MO43084 V


. ^l^^'WW!ff*'^H

* With -Uialoguet-n; ^1 and byrica, ^f^ .^ ARTHUR by DAVENPORT . Rights resGPved, f/dfy |?Pi6e 3//netr. LONDON; JOSEPH WILLIAMS, UrxiTeB 32 OfeaT Portland Street W ^V ' NEW YORK: E. pCH UBE RTH aC? ^"^ C.0 RODER US. LONDON


All Riqhts Reserved. Price 3/6 net.

London-. Joseph Williams. Limited, 32, Great Pordand Street, W.

All penfjpming Riglrts of this Musical Piece are rsser\/ed. 5in£/E decachsd numbers may tie 5unjf at: Cnncercs, not more thsn two at aay one Concert, tut they must te gi\/en wit/iaut costume or action. In no esse must such perfDrmgnce he announced as a "Select/an from the piece" Applications far tte right of singing mare Chan the above or ofperforming the piece must be made ta M^H. G.Peuss/£R, 3./i. Bl£nheim MANSIONS, CoswA y Street, Lond oa/, N. W.

"The Follies" »X?X IN KSk. "LOVE'S GARDEN," {!S. IPantasij.)


The Dialogue and Lyrics by ARTHUR DAVENPORT.

«^l"l= ARGUMENT.

Club, during which the Bacchus is discovered asleep in Cupid's bower after a night at the Olympus neotap proving too potent, the God of Love has succumbed.

On waking Bacchus recollects what occurred the previous evening, and, as he has appropriated Cupid's bow and quiver, he resolves to have a joke at the latter's expense, and pose as the proprietor of Love's Garden.

In his exuberance he has already done some rather reckless shooting on his way to bed, and an arrow typical Englishman. This unfortunate gentleman has seen has found its billet in the bosom of one, John Smith, a and Domestica, a young and fallen in love with simultaneously two young ladies— Uptodata, a modern woman,

person of the early Victorian era.

is the ladies are naturally This trio has found its way to Love's Garden, and imagining Bacchus Cupid,

somewhat disgusted and resolve in future to do without the tender passion.

constable, arrives to inspect At this moment, Mrs. Grundy, attended by an Inspector of Nuisances and a

the grounds on behalf of the London County Council.

she was a girl, she gives She finds the bow, and, as archery was considered a lady-like amusement when

an exhibition of her skill .... and hits Bacchus.

first person they meet. Those struck by the arrows from Cupid's bow fall in love instantaneously with the its owner's hands, and many complications, owing to It is, therefore, a dangerous weapon in other than miscellaneous shooting, occur among the various characters.

threatens to shoot Mrs. Grundy, however, by a cunning ruse, fmally obtains possession of the bow and former happy condition. Cupid herself and doom him to hopeless misery unless he restores them all to their

under He consents and she dictates her terms, which are that the Gardens shall [n future be entirely the control of the London County Council.

The result of this arrangement will be seen in the final tableaux. '^LOVE'S GARDEN/^


Cupid Ethel All.\ndai,e

Mrs. (irimdy Lewis Sydney

Bacchus .. H. G. Pelissier

John Smith... Dan Evekakd

Domestica ... GwKNNiE Mars

Upto-data ... .. Muriel George

An Inspector of Nuisances Norman A. Blume

A Nymph ... Ethel Allandale

A Dryad Norman A. Blume

A Satyr Lewis Sydney A Policeman Dan Everard

SCENE: Cupid's Garden.




<- -«- -• g^fflii i i H=r:|=t ff PIANO. y/

^ -y -^ i ^ 7 I fI ^ %i. ^ e 'fei.

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l^w ' ^ » m -^^-^^ ffi h\ I. : J « " f b' ' 'V

Andante. i m 4=1?=^ H: l^i W3 *- •* ^ m ^Fi^^i^tiw -|:-t »//• y ^s ^ #f# ^^ ^f ^V *• H ?

J.W. 14858 Copyright in U.S.A. MCMVIII by Joseph Williams Limited •

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Sung' by John Smith behind the Curtain. Allegro Andante

- i I y y ^ Oh,

a. J J i in > V ^ 7 mU $ y V i y y y i K jfM f "•f =^=^ ^mft T=^ ^^

J. W. 1485S ^' li Up J- Jv Ji i. J- ,h \ I r : \^p- p" •J f. .. . . _ ir : J ,_ 1 1 U„n _„„J As list to me, whose con - stan - cy Your mai - den hearts shall rend;

;^* ^1*- ^ 3 J fn? Dreamil\

years roll past my love -will last And tri -umphin the end! My pas- sions grow for you, and though my

=*=ibi *#•>• a ^^^ V f^^^"*"~5^ ii^. ^ ^ »# "f^^ m ^^f S S 8

^ :Mi.=^=Jfa fesj P p i p r s ^ ^p p p ^ love you cast a - way, I swear to you 1 shall be true for


ev - er and a day!-

i i t t f ^m

J. W. 14858 ) «

^ 83! *""# 9 r* rf^^ ~ ^ cresc - y/ ^ mi J 1^ m

m i i I li^i ^ « — ^. »•

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'Curtain rises)

Aiidante misterioso. i^=e=^==lF^ ^ P^ ,Ah rr VPhh ^ (unaccompanied is

" [' /• /« ^I

' m^lIXJ

J.W. 14858 L-H. L.H. ^HA-^&^^^ ^m %a. fe^^^^^f^f^M^i.^^^ r=^? y

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J. W. 14858 ^

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l^f- ^ \l l^g i.g ^ ^B S^^g . > i. eS^ff „ F * / ? ^^=^ s ^' i ^ ^ J U J -^

J.W. J4858 5 ^ T^ ^^ Ah

L.H. Z.Y. ^ F^^-^r

^^ * p lii %^. * %b.

p f\ ^ ^^^^ ^^m. Ah T Ah

Z.^. L.H. 2.^. h > j^^] m > M II ^::^ ^^^^ r ^^^ i>f ^ I. a ^ i^g= * *to. * %&. **to. * %i>.


J. W. 14858 N9 2. "IT ISN'T LOVE- IT'S BACCHUS!"



VOICE. ^ # ±1 /4 E^y w n

PIANO. / «y =@ W^ii V *M-iil ^


E^5 J- -^^ ^' ^' feE r \ m ^ ^ r ^ I p 1 For many a deed is Cu - pid praised That Bac - chus has ef 2. "Love makes the world go round."the}- say; How can they be so 0» f^ ^ m ^^m ^^m "if- 0\ i*- tOi^~^ ^J J #

Bacc. P ^ J^' ItfJ i' i' £ ^^ P P

fee - ted. Its high time that the point was raised. The er - ror was cor stu - pid? As though this mas - sive lump of clay Could get pushed round by

*# m

\£& ^ i ^

J. W. 14858 ^^^^ ^ :^' ^ (i J' Ba,cc. #f^ P with dis - tress And - rcc - tod. Love may be sweet, but - on the gTi5und Lest Cu - pid? But, crawl ing: home wards *=5 ^m ^ .^f f

Bacc ;^ ' ^ I W F r p ' ^ when man's found true lous - y 'twill rack us; And wliat makes the lamp - po3ostssts should at tack us. ^^'e /mow ^ E^ ^ ll mf i^m

H. i' J-. }. !^ Bacc. ^ ^^ S

Bac - chus. hap - pi - ness It IS nt love, its world go round, It is n't love, it's Bac - chus.

(Musette.) (SATVR.) -^4 e£ ^ ^^ W M' > I I is - n't love, it's Bac - chus. is - n't love, it's Bac - chus.

J. W. 14858 10


How oft a young man at a ball. Who's got a weak digestion.

Will take his partner in the hall

And pop the fatal question?

Says he: "I will be true, eh, what? Howe'er the Fates may whack us!"

What is it makes him talk such rot?

It isn't Love— it's Bacchus!


What is it makes us take a wife,

Though we may learn to rue it

Through many years of weary life?

It's Love that makes us do it.

But when she's dead and reached a clime From where she cannot track us, What makes us wed a second time?

It isn't Love— it isn't Bacchus-

It's insanity.'

J. W. 14858 11

NO 3. ''love's a bore."



%' J (i Up-to-Data. IE Domestica

1. We must say that to - day Has been

2. Folks de - Clare Love is fair, But from Smith. P John m ¥''^ [U m ^m ^ "if PIANO.

J~]--^' I rjj ) C-);^. I M M % != T =r f"

^ JtoD is^31 ^ ^ ^ - ^ both a grec, Is the Cu-pid, we

He's no coy lit - tic boy, For he's


full of dis - il - lu - sions and re - gret

what weVe seen we cant a - gree with that

J. W. 14b5S *"S:j:s« !! ! ! , .


J (»-=-

UtoD I 1' r r p I ^ B P most un-plea-sant manwe've ev - er met! mid -die aged and get -ting- vc-ry fat!

i Ucno mosso J.S. X ^ I \[ ^ Lack-a - day! Mii-er - ee, Skies are ^ Love is still Pas -sing fair, Take your ^^ ^m t^K ^ S iA^ ili m:^ 4 iJS^ =MtSi ^ f

g tempo Dcm. m # NVe say no Will you Will you go? You're a goose! It's no use. Will you J.S. ^ i iM*^' r ^ ^ P ^ Hear me svear, N grey, Woe is me Hear my prayer, fill While 'tis there. My hearts j'ours Love en-dures,

' ' »ri j ^ a tempo ^ ^ i^ ± ' fl i > nfli > is:2: Si r f



go.' We say no Love's a bore. No-thing more; We say no

J.S. ^3 Hear me swear, Pk-ar my prayer! Love's a bore, .^h Ah! I im-plore, Hear me swear. Hear my prayer

=^ ^r): ^ ^ i j ^i i ? ^ :S^ f5.

J. W. 14858 13

k is UtoP i- r P ^m P r r ^^ - such way you rave a -bout it seems ab - surd. Do'nt im plore an-y more, Rr








we'Uw itlidraw,

J.S. ^:eE £ fe:fi:pa===Ulrp r ^ U PJ ^^ to the core! Not a bore a bore $ as be- fore; 1 im-p!ore! not 0m^ ^^ ^a^ktiitg^^ ^ m G^ S4fc iiOi ^^ ^^; =^ f t f r

J. \V. 148.08 14



J S.

Ulo D




bore, No-thing- morC) Love's a bore

Don . ¥ ^ t p_^ ^^^^:^E=^^^^^:^^^f-X-^—A to the core. A borel You're a borf,Yuu're a bore, You're a bore!

J.s fe=S t=t=M4=M==&-M-P I r I II to the core! A bore! Not a bore, Not a bore, Not a bore! N* s

J. W. 14858 15




J inii 'lF=fe=j; t i ^Prf ^s^ HrflU

^ E \m£ 5^ J: ,


'J, *• TT *• g: . i;-h-P-{M=£=^

- - Stal-'wart In- spec -tors we,. Of Pub lie mor al - i - tee.-


jL+J^^ r BASS I. m:^M> p r P ; p ^

Stal-wart In - spec - tors ve,, Of Pub-lir mor-al - i - tee..

Mrs GRUNDY. ^^

BASS II. t^^l-r^P^^T-^^ r M ff tL=6=g^

J.W. 14858 , ^


Stal-wartln-spec-tors ve, Em-ployed by the L. C. C Ourmindsare soniceWedis-cov-erthevice that

if rF P P pxj- r- r P gSEfe i i p f##^ | p^irirpip-g^ £ Stal-wart In -spec-tors we, Em-ployed by the L. C. C OurmindsarcsoniceWe dis-cov-erthevice that

p iatyfesfefeis^M'^ r MP p^^ If r I F^=gJ:M=M^=£^^^ N StalAv art In -spec-tors we, Em-ployed by the L. C. C OurmindsaresoniceVVedis-cov-er thevice that


- vv-w>-JhJ>^^-^^h-vJ- bJ j^r^s h J) I J- J J^ I ;> r p ^^M no-bo-dy else can see! 'Tis a glo - ri - ousthinj;^ to be. Em - ployed by the L. C.

17 t^ ^ f f f f f f p_[>, p f I I T^TTT-f I P ^ p p ^ no-bo-dy el^.e can see! 'Tis a glo - ri-ousthinp to be.—_ Em - ployed by the L. C. *• * ^^m ^£ ii"!, > no-bo-dyi>r\ _ \\r\ _ Hi* elsei^Tcfi canr^^Ti see!c^a' 'Tis"Tic a gl.)i -_ ri -_ ousthingmi^thincr to+n be Em -ployed by the L. C. L.H.

^ >'' Tr I O-LLP I y ^ infi Ji i^ I Jr J' J Ji J- Ji - Aiidwith^ Vir -tu-ousgloom All plea-sureto doom,Forthe good of hu-man i - tee!" C

^S I^IM^-^^-^^ -"^"-^ ^ p p p p pTrP P P r P i T' i C .Andwith Vir - tu-ousgloom All plea-sureto doora,Forthe good of hu-man - i - tee!

gBttH^-P-JLi^f^ f f f -?— p-p-p p p p I r p I r' (^ \ FTP C Aniwith Vir - tu-ousgloom All plea-sureto doom,Forthe good of hu-man - i - tee!.


J, W. 14R5fi . 17


ft ft- ^ -4- A- f=H^ I - - al Stal - vart In - spec - tors vi Of pub lie inor

f ^ t f . ^ t ff f=f=t jaJ^ I i Stal - wart In - spi-c - tors Of pub - lie mor - al - i

g; -^-^^r^-. 5SEf F I P ff P

- ^ stal - vart In - spec - tors Of pub lie mor - al - i

«i 1 .. ^i^i^ w j> -7 \ 7 l=i=i

/?\ >L( VyP 7 7 7 7 i^^ ^^ 7^ tee; Em - ployed by the L. C C.

m^^ E5E^ 7 j: ^ tee: Em - ployed by the L. r\ S^ 7 7^ - P-f^^ E -f 7 7 ^ 7 \ tee; Em - ployed by the L.

3_J_ c\ 7 7 ^ 7 5r y i -F m t \ \ f f P ^m. 1

Mrs GRUNDY fl^ //*. |-^^?=!i4^ 7 ^ 7= ^ ^ -i tj J' A - bout each res - tau - rant. And In - to a Mu - sic Hall Last You think that A. B. C's _ Are Love's den now wefll stop. P'rom

k J^j^ r-T-jrjp^ ^^?n ,

J. W 14S58 18

..." 1 _ _ ._ J T'l, .. 1.,^n *U.^,- -^^^rtrt• -n-itl-i KiHi»-l W-aVa rt-i-iinnr tn h riv*^ *am - - beer! We're going^ to have em pub - lie house -we've nosed; The pop u lace they cheer vith li - cense Tues - day night we dropped;— We're going to have each jest sup-pressed. Or get the - to have 'em harm -less pla - ces, but The legs of ev' ry chair are bare! Were going - del poul - try do - in"- fur - ther harm, And in twelve months you'E see 'twill be A mo

fes; =S 5i ^5 1 1 '^3.£ ^y^ 5=51 \' i W ^-^ i ^^Wi^3^^ 5£*§^al5 f T==^

closed! A bout each res - tau rant- And pub - lie housewe've nosed; The stopped! In to a Mu - sic Hall_ Last Tues-day night we dropped; We're shut, You think that A B C's_ Are harm-less pla - ces, but The farm! Love's gar- den now we'll stop From do - ing fur - ther harm, .\nd ^^K-i ll^ p p

fe I ^ J' I ; * ^^ f pop - u - lace they cheer with beer! We're going to have 'em closed! going to have each jest sup -pressed, Or get the li - cense stopped! legs of ev' - ry chair are bare! We're going to have 'em shut in twelve months you'll see 'twill be A mo - del poul - try farm! zinir •''' I '^'' ''^ I 3 ^ r ^p r f ^ ^ tJ'

D. C. al %

J.W. 14858 19


.^ .^ ^„ , J> J_JlJl.^. J . J .^-J s tu_uua^ ^ETT^i^^f

Stal-wart In- spec - tor.- Of pub - lie mor - al - i tee;.

* . TENOR.iJCjiiurv,. ^ ^

Stal --W'iirt In - spec - tors •we. Of pub - lie mor - al - i tee;

BASS I. lE^^gg^i^l^ f-i ^p |M?-X=ft=Ei|-:

Stal-wjrt In - spec - tors Of pub - lie mor - al - i tee;


^-1 ff ff p (^

- - Stal-vart In- spec - tors we,, Gf pub lie mor- al - i tec:.

i J> J^ J J) i<'—^ J' i) J) J) J i A .SOR pjr.^f4=f=^^^-t^^~f^rYT p-f—f^ ^ Stal -wart In - spec - tors we,. Ein - plu3ed by the L. C. Us

^^^^^m P I MP r-^^pN^ ^ stal -vart In - spec - tors we, f-m - ployed by the L. C. C It':s a

£=.jt=j=^EE|EE;j; =P B.l. ^^MmM =f Stal-vart In - spec - tors ve,. Em - ploy.'d by the L. C. C. It's


J.W. 14858 p


sol'. fc=h=ji J^r i J_J J^ \ ^ i^n pi J_Jip ^M P r P p

glo - ri - ous thing to be Em-ployedby the L C C Andwith Vir - tu-ous gloom All

|-^'' i . ji j^ I jr-rp I I J'f p ^4^J i ^, p i-j).^ P P p r P

glo - n - ousthing to be Em-ployedby the L. C. C Andwith Vir - tu-ousgloom All

-f- B 1 ^^ i^ r^rf^^ ^ p p p n r- r p I p^=5 s

glo - ri - ous thing to be Em-ployedby the L. C. C And with Vir - tu-ousgloom All

17 jfc Bll. f 1? I P~fl f ^j ^^ P P P 1 ^'A , P P P N ^ glo- ri- ous thing to be Em-ployedby the L. C. C Andwith Vir - tu-ousgloom All

Z.H. L.H

' J i^-f— ^ d ^ J i d m i ^ ^ ^^^

SOP. [|t'i, 7 7 iS'ii. j|-;[i uJi ji ji J, Ji J> ^ J i) I J. j i

plea-sure to doom, For the good of hu-man- i - tee!

-^—^ <^ii JiTTJi i^ u-^' Ji JL^Ji I J. Ji

plea-sure to doom, For the good of hu-man- i tee!-

B.I, ciV'i. i''P p p p p p pTp ^^r^-f^ plea-sure to doom,For the good of hu-man - i - tee!

B.n. ^'% p HM ^P-f-f-^=f4^^ ^1 plea-sure to doom, For the good of hu-man - i - tee!


J.W. 14858 . .







* ^^^ rTT^jT'j'' *

^fate _ oVr vale and moun - tain I've searched from

shine in heav'n to g-uide me, . I want no

L g * * - r^^f=r^

I i I ^^m ^^^ m ^^m # ^

m p ^ ^ ^ ^ear till dew- eve; I've y moon to lig-ht me on my way While

^ i ^3= 3c: fe^ :^ 7 r^ 7 -p. T ^ ^~7 ^ ^^^ ^^^E^ « r

J.W. 14858. . 28

sought her all in vain, by stream and foun - tain,, And now in

- search the 1 have you, my avm . sweet-heart, be side me, _ And

;E '".' fl=^ Jl ^ t^ i ^. P ^ 3'ou I've found her 1 be - lieve Give me your hand that depth's of those two eyes of grey Oh, dry those tears and

3»±: E^E^E i^ J^ P ^' f hf-f^ ^ - oh, mise 1 may press it gent - ly Be - tween mine own, and then pro - to wait uii - til the sun shines, The night has got a thou sand ejes

g:x~g i" I r- TTf

That you will gaze to my eyes in tent

peep, And if per chance hap - pens that not one 3

V^ J. W. 14858. , . 23

Refrain. ik=^

JOZ ~~a dain - ty Fresh soft, pure, sweet. 1 lay mj' heart at your

-i ir-h a feet; Fair, fond, kind, true, Where in the f ^ ^ Iee T i Ah! Ah!. Ah!

= pmm =i m i

I— ^f ^ ^^

•5S2. ^ ^EEt-M-r— TM P ^ maid like world is a maid like you? you? A maid like you A f f ,f m^7f > ^ ^ Ah! Ah!

