




)ttn1arkablt ®btntt) of tad) )ttign.

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H O t B O RN H I L L.

' / BM .. BR/Tl.SH" '


This book forms part of The Osborne Collection of Children 's Books presented to the Toronto Public Libraries by Edgar Osborne in memory of his wife MABEL OSBORNE

,_ THE







:Rt1narkablt ®btnt~ of tadJ lttign.





NOE.MAN LINE. WILLIAM til e CONQUEROR, Duke of Nor­ mandy, i11 vadcs E ogla11u, and claims the crown. He is opposed by Harold, who is slai11 at the IJattle of Hastings, and the Saxon monarchy ends. Born i11 1024, crowned in 1066, and di ed in 1087. R ernarlwble Events during this r eign.-The Normi:iu laws and lang uage introduced. 'l'he Tower of London built. Doomsday Book L'ompiled. In consequence of some ins~urections, "\Villiam treats bis subjects with great cruelly. Trial by Jury confirmed. Principal Personages during hi s reign.-Harold, Prince Edgar Athe li11 g, Earl Morcar, Prince Robert, Earl Edwin, Ouo bishop of Bayeux. 4

WJLLIAM RUFUS was born in 1056, crowned in 1087, and killed in 1100. Remarkable Events.-The Crusades, or Holy \Vars, first projected by Peter the Hermit, in 1096. William obliges his brother Robert to sign a treaty, by which the survivor was to inherit England and Normandy. Robert mortgag;e,s,.the duchy of Normandy to William, that be might join the crusader . ~ , estmins~er Hall built, 1098. ,villiam was killed with an arrow, which Sir Walter Tyrrel aimed at a deer in the New Forest, 1100. Principal Personages,__:_Hobert duke of Normandy, Prince Henry, A rchbisbop Lan franc, Robert de Mow­ bray, Malcolm king of Scotland, Sir '7\ alter Tyrrel, Peter the Hermit. 5

HENRY I. was born in 1067, crowned in 1100, and died in 1135. Rem~rhable Events.-Robert invades England, aml claims the crown: a treaty is signed, and he returns to Normandy. Henry invades Normandy, and brings his brother Robert prisoner to London. The first charter of liberties a11d pri\ileges granted. The sea overflowed the estate of Godwin earl of Keut, consist­ ing of four thousand acres. Pii ncipal Pe,·sonages. - Queen Matilda, 'Prince William., Archbishop Anselm, Duke Robert, Stephen t-a rl of Bulloigne. 6

STEPHE was born in 1104, erowned in 1135, and died in l 154.

Remarkable Events.-Matilda, or Maud, daughter of Henry I. arrives in England, and claims the crown. Civil war. Stephen taken prisoner, 1140. Matilda 1leclarecl queen, and crown<'d; but soon after deposed . Matilda quits the kingdom; her son Henry claims the crown. Another civil war. Peace concluded, by which Stephen was to reign during his. life, and H enry was to succeed him. The Canon Law introduced into England.

Principal Personages. - , Davicl king of Scotland, Robert earl of Gloster, Prince Henry, H enry bishop of , v inchestr r, William of Malmsbury . -. J

LINE OF PLANTAGENET, OR ANJOU. HENRY IL was born in 1131, crowned in 1154, r1n d di ed i11 l 189. Remarhable Eve1tts.-The king attempts to abridge 1hc power, and correct the vices, of the clergy. Tliomas a Becket assassinated, 1171: Henry does penance, and is scourged at Becket's tomb. Ireland conquered, 1172. A conspiracy formed against Henry by 1he queen and his chili-lren, on account of his amour with l<'air Rosamonu. War with France and Scotland. Prince Richan\ rebels against his father. Glass first userl ' for windows. England divided into six circuits for Judg<>s, 1176. London-bridge began to be built with stone. I reland subdued, 1185. Principal Personages. - Queen Eleanor, Prince Henry, Henry of Huntingdon, Geoffry, Thomas a Eecket, F itz-Stephen, Fair Rosamond. s

RICHARD I. was born in 1157, crowned in 1189, and die

Principal Personages.-Pbilip king of France, Leo­ pold duke of Austria, Longcliamp bishop of Ely, Bertrano de Gourdon, Prince Johni Saladin, :Robin Hood, Little John, JOHN was born in 1167, crowned in 1190, and died in 1216. Remarkable Events.-John gains a victory ov er his nephew, Prince Arthur, who is taken prisoner, and confined in the Tower of Ruucn. Prince Arthor sup­ posed to have been murderetl in prison, by order of his cruel uncle. John banishes the monks of Canterbury, and seizes their effects; is excommuniealed; resigns his crown into the Pope's hand,. The Barons rise in arms. The Dauµhin of Frunce invited to England; the Barons swear fealty to him. Magna Charla signed, 1215. Principal Personages. - Qneen Isabella, Prince Arthur, Archbishop Langton, Constance, Robert Fitz-~ Walter, Hubert de Burgh. n3 10

,' ;' , , I' *f. ;~

, HENRY III. was horn in 1208, crowned in 1216, and died in 1272.

