Beat: Entertainment AWARDS by The Jury of the 69th Festival de Cannes

Presided by George Miller,

PARIS - CANNES, 24.05.2016, 11:15 Time

USPA NEWS - The Jury of the 69th Festival de Cannes, presided by George Miller, has revealed the names of the 2016 prize- winners during the Awards Ceremony. Laurent Lafitte welcomed the prize-givers and winners onto the stage of the Grand Théâtre Lumière,...

The Jury of the 69th Festival de Cannes, presided by George Miller, has revealed the names of the 2016 prize-winners during the Awards Ceremony. Laurent Lafitte welcomed the prize-givers and winners onto the stage of the Grand Théâtre Lumière, to the sound of music playing. The American actor, Mel Gibson, had the honour of awarding the Palme d´or to the best of the 21 films in Competition. The French actor, Jean-Pierre Léaud, received an honorary Palme d'or for his collected works from Arnaud Desplechin. 'I, DANIEL BLAKE' by Ken Loach, Palme d´or, was screened at the end of the Awards Ceremony to close this 2016 edition of the Festival.


- Palme d'or I, DANIEL BLAKE by Ken LOACH

- Grand Prix JUSTE LA FIN DU MONDE (It's Only the End of the World) by Xavier DOLAN

- Award for Best Director Ex-Aequo Cristian MUNGIU for BACALAUREAT (Graduation) for PERSONAL SHOPPER

- Award for Best Screenplay Asghar FARHADI for FORUSHANDE (The Salesman)

- Jury Prize AMERICAN HONEY by Andrea ARNOLD

- Award for Best Actress Jaclyn JOSE in MA' ROSA by Brillante MENDOZA

- Award for Best Actor Shahab HOSSEINI in FORUSHANDE (The Salesman) by Asghar FARHADI


- Palme d'or TIMECODE by Juanjo GIMENEZ

- Special disctinction A MOÇA QUE DANÇOU COM O DIABO (The Girl Who Danced With the Devil) by João Paulo MIRANDA MARIA


- DIVINES by Houda BENYAMINA presented during The Directors' Fortnight The Jury of the CST has awarded the VULCAN AWARD OF THE TECHNICAL ARTIST to :

SEONG-HIE RYU, for the artistic direction, with great inspiration, for the film MADEMOISELLE (/Agassi) by PARK Chan-Wook.

Source : 69th Festival de Cannes

Ruby BIRD Yasmina BEDDOU

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