J. W. 14858.

.'-" * •' - _._..»_ .'* • ^ - »m»»»-»* . « - . ».»^».»^ .... ^»«».»;» '. »>.»#• '• • .'.'-•'•SVi — . ^ 24


Allegro. ff

SOPRANO I. ^^F^ 7 p J) 7 V p 7 I ? ^ p p I p p J' p [up-to-data] ii p ^ Oh, do hear what I say! Oh, please don't turn a-way! My ff

SOPRANO II. •' ^ J) j) ^ (Tl J' Ji'.J) [do.mestica] ^Ji J ^h

>A I ' ^ Oh. do hear hat sav Oh. please don't turn a-way! Mv TENOR. ^^ [JOHN S.MITH] ^^ \> \^\) ^^-^P P [V-M^^ Oh, dohear%vhat 1 say! Oh, please don't turn a-way! My

^3']}' - ff|t^P ,^t^ P BASS I. (^ p PP p PP s^ [BACCHUS.] Oh, do hear what 1 sav! Oh, please don't turn a-way! My

BASS II (:^'\!' (t^^ E J^ 7 7 P p h i^ ;e ^zf:^ p p I [mt.s GRUNDY.] f^^

^ Oh, do hear what I say ! Oh, please don't turn a-way ! My

-7 7 in, ^ PIANO. f ^r

ff . {r)}^, (^bJ jl ^^

^ a tempo

S.I. ^ ^ i^ P I P Wl B ^m 'M p M" p ^ love I must de-clare. Be-ware'Take Care! 1 swear my hair I'll tear, And wear my-self a-way; You .rif- a tempo

s u. ip li J'' i> J' l ;- J' J' i J' J' ^ 1 j^ I n I J^ Ji ;, Ji p p p p p Ji p !ove i must de-clare. Be -ware! Take Care! I swear my hair 111 tear, And wear my-se!f a-way; You rif a tempo P P P -p-p -T*— ^ g^f^ p P-P I ? "P P "T^ I P"TT^^ love 1 must declare. Be-ware!_Take Care! I swear my hair Til tear. And wear m^-self a-way; You r— L rn.•it. a tempoTempo

p ff fTTV% ^f? g»p ^p pjr ff f B.I. p /> p p p p V V I ^ I

love I must de-clare. Be-ware! Take Care! I swear my hair I'll tear, And wear mj-self a-way; You a tempo

B. II, ip t t J^p \ <^ P P P I P P ^ '^ p=fT^ ^ p p f p f ^ p ^ love I must de-clare. Be-ware!Take Care! I swear my hair 111 tear, And wear my-self a-way; You i^ ^ rit. a tempo fc* w^ i ^TT^ -^ -i^-^ ^ ;


J. W. 148.58 •-;5

r\ rit.

S.I. ji 1^^ I ff^^p^^-^lM-H p P p r- P P P shall hear vhat 1 say! E'en from the grave I'd rise and rave Till I had said^my say!


all hear what I say! E'en from the grave I'd rise and rave Till 1 had said my say!

0\ ;•//.

' "p I." P P 'p M p p \ %4^M'^^^E^ P P P .P shall hearwtial 1 say! E'eii from the grave I'd rise and rave Till I had said rn; say! "* /TV . "'

(.!:J. ^ ^ ^ ^ i i ti JiH?- I ^=5 M P P P 1M! p p ^ shall hear what I say! E'en from the grave I'd rise and rave Till I had said my say! Oh,



. Andante. j f P P s. I. WfLrV' "• ^^ PP S des-pair, ^no one, to share, V P S.II. i ^ 1 U' i) ^ des-pair, no one, to share. P 3? f^^^#= PP ^ S des-pair, to share,

ii -Y^-^Ji6=£^ B.I. "p f P tri'b" p_^ji I ff p n i

love is black, des - pair, And no one's fit to bear it! I've lots of love to sharee WithV

R.II. w^ T P P 7 ^ des-pair, to share.

J. W. 14858 2Q

s. 1. [7 ji j^ ^ I -j^ p jM ;> i' p r^^ M p i P P no one. Mj- heart is sore with love ga - lore, My se-pul-chre pre-pare it I So

Ji ii i' ;i TT^h-^ i|j^ j) I J,

jt ji ji jiiJ p p p I p ff g w I ; i) t p p ^ no one. My heart is sore with love ga - lore, My se -pul-chre pre-pare it! So

B.I. ^^mM^^ fe^^^^ no-bo-dy to share it. So

B.II ^E^ ^ f P ji ;iJ J'J'p I ^C J P P »f p p ^ p Jrf \ no one. My heart is sore with love ga - lore, My se-pul-chre pre-pare it! So

¥^ n ^ P ^ fr^^QfF ^|ES lit # ^1 M s^ r r T r

arse. e accel. !» . . h P.I. fi i'liJ) iiff 'i^l''P ;P Ji T P l P n ^p p P H^^ p p P^^

why de - ny m}' cry? For I may sig-h'^Good-bj-erAndtrj" to die 'Ere 1 have had my say, So

A , cresc. e accel.accet. . ^ ^ ^ ^ , ^ . l >

S. II,

why de - ny my cry?For I may sigh"Good-bye,''And try to die 'Ere 1 have had my say, So cresc. i , e accel. ip 'ip '^ l P P TP P P P I P I ''P P 'M p M P P M P ^ ^ why de - ny my cry? For 1 may sigh"Good-bj'e,"Andtry to die 'Ere I have had my say, So

cresc. e , accel. ^^-^^ ffp P.I. W^\< \ ^\^ ^ \ 'P V PPpy^ p P D,J I l

whj- de-ny my cry? For I may sigh"Good-bye,'' Andtry to die 'Ere I have had my say. So cresc. e accel.

B.II. s^' pL-g ^' ^- p p p p p p J-f-^-^-M^-M-^-l-^P ^ ^ ^ why de-ny my cry? For I may sigh"Good-bj-e," Andtry to die 'Ere I have had my say. So

^' ^ ^

J. W. 14858 ^


s. 1. ^ n P"ff P p"P P p ^' p ^ ^^ay p P P "P-UU"^ ^ ^ p

please don't turn a-wajM M}' love I must de- Clare Be-ware ! Take Care! I swear my hair 111 tear And rit. s. u

m easedon'tturn a-way! love 1 must de-clare Be-ware 'Take Care! 1 swear my hair III tear And My

P e P ^J ^^^p wp i p-fTP N J T^-^ L^ P I swear hair I'll tear And please don't turn a-way! My love I must de-clare Be-ware!T"" "ake Care! my rif.

^ , , pj[^^-HHM I^^F ? f R. 1 zp P p P p ^^-t^l^ P=^!=#^

please don't turn a-way! My love I must de-clare Be-ware ! Take Care! 1 swear my hair I'll tear And " rif.

H. U, tJijj; > > iifl JL p JU) p p I P P p PIMP P P p P ^ p p f,

! 1 hair I'll tear And N pleasedon't turn a-way ! My love I must de-clare Be-ware Take Care! swear my

0\ r/Y. =— — -_ ' (spoken) ^ tempo ^ >- i -J.- ^ ^ I ^

S. 1.

wear my-self a-way; You shall hear what I say! E'en from the grave I'd rise and rave Till I had said my say! There!

rif " a tempo i=.s=. IHIZ:HZZ O -- -, "~i f^ 1 1. l S. II, jip p"p'ipipp:j>"''~ni J^ jiji ji^^ i p p pTTTr-M^^ji i^ my-self a-way, You shall hear what I say! E'en from the grave I'd rise and rave Till I hadsaidmy say! There! wear

a tempo riiiM' / ii ! i::L}\iiijiLi wm. P shall hear what 1 say! E'enfromthe grave I'd riseandrave Till I hadsaidmy say! There! wear my-self a-way, You ''"'- :=-«! tempo ^ » m m _^ - - m 0- - B.I. ^.,1, PppPp,,pi fe^i^' r PPii P h I I P P P p p P4fP-P

I There! hadsaid my say ! wear my-self a-way, You shall hear what I say ! E'enfromthe grave I'd riseandraveTiil ~ ~ >- -a tempo , ^


rave Till I hadsaidmy say ! There! ^ wear my-self a-way. You shall hear what I say ! E'enfromthe grave I'd rise and

.1. W. 14858 •^H





s i J' jj J' I r Loves a sort of round - a - bout, .\nd Off you go, the ma - gic ring You

* J^ J P Cu - pid is the show - man; Once it starts you can't get out, The spin a - round like wink - ing; Close - ly to your part - ner cling, No

It^^ ^ i ^^ 11 P ^; dTFJ ^r # ?^

ride wheels can stop for no man; The pranc - ing steeds on which you time to stop for think - ing; But. when your nerves are calm a - gain, Per

J. W. 14858 29

J' ^'1 i r p i P p^-^p P r p 1^' p p P p Two by two c;o side by side; The part-ner you get as you whirl a - long' may per - - haps you will think she's ra - ther plain; You see some o- thergirl on a - head you would

£ • F hi i i I ^ * '(/. ^ p I r * ^i

*^^ ^ ^ P P haps be all right, Or per - haps be all wrong. You ra - ther have had By your side in-stead. But m ^ S5 i 3^E ^ ^ e LI^ J. ^ ^

need - n't frown, you can't get down; The Or - gan starts to play. The on you whirl, the o - ther girl You can't catch up this ride. And

=?=^ 7 7 S 7 7 -g 7 7 i P J ^ ^^ ma tempo ^ 7 7 '-jZJZ^ ^^F=^ 7 7 7 7 =¥==¥ 7 7 '^r~7~~7 ^ } ^•^P ^P *

$ i i En - gine goes, the whis - tie blows, They're off, they're off, hur - ray! if 'twere done, its ten to one You'd not be sat - is - fied! r\ di4 ^^ m I r J i m

\iilp , , .^, , V >p , =^=^ ^ 7 7 '-r to:^>f, ^fj , ^ ^?==r p

J. W. 14858 —



J'i J) j^ I j^ J) \ j^ fr-^ J^ h J JU-^. m^ --^^UJUU^ J) *uJ) P ^ .-kf- ^ Love is a sort of a mer-ry - go-round, I'm wil-iing' to va-ger a bob to a pound, s m

:4= i 7 - ^^^ 7-^ I ^ ?=

J'' 1^' i 1^' i -i''iiJ li^'P'.^p 1 I 1 1^ JuJ-. Ji P-P-^^- p p p p ^ No -one with life will be- quite sat -is - fied Till theyve paid up their pen-ny and sam-pled a ride.

i-'^ ^ fe ^^ i 4^=^ ' g i 'i

U»t V ^^ ^^ f

i^ -. i, J; Ji ^^=i^ ^ I g f g ' p i; »M ^r p r Oh! the ex-citement of whirl-ing a -way! Young folks and el-der-ly all of 'em say:

i I ^ p p p p p p p p p r P "Ab-so-lute pleasure can on-ly be found on Cu - pid's

J. W. 14858 81

rr. ujJ' pVAr ^ raer-ry-go - round!' Merrj'-go - round! ^1 fiza^ S ^^ i ^ ^^mw J uT^

4^-^ ^2 ^ =j^=T ;?= ^-^ s^ it s it H^—

iZaj/ time.

itprYYTJih I't^'Tr^^Ffairrrr i ^rrrcf

Z?. C. fo %


^ >^rJl^^t.!^^^ r j^^H^^- i ^^^^t^ i

accel. ^^ PS^ ^ ^ ^

* * !>*ek«!.« ffh*V ^^f^Yf¥-¥ f^Vf^T f^yf..rf i 1 ^ ^ t j^ 7 i V \ 7 ^ 7fe- 'y ^ I I 7 j^ 7 7 i 3E j y i•^^ 1^—1^; ' — I J: ^!

J. W. 14858 »



Andante. tei ^^ ^ ^ PIANO. mfDelicately ^IPSiH eE P^^ =t=^ i f «f f

#— frr-frr i -ffff f i ^frrrr

riY. ^F=Ti feE±i ^?H?^ 3^ i^^ ^^P f" '^cXJ" _Cjirr

flfif //J. i^ fe \ y y ^ ^ ^ ^ P ^ 1. Though we're dis-tinct - ly mid - die class, Yet please to bear in 2. Al - though our wit is known to be As keen as a - ny

^ '^ -^^^^- ^ > h ^ y h ^ ^ y y .\ T~y J^ a tempo ^ ;^ [W^ V y ^J^ t^J^J'' ^ > /i^ 7 ^ JH *> j^ ^

JMJ J^ JN ^ " ^^ N J ^ ^ 3^ $ rz:^ $ — — — f^ * mind How ev - cr up - to - date we are, We're nev - er un - re - fined. We ra - zor, We ne - ver give wives cause to say: George, look the oth - er »uyy sir!" And

k ^ V > h v ^ ^^=^ :# i ^^^ 1 mm

J,) y y ji^^=T ^ ! v ,SS |, [,J^ J^ s ^^^

J.W. 14858 J


E £ m g E ^ ^

- speak . Our al - ways look be - fore we leap, And think be fore we That if folks say, when - e're we sing", How out of tune we are,

- - For we're con verse nev - er broug-ht a blush To an - y bo dy's cheek. bar. We are is be - cause we won't be found To - ge - ther in a

* wind; we're ve-ry re - fined, We'r« ve - ry re-fined, Wo do'nt touch the knuck- Ic or sail nearthe When ve-ry re -fined, We're ve-ry re-fined,And a - dapt ev- tv phrase to the in-nocentmind: For in-

4 0' J^ J' i J> I i. J, J' I fP=f=^=t=l=\^ J, J I J' m chang--ing our mind We pulldown the blind, Be - cause we're so ve-ry so ul - tra re-fined. stance,wepause,Thenwesay: "Chest -of -Bloom-ers," Be cause we're so ve-ry so ul - tra re-fined. ;,.

": = ft. - . i-J . r I I lJm I I I r-T 1 I h- , , , t t—F- 5 g m m m i $ ^

J. W. 14858 34

3 You may not think our dancing is Particularly chic, But, when we dance, you'll please observe How very low wc kick.

And thoug-h you watch 'till all is blue, However swift you dart a Most searching' glance at our high kicks You'll never see a_ honi soit qui mal y pense!

REFRAIX We're very refined, we're very refined, And, when down at Richmond's Hotel we have dined,

Its title we render

As : "Star and Suspender," Because we're so very, so ultra refined.

4 A photographic artist once Invited us to pose,

And so we first arranged his fee. And then arranged our clo'es. Said he:"When looking through the lens

I see j'ou upside down"

And so 1 got a piece of string And fastened down my gown.

REFRAIN. We're very refined, we're very refined.

And I always wear dresses that button behind, But he said: "You're exposed" Then the interview closed. Because we're so very, so ultra refined.

J.W. U838 85



fall In -to Love's beau, ti - ful gar - den In love we seem fa -ted to

rfi 1 fl ^-:

J' ll^l |.' i' ^ : I'll F I J' I'J^ I? P- V^ P l—jM | ^ - to gallffall And heartsv,oo.-tc-*v,^*that seem^^^^ fa-fc. tedfori totr. harh;.r -_ den;Hen- AllAll plea.sureTilfa_sure has tumcdturned in - ^ ^m^s *^r^?^ ^^ ^ffitff= 4J3^ ^^ sS^ m^m m ' m f

J. W. 14858 36

J^ ^S ^ h J) J) J^ i - tnethe wall life don't ap-pearwortha far . den Sinceice we looked o-o ver gtia..

V.-^^ a. S ^ 3

, I , I i ^ ^ In - to Love's beau - ti . ful gar

Ei2^ 1^ ! J J ^ ^ 7 f f^ rrrrf Cu-pid hear our prayer, for we re f dread -ful trib ^ la - tion,And if you can re - ^ ^k4-»i^ frf^J=ai r ? r T r- p r r ( ^ ^ ^^ *E (Unaccompanied ^ .)

i S ^^ 3 *Wf rrT f f f "f f move your ban We premise re - for ma - tion: Our Spir - its droop, we're in the Soup, Oh,

J J J J -1 J. A J^ J J IJ. i' llJ J iJ J

^^M rrrr f r p r r r p rr rr


J.W. 14SSR r r

37 i J ! J. ;> ^^=^ f fT7 f rT=rT hear our sup-pli tion! Oh, just be - cause all pas)as - sion was By J -J J llJ tfJ ^^ ^ F^^^^=^ r r r r r « ^W « s Ah ^ -i^^ M J- A f f r ^Tf at first in ven ted We don't see^^quite you have the right To you ^ i=^ ^* -J)- ^ ^^ ^ ?^ $ m

^ J J i=i: ^' * i "? 'f f f f ^ ^ "f f f T drive us all de men - ted! The game is up, were sold a pup In

,.L^J J- J J . j) i iJ J i J J ^ r 'T r r r -r-T r—r-r r r r— — — i

Ah A- CUPID. V Ji| 5 I fTTTrCfTT r kf r 'T w as - you hear! style un . pre - ce - den - ted Oh, Cu pid dear, We pray

m ' '1 t ^ 1- t ^F^^^ ^ g£

J. W. 14858 . — — *—* s * I » P P r n ji JJ J) ji J) ji *— — o the Lon.don Coun.ty Council! la. gree! Then let Re-for- ma-tion take its course!

-T^>- 5 *^^ i^^H ^ ^^ JA. S 1rrr ^^ l»^ !>;5:


j^-^^ n K„h ;, ill J_J J^W) J) J) J^ J) ^ g

Yes 1 a - gree to it all To al . ter my beau . ti . ful gar . den, My

— -J J) '^ «•' ^ 1 /. ^TT )^ ra U ? i> ^^ tt»K , ^ j'TJl I, n n T

^' ^' •^' ^' '' ;i I I -J' ^ p n-^^ p J) r'"~ r p ;! plea. sure has turned in . to gall And Life don't ap-pearworth a far . den! In I — ^E^ i AA • A 1 « ^^^^? ^^ ^ f ^ t-i E

rjnm m m mrnm m jS ^ PFH, ^ T=

l ip J) ;i (|»p p p p- II J J)

Love ne'er - ^ fall. We've felt all our . ti . shall ^^ Sen ments a gain we

S ^ #H ^ ^ f f I f ^ it| I j i ^^

:1=J^ = #- ^ -rShi m 51 5 ^ 5^ b^' .

^P P P P P P f Since we looked o- ver the wall, Since \\e looked o - ver the wall.

arai: a=ai #^ it s tf i I i I i I g^^

^ i) i> ;^ > ? B 9 B ? ? r ? ?, ? FF . Our m - to Love's beau . ti . ful, In . to Love's beau . ti . ful gar dtn


1' J' . ' i ' ^ii ih'. li Ji i J ,i \ 1 ^ i. f p ^ ^jM-^^^a^ f p y love for you is just as true As e'er it was of yore, And, though we now have niade a vow To

V^-h: J ^i I * f J

fal' in love no more, We'll ne'er for - get what love we met And

ev - er and ii how 'twas cast a - way, And swear to you We will be trueF6r (Curtain falls.)

J.W. 14858 *

a —: 4=1 :|=l = tz=4 — i t J * * ^ w^' m ^ JEQ Se^ (> ^^ '^ * ^ ^ -^^-^ i -m T t

^B 1 -^CI mirr^ ^~i^ l^hl \ iJTi-H

-i 5fe j in ^^ ^ i i i-9 -9 -W -9 » —

** »^l^^ .-,,.-1. v,..- *i,Xtt./1 in tri craU Anil I i fp rioiit MI) _ rii";ir worth a. plea - sure has turned in to g'all. And life doiit ap . pear worth a

h I'p ^-=^^^--^^^ i fpup p-(^ ?^<'p I ^if-=r=T^-r^ far - den. In love ne'er a.g-ain shall we fall We feel all our sen . ti . ments

k g ^ k i 1^-^ F ^Sfm ^miSi ^ ^j.£Lg gii * F #^ l>^

J^J^ il P l|g den Since they came o . ver the wall , . . , . J^ -70-» P — 0^^^. ft «* "fT^^T?" accel. (4-|>^?• /^ s

J) ^ |T , , i I j^ i^-^^# r ; p ; p r ' r ince tney came o . ver the wa

i) i) J> ii i> i> i) ^ j ^ ;> ji i ti , * ? ? c p p r, 1 ? P P ? 7" mce they came o . ver theI waiwall> In to Love's beau . ti . ful i'l±J L±J ii ^» i ^tr^r f iif M f f f ^^ * i J. W. 14858 42 i ^^ day!

— 1=«=J - 3 a znra ^' : "(P 9 -«1 ^ fFrt=i ^ -J «^ -J (>«• i

az—»^;:=i: ^E3; T^t• :52 ^ ^ 5^ is: ^.* ^ ' ^ W V J V ^ Iw- ^^^ » *

t=^ i (Curtain rises) 5i^^^^ * V }}^ "W: t[^ ##rrtrt 1^ l^ii W ^ y •» J=-hi^4-^ « *


J. W. 14858 —


. -^orth a plea, sure has turned in to gall, And life doiA ap pear

-f g g ; g r Since they ca'mc o - Ver tlit wall,

J' ^ i) -N i) i) 1> , ^ ^ ^ J) i) 11 — — — — — ^ P r- 7 P P P f T P P 7 P P In to Love's beau . ti . ful Sinceince thevthey came o . ver the wall,

J. W. 14858 4.4

^ ^ » ^ ^ ^ j) A^. $ ^ J) J^ i £ "T~rT p ? p ? g^ar . den of ro^. ses To ter Love's beau . ti . ful Gar

^ H' tr. h ffi ^ P ^P ''P ^ P ^ P

^. ^ g den!



