for a list of our "i&~' currentJ": ~ ~\ • .,it: ' Leave-a for Ken'i for additlOrn\l . 'i~: tnt<>rma ,2117-9803 Lie. 1f325285

, . •, .->fI .­ ' .. ; ...... ,. ..'- " .:'~;~.":ilr. , _~·,i·· 'J

.. • • .,. .

APPLICATIONs for 2B - . mobJIe ',Qf1 I.$JUB ~ClOy lot. _ ..... 5l~~k"l ~.I~~-~6 $4~~: APfI ,0\.-....:202.,lljl .. firm month's10 In. :t : Manager on site. Call Preslar BIld Assoclalea 81 ChampIon's Run ConcIomlnlums,.located north of !he Museum of UiEt HOISO, HWf. 70 East. 378-7108 • 11 Cabins for Rent

FOR RENT 1 ONE BEDROOM cabln. furnished, one wlwasher/dryer and fireplace, close to town. 258-5525 or 257-4902 12 Mobile SpaceslRt

LOT FOR RENT In Capitan. '.2 acr1ls $200lM0. 354-:2029 RV SPACeS for rent 420-0443 or 257-3844 CAPiTAN 2·acre lot wI utilities for mobile home. $200lflllo. plus waler. RV ,caces $13S/Mo. Includes eeclric. Call 354·3197 14 Want to Rent

PRIVATE RV SPACE Dogs allowed, would like to build temporary dog fence. would laasa for 8 months, water and electric, minimum utilities required. 505-365-2205 15 Storaga for Rant

NEED LOTSA STORAGE SPACE? Units are 400 sq.ft. Rock bottom prices. Call 257-1353 FOR LEASE: 850 sq," fl. ol1lce space, Jlra Plaza. available 4/1/97. Brokers welcome. Owen Russell. Real Estate BrQkar. 5051257·8341. L ;. 0 SELF STORAGE Hwv. 48 Space evalable. 256-4599 or257·9A83. E. J. STORAGE 114 HoI1Cln Circle 257-5899 .. 16 Pasture for Rent PASTURE FOR RENt 6 acres In Bent One half hour frOm Ruidoso & ona haff hour from A...... "'. 267-4001 DAYS. ask for Dr8W1671-48&6 NIGHTS. 17 Bualness Rentals

OFFICE SPADE 1456 SQ.ft. 118 Highway 70 E., Wesf of FOJCwo-rlh-Galbralth. Call 605-437-6988 for d8talla OFFICE SPACE for rent. 1007 Mechem Dr. call CI!KIY 258-5969, Mon.-Fri., 8A-&P. ~ I MIDTOWff-WALKlNG DIS­ TAICT-BUDDERTlf 900 SF $3501M0., 1600 SF $97&1 Mo., 2400 SF $132&JMo. 338-4978 II EXCELL-ENT OFFiCE .r SPACE on SUdderth Dr. on ".10 I ~"" =.r:::'db-- 01 ~ :." ' I, , • ,,' _;' ?" ,'. i~ -i;'. ' , .:#"::;.,, ',: . .' ,, ",' • i . .-, .

" ,." ....,.~ .. '-"'...... ~,~..._'--' .. .'. , ~ ,'.' , " •

.....1...... 1'*. !!Il:1!!!!.A~~ ~t1 ' . ~- -...~---.

.'f3A"~"io'.! 'L',-,~~~ sell -eriDe pre!emld bUt ~ lIMt'IT""'" ~~ "'~~~IQl) }". C -UN D ...... ,lObi ACCIlPT",d i ..~ . ' ri i p e' RI E -M CED 'm~'7:I'. .'¥...... n CHILDCAIIIE ProvJder ... _.~, , '.~ _.~~ '" .openings for OhUdrBn 2 yra. your .' t .. 'iii."" , ...... ,~,T¥.,_ -- ....~ --. ~·222··~....,~SoIIolW¥te ,'. .tIc:hoOI- Eckioation ana love " _, BEDS =::"""-'-~'---- _.~ IiQVJded. Conveniently IRI!CI'._$J\\ll;jQom- 'Tbem8s IlTtIIdntc Cocated. Excellent fir­ • e, -Wiits 'rom. CAlIA BLARCA 18 ~ Ruidoso Downs, NM. -:OIIN!RI'I.Cl»mW:'roR lerences. 378-5890 -:"" • """~ ~ for ill ~'t'rI~~97 RBiWp:bDld:ll8" REMaIsHI Z,1Bt,.~ ~.~O~~r~ LCe:,~::'MEOE '" '., . . -..::., ". $.. =- home? L OAK TII& tINK8 ~~EIIIIA ~ IIuveDIJ' .' 'fIIIIIP. He . to 8L:A11CA .. 1nt8 now w_. M,llll!iiil _' ...... ' b••lIly.'· great far .-cIe.·bar pensanriltl lor ~u£r8~Bt~ ~ on -LAWN MAlN1'EtfANCE Pine . ....nbow -~~~T;l""".... m''illi "EI.P wlliii'EO ~ C"'-' ":I I _r'-8PM. cI1InJll!!-~ 6 .... - 11D_pm Call ".\,' _,Her,_=MtI!.... "'" pr no ~...... • ~!!.!!..'_ RIIOQVAL (Ju4llry, rIepardabk . . _.. ~~'"1\1 .' __"CIlIiUled.._ rJ6y<;tue at on aflrml- M 'Fro~=--, Christine, DTlI1IeRSE,•••,I.i1.i1iiC.'i ", ..' ., obi. price ~~~f.., ,;-,.~ ...=r.o" ~~er::8 h~ YARDIlJuNl'~ __", :-,:...oW Who'" wont ' Ie: InfBnts to 12 years Thomas, to .. - 'n .... se""",Qon"- a _- Red CnJBs Certified. .,...-.... 'iG•_ 11'18k8 (money end BIahket ~ _ 'TuJ· W8ad-'aii~~ • ~,~ Find Aid '~-"?i-..',~ . ttOI"l.,free ,trldnlngl·Tracl:. 'Gutter '&nInll *, , ,.~,included Tiffany, ~'4_" .,--~ "~~~~37~_~l!Q!.·:J' '. - .....~ ~~ ~~..-...." L Cathy or Jim ;" ".' .~~·Wfmetl=· ~ • ~ r":~o!.·:rr·~-:"';' Aefe~" -;:. ro;;·I.:':.:;r""",i-~_".. _ b.... _._~ r'OO::-'TI::'''O~ PO:.omCIlR.._:::, " IIJ,W _ChUlIeare to place ::"ID~'&= R't9runner Truoklng M,sa =: depending ~e::I=~~ ~,~r~'~I~~~~ __= new. $200. 267,",17. 1..aoo-8'16-7784 on cerdflDlltfon Al'pa. wDI be fel'llncea. YBt'/ reasonable. SEEKING DEPENDABLE your ad in WAHlEDr COOKS APDIv I acce~d untO 4:00 PM FrI- Call for esttmat8 257-3966 PERSON for In house ~ AISE seeks local. host p8r8Otl at Plaa HUt· o~ dey. Api'll 11, 1891. Com- COMPLETE I!lltUng. IUJtomobDe ~ulrei:ll ror .hIgh i!lchool ex- Mech8mst1:30PM ~.leJ.ab deBe. and apps. at VAFlDCAIIE, referencdB required, gooa the SO ~'1LoOV: LO·OttOUT TOWER ~el~~~~~.~3J~ ':lrno~~=Rg. ··=Ut~~~'Wsr= ~padent"8liti:Jb~"hI8B OPERATOR Village of 69, Ruidoso, NM 88346. g~rs answer leave rneasape classifieds. and -aleot vaur'·iIUiI8nt. Ruidoso. Salary &.89 258·4343. FAX~258·301~. FREEEBnMATES J '_'BUNG. HOURLY ~ WID b. GC- EEOE, evarydall... 44 F1rawood 'Dr Sala &S GALLON AQUARIUM wi ~...u.ru":DD~~~ BAKER NEEDED fOr after- refe=-6~8. 8 ~~~~~~.,.,,.,.,,,..,..,, 257-4001 stand and co=~ ac- deac. and apps. at lhG noon & evenings 257-9338 HERBALIFE FIREWOOD FOR BALE call GIlDS 1TC3J21 C88fOd88;$260-. VUIage or Ru1ckt!O.c. 313 Cree 39 Work Wanted INTERNAnONAL ;354-254~;;;:,:"=--=-__,-..". FUn "WId' CAB .OVER Meaaows Or. t"U Or. e9, For PIOduct or DJstrlbutor FIREWOOD Seasoned. spIlt. cnPER 18' $450. RuidOso.' NM 8B345. InformatlonCBR Var\048 types,lengths and a- 505-33&-7863 268....343. FAX-258-3017. GARDEN GREEN t-800-252--0460 mounts. Delivered and UP EEQE. + slacked. Available everyday. ALL aTEE~L ~Q.. DRIVERS- Been T,",re SUPER CLEAN HANDYMAN ~257:::.:"~808~,=' n~r put a -m:plln s, ' Washing, Deck RefinishIng, I do tile. bathrooms, kftchens. - ====--__ 401132 w • 8'2 0 npw Done ThaI? Now If8 time 10 ~the BLACK out walls Doors SEASONED ~ THE RUIDOSO $3,69Q. 60Jdi«f _ $11A70 come home 10 Dallas car- erve &ProtBct years exPerience PINONf.JUNIPERIPINE nap. $8 770 Other dlll8. ClJI.-A with 1 Y'at ypUrWOOd ReasoriableReUableHonesl: MIX ~..=z~~. ftT-oo-~~~: ALSO K:rd walk. Call Rick (505)585-3420 Dellv:.:r~ .' CItY (1.sQO..224-87D8)E.o.E. F::'es'l',:8 LOO SPLlmNQ & stacking. Half cord $70 LUUBI!RAUCTION EXPERIENCED TRAVEL 257-2112 Done bv machine $20 per (NoC8RYlng) , 1:0~ 1997 ~o~ AGENT needed~ Send hour 25'1-3154 336-4624 NEWS , . ~ur. resume to Wortd DIscovery, GRAVELbRIVEWAYS QUALITY SEASONED _RR. axe. t1mbeas. etc. 1009 MeeheIJ;l. Ruldoso. NM Hauling road matertal, FIREWOOD .JunIper, cedar, - aUSTIN AUcnONS BB34S excavatfng, landscaping, pInOn and oak. DeUvered or 869-3713 THE GREAT WALL OF lotleveling you pJck ~. Dflfarent cuts ,~.n= .. _ .... " . CHINA ha. FULL nMEJ Ucenllled, Bondec:f, Insured avallable. Reasonable prtces. ,,,UI.R COR', namert'. PA- TIME sid - ...... _ Bernard Trucking Seesoned wooden fence takes great pleasure in I .,btack wlllthge, .beads no' po ons - ::r. 378-4132 eI P stone V8 • nlCl!l, like nrtwf 'P;jd cook, dl8hwUhe' & wa· . ' ~235B80· reaton . 'ealdng $180. 267..4001 P8r1Kl1W' App/y In p&18OI'1. PAlN11NG-HOME REPAIRS ~-==::'-::-::-:;,:::- ...... !day8. 2913 Suddeith.- Silins, FIne Arts by the hour. , presenting • ... ,,...... fto "'B,WAB _ ~9148. references, 15 Dry oedar -·one STEELQUlLDI..GS: 8Dx4OX- W_-...&U. un yea!'Slnarea cord $110 two tG, $4184; 40lCSOx14. In person at PiUa Hut on - $7JISB: so..,~~ "G.377; M9Chem1d 1:30PM HOUSE CLEANING llltm"lbe ~lJUi'PQ8sI.;MJl be swarded·DII'.;;, .t4r~'t1I\'!1h :PltM~ ll:it-Jl!ecproptlssls Is 5:00 Wf; ~.%J'he'~~be mafled IO::~· .', • J., ".;.~' .. ~,.:-",.:'~.r: .....~ .. 'j:'.;"~;".'~" .' ' __ .... ,'....,. ~!!,.Th.Qm~ ," ~. - - . or Tiffany today. 25-7:-4.01 r. , • I· .,' '_'0" ". .~ . , ' i "....~~ Ao~~---Io...... JI....i...L~ .h-..\o._~ ~ ~ _~ -loo.~j .... ._",. = • Ie ec, _ ...... , ...... "'" .&....lo.-lroo. .a.;. L, b:Lo J.o .!o __ \.. 1. ,. i

Thni Ie. UJC50nlRUldoso Ne_ • An unexpected snowfan Tuesday covered the spring bloss.oms of 'a cherry tree along Sudderth Drive. The Ruidoso Police Department said about four inches of snow fell In town as of 6 p.m. Tuesdey. The ski area was blessed with 10 inches. Orchards aided by late spring frost

by TONI K. lAXSON app1e.trees. ssid the worrying Ruidoso News Staff Writer point.1S whenthe temperature . Several owners of local goes _ low. Even though the orchards are not only happy blossoms aren't out, the buds with this week's unexpected may freeze, he said. snowfall, they want more. But if things warm up _ "It's wonderful. I want much too soon, then orchard another one. Only I want it to growers will find themselves happen now," said Elaine in the ssme situation as they Anderson, a Ruidoso woman, have fur the past live years, who with her husband Niehaum said. Late freezes Hershel owns an orchard of have decimated local orchard bing cherries in the Rio crops, hesaid Theyear before Bonito Valley near Lincoln. that, in 1991, apple orcbarda "'So far, we haven't bloB~ in the area had a _per somed, so we need another crop" he said. However, the snow ... The whole secret is orchard owners weren't able for the weather to stay cool to adequateJ,y market the pr0­ enough" so the blQssoms duce and thoussnds ofapples emerge when they are not rotted, Niebaum said. vulnerable to a late spring Now, 'We don't count the freeze, she said. apples until they are in the Susan Montes, who owns barn." . an orchard in Glencoe with Both Montes and Niehauin her husband Monroy, said said the hardships ofbeingan h~r apple trees haven't bud­ orchardowner have prompted ded, yet. "But the froste help several in the area to give up them out sometimes by thin­ and cut down their orchards. • ning (the blossoms) out," This year, ifa freeze does­ Montes said. n't take the blossoms and a Ovar in Carrizozo, long­ drought doesn't dry up the time apple orchard owner apples, then local apple Jim Niebaum said he, too, orchard owners are pre­ appreciated 'I\1es

Homes 'n Coming Soon! StIJ.1e New Mexico's Coming April 25th Golden Triangle Featuring articles on - • Adobe building Guide to the Wild • Gardening lips • Choosing the right colors • Our Chamber gets a new look • Architectural design TALL PINES REALTY 2704 SoddertJJ • 257-7786' 800-257-7786

, '

.1' ., f. .." '~. ".- • ....'

It' 'Wtrnr: " .

, ,",,'. ' .' -.;~ , ' '.,; THIRD MILLENNIUM

·A'. '. new".: Ruid,oso. ,,' th~\Y',ihird millennium ~ " , .-".. .. . by BRU,I;E 'E,LDREDGE I YilIlial arts activity will center ~, ,ety, iJicluding more galleries ~ dea1ers. ,Director. Museuln of the,Horse {te ~asingnumber of artists who will 'Shopping areas developed exclusively for ," .' ", '" c8lling our area home. A vibrant 'Brts galleries are foresee- TheMuseumOttheHdrsewincentinu.. ~ will be in.~laee ~ the ~enium able. ~ also predict that ,as a mujor attraction for art and.eUlture tbat,~act as. aJOmt voroe for visual and the ~ of ,RuidoSo in the Ruidoso....ea into the~ ~lJJelli- perlblltung ~ts. The samereasons that and Ruidoso Downs as um.ltwWbejoined,by a vibrailtSJi-eer pe~ will be att.:acte<' to. the area ~11 as Linco~ CoURty The~ter inproviding exeej>tioJilll eUi~, ~ lIJso hold true for VISUal artIS~. Mo~ will enact special zoning 8Dd~tatheviaitOf.$~4'. artists translate to greater aesthetIC van- and abatements. to identa or our cO'QI~unity. , a t t r act· The 'expanded cultural artists of opportunltiea . of theae all media. , flagahip orllBDizations • 0 u r coupled with· wonderful I 0 c a I Bruce EIdnldge local groupa like the acll.ools _ Little Theater, our , children ...... ; will be Community Concerts, prime beneficiariea of this, Community Chorale and artistic upsurge: Artists "jihe new Community will be more visible ,and 'brchestra will bring a 'vocal about the priorities , _alth ofartistic and eUl- given to the arts and cul- tural opportUnitips to the tural offerillga in the area. • schools. The recently . 1... ,P.!\lldil't tbot. th approved Lecture and Per- MuseWn Of in" JtiiioIl8 ana ' formance Hall to bebuiltby ) the Spencer Theater will' the ~09~ Y1ll propel aes- both receive extraordi- thetic actIVItIes to greater nary national and intt,>r- ~minence in the commu-' national recognition for nlty. Performances by specific exhibits and school band !,nd ~raft}a artistic performances as depart,,!,ents wlll contmual- the new millenium opens ly proVIde art forms to our Performing arts wili ~, ~ple, making them . additIOnally aware of the CODDote new meaD1ng as wider offeringa in the com- the s~en~r Theftt er munity. lures qualIty perfor- mances to our area. No m~ttEfr h~w ~ou view National touring produe- the commg ml1lemum, the tions solo and small arts and cultural activities group perf':rmances will of the peat<;r Ruid,;,so bring top names from commumty wlll prOVIde stage acreen and concert added venues and attrae- hall b, our village and its tions thst will stimulate seductive ambiance. attendance, ~d make t~e Ruidoao might become the arts a more VItal player m next Santa Fe or Taos due the life ofthe area. to the theater's influence. More individuala from A1buqu~rque, El Paso, Amarillo, Dallas, San Antonio and theil' surrounding commu­ nities will experience our cultural Many splendors make up the expe­ otTerings. I prildict that artistic and , rience of living in Lincoln County...all cultural activities will steadiJy move this, and the arts and entertainment, up the list ofreasons why people choose and the joy that comes with liVing in a to travel to the Rujdoso area. beautiful land.

Orchestra. installed in Ruidoso, the com­ "I think there are two munity no longer will be as things about the future ofthe ieolated. ~ ...her, he noted. area that are pnltf;y p1Bin," Harmon emphasized that said BJ>en- Theater Fine the theater wlIl be booking A1ltR ~ Rand Harmon. _ lOr """"Y demographic "RuIdoso Is In a period of and economic type In LIncoln grqwth whether we like It er County and surrounding DDt. It" nolhmger. the undls­ areas. covered 4llJ¥DbJ< People are "We're going to bring In buying _ty around here family shows year-arouncl. and bulIdirig. Ti<:keta will be very reason­ "IbeothI>r thingisthatthe abls. There aJwa.vs will be' a Spencer Theater will be ticket at the Spenser Theater ~ In dilferent world­ lOr Ieoe than $12," Harmon cIaas events e,&d1 year into a said. "We Intend to ~ that oomImmity cu1bue that ba&­ promise to the community." A), b!td that -...IocaI\y. 'Ibbroaden theappreciation ofchildren fbr c1ppejcal music, '1'bat'B going to ""- the eeh__willbe """"JId&.v IIii. ed perfi:a:'DUUroes, he said. • ,With the lntanlet and ~optie phene Iiaea ~ Please see Culture on Page 8 , 6,: BigDa

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Fax: 505-257-7053 .•~~I1"P;·~r,d,City M!U1!'1ll't .~", .B.r:jll'll ,is ,the Intersection ofMechem Drive~ o Please call me regarding , ~icfu6'6ih'ie--:a tlg!1t"SP\>t ~wMter ,.the ski crowds leave the mountalnll! ~ additional intonnation P.O. Box Us. Ruidoso, NM 88355 Mechem widening project near start

. by TONI K. LAXSON the eonstruetion will 'phaseis expeeted to be ~ Ruidoso News Staff Writer depend on how quickly the million, with the state p A prqjeet started in the' state can acquire right-of­ ing$7.3 millionand the '~. 1913Os, the.. widening of way for the first phase of lags paying $900.000. ' Mechem Drive has been the prqject, a 2.8-mile The second phase of. delayed,' revis"d and stretch of Mechem Drive prqjeet willbBgin ~. delayec:i some more. from the intersection of f"U'Btphase is 'COJJ!Pll> Sudderth Drive to White WlUteesl said. It cottl~'seI This fall, construction of Mountain Drive, Whitesel 2.6lnile.e ofMechem . thethree-'pbBse.prqjeet is said. He antici­ slated to finaJbt begin, said pates being ahleto Alan Briley,... Ruidoso's open the prqject to deputy mlltUlgel". bids this summer. ''There 8Jl' some people .Briley said ,wlw au-$ J"fi.D not happy Mechem Drive will wi*.it,~~tht!r& are some retain its present .whtt'-,.I\l'S,· saying, 'God, four lanes at the ~ . Jllease .jUst tlet this done,- interseetion of .Briley lI~A Sudderth. A third, the P"'Vl!l:t hit its first turn. lane will be . delsy in the- 1913Os, when added from Tar­ ". ,. • "\he engineering firm hired race Lane north to. <., 'by the state announced Barcus Rl>ad. The' to'remove houses and road becomes live ;'1;'".,.. . ~ hills along Mechem lanes from Barcus " . :,.i. '. • Briley said. Public to the Ruidollo .,. ':.; '" against the proposal Civic Center. Then ',:;,·Ptbmpted the state to ~ap Ws back to three . , "those plans tmd to aElBUDilS l,Jn"iI from the the projeet itself. But then Ruidoso Civic the prqject was moving too Center to White slowly to completion. "., Mountain Drive. .' . '. 'r', .., ',. state hired another enJii. . The third laDe will ~:.'I'v '. , nearing linn in 1993/1994 usedasaturn.I_~I.i",'.. Whjte -to!Jelp~pletethecJesign, tr~u;' areas, 'and, as;'...·}~ ~r$~·,· .THIS Is No PLAcE B~ sa¥., cbmblng lane outSIde :of.:". 'i!liut::to' RUIdoso's growth and :;::J:so, Five-foot Side- 1998 It' '. . thus its prqjeeted fu.ture.. also will be added au $7 lniws east IS .. trafl'ic congestion are the . both sides of the road all , on. . .D ETERMINE ~.~. retlBI>Ils behind the expsn_ B1clrig the first phase from' '.In ~s phase, a .tIii·1'1l ~nwork.Bas.edo~prqjec- Sudderth' to White e!nnblnglans will be 'ELE'cTRI'Cn-y;·. tions by the state. tnIftie ~Drive.. ~ northbotuul traIIie,aw1\'w!ll'inereaI!e by, s~w~l""'~"" ·~~~!.:I'lllhe,eare_. . t ::'~~':iw":.:=::=:'lf:d: .3ll'lbin:16yellrB. . .w_~, ~~.. t . s' strongly about rheir udlilJ' They ~ mar rl>eir .j\lI.m Whitesel, a prqjeet =;:Woy tlte • ~~~;., .' ad .fot' - =~urdoM::~,=~~f=rry . ,£~;..~y '.~l~ ". ,..J! . \It..:,'); • . lItim"" ilimhbefirst . 'Of ,edi, . Otero County Electric Cooperative, Ine~ . :tr~-;..~ ~~l:;f' ;,~""" ~;, •__·" P.ft' ON'!?"M'~~- 88317 . ''llllO/). .."" . ',.~:,~,m'l C ~ ~.t lUU

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-'f ~ ~: owing, Rui,!pso? .. ,; '.:, ~~ J~~ i. ., """ .. ..J1i .ttolfllgure below which no ·. . DOw will l;e ~. Accep~ ~he proposition ·.' _~ Grincls_ Lekels e reservoir fed by sea­ ·' oooal preeipi~tion, and let ~ Iev<>l fall when ,do". fi0'l\l!o \Ow. ~,I$ aa nrotural for Grindstone L8ke to iIlvP w_ ....noff quits aa it Is for • ., .JilIephant·Butte Leke' • at·.·the _e Pump the. Grindstone bam seepage baeI< to aa tbOl' :.._.~ .; : L" • .." the lake (or tremment plam) instead ofrephre. ~ ing it with fresh river water.o. the State ~l)tt~t"i:i:...... tm. Pollutants .''Uke-'lif~,.. -itis b .... its .water ,quality . frooa non-eoDCormlng septic ~1qo in fue upper . lSlie4' ...... ,.·.".c E DC - BlJidoroo R\v.er~on;lis. Tha canyon have apparently been rendered harm· .' . at!ltll<.,C!f, tIli>. .' • _ river'. future first less in the past by dilution, turbulence, aDd IJ"lV«!"=~=~ -ih. the ineMl;lSed CiIDBCItY or the .. aeration ofthe river in full flow. This may not ;~ ;~: "~~nt ...-now'be'VJllltl;v be so when much ofthe river is diverted. 'llliU"1U - '-it ~~....b. the ~::;could be' Institute" the conservation measures that ·'·=St,l,te·· .:!:"'" fnlJD it. WIJIt' cr8dit ~ """""" 700 almost every other western city has already put li!iIl >'I" 1m. '~'lperyearlfaVilJa&e'pet1='to add '_ in place: 1) Restn1cture fue water rates to cre' ~'dilPIelB-~ .!",ell P'(~ to the credit base Is . ate a forceful economic signal when someba..dy . <,'--.' '. - . -., 'm -..dJ'ouab-t... MOre~~ by far is (bin BeeP'" JOIIIHIDDodderllbeRuidOllONews uses too much. water. 2) Enable inexpensiVe ~':',,~·.:een1tliilaSo" .' Bl>id"~" _~""_ .•-.Wheu.!ljaf!owta*",reached2,400acre-feet AJlDOd :=~'s.roperh. contal'nod•. can pro- retrofit of water customers' wasteful appli- " ~ .,-.-: '. • tioIt' was '. ""'''"'''.', -~~.. iJi.~:U89.,the.State Engineer -..~ anoes. The cheapest water any utility can tiie"")Hieit.v(ifthewater~tthe'~,~for dam repairs. Co yt ewatel'wit ut estroyrng the Rio Ruidoso. acqulrelsconservedwater.Manyutili~ieshave ..Dam-"""" being'clOUlilqd to two ·'1'OrIl .... .i!!lt>t aeaJa has zedUl'Bd • Note _t _ move Is stW wifuout auUwrity Rlund it economical.to provide free retrorlts to . S1l!D'<1'I¥.,··, the Inss ~.,wl1lUlO'e fuan BOO..- in ~ subatanee. Downatream diversion has not -replace6-gaJIontoiletawiththe new 1.6-gallon -. for the river'S ~~sevei-- 1996 find 'n,ore _n 660 _feet in ~t Iieen approved, nor can it possibly take " units. The "!Jl'w.> admini_ation is already liP t.cJ8eth8i' to .... w IiiiJilethI'ng . F.I_ 'WitbciUt Council approval. a favorable moving ahead Wlfu this. . i!OYJ -.. tb preaeiove the , BDd they raJiged "- ~O ..-:~.per year to .100"" jOOet satbnate, and voter epproval or a bond Bring the· Pk1.nning Department into the 1lfftD. Ruidoso BiveJ" ~ .t. tiJat thfID 1,000, so It rema1l)S to be &eQ.~ w~ . early petition.. however~ CQuld save fight to preserve the river. Zoning issues such ~was to OOIDJDenee • sf:U'd1' or ~Closo tile rate will eYe! ~ .m~ ~. The.~ . "Pr0ce8Bing time and resolutiQn of as setbacks are inconsequential in protecting ..ater A'fstem; a study _t Is DDt _~ 1br such high vanabilit.v IS unc1ear.. nd fue Assoclstion Is most grateful property values compared with defending fue and p8r1laps-never will be. . Far.fDontimportant thaD GriJidstone »am.·s . comddered. ' river. Ruidoso is in a small and tightly con~ b9AaolordinJr to ~. State Engineer'"Offioe, the~ ~ r.... river water, he."""'!". Is a.lbnda- ,," . River Association haa grown etrained watershed system fuat will support jptricaq of1tuidoso·s wata'rights BDd the COD-· ,menta!question. Wb;r. wasfue river diverl£ci.dtlt to 500 members, it has increased its: only so m~ taps, and at some point, fue vU- , ~ts, on their exeeutioa makes them the ofitabed upstreaminstead of~'aiits in' . with village. administl'$tors and lage will just have to say no to new connec- coJDplex in New Mexko.' . junction wi~ Carrizo Creek'I !l\he (and~'• ted grea~. From fue bd'gihnmg, it tiona. The village Is holding the line on limited icIQso owns BDd 1_478 acre-feet per utterly einlp1istic) answer Is ~t II0_downStream.. .' clear _t however much we disap- hookups and Is proposing a new economic . ofrigbta on fue Ruidoso River BDd sever-. diVel'Bion would require _ power for pump- . of.tlte water syatem•. its problema were impact fee to end the subsidy that prior prop- .ueand acre-feet on Eagle CI'eek. BODle in iDS 1:0thevillapfaucets. Blit PUmping ClOIits are -not .... produet ofthe current administrators., erty owners and taxpayers involuntarily ~~t·tenanq with Capitaa.·00 both water.: trivial in comparison with the value ofa ~ but .rather a' cross they have to bear. In meet- bestow on newdevelopment. • the rights can be eurciaed by ein'::Jf noia,y river flowing through tire town. ,. ings, "'! haye found -~ many of our recom- Finally, the Association proposes a review of t iDto the aquiters under the rivers as How many .. ~ ofdoJlars would BODie mendatlons haVe been welcomed. others thef'mcal'and,manageriaJstnlctureofthewater IIiIl'liY ~ aurfaos water. Bu~.theavailable other eommumtY pe,y to have Ruidoso'S river, already cons!d~ and initi~te? Beyond departmen~.M~utilities have citizen advise?' ~ ~ E"l?" ~ Is probahly fll!' less the ambience it has created, BDd the tourlat· doWnstream divers",,!, theAsSOCIation haa reo- bo~- Wlfuout authority, but !l"anted a pulpit thim·the rlghte mdicate (not UI1CODIJIlOD m the doDare i~ has ga1'neFed over fue yeanIl Wifu· ommended the followmg: to discuss, argue, and publicly ..... and water pol­ Wesll). \UJd ofthe 478 acre-feet ofRuidoeo River this in. mind, fue Aasoc:latioJJ has requested" Maint¢n the battle ~nst system lenhage, icy questions. We suggest fuet revenue bonds, Dcbts~ 180 aere- r_ are on a reintively short- immediate consideration ofa 'transfer pipeline now drr,pptng from' its Old level of 1/3 of all rafuer than general obligation bonds, be issood term lease. BDd pumping s~tion to move downstream water production. Thi. is already a high man- for future improvements in ~ to depict the Beeides wa_rights, specialcredits are also wa_ to the Grincls_ treatment plant to agement priority, BDd nofuing sh?"ld super- rats increass inflicted by the expenditure. Eifuer availld1\e. Tha village Is credited with its dis- take fue place of upstream diVel'Bion. Villall" sede it.. . of _ reforms might have avoided Ruidoso's charge or treated sewage eft1wmt because that mllD8geinent has DOW agreed to petition the Install a meteri'!fl station on the Rio Ruidoso two extravagant river fiBSCOB, Grindstone Dam flow becomes available ~ for downatretun . State Engineer to permit a supplementary above the present dl.lJersion. Determine the flow and the old" Treatment Plant No.1 at the upper ~sej.~e eftlU~t.,~~.. ~ited because it .. ~~ .di~ .~ ~f' .~~ ~~. late below wJ¥eh the river l~ ~~s..vital "per- end of the river canyon. ,.I"J 1' • .1. ,., ,,,..I., ·,'\i"~· I~.··,I. ra'r,UOI ,.d. '!;<3~"'(1'!1 n 1

