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Transport Of Particles Across Continental Shelves

CA Nittrouer

LD Wright Virginia Institute of Marine Science

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Recommended Citation Nittrouer, CA and Wright, LD, "Transport Of Particles Across Continental Shelves" (1994). VIMS Articles. 1410. https://scholarworks.wm.edu/vimsarticles/1410

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Charles A. Nittrouer L. Donelson Wright Marine Sciences Research Center VirginiaInstitute of Marine Science State Universityof New York, Stony Brook College of William and Mary, Gloucester Point

Abstract. Transport of particulate material across cesses at the play important roles within the continental shelves is well demonstrated by the distri- boundary layer. The coupling of hydrodynamic forces butions on the seabed and in the of from currents and surface gravity waves has a partic- geological, chemical, or biological components,whose ularly strong influence on across-shelf transport; dur- sources are found farther landward or farther seaward. ing storm events, the combined effect can transport This paper addressespassive (incapable of swimming) particles tens of kilometers seaward. Several impor- particles and their transport across (not necessarily tant mechanisms can cause bidirectional (seaward and off) continental shelvesduring high standsof level. landward) transport, and estimates of the net flux are Among the general factors that influence across-shelf difficult to obtain. Also, measurements of across-shelf transport are shelf geometry, latitudinal constraints, transport are made difficult by the dominance of along- and the timescale of interest. Research studies have shelf transport. Geological parameters are often the investigatedthe physical mechanismsof transport and best indicators of net across-shelftransport integrated have made quantitative estimates of mass flux across over time scales longer than a month. For example, continental shelves. Important mechanisms include fiuvially dischargedparticles with distinct composition wind-driven flows, internal waves, wave-orbital flows, commonly accumulate in the midshelf region. Across- infragravity phenomena, buoyant plumes, and surf shelf transport of particulate material has important zone processes. Most particulate transport occurs in implications for basic and applied oceanographic re- the portion of the water column closest to the seabed. search (e.g., dispersal of planktonic larvae and parti- Therefore physical processesare effective where and cle-reactive pollutants). Continued research is needed when they influence the bottom boundary layer, caus- to understand the salient mechanisms and to monitor ing shear stresses sufficient to erode and transport them over a range of timescales. particulate material. Biological and geological pro-

INTRODUCTION ticles is toward and possibly into , , , or other coastal environments. The continentsare the largest sourcefor most types The importance and diverse aspects of across-shelf of particulate material entering the world . The transport for all materials (water, solutes, and parti- fraction of material that is carried to the ocean beyond cles) have led to much research, and this paper re- continental shelves is dependent on mechanismsthat views some of the more recent studies. The present transport particles across shelves. This is the funda- synthesisis confined to the following considerations. mental importance of across-shelftransport, but it also 1. Discussions focus upon passive particles that has several corollary considerations. (1) Many of the consist primarily of inorganic but also in- dissolved components supplied by continents are clude dead organic solid phases. Living organisms are transformed into particles on shelves (e.g., particle- relevant only if they reside on particles (e.g., some reactive metals, biological nutrients), and therefore bacteria) or are incapable of horizontal or vertical the fates of these materials also depend on mecha- motion (e.g., some planktonic larvae). The flux of nisms of particulate transport. (2) Mechanisms pre- water is considered only as the transporting medium venting across-shelf transport (i.e., accumulation of for particles. Some dissolved phases are relevant, but particles on continental shelves)are equally important only after their transformation to a particulate form. because they also control the quantity and quality of 2. Particulate transport across continental shelves material delivered to the deeper ocean. (3) Some oce- (e.g., toward the shelf break) will be considered. The anic mechanismscan transport particles landward. In mechanismsfor transport off shelves are not necessar- areas where these mechanisms operate and during ily the same and will not be discussedexplicitly. periods when they are operating, net transport of par- 3. Continental shelves are geologically ephemeral

Copyright 1994 by the American GeophysicalUnion. Reviewsof Geophysics,32, 1 / February1994 pages 85-113 8755-1209/94/93 RG-02603515.00 Paper number 93RG02603 e85e 86 ß Nittrouer and Wright: ACROSS-SHELFTRANSPORT 32, 1 / REVIEWSOF GEOPHYSICS

features. They do not exist during glacial low stands, They commonly have infragravity frequencies (peri- or during long periods of high stand where shorelines ods between 20 and 300 s). are able to prograde to the shelf break. In addition, Epicontinentalversuspericontinentalshelves'Epi- across-shelf transport probably behaves differently continental shelves are semienclosedand lie partially during periods of rapid rise or fall of . Discus- within the confines of continents (e.g., the Yellow sions will be limited to relatively stable high-stand Sea). Pericontinental shelvesare those off open conditions. (e.g., the Atlantic or Pacific of ). The following sections provide a synthesis of the Gravity waves: As used in this review, gravity general considerations for across-shelf transport of waves imply water waves (such as wind-induced sur- particles. Physical processesdrive the transport, and face waves or ) in which gravity provides the most of the mass flux occurs in the bottom boundary restoring force that sustainswave propagation. Grav- layer. The longer-term evidence for the transport is ity waves may be either barotropic (surface) or ba- demonstratedfrom geological observations. Consider- roclinic (internal). ations for future research are discussed in the final Geostrophic currents' Steady currents that are section. sustained by a balance between a pressure gradient force and the force (e.g., the Stream). Groupy waves: Wind-driven surface gravity GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS waves in nature commonly arrive at any point as a successionof alternating packets or "groups" of high Active versuspassive continental margins: Active and low waves. The resulting wave train of varying margins are tectonically active in the sense that they wave amplitude is referred to as groupy. are in the immediate vicinity of a convergence(colli- Hydraulic roughness: The nominal height of the sion) between lithospheric plates or near an active bottom roughnesselements in terms of their effects on spreadingcenter. Passive margins are relatively inac- near-bottom flows. The greater the hydraulic rough- tive tectonically and are distant from spreading or nesslength, the higher will be the elevation above the convergence. bed at which friction causes the velocity to go Baroclinic' Pertaining to processes that involve to zero. pressuregradients related to density differences(strat- Infragravity waves: Surface gravity waves with ification) within the water column. oscillation frequencies lower than those of the wind- Barotropic: Pertaining to processesthat involve generatedsurface waves. The periods of infragravity pressure gradients related to variations in sea surface waves are in the range of 30 to 300 s. Infragravity elevation. waves have multiple origins: edge waves, leaky mode Bottom boundary layer: The layer of the water standingwaves, or groups of wind-generated surface columnjust above the seafloorwhere flows are signif- waves. icantly retarded by bed friction and where vertical leaky mode standingwaves: Standingwaves that momentum transfers are most intense. are not trapped near the coast. In contrast to edge Buoyant plumes: Relatively thin layers of posi- waves, reflected energy associated with leaky mode tively and negatively buoyant -laden water standing waves is radiated ("leaked") back to sea. issuing from a point source such as a . Typically, these waves have infragravity frequencies. Positively buoyant plumes disperse in the surface : An excess flux of momentum layer, negatively buoyant plumes disperse over the (associated with surface gravity waves) in the direc- bed. tion of wave propagation. Coastal-trappedwaves ( waves): Shear stress: A friction force per unit area. As Long-period (several days) oscillations that are topo- appliedin the context of this paper, shear stressrefers graphicallytrapped near the coastand propagatealong to a friction force per unit area of seafloorinduced by the coastal boundary. They propagatepoleward along the motion of water above the bed. eastern boundaries (i.e., where the land is east of the Wave-current boundary layers: Bottom boundary shelf) and equatorward along western boundaries(i.e., layers within which wave oscillatory flows and mean where land is west of the shelf). currents interact very close to the bed (--•10 cm) to versus : Downwelling enhance the total shear stress and rate of momentum flows are typically seaward near the bed and thus transfer. downslope in the regional shelf-wide sense; they are commonly accompaniedby shorewardflows near the surface. Upwelling flows are shoreward and upslope FACTORS DISTINGUISHING SHELVES near the bed and are often accompanied by seaward transports in the surface layer. Numerous factors distinguish particulate transport Edge waves: Gravity waves that are trapped by across continental shelves. Some of these result from refraction over the inner shelf and in the . the combinationof physical processesoperating for a 32, 1 / REVIEWSOF GEOPHYSICS Nittrouer and Wright: ACROSS-SHELFTRANSPORT ß 87

Figure 1. Continental shelves today (and through geologic time) fall into two broad categories. Epicontinental shelves are semienclosed basins extending into • EPICONTINENTAL /, .._.._..•..,,,,•_ •"- • the interiors of continents (e.g., the Yel- low Sea, Adriatic Sea, and North Sea). Pericontinental shelves are marginal to continents and are common today be- cause of the rise in sea level (during approximately the past 17,000 ..... years). From Heckel [1972]. BREAKIN SLOPE

particular shelf area (e.g., internal waves, buoyant Other sections of this paper demonstrate that the plumes) as discussedin the next section. Other factors width, depth, and steepness of a shelf affect energy are more general characteristics of the shelves and are (e.g., sediment resuspensionby surface waves or en- discussed below. ergy expenditure by tidal friction) and material (e.g., entrapment of sediment) aspects of across-shelftrans- Geometry port. Broad shelves are typically found in association Continental shelves fall into two broad categories with continental margins that are tectonically passive (Figure 1 [Heckel, 1972]). Pericontinental shelves are and are relatively shallow (•100 rn or less at shelf marginal to continents, and are most common today. break, e.g., east coast of North America) [Intoart and They are ubiquitous because the Holocene rise in sea Nordstrom, 1971]. Narrow shelves are the common level (beginning about 17,000 years ago) flooded the result of collisions between oceanic and continental land surface fringing continents. Epicontinental crust (active margins, e.g., west coast of South Amer- shelves,are semienclosed basins that extend into con- ica). Generally, these shelvesare also deeper (> 100 m tinental interiors at a number of locations around the at shelf break) and therefore steeper. world (e.g., the Yellow, Adriatic, North, Baltic, and The shapes of landward and seaward boundaries Arabian ). In the geologic past, epicontinental have a significanteffect on particulate transport across shelveswere more common, dependingon the history continental shelves (Figure 2). Protrusions seaward of vertical motions of sea level (eustatic fluctuations) from the shoreline (capes, ) can redirect and land surfaces (tectonic activity). Epicontinental along-shelfflow and cause across-shelftransport (e.g., shelveshave a three-dimensionalgeometry that makes near Hatteras [Pietrafesa, 1983] or near rocky transport processesmore complex and the question of headlands [Cacchione and Drake, 1990]). Similarly, across-shelftransport more confused (what directions depressionscan extend landward from the shelf break are along shelf and across shelf?). as gentle shelf valleys or dramatic submarine ,

Figure 2. Schematic of the northern California shelf, showing the effects of shoreline promontories that steer seaward. This mechanism is aided by landward surface currents that downwell to cause seaward bottom flow. From Cacchione and Drake [1990] (copyright ¸ 1990 by John Wiley, reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.). 88 ß Nittrouer and Wright' ACROSS-SHELFTRANSPORT 32, 1 / REVIEWSOF GEOPHYSICS

0 ß -]-65ø

ß .'. Fimbul. ß :: ' '. Ice Shelf ß ' ..