^ i i i ri^jjh^^W ^ ^^W j55^ « ^^'"^o


Instrumental. IS. Instrumental. 1. Vocal. 9. Studies by Kuhe. SIR MICHAEL CONTENTS. Twelve Drawing Room COSTA.—"ELI." ^"''^,'1 Favourite Airs, aiTanged for Harmonium White Souall \.yi- CONTENTS. or American Organ. Sweet Nighungak ^i l^'l^-"-,, Romance from Mibul's " Joseph ' On the Tremolando -^^ She wore a wreath /; 'i CONTENTS. ^"'f 'Twere vain to tell (Swiss Air) On Repeated Nor.ts '* 1. Morning Hymn " Lord, from my bed again I rise Duetto, "L'Elisir d'Amore" On the Staccato " Light of other days ,?'„, 2. Evening Prayer " This night I lift my heart to Thee C. Ptnmit Oft in the Stilly Night ' On the Legato What we have loved 3. March of Israelites Robin Adair On the Shake '* 4. Air and Chorus " Let the people praise Thee Net. ground On Grace Notes '' One Shilling My lodging is on the cold / Recitative " Unto Thee, O Lord Bells of Scotland On Scales " The Blue ^' \ Prayer *' Turn Thee unto me Casta Diva On the Cantabile " 6. Duetto. " Lord, cause Thy face to shine Instrumental. On Reversed Position " 2. The Russian Hymn / Recitative " Open unto me Chorus, from "II Flauto Magico " On Thirds ' Air " I will extol Thee" WORKS. Arpeggios 1 On ' BENNETT'S ! che la morte W. STERNDALE Ab 8. Duetto " Wherefore is thy soul cast down Charlie is darling On Octaves *' " my g. Trio Thou shalt love the Lord CONTENTS. *' '" Shillings Net. /Solo Go in peact 2. Two ^^ lo. Capriccio, Op. *' Three Musical Sketches, Op. \ Quartet We bless you in the name of the Lord ' Op. ii- '" Scherzo, / Chorus of Angels " No evil shall befall thee Instrumental. ' Edited by AETHUE O'LEAEY, XO. \ Chorus of Levites Eleis ye the Lord *' J Chorus of Levites O ye kindreds of the people '' PXTTMAN. ' One SkilHng Net. JOSIAH \ Chorale " Oh make a jo>'ful noise BOOK I. DIVERSIONS.— One Shilling and Sixpence Net. 3. Instrumental. CONTENTS PASCAL. Prelude and Fugue John Bennett X6. Instrumental. FLOB.IAN Prelude and Fugue /"A" Bennett Prelude and Fugue John Bennett SIR MICHAEL COSTA.- 'NAAMAN." Twelve Little Sketches for Piano STRAY LEAVES.— Introduction -. CONTENTS. Fugue Favourite Airs, arranged for Harmonium or American Organ. Andante placide Moderate con tenerezza Prelude and Fugue John Bennett Grazioso quaai Allegretto Capriccioso John Travers CONTENTS, Prelude and Fugue ' Allegro non iroppo Woderato Travers Duet "I sought the Lcrd Prelude and Fugue J'h" " Allegretto grazioso *' Invoking Andantino sostenuto Preludeand Fugue J'hn Fravers Air Death tristozza " " Allegretto Con ( Recitative Behold, O man of God " Allegretto Moderate Two Shillings Net. \ Air " The seed shall be prosperous . Recitative . " Oh, that I knew where I might find him." Net. J " One SkilHng \ Trio " Haste to Samaria Instrumental. " XI. Triumphal March " With sheathed swords " Air " I dreamt 1 was in heaven Instrumental. PITTMAN. " 4. JOSIAH Chorus " God, who cannot be unjust DIVERSIONS.—BOOK II. " ALBUM. Prayer *' Maker of ev'ry star MARCH /Recitative " Uehold Gehazi ' '' CONTENTS I^Air '* Lament not thus CONTENTS. Travers " Prelude and Fugue John Quartette '* Honour and glory, Almighty, be Thine " ") R. Planguett s " TorchliKlit (froi» Ooches tie Corneville Prelude and Fugue John frave, March _" The Arrival " (in " Alceste ") C/»cA Dr.JohnBlo-M '* March Prelude and Fugetta ( Chlorale When famine over Israel March (from " Zauberflate ") Mozart Henry Puree! " " Chaconne \ Chorus ; Mighty Rimmon Bride's .March (from " LShengiin ") Wagner The Golden Sonata Henry Purcel! '. One Shilling and Sixpence Net. " Hdndet • D''- A ") • • me March (in Rinaldo Suite de Piece . The Night P.itrol Marck L. IVtly Preludeand Fugue Dr. Nares Handel Dr. Maunce Greene Dead March in "Saul" , Prelude and Fugue IT. Vocal MarchinD '. f*'- Hijl Handel Two Shillings Net. Occasional March Merry Littie Songs for Merry Little Folk. Match C. Remecke Festal March '*' Smallwood XZ. Vocal. Written by L. H. F. BU TEEEEAUX. Edited and Arranged by HENE7 FABUEE. Frederic H. Cowen. Music arranged by ALBEETO KANDEGGER. One Shilling Net. Six Songs by CONTENTS. VOL. I. -SOPRANO. The Christmas Tree 8. Huntsman Jack Zl Pus: The Hunter Hare Instrumental. words by 5. BOOK I.—Contents. The Weed g. Wonderland A non 1. Night has a thousand eyes Round-hand Bowling 0. The Stubborn Fox Payne W. STERNDALE BENNETT'S WORKS. 2. Rondal (Kiss me, Sweetheart) /. The Cuckoo 1. Potatoes litrs. Hemans PIANO STUDIES. 3. Good Night Matches 2. The King's Feast I Christina Rossetli 4. If thou wilt remember (When am dead) The Tailor's Fate art to Violet Fane CONTENTS. 5. I think of all thou me Sixpence Net. Macdonald One Shilling and Six Stutiies, Op. II. Two Studies. Op. 29. 6. Mas 1 alas ! how easily things go wrong /.

Edited by AETHOE O'LEAEY. Four Shillings Net. X S I nstrumental. One Shilling Net. 13. Instrumental. HOMMAGE A HANDEL. 6. Instrumental. SIR MICHAEL COSTA.— " ELI. Arranged for PIANOFORTE, HARMONIUM, or AMERICAN ORGAN Favourite Airs arranged for the Piano. W. STERNDALE BENNETT'S WORKS. By J. PITTMAN.

contents. " CONTEN15 PIECES POUR PIANO. Op. 24. SUITE DE Ouartet " Hear them. Lord, in the day of trouble in Heaven above 7. Father, whose almigb/ will extol Thee, O Lord" 1. All power O Edited O'LEAEY. Air "I " by AETHUE 2. therefore pray Thee power Prayer " Turn Thee unto me We " tl| 3. Then round about the starry 8. Eternal Monarch of Out Shilling and Sixpence Net. Chorus " The Lord is good " throne Sky Duet " Wherefore is thy soul cast down ? " 9. Alleluia 5 ("Deborah") '. King " Philistines, hark, the trumpet sounding 4. Recall, O Song rise Vocal 5. Then shall they know 10. Thus rolling surges T. " Lord, from my bed "^ The Morning Prayer " 6. So are they blest who fear ir. He sent a thick darkness Chorus " For everything there is a season ' . the Lord 12. Welcome, mighty Kin^ Six Vocal Duets by Florian Pascal. " This nieht I lift my heart to Thee The Evening Prayer. " For Soprano and Contralto. " No evil shall befall thee Shilling Net. Chorus of Angels " One " Let the people praise Thee Air with Chorus " CONTENTS. WORDS BY " King of Jacob's nation The Choral March God and Instrumental. I. Lullaby G. Wither X9 . Net. 2. Bird of the Wilderness /. Ho^c One Shilling and Sixpence Pleyel's Six Duets for Two Violins, 3. Sweet day so cool Geo. Herbert Sigh no more, ladies ShaJisperr 4. 14. Instrumental. Op. 23. 5. Day is over Barry Commall 6. Love and the Rose Sir Walter Scott SIR MICHAEL COSTA.— " NAAMAN." Edited and fingered by HENRY FARMER. One Shilling Net, Paper. Airs arranged for Piano. Favourite Two Shillings and Sixpence Net. Two Shillings Net, Cloth. contents, ' 1. Air "I dreamt . was in heaven Instrumental. " " 20* 8. Vocal. 2. Triumphal Chorus With sheathed swords ' Chorus " The curse of the Lord Pianoforte Pieces 3. ' Six Original " 4. Air The seed shall be prosperous PATRIOTIC SONGS. ' " Samaria 5. Trio Haste to By Lindsay Slopcr. ' CONTENTS. 6. Duet "I sought the Lord, and He heard me ' " arise Flag that braved a thousand God save the Queen y. Air .AJise, O Lord, CONTENTS. " unjust ' years Brave Old Oak 8. Chorale God, who cannot be Saltarclio ' Valse Brillante [ 4. it gave pain My ancestors were Englishmen I'd rather be an Englishman 9. Air "It made me sad— me A Dream of Summer ' Entreaty " Tug of War 10. Quartetlo Honour and glory, Almighty, be Thine Fear. Eclogue Three Shillings Nel. One Shilling Net. One Shilling and Sixpeme Net.

32. Gri*eai,t :E*03?tl£fci:i«a St3?eet, Uoridon, Ifi?- , ) JOSEPH WILLIAMS'S ALBUMS.

32. InstrumentaL 521. Instrumental. 25. Vocal. SIX SONGS. A SELECTION OF IRISH SONGS. Shori Classical Pieces for Piano. SACRED Fy FLOEIAN PASCAL. Arranged for VIOLIN, VIOLONCELLO, and PIANO. CONTENTS. Arranged and fingered by WILLIAM SMALLWOOD. CONTENTS. WORDS BV 1. What will you do, love Oft in the stilly night I. On Heaven R. Hcrrick CONTENTS. 2. The minstrel boy Oh ! watch you well by '2. On Resignation Chatterton Grand March 3. The Cruiskeen lawn daylighl Sf^ff*'' 3. The Golden City Rev. E. Paxton Hood Rondo in A Bingham 4. Rich and rare were the The Harp that once thro' ^^^f^""*, 4. The Hour of Prayer G. Clifton Aria Grariosa -f/O'^^ Alexander Pope gems Tara's Halls Beethoven 5. Vital Spark Minuetto Bingham 5. Flow on, thou shining river The return to Ulster Beethoven 6. The Silent Artist G. Clifton Aria in A Mozart atid 6. The last rose of sumiivcr ") One Shilling Net. ! Perdona (" La Clemenza di Tilo Ah ^IS^^*'i Arranged by JULES DE SWEBT. La Consolation ..Dussek Beethoven Waltz in C 26. Vocal. Two Shillings and Sixpence Net. Waltz in F Beethoven Minuet (" Don Giovanni ') ;"^^^, TWELVE MELODIES. minor J-S- Bach Prelude in A By J. MASSENEl. 33. Vocal. Ancient French Carol Composer unkmnvn Arietta Ste^Mlt ^'^'' CONTENTS. A SELECTION OF IRISH SONGS. March d'Achiile - - • Beethoven 1. 'Tis in vain that I seek ip mes saeurs) Andante in F and PIANO. 2. To Columbine iA Colonibine) VOICE, VIOLONCELLO, Gavotte in G -^-i'/r of Magdala {Les Pemmcs de Magdala) CONTENTS. Ere Infancy's bud (" Joseph ") i»/^A«/ 3. Women The Page's Song (^rz^:/^, " Je suis pres-guenjant What will you do, love Oft in the stilly night Water parted from the sea (" Artaxerxes ") 4. rr ^, The minstrel boy Oh ! watch you well by 5. One fine Autumn day {Ballade Aragonaise) Allegro in G V " The Cruiskeen lawn daylight P<^drt 'H--Martini 6. Moonlight's Magic Hour {?/2tit d'Espagne) Gavotte in F Rich and rare were the The Harp that once thro* Ktthlau 7. Zanetto {Serenade du Passant) Pastorale gems Tara's Halls 8. Lullaby {Dors ami) Flow on, thou shining river The return to Ulster Ofie Shilling Net, g. Brightest and best {O bien-aime) 10. With a heart bounding g:^ily {Chanson de don Cesar) The last rose of summer 11. Autumn Serenade {Serenade d'Automne) Arranged by JULES DE SWEET. 32, InstrumentaL 12. Look down that lane {L' improvisateur) Two Shillings and Sixpence Net. FIVE ORIGINAL PIECES. Four Shi/lings Net. By HENRI ROUBIEE. 2T. VocaL 34. InstrumentaL CONTENTS. SIX VOCAL DUETS. A SELECTION OF ENGLISH SONGS. Hirondelles (Valse de I Les 1. Menuet Sentimental 4- Composed by WILFRED BENDALL. and PIANO, (Gavotte) Salon) Arranged for VIOLIN, VIOLONCELLO, 2. Kntrie du Bailly CONTENTS. (Valse) 5. Brise du Soir (Barcarolle) 3. Fleur du Japon | BV CONTENTS. WORDS 1. Black-eyed Susan I love thee 4n^nymous One SkiUing and Sixpence Net. 1. Weep no more 2. Wapping oM stairs Phillis is my only joy Ruckert 2. The Sun and the Brook Erom the German of 3. Since then I'm doomed The cuckoo, " Whe; Shakspeare 3. How Sweet the Moonlight 4. Love without hope daisies pied ilie 4. Song of the Minnesmgers From German The farmer's boy Where the bee sucks VocaL Larkom 5. 23. 5. Snowbloom Lucy 6. The bailifTs daughter 6. A Song for the Seasons Barry Cornwall Words and Music for Children of all Ages. Arranged by JULES DE SWEET. Two Shillings Net. Words by H. P. STEPHENS. Two Shillings and Sixpence Net. InstrumentaL Ma&ic by FLORIAN FASCAL. 28. THREE SONATINAS by CARL REINECKE. 35. VocaL A SELECTION OF ENGLISH SONGS. Down aad up the stream 7. Snowdrop Edited and lingered by JOHN FABMEB. When I'm a big man S. The Boy Kangaroo CONTENTS. VOICE, VIOLONCELLO, and PIANO. Father's gone a hunting Q. GingeiBeer(DrinkingSong) CONTENTS. I in No. 2 in D. No. in B fiat. Op. The Doll's Lullaby 10. The Two Fairies No. C 3 47. Black-eyed Susan 7. 1 love thee The Iniatiable Ape 11. The Mechanical Curate 0}te Shilling Net. Wapping old stairs 8. Phillis is my only joy The C^inaraao's Dog 12. DourdiefortheUnionJack I'm 9. The cuckoo, " When Since then doomed " One Shilling and Sixpence Net. Vocal. Love without hope daisies pied 29. The farmer's boy la \Vhere the bee sucks The bailiff's daughter VocaL Four Vocal Duets for Soprano & Tenor. 24£t. Arranged by JULES DE SWEBT. Twelve Songs by Frederic H. Cowen. ByFEEDEBIC H. COWKN. Two Shillings and Sixpence Net. VOL. IlL—SOPRANO. CONTENTS WORDS BY Wokus (the latter are by Gentleman With English and German 1. Edenland The Author ofJohn Halifax^ VocaL A, M. VON Hlomberg). 2. The boy and the brook Longfello^.u 36.

lover's arm she leant . .^ Tennyson 3. On her SONGS FOR THE NURSERY. CONTENTS. WORDS BY j\. The fountains mingle with the river Shelley Longfellow 1. Thy Remembrance Three Shillings Net. CONTENTS. 2. Snowflakes Anon Miss Marigold 7. The misguided lamb .5". 3. A Song of Morning (Sweetheart) Doudney To London Town S. Very busy Sweet evenings come and go, love George Eliot InstrumentaL 4. 30. The sad little lady o. My darling Far away Barry Cornwall 5. The tale of a tart 10. A bird's song 6. Is lover on the sea? Barry Cornwall A SELECTION OF SCOTCH SONGS. my Aly baby 11. The melancholy calves Evening Star Barry Comzvall 7. Little Pickle 12. The prudent sparrow 8. Nightfall H'hyie Melville Arranged for VIOLIN, VIOLONCELLO, and PIANO. 9. He and She Christina Rossetti CONTENTS. Words by F. E. WEATHEELY.

me if I live , Barry Com-.-uill I. Within a mile of Edinbro' Here awa', there awa' 10. Love MABCIA TYNDALE. 1 1, riie Farewell Owen Meredith town The blue bells of Scotland Music by Tlioughti at Sunrise Owen Meredith Ae fond kiss and then we The Campbells are comin \2. Sixpence, Clotk. The waefu' heart Otte Shilling, Paper. One Shilling ^ Four Shillings Net. sever O Nannie, wilt thou gang Auld Robin Gray wi' me The Pibroch of Donuil 241: l3. Vocal. Logie o'Buchan Du 3Tr, Instrumental. Twelve Songs by Frederic H. Cowen. Arranged by JDLES DE SWEBT. SCENES PITTORESQUES. VOL. III.—CONTRALTO. One Shilling Net. (Suite d'Orchestre. With English and Gehman Words (the latter are by for PIANO SOLO. A. M. VON Blomberg). Vocal. Arranged 3i. CONTENTS. CONTENTS. WORDS BV A SELECTION OF SCOTCH SONGS. 1. Marche 1. Thy Remembrance Loiig/cilain 2. Air de ballet \ g^fenes Pittoresques. non a. Snowflakes A VOICE, VIOLONCELLO, and PIANO. 3. Angelus S. Doudney Boheme 3. A SoDg of Mornine (Sweeihcari) CONTENTS. 4. Fete Sweet evenings come and go, love Geari;e Ellot 1. Overture 4. Within a mile of Edinbro' Here awa', there awa' Far away Barry Cornwall 2. Harlequin enters 5. The blue bells of Scotland town musing at her 6. \% my lover on the sea? Barry Cornwall 3. Columbine and Columbine. The Campbells are comin' \ Harlequin Ae fond kiss, and then we ,~ Evening Star Barry Cornwall window - i^ 7. sever The waefu' heart Pantomime.) Nightfall U'hyte Melville Harlequin s Serenade 8. O Nannie, wilt thou gang .\uld Robin Gray 4. Harlequin and 1 % He and She Christina Rossetti 5. Duet between wi' me The Pibroch of Donuil ' C-. Love ma if 1 live Barry Cornwall Columbine Logie o' Euchan Dhu

. , The First Farewell Owen Meredith SWEBT. Ey J. MASSENET. 1 2. ThouehtS at Sunrise Owen Meredith Arranged by JULES DE Sixpence Net. ^Qur Shillings Net. One Shilling and Sixpence Net. Two Shillings and JOSEPH WILLIAMS'S ALBUMS.

