THE DIAPASON OCTOBER 2014 St. John’s of Lattingtown Episcopal Church Locust Valley, New York Cover feature on pages 30–31 “A true revelation…. He is an eloquent musician. His rhythmic sense is clear-cut American. His feet elegantly tap dance on the pedals. Everything he plays is sharply and smartly delineated. His tempos were on the satisfyingly quick side, yet so naturally that nothing felt rushed or unduly showy. ….Most listened to emotionally and musically challenging, unfamiliar pieces with riveted attention…an unnervingly honest and direct performance, astonishing for so young a performer. The Houli fans can give themselves high fives. They’ve helped launch a major career.” CHRISTOPHER Mark Swed, Music Critic, HOULIHAN Los Angeles Times
[email protected] (860)-560-7800 THE DIAPASON Editor’s Notebook Scranton Gillette Communications One Hundred Fifth Year: No. 10, In this issue Whole No. 1259 Composer, performer, and teacher William Albright would OCTOBER 2014 have celebrated his seventieth birthday this month, and Established in 1909 Douglas Reed has paid tribute in a pair of interviews with two Joyce Robinson ISSN 0012-2378 persons very close to Albright; they provide a portrait with both 847/391-1044;
[email protected] personal and professional views. An International Monthly Devoted to the Organ, Cicely Winter reports on the organ and early music festival the Harpsichord, Carillon, and Church Music that took place in Oaxaca, Mexico, in February; the group of All this is in addition to our regular columns of news, reviews, which she is president has led the restoration efforts for an international calendar, and organ recitals.