Love's Garden for Mixed Voices and Piano
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MO43084 V PELISSIER LOVE'S GARDEN FOR MIXED VOICES AND PIANO . ^l^^'WW!ff*'^H * With -Uialoguet-n; ^1 and byrica, ^f^ .^ ARTHUR by DAVENPORT . Rights resGPved, f/dfy |?Pi6e 3//netr. LONDON; JOSEPH WILLIAMS, UrxiTeB 32 OfeaT Portland Street W ^V ' NEW YORK: E. pCH UBE RTH aC? ^"^ C.0 RODER US. LONDON ROOM USE All Riqhts Reserved. Price 3/6 net. London-. Joseph Williams. Limited, 32, Great Pordand Street, W. All penfjpming Riglrts of this Musical Piece are rsser\/ed. 5in£/E decachsd numbers may tie 5unjf at: Cnncercs, not more thsn two at aay one Concert, tut they must te gi\/en wit/iaut costume or action. In no esse must such perfDrmgnce he announced as a "Select/an from the piece" Applications far tte right of singing mare Chan the above or ofperforming the piece must be made ta M^H. G.Peuss/£R, 3./i. Bl£nheim MANSIONS, CoswA y Street, Lond oa/, N. W. "The Follies" »X?X IN KSk. "LOVE'S GARDEN," {!S. IPantasij.) THE STORY AND MUSIC BY H. G. PELISSIER. The Dialogue and Lyrics by ARTHUR DAVENPORT. «^l"l= ARGUMENT. Club, during which the Bacchus is discovered asleep in Cupid's bower after a night at the Olympus neotap proving too potent, the God of Love has succumbed. On waking Bacchus recollects what occurred the previous evening, and, as he has appropriated Cupid's bow and quiver, he resolves to have a joke at the latter's expense, and pose as the proprietor of Love's Garden. In his exuberance he has already done some rather reckless shooting on his way to bed, and an arrow typical Englishman. This unfortunate gentleman has seen has found its billet in the bosom of one, John Smith, a and Domestica, a young and fallen in love with simultaneously two young ladies— Uptodata, a modern woman, person of the early Victorian era. is the ladies are naturally This trio has found its way to Love's Garden, and imagining Bacchus Cupid, somewhat disgusted and resolve in future to do without the tender passion. constable, arrives to inspect At this moment, Mrs. Grundy, attended by an Inspector of Nuisances and a the grounds on behalf of the London County Council. she was a girl, she gives She finds the bow, and, as archery was considered a lady-like amusement when an exhibition of her skill .... and hits Bacchus. first person they meet. Those struck by the arrows from Cupid's bow fall in love instantaneously with the its owner's hands, and many complications, owing to It is, therefore, a dangerous weapon in other than miscellaneous shooting, occur among the various characters. threatens to shoot Mrs. Grundy, however, by a cunning ruse, fmally obtains possession of the bow and former happy condition. Cupid herself and doom him to hopeless misery unless he restores them all to their under He consents and she dictates her terms, which are that the Gardens shall [n future be entirely the control of the London County Council. The result of this arrangement will be seen in the final tableaux. '^LOVE'S GARDEN/^ CAST. Cupid Ethel All.\ndai,e Mrs. (irimdy Lewis Sydney Bacchus .. H. G. Pelissier John Smith... Dan Evekakd Domestica ... GwKNNiE Mars Upto-data ... .. Muriel George An Inspector of Nuisances Norman A. Blume A Nymph ... Ethel Allandale A Dryad Norman A. Blume A Satyr Lewis Sydney A Policeman Dan Everard SCENE: Cupid's Garden. CONTENTS. io. LOVES GARDEN. INTRODUCTION. Moderate. <- -«- -• g^fflii i i H=r:|=t ff PIANO. y/ ^ -y -^ i ^ 7 I fI ^ %i. ^ e 'fei. -^- •:Jj '&i5, i^' Z.AT. o ^ ^ £ ^ V ' 1-^(1 i^^§^ ^^ ^ l^w ' ^ » m -^^-^^ ffi h\ I. : J « " f b' ' 'V Andante. i m 4=1?=^ H: l^i W3 *- •* ^ m ^Fi^^i^tiw -|:-t »//• y ^s ^ #f# ^^ ^f ^V *• H ? J.W. 14858 Copyright in U.S.A. MCMVIII by Joseph Williams Limited • AUegTO ^#i#i ^^ 1^ ta^^'^^ iff rtipi rit. f ''i/ ^ ^ m^f ^ # • W \=i^ r*^-^ * — a - ^^m ^^-f^ ^ —t— a ^ 1^ 1=^ PP B^ -6 t W ^ "/ t»^-r-> «— s p^ ^^ m. n < — ]t ^ ¥ :«^ 7 ^ Sung' by John Smith behind the Curtain. Allegro Andante - i I y y ^ Oh, a. J J i in > V ^ 7 mU $ y V i y y y i K jfM f "•f =^=^ ^mft T=^ ^^ J. W. 1485S ^' li Up J- Jv Ji i. J- ,h \ I r : \^p- p" •J f. .. _ ir : J ,_ 1 1 U„n _„„J As list to me, whose con - stan - cy Your mai - den hearts shall rend; ;^* ^1*- ^ 3 J fn? Dreamil\ years roll past my love -will last And tri -umphin the end! My pas- sions grow for you, and though my =*=ibi *#•>• a ^^^ V f^^^"*"~5^ ii^. ^ ^ »# "f^^ m ^^f S S 8 ^ :Mi.