
JOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC MECHANICS doi:10.3934/jgm.2018010 c American Institute of Mathematical Sciences 10, Number 3, September 2018 pp. 251–291


Ogul˘ Esen∗ Department of , Gebze Technical University 41400 C¸ayırova, Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey Partha Guha S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences JD Block, Sector III, Salt Lake, Kolkata - 700098, India

(Communicated by David Mart´ınde Diego)

Abstract. Tulczyjew’s triples are constructed for the Schmidt-Legendre trans- formations of both second and third-order Lagrangians. Symplectic diffeomor- phisms relating the Ostrogradsky-Legendre and the Schmidt-Legendre trans- formations are derived. Several examples are presented.

1. Introduction. The dynamics of a mechanical system can either be formulated by a Lagrangian function on the bundle of the configuration space or by a Hamiltonian function on the [1,4]. For a non-degenerate system, it is immediate to construct the Legendre transformation relating the Lagrangian and the Hamiltonian formalisms. If a system is degenerate or/and possesses various constraints, then defining the Legendre transformation becomes complicated. A geometric framework realizing the Legendre transformation for both degenerate and non-degenerate systems is the Tulczyjew triple [75, 76, 78]. Although in a Lagrangian function is a function of positions and velocities, it is possible to find various theories involving Lagrangian functions depending on higher order as well. In order to arrive at Hamilton- ian formalisms of higher order Lagrangian theories, it is common to employ the Ostrogradsky-Legendre transformation [61]. Ostrogradsky’s approach is based on the idea that consecutive time derivatives of initial coordinates form new coordi- nates. In this way, a higher order Lagrangian can be written in a form of a first order Lagrangian on a proper . There are extensive studies in the literature for degenerate or/and constrained higher order Lagrangian systems and their Hamiltonian analysis, see for example [6, 12, 15, 21, 41, 65, 47, 50, 57, 60, 64]. In several papers [5,6, 41], the Ostrogradsky-Legendre transformation has been achieved by the introductions of some intermediate steps. In particular, the config- uration space is considered as a Lie group in some recent works [19, 32, 33]. In an interesting paper [19] higher order systems are described as pre-symplectic Hamiltonian systems, whereas in [32, 33], a variational approach has been followed.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 70H50; Secondary: 70H45. Key words and phrases. Ostrogradsky-Legendre transformation, Schmidt-Legendre transfor- mation, second order degenerate Lagrangian systems, Tulczyjew’s triple. ∗ Corresponding author.


It is also possible to find some literature on the Ostrogradsky-Legendre transforma- tion in the framework of Tulczyjew’s triple [20, 48]. For instance, Tulczyjew’s triple for higher order field theories has been constructed in [38]. Tulczyjew’s triple for the higher order graded bundles has been presented in [10]. Tulczyjew triple for the case of n-vectors has been introduced in [40]. We cite [49] for the construction of the Tulczyjew’s triple in the Lie algebroid setting. In some recent studies [17, 43, 54], higher order dynamics has been studied in terms of the Lie algebroids, and in this context, the Tulczyjew’s triple has been constructed in [2, 44]. In the mid nineties, H.J. Schmidt proposed an alternative method for the Le- gendre transformation of higher order Lagrangian systems [66, 67]. In this approach, the acceleration is defined as a new coordinate instead of the velocity. Although, the Schmidt-Legendre transformation has not been credited as it deserves, it is pos- sible to find some related works in the literature [23, 42, 45]. In [3], a comparison of the Ostrogradsky-Legendre and the Schmidt-Legendre transformations has been presented. The main result of this manuscript is to study the second and the third order Lagrangian formalisms and their Legendre transformations. The main objectives are to construct Tulczyjew’s triple for the Schmidt-Legendre transformation and present the symplectic transformations relating the Ostrogradsky-Legendre and the Schmidt-Legendre transformations in a a purely geometric language. Novelty in the present work is the constructions of Tulczyjew’s triples proper for the Schmidt- Legendre transformations in the framework of acceleration bundle. We shall pro- pose two Tulczyjew’s triples, one is for the second-order Lagrangian systems and the other is for the third-order Lagrangian systems. One of the important advantages of the Schmidt-Legendre transformation is to relax the Hessian condition in the Ostrogradsky-Legendre transformation. Combining this advantage of the transfor- mation with the beauty of Tulczyjew’s triple, we derive a powerful geometric tool representing the second and the third-order Lagrangian systems as the Lagrangian submanifolds of some certain symplectic manifolds. This enables us to explore the Schmidt-Legendre transformation as a passage between two different generators of the same Lagrangian submanifold. In this picture, the main role is played by the acceleration bundle which permits us to write a higher-order Lagrangian function as a first order Lagrangian function by defining the accelerations as new indepen- dent coordinates. In the classical Ostrogradsky’s approach one needs to introduce Lagrange variables to write a higher Lagrangian function in the form of a first order one, on the other hand, if the acceleration bundle, or the Schmidt’s method, is em- ployed, there is no need to introduce Lagrange multipliers to achieve the reduction [3]. Particularly, for regular second order Lagrangians, the Legendre transformation can be defined in the standard form. Accordingly, in the present work, after the construction of Tulczyjew’s triples we present examples including both non-degenerate and degenerate Lagrangian the- ories. For the non-degenerate theories, we shall discuss the Hamiltonian analysis of the Pais-Uhlenbeck oscillator [62] which is perennial favorite among quantum theorists. For the case of degenerate systems, we shall address two second-order Lagrangians coming from the theory of topological massive gravity [24, 25], namely Sarıo˘glu-Tekin Lagrangian [68] and Clem´ent Lagrangian [16]. We are referring a recent study [11] for the Hamiltonian analysis of Sarıo˘glu-Tekin Lagrangian and Clem´ent Lagrangian in the framework of the Ostrogradsky-Legendre transforma- tion. So that comparisons of the results of this paper, and the results of [11] could be ON THE GEOMETRY OF THE SCHMIDT-LEGENDRE TRANSFORMATION 253 instructive for discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the Schmidt-Legendre and the Ostrogradsky-Legendre transformations. In [22, Page 130], a trick has been announced to reduce a second order Lagrangian function to a first order one. In this paper, we are presenting a geometrization of this trick in terms of acceleration bundles and the Schmidt-Legendre transformation. In order to achieve the goals of this paper, we shall start with the following section by reviewing some necessary fundamental materials, namely higher order tangent bundles, higher order Euler-Lagrange equations, symplectic manifolds, Hamilton’s equations, and the pull-back bundle formalism. The third section is reserved for the Tulczyjew’s construction of the Legendre transformation. In this section, basic ingredients of Tulczyjew’s triples will be presented including Morse families, special symplectic structures. Moreover, a Tulczyjew’s triple will be constructed proper for the Ostrogradsky-Legendre transformation. In this section, we shall summarize the Dirac-Bergmann constraint algorithm as well. In the Section 4, acceleration bundle will be introduced. Tangent and cotangent bundles of the acceleration bundle will be presented. We shall construct Tulczyjew’s triple for the case of acceleration bundles. Using this construction, we shall present geometry of the Schmidt-Legendre trans- formation. The symplectic transformation between the Ostrogradsky-Legendre and the Schmidt-Legendre transformations will be constructed. The last section will be reserved for several examples including the Pais-Uhlenbeck, the Sarıo˘glu-Tekin and the Clem´ent Lagrangians. We are expecting that the framework presented in this paper can be extended for several applications including Skinner-Rusk unified formalism [69, 70, 71], symmetry analysis, constraint systems, regularity issues, and optimization problems. We list some possible future projects at the conclusion.

2. Fundamentals. 2.1. Higher order Euler-Lagrange equations. Let Q be a manifold. Consider the set Cq(Q) of smooth curves passing through a point q in Q. Two curves γ and 0 k 0 γ are called k-equivalent, and denoted by γ ∼q γ , if they agree up to their k−th order derivatives at q that is if Dr(f ◦ γ)(0) = Dr(f ◦ γ0)(0), r = 0, 1, 2, ..., k, (1) for all real valued functions f defined on Q [50]. Here, we assumed that γ(0) = 0 k γ (0) = q. Under the equivalence relationship ∼q , an equivalence class, denoted by tkγ(0), is called a k-th order tangent vector at q. The set of all equivalence classes of curves, that is the set of all k-th order tangent vectors at q defines k-th order k tangent space Tq Q. The union k G k T Q = Tq Q q∈Q of all k-th order tangent spaces is k-th order tangent bundle of Q. There exists a projection from the k-th order tangent bundle T kQ to the manifold Q defined as k k k τQ : T Q −→ Q : t γ(0) −→ γ(0). (2) All possible triples k k (T Q, τQ,Q) k k are fiber bundles with total space T Q, the projection τQ, and the base space Q. If k = 1 then we arrive at the tangent bundle (T Q, τQ,Q). TQ admits a vector 254 OGUL˘ ESEN AND PARTHA GUHA bundle structure on Q but in general T kQ does not necessarily admit a structure on Q for k ≥ 2 [74]. To equip a vector bundle structure on T kQ, one needs to employ a linear connection on Q [28, 29, 73]. In this case, T kQ becomes isomorphic to the Whitney sum of k numbers of TQ. Assume that Q be an n-dimensional manifold with local coordinates (q) = (q1, ..., qn), then the first order tangent bundle TQ is a 2n-dimensional manifold with induced coordinates

2n (q, ˙q): TQ −→ R : tγ(0) −→ (q(γ(0)),D(q ◦ γ)(0)). (3) The higher order tangent bundle T kQ is a [(k + 1)n]-dimensional manifold with induced coordinates

(k) k (k+1)n (q, ˙q, ..., q ): T Q −→ R : tkγ(0) −→ (q(γ(0)),D(q ◦ γ)(0), ..., Dk(q ◦ γ)). (4)

Consider the k-th order tangent bundle T kQ. There is a natural embedding of T kQ into the iterated tangent bundle TT sQ of T sQ as given by

k s k s T Q −→ TT Q : t γ(0) −→ r γ˜t(0), (5) whereγ ˜t is a curve in Q depending on r, and defined byγ ˜t(r) = γ(t + r)[50]. In (5), we are assuming that s is smaller than k. For future reference, let us record here some particular cases of the embedding. First we take k = 2 and s = 1, and arrive at T 2Q −→ TTQ :(q, ˙q, ¨q) −→ (q, ˙q, ˙q, ¨q). (6) Secondly, we consider k = 3 and s = 2, and compute the following

T 3Q −→ TT 2Q :(q, ˙q, ¨q, q(3)) −→ (q, ˙q, ¨q, ˙q, ¨q, q(3)). (7)

A k-th order Lagrangian function L = L(q, ˙q, ¨q, ..., q(k)) is a real-valued function on T kQ, and k-th order Euler-Lagrange equations are

k X dκ  ∂L  (−1)κ = 0. (8) dtκ ∂q(κ) κ=0

If the partial derivatives ∂L/∂q(k) depend on q(k) then the k-th order Euler- Lagrange equations (8) are a set of differential equation of order 2k. Particularly, for k = 1, the Euler-Lagrange equations are d ∂L ∂L − = 0. (9) dt ∂ ˙q ∂q For k = 2, we have the second order Euler-Lagrange equations d2 ∂L d ∂L ∂L − + = 0, (10) dt2 ∂¨q dt ∂ ˙q ∂q whereas for k = 3 we have the third order Euler-Lagrange equations d3 ∂L d2 ∂L d ∂L ∂L − + − = 0. (11) dt3 ∂q(3) dt2 ∂¨q dt ∂ ˙q ∂q ON THE GEOMETRY OF THE SCHMIDT-LEGENDRE TRANSFORMATION 255

2.2. Symplectic manifolds and Hamilton’s equations. A manifold P is called a symplectic manifold if it is equipped with a closed, non-degenerate two-form Ω [51]. We are interested in Lagrangian submanifolds of symplectic manifolds. A submanifold S of a symplectic manifold (P, Ω) is called a Lagrangian submanifold if Ω vanishes when it is restricted to S, and if the dimension of S is half of the dimension of P . A diffeomorphism ϕ from a symplectic manifold (P1, Ω1) to another symplectic manifold (P2, Ω2) is called a symplectic diffeomorphism if it respects to the sym- ∗ plectic two-forms, that is if ϕ Ω2 = Ω1. A symplectic diffeomorphism ϕ maps a Lagrangian submanifold S of P1 to a Lagrangian submanifold ϕ(S) of P2. Product of two symplectic manifolds (P1, Ω1) and (P2, Ω2) is a symplectic manifold. There exist natural projections pr1 from the product space P1 × P2 to P1, and pr2 from P1 × P2 to P2. In order to define the symplectic two-form on the product space P1 × P2, first pull the symplectic two-forms Ω1 and Ω2 back to the product space using the natural projections, then take the difference of the pull-back two-forms

∗ ∗ Ω2 Ω1 = pr2(Ω2) − pr1(Ω1). (12)

The graph of a diffeomorphism ϕ from P1 to P2 is a Lagrangian submanifold of the product symplectic manifold (P1 × P2, Ω2 Ω1) if and only if ϕ is a symplectic diffeomorphism. For the proof of this assertion, we refer [79, Page 339]. Let (P, Ω) be a symplectic manifold. Since the symplectic two-form Ω is non- degenerate the musical mapping Ω[, from the space X(P ) of vector fields to the space Λ(P ) of differential one-forms,

[ Ω : X(P ) −→ Λ(P ): X −→ ιX Ω, (13) is an isomorphism [53]. Here, ι is the contraction operator. We denote the inverse of Ω[ by Ω]. Accordingly, the Hamilton’s equation

