Minutes of the Council Meeting held at Stanbridge and Tilsworth Hall on Monday 18th September 2017

Present: Chairman P Pennington, Parish Councillors C Quantrill, P Mitchell, G Box & P Dillamore, Clerk M Whiting, 1 member of public

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE There were no apologies for absence.

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declaration of interests.

3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 17th July 2017 were a correct record and signed by the Chairman

4. PROGRESS UPDATE FROM LAST MEETING Cllrs P Mitchell, P Dillamore and P Pennington attended the CBC ‘Shaping Where you Live 2035’ Draft Local Plan consultation in . Concerns were raised to CBC officers of G&T issues in both Stanbridge and Tilsworth and also requested CBC to consult with the Police over site allocation.

5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Drains need clearing from the Church to Playing Field – Clerk to report to CBC highways Still smell of sewage from ditch near traveller’s site – Clerk to report to CBC enforcement Confusion raised over which notice board is being used by the parish council. Cllrs agreed old notice board near Wades pond would be unlocked from March and used as a public notice board. A note will be put in now to advise residents to refer to new notice board in bus shelter. Cllr P Pennington will be the key holder for both notice boards and continue to put up agenda in both until March. Overgrown hedgerow from Tudor Cottage, 2 Road – Clerk to report to CBC highways Overgrown hedgerow from Granary Farm to The Challenge – Clerk to report to CBC highways Branch fallen from a tree on the Lower Green which needs attention – Clerk to advise Goodfellers Tree surgeon to action Complain regarding buses in last 2 weeks – advised this would be due to recent road closure and route restrictions. Residents to report complaints directly to bus company so they can check with drivers. Complaints regarding state of grass verge cutting. 2,4 & 6 Dickens Lane wish to maintain the verge in front of their properties. Agreed on basis that they are aware the land will remain parish council ownership.

6. POLICE REPORT Clerk circulated Police crime data spreadsheets link to Councillors. 1 offence reported in July & 3 offences in August. Insp Annita Clarke Details of second community engagement evenings – email fwd Cllrs 16/8 th Beds Police Crime & Commissioner Invitation to Annual Parish Council Forum 20 Sept – email fwd Cllr 9/8 Cllr Mitchell advised that Superintendent Greg Horsford will attend the next Focus Group

7. CENTRAL COUNCIL CBC are proposing to compulsory purchase the unauthorised site in Billington and relocate nearby to provide a site that will be owned and managed by CBC.

8. PLANNING CB/17/02270/FULL Granary Farm, Stanbridge Road, Tilsworth, , LU7 9PX Conversion and extension of redundant agricultural barn to one dwelling Deadline for comments expired on 14th August. Application due for decision on 22nd September.

9. KINGSWOOD NURSERY PLANNING UPDATE CBC Planning enforcement officer Mike Bailey emailed MP Selous and copied in Clerk on 18th August to advise: The owner of Kingswood stated that he has recently purchased the land to the rear of the site (between the approved site and the golf course), and that he has used material taken from both sites (including a small amount of fly-tipped material) to create the bund. This was inspected on 11 August, and it was concluded that there is insufficient evidence to challenge the owner’s assertions or to warrant further investigation into this matter. The owner informed my colleague and I that he

1 Signed by Presiding Chairman ------20th November 2017 Minutes of the Tilsworth Parish Council Meeting held at Stanbridge and Tilsworth Hall on Monday 18th September 2017 has no intention to develop the rear site, but intends to maintain it as an open space / play area for his children. Much of the drainage scheme approved in relation to the planning permission has been completed, and the remaining aspects are being dealt with. This relates mainly to the boundary between the access drive and the Parish owned adjacent field, and the work will include replacement hedgerow planting. The existing gates do not comply with the details approved under the existing planning permission. The owner is aware of this and is making arrangements for new gates to be sited in the correct position .A large portacabin has been sited at the front of the site, to provide toilets and showers for the owner and his large family. This is not in accordance with the planning permission, which refers to the use of an existing building on the site for this purpose. It is likely that an application for a revised site layout will be submitted. I trust that this clarifies the current situation, and please be assured that we will continue to monitor and assess the situation on site. It was AGREED to raise below concerns to enforcement: The large portacabin which provides toilets and showers – where are the drainage and sewage connections? When investigating this, please also look at the ongoing issue of strong smell of sewage from the road ditch! As the large portacabin is not in accordance with planning permission, an enforcement notice should be issue for its removal. There is no mention of the coping stones which still remain in the highway. In addition, the front boundary wall pillars have been increased in height and are also not in accordance with planning permission.