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Hall, Sue K1uthe, Susan ed betweeo the 3p."'. dnd'S p.~. 'Apltl 1 • Gili1d$tOne boat"perinlts go on sale . . .;'j :hdl Z~"_I"lJ!il*ru to,JulceIlolc + •• '.. .': " Lutterman baaebaJlgamoa on Tu.....y, AprIl Aprll 09 • Girls ~II Wn up.('7·181 and pr,oetial umamentAu9' Recreation Commission DistTict. the village of Ruldooo April Z8 -/\dU1t Softball Leegue begins - Softball Complex Aug. +1I2Witdem'~GliltlP.~Vi:lio!$T. • ";1'!'~f. The Parks and Recreation :Il~d:s:st~1I~~dre::~:tsr~ May 7 .. 'Girls SOftball begins .. Travel Team ' AUg~. ,..'Afluh: cO<'ed' ~~.n'be9it.S .. :_ :';~:~;':t1,..~'»:'~' ,:.. ', ~ Department of Ruidoso olte.. a i""",ase so this beautiful facility May 9 , Evening Dan... to jUkebox· 6-11:311 p.m. at 51: Center 1nlg.8 • Evening PlInc:e to JUkl!b<>x '/i"BIi!.:ji!!I1!O!"lS'".entlir .ffJ . wide variety of recreational could be built. May 9-11 .. Gray Hawk Invitational SOftball Tournament ' Aug. 1S - ~ CreaJjt SC)da1 .. 2:30 ,p.,.i..1i tentei'~,ii" ,_, ' :~{fI activities,Ruidoso~not only for the citi- ThIS' new ••M will -eah'",'~u a "-16 -ICe Cre8nt Social 3:20 p.m... at Sr. center, Aug. 16 .. Runners CII.. ssie .. 5.... 10K Ru.iii a Walk at 0 ...,...... 1 .' zens of but also those in .1.. ..._, , "",, •.-, IJlQ;JlI .. B=li our sunounding 'communities regulation baseball field and four May 17 .. River dean-up 8 a.m. .. Noon then lunch (telytatfve) Aug. 1,6-17 .. Ruldosp'(0-. Oasslc ~.. SOftball Tcwrnament ,uc;t' and to all those who come to multipurpose playing fields, May 19 ~ Swim lesson registration - 9; a.m. - swimming pool Aug. 22, - Barbeque _nd Da~ noon.~ S1t~ 9't9v, visit. 1t is our ~:t!::= May 23 _ Evening Clanceto Jukebox'- 6-8:30 p.m. at; Sr. Center Aug. 23-24 .. 5alamander:SIJim~n ~ment', 11 ~.:'io~gh t~:~ areas. The May 23-25 • Sierra 8lanca Opener - 50ftballlbumament Aug.,25 •.Party BrIdge 1bu~{j p.m. at sJer· . ,[~~~ eltorts of 'he multipurpose May 24· Swimming pool opens· open swim 11:45-4:45 Aug. 211··~lng Danc:e to Ju!< - 6-II:30-p.m. ""Sr. Cen.....ee ty of life will this fell. In June 13· tee Cream 5odal2:30 p.m. at Sr. Center Sel>t. 6-7 • Gray Hawk·second Wind lbumey ~ SdItbalI1bumanl6l\f' addj'!ion. to ' d'DJ,l he enhanced, June 9·'3'· Wildem855 Camp activities T,8,A.• Paries &. Rec. Dept. sept. 08 • Women's Basketball ."gan_onal m_ng T.8.A.· Q The deparl soccer, these " "' no' - fields will be- June 16-20 - WilderneSs Camp activities T.B.A. - Parks 81 Rec. Dept. sept. 12 - Last of summer. Barbeques&: Dances Sr. 'center o."'e' ment is direcl- at 02~ ed hy Rafael availoble for June 20· First Summer Barbeque and Danc:e· noon at 5r. Center sept. 13 • Beach Volleyball Day <__>Parks Be I!ec. Dept. :a ad Salas. There other recre- June 21-22 - Cool Pines Classic Softball Toumament' sept. 17 - Co-ed league ~ches meeting R.M.S. "- T.ILA." !I 81 are seven full ational uses June 23-27 _Wilderness Camp activities T.B.A. - Parks .. Rec. Dept. ' Sept. 19 - Ice Cream Sodal ~ 2:30 p.m. at Sr. center flUa( . 3nd' such as little ~1I1;:e m m :I~ league" foot- June 23--27 -1i!nnis fessons boys & girls ages &14 • PubHc Courts Sept. ~o-21 • Mountain Double-Up 0H!d Softbaillbumament 9rf employees to ball oedbase- June 23·July 4 - Swim lel!liolls for balilnri..... 9;30 Be 10:30 Public Sept. 30 • Men's Baslultball Leegue begins :erlv do lhe out- ball~= Schools '~" Oct. 8 .. Co-ed Vol.leyball League begins , ~:' standing job munity of June 27 - Evening Dance to Jukebox· 6-8:30 p.m. at Sf: Center ThIs schedule" is tentative and may change due to interests or q;rAil 'h":\-~~i do~", Ruidoso and June 3D-July 3· Wildame.. Camp activities T.8A· P8rksll'Rec. filets or scheduling. )llIin responsible for the sur... Dept. 'Jam maintaining all the park and play- rounding areas that come to use July 2 _4th of July, Barbeque & Dance noon at 5r. Center ,lOll ground areas, the ballfields at these facilities offered by the July 7-1 1 _Wilderness camp activities T.8.A. • Parks & Rec. Dept. . \1,1.. Eagle Creek, lhe swimming pool, Parks and Recreation Department, ---For i formation tact the foil • f ilflBo the cemetery. Grindstone Lake. need lo enjoy and appreciate. use July 11 Oo1een Pool Party (ages 13-16) 7-10 p.m.• Public School , more n , con owing ac nn the lennis courts, the Senior and respect the many opportuni- July 7-18· Swim lessons (beginners arid adv. beginners) - Public Pool and/or departments: ties . )', Citizens Cenler. as well as the ties lhat are" made available. July 14-25 - 'D!nnis lessons boys & girls ages 8-14 - Public Courts Park a Recreation Dept.• Rafael Salas and staff - 257.5030 lUO~ new recreational facilities at To show just how much the July 18 -Ice Cream SOcial 2;30 p.m. at Sr. Center senior center _Sandee Jorden and staff _251-4565 ...... ~. While Mountain. and all the pro- Ruidoso Parks and Recreation grams that lake place at these Department ha. to offer. in the July 18-20 - Last Chance Qualifier SOftbaIJ lbumament Softball/Sports - C~ucfia Branum - 257-5030 facilities. box at right is a list of the activi-, July 21-25 - Wilderness Camp activities T.R.A. - Park Sa Re,:. Dept. Swimming Pool· Ellen Bizzell and staff - 251·2795 - 257-5030 The new While Mountain ties scheduled so far in 1997.

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• 6 bn fT Two locations, 'C' ... i.is Cable + Kids - au<> - ,d serveY'Oii. .0 .to I .or 10 Ruidoso Schools' .5"In .srl Main Branch Hours 9H ;TQI Internet Link Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 4:30 Lobby Iti Monday - Friday:.8:00 '- 8:00 Drive"up i1q' Sat~ 9:00-12:00 nrive-up ...... ,=~

1096Mechem Drive • (000).258-$186 J, .•;: ,,;~, 'I' ,""' "lae , " i· , If,'" ,plo Full .,~~e locat.:,~t.:.;';'jI Se.t:e...... _~~.:.::.~'"'.:..'., .... <. ' ..., ~\;g. We Support . °1iLC-ch ;"'. i"·, rurr..,a -I, . ';1"'" em :.J:';I'.:.. 'I: ~, .. ,• , ,T, , ,." '"', tin Our Communityl .. -".

• " .' . ,', .~~. , . . , .-' ~j ,: .. . ··1 ~ , :: . " ,l.' 5DcIal/UIloCeI,'~lM.n;h:Z8J'197 .' ...... , .. .: : \ .,y, , .' ~-'!"O""----~----:------..., f l' " t .. o Valley , ., ..,.. . .. ' Commerce ,. of :, .. ,...... ' GOALS:, " Excellence: Superiority In compar­ Isons. insistence upon the highest standards. and willingness to go \', . . , beyond set limits. ,t.~ iitH I... 19l16, Service: Advancement of the common ':'ll,~ ...... tbeit Ii""" ill, good. attendance to individual needs. ·~c iiccidentB,' foul' ,ot ", , ill, ali:Obol-reJated and Jabor on behalf of others. l' ...lishes. In 1996, four people You are Jnuited toJoin In partnership , '~.... a reeul.t or traffic with lhe Ruidoso Wiley Chamber of aco:liIents, BJNi two of thoBe commerCe. to service Ihe effort 10 ' were a1eQllOi' rel8tecL " In In' 1996, ",", te.l"-l'8"rs build a community of excellence. died in our cdimtyTdb.do AVENUES OP SERVICE: DWI. It tIounds promiSing, but we bave a long Way~to • TRADI1l0NAL CHAMBER 01' COMMERC.E ' " and a lot or work otiIl ' , EDUCATION: Workshops, seminars. private consuJ,allons. referrals. and 'nformatlon .' or'\18. ,: I I _ ..- ~MMUNICATlON: New~letler, after hour activities, 1VProgram. and publl~ appearances It is the responsllWiW elL ,"COORDINATION: Municipal schools. Eastern New Mexico UniVersity R\oldoso Campus. ser· ' ~ citizen in our _'._,'":'. " ,. viCe and civic organizations, ancl all levels Of goverrunen' _.--,I -"~#,'1 I, .:' -d~ATA BAsE: Largest collected data bascof area infonnation . de wbat they can to lie , GREETERS: Welcoming new eqrnn\erclal ven'ures, Ollls'mas jubilee. I,ublle relallons keeP'OUr Dumbers down' and 'I . _,. 'ECONOMIC GROWlli: COordinate wilh other agencies in advancing existing enterprises and our streets and higli~ajB f d~' '1l ~g~ngnew business,for the area; aare. It coste exEretlyi 26'! . ".:" ".l.~ .. ADVOCACY: Lobby on behalf of business. promole locallrade. represent the commercial cents to avoid being Bn7tI8ted , " ,) ',prixale sector In all arenas pertaining 10 Ille well helng of husiness. ". for DWI, or killing "".. ;,mur~ ".~,' ·noVtilITOR INI'ORMATION CEN'rER/TOURISM MARKETING " ing someone.ifyou've ~too .'.The official Ruidoso Area Tourisl/Vlsltor COOter· Area marketing agency under contract mueb to drink. That's the , wllh 1M VI1Iage Of Ruldoso si""" ~900 , coSt of a phone call - ~d in - Handle 100.000 visitor IIlQldrJes annually. an increase of 47% since 1900 nearly every. liquor estab- . ! • Receive 28.000 walk·in visllor inquiries annually. an increase of 36% s!nce 1990 lishment in the coUnty. 'the -Provide a 24 hour lotuisllnformatlon center bartender, waitre8B, or man- • Leadership in special area events i.e. Aspcnfesl. Oktoberfest. etc, ager will pay for thatcall. So - Lodgers tax and gross recelprs tax revenues have increased 35% and 22% respectively there is no .excuse. since 1991 It would be nice to begin a • CONVENTION" VISITORS BUREAU. ' new century without an old _ nle official Convention & ViSilQfS Blreall . under conlracl with the Village of Ruidoso problem that has haunted • SUpervise Special Events, Director New Mexleo for years. After - convention inquires. conventions marketing and sales. consultation wUh convention and being No. lin the qation Iri meeting planners, large group/convenllon coordlnalor alcohol-related traftic deaths for the past 16 years, New MEMBERSH'P: The Olan\her has 510 members Of 100% since 19921 represenllng r_ of regis· Mexico DOW is No.2. LIncoln ,an Increase rered commercial enrerprlses In fhe. Ruidoso area. County has a very good chance of joining several Ruidoso ~Iey Chamber of commerce other counties which did not p.o. 698 • 720 SUdder1h • Ruidoso, New Mexico 88345 bave a single DWI fatality 1-800·253·2255 or 505·257"7395 Fax 257~93 lastyear.A better group tobe listed among, wouldbe one of eountiss that bave 'bad no traffic fatalities of any kind. Unfortunately, there aren't any members or that exclu­ KEEPING YOU'IN CHECK sive "club" in New Mexico ­ yet.

, ' ~" -'- _ ',_ ....: _ .;'".:i"_ ...:.,'~ ....:_,__' ,_~ ",~ ~,,,,,,,,----,,",_~"_ ~. .~_ L. ,_.. 0_._ __ ... _ ' . . .. ~ t ) ,,'.

~"," '.'0' '.' ", ""t' , .; ,~'. '.' ',i'lllQt'v-.' "., by JULIE BAXTER " "Eeonontle develnpment la a . 't'I"·y:d,,~, ~J Ruidoso News Staff Write, fone:tiDn of tho private sec:to" It'.· f ~ !-':'~i has teapoosibl)iJy' • : •... i(.·...'; The bill been passed ODd the govemment's ~ ~ ~., , ....;h'1.:, (" I the prosld""t has Signed it. Now to create anienvironment for ~DI;i;jJtiJi.''''t-1j';'l it's time for the real work to ~.~ .. '".J • '.,',.j:) . nOmic development. One ~'~I1.~·:'.lfl;>;~,:'::'" ,>~, ·,.A begin. do that is through iDfrostl'UClutll, n . ': Sweeping welfare reform H.men said, pointiD80U1 the. mandates approved . in need for belter road. and a ii&hter !.~t~~~:r;#;i _ ...... D.C. JUt" yea, are tax load. "The infraslructure /i: now bemg put to the real test in needs to-be addressed 10 eneour· .' 11Ckei& wi\l-... very' state capitols KI'O$i the nation. ..businessea to come here." :', 'I'bIIl'itlllwa)lllwHr_,~ tiI!lllIt\ , The refO{lD measures limit tbe But perhaps the most crucial "~t col~ .'. tho .. 'FIiilaltW f "," ~ ~>:"lldd'" '\ \ ". , ' ,.' ~ ~al • ,'. 5, Ift;lS 4. , entitlement ro employment. New to elimin~duplieafioJ):.and more' :~. .-.~ e'~)& ~'j, ~re alM/ioing Mexico DepartmcAt of Labor etficieody use..vailable doU"ars. , .. . '.- .:.' , .. , Secretary Clinton Harden said Harden is optimistic thai the ~linton,.Harden, secretlltY of the'N_ Mexico Department of Labor,' IEian ~of ,;,~ BiPadwaY'l'liJ'at!or. ' -real reform will not come fro. Slate's economic climate is ready. welfare reform, and wants to see business give a helping hand. ' .. ."',~ uauaJfr 0DIy "'0 III government. but fiQm the' blisi- lO absorb addltlonBl work force , .,-' -,;,: <·· .. "Iy~"hel8ldi . ~ ness community. members. ''llelWeen 10,000 and 0JllllIIiza1i' •: ,'0<. ' . illB for a slate grant CD create a going la solve this prob­ ::;,"t:.~ng ~vall- Benefi..~re.he wel;;;;;'~ 1!lIII~' lem. tbe private sector for the jDbs . !ifeline fo, Cui is ,l'OOtralized

.;t.!'I ... , ....

'nc .S ~PEN(ER' 11I­ TH EATER w- "'" .:,./; World Class Performances in 0 World Cfass Setting;:;; '~.'f"., ",~ ..., . Besinnins: in OCtober ~ best spot in: Ruidoso fM ...... will be Ihe Ria ofIhe new Spe..­ Tbeatcr for the Perfomdns Arts ~9ft the mesa offof State HJshway 220 (Sierra BI8Dca AItpon Highway). The SpeaCer TheaterGalaGland, Opening is O

ofe¥el1lsto~~, .·f vae8doner"8~~'';'" ; Btoadway~,j....~s1ni...... ' eotIDtry, modetn donee IlII6 ballet, OIId .fiunlly BIiow's. :"". .' , "

"', . , " .' . .;, , , ,

t", ~. r ~'" it,-· '. " ... }-,f' ,~" .. Ii , • ',\,.~ i!." • . , . , ,JI+_ • ; " " '. ' • " .. :.. 'i,J ': .. •_ ~ . 'i·"./;, .•..... '_~ 'e'_ w"'"....' .'•. '{, . "" ~ , , .. " aiD Street .'. .' !_ .,'J,' . ,

'."1.:: , he .' '11' beatofanyheart- , tourist town is ·MAin Street, what­ ever it's called . What viaitors expe­ rience on the main drag ean fond their imp1'es­ sioB' of'lMl entire town or regmn.'With,.j;hat in mind, lneoming Ruidoso Valley' Chamber of Commerce Presidlmt Ron Anderson and J. , Roberts ~e.-Ann Bolton lll'8 \ lookiag topick up tbe pace of ) • dowhtown Ruidoso's pulse. The two lll'8 part ofa group of local bulliJlds owners who lll'8 spear'­ itellding the creation ofthe Main Street Merchants Association. They hope to form a united front ofMidtown + store owners to work toward positive ·Ch...... em ~SUdd8rtb altrlp.. - Anderson'emPhasiZecl that busin"",!'is good, but said there's always l'OODl for' , ' improvement. "Things.lll'8 good down . there. Wthejust talking about additions Anderson and Bolton have ideas on member," he said. - what we have aud more," he said. how to generate week-long, year-round "We'll be able to addre'lS the needs of Anderson thinks Ruidoso should sell foot traffic, and they want to share their itself, but it's going to· take BOme aggres­ downtown through some sort of democra- ideas with business owners and have tic voice." . sion by busineea owners before that can business owners shlll'8 ideas oftheir own. happen. He's hoping the Main Street Issues the BSIIOCiation msyP.Ji4ress par~'r'egula­ The aesthetic appeal ofthe strip of Merchants Association will be the needed range from prohibitive jump start. tions to buBineBB hours, not to mention stores also is important, Andereon added. any'other issues that may be on the "It needs to look interesting {to visitors)," "Ruidoso is the prettiest town in New Iilinds ofmerChants. he said. "We need to inspire our guests." Mexico," he said. "We've got a package Sudderth Street is not hurting for Bolton, who will be at the helm ofthe here... The people in this community can tourist traffic during peak seasonal n,*" group, is hoping to get the ball do a lot of good things if they just get times, but the Midtown area aleo is sub­ rollin)J in April and plans to start things after it. That's where it starts i~ every ject to down time, too. "We need to pick air Wlth personal visits to Midtown mer­ smsll town that gets what it wants. The up weekday business,"Anderson said. chants. Although Anderson won't be in hub of a small town is Main Street; that's "Ws have tremendous lulls... we have charge ofthe Main Street group, he is how important it is to be a noticeable dri­ slam-bam weekends,'slam-bam holidays. still planning to be a part of it. "I'm going ving force. It's the lU'St thing (visitors) but tremendously slow.. weekdays." to join it as a merchant and a Chamber -see." In search ofa Ruidoso vIsIonee

lIy GARY JACKSON with the Stste of New Maxi... For the future of Ruidoso, tbe Jackson, W,yo., haa observed that a Ruidoso Village Manager Development Fee Act, the Vdlaae time bas come to establish a como. central issue in the role of local mUBt appoiqt an advisory c:ommI"t- munity "'vision." sovemment is ..... the line between ~year, RuIdoso i.eIebrated its tee to review and _ any This procees is one ofstructured· the communili'fs ability to regulate 50th anllW-U'Y ils .a Vill"ll'!' proposed i-,> or development public input, collaborstion and for the quality of life and individ­ This ~1I'"!l,CB1J!lS to revisit teas beJlmo implementstion. community cetnsensus building on ual property rights." OUr l!OiDIIIuDlli'fs histIH'y. Now, as Of-....e, we km/w thetR"idoBo a variety of issues, beginning With This visioning process will aaaist we IlIJP<'OBCh the miIIenoium, We is onJ,y _ eommunit;Jr in Hncoln the identif'lcation ofthe core values the commuDity in dealing with musfdetermine our desired com- ~ and Lincoln c::ounw. like ofthe community. fundamental issues such aa this. inunity pals as well 'as mapping ~a"" otber areas in the Rocky Among tbe issues which need to One should also recognize the out a stratellY to get there. M"cnij,_ region is experiencing' be addressed duriDg this process trend of the "passing down" of Mluly oftI:le tools to _ US in growth. theNOV1lIJIber 1996issue are: lIUstaining the quality of life, many traditionalfederal. and, in ptitgl:i!saingto t·... next ceJ1tury are ofSnow try III$il8Zine, Lincoln .gIQwth management, sustainable BOID.e casea state responsibilities, in P\aIie. '!be Wlage of RuIdoso Cilunt¥ JistadasNo.9outofthe economic development, cultural ontO local ~ts. ThIstrend hili acb>ted a $48 million multi- toP 12 crowing CllllJDtiea in sftlUrs i)lC.\uding t\1e role of the aisl> manifests i_lf in the so­ , .'lilfraatrueture Cepitill' tll8 "Soiuw . ~ arts, finencing of Public facllities called "unfunded mandates" that .Plan (lap).ovw- ...~ of 'In.'' (inelucIhJg impact fees), -~'~. require local sovemments to meet requirement8. but lack funding ~tAlt~~·.~~~Montsna, =::..,:t~~ assistance to aceomiJlish these to·- , o4'his ~ in ,Lincoln County tion, stsnderde fbr deve1oPinent, requirements• .Dot· onlyjnvolvea Iluidoso, but imFoving the ~ofthe Since I believe that it la the role includes other, VPlsges in the community, and so on. 1_ of 10eal ~.:::.ment to promote ~aBE";aswellas We also recognize and lmder­ the eetah nt of a vision for ",.pol'Iitltcl .... of Lincoln stand that def"ming the applJ>p"l'<'OpIopnri'· ourcommunity, I willbe proposing , ~~U Alto,ares and ~roIeof~g.~. '~" , •. -,,".'f ..•'.""';;;!'; ,._,'~~ "'~: , iii.".. olIU,~_'4 ,.... • 'l . i ,. , .~'~~ ;#~';;d , '0..;.0:, ,. '," b~ '. q., ~'tO", .~~ ~ ~. .... , ...,' '4 ,,"I thbik, it will be a fiIl~ I " , dOn't.Mof . ,. ~.~ ~' " : '; ,,;; .' '1aI'ge subdivlaiQ!1e .• over. TIu!re: ', . .iusl' ~ 1lIIY land left; So itwe ':: ckwe1oped. it will.....'Iu:J,yttijug=;'be 0111. .." . : ... lQt'.....~... ,: ~:!"-t.•• ," ' 1:-...... 1L._ .... ,; • ,!, _ .' ,.. , _.:. ; , .J!I!I '. _ •• ':~, .' ,.;~ " =w=:t!~ acJde.d . HirllCbfeld, of alty Simrictle. .' • "TIu!re .....~... parcels. We're 'pretty • .• '. on what . there is for I -• "' he BBld. "We will etIIn.;'Jl:· in Ht­ tle pockets and tba'e when> the ,_ ,,~ WUl'be for euia1lsr landoWDere wlJlI, Ii~ve 40-100 , acres. Soule ot::~ will be devel­ , (Jped, bU~ theY~ be __ . ~~:.. _ a mix offami· I~~i'etirementeouplee mov­ ing to ftu!doso. "We have it all, the tetirees and the fami. Use fhafrelocate here·wbile the father is working averse.... for hiP tllCh or oil companies." .·'1'fuI:.....a lacks II true ...... om· .,' .' _ SleUInplTlw_N.... ic .development program. he John Kasovla knows aboutUncolrw~...nty·s 'e4dd. Younlf working flUDilise struetlonboom. '.' eO"- haVe a tough time ftnanciallY. . ' . ~t:s real expensive for first.. time homeowners to get into this market," highwaYs 37 and 48. With the rll,Pid eale of be eaid. But be hopes to see that aituation Iote at Ranchee of Sonterra on Sierra change, andrecently metwith ofticiale from Blanea Airport Road" hoJDetiuilding w.iII, be' the Federel Housi'!f Auth~ty about prO. p1eying catch-up there for years as lot buy­ grams to help f'll"St-time home buyers. ers bUild their eecond homes or future "We need something, because rents ..... retirement bomes. real higb and the housing market is limited Several local buildere have invested in for someone trying to get into a home for speculation homes that they hope to eeII $75.000 to '$85.000, juat becauee thie is a While~ under coIietruction or by the Should you need medical attention, resort area," Hirschfeld said. time ftdiebed. be eaicl. They range Home buyers primarily come from _ in price $150.000 to $250.000. you can rest assured that you will Thxas and other-parte or New ,Mexico. he "With an this new home activity going said. . on, itpro~'be bard to f'md someone -rhere's some buyers from Califoinia, to do re • 1J Bertralnsen said. addiU receive high qualitycare from the Florida and Minnesota, but _ :n.x..... EI that the bulk . bnsineee is rem . Paso. Albuquerque and eio!x>nd homes for like adding'tile fIoorB; adding new·ki people Ii'om all over New Mexico ..... our countere or th-..l windowa. skilled staffofLincoln County b~t markets," Hiraehfeld said. A trend He expects the number of home ~. be's notioedrecently .is that peoPle from from California to Increase eteedily. Santa Fe ..... calling. trying to find'a1terna­ "They're tryingto ..,t_ from the high Medical Center in Ruidoso. 0 , tivee to that aprawHng town and its high taxes and eartluj,uakee, he eaicl. °And they prices. ' .....n·t buyjnlLcheap houses. One "",,:~Ie c'Santa Fe has ptten 80 big," Hirschfeld came in from CaIlfoioDia and told a Realtor said. -we can't grow to that size." because they wanted the biggest house in town." • 24-hour emergency room the town is aurrounded by federal tm_ Regional buyers from plsoea like Artesia I land. aleo 'aCCOunt for a S1J!JI>taii.tiaI pot'tion ofthe • Complete orthopedic services Small pockets is where JerryBertramsen newhOlne market, B~BBld. aleo is seeing home construction today: and Although the munber of homes he has in where he expects to see it the future. inspected latelyis down ~r-to dete • Intensive care unit '''You're seeing construction in places you compared to I8st year: he it's tied to don't normally think oc," he said. "You can tbe drought last ;ywoar and bl! looks for •A wide range ofinpatient and drive through town and see they're fillingin steady growth In tilttuteue.· '. . the voids." "We have a h\If'~ pope$itlon that Outside of Ruidoeo. steady lIetivity COD­ we don't hao'! to:lI9hI on ~:or race­ outpatient services 0 tinues 611ing up the lots at Alto Villa.., track people, B'Mi'ilmeen Iiflid.""People Subdivision at the intersection of ..tate want to oonIe to the,nIouDtains tI;> Hve."

