2014 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses
2014 CONTENTS YEARBOOK 2014Year text2 ALetterFromtheGoverningBody4 HighlightsofthePastYear8 OF PreachingandTeachingEarthWide45 JEHOVAH’S SierraLeoneandGuinea79 OneHundredYearsAgo—1914170 GrandTotals176 WITNESSES Trakai, Lithuania / SIERRA LEONE AND GUINEA yb14 2014 Yearbook of -E Jehovah’s Witnesses yb14-E 141210 2014 CONTENTS YEARBOOK 2014Year text2 ALetterFromtheGoverningBody4 HighlightsofthePastYear8 OF PreachingandTeachingEarthWide45 JEHOVAH’S SierraLeoneandGuinea79 OneHundredYearsAgo—1914170 GrandTotals176 WITNESSES Trakai, Lithuania / SIERRA LEONE AND GUINEA yb14 2014 Yearbook of -E Jehovah’s Witnesses yb14-E 141210 ˘ 2014 Photo Credits: Page 81: Cotton tree, WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT Freetown: ˘ Lee Karen Stow/Alamy; My Spiritual Goals for 2014 SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA page 83: Maps: Based on NASA/Visible Publishers Earth imagery; page 112: Female circumcision ceremony: ˘ Louise Bible Reading and Study WATCHTOWER BIBLE AND TRACT Gubb/Corbis; page 132: Sierra Leone civil SOCIETY OF NEW YORK, INC. war: ˘ Patrick Robert/Sygma/Corbis; 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY Rebels, Sierra Leone: REUTERS; 11201-2483, U.S.A. pages 140-141: Diamond mine, Sierra November 2014 Printing Leone: ˘ Teun Voeten/Panos Pictures; Preaching and Teaching This publication is not for sale. It is page 170: Battle of Somme, 1916: ˘ provided as part of a worldwide Bible Lightroom Photos/Alamy educational work supported by voluntary donations. 2014 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses English (yb14-E) Christian Living and Qualities Made in the United States of America Crossing a river atop canoes Fishermen bringing in their to attend a convention catch in Sierra Leone in Guinea ˘ 2014 Photo Credits: Page 81: Cotton tree, WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT Freetown: ˘ Lee Karen Stow/Alamy; My Spiritual Goals for 2014 SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA page 83: Maps: Based on NASA/Visible Publishers Earth imagery; page 112: Female circumcision ceremony: ˘ Louise Bible Reading and Study WATCHTOWER BIBLE AND TRACT Gubb/Corbis; page 132: Sierra Leone civil SOCIETY OF NEW YORK, INC.
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