ιXH Ω = −dH (14) determines a unique vector field XH , called as a Hamiltonian vector field, for a Hamiltonian function H on P . By referring to the symplectic two-form Ω, it is possible to define a Poisson bracket on the space F(P ) of real valued functions as follows

{F,H} = Ω(XF ,XH ), (15) where the vector fields XH and XF are Hamiltonian vector fields associated with Hamiltonian functions H and F , respectively. They are computed through the definition presented in (14). ∗ A cotangent bundle T Q admits a canonical one-form ΘQ and a canonical sym- ∗ ∗ plectic two-form ΩQ = dΘQ. On a vector field X : T Q → TT Q, the canonical one-form ΘQ takes the value

hΘQ,Xi = hτT ∗Q(X), T πQ(X)i, (16)

∗ ∗ where τT ∗Q is the tangent bundle projection from TT Q to T Q whereas T πQ is tangent mapping of the cotangent bundle projection πQ. Pairing on the right hand side of (16) is the dualization between the cotangent bundle T ∗Q and the tangent bundle TQ. Following commutative diagram, called as the tangent rhombic [1, Page 256 OGUL˘ ESEN AND PARTHA GUHA

48], is summarizing the projections in (16). TT ∗Q (17)

τT ∗Q T πQ

{ # T ∗Q TQ

πQ τQ # Q { Consider a local coordinate system (q) defined on n-dimensional manifold Q. In the Darboux’ coordinates (q, p) on the cotangent bundle T ∗Q, the canonical forms turn out to be

ΘQ = p · dq, ΩQ = dp ∧ dq. (18) whereas the Hamiltonian vector field XH in (14) is written as ∂H ∂ ∂H ∂ X = · − · , (19) H ∂p ∂q ∂q ∂p The canonical Poisson bracket in (15) is computed to be ∂F ∂H ∂F ∂H {F,H} = · − · . (20) ∂q ∂p ∂p ∂q

2.3. Pullback bundle. Consider a fibre bundle (R, τ, M). Assume existence of a differential mapping ψ from a manifold N to the base manifold M of the fiber bundle. Consider the following submanifold ψ∗R = {(n, r) ∈ N × R : ψ(n) = π(r)}. (21) There exists a surjective submersion, denoted by ψ∗τ, projecting an element (n, r) in ψ∗R to its first factor n in N. This make the triple (ψ∗R, ψ∗τ, N) a fiber bundle, called as the pullback bundle, [59, Page 355]. This definition can be summarized within the following commutative diagram.

ε ψ∗R / R (22)

ψ∗τ τ   N / M ψ Here, ε is the projection which maps an element in ψ∗R to its second factor R. If N is an embedded submanifold of M in (22), then it is evident that ψ∗R is an embedded submanifold of R.

3. The Legendre transformation.

3.1. Morse families. Let (R, τ, M) be a fiber bundle. Vertical bundle VR over R is space of vertical vectors lying in the kernel of the tangent mapping T τ. Conormal bundle V 0R consists of covectors in T ∗R annihilating the vectors in VR. A real- valued function E defined on the total space R of the fiber bundle is said to be a Morse or a generating family if, for all z ∈ Im (dE) ∩ V 0R, 0 ∗ Tz Im (dE) + TzV R = TzT R. (23) ON THE GEOMETRY OF THE SCHMIDT-LEGENDRE TRANSFORMATION 257

Here, Im (dE) is the image space of exterior dE. A Morse family E on a smooth bundle (R, τ, M) generates an immersed Lagrangian submanifold

∗ ∗ S = {z ∈ T M : T τ(z) = dE (r) ∀r ∈ R satisfying τ(r) = πT ∗M (z)} (24) of the canonically symplectic space T ∗M. The Morse family E is called generator of the Lagrangian submanifold S. The inverse of this assertion is also true. That is if S is a Lagrangian submanifold of T ∗M then there always exists, at least locally, a Morse family E generating S. This assertion is known as the generalized Poincar´e lemma or Maslov-H¨ormandertheorem. We refer to the Lecture 5 in [80] and the Section 9.5 of the book [7] for the proofs of the assertions. Here is a diagram summarizing the discussion.

o R T ∗M (25) R E

τ πM   M M We refer [13] for Morse families in the theory of constrained mechanical systems. Assume that M is equipped with local coordinates (m), and consider the induced local coordinates (m, λ) on the total space R. In this picture, a function E is called a Morse family if the rank of the matrix  ∂2E ∂2E  (26) ∂m∂m ∂m∂λ is maximal. In such a case, the Lagrangian submanifold (24) generated by E locally looks like  ∂E  ∂E  S = m, (m, λ) ∈ T ∗M : (m, λ) = 0 . (27) ∂m ∂λ See that the dimension of S is half of the dimension of T ∗M, and that the canonical symplectic two-form ΩM vanishes on S. For a given Lagrangian submanifold, its Morse family generator is far from being unique. One may find a Morse family with less number of fiber variables generating the same Lagrangian submanifold. This procedure is called reduction of Morse family. We refer [7] for detailed discussions on this subject.

3.2. Special symplectic structures. Let P be a symplectic manifold carrying an exact symplectic two-form Ω = dΘ. Assume also that, P is the total space of a fibre bundle (P, π, M). A special symplectic structure is a quintuple (P, π, M, Θ, χ) where χ is a fiber preserving symplectic diffeomorphism from P to the cotangent bundle T ∗M. Here, χ can uniquely be characterized by

hχ(p), π∗X(m)i = hΘ(p),X(p)i (28) for a vector field X on P , for any point p in P where π(p) = m. Note that, pairing on the left hand side of (28) is the natural pairing between the ∗ TmM and the tangent space TmM. Pairing on the right hand side of (28) is the one ∗ between the cotangent space Tp P and the tangent space TpP . We refer [46, 72, 77] for further discussions on special symplectic structures. Here is a diagram exhibiting the special symplectic structure. 258 OGUL˘ ESEN AND PARTHA GUHA

χ T ∗M o P (29)

πM π " ~ M The two-tuple (P, Ω) is called as underlying symplectic manifold of the special symplectic structure (P, π, M, Θ, χ). Let (P, π, M, Θ, χ) be a special symplectic structure. Assume also that SP be a Lagrangian submanifold of P . The image χ(SP ) of SP is a Lagrangian submanifold of T ∗M. By referring to the generalized Poincar´elemma presented in the previous subsection (3.1), we argue that the Lagrangian submanifold χ(SP ) can locally be generated by a Morse family E on a fiber bundle (R, τ, M). Accordingly, we are calling the Morse family E as a generator of both S and SP since they are the same up to χ. The following diagram summarizes this discussion by equipping a Morse family to the special symplectic structure (29). χ o R T ∗M o P (30) R E τ πM π  " ~ M M 3.3. Tulczyjew’s triple. Assume that (P, Ω) admits two different special symplec- 0 0 0 tic structures, say (P, π, M, Θ1, χ) and (P, π ,M , Θ2, χ ). The generalized version of the Tulczyjew’s triple [78] is a diagram combining two special symplectic structures in one picture

χ χ0 T ∗M o P / T ∗M 0 . (31)

πM π π0 πM0 " ~ { MM 0

In this case, the symplectic two-form Ω have two potential one-forms, namely Θ1 and Θ2. The difference of these one-forms is closed. So that there exists, at least locally, a function ∆ on P satisfying 0 ∗ ∗ d∆ = Θ2 − Θ1 = (χ ) (ΘM 0 ) − χ (ΘM ). (32) 0 ∗ ∗ 0 Here, ΘM and ΘM are the canonical one-forms on T M and T M , respectively. Let SP be a Lagrangian submanifold of P . Then χ(SP ) is a Lagrangian submani- ∗ 0 ∗ 0 fold of T M, and χ (SP ) is a Lagrangian submanifold of T M . For the Lagrangian submanifold χ(SP ), in the lights of the discussions done in the previous subsections, we know that there exists a Morse family E, on a fiber bundle (R, τ, M), generat- 0 ing χ(SP ). Similarly, for the Lagrangian submanifold χ (SP ), there exists a Morse 0 0 0 0 0 family E , on a fiber bundle (R , τ ,M ), generating χ (SP ). So that, we have two different generators of the Lagrangian submanifold SP . Product space T ∗M ×T ∗M 0 is a symplectic manifold. To arrive at the symplectic two-form, by referring to the equation (12), we are pulling the canonical symplectic 0 two-forms ΩM and ΩM back to the product space using the natural projections, then we are taking the difference 0 ∗ ∗ ΩM ΩM = pr2(ΩM 0 ) − pr1(ΩM ). Note that the composition χ0 ◦ χ−1 pictured in (31) is a symplectic diffeomorphism from T ∗M to T ∗M 0. So that, the graph of the mapping χ0 ◦ χ−1 is a Lagrangian ON THE GEOMETRY OF THE SCHMIDT-LEGENDRE TRANSFORMATION 259 submanifold of T ∗M × T ∗M 0. The Morse family generating the graph of χ0 ◦ χ−1 is the potential function ∆ defined in (32). For a proof this assertion in case of the classical dynamics we refer the discussion done in the next section (3.4) (espe- cially the calculations presented in (36)-(39)). We cite [7, 75, 76, 77] for symplectic diffeomorphisms generating by Morse families. Let us record this in the following diagram o P T ∗(M × M 0) . (33) R ∆

0 0 π×π πM ×πM   M × M 0 M × M 0 Notice that the diagrams (31) and (33) are two different representations of the Le- gendre transformation in the sense of Tulczyjew. The first one is in terms of special symplectic structures whereas the latter is in terms of symplectic diffeomorphisms and Morse families. 3.4. Classical Tulczyjew’s triple. This subsection is a quick review of [78]. So that for the proofs and for more detailed discussions, we refer directly to [78]. Let Q be a manifold which is assumed to be the configuration space of a physical system. Tangent bundle TQ is the velocity phase space, the cotangent bundle T ∗Q is the momentum phase space of the dynamics. The tangent bundle TT ∗Q of T ∗Q carries T a symplectic two-form ΩQ that derives from two potential one-forms

Θ1 = iT ΩQ, Θ2 = dT ΘQ. (34)

Definition of the derivation iT is a manifestation of double vector bundle structure ∗ ∗ of TTT Q over the base T Q. Accordingly, value of the one-from iT ΩQ on a vector field X : TT ∗Q → TTT ∗Q is defined as

iT ΩQ(X) = ΩQ(τTT ∗Q(X), T τT ∗Q(X)). ∗ ∗ Here, τTT ∗Q is the tangent bundle projection from TTT Q to the base TT Q whereas T τT ∗Q is tangent mapping of the tangent bundle projection τT ∗Q. Deriva- tion dT in (34) is obtained by the commutator [d, iT ], where d is the de Rham . Let (q, p) be the Darboux’ coordinates on the cotangent bundle T ∗Q, and assume the following induced coordinates ∗ 4n (q, p, ˙q, ˙p): TT Q −→ R . (35) The potential one-forms defined in (34) are computed to be

Θ1 = iT ΩQ = ˙p · dq − ˙q · dp, Θ2 = dT ΘQ = ˙p · dq + p · d ˙q. (36) Exterior derivatives of these one-forms are the same and define the symplectic two- form T ΩQ = d ˙p ∧ dq + dp ∧ d ˙q. (37) Note that, the difference Θ2 − Θ1 is an exact one-form. Actually, it is the exterior derivative of coupling function ∆(q, p, ˙q, ˙p) = ˙q · p. (38) ∗ By assuming ∆ as a function on the Whitney sum TQ ×Q T Q, we argue that ∗ ∗ ∗ it generates a Lagrangian submanifold of T TQ ×T ∗Q T T Q. This Lagrangian submanifold is the graph of the symplectic diffeomorphism T ∗TQ −→ T ∗T ∗Q :(q, ˙q, p, ˙p) −→ (q, ˙p, p, − ˙q). (39) 260 OGUL˘ ESEN AND PARTHA GUHA

∗ T The symplectic manifold (TT Q, ΩQ) admits two special symplectic structures. [ The first special symplectic structure is due to the musical isomorphism ΩQ pre- sented in (13). It is a matter of a direct calculation to show that quintuple ∗ ∗ [ (TT Q, τT ∗Q,T Q, Θ1, ΩQ) (40) is a special symplectic manifold. Here, τT ∗Q is the tangent bundle projection from ∗ ∗ TT Q to T Q,Θ1 is the differential one-form defined in (36). ∗ T In order to construct a second special symplectic structure for (TT Q, ΩQ), we introduce the followings. Consider a differential mapping Γ = Γ(t, s) from R2 to Q. The differential of Γ with respect to t, at t = 0, results with a curve γ(s) lying in the tangent bundle TQ depending on the free variable s. If one further takes the differential of the curve γ(s) ⊂ TQ with respect to s, at s = 0, then arrives at a vector in TTQ. The canonical involution κQ on TTQ is defined by changing the order of differentiations

d d d d κQ : TTQ −→ TTQ : Γ(t, s) −→ Γ(t, s). (41) dt t=0 ds s=0 ds s=0 dt t=0

Using the canonical involution κQ, we introduce now a mapping ∗ ∗ ΞQ : TT Q −→ T T Q, (42) defined, for all X in TT ∗Q and for all Y in TTQ, as T hΞQ(X),Y i = hX, κQ(Y )i . (43) Here, pairing on the left hand side is the natural paring between T ∗TQ and TTQ whereas pairing on the right hand side is the tangent lift of the natural paring ∗ between T Q and TQ. Notice that, the mapping ΞQ can be considered as a dual of T the canonical involution κQ. Let us comment on the pairing h•, •i . See that X is a vector in TT ∗Q so that there exists a curve ξ in T ∗Q satisfying that X = tξ(0). ∗ On the other hand, κQ(Y ) is a vector in TTQ so that there exists a curve ψ in T Q satisfying that Y = tψ(0). In this notation, the pairing is defined by