Ifyou have questions concerning our • , .' , services or ifyou need referral to a local . EUlCTRICAL,METER COMP~PN;;;'":,' physician, please call us at for Unincorpo(!,tecl Porti.QDS of. ~Jl''''JlDty ".' and for the Commum~esof lbtidoso llpd;lUid.,.o.D~s , . . ; " . '. .;. ;:\.'. -, - . ! 257-7381 "". ':.>. ~;. :-~' '! "L' ., ',' ~.. " .... ',<:l' . ' 10.50 , .. LINCOLN COUNTY ,,"~ " ... MEDICAL CENTER IOj.(·1CJli.. " ~ ~I' " I , an affiliate ofPresbyterian HealthcareServices .- , ,. :. ',-(Hos:'" " 1',9A~;~1 '." ~500 ,,·~~-·,.t 211 Sudderth e" .. • "t " -, ~834~ :~;'j~~~- ,•' c Ruidoso, NM .J; " "-." .; 'o~n;t"''rIl'' • tiS'm'a'll to'w ...... "k: .. '. (I'w,i,' .' ' I '" , "'f/I:' "-, .... ,.' .j~, . . Ii, '- . . ., " ;'. __..' '" ,v~;,c; ,~ .'o<.l!H rtJi4~"!Jr/itJiJ,::~ii::,;t,,,<,"~'!

nat.io1UlJlly H .' • I ,'\, ',_ ."" ••.•••l'".;.';I.. _.,..•....•. '..... ,.... -'1" __ t .""".'" ,·,·w. .,.. ". , ••' .'1 "':··'~·oa ...... ',),,- -,..'. ,,,',,',~.~....' ", ";"'r""'"" '. .;...-""~''f':' . .. "<1'1' f_. 'L rr~ . ,?' h. . ," , i.: "" .. ~'i""i:'; .\;. ,·h~', . '~iI '.1:; . ,;;'.1. ..1\ .l-,i .. _i j, "i '7("' A~', ~-;". ~,::.rl~'t" "'~'f(': • "., .' t ••·", \:i,j~! .;, "" :,:", ""'f'~, '<.';, , 100 I ,6'~;)~~tJ...n·""'f(,~Jt.: ~i.'t. >,)o:..H i:,~.\:~;;~" ':f/'1.:: '.- ,~-+,;', .J .••• , ("""f ~f .~!,t){i'U~ ',,' :'i" ,.:,. ',' ''', t:.h!'., ,:?~r"" ·y.t,: """b~i " . ,;nf·. _" .7 •'. ..cilow' .1. " • _'. i, }.~~, ...~-. '. "".i'..)'~V~t~"ll ", .•, i' ~l~A'>'" "Rr-:'!."" ,,,",,' 'J::' , ,~ ;' (.;'" " ":~~d__ ·'l·~' . .. l .. ;,. -"·iil>~~. :", ..~." --.", _,fl';. , ~: ."., ,,. ,,' :?!·5"'''':.,'' $~" <, ,.'. ~" , 'i "....~<"'.,'" ~~'~- "iii \>ther - 'allio ~. • -"" ,-,.1" mI'"B'""" "... ."""""'. .",~..:.... "--'" ." -,"....L.:.. ,k;..1I 10 :•..• j.'.,""", ij' .. ,-' ·r ....'lIIS. ~ '. ,_~_" " :r rrfi"'"",>,r,'· .,., .•.. ,'. ". " TIitlch_l+' joinsd "... APachlB '1'J'ails , . ~ .,. ""~...,r~1~~..=~~~ce:=.-~R:r~ ,••Uwsm- ~m~'JlI,!idosoDowns, LUico1,.. ~pitan __ntitls. .._ _~cfCiuTliozo. . 1 ..... is~ ~ ill _D1J~; "We ~mote this immediate ngion '. ~tis out there." Sliid through it;" Bailey said. . 50UKe Is 'fexas-.New Mexico Power ". " ; .....tive directcii' of ths Last ~,BeileYalso becBDle a m~mof .~ ~ ofCOJiUDsn:lB. "It is tIul 8IJutheast Regional Marketing , ... . ,id.... ~we sitdown IU'OIlIld a table ~ streI;clJes -its reach even to Where the marketing responses come from is made clear in this chart providlSd 'Plit .~ some marketing plans for incluo;le Car1llbad, Artasia.. Roswell. tas. by the Ruidoso ValleY Chamber of Commerce. Texas remains the powerhouse for ...... _" Cruess and Ell'as.o to the DUX. , Ruidoso visitor inqufrles. but oJher states are coming on strong. ~ • the chamber lastmonth fuvit- -We"'" fu the Pl'Ocess,. oC creating a ~l marketing pertners to the brocbure to 80 after 1arge ...... p business, .• .'Summit." "... ti~ was~as bus!'ll'-'" Bailey s..rd~-. . ,:,_.'\We eiso,iWlUlt fa create a marketingenVl­ '~ve Texas retains top market status e tims of)'l8lll' we're all workinB I"ent for trilVlB1writers and s:l"""d.. ':~~)'l8III' starting : .. ', of~~~:"''':= ~~ C:la: Ruidoso's msin advertising market histor- "So that's a market we'd'like to get into," =- Bailey said. "What (t takes is monsy. But if · . 's -,eral' ·\im.m...... part oC thestata tbsre'sso ' ically has bsen Texas. and it remains that the D--..... way based on trsckingthe home basss oCvis- ..we work together as a community and as a lI,OOOWith' ,-...rto see.anddo." ... ~ters to the community. lar'ger region, that's something that isn't s intotnil· One WIlY to pin an even larget' advertIs- "But what's always intriguing and chang. Pl'Oblem. Wejust have to get theplan togeth- ,.....- s " • " '. .,ingreach i4sN~,partnerswith,outllide ingon a dai'" basis is the new reach markets ~.n , ~ '. ::-.:;:tor· king ...... JIi...... i~· ..... ·~tioJdI tbt\t inaks that we wa~t to - after," ssid Joan Bs"-', Iq order of impOrtance, the chamber's ~p ~N~=~' ~~'t'l:~~~am::e:.~ C=::o:=~.the Vali~ three market areas are Texas, New Mex1CO . '. 'oC . Ruidoso and Arizona. California is a close fourth, 'J Ian..ers in this are/l such as ths- SO many dollars with that credit card, then ..many are l'IrBt-time visitors and why tbey're Midwest and Northeasl," she said. .l!IliSewn or ,the Horss and ThIS Spsucer the company wU1 dedicate a Pl'O~ . coming," Bailey said. ' Ths chamber has determined that many oC Theater. as well as continuing partners at BDlount back futo the community's edvertis- When the chamber noticed the number of those visitors learned about t;he area - the (Ruidoeo Downs) raestrllCk and Ski ingbudget. ' . visitors and inquiries were incressing Crom through advertisements for time share units Apacbs IIQIl other individual businesses that "IC we look like we have our act together. California, thsy divided the state into quar· "in Ruidoso. :.thJ:ough "the. yearcs have done some coopera- we'D be a lot more attractive to BUch enti- ters and determined that southern "We get tremendouS national exposure itiye·ad~~~thUBl~.., "':' .,,,, ~tiAt8.":.... : ;:'.. :;, (' •.,·.... ·· ...;-:1.1 ....:L: 9aJiforniawasthetruemarketrqr.c..~uid.e.0!iJ9. from time shares," she said. -v'.Jv J'.,'",.:,' "lev.: ....;1 tol·~"J ,~,)~ •. ,,'". ;~,l.V.I--.r.1 ""l~" !'.ullU' ·':U""I.j~L/> ~lT ·)~l ,,,·.~,h~·of ',,1-1 \ j,>111'< torr ',,,.-1 hl.l' ".. '

The Village of Ruidoso Do'WD.S

Mayor: Joe Hayhurst 1hJst&es: MaIjIe Morales, RayHayhurst. JUdy MOler and Jackie Branum. VlDage Clerk: Leanne Weihbrecht ViIageAttomey: Robert BeauvaIs

Village Of Ruidoso Dow~, . . . PO Boxa~~Ruid9lW DoWns, NM 88346 Aclmlnlst~tlon.Orflce. 122 Downs (505) \378-4422 Our DBDle stands alone ~~~~~~·c~i,~·oniy::::::::::~:~~)~~8$-a~~ because our people stand together. ~~~e'1t.":< ~:.~.: " . Fire, ... •••-:.••..•..,..•(505) 378: 01 -- \ l '_ 0: '" -, , <.f-'· ,MunlQfl t;;t"" .. .••" , (505) 378 421 ·POII08<' . :.;.~, _; (505) 3784001 Over the years, GTE has made, name stand the names of a lot . f";,~" M~:k;\ _•..(505)378-4421· a name for itself. A Dame thatJ of quality GTE people. People , "c'.,·.;,. t ~ 378-...."..9' , j .... ·*'W~~~·,····W ....., -..-, j symbolizes high-quality. com whose personal pledge to pro­ ,.~~ (15OS)378-5420 " ~~ ,~ munications products vide outstanding service forms • C ..... ':l"f' .. :.; ••.. -.'. .' •• and.::J ~).. ~ ~ ' . •1f.,' t·· .!Ijl:;;\":,:;,e+' ""Fd, .J '0 vices. The kind our CUElto the foundation of our success. \,~":l -.-J.I~!· ?~J~~'t.'~~f~ ;~.-l>~ .'.~-,' ~ .'\" .\ .... ,::;• '. oftomorrow will depencl,'on; as Their commitment to your sat­ . ; ,'-/ '-ill h', .•. ....- ,,''-. "J . tr,)J1':"'J\;'.\ill,. . letel cOntideaiial·'N~~jjlfn\\'i;'.~ .istaetioll spells out exactly ",,'j', ~'_- - ~. ,v CQDlp Y and . they do floday. i:!)11', ,. .What GTE is all about: ~ut b~~iJ)clpur !l~~3' I;'i.Uting o~~ cUlJtomA?rs first.

.... Itkaf1lP .· '., \W~~ " . -'..:~/ ' .t- ,;... • i ~ '~. . ".';.'.: .. "j ,, '., • .-._.- • • ,k • ',", . '.

$6,120,796 6,0 $5.924.581 , $5,698.532 ~, • 5.5 i .:.. f~, " • ..J;" , . , , ."...,. , 5,0 • .,• .~ • I •, 4.5 .992 . .... "993 1995 199~ , ,, ; , ' soUrce IS the vldlll.e:tJr:«uidOso

':'C· -. ,I : ~. ,'. ... ~~::n~~:w\~~t~'lcI. ! ' ,1.(', ~ , •. ;*" •..+7'! ;, . .:.-.,.~ , oJ.Do~', i\Y,MONkGY .....~1 . CclurltllQIi 0" ' .' J:;hairmarl, ',. . ~. ~ '(ll~ of. Ruidoso ' .. ',' ¢QU~;:::t'\CO', ~~~tm:;;:"~ ~1IIU1~~ :1~~J.;~ :~'==-J: <:ilJled the DatUral rjgbts of ple. m~His'. wae that 8eveJ'al ofthe ioo IIIUnIc­ the . the individu81 ipalities in New Meodoo onlY be limited when J;ulve taken on a veay urbcm I, in eoDfIict:With the ~ of . PersoruiJity. Some of theee another. It" is this conOiet cities bave grOwn raPidl¥ between the rlghta oftwo or and ... plajrued b¥ their more inclividuBls that IP"'! inability to keep up with .' us rise to the "'!""oa'ty of growth In 'provlding eer. ,. ,,"'..' '. ",.,. . .,'.II~t. 0a1Y ~- vicee and infrastructure. '~'l.·· , 0, . ,,," ., '." . ., '. Iment define that e As suit ofthisstrug "ii~'g' ~'~~'1t':5ar'.J:: "~d _~ ~n, of Moline, lU;ttew ~r.-~;;:;;:; =~ ~eekat:...: ~,.:..: ordinances ba"'; ,,," ' ..- Bu". ' fOr thefirst ~recentlyi visit relatives, and wen> impressed. Ito .lite, l~ and ~pur- evolved to ac;ldress ~ par- , . ,.' .._, . 'i :' ··suitof bappiJl"iltjB without tieuler area m question. ~~;;~=f.j'wtth'The SWiBa, . Star will.be dropped from the nelUe·, ~onthetseme pur. In 1988 the Count¥ ~ " . '.•' ,.Jrm ~ on entirely, DowneBsaid. I SUlt-b3! another. Comlllission attempted .to ..':Vil.calUtn,~ deals to. ~en has 13 ¥earB in the'com-I u.f:'~1ab:sIe~= take a collection of m:di- . DBpOrtatiOD. I _._...... our r'illl1uilli,..•_'''ft~ =to- . 'al' Ii b' h'd "':">"'~,__.-in conetitu. nan",:s from surroUnding a constraint of tIiose pnate langu_ and then "'. .';,. . .,URlNJ.. '. e 81r A1th h Rid'" the . .. ! same righta. proceed to call this creation. ,te. ,.bf\t;a.gileate, she s.uL oug u oso carnes after ~ 1. Th~ prIC1Dg B¥S~ The concept of grouping a zoning ordinance for' ,.~.~Air operates a market in the s"mmer, Roswell car- may. mc1ude savmgs. for f81Diliea similar uee~ '!'~~into Lincoln County. "..Er~ that departs DaUaeIFort rIea it in the winter. Downes wanta booking ahead, ~rslOn fares ~ , the ~eme VICIDI~~ reduces The final act of the com­ , .. "'Atiport at' 9:46. a.m;, and ,to change that and develop a strung benefita for the busmess commum- i oonflicts~texiatl Indamod. mission was to pass the · ". D;...... _ 1 . I dra~ in multiple sellBOJ18. .... C te passes l' • ern SOCIety. n enaer . rdina I' · .' ...~ .at -1 :36 a~m. t "'J. ommu r. are popu ~ m I regions, ordinances have ~ 0 ~. t 18 a :Q.wdoso at 11:60 a.m. and Lone Star introduceli service to Aspen, ahe said. ' I imJJCQVe


, I .. ' •

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... ,. .. .,

... Members of Ruidoso's Class of , '99 ponder whether or not they'lIlje prepared to enter' the next century•. They.express doubts and uncer­ tainties about careers, the growth of , col­ lege and life after "', the Warrior way. These "Generation Xers" have their own .takes on what thedfu~~ ~ay ," hoi • ~ Pictured are four Ruidoso High School students, who shared their thoughts with our student columnist, Meredith Keeton. From left to right are: Sheryl Erhard,. Cassi Swanner, Keeton, Kyle Sparks and Wes Temby.

• Xpressions, Xpectations, Xcitement - . G:enerating tho:ughts. on a·time to come show adults acting able when we are lookl..,for them. like we're a 10at More specil'"Uld learmng during cause, like how high school would give IltUdeatll an the Intermediate Idea of what thay want to do School got the ...... wise. "It would help .... lfwe Internst before we were given more directioD In find. did. We need this lug our career Interests ...... we technololq, to he go off to collego. The coI1ep ready for collego, and until .... got requjrements ehOuld also he more it we'll he h8hlnd,. Casel eald. fIexlble eo that studeate can .. Rislllll costs and requirements more of the claeses that will hBIp ofcollslleare an~wmTy for the them In theirjobs, and .... ofthil class of'99. "I think it's riiliculous onee theY won't need,. Sheryl 1IBid. that a ClO1lep __ might nat WeB disagreed. "I thlnIi some even he enoullh to _tee.... required cleseea are outdated, hut jobs after 2OIRI," Sheryl Erhard it's important to have. a well­ '.1Jid. 8tu<\ents know that 'u..... roundod education because ;you tb":v can gat' a ..... lUll sbholer- neverIinow hoW limitedthejobiliD shiI>, tI!!':Y -.eel to plan abe.,.. the field you would.like to Work In' ScihollU'ehijill' cloil't -..I to otrer are IlI>buI to be," he 1IBid. much comfott either. "It's impOl'- WithoUt 1Jeinlr able to pncUct tant for me to foculIed on aca- the tUture, I don't know what.. In demlcs and .. ~ pleD ,for a etore for the Cleea of '99. It ..... ~ ' helpllle I'I\:Y . beea eaId that Cl-.. will be fewer ~. ti.~, ~.. • P.at, 8\8b1e J!>bs fUUI iDti'nMlotlllll~ But we enoullb.· ~ .'. On the other hand. ,. t ~'9,1i~~~ ~~;._.~are ;-'~::'~~"=J='=' '), • " .•",~...~~~l::,.sta, cQl. .theter-know whl:i I ~want .to ~ ,,~;~ \/~,~ j. ~;.,,,,,,,.n- ~,~ " '. • "· • Page 2~~I'ri~ Mil"'" 21.19117 . · • . , ., , .. -. ". ,~,.'. " ,~ < • "

'1'hRttks tothu . it (nj;':~u,tomers,'.'. . ..'. , . FOxworth'-Galbraith is ",..,..iI to att....rmce tIie flJ(panSmtt tmd upgrade at

ilftb""C". " .' ; ,: To be the most complete. compeliti"", profellSio"," Buildittg Milt...... Center in South Cetttml , I,t ,. t I' ," ~-~. '~,~,.. '~ .' .-..,. . . . " New Merko, we hmJe committed to: . . " .. \' ,-.....l't'.. ' ',:.'.- .• • . , F~ tIu!'~ ~ ~&IilllP!'._~~ • triple our 1JRrlcing area "._ "-.a professi(mal contractor sales area with the,AlbaM!'! to-work PIIlT only • e"P"nd our .tore by 3400, sq. ft. • a cleaner and safer shopping envinm..umt :&,~~~\';i'-=IyV::.r'...c~~~ • expand our inventory selection _ easy in/easy our access vllmm of the future., FoCug ..... ' tIUlir maie __ . YV!U'Il:, mIlD IUId __ in h\sh IBClb(jQJw'" theY wiU be We thank you your patience as we remodel YOUR new Building Milterial. Centerl ·' for ~juat geta job,butbe able ttlmake :t:La;...:t::~~.~..'*'-?I::Jl-!:',~,._,I, mlsb~ ...__-" 4L_ .' :>, fMm it. OthededtN; tiends be.- E___ ...... -.. 'J ., ne at difl"logy that ..... 'and mube to· accommodate·the De to ,....., ...... ".,...... to... p~y adapt to the cbangiug technology· jn all seAOol dleI> lei ~ fletfh:I next or banquet, fields; to Il"aduate atudente wboDave the .' ".,,,."..,.JIOO1IF You'll enjoy the special skilla to be a procluctiwi memb.... of society, PAx'JpN: Computers Ibr each two to three ·K~80B'S IUId to balance t\uuling with the need Ibr atudents. expanded statr IUId fltci1it\y Ibr at­ things we do to make your increasing the _mug of all ~lu!n! IUId risk Iltudente. Gavilan School baa PI'QVed to event "K-BOB'S perfect." aides in new tecbn~ increasing sa1ariee very succeRllf\ll, but IUndiug limltethe num- of teachers to a prof....sional level and berofkidsabletohenefit.A20-40ac:resiteto • K-BOB'S famous menu, KATERS!" increasiug the technical equipment with bandt!> buiJdiug needa Ibr the ..- 15-20 ~ ... 1.- variety wbieb the stuc1ente need to be famiIi..... also ia needed. KARmANm;RSQN: Oneofthe iasues I aeeia ,I.tJ:rmllMbN: or·course I think Ruidoso bas • pary and banquet the deterioration of the family. Tbls ia ~ the beat admimsuatora. taacb..... students facilities .. just a_problem that scbooJa face but other. IUldbuOdj_.BotollOalougwith~Wwon­ areas ofsociety as well. Many cbildreil_ derl'ul things webave, we would - top • Price per plate to fit your &om a single parent bousehold where a par- sa1ariee; lItate of the art tecbn~ ,science b~dget. . , ent may be _Idug vm:v leba fit for great scientists; cl8aa size ofonly . loug bours or even bolding 12; new athletic equipment IUId uniforma; down'two jobs.. Family time new band JIIlifonns IUId equipment; COWl­ • ~be'very d,UIicult to find selora IUId nuraea fulltime at all scboole; SlId cbildren,~to 'suffer c1aasrooma with windows Ibr every te&cber &om it.And _ times the and ancillary; new P.A. (public aDDOUJlCle­ • Cbildren look to other ment) system at the bigh scboo1 gymnssium; '~ I avenues for attention or all-day Idnder~~ tr~ing""and trav- A good ste.-k atan hObest . , .i feellJ\gs of worth, sucb as e11br all stefl", _ally m their tte1cl ofedu- ','jd. !ianp. Tbese days and in cation. price-••.for thewhole fa:mi.b>. years to come the teachers BRAN!lM: Tbe perfect scbool would bave a .,.Anderson , ..... doing more thanti'ust teaeber-pupil ratioofl to 10. There would be , teachingcore suIQecta. an updatedcompu_ Ibr each student where , , 'T' Op n ..n.... R ''It...... ,.... '. .'..... bavi!lgto teach values, liatl\1t"to' - the atudents WOuld hays """""" to all the H wy. 70 a t en _.nat }!j··~'-''I''·''''''·'.i'. ':'ismS lanoNloilJp.tbe,I:IUIdWn!>Gd>ovil:li'1ilo" ~ClIl 1m" tb¥·'WiliIeItL-· '. ''.' L .:.::.:-.-=:::.:.:. -'-...;;,....._~_~___J iasUeethat maybe aren't ~ug ditalt with lit slty,' government and' '>. home. Technology ia another Issue ...... h"brary network&, as well as '~.'" < it facing•. Luckily, the diatriCt just passed a aecees to live scientific Beginning, Iritermediate,'andAdvanced Golf, bond iaaue whicb will al10w us to inereaae experiments IUId discover­ the technology in our scbools. It Is apparent iee as they ..... bafc'paning. , our cbllclren will need all the tools we can The schoola wOO d have give them to keep up with the ever-chauging massive libraries with world of computers and the Internet. And books available which cover The 1997 last, but certainly not least, there ia always the entire seope' of reading -the issue of money. There will alw~ be a material &om classical ret­ need for more money' for school districts~ erenc:es for every discipline Branum With more students enrolling there ia a nesd to all types ofreereatiotJal Sum.m.er Sessions Ibr more c:laasrooms. With more .classrooms reading. The library environment would be tbereia a need for more teach..... With more designed to be an extremely inviting pi.... * teachers there ia a need for more supplies Ibr the students IUId teacbera. The Schoola it and 80 on. . would he setupas a a mini-society wbare the Session I June 2 to June 27 ' e RoNmE 8EMPluLL: Several issues have students perfwm real·1ife, meaningful activ­ . July 7 to August 1 I[ and will continue Ito require theboard'a itiea, with all the features of government, Session II /:>. attention. These include, and ..... not 1imited business and all vocational opportunities Extended Session June 2 to August 1 to- new schoolbuildings IlIId the llUld need' available. 'leacbere would be f~tatorawho li'edfor these buildings; buildingadditions and help the s-...ts develop their individual <0 m,gDr', repair prqjects to exiating scboola; jearning styles 80 that every student could (0 enhance t.eebnology (continuously) at all succeec:t Fall Semester Registration school sites, and continue to be aw..... ofthe ANpE;mloN: You know that ia vnly five Begins July 14 'g many raqulrements needed to keep all years away! lIJy feeling at this moment ia a: scbooJs sate, including gsng activity preven' that.... bave a district here in Ruidoso. t:l tion and subetance abuse.' . Some of the tbi_t..... I envision Ibr a perfect Iremla I .. pu"~ erlrwaIIon diatl'ict ..... bappeDing already such as won- '. .... IIWhoI Summer Tuition: it does ,he dialriel need to address to 4erful administrators IUId teachers, beauti- ~ __ p....,...... aclaoo" __ B'U- IiJl scboole and scbool siteR IUId a hanno- $22 per credit hour l!l ...",/Or ,he IUrn oOhe cenfury' 'Dious working reJationsbi~ them - ..... PA/.rJ:Ol!: The movement and pressure of alL Some things ..... In the . .. stages • in district ,~ blgdty problema (ia: gangs and drugs) mov- of happening aucb as additional c1aasrooms, -. $25 per credit hour Q i~int(Ullna11Ar communities. . which are'needed withourcontinued growth, ~ it l.=_. Vocational upgrading .tecbno1ollY at all school sitea IUId -. out-of-district education Is pug to be one , the continued liUa1 Ofattention ofthe ar&s in g of the most important' our scboo1s. And, of course, it would always' , Texas resident summer tuition rate S trends feeing publlc edues- be wonderful to see' salaries increased IUId a tion in my opinion. The,cost anyadditional prograIIIlI we tnlght need tobe $25 per credit hour of higher education will' added without hesitatiOn due to Iimda. Increase the need Ibr stu- 8JlMpWl,J.' TIme d""" not permit _ to §. dente comlug out .of bigb" elaborate on wbat I would consider·the "per" , --i. school te bave SOllie kind Dr feet school.. However, in ke8ping with my ,• .... vOcation. More Vo-ed train- above. comments. a )MI'fect • Express Registration: 8 ing in bIgb school mlsbt wtternian scbool ....uld earte.::l , Ii> alao influence mc>re stu- 'inducle a CODiPU- at it denta til. 8!1 to a tecbnical scboo1 Ibr training cbUd'e desk.,Tble COIIIPU_ Phone* FAX*Mail tT! in·their Cboeen field.' would bave lDternet lIbilit,y, Walk-in*Purcbase r:=: BBAI!J'II:Need to identiIY IUId adopt pro- _hing, aicle8, and other lJ.} grama that ren- thtp deve~ of new I'tllIOlU'OlS Information. The Order paracligili$lbr1lcboo1e wbieb litre!", critijperfei!t schoo1woJild he cal th1Jlkl!\~llil; "00.1"#, tive learning" =~~&ee,and ~':J. ~~re~~:;=r=! .~'~-= Ru-:doso L-..truct-:I>.n C~....t-r o(ENMU an "lli!a~ skJD.; "." ··lIl!liIc>hill... ," .' :,',"" ,88· aa balanced .. ...- ..... ~...... i l ~ trlll'iiiDg'dr sl'hool-, ''>'.\' .' ..' . ," '·lICtivIties. . the-::=.:=:uI ". I;~~~:~~f .\-.... call (606) 267-111200" ""i-fr'efI"l-800-984-8B6B.)I!'·;:, ':.' . i)"~,_~(~' . .~.., '.... . , FAgA;.. :.gj_ . . ,ii" """"; ;~~"~~r·,,,.t,~$2I11ui" .. ...4.Ql)'. (~!~70 .' ~., .,'J" , '. ,'.,,... 6'lDOnll\!l' '::"""',$;3. . $"" " =.';, \ ...... ~~...... """_-._'...... __~__~.. ~.:.,: :'. .J'~~t',~~I•.i~.4';1I. -···~n.~·.1,'.;.:.~,' $410,,', .• ,~. ::<. ',' 1i;.'. \ I .. ;~:\"-' '7Jl;~"~"'_i"~~. .j.: )', .. -,':.. • # ""' ..\l'.. ,/,';-'f:":';':':" ';1.l:.... 4·','" , Junior,·Serlio'i-. (had Q'te otii$ses bY lTV,;"" :, ";" t:t:' ,. . :'." ,~;¥o ,,;" •. .,'- : ,. . ,"' ~ ,it;"-: ': ~_i;~!~:::: r ·"·;~:r~:¥:'. ".,j.·:.;~~I~:~,~~~;1t<~.;l~~·-~ .:/ ~:~~;J!._' '. '~~',t~~~'-(,'~~~'~{~' "'i;;~~~ '~i~'~~"I' ~ .. __~~.'""'"~_~__...~~.~._~~_~_..... ~.d>,~ ~.:..:...:..\~__~•.~.... 4.,dii~",~i;mMa..;M!I«;·Attft~k~:;~~~..Ji~~kJ! ..~.~~...~%~w~4;\;..:'>4tii ~~.::f£:~~j~%.~f:~,\.~~1~~1flii~{"lit.t~ii~~~~1M~~;;''','. '.i!:£~~~l4~.,; , ~- ~~ ~~~~~~-~~-~~.~~~_~~~~~~~~~.~~P*~¢~W'i41M~ A~,-aCE'",:,rl:r;'~"f;~~'•. ,,1:'f~~ i.:~I1,".,,'., '~. ~';~; .~--", (':r~o:'f<;i''', """~'<~'; ""~',:' ,~,' ~,:~" ~ tit;,.''' ,ej.'¥' ':J;- .' -' ". ;0 , .'!' I ". "' ••'" ,,'.,-, '.-. ",,; -, , ?;'::·,'·"",,·..fi"'::-'i5.--<;f;:'·'\',,-',,·>'!,,~~'.:'···'''~'-,-';.,--) .':.' ,i' ...... , ", ",.' .''''~' .,-",;:: '~>~J;>\ <)~.;':~ ';,:.~::~,. '~,' ';~ -' ..:,. ',,' ',<' ",' , ' .' . t :.:! 1': r.,: • . "".~ ...... •,., . ',' ", '. ' ~. ;i: .•.• " , .rl '. .', • . Friday; MBJdi _ 1997, EdUClIIIon;'Pao-'ii' ,., .""'. .... "'(~~U~g' nn~w bi.ber learnin.g· .1! .~,p~ ••'{: .....r 'e· ,', ~.iJ~.'~;.·RM .:. :;' ' iwtwM...·UMnkliliB>.to'"'post-"."hIgh-":' n',,: i\ltflM<:lj.ve 0' te\evils!on tor with a Ph.D••·.qomellua: ~~Staff.WIit.e (J"/,,"VJ. iinCJ QI»v .... working ~ . , ~~ fq~ Ddurse practjon- liuB receives videq :~ ,~'i!"'-ucatiOD,"""""" via er"Q",!ter s egrae from. tapee from Go""..,... She .. ~tellrt.¥. the. tntarnat or Gonzega University in watchea them, completee the cWall4",~_~rcuit mierowave WeahiDgtori - ell from her a.oignmenta and e to eon- In--~~''' _"'''' ..._ p'---"-'- are being..... _ 88 a "broker" of educa- "I heve llill ace:ess to every- all As snd a B as a grad stu- ,"! nect Rulcl1ecou...... can bridge 1ong'7 .. . r-oki facility. campus in Weahington every in.titution· like this be .' ."':iid &pm IX. ' dietel1Cl8B via te1evleion. Whether bIBb ., .~ education, month for nurae clinicale and involved with edult educa- ~pu_ ConnsctIons will be Made eehool .tudenta· are hoping to get a heed etudl'llte will be able to take eeminers.. But without tion • Miller .aye. via· Lincom, Cal>U>vleion fibe....ptie cable. I!Itart on their co1Iage cereer or sick stu- "'~notonlyatthe ENMU-Ruidoao, there'a no With the changing demo- wb"'!t .run;, to school. then back to ENIIIIU. daitta are trying to ksep up with their. . - Portales cam- wey.he could earn thea,; gJ:aphic. of the country - 'Tbi>'link will allow elementary. middle QCI Ieeacme. telecoureee can help. I ; ",'. aIeo at other co"- ~from Ruidoeo. every week 10,000 edultB are high .chooJlltudeq'" to _a the Jntarnetr • Sue Keeton. a Iifth.grede -.mer at .. universities acroee the I would have to go out of 'turning 60 - cempuae. like From tbare thePlJ8eibilitiol. are 1lDd1..... White MountBin In-.nediate School and, country. town to get a coonpu_ ecce.. ENMU-Ruidooo wiII_ more The prqject will allow atudentS to extend a member of the tecImoIoatv committee. .. ~ .·for example, lIane to get to data basee. I couldn't older atudentB. their IeamiIllJ well 1>eymld their· ,phi­ said teIecourae· can put TV8to 8'!"'!1 use. CorneIi:us. ~rneliua ee~ed get any kind ofmedicel inI'or- "You get e lot ofpeopla whb cal boundaries, .aid E~doeo -n.t1.ecourses are one of.our 8081S,:"\ she herUm~tyof~ewMexJ.C:O Diation at all. And it was a w4Ult to keep on 1e8rDing," Pirector JitJI.. Miller. The on-Une acceae can seicl. "We're working c1oae1y with Etultarn bachelor. of nursing degree requirement to a he"" a pro'" Mille...aye. . extend studen.te'rvuardJ, re_asfar 88 New Mexico Univeraity.Ruidoeo (whi\:h is their iJDll8ination can take them, hooking e:urrmltly offering teJecoursea), trying ,to . them up with libraries QCI homep_ from as partor the K-12 CU1TIcu- as far away as Singapore or ,as close c.t::1ecioursee Carrizozo. Paul WIrth, Ruidoeo Schoole director of .Beyond'the traditional campus, beyond 2000 "It ehouId really enhence student leern­ expecte inetructionel support;, Ii8id he tele­ by JIM MIUER offering credit and community edUcation . in public echooIe,'Millar said. COUJ'MB'to be on the'diatrict·s plate within Eastern New Mexico University courses upon requeBt. The CentBr- is also ~coIn Cablevleion r..... ell the fiberoptic two or three yeere. The $8.6 million bond Ruidoso Instructional Center Director expected to play an increasingly important cable to improve eervice for it. cuatomera ieeue J>II.Il""d by vi>-.. in Februery heo Eastern New. Mexico University at role in developing a aeanlless c:ontinuum of and ie .letting the echooJe jUDlP on for free. helped the diatrict tune in on that time­ Ruidoso... in the year 2000 and beyond. education services through the new uSchool_ G.ene McKinley, Lincoln CablaVieion ayatam line. By the year 2000. ENMU will continue to to.Work" program' for young adults, and in engineer, said the prqjeet is near .comple. A cultural centerllecture hall was operate out or ita treditlonel main campus the national welfare reform programs affect­ tIon. All that reme1ne to be done ie to acti­ ~Be part or theDond package and site at Portales with rapid expansion of ser· ing many working adults. vate the nodes. He explained that the televi­ it incIudee plims for te1ecouree techllOlogy. vice throueb its "Campus. of Highway," Looking ahead to population growth in .Ion eignel ie. ~ I~::,to leeer tran.mittere, "Part or the bond with the culturel cen­ "Campus or the Air" and "Campus of the Lincoln County. the Ruidoso Center may which covert I tion into 1iJobt, which _/lecture hall will be the I.TV satellite Ki>Yboard.· attempt to offer more profl:BmS and services ia then ahot down the fiberoptic c8bIeS tothe cen_,"Wu1h .Bid. "We will heve the I-TV .Couraee and full degree programs will be to other nearby oommumtiea. The Center's nodes. which' convert the deta back into InoInoring verioua progreme to the lecture available through faculty who travel to sites student population will steadily grow as more etlIndard rediD frequencle. compatible with h'..n:r . throughout southeastern New Mexico. Full students initiate their higher educatiori expe­ ENMU equipment. . So by the turn or the·century. student. bachelor end greduate degree program. will rience at the two-year level prior to transfer­ "McKinley .BidLincoln Cablevioion olTered who .pend too much time in ti-ont or the eloo be avnilabls via ENMU'e closed-circuit ring to a four-year university. Seniors above the echoole ecceea to the IiberoPtic cab1ee in TV won't _aarily he couchpotatoe.; Instructional 1\!levision (lTv> at sites age 55 are elao expected to make up a grow­ the spirit or coDl1l1unity. but he aleo has a _ed. they might be geniuee•. through eoutheestern New Mexico. including ing: portion of the Ruidoso Center etudant Ruidoso. And.. a growing number of classes body. .peraolUl1 etake in the technology. He wanta com~:':t hie get will be available in Ruidoso via the Internet. High technology expansion in ownchildren to the bemilit ofan edu- originating at Eastern's campus in Portales. and other new forms ofinstructional ­ cation complete with tedtnology. too. ing. Everything from e-meil to electronic Wrap-around aeademic support, i.e. - finan­ ogy supported by "high touch" - i.e., face-to-­ "Children need the ability to compete grade reports have ba;tzinging through techno1 -wise," he Said. - 11.._ cial aid, academic advisement and full library face support services - will beco:nie increas­ OIlY cy_.Q...... 1..____ at .te , ...... untBin ~,_- will continue to iou_ student. ingly available to studentB in the Li...,oIn and Paul Wi~-Ruidoeo Schoo1e director or, In-.nediate,'Witbthe n.....filleropticcabletl enifflic\ilfj,-tlfrough the Centet~~ Mre I1Iiea11y within the build· World or dift'erence,' KeetonSaicf. ". 1:" , Bond iss....e

