Bell Laboratories Record Vol 54 Bell's Great Invention: Life Begins at 50
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Bell Laboratories Record Vol 54 Bell's great invention: life begins at 50 I T WAS the jazz-bewitched 1920s. Depression clouds still hung over That decision paid off. The 500- Movies became talkies in 1926 1937 when the third generation of type set appeared in 1949. With with the first full-length motion pic- desk phones-the 300-type tele- years of research and development, ture using equipment developed by phone set-was born. A much im- plus human-factors engineering be- Bell Labs. The same year the tele- proved design, the set's bell and as- hind it, the fourth-generation 500 phone, a necessity now in millions sociated equipment were in the base set added even more naturalness of homes and businesses, celebrated instead of in a separate wall box. and intelligibility to speech. Styling its 50th birthday. The 300 set was the first phone to was modern, and the adjustable The pedestal-or candlestick- have an anti-sidetone network that ringer was more effective. The user desk set was the instrument of the minimized the sound of your own could set it to ring loud or soft, and era, although many of the earlier voice in the receiver as you spoke. it was lower pitched. The improved wall phones were still in service. N a- A new transmitter and a new re- transmission and ringer allowed the tionwide calling using long-distance ceiver helped improve fidelity, and 500 set to operate on circuits with operators was commonplace. Some the set was less susceptible to line higher resistance. Thus, sets could phones had dials that could be used noise. be used at greater distances from for local calls. A year after the 300 set's intro- switching offices, or at short dis- But the world was moving faster, duction, six buttons were added to tances using smaller diameter wires, and customer demand for more and it-hold, plus five lines-making saving copper. Western Electric better communications facilities the phone the Bell System's first manufactured the 500 set so effi- was swelling. self-contained key telephone set. ciently that its price to Operating The newly formed Bell Labs had It was a welcome change for busi- Telephone Companies was well be- the job. Engineers and scientists nessmen. At the time they had a low that of any other telephone in set about improving the telephone separate phone for every line and the world. set's voice transmission quality, im- the result was often a desk cluttered Available in many colors after proving its reliability, increasing with phones. 1954, the 500 set remains the most the number of services a phone World War II turned a good part widely used telephone in the U. S. could provide, reducing cost, and of Bell Labs effort to the nation's Exploiting newly developed mate- designing a variety of instrument defense. But right after V.J. Day, rials and processes, Bell Labs and styles to satisfy every taste. development resumed on new sta- Western Electric have made more Just before the crash of '29, the tion equipment for home and office. than 2500 changes to the 500 set in second generation of desk phones One of the first tasks was a new its lifetime, not just for the sake made its debut for Bell System cus- station set with higher receiving of appearance, but to make it work tomers. It was a "new look" set- volume, a better dial, lighter hand- better and to keep its cost down. a milestone in telephone evolution. set, and an improved ringer with a Nevertheless, with the exception of A streamlined version of European volume control. Originally these the TOUCH-TONE® dial, all tele- phones, the set was popularly known were intended as improvements in phones manufactured today contain as the "French phone." It came in the 300 set, but the Bell System de- components that have essentially bronze, gold, silver, gray, ivory, and cided to go for aBell completely Laboratories Recordnew Volthe 54 same characteristics as those of "basic black." design. the 500 set. :rom past to future: Fifty years ago, only a battery of phones 115 give a customer multiline service. Then came the six-button y telephone with five lines plus hold. Today telephones do en more-witness the Transaction telephone for the "cashless society's" banking and credit services and, of course, regular lephone service. ful addition to the product line. First offered in six colors, the set required redesign of the 500 set's ringer, speech network, and dial, and the addition of a lead weight in the base. Nevertheless, the Princess phone's performance was the same as the 500 set's. .Two-line Princess phones with Touch-Tone dials and new colors made the scene in '63. During this period the business customer's needs were also getting attention. Although