Ker o•,•e•' '.'-..:.....: .... Plateau ßRiser-Larsen Ioe Shelf •l•c•U•L•/"/ ß .

Amery'. Ice Shelf lee ß ... Shelf. ß


,.. ß

ß 65 ø S East West +90 • W Ice Shelf•.• Antarctica ß ß

Ice Shelf ß ß .



Mawson .... ' ß ßPeninsula

-•'-65 ø S 18 O*

Figure3. Generalpaths for icebergdrift surroundingthe Antarcticcontinent. These icebergs can carry significantamounts of particulatematerial, which is releasedas the icebergsmelt. Typicaltrajectories are alongshelf (anticyclonic relative to the continent),but at severalpoints the icebergscross the shelfand head seaward.From Reid and Anderson[1990] (reprintedby permission).

and thesefeatures can act as conduitsfor particleflux 1989]. In Arctic settings, sea ice cover inhibits across- (e.g., Hudson shelf valley [Freeland et al., 1981; Vin- shelf transport by limiting the fetch of winds that cent et al., 1981], Lacaze-Duthiers [Monaco generate surface gravity waves during the summer. et al., 1990], Nazare Canyon [Dias and Nittrouer, The fetch is generally eliminated during the winter as 1984], Quinault Canyon [Carson et al., 1986], and sea ice welds to the shoreline [Hill and Nadeau, 1989]. Zaire Canyon [Eisma and Kalf, 1984; Pak et al., This is significantbecause seasonalrivers and meltwa- 1984]). ter streams supply much sediment to the nearshore, and it is not carried much farther seaward (e.g., the Latitude Canadian Beaufort shelf [Hill et al., 1991]). Similar Through a diversity of processes, the latitudinal considerationsare not relevant in Antarctic settings locationof a site can affectacross-shelf transport. The becausethe entire shelf is below the (>200 most obviousexamples are at the extremes:polar and m, due to continental subsidencefrom ice sheets) and tropical settings.Iceberg rafting providesa mechanism surficial meltwater does not occur. for seaward transport of coarse sediment ( to Low-latitude settings can reveal unique mecha- bouldersize) releasedby calvingglaciers [Anderson et nismsfor across-shelftransport due to factorsof phys- al., 1984]. Sea ice (frozen )can acquiresedi- ical transportand particle source.Trade winds repre- ment nearshore, where the seabedis frozen together sent a nearly continuoussource of energy (with some with seawater (fast ice) [Clark and Hanson, 1983]. fluctuationsof intensity and direction) for production Sediment-ladenicebergs and seaice float with prevail- of surfacegravity waves and currents. The waves can ing surfacecurrents (Figure 3), meltingand dropping resuspendand transport sediment[Harris, 1991;Pujos sediment hundreds of kilometers seaward of their or- and Javelaud, 1991]. However, the generatingwinds igins [Jacobs, 1989; Reid and Anderson, 1990]. In also drive water againstthe coast, slopingthe water somecases, large floatingice sheets(e.g., the RossIce surface,and creatingbarotropic currentswith a pre- Shelf) release their sedimentload beneath the sheet; dominant along-shelf transport direction (e.g., the the sedimentis then transportedby ambientcurrents, Java Sea [Hoekstra et al., 1989], the Gulf of Papua formingseaward prograding subice deltas [Alley et al., [Wright, 1989], or northeast South America [Geyer et 32, 1 / REVIEWSOF GEOPHYSICS Nittrouer and Wright: ACROSS-SHELFTRANSPORT ß 89

al., 1991]). Tropical distant from dispersal Along-Shelflransport systems of rivers usually contain deposits of calcium For most locations the magnitude of along-shelf carbonate debris produced by marine organisms (e.g., particulate transport is much greater than the corre- Halimeda algae, coral). The input of this material is sponding across-shelf component (e.g., for the U.S. unique, because the source (biological production) is Mid-Atlantic [Butman et al., 1979] or for the distributed across the shelf. Transport landward can Washington shelf [Smith and Hopkins, 1972; Stern- occur into and tidal flat settings [Shinn, 1983; berg and McManus, 1972; Kachel and Smith, 1989]). Inden and Moore, 1983]. Transport seaward is easy This observation has much relevance to individual and permanent because carbonate shelves typically shelves, affecting the fundamental mechanisms for accrete as relatively narrow features that descend particle transport as well as the measurement of trans- steeply beyond their seaward edge. Waves and cur- port. Where along-shelftransport is the overwhelming rents can cause off-shelf transport [Hine et al., 1981], process, across-shelf transport can be dominated by and topographic depressions(chutes and canyons) aid considerationsof geometry, such as capes or canyons, the removal of sediment [Moore et al., 1976; Hoskin et which divert flow across the shelf before more subtle al., 1986]. transport mechanismsbecome effective. Across-shelf fluxes must approach zero nearshore (away from a limescales river mouth or ); therefore across-shelf gradi- Across-shelf particulate transport is dependent on ents in transport are normally greater than along-shelf the timescale of interest. At the short-term extreme, gradients. This is particularly true off straight coasts transport direction commonly reverses over the period and over the inner shelf. The distinct difference in of a surface (seconds). Even the net magnitude between strong along-shelf and weak transport from waves (averaged over many periods) across-shelftransports makes across-shelfparticle flux can reverse between fair weather and storm conditions difficult to resolve. [Swift et al., 1985]. Tidal processesare another source of temporal variability that can cause speed and direc- tion of transport to fluctuate on timescales of hours. PHYSICAL PROCESSES Further, the net effect of tidal currents can vary over fortnightly scales with spring-neap modulation of the Particulate transport in both the along-shelf and tides [Geyer et al., 1991; Kineke et al., 1991]. On across-shelf dimensions is driven almost entirely by seasonal time scales, particles transported seaward in water motions. Understanding the physical oceanog- river plumes during the seasonalpeak dischargecan be raphy of the shelf is thus an essential prerequisite to returned landward in bottom waters during the rest of understanding the more complicated questions of the year as part of estuarine circulation [Meade, 1969]. across-shelf particulate transport. Over the past 5 A catastrophic event (e.g., with recurrence interval > years, several reviews and workshops have summa- 10 years) such as an extreme flood of a river [Drake et rized the state of knowledge of shelf physical ocean- al., 1972; Borgeld, 1985] or major storm (e.g., hurri- ography. Brink [1987] offered a succinct review of cane [Morton, 1981; Snedden and Nummedal, 1991]) coastal ocean circulation including references to the can significantly affect the average across-shelf trans- state of the art (as of 1987) on boundary layer pro- port. At the long-term extreme, sea level fluctuations cesses, coastal-trapped waves, and upwelling. More over millennia influence across-shelf transport, but recently, Huyer [1990] reviewed theoretical and em- these are beyond the scope of the present discussion. pirical knowledge on currents, including upwelling and The history of most particle movement involves downwelling flows, over the continental shelf. The short periods when shear stressis sufficientfor roles of internal waves and other baroclinic processes and transport, and longer quiescent periods when par- on continental shelves are treated in a special volume ticles rest on the bottom. During the quiescent peri- edited by Mooers [1986]. The intense but relatively ods, the particles can be buried or mixed downward by small scale surf zone processes that operate in the bioturbation and thereby removed from the transport innermost region of the margin are summarized in the system. The particles are then trapped at some loca- reviews and general treatises by Battjes [ 1988], Massel tion on the shelf. The factors influencing the outcome [1989], and Battjes et al. [1990]. A workshop report by are rates of particle accumulation and biological mix- Holman et al. [1990] details the state of the art and ing, the frequency of erosion, and depths of mixing future research needs in nearshore processesresearch. and erosion [Nittrouer and Sternberg, 1981]. Particles Two important workshop reports covering multiple are not all the same in regard to size, shape, and aspectsof coastal oceanographyare those prepared by composition. Physical erosion and transport and bio- the Coastal Physical (CoPO) [CoPO logical mixing processesmay selectively bury certain Steering Committee, 1989] and Coastal Ocean Pro- particles, causing particles to be sorted during their cesses (COOP) [Brink et al., 1990, 1992] steering com- journey across the shelf [Nittrouer and Sternberg, mittees. 1981; Kachel and Smith, 1986]. The flow regimes of continental shelves are not at 90 ß Nittrouer and Wright: ACROSS-SHELFTRANSPORT 32, 1 / REVIEWSOF GEOPHYSICS

Estuary Wind-Driven Alongshelf Flows ß . .