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~ttitu.'\ is~ ;eve~ ~ .r:,,~. ;: " ..,. .,::.\'JlJ;:" I;'·.it~'· superintend_'~;i~ -' '.till says I ".:1<.• .j '.;. t ~e8 ~! ,"., by MIKE Gl,ADDl;N vidual, butTlitbel" to ...... the· i 5 , ~;'! RUIdoso SChOols Superintendent be<h, s~. and weI1-",ofthe 8t11d8J\t 1lIllilI- . ~ ~~ As our civ\liaation enters the new individuals within a settlmr. . .. )"' ';' '.. ~~cfdi!lIf1Il' milIennium, tha challengea racing our The continued unclers~~'=ahiIsup- ln~· _ 'i,; '. f;J9DIe soclety are, at the aame time, da;untlng j>o

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, " ""', " ' .' -..' ','. .,,,,- • I J ., 11"")""·------.....------.~ .', ., , , • Blk",ac What does it take • to produce White The Ruidoso News? ------~, d read all over

",STAGEONE ."Blueprints" The ad s __s to discuse ad eaIe8 goals, customers and upcoming ad campaigns. The' editorial staffs decides which stories to ,. pursue. de"terD1ines what photo opportunities ere available. and which reporter is going to cover what event~ Laura d)'l'nerlThe Ruidoso News The composing and Publisher Barb Trimble discusses advertising strategies With . , production staffs pro­ The Ruidoso News' ad staff. laura C¥nerfl'he Ruidoso News duce outside print jobs, Veteran reportel' Dianne Stallings p~ts the-finaHouches on and "prepare for the ment figures payroll come in. a news SlQry. upcoming week of print every other Monday~ Every. department jobs. Pressroom, "preps" schedules ads~ organJzes maps its blueprints every the press, loads paper the department mal)­ week to deliver the beet ",STAGE Two "Foundation" and "run down'" the inks. agers' meeting, logs and possible product to our While the ad staff hits the pavement, the \ ., posts payments and cons~ers, Meanwhile, the readers and reporters take to the streets as well. Sometimes that administration depart- record. payables as they advertisers. involves attending local ~rnment meetin~ or covering a high school athl.etic event, or interview­ ing an interesting local citizen for a feature story. ",STAGE THREE ~_"'i. In all, the ads must be sold, the stories must be _ ,written. the pictures developed and .pril)""d. good "Construction"' . 20 hours before the paper actually hits the new­ i' All the components of tbe paper stands. come together in the composition and production department. Production could be deacribed as the peanut butter that holds the sandwich together. It builde and compoaee ada. It develope fUm. It pulle the elements of advertising and editorial togetber. It's aIao the department responsi­ ble for keeping the editorial and advertisingdepartments on time. If production doesn't receive advertis­ ....;;, Ing or editorial copy on schedule, it\ '... ~'... slows· down the 'whole proeess. From there, a domino effect can be '~ felt all the way to the reader who doesn't receive the paper in time to read with her morning cup ofcoffee. Production strives to make sure that doesn't happen. Page layout begins a good 12 houre before the Laura Clymer/The Ruidoso News last page (usually the front page) Louise Hanson "paginates" or pastes up.a page on the computer. The laura Clymertrhe Auidaso News goes back to the pressroom. paper's weekly entertainment magazine. Vamonos. is paginated Paste-up artist Drew Gomber lines day~ entirely using Quark X-Press software. The majority of the regular up the color separations on The next the whole process paper (soon all of it) will be paginated. starts over. Wednesday's TV guide.

",STAGE FOUR "Fruition" We get our first real glimpse iUiiiiilS H er of the final product wben the is the paper's newspaper comes off the press. production The inserting crew puts aU the manager. The sections of the paper together by Ruidoso native hand. They label the papere and bas been with deliver them to the post office. paper for five . years. All by 4 a.m. so the paper is in readers~ mailboxes by 9 8.m. .

':~ , ;:'" ~. '. i ~, f" '~. . " " : lAura ~Ruidoso News '' .. "'~.' .. ,:;. ". .' .' ~"'191 ' Laura ~RuidosoNwvs Unie Hazel Inserts advertlslng tlYefS, ":'H.- ~ifim; .,,;;;- ~"""'n ~

The Ruidoso News is read far and wide ~th~··· A, . Dif;y' " the=:' the Jlll -~"~ tion with the ""'DmuDif;y it • Kailua-Kona~awaii serves iseseentiaL ACOJDIllU­ nity cannot ....e itself without a mirror, and a re~JI!I newspaper provides thatinir- New Mexico ror. . 900 lincoln County TIle, newspaper organiza- PubOsha Hem Trlm~~ tion is a mix of _ things: r ...... , 200 Home Delivery It is a service organization, 261 Out of County Texas 875 providing information on a regular Then. because the eeonomie well· basis.. It-is ~ manufactUring enter­ being at a newspaper dependsuPOD 1,361 Total NM All other states 264 prise, converting ideas and art and the ~ty of the community it Rack Sales = - 3,400 I· raw'material such as newsprintinto eerve.s, it has a responsibilitY to pro­ a product to meet a clemend. It is a mote that prosperity and help bring delivery eervice, putting its product IlBW businesses to the area. into the hands ofits customers on a A viable commUDity newspaper Total Circulation = -6800 regular schedule. Add it all up, and strives to do the right thing for ite I I it beeomes apparent that in m_ advertisers, ite employees aniI­ communities the newspaper is one abOve all-its readers. ofthe top employers. o are \Ve? .....------...

Production Manager, Tammie Hoffer The composing department is responsi· ble for several different tesks. It beglne with advertising.The advertis­ ing representetives sell the ade then bring the ad copy to composing. We are then Bookkeeper. Karen Payton respoDSl'ble for putting the ad together. This includes typesetting the copy and Karen Payton's job description as otrtce adding art or some kind ofgraphic. Editor Joanna Dodder managerlbookkeeper reads like a laundry Retail Ad Manager. Christine VoIquardsen Next we lay out the page of the paper. list ofpaperwork. This inclndes penciling in the ad space The name "editor" points to one of the Her duties include, but are not limited The advertising depa.rtti:lent provides and then laying in the ads. position's mlQor functions. editing. In larg~ to: ad scheduling, billing, accounts display advertising, classif'1ed djspl8,y. clas­ On the editorial side we type set miscel­ er, daily newspapers, the editor has a copy payable, collections, payroll, purchasing, sified advertising, pre-printed inserts, and laneous items such as letters to the editor, editor to fine-tune reporters' stories. In a bank deposits and weekly and monthly printing for merchants near and far. marriage announcements, etc. We also do smaller, community newspaper setting reports to corporate office. We offer monthly earned rates, annual JDaDY special graphs and logos as they are BUch as Ruidoso, the editor is not only the All advertising for the paper is entered bulk contract retes and frequency contract needed. Once all the information Is typed person who manages the reporters, shelhe in the accounting, computer. After the rates. We offer special interest sections and the reporters turn in their stories, the also is the person who edits stories by paper is printed it is audited agsinat the and promotions throughout the entireyear editor 1aya out the editorial part of the reporters and all other news items sent to ad manifest to make sure all scheduled to help local and surrounding businesses paper and gives it to composing. the paper. Also in a small newspaper such ads were in the paper, and to keep the promote their business. ComJl!lS.ing then cute and pastes the sto­ as Ruidoso. the editor decides where the billing as accurate as possible. The key to helping our customera pro­ ries bir hand or paginates the page on the stories will go in the newspaper. chooses Approximately 350· to 400 statemente mote their business is learning what their compu_. . photos and their placement, and (the are mailed out each month. specific needs. are and JisteDing to them. comp=IJ.':s aJao responeible for reporters' biggest fear) cuts stories shorter Collection letters and follow-up calls on We understand their business goale and putting special ~ona and out- to make evetything fit in the space around past due accounts are done BS time allows. provide a marksting plan that fuJlIlls their side printjobs. the advertisements. As incomiDJI billa are received they are 'needs. PrOduetkm manager Tammie Hoffer. 22, We in the newspaper business have a checked agmD8t purchase orders and Retail ad manapr Christine isalluidoao Illliive and a lIve-yeor veteran c'bible" we all use so the way we abbreviate packing slips and a check request is com­ VoJquardsen, 29. is a Ruidoso native, and oftile paper. $he cheer. adamantly for the words. etc.. is consistent throughout the pleted to be sent to our corporate oftlce on the proud mother ofthe adorable Dy-lim, a LobOs,- and futllnda to return to college industry: .it"s called the Associated Press Friday, 2·year-old. This month, she11 niark her stllDeday - when she tires of being. so Stylebook. It has detailed guidelines on Hours for payroll are calculated daily SO fifth yeor with the newspaper. responsible... '. everything from how to abbreviate months, overtime can be monitored. Payroll is dong to when to capitelize word.. The editor every other Monday with paychecks Brtiv­ makes sure these guidelines are followed at Friday. the minimum. ing on .On a broader level. the editor helps Supplies for all departments are make sure reporters' _ries tell the read­ ordered on a montly basis. ers what they want to know. How will this Bank deposits for cash regla_ and meeting affect me? What really makes this accounts reoeivable are ml\da diitlY, . person tick? We try to answer these ques­ Weskly revenuereport is faxed to CIlI'JICI" rate otl""", every Friday. :?' ',. . tions.. ~ate If you hil1re an idea about a story you'd Month end reJl'l"b! are due like to see, a complaint about a story that oftlce live 'Votking diI;ya after;tlUiilalit of was printed. etc., the editor is the person to the month. .' . '. call (you also may choose to start with the . P~ also takse c1P.aillad and ~, reporter who covers that beat, ifyou knoW ads and 'helps In the circuJe_ deti_, '. who that is). The editor relays _ry ideas t wM* the DUWIqJer • _.. ~'bf ' hack to reporters and coJlecte their liste of Z; Shit's ..-'b$tSeen : " stories'for the next paper. verwheni&e IDIliJroom hili' . •.•. Ruidq/lo News EditorJoanna Dodder. 35, has ~ juet about every beat that i:.r:i~A.s-F·;lf exiate, _st1'li'cently at the dsily and wesk­ ' :ml'aildS~" ~spapers 'hI!'. ,; . ". LY in a community similar to .. '. "'.'. " ...- .-J,' .".. ~ ':., Ruidoso, Steamboat Springs, Colo. She .~ ~h • tr~ grew up in Iowa, where she learned good lIunda '!I;, .' .,,. ' values and good eEngJish, but never did ~er,.~"p~...... in p1en~'." ... learn how to dock a sheep correctlY. wnich IS . wiWl,...... ,

• .-...... --..A...-...... ;L...l ~_ L "::f.....i... _ .-.:..-, __:.... -...¢'.:AJiiIIiL...d;g.HINm;p .. ,.

. ., :(",;,'·:);··:'tf'"~,,,~,tti ~, . , . .' . .' ~ ':~,,", .' ;<~':' .:'; ..,",. If -or...!~ .i }',. A Pet,s'" ~rdi:>D Ii~' ';"\,.,.' iti,,·~:reo:..t="~= . t ~~iteoliletbnee~_ , I =''i~t.=,• .e.~ It:'e BIlid,. 'f!: a right to ail opiDio h...... where those opInit:mB get into 't. .-~,.. . ~e opinion page is prominently 1...... 1ed ... such to ineure thet reede.... #: ulljleretand ~ Information ill preeented ~;;....~.,~ with a '",lent, a J;!Oint of.view, a Iriaa - ~.. .. • designed'to influence er swe,y or at 1eMt en_n the readel--unllkl!d the DeWS It:'e an _.old quest.lono Whieh came first _, where olUeettve ~ of facta the Ohiekan or the B/IIfl _ is the go.l. question appnsB to journalism '" Readership eurveyBnationaJly find with .slight twiet. Whic:h came first the ads or that lett!n'B to the editor, a IIlit\im: part of the·~ Were newepapera started to show­ opinion pagee, are at the top .,.the heap ease bul>ineeaes and their goods? Or, Were­ ~apers in readership: P_Ie are Interested in atarted because something new&- what other people think. . worthy happened? .. '"The new.paper'sown collective ~ Advertlaing representatives claim they tion on public 1BBUBB ill presented... edi­ came Iiret. JourDali_ argue the Bmne.. torial" comment. Think ofit 88 the n Botbareequally right. Butthe feet remains, paper's "ofIicial" position. one couldn't exist without the other, But reJJU>mber that it's still an in­ ion, and prstsnds to be DO more than -- __..... _..,..roIIf- ~~:=~:r..0t::~ - ...... ---.....-- Journalistic jargon ...... -----_--_..._...... -... _--.._.....,---_ -... . ., .. in countriBs without guarantBeB tree- ....---_... _ _- Ad - Space pmd f~ by buslDeBsss, lDdividu- dom of the press, expression of opinion, ._-...... _.. _-"'__-1.._ _---Sh ...... _ als, grouP.. corporations, etc. wh the particularly political opinion, in print ~_ ... .. __ ...... Bylins-Nameofthere~ --..-.,-_.--...... rO'_I:llI._-_••__-..,. _- ?wrote sometimeB leads directly to prison, or -_.... ,...... oojM.,., ...... , story, placed atop th , cI.,~" ~".' .. ~. c'. ',' .. Glorious spring in mountains ... r_--...,. ~ Any . !.~:~: .-.: ...'I!iIiIriJllll"iJb"nns on' the oPJnIon ~age. _ ... 11<4>_11<0.... Cut!i- - ,.".,. ,.. material.under a i! '\~ ,-lE,~' inevltalil,:,r8fIec:t the views o£the author, ,,... , ___"' ... Editorial -. •.... ,. ., .• _ noblllV e1ee, mill have a ll"al to .... ,"""""0.;.., ... r,~ and and _ ...._h£IOIIIIl_ f"",, lj'...... nswa story. .. '..:., ," • ' toDii'S to share with its rea,dere; it strives =..":..'t--:.:..'t::..O:'=::""'=-"':-'":::::::l ...... e.t...on ...... ""'_ " .-",...... _~"'":.."':T--._----...... -.._ Jump - Contin ,I!( " ~e to be an eMily _Bible ferum to aU.lts -_ -_ _----­ .. tho nIoJuo f", _ .. a:::g ~ (' (' ~- w-I__-' ~r ....,"" page to anothBr. Alt .:;tDilll! .,. US ,.,~ ~' .- reeders. FUrther, opinion a~t the ~ay .. ':'=:"=",':':'_'=:r-.:"'-==..-=--:.:"~ ..__ It" , ... , ...... ,_.,.. '0. I,.. ,lit aI. AlBO caJled runo ". ',. . the JlBWBP8I>t'1' performs Its role as a pri_ ..~-_ ... _.-P••l."" ,. ,"",of.~ ­.... _""~In....,. "", l".:...··, "'"I..~-_._._---__------_.. ""..""_'."II .... ,hi'· _------_ --'_n ... _~, ...,",""",hd. _"1'....·."" _ .. Story - An ~.,... ,a' QlII1"Y ~ ..ofecJDlIIiunll¥ information ill ...... n _ p_.... lIpocool .-,·: t_.. l'~~.~~ ..----­_.- =r::...... ::..-: ... -~"''''''.'''-'-'.- - ,- -...... - ...... G~tting the paper off the press and to its readers Head presBman/darkroom ..--.r------, teeh Joe Martin has'boen at the paper for 14 years. Steve Lopez is Martin's head pressman's assistant. Joining Martin and Lopez is Tony Godac,· pressman's assistant. Godac helps clean and prep the prees for press runs. In the producation dark­ room, both Martin and LoJlBZ shoot ditrerent types of film on a Robertson Centurion camera. Some Of these are call line shots, halftones or revereals. All of thess are PMTa (photo magnetictrans· fers) because. they are shot and developed on paper film. Once PMTa are shot, tbey which ill then developed, are then sent to composing bent and loaded on the 4­ to be p...ted up on the page unit Goes Communil¥ preSB. Clockwise- (from upper left): Stt!Ve Lopez shoots a page using the darkroom camera; Joe Martin and the gridshSets along with arti· Ofcouree, thie can only be press; the'inserting crew ready to deliver the paper; and Tony Godac processes a plate. c1eB and ads. done after the press hasheen TheBe gridsheets or Oats tota1ly preppad which con­ are then Bent' back to the sists of cleaning blankets, ftlling water solution sys­ production darkroom to bs ., shot and developed . on tem, lUlingink weI1a, loading 15x23-inch page film. Once paper (approximately 900 the p_ have all been shot Ibs. each), webbing the and developed, the priNQHnen . ~-~ "P."qus, (touch up With pen­ - OI1ce 1I:I.1I:I...J'.....,u,--...B IS. on the cils) the _ arid pair them press, it can turn out approx­ up with their appropriate imately 10,000 copies per and their f\>ur beautiful match. The two negatives hour.. . daughters:.' Deanna, are InJrned with light from a Wbeti Martin ien't at the Krystine, Kal¥ anel, Kendra. Browning plate bUrner onto paper, tending to his baby Or, you can find !ili/1 tinker­ a cl>\1inieal coated, light Ben· (the prl!8B); he BJQO]IIi spend- ing with bis old ...... and aitiVl!i. . aluminwl> plate, Ing time witb bis wife, LiYi, anti'luea. \ .',. " '. , . \ Cir4=Ulationand tiniely_s~r~b1Jtionto you . '.' .,. "'-' , ." . (illation eOnsiatli "'t->' sslf loot. in tb!"Uppei,thli'one. thet make it Ilap- ,...~ ~~edail't Such ... inputinll' aubscrip­ various locations , , ..._. of· . ,aIill· _"M" tofb)d. arketing °ar=~n'el),,'d p_le are . said>;,' .'\Ionil ''!It.. " otll'paper'ata thetG : some wonderful . ~~'tint. . .' 'lI by these chil- '., ~~Ii»J'~ii1;~ilyV~J.: ~flY~;' ~el'tJ~"'i~j~£o'''''; ~ « ·:-S'~ wiJ1and~·tf,!!:t::~= t ill' . '. II .'tPr '. seJl 'lit ,;- '.

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•• " ',jo , ". • ; • • ,I RUlI?9~, l\i~!~EXlCO .• ,fRIDAY, ~CH 28,v1997 • ; • i . ; I. '. ,tt ,. ( .' " .. r" ./ $ .i, . • • • • ..• ,1":"': -', • , .. ,,~·t. • J . • ..• '• ,• ,Io ~ " , . I' " . . ~: 'Women . ~ Talk'

". _... ~,. ., , ; comedy · .. ~. '" t, iopens . '.• ~. Page. 7V ~ · ~ .:" ( Churches around , _ ~ . : ,.", . .Lincoln County : G()IN(, <)lJ'f :,• , r· are celebrating i Roots .. Ho~y Week and· • \ .Baster. .This issue 1 of Jazz· i~cludes upcom~ . \, . , .'mg events. at the· \.'....'., '. .,pictured is the 6th ... 1'Castle . ~ual Living, • Lord's Supper, 1 April 2 • wh-iehwas • : Pag~ BV presented by • ~ The First • . . • . • •••, , , •••••••••••••••••• I Cbristian Church • [J()()K SI(:J'NIN(, • otRuidoso in', • observance of tbe 1 Mystery Ea,ter SeasOD. ,., Pietured ,is Steve iand· . ..<: • Norb~ry as Jesus ~ Steve and Tom York as •

, .James ofA:!pheus. •i· Havill • . • .• • Page sv • · . I ~ , "'to.' ) .., .. ., 1.1. ~. It ••• ~ •••• ,"• 0" ••• t'" .... '"'0'."'0" ",... '. o· if -. PAST TENSE '" . (",,~ I

~ ., .. \, " ',Ii ..Johnson··!I .I "'~ ."" ,.; I'County victory ,I I', 1 t Page 14V Weekend planner. Page 2V , '.. "', '~ • ;." .' , '. '.;.. ., , "~ i ," , ;, ' t' •• .' ,~:

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LAGUNAMZZ.QIIAInET, 1Mc.a.. Hwy.lO, RddDIe, 1151-1100-7 p.rn. WedrJesdaV, Aplll2. lIispuIlllollllZ-­ IlIlII blends lllIIoIM.CIQfIIIIlIIIDly cIen1on­ 8IIaIlons onlnllvfdual h!lRInBntIn~ ouI pIaylng. 1lcklIlB 818 $7iuradulIs lIIld $6 for II\IIdlInlS lIIld senlola, lII1d 818lM111- =::'COUNTRVcwB.·301 Counby CIuII Dr. IluIc*o.11514133 ­ 5:30 p.m. 'l1lunldava 8l1li 7p.rn. Flidaya and 5alUnIay&, Randv Jones on his gUlar. . Randy plays a variaIy cf music, Iromcoun­ bylD blues. GAll OI'ING TOImlISE; lI82 SuddeIth, Ru1dolo, 257-2511 - 5:30 p.m. Sunu:usa." IIESCAUiRO NlGHl'ClJ/8, 1 mile nOIlII oIlb1lm 01 till MounIIIn GodI, IlIlltIII Cafe " ••aolllU, 25704l6ll5 - 8 p.m.­ dose Friday. MIJICh 28 dance music wlIII OJ. 9 p.m. SlIIunIay. Malch 29, Comedv Showcasa. $3 COVIlr. 6 p.m. SlIIunIay "Tha Mardi oIldas' bo>dng c:hjunpionshJp IaIa­ vised in tha Cafe Mascalaro SpoIls Bar. SCREAMlNG EAGLE LOUNGE, Enc:hInlmInIInn, Hwy, 70 WIll, RuItIaIo,:m.4051 - 8 p.m.-dosa TIluIsdav through ~ I(sri plays a II8IieIy of music Irom tha 1930·slDrwanl. THE TEXAS HOUSE, 2811 SuddIrlh, Ruldoeo, 257003506 -8-10 p.m. Wlldnesdav8, AI8n Fremont plays counrv -... music, VarIous 8lIlsls perform 7-11 p.m.lMlf)I FI1day and SaIunlav. 8-8 p.m. SundavB JJ plays Latil. and blues. Opan 24 hours on weekIlnda. WIN, PLACE" lijIOW, 2516 SuddIrlh llrIve, RuIdoIo, 257-11982 -lJva CllUI1by music ll8\IllIl nlghl8 aweak. 8:30 p.m. -1:30 a.m. THE WINNER'S CIRCLE, 2536 S11dder111 em.., RuIdwo,lI5104l1131i - 8 p.m.-dolIe lMlf)I Thtrsdav· Sundav· OJ, 110 caver.

