Designedinthe USA The United States of America Exhibition at the 1995 Prague Quadrennial Designed in the USA The United States of America Exhibition at the 1995 Prague Quadrennial Exhibit Producer Arnold Aronson Associate Producer Sarah ash Gates Exhibit Designer Eric Fielding Architecture Exhibit Coordinator Timothy Hartung Student Exhibit Coordinators Sarah ash Gates, Timothy Saternow, William Forrester U.S. Delegation Tour Coordinator Leon Brauner Ass~tanttotheProducer Patrick Kelsey Catalog Text Arnold Aronson Catalog Design Eric Fielding Exhibit Staff Timothy Saternow, Tee/mical Director Patrick Kelsey Judy Pfeifer MirenaRada Joan Schlafer Merope Vachliotif Steering Committee Richard Durst, Eric Fielding, Sarah ash Gates, Patricia MacKay, Dr. Joel E. Rubin, Samuel Scripps Our thanks and appreciation to the following for their help and support: Christine Kaiser, Debora Kingston, Dr. Joel E. Rubin, Valerie dilorenzo, ~onnand Bouchard, and Joan Vick (USITT), Rex loser (Arts America). Martha Coigney (ITUfiS), Barbara Stral}ner (Lincoln Center Libra/J'for tbe Pe/forming Arts), Roberta Fotia (Rosco Laboratories), Ralph Pine (Drama Book Specialists), WiLlianl Bent (U.S. Illformatioll r1geIlC)~, Deb Styer,Josh Rothenberg, Blake Seidel, and Ernie Barbarash (Columbia {;lIiL'ersiM. Chris Boneau (BolleaulBryan-Broll'lI), Marcia McDonald and Tom Reiter (Grace Cos/umes), Brigid Milchell (Dislley Art Editions), Joseph Clark (Metropolitall Opera). Susan lee (League ofProfessiollal Tbeatres), Paul Arianas, Vito Zingarelli and Anita Gaffney (Stratford FestiL'fll), Tanya Grubich, MaJ)' HUDter (Seattle Rep), Ruth Rorak (Zenitb Travel), PalIick Costin (RCLAgenC)~, Takashi Mizuta (.\'HK), Dan Kuchar, Joan Schlafer Galena Tsypin, Angela Wendt, and Joseph Yossoupoff Published bylilc "niled Slales lnSlilUlc for The,nrc Technology. Inc. 10 \\'CSI 191h Sl.
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