Rernarhable Eve1its.-Louis's army routc,J: he abd j. cates the throne, and quits the king·dom. The building of Westminster Abbey begun, 1221. Louis VIII. king of France, breaks the treaty of peace. Henry annuls the Charters whicb his father had granted : the .Barons enter into a confederacy. The king invites a great number of foreigners into the kingdom: his sub­ jects are offended. Civil war: Henry taken prisoner, and rescued by Prince Jidward. Ordeal triaJ laid aside. Principal Personages. - Queen Blanche, Qneen Eleanor, Earl of Leicester, H ubert de Burgh, Prince Edward, Earl of Pembroke, Bishop of " Tin cbester, Matthew Paris. 11

EDWARD I. was uorn i11 1239, crowned in 1274, and died in 1307.

Remarkable Events.-Wales conqnered by Edward, and made subject to the laws of England. Ed ward claims the crown of Scotland. The battle of Falkirk ; Scotland conquered; B aliol made king by Edward, but afterwards rebelled, and was set aside. The ma­ riner's compass invented, 1302. Regular Parliaments first held. The queen delivefl:- d of a son at Caernarvon, wlio is created Prince of Wales. Magna Char1a ra­ tified by Ed ward.

Principal Personages. - Queen Eleanor, Llewellyn prince of Wales, William Wallace, Sir John Monteith, J ohn Baliol, Robert Bruce, M atthew of Westrniuster. 12

ED\VARD II. was Lorn in 1284, crnwned in 1308, anJ murdered in 1328.

Remarlwble Events.-The Barons are offend r

Principal Personages. - Queen Isabella, Prince E dward, Earl of Warwick, Earl of Lancaster, the t wo S pensers, Gaveston. 13 -,

ED\VARD Ill. was born in 1312, crowncu in 1327, anu di1°d in 1377. Remarlwb{e Evtnls.-Mortimer, the queen's favourite, ,seized and executed ; sbe is confined for life. Tlie king enters Scotlaud. The bat1le of Hali

J ICHARD U. was born in 1366, crowned in 1377, and murdered in 1399.

RnNarllable Events.-,Vat Tyler heads a rebellion caused by a poll-tax; is slain by Sir W. "\Val worth, in Smithfield. The lrn.ttle of Otterburn, between Hotspur and the Earl of Douglas, 1389. Cards invented. The Duke of Hereford retnrns from banishment, and claims the crown, Tlie I ing's army ueserts, and be is forced 1o sign his resig-m1tion, 1399. Richard is confined in the Castle of Pomfret, and soon after murdered. The bloody con lest uet ween tlrn houses of York and Lancaster began.

Principal Personagrs.-Qneen Anne, Duke of Here­ ford, Earl of Nortliumbcr!and, , , H enr)' 1 crcy, "\V at Tyler. 1.3


HENRY IV. was born in 1366, crowned in 1399, and died in 1413. Remarliabfe E,;ents.-The Scots twice defeated, 1402. A formidable conspiracy in favour of Mortimer, 1403. A civil war, in which Henry was victorious. Hotspur, with many of the English gentry, slai n at the battle of Shrewsbury, 1403. The Parliament preserve t heir privileges mo1 e entire than at any former period. Guildhall built, 1410. The Pl'ince of Wales committed to prison for striking Judge Gascoigne in court. A dreadful plague in London. Principal Personages. - Q ueen Mary de Bohun. Mortimer earl of March, Hotspnr, Geoffrey Chaucer, Earl of Northumberland, Owen Gleudour, Judge G ascoigne, John Gower. 16

HENRY V. wa.s born in 1388, crowne

Remarltable Events.-Hcnry invades France; gains the famons battle of Agincourt, 141f>, iu wlii cl 1 the French lost 10,000 men, the English only forty. Henry is Plected heir to the Frencl1 crown; marrif's Catharine, daugb,er of the kin g of France, 1420. Sir John Old­ ca tie burned to death, or ra1h er roasted before a slow fi re, for what was called heresy. Henry in his yonth was very dissolute, hut after his father's death he be­ came sober, temperate, and pious.