HOLV WEEK SERVICES,...--. by till RuIdoIo ....nl'nilltlllllllllnce­ 110011-1 p.m. Friday, MIJICh 29 81 tha EpisoopaI ChurdI cf tha Holv Mount, 121 MelM:aIaro Trail. Ruldaeo. Ben Slawda pI8SicIBi. Amaal dlle88Mld 8112:30 p.m. AI 01 tha COI'IlIIIUIlIlv IIIiIhs 8181rNllac1 I III lake parlin a celabmlion 0I1ile' Lord'8 , I8IIUIIlldIon. r CLOSURE OF1W&LFTH JUDICIAL DIll­ r TRlCTCOUffr, Room ... ~ r t. YoIlIANt., AIIMogoIdo - nooo-6 p.rn. i Frtdav. MIJICh 28. , , . , ;;. • ,'1 '" t'" r ~ ,-',/i,' '." . ~t •. ". I '. ;. ,.: . ! t •• " E,::;,. '. om '" .1 • r " " .. -' - , ',i , I L ••,.• .' • ' ' , ,.I" ", " ,"' • .. '.: , .. ,.~ ~ ~~, ~, ,~:~., :"~" . .. """'" ...,.. •,•! ••• "!' '''' I", • 'r .• • "'-." 0 , J 'of'" • ;,.. "f/ • ,"., ., ..,. .".,.,./., ',""~ ,. , • 1_'.' ... ".~ ...... '. f ~ "" # .. '" •. ,. "ole •• .. .• "" '. ~. ~-:;·t,.:.·~ '"?".;~A'7';'r",",",,,,~"''" '<~-";f"·~:i?"~~~~t·--,,,

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, PRC)FILE . . Gerald Florea

Age: 56 Hometown: Ca,,"," OCCUpation: Chango'S Restaurant owner .

Favorite dllh: Anything that doesn't require heating. sUrring or cleaning , Favorite author: Yokla Mlshlma Favorite trip: Istanbul In 1993

r·' "I munity. And if we can inspire peoplll~'g~t '" \ involved for greater ideals. maybe lI\lr his... . torical and cultural heritage here can ~pto- .: tcdcd." ~ • ,. ,.

Dianne StaUlngt!/RIIld08O N..... Gerald Aores is surrounded In his Hotel Chango restaurant by artifacts and other pieces collected during hls world travels.

consisting of the canvas arena, the elliptical business, Flores said.' BUlthere was no mar­ disks circling the entire museum, and the ket for his type of art 20 years ago. He wenl natural sounds.- to real estate school, went into the business for about two years, "and proceeded to hate my life," he said. "I needed an outlet that would give me fulfillment." A friend owned a vacant building that . had been used over the years for everything Flores moved back to Capitan in 1978, from a medical clinic to anatural health food because his step-mother died and his father store, bus stop and mink farm. nccdccttare. . The friend suggested Flores buy Ihe iolntruth,l came here to liquidate what he building and start a restaurant since he had a had and take him back to California with background in the kitchen. me," Flores said. "But he wasn't budging and I was ready fot achange." He didn't just jump .into the restaurant see FIoreI, page4V

_- \ "_.~,-----_. . . -_ ... -,- '., .. . ,0,' .. ------'------,_._-_.. __. _.. --_._-- ...... "-'. . . " ..

• • ;\,EIGHBORS ., ..,.. " .. i Flores: Helping Fort Stanton survive Continued from 1!!Il8-=3V~ _ "My personal experience has saved. They'll be taking a trip a been w~erever Ihere are people year later· and drive dow!l :tf,t,~~ . who love lO go oUllo cal, lhey seek here just beca~ of a UttJo_qif·: out places that are differenl, they they've read. J. .:' want it to taste good and they want "People come .ilit this Iilllll,'i an intimate environment," Flores tiny town from all ovet the worlll"'1 ; said. "ney want an extension of get international financiers who' ftY. r what they fantasize that interna­ ipto Santa Fe and meet here. I lis­ lional cuisine should be." ten lo conversations Ihilt deal with When .. the restaurant first high-Jic!wered men pulling lOgether '. opened in 1982, he was preparing finanCial transactions and one is • dishes such as paella and Greek from South America, Olle. from, lemon chicken. Canada'and some don't even speak .. , "At that time, no one else was English, ADd they're talking about ' doing it," Flores said. "Now I go thelle deals right here in Capitan." back and look at those dishes and . F10tes lOOk a hiatus from Holel say, 'How basic, how fundamen­ Chango to help friends set up. a tal.' We're doing things that are restaurant atlinnie's Silver Dollar. quile different now, on the CUlling He hired a manager for Chango's, I:oiuteay pluJlo edge." but decided to close the reslauranl Aores' paternal grandmother, One dish combines fresh scal­ in Capitan in late 1984. II was louisa F101'8l1, was a New Mexlco lops with dill,.chardonnay, capers reopened in 1989 and serves pioneer. and white chocolate and was Tuesday through Saturday by designed by Robert Pascuzzi, who reservation starting at 5 p.m, f is from a four-star restaurant in •When he reopened, Flores ~ Florida and now does most of the knew he didn'l want to continue lo I cooking at Hotel Chango. Another do the same thing. He experiment­ I new entree is a roasted eggplant, ed and studied lo arrive at a no\y I chicken and lentil bisque. Flores approach. That approach covered and Pascuzzi collaborated on a more than just the food. He. com­ .. ~.JC!~~IP t~atdrilws flavors missioned "earthworks" artist from flie"Padi'ic Rim. /I is marinat­ Dana Chodzkolll create 1I sitMpe'-· . ed andbliilt in pyramid form with cific sculpture out of bales· 01 hay . '104:'. ,. ,.. '\- ~ .. " ~ '\- .~",... . sa vo les, pastry 6lfd juli- leading inlO the restaurant·g&1\ie1i. .;. v \.. ~. " ,.' . .' ~ ~!U,r~h\lMrica. ~'"..., .. ,.0./1.,'. .., _b' . o. ' ,. • ¥Om ''There's a side in me that's in " \_ •...... ,..c.1--:~ " e keep adding or tllking perpetual motion and I've alWays : '" things' off," Flores said. 'uB'very been siJpportive ofthe arts,.. Fl. once in a while we'll get a 'ot of said."1 was thinking lhere had to be .. Flores 88 a young boy In San Fianclsco. requests for a piJrticular dish and somelhing lhat made an artistic . we'll put it back on the menu." statement lo set a tone., sOmething , course. A mixed green salad with "Our sodcly is more mobile Not jusl flavors come from that would be encouraging to Courleay pbolo peach, cilantro and garlic vinaii and JICllPle are so transient," he around the world. Flores has artists thinking about moving into grelle co..~ POlIIet WeilelC, said, "They go from region to Rares' mother, Inez Flores, ran a ~nJ picked up the unusual and primi­ the area." restaurant in Capitan before mov­ cllieken breast tilled wilh pcsto of regioFi for beller o/Jporlu­ live on his travels. He especially is On t~e more practical side, Ing to San Francisco. spinach and ~ wrapped. in. Ililies, wh.~ver' that means. found of pre-Columbian artifacts Flores also has now decided lo cre­ puff pastry. ~n .,..and served They're Iongillg f9r a better way, from Central America and pieces ale a convenient place lo buy take­ from Flores' role on lhe BiUy.thC "with a.salin.lemon sauec and fR:sh and ..think ~doFlC b~ eX!Cr­ from Europe. The display changes out food and eat in a landscaped Kid Scenic Byways Committee, .v~lJfJJ,. ,IS ~ fou!"J ~. oaf changes, but It'S rWly Il!tehlal as he sells items and picks up new garden, or take it home and enjoy a where he talked to membm' of. . ~ dlDllCr IS fiIIis/Jed with fill and! process of self-evalualion•. ones. good meal that's atIordab.le. Project Old Fort Stanton, a group !tallan Cboco~ 1brt made with PeqpIo as a wlto~ ~ diS­ The name of the restaurant was The take-out menu will he now incorporated as Fori Stanton unported choaila!C> crushed nuts p~', They bJv~ no: ~ of inspired by the name of his cal, influenced by different countries Inc. and roasted bisc;olL. beiiJg l!I~ WIIb w"'" they Chango, and a building across the and will include some pasta dishes, "The people involve4, like For more .Informatlon ~r .to' lU'C, ThaI.dlSp.~ellt bas ~ street that had been a old hoiel. a few Southwestern, an East Indian Sally Burkstallcr Van Shamblin, make reservaltons for the ~lI\ner,a Jot of disastlsfaQion. It WQllId be From the ~ Hotel Chl!.ngo dish, and all for under $6. Dick Weber and Jerry Mauox lU'C call HOIeI Chango at 354-4213 or we,mderful if we- could do some- allraeted cuslomers from other very honorable, hard-worldog and Cheryl Wozny at 3364231. . thlD~. ~"as a areas. caring people who have been doing remittder'BS lO I1o'Y ~ lived at "I don't know how thai hap­ thIS' '01' unselfish ...a...... and I one.lttne ...... boW we. might ,live pened," Flores said. "I guess word wanted.' lO be pari of....-.-.thaI," Flores ron ...... BP!.°M· __ _ •.:.1 of mouth is probably the most said y 11 0_everyone was powerful tool there is. That first "For Ibis state, Fort StanlOn is 'Nol-illlC to talk something to Ahhough bespellds mucb of 80 oopperalive. and helpful.~ summer I opened was a very busy one o( the most imporllUlt hOOori- doath. Flores wanted \00 becotne his free titne 1t'aVelinltFlore& said was ~ \I1lWJ'l~ understattdillg summer." cally significant structures we actively involved righl away. The- there'sa ~iJrtakingtrip8 that~jglll1ois.~icIt.clll'_othe!; The restaurant has been fea­ have," Flores said. "If it can be firsldinnerisAprll7.'l'heSSO}lCt and CI/ilSlaitJIy,IoOki\l& forllOme It_llnlfe~alof~eryone. tured in New Mexico Magazine, turned into a living museum, it will person licket will benefit the fort pl*.r, '-, ' , Adventures West, Men's Joumal help preserve it, be an educational Jl!!lject,ne resJauranl SealS about (declaring Chango'S the best place to eat in the area) and coundess :~t:V:~~:'~~t:rmot~ M~.irse ineluding' hj·OUrBht~ travel books and newspapers dinner "·'.e ••nl.' .' across the country, including the ~~~!Ie~i=:ei:::~o~ c:~,=:== .,1, "('I'(Jel"~ :':~. Vf"M~i~':4',. Los Angeles 'limes. because that's what this area Is :rJ:,wlth roasted, pi\lOll'MII ... .r' -W6e r, '·II~fJ.¥~~UlHI ; "I never know what's being published until somebody brings it a~:-Ihink a living museuinCOUlifpeppe~Isb~~=::L • ." " ",; t;Jr.'"TQ,ics...\,,:'. . in," Flores said. "People willliave be uilf-C:Olltail'led entetprise iliaI' meal~ ~ heibs. ." Call A.iWldtine~~i.i.t~~i ift~..'''i -"': 1:'3(,., read about the restaurant in some could preserve the· area withO"t V.m Blfjl!ue with curry, freSh . ""..,.,~ . t, ~~'Ii~Y.:,QtIlJUD obscure newspaper and they'll th~ni~~~:~: =~~~~~:~ Ne\VQ'at~AOOt bring in this tiny clipping they've :vnl9Cd .. 'trIle:Ruido. ';, . -, -'~ .. ,. '._ • u •.• , P, 'b


~~-----'--~--'-'--".~... -"-',-'-.'~.. '.' ',' . .. :. ' ,., ". ,:":::.,:\" ,,' r ~ .. ' '_ ,'., ;'.,

I; I , I I - - I , ' I I j AROUND ~ j , I They toured Ihe Capitol build­ O'Malley, Marie Une. June I corona", , ,. ing, walched both the Senale and Rawley and HODAR (husband of I ...... the House in session. sat in on sev­ DAR) Wtllter Rawley, I ...... eral commillee meetingS and Approximately 100 members l The National Sociely allended a reception at the gover­ from Mexico and'lISSIiCiate memo j Daukhteni of the American nor's mansion. Both the governor j awa~ bers from as far away as Alaska .Revolution the National and Mrs. Johnson spok,e to the and Maryland attended the confer­ j Conservation Medal to Lanila group about mailers that concern ence and a special tour of tbe I Rasak of Corona at the DAR State the group.' Herradura Tequila factory. Then j COnference in Los Alamos on 63; including all the New I March 7.' Mexicans, continued to Lagos· de I • Rasak is an active'member and DAI.' ¥tslt Ciu...... ,.... Seven members of the Sierra Morena, Aguascalientes and j an officer of the Sie\T& Blanca Zacatecas. Chapter, Daughters of the Blanca €hapter of the NSDAR attended the 21st Annual Mexico Highlighls included visiting the "American Revolution ill RUidoso. Cristeros Museum, Jose Rasak was awarded the medal State Society Daughters of the 1 American Revolution Conference Guadalupe Posada Museum and j for her outstanding effons in plant. j ~ in Guadalajara. MexiCo. Feb. 14­ Pabellon de Hidalgo. They visited lulJe IIIlderIlllddoo News ing Ii number of trees and the La Quemada Archaeological j flowers, helping build roads. orga­ 21. I..ocaJ ~ $tevfi tfav»1 win be hosting a book."9saturday at The Also attending from New site and museum, and tbe Aspen . if;JII1!! fateBtWork ·Privileged to Kill" III the tilIhln ~ls Bill nizing and participating in cleaning Guadalupe Convent Religious up liner and being an active fire­ Mexico was Past New Mexico 1 Gaatner ~.If8rieS. State Regent Mrs. Belly Comstock Museum, •. "';':i~ ••• -' fighler, assisting on several large ' They also took a scenic drive to .. """~-it'·~.t.. \:, grass fires in the area. from the Zia Chapler in Albuquerque. The eight New the top of La Bufa Mountain in Life.otp!ystery suits Havill Mexico members tied with North Zacatecas. During their last nighl Local Republican Carolina for haying the most ass0­ in Zacatecas, they were in a parade .....¥IIlte... , ciate members in allendance. The complete with marching band. BY JULIE BAXTER .' . Alice Phelps and Jo Blazer of Sierra Planca Chapter members They enjoyed a scenic roule Ruldoso ~ S1aII Writer BOOK SIGNING Capitan recently allended the allending were Wanda Duke, back to Guadalajara, stopping in Republican Women'5 State· Board .Lanita Rasak. Marcile Stewart, the town of Jerez for lunch on the Steve Havill bas been leadiri81a Readel& inlerested in clH:cking meeting in Santa Fe. Gloria Fogerson, Susanne plaza. mystery lire, oul MPrivileged 10 Kill" c:aJI cak:h I~eighth-gl'ade Havill from 1p.m. untilJ or4 p.m. No, Ruidoso Salurday for a book signing all~ ,Middle School language arts Aspen Tree Bookalore in down· leacher isn'l skulking around dark town Ruidoso. alleys for c1oa1t and dagger daT­ . Iiances. Instead, he's serving up \ .danger, myslery and inlripon Ihe cabollS}1 "stepping, up on my soap pages of his novels. x. LADIES NIGHT Basing his last five books on Havill also weaves olher pans 1bt NIghIcIub', OJ ...thllIltI1ln danct, houie, techno, UndCtsheritt Bill Gasmer, Havill of his lifeinlo Ihe 'books 10 creale h1pobop, okIlChoo1, Nlro MId countryl hasfOllnd fulfillment in fictional likable characters. "I wanted Drlnk IpICiIII. 9 p.m. to midnight. No cover. Posadas Counly, N.M. Havill (Gastner) to have an ,absolute selof started his career as an aUlhor in values...... Havill said of his main 1981 with the publication of his character. In his latest oUling DJMUSIC first novel "The Killer," the fil5l of "Privileged to Kill.n Havilt haa Nixing thllIltI1ln cianci, houII.lICIInO, hlp-hop okIathool. retro and Iven couQllyI four medical Westerns. His work pushed Gastner's boundaries a bit, 9p,m. 10 close. No cover. took a lUrn toWard crime and mys-: troubling him with !he plighl of a tery in, 199J with the publication of young crime victim. "HeartsboLn Mlt's Ihe firsl time in the enlire srAND-UP COMEDY SHOWCASE Havill said Ihe inspiration for series (all five volumes) thaI he Ihe Oasllter mysleriQligrew from a really doesn'l know Whal to do." OJ 'ller allow til close ride iloiJg wilh a she'riff's deputy Havill said. 9 p.m. to ? when he Was Working as a newspa- That anenrion to character and' $3 cover lor show. No cover after show. " per reporter; He spent hundreds of realistic situations has won Havill hours in. t~e company of law acc:1aim across the country. Critics .enforilement offkers and learned and Ihe public alike have taken a mucll: about their way of life. shine to Havill's overweight, MDuting'1hat 400 to SOIl hours I unhealthy law man, his competent learned an awfol lot about people Bowen's. X-COuntry Shuttle - Mention this ad for a 30% Discount the month of March! and that rural law enforcement right-hand woman and her physi- Ski shutde service to Ski Apache, Servi~ rUns 7 days aweek. (Group rales are also available), Service stops and officers put up with an awful lot cian husband. "Alot ofpeople that limes by reservation. j more tlian we Ibink we do,': he read really get immersed in the ...... added. .. boqkst Hav,11 ~d.., , Midnight Express -_ ---- ~ This service provides transportalion 10 all nighllife the Village has to offer. 1 With Ib_t in mind.. Havill III addition to his school Midnight every Friday and Saturday evening from 7p.m. to shaped OIlSliter and his chief of teachIng duties .and his writi~g Express runs j 1:30 a.m. $S per person for transportation Ihroughoullhe entire evening. detCC!lives~Heileyes-GumtaD, hobby -,the only hobby he said j to Itt~ ; '. ,. - 1lO.,wise,pICk. ~'~Jll mtiney as, C!ppQlled to Rio Tram •. • .. mti'fo1'l. "';1....tiU ' CO!llil'& ~y - ~i1Heaches "~!W ,?"!~~~,'¥~ :Jf~r's:»j.tt Finally I shunle servil;e throughout the VdItge of RuidosO. Yes, areal bus ·nt"t...... wrilillg service b 11110 en~ the luxury of s~ 3':'61dinins i.the ',~~Tf~, .". . ! .. ~YY';e ~~fk.ciIi."'~"Wri'; Village'with'~ _cniente O! no liasSiC pitting, 1IIld' ." 'jl8If...-t an go .'f&)lIX ' "',·as ~.". 'll'lot~ by 111II'" .... bas 0;) _beldiJretlOn .while you ellJOY. your famile pa.IIi!Jlt' .;.,: .servi'ce runs f 'r.\;JI~ :. ,•. ,,"lfi··..iil*"lJf'-a1t••\VlllclClf tiom JOlJO a.m. 10 3 p.m. seven days aweek. ' . .' i .'r';r-" ." ./..~, :~ .'''~~ .t._.~ HaviU~'s . very , ,JO... "l_~. "'" . ' '10;> ""'1'.''''' •. .J I:. , '" .JIftqiIel.,...ttnl...._t;.. ing.~. mi~~~ eve~lIIg ter tbat i$ .' "" ;·'loring.mry of ~x ~t, He liJSo·· strivesto',:i\I"~~ lIe's!M~i ...r; '~ : • P.O. R\lidoso Down" NMIl8346 so!;tal.i~.t1Jl!t. ~CC!~ .hlnr,Jlo "It'.I.ptluu.~ he said. . SO 25'7-02031iIIiii _

, , i , , Ruidoso. News. • Mar£h 28. 1997· SV'

.•. _< "-""'-' ••.~.L .• ~ .•..•. ,". , ., ' .. , -"," -." " ....•..... _-. . ,. -,' - ~",' ".... ' . '. "' «,, .- ;...,',

,J; ," f .... '" ..... ,,', .1 Church·calendar.· , C' ; •• I,,.,,!. 'Ii , '... , . • " CATHOUC EPIS~PAJ,. ASSEMBLY OF GOD• Apache Indian Sl Eleanor Gathofic Church ~ilillQllai QhU(~h . Assembly of Gad Ruidoso 257-2330 of thVHl)I ....OlIf1l . M""",le", Reve....d Rithord Cat.n.ch 121 ~1~1O 1.11.·lij,kIooro' . Donald Pelley. pa.tor Sacrameot of.....nce - Sal. 4:30 p.m. "alhe' lob. W. Penn, Recto, Telephone: 671-4747 or by .ppoin...... Sunday lludtarl51-11 &. 1f~.3O a.R!. Sunday School·9:45 '.10. Salllnlay Maos -jJ~1Il p.m. Wednesday: Da~18 of Jting... Sunday wollihi".III:45 a.m. 7 p.m. Suoday M..-IOa.m. (English) l!udtarid'&. healins-':3C1 p.m. wedneoday ..rvicco·7 p.m. 11:30 a.m. (Bilingual) Chol' pl1cticc-7 p.m. S.cra....1of Reamcili.lioo: First Assembly of God Saturday-4:30 p.m. Episcopal ChSpel of San .luan fl Po.. Road. Ru_ Sunday M...-SI. Jude Th.ddeu," Uncoln Rev. Bill I.day lamily nighl- 7 p.m. Sacred Heart Catholic Church CaplIan 354-41102 St. Matthias Episcopal Chapel S.turday M 5 p.m. CarriZozo, 6Ih & != S1reel BAPTIST Sooday M ·9 a.m. Sunday: Holy.Euchorl51-9-.3O a.m. First Baptist Church Adult Bible Study Monday-6 p.m. , Carrizozo S.nla Rila Catholic OIurch Hayden Smilh...... Ior Carrimzo 648-2IlS3 POURSQUARE Fat"" Dave Bergs. Paslor. Sunday School·9:45 a.m. Saturday MasHi:3f1 p.m. Capitan Foursquare Church Sunday wor.;hip- II '.10.. 7: 15 p.m. Highw.y 48, Capitan Sunday M....II a.m. Hamid W. Perry. Paslor CfIurch Iralo'og-6:3f1 p.m. Sooday Adult Bible Study Tueoday-6 p.m. First Baptist Church 51. Theresa Catholic Church Sunday School-IlI'.m. Ruidoso Sood.y wor.;hip-II ••m.. 7 p.m. Corona WedOC.""y Bible 5I"'y,! p.m. 420 Mechem Drive Sunday Mass-tl p.m. D. AI"'n Cea,ley. Paslor St. Joseph Apache Mission ., Sund.y School·9:30'.m. Mescalero FULL GOSPEL Sund.y wor.;hip- 11I:45 a.m.• 6 p.m. Father Tum Herbst. Pastor Wednesday ,;ervices·7 p.m. Mission Fountain of living NAZARENE r Sunday Ma"s·IO:3lI'.m. I First Baptist Church Our Lady of GUadalupe Water Full Gospel Angus Church of thll Nazarene Ruidoso Downs Benl San PlIlrIcIo Angus . David Jordan. Pa."IOT Falher Tom Herbst. P...to, Sandal Schno!'III i\-m. .t Oonllo Park Naza....Conrerence Cenler Ii IoU"" mirtb ofRuld050 . l:!e..,'I! "'i-"",m~!y;9:!lll •.m.. Saturday M..'IS-li p.m. Evening senj_7::llIp.iJL;Sund.y. . ""o..hip hour - II un . Sunday M•...s a.m. Tueoday and Friiliiy. on Highway 48 I Sunday School - 9:311 •.10. Cbad..H.il. Pastor I Evenins wOIJhlp ~ 6 p.m. CHRISTIAN 33lHfOJ2 ,I Wedpcoday prayer m""ing,7 p.m. First Christian Church JEI:IOVAH'S·,-'S Sunday ScI1ooI-9:45 a.m. jj!ill~ Sunday wor.;hl".IO:45 ••10. & 6:110 p.... First Baptist Church (Disciples of Christ) RuidOso :'kingdCllTi .. Wednesday felll)Wll1llj>Ji'JO p.m. TInnie Hull and Oavlljln Canyoa Road IIIIi AlpiIlO'VlIII#1loa4 ,. Iglesia Hispamj Bill Jone."_ Paslor Bill Kennedy. Pastor 258-36S1l,2S8-32l14' '. " , Sund.y School·9:45 a.m. Suad.y SchooI·K·I2IAdull.lJ:30 a.m. Sunday PublIc 1lI1k -I p.m. .. C8$l de Orae/on, i30 IllUJ1linils ~ 'Qllgp&I} _ Sunday worship- II a.m. Regular Sund.y Wor.;hip-10:45 '.10. Sunday \\lItdlrower ~ 2:2j);pol!l, (nos en PRESBYTERIAN 43.3 qaleWay Cell.'" 251~IU . Iglesia Bautista Vida Etema OI.neel Choir·wednesday 7 p.m. Monday Bibli; SI\Id) 41t311 Pl. PuIorOrlosCantoG .' Vouth Group-Sund.y 6 p.m. Thu,"""y MiniOfJy sdIocil~ too.:jl.m. Arst Presbyterian. Church 42U Mechem Drive ..Millca 5 p.m. /lfedkaelOl1 luis F. Gomez. Pastor Th_y Servia: Mee.t -8;2(1.1'.1)1.. RukIoilo. Nob HIB CHURCH OF CHRIST 257-2220 Domingos 3 p.m. pIOdieaelon Oomingm: E.\CUelil Dominical in a.m. Congregaciori Hrspana. ... J.....Hovland, ...... • Cullo de Predicndon. Ir a.m. living Word'Church Church 01 Christ OIurdi rd!ooI-'l:45 a.m. Cul10 de Prcdicncion 6 p.m. Capitan - Highway 48 de los TestigOS de Je~a . 441 Mechtm.2S7-34711 Mierroles: Es1udio Biblico 7 p.rn 1116 Alpliie VlIlIgeMi!\';tl::,;' Sunday wolShip-1I ••10. I'ra:IOIll: Terry and Suunnc LewiJ: les P.arwood. Minisler ""'Iuck fellowllhip IpnCh after WOIShip I~e Sunday Bible .tudy - 10 '.10. 2S8-JIiS'J•.:l3IIr,ll1i.... , .•.. Re_al..rv!cos; Mescalero Baptist Mission Ihlrd Sunday; Bible t:lu4y &brown Sund.y wollihip - II '.10.. 6 p.m. Reunion Pulllle.;Do'in. ~.Ibliw: ...... ell" 'Sunday 111'.30 a.m. and 5 p.m. . Mescalero . ~~;,. ""gtu....al noon tile"""""" Tuesday. Rev. Tim Gilliland. Paslor Wedl)C'day 1II1>le "udy - 7p.m. I'.r;tudlo de la AlIlflYfIlMl. i- Wednesday ooon - iiitcilCerlSoly JIIIY'" !!studio de l,JllIo 4In- ..,·...... t .,.' . 7 p.m. -:!l'id....ocrvkeR . Sunday School· III •. m. Gateway Church of Christ Escuel. del f.lh'l~~ nocmtl~(;. , Mountain Ministry Parish Suaday worship-II a.m .• 7:15 p.m. Ruidoso - 415 Sudderth - 257-4381· CommuJ)ity United Peace CJJapel .. Training Unionoo6:J(J p.m. Sunday Jimmy Sporllmlan. Minisler Reunion de ~~l':7:5&~~' InterdanoMlnaiionil '(ULC) Wedncoday ..rviee,-tI:30 p.m. Sunday Bible "udy - 9:30a.m. 'PreSbyfetlan Chu\'ch :'~;;,,,t Aneho AIlON\lflh Suaday wor.;hip - 10:30 a.m.• 6 p.m. ---L-U-TH"'!'·'i!!'." :':', l..msIe PrI,,", Paslor Ruidoso Baptist Church Wednel;day Bible study - 7 p.m. - ~ .. ~ Sunday wol8hip-9 a.m. 12ti Church Drive Sunday School·IO a.m. . 336-7lI75 . Palmer Galleway Shepherd of the Hills . Servia: Schcllule: W.YIle J~yce.Pa.lor CHURCH OF JESUS Lutheran Church Corona Presbyterian Church Morning eh.pel • 6~ a.m. (SqII••Ina lUJ!e) ,I Randel W~qer. ~iale P.."'r , Hull Road . Wollihip-Il a.m. Sonday ~ • II ~.,.. CHRIST LATTER DAY ,. • r' "• l -1\ .. Sund.y 5P'ool·9:45 •.m. 2511-4191.257·5296 Ruidoso Word Church . • Sunday worship- H1:4S a.m.. 6 p.m. SAINTS Kevin L Krohn. P.."or Nogal filfesl;lyterian ~un:h . Ruidoso Wedaeoday Bihl••Iudy·7 p.m. Dovins Church of Jesus Christ LOS Sunday woIlihip-ll:.lO""".. 10:3IJa.m. Allolt Sund'ay SchOol-llI a.m. Al .nd Many 1.1... PlII'tors Trinity Southern Baptist Church Ruidoso Branch - 336-4359 or 257-9691 Sunday School &. Adol. Bibl..Oass.lJ:30 •.m. Won:hlp- II ••m. 3711-11464 • Wedncsday: Noon-I p.m. Bible Study Capitan (south on Highway 48) 12 mil.. Nonh on Hwy 48 on ...t.lde 0111""".Minl"*,,,lJo.3O 8.10. Floyd Goodloe. PL.tor "'tween mile po!i'" 14.nd 15. Amem"'r or the Mi.....ri Synod , S1qtday .won:h/p-III'~ a.m. Sunday School- 9:45 '.10. Sacrament meeting' 10 ••10. REFORMED CHURCH 11irlJsday sCivii:es-7 p.'" Morning WoBhip - II •.10. Sunday Sch""I·!I: III aJR. METHODIST Trin~ AWANA Wed :.... 6:30 p.m. Priesthood Reli.f Society.12: I0 p.m. 'M~etO Refol'rfled Mountain Fellowship For infoRnalion. call 354·31 19 Primary &. Voung Women-II:rOa.m. Community United MeIcII'eIo- ' Gavill. CanJl!lll\olld. . , ,;l36-42f3 . Methodist Church .~SchaI, PIIIor . Church of Jesus Christ LOS suriday WoliI!tp .. BAHA'I FAITH Mescalero Branch - 4J4.009R Juadi.. Road QurdlliCllOOl-9:3IJa.m. . 9-9'.3lIa.m..'F.rIYer Marvin H....n. President Behind Daylight Dollot. Sunday woillhipoJII;30 ,;In. 'l;;lO-I~ W't~~l~ Cmig eoclutlL PaslOl ••, . Baha'i Faith Sunday: Pri..lhood &. Relief Soc. II :30 a.m. Mon.jonior blghyOUl&06::lo:p..n. ·'11'""..1...... ;oo/llltll' • Meeting In mem.....' ho..... Sunday School &. primary'noon Sund.y SchooI.lJ:45 a.m. wed. hllh...... letld8-7'p,nt . FOIlIlir",_I, liChcitIulc crill " For Infonnution. call 257-39117 01 336-7739. Sacrament meetins-III:311 a.m. , Sunday UIOlllhip-II:30 a..... 10:55 a.m. Thor. 1«1» 011I> (j/

