May 26, 2019 | 6th Sunday of Easter


ST. MICHAEL804 THEHigh ARCHANGEL House Road, ROMAN Cary NC CATHOLIC 27513 CHURCH Parish Office:804 High 919.468.6100 House Road, | Cary NC 27513 Parish Office: 919.468.6100 |


St. Michael Clergy Pastor Rev. Msgr. Douglas P. Reed ……….919.468.6100.. [email protected] Pastor Emeritus Rev. Msgr. John A. Wall………..…………………..….....….919.219.3949 Parochial Vicars Saturday, May 25, 2019 Rev. Edisson Urrego…….…….…..919.468.6100 [email protected] 5:00 pm For the Community of St. Michael req by Our Pastor Rev. James M. Labosky…….……[email protected] 7:00 pm Spanish Rev. Joseph Oji.………………………[email protected] Sunday, May 26, 2019 7:00 am Patricia Schramm req by Dave & Barbara Rose Deacons 8:30 am Doris Kelly req by Weldon & Carol Sturdevant Deacon Patrick Pelkey…………….919.468.6100 [email protected] 10:30 am Thomas Nichols req by Terry Reichel 12:30 pm Janusz Dzieduszko req by Lucyna Dzieduszko Deacon Terry Mancuso ………...919.468.6100 [email protected] 2:15 pm Agustin Gomez req by Rosa Gomez Deacon Brian Phillips…..………....919.468.6100.. [email protected] 6:00 pm Dan Chervenak req by James & Sharon Degnan Monday, May 27, 2019– Memorial Day Deacon Glenn Dudek………….…...919.468.6100.. [email protected] 9:30 am Simon Iyoob, Jr. req by the RCIA Family Tuesday, May 28, 2019 EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBER 7:00 am Marcelle D. Lissade req by Gina D. Audate (EN CASO DE GRAVEDAD O MUERTE) 8:30 am Steven McVay req by Frank & Rozanne Farrell During Office Hours: 919-468-6142 7:00 pm Spanish Evenings / weekends: 919-368-0150 Wednesday, May 29, 2019 7:00 am In Thanksgiving req by Roy, Joela, & Jonathan PARISH OFFICE (Oficina) 8:15 am Ciro Palermo req by Karlin Moore Thursday, May 30, 2019 Phone: 919-468-6100; Fax 919.468.6130 or [email protected] 7:00 am Souls in Purgatory req by Gina D. Audate 8:30 am Rose M. Summers req by John & Patti Summers ST. MICHAEL PRESCHOOL (Centro Infantil) Friday, May 31, 2019 919-468-6110 7:00 am Mence Lesniak req by the Berlin Family FAITH FORMATION OFFICE (Oficina de Formación de Fe) 8:30 am Noreen O’Connor req by Mary Kay Gobris 919-468-6109 Saturday, June 1, 2019 7:00 am Mathew Petersohn req by the Petersohn Family ST. MICHAEL SCHOOL OFFICE (Oficina de la Escuela) 5:00 pm Jack Fontana req by Anne Marie Fontana 919-468-6150 7:00 pm Spanish Eladio Zuniga Rios req by Bertha Zuniga Sunday, June 2, 2019 7:00 am Fran C. Alapaty req by T. Aldahondo 8:30 am John L. Callahan req by Barbara Leib-Young 10:30 am Doug Bashioum req by Bonnie Kunath & Jeanne Stewart 12:30 pm For the Community of St. Michael req by Our Pastor 2:15 pm Beda Mateos req by Guillermina Serapio Martinez 6:00 pm Rutger Wiles req by John & Patti Summers

Readings for the week of May 26, 2019

Sunday: Acts 15:1-2, 22-29/Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8 [4]/Rv 21:10-14, 22-23/Jn 14:23-29 Monday: Acts 16:11-15/Ps 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a and 9b [cf. 4a]/Jn 15:26--16:4a Tuesday: Acts 16:22-34/Ps 138:1-2ab, 2cde-3, 7c-8 [7c]/Jn 16:5- 11 Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22--18:1/Ps 148:1-2, 11-12, 13, 14/Jn 16:12-15 Thursday: Acts 18:1-8/Ps 98:1, 2-3cd-4 [cf. 2b]/Jn 16:16-20 Ascension: Acts 1:1-11/Ps 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9 [6]/Eph 1:17- 23 or Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23/Lk 24:46-53 Friday: Zep 3:14-18a or Rom 12:9-16/Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6 [6]/Lk 1:39-56 Saturday: Acts 18:23-28/Ps 47:2-3, 8-9, 10 [8a]/Jn 16:23b-28 Next Sunday: Ascension: Acts 1:1-11/Ps 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9 [6]/Eph 1:17-23 or Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23/Lk 24:46-53

