' '£ , O

















Abirdene 63 Annandaill Anguse


Banffe Bawgynoch ANE TABLE, &c.


KlNCARDIN . . .21 Perthschyre 27

Kyle ... . 39 Procuratoris for the g Keipar of Registre of Ministers, and Clerk to R the General Assemblie 2 Kingis Majesteis Hous- Ross 51 hald .... 1 Rejifrow 34












For several years after the Reformation from Popery, the Protestant

Clergy of Scotland had to encounter most formidable obstacles, in their endeavours to obtain even a very scanty allowance out of the opulent patrimony of the ancient Church. It is well known that in their original views, they aimed at a general appropriation of the whole, to the three great public purposes of " an honest provision for Ministers and their

" families,—such as that they might have neither occasion of solicitude,

" neither yet of insolency nd wantonness ;"—" the relief of the poor

" who neither can or may travel for their sustentation ;"—and the endowment of Schools and Universities. * This project, on its first

• " The first Book of Discipline : or the Policie and Discipline of the Church.

" Drawn up by Mr John Winram, Mr John Spottiswood, John AVillock, Mr John

" Douglasse, Mr , and , and presented to the Nobilitie Anno

" 15G0, and afterwards subscribed by the Kirk and Lords." Chap. V.—" Concerning

" the provision for ihe Ministers, and for the Distribution of the Rents and Possessions

" justly appertaining to the Church." c


presentment to the Estates of the kingdom, had heen treated with dis- regard and derision, and was made to yield to the ravenous cupidity

of the courtiers and favourites of the day. The long train of evasi\

and vexatious proceedings which are known to have retarded any

effectual or permanent establishment for the reformed Clergy, it would

far exceed the bounds of this notice to state ; and it may be here enough

to refer to some of those legislative Acts which formed the basis of that

system of ecclesiastical benefices which obtained for nearly half a cen-

tury after the overthrow of the Roman Catholic Church. *

In the Convention of the Estates holden at Edinburgh in De-

cember 1561, there was adopted a sort of compromise with the actual

possessors of the ancient revenues of the Church, and " it was con-

" cludit, decernit and determit, be the Quenis grace and Lordis of

" Counsale, and utheris of the Nobilitie present, that gif the ferd part

" of the frutis of the hale benefices ecclesiasticall within this realme

" may be sufficient to sustene the Ministeris throw the hale realme,

" and support the Quenis Majestie to interteny and sett fordwart the

" commone effaris of the cuntre : Failyeing thairof, the thrid part of

" the saidis frutis or mair, quhill it be fund sufficient to the effect foir-

" said, to be takin up yeirlie in tyme cuming, quhill ane generale or-

" doure be takin thairin ; Samekle thairof to be employit to the Qiu>iii~

" Majestie for intertenying and setting fordwart of the commone effaris

* In further illustration of this subject, a few Extracts from the Records of the

Secret Council have been appended to this Notice. IX

" of the cuntre, and samekle thairof to the Ministeris and sustentatioun

" of the Ministerie as may ressonablie sustene the samyn, at the sycht

" and discretionn of the Quenis Majestie and counsale foirsaid, and

" the excrescence and superplus to be assignit to the auld posses-

" sonris." *

The machinery provided by this Act of Convention, as well as by an

explanatory Act of the Secret Council, in February thereafter, must have been but little calculated to ensure the due execution of their avowed objects; for the well-known Act of the Parliament holden in December

I067, under the regency of the Earl of Murray, proceeds on a recital, that " the Ministeris lies bene lang defraudit of thair stipendis, swa " that thay ar becumin in greit povertie and necessitie : And notwith-

" standing lies continewit in thair vocatioun without payment of thair " stipendis be ane greit space ; quhairthrow thay ar, and salbe con-

" stranit to leif thair vocatioun, without remeid be provydit." By this Act, the whole of the thirds of all benefices was to be paid to the

Ministers ; " ay and quhill the Kirk cum to the full possessioun of thair

" propir patrimonie, quhilk is the teindis :"— " Provyding alwayis that

" the Collectouris of the saidis Ministeris mak yeirlie compt in the

" Chakker of thair intromissioun : Swa that the Ministeris may be first " answerit of thair stipendis, appertening to everie ane of thame : And

" the rest and superplus to be applyit to our Soverane Lordis use."t

• Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, Vol. II. p. 607.

f lb. Vol. III. p. 24. b Of the detail of proceedings in the assignation of stipends to those employed in the service of the Reformed Church, prior to this Act of

Parliament, very little information remains on record ; and the lists of

Parochial Ministers and their respective Stipends printed in this vo-

lume, have been taken from the earliest official document of the kind

that is known to exist. It was probably compiled by Mr John Gray,

the person to whom a recompense is here assigned, for his labours as

" Keipar of Registre of Ministers thair stipendis, Extractar thairof,

and Clerk to the General Assembleis." * It appears to have been

begun in the year 1567 or 1568, but contains various interpolated

entries of later date relative to Churches, in which, at its commence-

ment, no Ministers or Readers had been established. Some of these

additional entries are as late as the year 1578, and as various blanks

still occur in the original, probably for the reason just alluded to,

some of these have been here supplied from the Book of Assignation,

or of the Piatt for the year 1576, being the earliest of those now pre-

served in the General Register House ;f and as the same record sup-

plies the names of many parishes and ministers altogether omitted

in the oldest lists, these have been printed in an appendix. It is well

known that many years had gone by, after the sera of the Reformation,

before the necessary complement of parochial clergy could be found or

provided for.

31. * Vide infra, p. 2. A facsimile of the Manineript will be found at p.

\ These additions are denoted by this mark (f). XI

In a work which has for its object to exhibit a state of the Reformed

Church of Scotland in its earlier infancy, it cannot be deemed much out of place to introduce an accurate facsimile of the hand-writing of its first and most distinguished champion, from an original letter never before published. * The letter is characteristic and curious, as expres- sive of his indignant and unrelenting contempt of the ministers of that church, in the subversion of which he had been the more immediate and active instrument ; but it is perhaps more interesting still, as indi- cative of those desponding impressions which the recent murder of

" the Good Regent" had produced on the almost indomitable spirit of the Reformer, and which, even more than his own feeble and declin- ing health, could extort from him the wish of bidding a good night to all worldly concerns.

General Register House,

Aug. 1, 1830.

* The original is preserved among1 the papers of the Family of Douglas of Loch-

leven, at Dalmahoy ; and its publication has been permitted by the Earl of Morton, the noble descendant of the person to whom it was addressed.


Extracts from the Records of Privy Council relative

to the Presentation of Ministers to Benefices and their

Provision, 1566.

Apud Edinburgh tertio die mensis Octobris

Anno Domini Millesimo Quingentesimo lxvj°

The quhilk day Forfamekill as the King and Quenis Majefteis lies nnderlland and conlidderit that the Minifteris ftipendis quhilkis necef- larlie mon be payit fnrth of the thridis of the benefices extendis to lie a fowme that the faidis thridis is nocht abill bayth to fuftene the chargeis of thair Majefteis hous attour the rent of thair propirtie, as alfvva to fuftene the faidis Minifteris And eftir gude deliberatioun takin how thai may be fuftenit with leift chargeis and expenlis Thair Hienelfis lies fund it maift convenient and als with avyife of the Lordis of thair Secreit

Counfall Statutis and Ordanis, that in tyme cuming all fmall benefices

perfonages vicarages and utheris extending in yeirlie rentall to the foume

of thre hundreth markis or within as thai falhappin to vaik Sail alwayis

be difponit to fie perfonages as the Superintendentis and Aflemblie of

the kirk eftir dew examinatioun fall find abill qualifiit and fufficient

And thaireftir noniinat and prefent to thair Majefteis quhilkis being la XIV

nominat and prefentit Thair Hieneffis fall admit tharae and be thair au-

toritie caus tliame be anl'uerit of the frutis and dewiteis of the faidis

benefices : Attour quhenfoevir ony bifchoprik abbacie pryorie or uther

prelacie that hes the patronage of fie fmall benefices falhappin to vaik and fall to thair Majelteis diipolitioun and prelentatioun as likewyife of all thame that ar prefentlie vacand Thair Hieneffis promittis in verbo

Principum That thai fall alwayis retene in thair awin handis the power

and titill of the difpofitioiin of the faidis fmall benefices to the effect

abonewrittin And fall caus the perfonis to quhome thair Majefleis

difponis the faidis prelaciis and greit benefices Confent thairto befoir

thair Majelteis male ony rycht of the principall to thame And in caife

it fall happin thair Majelteis ignorantlie or utherwayis to gif or difpone

ony of the faidis fmall benefices be gift prelentatioun or utherwayis

contrair this prefent act and ordinance and ony wayis prejudiciall to the

lamyn Thair Majelteis expreffitlie commandis thair Comptrollar prefent

and tocum his clerk and collectouris the keparis of the fignet previe feill

and greit feill and all utheris thair Hieneffis officiaris liegis and fubdittis

That thay on na wayis admit allow obtempir or obey ony lie gift or pre-

lentatioun or to pas the lamyn throw the feillis Or grant lctteris in the

four formes thairupoun bot to bald repute and elteme thame as previe

writtingis purchelt in defraud and prejudice of this prefent lovabill acl and public!; ordinance Notwithitanding ony charge or command gevin or to be gevin in the contrair cpahairunto thir prelentis fell ferve thame for a fufficient warrand And liclike thair Majelteis ordanis and requiris the Lordis of Counfell and Seffioun on na wayis to admit allow or attend to ony gift provilioun or prefentatioun of quhatfumevir fmall XV benefice of the valu abonewrittin difponit be thair Majefties Or uther- wayis quhair the farnyn is repugnant or contrarious to this prefent act and ordinance And nocht difponit to qualifiit perfonis apt for the minif- terie examinat and admittit be the Superintendentis and kirk in nianer foirfaid And that letteris be direct for publicatioun heirof in dew forme as efferis


Forsamekill as the Minifteris within our realme this haill geir bi-

gane hes wantit thair ftipendis in refpect of findry occafionis that hes

interuenit §it becaus we ar myndit and weill willit that the faid Minif- ;

terie be fuftenit and interteneit in tyme cuming as efferis ; Thairfoir

with avyife of oure fecreit counfale hes tane fie ordour as we mycht

beft for the prefent, And hes affignit for fuftentatioun of the faid Mi-

nifterie certane victuales and money in lindry places and cuntreis to be

tane up and difponit be the laid minifterie and thair collectouris or

chalmerlanis as thai fall think inaift expedient Extending to the l'oume

of ten thouland pundis money and four hundreth chalderis victuale As

the particular affignationis maid thairupoun mair fullelie proportis We

thairfoir be avyife of our counfall foirfaidis Ordanis and Decernis that

the laid minifterie and thair colle6louris and chalmerlanis quhatfumevir

be thankfullie anfuerit and obeyit of the haill payment alfweill of money

as victuale foirfaid throuchout oure haill realme quhairfoevir the lamyn

or ony part thairof is allignlt And letteris thairupoun to be decernit

and gevin furth owther of horning or poinding relpective As the laid XVI

ininifterie fall think expedient and reqneir Commanding expreflie oure

Clerk of Regiller and Comptroller and all ntheris quhome it efferis or l'albe requirit thairto To deliver the attentik copyis and extract of the laid aflignatioun to the miniilerie with expres inhibitioun to our C'omp- trollar or ony uther Chalmerlanis to intromet or mell ony maner of way with the faidis aflignationis or ony part thairof under all heich panis that may follow thairupoun Subfcrivit with our hand At Striviling the xx day of December the geir of God I m V c lxvj gens And of our regnne the xxiiij geir.

Apud Striviling .rxj Decembris Anno Domini Millesimo

Quingentesimo lxvj.

The Lordis of Secreit Counsale lies fene and confidderit the

Quenis Majefteis writting within writtin And findis the famyn reflbna- bill and convenient And thairfoir according to our Soveranis will and mynd within declarit Ordanis and requiris the Comptrollar and Clerk of Regiiter To deliver the attentik copyis and extract of the afligna- tionis within lpecifiit to the Minifleris And liclike Ordanis and rc(juiri- the Lordis of Counfall and Seflioun to grant letteris in the four formes with inhibitioun as is within delyrit And the Comptrollar prefent and to- cuin to conl'ent thairto npoun the faidis aflignationis in generall or par- ticular as l'albe delyrit in dew forme as efferis. XVII

The Pryces of the Victuallis affignit to the Ministeris and Reidaris, communibus annis.

[From the Register of Assignations of Ministers

Stipends for the year 1576.]

In Cathnes, xx merk the chalder victuall.

In Ross, xvj ti.

In Murray, allinekill.

In Abirdene, xvj ti. the chalder victuall.

In Angus & Mernis, Quheit—xxiiij ti. the chalder.

Beir—xx ti. the chalder. Meill—xx merkis the chalder. In Stratherne, Alfmekill as Angus & Mernis.

In Fyiff, Quheit—xxvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. the chalder.

Beir—xxj ti. vj s. viij d. the chalder.

Meill—xvj ti. the chalder. Aittis—xx merkis the chalder. In Lowthiane, Alfmekill as FyfT.

In Merse & Teviotdaill, Alfmekill, with Lowthian mett.

In Nythisdaill, xvj ti. the chalder of vi6luall, with Lowthiane mett.

In Galloway, xvj ti. the chalder victuall, with the lam mett.

In Kyill, Carrik & Cunynghame, xx ti. the chalder victuall.

In Clyddisdaill, Rainfrew& Levnox, xxti. the chalder of victual).

In Strivelingschire, xxti. the chalder victuall.

In Orknay, the laft of coil—xx merkis.

the barrell of buttir—viij ti.

the barrell of oyle—v ti. vj s. viij d.


Letter from John K.nox, to Sir William Dougla-

of Lochleven 31 Mar 1570.

After harty commendatiouu of my Beruice unto you, ryeht wyrtJiipfull I receaved your missive this last of March, perceaving tharby the bruito that ye hear of the purpose of some to tack the Castell of Sanctandrois, quhilk bruite I easely

beleve be not alltogidder vane ; for men will not faill to hurt what thei can the quietnes of this realme, and to reenter in tliare vsurped possessioun and iniust vplifting of the fruitis that never justlie did apperteane to sick Idill bellies. How sick trublaris may be stayed of thare Interprises, I remitt to God, to whose counsall

I committ yow in that and all other cases worldly, for I haue tacken my gude nycht of it, and therfor bear with me gude Sir albeit I writ not to the

Superintendent of Fiff in the actioun that ye desyr; as concernyng the excuse of the tua ministeris, to our Superintendent, I shall do the best that I can when

I meitt with him, and thus, with my harty commendatioun, T committ you to the protectioun of the Omnipotent, Of Edinburghe, the sam hour I receaued youris, this friday att 5 after none, 1570.

Yours to power in God

trubled in bod}'

Johne Knox.

( hi dorso,

To the Ryght WorshepfdU

the Lard of Lochlevin.

- u u yu n < f^ -t

72. i

q^iots* boy

"Si/ .A V^U>-v^

^ /^i™*~*-^T^7-v9-—

; f J \ t:"



c Mr Johnn Duncanfoun, Minifter ij Kb. November 1567-

Regentis House.

George Lundye, Reidar j <= ti. Candilmes 1568.

Superintendent of Forfar, Kincardin &c. [John Erfkine of Dun.]

Quheit v chalderis Beir x chalderis Money vij c merkis

c And for vifitatioun of Stormonth and Gowrie j ti.

Superintendent of Lotheane [John Spottifwood,]

and under him Strivelingfchyre on this fyde of Forth, Linlythqw, Haddingtoun, Edinburgh and Bervick.

Quheit ij chalderis Beir iiij chalderis Meill j chalder

c Aittis iij chalderis Money v merkis. j


Superintendent of Fife [John Winram,] having under

him Fiffe, Perth, Straitherne, Clakmannan, Kvnrol'e ami Strevelingl'chire on the north lyde of Forth, with Menteth.

Quheit ij chalderis Beir v chalderis Aitis iij chalderis

c Meill ij chalderis Money v merkis.

Superintendent of the West, [John Willock,] having under him Lanark, Remfrow, Dunbertane, Kyle, Carrik and Conygham.

Quheit xxiiij bollis Beir v chalderis Aitis lx bollis

Meill iij chalderis Money v c merkis.


Quheit ij chalderis Beir vj chalderis Aitis iiij chalderis Money v c merkis.

Solliftare for the affares of the Kirk, Mr George Makefoun, j c tib.

Procuratouris for the adtiouns of the Kirk,—Mafteris Clement Littill,

Alexander Sym and Richart Strang, vj xx merkis.

Mr John Gray Keipar of Regiftre of Miniftersthair ltipendis, extraclar Regiftre ('oiimoMof'Ross thairof, and clerk to the Generale Airembleis and keipar of the Orknay. Fife awl c ti. Angiuc. of the fame, in recompeni'e of his labouris bigane and tocum, i

James Nicolfoun, Clerk to Rentallis of the thryddis, cS:c. his Upend

c as he had before of the Comptrollar, - ij ti. with the vittaill. AND THEIR STIPENDS.



George Gibfoun, ane of the clerkis of the Seffioun, for regiftring the

cautions for collectouris, writting of the haill decretis and letteris of four

c formes for the Kirk and miniiters frelie, j merkis fen Marche 1569-

c merkis, Alexander Hay, clerk to the Secrete Counfale, &c. j l the General Bsemhlie at half to payit the Collectour of Rofs, the uther half be the livelinge the viij the ane be be .'August 1571. Collectour of Angufe and Mernis, fen November 1570.

William Bryfoun, mafir, . - - xl merkis, 1 the General ssemblie at entres of payment at lxxj yeris crope, ten merkis to be payit be the tTl'he xxliij of inuare 1571- Collectour of Rofs, x merkis be the Collectour of Angufe, x merkis be

the Collectour of Fiffe, and ten merkis be the Collectour of Lotheane,

during the Kirkis will.

Dauid Watt, writtar, fervand to the mailer of Requeftis, for fervice

done and to be done be him in the affares of the Kirk, appointis ten

poundis to be payit yeirlie be the Collectour of Angus and Mernis,

entres of the crope 1570, during the Kirkis will.



c Streviling, Mr Robert Montgumrye minifter ij ti. Lambes 1572.

Kirk, Patrik Gillafpie minifter c S* Ninianis j merkis. Bothkenner, t Johnne Hammiltoun reidare at Bothkennair, tbe haill

vicarage newlie difponit to him, extending to xvj ti.

Airth, t Dauid Cryftefoun reidare at Airth, his ftipend xvj ti.

with the kirkland, to be payit out of the perfonage

of Airth, &c. with the thrid of the vicarage extending

to xxvj S. ij d.

Donypace, t Alexander Robefoun reidare at Donypace and Lar-

bar, his ftipend xl merkis, with the kirkland, to be

payit out of the thrid of the Abbay of Cambufkyn- neth, be the taxmen or parochineris of Donypace

Leithbar, and Larbar as the reidare fall cheile.

Slamannan, Richart Flemyn reidar, xx ti. with gleib and manfe.

c Favvkirk, t Andro Forrefter minifter, his ftipend xxxiij ti. j vj s.

viij d. to be payit as followis ; viz. out of the Falkirk

be the taxmen or parochineris thairof, lxvjti. xiijs.

iiijd. and out of the kirk of Bothkenner be the tax-

men or parochineris thairof, lxvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. REGISTER OF MINISTERS &c.

Fawkirk, t James Erfkin reidare at Falkirk, his stipend the haill vicarage of Falkirk newlie difponit to him be dimiflioun

of Andro Hagye lail vicare therof, extending to xl ti. Lixlythqw, Patrik Kenloquhy minifter, vj " lib. Carriddix, Mr John Leilie exhortar, xl tib. Kynxeill, John Johnftonn exhortar, xxiiij merks, with the thryd

of his vicarage extending to x ti.

Peter Hamiltoun reidar in his rowme, xxiiij ti. 1571- Torphichen, Mr Robert Hodge miniiter, with the manfe

and gleib, Candilmes 1572. Bathcat, Mr John Gray miniiter and vicare, the haill vicarage ex-

tending to with the manfe and gleib.

Levixgstoux, John Clappertoun exhorter, xxvj ti. xiij 5. iiij d. entres at Beltym 1569,—and nowane minifter, and augment-

it xxiij ti. vj 3. viiij d. fen November 1570, —tranllatit

to Huttoun fen Candilmes 1571.

Strabrok, Mr Thomas Dowglas miniiter, lx tib. Beltym 1570. Calder Cojiitis, Mr John Spottifwod minifter and perfon, the thryd

of the perfonage extending to lxviij ti. viij 3. v d. ij

Caldercleir, bottis of beir and ten boitis of aitis, and for Calder-

cleir xl merkis. Eglismauchane, Mr John Mowbray perfon and minifter, the thryd of

Byxxye, the perfonage extendand to xxxiiij ti. ij 5. ten bollis

of beir, &c.

Dummanye, MrRobertHoge exhorter, xl ti. entres atLambmesl5G9-

Kirklistoun, Mr William Strang minifter, lxvj ti. xiij 3. iiij d. Bel- tym 15G9, and xx merkis mair fen Beltym 1571.

Abircorne, t James Moubray reidare at Abircorne, his ftipend

the new providit vicarage extending to ix ti. vj 3.

Aldcathye, viij d. with the kirkland. Aldcathy neidis na reidare. AND THEIR STIPENDS.

Kirknewtoun, James Mowbray reidar, xx ti. Lambmes 1572.

c ii. Beltym 1568. Ratho, Mr James Hammiltoun minifter, j Thomas Bilchope reidar, the thrid of his awin exten-

dand to iij ti. vj S. viij d.

c ti. November 1568. CuRRYE, Mr Adame Lethame minifter, j Halis, t Alexander Forefter reidar at Haillis, his ftipend xiij ti.

x s. vij d. togidder with the vicarage penfionarie of

Haillis, to be payit out of the thrid of the hofpitale

of Sanclanthonis in Leith.

Crawjiont, William Cornwale exhortar, liij lib. vj s. viij d.

CoRSTORPHIN, WaltirCowperredar, xxvtib. departit this lif, Nov. 1570.

c S l Cuthbertis William Harlaw minifter, ij merks to be payit be the xx Kirk, Abbay, and Comptrollar to pay heirof iiij merkis. Mr Johne Knox, Minifteris. Edinburgh, Mr Johne Craig,

Johne Cairnis reidar.

c aitis, c Halyrudhous, John Brand minifter, ij merkis, xij bottis of j merkis thairof to be payit be the Commendatare of

Halyruidhous with the xij bottis of aitis, xl merkis be To be payit all be the Cannongait, and xl ti. of the thrydis, ay and quhill the Abbay. famekle annuallis of the Cannongait be vacand.