Vocal. 38. Vocal. 44. Instrumental. SX. Twelve Songs by Florian Pascal. R I G O D O N S. Twelve Songs by J. L. Hatton. CONTENTS. CONTENTS. WORDS BY Purcell t. Rigodon H. CONTENTS. WORDS BV Come, live with mc Ch. MarlMve J. 2. Rigodon (I. & U.) Campra Binjoiison 1. Vogclweid, the Minnesinger //. W. Lonefellow 2. Do not wanton Rameau 3. Rigodon J.P- P.. Fitzbatl Cavalier's Love Song Sir \V. Davenant 2. Revenge 3. 4. Rigodon Mmtsigny Thomas Olipkant Sweet content ^. Dekker 3. The Shepherd's Winter Song 4. 5. Rigodon F. P

41. Instrumental. CONTENTS. WORDS BY CONTENTS. I. ALittle While D. S. Rosetti 1. Gladys Waltz E- H. Frout 2. Lullaby (Sleep, sleep) Whyle Melville MINUETS. Book I.— Classical. A my love, CorneviUe Quadrilles Lkas. Coote O'Skau^nessy 2. Cloches de 3. Outcry A. fakobawsii 3. Erminie Waltz CONTENTS. 4. Because Adelaide Procter 4. Balmoral Scotch Lancers Fred Godfrey Back 5. Fantasia (Kiss mine eyelids) O. Wendell Holmes 1. Tw» Minuets J-S. 5. Silver Star Waltz Conrad Huber F. Hdndtl 6. Think of Me Clarke 2. Tw» Minuets G. 6. Little Jack Shepherd Quadrilles ^ Grenville Gentilhomme) Lul/y -I. Grenville 3. Minuet (from Bourgeois Four Shillings Net. 7. Babiole Galop Boccherini 4. Minuet 8. Blue Coat Boy Polka Conrad Huber /. Haydn 5. Ox Minuet 48. InstrumentaL 9. Bright Eyes Polka Mazurka Ttnney 6. Minuet \V. A. Mozart flat) W. A. Mozart 7. Minuet (from Symphony in E BEETHOVEN. One Shilling Net. 8. Minuet (from Septett, Op. 20) Beet/to^'ett g. Minuet (from Quartett, Op. 168) F. Schubert CONTENTS. 10. -Minuejtto espressi\ o l^. Stentdate Bennett Sonatina in G Andante in B flat 54. Instrumental. Edited by HENRY FARMER. Sonatina in F Rondo in F Bagatelle in E flat Waltz in C One Shilling Net. Minuet in D Waltz in F SIXTEEN PIANOFORTE PIECES. Bagatelle in G minor] Aria in D FLORIA.N P.\SC.\L. Minuet in E flat Minuet in G Composed by Instrumental. 43. One Shilling Net. MINUETS. Book II.—Modern. 49. Vocal. Pens^es Celtiqucs. No. i Vignettes. No. 2 (Valse CONTENTS. I, No. 2 LSgire) Goda?-d Ten Songs by Haraish MacCunn. 2. Pensies Celtiques. 1. Minuet (from Opus 16) Benjamin Vignettes. No. (Vakl Roubler (Berceuse) 3 2. Menuet noble Henri Lente) Th.Lack CONTENTS. vVORDS BY 3. Idyl. No. I 3. Menuet du XVI lime. Siecle Vignettes. No. (Vals', 4. Idyl. No. 2 4 IJueenie Minuet E. B. Farmer 1. Teli her, oh tell her Thomas Moore 4. Idyl. No. Joyeuse) Pascal 2. The Huntsman's Dirge Sir l^'all^r Scoti 5. 3 5. Dolly's Minuet F. No. (Vaise 6. Air with Variations Vignettes. 5 W. H. Harper 3. Welcome, sweet bird Thomas Moore 6. Minuet Triumphal March Coulante) Carl Reinecke 4. The young rose I give thee Thomas Moon 7. 7. Minuet Ripples (a Study) Vignettes. No. 6 (Valse 5. When the first bee Thomas Moore 8. Silver 8. Menuet Symphonique G. Bachmann summer Nocturne. No. i F^erique) 6. Autumn Song Shelley 9. Espagnol 10. Vignettes. No. i (VaUe Caprice Edited by HENRY FARMER. 7. Love in her sunny eyes Abraham Co^vley 8. Her suffering ended A Idrich Melancolique) One Shilling Net. James ^. There be none of Beauty's daughters Lord Byron Four Shillings Net. lo. When twilight dews Thomas Moore 43. * InstrumentaL Four Shillings Net. 55. Vocai GAVOTTES. Book I.— Classical. SO. Vocal. Twelve Songs by C. Chaminade. CONTENTS. T ,.-elve Songs by Frederic H. Cowen. English Words. 1. Two Gavottes, a, in G minor, *, La Musette, \nC../.S. Back French and VOL. IV.—SOPRANO. I-RENCH 2. Gavotte in E J.S. Bach wokds by Gavotte in G /. S. Bach contents. 3. CON 'ENTS. WORDS UY Marc Constantin Gavotte in D (from Violoncello Sonata No. 6). . . ./. S. Bach I. Rosemonde 4. Dost thou love me Elizabeth B. Browning Edward GuinanJ 5. Gavotte in B flat G. F. Handel z. SdrJnade Sevillane Ask nothing more A. C, Stvinbunte "'"', ia G. F. Handel Chanson Groenlandais /."'? 6. Gavotte F For a Dream's Sake Christina Rossetti 3. A. Corelli Ed. G,„na,id 7. GavoUe in A To a Flower Barry Cornwail 4. Sombrero 8. Gavotte in A C. Gtuck Mignonne Bird Raptures Christina Rossetti 5. j^d.iiUinand-yfi"'^"'''' Gavotte in Pcutre Martini I L'^t6 9. F Laugh not, nor weep' (a Love Song) Barry Cornwall F. Couperin Balladei'laLune'.'.' Alfred de Mussel 10. Gavotte (La Bourbonnaise) Insufficiency Elizabeth B. Browning y. 11. Gavotte (Le Tambourin) /. P. Ratniau 8. Chant d' Amour, Song for Twilight Barry Cornwall f''- 'i'""""^ 1 in P. Rameau Villanelle 9-'"' 2. Gavotte D J. Cormvall 9. .i The Violet Barry H '^'""^ 3. Gavotte in G minor Dr. Blow ,0. VieiUe Chanson 1 The Angel of Death Adelaide Proctor HEd Gutnand., 14. Gavotte in U flat Muzio dementi ,1. Trahison An Idle Poet Anon ^'^- ^"''''"^ i:,. Aubade Edited by HENRY FARMER. 1 think on thee in the night Thomas Hervey .'.hi.'lings N:t. One Shilling Net. Four Shillings Net. Four . . JOSEPH WILLIAMS'S ALBUMS

Se. Vocal. ea. VocaL

ERNEST WALKER. Twelve Songs by F. E. Cowea= , ERKfeST WALKJiSo VOL. "P- 5- CONTENTS. Op. I. V—SOPRANO or TEWO.R. 1 „ ,. . w««-5 .. "-"" (Henry COHTEUT& WORDS BT ': VIII.) ....aJL^^l CONTENTS. WORDS BV 1. At the mid SSS^'S.e'lir''^ hour of night iVtomoj ' - Full falhom 6ve Moore What .:!".: SKakeipeare 2. A Serenade..... Barry Comuail 3- does little birdie say iiZ^HZ a- It was a lover and his la^ The eyes Shakespeare 3. Cradle song Barry ^e of Spring-time (Germaiad Comaall J. B^^Jbh^^T 3 Whjn icicles hang by the wall Shatetpeare '• Slow * A past spnng.tune George Eliot = K lying „ HeSL J r ruhlingsglaube (German and English words) 6. The?Sfi"^"Secret Z^ Uhland George Eliot 5 Fruhhngsruhe I" A v-/ o" BHne. Uhland t. AbndeSong ChrUlina Roueltx Three Shilling 6. Fruhlings.-nhe Net, Uhland 7. stars " Pf Barry Comwttll ^71. ~~ — 8. Fedalma Clifton Bingham Vocal Three Shillings Net, 9. rhe land of violets Barry Comuail FIFTEEN ENGLISH SOKG*^ to. Somewhere ChrulirM Bouetli By JACQUES BLUMENTHAlw II. Abirthoaj ., CnrUtina ST. Vocal Jioueta Op. lOG. b/ GWENDOLEN II Day is dying.. ..George £liot GOJl£. 1 boundless Trusi' ' y. AVigiL Four Shillings Net. 2. Whco A= GORING THOMAS Cometh Love UnderstaixfiBg 3. Dawn. .,. Glad Tidiags. Attractioa Six Roi»!Ances 63. Vocal, 12. Nator^ et Deux Duos Winged Mass. 5 thoughts 13. For them. Slx 6. Tus CONTEHTi. SongS) oy A, E. Bojproeks.. wind and the /os;. i< Lot* or ,,,,. ,. WORDS B« Kate ^ f. Two memories. ^ 'i"C°"=''= «' '« Present (Romance) CTvMn Bingham Op. IC. IS' A rejoge. T 8. Caprice- 2 Le Lis et ie Carillon (Romance) Cliflon Bingham CONTENTS. WORDS BV. Je lie veux pas d'autre? chose '• rneo.MaraaU. F&ur Shillings 3 (Romance . . Clifton Bingham ™"?.i==?°'- Net. In Cloth, Six Shiiiit^, ' Ths Winter IS 4 Le I'ortrait (Romance) Clifton Bingham past Robert Burm 3. first ixive 72. 5- Sara la Baigneusc (Romance) aifton Bingham ChrUtina RoueUi Vocal, Fofget-me-not 6 Le Heiir et le Papillon (Romance) ai/lon Bingham ^- Anonymous Melodies by Benjamin 5- The answer.. Godani, 7. Hymue >>octiime en Mer (Night ._ M. C. Gillington. Hymn at CONTENTS. WORDS Bi 6 ,^ 1 bonny SeaJJDuo) Mrs. was yon rosy briar Roberi Burnt. 1. Chanson de Hemam Florian (Song of Florian) .. J. E. Carpenter A..- ;3uri \ illageoises (A Rustic Scene) (Duo) Clifton Tw-i .St.i.'.ingi arid Sixpence 2. tmbarquez-vous Bingham Net, (Barcarolle) M. C. Gillingion ENGLISH AND FRENCH WORDS. 3. Je ne veux pas dauties choses (I ask for no Six S/'iil.'{:ie! Net 64. VocaL otter riches) .. Reginald Bamett. » narca-;"!!' Itaaenne (BarcaroUe ai/ion Bingham Six songs by R. Francillon. 5- Consomion (Consolation) Clifton Bingham SS. Apres Vocal. COtlTE.NTS. 6. L Orage (After the storm) aiftor. Bingham. WORDS BV Chant 1 o^iuice •.....••...... ,....,,.. 7. et baiser (If song to thee) aifton Bingham 2. A Crown of Thorns 8. Souvenir (Remembrance) A Song Cycle of Lite and Lovt. '.'.'.'.'... Oxixn Meredith. aifton Bingham 9. A la bsen-aunte ^ Autlin Dobion. (O soul of my soul) .... ai/Um Bingham BV T^ -^'i^' 10. La Paquerette * •,••-•••• J. O. WMttier. (Easter Daisy) Clifton Sl.','°i , Bi»Kham. Un: f J 1. La fee (Come, pretty G. W. L. MARSHALL HALL. S. aimoiuh IS a fine town W. E. Henley chUd) aiftou Bingham t. Lullabv 12. Dans le cloltre (In tte cloister garden) ..aifton Bingham 13. Ph^ene (Night-moth) CONTENTSiNTS. Two_Shillings^ and Sixpence Net. aifUm Bingham 14. Le Presage (Omen) J ljfeandLove(after aifton Bingham Goethe) 5- Past (a study on Tennyson's 65. Instrumental, 15. i-apiUons Dlaocs (Love s butterflies) i A Voice from Dreamland "Oiiana"). aiftoa Bingham. I'rice 3 Meeting. Long After Eighi Shillings net. (a study on Six Scandinavian Sketches by F. Pascal. < Foreboding Tennyson's " Maud ") 73. VocaL Ok- Shilling anc^ Sixpence tiet. j^ive Shillings Ntt. RUSSIAN SONGS. 66< VocaL 2NGUSK LYRICS BV Y. K. SEPOK. MUSIC EDITJU, 6v CH. TOURVILLK I HymnsfortheYoung, I. The Gleaner. byW. Smallwood. I ^, Frost Ki^. | (>d> Vocai 2. Give me wings CONTENTS. { 5 Lo, thou ait „,.,, . ^ .., WOROS BV »ot 1. t-tuioren 3. Darling httle LuU. 01 the rieavnlv King I | 6. Lonely. - ^vhi Cennick. The Lord my Shepherd ' Twelve Songs bj A. £, HopFoeks. IS ...Itt^e, Watu One Shilling and Sixpence Net. 5. God IS Love ' ...Anon. '' *. ^^. Lord of ! CONTENTS the Worlds above jsaac Watts'. VocaL . , ,.OR^S Bi How sweet the ... A jpaaisn Serenade h £. Sheridan J Name of Jesus sounds Jorm Newton. c Twelve Songs by F. H. CSowen. 1. An Idle Poet Shepherd of Israei W. T. Jl. Roberlion H. Bathurtt. VOL -. resu cast a lOok y—CONTRALTO or . 3 Kondei. W hen love is in her eyes " A. Fay on me John Berridgr, M S. CONTENTS, WORDS sV ,. As a fond mother Lead us Heavenly Father Jamee Edmeston. Lonaftllow I. At the mid hoar of night t). Sweet Tattnas Moore > Meie s a flower for your grave IS the Work, mv God, my King Isaac Wata J. If. Jtf'Carthi: "• A Serenade Lo. 10. Christmas Caroi : Barry ComaaU * my heart, so sound asleep J. M. M'Carthy James Montgomery. Cradle n. aovreign 1 3. Song Barry Cornwall '"- °" ^" '"*' George Macdonald Ruler of tne Skies John BylarM I ! 4- .^ past spnng-tin. S?"^'"^ ir. Quiet, Lord, . ..6e*rge Elioi 27'.',*° From the Oerman of Aiierbach my froward Hean John Sewton. : .i. lonely... .George &. To blossoms My God, my King Elto: \ '....Berrick Imac Watu. I 0. A bnde . . . 14 Fountamof Song . ChrUtina Jtossettt 10. I once had a sweet little doU Kingtleift " Water Mercy Anne FUxxrdew. Babiet ' 7 Thestare IS- There is i Barry Comaati 11. Summer isovet Tennj/Mon Dwelling Place above Bishop Richard Man. 16. *• aifton Bingham *' io bej From Egypt lately come I S?'^'™* liove Joth^ia Syheiter Thomas Aelly. llle land : 9. of violei Barry Cormeall 17 Rise, my Soul Robert Seagrate. I 10. Somewhere Four iS. Lamb ot God CTirMliizo Rossetli Shillings Net. . I!. A birthday 19 My soul repeat Christtna Rossetn Hie Praise Jsaac Walls . i 12. Day IS dying 20. Palms of Glory Georse Elict 21- O, Lord, another day is flown Eeary Kirne White. Four Shillings Net. 60. Vocal 22. Hear, gracious God Samu-i Medley. VSo Instnimental. 23 O, Jesu, Lord of Heavenly grace John Cnandier. A ytAR OF LOVINO 24. The Day of Rest Sketch Boos., by Mary Louisa White, 25 Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah William Williami. CONTENTS. 26. Blest be Thy Love Twelve Songs by FLOEIAN PASCAL. John Aiuan 1. Minuet 4. Gavoac. 27. When I survey Life's varied j scene Anne Steele 2. Marcn. 5. Walti 28 CO.STf . HarklmySoul John AusHr. 3. Hunting Son^ WORDS BV | 6. Pastorale. 1. January Cliflon Bingham Old Notation, Or;e Shilling Net. One Shilling Net. r February . • Clifton Bingham Tonic Soi-Fa, Sixpence Net. 3. March . . - - Clifton Bingham T&m InstnunentaL Apn 4- Clifton Bingham GT. Piano SIX SHORT PIECES FOR CHILSKEN, 5. Ma\ . . Clifton Bingham 6. Polish Dances*, i)> By MASY LOUISA WHITE. June - Franz - • . -Clifton Bingham Morgen, J"lv CONTENTS, 7 ..Cliflon Bingham One Shilling and Sixpence net. August Mmuet 3. Andante. Aartante. Clifton Bingharr. { Noveilecce. 1 4. Gavotte. Himtiiig September aifton Bingham Vocai. I Song. October 6Si One Shilling Clifton Bingham . Net. November Two-part Songs. Clifton Bingham InstrumentaL ijfxvnber ....Clifu>l.£ingfM',. SONGS OF THE STREAM, TONBILDER. Five Shillings By H. A. J. CAMPBELL. Nei, .J.--AJiiiCTXitisTic Pieces for Yotjng PiAHSSTi. CO.^TENTS —BOOK I. 1. Brcok- Seng 4, The Forget-me-not. Bt £. SADEBBSEli. | 2. The \l'ater-ou,4el. 5. The Dead Butterfly. One Shilling Net, 6X. Vocal The Brooks 3. Sluinb« Song. | 6. The Mill Wheel. One Shilling and Six Songs by tredenc Sixnence Net. H. Cow^^i All separately, Fourpence each. Thirteen Songs for Voice and Guitar. I Wildfiower VU1-. I.-CONTRaLTC (j Pi,rn( 69. Vocai 2. Autumn Serenade j, Massenet 3- Zanetto J. Massenet .. CONTENTS WORDS B5 Two-part Songs. 4. A Cuban Hammock Song ^itihl nas a tuousand eyes Anon. F. Faladilh*- Kondei, " Ki« SONGS OF THE STREAM. 5. Dawn Song f. Pasca: me, sweetheart " J Paime Moonlight s Magic woodNi^ht Mrl.Hemam By H A J. CAMPBELL. 6 Hour J. Matsene. 7. I love my Mountain Home . 11 ibou wilt remember ChrUtina Sotietti CONTENTS.—BOOK H. G.Linlei, i think 8 To Columbine J, Hasseni 5. of all tnou art to me VioUt ."ane 7. Raindrops. I 10. Boat Song f. Alas iiai 8. e Day by Day 1 1 how easily things go wrong /. Jtacdoxiic The Water Fairies n. The Dancing Ripples. Guglielmc IC. 9. Wind Song. Danube River H. Aid.- | 12. The Voice of the Sea. Fiasr Shillings II . Last Serenade Mi. Otie Shiliing arid Sixpence Net. s J^aiadtl/i* sti CcjEOe Dolly F. tUmond Ocrt-- All se-oarately, Fourpmce each- - >: ^Cfb^ B-. r. OsnUKU rtrv9 " --liuiiisrestdSixvaue.Mei


79 Vocal. STc Vocal. 96. Instrumental. Fourteen Songs by A. E. Horroeks. Four Songs by J, Crei^hton. Scandinavian Suite for the Pianoforte„ WOKUS BY CONTENTS. CONTENTS. WORDS B7 \Lullal>y By FBEDBEin MULLEN, Y^ ^ Sf/,-""',"" 1. ... R.Herrick Voices °" No luck in Love .•,aid:n ^- ? 5^ C.

.1 From a Battlemcnr. HamUton Aid( 80. Vocal. Two Shillings ind Sixpence Net. 98. histrumental. f. Msekenzie, Three Songs by Dr. A. Fields. CONTENTS WORDS BV 89. ¥ocal. In Fancy's

- •-''''"• R«S' I Love, Song, Wins (Student Song) Violin and Piano, ...John Say iix lljullabies. For J. The Light of Love (Expectation) Jehn Hay By G. .k. LOVELL. ' (Op. 3. She comes sa ec Words ^r^w. The Search Light," by kind pisrtnisdon 0/ 5). Two Shillings Net. A. PsARSON, Esq, C. Otte Shilling and Sixpence Net. 20, Set to Um8« by H. k. I. CAMPBELL. O- 'S 81. Vocal. CONTENTS. gg. Instrumental. - I Canaiiian Five Voeal Duets by A. 1, Mo^roeks. 3 JapaiiSse Lallaby »j. Lullaby 2. G^TJST Il.uHaby 5. Norse Lullaby. CONTENTS. j Six DaiiGe Intermezzi. ;. French .ImsUzot, , .5. Darksv Lu!Js,b7 I i thoasani fyes 1. A New Year's burden 4. Night ha: 'av? %a:rnt 1. U>yj iias turned 5- Come Three Shillings Net. For Violin and Piano

^. A flower 1 Three Shilling' V By S. ^. LOVELL. (Op. 6), 90. iiaatrumessta!. One Shilling and Sixpence Net. aa. Vocal THIRTEEN VOCAL ^JETS '^©sles iia First and Tfoird P©gl For the Violin. 100. nstruiEPutaL By FELIX MEKDELSSOHN BASTHOLDT, CONTENTS. VORDS BV m JOHN HEHLET. March Albums I. I would ;ha!- mv boundless love Mra. 0. F. Byron vid ECOK n.—CONTENTS. J. Birds of jasaage lin. 9. F. Byron Cat ShilliKf Sixpence ^ Eli, March of Israelites Ctista 3. Greeting Mrl.O. F. Byron ht Proobete, Gra n il March from Meyirlfter Mrt.O.F B-;ron 4. Autumn Eong 91. 'nsitmmeiQtal. Drams of Heaven Chas. D. Blake '.hcu the cauld blasit Mrt. a. F. Bjron %. O wert m March of the Knights F. Schuberi Bells the Flow'rets ifri. a. F. Byron 6. The May and Faust, The Celebrated Hungarian March Berlioz Lord': Mrt.O.F Byron 7. The ^ay The British Grenadiers W. Kiihe TheCornfiJd Mrt.O. F. Bjron {Christmas Pieces.) 8. Athalie, March of the Prieiits Mendelssohn Flower ind Star Mrs. O. F. Byron g. Bird, By MENDEJ.3S0HN BAETHeiDT. '.'.Op. Marguerite of Monte Carlo F. Osmond Carr ..Urs.O.F. Byron ¥2). JO. How -an my heart be blithe of cheer? Marche au Tomnoi Ftorian Pascal Mrs. &.F. Byron II. Nocti::rne .. O;''^, Skilling N'ji. Marche des Creates Blumenthal .iirs. 3. F.Byron 11. Voyaeer, The Birthday March Schumann Mrt..