=^=Jfa fesj P p i p r s ^ ^p p p ^ love you cast a - way, I swear to you 1 shall be true for Allegro. ev - er and a day!- i i t t f ^m J. W. 14858 ) « ^ 83! *""# 9 r* rf^^ ~ ^ cresc - y/ ^ mi J 1^ m m i i I li^i ^ « — ^. »• *s nfJ=ft m moiiu rtt ^S mm ^ ft^ ^ ? ^ 'Curtain rises) Aiidante misterioso. i^=e=^==lF^ ^ P^ ,Ah rr VPhh ^ (unaccompanied is " [' /• /« ^I ' m^lIXJ J.W. 14858 L-H. L.H. ^HA-^&^^^ ^m %a. fe^^^^^f^f^M^i.^^^ r=^? y ffp «f t^i^ ^ ^ i %i>. •* 'So). %5. * z.//. z.//. Quicker. ^f ^M^^ # ^^ J. W. 14858 ^ ''' II ,!> ^ pj i,^:t *pH M --^- MM^ f^^ «o//<3 accel. ^^ \^ 1^ ^ i>J t^^V^ ^^^M^PvJ5 «• o • ^— -^_lf_i li ^fe =:::Si:e% / « \. (^ i I^^J' ; ? ii"" l^f- ^ \l l^g i.g ^ ^B S^^g . > i. eS^ff „ F * / ? ^^=^ s ^' i ^ ^ J U J -^ J.W. J4858 5 ^ T^ ^^ Ah L.H. Z.Y. ^ F^^-^r ^^ * p lii %^. * %b. p f\ ^ ^^^^ ^^m. Ah T Ah Z.^. L.H. 2.^. h > j^^] m > M II ^::^ ^^^^ r ^^^ i>f ^ I. a ^ i^g= * *to. * %&. **to. * %i>. *%>. J. W. 14858 N9 2. "IT ISN'T LOVE- IT'S BACCHUS!" (SONG.- BACXHL'S.) Allegro. VOICE. ^ # ±1 /4 E^y w n PIANO. / «y =@ W^ii V *M-iil ^ BACCHUS. E^5 J- -^^ ^' ^' feE r \ m ^ ^ r ^ I p 1 For many a deed is Cu - pid praised That Bac - chus has ef 2. "Love makes the world go round."the}- say; How can they be so 0» f^ ^ m ^^m ^^m "if- 0\ i*- tOi^~^ ^J J # Bacc. P ^ J^' ItfJ i' i' £ ^^ P P fee - ted. Its high time that the point was raised. The er - ror was cor stu - pid? As though this mas - sive lump of clay Could get pushed round by *# m \£& ^ i ^ J. W. 14858 ^^^^ ^ :^' ^ (i J' Ba,cc. #f^ P with dis - tress And - rcc - tod. Love may be sweet, but - on the gTi5und Lest Cu - pid? But, crawl ing: home wards *=5 ^m ^ .^f f Bacc ;^ ' ^ I W F r p ' ^ when man's found true lous - y 'twill rack us; And wliat makes the lamp - po3ostssts should at tack us. ^^'e /mow ^ E^ ^ ll mf i^m H. i' J-. }. !^ Bacc. ^ ^^ S Bac - chus. hap - pi - ness It IS nt love, its world go round, It is n't love, it's Bac - chus. (Musette.) (SATVR.) -^4 e£ ^ ^^ W M' > I I is - n't love, it's Bac - chus. is - n't love, it's Bac - chus. J. W. 14858 10 3 How oft a young man at a ball. Who's got a weak digestion. Will take his partner in the hall And pop the fatal question? Says he: "I will be true, eh, what? Howe'er the Fates may whack us!" What is it makes him talk such rot? It isn't Love— it's Bacchus! 4 What is it makes us take a wife, Though we may learn to rue it Through many years of weary life? It's Love that makes us do it. But when she's dead and reached a clime From where she cannot track us, What makes us wed a second time? It isn't Love— it isn't Bacchus- It's insanity.' J. W. 14858 11 NO 3. ''love's a bore." (TRIO. UP-TO-DATA, DOMESTICA and JOll N SMITH.) Allegretto. %' J (i Up-to-Data. IE Domestica 1. We must say that to - day Has been 2. Folks de - Clare Love is fair, But from Smith. P John m ¥''^ [U m ^m ^ "if PIANO. J~]--^' I rjj ) C-);^. I M M % != T =r f" ^ JtoD is^31 ^ ^ ^ - ^ both a grec, Is the Cu-pid, we He's no coy lit - tic boy, For he's Dom. full of dis - il - lu - sions and re - gret what weVe seen we cant a - gree with that J. W. 14b5S *"S:j:s« !! ! ! , . 12 J (»-=- UtoD I 1' r r p I ^ B P most un-plea-sant manwe've ev - er met! mid -die aged and get -ting- vc-ry fat! i Ucno mosso J.S. X ^ I \[ ^ Lack-a - day! Mii-er - ee, Skies are ^ Love is still Pas -sing fair, Take your ^^ ^m t^K ^ S iA^ ili m:^ 4 iJS^ =MtSi ^ f g tempo Dcm. m # NVe say no Will you Will you go? You're a goose! It's no use. Will you J.S. ^ i iM*^' r ^ ^ P ^ Hear me svear, N grey, Woe is me Hear my prayer, fill While 'tis there. My hearts j'ours Love en-dures, ' ' »ri j ^ a tempo ^ ^ i^ ± ' fl i > nfli > is:2: Si r f UtoD Dom.