Restalrig, John Durye exhortar, xl tib. now minifter heir and

c tib. Pennycuick, Pennycuick, j at Beltym 1570.

c Leith, Mr David Lindeftiy minifter, iij merkis.

Duddingstoun, Mr Niniane Hammiltoun exhorter, xlti. with the thryd

of his prebendrye extending to xiiij ti. iiij s. v d. &c.

c LlBERTOUN, Cranftoun minifter, ti. entres heir at Mr Thomas j Lambmes 1569, tranflatitto Peblis fen Beltym 1571-

Natoun, t Laurence Watfoun reidare at Natoun, his ftipend the

haill vicarage newlie difponit, extending to x ti. S REGISTER OF MINISTERS S:o

Pentland, t John Broun reidar at Pentland, bis ftipend xvti. xj g.

jd. with the kirkland to be payit out of the refl of i in-

thrid of the perfonage and vicarage of Pentland.

Glencorce, t Lancelot Gibfoun reidare at Glencorfe, his ftipend xx

merkis to be payit out of the thrid of the denerie of Ret

talrig, and for payment thairof xx bollis aittis.

Pennycuick, t William Barboure minifter and exhortare at Lelluaid,

his ftipend xlvij ti. vj s. vj d. with the kirkland of Lefluaid,—thairof out of the thrid of the perfonage of

Pennycwik, xiiij ti. xiiij g. viij d. and the thrid of that

part at the kirk of Ellen, quhilk pertenit to the faid

Williamis awin prebendarie of Reftalrig, quhairunto

he wes providit of auld, &c.

t George Tait reidare at Pennicuke, his ftipend xvj ti.

with the kirkland, to be payit out of the thrid <>t' the

perfonage of Pennycuik, tScc.

CLKHKlNGTouNjtMaifter Johne Dowglas reidare at Clerkingtoun, his fti-

pend xvj ti. xvij g. ix d. with the kirkland, to be paj it

out of the thrid of Corftorphin or kirk of Clerkingtoun,

reftand iinallignit to the minifter. Howpis,

xx Dalkeith, Robert Wilfoun minifter, vj ti. sx Cokpen & William Knox minifter, vj ti. with the manfe and gleib,

CartngtouNj and thrvd of the vicarage extending to vij merkis.

Lessuade, William Barbour exhortar, 1 merkis, and ten merkis mair fen November 1568.

I'k.mpill, William Hudlbun minifter, iiij ** merkis, with the thryd

of the vicarage extending to iij t. vj g. viij d. Newbottill, c Mr Adam Foullis minifter, ti. November 1570. HeriotKirk, j —


xx BoRTHUIK, Mr Thomas Cranltoun minilter, iiij ti tranllatit to before fjERIOT KlRK, Libertoun fen Lambmes 1569-

Creichtount, Mr Adam Jolmeltoun minilter and provelt, the thryd

of the benefice extending to xlvjti. vj s. vj d. 3 part d. November 1569.

SOWTRA, William Franck minfter, xxx ti. and the vicarage of Fawlaw, Keithumbie.

Keithumbye, James Murray exhorter, xxv merkis, Candilmes 157^.

Orjiistoun, ~)

c Crankstoun, Mr Andro Blakhall minilter, j ti.

Pentcaitlen .

Morame, John Quhyte perl'on and minilter, the thryd of the

perfonage extendand to xvj ti. xiij §. iiij d.

Barro, Thomas Dudgeoun reidar xxiiij merkis.

Quhittingiiam, William Sanderibn minilter, vj «* ti.

Garvot, Patrik Calbraith exhortar, xvj tib. Lambmes 1571.

Dunbar, Mr Andro Symfon minilter, and to minilter the facra-

mentis to kirkis therabout, viij xx ti.

Spott, Mr John Kello minilter, j c }i.

auldhamstokis, David Home minilter, the haill perfonage, fen 1569. xx Innerwik, Mychaell Boncle minilter, iiij merkis.

Stentoun, Thomas Daill exhortar, xxvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. Candilmes 1568.

colbrandispeth,John Wallace exhortar, xl tib. to be examinat.

DuNGLAS, Thomas Lychtoun reidar, x ti. Lambmes 1571.

Prestoun, Mr George Hepburn perfon and minilter, the thryd of

his benefice extending to lxxvij ti. xv s. vj d. j ob.

c NoRTHBARUICK, Mr John Young minilter, ij merkis,—the Lord Erlkin to c pay j merkis heirof. —Left this rowme and pafiit

to Duns, and Mr Patrik Creich minilter, the fame lti- 10 REGISTER OF MINISTERS &c

Gulane, pcnd.— Robert Lander reidar, x\ ti. —Mr Thomas

Makghe minifter, thre chalderis of vittale, j ch. of

([illicit, xij ch. of aitis, to be payit be my Lord of Mar

Aldhaym, for Gulane, and j ° merkis for Northbervick, to be

payit be tbe Colle£tour of Lotheane, beltvni 15*3 1.

Quhitkirk, f Alexander Forrelter reidare at Quhitekirk, his llipend,

xvj li. with the kirkland, &c.

Tynixgham, Matliou Liddaill reidar, xx ti. November 1570.

Abirladye, f George Adamtbun reidare at Abirladie, his llipend xx merkis, with the kirkland, &c.

xx Haddixgtoln, Mr I'atrik Cokbnrn minifter vj ii.

XI Nungait, Mr James Carmychaell miniller, viij ti. Lambmes 1570.

c Traxent, Alexander Forellar miniller, ij merkis, —tranllatit to

Seytoux, this rowme i'vn Candilmes 1568.

c Mussilburgh, Jolinii Burne miniller, ij merkis.

Boltoun, Andro Symfoun vicar and exhortar, xx ti.with the thryd

of his vicarage extending- to xjfi. xiij s. iiijd. Nov. 15(i7,

Saltoun, & xxj li. xiij s. iiij d. for Saltonn fen Lambmes 1568.

sx Bothanis & Mr Waltir Makcanwell miniller, iiij ti. entres beltym Barro, 1572.


Lauder, Mr Niniane Borthnik miniller, xl lib. with the thryd of

Chynkii.kirk, his prebendryc, extending to xj ti. ij 5. ij d. j ofe.

Erssiltoun, f James Flaberne reidare at Erliltoun, his llipend xx ti. for payment thairof, the haill vicarage vacand and

ungevin up in rentale. AND THEIR STIPENDS. 11


Gordoun, f Archibald Fairbarne reidare at Gordoun, his ftipend

xvj ti. with the kirkland, to bepait be the taxman of the

vicarage of Gordoun, out of the third of Kelfb.

Home, Charlis Home reidar, the thryd of the chaplanrie of

Halyburton, extending- to vj ti. xiij s. iiij d. Candil- mes 1571.

Bassendex, f Maiiter Niniane Borthuik minifter, his ftipend lxvj ti.

xiij s. iiij . with the kirkland of Eriiltoun.

Andro Currie reidare at Baffindene, his ftipend xvj ti.

with the kirkland thairof, &c.

Stitchell, f Williame Hude reidare at Stitchell, his ftipend xvj ti. with the kirkland, &c.

Nantherne, f Williame Ormftoun reidare at Nentherne, his ftipend

xvj ti. with the kirkland, to be payit out of the third

of Kelfo, &c.

Smailhome, -j- Thomas M'Kenno reidare at Smailhame, his ftipend

xvj ti. with the kirkland, &c.

In Teviot- Makcairstoun, Martin Ruthirfurde reidar, x ti. with the thryd of his dailL

vicarage, extending to ij merkis, viij s. x d. j oft.

Ednem, f Thomas Aickin minifter, his ftipend Ix ti. with the kirkland of Ednem, &c.

f Johnn Hwid reidare at Ednem, his ftipend xvj ti. &c. xx Ecclis, Robert Frenche minifter, iiij merkis, and xx merkis

mair ten Lambmes 1571. xx Caldstreme, Johnn Clappertoun minifter, iiij ti. Candilmes 1571. 12 REGISTER OF MINISTERS &c

Huttoun", Robert Fynnie reidar, xx ti. Lumbes 1568.

f Lanall, Jobnno Clappertoun minuter, bis ftipend ti. with f j the kirkland, &c. Lanell neidis na reidare.

Greinlaw, f Williame Frafer reidare at Grenelaw, bis ftipend

xvj ti. to be pavit out of the third of Kelfo be tbe tax- men or parochioneris of Grenelaw.

Fogo, f Donald Balfoure reidare at Fogo, bis ftipend xvj ti. with the kirkland, &c.

Pollart, Robert Bell reidar, xxiij merkis.

Upsatlingtoun, Andro Winfifter reidar, xx ti. November 1570. Caldsteeme,

Hornden, f James Rofs reidare at Hornden, his ftipend xvj ti. to be payit out of the third of Kelfo, be the taxmen or parocbineris of Hornden.

Swentoun, f Johnne Forret reidare at Swyntoun, his ftipend the haill vicarage of Suyntoun vacand.

Langtoun, -( Johnne Leiche reidare at Langtoun, his ftipend xvj ti. with the kirkland, &c

c Duns, Mr Johnn Young minifter, ij merkis fen November 1568,—tranllatit to Jedburgh fen Lambines 1569- Adrame, James Coftrane reidar, xx merkis, Beltym 1570.

Elame, Robert Flint reidar, xij ti. with the gleib and manl'e,

November 157'-.

Sanctbothanis, Williame Colvill reidar, xxiiij merkis.

Cranschawis, f Nicholl Syddie reidare at Cranlebawis, his ftipend

xx ti. xiij s. iiij d. viz. tbe tlirid of tbe perfonage

xj ti. xiij s. iiij d. with tbe kirkland tbairof, togid-

der with tbe tlirid of the vicarage penfionarie, ixti.

Hiltoun, f Johnne Lichtbody reidare at lliltoun, his ftipend xvjti. out of tbe fruittie of tbe perfonage of Hiltoun. —


FiSCHIK, Robert Dowglas vicar and extorter, the haill vicarage

HORNDENE, extending to xx ti. Candilmes 1567, and ten pound mair fen Larabmes 1572.

FOULDEN, David Home minifter, iiij ^merkis, & xl merkis mair fen

Luik before HuTTOUN, Lambmesl568,—tranfiatittoAldhamftokis,Beltyml569.

MoiR\ENTOUN,Robert Fynnye reidar xx ti. Lambmes 1568.

minifter, c tib. Coldingham, William Lamb j Puestoun & John Blak exhortar, 1 merkis. BoNCLE,

QfHITSUM, Hew Hudfoun reidar, xxxiij ti. vj s. viij d.

c Kelso, f Maifter Johnne Howie minifter, his ftipendj xxxiij ti.

vj s. viij d. with the kirkland, to be payit out of the

thrid of the Abbay of Kelfo, &c.

Adame Clerk reidare at Kelfo, his ftipend xx ti. but

kirkland, and for payment thairof, j chalder, iiij bollis

meill, Lowthiane met, &c.

Aitoun, -j- Johnne Flint reidare at Aytoun, his ftipend xvj ti. with

the kirkland, out of the thrid of Coldinghame.

Aldcammiss, -j- reidare at Auld Cammofs, his ftipend

xvj ti. with the kirkland, and for payment thairof af-

fignand the haill vicarage of Auld Cammofs, at the

leift not gevin up in rentale.

Chiknsyde, Niniane Foirman reidar, xx ti.

fouldent, George Johneftoun minifter, xl tib. Lambmes 1572,

tranflatit to Ancrum fen November 1572. —




Within the Superintendent of Anguse and Mernis.

c Dundie, William Chriftefoun minifler, ij merkis.

c Brechin & Mr Johnn Hepburn minifler, ij lib. with the thryd of

Painbkide, his benefice extending to xxij ii. iiij g. v d.

Montrose, Mr Thomas Anderibun minifler, viij n merkis.

Forfar, 1

c Restennoth, L Dauid Lyndefay ininiiler, ij merkis.

Abirlemno, J Toun Abirbrothok . JNiniane Llemett minuter, c merkis. & Paroche, j

Xewtyld, ~)

c L. miniller, ti. Xava, Johnn Newe j Esse, J

Innerraritie, ~)

c Methie, > James Fothering-ham miniiler, ti. Mr j Kynnetlis,

e Luiktftir LUNDIE, Mr Arehebald Keyth miniller, ij merkis, tranlliitit to

Abirdene fen November 1569.

Kettins, James Anderfon miniller, c merkis, j November 156^, the reft in Perthi'chyre. AND THEIR STIPENDS- 15


Innergowrie, Niniane Hall minifter, lxvj li. xiij s. iiij d. LoGYE,

Auchtirhous, Alexander Tyrye minifter, 1 tib.

Robertl'on minifter, c merkis. Telexe, David j

c Monyfuthe, Mr Gilbert Gardin minifter, ij merkis,—tranflatit to Monykie, Foirdyce fen Candilmes 1569.

Andro Clabillis minifter, c tib. 1569. Mr j Candilmes Barrye, Andro Auchinlek minifter, vj *x merkis. MURRAYS,T. r Arbirlett, Charles Mychelfon minifter, c tib. Innerkelour, j

Dynnychtine, Nicoll Howefon minifter, xl tib.

c Glawmis, Mr Robert Boyd minifter, j merkis.

Rescobye, Thomas Gormak minifter xl tib. Guthrie, _ Mr James Balfour minifter, vj xx tib. FDVIE,

Kyrrimuir, Alexander Auchinlek minifter, c tib. Mr j now Dauid Kyncoldroun, Blak minifter, c j merkis, Candilmes 1571. Tannadas, Mr James Rait minifter, c tib. Abirlemno, j Feirne,

c Menmure, Mr James Maluill minifter, ij merkis. Kynnell, Strakathro, Mr Andro My 11 minifter, c lib. DULAPYE, j

Dun, Mr James Erfkyn minifter, 1 lib. Pert, _ Mr William Gray minifter, viij ** merkii LOGYMONTROSE, 16 REGISTER OF MINISTERS &c.


Inchebryok, Rychart Maluill ininitter, j c tib. LoWXAN,

Deit lbmes Streichtmertin, James Weicht miniiter, xl tib. i57? N AVER, Mr James Foullartoun miniiler, vj IX Kb. Laithnett, Nethir Airlie, Andro Ogilvie miniiter, viij xx merkis, Candilmes OviR AlRLYE, 1567. Glenylay,

Manis, WilliameAnehinottie miniiter, xl fib. Lambmes 1568,

LuNDYE, and lx tib. mair fen Candilmes 1569, & xl tib. mair

Stregmertin, for Stregmertin fen Lambmes 157 l2.


Dundie, Williamo Kyd reidar, xl merkis.

Montrose, ~| Johnn Bartie reidar, lxtib. —tranflatit to Inchebryok

Logymontrose, y fen November 1571.

Maritoun, Mr John Meluill reidar, xx ti. November 1571-

Brechin, James Scharpe reidar, 1 merkis.

Feirn, Thomas Sehevand reidar, xx ti. Lambmes 1573.

Lownan, Johnn Batve reidar, xx tib.

Kynxell, Dauid Fiffe reidar, xx lib. [nnerkelour, Charles Roflye reidar, xxiiij merkis,—John Pitcairne

reidar in his rowme, xx ti. beltym 1573.

Aberurothok Toi x. Thomas Lyndeliiy reidar, xl merkis. & Paroche Kirk, AND THEIR STIPENDS- 17

Arbirlatt, Waltir Lyndefay reidar, xx ti.

Painbryde, Robert Mawld reidar, xx ti.

Barry, Robert Foreftar reidar, xx ti. monyfuith, James Lavell reidar, xx ti.

MURROIS, Williame Olifer reidar, xx ti.

Mr Niniane Cuik reidar, xx ti. beltym 1570. MONTKIE, Matbou Greve reidar, the vicarage and gleib, with

nianfe for his itipend.

Edvie, Mr Johnn Johneiloun reidar, xx ti.

Ixnerraritie, Thomas Straithachin reidar, xx ti. —left the office at beltym 1573.

KlNNETLIS, Alex. Neva reidar in his rowm, xxi. beltym 1573-

Telene, Andro Gib reidar, xx ti. auchtirhous, Duncan Gray reidar, xx ti.

Neva, Archibald Erfkyn reidar, xx ti. November 1567-

Esse, Matbou Moncur reidar, xx ti. in his rowme.

Kettins, James Jamefon reidar, xx ti.

Abirlenno, George Lyell reidar, xx ti.

Aldbar, Dauid Foullar reidar, xx ti.

Fernewell, Mr John Meldrum reidar, the thryd of his vicarage

extending to with xx ti. mair fen Can- dilmes 1568.

Pert, John Wilfoun reidar, xx ti. Strakathro, John Sym reidar, xx ti. dullappye,

Edzell, Mr Thomas Ramlay reidar, xx ti. now Andro Spens

reidar, xx ti. beltym 1572-

Laithnett, Mr Thomas Foullar reidar, xx ti. cortoquhy, James Ogylvie reidar, 1 merkis. Clowa, 18 REGISTER OF MINISTERS &c.

Kyncaldroun, James Steill reidar, xxiiij merkis.

LbnTRAITHIN, Robert Stewart reidar, xx ti. beltym 1571.

Thomas Cowfland reidar, xx ti. beltym 1571, —dejtolit beltym 157-'.

Nethirerlie, James Spaddin reidar, xx ti.

Glenylay, Alexander Makye reidar xx ti.

Loichlie, Williame Hay reidar, xxiiij merkis.

Tranilatit t<> Ar- Kyuymuir, George Fiffe reidar, xx ti. buthnot, Nov. 1569, Menmuir, Mr Andro Elder reidar, the thrid of the vicarage, ex-

tending to viij t. xiij s. iiij d. November 1568.

Naver, Archebald Erikyn reidar, xx ti. November 1567- Feirne, James Ramiay reidar, xx ti. November 1570. AULDBAR, Forfar, Johnn Guthrie reidar, xxti. Candilmes 157<>. Inschebrtok,

Montrose, John Batye reidar, lx ti. November 1571 -

LogyMontrose, j LUNDIE & George Cochren reidar, xx ti. Lambmes 157'-- Streithmertis, Abirlesno, Mr Williame Gardine reidar and vicar of Abirlenno KiitKiuDDO, and perfone of Kirkbuddo, the thrvd of bayth, ex-

tendand to xviij merkis, November 157*2. —



LuNDEFFE, Thomas Cruikfchank minifter, iiij ** ti. and xx ti. mair fen Lambmes 1569-

c Cargyll, Mr William Edmeftoun minilter, ij merkis, 1571,

Leitiiindie, now lies the perfonage of Lethindie in the firft of his

payment as the rentale beris fen beltym 1572. Kepeth,

Rattray, Ljoknn Rattray reidar, xx li. Clwnye,

Elyth & Lorence Duncane reidar, xl merkis.

Rowen, James Sandymane reidar, xx ti. Candilmes 1572.

%x Scone, Thomas Morifone minifter, iiij ti. and xx ti. mair

fra Lammes 1569-

James Pitcairne reidar, xx ti. November 1569-

S' Mertins Kirk, Alexander Gray reidar, xx ti.

Cambusmychael, Walter Murdo reidar, xx ti.

c Bendoquhy, James Anderfon minifter, j merkis fen November 1569,—the reft in Angufe.

Thomas Auchinlek reidar, xx ti.

CULEAS, James Thrift reidar, xx merkis.

Cargill, Williame Drommond reidar, xx ti. Straithardill, Williame Eviott exhorter, xl merkis. Glenschee,

c Kynfawnis, Williame Edmeftoun minifter, j merkis, Candilmes

1568, and 1 merkis mair fen beltane lxx for Cargill.

Samadois, Rychart Deffers reidar, xx ti. Eleitt, Dauid Ramfay minifter, ij merkis, November Rattray, 1572. Rowen, 20 REGISTER OF MINISTERS &c


c Kynnowll, Mr Williame Rynd miniltor, j tib. Candilmes 1568.

c KlLSPIXDYE & Mr Alexander Dunmuir minuter, j nierkis, —and

Rett, 1 merkis mair fen November lxix geir.

Arroll with the c Mr Alexander Allerdas minilter, j ti. Appendiclis,

Inchesture, John Smyth reidar, xx ti.

Kynnarde, James Wychthand reidar, xx ti.

Abirnyt, Williame Hattlie miniiler, xl merkis, with the thryd

of his penlionarie, extending to iiij merkis.

ROSSYE, David Robertfon minilter, his ltipend <>u\

of the Priorie of Sanct Androis.

David Cuik reidar, his ltipend his awin penfioun out

of the Priorie of Sanct Androis, with the third of

the vicarage of Rofly, iij ti. vj S. viij ct. FoWLLIS, Nicoll Spittall minilter xx ti. for Foullis and Benvyc. FORGOUND, Patrik Mortimar reidar, xx ti.

I Si. wye,

Ennergowrye, Niniane Hall minifter, lxvj tib. xiij S. iiij d. November

Luff, 1571, to be payit be the colleclour of Angufe. AND THEIR STIPENDS. &\


c Banchquery- David Menges minifter, j merkis.

Divinik, Mr Robert Merfer perfone & exhorter, & to miniiter the

Neig, facramentis, the thrid of the perfonage fre, extending

to xxxiiij ii. xiij g. iiij d.

Banchquery Ternitie, . xx James Keid miniiter, nij ti. Strauchin,

Durris, Mr George Freafer minifter, 1 lib. Lambmes 1568. T^FTHFRF SSO John Chrifteibun minifter, c merkis, with the thryd of DUNNOTTIR, j his benefice, extending to Glenbervie,

Katerling, ~) Kynneff,

Barvie, I Alexander Keith minifter, vj xx tib. Arbuthnot, Garvott,

FORDOUN, ...... xx ratrik Bouncle miniiter, mj ti. with the iupport oi

the Priour of St Androis. Newdosk,

c Patrik Ramfay minifter, j tib. Abirluthnot, xx Benhome, Johne Gndefallo minifter, iiij merkis, with the fupport of the Priour of St Androis. n Eglisgreg, Mr Alexander Allardas minifter, iiij ti. the ane half to be payit be the priour of St Androis, and the uther

be the colledlour, beltym 1572. REGISTER OF MINISTERS &c.


Neig, John Lellie rcidar, xxiiij merkis.

Maricujltir, Alexander Robertibn reidar, xx ti.

STRAiTHAUCHAXjAndro Young reidar, xxiiij merkis.

John Irwyn reidar, xx ti. Beltvni 1.57 -•

Bikse, Andro Hoig reidar, xxiiij merkis.