T d hX, κQ(Y )i = hξ(t), ψ(t)i. (44) dt t=0

The mapping ΞQ is a symplectic diffeomorphism, and ∗ (TT Q, T πQ, T Q, Θ2, ΞQ) (45) is a special symplectic manifold. Here, T πQ is the tangent mapping of the cotangent bundle projection πQ,Θ2 is the differential one-form defined in (36). As a result, we have derived two special symplectic structures, exhibited in (40) ∗ T and (45), for the symplectic manifold (TT Q, ΩQ). Tulczyjew’s triple is the combi- nation of these two special symplectic structures in one commutative diagram

[ ΞQ ΩQ T ∗TQ o TT ∗Q / T ∗T ∗Q . (46)

∗ ∗ πTQ T πQ τT Q πT Q # { # z TQT ∗Q Assume a local coordinate system (q, ˙q, δq, δ ˙q) on TTQ. Canonical involution κQ becomes κQ(q, ˙q, δq, δ ˙q) = (q, δq, ˙q, δ ˙q). (47) ON THE GEOMETRY OF THE SCHMIDT-LEGENDRE TRANSFORMATION 261

In the local coordinates (35) on TT ∗Q, the symplectic diffeomorphisms turn out to be

ΞQ(q, p, ˙q, ˙p) = (q, ˙q, ˙p, p), [ ΩQ(q, p, ˙q, ˙p) = (q, p, ˙p, − ˙q). (48) Let us now define a Lagrangian submanifold of TT ∗Q using the left side of Tul- czyjew’s triple (46) by starting with a Lagrangian function L on TQ. The image space of the exterior derivative of L is a Lagrangian submanifold of T ∗TQ. The in- verse of ΞQ maps this Lagrangian submanifold STT ∗Q to a Lagrangian submanifold ∗ of TT Q. In a compact form, the Lagrangian submanifold STT ∗Q is defined by the equation ∗ (T πQ) dL = Θ2, (49) where Θ2 is the potential one-form in (36). In terms of the local coordinates (35) on TT ∗Q, it is computed to be    ∂L ∂L ∗ S ∗ = q, , ˙q, ∈ TT Q : L = L(q, ˙q) . (50) TT Q ∂ ˙q ∂q

Dynamics determined by the Lagrangian submanifold STT ∗Q is computed simply by taking the time derivatives of the base coordinates (q, ∂L/∂ ˙q) and equate them to the fiber coordinates ( ˙q, ∂L/∂q) respectively. By this, we arrive at the Euler- Lagrange equations (9). In other words, we say that STT ∗Q is a Lagrangian sub- manifold realization of the Euler-Lagrange equations (9). Note that, STT ∗Q can be generated from the right side of the Tulczyjew’s triple (46) as well. For this, define the following Morse family E(q, ˙q, p) = p · ˙q − L(q, ˙q) (51) ∗ on the Whitney sum TQ ×Q T Q. To represent this generating family, we are ∗ drawing the right side of the Tulczyjew’s triple (46) by equipping it with TQ×Q T Q as follows

[ ΩQ E TT ∗Q / T ∗T ∗Q TQ × T ∗Q / R . (52)

pr2 τT ∗Q πT ∗Q # z  T ∗Q T ∗Q Lagrangian submanifold generated by this Morse family is  ∂E ∂E  ∂E  q, p, , − ∈ TT ∗Q : = 0 . (53) ∂p ∂q ∂ ˙q A direct computation proves that the Lagrangian submanifold (53) and the La- grangian submanifold STT ∗Q in (50) are the same. See that, this transformation is valid for degenerate Lagrangians as well. If the Lagrangian function is non- degenerate then from the equation ∂E ∂L (q, ˙q, p) = p − (q, ˙q) = 0 (54) ∂ ˙q ∂ ˙q one can explicitly determine the velocity ˙q in terms of (q, p). In other words, for a non-degenerate Lagrangian function L = L(q, ˙q) the fiber derivative  ∂L  L : TQ −→ T ∗Q :(q, ˙q) −→ q, (q, ˙q) (55) F ∂ ˙q 262 OGUL˘ ESEN AND PARTHA GUHA is a bijective mapping relating the tangent and cotangent bundles. In this case, the Morse family E can be reduced to a well-defined Hamiltonian function H(q, p) = ˙q(q, p) · p − L(q, ˙q(q, p)) (56) on T ∗Q. The Lagrangian submanifold generated by the Hamiltonian function can compactly be defined by equation ∗ − τT ∗QdH = Θ1, (57) where Θ1 is the one-form in (36).

3.5. Dirac-Bergmann constraint algorithm. The fiber derivative FL of a La- grangian function L, defined in (55), is a mapping from the tangent bundle TQ to the cotangent bundle T ∗Q. If the Lagrangian is non-degenerate then FL becomes a bijection. This permits us to write the velocity variables in terms of the momenta. If the Lagrangian is degenerate, then FL is not bijective. The image FL(TQ) is only a submanifold, called as the primary constraint submanifold, of the cotangent bundle T ∗Q. The graph  ∂L  Γ = (q, p, ˙q) ∈ TQ × T ∗Q : p − = 0 (58) L Q ∂ ˙q ∗ of FL is a submanifold of the Whitney sum TQ ×Q T Q. Note that, restriction

E|ΓL of the Morse family E, in (51), to the graph ΓL also generates the Lagrangian submanifold (53). This is a Morse family reduction. E|ΓL is free of velocity variables ( ˙q) since ∂E|  ∂L ΓL = p − | = 0. (59) ∂ ˙q ∂ ˙q ΓL This shows that there exists a function H defined on an open cover of the image space FL(TQ) of the fiber derivative depending on the position and momenta (q, p) such that H(q, p) = E(q, p, ˙q), (q, p, ˙q) ∈ ΓL. (60) Notice that, H satisfying (60) is far from being unique. Let us assume that there exists constraint functions Φα = 0 determining FL(TQ). By adding any linear combination of the constraint functions Φα, to H, one may arrive at some other functions satisfying (60). This observation leads to a more general expression called the total Hamiltonian function α HT = H + u Φα, (61) on T ∗Q. Here, uα’s are Lagrange multipliers. The requirement that the solutions of Euler-Lagrange equations remain on constraint submanifold is described by the weak equality α Φ˙ β = {Φβ,H} + u {Φβ, Φα} = 0, β = 1, ..., 2n − r, (62) modulo primary constraints. Brackets on the right hand side are the canonical Poisson bracket (20) on the cotangent bundle T ∗Q. The consistency conditions in (62) may lead to determination of the Lagrange multipliers or may result on a new set of constraints. If the consistency check results with a new set of constraints one should repeat the consistency checks by enlarging the constraint set with the introductions of secondary constraints. The process should be stopped when no more new constraints appear. At the end, one arrives at a well defined Hamiltonian function on a submanifold, called as the final constraint submanifold, of FL(TQ). ON THE GEOMETRY OF THE SCHMIDT-LEGENDRE TRANSFORMATION 263

This is the Dirac-Bergmann constraint algorithm [26, 27]. For a geometric version of the algorithm, we refer [34, 35, 36, 37]. 3.6. Tulczyjew’s triple for the Ostrogradsky-Legendre transformation. Traditional framework to obtain Hamiltonian formulation of a higher order La- grangian formalism is due to Ostrogradsky [61]. Ostrogradsky’s approach is based on the idea that consecutive time derivatives of initial coordinates form new coordi- nates, hence a higher order Lagrangian function can be written in a form of a first order Lagrangian function on an iterated tangent bundle. In this subsection, we are exhibiting geometry of the Ostrogradsky-Legendre transformation by constructing a proper Tulczyjew’s triple [20, 48]. Let us first introduce an alternative notation for local coordinates of T kQ (k) (q(0), q(1), ..., q(k)) := (q, ˙q, ..., q ) (63) which is especially useful while working on the iterated tangent bundle TT kQ. Accordingly, we denote the induced coordinates on TT kQ as k 2(k+1)n (q(0), q(1), ..., q(k), ˙q(0), ˙q(1), ..., ˙q(k)): TT Q −→ R . (64) In terms of the coordinates (63), the embedding in (5) reads that k+1 k T Q −→ TT Q :(q(0), q(1), ..., q(k+1)) (65) 7→ (q(0), q(1), ..., q(k), q(1), q(2), ..., q(k+1)). By replacing the configuration manifold Q in the triple (46) with the k-th order tangent bundle T kQ, we draw the following Tulczyjew’s triple

Ω[ ΞT kQ T kQ T ∗TT kQ o TT ∗T kQ / T ∗T ∗TQ . (66)

π k T π τ ∗ k π ∗ k TT Q % y T kQ T T Q % y T T Q TT kQT ∗T kQ

Here, πTT kQ is the cotangent bundle projection, T πT kQ is the tangent lift of πT kQ, τT ∗T kQ is the tangent bundle projection, and πT ∗T kQ is the cotangent bundle projec- tion. Being a cotangent bundle, T ∗T kQ is a symplectic manifold with the canonical ∗ k symplectic two-form ΩT kQ = dΘT kQ. Darboux’s coordinates on T T Q are (0) (1) (k) ∗ k 2(k+1)n (q(0), q(1), ..., q(k), π , π , ..., π ): T T Q −→ R . (67) In this coordinate frame, the canonical forms are computed to be k k X (κ) X (κ) ΘT kQ = π · dq(κ) ΩT kQ = dπ ∧ dq(κ). (68) κ=0 κ=0 On TT ∗T kQ, introduce the following local coordinate system (κ) (κ) ∗ k 4(k+1)n (q(κ), π , ˙q(κ), π˙ ): TT T Q −→ R , (69) where κ runs from 0 to k. Tangent bundle of a symplectic manifold is a symplectic manifold with lifted symplectic two-form whose local description is available in (37). Under the light of this fact, we argue that TT ∗T kQ is a symplectic manifold with T T lifted symplectic two-form ΩT kQ. In terms of the coordinates in (67), ΩT kQ can be written as k k T X (κ) X (κ) ΩT kQ = dπ˙ ∧ dq(κ) + dπ ∧ d ˙q(κ). (70) κ=0 κ=0 264 OGUL˘ ESEN AND PARTHA GUHA

[ Definitions of the symplectic diffeomorphism ΞT kQ and ΩT kQ are direct adaptations [ of the definitions of the symplectic diffeomorphism ΞQ and ΩQ presented in (48). Accordingly, they are computed as (κ) (κ) (κ) (κ) ΞT kQ(q(κ), π , ˙q(κ), π˙ ) = (q(κ), ˙q(κ), π˙ , π ), (71) [ (κ) (κ) (κ) (κ) ΩT kQ(q(κ), π , ˙q(κ), π˙ ) = (q(κ), π , π˙ , − ˙q(κ)). (72) We define the following fiber bundle structure k k×n k (TT Q × R , pr1,TT Q) (73) k where pr1 is the projection form the product space to TT Q. Fibers of the bundle are (k × n)-dimensional Euclidean spaces Rk×n equipped with global coordinates (0) (k−1) (δ) (λ , ..., λ ) where each of λ are belonging to Rn for δ = 0, 1, ..., k − 1. Let us start with a Lagrangian function L on T k+1Q. By referring to the natural embedding of T k+1Q into TT kQ, defined in (65), we introduce the following Morse family k−1  X (δ)  LO = L q(0), q(1), ..., q(k), ˙q(k) + λ · ˙q(δ) − q(δ+1) (74) δ=0 on the total space of the fiber bundle (73). Note that, ˙q(k) refers to the (k + 1)-th order derivative of the position q. The Morse family LO generates a Lagrangian ∗ k submanifold of the symplectic manifold (TT T Q, ΩT kQ). In order to exhibit this, we redraw the left side of the Tulczyjew’s triple (66) equipped with the fiber bundle (73).