PAGE 3 6TH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 26, 2019 Administration

St. Michael the Archangel Parish Staff 919-468-6100 [email protected]

Janet Berlin Admin Assistant of Ministry & Formation 919-468-6109 [email protected] Monday – May 27, 2019 Bill Ciavarra Director of Facilities 6:30 pm Legion of Mary Conference Center Room III 919-468-6146 [email protected] 7:00 pm Hispanic Emaus – Men Parish Center Lisa Ciesla Director of Preschool 7:00 pm K of C Meeting Conference Center Gallery 7:00 pm Music – One Heart Group Choir Room 919-468-6110 [email protected] 7:00 pm Yarnworks/Birthchoice/Gabirel Conference center Room II Wayne Cusher Sr. Director of Music & Liturgy 7:00 pm Young Adult Group Meeting Youth Room 919-468-6107 [email protected] Tuesday – May 28, 2019 Mary DiSano Director of Adult & Family Programs 9:30 am Our Lady’s Rosary Makers Conference Center Room V 919-468-6134 [email protected] 9:45 am Centering Prayer Group Conference Center Room I Jaime Doran Admin Assistant Elem Faith Formation Flowers this 7:00 pm Music Ministry Bells Family Parlor 919-468-6185 [email protected] 7:00 pm Hispanic Youth Choir Youth Room 8:00 pm Over 35 Basketball Group Archangel Hall Gymnasium Catherine Embry Finance Admin – Accts Receivable weekend were Wednesday – May 29, 2019 919-468-6149 [email protected] donated 9:00 am FA Meeting Conference Center Room II Carolina Gallo Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry 9:30 am Women’s Gospel Prayer Mtg. Conference Center Room I 919-468-6145 [email protected] 11:30 am Women’s Prayer Group Conference Center Room II Jeannine Hughes Assoc. Dir of Elem. Faith Formation anonymously. 6:00 pm Hispanic Children Choir Conference Center Room II 919-468-6120 [email protected] 6:30 pm Inter-Church Meeting Conference Center Gallery Ana Jansen Communications 7:00 pm AFF– Walking with Purpose Multipurpose Room ************************ 7:00 pm Hispanic Adult Choir Rehearsal Conference Center Room II 919-468-6184 [email protected] Thursday – May 30, 2019 Liz Jones General Ledger Specialist To order flowers, please contact 9:30 am Women Spirituality Direction Conference Center Room II 919-468-6132 [email protected] 1:00 pm Preschool Directors Meeting Parish Library Cindy Linville Finance Admin – Accts Payable Catherine Mayleben 6:00 pm Hispanic Emaus – Women Parish Center 919-468-6104 [email protected] at 919-469-0576 7:00 pm Music – Instrument Rehearsal Church Alma Logue Finance Administrator for available weekends. 7:30 pm Music Ministry-Choir Rehearsal Choir Room 919-468-6176 [email protected] 8:00 pm Men’s Pick-up Basketball Archangel Hall Gymnasium Lilian López 919-468-6173 [email protected] Friday – May 31, 2019 Assoc. Dir of Pastoral Care & Facility Scheduling 9:30 am Finley Retreat Follow up Group Conference Center Room II 12:00 pm Sanctuary Ministry Church Larry McAnallen Senior Dir Stewardship/Advancement 3:00 pm Women’s Spiritual Workshop Conference Center Room I 919-468-6180 [email protected] 7:00 pm Hispanic Prayer Group Conference Center Gallery Thomas Mitchell Information Technology Specialist 7:00 pm Our Lady’s Nativity Rosary Group Conference Center Room V 919-468-6161 [email protected] 7:00 pm Hispanic Trng ExtraOrdinary Minister of Holy Communion Church Tara Navarro St. Michael School Principal 7:00 pm Holy Spirit Ministry Conference Center Room III 919-468-6150 [email protected] Saturday – June 1, 2019 Carin Owen Director of MS & HS Faith Formation 8:00 am Men’s Prayer and Bible Study Group Conference Center Room I 11:00 am Funeral Mass Church 919-468-6163 [email protected] 12:00 pm Funeral Reception Parish Center Norma Powers Executive Administrator Sunday – June 2, 2019 919-468-6102 [email protected] 8:00 am AFF – RCIA Multipurpose Room Leslie Stironek Director of Sacramental Life 12:45 pm Hispanic RCIA School Building 919-468-6103 [email protected] 12:00 pm Hispanic Adult Choir Rehearsal Conference Center Room II Deacon Mark Westrick [email protected] 4:00 pm Music – One Heart Group Church 919-468-6108 Dir. of Social Action/Adult Faith Formation Joanne White, CCA Business Manager 919-468-6128 [email protected] Diane Williams Music & Liturgy Assistant 919-468-6144 [email protected] David Wulff Director of Security Volunteers are needed for the our newly formed 919-368-4031 [email protected] St. Michael the Archangel Columbarium Auxiliary Ministry Pastoral Council Adriana Polcaro, Chair - [email protected] Volunteer teams will help Finance Council clean and maintain the Louis Prosser, Chair - [email protected] School Advisory Council exterior of the Gabi Burn, Chair - [email protected] columbarium walls and surrounding areas. Stewardship Training and supplies Hotline will be provided.