3. Ri^audon, ] 84. VocalL 94,- ilostafflisfflliailc Thre® Songs by Perey leevt One Shilling !i.nd Sixpence Net. words by I!nstnimbn'aL How rng ar.2 dreary is d:e Night , ...Robert Burns 103. Lassir wT the Unt white locks ...Robert Burns EIGHTEEN 3HORT PFELUDES: Mary Mcrisoc , Roi'-' ^tirn.'. One Shilling Net. 'in vARiot;s Ksys, ftr Piano.

9S. '^ocai By Is. ELLIOTT, S5. VocaL f-W(flv@ iC'Jsig-g foy W. E. G&wi-n. One Skilling Net. Six Je by .@. MeyeF Helmund. VOI- VI.—CONTRALTO OR BARITONE. CONTENTS. WORDS 8Y contents. vorjvS :iV VocaJ. 1. look on mo idra. Q. F. Byron X04c O 1. SfjarThie Jdri. Htmani 2. Serenade Mrt. O. F. Hyron 2. ILovemyLovs Wilhulmina Badtes FOUR MEL^ODIEff, Gipsy Song . . Mrs. O. F. Eyron 3. 3. Mariana Christina Ross^tU 4. Lovt It the lattior Mrs. O. F. Byron W. B. NHIHt^LSON, MA 4. T overs Philip Bourke Marston B;- EDWAED Coaniless words - , . Mr$. G. F. Byron ^' 5. 5. -Mcnc the ahore Author of John Halifax" Bodley's Librarian, *. Under the Balcony Mrs. G. F. Byron ' of " Waiting for you,") witli Pianofort* The time of Rosr,: . . T. Hood (Author and Composer Two Shillinps Net, 7. To the Night ...... ^helU-'y Accompaniment by Sir J. Stainer, Mus. Doc.

3. A Fairy Song .... . Mrs. Hemaus Morris :. They mount from glory to ijlory Words by Sir Lewis .- g. The Broken Flow. Mrs. tie nfjns £.11^.8. Nicholson 8S. Instrumental, 2. The Last Minstrel ,, 10. Summer's here .... . Clifton Sxngham B. mc/iotsm 3. River Wye » E.W. du:ets for t'a^o violins. 11. At Parting , Fhilip Bourkg Marston Welsh translation bij WaUyn Wyn Ha^t anc FsO':^Ra;ssivE foh Majter 13. Two Castles ...... ,^ Wilhelmina Baines D. .yickohnu and Pdfil, 4 Bear Mountains Words by E. W. Wc:^-,h .rar..-lation hi Waleyn ITjc * Fcxsff Skmccfs i»o 'ydSc- ilkillitsg Not. . . 1 JOSEPH WILLIAMS'S ALBUMS

105. Vocal. US. Instrumental. 12s. Vocal. Tw.nty-foup Progressive StudiesfortheVoice TWENTY NORWEGIAN FOLK SONGS. SIX FOLKSONGS. NEW SERIES. rOK SOPRANO AND TI-.NOE By J. St. A. JOHNSON. ARRANOED FOR PIANOFORTE .--OLO. By HENRI PANOFKA. WITH ENGLISH AND GERMAN WORDS. By JOHAN STROMSEN. CONTENTS. Sliilliii.; Ona and Sixpence Net. 1. Tvjo SliiUinzs Net. Mother mine. 4. Clowii's Song. | 2. My Daddy IS dead. 5. What does liale Birdie «»» 3. Oh, i.iy thyloofin, 106. Vocal. HT. Instrumental. &c. | 6. A Folk Song. One Shilling and Sixpence Net. Twenty-four Progressive StudiesfortheVoice SIX PIANO PIECES. ^'Z'7. Vocal. rOR CONTRALTO AND BASS. By HAROLD THOMAS. CON'iENTb. PASTELLI MUSICALL 1. .Across By HENRI PANOFKA. Country. 4. Singing Founta;:;. | FIVE ITALIAN SONGS. 2. Persian Serenade. 5. Valsette. 1 ''lie Shilling; ami Sixpence Ne!. 3. An .April Shower. By VITTORIO RICCI. | 6. Brook. V.TTH ENGLISH, One Shilling and Sixpence GERMAN AND ITALIAN WORDS. lOy. Instrumental. Net. CONTENTS. '~ Dolce morte (Sweet Death). SIX SHORT PIANO DUETS. iXa. Vocal. Doinande (Wishes). O falce di luna Calaiite (O, loveKest Uoan). J. By B. DUVERNOV. SIX SONGS. Prime Amore (First Love). One Per la tacita sera (In the silence of ShiUing Net. By ALFRED J. DYE. 2i^t). Co.NTEXTs. Words by Two Shillings Net. lOS. Instrumental. 1. 1 ou loved me once c. Ai-nola 2. KatiesRing M.Btai,. 12s. Vocal. FOUR SKETCHES 3. Memorj- FOR THE PIANO. j j^ SIX SONGS, t- ^'V, • '.'.'.'.'.'.H.'Eldcn/i. By E. ^''?f'=!!?<=''S . SAUERBREV. 5. Fickle MoUle Jennie E. T. Dmc By FREDERIC H. COWEN. 6. Love b Offering One ShilUm; Net. .;,„„ ^. Freir.oi::. Vol. VI r. T-wo Shillings and Sixpence Net. SopR.\No (ok Tenor). iC3. Instrumental. CONTE.N rs. Words by 1. Peace he around thee thomas Moore 1X9. Vocal. 2. O, skylark, for thy wing Urs. THREE PIANO DUETS (Op. 6;. Heinaiu SIX DESCRIPTIVE SONGS, 3. Adieu Dante Gairicl Rossctii By GEORGE E. MOTT, B.A.Cantab. 4. Golden Glories Christina Rossetti WITH ENGLISH AND GERMAN WORDS. 5. The Nautch Gu^Is Song Sir I. Danse Fanl.-istique. Ediuin .Arnold I. 6. Zaiioub.Vs Song Sir ' ^. Danse Rustique. Set Ed'Htin Arnold 1. Raft. (With English and German Wor*.) 3. Scherzo. 2. The Village Blacksmith. Four Shillings N'e!. One ShiUiitg and Si.'epenee Net. 3. The Storm. 4. The Two Grenadiers. X29. Vocal. 5. The Wreck XiO. Instrumental. of the Hesperus. 6. The A\"andering Jew. HUMOROUS DUETS, 7. Sir Briar, the Bold. THREE BAVARIAN DANCES. FvJR B.AJilTONE AND SoPRASO (OR MeZZO SowtAXo).

" One Shilling Net. CONTENTS. SUITE ^. . , „ . Composed by FROM THE E.VVARI.VN I. Comical Courtship M. ila/linson HIGHLANDS. 1. My pretty Maid X20. Vocal. By EDWARD ELGAR. '^- Wily Widower Ed. Solomon 4. Family Solicitor F. Osmond Cn^y Piano .'

5. Song of Hesperus . One Shiilini^ A'et. Ben Jansort Two Shillings A'ct. One Shilling and Sixpence N'et. . JOSEPH WILLIAMS'S ALBUMS.

134. Vocal. 144. Vocal. 1S1-* SIX SONGS. Instrumental. SIX SONGS. SONATA IN A MINOR. Br F&EDEBIO H. COWES. By C. OHAMIBADE. FCR PIANOFORTE AND VIOLIN. VOL. VII. —MEZZO SOPRANO (OR CONTRALTO). NO. CONTENTS. WORDS BY NO. CONTENTS. WORDS BY 1. The Golden hour M.C. Gillington By EENE3T WALKEE. 1. 2. Under your window Peace be around thee Thjmc^ Moore M. C. Gillington Op. 8. 2. O, skylark, for thy wing Mrs. Hemans 3. The mad maid's song M. C. Gillington 3. Adieu Dante GahrieUt Rossetti 4. Butterflies Mrs. G. F. Byron Two Shillings and Sixpence Net. 4. Golden Glories Christina Rossctt: 5. Ninette M. C. Gillington The Nautch Girl's .S'lV 6. The hour of mystery 5. Song Ed-win Arnold M. C. Gillii^on IS 2. Instrumental. 6. Zanouba's Song Sir Edwin A moid Three (With English and Gorman Words.) Shillings Net. SUITE IN C MINOR. Four Shillings Net. FOR PIANO. 135. Instrumental. 145. Vocal. By JOHN FEANCIS BAENETT. SIX Six Pieces foF Mandoline and Piano. DRAWING-ROOM BALLADS. Two Shillings Net. WITH GUITAR OBLIGATO. WITH ENGLISH AND GERMAN WORDS. NO. CONTENTS. Set I. 1S3. Instrumental. 1. Dreamless Rest ,.,.F. Osmond Carr NO CO.MFOSED BY 2. Vous daase/ Marquise Ade Kahaih EIGHT SHORT PIECES 1. Meditation - C. Chaminade 3. Daphne H. Klvssmann FOR THE PIANOFORTE. 4. Lied oiine worte Ed. Heinrich 2. Insouciance B. Godard 5. Chacone H. Roubier By H. A. J. CAMPBELL. the .. - 6. Spanish Students Fr. Bchr 3. in olden time. ....E IV Hunter BOOK I. Two Shillings Ne!. 4. Told in the twilight J. L. Mollcy 5. Maiden's flower song ...C.Pinsuti contents. 136. Vocal, Allegro- 6. star of /'. Menuet and Musette The our love H . Co7tcn Nocturne. Gavotte. SIX SONGS. I 4- One Shilling Net. B7 FLOBIAN FASOAIi. One Shilling and Sixpence Net. NO. CONTENTS. WOKDS BY 1. Love I knew thee D. Christie Murray 146. Instrumental. 154. Instrumental. 2. When meads are pied D. Christie Murray 3. Winter in May M. E. Ropes SEVEN PIANO PIECES. EIGHT SHORT PIECES 4. The land of sleep M. C. Gillinston FOR 5. A very old story D. Christie Mvrray By JOHH FEASCIS BAENETT. THE PIANOFORTE. 6. Forgotten lives Cecil Lorraine CONTENTS. By H. A. J. CAMPBELL. Three Shillings Net. 1. Meditation. Fortitude. 5. BOOK II. 2. Petite Ballade. 6. Mazurk Aligant. 137. Vocal. 3. Sunrise. 7. Chapel by the Sea. CONTENTS. 4. Sunset. 1. Marurka. SIX SONGS. 3. Valse Caprice. 2. Habanera. Scherzo and By A, GOEING THOMAS, Tvio Shillings and Sixpence Net. 4. Trio. One Shilling and Sixpence Net. No. CONTENTS. WORDS BV'^ \ 1. A Memory F. D. Delitle 147. Vocal. 2. Flower of May M. C. Gillington ISS. Vocal. 3. Love's echoes M. C. Gittington SECOND SET OF IRISH SONGS, (Alte Irische Lieder), 4. If there be a charming lawn M. C. Gillington SIX SONGS, 5. Honour to age M. C. Gillington WITH GERMAN AND ENGLISH WORDS. 6. Ecstasy M. C. Gillingiort By W." METCALFE. Lyrics by Symphonies and Accompaniments by Three Shillings Net. NO. CONTENTS. WORDS BY M, C. GILLINGTON. FLOBIAN PASCAL. 1. Smiles and Tears C. R. Pemberion 138. Instrumental. 2. Too late (Douglas, Douglas, Tender & True). . ..D. M. Craik 1. Slumber Song. 4. The bonny, bonny Boy. 3. When hope lies dead A. Hunter THREE PIECES FOR PIANO. 2. Grey of the Morning. 5. The little red Rose. 4. A year's spinning E. B. Browning Robber. 3. S- A widow bird ShclUy By MAY SAWSOS. 6. On a faded violet S/telley One Shilling Net. One Shilling and Sixpence Net. (With English and German Words). Vocal. Two Shillings Net. 133. Instrumental. 148. THREE POLISH DANCES FOR PIANO. LAYS OF THE LOWER THAMES. IS 6. Vocal. Written by Composed by By F. MULLEN. FIVE SONGS, M. C. GILLINGTON. F. PASCAL. One Shilling and Sixpence Net. By CAEOL SCHETKY TUEVET. contents. NO. CONTENTS. 1. The Barge. 7. The Chelsea Pensioner. WORDS BY Instrumental. 1. The Daisy 140. 2. The Ferryman. 8. Pilot Song (Off the Nore). Margaret Deland 2. An idle poet 3. A Relic of the g. A Song of Leigh. Anon THREE DANCES FOR PIANO. Were I a brooklet fair(with words) J)ldnny, 4. Night on the River. ro. The Tug. 3. German /. C. 1850 4. Mollie's eyes Frank L. Stanton By COEELLI WINDEATT. 5. Billingsgate. II. Woolwich Forge. 6. Song of the Buoy. la. Revery. 5. The red clover Margaret Deland I. Rustic Dance. 2. Shepherds' Dance. 3. Gipsy Dance. Two Shillings and Sixpence Net. One Shilling and Sixpence Net. Four Shillings net.

141. Instrumental. 148. Vocal. 157. Vocal. TWO SONATINES ENFANTINES. SIX SONGS. SIX VOCAL DUETS, FOR VIOLIN AND PIANO. By BENJAMIN GODAED By FEANZ ABT. By BASIL ALTHADS. contents. NO. CONTENTS. WORDS BY 1. A rose in heaven The Rev. E. D. Jackson 1. Chanson de Florian. Dans le Cloltre. One Shilling and Sixpence Net. 4. 2. The monarcbs of May ; or. The rose and the nightingale 2. EmbarqueZ'Vous. 5. Phalene. M. C. Gillington La Paquerette. 6. Chant et Baiser. 142. Instrumental. 3. 3. Ni^ht wind Af.C. Gillington (English and French Words). 4. Hiaden treasure M. C. Gillington FOUR BAGATELLES FOR PIANO. 5. The fairy godmother M. C. Gillington Three Shillings Net. 6. The enchanted garden M, C. Gillington By FLOEIAM PASCAL. One Shilling and Sixpence Net. One Shilling and Sixpence Net. ISO. Vocal. Vocal. 143. Vocal. A SERIES OF RECITATIONS. 158. SET TO MUSIC SIX SONGS, Piilowland. By A. G. MACKENZIE. By JOHN ACTON. SET OF SONGS FOR CHILDREN. Op. 59. NO. CONTENTS. WORDS BY Anon Wrictea and Composed by CLIFIOJ^ BIKGHAU. NO. wkitten by I. Sweet content 1 iabberwocky Leiuis Carroll 2. A ditty Sir Philip Sydney

'. CONTENTS. 2. The Dream oi Eugene Aram Thomas Hood 3. Beloved, dream of me W. Wilsey Martin 1. Piilowland. 4. The Artist. 3. The Confession Thomas Ingoldsby 4. Yesterday 2. Ro^y Posey 5. Chaitt;rbox. 4. Queen Mab Tltomas Hood 5. Swtdiih love song Georgia Roberts Runcie 3. A busy morning 6. Like mother. 5. Faithless Nellie Gray (A Pathetic Ballad). . . . Thomas Hood 6. If I w;re arose Constant Ow Shilling Net. Two Shillings and Sixpence Net. Two Shillings and Sixpence Net. . JOSEPH WILLIAMS'S ALBUMS.

1.5S. Vocal. 172. Unstnimental. 181. Vocsj, FROM ELIJAH, NOCTURNES, SIX VOCAL Z)UET.S, Op. 46. SEVEN SONGS THREE CONTENTS. No. I, B flat ; No. 2, E flat ; No. 3, A flat. FOR PIANO, By MENDELSSOHH, NO. NO. TENOR. By GEAHAM P. MOOSE. FOR SOPRANO OK 1. Evening I 4. In the garden by the river WORDS BY MO. CONTENTS One Shilling and Sixpence Net, 2. Scottish Ballad 5. No passion fierce Air. W. Bartholomcv.' 1. if wjtb al' ^our hearts 3. Tears | 6. Dawn Sf Abraham Aria. 2. Lord God ^ Vocal. By P. TSCHAIKOWSKT. Is not his v/ord like a fire Arja. m 173. 3. English Translations by M. C. GILLINGTOB. 4. Hear ye, :;srael Aria. m EIGHT SONGS, POEMS FROM HEINE, Aria. Paper, Shillings Net ; Cloth, Three Shillings 5. O rest in the Lord h ENGLISH AND GERMAN WORDS. Two . .Arioso. 6. For the mountains shall depart . . Music by FSANCES ALLITSEN. and Sixpetue. Also published separately. Tben shalltheriKbtcousshineforlh.Aria. -» 7. NO. CONTENTS. PhUharmonlc Size. One Shilling Net. I 1. A pine tree siandeth lonely {Der Fichtenbavmy 2. Two sapphires those dear eyes of thine (Saj^hire sind die 182. Vocal. Vocal. X69e A ugen dcin) CONTRALIC. MEIZG OR i SIX SONGS FOR CHILDREN, THE SAMS FOR 3. Diamonds hast thou ana pearls (£*» hast Diamanien und 1 WITH ENGLISH AND GERMAN WORDS BARITONE. ' PerUn) Music by IJOEL JOHIiSON, One Shilling Net, 4. King Duncan's Daughters (Die Botscha/?) , NO. CONTEN-^ 5. Since my Icve now loves me not(5«/ die Liebstetvar tnt/emf) 1. A May song ..ina Marsion 161., Instrumentat. 6. Fathoms deep may drirt the snow i,Ma£ da dravssen Sckncc 2. A song of leaves Lina Marston SAME ARRANGED FOR VIOLIN AMS slhMO. sich thiiyr''.tft) THE 3. The butterfly Lina Ularston One Shilling Net. 7. Ondeath, it is tixcalA, !xi&msh.t(PtrTod,datisidifiilnie \ i. Good morning, bees I . Lina Marston Nacki) \ 5. In London Liyta yiarsion 8. Katherine (.SaiAariw) Instrumental. ; . 162. )' 6. The moon Lina Marston THE S.».ME ARRANGED FOR VIOLA AND PIANO. Three Shillings Net. 1 One Shilling Net. One Shilling Net.