Principal P ersonages.-Queen Catharine, Duke of Bourbon, Duke of Orleans, Duke of Alell(;on, Si Jo.Im Oldcastle. .d

HENRY VI. was liorn in 1421, c rowned in 1429, and murdered in 1471. Remarl tab!e Euents.-Henry being bnt nine months old wuen bis father ed, the is ap­ pointed Protector. The Maid of Orleans, after having obliged the English to raise the siege of O rl eans, 1428, and performed many fam ous exploits, is taken, and burnt a live for witchcraft, 1431. 'I'he English lose aJJ t heir possessions in France, except Calais. Printing invented by W. G utternburgh, 1440; brought i nto Engla nd by Caxton, 1441. Jack Cade heads an insur­ rection, and is slain. The contest between the houses of York and L ancaster causes a dreadful civil war. Principal Personages.-Quccn Margaret,· Duke of Be dford, Tudor earl of Pembroke, Duke of Somerset, R icha rd duke of' York, Earl of Warwick, Henry duke of Gtoster, Maid of O rleans, Jack Cade. B5 18


EDWARD JV. ,ms born in 1441, crowned in 1461, and died in 14S3. Remarluible Events.--Queeo Margaret anll the Prince taken prisoners, 1471. The Queen ransomed by the K ing of Franc<', and the Prince murdered. Richard duke of Gloster enters the. Tower, and murders King Henry in cold IJlood, 1471. The Duke of Clarence condemned to die, and is, by choice, drowned in a bu1t of Malmsey, 1478. Edward had many mistresses, and a m~ngst tile most remarkable was Jane Shore.

P rincipal Personages.-Queen Elizaucth, R ichard duke of Glo~ter, Earl of ·warwick, Jane Sliore, D nk e of Clarence, William Caxton, J uJge Littlet() n, Judge J~ortescne.

.,. 19

ED\VARD V. was burn in 1472, murde retl, in the Tower, 1484.

Remarkahle Events.-Richard duke of Gloster, bei11 6 left Prolector, endeavours to prove the late ki ng·:,; children illegitimate. Richard accuses Lord Hastings o! high treason, and has him executed. By the in­ trigues of bis friends and bis own derp policy, Richard is procl~timed king. The young king Edward and his brother had been confined in the Tower, and were now murdered by Richard's order.

Principal Personages.-Duke of York, Richard d1~ke of Gloster, Lord Hastings, Dnke of Buckingham, Sir J anws Tyrrl·lL 20

RICHARD III. was born in 1450, crowned in 148:3 , sbin in 1485.

Remarlwble Events.-Tue Duke of Buckingham re­ volts, and heads a body of forces against Richard, but is betrayed by Ban ister, and executed. Henry duke of R ichmond lands at M ilford Haven, 1485, resolved to vindicate his right to the crown. Richard is de­ feated and killed at tbe , 1485, which puts an end to the civil wars between the houses of York and Lanca ster. R ichmond proclaimed king·; marries Elizabeth, daughter of Ed ward IV. , and thus the Louses of York and Lancaster are united. Principal Personages.-Queen Anne, Dake of Nor­ fol k, Lord Stanley, He nry earl of Richmond, Duke of Buck ing ham, ,l\forton 1.,ishop of E ly. 21


HENRY VIL was !Jorn in 1457, crowned in 1485, and d ied in 1509.

Remarkable Events.-Lambert S imuel, a bake r's son, counterfeits the person of the .Ea rl of Warwick, and aspires to the throne. Perkin Warbef'k is instructed to personate the D uke of York, arid encouraged by many person~ of distinction; and is at length hanged at Tyhurn. The nobility permitted to sell the ir estates. America disf'overe

HENRY VIII. was horn in 1490, crowned in 1509, died in 1547.

Remarlwble Events.-Luthcr prenches against the authority of the Pope witu snccess ; Henry receive. 1he title of Defender of the Faith, fo r writing against Lutl,er. Henry is divorced from Queen Catharine ; marries Anne Boleyn, who is soot after beheaded. ,volsey disgraced and dies, 1530. Tile Pope his autl1orit)' in England. The Reformation takes place, 1534. Relig ious houses a boli shed, 1537. E nglish ."Bible authorized. T he College of Physicians itisti• tuted. Irehmd e rected into a kingdom. Principal Perso11ages. -Queen Catharine, Queen A une Boleyn, Q 11 .een Catharin e Howard, Queen Cat harine Parr, Queen Jane Seymour, Queen Anne of Cleves, T homas Cromwell earl of Essex, Card ina l W olsey, Arcbbishop Cranmer. 23

ED,VARD VI. was IJOrn in 1537, cro \rnccJ in J;>4.7, died in 1553.