Ξ LO T kQ R o TT kQ × Rk×n T ∗TT kQ o TT ∗T kQ .

pr1 π k T π  TT Q % y T kQ TT kQ TT kQ (75) Following the general description in (50), in terms of the induced coordinates (69) ∗ k on TT T Q, the Lagrangian submanifold generated by LO is computed to be

(0) (k−1) ∂L {(q(0), ..., q(k), λ , ..., λ , , ˙q(0), ..., ˙q(k), ∂ ˙q(k) ∂L ∂L ∂L , − λ(0), ..., − λ(k−1))} (76) ∂q(0) ∂q(1) ∂q(k) equipped with the constraints

˙q(δ) = q(δ+1), δ = 0, 1, .., k − 1. (77) The dynamical equations defined by this Lagrangian submanifold are d q = ˙q , κ = 0, 1, ..., k, (78) dt (κ) (κ) d ∂L λ(δ) = − λ(δ−1), δ = 0, 1, ..., k − 1, (79) dt ∂q(δ) d ∂L ∂L = − λ(k−1), (80) dt ∂ ˙q(k) ∂q(k) where λ(−1) is assumed to be 0. It is easy now to show that this system is equiva- lent to the Euler-Lagrange equations generated by the (k + 1)-th order Lagrangian ON THE GEOMETRY OF THE SCHMIDT-LEGENDRE TRANSFORMATION 265 function L. In other words, we say that (76) with (77) is a Lagrangian submanifold realization of the (k + 1)-th order Euler-Lagrange equations. In Tulczyjew’s approach, the Legendre transformation of the (k + 1)-th order Euler-Lagrange equations is to regenerate the Lagrangian submanifold (76)-(77) by referring to the right side of the Tulczyjew’s triple (66). To this end, we are now considering the following fiber bundle structure ∗ k k (k×n) ∗ k (T T Q ×T kQ TT Q × R , pr1,T T Q). (81) We take the following local coordinates on the total space of the fiber bundle (κ) (δ) ∗ k k (k×n) (4k+3)×n (q(κ), π , ˙q(κ), λ ): T T Q ×T kQ TT Q × R −→ R , (82) where κ runs from 0 to k, and δ runs from 0 to k − 1. Define the Morse family on the total space k k−1 X (κ)  X (δ)  E = ˙q(κ) · π − L q(0), q(1), ..., q(k), ˙q(k) − λ · ˙q(δ) − q(δ+1) . (83) κ=0 δ=0 We redraw the right side of the Tulczyjew’s triple (66) by adding the fibration (81)

Ω[ ∗ TQ ∗ ∗ ∗ n TT TQ / T T TQ T TQ ×TQ TTQ × R . (84)

pr1 τT ∗TQ πT ∗TQ % y  T ∗TQ T ∗TQ Referring to (53), it is a matter of a direct calculation to show that the Morse family E in (83) generates a Lagrangian submanifold of TT ∗T kQ given by

(0) (k) ∂L (0) ∂L (k−1) ∂L {q(0), ..., q(k), π , ..., π , ˙q(0), ..., ˙q(k), + λ , ..., + λ , } ∂q(0) ∂q(k−1) ∂ ˙q(k) (85) equipped with the constraints

(k) ∂L (δ) (δ) π = , ˙q(δ) = q(δ+1), λ = π , δ = 0, ..., k − 1. (86) ∂ ˙q(k) Note that, this Lagrangian submanifold is exactly the same with the one presented in (76). Substitutions of the Lagrange multipliers λδ into the Morse family E in (83) result with a reduction of the family given by k−1 (k) X (δ)  E = π · ˙q(k) + π · q(δ+1) − L q(0), q(1), ..., q(k), ˙q(k) . (87) δ=0 ∗ k k Note that, this Morse family is defined on the Whitney sum T T Q ×T kQ TT Q. Further reduction is possible if ˙q(k) can be written in terms of the positions and 2 2 the momenta. This is possible if the matrix [∂ L/∂ ˙q(k)] is non-degenerate. If this Hessian condition holds then we arrive at a well-defined Hamiltonian function on T ∗T kQ. If not, one may use the Dirac-Bergmann algorithm, summarized in the subsection (3.5), in order to arrive at a well-defined Hamiltonian function on a proper submanifold of T ∗T kQ. Let us finish this subsection by exhibition of the Ostrogradsky momenta k j−κ X  d   ∂L  π(κ) = − (88) dt ∂q(κ+1) j=κ 266 OGUL˘ ESEN AND PARTHA GUHA where κ runs from 0 to k.

4. The Schmidt-Legendre transformation.

4.1. Acceleration bundle. Let Q be a manifold. Consider the set Cq(Q) of smooth curves passing through the point q in Q. We define a subset Kq(Q) of Cq (Q) by considering only the curves whose first derivatives are vanishing at q. More formally,

Kq(Q) = {γ ∈ Cq(Q): D(f ◦ γ)(0) = 0, ∀f : Q 7→ R} . (89) It is worthless to say that since vanishing of the first derivative is asked only at a single point, the curve γ in Kq(Q) does not have to be a constant curve. We are 0 now defining an equivalence relation on Kq(Q). We call two curves γ and γ in 0 Kq(Q) equivalent if the second derivatives of γ and γ are equal at q, that is if D2(f ◦ γ)(0) = D2(f ◦ γ0)(0), for all real valued functions f on Q. Here, it is assumed that γ(0) = γ0(0) = q. An equivalence class is denoted by aγ(0). The set of all equivalence classes is called acceleration space AqQ at q ∈ Q. If Q is an n-dimensional manifold with local coordinates (q), then union of all acceleration spaces G AQ = AqQ. q∈Q is a 2n-dimensional manifold with induced local coordinates 2n 2 (q, a): AQ −→ R :aγ(0) −→ (q ◦ γ(0),D (q ◦ γ)(0)). (90) Assume that (q) and (x) be two compatible charts around a point q in Q. Then, the induced local charts on AQ, given by (q, a) and (x, b), are also compatible. Transformations relating these two local pictures are computed to be  ∂  x = x(q), b = a · x. (91) ∂q These coordinate transformations suggest a vector bundle structure of AQ over Q with projection αQ : AQ → Q : aγ(0) −→ γ(0). (92) We call AQ the acceleration bundle of Q. One can understand AQ as a subbundle of T 2Q → Q as follows  2 2 AQ = X ∈ T Q : τQ|1(X) = 0 ∈ TQ , (93) 2 2 where τQ|1 is projection from T Q to TQ defined as 2 2 2 1 τQ|1 : T Q −→ TQ : t γ(0) −→ t γ(0). (94) In terms of the local coordinates, the embedding of AQ into T 2Q is computed to be ι : AQ −→ T 2Q :(q, a) −→ (q, 0, a). (95) If a linear connection is defined on Q then T 2Q becomes a vector bundle over Q [28, 73]. In this case, we can consider the following short exact sequence of vector bundles 0 −→ AQ −→ T 2Q −→ TQ −→ 0 where the second mapping AQ → T 2Q is the one presented in (93), and the third 2 2 mapping T Q → TQ is the projection τQ|1 defined in (94). ON THE GEOMETRY OF THE SCHMIDT-LEGENDRE TRANSFORMATION 267

Alternatively, the acceleration bundle AQ can be defined as a subbundle of iter- ated tangent bundle TTQ as follows

AQ = {X ∈ TTQ : T τQ(X) = τTQ(X) = 0} , (96) where T τQ is the tangent lift of projection τQ : TQ → Q, and τTQ is the tangent bundle projection TTQ → TQ. Let us establish a relationship between the two definitions of AQ given in (93) and (96). Recall the embedding of the second order tangent bundle T 2Q into the iterated bundle TTQ defined in (6). An element of X ∈ TTQ is in the image space of this embedding if it satisfies the equality

T τQ(X) = τTQ(X). (97) In the literature, a vector field X satisfying (97) is called a second order vector field. Notice that, a second order vector is a fixed point of the involution map κQ in (41). Accordingly, acceleration bundle can be identified with intersection AQ = VTQ ∩ (T 2Q), (98) where VTQ is the vertical bundle consisting of vectors on TQ projecting to the 2 zero vectors on Q via the mapping T τQ whereas (T Q) is the space of second order vectors in TTQ. 4.1.1. Acceleration rhombic. Let φ be a differential mapping from a manifold Q to another manifold M. Consider an element aγ(0) in AqQ. The mapping φ maps the curve γ to a curve φ ◦ γ in M. Notice that, tangent vector to the curve φ ◦ γ at φ(q) is zero. That is, φ◦γ is an element of Kφ(q)(M), and a(φ◦γ)(0) is an element of the acceleration space Aφ(q)M. Hence, we define the acceleration lift of a differentiable mapping φ by Aφ : AQ −→ AM : aγ (0) −→ a (φ ◦ γ) (0). (99) This definition also satisfies the following commutative diagram.

Aφ AQ / AM (100)

αQ αM   Q / M φ

Here, αQ and αM are the acceleration bundle projections defined in (92). A tangent vector can be represented by a curve on the base manifold. Accord- ingly, we can represent a vector X in the iterated tangent bundle T AQ by a differ- ential mapping Γ from R2 to the manifold Q as follows. By taking the differential of Γ = Γ(t, s) with respect to s at s = 0 we arrive at a curve in AQ depending on the free parameter t. Denote this curve by Υ(t) ⊂ AQ. By taking the differential of Υ(t) with respect to the parameter t at t = 0, we arrive at

d d X = Γ(t, s). (101) dt t=0 ds s=0 Using this representation, we define the following projections

d d d τAQ : T AQ −→ AQ : Γ(t, s) −→ Γ(0, s) (102) dt t=0 ds s=0 ds s=0

d d d T αQ : T AQ → TQ : Γ(t, s) −→ Γ(t, 0). (103) dt t=0 ds s=0 dt t=0 268 OGUL˘ ESEN AND PARTHA GUHA

Here, T αQ is the tangent lift of acceleration bundle projection αQ. These two fibrations determine a double vector structure on T AQ summarized in the following diagram. T AQ

τAQ T αQ

| " AQ TQ

αQ τQ " Q | We call this commutative diagram an acceleration rhombic motivating by the tan- gent rhombic presented in (17). Assuming a local coordinate system (q, a) on AQ, we introduce a local coordinate system on the tangent bundle T AQ of AQ as follows 4n (q, a, ˙q, ˙a): T AQ → R . (104) In terms of the coordinates (104), the local picture of the mapping Γ in (101) is s2 ts2 Γ(t, s) = q(X) + ˙q(X)t + a(X) + ˙a(X) . (105) 2 2 whereas the projections presented in (102) and (103) are computed to be

τAQ : T AQ −→ AQ :(q, a, ˙q, ˙a) −→ (q, a) ,

T αQ : T AQ → TQ :(q, a, ˙q, ˙a) −→ (q, ˙q) , respectively. An element Y in AT Q can be represented by a differential mapping Σ from R2 to the manifold Q. By taking the derivative of Σ = Σ(t, s) with respect to t at t = 0 we arrive at a curve in TQ depending on the free parameter s. Denote this curve by Υ(s). By taking the derivative of Υ(s) with respect to the parameter s at s = 0, we arrive at

d d Y = Σ(t, s). (106) ds s=0 dt t=0 Using this representation, two fibrations of AT Q can be defined as follows

d d d αTQ : AT Q −→ TQ : Σ(t, s) −→ Σ(t, 0) (107) ds s=0 dt t=0 dt t=0

d d d AτQ : AT Q → AQ : Σ(t, s) −→ Σ(0, s), (108) ds s=0 dt t=0 ds s=0 respectively. Here, αTQ is the acceleration bundle projection whereas AτQ is the acceleration lift of tangent bundle projection τQ. Here is the diagram AT Q


| " TQ AQ

τQ tQ " Q | relating two projections manifesting the double vector bundle structure of AT Q. ON THE GEOMETRY OF THE SCHMIDT-LEGENDRE TRANSFORMATION 269

Consider the following coordinates 4n (q, ˙q, aq, aq˙): AT Q −→ R (109) on acceleration bundle AT Q of TQ. In terms of the coordinates (109), local picture of Σ in (106) is s2 ts2 Σ(t, s) = q(Y ) + ˙q(Y )t + a (Y ) + a (Y ) . (110) q 2 q˙ 2 The projections (107) and (108) are

αTQ : AT Q −→ TQ :(q, ˙q, aq, aq˙) −→ (q, ˙q) (111)

AτQ : AT Q −→ AQ :(q, ˙q, aq, aq˙) −→ (q, aq), respectively. Recall the differential mapping Γ presented in (105). By changing the order of differentiations, we define an isomorphism from T AQ to AT Q as follows

d d d d Φ: T AQ −→ AT Q : Γ(t, s) −→ Γ(t, s). dt t=0 ds s=0 ds s=0 dt t=0 In terms of the local pictures, the isomorphism Φ can be computed as Φ: T AQ −→ AT Q :(q, a, ˙q, ˙a) −→ (q, ˙q, a, ˙a). (112) Let us now exhibit relationship between the third order tangent bundle T 3Q and the tangent bundle of the acceleration bundle T AQ. Recall the embedding f : T 3Q −→ TT 2Q :(q, ˙q, ¨q, q(3)) −→ (q, ˙q, ¨q, ˙q, ¨q, q(3)). (113) The image f(T 3Q) is a 4n-dimensional submanifold of TT 2Q.(f(T 3Q), τ, T 2Q) is a subbundle of the tangent bundle TT 2Q. Here, τ denotes restriction of the 3 tangent bundle projection τT 2Q to f(T Q). Recall the pullback bundle definition summarized in the diagram (22), and consider the following particular case. ε ι∗f(T 3Q) / f(T 3Q) (114)

ι∗τ τ

 2 AQ ι / T Q Here, ι is the inclusion in (95). According to (21), the total space of the pullback bundle (ι∗f(T 3Q), ι∗τ, AQ) is a 4n-dimensional manifold with local coordinates (3) ∗ 3 4n (q, ¨q, ˙q, q ): ι f(T Q) −→ R . (115) In this local picture, the projection ι∗τ maps the four tuple in (115) to the first two components. The local representation of total space in (115) suggests a local diffeo- morphism from ι∗f(T 3Q) to the tangent bundle T AQ of the acceleration bundle. To have this, start with an element Z in ι∗f(T 3Q), and define a mapping Λ from R2 to Q given by s2 ts2 Λ(t, s) = q(Z) + ˙q(Z)t + ¨q(Z) + q(3)(Z) . (116) 2 2 This mapping represents an element in T AQ which is locally in form (q, ¨q, ˙q, q(3)). Accordingly, we have the following local diffeomorphism ε : ι∗f(T 3Q) ' T AQ −→ f(T 3Q) ' T 3Q :(q, ¨q, ˙q, q(3)) −→ (q, ˙q, ¨q, ˙q, ¨q, q(3)). (117) 270 OGUL˘ ESEN AND PARTHA GUHA