.. : ':" . ". • '.; ·t'_·' -, ' .. ' '1,,'"j Please mail corrections and/or additions by noon Monda.y forf:riday's 'Vame>nO$\ ('0: - j..- •,• '. • "'t, t'" . I • '. ~. "" •.• The Ruidoso News, P.O. Box 128, Ruidoso, NM 88$145 ·or fax them to i!51~.'lOa3· ., .' . ". Ii',' . ,''';'',; ."; In:':t ... ' Vi ;. ... ".·1 t,'; ,r ( '.' \ ,...... :;' ; '.'," 'i'"!-' .\l~~ . -- . 6V • RuIdoso News • Mnrch 28. 1997 • •

I t~ ~ , , :" .. .~'\. ,'~ . - '.. , : ,,' . ..,' . ...." . > ,~. - ,': .. '

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I '. i II ..,

'. . dar, . ~ .~ •, • '. ; I ...'.----...-----1 "'~""'''''~'!j,.''t'¥'''' ~ "Kiss or Make Up," a 'tany, :i ...~,' ~;', ~ ~ A' l:1 : :>C'" ".'"'J>'; '. \ .,'. • • , , . ~'.' • " I ".,.:.' ,. .,') • "., " laugh-a-minute comedy, is sched­ , uled for opening on March 28, at Roswell Community Litlle 'W.~~,:TaIk' briBgs feDil~~~~'~'i. ~~'.iW,~r stage, Theatre, 12th and Virginia Streets " . '" ~ ., • , 'lI. l,' J. .. , ' •• .. , " ••",." ~ in Roswell. - ..: '" ". .~.;.', • " • t· • : "Ru_Little 'J1ellter is warnl- tbe l\Ilking," " '. '.: '~,IJ. in _Ailegifts, AScottisft~ian, "The title would tend to indi­ ingup,t1iCStltaC fwlbe 199'1_0 Jadlson salcL"You ' RUIIX)SQ,Ik1TfLE', .," VI 0 dl'\,1,l McBride is sojourning in Nogal, cate a love squabble," Vonnie wiilt, 'tstint Jl1ay~f the year, niight say it's a T Et\T~' ,''!'al~~'~ , she" Vo!ul\,~ring in the oommuniiy and Ooss, director of the production, it "Wlillian llIt~" a onWel comedy feminist play,but i! H ... ' Ilta)'$' ~usan enJoflng ". the temperate N~ points oul. '''However, is a story f''''' ,' .\ of deception, and an intricate fab­ wril~O'by, Sloan I'Jl8yilon-KniW dOe$n't try to bash What: one-act;ciim~~' .' ." andS~e. Mell~ climate. As Actress ~ ID direc:t~by l

Ruktoso News • March 28. /997· 7V .... . ( I \ .. , .lo..... _ ijl ., .... • , .'" ..~- .~ _ ••'_ ";'" _ • .l. __ ."'~ ,,,.,, , " .-. ,.. .' ". ," -, ,," -...

, , I. .. - • • :. > .) I : "~,'t'~" ' .,' "'l (;OINO OUT • . . ' .

The New Mexico Jazz Workshop. is to~ring its Roots of Jazz outreach program in both Capitan and Ruidoso during the first week of ,April. The coltural education program begins its visit to this area with a public jazz con­ cert at 7p.m. Wednesday, April 2, at the Ruidoso Little Theater Castle. The entire community is invited to . celebrate jazz. the American art form, with the Laguna Jazz Quartet. Tickets for the show are $7 for adults, $5 for students and seniOls, available at the door.

Blending colorful commentary, ! demoJlstrations on individual I instruments and agenerous helping of full-out playing, the quartet will [ inform and entertain both young f and old alike. The Laguna Jazz r Quartet is composed of top musi­ cians from the Albuquerque area. Bassist and composer David Parlato is the program's artistic Author-iHustrator basllew direetOl. He has played and record· ed with such popular musicians as cbDdren's book plibUsbed, . Barbra Streisand, Henry Mancini, Nelson Riddle, Helen Reddy, Liza .Jennifer Owings Dewll}', a resi-. from high school in California. Minelli and Fmnk Zappa. dent.lIf.Slillta1'~ h~:V(l!.abd She-~JtIl!J~¢ .tlJll' ~plslati.il Accompanying Parlato on drum . 'R1utrilted a n~liook fdi6hildrcn . sellool bf'Ocsign ''miiI~mpI6ttd will be John Trentacosta, jau.,:pcF=I published by Boycl$ MiDs Press, her education at the University of cussionist and educator from Santa hi. Rattlesnake DarK:e, Dewey New MeJl;ico. Bef9re·~il)g an Fe. Trentacosta has extensive lour· writeswithcan~94.ofher ::::ks,rato~and writer~d.!il~.!l:~ . ing experience and earned a mas­ encounters_~J.i'J v··U.,"i,iI.kes. . s.. spen~ sev - YWas ter's degree in jazz performance Bitlen by a lilJuiiBnakd' "',' eof an artist in the San FriUICiscll Bay nine, the .:fll~Wt •X~ly area. from New York University. Also tell~i".W~iit1ifto appearing will be Albuquerque's lived to .Her failcillMion with anllllals premier saxophonist Kanoa witness a 'HeIi-'.. cerellKl!ty and mpect lot nature' hIlS led her . and it ritual o~J' _~ lo-wiitClatid/or illUstrate than Kaluhiwa, and gifted young pianist _1J,af1C - more two male rat\tI'tJ;~s~~. for JOcliildrllil'S.'lJo\lb intil!rPOtaling Steve Figueroa. The quartet supremacy. ,;?:'., .. ~. ~ tktse;:l1tetlres, including '''l1a"5 promises adynamic evening of The storiessheftllles;We iDus- Only a ·Mother.'(1'.olild .Love," jazz music. trated with po~rfa'Nlmwings. "QlwgirlDteanls," "'lIe Case of The New Mexico Jazz Wednesday, April 2, and one in Th~ughout the book are "fact the MummifiCl1Pig$" ~wrilIen by Workshop will make two school Ruidoso on Thursday, April 3. At boxeif iII~'i~bl~k-and- Sl/S3n E. QllinJan) and ,"~Idlife presentations, one in Capitan on each site the group will give mom· while and featuring '~\II sorts of Rescue" (phOtograph.¢' with Don infonuation about ritttm and tbeir ~),a 1m NCTE Olbis habitat andbeliavior; as well as old Pictus Honor.,8Qott; beliefS and legcin~ _ ,'. . De.weX·~·iii~llntheliatural The Bulletin of tlie ~nler tor wofld ~ 1~,heftGp.'D· .' _~. ciose the Book review journal in its as her .batkylit~ and 8li ~aw*, as recent· critiqUe of this Utle said, AIltardil!a. Wh~ii 'stieiSn't' myel­ "Our mac:alJm:fascination with ra'" iag, slle !iva- In $lililll t:e with tWd tiers is milked: by,"he skillful .aiIoptecJ "Killies;~lWitiitorl' "fclr Starts Friday 3-26-97 . ~~Y. who:knoWII how _to sink A1exJltll!!r, N:i:il/lilt thel f#on this her f'a!t~jn~.Il1C8der.~ ~.Horn llRimal"$u"~; deep tllought,'1 Book Mag&Zlne called Dew~y'sand VCiIIi$rI.lIalIIed fOI' onelOf her retelHngs both "viYid'lIlJd pbWon- faVbtitetoollltY'sin~.'., .• 'LIARLIAR'~ DEVIL'S SELENA . ',' . . 1II.'" ',. "Raitlesi1ake: DaitI:o'" is 'avail- (PG) (pol' , Raised, ,il'lNew·.' MexiClO, able thro\lgh YO\lf'lIook$lller"or OWN tRl 12:30* 3:30 6:15 8:45* 1:15* 3:15 S:ts 7:15 Jenbiflt Owings Dewey gta'ituafed Boyds MiJlS,~,., : '.' . ;",' - ." .', 9:15* " . '. '. ': ... • 'i< .:.' > .. \~ '~", " 2:00* 4:30 7:00 9:30* .. . ',-- I'" I ,_, .- . II . ..

, .., IV• Ruldo.<;o News • March 28. 1997 , . ' •• •• ." • f , I • I

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, , , I I . RU/closo News • March 28. /997· tv . , ., ..

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,:.J'~--"'."" .' ~ '.~... ' - . ~ '"",",.' ~.,~' ~...... ~ , " ...... I' ~ ~ • " ~7.:..',,\.. ·A_',:...<~~ ~":"·":IJ:".:;; '.~~. " ",~~'t:!:."..'J' I' . GOINf, OUT • ,. ~~'., .''..'..')...- .1J;iff';;" , ; ~V'~;J . ,,,. ·..··"t ···-.,..····';·· ... " . !~' ~ . ." • "'...::' ' ... ,; ,',' ,/t'.1" I. ";- ,.t'.. I.'~' .' .:,'-("'" '.'. , . , ,0'" '." ..' ."!, 1-' :.,~,. :•• , ,,:.' ... .'.! .·~l:;:' " .' - .. ~ ,,' .~ .-... d·~Ft· 'Ii'.~ /~\ ~ ,,~.~ :' Art··. ,.. " 'S'": .''.'" ··ItD·',,: "d,;,' :';., ".'. ",'-:"';, .. _'': " I "';- _ II.! . • 1 . , :'1. l Ii< •. . .' . ..~.,~ ~ 1_"ps"~,' ".,..~ ./'~:' ~. ,~," Ii. , . >. .. , • ~';" : J ,"h{," .. '.' ,"" /,·~·''''t -r.'i ':•• \ "'"r ~ '1'1\i,.t'.r.-';i-'li:'" ,. ~!'·!'''''J.'~,'J;.i .1'ONflC. ~N . Theater,' RIl.I~ Qllilnlli~ity· $10,000' jJrOj~; if8~'liItfaPliJt: FluIdosoNllW8 SlalfWrller ..•. Ol'ncerts and thc"AltlSrs"'of. cant has Wh.veE·'!Il~~,:tu}· '. OakS. . 1· • ' ,;\;.~' ',; aM~haW~Jf'I";' 'lltc~' 'r at· . Several I:OOl'dlnatOJll ofi'~ . The deadline fqr fOlimlaliiJ!i ·lea'StthYeeyeara;~ ';}Jj";';'"1"; arts groups rcecived a basic lessOn gtlInt ~ji:ations is iii riliif-.\\ptil, . ~,aiidlf8l'iitcHj;'~OfWb@ inpt writing' March 2IfrgmEl~'8'aia. He:.~tell tosanJalil)\l~~xtC'*«_ri.~li"\Vril. membc~ of the \/illage of Ruickl80 Fo' Monday' ~ disaisS:th~ graiitt~g :gtUntapplica'tiOn't' w ~~ii­ Arts and Film .Board. '. .. ,pr~ "ilh N,ew KfOllil;lo Arts able t,hel,1ogai,&,R!l!.Ps. ~. ne gathenng'Cllm~~rely0'!C J)ifeclklr~u.is.te'!'Y,and til open ingtUD~Ing, ~I.}~iili:. One weel after an enthusIastiC public COliIrilllnicatloJlS With the- fOundli- oftit!; tc!lcSoHht . 'j!;1.6'aet'u . hearing where many Lill~oln fion:,';' ;," it cat8I~"ft'e; ,. ~1i "." ':' County artislStalkedabout howburiilg ,thi:Frlday meeting, H~nSiiid·. ,", j '~Id they and thc comDlunity C(luld BldtetlF aild RUnd Haminn, a . try tilcIoi:yntCnt ~ iltfWl­ strengthenlocaJ art efforts. IKilird' me~bet I(lid d/1CdOr of the idaleS'Ydllrlog,.te'~!f He(~ Bl1Inell, board JIl~mbcr Spencer 'J'!teatet for the PatoimiDg Wi~~· 'j~r. ...• ". ~i!f." .;W~ilJ ~Ild loCal pho~graphor,. said the Arts, explatnejl. what funds arc PJij:laiingml$lil.. '~"',it;f!I,Dij-. Impfllmptu meellng allhe .f!1useum aVlIilabie atId Dow 'tcdinessethe"owevCI'•."1'tIi,mtItC 'J!lO~ of the H0!Sll last Fr~day· was grant aJIP!icatilin pjl#ls. you t.et~!he. Iliiie ~i~''t~ ., . spurted by the apparent funding "'Multiple al'ti~ts gflluped hllVe tobe.:~ ,iVtqi'e ,~lii n~ of local a~ groupsl!"d the tOgether present a stwtlfr pack- yo.. havetQlIotEtdte.dgtllidd~ ­ qUickly approaching. d~llfte for age," Eldredge told .aI'lISlS. "We ml'mon tlllda.rtfs~ that d!&8l,hB most state granr applicatiOns. need to talk cooperatively fi"t to up Iota! Jlll!dib& 1I11!F' be ciifticlidt Bruce B1dred~, board chai~ see if tboreis even a chante~ of because tlie area'dew belletactOIs Joan and direc~r of the Museum of merging Ioc:al art organizations for have bUn tapped heavily...~d the !he Horse, sllJd board ~mbeJs ptrequests. ,Vijl~ge dbesn't have any moey, c:onlacled local. artists in estab- Eldr~d8e and Harmon said and ·it'WQJl't ~1IV" .'. _ for bslled ~rganlzatlons J!lllStly likelY while Sll~e local artists and art soJl;lO\ ~'; ",,' '. il:. :', to quah~ for fundl~~ !rom the groups Will not ~ able to qualify . in'fiaS~_... , ',;ii,. !:~ New Mcxlto ~ adiVISion of ~e for the grants, many may either .• 'l1ic .' . . ~1If- stale's Office' o( Cultural Affairs.' merge with another group or they aI issu, . \lW.l·)9llI:;*" llWli- "And that's the largest founda-' may .apply fOr official non·p~fit .•ti~ i!iIIi1' .. '" •.!W tion that supplies dQllationsto tlie slatus themseJy~. :: :. ," _t9I\,"" .. '..IiQII:' '. ' .' arts in tlte state," Eldredge said. "So we IIlied til ciOllabonttC tilsur· 'ifon'a"', iif~. "riei',(, S ~ ~' , Toni It I.axBoJVIIuld.... Newa Art groups repre8Cllled at the vive," said Barrow. a COII$III- belWCiei6(1j' ...... ' •...• Regina Peninger bells out ·Cowboy's Sweetheart" Friday night the Friday meeting include !he Ballet tant helpingiItC'lqudwidt~: fy'a'tllf:lf/l" •.; at ~' .",~;, ~ Ruidoso UttIe Theater talent show. the klck-off event for the Ihtater·s New Mexico. the Ruidoso Lillie For !he fowest-Ievel funding, a'· artists. .,.• i,,' ... .. "'. #. ~~.k :oF,!-lf f: "," ~ ": , ~'" ... "'" .' ~. . 1997 season. Peninger, who won second place In the Student category, - .\' '0.. •.', a~ :>.. • received a season ticket to the Ruidoso UttIe Theater. (See below for more winners in the talent show). RLT Talent Show ,

I winners announced I l Winners of the Ruidoso I Little Theater Talent Show ~ \

~ include:.' ~ (Jrand Prize - Jennifer I I leWicki. who sang "Why Haven't I Heard froni You," won $100. Student Category First Place - The Zagone Trio, with Angela Marie, Patricia Jeanette and Peter James Zagone, sang an acapella medley and won three free months of basic cable television. , Second Place - R9nB Peninger (see infor~lon . - "... under photo) ?; Third Place - Lydia Warten, who sang "One.of .

, , I J'. L., •: ,.. ... ~'.', ", . lOY'· Ruidoso Newij • March 28. /997

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, . , . " • I, Rukloso News • MW'Ch 28. 1997' IIY

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L• ~ f r . '.. 1 1r 'ii,,"" mr" 5 Of! I .." 7X't.a .- ,"" •. _' •. , • Rulelnsf) News • March 28. /997' BV

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(This is Ihe second in a two-parI series' wben he hit the ground, abollllhe Johnson County War.) Anote was tben pinned to OUlnumbered and besieged, Nale his ehest. II read "Rustl~rs Champion had to know thaI his number had Beware." But Champfon's' come up, Having dragged his dying partner, sland, his courage in the face Niek Ray, baek into the of impossible odds, had cabin Ihal he was now impressed !lllIny of the bired PAST holed up in, he faced gunmen who were now TENSE some 50 guns oUlsid~ .beginning 10 question any And he was alone, • kind of "cntilre where a man Despite Ihis, as bra~e .Champion should Cbampion had Ihe be eul down by SO" many almosl unbelievable guns. It jusl didn'l seem' . • • presence of mind 10 keep fighl. , • ... II diary tluOughOUI the And il wasn'l. !: gun baltle, As bullels . from Ihe mullilude, (If ...... CoIIII&Y' ~:.+~",-~.-----'-' guns oUlside raked the Drew Gomber mounts tts ...... " The fA R8nchbitn, where Ihe~~ GrilWii"!I~'S army made its stand, cabin, Champion did bis " ~ t,·· I ,. I •• ., • R"idu.w NI!W.~ .~.; besl to relurn fire, but Meanwbile, the eitizens . .' fI :. . ". '. '. could rarely gel a dear of Johnson Counly were rais- ." " .... - .,. shot. The ,bailie was one-sided in Ihe ing an army of Iheir own. ChamRil)n'~: .....:.C4tIIIIIIMc.. , ;,~, . -nor ~t,.1l\"JlIJ.Ie, illegal bod)' ~ranned men ellireme. courage had boughllh~D! Ihe lime to'itct&\l•. ," ,fiirJ,i on Ihe mOlJling of M01lda~;~':A1\1- Iiad lOll:. un" " '/!iIlcd IW~ sel· As Ihe batlle wore on, another alleged The men of Ih~ Assocl~tion, howevl\r.!~ . 11 ,6a;il""'ling begl! iuamest5 ,t tlell" ~ ,- " y qf lI\P:t;~~re rustler, a man named Jaek Flagg, came by in unaware of !hls and sldl confidenl of ~h~Jr Mt;' :ie::Of'JQbnsiiri'Jl, Illy be to iljdi off ..~ resl .• I. IIHl ~unIY, enff. 'a buckboard to see what allihe hubbub was own sueeess, ~'~,. ,,,·w'..· ,~, ~.I I' ,. MlhltrY.:· . requestlld.·. II 'I I Ib gh ,'I Ih' .I~, . 1n:lhe~ftlil,«fetIi~l).Sltl\lldl.~'~ 'Il iiie end' tbe'1'tesidenl elf the Uniled aboul and nearly gol himself killed in lhe wasn ong, on, un J e Ihe 'rll:i!'in . force The Ihel'ihlwltrated j,j:~ ". ' •. • , , process. In facl, he only eseaped by CUlling Associalion was made aware of Ihe opposl.. · h·:J. "',. g, .' I ,n, h ~ ~'''''d'! fi I ·'~lll_~unSlllf. 'BenJamm harnsoh, havmg , Th' 'd gall ped b cit . I ell I~ on any call e In Ie. na • ...... 11. ~An ,III ,Ii! ar 0 bles his horses loose and mounting one of Ihem, lIOn, elr ouln ers 0 a to, report Iy they began (0 fire' on . 'ing IIJ/it .:"J' ,,'J!',.,i!ilI <',' . '.' .' .. galloping into Buffalo, It was Flagg who a large body of armed men a sbort dlstan~ ~ "' .j..•. !D'. _. ".• ,. .. \0 go spread the alarm. up Ihe road. This new. army w~ !ed ~y ,O~ oUlie Associati;D:8~'lt~e~.!&tet ; ..n.,' ...... , 'er- , Sheriff ,Angus, one o~ ~he, rrre~ the eommeDt~."Theywerei:ollSlaiill;finn&on blaitl~ ."'·from The AssoclllUon s IU'IIIJ lII'rins Association had'vowed 10 eltml~ale, Ihe house. which was <:onsilferably shot·"n.,., ....,'.' ,', :. ' , In an attempl to f1l1nk,tlle shenff'S posse The fi II h f L. doo . d"'c:" etltai!t, . ," nson But II was already 100 late for Nale h' h h IthoAtl II' Y na Ygoll ertngeo I"" rsan It Coun" hail' 'ling ra :c rio Champion. The Wyoming CallIe Orowers ~ I~w~ 7- a Iiallo\: anny rea yw:s- was dangero~ to go i1rllr ilW'i There Wll/l.a. Jhe ·eotiI}IoIIiiif.'lIl1 'day and· \\'~ 1!JM aboul As.wc:iation's lillie army had d~ided, alm~t 10~ frie':t~ay~~~~ tr:a:b:t~:l .boy ~ut 16 at the ninc~. \IIlten Wl\ a~ed .. J(a,dy • ~'iIi¢ I plaee 'Y'.~.~ 'ilimy unbehevably, to slay and fimsh Champion '!e" fro B" .S dd I ~7i .,ue was very keen to be 'IJ on Ibe fighlln.... stiowedup. . , . ,. " 10' S 10 uua 0 u en y the'yt(I u . ~,. , .. ", .~ l>'." I . , • rather th~n ~ntinue on into Bu~alo to their themselves in the e~acl same ilin .tbe ,~~J!f¢ 10 borTC!w a gUJI fiom .seve~1 ~f o.Ur ,.TIie Asso'elation men we."' rl'Jci~' ihan la~ge~ objecllve: Ihe county shenff and com- bad pul NaJe Champion in Ihe pr~v}J da~' .,,~J1Y, and finally f~~nd an 01,4;'~lgu~jn lfie happy lo.surrc!,.der-to Ihe soldiers, their only miSSioners, Even though they knew Ihe N h h !les' ed . "., ~ ;..'10('(: He had hardly nnished cleaning II wbelt· olher opllOil~lnldealb, •. alarm had been spread, they still believed O~I et:e~e I ~ 0: Ih8 'j ~~. ~ 'It'&llel came in one of the windllWS and Amaziillily;'lifie~ all tbe shOlltin$ at the they were invincible. e ~ne ,, W~...... !I!,. ,~i. ereased him ~:!I!.llllecJCl!iSl5ll tllli'litow .Tit Raneh, oilly onc man f.a, beIln S.~lll, A Inside lhe cabin, Nale C~ampion had ~fe:: ~~~m~~~i~~dmr"l:;ria:~~ed ;~ldoozeollf~Ite'WOlina;:ItI~ldteqiti":>Il %'Ian, erawIing,,&tQllg I~e grOund'lii an seen J~c~ Flagg's headlong fllghl from Ihe a e.00 o~, ClIr '. ",",';,;_reW~.,!CkiI,lhe boY,I)'~,w.e~~._~"'~'lt.~:~'iJlt.llmpt 10 keq,.OIIt of Slghl 9!~:S!Jam­ Assoclallon 's ~unmen. He Doled thai he had a:arbed ~Ire :e~ce. be~t/,\~J~' ~ ~I~iklll w~ l~f8St~e; .' .. _, ~fil~t~ <;, .~~ters, lJad~den~IX Shot.pltiiJlhe seen a man m a buckboard about three e convement y'.IDSI . !QC\~ '~~: w~ ~ ~ pesplle t!J~ ~~!Mt... " }vorfiiO~$*,! p,He lalel"dlClhif'!he 1II!0uW. : ' i ' .. ~f Jnte"fOr.~ ~'ilew, ~ ~, l o'clock and noted that the man was fired on slaek slurdy IIm,be . .:;' lied bv aljnli: ·R-" \i0fUii:. iWhen ..... Whole debaele \\tas finally struellon of a neW'c;&.wlifl/>g. ',e lilll . '. . ,;,;,.l!ll'i:1l ,1: ll"i.\lii:1O! "ll~:v nJ\> '/' , ~ 'Ied ..... f andp~rsue. d He~somaI denol~o fI h e fact sed~' b'''''fiiil 81('£6' '.1", "".,~, ,," _ ,.Jli·1.'fl:l:! "1i1l1,;~~!p.:h,. _ "n'lgf:Il.'ti,,~!.)\ISIIce,'~,:a\, ·l· ue I Ihathlspa~ner,Nlck~ay,had.dled, , wereu. oranew ~'i.Kv~" n., u .,-#~tloli q(i .11ijt.,,,,.·~ '?!f~,~d;', atlonp~4aehangc.j)fvenuelo Cha~plon made hIS last diary e~lry just Ihe gne I~e o~n;j.,~~~ £. """1b' ~ fit: ~Unlll;t1tliellbit·:. ~ :'~D ,:.~:. eyenne, ~.1ief!l t~ j!gured'th.'" 'COurts before mghtfall: "Well, Ihey have just got n a no ~"'Y'll lJ •. JIt . .~. t, s4bml9(qq,.,.:l!l~trtfj Y'r' P\Jld~sYlllpat~ttc. They w~tl~l The through shelling Ihe house like haiti heard ble, Ih~ Associ.laJ!!~ ~en. ,If a '" • , .f.,,~.::,.:. '£~:I~L !-':'~{:J ;'v . e iIrQerellneilonouJ1ced,tka~hj$court them splilling wood',l guess ,Ihey l!f,e going approlll~al~ y ...... 4 .eel ID SIZe. OU. ' Theyevcn..df :~, ,~~, '.: ',. ~PJMe.l\treii!!liee. "1beri: Im,silllply to fire Ibe hous~ 100nlghl.1 !hrnk Iwill make were buill IRto 1110 allow sharpshoo~ t~ _willl,..il. .m~s~~!itQ :~~"' ~__'. '~" ... ~. ,~~, a break when RIghi comes, If alive-. Shooting eover anYllppro~ehes to tlle-1'l\IIeh, .' ... ¢~IlfiQn me~!<. : 1!~~', ~ . :: l_talb1t~ijf~t<.tit~~for Ibe again. It's nol nighl yet. The house is all .1iem:hes were bul!rifllliik tile fOrt ~nd very telegraP.Ji,ltJj#.' J.Y•.,'.' ~ !.- nee ofllIl.ihll.¢tdted·'nliai·~,so fired, Goodbye boys, if I tlevilr see you ~~orks were bUllt around the other repaired. An'iJ~jr . t1tj1ii:-u~ .. 1;, ~ud~~~. Dr':~ otJ'bond,.iilattll'eiing again," , . bUlldlJlSS ~.'" raneh, •. !he lines ~beeNu ..~~hY~w_tq, .._.;, lId1. ~at ebllll<:e.1f that . The~, he carefully Slgn~ "Nathan D, f\t daWtl the. Associatl?n anny c:ould eitize... ofJ6hhsdli~rWIKr~'iertl!i~jOd».e,we'~81~I, "he~ldslUlbe ChampIOn," and prepared 10 die, • l1i l plal~ly SC(l1l"t, ~allae.l\ell ~~ the ,dir:' nal .st'or1the invade1$; .' -".... ,': ';,~' :~aitln$to.rtll9jfi;r~to~, •, Afew moments later, lhe beslegeri w~¢.jl IJ,Utlln$utJM ~ 1y,t~~tt~~lt.!lI' ~ " ~~!l~~~ ihe,hul\!et. .'. ,,' ::U1llmately,;ili>\V)'~ing Ca(til.n.1ll amazed 10 see Champion bursl froth the' . The.a OfDUII8ItlWllre··nor t,toSl\lii'C\iiIWie.N~~~.'sni1l4~':~afion,.~,·.~~,~,,'h~,:~ers" cabin door, They had already decided he was "~, t\JfS, ~iJ}.,vll$io('lll(Jlleir~ ·~l. tdn"",l',til;': i. .",," "-" .",;t1..auy won. BdlJ!iHtiialit ~f.,tlJ.ye hoI" probably dead, and Ihey didn'l ellpec:t this, dbwn. TtRi siiefi'(f Ii8if~E lOti !'t!JuiI@eii , "...... '. . . .: ,.""*d,!l.W~: . :/, . Ie Hedidn'lgelfar. There were simply 100 wilbhlm,andbaCkinBuftalolltleastdJlO0.Vftt,,~ ""'. ,:~~~>- ti· ":"'I1J!-.'.Pl!.t~ I\';l "" .'~ , :;~:f::;IR~~~~i:~s:;in:n~~ :'oo~I::r':,~)l:,~' ~!:"fl~~lWatI~ ':i '~QJ:~nt~~ J)~~~;'~~;,'~~~~~.~hi~"~ Wmcb~ter ID hIS ban~s, ,Champion went The ladies of.~ ~,: •.. '~!"" ',: ' .... ?~I, •.,. ~U~\p.i¥l~~,.".f~Bi!.,~ down wllh four bullets ID him. He was dead wagonloads~foOd to.-tIJCir. ','C >," '~. "~.'. "., ~;.,'( "':. """"." ",J.~e...~.j.; ,.:!.<>;\""f,~"" ..•' .."". ' .., "".,,_,...... ~ ....~ .....~~... !"'.~..,..';4. " I.!'•.. ~ , " ... '" "..'', .. -,.;- . • 1, '._ eL_ , •.•~.ne ..5.. J. 2 , , , , .... MY • RuIdoso News • Mmdl28... 1.997 .,' . ,