Anxious to get involved at For more information: St. Michael, but don’t know Leslie Stironek 919-468-6103 how? Call our [email protected] “Stewardship Hotline” at 919-468-6180. We can help!


OUR OFFERTORY ACTUAL BUDGET OVER/(UNDER) Current Week $42,313 $40,564 $1,749 Year to Date $2,414,487 $2,502,755 ($88,268)

St. Michael COLLECTION SCHEDULE Online Giving

May 26……………..……….…...Sunday Offertory Donate today using your debit, credit card, May 30……………..………Ascension of the Lord (In the Diocese of Raleigh, the Ascension is celebrated on Sunday, June 2, 2019) checking or savings account.

June 2 ……………..……….…...Sunday Offertory 1. Visit our website: June 2 ……………..………….…...Building Fund and Click on the Giving tab. 2. Select your donation amount and frequen- June 9…………………………...Sunday Offertory cy. June 16…………….Priests Welfare & Retirement 3. Enter your account and payment infor- mation.


As we continue to examine the 24 character strengths of the Positivity Project, let us reflect on Bravery. This word means that you act with mental, moral, or physical strength even when you know things are difficult or scary. Bravery is taking action in a dangerous situation, like the firefighter who enters a burning building. But bravery doesn’t have to be just a physical action that involves risk of injury or death. People can be men- tally brave when they face their fears or anxieties. A person who is afraid to speak in public but overcomes that fear is mentally brave.

Moral bravery happens when someone takes an action or stands up for their beliefs when there might be social or financial consequences.  Can you think of ways you have been brave?  Can you think of saints who have exhibited physical, mental or moral bravery?

Diocesan Mission Appeal Special Collection for Franciscan Works- Liberia Mission Franciscan Works is a Catholic missionary organization dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty for children and families through material and spiritual support and a Catholic education. Franciscan Works currently operates Liberia Mission in West Africa. Founded in 2003, just as the civil war was ending, Liberia Mission be- gan with six orphaned children. Today it is a vibrant, life-saving community of love, learning, work and prayer, with about 25 residents. Nearly 500 youth from surrounding villages attend St. Anthony of Padua Mission Grade School or are funded to attend local high schools. These are young people who would not otherwise have access to education, medical care, adequate food and shelter, faith formation, and the sacraments. St. Michael the Archangel Church, located on the Mission, serves the students and the community. A student-run farm and piggery is part of the vocational education the students receive. These children are learning to become future leaders in their families, communities and country. Much prayer, joy and hope is evident at Liberia Mission, even with the sorrow and hardships associated with the Ebola outbreak of 2014 and the political and economic strife there. Many challenges remain. Your help is needed for this important ministry. Please be generous. Thank you! To learn more about Franciscan Works and Liberia Mission, please visit our website at ********************************************************************** Chris Keeney - Speaker for Mission Appeal - June 1 & 2, 2019

