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b l o o m s b u r y Spring 2012 May – August B lo o m s Bu ry P r e s s W a l k e r & C o . B lo o m s Bu ry B lo o m s Bu ry a C a d e m i C & P rofessional For the most up-to-date Edelweiss catalog information, visit http://edelweiss.abovethetreeline.com contents bloomsbury press The Great Divergence Timothy Noah 2 Mr. Churchill’s Profession Peter Clarke 4 Independence (pb) John Ferling 5 Elixir (pb) Brian Fagan 6 .bloomsburypress.com Beyond the Blue Horizon Brian Fagan 7 The Moral Lives of Animals (pb) Dale Peterson 8 Golden Gate (pb) Kevin Starr 9 www Bloomsbury Press Backlist highlights 10 Walker Bird Sense Tim Birkhead 11 The Story of Charlotte’s Web (pb) michael Sims 12 Why Spencer Perceval Had to Die andro Linklater 13 Deception edward Lucas 14 I Was Born There, I Was Born Here mourid Barghouti 15 Willful Blindness (pb) margaret Heffernan 16 The Man of Numbers (pb) Keith Devlin 17 Yankee Come Home William Craig 18 Shadow of the Rock Thomas Mogford 19 The Killer Is Dying (pb) James Sallis 20 WalKer Backlist highlights 21 alkerbooks.com W . bloomsbury Pinstripe Empire www marty Appel 22 Rain Dragon Jon Raymond 24 How to Cook Like a Man Daniel Duane 25 Central Park edited by Andrew Blauner 26 Ada’s Rules alice Randall 27 The Flavor Thesaurus Niki Segnit 28 Sidney Chambers and the Shadow of Death James Runcie 29 The Paper Garden (pb) molly Peacock 30 American Terroir (pb) rowan Jacobsen 31 When God Was a Rabbit (pb) Sarah Winman 32 It’s All About the Bike (pb) robert Penn 33 Mrs. Robinson’s Disgrace Kate Summerscale 34 The Queen of Whale Cay Kate Summerscale 36 Meander Jeremy Seal 37 A Lady Cyclist’s Guide to Kashgar Suzanne Joinson 38 The Fatal Touch (pb) Conor Fitzgerald 40 The Namesake Conor Fitzgerald 41 The Fate of the Species Fred Guterl 42 .bloomsburyusa.com Beard on Food (pb) James Beard 44 The Good Life Cheryl Mendelson 45 www Our Divided Political Heart e. J. Dionne Jr. 46 www Rat Island (pb) William Stolzenburg 48 . Out of It Selma Dabbagh 49 b loomsburypress.com Indigo (pb) Catherine E. McKinley 50 Elza’s Kitchen marc Fitten 51 My First Coup d’Etat John Dramani Mahama 52 Fire in the Belly Cynthia Carr 54 The Infinite Tides Christian Kiefer 55 The Network (pb) Jason Elliot 56 Chapman’s Odyssey Paul Bailey 57 The Last Hundred Days Patrick Mcguinness 58 The Universal Sense Seth S. Horowitz, Ph.D. 59 Revelations lois Banner 60 Island Cup James Sullivan 62 The Fight for Home Daniel Wolff 63 The Forrests emily Perkins 64 A Twitter Year Kate Bussmann 65 Bloomsbury Backlist highlights 66 Bloomsbury UK imPorts 67 Bloomsbury QaTar FoundaTion puBliShiNg 69 www bloomsbury academic & professional . W The Dirtiest Race in History richard Moore 72 alkerbooks.com A Lifetime of Training for Just Ten Seconds richard Witt 72 Foul Play mike Rowbottom 73 The Secret Olympian anonymous 73 The Complete Guide to Functional Training Allan Collins 73 Don’ts for Mothers anonymous 74 Brand Anarchy Stephen Waddington and Steve Earl 74 Japanese Street Style Pat Lyttle 75 The Story of Western Architecture Bill Risebero 75 Making Dolls and Creatures ruth Sleigh-Johnson 76 Interior Design anthony Sully 76 Food Media Signe Rousseau 77 Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare, edited by Rene Weis 77 The Methuen Drama Book of New American Plays edited by Sarah Benson 78 This Much Is True James Quinn 78 Fame Attack Chris Rojek 79 Waking from the American Dream andreas Hess and Gerard Boucher 79 www Barack Obama’s Post-American Foreign Policy robert Singh 80 The Sea 80 .bloomsburyusa.com Sailing Gold mark Chisnell 81 Team Spirit Brendan Hall 81 Phoenix from the Ashes Justin Ruthven-Tyers 82 Titanic on Trial Nic Compton 82 AddiTioNal frontlist tiTleS 83 maCmillan Gift rePreSentaTiveS 87 SubsiDiary rights querieS 88 orDer INFORMATION 89 index 90 1 bloomsbury press For the most up-to-date Edelweiss catalog information, visit http://edelweiss.abovethetreeline.com current affairs may Hardcover u.S. $27.00 / caN. $28.50 320 PAGES 6 1/8” x 9 1/4” B&W art throughouT ISBN 978-1-60819-633-3 alSo availaBle as an eBooK TERRITORY World EngliSh CANADA Bloomsbury Press via PeNguiN bloomsbury press subrigHts Serial and auDio film/tv The Wylie Agency MARKETING NaTioNal print, oNliNe, and Broadcast meDia camPaigN Print and oNliNe consumer aDverTiSiNg .bloomsburypress.com FoCuSed ouTreaCh to PoliTiCal, current events, www PoliCy, and culTure PuBliCaTions and web siTeS Tie-in to news cyCle and election coverage Op-ed camPaigN Serial opporTuNiTieS DigiTal assets: auThor viDeo, interactive maps 2 The great divergence ameriCa’s GroWiNg IneQualiTy CriSis