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, " .. " , :), '11 ' , , , +FINl'DININCi 4T THE Pizza Hut ,, D4N U K4 DININCi ROOM , "&' "Delivery or Carryout" . BRbKFAI!t!4INCH .,. DINNER ' ~ Dine-in Avallable IERVmOAllY ,. 735 Sudderth Dr. 257-5161 UU 5OSnS7-514•• EXT. 7SSS . E> FOR DINNER RElERVAOONl 1201 Mechem Dr. 258-3033 , IIE8CMEIIQ AMCIlI! EII1!APRlSEB ,- _".I/cflO;"... /IbIi...rdrol_- _Mr. Burger ,.1 ~.._bl" A...... IJ)CAM/lNGlIaRRDClNI'IlNIlD, I""...11 ""'" ...,.... MIlSClI.EItI, Nil 1203 Mechem Dr. 258-3616 Cafe.- Mesca{ero An Enchanted Evening at... The InnCredible PrimlI Rib, Steaks, Lamb. Seafood. Frvsh FIsh, Chicken Pastaa, Baby Back Ribs and more... WINTER HOURS Rne Wines &Spirits , SaIiJ." (jift SMp "'7inl AN Ijalllry IAJ1lcH ULIIL - 5P.IL DINNER Sp.m. - 9~ l'lP_" 336-4312 Optn 11 a./fL ,. 11 p.... M•.,ftJg MroU[J6S.''''g . C1151S1Z57.....aJSror..pwp~ ~ cfII

APACBI'lIE" q em Introducing - ...... tII1rtt 7-11 ....dlHy Peppers MeJdc...... I.-dI U - 5p.m. ~ Seroing tile Best Mexican food ill Ruidoso! , Illuer 5 1. p.aL SIlDdaylkrllgh TII-r Open 6 days a week' 11 am •8 pm . 5 .,. U,...FrliIaJ HdSlllmlay Lunch Special 11 am - 2 pm ...., 'I7nlll... (5t5) 157-5141 ut. 7557 Closed on Tuesdays • ~5 Sudderth 257-4791 , (formerly Si Seilors) '. .'

, ..~ . -. .TVJl Vr: TIll: 1"-1"-1 [)I:U .Open Daily 11 am to 12 midnight· 257-5141 ..- .." , Featuring Deli Sandwiches, Salad. Soup ­ Pastries & Dessert l , j ~ I I :~"'; .,;l::....':.../' "":',-'''''''...... , '''l:,,~~,,;,,;,""'1$....:,....~""..~:;,":"'>~S~~"'~~"~.." ~"";;''r\'''---":,,.---;-'----- ~-...' ------:.;.;...:--...,'"--:...-----Ru-j-Cl-C~-SC-)-Nel-us-.-.-'-M-c-'idJ-':-2-S-.-/-=99-=-=7:-'--=_==- . . ..-. .. " I I, ',.' ;,' \0, •. , . "'... • , .' , I '," \

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~' ..... '.. Reserv'"t_f.:~aII: -,. For ";'''~If ~~f.J :;." ,. J} "',i..o,1 (fA ,'fir">, -.~ ," ~' 1-800-545-901 '6f·,·,ti~i'l>'~'''~;2'7·lt4t· / '.' .... .f .. t .~ • . !l"'..." ~ .,

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• .. ." 1# .fi ~,. ..' .' ~ • ~r I' • J " l' ~' ~"l,i.~ . ~<~:,~:.i_.,.:_~.a..-Iy'L ...~~ ", ,¥-'''" '" ... :. •• , i~ . 7.".:", .. ,-•. Only Agent in State to have received Regional "Picture of Success" Award- 8 consecutive years

Multi-Million Dollar Producer

Coveted "International . Gold Associate" Award

DISTRICT TOP PRODUCER AND FINE ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES in this quality Alto Village beauty. Soaring ceilings, rock fireplace, shutters, skylight and very custom kitchen. LISTING QUARTERLY AWARDS Bunk room over garage. On prestigious Forest Drive and 11th fairway. Energy efficient. $360,000. CALL PEGGY JORDAN. #OFC EXCL

Million Dollar Producer

Buying, Selling or Relocating?

Ruidoso resident 16 years. Real estate LOVELY MOUNTAIN HOME. Located in Alto. Fully furnished, 3 bedrooms, experience 15 years in homes in (2 master suites) 3 baths. Sierra Blanca view from den, deck, and master bedroom. Large kitchen with tile counters. Full golf membership. $188,300 Ruidoso and Alto as well as land CALL KATHY CRAIG. #96·61291 sales. Working with you and for you!!!


MULTI­ MILLION DOLLAR PRODUCER Being ahomeowner in Ruidoso for 18 years,

I understand your desire to be in the tall pines. HOT TUB. TREES AND PRIVACY. Secluded but in town. Five bedrooms, two fireplaces, big decksI The perfect mountain get-away! $134,900. CALL Res: (505) 336-4276 WARREN ROUSE. #96-60717 Office: 1-800-658-2773 MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR PRODUCER .. ru __...... ---_.I 21 Aspen Real Estate 1-800-658-2773 office 505-257-9057

.... ~. RUIDOSO RESIDENT 18 YEARS INSPIRING LOG HOME Artisan built on 60 park-like acres. .2 be rooms, ASSOCIATE BROKER 16 YEARS 2 baths, plus downstairs potential. lush views. Surrounded on 3 sides by Home: 505·258·4143 BlM land. $269,000. CALL MARTIN ROSE. #96-61619

WONDERFUL SIERRA BLANCA VIEW. Spacious 3 bdrm., 3 bath mountain chalet. New garage, new carpet and parquet flooring, huge new redwood deck. Nestled in the tall pines, all city utilities; this place is right for youl $159,500 CAll JOYCE W. COX. #96-61589

~ __...... --_I 21 Aspen Real Estate 1-800-658-2773 office 505-257-9057

17 year resident of Ruidoso/Alto 5 year Real Estate Agent EXCEPTIONAL VIEWS of Sierra Blanca and valley from this custom built, 34 years as a Pharmacist 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Vaulted ceilings, nice windows, spacious den, new roof. Think property, then take 2 aspirins Satellite system. $159,000. ($195,000 furnished) OWNER/AGENT. CALL BARRY & call me in the morning! MORGAN. #96·61077 ------

--!21 Aspen Real Estate 1-80D-658-2n3 office 505-257-9057

AT THE END OF A CUL-DE-SAC. Surrounded by tall pines. Three bedroom. SPECIALIZING IN RURAL 2 bath home with 3 fireplaces, huge decks, great views and spa. Get away from ACREAGE AND RESORT HOMES it all in a convenient location. $144,900. Furniture negotiable. CALL KIMBLE L. KEARNS. #96-61519


MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR PRODUCER PAST AWARDS INCLUDE: MOUNTAIN FLAVOR ON A GRAND SCALE-Brand new Alto home with full SALESPERSON OF THE YEAR golf membership. Designer has captured breath-taking views. The ultimate floor TOP PRODUCER OF THE YEAR plan with 3 master suits, 4 full baths, 3 living areas. Marvelous use of wood. BROKER OF THE YEAR $475,000. CALL SUSAN OR COLLEEN. #96-60218 LISTER OF THE YEAR

_--!~ Aspen Real Estate 1-800-687-6602 office 505-336-4248

AWARDS? ULTIMATELY APPEALING One of the most beautiful homes ever built in RUidoso. this seven bedroom. seven bath home with large family room and study is truly GOT 'EM elegant and grand. $950,000. Shown by appointment only. CALL DOUG SIDDENS. #96-61525

_...... ------______, ...u _

IUILJIII-lUIiIIIClI1 DClllar ProdLJcer Lifetime Area Resldel1t 18 Year RUIDOSO Area Real Estate Exper/el1ce .

MlSHUSTlER . ~ OF THE YEAR __.---....__I 2] ALTO-LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION. Tile roof, stucco finish, Aspen Real Estate PICTURE OF refrigerated air, 3 bedrooms plus den/study, 4 baths, double garage. Striking SUCCESS 1-800·658·2n3 marble accents, fireplace. Located on Alto's gorgeous 14th fairway. $385,000. '93-'94-'95 1994 505-257-9057 CENTURION CALL JOSEPH A. ZAGONE. #96-60943 Award' .Home: 258-4242 •

RUIDOSO REALTOR SINCE 1985 MULTI­ MILLION DOLLAR PRODUCER Off.: 257-9057 Res.: 258-4949 Cell: 420-4949

EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY. Custom built to commercial standards this EXPERTISE IN BUYING OR 3 bedroom, 3 bath home enjoys privacy on 4.8 heavily wooded acres. Vaulted ceilings, beautiful kitchen, garage. Many luxury features. $279,500. SELLING RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, CALL SCOTT MILLER. #96-61505 LOTS &ACREAGE

• . t -


. ij{; ____ lFft ____ I -'I Aspen Real Estate 1-800-&58-2n3 office 505-257·9057 Res.: 336-4888

QUALITY SERVICE AWARD ­ APRIL 1996 PRICE REDUCEDI On historic Noisy Water Lodge in Upper Canyon. 8 cabins & huge liVing quarters being renovated. Old dance hall (great for meetings). RUIDOSO MLS 1995 Ideal for corporate retreats. Ruidoso charmI Owner financing available. "ROOKIE OF THE YEAR" $550,000. CALL JORISE HENRY. #96-60054 o ObViously E L ex L CAres! GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY- Original owner ready to retire. 15 cabins, Office: 1-800-658-2773 6 motel rooms, indoor pool, Ig. living quarters & more. Private well AND all city utilities. Prime Upper Canyon location. Shown by appointment. 257-9057 $850,000. CALL OVElLA ESTES. #96-61461

---r~ Aspen Real Estate 1-800-687-6602 office 505-336-4248

SOPHISTICATED ELEGANCE-Nestled in a private, Alto setting. Well designed, open floor plan has 4 bedrooms, 4 baths. Striking European tile, 30 YEAR RESIDENT OF ALTO dramatic floor to ceiling fireplace, full golf membership. $399,000. CALL COLLEEN WILSON. #94-41826 VILLAGE



I KNOW THE HOMES I KNOW THE LAND SEVEN BEDROOMSI Beautifully rustic home on approx. 1 acre with +/- 250' of I KNOW WHERE TO FIND YOUR river frontage. 4 and 1/2 baths. Three fireplaces, extra large liVing areas. DREAM IN RUIDOSO $398,500. CALL HARVEY M. FOSTER. #95-01897 ------­_~"':!'!"'l'!!~

\ __:-_- !'21 Aspen Real Estate 1-800-658-2773 505-257-9057 Home: 336-4606 Mobile: 420-1372 Fax: 257-6162

ALTO-NEW HOME. The home you deserve; absolutely gorgeous 3 bedroom,. 21/2 bath. Solid red oak floors, custom oak cabinets, FP with built-in bookcases, large walk-in closet in master, Jacuzzi. Fuy golf membership. $205,000. CALl,. .HELEN ALLARD. #96-6146» . • . , • " •


_._----_l~~ Aspen Real Estate 1-80D-658-2n3 office 505-257-9057

,I SUPER NICE 3-2 HOME-Plenty of room to roam in this home with large 19 years fulltlme experience. I work hard to find open living room, dining area & kitchen. Extra large garage, over 1500 sq. ft. that very special place just for you. of covered decks. Very nice. Must see! $197,500. CALL LARRY TILLMAN. Resident Telephone: 257-7992 #96-61069· Let me help YOUI .


CALL: ALTO OFFICE RECENTLV REMODELED. This fine Alto home is located on the golf course and (505) 336-4248 includes full golf membE!rship. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces. Lots of room. 1-800-687-6602 Looks like newl $285,000 CALL CHARLl:S IMKE. #96-61269 ASK FO~ CHARLES ______n

PLANNING TO BUILD? Your new home will be ALTO-NEW CONSTRUCTION. Light and open, PRICE REDUCEDI on this completely restored, 100 beautiful on this 1/2 acre lot. Underground utilities, 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with 2-car garage. year old, country home. Located on 19.94 acres south of gorgeous views of valley and ·Sierra Blanca. Located in up-and-coming High Mesa Subdivision. Carrizozo. Truly lovely wilh 4 bdrms., 2 baths, formal Excellent area near new performing arts thealer. Social membership. $134,000. CALL COLLEEN dining room, FP-Great viewsl Now $96,600. CALL $21,000. CALL BARRY MORGAN. 1196-61394 WILSON OR SUSAN P. MILLER. 1196-60214 HARVEY M. FOSTER. #95-01500 •

A REAL MOUNTAIN HOME-Thrf;le bedrooms, SPACIOUS, COMFORTABLE L1VING-+I­ GOLF COURSE CONDO-All one level with 3 2 baths and covered decks with views. Large 3400 sq. f1. cuslom home with 4 bedrooms, 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. Fully furnished, 2 fire­ split bdrm. 1I00r plan, fireplace, security system baths, study, family room, LR, ObI. garage all on places, greal condition. Very nice Cree and more all on prel1y wooded 101. $124,800. 3.2 acres. Some owner financing. $335,000 Meadows localion. $93,500. CALL JOYCE W. CALL HELEN ALLARD. 1196-61518 CALL SCOTT MILLER. 1195·00994 COX. 1195·01490

JUST A LITTLE TLC, you'll see Ihe pOlential PRICE REDUCEDI SUPER RIVER PROPERTY TWISTED CEDAR RANCH-Working mini­ immedlately- Two bedroom, 1 bath getaway IN HONDO VALLEY -112 acres near San ranch. 3.6 acres with beautiful 3/2 home, horse home. Close to town, river & Cree Meadows golf Patricio. Some water rights. Owner would consider pasture, 20x35 barn, satellite dish, excellent course. Sierra Blanca and golf course views. SUb-dividing. Owner very motivated-make olter! Sierra Blanca view. Reduced to $178,500. $87,000. CALL CHARLES IMKE.1f96-61517 Now $175,000. CALL DAVID KOLB. 1193-00488 CALL DOUG SIDDENS. #95-01723

SELLER FINANCING AVAILABLE-l0.25 CABIN OPERATION-Five 2 bdrm., 2 bath cabins, PRICE REDUCED-Tastefully remodeled home In acres with delightful views of Sierra Blanca and 3000+ sq. ft. home (could be bed &brklst.), 2motel un~s Country Club Eslales. 3 bdrms., 2 baths, wlenclosed the Capitan Mountains. A fantastic site for your and su~e all on 7+ acres. Room to expand lor R.V. park, sun room. Attached garage, large closets, new utility new home. Horses are allowed. loIs of space. etc. Units completely furnished. Rare opportunity! room. Landscaped grounds. NOW $114,950. CALL $83,500. CALL JORISE HENRY. 1196-60887 $670,000. CALL JOSEPH A. ZAGONE. #96-61209 JAMES PAXTON. 1194-41641 ------..,...------_... _ ....

THREE LOTS FOR $10,00011I Many possibili­ TAP INTO SECURE COMMUNITY WATER and PRICE REDUCEDI So many beautllulleatures In ties here with these lots located in Camelot. Will enjoy huge view 01 Sierra Blanca Irom 2.3 tree cov­ this 3 bdrm., 2 bath goll course home. New paint look at all offersl CALL KATHY CRAIG. #94­ ered acres. Just 1/4 mile from Hwy. Room for horses. inside and out. updated kitchen and bathrooms, 41808 Great place to build-Modulars OK. $20,000. CALL landscaping, Morel Furniture negotiable. Now KIMBLE L. KEARNS. #96-60940 $165,000. CALL LARRY TILLMAN. #96-61267

INNSBROOK COUNTRY CLUB CONDO-Fully lur­ BE YOUR OWN BOSS-Fully equipped shop RUIDOSO CABIN BUSINESSI 3 bedroom, 1 nished righl down to the silverware! 3 or 4 bdrm., 3 for chalnsaw & lawnmower repairs & sales. bath manager's quarters. Six cabins. Laundry 112 bath. Goll course, tennis courts, swimming pool, Four lots, building, Inventory and equlpment­ and storage bUilding. Make offer. $345,000. troul lake and clubhouse all on grounds. $95,000. $75,000. Land and bUilding only· $40,000. CALL DAVID KOLB. #93-90168 CALL CHARLES IMKE. #96-61540 CALL OVELLA ESTES. #96-61515

..,. . ~ . .." ~t~'I' - , UGHT FILLED-With three bedrooms (all large), PRICE REDUCED-If the ordinary just won't do­ SIERRA BLANCA VIEW-Fine building lot in 3 baths and a huge living area, this territorial style this unique 3 bdrm., 3 bath Alto home is sure to Rancho Ruidoso Valley Estates. Plenty of fresh home is the perfect retreat. New Berber carpeting delight. 2 carports. Nice seclusion with views of air and sunshine, birds and wild IIle galore and Solatube skylights. $189,500. CALL SUSAN Sierra Blanca & Capitan Mtns. Full golf membership. Underground utilities. Financing considered. OR COLLEEN. #95-01193 Now $154,900. CALL WARREN ROUSE. #96-60335 $17,000. CALL BARRY MORGAN. #96·61576

HOME SWEET HOME-Just perfect 3 bed­ LOTS OF WINDOWS and a nice new deck await FIRST CLASS ALTO VILLAGE CONDO-4 bdrms., room, 3 bath with gameroom, carport, yard and you at this Immaculate 3 bdrm., 2 bath home. Big 3 1/2 baths, complete with good·looking furnishings, great decks. Very good area. You're going to beautllul yard, attached garage. $1 t 5,000. even linens and dishesl Overlooks 119 fairway. Enjoy like thisl $113,500. CALL MARTIN ROSE. #96­ Fumlshlngs available Separately. CALL COLLEEN full golfing membership and all Alto Village amenities. 61259 WILSON OR SUSAN P. MILLER. #96-61302 $199,500. CALL PEGGY JORDAN. #96·61385 RARE OPPORTUNITY to own this 4 bedroom, OUTSTANDING SIERRA BLANCA VIEW-4 ZONED FOR MOBILE HOMES-Three con· 3 bath home overlooking the Rio Ruidoso. bedroom, 3 bath located in great neighborhood. tiguous lots can be purchased separately or Located on the most exquisite North Loop Road Guesl apartment downstairs. Fenced yard, easy together for a total 01 .48 acre. Quiet location. in Hisloric Upper Canyon. $500,000. CALL access. Possible owner linancing. $175,000. Only $3,500 each or $10,500 for all three! DOUG SIDDENS #96-60296 CALL JOYCE W. COX. #96·6t526 CALL HELEN ALLARD. #96-61309 '0


WELL MAINTAINED 3 bedroom, 2 bath. 14x60. PRIME COMMERCIAL LAND-Over 250 fl. fronlage UPPER CANYON SHOWPLACEI Immaculate, 1979 Town & Country mobile home refurbished on Sudderth Drive and over 280 It. on river. Recently 4 bedroom, 4 bath home in quiet Upper Canyon on .69 acre New metal roof. circular drive. leveled. Variety of possibilities; restaurant. retail, location. Fully lurnished. Open living area, 2 woodslove 13x24 storage building. $45,000. 011 ice, etc. $155.000. CALL JAMES PAXTON OR fireplaces, sunroom, more. Must see! $189,000. CALL KIMBLE L. KEARNS. 1196-60662 JOSEPH A. ZAGONE. 1195·00882 CALL JORISE HENRY. #95·01648

LARGE L1VABLE"':'Well kept 2 bedroom, 2 BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE IN SOUGHT FULLY FURNISHED-Wonderlul 4 bdrm., 3 bath bath home with 2 liVing areas. wet bar. utility AFTER DEER PARK WOODS. Nice views, home with Sierra Blanca and goll course views. room and exira large single garage with lots of easy access, Alto Lakes Golf and Country Club Exquisite lurnishings. Allached 2-car garage with • storage Beaullfu I landscaped lot $95,000 full membership. $62,500. CALL HARVEY M. workshop. Beautiful selling with Cedar Creek out CALL JOSEPH A. ZAGONE. 1196·61617 FOSTER #94·41881 back. $225,000. CALL KATHY CRAIG. 1195·01838