: Estuarine :: :: Plumes ':::: idr•gr•vity Internal Waves

':Physicaland ;BiologicMixing ,of Sediment Column

;heft Sediment r Shelf Mid Shelf

Figure 4. Conceptual diagram illustrating the major physical processes responsible for across-shelf particulate transport.

all uniform from the to the shelf break but vary transport (Figure 4). Specifically, these are (1) wind- appreciably as water depth changes. Some of the driven upwelling and downwelling flows, (2) internal transport phenomena governing across-shelffluxes of waves, (3) wave-orbital flows, (4) infragravity oscilla- particles are illustrated in Figure 4. Not only do ve- tions, (5) buoyant plumes (positive and negative), and locities change across the shelf, but so too do the (6) surf zone (wave driven) processes. relative roles played by various types of flows. For In simple caseswhere stratification is neglectedand convenience, the shelf is divided into regimes of the flows are depth averaged and time averaged over sev- outer shelf, the middle shelf, the inner shelf, and the eral wave cycles, the along-shelf (y) and across-shelf surf zone (Figure 5). Over the outer shelf, geostrophic (x) momentum balances are [e.g., Brink, 1987; Lentz flows are most important, frictional forces are small, et al., 1990] and wave-induced bottom agitation is minimal most of the time. In contrast, the inner shelf is a frictionally dominated realm in which surface and bottom bound- --+Ovat NL + fu = -29 •yyO• +• 1 ['rsy- 'l'by -}-OSxy]OX ] ary layers overlap and may occupy the entire water column. Breaking waves are the dominant source of (•) flows within the surf zone. The midshelf region is generally characterized by relatively steep across- OSxx] shelf transitions in flow regime and by a seaward --Ouat + NL - fv= -29•xxO• + •1 [*sx - 'rbx+ ox j decrease in the frequency and intensity of bed agita- tion. (2) This review will focus on the specific mechanisms where v and u are respectively the along-shelf and that contribute the most to across-shelf particulate across-shelfcomponents of flow, t is time, NL desig-

Surf Inner Shelf Mid Shelf Outer Shelf zone

, I Figure 5. Spatial relationships of the major _ Sun'aceboundary layer subregionsof the continental shelf. Note that the surface and bottom boundary layers merge over the inner shelf. 32, 1 / REVIEWSOF GEOPHYSICS Nittrouer and Wright: ACROSS-SHELFTRANSPORT ß 91

-1 nates the relevant nonlinear terms, f is Coriolis fre- bidirectional across-shelfflow speedsof up to 4 cm s quency, g is acceleration of gravity, p is water density, at all depths [Lentz et al., 1990]. In that data set, h is water depth, xl is sea surfaceelevation, *s and *b seaward flows at a depth of 4 m were accompanied by are surface and bottom shear stresseswith subscripts landward flows at depths of 11, 23, and 27 m. y and x designating the along-shelf and across-shelf Complex patterns of across-shelf particulate trans- components,Sxy is the obliquecomponent of surface port have been observed for upwelling systems [Pak gravity wave radiation stress [Longuet-Higgins and and Zaneveld, 1977; Drake and Cacchione, 1987] be- Stewart, 1964], and Sxx is the componentin the direc- cause water motions are distinctly three dimensional, tion of wave propagation that is assumed here to be involving vertical as well as across- and along-shelf shore normal. The radiation stressesare proportional flows. During periods of equatorward winds off north- to the square of , H. Over the outer shelf ern California, upwelling of nutrient-rich water in- and midshelf regions, the contributions of the radiation creases primary productivity, and biogenic particles stress terms are negligible and those of the bed stress spread seaward with surface waters. With relaxation and nonlinear terms are very small [e.g., Huyer, 1990]. of the winds, upwelled water sinks and returns sea- Over the inner shelf, radiation stress terms remain ward along the bottom. The bottom nepheloid layer small but are not negligible, bed stress and nonlinear expands with a combination of biogenic and lithogenic terms are important, and fu becomes negligible as the particles, and the seaward motion is superimposed on shore is approached.Radiation stressgradients strongly a poleward flow. dominate surf zone circulation [Battjes et al., 1990]. The thicknesses of the surface and bottom mixed In fact, flows are not vertically uniform. If they layers are important in determining the vertical por- were, there would be no net across-shelf transport of tions of the water column influenced by across-shelf water or particles over the inner shelf, because the fluxes. Lentz and Trowbridge [1991] showed that the vertical average u must vanish over the inner shelf and bottom mixed layer on the outer shelf off northern nearshore (at least so far as u is averaged in y and t). California typically varies in thickness from 5 to 15 rn However, net particle transports are effected by the but can occasionally attain a thickness of 50 m. They fact that flows near the bed are often in the opposite note that off Oregon, northern California, and Peru the direction to flows at the surface or at middepth. Ver- mixed-layer thickness increases with increasing water tical segregationsof flow over the shelf, and horizontal depth up to a maximum thickness of one half the water and vertical segregations in the surf zone, are thus depth. For the northern California case, Lentz and crucial to across-shelf fluxes. Trowbridge [1991] found that the greatest thicknesses occurred during downslope near-bottom flows. Wind-Driven Flows Surface and bottom layers merge over the middle Surface and bottom mixed layers over the outer and inner shelf (Figure 5) and the interior region dis- shelf are often distinct and separated by a stratified appears [Mitchum and Clarke, 1986; Huyer, 1990]. On interior (Figure 5; also Huyer, [1990]). In such cases, the inner shelf, the entire water column is often fric- seaward in the surface layer, driven tionally dominatedby a combinationof xsand Xb.Field by along-shelf winds with the coast to the left (north- observations of near-bottom flows on the inner shelf of ern hemisphere), is accompaniedby upwelling at vary- the Middle Atlantic Bight have been made by Wright ing depths [Huyer, 1990; Smith, 1981]. With winds in et al. [1986, 1991a] during northeasterly storms, the opposite direction, surface transport is landward, when wind stress created both southerly and landward and seaward downwelling flows prevail at depth. setting surface transports and resulted in high-standing -1 Smith [1981] observed upwelling flows over 10 cm s water being trapped against the shore. Offshore flows to be dominant within the bottom layer of the outer within the lower meter of the water column attained shelf off northwest Africa but to be most intense at speedsof up to 20 cm s-• [Wright et al., 1986, middepth off Peru and Oregon. Results from the outer 1991a]. During the extreme "Halloween" storm of shelf of the Middle Atlantic Bight obtained via the first October 1991, near-bottom (125-cm elevation) flows Shelf Edge Exchange Processes (SEEP-I) field study over the 13-m isobath attained along-shelf (southerly) showed that net transports were seaward in the sur- and seawardvelocities of 50 cm s-• and 10 cm s-•, face and bottom layers; landward flow of slope water respectively [Madsen et al., 1993]. However, shortly took place at middepth [Walsh et al., 1988]. Lyne et al. after the wind shifted to northwest, resulting in a [ 1990a] obtained long-term near-bottom current mea- seaward wind stress component, the across-shelf flows surements from six stations in the 60- to 80-m-depth reversed and set toward shore, causing shoreward region of the southern Georges Bank and the Middle sediment flux (Figure 6 [Wright, 1993]). Atlantic Bight. The results revealed both landward and seaward mean flows with speeds of the order of 10 cm Internal Waves s-•. Verticalvelocity profiles obtained from the mid- Internal waves, particularly internal tides, propa- shelf region off northern California during the first gating shoreward over the shelf are an important Coastal Experiment (CODE) showed mechanism for the landward transport of larvae and 92 ß Nittrouer and Wright' ACROSS-SHELFTRANSPORT 32, 1 / REVIEWSOF GEOPHYSICS

15 1979], especially during stratified conditions in the

October 1991 summer. These velocities are sufficient to significantly MeanDUCK across-INNER shelf•;HELF flowh: <13m u > •t z = 125 cm affect across-shelftransport rates. Observationsof in- ternal waves on the eastern Canadian continental shelf (Sable Bank and Grand Banks) suggestthat net sediment fluxes are seaward [Boczar-Karakiewicz et al., 1991].

Wave-Orbital Flows In a later section of this review, simple back-and- [• 0- forth motions from wave-induced near-bottom flows are discussed along with their contributions to bed FromO0'00 hr 27Oct 1•)9'• høreward ; shear stress and sediment entrainment. In addition, FromOO:•hr., 27 0ct. 1i9'•høreward i V I nonlinearities cause orbital velocity asymmetries and 0 24 48 72 96 net masstransports that increasewith increasingwave Hours amplitude and decreasing water depth. Fenton [1990] Figure 6. Burst-averaged across-shelf components of flow describes current theory of nonlinear waves including measured on the inner continental shelf at a water depth of higher-order Stokes theory, theory, and 13 m off Duck, North Carolina, during the severe extratro- Fourier approximation methods. Empirical models for pical storm of October 1991. The flows shown were at an elevation of 125 cm above the bed and were measured with across-shelf sediment transport by asymmetrical wave-orbital velocities are discussed by Krause and a Marsh-McBirney electromagnetic current meter (3.8-cm sphere). Sampling frequency was 1 Hz, and burst duration Horikawa [1990], among others. The idea that orbital was 17 min. asymmetries dominate the landward transport of sand over the middle and inner shelf is prevalent among many geologistsand engineers[e.g., Wells, 1967;Hail- other particulates [Shanks, 1983, 1988; Shanks and ermeier, 1981;Swift et al., 1985]. However, the pres- Wright, 1987; Pineda, 1991]. These internal waves, ence of wave ripples can reverse the direction of near- with diurnal or semidiurnal frequencies, are typically bottom particle transports [Krause and Horikawa, generated near the shelf break; first-mode internal 1990; Nielsen, 1979, 1992]. In addition, Trowbridge tides are usually dominant over shelves [Baines, 1986; and Madsen [1984a, b] show that mass transport in Largier, 1987]. Because flows associated with internal the wave boundary layer can be in either direction. tides are oscillatory, both landward and seaward flows Dean and Perlin [1986] conclude that fairly elaborate occur, and the actual direction of particle transport hybrid models must be used to estimate bed stress will depend on the level within the water column that under asymmetrical waves. Most recently, cospectral the particles occupy. Larvae tend to remain at a con- analysesapplied to field data of simultaneousvelocity stant depth [e.g., Forward, 1990], and this can cause and time series of suspendedsediment concentration them to remain within the landward flows of both the show that wave asymmetries do in fact cause onshore crests and the troughs of first-mode internal waves. As transports inside the surf zone [Osborne and Green- internal tides over the shelf with progressively wood, 1992a, b]. Outside the surf zone, wave-in- decreasing water depth, they become asymmetrical duced transport may be in either direction [Wright et and ultimately break [Kao et al., 1985; Holloway, al., 1991a]. 1987; Helfrich, 1992]. Pineda [1991] reports large tem- perature fluctuations at the end of the Scripps pier Infragravity Phenomena (southern California) that he attributes to internal tidal Waves in nature are typically "groupy" in the sense bores that surge landward after breaking over the inner that they come in alternating sets of high and low shelf. Pineda [1991] further suggeststhat these bores waves. Longuet-Higgins and Stewart [1962, 1964] contribute to the landward transport of planktonic show that a second-order, group-forced long wave larvae all the way to the surf zone. The likely impor- results from the temporal variations in radiation stress, tance of shoaling internal waves in suspendingas well Sxx(t), that are associatedwith a groupy wave train. as transporting sediment was reported 2 decades ago The time-varying water surface elevation, xl'(t), of the by Cacchione and Southard [1974]. group-boundlong wave is described by For the outer shelf of the Celtic Sea, internal waves have been observed to propagate both onshelf and offshelf [Heathershaw, 1985]. Flow velocities associ- (3) ated with the internal waves are 30-40 cm s-• and are superimposedon other local currents. Similarly, large whereCg is wavegroup velocity. Equation (3) predicts currents(20 cm s-1) from internalwaves have been a long-wave trough with its attendant seaward setting observed on the New Jersey shelf [Butman et al., flows to coincide with packets of high waves; the 32, 1 / REVIEWSOF GEOPHYSICS Nittrouer and Wright: ACROSS-SHELFTRANSPORT ß 93 1.51DUCKINNER SHELF,h= 13rn October,1991