Remarkable Events.- Duke of Somerset is appointeri Protector, wbo favours the Reforma tion: be i: accused of high treason, and beheaded, 15.::,2. The service of the Church of England, as contained jn the Prayer­ book, estal,Jished by Act of Pi:irliamen1. B ridewell, Christ's and St. 'fhomas's Hospitals, with many other excellent charitable fostitutions, fonnded. The Duke of Northnrnl,erland tries to secure the succession of Lady Jane Grey and his son.

Principal Personages. - Duke of Somers!'(, Arch­ hisliop Cranmer, Lon.l 1 homas S<'y monr, Lord John Russel, DuJley earl of \Varwick, Bi,;h op Bonner, Di. hop Gardiner. 2-l

MAHY was born rn 1515, crowned in 1553, and dietl in 1558.

Remarlwble Events.-Mary was a morose bi~ot, and did e\'cry thing in her po\\'er to check the progress of the Reformation. Duke of Northumberland beheaded, 1553. Lord Dndley and Lady Jane Grey bcheacle-d for treason. The authority of the Pope restored, 1555. Wyat heads an · in::-urrcction, is taken, and executed. Five liisl1ops, twenty-one clergymen, and 325 la) men, burnt aliYe for favouring the Reformation. \Var with France. Calais taken from the Englis·li uy the Duke of Guise, 1558.

Prindpal Personages. - King- Philip, Lady Jan Grey, Cardi nal Pole, Arclibi:-:IJ!lp Cranmer, Lon.I Guildford Dn

ELIZA BETH was born in 1533,· crowned in 1558, and died in 1603. Remarlwble Events.-Elizabeth favours the Reforma­ tion. Rel.,ellion in Ireland. Earl of Essex beheaded for treason. Exchange built, 1569. East-India Com­ pany incorporated, 1579. New Style adopted at Rome, 1582. Tobacco first imported, 1583. Mary queen of Sects flies to England for safety, is imprisoned eighteen years, tried for treason, and beheaded, 1587. The Spanish Armada defeated., 1588. Henry IV. king of France passes the edict of Nantz, tolerating the Pro­ testants, 1588. Coaches first introduced into England, 1589. Principal Personages.-Mary queen of Scots, Duke of Norfolk, Sir Francis Drake, Sir Francis Walsing­ ham, Lord Burleigh, Earl of Essex, Shakespeare, Spenser, Earl of Murray, Sir Thomas Gresham. 26

UNTON OF THE 1 ,vo KINGDOMS. JAMES I. was born in 1566, crownell in 1603 and uied iu 1625. 1 Remarlwbf,, Events.-A conspiracy for blowing up the king and parliament with gunpowder: Guy Fawkes · and others detrcted and hanged, 1605. Galileo disco­ vered the satellites of Saturn, 1608, by the telescope just then invented. Henry IV. king of France dered mur­ by Rarnillac, 1610. Sir T. Overbur murdered in the Tower, 1613. Na pier invented loi;anthms, 1614. N cw River broug ht to London, J 614. The circulatiou of the blood is discovered by Harvey, 161!:J. New England first settled, 1620. Battle of Pragne, The 1620. English massacred by the Dutch at A 1624. mboyna, Pri11cipal Personages.-Queen Anne, George Vrnier~ duke of Buckingham, Sir ,iValter Ralc-igh, Sir E 1hrnrd Cuke, Carr earl of Somerset, Loi d Bacon, Sir fl ugl1 Middle ton, Guy Fawkes. 27

CHARLES I. was born in 1600, crowned in lG25, and beheaded in 1649.

Remarkable Events.-The king differs with the par­ liament; they refuse supplies: ship-money exacted: parliament dissolved, 1629. Civil war, and battle of Edge-hill, 1642. Scotch army join the English. Battle of Marston Moor gained by the Parliamenta- 1·ians, 1644. ·13attle of Naseby, June 14th, 1645. T.he king surrendrrs to the Scoteh army; is given up for a sum -of money to his enemies. Charles is impri­ soned, brought to trial soon after, and beheaded, 1649.