Fethiresso, Archebald Rait reidar, xx ti.

Glexbervie, Johnn Anchinlek reidar, xxiiij merkis.

Fordoun, Dauid Straithauchan reidar, xxiiij merki-.

Fetiierkairne, John Thorn reidar, xxiiij merkis.

Garvok, James Symmer reidar, xxiiij merkis.—depolit 1569-

Robert Mylne in his rowine, the fame ftipend.

Abirluthnot, Thomas Ramlay reidar, xx tib.

Arbuthnot, George Fiffe reidar, xx ti. November 1.01 i;).

Archebald Watfon reidar, the fame ftipend, 1572.

Katerlixg, Archebald Watfoun reidar, xxiiij merkis.

Kyxneff, James Foullartoun reidar, xx ti.

Barvie, James Symlbn reidar, xx ti.

Benhom, Mr Williame Eldar reidar, xx ti.

Egi.isgreg, Robert Burnet in his rowme, the fame ftipend, beltvni 1569.

I )i nnottir, Johnn Pawtoune reidar, xx ti.

Baxqlherie- . \\ illiame Mar reidar, xx ti. Lambmes 1569- 1)[\ IN'IK, —




To be noted quhair * is, the Collectour lies not to pay.

c S' Androis, * Mr Robert Hammiltoun miniller, ij ti. xxiiij bolt of aitis.

* George Blak exhortar, appointit to bave xx ti. Beltym 1572.

c Craill, Thomas Kynneir miniller, j ri. * Thomas Skirling reidar, —the toun to pay him.

Anstruther, Mr Williame Clerk miniller, iiij **ii. for Kilrynnye.

Reidar Mr John Foirman, the thryde of the vicar-

age, extending to xv ti. xj s. j d. xx Kylcunquhair, Mr George Lefiie miniller, viij ti. —now vicare, de- xx falcat therfor iiij xv merkis.

c Largo & Thomas Jamefon miniller & inftru6lar reipefilive, j lib.

c Newbirne, George Lundye miniller, j K. Candilmes 1569,—and

xxxiij ti. vj s. viij d. mair fen Lambmes 1571.

Abircrummye, * Thomas Young reidar, the vicarage therof.

xx Carnbye, David Spens miniller, viij ti. LUCHRISE, . . * c John Ure niiniiler, j ti. Foirgound, Kilmanye, * Mr William Ramlay miniller, —payit be St Salvitouris college. 24 REGISTER OF MINISTERS kc.

x Balmerynoch& MrPatrik Auchinlek minifter, iiij * merkis, Lambmes

Logy, 1571, —& xl merkis mair fen beltym I.')?'-' Henry

Leche reidare refpeclive, xvj ti. Lambmes 1.571.

Dennenno, * Mr David Guild minifter, the perfonage thairof.

c Flisk, "] Mr Robert Paterfon minifter, j ti.

William Glen reidar, xx ti. beltym 1570.

Donbug, Robert Williamfon reidar refpeclive xx ti.

Ceeich, J James Cavie reidar, xx ti. November 1571.

xs Dersye, * Petir Ramiay minifter, iiij ti.

Kenbak, f Mr James Martyne minifter at Kembak. xx Cowrr.H, Mr Alexander Spens minifter, iiij ti. —deid at November 15GS, and in bis rowme, Mr Robert

AucHTiHMONSYE, Wilkye minifter, xl ti. for Aucbtermonfye, witb Tarvat, the Priouris penlioun for Cowper, Lambmes 1569-

Mr Adam Mychcll minifter, j c merkis, beltym 1573.

Quylt, * Mr Johnn Ruthirfurde minifter, perfoliate pertenand

to St Salvitouris college.

* David Frifell exhortar, the vicarage of the fame.

r c Monymaill, Mr Alex Jarden miniller, ij merkis, Lambmes 1568.

Collessye, Johnn Wobftar reidar, xx ti.

c Seres, Mr William Lang miniller, j ti. Kylgour, & Mr William Braidfuit miniller, \1 merkis.

Steamyglo, John Balfour reidar, xx ti. Lathrisk, Alexander Mure exhortar reipective, xl merkis.

HTIRMOWTYE, Alexander Fairny reidar relpective, \x ti. xx Markinche, Peter Watfon minifter, iiij ti. —John Rantoun reidar

at and c merkis. Kynglassye, heir Merkinche Portmook, j

Leslie, David St irk reidar at Kinglaflye, x ti.

Portmook, Mr Johnn Etynd exhorter, xl ii. Lambmes 1569-

KlRKFORTHIR, Andro Angufe reidar, xx merkis, &c. AND THEIR STIPENDS. 25

SCONYE, * John Symfon minifter, iiij = ti.

* reidar refpe6live, c merkis. Kennoquhy, Alexander Sauchy j Dysart, Andro Foreftar minifter, c ti. Wemis, j Robert Adamfon reidar, xx ti. MuTHILL,

KlRKCALDYE, George Scot minifter, vj n ti. and xl tib. mair ten beltym 1569.

James Moriffon reidar, xx ti.

KlNGORNE ElSTIR, Mr Thomas Biggar minifter, vj ™ ti.

KlNGORNE WESTIR Johnn Broun exhorter, xl merkis. auchtirderan, Mr George Bofwell minifter, the perfonage therof.

c Salang, Petir Blakwod minifter, j ti —his benefice ex-

Abirdoure, tendis to lxx ti augmentit be reafon of thir

kirkis 1 ti. fen Lambmes 1569- auchtirtuill, Mr John Fairfull exhortar xx ti. Candilmes 1571.

Mr Waltir Bawcanquell exhorter, xx ti. Candilmes 1570. Dalgatye, John Paterfoun reidar at Dalgatie and Abirdour refpe6tive, xx merkis. Ballingrye, Mr Alexander Wardlaw exhorter, the thryd of the

perfonage extending to [xxxiij ti. vj s. viij d.]

c Urwell, Mr James Dowye minifter, j ti. and xx ti. mair fen beltym 1572. Kynross, Mr Waltir Balfour exhorter, xl merkis, to be payit

be the Lady Lochlevin, and xx ti. mair be the Colleclour,—and xx merkis mair fen beltym 1572. 26 REGISTER OF MINISTERS &c


Ennerkething, | Adam Angill reidar refpective, xx merkis. Dalgatye, John Burn minifter, c J j merkis, November 1570.

Dunfermling, "j David Fargufon minifter, viij ** ti. and xl fib- mail fen

I November 1572.

t-Jobn Burn reidar, xx ti —tranflatit to be a minifter at Rossyth, Ennerkething fen November 1570.

J Mr Johnn Chriftefoun in his place, xx ti fen that tyme. Carnoch, Rychart Brown reidar, xxvj merkis.

Salling, Peter Blakwod minifter and perfon, the baill perfonage

Abirdouk, heirof, with the thryd extending to Ixx ii. and fiftie

c li. mair becaus ii. Alchtirtuill, he had j before, fen Lambmes Dalgatye, 1569, and for the charge of other kirkis. Ennerkething,

*» Crummy & John Huchefon minifter, iiij merkis, and xx merkis Torryburne, mair fra Lambmes 1569. Cullros, c John Dykis minifter, j ti. tullyalen, Clakmannan & Waltir Myllar exhortar, xl merkis. CULROS, Clesche, John Anderfon reidar, xx merkis, with the thryd of

his vicarage extending to

Tulliboll, John Henderfon reidar, xx ti. Fossoquhye, Mr Adam Marihall exhortar, xl merkis.

NOW BUllOp ill' Mukkakt, James Pawtoun mimfter iiij ° ti. Dunkell. Mr v

Andro Kirk reidar, his ftipend xvj ti. with the kirklaiul.

Dolloi it, Robert Burn reidar, his ilipe\d xiij li. vj s. viij il. AND THEIR STIPENDS. 27

Glendoven, Mr Johnn Hutfbun reidar, xx merkis, with the thryd

of his penfionarie extending to with

manfe and gleib, November 1568.

c Logy & Alexander Fargy minifter, j ti.

Clakmannan, Alexander Balvaird reidar, xx ti.

'I'ranslatit . to „ xx numblane sen ALVETH & Robert Menteth minifter, iiij merkis. Nov. 1S72. lULLICULTRIE, Alexander Dryfdaill reidar refpective, xx li.

Tullibody, Andro Dryfdaill reidar, xx merkis.

Cambuskynneth, James Dalmoy exhorter, xl li.

Likcrope, Andro Row exhorter, xl ti.



** Abirxetiiye, ") Patrik Gait minifter, iiij ti. and xx ti. mair fen

k. Lambmes 1569-

Nata. Ebdye, J John Wemis reidar refpective, xx ti. Ane obliga- ° tioun quhill he dumbarnye, ^) Patrik Wemis minifter, j ti. now is providit to the gett full pay- ment of the kirk of Dumberny, and inftantlie gettis the thryd personage. therof, extending to lx ti. and als to four chaplanreis

quhilk will extend to xl ti.

moncreiff, Andro Difart reidar refpe6live, xx ti. Dron, John Thomfbn reidar in his rowm, the lam ftipend PoTTYE, fen beltym 1569.

exmagyrll, John Lenox reidar, xyj ti.

Arngosk, John Pittblado reidar xvj ti. Rynd, 28 REGISTER OF MINISTERS &c

De,d ^Caudilmes FORGONDYNYE, William Lauder ininiller, iiij ** ti. and xx ti. mair Ten Lambmes 1569-

minifter, c tib. John Row j Candilmes 1572.

FoRTEVIOT, Gabrioll Creichtoun reidar refpedtive, xx ti.

MlJKKARSYE, John Tboinfon reidar, the vicarage xx merkis, 061. 1570. Mallour,

c Perth, Mr John Row minifter, ij ti. j chalder of aitis.

c auchtirganye, Mr Thomas Makgibboun minifter, ij merkis.

William Creichtoun reidar, xvj ti. now exhorter lin

KlNCLEVIN, November 1570, hes xl merkis.

Patrik Salmoun exhorter, xl merkis.

MONYDYE, Patrik Lang reidar, xvj ti. deletit Nov. 1570.

Alexander Creichtoun reidar, xx ti. November 1570.

LOGYBRYDE, Alexander Creichtoun reidar, xvj ti. James Lauder exhorter, the prebendary of Fordulhaw

for his ftipend.

LONCARTIE, Alexander Moncur reidar, xvj ti. RoGARTOUN, Alexander Colt exhorter, xl merkis.

Stragycht, William Drommond exhorter, 1 ti. with the manfe of

Creiff, Strageich, and xxx ti. mair fen Lammes 1569-

monyvaird, Alexander Chriftefon reidar, xx ti.

Thomas Glafs reidar, Lambmes 1568, xx ti. now ex-

horter, hes xl merkis fen November 1570, and ten merkis mair fen Lambmes 1572. Cumrye, Duncan Cumrye reidar, xx merkis.

TlLLIKETTILL. Johnn Edmeftoun exhortar, xx tib. Lambmes 1572. Kynkell, Johnn Quhyte reidar, xx merkis. MUTHILL, Alexander Gall minifter, xl merkis, and ten merkis

mair fra Lambmes 1569.

Strowane, James Murray reidar relpeclive, xx ti. AND THEIR STIPENDS. 29

Monze, James Scot reidar, xx merkis.

Foullis, David Murray reidar, xx ii. now exhorter fen No-

vember 1570, lies xl merkis.

Kinkell, Alexander Murray reidar, xx ii. and ten merkis mair fen Candilmes 1568.

Madartie, John Hwme exhortar, xl merkis.

Trinitie Gask, William Melrofe extorter, 1 merkis, and ten lib. mair fen Lambmes 1569-

Fyndogask, Thomas Scot reidar refpective, xvj li.

William Ruthven reidar refpedlive, the haill vicarage of Trinitiegalk fen November 1572.

Meffen, Alexander Young minifter, vj " li. with xvj li. of an-

nuallis of the Quhite freris befyde S' Johneltoun.

Tibbermuir, Edmond Moncreif reidar at bayth, xx li.

c minifter, ii. Dunnyng, Mr Johnn Hommill j

John Gray reidar xx ri.

Auchtirardour, David Murye reidar, x li. v merkis mair fen Novem- ber 1570.

Abruven, Thomas Dunnyng reidar, x li. and v merkis mair fen November 1570.

c Dunblane, Mr Robert Montgumrye minifter, ij li. —tranilatit to Streviling fen Lambmes 1572, and in his place

c Robert Menteth minifter, ij merkis, November 1572.

Kylbryde, Michaell Lermont reidar, xx li. now exhorter, and

lies xl merkis fen beltym 1572.

Dunkell, _ . _ Mychaell Greg reidar, xx ii. LOGYALLOQUHY,

c Weme, Mr William Ramfay minifter, j ii.

Forthirgyll, Duncan M'Gregour reidar, xx ii.

Grantullye, Duncan Makcawla minifter & perfone heirof, extending

c to j merkis.—William Cragy reidar, xx iib. .


minifter, c merki-. Dull, Duncun Makkalay j Lnik liel.ire at c Forthirtrj-U. Inchekadin, Mr Duncan M Clagan reidar, xx ti.

c Killen, 1 John M Cordakill exhort er, xlti —now Prior of Stra- Ardewnan, fillan, extendand to this l'owme.

Strafillan, I John Burdoun reidar, xx ti. and xx merkis mair fen

Bawquhydder, J Lambmes 1569- Abirdagye, William Gibfoun reidar, xx merkis, Lambmes 1569- Duplin, William Melros minifter, perfon heirof.


Kilmahug, Gilbert Yalilie reidar, xvj tib. November 1569-

Kilmadok, Thomas Redoch reidar, xx ti. Lambmes 1569-

Kixcarne, f David Hagy reidar at Kincardin, his ftipend xvj ti. with the kirkland to be payit out of the third of Cambufkynneth.

Callinder, William Scott reidar, xxti. November 1569,—of this, ten

poundis to be payit be the Colle6tour of Straitherne,

and uther ten be the Priour of Inchemahomo.

Leny, Salomon Buchanane reidar, xx ti. beltym 1573.

Port, William Streviling reidar, xx ti. Lambmes 1569-

Abirfuill, Johnn Makcathren exhorter, xx ti. of aid, —to be an- fuerit of the thryddis of this kirk, —depofit for cer-

Luik behynd. tane offences committed be him, and appointit the

foirfaid William Streviling- in his rowme ten the Lambmes 1571,—diliharget fen beltym 1573.

Abirfuill, Robert Grahame minifter and perfon, the thrvd of the

perfonage extending to xxviij tib. entree at Nov. 1571

Malice Graham reidar, xx ti. beltym 1573.

C^LrlilU bf*jj

* 1 '" % t . y-ffrp^r r ?

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I ) " v

,l C^-A-j^,,,,/^, r> ^jff^(^'^ _ / " ^^. 'Vy




Glasgo, Mr David Wemis minifter, xij " merkis,—the toun to pay

c it, —and now ij ti. to be payit of the redieft of the thryddis of the archebifchoprik, fen beltym 1569-

Mr James Hammiltoun reidar, xx ti. the toun

Lenye, William Struders reidar at Glafgw, and exhorter on the

Sondays at Lenje, xl ti. Lambmes 1569-

Kirkpatrik, f John Anderfon minifter, his ftipend lxvj ti. xiij s. iiij A. with, the kirkland of Kirkpatrick to be payit out of the

Abbay of Paiflay.

William Hamiltoun reidare at Kirkpatrick, his ltipend the

haill vicarage therof newlie difponit, liij ti. vj s. viij d.

Ruglen, Mr Thomas Jak minifter, xl ti. —for fupporting of thir Curjiannok& tua kirkis, xl merkis mair fen November 1572, to be

Cambuslang, payit of the thryddis of Paflay.

Goven, James Gibfon exhortar, xl merkis.

Monkland, Mr David Hamiltoun exhorter, 1 merkis.

*x Cadder, Mr David Conyngham minifter, vj ti. November 157^.

Johnn Uthir reidar, xx ti.

Bothwell, "1 c _ 1 Mr Johnn Hammiltoun minifter, ti. and xx ti. mair SCHOITTIS, L j

! ien November 1569- Monklaxd, J 32 REGISTER OF MINISTERS &c.

Blantyr, Mr Williame Chirnfyde minifter and priour, his awin thryd extending to

Schottis, Johnn llobeibun reidar, xx ti. 1571.

" Hammyltoun, Mr John Davidfoun minifter, vj ** ti.

Dawserff, Andro Hammiltoun reidar, xx ti. Nov. 1572.

Dal yell, Mr Jo. Raes exhorter and teacher of the south, xl ti.

Cambusnethan, William Naffmyth reidar, xx ti.

Dawserff, Johnn Ramage reidar, xx ti. —at Curmannok.

Dalyell, Johnn Robefon reidar, the thryd of his penhonarie.

Kylbryde, Mr John Colvin minifter and perlbne,the haill peribnage. TORRENS, Mr Alexander Lyndefay exhorter, xl merkis,—to be

Curmannok, payit be the perfone.—John Ramage exhorter,xxiiij ti. Cambuslang, Mr James Lyndefay exhorter, xl merkis, with the gleib and manfe.

avendaill, Johnn Anderfon reidar, the thryd of the vicarage ex-

tendand to xj ti. vj s. viij d.

c Lesmahago, Mr Robert Lethe minifter, j merkis. Lanark, Mr David Conyngham minifter, to be payit be the Erll

of Glencairne, & for fupporting of Lanark xl merkis,

Nov. 1570, and xx merkis mair ten Nov. 1572.

Mr Robert Lyndefay reidar, xx ti. 157 -. Deposit sen _, Nov. 1571. TORESTKIRK, Johnn Dobbye reidar, xx ti. beltym 1568, &c.

Luik before Cambusnetiian, John Hammiltoun reidar, xx ti. and the thryd of his

vicarage extending to vj ti. xiij s. iiij tt.

William Naffmyth reidar, xx ti.

c Cultir, Johnn Levereinc minifter, j merkis, beltym 1569-

William Myllar reidar, xx ti. Nov. 1571. Lammyngtoun, Johnn Lyndefay reidar, xx merkis. Walstoun, Johnn Fotheringham exhorter, xl merkis. Thomas Lyndeliiy exhorter, the lame ftipend. AND THEIR STIPENDS. 33

Discharged Wistoun, William Symfon reidar, xx ti. Nov. 1570.

Robert Allane reidar, xx ti. Candilmes 1568.

Cairnweth, Thomas King exhortar, 1 merkis.

Covingtoun, Thomas Symfoun reidar, xx ti.

Pettynane, Robert Fifcher exhorter, xxiiij ti. Lambmes 1569, and

xvj ti. mair fen Candilmes 1571.

Carmychaell, Niniane Swan exhorter, admittit to minifter baptifme

and follemnize manages, xl merkis, beltym 1569-

Beggar, Williame Millar reidar, xx ti.

AVilliame Hamiltone reidar, xx ti. November 1571. To lie suste- nit be the Quhotquen, Mr James Hammiltoun minifter, 1 ti.—Luik beneth. taxman. Castelstaris, James Stirling perfone and minifter, November 1571.

James Fotheringham exhortar, 1 merkis, November 1570,—to be payit be the perfone. Libertoun, Mr Williame Levingftoun minifter, to be fuftenit be "J

the takifman, 1 ti.

Quodquen, Mr James Hammiltoun, the fame ftipend, beltym 1569-

J George Alilfander reidar, xxiiij merkis.

c Dowglas, John Loverence minifter, j merkis, November 1567, —tranflatit to Cultir. Craufurde- Charles Foreft exhorter, xl merkis. Johnx, Williame Levingftoun minifter,—pait be Sir James Hammiltoun.

Craufuird- Rychart Weir reidar, the vicarage thairof, extending

Lyndesay, to November 1570.

Torrence, -j- Mr Robert Hammiltoun minifter, his ftipend the thrid

of his awin vicarage and perfonage of Torrens, viij ti.

xvij s. ix d.

Glasfurde, f James Hammiltoun reidare at Glaffurde, his ftipend

xiij ti. vj §. viij d. &c. E 34 REGISTER OF MINISTERS &c.

Stainhous, Mr Johne Rankine reidar, xx ti. November 1571.

Thankertoun,-)- James Fifcheare reidare at Thankertoun, his itipend

alias S'Johnes the haill thrid of the perfonage and vicarage of

Kirk, Thankertoun, viij ti. xvij S. ix d.

Sy.montoux, Johnn Lyndefay reidar, xx merkis.

Uobertoun, f Robert Allan reidar at Robertoun, the haill vicarage.

Carluik, f David Forrelt reidare at Carlouk, his llipend xvj ti. with the kirkland to be pait out of the thrid of the

Abbay of Kelfo, be the taxnien of Carlouk.

FORESTKIRK, James Dobbye reidar, xx ti —depofit fen Nov. 1571. DUXSYRE, James Kadye reidar, xx merkis.

Luik before. ClJRMANNOK, James Hill exhorter, xxiij ti. Luik eftir C.YTHCART,


Reixfrow, Mr Andro Hay minifler and perfone, the thryd of the

perfonage extending to iiij ti. vj chalderis, v bollis,

firlot, meill. j j peck, &c. of Innerkyp, George Thomfon exhorter, xl merkis, beltym 1569.

KlI.MACOLJIE, Robert Maxwell reidar, xvj ti. and iiij ti. niair fen beltym 157«.

Kill F.I.LANE, Robert Cuik exhorter, xl merkis, and ten merkis mair

IIOWSTOIX, for fepporting of Howlloun fen November 1572.

ErSKIN, Robert .Simpill reidar, vicare the thryd thairof, ex-

tending to xiij ti. vj g. viij d. and ten merkis mair

fen Nov. 1570, anil ten merkis mair to be tane up

of the thryddis of l'ailay, fen Xdvcinber 1571. AND THEIR STIPENDS. 35

Kilbarchan, Adam Watfoun reidar, xx ti.

Eistwod, James Carrudders exhorter, the thryd of the vicarage

extending to xvij ti. xv s. v d.

Inchechynnan, Thomas Knox exhortar, xxiiij ti. Lambmes 1569.

William Jakfone reidar, xx ti. November 1567-

xx Paslay, Mr Patrike Adamfone minifter, vj ti. to be payit of the thryddis of Paflay, November 1572.

Mernis, f Archibald Eglingtoun reidare at Mernis, his ftipend

xvj ti. with the kirkland, &c.

Eglisame, f Mr Patrik Wodruiff reidare at Eglifliame, his ftipend xx merkis, with the kirkland, &c.