•E 0.[5 Figure 7. Example of instantaneous and low-pass-fil- tered time seriesof across-shelfflows, u(t), at a depth of 13 m (measured 124 cm above seabed) off Duck, North Carolina, within a burst during the extratropical storm of October 1991. Note the infragravity fre- quency intensifications of seaward flows in conjunc- o tion with groups of larger waves (as expressed by higher instantaneousorbital velocities). Based on data discussedby Wright et al. [1994]. -1.0

If -1.5-t I ,U,7:t,e,',17,: I I I I I I I I ! I I I 7,1,,4I m,I I I I I 1 O0 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 Seconds long-wave crest occurs in association with the small region, considering the combined effects of shallow- wave sets. Field observations obtained over the inner water group-bound long waves and long waves gener- shelf during a severe storm by Wright et al. [1994] ated by a time-varying break point. List [1992] con- show seaward flows to experience amplifications cludes that the group-boundlong waves are amplified greaterthan 10 cm s-• underpackets of highwaves within the surf zone before being reflected from the (Figure 7). shore. The implications are that infragravity motions The interactions, within the bottom boundary layer, have multiple origins and thus that all transports at of the long wave with the groupy incident waves pro- infragravity frequency need not necessarily be in any vide a potential processof seaward sedimenttransport one preferred direction. Future studies are needed to over the inner shelf and midshelf regions and over the ascertain the importance of infragravity "climate" in outer shelf during severe storms [Shi and Larsen, controlling the direction of across-shelf transport. 1984; Dean and Perlin, 1986]. Field measurements of cospectra for across-shore sediment fluxes in the near- Buoyant Plumes shore zone reveal landward transports to be related to Positively and negatively buoyant plumes contrib- incident waves with infragravity motions contributing ute to surface and near-bottom seaward transports, primarily to seaward fluxes [Osborne and Greenwood, respectively, of particles across shelves. Characteris- 1992a, b]. Wright et al. [ 1991 a ] also found infragrav- tically, both plume types are sharply bounded offshore ity oscillations to make significant contributions to by fronts [Simpson and James, 1986; Garvine, 1987]. across-shelftransport of suspendedsediment over the The lowered relative densities of positively buoyant inner shelf (8-m depth). However, the associated (hypopycnal) plumes are attributable in most instances fluxes were just as often landward as seaward. This to low-salinity water issuingfrom rivers and estuaries result was likely attributable to the fact that over the [e.g., Garvine, 1982]. Negatively buoyant (hyperpyc- inner shelf and particularly in proximity to the surf nal) plumes result from intense cooling of coastal wa- zone, infragravity motions other than simple group- ter (e.g., by cold air outbreaks); by brine extrusion bound long waves are present and complicate the from freezing sea ice; and by high suspendedsediment across-shelfflows at infragravity frequencies. concentrations (e.g., turbidity currents and related Recent studies show that the infragravity motions phenomena; see review by Seymour [1990]). that commonly dominate the surf zone and are signif- Positively buoyant surface plumes issuingfrom riv- icant over the inner shelf consist of a combination of ers and estuaries are major sources of buoyancy and edgewaves (trapped nearshore)and leaky mode stand- sediment to the coastal ocean. Milliman and Meade ing waves in which the reflectedinfragravity energy is [1983]report that about33 x 103km 3 of fresh water radiated seaward [Huntley et al., 1981; Oltman-Shay enters the sea annually from rivers. In many cases and Guza, 1987]. Over the inner shelf, and these plumes reach no farther than the inner or middle leaky mode oscillations coexist with the group-forced shelf before being carried parallel to the coast (e.g., long waves [Oltman-Shay, 1991; Okihiro et al., 1991]. the Amazon shelf[Curtin, 1986; Geyer et al., 1991]). In The field-based study by Okihiro et al. [1991] indicated other cases (e.g., the Gulf of Alaska [Royer, 1982]) that 50-75% of the infragravity energy at a depth of 10 they occupy the entire shelf. Chao [1988] developed a rn was related to group-bound long waves. List [1992] model that predicts the behavior and offshore reach of has developed a finite-difference model that predicts river-forced estuarine plumes over sloping and flat the characteristics of long waves in the nearshore shelves. Chao classifiesplumes on the basis of a den- 94 ß Nittrouer and Wright: ACROSS-SHELFTRANSPORT 32, 1 / REVIEWSOF GEOPHYSICS

simetric Froude number (a dimensionless ratio of in- ment transport associated with infragravity motions ertia relative to buoyancy) and the rate of dissipation. can be 3 to 4 times larger than that associated with Model applicationsindicate that over slopingshelves, incident waves [Beach and Sternberg, 1988]. Further- the seaward extent of the plume is reduced by vortic - more, cospectra of time series for across-shore sedi- ity. Over flat shelves the plumes can extend farther ment concentration and fluid velocity indicate that seaward. whereas incident waves are the major contributors to Negative buoyancy is responsible for the highly landward transport, infragravity flows cause predom- energetic, autosuspendingturbidity currents that inantly seaward transport [Osborne and Greenwood, transport large quantities of sediment to the base of the 1992a, b]. In addition to the trapped mode and leaky via submarine canyons. Seymour mode infragravity waves, low-frequency (far infra- [ 1990] offers an up-to-date review of these phenomena, gravity; frequency < 0.01 Hz) oscillations have re- which includes field evidence that this mode of across- cently been observed and attributed to shear instabil- shelf transport also may operate over the inner shelf ities in the alongshore current [Dodd et al., 1992]. The and need not be confined by canyons. Wright et al. contribution that these waves make to across-shore [1986, 1991a] also found evidence that negative transport is not yet clear. buoyancy may contribute significantly to across-shelf sediment transport on the inner shelf during storms, when waves maintainhigh suspendedsediment con- BOTTOM BOUNDARY LAYER PROCESSES centrations in the bottom layer of the water column. Negatively buoyant river plumes, though compara- Processes that determine bed shear stress x influ- tively rare, occur off the mouths of rivers carrying ence sediment transport in two ways: (1) they deter- unusually high suspended-sedimentloads. The Huang- mine the bottom drag sensed by the mean flows and he (Yellow River) is a prime example. Wright et al. hence the near-bottom velocity profile in the region [1990] concluded that the across-shelf dispersal of where particle concentrations are highest, and (2) they Huanghe sediments is dominated by negatively buoy- determine the skin friction applied to sediment parti- ant underflows. Early extinction of those underflows cles and thus govern the suspensionof particles. Over significantlyconstrains transport and results in most of the continental shelf, bottom boundary layer pro- the sediment being deposited near the river mouth. cesses typically involve interactions among currents, waves, bed micromorphology, and sediment suspen- Surf Zone Processes sion and transport. The interactions are complex and Although the surf zone occupies only a very small nonlinear. Fortunately, substantial progress has been fraction of the total shelf width, the transport pro- made in recent years in understanding all of the afore- cesses that operate there are extremely intense and mentioned aspects of the problem. Recent reviews of therefore deserve mention. In contrast to other shelf the shelf bottom boundary layer and sediment trans- environments, the surf zone is severely constrained port processes are offered by Grant and Madsen laterally, and geostrophiceffects are negligible. Circu- [1986], Cacchione and Drake [1990], Sleath [1990], lation is driven almost exclusively by forces resulting and Soulsby [1990]. from the dissipation of breaking waves (e.g., by OSxy/OXand OSxx/OX[Batties et al., 1990;Massel, Wave-Current Boundary Layer Models 1989]. The surf zone alongshore currents and three- On the shelf, wind-generated waves are generally dimensional rip currents that result from these gradi- present and are responsible for the existence (in the --1 ents typically attain speeds well in excess of 1 m s bed layer of the inner shelf under most conditions and [e.g., Massel, 1989]. In addition, vertically segregated in that of the midshelf during storms) of a thin (1-10 cm across-shore flows, with landward transport in the thick) oscillatory boundary layer. This is nested within surfacelayer and seawardflow i n a near-bottom"un- the much thicker boundary layer of wind-driven or dertow," have been widely observed and modeled tidal currents. In such cases the bottom friction of the [e.g., Wright et al., 1982; Svendsen, 1984; Roelvink current is enhanced by the wave boundary layer, and and Stive, 1988]. Although these flows are confined the bottom friction associated with the waves is en- largely to the region landward of the break point, large hanced by the current. Over the past 15 years, bound- storm-generated rips have been observed to extend ary layer models appropriate to combined waves well beyond the surf zone [Cowell, 1986]. and currents over rough bottoms have been advanced The dissipation of wave energy across surf zones is by Smith [1977], Smith and McLean [1977], Grant accompanied by the growth of energy at infragravity and Madsen [1979, 1986], Davis et al. [1988], (0.033-0.003 Hz) frequencies. These energetically Christofferson and Jonsson [1985], and Glenn and dominant infragravity oscillations have the form of Grant [1987]. Wave boundary layer models developed trapped mode edge waves and leaky mode standing by Sleath [1987], Madsen [1991], and Trowbridge and waves [Guza and Thornton, 1985]. Field observations Madsen [ 1984a, b] are also relevant to the general in storm-driven surf zones show that suspendedsedi- problem of shelf benthic dynamics. 32, 1 / REVIEWSOF GEOPHYSICS Nittrouer and Wright' ACROSS-SHELFTRANSPORT ß 95