Chris started his missionary work as a Jesuit Volunteer in the Marshall Islands from 2004-06 and became involved with Franciscan Works in 2010 when he served at Liberia Mission for one year as Program Coordinator. After that year, Chris continued at Liberia Mission as Interim Director for six months during the search for a permanent director. He returned to the US in 2013 before being hired as Youth Ministry Coordinator at Holy Infant Catholic Church in Durham, NC. Chris and his wife, Rachel, returned to overseas mission, serving in St. Kitts and Nevis with the Holy Spirit Mis- sionary Sisters (SSpS) from 2015-16. They currently reside in Pisgah Forest, NC with their daugh- ter, Clare, and are expecting their second child this September. They are active members of Sacred Heart Catholic Church in nearby Brevard.


SHARE SUNDAY IS BACK!!! Meals on Wheels needs Volunteers!

WHEN: The First weekend of every Five different days each month, St. month Michael parishioners deliver meals to local people in need. Meals are WHAT: St. Michael Parish will be col- picked up at 10:30am at the Resur- lecting food items to help feed the hun- rection Lutheran Church on Kildaire gry in North Carolina. Farm Road and delivered to seniors in the area. It takes a little over an HOW: With the help of our St. Michael hour to deliver a route once you have school children, we will collect the food picked up the meals. each week for the Inter-Faith Food Our Meals on Wheels team is in need of 7 additional driv- Shuttle to pick up and distribute to those most in need. ers to help us keep our commitment to the program. St. Michael parishioners deliver Meals on Wheels in the Cary The food shuttle saves 6 million pounds of healthy food from being area on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Monday of each month and thrown away and re-routes it to people in need through programs the 4th Tuesday, and on the 5th Friday of the month (if such as Backpack Buddies, Mobile Mar- there is one). We are only asking volunteers to sign up for kets, Grocery Bags for Seniors, and DID YOU KNOW… one of these days each month or to agree to sub for those School Pantries. who normally drive. 1 in 5 children in For more information on the Inter-Faith Can you spare 90 minutes a month? If so, please consid- North Carolina is Food Shuttle, go to er being part of our MOW team. If you would like to be- at risk of hunger! come part of this wonderful ministry or want more infor- mation, please email Mary Ellen at [email protected].

PAGE 7 6TH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 26, 2019 Growing in Our Faith

St. Michael Preschool News School Happenings Growing with God… St. Michael the Archangel Catholic School provides a Christ-centered Catholic St. Michael Preschool currently has openings for the 2019-2020 school education, with a focus on academic excellence and the development of the year in our 3 and 4-year-old programs and Developmental Kindergarten. whole person, through our core values of reverence, service, and leadership. Please call to schedule a tour today! Still Accepting Applications Splish-splash! Our preschoolers en- Our Pre-K through Grade 8 school has a few seats available for the 2019-2020 school year. If you are interested in learning more, joyed some fun in please email [email protected], or call the school office at the sun at our Wa- 919-468-6150. ter Day event. Thank you to all PreK and Kindergarten Students our teachers and Host Mother’s Day Breakfasts Our PreK and parent volunteers. Kindergarten stu- dents prepared a special morning for their mothers to celebrate Moth- er’s Day. The stu- dents prepared special songs,

made cards and served special treats to their Visit to moms. learn more about our preschool programs for ages 2-5. Follow us on Please check out the StMS Twitter & Instagram website,, for @stmpreschoolnc and Facebook at more information on the StMichael Cary. school. Also, follow our Principal, Tara Navarro, on Twitter® @StMS_Principal and @StMSCary for ongoing information and updates. A Lead Altar Server Training Class will be held in the Church on Saturday, June 8th from 9:00am – 11:00am. This training class will only be for experienced assistant altar servers who have at least three years’ experience. If you are interested in learning more about being a lead altar server and what it entails, please attend this training class.