PRICE REDUCED-Well kept 3 bedroom home CREE MEADOWS GOLF COURSE-Well kept, 3 PRICE REDUCEDI live the good life in this 3 in quiet neighborhood close to shopping. Nicely bedroom, 2 1/2 bath home with fairway views from bedroom, 2 bath home. Covered porch, bam, wooded 101. Great starter home. Now $79.500. Iront and from large fenced back yard. New roof views, 2 acres with fence. A really nice CALL scon MILLER #96-60320 Sept. 1995. Allached 2·car garage. $122,500. spreadl Now $112,500. CALL MARTIN CALL LARRY TILLMAN. #96-60918 ROSE. #96-60574

~~~-~~--~~~~~------NICE HOME ON 3+ ACRES-Enjoy gorgeous 33 ACRES ON SKf RUN ROAD-Formerly TRULY CHARMINGI Walk to the club from this 360 degree views and privacyI Three bedroom, Eagle Creek Ski Area. 10.7 acre feet water fully furnished, 3 bedroom, 3 bath home localed 2 bath home has big living area. One bedroom rights. Prime property for development. Make at Alia's beaullful1l6 fairway. Two living areas, and bath are on first floor. $91,300. CALL oller. $850,000. CALL DAVID KOLB. #93­ allached double garage, morel $329,000. CALL OV£LLA ESTES. 1196·61506 90263 SUSAN OR COLLEEN. 1196·61586


1.24 ACRES IN ALTO-Beautifully Ireed, PUT IT THERE PARDNER-Mobile homes PRICE REDUCEDf Neat 3 bedroom, 1 balh with lovely view of the Capitan Mountains. are allowed in this subdivision and yours will home on 2 acres in the country. Only one year Social membership Included. $28,950. CALL enjoy a lovely view from this lot. Nicely wood· old. Needs some linlshlng work. Sold as Is. WARREN ROUSE. #96·60473 ed location. Just $5,000. CALL HELEN Your opportunity to save. Reduced to just ALLARD. #96·61545 $63,500. CALL scon MILLER. 1196·61093

OVER 40 ACRES-Buy all or In tracts of10 POSSIBLE OWNER FINANCING on this quality 3 FANTASTIC HOME ON THE RIVER I acres, 21.1988 acres and 9.3196 acres. bdrm., 2 ba. home. Storage galore! Exquisite Immaculale 3 bdrm., 3 balh wilh 2·car garage, I Beautiful views of Sierra Blanca and the attention to detail. Delightful fenced back yard, workshop, 2 storage sheds, 2 furnaces, evap. f Capitan Mountains. For details CALL COLLEEN oversized double garage, so much more! A.C, 2 hot waler heaters & hookups for 2 RVs. WILSON. #96·60131 $148,500. CALL PEGGY JORDAN. 1196·61536 $290,000. CALL DOUG SIDDENS. #96·60653

45 ACRES absolutely beautiful land with PLANNING TO BUILD? Your new home will be ALTO-FULL GOLF MEMBERSHIP-Greal views of Sierra Blanca and the Capitan beautiful on this 1/2 acre lot. Underground utilities, home In the woods; 2 masler bedrooms, 2 Mountains. Ponderosa Pines, Pinon, Juniper. gorgeous views of valley and Sierra Blanca. baths, sauna, nice deck. Greal getaway place Spectacular. $180,000. CALL HARVEY FOS· Excellent area near new performing arts theater. or use year round. $115,000. CALL CHARLES TER. #95·01539 $21,000. CALL BARRY MORGAN. 1196-61395 IMKE. #96-60403 PRICE REDUCED! New paint, new shingles, BRAND NEW HOME under construction - Buy now UNIQUE GET-AWAY or year-round home. new carpet, new deck treatment, new retainer and pick your favorite colors' Open concept f1oorplan; Three sleeping areas, 2 baths, wood burning wall for driveway. Excellent location aM layout 3 bdrms., 2 baths, fireplace. Must see! Corner 101, stove in living area. Large front deck, attached for home-based business. Ownerfagent. Now easy access in White Mountain Estates. $133,900. dbl. carport, Ig. storage area, solar panels. $122,500. CALL LARRY TILLMAN. #94-40467 CALL JORISE HENRY. #96·61114 $91,300. CALL OVELLA ESTES. #96-61546


JUST LIKE NEwt Home with 4 bedrooms, 2 2.5 ACRES JUST RIGHT FOR YOUR NEW THREE LOTS-10.5 ACRES TOTAL-1.2, baths, FP, wet-bar, covered decks and carport. HOME. Sierra Blanca view, partially wooded, 6.48 and 2.77 acres. Buy one or all three. Many Very nice! Super easy access location, level lot. level, horses allowed. Beautiful land; come see, trees and good views. Horses and mobile Owner finanCing possible with strong down. you'll agree. $37,500. CALL KATHY CRAIG. homes allowed. Possible seller financing. CALL $86,500 CALL JOYCE W. COX #96-61003 #96-60533 KIMBLE L. KEARNS. #96·60661

MULTI·FACETED INVESTMENT JEWEL­ IT ALL STAYSII Best deal I've seen in GREAT ACCESS I One level, 3 bedroom, 2 This versatile commercial property has active Ruidosol 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on BIG lot! bath home with carport and more. Cozy FP, tenants Office, retail, storage plus apartments I Nice valley views. refrigerated air, fUlly fur­ fenced yard, many trees. Super location. Excellent income outlook! $137,000 CALL nished including dishes, tools, linens $93,500. $154,000. CALL JOSEPH A. ZAGONE. #96­ JAMES PAXTON 1195-01717 CALL MARTIN ROSE #96-61353 60666

PRICE REDUCEDt Spacious 4 bdrm., 4t bath home CUSTOM BUILT TOWNHOME- Very large PRICE REDUCED I ONE LEVEL ALTO on 112 acres in Alia's Deer Park Woods. Panoramic with 4 bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths. Gorgeous views. HOME-Natural lighting, open concept, serene views 01 Sierra Blanca, Capitans and valley Porte All basic furnishings remain with property. A setting. Great quality, custom buill home in High cachere entry. Fully and beautifully furnished. Now unique, super quality unit. $298,000. CALL Mesa. Now $144,900. CALL WARREN ROUSE. $298,000 CALL PEGGY JORDAN. #96-60282 SUSAN OR COLLEEN. #96·61582 #95-ot505 GREAT RIVER PROPERTY-Very rare 1.72 FULLY FURNISHED INNSBROOK CONDO-Jusl bring your UPPER CANYON DANDYI Knotty pine interior acres on the Rio Ruidoso. An incomparable toothbrush and move in! Even the linens, dishes, pols &pans and open floor plan compliment this great home location for a home of architectural distinction come with this beautjfu\ 3belrm., 2ba. condo. Covered deck, with 3 bdrms., 2 baths, bunkhouse, garage/car­ and beauty. $250,000. CALL CHARLES nice views 01 gall course & lake. $75,000. CALL COLLEEN port combo, big decks and storage galore. IMKE. #96-60402 WILSON OR SUSAN P. MILLER. 196-61218 $145,000. CALL DOUG SIDDENS. #96-60151


ALMOST AN ACRE-Great lot on Utile Creek. OWNER ANXIOUS-Wants to sell this build­ FULLY FURNISHED HOME located in White Mtn. Sierra Blanca view. Very nice location for your able lot fast. Approx. 1/4 acre located in Estates. This home is great lor vacation or year­ new home. Horses allowed. $15,900. CALL Camelot. Nicely wooded witli useable slopes round living. 3 or 4 bdrms., 3baths, 2 living areas, 2 HARVEY M: FOSTER. #96·61292 and easy access. Just $8,000. CALL HELEN lireplaces. covered decks, attached garage. Lots of ALLARD. #96-61208 space! $lB6,000. CALL SCOTT MILLER. #96·61024

31 ACRES-Beautiful tract with many fine ENJOY PRETTY VIEWS, fresh air and sun­ WHITE MOUNTAIN LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION, bUilding sites. Great viewsl Horses allowed. shine. Nice 3 bedroom, 3 bath home with and energy efficient! Beautiful 2 or 3 bdrm., 2 bath home $277,450. CALL JAMES PAXTON. #95-01818 attached 2·car garage. Saltillo tile entry, open with large masler, garden solar room and attached double great room area. Large deck and fenced yard. garage. Marvin windows and doors, lifetime stucco finish. $80,000. CALL JORISE HENRY. #96-61504 $188,500. CALL JOSEPH A. ZAGONE.196-61289


...... 1 .. ALMOST BRAND NEW-Very nice 3 bedroom, 2 COMFORTABLE CABIN-Checkout the back CHOICE RIVER LOCATION-Two bedroom, 2 bath bath mobile on good size lot. Split floor plan, nice deck and good sized master bedroom. Good home on one or the most desirable streets in Ruidoso. master suite with garden bath, lots of buill-ins, starter home or rental property. $44,950. CALL Two Ilreplaces, covered patio, Ruidoso River frontage, great colors, gravel drive, easy access. Must seel KIMBLE L. KEARNS. #96-61581 private well, massive treesl $164,900. CALL LARRY $55,000. CALL JOYCE W. COX. 196-61645 TILLMAN OR aVELLA ESTES. #96-61610 YOU'LL LIKE ITI This 3 bedroom, 2 bath home VERY SPECIAL PLACE-HAS IT ALLI Wonderful, STUNNING TOWNHOME at Alto Village on #9 has a huge master bedroom with deck-could large home. Excellent for entertaining or family life. 6 fairway. 3 bdrms. with master bedroom on entry be another living area. Very good condition, bdrms., 4 1/2 baths, 2 living areas, gourmet kitchen, level, 2+ baths. Lots of built-ins and attached metal roof, easy access, more! $97,500. CALL office, double garage, private waler well, S.B. views! garage. Full galling membership, CALL PEGGY MARTIN ROSE. #96-61205 $420,000 CALL OVELLA ESTES. 1196-60978 JORDAN. #96-61655

. " .... ;.~~.

PRICE REDUCED on thiS beautiful new Alto home. 3 LOADED WITH CHARM-Your Ruidoso home PRICE REDUCEDllnviting 3 bedroom, 2 112 bath bedrooms, 2 baths, light and open with lots of glass & should be this 2 bedroom cabin with fireplace, home located on a nice, wooded lot in Alia, Fully Berber carpeting One-level "Preferred Plan" with oak flooring, beamed ceiling, great deck and big furnished and ready to enjoy! Full gall membership FABULOUS master bath. Now ,ust $156,400. CALL carport. A great buy at just $68,500. CALL tool Reduced 10 only $130,000. CALL CHARLES SUSAN OR COLLEEN 1195-02129 scon MILLER. #96·61386 IMKE. 1195-00983

BUILDER'S DREAM COME TRUE-Six lois In PRICE REDUCED! OWNER FINANCING POS­ EXCEPTIONAL VISIBILITY, LOCATION AND lovely Highwood Addition. $4,400 ·$5,500 each SIBLE on this four acres with UNBELIEVABLE PARKING with this prime commercial oHering Buy all SIX lor Just $29,700 111 An excellent devel­ views I Great seclusion with lots of trees. Horses on Sudderth Drive! Land and building with plen­ opment opportUnity. CALL COLLEEN WILSON allowed. mobile homes OK Now $67,000. ty of room to expand. Great multi-use potential. #96·60836 CALL DAVID KOLB #96·61023 $229,000 CALL DOUG SIDDENS. #96·60847

ON LITTLE CREEK-5 acres with nice view of ONE ACRE IN ALTO with full gall membership BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME-Quality construction mountains. Beautiful setting with nice trees. and soft views. A beautiful building site for your featuring custom cabinets, trim, appliances, and $56,000. Owner is licensed NM real estate new home. $19,500. CALL WARREN ROUSE. lighting fixtures. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, attached agent. CALL HARVEY M. FOSTER. #96·61594 #96-61200 2-car garage. Lg. master suite. $130,500. CALL JAMES PAXTON, #95-01917


UNBElIEVABLE VIEW 01 Sierra Blenca and Eagle. New, cus· PRICE REDUCEDI OWNER FINANCING on this A FRIENDLY LIFESTYLE is yours in this nice 2 tom buill home. 4 bdrms., 3 1/2 baths, Ig. decks, Jacuui, dbl. furnished condo. Convenient location. A GREAT bedroom, 2 bath home. Located in a lovely area garage. Quiet, secluded, yet just off gall course. Must seel investment properly. Lots 01 square lootage lor the it leatures a large deck with view. double $335,500 wnull membership, $319,000 w/social. Owner/agent. price. Now unbeatably priced at just $45,0001 garage/carport. loft and lots of storage. $92,500. CAll JOSEPH A. ZAGONE. ~1082 CAll JOYCE W. COX. #96-60578 CALL LARRY TILLMAN. #96·61595

...., .,- -' . .. -.'• • . • • .... '-.J.'• , ,• ,j" . •. ~'ri . ~ . .ol,'f.~ , .~ ' .....~,'- ..-·;11' ...' '. • ...... ,.-... ;.. GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD-located on Keys Drivel A VERY SPECIAL ALTO HOME-Unique in WONDERFUL four bedroom, 3 1/2 bath home has very spacious 3 blinn., 13/4 bath home with large den design and delightful. 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, so many great details; custom woodwork and and large master suRe. Was amobile home. lovely deck lully lurnished. Large wooded lot with soli stained glass. Gorgeous landscaped lot, lantastic surrounded by tall pines. carport. Appliances. $89,000. southern view. $259.500. CALL SUSAN OR workshop. You must see this onel Now $199,000. CAll PEGGY JORDAN. #96-61618 COLLEEN. #96-60455 CALL JOSEPH A. ZAGONE. #96-60800

VERY NICE SET·UP-2 bedroom, 2 bath mobile THREE 10 ACRE TRACTS-Buy one or all lor EVERYTHING STAYSt All furnishings, dishes. home with 2 add-ons (one could be 3rd bdrm.), ultimate seclusion. Trees, meadows, hilllops, linens. etc. go with this 3 belrm., 2 bath home in 1 other is storage and hobby room. BIG covered valleys, & panoramic views. City water, electric Alto. Great for seasonal or year·round home. deck -great for relaxing. Storage bldg. and car­ avail. Horses & mobiles OK. $25,000-$28,000. Includes full golfing membership. $185,000. port. $65,500. CALL JORISE HENRY. #96-61620 CALL KIMBLE L. KEARNS. #96·60433 CALL MARTIN ROSE. #96-60955

DEER PARK WOODS-Large • wooded lot approx. 2 acres with social membership. $18,000. #95-01858

APPAOXIMATELV ONE ACRE in Alto's Deer Park Woods with valley views, huge pines and Social membership. $18,000. CALL WARREN ROUSE. #94· WELL MAINTAINED & CLEAN-Nice mobile MULTI·USE COMMERCIAL-Great location for Bed & home with 2 bdrms., (plus a room to use as bed· Breakfast wlshops, restaurant, etc. 19. bldg. currenlfy used as 41417. room, office/study). Your choice I Split bedroom office complex by lOt therapists and doctors. Additional 5rental plan. Covered deck, fireplace, pantry, good stor­ apartments, laundry area and separate house. All nicely ramad· . age. $54,900. CAll aVELlA ESTES. #96-61647 eled. $598,000. CALl JAMES PAXTON. 196-61293 .. " -'"",,~I ·VI• . .

INCREDmLE NEW HOME· Great custom NEW CONSTRUCTION • Classy custom design in tJils beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath light home w/beautiful Sierra Blanca views off of . & airy Forest Heights home. Exceptional high both covered decks. Stucco home w/2 bed­ cathedral & recessed ceilings add to the charm. rooms, 1 3/4 baths. Lots of windows! Lots of Jacuzzi ~n tub, separate shQwer & double style! $116,000. 97-70010 einks.$163,OOO.97·70339

RUSTIC cBAllMER· NEW CONSTRUCTION ~ GREAT FAMILY HOME in a good neighborhood 2/2 feature& rough cu~'wood exterior siding, knotty with easy access. This 3/2 home has a soft view of pine tlg insitlf. Super tpwity and style.1\Yo red· Sierra Blanca, fenced yard, Berber carpet, tile, red· wood decks, custom cabinets, nice 1 level. Owner is wood decks, 2car garage, and more. Seller is a licensed NM Realtor. $99,900. 97·70028 licensed NM Realtor. $144,500. 96-62134


~ I

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, •

COBPOIL\'.IE•ilETaATl MOllNTAIN VIEWS· 'l'bla 6 bedmom home buit.... /ala II IlIOIII wllivioB -.PIII8­ and ._1IieWI IISierra t BIaIlClIlvm COVllIItld deeb. , Con-umi localion, clooe kI Ind<. ohoppi.,.. t.!24,900. 97.7_ cozy.COIIfOIl'I'i\IILB. AFPOIIDABLB •3bedroom, 1 bath, .... level """'" large deck • fllllClld yard, CllIIV8IIlenl­ ly Iocallld II8lII' dte river and perk. AaaumabIe loan, 110 quail. (yUrg. "1,000. 97·70071

f r r I I .' I • I

~~~. Tins CV8'roM-8VILT ROMB 'SlJI'ER, SlEBBA BLANCA VlEWSl HAS rr ALL! Charm and character AImoat new 3 badruom, 2 bath, with In lhia (almost) new 4 bedroom, 3 lovely nulled ~linp, oorner lire­ bath home, In beautlful While ML place. reCrigeraled air condIlIoner, LaniCogan Estatea, low malnlenant:e, metal srut Sierra B1aIICI viewa &om decl< roof aud 50 year vinyl aidlnro double nlf1lvin« ..... lpartillJy _red), 2 336-8312 tinlahed lI8r1Ji'I pIua ainsle PJ'II&'I. /ala made into ODD, IeveJ _ FuI\Y 1ledu

. . ..

, . -...",. . " • .,~~ .. I ... 6' •• .. I ...------...... I'-iiiioIiillii!1lilii I

, I~ "~._.,.~''''' . , ._- '. "' '.•.•.• _ ·c· -.'-.' .',.' , . '- --_ ..• - . " -,- ... ~. '..~-" ,,;., ,-"-, , ' ..,' . .. I ~ ~ ,.~,-. '~~'Nf.",; .. -.~~~""i~'~,~~-,~ C~"" r... ·" '+ ':~ ',' ...... :: ,: '~~>111:~' ~'.~ . • - • ¥•..• " ~'"''':''' ,", ,-~''''~ 'Ii!"~'ii!~'!,!"",,!!,-"" ~.""-"!"l'il'!!'!!i'·1I!! ., '~ ~,.:",',' .joIII!!!l""'-....--~--"""!'------.,

\ \ \ r~TOPorTBll• M01lNTAlN with 9iiiIItbal don't set belter, Imm"'l1alie_ tom 1Juilt 4~ .,900. OwnOflbuill\er. 1+ _buge ~olIiIle,lota or afDr8&e, double gange +eilI&1e garqe, , ,(. Indy P&noramic views. 94-40628 ~GVIEWIl &om this Iovel,y one level, a bedroom, 2 112 b8th home on huge lot w/peifect aOOeu, 2Ii¥. iDg _,light" open, Iota or Nancy Lore wiDdowa to lppftIOialAl views, IIftlB is i.ulom homes. Appt. 258-4741 0IIIy. '229,800...98-lIOII27 ..


."GORGEOUS BlVlRBOMEm DI8TINCTlVB STUCCO CllABMlNG BOMEINICE FOUR BED@OMBBAUTVl Nestled in the llialll! on the tli.il " W/8IEIlIIABLANCA VlEWI VIEW TOOl •This one is adon This spscioua, I level plan bila RlllrJooo is tIWI uquislte log home. From IWlh courtyard too the ele­ housel Eztra c:Iesn, nkely fur· many desiralJlIl features auoh u a EIBglIIlt &1!1wmIJJt with excep­ gant tile patio. PWmed ror lumri· nished. abedroome. Great Door double garage, hoi tub room and a Richard &; Janis ' tlonaI attentlon to detail. OUll living. Bl'elithtaking Sierra pion, cozy fireplace and a lovely wood burning stove. A VBIY nice Beautlfull,y IlIrnIshed tool Blanea v1811V1 $296,000. view. $74,600. home. '129,900. Loverin $626,000.97.70228 97·70860 97·70282 97-70240 25lHi008


4 .a. 1WO BEDROOM AND ONE POUR BEDROOM, lUI BATH FULL BATB •This nice mobiJe One of the nieeot homes in home comes I'uII,y l'umiahed down Ruidoso. Super niA:e, clllllO, ID the Iiuena. Juat briugyour brisht, remodeled in 1994. tootbImllIb. Tbere is • run me Kitchen cabinets, carpet, paint, bed, • Bet orbuDk heda and mm outside atorage abed ami window a rold 001 ClOllCh. It will eaily ceveringa. '175,000. 96-61723 aleep 6. '17,600. 96-61413 , ", ONE or TBB BEST lIB9TAU· GREAT CABIN ON MAIN· IWmIIN1UlQlOIIO. Both the UPPER CANYON. Zoned com· Deck HooM llastaiIrIlIt and The . ". , msMal naighhorhood. Could be 11ntIlIa OImJW\f, £uml1Ure, lilt· : :., .' used ror retail or bome or belb. turet, equipment, reci...will be Two bedroom, 1run batIL Lorse sold. C1lal and Yu7 _lIDtab kitchen. 6rep1acle, llUII room • neallonl Co111 and ealllll)" Ron Ritter looks out to the river. Fsneed ~ $25O,ogo, . 1 backyard. t89,900. 97·70102 ',k" ,". ~-. ,,: ,t:.. '378·8191 ... .

, I. J

, , ." !', • ". ~ . " , , .. • ~ _,k~'~~'_-:',~ci: ,~.~~:. :~" .,,~ ~i,;~~', ~ ~~,i: ~~,~;".;,:; ~~:,t;~~,.:;:(~~~i~l~~-b~~~t~~~~ ~A~~j(~~.L;'~ .~~_. ~7__~ _,,,, ..::'-i.:, ':.__ .• •.•;. , ••. "••';:, .. '(0 ••• •• ,', .. .•. ..L._ • . ,;', "'-" ,,, ... •• .,.:." '" ,~~, 'j:: .'.: :.-',.,. r .. '" .. ~ I •• ,'''' • I -.' , -. ! ".

INVEST IN THE• HIll'roar . BIII\ NIC~;.\1W•••1\901lY.­ OF LINCOLN COUNft Great NJly furiIiaIied IlOI/49lnAiIAl potential, retai~ natBuranls, 8 ./ A1pe: nediuom, 4bolho. Hving renlalllnit&lart sf.1IlIios, IV I room and lPJIIIIllOOm with wei park, The Fox Caw on 40 Ilttl!lL bar andaJlll.C1llb b8IIse, lennis Backs lip to Notional Fo",st: 98­ and ewimlJling pool. 97·70176 '. 61375 $295,000. '169,000.

ii" tIP 9. CLAIlIlY AND ELEGANT: 3 ~LJ\IIL I-BTORY bedlOOm, 3both an 31010. CONDO· EMU _.3 Quality conslnJetion through­ bedroom, 2 bath, IIice and OIlt. UnobBtrllcted viemI of . mom)t On Bile; Indoor swim­ Sierra Blo....and bilge win· .' . dowsto ellioy \lIVery bright BOil. ming pool, IIot tIlh and loun­ tillllt. Finisbed work unmatehed. Robles dry. Rental income. $59,000. $267,000.97·70193 Alberto 95-0121l6 " 258-3492

l I , I ~ ,. ... ~ .. I I f I I I I I I I I I Il1YLlSH ~ORANDA LOVJI. OWNER FlNANClNGIBPACIOUS LOOKING FOa:'NO 8'l'l5P8'" INAN I 13 VISTA. A2bedrocml, 2bath with • REMODELED, with earamlc tlIo, I1P8CALE AlUW· Bqjo,y &he park­ I custom fealunlll: oenmI. tile. wood new paint, carpet and 21eve! deeb­ like While Mountain IellinglioJn. &he . ~ ....nl&. built in book ....1Vlll, vaulted Big tiving ores, rueptlre, 2bath. 4 biI deck. Wood _~ vaulted.coiling ceiling. Bit light wood stDve. run 1llIIn· and 1iIep_ Muter ~ ml18d11Ub1g I Lisa Smith bedroom or den could he 6th bod- dJy room. Fnml and bock decks BOd lOOm. Grasay fenced yard. QIlick I ·ma. Fumlehed. f92,ooo. Ask ror Lisa I SmillL, . 336-7834 buge lot with room to add an. fI6.l10932. 8IlCUpancy. FIlrnillllll JllIckoge. I Only $68,500! Ask ror Lillo Smith. $99,600. 98-81937. Call Lias Smith. • •. '.I

.' A. • ... ,-' ..' . ; \,

A A • I~~' ATRULY BEAUI1FUL• CUTE TWO BEDROOM! BACKSl,lPfO'NATIONAL TWO L01'III. w.n mein· NEW HOME on the golf Offiee ExcIualvel Two bath, FOBB8'I1I CIlJ-dHIc, aecIndodl taiDed mollllll, fuIJy fur.. cours. with level ...... end fully l'urnished condo that and well mlintained, 3 hedroom~ : nieIiod, 3 bedroom. 2bath, double garage. FBbll!oue ov.rloab InnablGOk pond 2 bath, double ga'r8ge, ItUdloI \;. ' cloleto race traclc. C!oee'to master suite. Large master and the goJI' coune. Ready donJapl. €ollId be 4th bedtoom }:', '" the river, rented, Invely yard bath & dos.te. Lovely ouk for you to move In. Owner Ie also, IIWIl'OOllI with u,!iPltt i :~, : with Iiui& u-. coveIVd cabinetry. $164,600. Ilcensed·NM IWaltor. $69;900 one 1oVe1 willi graat ---t.," <, deck;,••900. fl6.614l13 ;:~ . .' 97-70069. 97·70293 melaI d.. tl89;900.( 96'61.19•= : - 1 r • '. : , '" CUTE CHALET! 2nd .tory mllller suitel 'lIMl bedroom down, deckl. pretty wooded loll Mgolfm.mblioblp. Gnat 0'- $169.900. 97,70337 • ,EllieWeinreieh 336-1028

• . ,.-~_.;, " '.' ."- ,- ': - I . 'c." • -'-''',,' j' " ." ".'" ~....._---.,-~,-~~~ ...... "''f"''"''W~Ili'V4~_~-~",~joI..~~r~ .. " . , ~ , ...... -----_.- - '_.'"'" _'_L._':l.~~'_.· __._..!_J..--'_··__ ._·_•. ~~.~~~· ,,, ",_....""""~~~ \ Can't stand to be in your kitchen? I, ' II



, .

'. •

1~ ~ ,: ~ ~ , ~ r ~ .'~ ~: ~, .", , ;J j Cronin • $149,500· 201 University Thompson • $330,000 • 525 High Mesa Dr. Kreins' $410,000' 204 French J j 4 Bedroom, 2 1/2 Bath. Jacuzzi Room! 4Bedroom, 3 112 Bath, #4 fairway, full membership 4 Bedroom, 3 1/2 Bath, full golf, Alto! I Creat Kitchen i I Great Kitchen Great Kitchen I ~ I ,• • CENTURY 21 Aspen Real Estate • Ruidoso, New Mexico 88355 ,i , Inquiries I Dial (505) 336-4248 or 1-800-687-6602

, I

Properties advertised in this insert ar.e subject to prior sale, price change, correction or withdrawal without notice. This inrormaliiln is deemed reli"ble bUI nol gu,,,,,nleed by licensee, , ,. "'<, ., j Midway Townsite Airport West Ruidoso Pine Lodge The Springs Condo Hunsaker· $32,500 • 204 Ridge Lazenby' $47,500' 119 Bonanza Varan' $55.000' 103 Third St. Davis' $69,500' #21 The Springs.

Bdrms l r Baths I, Cabin-Fixer Upper Bdrms 3, Baths 2, Nicely remodeled. 2 houses, 1 price. Investors! Bdrms 2, Baths 13/4, Nice condo.

'·~~.·'~a ~J~ , '.' ~.

Pine Top Hills Unrestricted Palmer Gateway Pinecliff Timmerman· $88,500· 128 Old Lincoln Rd. Whipple' $89,900 • Hwy. 48. Nice. Proctor' $99,500 • 116 Pippin St. Campbell' $119,000 • 113 Cardinal Bdrms 3 Baths 2 Doll house cute! 2250 Worksho ,well on 9 acre tract. 3/2 Knott Pine, ver clean! Bdrms 3, Baths 2, lar eon rooml , , , r r

f< Great Kitchen Capitan Builder Needs Offer Midway Townsite Cree Meadows Eckland· $124,000·103 East Grandview 2 New Homes· $148,000 &$152,000· 4-Plex • $150,000 • 206 Ridge Road Harris' $169,500' 135 Rowan. Bdrms 3, Baths 2, level on 1.7 acre tracl. 439 Canyon Rd. Finished 312, great views. Bdrms I, Baths I, ,Owner financing! Bdrms 3, Baths 2, Fairway home.

Townhome Cree Meadows Mini-Ranch Cedar Creek Ebener • $169,900 • 132 Geneva Faulk' $174,900 • 137 Rowan. Bartley • $178,500 • Ft. Stanton Rd. Duran' $179,900. Spring Canyon Rd. Bdrms 4, Baths 4, Innsbrook Villa e. Bdrms 3 Baths 2 Fairwa home - level 3/2 on 3.6 acres 20x35 bam·fenced Bdrms 3 Baths 2 1 Ver secluded.

White Mtn. Meadows _White Mtn. Meadows Indian BOIs Highwood Davis· $189,900·545 White Mtn. Meadows Perkins' $199,500·104 EE Miller Ct. Spires· $214,000· 101 Rim Road Odom • $249,500' 102 Wildwood Dr. Bdrms 3, Baths 2 112, view unsurpassed! Bdrms 3, Baths 3, Trades considered. Bdrms 3, Baths 3, The ultimate view! Bdnns 4 Baths 3 1/2, furnished, bi view!

, ------,

...... •

Great Kitchen Reduced to $279,900 River .New &. Different River Professional Decor Wall' $269,000 • 110 Bear Creek Trail Owen' $269,000' 333 Wht. Mtn. Meadows Seoll • $290,000 • 358 River Trail Duncan' $298,000' 155 Coronado Bdrms 3, Baths 3, Upper Canyon on river Bdrms 3, Baths 2 1/2, large, unusual, new. Bdrms 3, Baths 3, plus guest quarters. Bdrms 4, Baths 2 1/2, Awesome view!

Reduced to $419,000 White Mtn. Estates River River River Owner/Agent· $349,500' 105 Don Snyder Dr. Annstrong' $425,000' 1030 Main· Upper Canyon Holl • $439,000 ' 146 North loop Bdrms 5, Baths 5 112, private apt. 3car garage La eriver home with se rate uest house. Prestigious Upper Canyon River Home


White Mtn, Estates Commercial Commercial Commercial Harman' $54,500' 136 Willie Horton Seoll' $145,000' 1690 Hwy. 70 East McMahon' $178,000 ' Jira Plaza Sierra Blanca view 101. Nicel finished offices & worksho . Last unit for sale - new - under construction


" ., .-- ~~~ ;,. , "", ... ~~'Ij'-fh""'~'4""'-' 1M' r ~ ~ "'>'

Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Whispering Pines' $195.000' 428 Main Rd. Blitz· $229,000' 2800 Sudderth Hunsaker' $260,000 ' 100 Walnut The Allie Complex' $599,500

Belowa raisal· land· buildin· ui. Land & bid. 2400 . fl. drive Ihru ~len:::lia:::..1 f.!1i.l!lO.!!!OOO~s I..i.f14I.,llii1e!l!ase!

-. Let us mail you our full picture brochure.

Make our day. Give.us a call! 505~336-4248 or 1-800-687-6602 Commercial Commercial Rainbow Lake Fun Park' $395,000 Center for the Healing Arts Thank You 806 Carrizozo Canyon Rd. $598,000 • 100 lower Terrace. lots Doug Siddens and Susan Miller 5.763 acres. Sell all or art of tenital. Call for cka e. • ,. , .

Reduced to $139,500

Alto Alto Alto Alto .. D.D.D.E· $119,500· IQ3 Mira Monte Browder· $69,500. 910 Deer Park Dr. Herring· $142,500· 433 Lakeshore Dr. Seidel- $149,000· 254 Sierra Blanca'Dr. Furnished. FuU olf membershi . Great full me'mbershi lot! 3/2. Full olf. Oi flat lot. Possibilites. 3/3, furnished;full membershi . l

_~~ " .. t .., ...... ~ It- .~ .... ~>.". '~~... ~ ...... Reduced to $179,500 Alto Alto Alto Alto Stevens • $155,000 • 423 Sunrise Kesterson • $170,000 • 309 Midiron Calderon • $186,500 • 121 Forest Dr. Genon - $189,900· 819 High Mesa 3/2 10 home, full olf membershi . 3/2, full olf, full furnished. Hi ! 3/2, fully furnished, full golf! 3/2 1/2, views, full golf membership!

." ... Nearing Completion Alto Alto Alto Alto Powers· $298,500· 101 Juniper Ct. 43under construction full olf membershi .

Alto Alto Alto Alto Loyd • $295,000 • 102 Messer • $295,000 • 106 Forest Dr. Sager • $299,000 • 104 White Ct. Lemaster· $382,500 • 728 Deer Park Dr. Coggins Ct. . I 'J/3 #6 Fairwa ,full olf membershi 4/4. Full olf. On 17th Fairwa 3/2. Full olf. All one level. Sunn ! 3/3, full olf membershi ! Class !


Reduced to $298,000 '. Alto -Alto Alto Alto Wiggs • $339,000 • 808 Deer Park Dr. Neessen· $53,000· 839 Deer Park Dr. Bostic·. 5379,000· 714 Deer Park Dr. Haines • $459,000 • 114 Mulligan 4/3 furnished, full golf membership Beautiful social membership lot! 4/3 1/2, new, full golf membership! 4/4 fairway home, full golf membership. .. r------'--'i~~-----r -- --.- --..".... ---'.4"-0' ...-. ~"'''''''' _...,.. ~- ..- .... -- - .... -- - -..-; .~ .- ~----~--no'''-''''__I''l'-_- - , '''- ''\ '--"'"'.'-'''''.''' . . . . . , , . . . ./ .. . oJ

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