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SJFD Annual Report 2016 Page 1 St. James Fire Department Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2016 A NNUAL R EPORT A MESSAGE TO O UR MEMBERS Inside this issue: Department control maintenance A MESSAGE TO OUR MEMBERS expenses. Chief’s Report & 2 Current Members This was another great year for The developer is proposing a Assistant Chief’s the St. James Fire Department. donation of land that could be 3 Report The following reports by Chief used as a site for an additional fire Dahill and his officers’ will high- station. The station would house EMS & Fire an ambulance and a pumper. A Operations 4 light the Department’s accom- plishments. study to determine the feasibility Financial Report 5-6 Your Board has ten members, of constructing this station is presently on going. Current Board of all of whom are voting members. Your Board and Department Directors & 7 Seven are elected by you, the Annual Meeting members. The Town and the are determined to stay ahead of POA each appoint a member. the curve as our town and fire dis- Board of Directors 8-9 The chief of the Department, trict continue to grow. Candidates who is appointed by the Board Contact Information 10 annually, is also a voting mem- John Young & Pictures ber. The elected members serve Board President three year terms. The Board pro- St. James Fire Department, Inc. Mission Statement vides the necessary resources to the Department so that it can The St. James Fire Department, Inc., is a meet its objective, that is, to pro- non-profit, tax exempt tect and serve you. volunteer organization established to provide fire Volunteers who coordinate prevention and protection, and participate in ground cover as well as Emergency Medical Services to and phone book sales provide a residents of the Town of significant amount of the funds St. James and the St. to the Department. The Town of James Rural Fire District, as defined by North St. James has been and will con- Carolina and Brunswick tinue to be the major source of County officials. Further, we have a mutual aid revenue for the Department. The agreement with all other cooperation the Department re- Brunswick County fire ceives from the Town is out- departments, which defines mutual support for standing. A dedicated group of fire incidents. volunteers who maintain the building and grounds help the SJFD Annual Report 2016 Page 2 CHIEF’ S REPORT It is with much pride that I state that the St. James Fire Depart- continue as an “all volunteer” department. In order to ment is completing its 17th year of service to the Town of St. maintain an “all volunteer” status, we do need residents of James and the surrounding communities. Since its inception in our fire district to consider joining the department so that 1999, we have developed a highly trained, experienced cadre of we can continue to deliver emergency services. If you are “all volunteer” Firefighting, EMS and Fire Police personnel. We interested in finding out about how you can serve, please continue to serve The Town of St. James, the Arbor Creek com- contact us at 253-9990. Prior experience in emergency munity and commercial and residential areas on Southport - services is not a pre-requisite; we will train you. Supply Road and Midway Road. We receive and provide mutual In recent years we have seen a dramatic increase in our aid to our neighboring emergency services departments includ- population and it appears it will be continuing in the fu- ing Oak Island, Yaupon Beach, Southport, Sunset Harbor and ture. For that reason we will be looking to to what our Bolivia. We also partner with Brunswick County paramedics for Department must do in order to keep up with this growth. medical emergencies. We must be proactive to meet our future needs. Our 5 During the past year we were given a “ratings” inspection by year plan will reflect what we think is needed in the up- the NC Office of thr State Fire Marshal. We were last inspected coming years. about 15 years ago. I am proud to say we improved our rating, In closing, I extend an invitation for you to visit the going from a 5 to a 3 (lower is better). This rating is no accident, firehouse to see our equipment and facilities and meet but is due to the hard work of all the membership. your volunteers. I would be very happy to answer any The inspector, who spent an entire day examining records, questions you may have and always look forward to chil- commented that our town and citizens should be proud of the dren visiting us to see the “Big Red Trucks.” service provided by our volunteers. I am very grateful to have 80 dedicated firefighters, EMT’s Feel free to call us at and Fire police who provide their services 