The next assistant altar server class for new vol- unteers will be on September 14, 2019 from 9:00am-11:00am. New volunteers who are interest- ed in assisting this ministry must be in third grade or older and have already received the Sacrament of First Communion to participate in this ministry.

Please contact Karlin Moore, [email protected] , if your child will attend either of these training classes in June or September, or if you have any further questions.


Confesiones Martes: 6:15 - 6:45 pm

Domingo: 1:30-2:00 pm

Horario de oficina

Carolina Gallo (919) 468-6145 Fax (919) 468-6130 [email protected] En caso de gravedad o de muerte, por favor llame a Horas de oficina nuestra línea de Lunes 12pm - 6pm emergencia al Martes 8am - 12:30pm (919) 368-0150 Jueves 8am - 12:30pm

Información para Bautizos Oración a San Los requisitos para poder bautizar son los siguientes: Miguel Arcángel • Deben de estar registrados en la Iglesia. Mínimo 6 meses. • Si eligieron padrinos que son matrimonio, deben de estar San Miguel Arcán- casados por la Iglesia y deben de presentar la copia del Certi- gel, defiéndenos en ficado de Matrimonio de los padrinos. la batalla, se nues- • Si los padrinos pertenecen a otra parroquia necesita carta firmada por el párroco, verificando que es miembro de la pa- tro amparo contra las rroquia y que asiste a Misa. perversidades y • Si los padrinos son solteros, no deben estar conviviendo en unión libre y asechanzas del demonio. Reprí- tienen que haber recibido los Sacramentos de Bautizo, Primera Comunión male Dios, Pedimos suplicantes, y y Confirmación; Presentar copia del certificado de Confirmación. tu príncipe de la milicia celestial • Papas y Padrinos deben de asistir a la clase pre-bautismal. arroja al infierno con el divino • Los niños deben ser menores de 7 años. poder a Satanás y a los otros es- • Deben de registrarse en la oficina, traer todos los documentos el mis- píritus Malignos que andan disper- mo dia. sos por el mundo para la perdición • Deben de presentar el Certificado de Nacimiento del (a) niño (a.) de las almas. • Una vez elegida la fecha solo se harán cambios por motivos de fuerza ma- Amen. yor. Deberán hablar con el Sacerdote Hispano.

PAGE 9 6TH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 26, 2019 Ministerio Hispano


Prayers of the Faithful

If you or someone you know is having serious health issues, prepar- ing for or recovering from surgery, or has other medical needs and Please pray for the safety of the fol- would like to be listed on the parish Prayers of the Faithful, please lowing men and women who have call the Pastoral Care Desk at 919-468-6142 or email to pastoral- [email protected]. Verification/approval by person in need been called to active military service will need to occur prior to printing. and their families… Sgt Scott For those who are ill or in need of our prayers, we pray… 2nd Lt. Matthew C. Koch (US Army) Week 1… Ellen Alexander Janet Beck Roddey Brandes Rodrigo Eguiguren Commander Tim King (Navy) Ricardo Eguizabel Stephanie Fisher Jerry Franks Sally Gildea Dara Hadley Rita Lohman Rita & Frank Losito Sr. Gloria Marshall Captain Cortney Coke Joe Miracola Carrie Nelson Debra Pavlou Marilyn Pelligrini Captain Sarah Ostrom (Air Force) Dorothy Rodgers Joel Schroeher Jackson Ray Sliwa Ernestine Soller st John Stewart Chris Swope Carol Tinsley Angela Traglia 1 Lt Ranger Kyle Treese (Army) Betsy Warren Sgt. Robert H. Mayhew Week 2… Joanne Higgins John Jones Jessica Lohman Caren Lowe SSgt. Bolin N. Belles John McAnallen Ruby Millea Norma Miller Donna Lee Pennella TSgt. Christina Belles Anita Ross Pat Schroeder Annette Stephens Teresa Watkins Ken Wondra Col. Tom Earnhardt (US Army) QMC Michael Ferrara Week 3... Steven Boor The Cortina Family Patrick Elms Angela Frasca Richard Friedman Patti Hashagen Kathy Howard Linda Janas Cpt Matthew W. McCallum USAF Rebecca Johnson Deacon Terry Mancuso Thomas Reeder Peggy Scollon 1LT Mario Lund (US Army) Ken Tanner