4.2. Gauge symmetry of second order Lagrangian formalisms. Consider a second order Lagrangian function L = L (q, ˙q, ¨q) (118) on T 2Q. Add the total derivative of an arbitrary function F = F (q, ˙q, ¨q) to the Lagrangian function in order to arrive at   d Lˆ q, ˙q, ¨q, q(3) = L (q, ˙q,¨q) + F (q, ˙q, ¨q) dt ∂F ∂F ∂F = L (q, ˙q,¨q) + · ˙q + · ¨q+ · q(3). (119) ∂q ∂ ˙q ∂¨q Note that, Lˆ is a third order Lagrangian function defined on T 3Q whereas both L and F are second order Lagrangians defined on T 2Q. A straightforward computa- tion proves that, the third order Euler-Lagrange equations generated by Lˆ are the same with the second order Euler-Lagrangian equations generated by L. To see this directly, let us compute the third order Euler-Lagrange equations d3 ∂Lˆ d2 ∂Lˆ d ∂Lˆ ∂Lˆ − + − = 0 dt3 ∂q(3) dt2 ∂¨q dt ∂ ˙q ∂q for the Lagrangian function Lˆ in (119). So that the left hand side is d3 ∂F  d2 ∂L ∂2F ∂2F ∂F ∂2F  − + · ˙q + · ¨q + + · q(3) dt3 ∂¨q dt2 ∂¨q ∂¨q∂q ∂¨q∂ ˙q ∂ ˙q ∂¨q∂¨q d ∂L ∂F  d  ∂2F ∂2F ∂2F  + + + · ˙q + · ¨q + · q(3) dt ∂ ˙q ∂q dt ∂ ˙q∂q ∂ ˙q∂ ˙q ∂ ˙q∂¨q ∂L ∂2F ∂2F ∂2F  − + · ˙q + · ¨q + · q(3) ∂q ∂q∂q ∂q∂ ˙q ∂q∂¨q d3 ∂F  d2 ∂L d ∂F  ∂F  d ∂L d ∂F ∂F  = − + + + + + dt3 ∂¨q dt2 ∂¨q dt ∂¨q ∂ ˙q dt ∂ ˙q dt ∂ ˙q ∂q ∂L d ∂F  − − ∂q dt ∂q d3 ∂F  d2 ∂L d3 ∂F  d2 ∂F d ∂L d2 ∂F d ∂F = − − − + + + dt3 ∂¨q dt2 ∂¨q dt3 ∂¨q dt2 ∂ ˙q dt ∂ ˙q dt2 ∂ ˙q dt ∂q ∂L d ∂F  − − ∂q dt ∂q d2 ∂L d ∂L ∂L = − + − . dt2 ∂¨q dt ∂ ˙q ∂q This is a gauge invariance of the second order Euler-Lagrange equations. One of the major role in the Schmidt-Legendre transformation is played by this gauge invariance property [3, 66, 67]. Accordingly, in this section, we are discussing this invariance in the framework of acceleration bundle. By recalling the mapping ε presented in Eq.(117), we pull the Lagrangian Lˆ in Eq.(119) back to the tangent bundle T AQ. This results with a first order Lagrangian function ∂F ∂F ∂F L : T AQ −→ :(q, a, ˙q, ˙a) −→ L(q, ˙q, a) + · ˙q+ · a + · ˙a (120) S R ∂q ∂ ˙q ∂a ON THE GEOMETRY OF THE SCHMIDT-LEGENDRE TRANSFORMATION 271 defined on the first order tangent bundle T AQ. Euler-Lagrange equations generated by LS in (120) are computed to be ∂L d ∂L ∂L d ∂L S − S = 0, S − S = 0. (121) ∂q dt ∂ ˙q ∂a dt ∂ ˙a The second set of equations in (121) is computed to be ∂L ∂F  ∂2F + + · (a − ¨q) = 0. (122) ∂a ∂ ˙q ∂ ˙q∂a Here and in the forthcoming equations we are using abbreviation ∂2F ∂2F · a := aj, (123) ∂ ˙q∂a ∂q˙i∂aj where on the right hand side summation is understood for the repeated indices. Assume particularly that L is a non-degenerate Lagrangian that is the rank of the [∂2L/∂a2] is full, and assume also that the auxiliary function F satisfies ∂L ∂F + = 0. (124) ∂a ∂ ˙q The non-degeneracy of [∂2L/∂a2] non-degeneracy of the matrix [∂2F/∂a∂ ˙q]. So that, the equations (122) reduce to set of constraints a − ¨q = 0. In this case, the first set in (121) result with the same Euler-Lagrange equations generated by L in (118). Let us take the partial derivative of (124) with respect to ˙q. This brings an integrability condition on F as follows. The symmetry of the matrix [∂2F/∂ ˙q2] enforces the symmetry of the matrix [∂2L/∂a∂ ˙q]. In other words, to define an auxiliary function satisfying (124), the matrix [∂2L/∂a∂ ˙q] has to be symmetric, that is  ∂2L   ∂2L  = . (125) ∂a∂ ˙q ∂ ˙q∂a We shall discuss degenerate second order Lagrangians in the Subsection (4.5). 4.3. Tulczyjew’s triple for the acceleration bundle. In this section, we build Tulczyjew’s triple over an acceleration bundle. Let us first draw the diagram then start to comment on it.

[ ΞAQ ΩAQ T ∗T AQ o TT ∗AQ / T ∗T ∗Q (126)

∗ ∗ πT AQ T πAQ τT AQ πT AQ $ z % y T AQ T ∗AQ Assume the following coordinates ∗ 8n (q, a, pq, pa, ˙q, ˙a, ˙pq, ˙pa): TT AQ −→ R (127) ∗ ∗ T on the tangent bundle TT AQ. See that (TT AQ, ΩAQ) is a symplectic manifold T with the lifted symplectic two-form ΩAQ. Referring to the local definition in (37), T ΩAQ is computed be T ΩAQ = d ˙pq ∧ dq + ˙pa · da + dpq ∧ d ˙q + dpa ∧ d˙a. T ΩAQ admits two potential one-forms ϑ1 and ϑ2 given by

ϑ1 = ˙pq · dq + ˙pa · da − ˙q · dpq − ˙a · dpa, (128)

ϑ2 = ˙pq · dq + ˙pa · da + pq · d ˙q + pa · d˙a. (129) 272 OGUL˘ ESEN AND PARTHA GUHA

Note that, the difference of potential one-forms is an exact one-form

ϑ2 − ϑ1 = d(pq · ˙q + pa · ˙a) on TT ∗AQ. Referring to the local definitions in (48), we arrive at the symplectic diffeomorphisms

ΞAQ(q, a, pq, pa, ˙q, ˙a, ˙pq, ˙pa) = (q, a, ˙q, ˙a, ˙pq, ˙pa, pq, pa), (130) [ ΩAQ(q, a, pq, pa, ˙q, ˙a, ˙pq, ˙pa) = (q, a, pq, pa, ˙pq, ˙pa, − ˙q, −˙a). (131)

4.4. The Schmidt-Legendre transformation for the second order Lagrang- ians. Recall the Lagrangian function LS defined in (120). The image of dLS is a Lagrangian submanifold of the cotangent bundle T ∗T AQ. Inverse of the symplectic diffeomorphism ΞAQ maps this Lagrangian submanifold to a Lagrangian submani- fold of TT ∗AQ given, compactly, by ∗ (T πAQ) dLS = ϑ2. (132)

Here, ϑ2 is the potential form in (129), and T πAQ is tangent mapping of the pro- jection πAQ. Referring to (50), according to the local coordinates (127), a local ∗ representation of the Lagrangian submanifold of TT AQ generated by LS is com- puted to be ∂L ∂L ∂2F ∂F ∂2F ∂2F p = S = + · ˙q + + · a + · ˙a (133) q ∂ ˙q ∂ ˙q ∂ ˙q∂q ∂q ∂ ˙q∂ ˙q ∂ ˙q∂a ∂L ∂F p = S = (134) a ∂a ∂a ∂L ∂L ∂2F ∂2F ∂2F ˙p = S = + · ˙q + · a + · ˙a (135) q ∂q ∂q ∂q∂q ∂q∂ ˙q ∂q∂a ∂L ∂L ∂2F ∂F ∂2F ∂2F ˙p = S = + · ˙q + + · a + · ˙a, (136) a ∂a ∂a ∂a∂q ∂ ˙q ∂a∂ ˙q ∂a∂a where (q, a, ˙q, ˙a) being free. Notice that, while arriving at the Lagrangian submanifold (133)-(136), we have refereed to the left side of the Tulczyjew’s triple in (126). To generate the La- grangian submanifold once more from the right side of the triple, motivating from (51), we define the following Morse family

E (q, a, pq, pa, ˙q, ˙a) = pq · ˙q + pa · ˙a − LS (q, a, ˙q, ˙a) (137) ∂F ∂F ∂F = p · ˙q + p · ˙a − L(q, ˙q, a) + · ˙q − · a − · ˙a q a ∂q ∂ ˙q ∂a ∗ on the Whitney sum T AQ ×AQ T AQ. The right side of Tulczyjew’s triple in (126) and the Morse family E are summarized in the diagram

Ω[ ∗ AQ ∗ ∗ ∗ E TT AQ / T T AQ T AQ ×AQ T AQ / R .

pr2 τT ∗AQ πT ∗AQ % y  T ∗AQ T ∗AQ (138) First of all the Morse family E in (137) generates a Lagrangian submanifold of the cotangent bundle T ∗T ∗AQ. We introduce the following local coordinates on the ON THE GEOMETRY OF THE SCHMIDT-LEGENDRE TRANSFORMATION 273 cotangent bundle  ∗ ∗ 8n q, a, pq, pa, Πq, Πa, Φq, Φa : T T AQ −→ R . In terms of this coordinate system, and under the light of the local description presented in Eq.(24), Lagrangian submanifold of T ∗T ∗AQ generated by the Morse family E is computed to be ∂EL→H ∂L ∂EL→H ∂L Π = = − S , Π = = − S , (139) q ∂q ∂q a ∂a ∂a ∂EL→H ∂EL→H Φq = = ˙q, Φa = = ˙a, (140) ∂pq ∂pa ∂EL→H ∂L ∂EL→H ∂L 0 = = p − S , 0 = = q − S . (141) ∂ ˙q q ∂ ˙q ∂ ˙a a ∂ ˙a ] Inverse musical isomorphism ΩAQ maps this Lagrangian submanifold to the La- grangian submanifold presented in (133-136). Alternatively, for a direct passage to the Lagrangian submanifold (133-136) from the Morse family E in (137), one may apply the definition in (53). Two equations in the last line (141) define canonical momenta ∂L ∂F ∂2F ∂2F ∂2F p = + + · ˙q + · a + · ˙a, (142) q ∂ ˙q ∂q ∂ ˙q∂q ∂ ˙q∂ ˙q ∂ ˙q∂a ∂F p = (q, ˙q, a) . (143) a ∂a We substitute the momenta (143) into the definition of the Morse family (137). This substitution makes the Morse family free of (˙a). This is an example of a Morse family reduction. Eventually, we have the following reduced Morse family ∂F ∂F E(q, a, p , p , ˙q) = p · ˙q − L (q, ˙q, a) − · ˙q− · a. (144) q a q ∂q ∂ ˙q ∗ defined on the Whitney sum T AQ×Q TQ over Q. A further reduction on the Morse family is possible. For this, recall the assumption that the matrix [∂2F/∂a∂ ˙q] is non-degenerate. So that we can, at least locally, solve ˙q in terms of the momenta from the equation (143). Let us write this solution as

˙q = z (q, a, pa) . (145) Substitution of the solution (145) into the Morse family (144) results with a well- define Hamiltonian function ∂F ∂F H q, a, p , p  = p · z − L (q, z, a) − · z − · a (146) q a q ∂q ∂z on T ∗AQ. Now, the Lagrangian submanifold (133)-(136) can be written directly by means of the Hamilton’s equations ∗ − (τT ∗AQ) dH = ϑ1, (147) where ϑ1 is the one-form in (128). Locally, the Hamilton’s equations are ∂H ∂H ∂H ∂H ˙q = , ˙a = , ˙pq = − , ˙pa = − . (148) ∂pq ∂pa ∂q ∂a The first set of equations in (148) is the definition of the velocity variable in (145). The second set of equations is identically satisfied after the substitutions of the 274 OGUL˘ ESEN AND PARTHA GUHA transformations (142) and (143). The third and the fourth sets of equations are the same with the second order Euler-Lagrange equations. Let us now concentrate on a particular case where the auxiliary function F in the definition of the Lagrangian LS in (120) has the following simple form F = F (a, ˙q) = a · ˙q. (149)

In this case, LS turns out to be

LS(q, a, ˙q, ˙a) = L(q, ˙q, a) + a · a + ˙q · ˙a. (150)