Principal Personages.-Queen Henrietta Maria, Prince Rupert, Lord Faulkland, Oliver Cromwell, ArchlJishop Laud, Earl of Strafford, Pym, Selden, Sir Thomas Fairfax, Hampden. 1 · 28

OLIVER CROMWELL was born in 1599, made Protector in 1653, and died in 1658. Remarkable Events. - Cromwell subdues Ireland. The Scots attempt to place Prince Charles on the throne; their army defeated by Cromwell, 1650. Charles marches into England, arrives at Worcester; attacked by Cromwell; and his whole army kiJleu or taken prisoners, 165l. Charle$ escapes with great difficulty. Difference between the army and parlia­ ment. Cromwell goes to the house, turns th e members out, and locks the doors. Peace with the Dutch, 1654. Jamaica taken, 1655. Dunkirk taken, 1658. Continual insurrection and conspiracy. Cromwell dies of a tertian ague. Principal Persouages.- Richard Cromwell, H enry Cromwell, Admiral Blake, Admiral Penn, Bradshaw, General Ireton, General .Fleetwood, General Ludlow, Archbishop Usher, Thurloe. 29

CHARLES II. was born in 1630, crowned in 1661 , and died in .1684. Remarlzable Eve1,ts.-Monk advances 1.q Lon_µon with great reserve. Royal Society founded, 1660. New parliament called. .Monk proposes the restoration of Charles: the parliament listeus to his proposal with joy, and the king enters London, May 29th, 1660. Act of Indemnity, August 29. Sale of Dunkirk, 1663. War with the Dutch, 1664; many famous sea-fights. A dreadful plague, 1665. The fire of London, 1666. Tea first imported. The triple alliance, 1668. The Navigation, Habeas Corpus, and Coventry Acts. Popisb Plot, 1678. Charter of London and of other places suspended, 1683. Principal Personages.-Queen Catharine, Duke of York, Lord Russel, General Monk, Earl of Clarendon, Earl of Sbaftesbury, Cowley, Butler, Sir William Temple, Algernon Sidney, Milton. 30

JAMES II. was born in 1633, crowned in 1685, anu

Remarkable Eve11ts.-Tlte Duke of Monmouth rebels, is t aken, and beheaded, 1685. S ome hnndreds han;2:ecl by J efferi es. Edict of Nantz revoked hy Louis X lV. James tries to introduce Popery, and b~co mes od iou s to- his subjects. Seven bishops sent to the Tower. \Villiam prince of Orange lands at Torbay, and James c1bdicates and retires to France, 1688. The crown given to \¥illiam and Mary. The RevolL1tion accom­ plished. Charity schools first instituted, to guard c hildren against popery.

Pri 11 cipal Personages. - Qneen Anne, Prince of O range, Duke of Buckingham, Earl of Argyle, Duke of Monmouth, Earl of Suntlerland, Judge J effe ri es, Dryden. 31

WILLIAM AND MARY. "William was born in 1650, and Mary in 1661; crowned in 1689. William died in 1702, and Mary in 1694. Remarkable Events.--Bill of Rights, 1689. The land tax , 1689. James's army uefrated at the battle of the Boyne, 1690. VVar in Ireland finished by the surrender of Limerick, 1691. ,var with Frauce. French fleet defeated nff La Hogue, an

ANNE was Lorn in 1665, crowned in 1702, and died in 1714. Remarlwble Events.-War with France, 1702. Vigo and the Spnnish galleons taken, 1702. The great storm, 1703. The battle of Blenheim, 1704. Gibraltar taken. Battle of Ramillies, 1706. Union between England and Scotland, signed July 22, 1706. The two kingdoms united under the name of Great Britain, Ma,y,,Jts~ l'i07. Battle of 011denard, 1708; of Mal­ pl!tqu~I\ 709. Trial of Sacheverel. The '"'' bigs lose their. ..interest with the queen; 'Whig ministry dis­ misS'ed, 1710. South Sea Company, 1711. P eace of U trecht, 1713. Principal Personages. - Prince Eugene, Duke of Marlborough, Lord Bolinguroke, Harley earl of Oxford, Earl of Peterborough, Earl of Godolphin, D r. Sache­ verel, Dean Swift. 33