24 hours a day, every 253-9990 to arrange a day of the year. tour. This past year we have responded to over 504 medical emer- gencies and 200 fire related emergencies. Fire police responded to all emergencies within the plantation and Arbor Creek and John Dahill provided traffic control for many events. Chief, I am extremely proud that we have never failed to respond to St. James a call and I do not expect that to change. Our call volume has Fire Department increased approximately 20% with our membership numbers staying about the same during the year. We have experienced several retirements that have been offset by new members and CURRENT VOLUNTEER MEMBERSHIP Asst. Chief John Allison, FF/RT Asst. Chief Harry Einbinder, Bruce Kupper, FR Tom Pelton, FF Bob Andrews, FF EMT David Lanzi, FR Lawrence Phelps, EMT Morris Beavers, FP Maggie Finnerin, EMT David Laughton, FR Don Poczik, FP Tom Bednarczyk, FF Capt. Jack Foggo, FF/RT Jim Lesher, MR Lt. Dawn Quabeck, EMT Lt. Bill Bell, EMT George Freeman, FP David Lippincott, FP Vince Rocco, FF Scott Boyer, FF Tim Gedemer, FP Mike Lopez, FF James Rutledge, FF Vincent Cala, FP Barbara Gregory, EMT William McKenzie, FP Jim Sconyers, FF/RT Jim Carey, FF/PIO John Gregory, FF Thomas Milner, FR Eric Stettner, FF Debra Chiarllo, FR Lt. Bob Hardison, FF/RT Steve Montee, FP Larry Strayer, EMT Woodie Clookie, FF Dick Hart, FP Jay Murray, EMT Richard Strukel, FF Anthony Coviello FF Capt. Carol Hazelton, EMT Lt. Bob Nelson, FF James Taylor, FR Lt. Jim Crum, FP Joe Hertz, FP Chris Nicholas, FR Ed Thompson, FF Chief John Dahill, FF Bob Hilinski, FF Bonnie, O’Brien, EMT Buzz Thornton, FF Kirk Davis, FF Tom Hlavac, FF George O’Brien, EMT Nat Tolar, FP Lt. Karen Deegan, EMT Don Howard, FP Lt. Joe O’Brien, FP David Trogdon, EMT-P Harry DeHaven, FP Paul Huber, FF Ralph O’Brien Lt. Gene Trombley, FF/RT Steve Dillon, FP Bob Jenkins, FF Dennis O’Connor, EMT I John Vandegrift, FP David Doe, FF/RT David Johnson, FR Peach O’Gorman, EMT Richard Venezia,EMT Brian Donohue, FF Ken Kidd, FF/RT Bill Paglione, FF Lt. Cindy Willard, EMT Bob D’Reaux, EMT Susan Klotz, EMT Richard Palmer, FF Earl Williams, FP Lynn Dutney, FP John Koenig, EMT Jude Panetta, FF Steve Wilson, FF Capt. Bruce Edwards, FF/RT Frank Kostainschek, FF Joe Pedone, FF John Young, FF/EMT FF=Firefighter; RT=Rescue Technician; MR=Medical Responder; FR=First Responder; FP=Fire Police; P=Paramedic SJFD Annual Report 2016 Page 3 FIRE OPERATIONS A volunteer organization is a bal- However good on line training ancing act when it comes to mem- is it is no substitute for hands bership. On the minus side, we lose on training. Which is why you people to retirement every year. On see us out in the neighbor- the plus side, we have new mem- hoods on Monday evenings bers join . and Wednesday afternoons all Training is an on going scenario. It year . is not just for the new members. Our firefighters log over 4000 We train twice a week every week, hours of training each year, a on Monday nights and Wednesday tribute to their dedication. afternoons. We train at the station, The welcome mat is out for in your neighborhood, or outside the new recruits. gate. No experience necessary! Hands on training is supplemented with classroom training. Provided by our officers, BCC, and other outside John Allison agencies, courses such as Hazard- Assistant Chief ous Materials, CPR, and Technical Fire Operations Rescue have proven to be a invalu- able and essential to our training. Firefighters with an internet connec- tion have access to over 1,000 training modules in Target Solu- tions, our on line training system. The system is also used to track in house training, tracking subject matter and hours logged by each trainee. We have found the on line system to be an efficient tool as we move forward in making our training effort simpler yet more productive. SJFD Annual Report 2016 Page 4 EMS OPERATIONS Your SJFD Emergency Medical Ser- for our community members, instructing them vices team consists of 29 dedicated men in the life saving techniques of “Hands Only and women holding credentials ranging CPR”. We provide our community with the from First Responder to Medical Respond- materials necessary to utilize the “Vial for Life” er, (EMT) Emergency Medical Technician, program, where your pertinent medical history to EMT Intermediate & Paramedic. We is readily available should you be involved in a have lost some very dedicated well trained medical emergency. The vial informs emer- members this year, but our recruitment ef- gency responders as to your prior medical his- forts have successfully resulted in a num- tory, medications you are taking, allergies and ber of new members who are in various other important lifesaving information.