# Name Cost approx 1 the investigation into Waikato DHB CEO Nigel Murray $ 174,466.81 2 the review to look at how to control prison population 3 the review of six contracts for new charter schools 4 the review of the Metro Sports Facility and the Multi Use Arena $ 78,893.00 5 the Tax Working Group $ 4,000,000.00 6 the Housing Stocktake Report $ 34,000.00 7 the Ministerial Advisory Group established for Health $ 300,000.00 8 the irrigation funding review $ 110,000.00 9 the investigation into the NZ Defence Force water contamination at Ohakea and Woodbourne $ 3,800,000.00 10 Darroch Ball's KiwiFund Bill $ 42,377.00 11 the Inquiry into the Auckland Fuel Supply Disruption $ 1,128,000.00 12 the review of NCEA $ 4,285,000.00 13 the Digital Economy and Digital Inclusion Ministerial Advisory Group $ 2,313,000.00 14 the review of the kauri dieback programme 15 the Independent Climate Commission $ 25,126.00 16 the now disestablished Chief Technology Officer $ 500,000.00 17 the Independent Expert Advisory Panel's review of the Reserve Bank $ 169,923.00 18 the review of the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act 19 the Productivity Commission's inquiry into Local Government funding and financing $ 2,200,000.00 20 the review of the Primary Growth Partnership $ 142,042.00 21 the review of how the Waste Minimisation Act is being implemented 22 the Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction $ 6,521,000.00 23 the reconvened Joint Working Group on Pay Equity Principles $ 26,423.85 24 the review of the Local Government Commission $ 91,000.00 25 the Film Industry Working Group $ 43,000.00 26 the Pike River Recovery Agency $ 36,343,000.00 27 the proposed Institute of Small Business 28 the Royal Commission of Inquiry into historical abuse in state care $ 78,850,000.00 29 the review into New Zealand's foreign aid spending 30 the Auckland Housing Working Group $ - 31 the review of the National Bowel Screening Programme $ 249,910.00 32 the review of the Dairy Industry Restructuring Act $ 2,370,580.00 33 the review of abortion law $ 515,000.00 34 the review of the Protected Disclosures Act 35 the review of Tomorrow's Schools $ 2,643,738.00 36 the review of the culture of the Human Rights Commission $ 51,539.82 37 the D9 Digital Rights Thematic Group $ 26,000.00 38 the Upper North Island Supply Chain Strategy working group $ 850,000.00 39 the Public Media Advisory Group $ 1,381,000.00 40 the Public Media Funding Commission $ 215,000.00 41 the Independent Ministerial Advisor sent in to speed up EQC's Canterbury claims 42 the review into how Australia and New Zealand can work together digitally 43 the investigation into boosting trans-Tasman business and exports 44 the review of the Charities Act 45 the bid to host the International Working Group on Women in Sport $ 1,815,000.00 46 the review of insurance contract law $ 40,000.00 47 the Freedom Camping Working Group $ - 48 the Provincial Growth Fund Panel $ 519,184.00 49 the review of tobacco tax $ 244,420.00 50 the broader digital economy and inclusion network $ - 51 the inquiry into Southern Response $ 349,998.07 52 the review of the Residential Tenancies Act $ 158,000.00 53 the hui for Crown-Māori relations $ 287,723.00 54 the Future Technology Leadership Group $ 450,000.00 55 the inquiry into the Earthquake Commission $ 3,340,000.00 56 the review of the use of set nets in a bid to reduce or phase out their use $ 280,000.00 57 the review of the Defence Capability Plan $ 106,000.00 58 the Monetary Policy Decisions Committee $ 1,200,000.00 59 the Criminal Cases Review Commission $ 18,300,000.00 60 the New Zealand Business Performance Panel $ 47,000.00 61 the Local Government Road Safety Summit $ 11,542.00 62 the Takata Recall Oversight Group 63 the Early Learning Strategic Plan Reference Group $ 74,893.00 64 the Early Learning Strategic Plan Ministerial Advisory Group $ 63,586.73 65 the Future of Work Ministerial Group 66 the Independent Panel reviewing the 2014 family justice reforms $ 2,000,000.00 67 the Whānau Ora Review Panel $ 800,000.00 68 the inquiry into Operation Burnham $ 2,461,000.00 69 the refresh of the Cyber