GEORGE I. was born m 1660, crowned in 1714, and died in 1727. Remarkable Events.-A total eclipse of ihe sun, 1715. The Duke of Ormond and others impeached of high treason. A rebellion in favour of the Pretender, 1715. The rebel army defeated by General Willes at Preston, 1715. The Pretender lands, but soon embarks for France. Several Scotch lords executed, 1716. Blount plans the South-sea scheme, 1719, by which thousands were ruined. Inoculation first tried on criminals. A Spanish fleet fitted out in behalf of the Pretender, dis­ abled by a violent storm, 1719. Another plot in his favour, 1722• .Principal Personages.-The Pretender, Lord Cban­ ceUor Cowper, Pulteney, Addison, Lord Bolingbroke, Sir Robert Walpole, Bishop Atterbury, Matthew Prior, Pope, Gay, Sir Richard Steele. 34

GEORGE II. was !Jorn in 1683, crowned in 1727, and died in 1760. Rernarhahle Events.-An:,;on sails into the South Seas, and takes a Spanish gallBon worth 313,000{. ~ far with Spain, 1739. Victory man-of-war lost, 1743. witb vVar );"ranee ;-The battle of Dettingen won English by the and allies, 1743; they lose tbat of Fontenoy, 1745. The young Pretender he:'lrls a rebellion Scotland, in 1745; defeats Cope, ;:rt Preston Pans; vances ad­ as far as Derby, December 4th. .Battle Falkirk, of 1746. The Pretender defeated at Culloden, 1746. Peace of Aix-la-Clrnpclle, 1748. War with France in America, 1755. Admiral Byng shot, 1757. Admiral l-Lnvke defeats the French fleet. Principal Personages.-Duke of Cumberland, the Pretender, Lord Clive, ,villiam Pitt (afterwards Chatham,) Lord Walpole . earl of Orford, Pulteney earl Bath, of General Wolfe, Admiral Hawke, Commodore Anson, Admiral Byng. . (

GEORGE III. g randson of Geor~e II. was born 1738; crowned in 1760; and died in 1820. Remarkable Bvents.-Isle of Man purehascd of the Duke of Athol, and annexed to the crown, 1765. Blackfriars' bridge finish ed, 1770. Americans declare themselves independent, 1776. G eorgium Sidus dis­ cove re rl, 1781. General peace, 1783. War with F rance, 1793. Vacci'ne inoculation introduced by Dr. J enner, 1798. Lancaste rian schools established, "J 798. Irela11d united to Great Britain, 1801. Peace of A miens, 1802. ,var with France, 1803. Rible Socie1y establishe

GEORGE AUGUSTUS FREDERICK IV. son of George HI. was born August 12, 1762; proclaimed January 31, 1820; and crowned July 19, 1821. Remarkable Events.-Assassination of the Duke of Berri ;-Revolution in Spain, 1820. Plot to assassinate the English ministry, 1820. Pope Pius the Seventh died at Rome ;-Bonaparte died at St. Helena, 1~21. Queen Caroline died, 1821. Spanish Constitution abolisued, 1823. Louis XVIII. of Fran~e died, and Charles X. succeeded, 1824. King Ferdinand of Na.pies died, and Francis I. succeeded ;-Corumercia_l panic in England ;-Alexander, Emperor of Russia died, and Nicholas succeeded, 1825. King of Portugal died, 1826. Duke of York died, 1827. Mr. Canning became Prime Minister, 1827. Principal Personages.-Duke of Clarence, Lord Li"erpool, Lord Eldon, Lord Lyndhurst, Marq~is Lansdowne, Lord Goderich, Duke of Wellington, Mr. Canning, Mr. Brouguam. 31

WILLIAM HENRY IV.; son 0f George III., was August 21, born 1765; he succeeded his brother, George June 26, 1830; IV. and was crowned September 8, 1831. Remarkable E vents.--Revolution in France, expulsion Charles X., of and elevation of Louis Philippe, first Kin French, to g of the the Throne. Revolution in Belgium; defeat ejection of t and he Dutch. Revolution in Poland; the Russians driven out of i\l arsaw. Appearance and destructive ravages of the Cholera Morbus in Russia and the adjoining Retirement countries. of the Duke of We1lington's Administration office. Alarming from riots and destruction of property in the agricultural districts of England, 1830. Introduction of the Reform Bill to Parliament. Revolution arrival in Brazil, and of the abdicated Emperor Pedro in Eng Leopold land. Prince of Saxe-Cobourg elected King of of Belgium. Loss the Rothsay Castle Steamer, by which more dred than a hun­ lives were lost. Recapture of Warsaw by 1831. the Russians,

Principal P ersorwges.-EarI Grey, Lord Brougham, Lord Melbourne, Lord Althorp, Lord John Wellington. Russelr, Duke of

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