Cathcart, James Hill exhorter, xxiiij ti. Candilmes 1568, now xl merkis fen November 1569,—now tranflatit to

Erfkyn fen beltym 1572, and lies the perfonage



MONYABROCH, Mr Williame Levingftoun perfon exhortar, his awin

thryddis (gif he mak refidence,)—extending to iij

chalderis, v bollis, j firlot, &c. of meill, and of money

iij ti. vj s. viij ct.

Lenze, Marc Edgar exhorter, xl ti.

KlLMARANNOK, James Hunter reidar, xx ii.

xx Mr Jo line Poorterfeild minifter, vj ti. quha is providit

to the vicarage of Ardroffan, c worth j merkis.

Drymman, Alexander Conyngham reidar, xx ti. beltym 1569. 36 REGISTER OF MINISTERS &c

Luss, James Lavng reidar, xxiiij tib. Caiulilmes 156j.

Mr William Chirnfyde miniller and perfone, fen No-

vember 1572 the haill perfonage.

ROSSNAITH, Malcolm Steinltoun exhorter, xl ti. x merkis heirof al-

lowit to him of the vicarage penfionarie.

BuLLULL, Niniane Gait reidar, xx ti. November 1567- dunbartane, c Edward Cufak miniller, j ti. Candilmes 1568. Cardross,

Vacat. BULLULL, Patrik Reid vicar and reidar, x merkis, with the thrvd

of the vicarage extending to xliiij S. v ct.

Deid sen Can- KlLPATRIK, Robert Howftoun exhorter, xl merkis, now nnabill, and dilmes 1572. git to have xx fi.

Steablane, John Anderfonc minilter, 1 ti. beltym 1571, and xvj ti.

xiij s. iiij ct. mair fen November 1571.

Ixchecallocii, Johnn Makcathane reidar, —the perfon to fuilene him for

his thryd, extending to xiij ti. vj s. viij d.

Duncan Erroll reidar, payit be the perfon.

Mr David Conyngham perfone and minifler, the haill perfonage, and to fuilene the reidar. Campsye, Johnn Stewart miniiter, the thryd of the perfonage ex- tending to Lambmes 1570.

Strablank, John Cuik exhorter, xx ti. Badarxok, John Landallis reidar, the thryd of the perfonage ex-

tending to xvij ti. xv s. vj d. November 1568.

reidar, ti. Lambmes 1569. KlLLERNE, 1 James Hunter xx

Johnn Snell reidar, xx ti.

* c Alexander Callendar miniller, j merkis, November

RAW! I UOWNE, , 1572.

at Drymmen, his {Upend ti. Dho.mmeane, f Neill Manteith reidare \yj with the kirkland, &c. AND THEIR STIPENDS. 37

Fyntrie, George Watfoun exhorter, xl merkis, with the manle

and gleib.

Cardross, Johnn Cuik reidar, xx merkis.

Johnn Fluttifberry exhortar, xxvj ii. xiij s. iiij d. with

the vicarage peniionarie thairof, and his manfe and

glebe, Lambmes 1569.

Kippen, t reidare at Kippane, his flipend xvj ti.

with the kirkland, &c.

Kirk in the f David Dikfoun reidare at the Kirk of Mure, his ftipend

Muir, xvj ii. xiij S. iiij d. with the kirkland, &c.

Buchanane, John Adam reidar, x ii. takifman.

Kilmahew, Adam Huchelbun reidar, xvj li. Candilmes 1568.


Largis, David Neill exhortar, xl merkis.

Kilbryde, Mr John Maxwell exhorter, xl merkis.

Kylwynnyng, William Kilpatrik minifter, Ixxx ti.

Deid, Stewartoun, James Lummildaill reidar, xx ti.

c Irwyn, Mr John §oung minifter, ij merkis, fen beltym 1570.

Thomas Andro reidar and vicar, the thryd of his vica-

rage extending to viij ti. xvij S. ix d. &c.

c Kilmawris, Mr Archebald Craufurde minifter, j ti.

John Howy reidar, xx ti.

r Stewartoun, Alex Henderfon exhortar, xl merkis, Lambmes 1572.

Kilmarnok, f John Boyd reidare at Kilmarnok, his ftipend, to be payit

out of the third of Kilwynnyng, and for payment thair-

of affignit to him thairfoir j ch. iiij fe. meill, &c. >- REGISTER OF MINISTERS See

Steinstoun, Mr James Walcar vicar and minilter, xl ti. with the

thrvd of his vicarage extending to Mr Archebald Cranfuird in his rownie fen beltym 1569,

and 1 mcrkis mair fen the fame tyiue. Duxlop, Jolm Hammiltoun vicar and exhorter, the thryd of the

vicarage extending to xxvj ti. providing he wait on

his charge, beltym 15 67.

Dalry, George Boid exhorter, xl ti. Dreghorx & Gawane Naiffmyth exhorter, xl merkis, and xx merkis Kylmawris, mair fen beltym 1568, and git xx merkis for Kilmaw-

ris fen November 1571-

Peirstoun, Mr Francis Adamfoun reidar, xx ti. Candilmes 1570.

David Quhite reidar in his place, xx ti. November 1572. KlLBERNYE, Mr Archebald Hammiltoun vicar and exhortar, the

thryd of the vicarage extending to xxxj ti. ij s. ij d. &c.

Robert Craufurd vicar and reidar, the haill vicarage fen November 1571. CUMRAY, Ardrossane, Alexander Henderfoun exhorter, xl merkis, Nov. 1567, —tranflatit to Stewarton fen Lambmes 1572.

Thomas Boyd reader in his place, ftipend xx ti. fen the fayd tyme,—tranflatit to Bayth at Beltym 1573. William Montgumry exhortar, xl merkis fen the fame tyme.

Loudoun, Rankin Davidfon exhorter, 1 ti. AND THEIR STIPENDS. 39


DuNDONALD, Robert Burn reidar, xx ti.

c Rychartoun, George Campbell miniiter, j ti. Lambmes 1572.

CORSBYE, Adam Wallace exliortar, xvj ti.

Prestik, Robert Legat reidar, xl merkis.

MoNKTOUN, Jobn Wylie reidar, xx ti.

c minifter, ti. beltym 1.568, Ayr, James Dalrumpill j and

1 merkis mair fen Candilmes 1570.

Alloway, James Ramfay reidar, xx ti.

Dalrimpill, George Feane reidar, xx ti. Candilmes 1570.

quyltoun, James Davidibn exliortar, xl merkis, Candilmes 1570.

CUMNOK, Mr Johnn Rynd perlbn and minifter, the haill perfo-

nage, entres at November 1572. Uchiltrie, c Mr Johnn Inglis minifter, j ti. CuiINOK, Adam Landalis exhorter, xl merkis. auchinlek,

c Mauchline, Mr Peter Prymrofe minifter, j ti.

Barnweill, Johnn Millar exhorter, xl ti. November 1566.

Symontoun, Thomas Caringtoun reidar, xx ti.

Tarboltoun, David Curll reidar, xx merkis, with the thryd of the

vicarage penfionarie extending to November 1571.

Sanct KevoK; George Cochren reidar, 1 tib. for caufes in his ap- pointment, deid Candilmes 1570.

Hew Kennydie reidar, xl merkis, November 1572.

c Galstoun, Johnn Barrone minifter, ij merkis, beltym 1563,—the minifter of Failfurd to pay.

In Conygham. LOUDOUN, Rankin Davidibn e.vhorter, 1 tib. 40 REGISTER OF MINISTERS kc.


c Cammaxell, Mr James Greg minifter, ij ti —now providit to the perfonage, extending- to the fame fowme fen November 1568.

Thomas Falconar reidar, xx ti. beltym 1568.

Kilbride, Alexander Davidfoun reidar, xx ti. Nov. 1571.

Mayboll, Mr Matho Hammiltoun reidar, xx ti. Lambmes 1572.

Girvane, t James Rols reidare at Girvan, his ftipend xxiij ti.

vj s. viij d. without kirkland, &c.

Kirkoswald, t Hew Kennedie reidare at Kirkofwald, his ftipend

xx ti. with the kirkland, &c.

Da ylie, t Johnne Cunyngharue minifter, his ftipend lxvj ti. xiij s.

iiij d. with the kirkland of Girvane, to be pait as

followis ; viz. out of the third of the Abbay of

Corfregall, lxvj ti. xiij S. iiij d. viz. fra the Laird

of Barganie for his part of the kirk of Dalie,

xl ti. and fra Gilbert Kennadie of Dalquharran

for his part of the fame kirk, xl merkis, &c.

James Qoung reidare at Dalie, his ftipend xx ti. with

the kirkland thairof, &c.

Stratoux, John Makcorn minifter, vj » ti. beltym 1568, quha

had 1 ti. befor being exhorter.

Dalmillington, John Makconnell reidar, xx ti. Nov. 1571 •

David Cathcart vicar e and reidar, the haill vicarage

extending to Nov. 1572.

Kirkmyciiaell, Leonard Clerk reidar, xiij ti. vj g. viij d.

Johnn Conygham, admittit to baptife and folemnize

manages, xl li. AND THEIR STIPENDS. 41


Melros, t Thomas Halywell reidar at Melrofe, his ftipend xxti. with the kirkland, to be payit out of the third of Melrofe, be the taxmen or parochiners of the kirk

of Melrofe. Kelso, Adam Clark exhorter, 1 lib. Lambmes 1569- Neisbitt, southdoux, Mr Waltir Pyle exhorter, xx merkis.

Deposit sen AxCRUM, Mr William Johnelloun reidar, xx ti. Nov. 1572. George Johnftoun miniller, xl. merkis. Nov. 1572. Selkirk, Mr Johnn Scott exhortar, xl fib. November 1568. S* Marie Lowis,

c Jedburgh, Alexander Foreftar minifter, ij merkis,—tranflatit to Tranent,—and fen Candilmes 1568.

c Mr Johne Young minifter in his rowme, ij merkis,

Lambmes 1569,—left the rowme beltym 157<».

c Mr Patrik Creich minifter, ij merkis, Lambmes 1572.

Jettam, James Williamfon reidar, xx ti.

c Bolden & Thomas Duncanfon minifter, j merkis, Candilmes Lilslie, 1568,—now perfon of Lilflie. Lintox\ Thomas Moffet reidar, xx merkis, November 1572.

Makcairstoun, Martin Rutherfurde reidar, x ti. with the thrid of the

vicarage extending to ij merkis, viij s. x d. &c. 42 REGISTER OF MINISTERS Sec


Peblis, Jolinn Dikefoun exhorter, xl merkis.

Maifter Thomas Cranftoun mindler, and to mindler

c the facramentis to the haill fchyre, ij merkis, beltym 1571.

Lyntoun, Adam Colquhoun exhorter, xxvj ti. xiij s. iiij d.

Newlandis, Thomas Paterfbun reidar, xx ti. —tranflatit to Kirkurd, beltym 1570.

Lyne, Patrik Gryntoun reidar, xiij ti. vj s. viij d.

Mennar, Thomas Purves reidar, xiij ti. vj S. viij d.

Drummelzar, Thomas Biffat exhorter, xxvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. and xx

Dawyk, merkis mair fen beltym 1571, becans he iervis this uther kirk.

Glenquhom, George Tod reidar, xij ti. with the thryd of his pen-

lionarie extendand to iiij ti. viij 5. x d. ob.

Stobo, Thomas Neilfoun exhorter, xxvj ti. xiij g. iiij d.

r Traquair, Mr Alexander l'ait reidar, vicar peniionar, xx merkis,

with his awin thryd extendand to iiij ti. viij s. x d.

with glebe and nianfe.

KlI.liOCHO, William Porteous reidar, xiij ti. vj g. viij d. with the

thryd of the penlionarie extendand to vj merkis.

liOFKAILJO, John Bullo reidar, xiij ti. vj g. viij d.

Uolphingtoun, Thomas Lyndel'ay exhortar, xxxij ti. Broughtoun, Walter Tuedye exhorter, xxvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. Dawyk, AND THEIR STIPENDS. 43

Ettilstoun, Mr George Hay minifter and perfoun, the thryd of

this perfonage and Rathven, alfweill byrunis as to

cum, extending to lxviij li. xvj s. viij A. j chalder,

bollis, j boll, &c. beir for Rathven,—iiij chalders, ix &c. of meill for Ettilftoun, —Providing alwayes he

infill diligentlie in the minifterie, and als caus his

kirk quhar he makis not continuall refidence, to be

fufficientlye fervit, and that he charge the kirk with

na farther ftipend.

Kirkurde, Thomas Paterfoun reidar, xx li. beltym 1570.

Henderlethane, Patrik Sanderfoun exhortar, x li. with the thryd of

the vicarage extending to xxij li. beltym 1571.

S c Brydis Kirk, Alexander Tait exhorter, xx li. beltym 1571.


Kirkconnell, John Foullartoun reidar, xl merkis, beltym 1568.

c Sanquhair, f Johnne Foulartoun minifter, his ftipend j li and for payment thairof the vicarage of Kirkconnell newlie

providit, lxxx li.and out of the perfonage of Sanquhar

be the taxmen or parochinars therof, xx li. at the

optioun of the minifter, payand the reidare at Kirk-


Johnne Young reidare at Sanquhare, his ftipend xx

merkis, &c.

Left the office. Kirkbryde, Thomas Makgunyeane reidar, xx li. beltym 1568.

Thomas Weir reidar, xvj li. November 1567,—tran-

llatit to Molwald, November 1569.

Alexander Myll exhortar, xx li. beltym 1571. 44 REGISTER OF MINISTERS &c.

KlHKMAHO, John Throughtoun exhorter, xl ti.

KlRKMYCHAELL, Andro Rentoun reidar and vicare, the thrid of the

TvNWALD, j vicarage extending to Nov. 1507- DlJNSCORE, Johnn Welche vicare and exhorter, xx merkis, with

the thryd of his vicarage extending to viij ti. xvij >.

ix d.

Halywod, Mongo Makge reidar, xx ti. beltym 15G7-

Tynroun, Robert Welche reidar, the thryd of his vicarage ex-

tendand to xxiij ti. xiij s. iiij d.

William Tailgeour vicare and exhorter in his place,

the laid thryd with the of the prebendrye

of Linclowden, extending to v ti. Lambmes 1.5(>8.

Terreglis, William Thomfon reidar, xx merkis, beltym 1567-

Drumfres, Mr Niniane Dalyell minifter, xl tib. 1567- KlRKPATRIK- Patrik Quhitheid exhorter, xx merkis.

Irngraye, Andro Mychell exhorter, xx ti. 1567-

Mychaell Wychtman exhorter, xx ti. November 1571 •

lochruttoun, Johnn Littill exhorter, xx ti. beltym 156'/, and ten merkis mair ten beltym 1572.

Carlawrok, Johnn Paterfon reidar, xx merkis, beltym loOS, now

vicar, lies x ti. 1570.

Tracqueir, Charles Home exhorter, xl merkis, beltym 1568.

John Halyday reidar, x ti. November 1570.

(Jarwald, Thomas Brown reidar, xx merkis, beltym 1567-

Wk, Johnn Browne reidar, xxj ti. ij s. ij d. and ten tib. mair fen beltym 1572.

K.IRKGUNYEANE Patrik Loche reidar, xx fib. beltym 1567-

SlJDDIK, George Olifeir exhorter, xx merkis, with the thryd of

his vicarage extendand to and ten merkis

mail ii'ii beltym 1572. AND THEIR STIPENDS. 45

Deid 1570. NeWABBAY, Patrik Cowll reidar, x ii. Johnn Logane reidar, xx merkis, beltym 1570.

DURRISDEIR, Lyon Brown exhortar, xl inerkis, with the thryd of the

penfionary extendand to viij ii. xvij s. ix d. I'en 1570, augmentit. Mr Archebald Menses exhorter, the thryd of his vi- MORTOUN, carage and prebendrye of Linclowden, extending

AND to xx ii. and ten merkis mair fen beltym 1570.

KOWHEN, Robert Keffen reidar, x ii. to be payit be the faid Mr Archebald. Penpont, John Tailyeour exhorter, the thryd of his vicarage ex-

cummirtreis, tending to xxiiij ii. viij s. x d. &c.

Glencairne, Johnn Jamefon exhorter, xl merkis.

Cloisburn, John Thomi'oun reidar, xx merkis, beltym 1568.

Dalgarnoch, James Williamfoun reidar, xx ii. beltym 1568.

Drumgre, reidare at Drumgrey, his ftipend to be

payit out of the Abbay of Kelfo be the taxmen or parochineris of Drumgrey.

Trailflatt, Andro Rantoun reidar, xx merkis, beltym 1568.

torthorell, Dauid Wallace reidar, xx ii. KlRKPATRIK OF Andro Edgar reidar, xxiiij merkis. 1567. THE MuiR, Translatit to Newabbay seu KOWHEN, Johnn Logane reidar, xx merkis,—beltym 1567- beltym 1570. 4,6 REGISTER OF MINISTERS &c


Moffat, David Mayn reidar, xx ti.

Kirkpatrik- Mongo Nevyn extorter, xvj ti. with the manic

Juxta, and gleib.

Johnestoun, Adam Wilkyn reidar, xvj ti. xvij s. x d. &c. 1567-

DawtounMekill, Johnn Conygham reidar, xx ti.

DAWTOUNLiTTiLL,Johnn Carrudders reidar, xx ti. beltym 1567-

Deposed RuWELL, John Irland reidar and perfon, the thryd of the per- 1572. fonage extending to x ti.

James Murray reidar, x ti. fen beltym 1572.

Johnestoun, f Adam Wdkie reidare at Johnneftoun, his ftipend

viij ti. xvij s. ix d. &c.

Wanffra, -j- reidare at Wanifra, his ftipend x ti.

xvij s. ix d. &c.

Huttoun, f reidare at Huttoun, his ftipend vj ti.

xiij s. iiij d. &c.

Sibbilbie, Apilgyrth,

Drysdaill, f Andro Johnneftoun reidare at Dryfdaill, his ftipend

xvj ti. with the kirkland, &c.

Lochmabene, James Maxwall minifter, xliiij ti. viiij §. x d. 1567,

at November. Sanctmongois Kirk, Hoddowm, t reidare at Eglefechane and Hoddum,

his ftipend the thrid of the perfonage of Hoddum,

iiij ti. viij s. x d.

Trailtrow, f James Campbell reidare at Trailtrow and Cummir-

treis, his ftipend xij ti. ij s. ij d. &c. AND THEIR STIPENDS. 47


Corrye, t George Johnneftoun reidare at Corry. Myddilbie, Pennirsax, Carruddirs,

I.uik before. CuMMIRTREIS,

Annane, t Alexander Makcangeoch reidare at Annand, his ftipend

iiij ti. xv s. vj d. &c. Dronok,

Reidkirk, t David Myllare reidare at Reidkirk, iiij ti. viij s. x d. &c. Gritno, Rane Patrik,

Moswald, Thomas Weir reidar, x ti. November 1569- Logane,




Ovir Ewis, Nethir Ewis,


Cannabie, Stabilgorthoun, Watstirkar, 4.8 REGISTER OF MINISTERS &c.




c Quhytherne, John Barroun miniiter, ij 1 raerkis, Candilmes 15(57,

—departit tliis lif 1568. Adam Flemyn reidar, the thryd of the penhonarie,

xvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. fen beltyru 1572.

c Mr Roger Gordon niinifter, j xxxiij ti. vj s. viij d. beltym 1572.

Glassartoun, Johnn Kay reidar, x merkis, November 1570.

Deid 1569. Kirkmadin in Rodolphe Peirfoun reidar, the thryd of his vicarage

Fairness, extending to vij ti. xj s. j d. —in his rowme,

George Steinftoun reidar, xx merkis, beltym 156}).

Sorbie, John Makcaill reidar, xx merkis.

Crugyltoun, William Tailgefeir reidar, the thryd of his vicarage

extending to v ti. vj s. viij d. and xij merkis mair

fen November 15G7-

Wigtoux, Mr Robert Blindicheill minifter, and to miniiter the fa- xx cramentis to the kirkis following— iiij tib.

Penynghame, John Cranfurd exhorter, in abience of the miniiter at

uther kirkis, 1 merkis.

James Falconer reidar, xvj ti. beltym 1573.

Kirkenner, Mychell Duigalfon reidar, 1 merkis.

Traiisiatit to Longcaster, Lewis Frafer reidar, xx ti. M<>. Iirem. Williame Vani'e reidar, xx merkis, 1508. AND THEIR STIPENDS. 49

Pennynghame, Mr Mertin Gib reidar, the thryd of his vicarage ex-

tending to v ft. vj s. viij d. and xij merkis mair fen beltym 1570. Glenluce, Johnn Sanderfon exhorter, xl merkis.

KlRKCOWAN, John Fleinyn reidar, xx tib. 1567-

Stannykirk, John Gibfbn exhorter, xl merkis.

Claschart, James Law reidar, xvj ti. Lambmes 1571.

tosquartoun, Mychaell Hathorne, reidar, xvj ti. Lambmes 1572. Kirk Madin in RYNNIS.

Sauesett, James Thomfone reidar, xx merkis.

KlRKCWM, Alexander Hunter reidar, xx ti.

Inche, Cuthbert Adair exhortar, xl merkis,—in his roum Thomas Makalexander exhorter, xl merkis, beltym 1570.

Translatit to LeSWALT, Thomas Makaliffander reidar, xx ti. 1567. the Inche. Adam Thomfone reidar, xx merkis, beltym 1571.

MoNYGOFF, Johnn Stewart exhortar, 1 merkis.

KlRKDAILL, Thomas Regnall reidar and vicare, x ti. with the thryd

of the vicarage extending to , 1567-

KlRKMAKBREK, John MofFett exhorter, xx ti. 15G7-

Translatit to J wu. rT „ Twyneinsen ANWETH, Alexander goung reidar, xx ti. beltym 1570.

Mr Malcome M'Cullo vicare and reidar, xij ti. with

the thryd of the vicarage extending to xij ti. fen beltym 1572.

GlRTHTOUN, Robert Muir exhorter, xx ti. 1567-

KlRKCANDRIS, Johnn Makclellane reidar, xx merkis.

BORG, Williame Strugtoune reidar, xx merkis, 1567-

Translatit to n, rqv minilter, iiij " ti. Kirkcuthbrycht UALKY ' James Doddis Cuthbert Adair exhorter, xl merkis, 1570, and ten merkis mair fen beltym 1571. 50 REGISTER OF MINISTERS Sec

Balmaclellane, Elife Makculloch reidar, xx ti.

Kellis, Donald Mure vicare and reidar, x merkis, 1567-

Toungland, Willianie Scharpro exhorter, xl merkis, 1567- Partoun, James Carruders exhorter, xx merkis, 1570.