As in the general case, the Lagrangian function LS is defined on the tangent bundle T AQ, and generates a Lagrangian submanifold of TT ∗AQ. The local expression of this Lagrangian submanifold can be computed as ∂L ∂L ∂L p = + ˙a, p = ˙q, ˙p = ˙p = + a. (151) q ∂ ˙q a q ∂q a ∂a where (q, a, ˙q, ˙a) being free. In this case, the equation (145) defining the relationship between the velocity and momenta turns out to be ˙q = pa hence the Hamiltonian function (146) reduces to  H q, a, pq, pa = pq · pa − L (q, pa, a) − a · a. (152) 4.4.1. Symplectic relation with the Ostrogradsky-Legendre transformation. For a sec- ond order non-degenerate Lagrangian function on T 2Q, the Ostrogradsky-Legendre transformation results with a Hamiltonian function H on T ∗TQ, whereas the Schmidt-Legendre transformation results with a Hamiltonian function on T ∗AQ. In this subsection, we establish a symplectic transformation relating Hamiltonian formulations on T ∗TQ and T ∗AQ. (0) (1) ∗ Let us first recall the coordinates (q(0), q(1), π , π ) on T TQ, and (q, a, pq, pa) on T ∗AQ. In terms of these local coordinates, the canonical one-forms on the cotan- gent bundles T ∗TQ and T ∗AQ are given by (0) (1) ΘTQ = π · dq(0) + π · dq(1), ΘAQ = pq · dq + pa · da, (153) respectively. We introduce a projection from the cotangent bundle T ∗AQ to the tangent bundle TQ ∗ T AQ → TQ :(q, a, pq, pa) → (q, z (q, a, pa)) , (154) where z is the function in (145). Using this projection, define a Whitney sum ∗ ∗ W = T AQ ×TQ T TQ (155) over TQ. Here, the projection T ∗AQ → TQ in the one in Eq.(154) and T ∗TQ → TQ is the cotangent bundle projection πTQ. By pulling the canonical forms ΘTQ and ΘAQ in (153) back to the Whitney sum W , we arrive at the following one form (0) (1) ϑW = ΘAQ ΘTQ = pq · dq + pa · da − π · dq − π · dz 2 on W . Exterior derivative dϑW of ϑW is a symplectic two-form on W . Locally, T Q can be identified with Whitney sum TQ ×Q AQ. So that, It is possible, locally, to identify W with the cotangent bundle T ∗T 2Q of the second order tangent bundle. In this case, exterior derivative of the auxiliary function F = F (q, z, a) on T 2Q defines a Lagrangian submanifold of W . To arrive at the Legendre transformation, we equate the one-form ϑW to the exterior derivative dF so that ∂F ∂F ∂F p · dq + p · da − π(0) · dq − π(1) · dz = · dq+ · dz + · da. q a ∂q ∂z ∂a ON THE GEOMETRY OF THE SCHMIDT-LEGENDRE TRANSFORMATION 275

From this, we have the following relations ∂F ∂F ∂F p − π(0) − = 0, p − = 0, π(1) + = 0 (156) q ∂q a ∂a ∂z where we choose ˙q = z (q, a, pa). These equations determine the Legendre trans- formation relating the Schmidt-Legendre and the Ostrogradsky-Legendre transfor- mations [3]. Note that, the symplectic diffeomorphism is generated by the auxiliary function F . Explicitly, the symplectic diffeomorphism is given by T ∗AQ → T ∗TQ :  ∂F ∂F  q, a, p , p  → q, z (q, a, p ) , p − (q, z (q, a, p ) , a) , − . q a a q ∂q a ∂z

4.5. The Schmidt-Legendre transformation for the third order Lagrang- ians. We have assumed that the configuration manifold Q is an n-dimensional manifold. Introduce now another n-dimensional manifold M equipped with the local coordinates (m) = (m1, ..., mn). Tangent bundle of M is a 2n-dimensional manifold TM with induced coordinates (m, ˙m). Recall the Tulczyjew’s triple presented in (46), and replacing the configuration space Q with the product manifold AQ × M, we introduce the following Tulczyjew’s triple

[ Ξ(AQ×M) Ω(AQ×M) T ∗T (AQ × M) o TT ∗(AQ × M) / T ∗T ∗Q .

π τ ∗ π ∗ T (AQ×M) T π(AQ×M) T (AQ×M) T (AQ×M) ( v ( x T (AQ × M) T ∗(AQ × M) (157) Definitions of the projections as well as local descriptions of the symplectic diffeo- morphisms can easily be deduced by making proper modifications to the definitions exhibited in the subsection (3.4). More explicitly, one should replace the local coor- dinates (q) with (q, a, m). Then induced local coordinates of fibers of the tangent bundle T (AQ × M) and the cotangent bundle T ∗(AQ × M) become ( ˙q, ˙a, ˙m) and (pq, pa, pm), respectively. Accordingly, induced coordinates on the iterated tangent bundle TT ∗(AQ × M) are ∗ 12n (q, a, m, pq, pa, pm, ˙q, ˙a, ˙m, ˙pq, ˙pa, ˙pm): TT (AQ × M) −→ R . (158) Let us start with a third order Lagrangian function L(q, ˙q,¨q, q(3)) defined on T 3Q. Recalling the local diffeomorphism in (117), we pull the Lagrangian function L back to the tangent bundle T AQ of the acceleration bundle. By this we arrive at a first order Lagrangian function L = L (q, a, ˙q, ˙a). Note that, by the abuse of notation, we continue to use the letter L for the first order Lagrangian function as well. Let us now define a Lagrangian function ∂F ∂F ∂F ∂F L (q, a, ˙q, ˙a, m, ˙m) = L (q, a, ˙q, ˙a) + · ˙q + · a + · ˙a+ · ˙m. (159) 3 ∂q ∂ ˙q ∂a ∂m on the tangent bundle T (AQ × M). In this case, the auxiliary function is F = F (q, ˙q, a, m). Euler Lagrange equations d ∂L  ∂L d ∂L  ∂L d ∂L  ∂L 3 − 3 = 0, 3 − 3 = 0, 3 − 3 = 0, (160) dt ∂ ˙q ∂q dt ∂ ˙a ∂a dt ∂ ˙m ∂m generated by the first order Lagrangian function L3 equal to the Euler-Lagrange equations (10) generated by the third order Lagrangian function L if the single 276 OGUL˘ ESEN AND PARTHA GUHA requirement det[∂2F/∂ ˙q∂m] 6= 0 (161) is employed. Let us start to write explicit calculations of the sets of equations in (160) one by one. The third set of equations in (160) can be computed to be d  ∂F  ∂2F ∂2F ∂2F ∂2F − · ˙q − · a − · ˙a − · ˙m = 0 dt ∂m ∂m∂q ∂m∂ ˙q ∂m∂a ∂m∂m ∂2F · (¨q − a) = 0. (162) ∂ ˙q∂m If the condition in (161) is assumed then ¨q = a. By considering ¨q = a, the second set of equations in (160) results with d ∂L ∂L ∂F − − = 0, (163) dt ∂ ˙a ∂a ∂ ˙q whereas the first set of equations in (160) turns out to be d ∂L ∂L d2 ∂F − + = 0. (164) dt ∂ ˙q ∂q dt2 ∂ ˙q To arrive at the third order Euler Lagrange equations (11) generated by the third order Lagrangian L, one needs to solve ∂F/∂ ˙q from equation (163) and substitute the solution into 164. Referring to the left side of the Tulczyjew’s triple (157), the first order Lagrangian ∗ function L3 generates a Lagrangian submanifold of T T (AQ × M). Following the definition in (50), in terms of the local coordinates (158) of T ∗T (AQ × M), this Lagrangian submanifold is computed to be ∂L ∂L ∂F ∂2F ∂2F ∂2F ∂2F p = 3 = + + · ˙q + · a + · ˙a+ · ˙m, (165) q ∂ ˙q ∂ ˙q ∂q ∂ ˙q∂q ∂ ˙q∂ ˙q ∂ ˙q∂a ∂ ˙q∂m ∂L ∂L ∂F p = 3 = + , (166) a ∂ ˙a ∂ ˙a ∂a ∂L ∂F p = 3 = , (167) m ∂ ˙m ∂m ∂L ∂L ∂2F ∂2F ∂2F ∂2F ˙p = 3 = + · ˙q + · a + · ˙a + · ˙m (168) q ∂q ∂q ∂q∂q ∂q∂ ˙q ∂q∂a ∂q∂m ∂L ∂L ∂2F ∂F ∂2F ∂2F ∂2F ˙p = 3 = + · ˙q + + · a + · ˙a + · ˙m (169) a ∂a ∂a ∂a∂q ∂ ˙q ∂a∂ ˙q ∂a∂a ∂a∂m ∂L ∂2F ∂2F ∂2F ∂2F ˙p = 3 = · ˙q + · a + · ˙a + · ˙m. (170) m ∂m ∂m∂q ∂m∂ ˙q ∂m∂a ∂m∂m To derive the equations of the motion governed by this Lagrangian submanifold, we simply take the time derivative of the first three components and equate them with the last three one. So that we have three sets of equations. More explicitly, we take the time derivative of (165) and equate it to (168), take the time derivative of (166) and equate it to (169), and finally take the time derivative of (167) and equate it to (170). The last one results with a = ¨q under the assumption that the matrix [∂2F/∂ ˙q∂m] is non-degenerate. The second set of equations determine the equality d ∂L ∂L ∂F = + . (171) dt ∂ ˙a ∂a ∂ ˙q ON THE GEOMETRY OF THE SCHMIDT-LEGENDRE TRANSFORMATION 277

In the lights of these, the first set of equations reads d ∂L d2 ∂F ∂L + = . (172) dt ∂ ˙q dt2 ∂ ˙q ∂a By solving ∂F/∂ ˙q from the equation (171) and substituting it into (172), we arrive at the third order Euler-Lagrange equations (11). From this observation, we see that (165)-(170) is a Lagrangian submanifold realization of the third order Euler- Lagrange equations (11). In the present picture, the Legendre transformation of the third order Euler- Lagrange equations (11) is to generate the Lagrangian submanifold (165)-(170) from the right side of Tulczyjew’s triple (157). To this end, introduce the following Morse family ∂F ∂F ∂F ∂F E = p · ˙q + p · ˙a + p · ˙m − L − · ˙q − · a − · ˙a − · ˙m (173) q a m ∂q ∂ ˙q ∂a ∂m on the Whitney sum T (AQ × M) × T ∗(AQ × M). The following diagram

[ Ω(AQ×M) TT ∗(AQ × M) / T ∗T ∗(AQ × M) T (AQ × M) × T ∗(AQ × M)

pr2 τT ∗(AQ×M) πT ∗(AQ×M) ( v  T ∗(AQ × M) T ∗(AQ × M) (174) shows the right side of Tulczyjew triple (157) equipped with the fiber bundle where the Morse family (173) is defined. It is a matter of direct calculation to show that the Morse family (173) generates the Lagrangian submanifold (165)-(170). In order to perform some possible reductions of the Morse family (173) we con- sider the first three equations (165)-(167) defining the conjugate momenta. If the velocities ( ˙q, ˙a, ˙m) can be solved in terms of the positions and momenta, then we can reduce the Morse family (173) to the base manifold T ∗(AQ×M), and the Morse family becomes a well-defined Hamiltonian function. But this is not true for de- generate Lagrangian functions. Let us start to reduce the Morse family by starting with a Lagrangian function which is not necessarily non-degenerate. At first, notice that substitution the momenta pm in (167) into the Morse family results with the absence of ˙m in the family. Secondly observe that non-degeneracy of [∂2F/∂ ˙q∂m] makes it is possible to solve ˙q in terms of (q, a, m,pm) from the third equation (167). Let us write this solution as

˙q = v (q, a, m,pm) . (175) By substituting (175) in to the Morse family (173), and by replacing ˙a in (173) with a set λ of Lagrange multipliers, we arrive at a total Hamiltonian computed as

HT =pq · v (q, a, m,pm) ∂F ∂F ∂F (176) − L − · v (q, a, m,p ) − | · a + (pa − ) · λ. ∂q m ∂ ˙q ˙q=v(q,a,m,pm) ∂a

Note that, we have a set of constraints Φ1 = pa − ∂F /∂a = 0. A consistency check should be performed for Φ1 according to the Dirac-Bergmann constraint algorithm summarized in (3.5). Instead of applying the Dirac-Bergmann algorithm to the present system, we are preferring to apply the algorithm to a particular case given in the following paragraphs. 278 OGUL˘ ESEN AND PARTHA GUHA

We now particularly choose that the Lagrangian function L in (159) is a second order Lagrangian function defined on T 2Q, that is L does not depend on ˙a. This interesting case is a revisit to the Legendre transformation of the second order La- grangian systems presented in the previous subsection (4.4). Apart of the discussion done in (4.4), in this case we are not asking that L necessarily be non-degenerate. So this case is applicable both for non-degenerate and degenerate second order La- grangian theories. Moreover, we are not asking the integrability condition (125). In the definition of L3 given in (159), we choose L = L(q, ˙q, a), and consider an auxiliary function F = F (q, ˙q, m). So that ∂F ∂F ∂F L (q, a, m, ˙q, ˙a, ˙m) = L (q, ˙q, a) + · ˙q+ · a + · ˙m, (177) 3 ∂q ∂ ˙q ∂m defined on the tangent bundle T (AQ × M). For the auxiliary function we are asking the non-degeneracy of the matrix [∂2F/∂ ˙q∂m]. In this case, the Lagrangian submanifold in (165)-(170) reduces to ∂L ∂L ∂F ∂2F ∂2F ∂2F p = 3 = + + · ˙q + · a + · ˙m, (178) q ∂ ˙q ∂ ˙q ∂q ∂ ˙q∂q ∂ ˙q∂ ˙q ∂ ˙q∂m ∂L p = 3 = 0, (179) a ∂ ˙a ∂L ∂F p = 3 = , (180) m ∂ ˙m ∂m ∂L ∂L ∂2F ∂2F ∂2F ˙p = 3 = + · ˙q + · a + · ˙m, (181) q ∂q ∂q ∂q∂q ∂q∂ ˙q ∂q∂m ∂L ∂L ∂F ˙p = 3 = + , (182) a ∂a ∂a ∂ ˙q ∂L ∂2F ∂2F ∂2F ˙p = 3 = · ˙q + · a + · ˙m. (183) m ∂r ∂r∂q ∂m∂ ˙q ∂m∂m To derive the equations of the motion governed by the Lagrangian submanifold, we simply take the time derivative of the first three components and equate them with the last three one. Explicitly, take the time derivative of (178) and equate it to (181), take the time derivative of (179) and equate it to (182), and finally take the time derivative of (180) and equate it to (183). The last one results with that a = ¨q under the assumption that the matrix [∂2F/∂ ˙q∂m] is non-degenerate. The second set of the equations determine the equality in (124). In the lights of these two sets of equations, the first equation reads the second order Euler-Lagrange equations (10). Eventually, we have two different Lagrangian submanifold realization of the second order Euler-Lagrange equations, the present one in (178)-(183) and the one in (133)-(136). Let us now perform the Legendre transformation of the system (178)-(183). No- tice that, this time, the solutions v in (175) depend on (q, m, pm) by being free of (a). The total Hamiltonian function in (176) takes the particular form ∂F ∂F H = p · ˙q − L − · ˙q − · a + λ · p , (184) T q ∂q ∂ ˙q a with primary constraint Φ1 = pa = 0. To check the consistency of Φ1, we take the Poisson bracket of Φ1 and HT which gives ∂L ∂F Φ = Φ˙ = {p ,H } = + = 0. 2 1 a T ∂a ∂ ˙q ON THE GEOMETRY OF THE SCHMIDT-LEGENDRE TRANSFORMATION 279