For wave-current boundary layers, most models This has the unattractive characteristic of yielding a considerthree shear velocities: (1) U.c associatedwith discontinuity in e at •cw. Similar discontinuities are the mean current shear stress above the wave bound- also present in the model of Christofferson and Jons- ary layer, (2) U.wmassociated with the wave-induced son [1985]. Continuous viscosity formulations bed stress;and (3) U.cw associatedwith the combined are used by Wiberg and Smith [1983]. The model of wave-current shear stress within the wave-current Glenn and Grant [1987] extends the earlier models of boundary layer that has a thickness•cw (approximate- Grant and Madsen [1979, 1986] to include the effects ly the same as the wave boundary layer). Laboratory of stratification caused by sediment suspension;this experiments and field observations have demonstrated model has recently become widely used [e.g., Vincent extensively that within the near-bottom region (lower and Green, 1990; Cacchione and Drake, 1990; Drake than 1 or 2 m) of fully turbulent boundary layers, and Cacchione, 1992; Drake et al., 1992]. where stress is nearly constant with elevation, the velocity varies linearly with the log of the elevation. Field Observations of Bed Stress This region is the so-called "log layer," within which Field measurements of bed stress on the middle and a relatively simple relationship exists among elevation- outer shelf and on the continental slope have been dependent velocity, shear velocity, and bed roughness made in recent years via the multi-institutional CODE as expressed by the widely used Prandtl-von Kfirmfin and Sediment Transport Events on Shelves and Slopes equation. For the profile of the mean current velocities (STRESS) research programs. Measurements during Ucin the log layer and within the wave-current bound- the earlier CODE programs on the northern California ary layer, Grant and Madsen [1979, 1986] give shelf utilized velocity profiles made with arrays of Prandtl-von Kfirmfin expressions of the form electromagnetic current meters (EMCMs) mounted on the Geological Processes Bottom Environmental (GEOPROBE) tripod as well as the benthic acoustic u = U.c(U.ct In --z z < gcw (4a) • \U.•w/ z0 stress sensor (BASS) [Cacchione and Drake, 1990; Cacchione et al., 1984, 1987b; Grant et al., 1984]. or The results showedu* c and z'Oc values of 0.5-1.0 cm s-•

/2, c z and approximately 1 cm, respectively. The higher than u• = In z > gcw (4b) expected Z;c values were attributed to wave-current K Z • 0c interactions [Grant et al., 1984; Drake et al., 1992]. where • is von Kfirmfin's constant (•0.41), Zo is the Results of comparisons between GEOPROBE and physicalroughness of the bed (Zo = k•/30; k• includes BASS data show very good agreement for storm- ripple roughness),and Z;c is the apparent roughness driven flows [Cacchione and Drake, 1990]. More re- felt by the current above gcw, cently, BASS systems have been deployed at 130 m and 90 m at the STRESS site for a 2.5-month experi- ment; analyses of these data sets are in progress [Wil- Oc= 8cw (5) liams, 1992; Williams et al., 1991]. Techniques for applying the inertial dissipation in which method to field data obtained from electromagnetic current meters in wave-current boundary layers on the • : H•c/H•cw. shelf have been developed by Huntley [1988]. Green et An important feature of the Grant and Madsen al. [1992] show improved results from the dissipation [1986] model is its ability to account for variations in method by applying a frequency-dependent gain cor- the angle between the current and the direction of rection to the current spectra. Huntley and Hazen wave travel. The various wave-current boundary layer [1988] applied the dissipation method to estimate bed models differ in the way in which the eddy viscosity • shear stresses at 25 m and 45 m on the Nova Scotian is treated. Most models consider • to be time invari- shelf and showed that wave-current interactions sig- ant. An exception is the model of Trowbridge and nificantly enhanced the mean current shear stressesin Madsen [1984a, b] that utilizes a time-varying eddy accordance with model predictions. Similar conclu- viscosity to accommodate second-order effects (e.g., sions were reached by Green et al. [1990] for tidal mass transport) associated with steep waves. The currents in the North Sea (24-m depth) off the British ways in which • is assumedto be distributed vertically coast. Electromagnetic current meters also were used differ considerably. By the formulations of Grant and to obtain velocity profiles on the inner shelf (7- to 13-m Madsen [1979, 1986], depth) of the Middle Atlantic Bight under fair weather, -dominated, post-hurricane, and storm condi- e = • gcw. (6b) swell-dominated conditions owing to the coexistence 96 ß Nittrouer and Wright: ACROSS-SHELFTRANSPORT 32, 1 / REVIEWSOF GEOPHYSICS

of a thick wave boundary layer and subtle ripples. of biogenic roughness generally increases seaward Ripples were completely washed out during the storm, over the middle shelf. The interaction of benthos with yielding a smoother bed with a movable plane bed hydrodynamic and sedimentary characteristics has roughnesslength k n of about 15 times the particle been well demonstrated [Rhoads, 1974; Eckman et al., diameter [Madsen et al., 1993]. Similar observations 1981; Grant et al., 1982; Nowell et al., 1989; Jumars, were made for the U.S. west coast by Drake and 1993]. Cacchione [1992]. SedimentResuspension and Transport Bed Micromorphology Transport of particles within the bottom boundary In addition to determining z0 and influencingz[•, the small-scale relief (roughness) of the seafloor can layer takes place in two modes: suspendedload and bed load. Krause and Horikawa [1990] consider sheet profoundly affect the across-shelf direction of sus- flow (highly energetic transport of a carpet of particles pended sediment transport near the bed. For example, above a plane, unrippled bed) to constitute a third Nielsen [1979, 1981, 1989, 1992], among others, has mode, although most investigators consider sheet flow demonstrated that wave-induced ripples can cause to be a form of bed load transport. A fundamental suspendedsediment to migrate in a direction opposite to that of net near-bottom flows. Field observations differencebetween suspended load and bed load is this: in suspended load transport, particles are sup- over the inner shelf show that suspended sediment ported by turbulence, whereas in bed load transport concentrations and bed stressesare out of phase when the particles are supported at least intermittently by ripples are present [Wright et al., 1991a]. Hence grain-to-grain contact (e.g., rolling or bouncing sand modeling of across-shelfparticle transport within and grains). Estimation of suspendedload fluxes involves just above wave-current boundary layers requires pre- the integration over depth and time of the local, in- diction of the time-varying geometry for wave-gener- stantaneousproduct of across-shelf velocity u and ated ripples. particle concentration C. Therefore after the near- Existing modelspredict ripple height (Xlr)and spac- bottom velocity profile is measured or modeled, the ing (Xr) in terms of sediment , the orbital problem becomes one of measuring or modeling the semiexcursion of wave-induced flows at the bed, and vertical concentration profile C(z). the amount by which the skin friction shear stress (or By Rouse-type formulations, the time-averaged Shields parameter) exceeds the critical value neces- (i.e., over several wave cycles) elevation-dependent sary for sediment entrainment. The models most suspendedsediment concentration C(z) is predicted widely used are those of Grant and Madsen [ 1982] and following Vincent and Green [1990] in terms of the Nielsen [1981], both of which utilize laboratory data from the same sources. Nielsen [1981] also offers a referenceconcentration Co at elevation Zo by separate set of predictors based on field data that C( z) = Co(z/zo) -• z < gcw (7a) generally give more realistic results. In most cases the

Grant and Madsen [1982] model overpredicts the rip- or ple roughnessesobserved in the field. Although the model of Nielsen [1981] gives results closer to ripple C(z) = Ca•w(Z/gcw)-• z > gcw (7b) dimensions observed in the field, Wright [1993] found that model to overpredict fair weather ripple heights where the Rouse number a is and underpredict the dimensionsduring moderate- to high-energy conditions. This was attributed, in part at • = [3w•/nU,•w z < gcw (8a) least, to the effects of grain size variability within the upper few centimeters of the sediment column or [Wright, 1993]. Ongoing investigations, many of which are being • = [3w•/nu,• z > gcw (8b) carried out in connection with the STRESS program, are focusing on better predictions and parameteriza- where Ws is particle settling velocity, which in the tions of bed micromorphology. Wiberg [1992], Harris simple case is assumedto be the same for all particles and Wiberg [1991], and Wiberg and Nelson [1992] (single grain size), [3 is a "constant" in the neighbor- have improved wave-ripple predictability consider- hood of 1, and Cacwis concentrationat the top of the ably. They show that much variability can be ex- wave boundary layer. Vincent and Green [1990] con- plained in terms of the Rouse number (ratio of settling cluded, in agreement with Glenn and Grant [1987], velocity to shear velocity) and the wave boundary that [3 is --•0.74 in the region very close to the bed. layer thickness. Nowell and Wheatcroft [1992] also However, Vincent and Green [1990] also found [3 to conducted field studies of bed roughnessincluding the increase to about 1 away from the bed. Smith and combined effects of ripples, biogenic roughness, and McLean [1977], Glenn and Grant [1987], and Kachel scour-induced bottom irregularities. The importance and Smith [1989] employed the relationship 32, 1 / REVIEWSOF GEOPHYSICS Nittrouer and Wright: ACROSS-SHELFTRANSPORT ß 97

'YO0' Direct field measurement of bed load transport on C 0: C b (9) the shelf is extremely difficult, and although promising 1 + •/00' new techniques are under development [e.g., Lowe et where Cb is sedimentconcentration in the bed and •/0 al., 1991] there is a lack of agreement as to whether or is an empirically determined resuspensioncoefficient. not this can be done with acceptable accuracy. There- The excess skin friction shear stress 0' is obtained by fore bed load transport models are typically calibrated averaging, over several wave cycles, the instanta- with laboratory data. A recent model developed by neous value 0' (t) given by Wiberg and Smith [1989] utilizes the fundamental me- chanicsof individual saltating(hopping) sand grains to Iw(t)l- 'r[r yield transport predictions without reliance on empir-