Cros.mychaell, Thomas Makclnne exhorter, xx ti. November 1567-

Translatit to Kirk- KlRKCHRIST, Thomas Anderfone exhorter, xx merkis, 1567, 1568, cutlibrycht sen bel- tvm 1569. —in his rowme, Thomas Makcultre reidar, xx merkis, 1569-

Deid at beityni TwTNEM, James Mair reidar, xj ti. ij s. ij d. 1567- 1568. Alexander goung reidar, xxij ti. iiij 5. beltym 1572.

Balmaghe, Robert Chapman reidar, xx ti. — to be payit be Haly- rudhous.

Dundranane, f William Cutlair reidare at Dundranane, his ltipend

xx ti. to be payit out of the third of the Abbay of Dundrenane. Dunrod, Willianie Makclellane reidar, xx merkis, 1570.

Gelstoun, Cuthbert Dun reidar, xvj ti. beltym 1573.

Kirkcuthbrycht, James Doddis miniiter, iiij " ti. November 156}). Thomas Anderfone reidar, xx merkis, beltym 1569,

and now at Sandl Mary He l'en beltym 1570.

Sanct Mary Ile, Thomas Anderfone, exhorter, xx tib. beltym 1570. Kirkcorjiok, Mychaell Dun exhortar, xx merkis, with the thryd

of his vicarage extending to viij merkis, 1567- Keltoun, James Pane reidar, xx merkis.

Buthill, James Parker exhorter, xx ti. 1567-

Kirkmadryne, Johnn Dunbar reidar, vj ti. xiij s. iiij d. 1569. Sainnek, Donald Makaillane reidar, xx merkis, 1567-

MoCHBEM, Lewis Frefer exhorter, xx ti. 1567, and ten merkis mair fen beltym 1572.

Kirkbeane, Johnn Clerk reidar, xx merkis, beltym 1571. —



Mr Donald Monro Commiflionar to plant kirkis in Rois, and to affift

the Bifckope of Caitnes in femlable planting, to begyn at Lambmes

- - 1563, - - iiij o merkis.

Urquhart, Mr Johnn Robefone thefaurer and minifter, the thryd

of his awin benefice extending to lxyj lib. xiij s. iiij d. Logy Wester, Robert Monro reidar at Urquhart and Logy Wefter, xx

Wrquhart, ti. Lambmes 1569, now exhortar at the fame kirkis,

to have xl tib. fen November 1569, and xix merkis Killy, mair for this kirk, fen November 1571.

Alues, Alexander Morifoun exhortar, the thryd of the perfon-

age extending to xxij ti. iiij s. v d. j ofe. difchargit fen November 1571,—admittit agane the fame tyme,

as the commiflionaris writting beris.

Awath, Andro Myll exhorter, xl ti. now ane minifter fen No-

c vember 1569, j merkis, and now vicare of Awathe,

extending to viij ti. vij s. j d. to be allowit in part of

payment of his ftipend of lx geris crope.

Luik eftir. Sudday, Dauid Thomfone reidar, xx ti. Deid at Nor. 1570. Channonerye, James Bufchart reidar, xx ti. November 1570.

Logy Eistir & Williame Rofs Thomaffone exhorter, xl tib.

Kilmuir EisTiR,Donald Reid reidar, xx ti. November 1572.

Urray, Donald Adamfone exhortar, xl tib. now chaiplane of

St Lorenze and Ardifaill, extending to xv ti. and vicar

DingwelI/> of Urray, extending to viij ti. vij s. j d. to be allowit

in part of his ftipend ten lxx j,eris crope.

:4 .' •c<"' , 52 REGISTER OF MINISTERS &c.

Kyllarnane, Mr Alexander Makkenge reidar, xx ti. Kylchristan,

KlNCARDIN, Farquhar Reid exhortar, xl merkis, and \x merkis Etherthane, mair Ten Lambmes 1569.

Deid eftir Can- T\YN Thomas Fargufone reidar, xx ti. beltym 1568, now dilmes 1572.

exhortar, xx ti. mair ten November 1569.

Nig, Fynlay Mantbne reidar, xx ti. beltym 1568, now ex-

horter fen November 1569, xl tib. now vicar.

KlLTERNE, Angufe Neilfon reidar, xx ti. beltym 1568.

Farquhard Monro reidar, xx ti. beltym 1573.

KYLMUiRWESTiR,Jobnn Reid reidar, xx ti. beltym 1568, now exhortar

fen November 1569, his llipend xl tib. and now

vicare of Kylmnir, extending to iij ti. vj g. ix d. to

be allowit in his llipend fen lxx geris crope.

Cromartie, James Burnet reidar, xx ti. Lambmes 1569-

Channonrie, Williame Hay reidar, xl merkis, November 1569, and ten merkis mair ten November 1571.

Ardorseir, Johnn Smyth reidar, xxti. November 1569, difchargit fen November 1571,—admittit agane the iimie

tyme as the commiflionaris writting beris.

Lochbrume, Johnn Monro vicare and reidar, the haill vicarage ex-

tending to xx ti. November 1569.

KlUKJIYCHELL, Alexander Chines reidar, xx ti. November 1570.

Tarbatt, Alexander Urquhart miniiler, iiij n ti. beltym 1572.

c Awath, 1 Andro Mill miniiler, j merkis, November 1569,

xx ti. mair fen Nov. 1571, and for thir tua kirkis

Suddie, ^ xx merkis fen Lambmes 1572, the vicarage of

to viij ti. vij g. KyjlmuirWestir, ! Awath extending j d. in part of

Ardorseir, J payment of the foirfaid llipend. AND THEIR STIPENDS. 53


Dornoch, Williame Gray gounger exhorter in the Irfche toung, 1

merkis, and xx merkis mair Ten beltane 1569, for fup-

porting of Creick in miniltratioun of the facramentis,

viz. baptyfme.

ClJLMALgE, Robert Feme exhorter, 1 merkis fra theBifchope, and xx Clyne, merkis moir for fupporting the kirk of Clyn fen No-

vember 1569, to be payit be the Collec~lour.

Creich, Donald Logane reidar in the Irfche toung, xxj ti. beltym 1569-

Deid in Nov. r . .,„ 1568. -LARG, Donald Williamfon reidar, xx fi.

Loth, Andro Anderibn exhorter, xx ti. and uther xx ti. be the

bifchope to be payit.

Left the office. KlLDONANE, Andro Bane reidar, xx ti.

Ardurnes, Johnn Reid exhorter, 1 merkis.

c Thurso, Johnn Rag minilter, j merkis.

Weik, Andro Philpe minifler, iiij = ti.

Latherin, Rychart Thomfon reidar, xx ti. Halrik & James Scott reidar, xx ti. Skenane,

Wattine, Mr Thomas Bradie exhorter, xl merkis, with the thryd

of his penfionrie extendand to ix bollis, firlot, j j peck, &c. of beir, and the thryd of the chaplainrie of Helmyf- daill, extending to x merkis, Nov. 1569.

BOWAR, Johnn Anderfone reidar, xx ti. November 1570.

Cannisbie, Alexander Patrik Gramiflbne exhorter, 1 merkis, entres at November 1567. —


DONAT, Johnn Pronthocht exhortar, 1 merkis, Lambmes 1569-

Olrik, Mr Francis Wrycht exhorter, xl tib. November 1570.

Ra, f Hew Poilfoun reidare at Ra, bis ftipend xyj ti. with the kirkland, &c.

Fab, Donald Reid reidar, xl merkis.

Assent, f William Gray eldar minilter, bis llipend lxxvijfi. xxijd. &c.

Clyne, f Andro Anderfone minilter, bis llipend lxxxiiij li. viij s. x d. with the kirkland of Loth, &c.

Waltir Andirfon reidar at Clyne and Loth, his llipend

with the kirkland of Cline, &c.

Rogart, Williame Gray eldar exborter, 1 merkis, and xx merkis

Larg, mair for fupporting of Larg fen November 15C9-


Kirkwall, Mr Gilbert Foulfye minifter, xl ti. with the thryd of

his vicarages of Birfay and Harray, with the pre-

bendrye of St Jobne, with the altarage of St Olave,

extending to xl tib. and xxvj ti. xiij S. iiij d. mair

fen November 1570.

Saint Olave, John Sadlair reidar, xiij ti. vj s. viij d. with the thryd

of the vicarage of St Olave, extending to v ti. vj g.

viij d. xx S' Androis Kirk, Mr Donald Bruce minilter, iiij merkis.

Deirnes, Archebald Reid reidar, xl ti. with the thryd of the

vicarages of Howlme and Deirnes, extending to

Luikefwr viij ti. viij s. x d. November 1568 & 15t>9,

tranllatit to Evye fen November 1570. AND THEIR STIPENDS. 55

Nov. 15C8. Howmk, Nicoll Cragy exhortar, the thryd of the vicarage ex-

tending to

Firth, Thomas Steinftonn miniiler, iij " vj ti. xiij s. iiij d. Orphir, and xx merkis mair fen 1569, in November, with

the thryd of the flalry of the fubdeanry, extending

Stainhous, to v bollis beir xliiij s. v d. &c.

HoWME, Johnn Stewart reidar, the thryd of his vicarage ex-

tending to iiij ti. November 1570, with the thryd of Deirnes, the peniionrie of Deirnes, extending to

fen the fame tyme.

Birsay, Mr Donald Walcar minister, iiij ** merkis. Robert Stewart reidar, the thryd of his penfionrye

Harray, extending to v merkis, and x ti. mair fen Novem- ber 1570. Stromness, Mr Hurome Tulloch miniiler and fubchantour, the

thryd of the liibchantorie extending to xxviij lib.

Sandwyk, xvij s. ix d. &c. Graymsay, Williame Smyth reidar, the thryd of the peniionrie extending to fen November 1567, and x merkis mair fen November 1568. BURRAY, Edward Ingfettar reidar, the thryd of his peniionrie extending to and ten merkis mair fen November 1570. DeidatNov. Southronaldsav, Duncan Ramfay reidar, the thryd of the peniionrie 1570. extending to —and in his rowm, Mr Williame Mudye miniiler, the dewytie of the

commoun kirk thair, extending to xl lib. No- vember 1570.

Wallis, Jo. Molyfon reidar thair, the thryd of the peniionrie. 56 REGISTER OF MINISTERS &c

Hoy, Thomas Fleniyn reidar, the thryd Flattay & of his penlionrie extending to and x ti. inair fen Nov. 1570. Farey, ROWSAY, Lorence £>oung exhorter, the thryd of his penfionrie, Eglissay, < extending to and x merkis mair fen Wyir, November 1568. Enhallow,

Westray, c Mr James Annan miniller, j merkis, with the thryddis of Corfldrk and vicarage of Sanday, ex-

tendand to xxvij ti. xv s. vj d. j ob.

Papawestrai Williame Brown reidar, the thryd of his penfionrie

extendand to

Schappinschaw, Thomas Rattray reidar, the thryd of the vicarage

extendand to

Evie, Johnn Stewart reidar, ten merkis, with the thryd of

the peniionarie—tranflatit to Holme and Deirnes fen November 1570.

RONDELL, Archebald Reid reidar in his rowme, the thryd of Garsay, the penfionrie extending to and x merkis mair fen Nov. 1570.

c Sanday, Mr James Annand minifter, j merkis, with the thryd of the perfonage of Marykirk in Sanday, vicarage of North Ron Sanday and Nortkronnaldfay, extending to NALDSAY, Thomas Tailgeour reidar, xx ti. November 1568, with

the thryd of the penfionrie of Wellray extending to ROWSAY,

Stronsay, Mr James Maxwell reidar, the thryd of his benefices, Ethay, extending to xx ti. November 156Q. Papastronsay, AND THEIR STIPENDS. 57


Tyngwell, Mr Heirome Chene miniller and archdene, the thryd WlSDAILL & of his benefice extending to lxxx ti. quhitness,

Fetlar, Mr Williame Lauder minifter, lxxx merkis.

Unst, Williame Tailgeour reidar, xx merkis. North Maven, Johnn Giffart reidar, the thryd of the vicarage extend-

ing to xx ti.

^ell, James Fallowfdaill reidar, xx ti.

Sandsting, Williame Watfone reidar, the thryd of the vicarage of

extending to viij ti. xvij s. •with the thryd

Aythstyng, of Sanc"l Mychelis ftowk, extendingto iij ti. vj §. viij d.

Neisting, George Duff reidar, x ti. —and v merkis mair fen No- Quhailsay, vember 1570.

Dunrosnes, Johnn reidar, ti. "J Crab xx —deid November 1571>—in Cannisburgh his rowme—Johnn Kingfone minifter, xl merkis

Sandwik, j fen November 1571. Fair Ile,

Brassay, John Makquhaill reidar, the thryd of the vicarage of

BURRAY, extending to viij ti. and thrid of Aftay,

extending to iij ti. vj s. viij d. Wallis,

FOULAY, Williame Philpe reidar, the thryd of the vicarage of

Papay, extending to x ti. Sandnes,

SCATSTAY, Or Mathou Litftar reidar, the thryd of the vicarage ex-

Dailling, tending to xx ti. —



Maister Robert Pont Commiffionar to plant from Nefs to

c Spey, iiij merkis.

Elgane, Alexander Winfiller minifter, j » ti and 1 merkis mair fen beltym 1568. Forres & c Mr Andro Symfoun minifter *, j merkis. Altir,

c Invernes, Mr Thomas Howifoun minifter, j ti. Alexander Urquhart rninifter, lxxx merkis,—and xx Raffart merkis mair Ten beltym 156S, providing he awayit AND — upounhis office in tymes cuming,and ufehimfelf without Kvnlos, fclander.

* The form of bis appointment to the kirk of Altyr, Jan. J5, 1567, is here given

from the Register of Presentation to Benefices. It is one of the earliest on record :

Oure Soverane Lord being informit of the qualificatioun, literature and gude con-

versatioun of his weilbelovit Maister Andro Symsoun, and of his ernist affectioun to

travel] in the charge of ministerie within the kirk of God, Thairfoir, with avvise of

liis dearest cousing James Erll of Murray, Lord Abirnethy, &C. and regent to his Hienes

realme and liegis, Ordanis ane presentatioun to be maid under the previe seill in dew-

forme, presentand the said Maister Andro to the commoun kirk of Altare, sumtyme of

befoir apperteining to the chaplains of the cathedral! kirk of Murray, Hand within the

diocie of the same, and now pertening to our Soverane Lordis presentationn be the

lawis of this realme : And that the said letter be extendit in the best forme, with all

clausis necessar, direct to the commissioner of the Superintendent of Murray ; requiring —


DUFFUS & xx . Mr John Keith miniiter, vj ti. without any thryd, T j > &c. Kynnedour, j j

Edinkeilzie, Mr Andro Brown nrinifter, iiij ™ merkis. Urquhart, ~\

xx Lambryde, L Robert Keyth minuter, iiij merkis. November 1567. Essill, J Alves, Mr Patrik Balfour minifter, xl lib. November 1567,

now to have the haill thryd of the chantory, extending

Langbryde, to with the thryddis of the vicarages

of the iaidis kirkis be affignatioun.

him to try and examinat the doctrine, qualificatioun and honest conversatioun of the said

Maister Andro : And he heing fundin abill to use the charge of ministratioun in the kirk of God, to ressave and admit him to the said commoun kirk of Altare, and auctorize him, with testimoniall therupoun, in competent and dew forme: Or in caise of his in- sufficiency of the said charge, to report the same agane to his Hienes and his said regent, that ane uther qualifiit persoun may be nominat and presentit to the same, within the space of ane moneth eftir the dait heirof: Ordaning alsua the Lordis of

Counsall and Sessioun, at the sycht of thir presentis and of the said commissionars tes- timoniall and admissioun, to grant and gif letteris for ansuering and obeying of the f said Maister Andro o the teindis, frutis, rentis, proventis and emoluments of the said commoun kirk, josing and brouking of the manse and gleib of the samyn, during his liftyme, as use is, and to nane utheris, Providing that he ruak residence and service at the said kirk, techeing the word of the evangell and administratioun of the sacramentis of Jesus Chryst ; and likewyis reniane in honest conversatioun and lyff, sua that na sklander arryise to the evangell be him: And in caise, be decreit of the kirk, he be fundin ather negligent in doctrine, or sklanderus in lyff, or for gude caussis worthie and meit to be transportit to ane uther place and charge, this presentatioun, with all that salhappin to pas thairupon, to be null, and sum uther qualifiit persoun to be pre- sentit to the said kirk of new : Subscrivit be my said Lord Regent, At Edinburgh the m c fyftene day of Januare, the yeir of God I V thre scoir seviri yeiris. *



DuNDURCUS, William Petirkin exhorter, xl ti. DUPPILL,

James Johneftoun exhortar, xl merkis,—and xx merkis

BlRNAY, mair fen Lambmes 1568, becaus he is fcribe to the

Aflembleis in Murray.

Spynie, James Pliilpe exhorter, 1 merkis.

Pettye, Andro Brabonar exhorter, xl ti —and xx merkis fen bel- Brathollie, tym 1568. Urquhart & Mr James Farquharfoun exhorter, xl ti. Glenmorisoun,

Narne, John Young exhortar, xl ti.

Rothos, Mr James Leflie exhorter and perfoun, the thryd of his benefice extending

Lambryde, Andro Stronoch exhorter, xx ti. Candilmes 1567-

S c Androis Mr Alexander Leflie exhorter, xl merkis, Candilmes Kirk, 1567.

Brayevin, Allane M'Intofche exhorter and reidar in the Irfche

Brachlie, toung, xl ti. Candilmes 1567.

* Maister Robert Pont commissioner of the Superintendentrie of Murray, is presented

to the personage and vicarage of the paroche kirk of Birnay, liand in the diocie of

Murray, and within the sheriffdome of Elgin and Fores, vacand as ane commoun kirk.

nuntyme pertening to the chaplanis of the cathedral! kirk of Murray, and now per- tening to our Soverane Lordis prescntatioun be the lawis of this realme."— [Register of Presentation to Benefices, Jan. 13. 1567.] AND THEIR STIPENDS. 61

Abirnethye, Johne Glas reidar and exhorter in the Irfche toung,

Kyngussye, xxxiij li. vj s. viij d.

James Duff exhortar, xx ii.—and xx ii. mair for Abir.

tarf len November 1569- J Abirtarff, J Wgstoun, James Ker exhorter, xl merkis. November 1569- Alwes, Alexander Bad exhorter, xl merkis fen beltym 1570. Kinlos,

Alderne, William Reoch exhorter, xxvjii. xiij s. iiijd. November Narne, 1570. Laggane, Alexander Clerk exhorter, xl merkis. November 1569-

Alwes, James Spens exhorter, xl li. beltym 1572.

Kynnedward, William Clerk exhorter, xl Ii. beltym 1572,—in Mr William Wyl'emanis rowme.


DOLAS, William Thomfoun reidar, x li. November 1567. Croy and James Vans reidar, xx fi. Candilmes 1567- Moy,

Forres, Johnn Paterfoun reidar, xx li.

Moy, George Symfon reidar, xx li.

Dyik, Alexander Duff reidar, xx li.

Ogstoun, James Ker reidar, xx li. —now exhorter len November

1569>—hes vj fi. xiij s. iiij d.

Duffus, William Clerk reidar, xx fi.

Urquhart, ~)

Lambryde, [John Blindfchell reidar, xx fi. November 1567

Essill, J —


BoNACH, William Symfon reidar, xx ti. Candilmes 1567-

Luik before amang UURRIS, the exhortars. James Duff reidar, xx ti. BOLESKIN,

Luik before amang LAGGAN AND the exhortars. Alexander Clerk reidar, xx ti. Lambmes 1569- Alvie,

Raffart, James Eafoun reidar, xx ti.

Keith, Andro Guthrie reidar, xx ti.

Ardintullie, William Kethie reidar, xx ti.

Inverkeithnye, James Abirnethy reidar, xx ti.

rothy.may, Lorence Donaldfoun reidar, xx ti. Altir, John Clerk reidar, xx ti. Lambmes 1569- DOLLES,

Ardclach William Brown reidar, the thryd of the vicarage, ex-

tending' to iij ti. vj s. viij d.—the Dene of Murray

to pay the reft of his ftipend, Lambmes 1569-

Kynnedward, Mr William Wifman reidar, x ti. Lambmes 1569,

and x ti. mair fen Candilmes 1570.

Elgyn, Thomas Robertfoun reidar, x ti. Lambmes 1569-

Luik before amang Alex. Bad reidar, xx ti. Lambmes 1569, —now tx- exhortars. Alves, horter fen beltym 1570,—hes mair vj ti. xiij s. iiij d. Kynlos, beltym 1570.

Lundichtie, John Dow M'Condoquhy reidar, xx ti. November Dawich, 1569- AND THEIR STIPENDS. 63



Abirdene, c Adam Heriot minifter, iij merkis.

Ald Abirdene, c Mr James Lowfoun minifter, j ti. Lambmes 1569- tullinessill,

! John c Kyg, Straithauchin minifter, j merkis,—and xl merkis mair fen Lambmes 1569- Towch, J AUFURDE, c I Jobne Philpe minifter, j ti.—tranflatit to Dunben- Forbes, ? nane and Kynnour. Keirn, c John Straithauchin minifter, j merkis. Nov. 1569- Clatt, Keig, c Andro Ogylvie minifter, j ti. —tranflatit to Erlye Leslie, ten Candilmes 1567 in Angufe. Prema, Kyncardin,

xx Lanfannane, George Levingftoun minifter, iiij merkis,—and xl MlDMAR, merkis mair fen Lambmes 1569- Clwnye, MoNYMUSK, c James Murray minifter, j merkis. Kynnarmy, Inche,

Colsalmond, Stein Mafoun minifter, c ti. 1 j logydorno, J

c ClJLLANE, Mr William Lawtie minifter, j ti. with the thryd FoiRDYCE, of his prebendrye extending to

Innerboundye, Mr Gilbert Gardin minifter, the haill benefice for

Banff, his full ftipend fen Lambmes 1569- 6i REGISTER OF MINISTERS &c.