174. VocaL i XS3« Vocal 163. Instnunental. SIX HUMOROUS SQNGSo THE SAMS ARRANGED FOR VIOLONCELLO itND PIANO. Music by F. OSMOSD CiEE. I CONTSNi:; WORDS EV I One Shilling Net. NO. 1. The man about town ...... Adrian Hass \ Instrumental. 2. Society 164. Drinks of the day ... b.\ME FLUTE 3. THE ARR.^NGED FOR AND PIANO 4. Milord Sir Smith Shilling One Net. 5. International Flirtation . 6. Calamity's child --. Instrumental. 165. One Shilling and Sixpence Net. : THE SAME ARRANGED FOR CLARINET AND PIANO, 175c VocsL One Shilling Net, SIX SENTIMENTAL SONGS. 169. InstnimentaL Music by F, OSMOND CASS. THE SAME ARRANGED FOR MANDOLINE AND NO. CONTENTS. WORDS BY PIANO. 1. Dreamless rest ,,,,..,,,,.,,...,^0^^.,.. Adrian Ross Otu Shilling and Sixpence Net 2. If 1 were a royal lady.. ...•..<...... >. „ 3. A dream come tm: ...... •... .. 167. VocaU 4. Come, O, my own 5. Light of love Eleven Songs for Voice and Guitar. 6. .Avowal arranged by F. GIACOilO. One Shilling and Sixpence Net FOR .MEZZO-SOPRANO KO. CONTENTS. 176. VocaL 1. The Bridge M. Lindsay 2. 1 built a bridge of fancies A. Fricker SIX HUMOROUS DUETS 3. O, fair dove, O, fond dove A. S. Gatty Music by F. OSMOBD CASB. 4. The old home ;(-. M. Hutchison NO. CONTENTS. WORDS BY 5. TheUquidgem W. T. li^rig^htm \. Dear mamma (The golden mean)...... Adrian Ross 6. Faraway M.Lindsay 2. The dancing giri = ..-...... „ 7. F.idmgaway A. Fricker 3. In pastoral seclusion „ 8. Thy voice is near W. T.lVrighton 4. The missing word -,, 9. MyBaimies H', Jlutckison M_ 5. Hey nonny O^'hen a youth) ^ „ ao. Oh, ye tears F. Ait 6. A written agreement ,4 II. Don't forget me C. Pinsuti Oiu Shilling and Sixpence Net. One Shilling and Sixpence Net. 16S. Vocal. 177. Vocal. SONGS. Eleven Songs for Voice and Guitar. SIX HUMOROUS THE SAME FOR CONTRALTO. Music by F. OSMOSfD CASE. One Shilling and Sixpetue Net. NO. CO.NTENTS WORDS BY r. The pet of 'igh society. .Adrian Ross 169. Vocal. 2. The new Home rule ...... SIX 3. Modem civilisation SETTINGS OF POEMS, Honesty By EOBEET BRIDGES. 4. Jim 5. The modem reformer Music by HAMISH MAC-CUNN 6. An Eastern legend ... NO. CONTENTS. One Shilling and Sixpence Net. 1. My bed and pillow are cold 2. Fire of heaven, whose starry arrow 178. VocaL 3. The idle life 4. Angel spirits of sleep SIX HUMOROUS SONGS. 5. Crown winter with green Music by F. OSMOND CAES. 6. Pedlar's Song NO. CONTENTS. WORDS BV Two Shillings and Sixpence Net. 1. Marguerite of Monte Carlo .Adrian Ross 2. The peer of the realm ITO. Vocal. 3. Di,di,di SIX VOLKSLIEDER, 4. Chinee dolly •

WITH ENGLISH .\ND GERMAN WORDS. 5. Gretna Green ,, 6. The maid with a wink in her eye Music ,, by MAUDE VALEEIE WHITE. One Shilling and SLxpence Net, NO. C0NTE.STS. WOKDS BV 1. Good-bye (Lebcwohl) Alma Strettcli Instrumental. 2. Wanderer's Son^ (;Fa»irr/K,fl Alma Strettcli 173. 1 am thine {Ich oin 3. dcin) .1/. K. ly, QUATRE RHAPSODIES ESPAGNOLES, 4. In the garden ^w^(i>/.'rt) (/« M. V^. IV, FOR P1-\N0. May breezes (.l/ixrV/i/i-er/) i. .4lma Strtttdl Music by FLOEIAN PASCAL. 6. Sunset (Sonnenuniergang) Alma Strettcli Shillings Sixpence Net. Two Shillings and Sixpeiue Net. Two and 171. Instrumental. THREE ARCHAIC DANCES, Ilo. i, lUijaudon ; No. 2, Minuet ; No. 3, Gigue. FOR PIAN'O By GEAHAM F. MOOSE. T-uio Shillings Net, ; ,, JOSEPH WILLIAMS'S ALBUMS

189. Instrumental. 202. Instrumental. 212. Vocal. Twenty Ave Studies for Piano. Op. 29. SIX SONATINAS. THE WINDOW, or THE SONGS OF THE WRENi H BERTINI By D. STEIBELT. A SET OF SONGS Dr. CAEL EEINECKE. Editad by Br, CAEI, EEINEOKE. Editad by WITH ENGLISH AND GERMAN WORDS. ShiiUng Net. One Shilling Net. Oite Written by ALFRED TENKYSON. Philharmonic Size. Philharmonic Size. Composed by ABTKUR S. SULI.IVAN. 203. Instrumental. CONTENTS. 190. Instrumental. 1. On the hill (The lights and shadows Ay). Twenty-five Studies for Piano. Op. 32. SIX SONATINAS. Op. 11. 2. At the window (Vine, vine and ejilantmc). tlic year). H. BEETINI. W. E. EIEM. 3. Gone (Gone I gone till the end of i Winter (The frost is here, and fuel is dear). Editad by Dr. CAEL EEISECEE. Editad by Dr. CAEL EEINECKE. 4. I 5. Spring (Birds' iove and birds* song). 0»« Shilling Net. Otie Shilling Net. 6. Tne Letter (Where is another sweet as my iwcct). I Phllharmonie Size. PhllhaFmonle Size. 7. No answer (The mist and the rain). S. No answer (Winds are loud and you are dumb). X9X. Instnimental 204. Instrumental. 9. The answer (Two little hands that meet). 10, When (Sun comes, Moon comes, time slips away). 131. FOUH SONATINAS. Op. Studies for Piano. Op. 70. Part 1. 11. Marriage morning (Light so low upon enrth). DIASKLX.'., A. {Comprising Books i and 2.) Complete^ Paper, Four Shillings Net. Dr. CAEL EEIEEOKE. Edited by I. MOSCHELES. CompUtey Sounds Six Shillings Net. One Shilling Net. Edited by Dr. GAEL EEINECKE Phllharmonie Size. One Shilling Net, 2Z3. Instrumental. Philharmonic Size. X9a. Instrumental. FIVE SKETCHES FOR THE PIANOFGRTl 168. SEVEN SONATINAS. Op. 20s. Instrumental. By CLAUDE E. COVER. A. DIABELLI. Twenty Studies for Piano. Op 60. CONTENTS. iJditad by Dr. GAEL EEINEGEE. 1. Valse in E flat. 4. Gavotte in F. in C. Danse Fantastique in One Shilling Net, L. KOELEE. 2. Sarabande 5. Sarabande in E. minor. Phllharmonie Size. One Shilling Net. 3. Two Skiliings Net. Philharmonic Size. 193. Instrumental. A Set Of Studies for Piano. 20&. Instrumental. 2X4:. VocaL I Arr&nged in Progressiva Order by Popular Oomposers. Twenty Ave Studies for Piano. Op. 100. FIRST ALBUM OF PEOPLES SONGS, &e. Otie Shilling and Sixpence Net. By MALCOLM LAWSOJC. F. EnilGMULLEE. CONTENTS. WORDS BV One Shilling A'et, 194. Instrumental. 1. Hereafter (When I am dead) Ckrisiina G. J\osse Philharmonic Size. One Hundred and One Exercises. Op. 261. 2. Love's resolves Sir John Suckli princess Charlts KingSi 0. CZEENY. 3. The proud 20'7. Instrumental. 4 W^orld's Age (Republican's song) Ckarlis Kings> Editad by Dr. CAEL EEINECKE. 5 Adieu Tkomoi Carl;^ One Shilling Net SIX SONATINAS. Op. 20. 6 The passionate shepherd (Come live with me) Phllharmonie Size. J. L. DUSSEK. Kit MttrUnuty /jdj-/^ Edited by Dr. GAEL EEIKECKE. 7, Cavalier constancy Si?- John Suckti 3. Love and debt Sir John Suckli 195. Instrumental. Shilling One Net. g. Sing heigh ho C'narUs Kings, ETUDE DE LA VELOCITE Op 299. Philharmonic Size. to, Andalusian moonlight ArtJiur O. Shaughne. C. CZEEJSY. II. A Jacobite lament Captain Ogii-

-2. VV. Edited by Dr GAEL BEISECKE. 20S. Instrumental. I A virelay Edtnund Go 13. In the garden 'I'hio Marzu One Shilling and Fourpence Net, SONGS by EOBEET SCHUMANN. [4. The Angels' flower Whyte M4IV1

Size. '. Phllharmonie . Arranged lor Piano by J. GEEGOiE. 5 Olivia's song (When lovely woman from Goldsmith's ' Vica^ CONTENTS. 0/ Wakefield 198. Instrumental. Scit ich ibn gesefacn lo. J.reine Rose Four Shillings Net, SIX SONATINAS. Op. BB. Er der Herrlicliste von Allen m waldc F. KUHLAU. Ich Icann's nicht fassen 12. Das ist ein Flolen und 215. Vocal. Du Ring an meinem linger Geigen Edited by Dr. CAEL EEINECKE. Der Page, Op. 30, No. 2, 13. Mondnacht SECOND ALBUM OF PEOPLE'S SONGS. & One Shilling Net. Icli wand're nicht 14. Allnachtlich im Traume By MALCOLM LAWSON. Phllharmonie Size. Volksliedchcn. "Wennich 15. Du bist wie cine Blume " friih in den Garten geh 16. Die Lotosblunie CONTENTS WORDS DV

Der 17. Die Thrane 1. O 1 that my heart Tkio Marzi 197. Instrumental. Nussbaum Widmung 18. Liebesbotschaf; 2. A Secret ,.

FIVE SONATINAS. . A love-dream (Nocturne) One Shilling and Sixpence Net. l , ' By MOSCHELES, EIES and STEIBELT. 4. Kitty and the bee ,, Kitty and the flowers Edited by tr. CAEL EEINilCKE. 5. ,, 209. Vocal. 6. Kitty's beauty Malcolm Law, One Shilling Net. 7. A tragedy Thio Marzi Phllharmonie Size. TWELVE SONGS. Vol III. 8. Red as Oleander 9. serenade By P. TSCHAIKOWSKY. A , to. Yorkshire man's love song 198. Instrumental. CONTENTS- A , 11. Oh! for a peach THREE SONATINAS. Op. 118. Op. 28. I Op. 38. „ 12. The pipe of life Thio Marziais «&* No. I. No, when I love. No. Don Juan's Serenade. Sydney Le E. SCnOMAMN. 2. 13. The sea gulls, No. i Tn4o Marzi „ The Red Beads. | „ 'Twas when the Spring. Edited by Dr. CAEL EEINECKE. ,, 3. Why? In Billowy Dances.

One Shilling Net, ,, 4. He loved me so dear. I ,, O mightosi lliou butonce.

5. No word from thee. ,, From the other world. Pblibarmonlc Size. ,, ] 6. One only word. Florentine ,, | ,, Song. Four Shillings Net, 199 Instrumental. EngUsh Words by M. C. GILLINGTON. SIX SONATINAS. Op. 36. Paper, Two Shillings and Sixpence Net 2X6. Vocal. M. CL£»E2;TI. Cloth, Four Shillings Net. TWELVE SONGS Edited by Dr. CAEL EEINECKE. WITH ENGLISH AND GERMAN WORDS. Instrumental. One Shilling Net. 210. By LIZA LEHMANN. Philharmonic Size. TV\'^ENTY-FIVE STUDIES. Op. 47, CONTENTS. By STEPHEN KBLLEE. 1. The maiden speaks (Das Madchen spricht). 200. Instrumental. ENGLISH FINGERING. 2. O, tell me, nighting^de, sweet bird (Die Nachtigall, als ich SIX SONATINAS. Book I. fragte). Two Shillings Net. 3. ^Vhen thoughts of thee are floating (Wcnn ich an d I. tLEYEL. May also be had without Fingering. gedenkc). Edited by Dr. CAHL EEINECKE. 4. Within a rose (Im Rosenbusch). The h'-Tb "Oblivion" (Das Kraut " "). One Shilling Net 211. Vocal. 5. Vergessenheit Philharmonic Size. 6. If 1 a bird could be (Wenn ich ein vOglein war). MERRY LAYS FOR HAPPY DAYS. 7. Here 'neath tha spreading vine leaves (Hier untcr reb A SET OF SIX SONGS. rankeii). 201. Instrumental. 8. Child's evensong (Kindlein's Abetialied/. Written by WILFEID MILL,". SIX SONATINAS. Book II. 9. Oh, thou smiling blue heaven (Wohin mit der Freud). I. PLETEL. Composed by VALENTINE HEMEEY. 10. Be the parting ne'er so bitter (Mag auch hciss das scheic brennen). Edited by Dr. CAEL KEIKECKE. CONTENTS. I. Tin soldiers. the meadows (Vocal Valse) 11. Wind of the south am I (Da ich der Ost-wind bin). One Shilling Net. 12. ruit. a. Bo Peep. 5. Three cats went out to tea. Cita mors Philharmonle Size. 3. A stormy voyage. 6. Baby's good night. Four Shillings Net* iTamc Sol-fa and Old Notation). Qyie Shilling Net. JOSEPH WILLIAMS'S ALBUMS.

ai.7. Instrumental. 22S. Instrumental. THREE TRIOS ^SS. Vocal. FOR VIOLIN, SUITE BY RAYMOND ROZE iHREE SOl^GS BY VIOLONCELLO AND PIANO. ' FLOBIAN PASCAL. (Op. 22.) . CONTENTS, Op ISO. T , Words (Entracte Music to Paul Kester's Play J looping to the War by B7 CASL "Sweet Nell of Old M. C. S£IN£CKE. '. GilHiigtcn. Draiy.") The Song of the Bagpipes. M. C. No. I in C. Forlorn Gillmgton. Arraaged for the Pi»no by the Composer. Two Siti'/irifs Net. J WO Shillings ^^- CONTENTS. Net. I. Romance sans Paroles. 3. Patrouille ai8. Instrumental. I 5. Menuet. = Vake ler.te. I | 4. Gavotte. 6. THREE TRIOS I Polonaise. TEN SELECTED ^^ Two Shaiiti^ Net. AIRIAS FOR VIOLIN, VIOLONCELLO AND I'lANO. Composed by ^ .- , , JOKH SEBASTIAN 27. Instrumental. BACH. Dr. EEHES^' WaIkeE By GAEL EEIHECKE. ,,.-,, CONTENTS. MARCH '• No. 2 in E minor. ALBUM, Book S. ^°"" Wort ("My Soul's delight CONTENTS. G"od's"c!™t:;^f is Two Shillins:s Net. 2. Gedenk' an f^™?^:™ '') uns mit deiner Liebe (" O think ^5^?..--.v.v.-.v.vv. ' ^">-^' 2X9. Instrumental. ""'ff:^;^ ""- (^'^-- Savi!^^^^ March in "Scipio" GFH^^, ^itn-g/o?') THREE TRIOS Le Guerrier en route ....'. C Du^l FOR VIOLIN, VIOLONCELLO AND PIANO. Enni.nie March FJ r'^f^ t- Marche Miiitaire, No ..:::::::: " Op. 159. ^i'fcHZJt "'"'^'^ "^°' ^'^^ *^"- By Wedding M^ch ::::::::::Me!^iZ '.tdSfsmTscI-ntyt^ajt ^ OAEL EEISECKE. Washington Post ,'", ! j p No. 3 in F. March from " Tannhauser " "^ ! ! ! ! Wc^tr Two Shillings Net. The Retreat March SUih^-^rf^t Marche Miiitaire ...... •.:.•.•.;•.•.•.. Z. f'|^-,^,^5 220. Vocal. One ::,hilhng Net. /hree TWELVE SONGS. Shillings Net. 228. Instrumental. Op. 3S. 23 "7. Instrumental. By A, EUBINSTEZN. PICTURES AND SKETCHES NO. ETUDES CONTENTS. WORDS BY FOR THE SPECIALES 1. Der Felsen (The Rock) UrmontoJ PIANOFORTE. FOR THE VIOLIN. 2. W enn deine Stimme mir t8nt (When thy sweet By EMIL SJO(JEEK, By F. MAZAS. voice I hear) Opus 36. Book I CONTENTS. (Edited and Fingered 3. Das Schiff(The Ship) by GuiDO Papini 1. Prelude. ) 6. Reverie. One 4. Die Wolken (The " Shilhncr and Sixpence Clouds) 2. Melody. Net. 5. Der Dolch (The Dagger) " 7. Conversation de Bal. 3. Advent. 8. 23S. Instrumental. 6. O frage nicht (O, ask not) When the sun goes 'Woskreiensky 4. Capriccio. 7. \ ernahmet ihr (Didst thou not down. ETUDES hear) Puschki:i 5. Elegy. BRILLANTES FOR -. y-9. Sketch.^«.eiL-u 01of i>( THE VIOLIN 8. Auf dem Wohl tnnk' ich (I drink to thee) f., .... Donnie. "'''''• One Op. 36. 9. Die Erde rnht Shzlhng and Sixpence ,E,^y/-^f2AS. Book IL (The earth is still) net (Edited and 10. Fingered by GuiDO Papini.) Sie singt ein Lied (She sings a song) Roiiopischin '^ Shilling 11. Der fallende Stern (The falling star) 220. Instrumental. 'd! and Sixpence Net. 12. Weht es, heult es triib (Sighs the Wind so sad FOUR ENGLISH ^3®- and weary SKETCHES Instrumental. (English Words FOR VIOLIN AND PIANO. Etudes of the above Songs by (Constance Bache.) Caraeteristiques for the Violin. Four By WILLIAM Shillings Net. Y. HDELSTOEE. .^^•^y^ MAZAS. Op. 36. Book III. (Edltea CONTENTS. and Fingered by GuiDO Papini 1. ) 221.. Vocal. A Pastorale. I 3. Romance. 0>" Shilling and Sixpence N't 2. - Caprice. .,. SIX SONGS FROM SHAKSPEARE. | a Revelry. One Shilling and 24or '^ij^^^ Sot to Maaio by FLOEIAN PASCAL. Sixpence net. BUTTER-SCOTIA NO. CONTENTS. 230. BALLADS, 1. .So sweet a kiss (from Vocal. "Love's Labour Lost.' ) Nursery Rhymes. 2. JHairj- song (from Midsuimiier VILLAGE j WofcPb^^**''^ "A Night's Dream.") ,., SONGS. 3. Xeach me (fr.>m " Words by itr ,- , Comedy of : Ju(5ge£DWAEDA.PAEEr. Errors.") HENErWATS()M Mus Doc * $ mistress mine (Clown's song from "Twelfth Night.") CLIFTOJT BISGHAM. FLOEIAN BEAUTIFULLY Xaiie, PASCAL. ILLUSTRATED 5. oh take those lips away((iom "Measure for Measure.") CONTENTS. Fapcr, Three Shillings Net. e. Ojcrons Song (from "A Midsummer Night's Dream.") 1. Martin the Cobbler. 5. To Love. Cloth, (ft ith Geiman Words by Willy 2. The Schoolmistress Four Shillin'i;s Net. Kastner.) 6. Bride Bells. Three 3. The Blacksmith. Shillings Net. 7. Village Lullaby. 2*1' Instrumental. 4. Trysting Tree. 8. The 222. old Church Spire, Introduction to Vocal, Four Shillings A'e! the Etude de la Veloeite SIX FOR THE PIANO. NOCTURNES. 23X. By GAEL Music by Vocal. CZEENT. Op. 636. Complete. M.W /^ ^Xt?'J-L,»-^„ C. GULlHGXOH. FIOEIAN PASCAL. FOUR DUETS Ofie Shilling Net. CONTENTS. ""u,, . . FOR TREBLE VOICES. 1. 1 he night spreads ^^ ^ ^ 242. out her I 4. The dead bride. Instrumental. arms (Serenade). 5. Slumber Song. I Mrs. 24 1 hVmInS. JOHN^POufTEE. Short Lyrics for the Pianoforte. 6. Fairy fretting. Book. L . CONTENTS. Kv^^ri | I 1. Fair,^ Song. , (With German Words 3. f^j^j^j. j^ „ 3y KAEX LOUISA WHITE. by Willy Kastner.) 2. Come to me .,. The Three Shillings Willow. One Shilling Net. Net. Dreams of Heaven. I One Shilling 223. Instrumental. N'et. 2^3- Instrumental. H. E. KAYSEE'S STUDIES THREE OLD SCOTTISH 232. Instrumental. FOE THE VIOLIN DANCES Op. 20. FOR VIOLIN (OR „ .. . Book L MANDOLINE) AND PIANO TWENTY-FOUR iidlted and Fingered by By CAPRICES GuiDO Papini LE(5arAED SAUTIEE. FOR THE VIOLIN. One Shilling Net. NO. CONTENTS 1. Lady Ann Hope's By P. EOOE. Instrumental. Strathspey. ^^ T. 2. Rachael Rae E. E. (Reel). One and Sixpence KATSEE'S STUDIES FOE TEE VIOLIK 3. Lady „, ,,. Net. Nelly Wymis (Jig). Phllhapmonie Size. „ ,. Op. 20. Book IL Qgg Shilling iKiltedJ and Sixpence Net. and Fingered by Gumo Papini ~ 233. Instrumental. One Shilling Net. 23*- Instrumental. _^ PATRIOTIC AIRS SUITE BY RAYMOND Instrumental: ~ OF ALL NATIONS ROZE, ^^^rTH. E. ^.„ (Op '*'• EATSEB'S STUDIES ARRANGED FOR ) FOE TEE VIOLIU THE PIANO. ARRANGED FOR THE VIOLIN AND PIANO By LEONARD Edited and rmgered by 6ADTIEE. By HENEr TOLHUEST. GuiDO Papini Ta/g Shillings and Sixpence One Shilling Net. Net. Three^Shillingsand Sixpence Net. 225. 246. Instrumental. Instrumental. 234. Instrumental. „^^ EIGHT PIECES TWENTY- TWELVE PIECES iOK THE FOUR CHARACTERISTIC I' OR ORGAN OR VIOLIN AND PIANO PIECiiS FOR THE HARMONIUM By EEETKOLD TOUaS. PIANOFORTE. 2y EEKEY SMITa. *''°>,. CONTENTS. By FEEDEEICK COEBEE. CONTENT Meditation. 7. Prayer. To which the Studies of A Song of C. Czerny Thanksgiving 8. Three (Introduction to Ave Maria f „..,, , Velocity, Ok 636) 9.< Short wm Jorm an Accompaniment The Wanderer's Home. I s! for a second Piano. >o- I Preludes. „ . ^"^^14:* Eastward. Two Shillings Fhree Shillings IT. Requiem. Nit. _. ,,. Net An Kvening Hymn, PhUharmonle Size Gloria in Kxeelsis. One Shilling Net. JOSEPH WILLIAMS'S ALBUMS.