Note that, this is nothing but Eq.(124). To check the consistency of Φ2, we compute ∂2L ∂2L ∂2L ∂L ∂F Φ˙ = {Φ ,H } = · λ + · ˙q + · a + p − − = 0. 2 2 T ∂a∂a ∂q∂a ∂ ˙q∂a q ∂ ˙q ∂q If the Lagrangian is assumed to be non-degenerate, that is if the rank of the matrix [∂2L/∂a2] is full then this step determines the Lagrange multipliers λ, and the constraint algorithm is finished up. If the Lagrangian is degenerate further steps may be needed to determine the Lagrange multipliers and/or to finish the algorithm. Number of possible further steps in the algorithm are determined by degeneracy level of the Lagrangian function L. We refer [3] for the present and further discussions on this. 4.5.1. A trick to reduce a second order Lagrangian to a first order one. In [22, Page 130], a trick has been introduced which reduces a second order Lagrangian to the first order one. In this subsection, we shall first summarize this trick, then exhibit its geometry in terms of acceleration bundle and the Schmidt-Legendre transformation. Recall the notation in (64), and define the local coordinates on T 2T 2Q 2 2 9n (q(0), q(1), q(2), ˙q(0), ˙q(1), ˙q(2), ¨q(0), ¨q(1), ¨q(2)): T T Q −→ R . (185) We start with a second order Lagrangian function L = L(q, ˙q, ¨q), by identifying q = q(0) and ¨q = q(2), introduce following action integral Z  L q(0), ˙q(0), q(2) + k · (q(2) − ¨q(0))dt, (186) where k = (k1, ..., kn) are a set of Lagrange multipliers. Applying by-parts technique to the integral (186), we arrive at the following Lagrangian function  ˙ LD = L q(0), ˙q(0), q(2) + k · q(2) + k · ˙q(0) (187) on the product space TT 2Q × TK. Here, TK is a 2n-dimensional tangent bundle with coordinates (k, k˙ ). Notice that LD is a first order Lagrangian function defined 2 on the first order tangent bundle T (T Q×K). LD does not depend on the variables q(1) or ˙q(1). This observation reads that the domain of the Lagrangian function LD lies in the image space of the embedding ε presented in (117). So that, we can pull the Lagrangian function LD back to the tangent bundle T AQ and have the following Lagrangian function

LD = L (q, ˙q, a) + k · a + ˙q · k˙ (188) on the tangent bundle T (AQ×K). It is a now matter of direct calculation to observe that Euler-Lagrange equations generated by the first order Lagrangian function LD in (188) is equivalent to Euler-Lagrange equations (10) generated by the second order Lagrangian function L. Let us exhibit the relationship between L2 in (177) and LD in (188). In the definition of the Lagrangian function L2, choose the auxiliary function as F = m· ˙q. This auxiliary function is the simplest one satisfying the non-degeneracy condition 2 of the matrix [∂ F/∂ ˙q∂m]. In this case the Lagrangian function L2 reduces to

L2 (q, a, m, ˙q, ˙a, ˙m) = L (q, ˙q, a) + m · a + ˙q · ˙m (189) on the product manifold T (AQ×M). It is immediate now to see that the Lagrangian function in (188) and the Lagrangian function in (189) are the same if we identify the manifolds K and M so that m = k and ˙m = k˙ . This is an important subcase of the Schmidt-Legendre transformation, since many of the physical systems fit such 280 OGUL˘ ESEN AND PARTHA GUHA kind of geometry. Lagrangian submanifold generated by the Lagrangian function (189), in terms of the coordinates (158) of TT ∗(AQ × M), is computed to be ∂L p = + ˙m, p = 0, p = ˙q, (190) q ∂ ˙q a m ∂L ∂L ˙p = , ˙p = + m, ˙p = a, (191) q ∂q a ∂a m where the coordinates (q, a, ˙q, ˙a, m, ˙m) are free. Let us present Hamiltonian formalism of the Lagrangian submanifold (190)-(191). In this case, Morse family (176) generating the Lagrangian submanifold by means of the right side of the Tulczyjew’s triple turns out to be

E = pq · ˙q + pa · ˙a + pm · ˙m − L − m · a − ˙q · ˙m (192) After the substitutions of the velocity variables ˙q and ˙m, and considering the set of primary constraints Φ1 = pa = 0, we arrive at the following total Hamiltonian function HT = pq · pm − L − r · a + λ · pa, (193) where λ = ˙q is a set of Lagrange multipliers. One needs to ask compatibility of Φ1. This results with a new set of constraints computed to be ∂L Φ = {Φ ,H } = + m = 0. (194) 2 1 T ∂a The compatibility condition for the constraint Φ2 leads to the following computation ∂2L ∂2L ∂2L ∂L {Φ ,H } = · λ + · ˙q + · a + p − = 0. 2 T ∂a∂a ∂q∂a ∂ ˙q∂a q ∂ ˙q As in the previous subsection, the determination of the Lagrange multipliers are related with degeneracy level of the Lagrangian L.

5. Examples.

5.1. Example 1. Let Q = R and consider the non-degenerate second order La- grangian function given by 1 L = q¨2 + 5q2q˙2 + q6 (195) 2 on T 2Q with coordinates (q, q,˙ q¨). Euler-Lagrange equations yield the following fourth-order differential equation q(iv) − 10q2q¨ − 10qq˙2 + 6q5 = 0. (196) Introduce the coordinates (q, a, q,˙ a˙) on T AQ. By integrating the condition (124), we arrive at the auxiliary function F (q, a, q,˙ a˙) = −qa˙ + G(q, a), where G being an arbitrary function depending on q and a. The first order La- grangian LS in (120) takes the particular form 1 d L (q, a, q,˙ a˙) = − a2 + 5q2q˙2 + q6 − q˙a˙ + G(q, a) (197) S 2 dt It is obvious that the total derivative term may be neglected. Following (142) and (143), we compute the conjugate momenta 2 pq = 10q q˙ − a˙, pa = −q.˙ ON THE GEOMETRY OF THE SCHMIDT-LEGENDRE TRANSFORMATION 281

The Hamiltonian function (146) on T ∗AQ is computed to be 1 H = a2 − p p − 5q2p2 − q6, (198) 2 q a a whereas the Hamilton’s equations (148) are 2 2 5 q˙ = pa, a˙ = pq − 10q pa,p ˙q = −10qpa − 6q , p˙a = a. Let us now apply the Ostrogradsky-Legendre transformation, presented in the Section (3.6), to the second order Lagrangian function L in (195). We take the (0) (1) ∗ coordinates (q(0), q(1), π , π ) on the cotangent bundle T TQ, and compute the Ostrogradsky momenta (88) as d π(0) = 10q2 q − q˙ , π(1) =q ˙ . (0) (1) dt (1) (1)

Since, the velocityq ˙(1) can be written in terms of the momenta, the Morse family (87) reduces to a Hamiltonian function 1  2 H = π(1) + π(0)q − 5q2 q2 − q6 (199) 2 (1) (0) (1) (0) on T ∗TQ. Recall the symplectic transformation (156) relating the Schmidt-Legendre and the Ostrogradsky-Legendre transformations. In the present case, the transfor- mation is generated by the auxiliary function F = −qa˙ . Explicitly we have that (1) (0) q = q(0), a = −π , pq = π , pa = −q(1). (200) Notice that, substitution of these equations into the Hamiltonian function in (199) results with the Hamiltonian function in (198).

5.2. Example 2. The Pais-Uhlenbeck oscillator, see [62], (iv) 2 2 2 2 q + (ω1 + ω2)¨q + ω1ω2q = 0, (201) is a quantum mechanical prototype of a field theory containing both second and fourth order derivative terms. In view of its fundamental importance it provides a good reference point on which to build higher order equations which have pos- sible physical relevance, see [9, 52, 55, 56, 58]. The fourth order equation (201) is generated by the following non-degenerate second order Lagrangian 1 1 1 L = q¨2 − (ω2 + ω2)q ˙2 + ω2ω2q2, (202) 2 2 1 2 2 1 2

If we substitute LPU in (120), then the Schmidt Lagrangian takes the particular form 1 1 1 L = − a2 − (w2 + w2)q ˙2 − q˙a˙ + w2w2q2, (203) S 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 where we choose the auxiliary function F = −qa˙ by solving the defining equation (124). The canonical momenta in Eqs. (142) and (143) become 2 2 pq = −(w1 + w2)q ˙ − a˙, pa = −q,˙ whereas the canonical Hamiltonian function (146) turns out to be 1 1 1 H = −p p + a2 + (ω2 + ω2)p2 − ω2ω2q2. (204) q a 2 2 1 2 a 2 1 2 In this case the motion is determined by the Hamilton’s equations 2 2 2 2 q˙ = −pa, a˙ = −pq + (w1 + w2)pa, p˙q = w1w2q, p˙a = −a. (205) 282 OGUL˘ ESEN AND PARTHA GUHA

It is interesting at this juncture to compare these equations with those following from Ostrogradsky’s formulation. For the latter the new coordinates are chosen to be q(0) = q and q(1) =q ˙ while the corresponding Ostrogradsky momenta ((88)) are d π(0) = −(w2 + w2)q − q˙ π(1) =q ˙ . 1 2 (1) dt (1) (1) Since, the velocityq ˙(1) can be written in terms of the momenta, the Morse family (87) reduces to a Hamiltonian function 1  2 1 1 H = π(1) + π(0)q + (w2 + w2)q2 − w2w2q2 (206) 2 (1) 2 1 2 (1) 2 1 2 (0) and leads to the following equations:

d d (1) d (1) 2 2 q(0) = q(1), q(1) = π , π = w1w2q(0), dt dt dt (207) d π(1) = −π(0) − (w2 + w2)q . dt 1 2 (1) The symplectic transformation relating the Hamiltonian formalisms in (204) and (206) is the same with the one in (200).

5.3. Example 3. Let Q = R2 equipped with the coordinates (x, y) and consider the non-degenerate second order Lagrangian function 1 L = (x ˙y¨2 +y ˙x¨2). (208) 2 on T 2R2. Note that this Lagrangian function is not satisfying the integrability condition in (124). Indeed, for this present case, we compute ∂F ∂F = −x¨y,˙ = −x˙y.¨ (209) ∂x˙ ∂y˙ Notice that partial derivatives of F with respect tox ˙ andy ˙ do not commute. That is ∂2F/∂x∂˙ y˙ is not equal to ∂2F/∂y∂˙ x˙. Due to this, we cannot apply the Schmidt- Legendre transformation presented in subsection (4.4) to the Lagrangian function (208) but we can use the Schmidt-Legendre transformation presented in subsection (4.5). Even though the method in (4.5) is proper for the third order Lagrangians, as mentioned in the text, it is also proper for the degenerate second order Lagrangians and the ones not satisfying the integrability criterion in (125). Since the Lagrangian 208 does not satisfy (125), we are now addressing the method in (4.5). Let Q = R2, and consider local coordinates (x, y, a, b) on AQ = AR2, and local coordinates (r, s) on M = R2. Induced coordinates on the tangent and cotangent bundles are 12 (x, y, a, b, r, s, x,˙ y,˙ a,˙ b,˙ r,˙ s˙): T (AQ × M) −→ R ∗ 12 (x, y, a, b, r, s, px, py, pa, pb, pr, ps): T (AQ × M) −→ R . In these coordinates, obeying the condition (161), we introduce the auxiliary func- tion F =xr ˙ + bs. Conjugate momenta exhibited in (178)-(180) take the particular form 2 2 px = b /2 +r ˙, py = a /2 +s, ˙ pa = pb = 0, pr =x, ˙ ps =y. ˙

Accordingly, the total Hamiltonian HT in (193) becomes 2  2  HT = pxpr + pyps − a /2 ps − b /2 pr − ra − sb + λ1pa + λ2pb (210) ON THE GEOMETRY OF THE SCHMIDT-LEGENDRE TRANSFORMATION 283 where (λ1, λ2) are Lagrange multipliers. Consistency check for the primary con- 1 2 straints Φ1 = pa = 0 and Φ1 = pb = 0 result with the secondary constraints 1 2 Φ2 = {pa,HT } = −aps − r = 0, Φ2 = {pb,HT } = −bpr − s = 0. Consistency checks of the secondary constraints

{aps + r, HT } = 0, {bpr + s, HT } = 0, modulo primary constraints, determine the Lagrangian multipliers 1 b2  1 a2  λ1 = − px − ab , λ2 = − py − ab . ps 2 pr 2 By the substitutions of the Lagrange multipliers into the Hamiltonian function (210), we achieve to write a Hamiltonian formalism for the Lagrangian system (208).