0'(t) = ! (10) 'r cr ically determined constants. The model shows a good fit to data and offers insightsinto bed load transport by where 'r•w is the instantaneous skin friction shear unidirectional flows. On the shelf, transport is most stress induced by combined wave and current flows often the result of combined waves and currents. The and 'r•r is the critical skin friction shear stressrequired bed load model of Madsen [1991] utilizes a generalized for sediment movement. form of the Meyer-Peter and Muller bed load transport Direct field measurementsof C(z, t) in recent years relationship and is appropriate to the situation of com- have been made using optical backscatterance (OBS) bined wave and current flows. Madsen's model con- turbidity sensors[Downing et al., 1981; Sternberg et siders the instantaneousbed load transport rate to be al., 1986; Wright et al., 1991a; Green et al., 1992], proportionalto 'r•w(t)('r[v(t))1/2.Models such as that of acoustic sensors [Vincent and Green, 1990; Hanes et Madsen [1991] as well as the earlier energetics-type al., 1988; Sherwood et al., 1991], and laser diffraction models [e.g., Bailard, 1981; Bailard and Inman, 1981] devices that also permit in situ determination of parti- implicitly allow for orbital velocity asymmetries to be cle size and ws [Lynch et al., 1991; Agrawal, 1991]. taken into account. However, Conley and Inman Field observations of C(z) have been used to obtain [1992] recently obtained an impressive set of photo- estimatesof the resuspensioncoefficient •/0, which has graphic time series of bed layer behavior under near- been shownto vary from 1.6 x 10-5 to 5.4 x 10-3 breaking waves that shows an additional source of [Wiberg and Smith, 1983; Kachel and Smith, 1989; transport asymmetry that is not observable in the Drake and Cacchione, 1989; Vincent and Green, 1990] laboratory. They found that roiling and pluming de- althoughSmith and McLean [1977] assigned•/0 a con- velop in the sediment-ladenbed layer under the wave stantvalue of 2.4 x 10-3. Utilizingdata from the inner crest but not under the wave trough. They attribute shelf off Duck, North Carolina, Kim [1990] concluded thiseffect to ventilationof the permeablebed by the that the Smith and McLean [1977]value of 2.4 x 10-3 pressure differentials associated with the shoaling, was appropriatebut also observeda tendencyfor •/0 to shallow-water waves. This process is probably opera- decreasewith increasing'rcw. This latter tendency is tive only in the region just outside the surf zone. consistent with the results of Drake and Cacchione Over the middle regions of many continental [1989], who attributed the effect to bed armoring. shelves, sediments are muddy and cohesive. Off the A major source of uncertainty in the modeling of mouths of large rivers, larger portions of the shelf can sediment resuspensionby flows that exceed the criti- be covered with muddy sediments (e.g., the Amazon cal threshold shear stress'r•r by only a small or mod- shelf [Nittrouer et al., 1986]). Cohesive sediments re- erate amount is the selection of appropriate values for spond differently than in that the 'r•r is often 'r•r. Where sediments consist of mixtures of many higher and deposition occurs at much lower levels of sizes, include cohesive fines, or are modified by skin friction shear stress. The problems of cohesive benthic biology, 'r•r may deviate appreciablyfrom lab- sediment transport have been the subject of several oratory values. Techniques for obtaining in situ field recent reviews [Nichols and Biggs, 1985; Mehta, 1986; measurementsof 'r•r using various types of seabed Uncles, 1987; Mehta and Hayter, 1989]. flumes have recently proven successful.A recirculat- ing flume, Seaduct, was developedfor use in the High Energy Benthic Boundary Layer Experiment (HEB- GEOLOGICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF BLE) [Nowell et al., 1985] following the earlier Seaf- ACROSS-SHELF TRANSPORT lume concept of Young and Southard [1978]. Most recently, smaller and more readily deployable annular Over time scaleslonger than the typical observation flumes have been developed and used effectively in periods of instrumented systems (i.e., greater than shelf and coastal waters [Amos et al., 1992; Maa et al., about a month), evidence for across-shelftransport of 1991]. Applications of the Maa et al. [1991] flume particulate material can be recognized in characteris- demonstrate the importance of benthic biota in causing tics of sedimentary deposits (e.g., shelf morphology, significantseasonal variability of 'r•r in some coastal sedimentcomposition, and accumulation rates). These environments [e.g., Wright et al., 1992]. characteristicscan be used to investigate net patterns 98 ß Nittrouer and Wright: ACROSS-SHELFTRANSPORT 32, 1 / REVIEWSOF GEOPHYSICS

of transport and the time-integrated effects of pro-

cesses as well as to compare with short-term predic- _ 53ø30• 53ø30'- tions and observations. N Swarte N

Broken Well Bed Load Transport Ower Observations of sediment convergence and diver- gence (parting) have been made for sandy areas dom- Leman inated by bed load transport, usually driven by tidal currents. Kenyon and Stride [1970] clearly demon- strated transport through the seas surrounding the British Isles. Estuary-shelf exchangesbetween Bristol and the Celtic Sea also have been recognized Hewett R•dges [Stride, 1963], although subsequentstudies have been Ha•sborough Sand 53 •- contradictory [Harris and Collins, 1985, 1988, 1991; Stride and Belderson, 1990, 1991]. The fundamental question associated with these tidal currents is whether net transport or nearly balanced reversing

flow occurs. In this area, grain size reveals a progres- Smiths Knoll sive decrease westward into the Celtic Sea and sug- gests seaward transport. A budget for the system in-

dicatesa total of 64 x 105 t yr-• of sedimentin ross Sand movement but fails to recognize the net seaward flux [Harris and Collins, 1988]. 0 I 10 20 Sand movement associated with shelf sand ridges k•I omet res 52ø30'- generally reveals across-shelftransport (dependingon

the orientation of the tidal ellipse), but particulate flux 2ø 2•30, I I is a circulating transport around the ridge [e.g., Smith, 1969; Malikides et al., 1989]. Net transport can be Figure 8. Norfolk sandbanks on the east coast of the United inferred from asymmetries in ridge morphology, but Kingdom. The solid lines show the axes of banks, and the fields of tidal sand ridges demonstrate significantspa- ticks indicate the steeper side (direction of migration). The tial variability in the direction of net transport (e.g., in direction of tidal currents is shown by the arrow and is only Torres between Australia and New Guinea slightly oblique to the ridges. During storms, sediment is swept seaward from one bank to another. Fine-grained sed- [Harris, 1988]). Net transport is possible during iment typically is transported along the path indicated as storms, when currents interact with the ridge morphol- maximum turbidity. From Stride [1988]. ogy. This mechanism has been suggestedto transport sand particles 100 km seaward over the Norfolk Banks, in the North Sea (Figure 8 [Stride, 1988]. The ing a "northeaster" storm [Niedoroda and Swift, superposition of storm and tidal flows (without the 1981; Niedoroda et al., 1984]. need for morphologic effects) has been recognized as Sandy sediment transported landward by surface an important across-shelftransport mechanismfor the wave activity is recognized on numerous beaches, sandy shelves of eastern Canada [Amos and Judge, where material is observed with the only potential 1991]. source found seaward, for example, oolites in north- Across-shelf sediment transport in the shore face eastern Florida and phosphorites in North Carolina (concave upward region, seaward of the beach) simi- (Figure 9 [Pilkey and Field, 1972]) or quartz sand in larly suggestsbidirectional fluxes and little or no net southwestern Florida [Parkinson, 1991]. This sort of transport. The flux associated with oscillatory wave landward transport probably reflects fair weather con- flow is landward. However, the mean current flux ditions, whereas evidence of seaward transport is ob- () is offshore [Osborne and Greenwood, served in association with storms. The passage of 1992a], and the net effect is presumed to be a balance hurricane Carla across the Texas coast resulted in the with little net flux. This situation becomes more com- seaward transport of beach and nearshore sediment to plex for barred coastal areas, where transport is spa- form a graded sand layer ---4 cm thick (Figure 10 tially dependent on the location relative to the bar [Morton, 1981; Snedden et al., 1988; Snedden and [Osborne and Greenwood, 1992b]. Temporal variabil- Nummedal, 1991]). Nelson [1982] observed similar ity also is observed where storm and nonstorm trans- storm layers on the Bering Sea shelf, where the thick- port are contrasted. Over the shore face of Long Is- nesses of some layers reached 10-20 cm. Bedforms land, landward transport was inferred during fair found on the inner continental shelf of northern Cali- weather conditions; seaward transport prevailed dur- fornia suggestseaward transport, and Cacchione et al. 32, I / REVIEWSOF GEOPHYSICS Nittrouer and Wright: ACROSS-SHELFTRANSPORT ß 99

I I I I [1984, 1987a] and Cacchione and Drake [1990] con- - 30 ø clude that the transport is driven by storm-generated ST. AUGUSTINE coastal downwelling. Field and Roy [ 1984] suggestthat downwelling storm flows are responsiblefor transport- ing sandsto the inn,er shelf along southeasternAustra- lia and that long-term operation of this process has created thick (10-30 m) sand bodies. In contrast to these other observations, storm deposits (from cy- DAYTONA clone Winifred) on the northeastern Australian shelf 29 ø indicate erosion and landward transport of fine-grained sediment from the midshelf to the inner shelf [Gagan et al., 1990]. 5 I0 15 2025 i ,, , ß ß SCALE (MILES)