258 Instrumental. 266 Vocal. 34:T Instrumental. SELECTED ARIAS. FOR VIOLINS. CORONATION MARCH ALBUM. TEN SIX DUETS TWO CONTENTS. Composed by Edited by With Pianororle Accompaniment. Dr. Kknest Walker. I Coronation March Meyerheer G. F. Handel. CONTENTS. By HENK7 FAEMEE. J. King's March /. Louring ' (" return.")- - ;. Queen's March Vieni, torna.' ^ Come - , fingered byEDr,.\R Haddock Henri Koubier (Edited and ) ' heart yournome." 4. Royalty March /. //. Waltis Gioje, veniteinsen." ("Joys, make my ' of thought.") .' .T. > * del pensier." ( anxious cares Two Shiii':ll^;i ;:.; / Xf. 5. Royal Standard Bearer March Michael Watson Affanni O 6. Colonial " " ' la mia Stella sei." (" My shining star thou art.") March Hands across the Sea . Emlyn St. Maur Tu ' (" Come backagain, One Siiilliir- Net. Ritorna, o cara e dolce mio tesoro." Q4S Vocal. my dear and only treasure.") THREE SONGS. ' Voi, dolci aurette, al cor." (" Ye brcezessweet and low.") 259 Vocal. ' scherza sempre Amor." (" Yes, jesting Love ever MAKIE MELT. Si, By SIX BABY SONGS. sports.") (Countess Vanden Heuvel). ' Rendi'l sereno al ciglio." (" To thy sad brow let joy Set to Music by FL03UN CONTENTS. Words by PASCAL. return.") ' (Illustrated (" hasten, ye cupids.") , by Bernakd F. Gkibble). Volate, amori." O . 1. Longing I'lcrcncc Hoit^t CONTENTS. Words by ' Caro voi siete all' alma." (" Dear are you to my spirit. ) 3. Sleep, love, and rest G. Huiii JVewconii^ I. Baby Seed Song £. ff^sbit Three Shillings Net. \. G- //wi/ Ncivconwc I. A Little Child Fred. Tivo ShitUnvs Net. Enoch 3. Mummy and Me Guniy Hadath 267' Vocal. Nursery Rhyme 4. M.C. Gitlington NATIONAL DANCES. A Birdie s Life CHILDREN'S 249 Vocal. 5. Edith R. Eduiards TREBLE 6. Little Blue Pigeon Eugene Field SIX TWO-PART SONGS FOR EIGHT SONGS. Tivo Shillings and Sixpence Net. VOICES. Words by Music by (In D.ance Form.) Op. 26. Flori.^n Pascal. C. GiLUNGTON. Music by contents. 260 Instrumental. Words by Florence Perugini-Campbell. H. A. J. Campbell. The Quest I 5. Love in May A PHANTASY OF LIFE AND LOVE. CONTENTS. 6. Vagrant Love The Sea-Maid's Tryst | Reel Farandole I 4. Scotland Spri.i.; By Dr. France t'.jrrowed Plumes I 7. The Sisters of the FEEDEEIC COWEN. 2. Germany Waltz 5. Ireland Jig 8. Voyagers H cart's Homage ] The Arranged for the Pianoforte 6. England March 3. Italy Tai-.antella | Four Shillings Nel. By Richard Hofm.-vnn. Two Shi/lings and Sixpence Net. Two Shillings and S'.xpsnce Net. Philharmonic Size. 250 Instrumental. Vocal. > 261 Instrumental. 268 CHOPINS NOCTURNES. RING O" ROSES. (Edited and fingered by Dr. Ernest Walkcr.) TWELVE MINIATURES OF TWELVE SONGS. FOR THE VIOLIN PIANO. A CYCLE Two Shillings Net. AND Tenor and Baritone). By ODIDO TACCHiKARDI. (For Soprano, Contralto, Pianoforte Accompaniment. (Director of the Royal Musical Ir.stiiuze c/ With Floreiue.) Music by 251 Instrumental. CONTENTS. Words by M. C. GlLLINGTON. FlORIAN PaSCAL. CHOPINS WALTZES. 1. Christmas Eve 7. Minuet Illustrated by Bernard F. Gridole. fingered by Dr. s. Song of Spring 8. Song of the Spinning-wheel (Edited and Ernest Walker.) Shillings Nel. 3. Barcarolle 9. Dance of the Gnats Four One Shilling and Sixpence Net. 4. .\rlequin's Serenade 10. Spanish Serenade 5. Columbine's Song 11. Romance 269 Instrumental. 252 Instrumental. 6. Ninna-Nanna 12. At the Well SUITE OF FOUR PIECES Two Shillings and Sixpence Net. VIOLIN AND PIANO. FIVE SKETCHES (inlrish Style). FOR Philharmonic Size. By AETHUE SOMEEVELL. Composed by FLOEIAN PASCAL. Two Shillings Net. Shillings Tivo and Sixpence Net. 262 Instrumental. Philharmonic Size. Piillharmonle Si2e. A PHANTASY OF LIFE AND LOVE. 2*70 Vocal. By Dr. FEEDEEIC CO'WEi\'. SIX OLD ENGLISH LOVE LYRICS. 253 Instrumental. Arranged as a Pianoforte Du, t. Composed by EENEST BEENTNALL. LYRICAL PIECES. By Richard Hokmann. CONTENTS. (Lyrische Stiicke). Four Shillings Net. Farewell my joy 4. Love in thy youth fair maid Philharmonic Size. little pretty one 5. Once I loved a maiden fair By E. GSItG. Op. 12. BooL I. My Gentle love, this hour 6. What ! bid me seek One Sliilling Net. 263 Vocal. befriend me another fair Philharmonic Size. Two Shillings and Sixpence Net. SIX BARITONE SONGS. 2'7X Instrumental. 35^ Instrumental. Composed by CARL LOWE. SEVEN PIECES AUS DEM VOLKSLEBEN. (With English and German Words.) FOR THE VIOLONCELLO AND PIANO. Containing " Bridal Procession," etc. CONTENTS. Arranged by W. H. SQUIEE. "The Pilgrim of St Just." (" By E. CEIEU. Op. 19. Der Pilgrim vor Sl Iiist.") CONTENTS. "Drum Serenade." ("Trommel-Standchea.") 1. Berceuse /. Sfuire One Shilling and Sixpence Net. "The Clock." (" Die Uhr.") liaeh 2. Gavotte in D /. S. "Count Eberstein." ("Graf Eberstein.") Tours Philhapmonle Size. 3. Intermezzo. Berthold _ " In visions I saw my true love." (" Im trauiiie s:.h ich die 4. Pavane Favourite F. Brisson gelieble.") 5. Garden Melody R- Schumann 6. " Goodman and Goodwife." (" 255 Instrumental. Gutmann und Gulweib.") 6. Moonlight Romance Henry Toihurst S.'ii IVeieriin Two llings Net.' 7. PassacaiUc /. B. HUMORESKEN. " Twj Shillings Net. . By Y.. OE!EG. Op. 6. 264 Vocal. Philharmonic Size. One Shilling Net. EIGHT SONGS (for Male Voices). Instrumental. Philhapmonle Size. Composed by Fr.tiRIAN 272 PASCAL. Op. Part 2. STUDIES FOR PIANO. 70 ; CONIENTS. Words l.v I. The Trumpeter (Completing Books 3 and 4). 256 Instrumental. George W. Thorntii>y J. .\ Mosstrooper's Love Song Daznd Christie Murr.iy I. MOSCHELES. POETISCHE TOUBILDER. 3. To Church goes the parson M. C. Gitling/ai: One Shilling Net. T'ne Brooklet (Poetic Pictures). 4. Cliarles Kmgstey Philharmonic Size. 5. On the Vine beside the Rhone David Christie By E. GEIEG. Op. 3. Murray 6. When I was a Greenhorn Charles Kingsley Vocal. One Shilling Net. 273 7. Hear what the sea-wind saith Henry flenvboit LYRICS. S. The Slave's l:)ream Longlelto-w THREE Philharmonic Size. Words by Music by Two Shillings and Sixpence Net. En.iLV Thornvcroft Fowler. Florian Pascal. Illustrated by Bernard F. Gribble. 25 V Instrumental. 265 Vocal. CONTENTS. 2. What the children say. MARCH ALBUM. Book 4. NINE SONGS (for Female Voices). I. Daffadowndilly. Lilies of Lent. CONTKNTS. Composed by FLOSIAN PASCAL. 3. 1. Carnival Marcli Witliavt Hilt Two Shillings Net. CONTENTS. Words bv 2. /". juanita Mar-.h Von Supfe I. Philharmonic Size^ Shepherd Song m. C. Gillinglo',: j \. Marche Juyevi.c , F. Suads W. 1. The n irst of the Swallows Clifton Bingham 4. March of the Jam=.>arie> F. Pascal Traveller's ' 27

1 27S Instrumental. Instrumental. 2Se. 239T. Vocal. SIX PIECES FOR THE PIANOFORTE. TEN AQUARELLES. Book I. FOR UANDS, ACTION SONG BOOK. Op- 59. 60 and 6i. FOUR By EMILY B. FARMER. By BEEHHAED WCliFF. Op. 1 78. Bo,.ic Composed by fiEHE LENOEMAND. i. Two Shillings Net. One Shilling Net. Two Shillings Net. Philhapmonlc Size. Philharmonic Size. 28*7. Iiistrumt ntal. ^ISTa. Vocal. 276 Instrumental. TEN AQUARELLES. Book II. ACTION SONG BOOK. FOR FOUR HANDS, By EMILY B. FARMER. TWELVE STUDIES FOR BEGINNERS. r.ooK II. By BEENHARD WOLFF. Op. 178. Op. 225. One Shilling Net. Composed by BEEKUAED WOLFF. Two Shillings Net. " Philh armonie Size. ass. InstrumentaL One Shilling and Sixpence Net. EASY LESSONS. Philharmonic Size. 28 S. Instrum.ental. TWENTY SHORT EXERCISES AND PIECES LES CONFIDENCES FOR THE PIANOFORTE. ST"?. Vocal. FOR TWO VIOLONCELLI & PIANOFORTE, By FLOEIAH SEVEN SONGS PASCAL. By CHAilLES J. HAEGTTT. One Shilling and Sixpence Net. By B£H£ LENOSMANO. One Shilling and Sixpence Net. With English, French and German Words. Philharmonic Size. 299]^ Vocal. CONTENTS. EXERCISES Since you will never love me / Memories 289. Vocal. FOR DEVELOPING AND TRAINING THE Depitis que vous ne m'aimez * 1 Souvenirs NINE SONGS VOICE. plus Hallucination i / E. The Nightingale ^\ Hallucination FOR SOPRANO OR TENOR, By DAVIDSON PALMSE. Le Rossignol , / Calais-Dover By FRANS LYMES. Op. 19. One Shilling Net. ( Farewell \ Calais-Douvres CONTENTS. 3\ Adieu ( The four-leaved clover 1 A Summer Wooing 6 Interpretation 300. Instrumental. ' trfefle ^ feuilles 2 kissed ! Mother's Lover (, Le quatre He has me 7 SIMPLE TUNES 8 Three Shillings Net. :j Melody A Question FOR VIOLIN AND PIANO. 4 Sweetheart, sigh no more 9 A Confession 5 .-\shes of Roses By L. GNADB. I avS. Instrumental. Two Shillings Net. Sixpence Net. TWENTY-FIVE EASY PIANOFORTE Octavo Size. PIECES 301. Instrumental. By Professor CARL EEINECKE. 290. Vocal. SCALES FOR THE VIOLIN. One Shilling and Si.xpetice Net. NINE SONGS (In Major and Minor keys, shewing all the different Philharmonic Size. FOR CONTRALTO OR BARITONE, positions.) By FRANK LYNES. Op. 19. Carefully arrangijd and fingered by HAEKY HUGHES. 379. Vocal. Two Shillings Net. Octavo Size. One Shilling Net. SEVEN SONGS (Volume 4) By P. TSCHAIKOWSKY. Op. 47. 302. Instrumental. CONTENTS. 291. Instrumental. ROYALTY MARCH ALBUM. 1 Had I only guess'd I 5 Now be ye blest, O field and SIX PIECES Book V. 2 Over the meadows of heaven grove FOR THE ORGAN, CONTENTS. WORDS r-V 3 The veil of twilight falls 6 Whether the day or the night 1. Duke of York's March 4 Sleep on, O heart's delight 7 Was I not a blade of grass By AETHDE FOOTE. Op. 50. 2. King's March James Loaring I upon the lea Two Shillings Net. 3. Queen's March Henri Rouhiey Two Shillings and Sixpence Net. ize. Philharmonic S 4. Royalty March - J. H. IVattis 5. Koyal Standard Bearer March Michael IVaison 2SO. Vocal. Vocal. 6. Colonial March Emlyn St. Muitr 232. l\laids of Honour Madame Lsmniens-Sherrington's 7. March SIX LITTLE SONGS 8. E nipire March G. A. Holmes CLASSICAL SONG BOOK. Composed by LAUEA G. LEMON. One Shilling Net. TWELVE SONGS FOR SOPRANO VOICES. CONTENTS. WORDS BY 1. The Floweret -i :i::ciH Fleming 303. Vocal. Ont Shilling Net. 2. I dreamt I was in Sicily Thea. Marzials SIX SONGS BY FREDERIC H. COWEN. 3. The Pine Tree Heine Vol. VI 11. .}. The Blind Lover Austin Fleming . SOPRANO (OR TENOR). 281 Instrumental. 1. What ails the World ? Ian MacDonaid CONTENTS. WOKDS BV 6. Thou art like some sweet flower Heine HOME SCENES FOR THE PIANOFORTE I. A Song of May Christina A'ossetti Two Shilli7igs Net. By JOHN FEAHCIS BAENETi'. i. Two days ago 1 Hilda Hammond Spencer Three Shillings Net. 3. Supreme Summer Arthur O'Shauglinessy Let Beauty Awake I Robert Louis Stevenson Philharmonic Size. 293. Instrumental. 4. Gabriet MUSIC TO SHAKESPEARE'S JULIUS 3. Nearer yet Dante. Rossetti 6. I cannot help loving thee Anon 282. Vocal. C^SAR. (with English and German Words.) THE HARP-PLAYER (Three Songs), By RAYilOND EOZE. Op. 16. From Goethe's " Wilhelm Meister," - Two Shillings Net. 304. Instrumental. Composed by FLOEIAN PASCAL. THREE NOCTURNES, 0)U Shilling and Sixpence Net. 294. Instrumental. FOR VIOLIN AND PIANO, A GERMAN FAIR. By BHEGW0LLEE. 2S3. Vocal. HUMOROUS TONE PICTURE. (Edited and fingered by William He.nley.) NURSERY RHYMES FOR CHILDREN By E. VOLLSTEDT One Shilling Net. (This may be also had for Orciiestra.) Philharmonic Size. Cover) (With Illustrated One Shilling and Sixpence Net. Coujposad bv J. FEEDSRICES. One Shilling Net. 295. Instrumental. STRAY THOUGHTS. 284. Vocal. FOR HARMONIUM OR AMERICAN ORGAN. SIX SONGS By HENEY FARMER. By Ed. C. BAIRSTOW. One Shilling and Sixpence -Net. CONTENTS.

1 Pack clouds away 1 4 I arise from dreams of thee 2 The sea hath its pearls 5 A prayer for light 296* Vocal.

3 The pine tree i 6 Daphnis and Chloe Three Shillings Net.

28S. Instrumental. FIVE MINIATURES FOR PIANO By VITTOaiO EICCI. CO.STENTS. t I .ittle dance 4 Plaintive thoughts I 2 Why? 5 Valse mignone 3 Bjuettc Cne Shilling and .Sixpence net " » JOSEPH WILLIAMS'S ALBUMS.

307. Vocal. Vocal 323. VocaL 3X5. SONGS. FLEETING YEARS. MAY-DAYS. SIX DESCRIPTIVE A CYCLE OF FOUR SONGS. WITH ENGLISH AND GERMAN WORDS. A SONG-CVCLE FOR CHILDREN. - Set II. Words by F. E. Weatherlv. Music by Flokian Pascal. R. Dobson. 3- MiEhty Mammon. .Marchesi. Words by Frances Be\an. Music by A. Mary The ErI King. I German translations by Blanche ,. Re.,u,tal Ding, dong (The Song of 4. The CONTENTS. Tonic Sol-fa by H. Elliot Button.) \. «""""• (With 5. 1 "' the Bellringer.) I ^ 1. Babyhood (Kintlheit). contents. Lilies. One Shilling Net. 2. Girlhood (Miidchenjahre). 1. May Days. 1 4- Water 3. Womanhood (Das Wcib). 2. Cowshps. 5. On the downs. alio Mutterchcn). b. Winter and Summer. 4. Old age (Das 3. The Reed. I 324. Vocal. Two Shillings Net. One Shilbng and Si.xpence Net. SIX DRAWING-ROOM BALLADS. WITH ENGLISH ANl. GKKMAN WORDS.^^ 308. Vocal. 3X6. Instrumental. ^^ Tone morning, oh! so early ^:^.^^hrZ SIX BABY SONGS. CHARACTERISTIC SKETCHES " ' 2. The three Angels ..j,,,,^^ (2.ND Set). through the ram FOR THE PIANOFORTE. 3. Singing Roeckel by Florian Pascal. down ..jVl.'/• Set to music 4. As the Sun went ^_ y.„„,.^ translations by F. H. Schneider. William Y. Hurlstone. - German By 5- star garden • ; '{hf ' Blumcnthai Bernard F. Gribble). •. • (Illustrated by 6. Adaydreara ; One Shilling and Sixpence Net. ; CONTENTS. Words by One Shilling Net. . The end of the day M. C. Cillington. Phiiharmonic size. An autumn lullaby .. ..Alfred H. Hyatt. Vocal. Smyth. I 325. An Irish slumber song Walter Vocal. C. Gillington. 3X'7. (Op. 3). J.ipanese cradle song M. \ TWENTY-FIVE ROUNDS What are you wishing for ? Dora. TickcU. SIX SONGS. Donald Francis Totbt. boat Emelim Caodr» 2. Summer ' H/ton Bingham 5. My three SIX SELECTED SONGS. Night " Cli/ton Bingham 3. 6. Welcome, primrose Frederic H. Cowen. and more 1 Bv 4. More 7. When daisies sleep Cli/ton Bingham Owen Innsley. contents. 5. A rosary 8. Be near me .-lljrcd Tennyson Shillings Net. T*", Castles. Two me if I live. I 4. Four Shillings Net. ,. Love Remembrance. S. <'oW'n 1. Thy '^'""f^thou„„ art.,„ I 6. I think of all ^j^^ I 313. Vocal. Vocal. 32X. One Shilling Net. DUETTI DA CAMERA. SONGS. DUETS FOR EIGHT SIN ITALIAN CHAMBER (51I1 Set). 333. Vocal. VOICES (TWO SOPRANOS). EQUAL Selected from the Poems of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and SIX SONGS, by CHARLES GOUNOD. (With Italian and English text). Music by Flokian P.\scal. set to With Lyrics by M. C. Gillington. VOL I. CONTENTS. arranged by A. Fuller-Maitland. Shilling Net. Edited and J. 1. The house of clouds. 5. White lilies. One Two Shillings Net. 2. Wisdom unapplied. 6. Proof and disjjroof. There is no one beside thee. 3. Inclusions. 7. 334. Vocal. Love me, sweet. 8. No little iluwer. 314:. Vocal. 4. SIX OLD ENGLISH SONGS. DUETTI DA CAMERA. Two Shillings and Sixpetue Net. contents. to the maiden of bashful fifteen CHA>niER DUETS FOR Vocal. J. Here's SIN ITALIAN 322. 2. Early one morning. VOICES. carrion crow. , . UNEQUAL 5. The , , , FOUR CHILDREN'S SONGS. unto ,s Majesty. (With Italian aiul English text). 4. Here's a health the d-.-A-nhill of l»fe>. VOL II. Words hi" KUBEKT I.oCIS Si E'.LNSON. 5. To-morrow (In fair. A. Fuller-Maitland, I loved a maiccn Edited and arranged by J. L viii,josed by May Bykon. 4j, Ostw Shillings Net. Net. Two One Shilling Net One Shilling , JOSEPH WILLIAMS'S ALBUMS.