5.4. Example 4. Take Q = R3 × R3 with coordinates given by a two tuple (x, y) both of which are three dimensional vectors. We consider the following degenerate second order Lagrangian function c 1 m2 L = ˙x2 + ˙y2 + ˙y · ¨x − x2 + y2 (211) 2 µ 2 introduced in [68]. Here c, µ and m are constants. The Euler-Lagrange equations (10) generated by the Lagrangian function (211) are computed as 1 1 m2x + c¨x = y(3), m2y + c¨y = − x(3). (212) µ µ Recall geometry of the Schmidt-Legendre transformation presented in the sub- section (4.5). In the present case, acceleration bundle AQ = R12 is equipped with induced coordinates (x, y, a, b). M is R6 with coordinates (r, s). Consider auxiliary function F = ˙x · r + ˙y · s obeying the condition (161). The Lagrangian function (189) becomes c 1 m2 L = ˙x2 + ˙y2 + ˙y · a − x2 + y2 + ˙x · ˙r + ˙y · ˙s + a · r + b · s 2 2 µ 2 on the tangent bundle T (AQ × M). Conjugate momenta are computed to be 1 p = c ˙x + ˙r, p = c ˙y + ˙s + s, p = p = 0, p = ˙x, p = ˙y, x y µ a b r s ∗ where (px, py, pa, pb, pr, ps) are the fiber coordinates of the bundle T (AQ × M). Accordingly, the primary constraints are pa = 0 and pb = 0. In this case, the total Hamiltonian function (193) takes the particular form 1 c m2 H = p · p + p · (p − a) − ((p )2 + (p )2) + (x2 + y2) T x r s y µ 2 r s 2

−r · a − s · b + u · pa + v · pb (213) where we have six numbers of Lagrange multipliers denoted by (u, v). Consistency checks of the primary constraints lead to secondary constraint functions 1 {p ,H } = p + r, {p ,H } = s. (214) a T µ s b T 284 OGUL˘ ESEN AND PARTHA GUHA

We check the compatibility of the secondary constraints. These give the tertiary constraint functions  1  1 1 p + r,H = b + p − cp , {s,H } = p − a − cp . (215) µ s T µ x r T y µ s Note that, the secondary and tertiary constraints in (214) and (215) enable to write the auxiliary variables (r, s) and their conjugate momenta (pr, ps) in terms of the coordinates of T ∗AQ. Continuing in this way, we compute the fourtiery constraints  1  1 b + p − cp ,H = v − m2x − ca = 0, (216) µ x r T µ  1  1 p − a − cp ,H = −m2y − u − cb = 0. (217) y µ s T µ Notice that, (216) and (217) determine the Lagrange multipliers u = −µ(m2y + cb), v = µ(m2x + ca). So that this is the final step of the Dirac-Bergmann algorithm. Substitutions of the Lagrange multipliers u, v into the total Hamiltonian (213), one arrives at the final form 1 c m2 H = p · p + p · (p − a) − (p )2 + (p )2 + x2 + y2 T x r s y µ 2 r s 2 2 2 −r · a − s · b − µ(m y + cb) · pa + µ(m x + ca) · pb. (218) Using this total Hamiltonian function, Hamilton’s equations of motion are 2 2 ˙x = pr, ˙y = ps, ˙a = −µ(m y + cb), b˙ = µ(m x + ca), ˙r = px − cpr, (219) 1 1 ˙s = p − a − cp , ˙p = −m2x, ˙p = −m2y, ˙p = p · r, ˙p = a, y µ s x y a µ s b (220)

˙ps = b, p˙ r = a. (221) It is easy to check that Hamiltonian system in (219)-(220) is equivalent to the Euler-Lagrange equations (212). Notice that the Lagrangian (211) is a second order Lagrangian with respect to the variable x whereas it is a first order Lagrangian with respect to the variable y. So that, instead of considering the acceleration bundle AQ of Q = R3×R3, one can only consider AR3 × R3, where AR3 is the acceleration bundle of R3. Local coordinates on AR3 × R3 are (x, a, y). See that no acceleration is assigned to the variable (y). In this case, the auxiliary manifold M in the theory reduces to R3 with coordinates (r). So that the configuration space is the product manifold AR3 × R3 × R3 with coordinates (x, a, y, r). Coordinates on the tangent bundle T (AR3 × R3 × R3) and the cotangent bundle T ∗(AR3 × R3 × R3) are assumed to be 3 3 3 24 (x, a, y, r, ˙x, ˙a, ˙y, ˙r): T (AR × R × R ) −→ R , (222) ∗ 3 3 3 24 (x, a, y, r, px, pa, py, pr): T (AR × R × R ) −→ R . (223) Accordingly, we take auxiliary function as F = ˙x · r. By adding the total time derivative of the auxiliary function F to (211), define the following Lagrangian ON THE GEOMETRY OF THE SCHMIDT-LEGENDRE TRANSFORMATION 285 function c 1 m2 L¯ = ˙x2 + ˙y2 + ˙y · a − x2 + y2 + ˙x · ˙r + a · r (224) 2 2 µ 2 on the tangent bundle T (AR3 × R3 × R3). Conjugate momenta defined by this Lagrangian function are computed to be 1 p = c ˙x + ˙r, p = c ˙y + a, p = 0, p = ˙x. (225) x y µ a r From these equations, it is possible to solvex ˙,y ˙ andr ˙ in terms of the momentum variables. The equations pa ≈ 0 are assumed to be primary constraints. Here is the total Hamiltonian function 1 1 c m2 H = p · p + (p − a)2 − (p )2 + x2 + y2 − r · a + u · p (226) T x r 2c y µ 2 r 2 a where u is a set of Lagrange multipliers. Let us check the consistencies of the primary constraints pa = 0. Computation results with a set of secondary constraint functions 1 1 {p ,H } = (p − a) + r. (227) a T cµ y µ Compatibilities of the secondary constraints give  1 1  1 1 (p − a) + r,H = (−m2y − u) + p − ap = 0. (228) cµ y µ T cµ µ x r These three equations determine the Lagrange multipliers u, so that constraint algo- rithm is finished up. Substitutions of the Lagrange multipliers into the Hamiltonian function (226) result with 1 1 c m2 H = p · p + (p − a)2 − (p )2 + x2 + y2 − r · a T x r 2c y µ 2 r 2 2 2 +(cµ (px − apr) − µm y) · pa. (229) Hamilton’s equations are 1 1 x˙ = p , y˙ = (p − a), a˙ = −µm2y + cµ2(p − cp ), r˙ = p − cp , r c y µ x r x r (230) 1 1 p˙ = −m2x, p˙ = −m2y, p˙ = (p − a) + r, p˙ = a. (231) x y a cµ y µ r

5.5. Example 5. In [16], while makings investigations of particle-like solutions to the theory of topological massive gravity, Cl`ement’s introduced the following second order degenerate Lagrangian function m 2mΛ ζ2 L = − ζ ˙x2 − + x · ( ˙x × ¨x) (232) 2 ζ 2µm on the second order tangent bundle T 2Q. Here, Q is a three dimensional space equipped with a Lorentzian metric x2 = T 2 − x2 − y2. In (232), we have considered the following set (x, ˙x, ¨x) as a coordinate chart on T 2Q. The triple product x · i j k ( ˙x × ¨x) = ijkx x˙ x¨ is defined by a completely antisymmetric tensor of rank three ijk. ζ = ζ(t) is a function which allows arbitrary reparametrization of the variable t. Λ and 1/2m are cosmological and Einstein gravitational constants, respectively. 286 OGUL˘ ESEN AND PARTHA GUHA

The Euler-Lagrange equations generated by the Cl`ement’s Lagrangian (232) are computed to be 2m2µ¨x + 3 ˙x × ¨x + 2x × x(3) = 0. (233) Recall geometry of the Schmidt-Legendre transformation presented in the sub- section (4.5). For this example, AQ = R6 with coordinates (x, a) and M = R3 with coordinates (r). Tangent and cotangent bundles of the product manifold AQ × M are 18 (x, a, r, ˙x, ˙a, ˙r): T (AQ × M) −→ R ∗ 18 (x, a, r, px, pa, pr): T (AQ × M) −→ R . By considering auxiliary function F = ˙x · r define the following Lagrangian function mζ ζ2 L = − x˙ 2 + x · (x˙ × a) + ˙x · ˙r + r · A 2 2 2µm on T (AQ × M). The conjugate momenta are computed to be ζ2 p = −mζx˙ + a × x + ˙r, p = 0, p = ˙x. x 2µm a r

The velocities ˙x and ˙r can be solved from these equations, and Φ1 = pa = 0 turns out to be a set of primary constraints for the system. Accordingly, total Hamiltonian function can be written as mζ ζ2 H = p · p + (p )2 − x · (p × a) − r · a + w · p , (234) T x r 2 r 2µm r a where w are Lagrange multipliers. Consistency checks of the primary constraints Φ1 result with a set of secondary constraint functions ζ2 Φ = {p ,H } = x × p + r. (235) 2 a T 2µm r Consistency checks of these secondary constraints lead to the tertiary constraint functions  ζ2  ζ2 Φ = x × p + r,H = x × a + mζp + p . 3 2µm r T µm r x

We continue by checking the compatibility of Φ3. These give the fourtiery con- straints  ζ2  ζ2 3ζ2 Φ = x × a + mζp + p ,H = x × w + p × a + mζa = 0. (236) 4 µm r x T µm 2µm r There are three equations in (236) but only two of them are linearly independent, so that two components of the Lagrange multiplier w can be determined depending on the third one. By taking the of (236) with x we arrive at a new constraint 3ζ2 x · p × a + mζa · x = 0. 2µm r The consistency condition for this scalar constraint  3ζ2  3ζ2 x · p × a + mζa · x,H = p × w · x + mζw · x + mζa · p = 0 2µm r T 2µm r r ON THE GEOMETRY OF THE SCHMIDT-LEGENDRE TRANSFORMATION 287 determines the third and last component of the Lagrange multiplier w. Substitution of this component into (236) leads to the determination of all of the components of w’s as follows 1  µ  3ζ2   3ζ2   w = x × p + mζx × p × a + mζa − mζ(a · p )x . x2 ζ3 2µm r 2µm r r (237) Substitutions of the Lagrange multipliers w in (237) result with the explicit deter- mination of the total Hamiltonian function (234). Using this total Hamiltonian, the equations of motion are ζ2 ζ2 x˙ = p , r˙ = p + mζp − , p˙ = p × a, (238) r x r 2µm x 2µm r 1  µ  3ζ2   3ζ2   a˙ = x × p + mζx × p × A + mζa − mζx(a · p ) , x2 ζ3 2µm r 2µm r r (239) ζ2 p˙ = x × p + x, p˙ = a. (240) a 2µm r r

6. Conclusions & future work. In this paper, we have constructed Tulczy- jew’s triple for acceleration bundles. This allowed us to study second and third- order Lagrangian formalisms in terms of Lagrangian submanifolds and symplectic diffeomorphisms. We have presented the symplectic transformation between the Ostrogradsky-Legendre and the Schmidt-Legendre transformations. Several exam- ples both from the degenerate and the non-degenerate Lagrangians cases have been presented in this paper. Some possible future research problems are given as follows: • To construct Skinner-Rusk unified formalism [69, 70, 71] in terms of the ac- celeration bundle and the Schmidt-Legendre transformation. This was done for the case of the Ostrogradsky-Legendre transformation in [63], and for the Hamilton-Jacobi theory in [18]. • To study the Schmidt-Legendre transformation when the configuration space is a Lie group under the existence of some symmetries. We cite [19, 32, 33] for the Ostrogradsky-Legendre transformation on Lie groups, and for Ostrogradsky-Lie-Poisson reduction. We refer [31, 30, 39] for Tulczyjew’s triple in the framework of Lie groups. • To discuss the regularity issues studied in [20] in the realm of the acceleration bundle and the Schmidt-Legendre transformation. In [20], this is done in case of the Ostrogradsky-Legendre transformation. • To work on Lagrangian systems with higher order constraints [14] in terms of the acceleration bundle. • To apply the present framework to the optimization problems. A relationship between second order Lagrangian systems and the optimization problems has been established in [8]. • To generalize the present geometry to the case of Lagrangian functions defined on higher order tangent bundles T kQ for k > 3. • To extend the present framework for the higher order dynamics in the Lie algebroid setting in the light of some recent studies [2, 44]. 288 OGUL˘ ESEN AND PARTHA GUHA

Acknowledgments. We are greatly thankful to two anonymous referees for their valuable remarks and for their constructive comments which helped us to improve the manuscript. Possible applications, and the related citations, of the presented framework to constrained systems, Lie algebroid settings, optimization problems, regularity issues are referees recommendations. One of us (OE) is grateful to Hasan G¨umralfor pointing out the examples of Sarıo˘glu-Tekin and Clem´ent Lagrangians, and for many discussions on Tulczyjew triple. (OE) is also grateful to Filiz C¸a˘gatay U¸cgunespecially for her corrections and help on the examples 4 and 5.


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