SuspendedLoad Transport ?"•' OOLITIC SEDIMENTS •:•;-: '.•\ Observational studies that have measured sus- pended sediment transport rates on continental ß INNER,o,-oo•.,',cSHELF sm,•,,sCORES (TOTAL 145] .....!?!%..•...... • - 28ø shelves routinely document strong along-shelf and weak across-shelfflows. Sediment emanating from the • OUTCROPAREA Ebro River of Spain is transported alongshelf (south- VERO BEACH ward) under both fair weather and storm conditions I I . I I 81 ø 80 ø with a slight offshore component [Cacchione et al., 1990]. On the U.S. shelf near New Jersey, Butman et Figure 9. Distribution of oolitic sediment and its sources al. [1979] document sediment resuspensionprimarily along the eastern Florida shelf. Rock outcrops are the source and are found at several locations in the midshelf region. during storms, with particle excursions of 20-30 km Oolitic sediment eroded from the source areas is found on along shelf (southwestward) and 5-10 km across shelf. the surrounding shelf and is also found in the foreshore Similar observations were made by Lyne et al. beach locations along the coast. From Pilkey and Field [1990b] for a study area farther northeast (off Cape [1972, reprinted by permission]. Cod). Drake and Cacchione [ 1985] demonstrate for the


o 2o


ß ß ./ NET CARLASAND /? /"CENTIMETERSTHICKNESS IN ...- ./ ...' ...- .• • / ...... :

o KM •0 •.• • • _• DEPTH IN METERS

"-.;. .•. 020 30 50 80 180 ß-..: '*.... :.. ;•DEPTH IN .. *-... \

Figure 10. The seaward transport of sandby hurricane Carla (in 1961)to form a sand bed on the continental shelf of Texas. The left figure shows the path of the hurricane (dotted line) and the near-bottom currents that resulted (arrows). These currents coupled with the effects of surface gravity waves produced a distinct sand deposit on the inner and middle shelf, as shown in the fight figure. From $nedden and Nummedal [1991]. 100 ß Nittrouer and Wright' ACROSS-SHELFTRANSPORT 32, 1 / REVIEWSOF GEOPHYSICS

40' 35' 124ø30' W i ! 5,o'I 1•5' i 2G 2• 24 2• 22 12 •o', ,p' ,,o'I o•' -0 Figure 11. An intermediate-depthnephe- _ loid (turbid) layer is produced during storms on the Washington continental - 400 shelf. The layer (and its particulate con- •7• 1.o-2.0 tent) is advected northward along shelf, • 2.0-2.5 but also across shelf. This figure shows I >2.5 8oo-r- isopachsof light attenuation(in recipro- •_ cal meters)at the locationof Quinault CANYON AXIS • submarinecanyon (see Figures 13 and 1981 .5 6 14). Longitude and station numbers are dAN 24 0314 E- dAN 24 2010Z •_oo givenacross the top; vertical lines repre-

I iOkm • sent locations. From Baker and Hickey [1986].


northern California shelf that most particulate trans- addition to the storm processesdescribed above, swell port is northward along shelf during storms, but with a conditions also can lead to seaward transport. On the significant offshore component (up to 45ø). San Pedro shelf (off southern California) low-ampli- A more subtle pattern of across-shelf transport oc- tude (height <1 m), long-period (>10 s) swell resus- curs in association with seaward displacement of the pends sediment, which is carried seaward by a weak shelf-slopefront. This feature is well developed on the mean flow [Drake et al., 1985]. In deeper areas of the U.S. east coast and demonstrates a high-turbidity shelf (middle and outer), where resuspension by sur- layer at its base. Turbid water is advected seaward face waves is less effective, the results of human fish- when physical conditions cause frontal motion in that ing activities can significantly impact seaward sedi- direction [Churchill et al., 1988; Palanques and Bis- ment transport. Churchill [1989] concluded that caye, 1992]. trawling activities in the U.S. Middle Atlantic Bight High concentrations of suspended particles are resuspendsignificant amounts of bottom sediment that found as discrete layers near the seabed and at inter- are subsequently advected seaward by across-shelf mediate water depths. On the Texas shelf the turbid water motions. layers (nepheloid layers) are formed nearshore by flu- vial discharge and are transported along shelf and Dispersalof Fluvial Sediments seaward by ambient currents [Sahl et al., 1987; Halper Rivers that empty onto epicontinental shelves or and McGrail, 1988]. This seaward advection supplies quiescent seas (e.g., the or Mediterra- sediment for accumulation on the midshelf region, and nean Sea) typically have less energetic dispersal sys- also leads to formation of intermediate-depth nephe- tems, allowing particulate material to accumulate near loid layers as the bottom nepheloid layer becomes the river mouth. In many cases, this causes deltaic detached from the seabed. Seaward transport is inten- with subsequent sediment accumulating sified during storms on the Texas shelf [McGrail and on the shelf farther seaward (e.g., Mississippi [Cole- Carnes, 1983]. Formation of intermediate nepheloid man, 1976], Po [Boldrin et al., 1988; Frignani and layers is particularly well developed on the Washing- Langone, 1991], Ebro [Palanques and Drake, 1990], ton shelf during storms (Figure 11), when surface wave and Adige river [Boldrin et al., 1992]). Fluvial sedi- and current stressesresuspend sediment that is then ment dischargecan be displaced much farther seaward advected along shelf as a bottom nepheloid layer (to hundreds of kilometers) in more energetic shelves, [Hickey et al., 1986]. This layer becomes an interme- forming subaqueousdeltaic features that prograde sea- diate-depth nepheloid layer where it passes over the ward (e.g., the Amazon [Nittrouer et al., 1986], heads of submarine canyons (indenting the shelf) or Ganges-Brahmaputra [Kuehl et al., 1989], and Fly where it diffuses seaward toward the continental slope rivers [Harris et al., 1993]). [Baker and Hickey, 1986]. Particles settling from the Within an epicontinental shelf setting, across-shelf nepheloid layer complete the process of seaward particle dispersal is difficult to define; however, fol- transport. lowing dispersal systems toward deeper water is one Surface wave resuspensionis generally observed to approach. Within the Yellow Sea, studiesof grain size be an importantprocess for seabederosion, with sub- (Figure 12 [Niino and Emery, 1961; Lee and Chough, sequent advection dependent on local currents. In 1989]) and mineralogy [Chough and Kim, 1981; Milli- 32, I / REVIEWSOF GEOPHYSICS Nittrouerand Wright: ACROSS-SHELFTRANSPORT ß 101

36ø X /""1'•;•¾eongsan"..:

340 32ø 20- •0

Figure 12. The distributionof Holocene sedi- ment thicknessand grain size in the Yellow Sea epicontinental shelf. The primary sediment source is the Huanghe (Yellow River), which has emptied into the Gulf of Bohai for most of the Holocene (Figure 12a, inset). A tongue of Huanghe sediment is observed to extend sea- ward alongthe axis of the Yellow Sea. Sediment thickness (Figure 12a) generally thins in that direction, and grain size (Figure 12b) and min- eralogyreflect this dispersalpathway. From Al- exander et al. [1991]; based partially on data from Milliman et al. [1987].

man et al., 1985; Park et al., 1986; Park and Khim, 1975]. However, in other areas the composition of 1992] clearly demonstratethe displacementof sedi- suspendedand bottom sedimentsclearly indicates ment from the Huanghe and from Korean rivers south- land-derived material reaching the middle and outer ward toward the deeper Pacific Ocean. Within peri- shelf and even the continental slope. Along the Wash- continental shelf settings,across-shelf transport from ington coast, the Columbia River suppliesa unique sourceto sink is more simplydelineated. For example, montmorillonite signal, which can be recognized in Pujos and Javelaud [1991]'can trace the seawarddis- sedimentsof the adjacent water column and modern persalof modern sedimentfrom Colombianrivers by shelf-slope deposits [Knebel et al., 1968; Baker, specificmineralogic assemblages (rich in chlorite and 1973, 1976;Karlin, 1980].The coniferousvegetation of illite), and Segall and Kuehl [ 1992]can follow chlorite- the Columbia drainage basin similarly puts a finger- rich sediments from the Himalayas across the Bang- print on the organic fraction of modern shelf-slope ladesh shelf and into a . deposits[Hedges and Mann, 1979; Prahl, 1985]. A The mineralogy and organic composition of sus- unique tracer of ColumbiaRiver sedimentis ash de- pendedsediment on the U.S. east coast indicatethe livered by the Mount Saint Helens eruption in 1980. presenceof particlesfrom adjacentrivers to be signif- Ridge and Carson [1987] traced the ash through the icant only in nearshorewaters (<35 m) [Meade et al., Columbia River dispersal system and, within 17 102 ß Nittrouer and Wright: ACROSS-SHELFTRANSPORT 32, 1 / REVIEWSOF GEOPHYSICS