Staff Sgt Nick Bowie Week 4... Cledith Blackwell Maria Cho Karen Driscoll Ellsworth The Esmond Family Henry Felice Marge Hellkamp The Jara Family Cpt. Joel Ahern, USMC Eric Lund Kristin Mayleben-Flott Melissa Makowski Kelly Parnell Corporal Raul Nuñez The Redoblado Family Kay Reusch Kim Stittsworth Melinda Strunk Kellie Sliwa Thalhamer Tyler Youngberg 1st Lt. Adam Endres Stephen Keim, Petty Officer 2nd Class Week 5… Marta Conway Michael Craven Christian Craven Stephen Diehl Alicia Elias Diego Eguizabal Norma Muhlbauer Betty Pate EIS Jordan Barber Carder (Marine) Jeffrey Pate Jeff Schuller Shirley Skalicky Paul Jordan Yesford

Week 6… The Brady Family The Canlas Family Tristan Evans Abby Flott Military List - Please note that a list James Gallagher David Harcharic Tony Iyoob Jim Lyons will be published the first Sunday of each Mary Nagle Parish Staff in Need Maria Pereira Delores Rewkowski month. Names need to be on file with Marilyn Roberts Christine Scuderi

the Pastoral Care Desk to be published. Please call the Pastoral Care Desk (919) 468-6142 with: The name and rank of For those who have died, we pray…

military personnel to be published. Dallas Edward Foster Adrian Mitu Maureen Juanita De Souza • Phone number of parishioner mak- ing request for contact. John Russell Wasson Robert Guy Lasane • The amount of time prayers are needed.

PAGE 11 6TH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 26, 2019 Pastoral Care - 919-468-6142

The St. Michael Church Read and Feed Ministry wrapped up its first very successful 13-week program. Thank you to the over 40 tutors and volunteers, as well as many parishioners who made generous donations to sponsor our weekly meals. We are so grateful for your giving hearts!

TUTORS & VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR THE FALL SEMESTER – Please consider making an impact in a child’s life by being a Read and Feed tutor or volunteer. We will provide meals to eliminate hunger, mentors to help children read, and books to build home libraries. This 13-week program will begin in late September and meet most Tuesdays from 6:30 – 8:00 pm in the St. Michael School Cafeteria. Please Note: Spanish speaking is not required.

Meal Sponsors Needed – Please consider sponsoring dinner for one of the program dates. Your generous donation of $200 can feed 40 children in need, but any monetary amount would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your consid- eration and support of this worthy ministry. Contact is Lisa Ciesla (919) 468-6110 [email protected]


Criteria to receive the “Registered Catholic Steward” Tuition Rate include:

St. Michael Catholic families seeking “Registered Catholic Steward” rate may complete our Parish Stewardship Form online in order to potentially obtain the Catholic Steward tuition rate designated for active parishioners. The online form can be found on our website.

• Registered: The family must be registered for at least three (3) months at St. Michael Catholic Church. • Active: Active parishioners should attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. In addition, they volunteer their time

and talent with St. Michael Church ministries. • Contributing: Parishioners should demonstrate financial support through identifiable offertory and/or Priest retirement contribu- tions through envelopes, checks or electronic giving (auto draft / online giving / text to give). Cash gifts are identifiable only when they are submitted in the family’s offertory envelopes.

PAGE 13 6TH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 26, 2019 Parish Ministries

Respect Life

Roll, Tide -- on the foundational issue You have perhaps heard about Alabama passing a law to restrict abortions by making it a felony for doctors to perform them (with certain exceptions). The people of Alabama realize that this law will be challenged, but the idea is to make it the foundation of a new case for the U.S. Supreme Court to deliberate over. Writers like Georgi Boorman (a woman) and Daniel Payne (a man) have done a great job of exposing lies about the Alabama law now being told by Planned Parenthood and its allies in the media. Mr. Payne has also noticed that some commentators who call themselves "pro life" think that the Alabama law goes too far. Here is part of what Payne says in de- fense of that law:

"The pro-life position, generally construed, admits (a) that unborn humans are fully human, and (b) they fully deserve full protection of the law, same as any other human being. A bill that broadly extends the unborn that pro- tection should not be objectionable to anyone who calls himself pro-life, any more than the 13th Amendment should have been objectionable to anyone who called himself an abolitionist.' Some people are uncomfortable be- cause Alabama did not make exceptions for abortion in case of rape or incest. To that objection, Payne writes: "If you’re “pro-life,” it’s hard to see why you should be making exceptions for human beings conceived through terrible crimes and/or perversions. Are their lives worth less than those conceived otherwise? Are they more disposable, less morally relevant, more killable?" Of course not! All human life is precious.