Alveth, Henry Mortimar exhorter, xl merkis. Abirdour, c I Mr John Ramlay minifter, merkis, 1569. Gemrye, j c David Howyfon minifter, j merkis, 1570. Tyrie, | Tarves, Ellen, Mr Alexander Ogylvie minifter, vj » merkis. Mythlik, Fivie, Echt, 1 IX Kemnay, j> Mr Arthure Forbes minifter, vj merkis. Dilmaok,

c Kynnour, Mr Robert Prefer minifter, j merkis fen 1567-

c dunbenneth, Jobnn Pliilpe minifter, j ti. Deir,

FOVERNE, Gilbert Cheftiolme minifter, xl ti. and xl merkis Petirrugy, mair len November 1570. Langley,

minifter, c merkis, tranllatit John Straithaucban j — FoRVIE, to Mar fen 1569. Slanis, Mr Alexander Arbuthnot perfon and minifter, logybuchane, the thryd of the perfonage extendand to Langley,

c Petirrugy, Mr Arcbebald Keyth minifter, ij merkis. J> Crechmond,

c Kynnedward, David Howyfoun minifter, j merkis, November Phillorth, 1570. Balhelvie, 1 c KlNTOR, [ Mr George Paterfoun minifter, j ti. beltyme 1570. Kynneller, AND THEIR STIPENDS. 65

Owne, Mr Johnn Abircrummy miniller, the haill perfonage

Primay, and vicarage, November 1570.

Botare, Mr Alexander Leflie minifter, the haill perfonage and

Elchis, vicarage of the faid kirk newlie providit.


Rane, Mr Andro Thomlbun exhorter, xl merkis. Daviot, Kyntor, Mr John Wilie fumtym exhorter, then a minifter, and Kynnellen, now depofit to be a reidar, xx ti. Skene,

Crechmond, George Neiibit reidar, xx ti. TURREFF, Mr Andro Mowat exhorter, xl merkis.

Grantullie, Mr George Nicolfoun exhorter, xl ti.

Sanct Machers, als Mr Johnn Erfkyn exhorter, xl ti. Ald Abirdene,


Cojlsalmond, Williame Straith reidar, xx ti.

New Abirdene, Waltir Cullane reidar, xx ti. November 1570.

Logydorno, Johnn Leflie reidar, xx ti. Daviot & Johnn Leflie reidar, xx ti. Rane, 66 REGISTER OF MINISTERS &c

Kyg, Robert Rait reidar, xx ti.

Tullinessill, Patrik Strathauchin reidar, xx ti. Nov. 1570.

Puema, James Curry reidar, xx ti.

Kynxethmond, William Thomfoun reidar, xx ti. and ten ti. mair ten

Leslie, Nov. 1570, becaus be is exbortar.

Christiskirk, Angufe Duncanfoun reidar, xx ti.

Abirdour, Alexander Ramfay reidar, xx ti.

Tyrie, Alexander Ugftoun reidar, xx ti.

Echt, Thomas Davidfon reidar, xx ti.

Mr Thomas Straithauchin reidar, xx ti. Nov. 1570.

Clwnye, James Currye reidar, xx ti.

John Straithauchan reidar, xx ti.

Foirdice, Mr James Robefoun reidar, xx ti.

Banff, Williame Mertin reidar, xx ti.

Kynnedwart, Alexander Schand reidar, xx ti.

Ennerboundye, Williame Smyth reidar, xx ti.

Crowdane, Johnn Wilfon reidar, xx ti. Lambmes 1569- auchtirles, Robert Allerdas reidar, xx ti.

Kyldrymmye, Thomas Dalloquhy reidar, xx ti.

Desfurde, Johnn Thome reidar, xx ti.

Keirn, James Cowtis reidar, xx ti.

Mydmar, William Robertfoun reidar, xx ti.

Aufurde, Johnn Paterfoun reidar, xx ti.

Forbes, Alexander Gray reidar, xx ti.

James Walcar reidar, xx ti. November 1570.

Abirdene, Johnn Leflie reidar, xx ti. and xx merkis for Neig in Wig, the Mernes.

Kynnarmye, James Lyndefay reidar, xx ti.

John Strathauchin reidar, xx ti. Nov. 1570.

Kyntok, John Chalmer reidar, xx ti. AND THEIR STIPENDS- 67

Lanfannan, John Mychell reidar, xx ti.

CoWLL, George Laufoun reidar, xx ti.

Oboyne, James Cufnye reidar, xx ti.

- Ellen, John Greg reidar, xx ti.

KlLBETHOK, David Arrot reidar, xx ti.

Kyncardin, Alexander Euftache, xx ti.

FOVERNE, David Lairde reidar, xx ti.

DlLMAOK, George Frefer reidar, xx ii.

Alexander Gerard reidar, xx ti. November 1570.

Tarves, Donald Reoch reidar, xx ti.

CULLANE, George Hay reidar, xx ti.

Bawthelnye, Thomas Myll reidar, xx ti.

Alexander Garioch reidar, xx ti. November 1570.

Crathas, Rychart Chriftefonn reidar, xx ti.

Mythlik, Nycoll Smyth reidar, xx ti.

Rathven, Andro Hay reidar, xx ti.

Fyntray, Alexander Harvie reidar, xx ti.

Mr Thomas Flemyne vicar and reidar, the haill vica-

rage extendand to

Kynnellar, James Henderfoun reidar, xx ti.

Tullik, Lorence Cowttis reidar, xx ti.

Bawhelvie, Gilbert Kello reidar, xx ti.

Abirchirdir, Johnn Wilfoun reidar, xvj ti.

Florence Winhfter exhortar, xl ti.

Langley, William Murray reidar, xx ti.

Petirrugy, James Symfbun reidar, xx ti.

BlRSE, Archebald Irwyn reidar, xvj ti.

Andro Hoige reidar in his rowme.

Glentanner, Johnn Rofs reidar, xvj ti.

Glenmuke, Archebald Wilfoun reidar, xvj ti. 68 REGISTER OF MINISTERS &c.

Quoquoddilstane, Henry Spark reidar, xvj ti.

Dauid Stewart reidar in his rowtne, xx ti. Nov. 1570. Kyndroch James Hanye reidar, xx ti. IN BraYMAR,

Inche, William Ballingall reidar and vicare therof, the

thrid of the fame, extending to xx merkis.

ClJSNYE, James Paterfoun reidar, xx ti.

MoNKEGYE, Andro Spens reidar, xx ti. November 1570. Clatt,

MoNYCABOK, Alexander Garrioch reidar, xx ti. Nov. 1570.

Gemrye, Johnn Quhyte reidar, xx ti. November 1570.



Rynnye, Andro Thomibn reidar, xvj ti. Clatt,

Forbes, • John Strathauchan minifter, j ° merkis. Kirne,

Drumblait, George Rothhnye reidar, xvj ti.

Fivie, William Chalmer reidar, xvj ti.

Alexander Barroun reidar, xx ti. November 1570.

John Irwyn reidar, xx ti. —left the office at No- Tarlane, vember 1570.

Mygvie, James Rofs reidar, xx ti. fen the iiiid tyme.

j Mr Robert Skene exhorter, xl ti.

Glenbuchett, William Cowpar reidar, xvj ti. AND THEIR STIPENDS. 69

Crowdane, Alexander Traill reidar, xvj ti. with the manfe len

Lambmes 1569.

Logymar, Arthure Skene reidar, xvj ti.

Kemnay, Thomas Gray reidar, xvj ti.

Innerrwgy, James Kyd reidar, xvj ti.

Dyse, Thomas Myll reidar, xvj ti.

Cabreth, Thomas Chriltefoun, xvj ti.

Petirheid, Archebald Reid reidar, xvj ti.

Clatt, Arthure Henderfon reidar, xvj ti.

Petircultir, Alexander Robertfoun reidar, xvj ti.

Ruven, Mr Robert Smyth exhorter, xxvj ti. vj s. viij d.

Phillorth, Mr David Bradie reidar, xx ti.

Innernauchtye, Alexander Rofs reidar, xx ti.

Buirtie, Andro Drumblee reidar, xx ti.

Auchindour, Gilbert Brown reidar, xx ti.

Kyldrymmie, Henry Weilland reidar, xx ti. November 1570.




c The Chapell John Duucansoun minister, his stipend ij v ti. v i. ij d. to be payit as

Royall, followis, viz. samekle of the subdeagrie of the Chapell Riall of Stirling,

c or the quhairunto he is newlie providit, extending to j xvij ti. xv s. vj d.

Kingis Hous, and out of the thrid of the sacristanerie restand attoure the pametit

of the stipendis of the ministeris and reidaris of Kirkennar and Kirk-

cowan, xxv ti. xj s. j d. &c.

Richard Wricht reidare at the Chapell Ryall, his stipend, the haill

vicarage of the said Chapell Riall newlie disponit to him, extend-

ing to xx ti.

c Paroch Kirk Maister Robert Mongumrie minister, his stipend ij ti. with the kirk- of Stuiveling, land of Stirling, to be payit as followis, viz. for the kirk of Striveling,

assumit in the third of Dunifermling, lxxx ti. the gleib of Striveling

sett for x ti. &c.

David Eleis reider, his stipend xx ti. viij s. x d. &c.

c St Ninianis Patrik Gillespik minister, his stipend j xvij ti. vj i. viij d. with the

Kirk, kirkland of Sanct Ninianis kirk, to be payit out of the thrid of the

Abbay of Cambuskynneth, &c.

Alexander Yule reidare at Sanct Ninianis kirk, his stipend xxti. want-

and the gleib and kirkland, &c. 72 ASSIGNATIONS OF MINISTERS

Lini.vthqw, Patrik Kenloquliy minister, his stipend his awin pensioun out of the

c priourie of Sanct Androis, extending to j xx ti.

Robert Ka reider at Linlythqw, his stipend xx ti. &c.

Kirknewtoun, Maister James Hamiltoun minister, his stipend, the liaill personage of

c Kirknewtoun, iicwliedisponittohim,extendingyeirlietoj xviij ti. See.

Johnne Tod reidare at Kirknewtoun, his stipend, the haill vicarage

pensionarie, vacand, as not gevin up in rentale.

Gogar, Jolinne Coise reidare at Gogar, his stipend, the haill thrid of the per- sonage and vicarage of Gogar, be the persone, taxnien or paroohinaru

of Gogar as the reidare sail cheise, extending to xxij ti. iiij s. v J.

c Kirklistoin, Maister William Strang minister, his stipend j ti. with the kirkland, &c.

George Spens reidare at Kirklistoun, his stipend the haill vicarage,

xx merkis, the thrid of the vicarage of Carriddin, liij s. iiij d. and

out of the freiris of Lynlythqw, xliiij s. iiij d.

c DuHMANY, George Lundy minister, his stipend j xlvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. with the kirkland of Duinmanie, &c.

Richard Brown reidare at Dummany, his stipend xx ti. but kirkland.

Batboat, Maister Robert Hodge minister, lxxx ti. with the kirkland of Le- vingstoun, &c.

Johnne Hammiltoun reidare at Bathcat, his stipend the haill vicarage

of Bathcat, newlie disponit to him, extending to xxti. xiij i. iiij d.

c CURRY, Mr Adame Lethame minister, his stipend j ti. with the kirkland of

Currie, to be payit as followis, &c.

Andro Robesoun reidare at Currie, his stipend xx ti. but kirkland.

St Kathauinis reidare at St Katherinis in the Howpis, his

in the Holtis, stipend xij ti. x s. with the kirkland, to be payit out of the third

of Halyrudehous be the taxmen of St Katherinis & Muntlowthiane.

StCcTHBERTIS Maister Robert Pont and AVilliame Harlay ministeris, the stipend

c Kihk, of the said Williame j ti. with the kirkland of Sanct Cuthbcrtis

CoRSTORPHlNO, kirk,—for payment thairol' the haill vicarage of Sanct Cuthbertis

newlie providit xxxiij ti. vj s. viij d. and out of the kirk of Hali-

rudhous, be the taxmen or parochinaris of St Cuthbertis kirk, Ixvj ti.

xiij s. iiij d.

The stipend of the said Maister Robert, lxvij li, xviij s. viij d. &c. STIPENDS FOR THE YEAR 1576. 73

Edinburgh, Maister James Lowsoun, Johnne Dury, Ministers, sustenit be the Toun. Mr Walter Balcanquell,

Johnne Cairnis reidare thair, sustenit be the Toun.

Halvbudehous, Johnn Brand minister, his stipend ij c ti. with xij bollis aittis, togid- Dudingstoun, der with the thrid of the woll and lamb of Stobo, to be payit as fol-

Castell op lows, &c.—xl merkis eikit, in respect of the service and ministratioun

Edinburgh, at the Castell of Edinburgh.

Alexr Thomsoun reidare at Halyrudhous, to be pait be the Cannogait.

Maister Niniane Harumiltoun reidare at Dudingstoun, his stipend

xxxviij ti. xiiji.iiijd. with the manse & kirkland of Dudingstoun, &c.

c Leith, Maister David Lindesay minister, his stipend ij ti. to be payit as fol-

Restalrig, lowis,— the thrid of the personage of Restalrig, lxxxij ti. viij s. x &. with the four aikeris of kirkland, &c.

Williame Balfoure reidare at Leith, his stipend xx ti. to be payit as

followis, viz. out of the thrid of the preceptorie of Sanct Anthonis

x ti. and the rest to be pait be the toun.

Montlouthiane, Johnn Barboure reidare at Montlowthiane, his stipend xij ti. x s. with the kirkland, &c.

c Newbottili,, Robert Wilsoun minister, his stipend j ti. to be payit as followis, viz.

Mailuill, the haill personage of Mailvile, newlie disponit to him, with the kirk-

land lx ti. and out of the thrid of the abbay of Newbottili xl ti.

Lucas Sousy reidare at Newbottili, his stipend xvj ti. with the kirk-

land, &c.

Dalkeith, Maister George Ramsay minister, his stipend, the haill twa part of the

denerie of Restalrig, quhairunto he is newlie providit, extending to

Ixiiij ti. iiij i. v d. money, j chalder xij bollis quheit, &c.

Andro Robesoun reidare at Dalkeith, the thrid of the provestrie of

Dalkeith, viij ti. xvij s. ixd. with the haill vicarage of Dalkeith, ex-

tending to xiij ti. vj i. viij d. &c.

c Heriot, Maister Jhone Bennet minister, his stipend j xxvti. viij 5. xd. &c.

Robert Patersoun reidare at Heriot, his stipend xvj ti. with the kirk-

land, &c.

Stow, Williame Heslop reidare at Stow, his stipend xvj ti. with the kirk-


c ti. payit Saltoun. Andro Symsoun minister, Lis stipend j to be as follows, &c.

Robert Allane reidare at Saltoun, bis stipend xvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. with

the kirkland.

Pencaitland, Johnne Gray reidare at Pencaitland, his stipend, the haill vicarage,

vacand ipso facto.

Keith Merschell, James Gothray reidare at Keithmeischcll, liis stipend, the thrid of

the personage and vicarage of the same, xvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. with the

gleib and kirkland.

Keith Hdmby, reidare at Keith Humbie, his stipend the hail] vica-

rage of Keith Hambie witli the manse and gleib, extending to xx t '..

Inveresk, Maister Andro Blakhall minister, his stipend jc xxvjti. xiij s. iiijd. to be

payit as followis, viz. his awin vicarage of Cranstoun newlie disponit

c to him, xxvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. out of the thrid of and Dumfermling j ti.

Eduard Leyns reidare at Inveresk, his stipend xx ti. to be payit out of

the thrid of Dumfermling, be the taxmen or parochiners of Inveresk.

c Tranent, Alexander Forester minister, his stipend j lxxiij ti. vj 3. viij d. &c.

James Reid reidare at Tranent, his stipend xx ti. to be pait be the

said minister out of the new providit vicarage.

Setoun, Thomas Raith reidare at Seytoun, his stipend xx ti. with the kirkland. Auldhame, Bass and Auldhame neidis na reidaris. Bass,

Prestoun Kirk, Mr George Hepburne minister, persone and vicare thairof, his stipend

the haill thrid of his benefice, lxxvij ti. xv s. vj d.

David Hepburne reidare at Prestoun, his stipend payit be the persone.

c TvNINGHAME, WilJiame Sandersoun, his stipend j xxj ti. ij s. ij d. with the kirkland of Quhittinghame, &c.

James Lamb reidare at Tynnynghame, liis stipend xiij ti. xiij s. iiij d.

with the kirkland, to be payit be the new college of Sanctandrois.

c Hadingtoun, Maister James Carmichaell minister, his stipend j lx ti.

Ki.nTANEFURD, Robert Boncle reidare at Hadingtoun and St Martinis kirk, his stipend,

St Martinis Kirk, the haill vicarage portionarie of Hadingtoun, newlie disponit, ex-

tending to

Johne Auchinlek reidare at Elstanefurd, his stipend xvj ti. xiij s.

iiij d. 8cc. STIPENDS FOR THE YEAR 1576. 75

Gabvet, Johnne Morisoun minister, his stipend Ixxxiiij ti. ix s. with the kirk-

Barro, land of Barro, &c.

Patrik Galbraith reidare at Garvet, his stipend xvj ti. with the kirkland.

c Dumbar, Maister Andro Symsoun minister, his stipend j xxxiij ti. vj s. viij d. with the kirkland of Dumbar.

Williame Kellie reidare at Dumbar, his stipend xx ti. to be pait be the toun of Dumbar out of the commonis of Dumbar.

c Coldinghame, Williame Lamb minister, his stipend j xx ti. with the kirkland of

Coldinghame, to be pait out of the thrid of Coldinghame.

reidare at Coldinghame, his stipend xx ti.

Lamertoun, Robert Hessilhoip reidare at Lammertoun, his stipend xvj ti. with the kirkland, to be pait out of the thrid of Coldinghame. Maister Foulden, Thomas Storie minister, his stipend Ixxx ti. xvj s. iiij d. with the kirkland of &c. &c.

Williame Crumby reidare at Foulden, his stipend xx ti. to be pait be the

persone,becaus the personis rentale is given np sa far within the worth. c Edrem, Patrik Gait minister, his stipend j xxxiij ti. vj s. viij d. with the kirkland of Dwnse, &c.

Carraill Williame reidare at Edrem, his stipend xvj ti. with the kirk-

land, to be pait out of the thrid of Coldinghame be the taxmen or

pavochineris of Edrem, at the optioun and chois of the reidare.

Mordingtoun, Robert Douglas minister, his stipend, the haill fruittis of the kirkis of Langfarmacus, Mordingtoun and Langformacus newlie providit to him, xxj ti. Legertwoo, Robert Patersoun reidare at Legertwod, his stipend xvj ti. with the kirkland thairof. Maister Johne Lauder, Knox minister, his stipend lxvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. reidare at Lauder, his stipend xx ti. the haill vicarage vacand, and ungevin up in rentale.

Chingilkirk, reidare at Chingilkirk, xvj ti. with the kirkland, to be

pait thairof the thrid of the vicarage, v ti. xj I. &c. 76 ASSIGNATIONS OF MINISTERS


c Dunnotter, Maister Andro Myln minister, his stipend j lvj ti. xij s. ij d. with the

manse and kirkland of Fettiresso, &c.

Maister Johnne Wylie reidare at Dunnotter, his stipend xvj ti. with the

kirkland, &c.

c Conweth, Patrik Boncle minister, his stipend j lx ti. with the kirkland of Fordoun.

Patrik Ramsay reidar at Conveth, his stipend xxxti. with the kirkland,&c.

Dwn, Johnn Erskyn minister, his stipend, the haill personage of Dun newlie

Eolisjohne, disponit to him, extending to lxiiij ti. vj s. viij d.

James Ramsay reidare at Dun and Eglisjohne, his stipend xviij ti. xiij s.

iiij d. to be pait out of the third of the vicarage of Dun, &c.

c Cortoquhy, James Ogilvie minister, his stipend, j vj ti. xiij s. iiij d. with the kirk-

" ' land of Cortoquhie, &c. N •

Gilbert Simsoun reidare at Cortoquhy, his stipend xx ti. to be rmyit be

the new providit persone.

c Fynnevin, David Lindesay of Pittarlie minister, his stipend j xxxiij ti. vj s. viij d.

to be payit as followis, viz. the haill fruittis of the personage of Inner-

aritie, newlie disponit to him for xl ti. he sustenand the reidare at the

said kirk, and alsua assignis to him the fruittis of Fynnevin, &c.

Walter Lindesay reidare at Fynnevin, his stipend xx ti. to be payit be the new providit persone, taxmen or parochinaris of Fynnewin.

c Dlnnychtin, Mr James Balfour minister, his stipend j xxxiij ti. vj s. viij d. with the kirkland of Eidvie, &c.

Henrie Guthrie reidare at Dunnychtin, his stipend xvj ti. with the kirk-

land, to be payit as followis, &c.

Sanct Skaa, Sanct Skaa or Dynnynand neidis na reidare.

c Glammis, Johnn Neway minister, his stipend j ti. with the kirkland of Methie, &c.

Robert Ramsay reidare at Glammis, his stipend, the haill vicarage of

Glammis newlie disponit to him, extending to Iiij ti. vj s. viij d.

c Ahbroith, Maister James Mailvile minister, his stipend j lx ti. with the vicaris

glebe and manse of Aberbrothok, &c. STIPENDS FOR THE YEAR 1576. 77

St Vigianis, Thomas Lindesay reidare at Arbroith St Vigianis, the haill third of

the vicarage of Abirbrothok, xvij ti. xvs. vj d. and viij bollis beir.

Athie, David Myln reidare at Athie, xvj ti. with the kirkland, &c.

Baldmbie, Balumbie neidis na reidare.

Foulis, Maister Patrik Galloway, his stipend ane hundreth pundis, to be pait

be the priour of Sanctandrois, with the kirkland of Langforgound.

Patrik Mortimer reidare at Foulis, his stipend, the haill vicarage of Foulis,

with the kirkland, be deceise of umquhile dene Androw Row, to be

newlie disponit, extending to xiij ti. vj s. viij d.

Langforgund, Johne Smyth reidare at Langforgound, his stipend, his auld portioun or

pensioun out of the priourie of Sanctandrois.

c Kvnnoull, Maister William Rynd minister, his stipend j ti. with the gleib and kirkland of Kynnoull, &c.

Robert Rynde reidare at Kynnoull, his stipend xx ti. but kirkland, &c.

c (Japeth, Mr Williame Admonsoun minister, his stipend j xxxviij ti. vj s. viij d. &c.

Johnne Salmond reidare at Capeth, his stipend xxti. &c.

c Lundeiff, Thomas Cruickshank minister, his stipend j xij ti. xvj s. viij d. with

kirkland of Lundeiff, &c

James Moreis reidare at Lundeiff, his stipend xx ti. &c.

Blair, Andi-o Moncur reidare at Blair, his stipend, the haill vicarage to be

newlie providit to him, extending to xx ti.

c Kirkmic ii aell. Archibald Hering minister, his stipend j xiiij ti. ij s. with the kirkland

alias of thairof the haill vicarage of Cluny, &c.