and What We Can Do aBout It timothy noah a probing and provocative exploration of income inequality in america, and the dangers it poses to our democracy, based on timothy noah’s award-winning articles from Slate. For the past three decades, America has steadily become a nation of haves and have-nots. Our incomes are increasingly drastically unequal: the top 1 percent of americans collect almost 20 percent of the nation’s income—more than double their share in 1973. We have less equality of income than Venezuela, Kenya, or Yemen. www What economics Nobelist Paul Krugman terms “the Great Divergence” has until now been treated as little oah n more than a talking point, a club to be wielded in ideological battles. But it may be the most important .bloomsburypress.com ill change in this country during our lifetimes—a sharp, fundamental shift in the character of American w o: T society, and not at all for the better. ho P The income gap has been blamed on everything from computers to immigration, but its causes and timothy noah was consequences call for a patient, nonpartisan exploration. In The Great Divergence, Timothy Noah delivers recently named “TrB,” this urgently needed inquiry, ignoring political rhetoric and drawing on the best work of contemporary the lead columnist at researchers to peer beyond conventional wisdom. Noah explains not only how the Great Divergence The New Republic. has come about, but why it threatens American democracy—and most important, how we can begin to he wrote for Slate for reverse it. a dozen years, and previously served at the The Great Divergence is poised to be one of the most talked-about books of 2012, a jump-start to the Wall Street Journal, the national conversation about what kind of society we aspire to be in the twenty-first century: a land of New Republic, and the equality, or a city on a hill—with a slum at the bottom. Washington Monthly. He edited two collections of the writings of his praise for “the great divergence” series in slate: late wife, Marjorie Williams, including “an important, exemplary, and finally passionate work of long-form journalism.”—Hendrik Hertzberg the New York Times “an excellent series.”—nicholas kristof, New York Times bestseller The Woman at the Washington Zoo. “A must-read.”—Jesse singal, Boston Globe Noah received the 2011 “Characteristically thoughtful and well-written.”—david von drehle, Time hillman Prize, the highest award for public service magazine journalism, for the series in Slate that forms the basis of The Great Divergence. 3 also available biograpHy/History June Hardcover u.S. $30.00 / CaN. $34.50 352 pageS 6 1/8” x 9 1/4” ISBN 978-1-60819-372-1 alSo availaBle as an eBooK The Last Thousand Days of the British Empire PB TERRITORY WorlD, all laNguageS iSBN 978-1-59691-676-0 CANADA Bloomsbury Press via peNguiN u.S. $20.00 bloomsbury press subrigHts auDio, first also available as an eBook and seCond serial, translaTioN, and film/Tv MARKETING NaTioNal print, oNliNe, and raDio meDia CamPaigN Tie-in to exhiBit at Morgan LiBrary SoCial meDia camPaign on Bloomsbury FaCeBook and TWitter accounts FoCuSed ouTreaCh to history, puBliShiNg, and BriTiSh-interest puBliCaTions and web siTeS Keynes PB Op-ed camPaigN iSBN 978-1-60819-396-7 u.S. $16.00 also available as an eBook mr. ChurcHill’s profession .bloomsburypress.com The STaTeSman as AuThor and the Book That DeFiNed the “SPeCial RelaTionshiP” www peter clarke N o T is it possible to offer a fresh perspective on a figure as familiar as Winston Churchill? Distinguished Bux historian Peter Clarke shows the answer is yes. When Churchill received the Nobel Prize in 1953, it was oria ct not for his role as a world leader, but for his literature. In fact, Churchill was a gifted and successful writer i V long before he was a politician, publishing a stream of books and articles over the course of his life. In o: T ho this engaging and revealing new narrative, Clarke traces the making of the magisterial work that occupied P Churchill for a quarter century, his four-volume History of the English-Speaking Peoples. peter clarke’s many books include Keynes: Churchill signed the contract for History in 1932, at a time when his political career seemed over. His The Rise, Fall, and Return stunning return to power when the Nazis swept across Europe meant the book went uncompleted until of the 20th Century’s Most the 1950s. But long before he took office, the massive project was shaping his worldview, his speeches, and Influential Economist; his leadership: This was the work that defined the “special relationship” between Britain and America. In The Last Thousand Days Mr.