six-button key sets provided five lines in a single telephone, there was a growing need for additional lines and improved service among businesses that were Group calls have been made easy with the Bell System's 4A speakerphone. too small to warrant having their own "switchboard." To fill the vac- uum, the Bell System introduced Realizing that many telephone speakerphone. The introduction of the CALL DIRECTOR® telephone in users would like to keep their hands integrated circuits resulted in the 1959. Employing the basic 500-set free for note-taking or to look up elimination of a separate control speech circuit and handset, it could reference material during conver- box. The overall transmission was serve as a regular office phone and sations, Bell System engineers de- improved, providing more natural handle several incoming, outgoing, veloped the speakerphone. The first group discussions over the tele- and interoffice calls at once. model appeared in 1954 (but the phone; however the "barrel effect" This single instrument serves as quality of the sound produced what still remains as a problem in the use the receptionist's "extension" of some users described as the "barrel of speakerphones. each phone in a customer's office. effect"). An automatic voice-switch- After years of using telephones Present models handle up to 29lines ing circuit, added to the 1959 speak- that, except for different colors, and come with a variety of options erphone, improved performance by looked alike, some Bell System cus- for line selection, signaling, and eliminating "singing" from acoustic tomers were ready for a change- built-in speakerphone. feedback. Further research pro- a new and different phone, smaller, In the whirlwind world of the late duced a new, transistorized voice- more decorative. Sensing the mood, '50s, jets started cutting travel time switching circuit that included, the Bell System introduced the in half. The stage was set for ways among other improvements, a noise- PRINCESS® phone. (A name once con- that would save telephone customers operated, gain-adjusting device sidered for it was the "bedroom dialing time too. Telephones were which discriminated between speech set.") Advertisements proclaimed being designed that would automa- and noise signals at the microphone. "It's little, it's lovely, it lights," and tically dial often-called numbers. It The circuit was used in the 3-Type the mold of traditional telephone happened in 1961 when the Bell speakerphone which was intro- design was broken when the phone System introduced the automatic duced in 1960. bowed in 1959. Sporting a new look card dialer, which used perforated Speakerphones, of course, were and a dial that lit when the handset plastic cards to store numbers. commonly used for calls between was lifted, the phone was a success- Automatic dialer design expanded groups of persons. And persons who in 1965 with the CALL-A-MATIC® liked to dominate the conversation set, which used tape cartridges to soon learned to sit right in front store 250 or 500 numbers. of the microphone. Why? Because Today's family of TOUCH-A- sometimes speech quality suffered if MATIC® telephones contain inte- someone sat to the side of the mi- grated circuits that perform mem- crophone, or walked about while ory, logic, and dialing functions. talking. To pick up voices well The first Touch-a-matic telephone, around a table or room, an omni- introduced in 1974, is slightly larger directional microphone was incor- Bell Laboratories Record Vol 54 than a standard desk phone and porated in 1973's two-piece 4A stores 31 numbers permanently- 116 Bell Laboratories Record at least until changed by the user. and operating force. Then, in 1963, Market studies revealed such a the Touch-Tone telephone was born. number would be adequate for the Touch-Tone service cuts manual majority of customers. To dial a dialing time in half and quickly re- frequently used number, just press leases switching machines to handle a button. But what about numbers other calls. Touch-Tone phones al- you don't dial that often? Bell Labs low people to "talk" with comput- engineers added another button ers-to bank and to shop by phone, that will automatically re-call the to verify checking-account balances, last manually dialed number if the and to make it possible for stores to line were busy or if the party didn't "dial up" the status of a customer's answer. In late 1975 a version of charge card. By the early 1980s, the phone was offered without a Touch-Tone service will be avail- handset as an adjunct dialer for ex- able to about 85 percent of Bell Sys- tem customers. Imagine a complete phone in the Dreyfuss culminated in 1965 with palm of your hand-one with a dial a phone that looked like a fine piece right in the handset for comfortable of sculpture.