10. BURY RISE FENCING Cllr Pennington has continued to meet with residents and CBC officers. CBC in process of getting quotes to reinstate footpath and still checking ownership of the fence. Clerk to chase CBC re ownership and to also suggest removing fence if no budget to repair as it serves no purpose.

11. SPEEDWATCH Stanbridge Speedwatch group have identified in front of the Community Hall as a possible spot for running a session and have requested permission for Tilsworth parish council as it is under Tilsworth parish. It was AGREED that this area was a speeding problem and thank the group for undertaking any checks in Tilsworth.

12. 2016/17 ANNUAL RETURN COMPLETED CERTIFICATE FROM BDO EXTERNAL AUDITORS The completed 2016/17 Annual Return and certificate from BDO External Auditors was approved and accepted. There were no matters which came to their attention. The annual return and notice of conclusion of audit has been published on the notice board and website and is available to the public.

13. CORRESPONDENCE Clerks & Councils Direct September issue CPRE Beds final response to CBC’s draft local plan – email fwd Cllrs 4/9 Beds Police Crime & Commissioner Sept newsletter – email fwd Cllrs 4/9 BATPC Training programme autumn 2017 – email fwd Cllrs 29/8 Beds Bugle Sept issue – email fwd Cllrs 29/8 CBC link to final Community Plans – email fwd Cllrs 29/8 Insp Annita Clarke Details of second community engagement evenings – email fwd Cllrs 16/8 th Beds Police Crime & Commissioner Invitation to Annual Parish Council Forum 20 Sept – email fwd Cllr 9/8 th BATPC AGM invitation 19 October – email fwd Cllrs 9/8 Highways autumn maintenance schedule – emailed fwd Cllrs 7/8

14. AUTHORISATION OF PAYMENTS It was RESOLVED by full council to authorise the following accounts for payment and two authorised signatories were instructed to sign the below cheques: 01/08/2017 SO Maxine Whiting Aug Clerk salary & expenses £ 300.00 01/09/2017 SO Maxine Whiting Sept Clerk salary & expenses £ 300.00 18/09/2017 100959 Maxine Whiting Aug Balance Clerk salary & expenses £ 41.76 Bedfordshire Pension 18/09/2017 100960 Fund Pension contributions £ 117.73 18/09/2017 100961 HMRC PAYE £ 77.80 18/09/2017 100962 Maxine Whiting Sept Balance Clerk salary & expenses £ 53.46

2 Signed by Presiding Chairman ------20th November 2017 Minutes of the Tilsworth Parish Council Meeting held at Stanbridge and Tilsworth Hall on Monday 18th September 2017

Bedfordshire Pension 18/09/2017 100963 Fund Pension contributions £ 117.73 18/09/2017 100964 HMRC PAYE £ 77.80 18/09/2017 100965 Halcyon Press Summer newsletter print x 170 colour £ 60.00 18/09/2017 100966 BDO LLP 2016/17 External Audit Fee £ 120.00 02/10/2017 DD Anglian Water Allotments water 8/6-18/08 £ 0.08

Cllr Pennington advised that he has not yet taken the completed bank mandate form to Barclays but hopes to shortly so that he can be added as a cheque signatory.

Meeting Closed at 8:45pm

3 Signed by Presiding Chairman ------20th November 2017