The Respect Life Committee meets on the first Monday of the month at 7:00 pm in the St. Michael Conference Center. To Volunteer to Help: Online: go to: No meeting will be held in June 2019. And register where you can. Thank you! Questions about the Respect Life Committee? Call: 919-468-6100 Email: [email protected] Email Lisa at [email protected] Questions about this column? Email Patrick at [email protected]


Question: Why is the Easter season so long? And should we be doing something special for it?

Answer: You've probably noticed the priest continuing to where white vestments at the Sunday liturgy. While we cele- brated Christ's resurrection several weeks ago, the Easter season extends fifty days - just over seven weeks - from Easter Sunday to Pentecost. For most of that time - about six weeks - Jesus is still with the disciples, teaching and encouraging them. The Easter season isn't just a celebration of when Jesus is with us. At the Last Supper, Jesus promised to send an "advocate" or "counselor" when he left. At the Ascension, he directs the disciples to await "power from on high" - the coming of the Holy Spirit. The Ascension completes the paschal mystery, beginning with Jesus' suffering and death and continuing in the resurrection. But the Holy Spirit ushers in a new era for the Church.

After spending weeks in prayer, fasting, and service during Lent, it may seem odd that we don't widely have similar practices for Easter. That doesn't mean you can't embrace the season! Commit to taking moments of little joy throughout the weeks, like random acts of kindness to- wards others. Consider reading the Acts of the Apostles to learn more about the early Church or picking up an Easter devotional to pray with. He is still risen indeed! s goodness and


Congratulations First Communion Class 5/11/19 9:30am

Congratulations First Communion Class 5/11/19 11:30am

PAGE 15 6TH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 26, 2019 Parish Ministries


Saturday Vigil ….... 5 pm; 7 pm (en español) Sunday (Church).... …..7 am; 8:30 am (Usually, interpreted Mass for deaf); 10:30 am; 12:30 pm; 2:15 pm (en español); 6:00 pm

DAILY MASS / MISAS POR LA SEMANA Monday – Friday …...... 7:00 am Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri ……….….… 8:30 am Weds (School Mass) ……………...... 8:15 am Tuesday (Martes en español) ……... 7:00 pm First Saturday ………………………....7:00 am Holy Days ...... See bulletin for schedule Civil Holidays...….....See bulletin for schedule

CONFESSIONS / CONFESIONES Saturday (Sábado bilingüe) ……...... 3 - 4 pm Tuesday (Martes en español) …...... 6 - 7 pm

FIRST FRIDAY DEVOTIONS (BILINGÜE) Eucharistic Adoration ……..….9 am - 4:45 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet and Novena ....3:45 pm Welcome! To parents of our young children, OFFICE HOURS / HORAS DE OFICINA may we suggest: Monday (Lunes) 11:00am-7:00pm • Relax! God put the wiggle in Tues-Thurs (Martes-Jueves) 8:00am-5:00pm children; don’t feel you have to Friday (Viernes) 8:00am-Noon suppress it in God’s house. All are welcome. MISSION STATEMENT • Sit toward the front where it is We are a Roman Catholic community easier for little ones to see and called by God to discipleship hear what’s going on at the altar. • Quietly explain the parts of the through WORSHIP, Mass and actions of the priest, deacon, altar servers, choir, etc. EDUCATION and SERVICE. • Sing the hymns, pray and voice the responses. Children learn litur- gical behavior by copying you. • If you have to leave Mass with our child, feel free to do so, but please come back. As Jesus said, “Let the children come to me”. • Remember that the way we welcome children in church directly affects the way they respond to the Church, to God, and to one another. Let them know that they are at home in this house of wor- ship. Our senior citizens especially would like to welcome you be- cause they remember how it was when they were parents with little angels to teach how to act in Church. • There is a Cry Room on the East side of the Church by the Choir Room with a speaker to hear the Mass with the door closed, if you need to cry. Your children won’t mind. It’s helpful for them to see their parents as humans. • Your child may enjoy participating at Children’s Liturgy of the Word at the 8:30 Sunday Mass, too.