Security Strategy and Action Plan $ 62,218.71 70 the review of New Zealand Racing $ 286,000.00 71 the independent panel on nurses pay $ 45,301.25 72 the Progressive and Inclusive Trade for All Agenda $ 577,153.00 73 the IGIS Reference Group $ 21,000.00 74 the Interim Climate Change Committee $ 4,400,000.00 75 the review into power prices $ 1,951,395.56 76 the Criminal Justice Summit $ 1,550,157.00 77 the review of the Funded Family Care policy $ 109,864.00 78 the review into Renew Energy waste-to-energy scheme $ 5,425.00 79 the New Zealand Infrastructure Commission $ 4,240,000.00 80 the review of culture at the Ministry of Social Development $ 333,110.22 81 the Primary Sector Council $ 1,026,379.00 82 the review of Marlborough schools co-location $ 115,000.00 83 the review of the entrepreneur work visa policy 84 the review of three waters $ 5,450,000.00 85 the AI Action Plan $ 100,000.00 86 the wider review of the RMA 87 the three-way forum on the Future of Work 88 the Education Summits $ 3,119,000.00 89 the Education Summit Advisory Group $ 80,000.00 90 the Joint Taskforce on Reducing Compliance $ 5,500.00 91 the Curriculum, Progress and Achievement Ministerial Advisory Group $ 158,720.00 92 the stocktake of ethnic diversity on public sector boards 93 the consultation on social investment $ 915,288.00 94 the reorganisation of the Ministry of Primary Industries $ 6,000,000.00 95 the review into ITP sector $ 1,700,000.00 96 the investigation into illegal migrant contracts 97 the review of Working for Families $ - 98 the animal welfare hui $ 15,394.73 99 the Forestry Ministerial Advisory Group $ 1,080,000.00 100 the Fair Pay Agreement team $ 300,000.00 101 the review of the Tourism Infrastructure Fund criteria 102 the review of Paid Parental Leave 103 the Curriculum, Progress and Achievement Reference Group $ 70,000.00 104 the study to measure in-work poverty $ 120,000.00 105 the Child Poverty Unit $ 7,109,000.00 106 the Child Wellbeing Unit $ 700,000.00 107 the review of home-based early childhood education $ 2,300,000.00 108 the Resource Management Act oversight unit $ 2,240,000.00 109 the Independent Fiscal Institution 110 the expert reference group to support the Independent Panel reviewing the 2014 family justice reforms $ - 111 the Canterbury Earthquakes Insurance Tribunal $ 8,000,000.00 112 the Crown Property High Country Advisory Group $ 162,000.00 113 the review of risk-index funding 114 the review of the Government's use of algorithms $ 55,000.00 115 the Just Transitions Unit $ 1,770,027.00 116 the Just Transitions Summit $ 738,200.00 117 the review of the conduct of the ACC Chief Executive and the organisation's culture $ 83,000.90 118 the Welfare Expert Advisory Group $ 2,142,000.00 119 the Holidays Act taskforce $ 100,000.00 120 the review of the Health and Disability system $ 9,564,000.00 121 the review of Building Product Assurance and Regulations 122 the review of meth testing in social housing $ 86,500.00 123 the National Sword taskforce on plastic waste $ 594,000.00 124 the Safe and Effective Justice Programme Advisory Group $ 1,300,000.00 125 the national archives and libraries work programme $ 79,000.00 126 the investigation into the Whakatōhea Māori Trust Board $ 92,826.89 127 the review of Nelson DHB's alteration of after hours mental health service 128 the Construction Skills Action Plan $ 315,000.00 129 the review of fuel excise duty refund and regional fuel tax rebate entitlements 130 the Reference Panel for Green Investment Fund $ 14,846.12 131 the Inquiry into the appointment process of Wally Haumaha $ 264,000.00 132 the review of firearms policy 133 the NCEA Review Professional Advisory Group $ - 134 the Wool Summit $ 11,346.67 135 the Financial Inclusion Industry Forum $ 10,000.00 136 the wool working group $ 122,284.22 137 the Māori Education expert think tank $ 51,673.75 138 the national tattoo removal strategy 139 the cross-agency working group to address the harm caused by synthetic drugs 140 the Māori Freshwater Forum - Kahui Wai Māori $ 969,000.00 141 the Trade for All Advisory Board $ 335,300.00 142 the investigation into bus safety 143 the Small