Strathardill, Alexander Robertsoun reidar at Cluny, his stipend xx ti. without kirk-

Mwling, land, to be pait out of the third of the deanrie of Dunkeld.

Clvny, reidare at Strathardill, his stipend xvj ti. with the

kirkland, &c.

Gregour Dowgalsoun, alias McGregour, reidare at Muling, his stipend,

the haill vicarage of Muling, vacant as not rentaillit.

Megill, Johnn Halden reidare at Migill, his stipend xvj ti. with the kirkland, &c.

(Jommissionar Johne Erskyn Superintendent of Angus and Mernis, his stipend,

c of Angus & iiij lxvj ti. xiij s. ix d. to be payit as followis, &c.

Mernis, James Purdy, Yla Herauld, Collectour Depute within the boundis be-

tuix Dee and Forth, his fee ane hundreth pundis, &c. conforme to the

Kingis Majesteis letter direct theranent, &c. 78 ASSIGNATIONS OF MINISTERS


his c ti. Axstbudeb, Maister William Clerk minister, stipend j lx with the kirkland of Anstrnther, thairof his awin pensioun fuith of the priourie of Pit-

tenweym, lxxx ti. and uther lxxx ti. out of the tlirid of the ahbay of

Dryburgh, &c.

Maister Johne Forman reidar at Anstruder, his stipend xx ti. with the

kirkland, &c.

Kvlrvnnie, Johnne Anstruder reidare at Kylrynnie, his stipend xvj ti. with the

kirkland, &c.

Carnbee, Maister Thomas Wod minister, his stipend j c vj ti. xiij s. iiij d. &c.

Michaell Ramsay reidare at Carnebie, his stipend xx ti. &c

Kilconquhair, Maister Andro Moncreiff minister, his stipend Ixvj ti. xiij i. iiij d. &c.

Williame Bellenden reidare at Kilconquhair, his stipend the haill vicarage

newlie providit to him, extending to xliiij ti. xiijs. iiij d.

Scunye, Johnne Symsoun minister, his stipend, his awin pensioun out of the pri-

ourie of St Andiois, togidder with the haill vicarage, quhairunto he

is newlie providit, extending to x ti., payand the reidaris stipend.

David Rinyane reidare at Scunye, his stipend the haill third of the vi-

carage, with the kirkland, xiij ti. vj s. viiij d.

Dysart, George Scott minister, his stipend, the haill personage and vicarage of

Dysart, with the kirkland newlie disponit, extending to ij chalderis

xiiij bollis ij firlottis beir, &c.

Robert Adamsoun reidare at Dysart, his stipend xx ti. &c.

c KiNfiOHNF Mr Thomas Biggar minister, his stipend j lxxiij ti. vj s. viijd. with Eister, the manse and kirkland of Eister Kingorne, &c.

Robert Rait reidare at Kingorne Eister, his stipend xxti. &c.

Tokbii., reidare at Torrie, his stipend the haill thrid of the personage

and vicarage of Torrie, extending to xj ti. ij s. ij d. &c.

c AbikDOWIB, Peter Blaikwod minister, his stipend j xx ti. &c.

Johne Patersoun reidare at Aberdower, his stipend, the haill vicarage of

Aberdower, x ti. STIPENDS FOR THE YEAR 1576. 79

Baith, Alexander Stewin reidare at Baith, his stipend, the haill vicarage of

Dalgatie newlie disponit to him, extending to

c Kinross, Maister James Dowie minister, his stipend j xx ti. &c.

Maister Walter Balfowir reidar at Kinross, his stipend xliijti. iiijs. vd.&c.

Cleish, John Hendersoun reidare at Cleish, his stipend, the haill vicarage of

Cleish newlie providit to him, extending to xx ti.

c A uchterderayk, Mr George Boswell minister, his stipend j ti. &c.

Williame Stuidman reidare at Auchtirderay, his stipend xx ti. &c.

c Stramiolo, Alexander Muir minister, his stipend j vj ti. xiij s. iiij d.

Robert Scott reidare at Stramiglo, his stipend, the haill vicarage newlie

disponit to hi m, xxvj ti. xiij s. iiij d.

Kilgowir, David Cowper reidare at Kilgowir, his stipend, the haill vicarage of

Kilgowir, to be newlie providit to him.

Monvmeill, Maister Alexander Javden minister,his stipend jc lx ti. with the kirkland.

Mr Henrie Balfowir reidare at Monymeill, his stipend xx ti. with the

kirkland, to be payit as followis, &c.

Ebdie, William Glen reidare at Ebdie, his stipend xix ti. xv s. ix d. with the kirkland, &c.

Cowper, Maister Mitchell minister, c Adame his stipend j merkis, with the kirk- land, to be payit out of the thrid of the priourie of Sanctandrois.

David Frissell reidare at Cowper, his stipend xx ti. &c. Seres, c Maister William Layng minister, his stipend j xiiij ti. ij s. ijd. &c.

Robert Lyndesay reidare at Seres, his stipend xx ti. xv s. vj d. &c. Terbart. Tarbert neidis na reidare. Auchtirmunsie, William Greg reidare at Auchtermunsie, his stipend xvj ti. with the kirkland.

Lucheris, Johne Uir minister, c his stipend j ti.—to be payit be his awin pensionn

Forgound, furth of the priourie of Sanctandrois, given for ministratioun at thir tua kirkis.

Robert Allane reidare at Lucheris, his stipend, the thrid of the vicarage

of Leucharis, extending to xv ti. xj s. j d.

Mr Andro Bennet reidare at Forgound, his stipend, the haill vicarage

newlie disponit, extending to xx ti. with the kirkland. 80 ASSIGNATIONS OF MINISTERS


Litill Dunkeld, Maister William Glas minister, Lis stipend iij chalderis meill, j chal-

der beir, x ti. money, &c.

Duncane Maknair reidare at Litill Dunkeld, his stipend, the liaill fruittis

of the thesaurie of Dunkeld, quhilk is the vicarage of Litill Dunkeld,

Capeth and Dowallie.vacand ipsofacto, Mr Robert Abercromby vicare

therof being ane Jesuite beyond sey, extending yeirlie to xxx ti.

LogyraIT, Walter Robertsoun reidare at Logyrait, his stipend xvj ti. with the

kirkland thairof, &c.

Kilmavenok, Maister Thomas M'Gibboun minister, his stipend, the haill personage

c and vicarage of Monydie, j ti. &c.

Johnne Leslie reidare at Kilmavenok, his stipend xvj ti. with the

kirkland, &c.

Blair in Athole, Thomas Irving reidar at Blair, his stipend xvj ti. &c.

I.i Hi. George Makintosche reidare at Lude, his stipend xvj ti. with the kirk-

land, to be pay it out of the third of the persouage& vicarage of Lude.

Rannoch, Patrik Williamsoun reidare at Rannoch, xx merkis with the kirkland.

c Perth, Maister Johnne Row minister, his stipend ij ti. with the kirkland,

and ane chalder quhyit aittis, to be payit as followis, &c.

Thomas Swyntoun reidare at Perth, his stipend xx ti. &c.

Methven, Maister James Hering minister and provest, * his stipend, the third

of his provestrie for his service, togidder with the tua pairt, bt>- Seik the contramand caus it is a laick patronaige, haill c ti. vj i. of this warrand at extending in the to j xvij thismerk at the end viij d. x chalderis beir, xx chalderis meill, payand his reidaris at of this platt. Methven and Auldbar.

Na Reidare.

* Contramand of Mr James Heringis stipend.

Rex,—Collector Generallof the thirdis and superplussisof benefices within our realme : We greit you

weill ; Forsamekle as it is justlie notefeit and knawiu to us and our darredt Regent, that the thirdis of

the teyndis and fruittis of the Provestrie of Methven, amangis diverse thirdis of utheris benefices, wes STIPENDS FOR THE YEAR 1576. 81

c Mi'KKERSY, Johnne Row minister, his stipend j ii. &c.

George Thomsoun reidare .it iMukkersy, his stipend xx ti. &c.

Muthill, Maister Alexander Cheisholme minister, his stipend lxxx ti. with the

kirkland of Muthill, &c.

Andro Dougall reidare at Muthill, his stipend, xvj ti. &c.

Trinitie Gask, Alexander Gaw, minister, his stipend with the manse and

personis gleib of Findogask, &c.

William Ruthven reidare at Trinitiegask, his stipend, the liaill vicarage

thairof, newlie disponit with the manse and gleib, xvj ti. vj s. viij A.

c Stroqeith, Williame Drummound minister, his stipend j ti. with the manse and

four akeris of laud of the gleib of Creiff, &c.

Andro Drummound reidare at Strogeith, the haill vicarage, xx ti.

Tuliboll, Johne Edmonstoun minister, his stipend, lxxiijti. xvi. out of the third of

the abbay of Couper, be the taxmen or parochiners of Fossoquhy, &c.

Patrik Howburne reidare at Tuliboll, his stipend, xvj ti. with the

kirkland, &c.

c Culros, Johnne Dykis minister, his stipend j xxxiijti. vj s. viij d. with the

kirkland of Culros, &c.

Mr Robert Maxwell reidare at Culros, his stipend xx ti. &c.

Clakmannane, James Dalmahoy minister, his stipend lxxjli. &c.

Thomas Myll reidare at Clakmanan, his stipend xvj ti. with the kirkland.

assignit and assumit to us for sustentatioun of our hous, as the particular assignatioun maid thairof at

mair lenth beris : Nochttheles, ye sensyn haif gevin ane uther assignatioun thairof to Mr James Hering

provest and minister of Methwen, for his allegit stipend, in hurt and prejudice of our former assigna-

tioun ; And the twa pairt of the said benefices being of gretare yeirlie awaill and rent, nor sufficientlie

may sustene him in all necessaris, quha nevirtheles menis to obtein foither rycht of yow of our said

third part, without we and our darrest Regent provyd remeid therto ; Quhairfoir it is our will, and

We charge yow with advyse and consent of our darrest Regent, That ye desist and ceis fra all forder

granting and delivering the said Mr James Hering of ony assignatioun, dispositioun or uther rycht of

the thirdis of the said Frovestrie, in ony tymes aiming, nather of the yeir of God I m V c Ixxvj yeiris,

or utheris yeiris thaireftir, Sua that he haif na intromissioun therwith, bot that the same may be imbrocht

and applyit to our use, as said is, discharging you thairof and of your offices in that part : Subscrivit be

our said darrest Regent at Halyruidhouse, the penult day of Maij, the yeir of God I m V c lxxvij yeiris.

(Sic subscribitur,) James Regekt. L 82 ASSIGNATIONS OF MINISTERS

c xv ti. xviij s. Kilmadok, Alexander Fergy minister, his stipend j x d. &c.

Robert Fogo reidare at Kilmadok, his stipend xvj ti. with the kirkland. &c.

Kilhryid, Michael] Leirmonth minister, his stipend lxxxti. with the kirkland of

Kilbride, to be pait as followis, &c.

Maister John Sinclair reidare at Kilbryde, his stipend xx merkis, &c.

Dumblane, Robert Menteith minister, his stipend lxxx ti. &c.

Mr Duncane Neving reidare at Duiublane, his stipend xx ti. &c.


c Biggak, Waltir Halden minister, his stipend j xij ti. with the kirkland of

Biggar, to be pait as followis, &c.

Johnne Pettilloch reidare at Biggar, his stipend xx ti. &c.

Lamyngtoun, Johne Lyndsay reidare at Lammyngtoun and Hartsyde, his stipend

Hartsyid, xxij ti. iiij s. vd. &c.

Covingtocn, Robert Fischeare minister, his stipend liij ti. vj s. viij d. with the kirk-

land of thairof, the haill vicarage of Pettynane, &c.

Mr James Lindesay reidare at Covingtoun, xx merkis, with the kirkland.

c Dowglas, Johne Leverance elder minister, his stipend j ti. with the kirkland of Carmichaell,—payand the reidare at Carmichaell, &c. Thomas Carnebairnis reidare at Dowglas, his stipend xvj ti. with the

kirkland, to be pait out of the third of the personage of Dowglas.

Craufcrd Mr William Levingstoun minister, his stipend lij ti. x s. &c.

Douglas, reidare at Crawfurd Douglas alias Lindesav.

his stipend xx merkis, with tiie kirkland, &c.

Libertoun, Mr James Hamiltoun minister, his stipend xxviij ti. j chalder meill, &C.

George Mosman reidare at Libertonn, his stipend xvj ti. witli the

kirkland, to he pait out of the third of the personage of Quotbquen.

Welstocn, Thomas Lyndesay minister, his stipend lxvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. &c.

Robert Kinros reidare at Welstoun, his stipend xvj ti. &c.

Dolphingtoun, William Ilobesoun reidare at Doljihingtoun, his stipend xx merkis.

with the kirkland, &c. .


Forrest-Kirk, David Forrest reidare at Carlouk, his stipend xvj ti. with the kirk-

alias Carlouk, land, to be pait out of the third of the ahbay of Kelso, be the tax- men of Carlowk.

Strathhaven, Maister Alexander Hammiltoun minister, his stipend xlv ti. ij s. ij d.

with the kirkland, &c.

Johne Andersoun reidare at Strathaven, his stipend xxij ti. xiij i. iiij d.

c Hammiltoun, Maister Johnn Davidsoun minister, his stipend j xxxiij ti. vj s. viij i.

with the kirkland of Hammiltoun, &c.

Robert Raa reidare at Hammiltoun, his stipend xxij ti. iiij i. vd.

Lbnye, Niniane Drew reidare at Lenye, his stipend xvj ti. with the kirkland.

BoTHUILE, Mr Johne Hammiltoun minister, his stipend, the haillprovestrieof Both-

c uile newlie disponit, extending to ij xxij ti. payand the reidare of

the Schottis.

Mungo Baxtare reidare at Bothuile, his stipend, the haill vicarage pen-

sionarie thairof, vj ti. xiij s. iiij d.

Glasgw, Maister David Wemis minister, his stipend, ijcti.—to be pait be theper- sone of Glasgw,according to the contract maid betuix thame thairupoun

William Strutheris reidare at Glasgw, his stipend xx ti.—to be pait out of the thrid of the bischoprik of Glasgw.

Kilbride, Mr Johnn Colvile minister, his stipend, the haill chantorie of Glasgw,

and thrid of the pensioun furth of the same, and to pay his awin

c reidare at Kilbryde, extending to ij ti.

Mr Alexander Lindsay reidare at Kilbryde, his stipend xx ti to be

payit be the chantour of Glasgw newlie providit.

Eistwoue, Maister Thomas Jak minister, his stipend lxvj li. xiij s. iiij d. with the

kirkland of Eistwode, to be pait as followis, &c.

Thomas Knox reidare at Eistwod, his stipend xxvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. in

respect he wes ane exhorter of auld, &c.

c Paislav, Maister Androw Poluart minister, his stipend ij ti. v s. &c.

Alexander Wratouu reidare at Paislay, xx ti. &c.

Neilstoun, Robert Arthoure reidare at Neilstoun, his stipend xvj ti. &c.

c Rainfrew, Maister Androu Hay minister, his stipend ij ti. &c.

William Jakson reidar at Rainfrew, his stipend xx ti. but kirkland, &c. Kilmacolme, James Craw minister, his stipend lxxxti. &c.

Robert Maxwell reidare at Kilmacolme, his stipend xvj ti. &c 84 ASSIGNATIONS OF MINISTERS

LocnguHiNYEOCH, Niniaue Sempill reidare at Lochquhinyeoch, his stipend xvj ti. with

the kirkland, to he pait out of the thrid of the abbay of Paislay.

KlLBAROHAN, Robert Cwik minister, his stipend xxxiij ti. vj i. viij d. with the gleib and manse of Howstoun, &c.

reidare at Kilharchan, his stipend, the haill viearage

of Kilbarchan vacand, xxvj ti. xiij s. iiij d.

Erskyn, James Hill minister, his stipend, the twa part of the personage of Erskin.

quhairunto he is newlie providit, extending tolxxxviij ti. xvij i. ix d.

Robert Sempill reidare at Erskyn, his stipend, the thrid of his awin

vicarage, xiij ti. vj s. viij d.

c Dumbartane, Eduart Cusak minister, his stipend j iiij ti. with the kirkland, to he

payit as followis, viz. out of the personage of Cardross, xij ti. iiij s.

v d. and out of the thrid of Dunibartane be the parochineris of Blll-

lull, xxvij ti. vj s. viij d. &c.

Robert Flettisberry reidare at Dumbartane, his stipend xx ti. to be

payit out of the thrid of the abbay of Kilwynnyng, be the taxmen or

parochineris of Dumbartane.

RosNETH, Malcohne Stewinson minister, his stipend xl ti. with the kirkland of

Bullull, &c.

Niniane Gait reidare at Rosneth, his stipend xvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. with

the kirkland.

CaMPSY, John Stoddert minister, his stipend lxvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. with the kirk-

land of Campsy, &c.

John Allansoun reidare at Campsy, his stipend xxij ti. iiij s. v d. &c.

KlLPATRIK, Johnn Anderson minister, his stipend lxvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. with the kirkland of Kirkpatrick, &c.

William Hammiltoun reidare at Kirkpatrik, his stipend, the haill vica-

rage therof newlie disponit, Iiij ti. vj s. viij d.

( OHMISSIONEB, To Maister Andro Hay Commissioner of Lanark, Rainfrow, and Dum-

bartane, for his travellis and labouris in the said office, the sowrae of

c j xxxiij ti. ij s. viij d. &c

RjEOENTIS HocSB, Maister David Cuninghame minister of the Regentis House, his pen-

c sioun iij ti. —thairof out of the thrid of the subdeiuie of Glasg«.

ane chalder audit bollis heir, &c. &c. STIPENDS FOR THE YEAR 1576. 85


c ti. Largis, Alexander Callendar minister, his stipend j xxxiij vj s. viij d. with the kirkland of Kilbryde, &c.

David Neill reidareat Largis, his stipend xvj ti. with the kirkland, &c.

c KlLUYNNYNG, William Kilpatrik minister, his stipend j ti. with the kirkland of Kilwynnyng, &c.

reidare at Kilwynyng, his stipend xx ti. but kirkland.

Baith, Thomas Boyd reidare at Baith, his stipend xxvii. with the kirkland,

to be payit out of the third of Kilwynning, and for payment thairof

j chalder iiij bollis meill.

c minister, his stipend Stevinstoun, Mr Archibald Craufurd j ti. &c.

Alexander Michell reidare at Stevinstoun, his stipend xx ti. without


c Lowdoux, Maister Robert Wilkie minister, his stipend j xxxiij ti. vj s. viij d. &c.

James Hall reidare at Lowdoun, his stipend xvj ti. with the kirkland,

to be payit out of the thrid of Kilwynnyng, &c.

Cragv, David Wallace reidare at Cragy, his stipend xvj ti. with the kirkland.

KlLMAWERIS, Gawin Nasmyth minister, his stipend j c merkis, &c.

Alexander Henrysoun reidare at Kilmaweris, his stipend, the haill

vicarage newlie disponit to him, xxx ti.

c Afflek, Mr John n Inglis minister, his stipend j xx ti. with the kirkland of Uchiltre, &c.

Johnn Gemmill reidare at Afflek, his stipend xvj ti. with the kirkland.

c Irving, Maister Johnn Young minister, his stipend j xl ti. with the kirkland

of Irving, to be pait as followis, &c.

Thomas Androw reidare at Irving, 8c vicare thairof, his stipend xxti. &c.

Kirk of Mure, James Campbell reidare at the Kirk of Mure, his stipend xx ti. to be

pait out of the third of Melrose.

minister, his stipend ti. Dalmelingtoun , lx to be payit as followis, viz.

the third of the kirk of Quyltoun, xxvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. &c.

David Cathcart reidare at Dalmelingtoun, his stipend, his awin vicarage

of Dalmelingtoun, with the manse and gleib, extending to xxxij ti. 86 ASSIGNATIONS OF MINISTERS

c Am, James Dalrnmpill minister, his stipend j 1 ti. iiij 5. v d. &c. The said

minister payand his awin reidare at Alloway.

Williame Campbell reidare at Air, his stipend, the haill vicarage vacand

be dimissioon of James Dalrnmpill, extending to xiij ti. vj s. viij d.

c David minister, his ti. Dundonald, Maister Myln stipend j with the kirkland ot Dundonald, to be pait as followis, &c.

Corsbie, David Hall reidare at Dundonald and Corsbie, his stipend xxiiij ti.

with the kirkland of Corsbie, gif ony be to be payit, &c.

c vj Terboltoun, Maister Johnn Nesbit minister, his stipend j xxxiij ti. s. viij d. with the kirkland of Terboltoun, &c.

David Curll reidare at Terboltoun, his stipend xxli. but kirkland, 8te.

c Stratoun, Johne M'Corue minister, his stipend j xxxiij ti. xvij s. ix d. with the

kirkland therof,—thairof out of the third of Northberwick, fcc.

xxxvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. &c.

Johnn Andersoun reidare at Stratoun, his stipend the haill third of the

vicarage of Stratoun, extending to xixti. xiij i. iiij d. &c.

Innertig, Alexander Kennadie reidare at Innertig, his stipeud the vicarage

vacand be translatioun of John Cunyinghame, quha wes newlie

providit tbairto, and now is placit minister of Dalie, extending to

xxvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. with the kirkland.


Sprowstoun, Robert Young reidare at Sprowstoun, his stipend xvj ti. with the

kirkland, to he pait as followis, &c.

Maxwell, reidare at Maxwell, his stipend xvj ti. with the kirk-

land, to he pait out of the thrid of Kelso, be the taxmen or paro-

cbiners of Maxwell.

reidare at Lempetlaw, his xvj ti witli Le.mpetlau , stipend the

kirkland, to be pait out of the thrid of the Trinitie Colledge, be tbc

taxmen or parochineris of Lempetlaw. STIPENDS FOR THE YEAR 1576. 87

Hownum, Jobnn Davidsoun reidare at Hownum, his stipend xvj li. with the

kirkland, &c.

Ecfurde, Johnn Clerk reidare at Ecfurde, his stipend, the haill vicarage of Ec-

furde newlie disponit to him.

Bedrowll, minister, his stipend, the haill personage of Abbot-

roull, vacand, xxxiijli. vj s. viij d.

Abbotis Rowll. Johnne Turnbull reidare at Bedrowll, his stipend, the haill personage

and vicarage thairof vacand, extending to xxli.

Mertoun, Maister Robert Ker minister, his stipend lxvj li. xiij s. iiij d. &c.