Single/Single Again Ministry Worldwide Marriage Encounter

If you are single, separated, divorced or widowed, you are invited to join us at our monthly Mass held at Cardinal Gibbons High School In today’s Gospel, Jesus says “Peace I leave with you; Chapel. Our Mass starts at 5:30, followed by a pot-luck social. If my peace I give to you.” Bring peace into your marriage you would like to join our choir or be a reader or Eucharistic Minis- by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Week- ter, come to chapel at 4:45. 2019 Mass schedule: May 19, June 23. end! The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Week- For further information, contact Celia at [email protected] or vis- ends are Jun 21-23, 2019 in Cary, NC and Sep 20-22, it or 2019 in CHARLOTTE, NC. Early sign up is recommended. For more information visit our website at: or contact us at [email protected] or 704-315-2144. SAVE THE DATE! 25TH ANNUAL RUN FOR LIFE - We're looking for runners, sponsors and volunteers for the annual 5k Run and 1 Mile Fun Run on Saturday, August 17 at Wake Med Soccer COURAGE is a prayer and fellowship group that assists individuals Park in Cary. Visit or with same-sex attractions (or SSA) to live chaste lives in accordance for more info. If you with the teachings of the Catholic Church. Meetings are for men and have any questions, please contact Eileen Mayhew 919-678-3004 or women and strict confidentiality is maintained. For more information Kathy Klein 919-815-1369. email: [email protected]. Or call: (919) 289-9489

Catholic Charities EnCourage is the affiliate support group for parents, friends and family members of loved ones with SSA. EnCourage helps members How would you like to volunteer at a place that changes lives and to focus on their own spiritual development and offers a supportive makes homelessness rare, brief and non-reoccurring? Catholic environment to share information and guidance for maintaining Charities NEEDS you to volunteer at Oak City Cares multi- services center for people experiencing homeless- healthy relationships with our loved ones. For more information, ness. Be a part of changing lives of our must vulner- email [email protected]. Or call: (984) 221-0730. able neighbors by going to to Strict confidentiality is maintained. learn about volunteer opportunities and upcoming volunteer orientation sessions. Volunteering at Oak City Cares will be one of the most rewarding experi- ences of your life.

Centering Prayer Group

Meets every Tuesday, 9:45 - 11:15 am for prayer, reading, and community. Please join us at the Conference Center Room I. Lost cameras… can you help? No experience necessary...beginners welcome! “My family and I were at church on Easter Sunday morning. When it was time to leave after Mass, we accidentally left our camera bag behind. It is a black camera bag that contains both our point-and-shoot camera, as well as our video Bulletin Deadlines camera. We did not have our name nor contact info on the bag nor on Submit your articles to: the cameras. On Easter Sunday afternoon, I stopped by the church and [email protected] very carefully looked for it near the pew where we were seated, howev- Please include bulletin in the subject line. er it appears that someone had already picked it up.

The next bulletin deadlines are as follows: The cost to replace the cameras would be around $1,000 plus the fact that we kept already recorded video cards and our camera card full of Submission Deadline Bulletin Date special family memories inside the camera bag. It was our mistake to Monday June 3 by 8:00 am June 9, 2019 have left it, and also not put our name and contact information inside, Monday June 10 by 8:00 am June 16, 2019 but we are still hoping it may turn up somehow. “ Please return to the Parish Office to the front desk receptionist. Thank you so much! Bulletins online: Have you missed getting a bulletin? You can look at bulletins online Below are the details regarding the cameras: from our website, Click on the Parish Life button on the top of the St. Michael Website Home page, then click canon_powershot_g9_x_mark.html on Parish Bulletin and you will see recent bulletins. Just select the one you want to see. O=cart_accessories&A=details&Q=&sku=1211806&is=REG&bundleId=1211806 REG


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