Business Council $ 135,000.00 144 the review of the Game Animal Council 145 the review of freedom camping compliance regime 146 the review of the Camping-Grounds Regulations 1985 147 the review of the self-contained motor caravan administration system 148 the review of the Freedom Camping Act 2011 149 the review of national consistency through camping zones 150 the review of temporary work visas 151 the review of Pacific immigration 152 the review of the Overseas Investment Act in relation to water 153 the Open Government Ministerial Advisory Group $ - 154 the Have Your Say on Trade regional hui $ 234,553.00 155 the review of MPs pay 156 the Māori justice summit $ 195,000.00 157 the special victims' conference $ 121,000.00 158 the regional justice summits $ 50,000.00 159 the Māori education wānanga $ 160,000.00 160 the Prime Minister's Business Advisory Council 161 the Inquiry into Meka Whaitiri's alleged assault $ 52,927.00 162 the special review of the structure efficacy of the Racing Integrity Unit and Allied Integrity Bodies 163 the Racing Industry Transitional Agency 164 the Racing NZ Consultative Forum 165 the review into the failed Bella Vista development 166 the whitebait working group $ 65,000.00 167 the workshop on workforce planning for the redevelopment of the Dunedin Hospital $ 2,414.00 168 the review of the Chief Technology Officer role 169 the Food Industry Taskforce $ - 170 the review of the cost of the Justice Summit 171 the inquiry into who leaked the Meka Whaitiri alleged assault report $ 70,424.00 172 the International Visitor Levy Governance Group $ 75,000.00 173 the review into the 1080 drop that killed cows in the Waikato $ 26,000.00 174 the family violence joint venture $ 5,367,000.00 175 the review of Vocational Education and Training $ 12,500.00 176 the Freshwater Leaders Group $ 309,000.00 177 the Freshwater Science and Technical Advisory Group $ 296,000.00 178 the Greater Christchurch Claims Resolution Service $ 6,000,000.00 179 the Ministry of Justice project to support more effective partnerships between Māori and Crown $ 39,552.06 180 the independent review of the census $ 500,000.00 181 the review of vehicle safety compliance $ 5,600,000.00 182 the review of Māori media $ 200,000.00 183 the NCEA Review Ministerial Advisory Group $ - 184 the investigation into the Karel Sroubek residency decision 185 the Māori Housing Unit $ 32,000.00 186 the Hauraki Gulf ministerial advisory committee $ 530,000.00 187 the Debbie Francis Review into Parliament bullying $ 361,000.00 188 the external review of 850 open compliance files $ 2,500,000.00 189 the technical advisory group convened to provide advice on the Northland meningococcal W community outbreak and response $ - 190 the review of how Immigration New Zealand prepares case files $ 135,000.00 191 the review of MBIE's immigration processes 192 the review of the Crown Minerals Act 193 the market study into fuel prices $ 1,500,000.00 194 the 21-member leadership team responding to the mental health inquiry $ 200.00 195 the review of digital identity $ 6,000,000.00 196 the Digital Government Policy & Futures Group 197 the review of the Tamaki Redevelopment Company $ 112,742.99 198 the Unitec Development Feasibility Working Group 199 the Unitec Governance Working Group 200 the Unitec Master Planning Working Group $ 253,119.49 201 the review in the change of government process $ 47,975.00 202 the change of government governance group 203 the review into how Justice and Corrections handled allegations of Wally Haumaha bullying staff 204 MBIE's hydrogen strategy $ 206,000.00 205 the Ministry of Justice gender pay gap working group 206 the review of KiwiSaver withdrawals $ 27,500.00 207 the medicinal cannabis oversight panel $ 10,000.00 208 the inquiry into the Retirement Commissioner 209 the Racing industry Ministerial Advisory Committee $ 824,000.00 the small group of people recommended to be appointed to fulfil the functions that would have 210 been performed by a Chief Technology Officer (name to be confirmed) 211 the third party research into migrant exploitation $ 180,000.00 212 Te Rōpū - the interim Māori advisory