months of its release to the ocean, observed it at least than the shelf off southern California, and fluvial sed- 125 km along shelf and 40 km across shelf from the iment typically forms continuous tongues of accumu- river mouth (Figure 13). The seaward component of lation emanating from river mouths. The Columbia flow is explained by turning of the current, due to Riverdischarges approximately 107 t yr-• of sediment, frictional interaction with the seabed [Kachel and and approximately two thirds accumulates on the Smith, 1986]. Washington shelf north of the river mouth [Nittrouer, In the case of the Ebro River the sediment is muddy 1978; Nittrouer et al., 1979]. The particle size and and its character is sufficiently cohesive to inhibit mineralogy clearly identify a Columbia River source erosion and rapid dispersal. Ultimately, storms carry for the sediment. The axis of highest accumulation the sediment southward [Cacchione et al., 1990]. rates is found on the midshelf (water depth of 50-!50 Some accumulates on the shelf as a midshelf mud m), as a tongue extending predominantly along shelf deposit [Maldonado et al., 1983; Nittrouer et al., but also crossingisobaths seaward (Figure 14). Accu- 1988], and other sediment is transported off the shelf mulation rates along the axis decrease from about 7 to near the Columbretes [Palanques and Drake, 3 mm yr-• (1.0-0.4 g cm-2 yr-•) with distancefrom 1990]. the river mouth and also decrease landward and sea- Anthropogenic input of various materials provides ward. Some of the Columbia River sediment escapes good tracers for across-shelf transport of particles. to the continental slope, but accumulation rates are Particle-reactive chemical speciesare especially good significantlylower there than on the shelf [Carpenter tracers because they are adsorbed to the surface of the et al., 1982; Thorbjarnarson et al., 1986]. particles. The seaward dispersal of trace and heavy Budgets also have been developed for larger fluvial metals has been documented in many areas (e.g., the systems. The Fly River (Papua New 6uinea) dis- western Mediterranean [Palanques et al., 1990] and chargesnearly l0 s t yr-• of sediment.About half of Adriatic Sea [Boldrin et al., 1988]). Man-made radio- this accumulates as a seaward prograding deposit near isotopes provide an identifiable tracer as well as an the river mouth, and the other half is transported into internal clock. The nuclear reactor in Hanford, Wash- the 6ulf of Papua with a significant across-isobath ington, supplied the Columbia River with an interest- component (Figure 15 [Harris et al., 1993]). The ing assortment of isotopes. These were used to trace Changjiang (Yangtze River, China) discharges more the oceanic dispersalof Columbia River sedimentand than10 s t yr-• of sediment.Approximately 40% accu- to estimate its rate of transport [Gross and Nelson, mulates as a seaward prograding deposit near the river 1966; Cutshall et al., 1986]. mouth, and much of the remainder is transported southward, forming a sedimentary deposit that ex- SedimentBudgets tends to about the 60-m isobath [DeMaster et al., Perhaps the best quantitative support for across- 1985]. An important observation near the mouth of the shelf transport comes from fluvial sediment budgets. Changjiang is the significanceof timescale. The bud- These budgets contrast the mass of a particulate gets for areas described above were obtained from source with the oceanic sinks and are produced from 2•øpbgeochronology (half-life, 22.3 years)in sediment spatial distributions of accumulation rates. Rates are cores, which therefore integrate accumulation rates calculated with a range of tools (e.g., radioisotopes, over decades. McKee et al. [1984] observed that the varves, and sedimenttraps) and representtime scales 2•øpb accumulation rates near the mouth of the of months to millennia. Across-shelf transport is dem- Changjiang(about 5 cmyr-•) weresignificantly slower onstrated where significant amounts of sediment are than short-term (integrated over several months) sum- accumulating on the continental shelf or slope, and merdeposition rates (about 5 cmmonth-•) from 234Th compositional studies (e.g., mineralogy or organic analyses(half-life, 24 days). The difference represents content) require a source landward or seaward. erosion of sedimentduring winter storms and its trans- The southern California continental borderland port acrossand along shelf away from the river mouth. contains numerous basins, which have accumulated a Budgets for the Huanghe (China) and Amazon flu- combinedtotal of 14 x 10•ø t of sediment[Schwalbach vial systemseach examine the fate of morethan 109 t and Gorsline, 1985]. Most of this material (>80%) is yr- • of sediment.Approximately 85-90% of theHuang- from fluvial sources on land. The sediment accumu- he discharge accumulates near the river mouth in the lates in the basins, which represent about 20% of the Gulf of Bohai [Bornhold et al., 1986; Alexander et al., areal extent for the borderland,and 2•øpbaccumula- 1991].The remaining10-15% (representing>108 t tion ratesreach 1 mm yr-• (about100 mg cm-2 yr-•) yr-•) extendssouthward down the axisof the Yellow [Bruland et al., 1981; Malouta et al., 1981]. Particulate Sea as a tongue toward deeper water. In contrast to deposition rates observed from sediment traps are the epicontinental shelf setting for the Huanghe dis- consistent with the 2•øpb rates and indicate a distinct charge, the Amazon enters a pericontinental shelf. seaward decrease, supporting lateral transport from More than half of the sediment accumulates on the shore [Huh et al., 1990]. adjacentshelf, with the highest rates (> 10cm yr-•; >7 Most continental shelves have a smoother surface g cm-2 yr-•) foundin the midshelf(40- to 60-mwater 32, 1 / REVIEWSOF GEOPHYSICS Nittrouerand Wright' ACROSS-SHELFTRANSPORT ß 103

3<)' ,2•ø

o lo 20 kilometers /V 5 nOuftCOI m,le$

contour ,ntervol: 10meters

Qu•nault Canyon

Figure13. Observationsof volcanicash originating from Mount Saint Helens (eruption of May 1980) and dis- chargedto the Washingtonshelf by the ColumbiaRiver. Ten stationswere sampledalong the path of sediment transport(Figure 13a), and the arrival timesat eachare shownin Figure 13b. Seventeenmonths after the erup- tion, volcanic ash had traveled at least 125 km along shelf and 40 km across shelf. From Ridge and Carson [1987].




: I JANUARY1981 PULSE i i i i I i i



JANUARY 1987_ PULSEI- i ] ] I I I i i I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0





10-2 gm /cm2/yr


o • io 15 20 KILOMETERS o 5 io NAUTICAL --- , >75 CON?OUR IN?œ111VAL I0 50-75 30'

25 -50

q7 o <25

Experimental Transect•

ARBOR Figure 14. Sediment accumulation rates deter- ß mined by 2'øpbgeochronology for the Wash- ington continental shelf. The axis of highest accumulation rates is found on the middle shelf ß /' ß as a tongue extending predominantly along

WILLAPR shelf but also crossing isobaths. From Nit- trouer [ 1978].




.'•. / ß :L /

TILLAMOOKHEAD / . 30 124ø 30'

depth; Figure 16) region [Kuehl et al., 1986]. Much of can be from sand to mud or from mud to mud. Accu- the remainder is transported northwestward farther mulation rates can increase abruptly or gradually. The along the shelf. transition can occur on narrow, steep margins or The midshelf region is recognized worldwide as a broad, gently sloping margins. But as a general rule, location where modern sediment accumulates, usually across-shelf transects of sediment accumulation rate muddy sediment [McCave, 1972; Nittrouer and reveal values that increase significantlyjust seaward of Sternberg, 1981]. In some cases, such as the Washing- the inner shelf-midshelf boundary and reach greatest ton continental shelf, the transition from inner shelf to values on the midshelf (Figures 14 and 16). Because midshelf occurs in the presence of moderate sediment much of the sediment accumulating there has a terres- supply, where accumulation rates are millimeters per trial origin, across-shelf transport is demonstrated by year. In other cases, such as the Amazon shelf, the the presence of a midshelf deposit. However, because transition occurs in a realm of much greater sediment much material accumulates there, the midshelf region supply, and accumulation rates are centimeters per is also the dead end for many of the particles trans- year. The transition from the inner shelf to midshelf ported across continental shelves. 32, 1 / REVIEWSOF GEOPHYSICS Nittrouer and Wright' ACROSS-SHELFTRANSPORT ß 105

i I 143 • 144"



Papua Figure 15. Schematic budget for sediment discharged by the Fly River, Papua New Guinea. Approximately half of the dis- charge(equal to about 40 x 106 yr-•) is accumulated as part of a seaward prograd- ing subaqueousdelta. Most of the remaining sediment is transported seaward into the Gulf of Papua. From Harris et al. [1993].

rres trait 0

PROJECTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH ever, the ocean is a complex milieu, and many shelves are strongly influenced by two or more processes. Across-shelf transport controls the fate of diverse Where several processesinfluence particle transport, and important particles. Many organisms develop their coupling can be distinctly nonlinear (e.g., effects through planktonic larval stages,whose successfuldis- from combined surface gravity waves and steady cur- persal depends on across-shelf transport. Many parti- rents). Future studies also should address complex cle-reactive chemical species (natural and man-made) study areas with a variety of energetic processes, have terrestrial sources, and their fates depend on including diverse biological and geological character- across-shelftransport. Even global CO2 budgets are istics. affected by the transport of particulate carbon synthe- A strong message from this review is that across- sized in highly productive shelf waters. As concern for shelf particulate transport is bidirectional. Most of the coastal waters increases, continued attention should driving processesare capable of reversing direction, be given to the topic of particulate transport across and field observations verify the reversals. Although continental shelves. Both basic and applied research the present theoretical base is able to predict particle studies are needed. Work to date, as outlined in this transport rates, the associatedconfidence limits com- review, representsa preliminary contributiontoward a comprehensive understanding of across-shelf trans- monly prevent identification of net transport when two port. No coordinated effort has been undertaken to large transport rates are contrasted for systems with addressthe range of driving processesnor their results reversing flows. Empirical observations seldom cover over a diversity of timescales. a period sufficientto resolve this problem. Theoretical Future work should continue to evaluate the and technological advances should be encouraged in operation of oceanic processesand their tie to parti- order to improve this situation. However, longer sam- cle transport. Many of the most successful projects pling periods (i.e., monitoring of shelf environments) have attempted to isolate one or two dominant pro- also should be encouraged. This will improve knowl- cesses (e.g., wind-driven flows or buoyant plumes). edge of bidirectional particulate transport and also will This approach should continue so that fundamental provide valuable insight regarding the integrated ef- knowledge of each process can further develop. How- fects of processesspanning different time scales. 106 ß Nittrouerand Wright' ACROSS-SHELF TRANSPORT 32, 1 / REVIEWSOF GEOPHYSICS

52øW 51 ø 50 ø 49 ø 48 ø 47 ø 46 ø



Figure 16. Sediment accumulationrates determinedby 2•øpbgeochronology for the continentalshelf adjacent to the Amazon River. Maximum accumulation rates are presentin the midshelfregion, where the leadingedge of a subaqueousdelta is progradingseaward. Figure 16b shows 0.1 I the morphology and accumulation rates across the dashed line of Figure 16a. From Kuehl et al. [1986]. o 20 60 t00Km

Isobaths m meters ©




!:'' Maral(•Island '

.. , ßBele'rn




Relic! Transgress•ve Sands

20 40 6'0 8•) 100 120 1'•0 i 0 Distance From Shore (km)

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. The authors thank the Na- thanksW. RockwellGeyer and David E. Drake for provid- tionalScience Foundation, in particulargrants OCE-8812530 ingcareful technical reviews and Mary Fowlerfor a thought- and OCE-9116035(C.A.N.) and OCE-9017828(L.D.W.), for ful cross-disciplinaryreview. supportduring preparation of this manuscript.This paper was originally suggestedto the authors by Ken Brink, chairmanof the CoastalOcean Processes (COOP) steering REFERENCES committee. Marine Sciences Research Center, SUNY- Stony Brook contribution935; Virginia Institute of Marine Agrawal,Y. C., Long-termin situ measurementof particle Science,College of William and Mary, contribution1791. size spectraand settlingvelocities in stress(abstract), Alan D. Chaveis the editorresponsible for thispaper. He Eos Trans. AGU, 72(41), Fall Meeting suppl., 241, 1991. 32, 1 / REVIEWSOF GEOPHYSICS Nittrouer and Wright: ACROSS-SHELFTRANSPORT ß 107

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