335. Instrumental. 346. SUITE ECOSSAISE FOR Vocal. 359. THE PIANO. SINGING-TIME. Instrumental. My Ch. -M. \Vie..k. Op. 78. POLKA I DE LA REINE. 1 1.4 A -SECOND Sur fabisc (Oi; the clirt') I Koses 4 d'avril (.-Vpril roses) SKT OF .-.ONUS i OR CHILDREN. I ^V- 9> Composed by 3 Chevauchee iiiatiiale ^»' Joachim R \7 s "it Q'faiver(.\ winters night) \\ ruten and composed by Clifton Bingham. I One Shilling Net. (Morniijg ramble) I 6 Marche Ecossaise ^. . . CONTENTS, 1 Philharmonic ,, Spleen (Spleen) Size. | (Scotch march) Two Ski/liiigs jVef. I 3607 Instrumental. Philharmonic 3. Wise men' of Size. (fS. | l^Y^^^^"^::^^: MARCH One Ski/.'in a ^""1.'. ALBUM (Book VI), S3@. Instrumental. CO.NTEXTS. ,, , . Marche des troubadours THREE MENUETS FOR CHILDREN. 3*"^- Instrumental. Radetzky . .Henri Rtiubicr .March . By Geokfrev Sh.wv, Chinese ..../. Strauss March . YOUTHFUL DAYS. IK .-llctter Entr'acte March . Piano Solo, Otu ShUUng and Sixpence Net. ./. MajscKet . . , . (Kinderleben). March 24 original p.eces for the pianoforte -.'. Stt^leJii SST. InEtrumental. by Th. Kull.ak, Op. 62 & 81 .Scout March ' hifSl.Tllaur One S/iii/ino- March from " Rienzi 1 VIOLIN SOLOS, and Sixpence Net. ../'. 1 'niftier Dolls March With pi.-i:io accompaniment by Henry Philharmonic Size. :*t:ckael liaison Farmer, and others. Marche aux ^ flambeaux , . . .Marks of expression, with bowing and fingering, by . . .ScotsoH Ctar.k William Henley. 348^^ Vocal. _ One .Shil/insr Nit. Book I CONTAINS^ 1 Honie sweet 2 361. Instrumental. home j Last rose of summer TEN SONGS. One Shilling Net, Gennan te.N:t by W.llv Kast.vkk. TWO DANCES FOR ilusic by Flori.^n, THE PIANOFORTE Philharmonic Size. By Ethel Barns. In the Press. 1. Cymbal dance. ' 2. | Dance of the gnomes. 33 S. Instrumental. Tzvo Shillings 349. Vocal. Net. VIOLIN SOLOS, ihii harmonic Size. W'ith piano accompaniment by He.\ky Farmer, and EIGHT others, i SONGS (Sixth Set). 362. Instrumental. Marks of expression, with bowing and fingering, German te.\tt by W ILLY by Kast.ner. Musicusic by FlokuxFloki.j William Henley. Pascal. SCENES In the Press. POETIQUES (Piano Solo) Book II contains— By Benjamin Godard. 1 Blae bells of Scotland j 2 Life let us cherish 1. Danslesbois. I 3SO. Instniraentai. 3. Sur la nio.ltagne. One Shilling Net, 2. Dans ies champs. | 4. Au %ill.-ige. Philharmonic Size. SCALES WITH T^'o Shi/linirs INTRODUCTORY NOTES „, .,, Nel. By .4. E. BEv.i^v. Ph^lji^armonie Size. 33S. Instrumental. One Shi//ing Net. 363. VIOLIN SOLOS, Instrumental. Philharmonic Size. THE SA.ME ARR.iNGED FOR PI.'i.NO W'ith piano accompaniment by Henkv Farmer, and DUET. others. Three Shillings -Marks of expression, with bowing and lingering, by Net. 35r! Vocal. Philharmonic Size. W'lLLiAM Henley. — Book 111 contains FANCIES. 364. Instrumental. 1 Hope told a flattering tale 1 2 The harp that once .^ SEX OF TWELVE One Shilling Nef. CHILDREN'S SONGS SCENES PITTORESQUES (Piano Solo) (Illustrated cover.) Size. ,„ . . „ ,. EV I. ^lA-sENET. Philharmonic Words by Ruth , Rutherford. JIusic by -\ir de La'llet. Klorian I 3. .\ngelus. Pascal. ( 4. Fclc Boh Instrumental. Tic'o 340. C'w Shilling and Sixpence Net. Shilling- jVet. VIOLIN SOLOS, Philharmonic Size. W'lih piano accompaniment by Henkv Far.mek, and others, 352. Instrumental. 365. Vocal. i*larksj>f expression, with bowing and fingering, by WiLLiA.M Henley. 1 CHRISTMAS PIECES AUNT MARY. FOR CHILDREN Little Book IV contains— (Der Kinder Chrislabend.) ,,,^=•"-"1" Book ,.k .Nursery Sosgs f.k Chiluken. \\ ritten by 1 keel rgw 2 Swiss air Up. 36, for the Ernest Alfieri. Composed The and : by ( gentle Zitella pianoforte, by N. W. Gade. N..el J.ihnson I. Aunt .Mar>-. I ' 3. The hedgehog. 5. The bat. One Shilling ( Nef. One Shilling .^ I he mouse. Net. | 4. The naughty girl. 6. The pupp\% Philharmonic Size. Philharmonic Size. One Shilling Net. 34X. Instrumental. 353. 366. Vocal. VIOLIN SuLOS, Instrumental. LYRICS AND With piano acconipanim-jia by Hfc..\Kv Farmer, and others. PASTORALS (Book I). PUBLIC AND HIGH »•! jrdb by various authors. .^larks of expression, with bowing and fingering, by SCHOOL MUSICAL Composed by Flori \n P^v^l Three short William Henley. DRILL BOOK. l>Tics :—l wonder. That day. Lite Four short IjTics :— Miraton, Mirataine. ' Book V contains— Moonbeams. GooJ- One S/)i/,';/iX' A'ct. morrow, sweet ! .\ milkmaid fair. I 2 Sounds so joyful (Sonnambula) ) The ash grove The breeze and the harp. | Gipsy dance. | The happy Shilling Nel. valley. One 354. Instrumental. Tzvo Shillings Net.

Philharmonic Size. j PUBLIC AND ' HIGH SCHOOL ' 367. Vocai. 342. Instrumental. CALISTHENIC AND GYMNASTIC EXERCISES. LYRICS AND PASTORALS (Book II). VIOLIN SOLOS, bet to music for Senior \N ords by Classes. Arranged by K. F. and A. various authors. Composed bv Flokiw With piano accompaniment by Henry Fak.mer, and others. G. Pasc^u \ ellow jasmine. I„ „,,. | garden blooms a rose. Marks of expicssion, with bowing and fingering, by Two Shillings Net. Phyllis. ' Twilight. WiLLiA-M Henley. Two little wings. | I built a l.ower. Book VI coj.tains— 3oo» i he footpath way Vocal. (duet;. | In .^rcadie (duet). | Tanzlied (duet). I Charlie is darling and I banks my 2 Ye and braes Ponr .'^hil/in^s Nel. Auld Robin Gray SONGS OF THE UPPER | THAMES (p,'?»""l"">' illustrated by B. F. GkicixfV 36S. One Shilling Net. > I, Instrumental. \\ordsw by W1LLIA.M Mack.w. Philharmonic Size. Music by Fll.rian P.iscal. TUNE BOOK FOR THE PIANOFORTE. One Shilling Net. .\ selection of national melodies .irranged 343. Vocal. for be-inners 'by ^ John F.armer. THE GIRL IN THE. GARDEN. 3S6. Vocal. One Shillino and .Sixpence A'et. FIVE LITTLE FOUR SONGS FOR LUW VOICE. SMOKING CONCERT DUETS. 36Q. Instrumental. Words by Jktta Vogel. Music by K. H. Walthew. Written and composed by Eccene Barxett. (\V'iih German text by F. H. Schneider.) NATIONAL SONGS AND DANCES. -Vrranged CONTENTS. One Shilling Net. for the pianoforte l>y Juhn J'akme.'v. Book 1 (easy), I Spring's awakening i 4 The first red leaf s The fl^^t hyacinth I 5 Hope's renewal 35T. Instrumental. O"' Shilling and Sixpence Net.

3 The nesting bird | Three Shitiings Net. A FIRST BOOK OF FINGER EXERCISES 370. Instrumental. lor the pianoforte, NATIONAL with explanations of Touch, Rhythm SONGS AND DANCES. 344. Instrumental. i hrasmg, .^rran^ed lor the 6cc., by Georue Farlane. pianoforte by Ji.-hn F,'.c; :>;:;.

Book II (moderate). . MELODIES IRLANDAISES FOR One Shilling Net. VIOLIN AND PIANO, One Shilling and Sixpence Net. Uy Ren^ Lenokwanu. 3SS. Instrumental. 3T1. Instrumental. T-zuo Skiilin^s Net. NATIONAL SONGS AND DANCES Philharmonic Size. r^'Hx^"'l'^.?'^k'"*«*^"ES FOR THE PIANO. .Arranged for the pLinuforte by I. Dead .March (from Saul) John Fak;.;lr. //,„WW Book HI (moderately d'ilHcult). =. Funer.-,i March Instrumental. .v.:.:.:.::::^,:^^ 0»e Shilling a 345. 3. i uneral .March nd Sixpence Net. ! ! Clioiia THREE MELODIES FOR SMALL HANDS 4. Funeral March ! ] ! '. '. r,rc^;vt

373. Vocal. THE SWALLOW. A SONG-CVCLE. Written by Jetta Vocel. Ccniposcd by Flokian Pascal. of birds. Bird of return. 1 5 Chai-m X On swallow's wings. | 3 Triolet. 6 The last sere leaf. 3 The wish. 1 4 I Two Shillings and Sixpence Net.

SY*. Instrumental. A CYCLE OF SIX SOCIETY DANCES. For piano solo. Composed by King Hall. d:ince. Country dance. 1 Barn dance. 3 Serpentine 5 6 Plantation dance. 2 Skirl dance. 4 .\ graceful dance Sixpence Net.

375. Vocal. AUNT LUCY. A third little look of nursery songs for children. Written by EiiKEST .\li.ieki. Composed by NoEt. John.son. It makes thnik. 1 The garden. 3 Drowsy. I 5 you | 6 M.-iry's lamb. 2 The snowman. | 4 ily golliwog. 1 One Shilling Net. — — — )

LES CLOCHES D£ CORNEVILLE. THE BLACK SQUIRE, '")R (The Bells of Corneville.) WHERE THERE'S A WILL THERE'S A WAY. A COMIC OPER.\, ^VITII DIALOGUE, IX THREE ACTS. A , WITH DIALOGUE, IN THREE ACTS. Written by Composed by Written by Composed by H. P. Stephens. Floriax Pascal. MM. Clairville & Cii. Gabet. Robert Planquette. The English Version by Briefly summarised the plot, which is quite intricate when compared with those which are H. B. Farxie & R. Reece. so particularly abundant to-day, is as follows;—The Opera opens in the Village op Boi-sovER, in the period of 1800, where Philip Bolsovek is in possession of the estate left oy his uncle, whose will has never been found. By his conduct, Philip has earned for ACT I. Scene I. T/i£ Seashore near Com^iUt. himself the soubriquet of "The Black Squire." Portland Bill, a smuggler chief, has placed his daughter Dora, when in infancy, at Mrs. Baytree'.s school, and has never seen Scene \l.~~Tke Villase of ComevHU. her since. When he comes to claim her, he is furious to find that she is in love with a naval Scene III.— r//,r Market Place. officer. Mrs. Bavtree refuses to allow him to take Doka away, as she is to be Queen of the Roses at the annual school prize distribution. An .\merican, Chipmunk by name, who has ACT IL—Scene—.-i CJuzmber in the Ckdteau. caught his daughter Cissv attempting to elope in boy's clothes with Rupert Rattlebavne, ACTIII.—Scene— .-!« Orchard. arrives on the scene, and bribes Mrs. Baytree to take her into the school in order to check any future attempts at such romance. Dora, to further her attempt at escape from school persuades Daphne, a school teacher, to take her place as Queen of the Roses. The Black The Comte de Lucenav. aitainteJ for political reasons, flies trom France, leaving his Squire sees Daphne, and falls in love with her. Portl.\nd Bill has obtained possession infant daughter Ll'Cienne and considerable personal prcperty in the care of a retainer, of the late squire's will, under which the whole of the estates revert to his cousin Algernon Gaspard. Tbis wily Norman, however, forseeing that the Comte may never retuin to claim BoLSOVER, and uses it to compel The Black Squire to marr>- his daughter- He tells him his own (which indeed happens), brings up the child as his niece, under the name oi she is to be Queen of the Roses, and The Bl.^ck Squire, thinking that she is Daphne, Gekmaine, and gratifies his insatiable greed for money by hoarding the Comte's treasure. agrees to carrj' her off. The three girls get up a scheme to mystify everybody, and arrange He has chosen for iiis coffers the decaying rooms of the old Chateau of Corneville, long since ihat Cissy shall be the Queen, and Dora shall appear as Mrs. Baytkee. WTien at the deserted by its lord, attainted of treason like De Lucenay, and an exile from France. The crowning of the Queen, the girls are so mixed up that Portland Bill does not know his grandson of ibi^ >Iarquis de Corneville is, however, alive, and the interdict on the estates own daughter, and carries them all off to his cave. In the second act,- the girls are discovered having been removed by the King, the village gossips believe that one day the long expected prisoners in the smugglers' cave. Portl.and Bill endeavours to find out which is his daughter, but cannot, will will heir will return. Meanwhile the Castle has an evil notoriety. It is haunted : mailed spectres and tells The Black Squire he must do so, or the missing stride along its corridors, and ghostly phantoms flit across its lighted windows at night. But be produced. Algernon, a naval lieutenant, and rightful heir, comes to the vicinity of the in truth, these are devices of the cunning Gaspard, to frighten away all intending tenants or cave, and Dora shows him the password. Algernon and Chipmunk, by strategy, obtain the old Chateau. At the opening of the Opera a knot of girls are on their way to the hiring admission to the cave, the latter also looking for his daughter. Philip (The Black fair. Amongst these is Serpolette, a waif picked up by Gaspard on a bank of wild thyme Squire) persuades Daphne to accept Portland Bill as her father. Ruiert (Algernon's in one of his fields and growii now into his servant of all woi^. She has thrown up his friend) and Mrs. Baytree obtain admission to the cave, disguised as beggars. Chip.munk protection, however, and seeks a better place. Gekmaine eventually joins the band, also discovers where Portland Bill has hidden the lost will, and obtains possession of it. Then flying from Gaspard's house—but from a ver>- different motive. The old miser has promised Dora, Cissy, Algernon and Rupert put an opiate into the drink of the smugglers, and her hand to the village Bailie, a pompous, meddling old fellow, lately come to his kingdom, when it has taken effect, endeavour to escape, but are stopped by PoRTt^ND Bill. with a strong desire to open the Chateau and audit the Barony accounts. Now Germaine Mrs. Baytree declares Dora to be her daughter, but Philip will not marry anyone but has belhrothed herself to a ne'er do well of the locality, a young fisherman named Daphne, whereupon Chip.munk produces the will, which places Algernon in possession of Grenicheux, who, as she supposes, saves her from drowning. But in fact her deliverer was the property. The sailors come and overpower the smugglers. In act three, Algernon is really the long lost heir—the young Henri de Cor.neville, now captain of an armed ship, installed at the hall, and is going to marry Dora. They concoct a plan to get Portl.\nd with a ro\-:ng commission, who, a year before, had put ashore at Honfieur to reWsit the house Bill, her father, out of the countrj', which he overhears, and determines to revenge. of hib fathers. At the opening of the Drama, he again returns—and this time he resolves to Ck'.pmunk comes dressed as a pedlar, looking for his daughter, who, however, has mamed to confess that is the widow of the take possession of his ancestral castle. The hiring fair, where he engages servants—amongst Rupert. Portl.a,nd Bill persuades Mrs. B.wtree she others Germaine, Serpolette, and Grenicheux (now turned coachman), concludes the late squire, and that D.^phne is her daughter, and so the estates being entailed, go to the first port of our storj". Daphne. Philip marries Daphne, and remains in possession of the estates, and curuin comes down on a scene of general rejoicing. The sceae changes to the haunted halls of the Chateau. The young lord, with his officers and crew, torch and sword in hand, break into the deserted rooms—and lay their Costumes of tke period. Time of perjormancej about two hours and a-half. plans to surprise the adventurers, whom they suppose to be really the ghosts of the village tradition. Two discoveries, bearing directly on the fortunes of the two heroines, are here Licensed by The Lord CHA:MaEKLAiN. made by the Marql'is. Firstly, he finds that the girl he rescued from the sea, is the Germaine who has captivated him, but who beUeves herself bound in honour to Grenicheux. Secondly, he discovers certain documents (left by old Gaspard) referring to the flight of Comte he. Lucenay and the placing of his infant daughter with the miser. The CHARACTERS. vivacious Serpolette immediately rushes to the conclusion she is the noble child in question, and thenceforth gives herself all the imaginary airs of her rank. The arrival of Bolsover. (The Black someone is announced by the scouts Grenicheux is put into a suit of mail to watch the Philip Squire.) ^ intruder unseen.—and the Marquis and his crew retire to the armoury. The old Miser appears—works his phantoms—lights the candelabra— wallows in his gold—and then comes a swift and awful vengeance. The rusty bells toll—a ghostly chaunt is heard— then a legion of mailed spectres—all the dead and buried Lords of Corneville appear—and advance on the Algernon Boi^ovek, R.X. (His Cousin.) appalled Miser, who sinks wandering and terror-striken on his gold. This startling tableau concludes tht secomd part of the stor^-. This The last Act is devoted to the unravelling of the mystery attached to Germaine. Rupert Rattlesr.wne, R.X. (Algernon's Friend.) is done by patching together the hints dropped in his ravings, by old Gaspard—who confirms them, on his return to sanity, and owns that Ger.maine is not his niece but Mdlle. he ^^ Lucenay. In the same moment, that young lady leanis that she is free to give her hand where her life. she loves, for that to Henri de Corneville and not to Grenicheux. she owed p. Chipmunk. (An American Citizen.) Acro^ the serious interest of the denouement comes the lighter texture of Serpolette's fortunes. No sooner did she assume the silks and satins of rank, than she is undeceived as to her real position, and has again to look forward to sabots and cotton. Over the betrolha of the Marquis and Germaine come, t^is time gladly, the chimes of the Bells of Corneville. Portland Bill. (A smuggler.) Period^ ijoo. Time ofperformance about two hours afui a half. Licensed by The Lord Chamberlain. Battledore & SHUTTLECt)CK. (Two of Phillip's Satelites.) Wi rH Ch okus.

KiTCH. (A Smuggler.) With Chorus.

CHARACTERS. Flint, "j > (Two Gamekeepers.) With Chorls. Steel. J Serpolette. (A Waif.) Gaspard. (A Miser.) Mrs. Bavtkee. (A Schoolm:stre:v<.

Germaine. The Bailie.

Manette. With Chorus. ;" (Her Pupils.) Jeanne. With Chorus. GoBO. (His shadow.) Gertrude. With Chorus. ^4 DAPHNti. SUSANNE. With Chorus. Catherine. With Chorus. GRENICHEinC. Cissy. (Chipmunk's Daughter. ii^i Marguerite With Chorus. Cherry. (A Milliner's Assistant.) 1 With Chokus. Christ&phe. (A Page.) With Chorus. J. The M.A.KVUIS de Patty. {\ Parlour-Maid.) J Corneville. SEffE School-Girls and Boys, Sailors, Smugglers, Reapers, &c. Peasants, Sailors, &c. —C.iokus. FEES. FEES. On application to Joseph Williams, Limited, the Proprietors. For the On application to JOSEPH W1LI.IAMS, Limited, the Proprietors. For hire of hire of the Full Band Parts, One Guinea per month, upon which a deposit the Full Band Parts, One Guinea per month, upon which a deposit of Vocal Scores, of ten guineas must be left until the pails are returned. Vocal score, ten guineas must Iw left until the parts are returned. is. net. of the Lyrics, 6d. net. 7s. (>di.. net. Book of the Words, is. net. Book of the Lyrics, 6d. net. 6s. net. Book of the Words, Book

: /^lo los. for one performance and dress Costumes (on Hire) : From ;^lo los. for one performance and dress Costumes (on Hire) From to exceed rehearsal ; Chorus not to exceed 14. rehearsal ; Chorus not 14. FIVE NEW SONGS

Composed by H. G. PELISSIER.

^^== Just Published. -==^





YES! I DON'T THINK! (Humorous)



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London. JOSEPH WILLIAMS Limited, 32, Great Portland Street, W.


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