group to the Government's joint venture on family violence and sexual violence $ - 213 the cannabis referendum $ 2,000,000.00 214 the Health Workforce Directorate $ 8,632,022.00 215 the review of drug advertising policy 216 the review of the fisheries sector $ 8,637,980.00 217 the review of political donations 218 the mental Health hub and spoke co-ordination group 219 the access and choice working group 220 the primary health care working group 221 the non-governmental organisation sector working group 222 the wellbeing, promotion and prevention working group 223 the people at the centre working group 224 the action on alcohol and other drugs working group 225 the suicide prevention working group 226 the Mental Health Act reform working group 227 the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission working group 228 the investigation into claims of packed and cancelled classes 229 the investigation into IRD polling 230 the Real Estate Panel of agents 231 the review of the super fund bid to build light rail in Auckland 232 the digital tax discussion document 233 the stocktake of emergency housing 234 the review of passenger and mail border biosecurity systems $ 88,442.55 235 the Parole Board review of Paul Wilson 236 the Whānau Ora reference group 237 the Australia and New Zealand Electronic Invoicing Board $ 5,650.00 238 the review into James Nolan's departure from New Zealand 239 the review of Kahui Wai Māori – the Māori Freshwater Forum 240 the Capital Markets Advisory Committee $ 137,375.00 241 the Māori media review Independent Advisory Panel $ 15,268.00 242 the Productivity Commission inquiry into the future of work 243 the review of the impact of construction company collapses on the wider sector 244 the review of NZ aid after allegations of sexual offending 245 the Energy Working Group $ 600,000.00 246 the review of the notification system for people not guilty due to insanity 247 the public consultation on whether the Official Information Act should be reviewed 248 the review of the Misuse of Drugs Act 249 the Whānau Development Summit $ 100,000.00 250 the review of the country's biosecurity system in relation to the cargo pathway $ 160,000.00 251 the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Christchurch mosque attacks $ 8,200,000.00 252 the review of laws governing the Republic of Fiji Military Forces $ 169,500.00 253 the review of hate speech laws 254 the review of Fire and Emergency New Zealand funding 255 the Enhancing the International Potential of NZ's Music Working Group $ 4,660.00 256 the Prime Minister's group of digital and media experts 257 the expert panel to determine compensation for high value firearms 258 the National Climate Change Risk Assessment panel of experts $ 182,050.00 259 the Accord Development Group $ 330,000.00 260 the Construction Sector Accord $ 496,053.00 261 the review of Tourism NZ 262 an Ethnic Communities Advisory Group 263 the Technical Working Group to explore the use of digital identity as an enabler for broader access and interoperability $ 11,012.87 264 the Survivor Advisory Group 265 the investigation into the adequacy of Treasury policies, systems and processes for Budget 266 the investigation into the statements actions of Gabriel Makhlouf around the Budget material 267 the review of the trade in live animals 268 the Vehicle, Vehicle Standards and Certification Reference Group 269 the Vehicles as a workplace reference group $ 2,615.71 270 the Speed reference group $ 7,838.24 271 the Infrastructure reference group $ 7,682.62 272 the Road User Behaviour reference group 273 the Oranga Tamariki review into the case of the Hawke's Bay mother and baby 274 the data ethics panel to keep watch on the Statistics population density programme 275 the review of the family reunification scheme for refugees 276 the working group into diversity in the Defence Force 277 the Ministerial committee to progress the Hauraki Gulf marine plan 278 the Border Sector Health and Safety Working Group 279 the Customs/Public Service Association, E tū, Customs Officers’ Association working group on gender pay gap TOTAL $ 317,093,335.83