Robert Myln reidare at Mertoun, his stipend xvj li. with the kirkland,

to be pait out of the third of Dryburgh, and for payment thairof

xij bollis beir Lowthiane mett, &c.

Maxtoun, William Anyslie reidare at Maxtoun, his stipend xvj ii. with the kirk-

land, &c.

Lessuddane, Johnne Turnbull reidare at Lessuden, his stipend, the haill vicarage, &c.

Oxnem, James Anyslie reidare at Oxnem, his stipend xvj li. with the kirkland,

to be pait as folio wis, viz. the third of the vicarage of Oxnem, 1 s.&c.

Nesbit, Maister Henrie Levingstoun reidar at Neisbet and Craling, his stipend

Craling, xx li. to be pait out of the third of the abbay of Jedburgh.

Mynto, Eduard Diksoun reidar per se, his stipend, the haill personage vacand

for non residence of Mr William M'Gowan providit of new.

c Hawik, Mr Williame Achmowtie minister, his stipend j liij li. vj s. viij d. with the kirkland of Hawik, &c.

Henrie Scott reidar at Hawik, his stipend x li. viij s. x d. &c.

Kirktoun, reidar at Kirktoun, his stipend, the haill personage

and vicarage thairof, to be newlie disponit to him, extending to xiij li.

vj s. viij d. be ressoun Mr George Douglas makis na residence.

Wiltoun, Johnne Langlandis reidare at Wiltoun, his stipend xx merkis, with the kirkland, &c.

Hassenden, Thomas Newbye reidare at Hassenden, his stipend, the haill vicarage

vacand be dimissioun of Maister Thomas Westoun, xx li.

Caveris, Patrik Dunbar reidare at Caveris, his stipend xvj li. &c.

Langnewtoun, James Johnestoun reidare at Langnewtoun, his stipend xvj li. with

the kirklaud, and for payment thairof xvj bollis meill, Lowthiane met, out of the third of Jedburgh, &c. ASSIGNATIONS OF MINISTERS

AsKIRK, minister, his stipend to be pait as followig, viz. the liaill

c personage of Askirk to be newlie providit, extending to j xx ti.

payand out tliairof the reidaris stipend under writtin.

James Scott reidare at Askirk, his stipend xxti. &e. New Kirk of Ettrik, New Kirk of Ettrik and Rankilburn neidis na reidars. Rankilbi'rn,

Skraling, .lohnne Purdy reidare at Skraling, his stipend, the haill tlirid of the

personage and vicarage of Skraling, extending to vj ti. xiij s. iiij d.


Closberne, Mr James Ramsay minister, his stipend lxxv ti. ij s. v d. to be payit

as followis, viz. out of the third of the personage of Kirkmado.

iiij ti. viij s. x d. &c.

John Thomsoun reidare at Closberne, his stipend xx ti. with the

kirkland, to be payit out of the third of Keso, be the taxmen or

parochiners of Clossberne, at the optioun of the reidare.

Dalgarno, James Williamsoun reidar at Dalgarno, his stipend xvj ti. with the

kirkland, &c.

c Dri'mfheis, Mr Peter Watsoun minister, his stipend ij ti. with the kirkland of Drumfreis, &c.

John Sinclair reidar at Drumfreis, his stipend xl merkis, &c.

c Glencarne, Maister James Betoun minister, his stipend j xx ti. viz. out of the third

of Glencarne, 1 ti., and out of the thrid of Melrose be the taxmen or

parochineris of Dunscoir xl ti., and of the thrid of Ilaly wod xxx ti.

Hercules Stewart reidare at Glencarn, his stipend xx ti. with the kirk-

land, to be payit out of the commoun kirk of Glencarne, be the

taxmen or parochineris tliairof. STIPENDS FOR THE YEAR 1576. 89


Lochrutoun, Mr Archibald Sinclair minister, his stipend j e xxii. to be payit as fol-

lowis, viz. his awin benefice of Suddik, quhilk is the chancellarie of

the Chapell Ryall by the kirk of Kingairth in Bute, &c.

Johnn Litill reidar at Lochrutoun, his stipend xx ti. with the kirkland,

to be payit as followis, &c.

Kirblpatrik- Johnne Broun minister, his stipend lx ti., to be payit as followis, &c.

Irngray, Michaell Wichtman reidar at Kirkpatrik-Imgray, his stipend xx ti.

with the kirkland, &c.

Toungland, William Scharpro minister, his stipend lx li. &c.

Eduard Hering reidare at Toungland, his stipend xx merkis, &c.

Wiqtoun, Johnne Young minister, his stipend Ixxxti. &c.

James Falconar reidar at Wigtoun, his stipend xvj ti. iiij i. v d. with

the kirkland.

Claschant, Michaell Hawthorn minister, his stipend liiij ti. vj i. viij d. &c.

James Law reidar at Clashant, his stipend xx merkis, with the kirk-

land, &c.

Kirkmadin Johne Quheit reidar at Kirkmadyn in Rynnis, his stipend xx merkis.

in Rynnis, with the kirkland, &c.


Lochelsche, Alexander Fraser, alias Moir, his stipend, the haill commoun kirk of

Lochcarroun, Lochelsche, baith personage and vicarage newlie disponit to him.

Lochbrcne, Donald Farquharson,his stipend, the haill commoun kirk of Lochbrune,

xliiij ti. xiij s. iiij d. &c.

Apilcroce, Marquhou Johnestoun, his stipend, the haill commoun kirk ofApilcroce,

xij ti. and the thrid of his awin chaiplanerie of Apilcroce, vti. viij d.


Kintaill, Jolinne Murchosoun, his stipend, the baill commoun kirk of Kintaill.

baith personage and vicarage, extending to xviijti.

Tayn, Finlaw Manson minister, his stipend lxvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. with the

gleib and kirkland of Nig, &c.

William Fraser reidare at Tayn, his stipend xvj ti. with the kirkland

of Tayn, &c.

Eddirtayk, Donald Symsoun reidare at Eddertayn, his stipend xx merkis, with

the kirkland thairof, &c.

Nig, reidare at Nig, his stipend, the baill vicarage to be

disponit be dimissioun of Finlaw Mansoun, vj ti. xiij s. iiij d.

Tarbert, Gawin Dunbarc reidare at Tarbert, bis stipend xx merkis, with the

kirkland of Tarbert, to be payit out of the thrid of the bischoprick

of Ross, be the taxmen or parochineris of Tarbert, and for payment

thairof xiij bollis beir, &c.

c Roskexe, V.'iliiarue Ross Thomassone minister, his stipend j vti. xv s. ij d. &c.

Hucheoun Ross reidare at Roskene, his stipend xxti.—to be pait be the persoun.

Urquhart, Robert Monro minister, his stipend lxxij ti. iiij s. v d. with the kirkland

of Urquhart, &c.

Logy Wester, David Monro reidare at Urquhart and Logy Wester, his stipend xx ti.

to be pait out of the third of the thesaurarie of Ross, be the taxmen

or parochinaris of Logy Wester.

c DlNGWELL, Donald Adamsoun minister, his stipend j ij ti. xiij s. iiij d. with the

gleib and kirkland of Urray newlie providit to him, &c.

Robert Philp reidare at Dingwell, his stipend, the haill vicarage of

Dingwell vacant, xti.

Killernane, Robert Grahame minister, the tua pairt of his archidenrie of Ro>s,

newlie disponit to him, extending to viij chalderis beir, viij ti. &c.

Mr Alexander M'Kenzie reidare at Killernane, his stipend xvj ti. to

be pait out of the third of the said archidenry.

SUJDDIE, Maister George Monro minister, his stipend, the tua pairt of the

chancellarie of Ross newlie disponit to him, extending to j c xv ti. xjs.jd.

Alexander Reid reidar at Suddy, his stipend xx merkis, with the kirk-

land, to be payit bo the new providit chancellar of Ross, &c. —


AWAUCH, Andro Miln minister, his stipend Ixvj ti. xiij i. iiij d. with the kirkland

of Awach, thairof the haill vicarage of Awauch newlie disponit to

him, viij ti. vj s. viij d. and the remanent to he payit out of the

thriddis of the ahbay of Kinlos, &c.

George Thomsoun reidare at Awauch, his stipend xx ti. &c.

Chanonrie & Alexander Bischop of Ross minister, his leving, the twa part of his rosmarknv, bischoprik.

Vyilliame Hay reidare at Chanonrie and Rosemarkny, his stipend xx ti.

with the vioaris manse of Rosemarkny, and kirkland, &c.

Cromartie, Maister Johnne Robertsoun minister, his stipend fourty pundis, thair-

of the rest of the thrid of his awin thesaurarie of Ross, not assignit

to the ministers and reidars serving at the kirkis thairof, &c.

James Burnet reidare at Cromartie, his stipend xx merkis, with the

kirkland thairof, &c.

James Nicolsoun Clerk of the Collectorie, his fee, twa hundreth

pundis, with tua chalderis victuall ; and for payment of the saidis

c c ij ti. xij chalderis viij bollis beir at xx s. the boll, indeij ti.;

And the saidis tua chalderis extending in the haill to xiiij chalderis

viij bollis beir, to be halely pait out of the bischoprik of Ross, be

the bischop, chalmerlanis, takkismen, and parochineris of Nyg and

Tarbert, quhair he sail cheise, conforme to the Kingis Majesties

letter direct to that effect, &c.

Patrik Davidsoun, Ross Herrald, ressavare witliin the boundis be-

tuix Dee and Dungusbie, his fie, ane hundreth pundis ; and for pay-

ment thairof, sex chalderis iiij bollis beir, viz. out of the thrid of the

abbay of Feme iij chalderis xij bollis beir, &c. Thomas Lyndesay, Snawdoun Herrald, ressavare within the boundis

c of Lowthiane, Merse and Teviotdaill, his fie j ti. ; and for payment

thairof vj chalderis iiij bollis, at xvj ti. the chalder, to be payit out

of the superplus of the abbay of Feme, &c. 92 ASSIGNATIONS OF MINISTERS


J) IN NET. Mr Johnnc Dunnet minister, his stipend lxj ti. ij s. with the personis glehe and kirkland, &c.

Thomas Dunnet reidare at Dunnet, his stipend xvj ti. viij s. x d. with

the vicaris glebe and manse, &c.

Halkirk, Mr Thomas Bradie minister, his stipend lxiiij ti. viij s. &c.

Skenand, Johnn Scott reidare at Skenand, his stipend xiij ti. vj s. viij d. with

the kirkland, &c.

Weik, Maister Tliomas Keir minister, his stipend lxxxvj ti. xiij s. &c.

Alexander Mernis reidare at Weik, his stipend, the hail] vicarage of

AVeik, vacar.d, xl ti.

Dornoch. Williame Gray youngar minister, his stipend lxvj ti. xiij s. iiij d. &c.

Williame Aw reidare at Dornoch, his stipend xx ti. &c.


c Kirkwall, Mr Gilbert Fowlsy minister, j xxxiij ti. vj s. viij d. to be payit as fol-

lowis, viz. the third of his awin prebendarie of St Johnne in the

cathederall kirk of Orknay, xiij ti. vj s. viij d., &c.

Johune Stewart reidare at Kirkwall, his stipend xxiiij ti. with the

Curatis chaliner and sellare of the new wark of Kirkwall, &c.

c Papa Westray, Mr Jiimes Annand minister, his stipend j xxxiij ti. vj i. viij d. &c. to

Ladykirk in be payit as followis,'viz. the thrid of the personage of Crocekirk of

VVestray, Sandy xiij ti. vj s. viij d. &c.

Croce Kirk, Laurence Young reidare at the kirkis of Westray, his stipend, the

Marie Kirk, haill vicarage pensionarie vacand, &c. with the manse and gleib,

Crocekirk in &c.

Sanday, Andro Stevin reidare at the kirkis of Sanday and Northrannaldsay,

St Colmis Kirk, his stipend, the haill vicarage pensionarie vacand, with the manse

Northrannaldsay, and gleib, &c- STIPENDS FOR THE YEAR 1576. 93

Peterkirk, in Maister Alexander Dik minister and provest of Orknay, his stipend,

Southrannaldsay, the haill thrid of the provestrie, xxxiij ti. vj s. viij d. et eque.

Bi'rweik thair, Eduard Ingsetter reidar at the saidis kirkis, his stipend the haill vica-

Swownay, rage pensionarie, vacand, with the manse and glebe thairof, and

Burray, half last coist furth of the bischoprik, be the tennentis of South-

rannaldsay, quhair he sail cheise, the said vicarage extending to vj ti.

xiij s. iiij d. money, and audit bollis victuall.

St Coljiis Kirk, Johnne Giftert minister, his stipend xx ti. and for payment thairof,

Croce Kirk, the haill thrid of his awin vicarage of Northmawing, xx ti. eque, and

Olaberry, in to uphald ane reidare, and to have thairfoir ane barrell butter furth

Nortbmavin, of the biscbopis bothis of the said parochine.

Dunrosnes, Malcolm Sinclair, his stipend, the haill vicarage of Dunrosnes, quhair-

Sandwik, unto he is newlie providit, extending to Ixxx ti. he payand the

Ccnisburgh, reidare at thir kirkis.

Croce Kirk, Laurence Sinclair reidare at thir kirkis, his stipend xx ti. to be pait

Fair Ile, be the new providit vicar.

Commissionare To Maister James Annand for his office of Commissionarie within the

c of Orknay, pairtis of Orknay j ti. ; the payment tbairof to be maid be Patrik

Ballinden of Stanehous, furth of his few maillis of Ewy, Stanehous,

Enhallow and Birstane, viz. for the thrid of the silver of the

bishoprik of Orknay, lxxxiij ti. xiiij s. ij d. and the rest, viz.

xvj ti. v s. xd to be allowit to him in payment of his maillis of the

teind schaues of Kingis landis, Kirklandis and Outhy landis of Evy and Stanehous, &c.

Commissionare To Maister Gilbert Fowlsy for his office of Commissionarie of Zet- c of Zetland, land, j ti. ; for payment thairof, the thrid of St Magnus prebendarie,

viij ti. xvij s. ixd., the thrid of St Ninianis stouke, iij ti. vj s. viij d.,

the thrid of the Croce stouke of Dunrosnes, vj ti. xiij i. iiij d. and furth of the biscbopis umbothis of Zetland the rest ; and for payment

therof vj barrellis. 94 ASSIGNATIONS OF MINISTERS


c Internes, Mr Thomas Howesoun minister, his stipend j ii. with the kirkland

thairof, the haill vicarage of Invernes newlie disponit to him, &c.

John Blindscheill reidar at Invernes, his stipend xx ti., to he payit be

the toun of Invernes of the reddiest of thair annuelrentis, chaplan-

eries and freir landis, disponit for releif of the puir and inesterie.

Wakdlaw, Donald Dow minister, his stipend xl ii. &c.

David Cuthbert reidar at Wardlaw, his stipend xx merkis, with the

kirkland of Wardlaw, &c.

Kilmorak, reidar at Kilniorak, his stipend xx merkis with the

kirkland, to be payit out of the thrid of the chantorie of Ross, &c.

Kintallartie, Johnne Wrickt reidare at Kintallartie,his stipend, the haill vicarage, &c CoNVETH, Mr John Frascr minister, his stipend, the haill tua pairt of the priourie

of Bewlie newlie providit to him.

reidar at Convetli, his stipend xx merkis with the

kirkland, to be payit out of the thrid of the priorie of Bewlie, &c.

Cummer, reidar at Cummer, his stipend xx merkis, with the

kirkland, &c.

Fernway, Andro Makfaill minister, his stipend the haill commoun kirk of

Fernway, extending to xj ti. vj s. viij d.

Abibtabf, James Duff minister, his stipend lxxx li. with the kirkland of Boles-

kein, quhairof he is persone, &c.

Boleskin, David Brabner reidar at Abirtarff and Boleskeyne, his stipend xviij li.

xvj 5. ix d., &c.

Tallaracie, John Dow reidar at Tallaracy and Moy, his stipend xx li. to be payit Moy, out of the thrid of the bishoprick of Murray, &c.

c Braaven, Allane M Yntoshe minister, liis stipend lx ti. with the kirkland, &c.

Hutcheoun Ros reidare at Braaven. STIPENDS FOR THE YEAR 1576. 95

c Aulderne, Nicholl Howesoun minister, his stipend j ti. with the kirkland of Aulderne, &c.

Narne, Mr Walter Ros reidar at Name and Aulderne, his stipend xxxv ti.

vij s. xj d. &c.

Birneth, James Johnestoun minister, his stipend xlviij ti. &c.

Anthonie Stronach reidare at Birneth, his stipend xxti. to be payit

out of the silver of Kiidoss, be the abbot or his chalmerlanis, &c.

Skeiralloway, John Glas minister, his stipend xl ti. to be payit as followis, &c.

Kingusie, reidar at Skeiralloway and Kingusie, his stipend xx ti. &c.

Rothomurcus, Andro Oistlair reidar at Rothoimircus, his stipend xx merkis, with

the kirkland, &c.

Lagane, Johne Dow M'Conquhie minister, his stipend, thehaillcommoun kirk

of Lagane, newlie disponit, xxvj ti. xiii s. iiij d.

Inneralloun, William Hay minister, his stipend xliiij ti. &c.

Alexander Reid reidare at Inneralloun, his stipend xx merkis, with

the kirkland, &c.

Kincardin, Williame Simson reidare at Kincardin & Duthell, his stipend xvj ti.

Duthell, thairof the thrid of the personage and vicarage of Duthell, xvj ti.

&c. Kirkmichaell, Mr Alexander Gordoun minister, his stipend, the haill chancellarie of

c Murray newlie disponit to him, j Ix ti., payand the reidaris at his

awin five kirkis.

reidare at Kirkmichaell, his stipend xx merkis,

with the kirkland, &c.

Innerawin, Johne Porter reidar at Innerawin, his stipend xx merkis, with the

kirkland, to be payit be the chancellarie of Murray, &c.

Knokcando, Alexander Sandesone reidare at Knokcando, his stipend xx merkis,

with the kirkland, &c.

Advy, Mr Thomas Austiane minister, his stipend the haill personage and

vicarage of Advy and Cromdaill, to be newlie disponit to him, ex-

tending to xxvj ti. xiij s. iiij d.

Cromdaill, Duncan M'Phaill reidare at Advy and Cromdaill, his stipend to be

payit be the new providit persoun.

c Keith, Mr Alexander Leslie minister, his stipend j ti. &c.

Botarie, John Leslie reidare at Botarie, his stipend xvj ti. &c. 96 ASSIGNATIONS OF MINISTERS

Elchis, William Hay reidare at Elchis, his stipend xvj li. with the kirkland, &c.

C,l\-. Patrik Mitchell reidare at Glas, his stipend, the haill tlirid of the per-

sonage and vicarage of Glas, extending to xv li. vj s. viij d.

Ardixtillie. Williame Peterkin minister, his stipend liij li. vj s. viij d. &c.

George Collie reidare at Ardintullie, his stipend xx merkis, &c.

Duppill, reidare at Duppill, his stipend xiij li. vj s. viij d. with

the kirkland, to he payit as followis, viz. to be payit out of the

thrid of the personage of Duppill and Ruthven, be the taxmen and

parochineris of Duppill, as the reidare sail cheise.

Gartlie, Mr George Nicolsoun minister, his stipend liij li. vjs. viij d. &c.

Dhlmdelgv, George Gordoun reidare at Drumdelgy, bis stipend xx merkis, with

the kirkland, &e.

Essie. Walter Leslie reidare at Essie, his stipend the haill thrid of the per-

sonage and vicarage of Essie, extending to vj ti. xiij s. iiij d.

Rysy, James Uruell reidare at Ryny, his stipend xiij li. vj s. viij d. with tin

kirkland, &c.

Abirchirdoitr, George Douglas reidare at Abircbirdour, bis stipend, the haill vicarage

newlie disponit to him, extending to xl li.

c Kvnnoir, Robert Keith minister, his stipend j li., for payment thairof the haill

personage and vicarage of Kynnoir and Dumbennen newlie disponit

to him.

Dumbennen, William Spens reidare at Kynnoir and Dumbennen, the haill vicarage

thairof, newlie disponit to him, xx li. togidder with the thrid of the

vicarage of Gartlie, viij li. xvij s. ix d.

Ki'THVEN, Williame Elmeslie reidare at Ruthven, his stipend xx merkis, with

the kirkland, to be payit as followis, viz. the thrid of the vicarage

of Ruthven viij li. and the rest extending to v li. xiij 5. iiij d. to be

payit be the persoun of Dippill and Ruthven, out of the thrid thairof, &c. STIPENDS FOR THE YEAR 1576. 97


c Murthlak, Maister George Lesly minister, his stipend j lixti. vj s. viij A. with

the kirkland of Murthlak, payand the reidare at Murthlak, &c.

Dunmeith, William Abircrunibie exhortare, his stipend, the haill personage and

vicarage of Dumneith, extending yeirlie to xx ti.

c Rathven, Maister George Hay minister, his stipend ij ti. &c.

Thomas Hay reidare at Rathven, his stipend xx ti. &c.

Forsken, Forsken neidis na Reidare.

DoNDURCUS, Maister Johnne Knox reidare at Dundurcus, his stipend, the haill vicar-

age, with the kirkland newlie disponit to him, throw non residence of

Maister Patrik Balfour last vicare thairof, extending yeirlie to x ti.

Bellie, Robert Grant reidare at Belly, his stipend xvj ti. with the kirkland,

to be pait out of the thrid of the priorie of Pluscardin, &c.

Ordequhiul, Thomas Ord reidare at Ordequhill, his stipend xx merkis, to be payit be the persoun of Fordyce.

Deir, Gilbert Chisholme minister, his stipend Ixxx ti. to be pait out of the thrid of the abbay of Deir, &c.

Maister Duncane Hendirsoun reidare at Deir, xx ti. &c.

Fettir angus, reidare at Fettirangus, xx merkis with the kirkland, &c.

Kinkell, James Currye reidare at Kinkell, his stipend xvj ti. with the kirkland.

Loquheill, reidare at Loquheill, his stipend xvj ti. with the kirkland.

c Birse, James Reid minister, his stipend j xxxix ti. xj s. j d. with the kirk- land of Banquhorie Ternan, &c.

Alexander Eustache reidare at Birse, his stipend xvj ti. with the kirkland, &c.

Straquhin, Johnne Irwein reidare at Straquhin, his stipend xvj ti. with the kirk- land, &c.

BanquHORY- Andro Burnet reidare at Banquhorie Ternan, his stipend xvj ii. to Ternite, be pait out of the thrid of Abirbrothok, &c.