Texas Democrats Announce 22 Targeted State House Districts Ahead of 2020

The Democratic Party and Texas House Democratic Campaign Committee are excited to announce our target list of the most competitive House districts ahead of the 2020 election.

Texas Democrats only need to win 9 seats to flip the Texas House. In 2018, the top of the Democratic ticket won a majority of state legislative districts (76-74), laying out a clear path to victory. We aren’t stopping there. 22 Republican-held seats were won by less than 10 points by the top of the ticket in 2018.We are targeting every single one of these seats in 2020. Together, Texas Democrats and allied organizations have developed a modern and unprecedented data driven strategy, which includes a robust allied organizing infrastructure, candidate support services, and cutting edge technology. We are strategically channeling critical resources into Republican-held districts that, based on significant changes to demographics and electoral trends, are likely to flip from red to blue.

Texas Republicans have mishandled crisis after crisis. Not only do Texas Republicans have to run with a hopelessly unpopular Trump leading their ticket, the Texas Republican Party has been embarrassed by scandal after scandal. Even disgraced Speaker Bonnen admitted that Trump is “killing” Republicans in suburban and urban areas.

The Republican’s problems further down the ballot are just as devastating: After a political career spanning decades, Texas Senator John Cornyn is still unknown or unliked by upwards of two-thirds of Texas voters. So many Texas Republican Members of Congress have been running for the hills that the national press gave it a new name: “Texodus.” Additionally, several high-profile Republican state representatives have had to retire due to scandal, including Republican Texas House Speaker Dennis Bonnen when he debased the State House’s highest office by secretly scheming in the Capitol with dark money operative Michael Quinn Sullivan.

In short, Republicans at every level are failing in office and vulnerable at the polls. In order to ensure Texas Democrats maximize progressive gains at the ballot box, we have formulated a winning strategy to flip key Texas State House districts and turn Texas blue up and down the ballot.

In addition to these 22 districts, we will keep watch for potential opportunities to flip any of the additional 35 Republican-held districts being challenged by Democratic champions, and we will provide support to ensure each is as competitive as possible.

Special Election

TX-28 -- Dr. Eliz Markowitz is fighting for a Texas we can all believe in. She has bested expectations and is running on Democratic values that Texans support -- better neighborhood schools, higher wages, expanded access to healthcare, and a fair shot for all. On the other hand, her opponent, perennial loser Republican , who has been credibly accused of abusing his children, has demonstrated that he’s unfit to represent the people of Texas.

According to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, “Gates children ‘had been given “throw-up” medicine (ipecac) for eating food they should not have eaten, and children were required to skip their next meal if they stole food. On occasion, Gary taped newspaper around a child’s hands to keep him or her from stealing food.’”

Child abusers are unfit to serve in the . Period.

Districts that Voted Democratic in 2018

Since our success in 2018, Texas Democrats have seen an unprecedented number of Democrats and progressives speak out, march, organize, and run for public office. In 2018, Beto O’Rourke defeated in 9 key Texas House Districts currently held by Republicans. These districts represent some of the strongest opportunities for Texas Democratic gains, and we are investing early and strategically in voter registration and education to lay the groundwork for strong wins in November.

TX-134 -- In this district -- the most Democratic seat held by a Republican -- Democratic and Democratic-leaning independents will rally to support a Democrat in November to flip the House, elect a Democratic Speaker, empower Democratic legislators to fight for a fairer redistricting process, and bring balance back to Texas government.

TX-108 -- Republican Rep. Morgan Meyer, who failed to hold defamed Republican Speaker Dennis Bonnen accountable for breaking the law, is vulnerable headed into the general election.

The people of Texas are eager for state leadership that doesn’t tolerate corruption, which Meyer has demonstrated he’s not willing to do.

TX-112 -- Rep. has been a fierce opponent of common sense gun safety laws. Not only did she co-sponsor the bill allowing college and university officials to carry concealed weapons, she also voted in favor of limiting the amount of time required to obtain a concealed-carry permit.

Texas communities have suffered enough at the hands of rampant gun violence. Texas Democrats are fighting for common sense gun safety laws because the people of Texas have had enough of Republican inaction. TX-112 is primed for Democratic mobilization ahead of the November 2020 election.

TX-138 -- With vulnerable Texas Republican Dwayne Bohac not seeking reelection, Democrats have a substantial pick-up opportunity in district 138. In 2018, Bohac won reelection by only 47 votes, and the Democratic candidates who have filed to run for his vacated seat in 2020 have already demonstrated the institutional support, strength and leadership needed to turn the district blue.

Additionally, the district boasts a diverse populace (27.8% Hispanic, 12.6% Black, 11.5% Asian) as well as a large percentage of young voters (approximately 32.92% of residents are under the age of 39).

TX-66 -- Republican Rep. has spearheaded bills which have been criticized as posing “significant health and safety risks to Texans.” The people of Texas deserve better, which is why Texas Democrats are targeting District 66 for heightened Democratic mobilization and registration.

O’Rourke carried the district by over 5 percentage points in 2018, and we believe our Democratic candidate for the Texas House will be able to reach a similar mark.

TX-67 -- In order to create a Texas we can all believe in, we must defeat Republican zealot , one of the poster children for Texas’ divisive and toxic tea party. A founding member of the House Freedom Caucus, Leach has sought to hinder meaningful, progressive change in Texas at every turn since he was elected. The puppeteer of the so-called “Mother’s Day Massacre,” Leach has made it his mission to be as ineffective in office as possible.

However, Leach’s district is in play ahead of the 2020 general election. Texas Democrats have targeted District 67 to put an end to Leach’s extreme, ineffective governance, and elect a Democratic leader who will prioritize actually passing legislation.

TX-26 -- Vulnerable Texas Republican Rick Miller is not seeking reelection after he was forced to retire due to derogatory comments about people of color. Racism has no place in Texas; it’s time for new Democratic leadership in the increasingly diverse Fort Bend County.

Texas Democrats are expanding and protecting the vote at every turn, including in District 26.

TX-64 -- Rep. has sponsored and supported some of the most extreme bills that threaten a woman’s right to choose. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again -- Texans are tired of old men in the legislature dictating women’s reproductive rights.

Beto O’Rourke won TX-64 in 2018, and Texas Democrats are going to mobilize the district like never before to ensure a Democratic victory in 2020.

TX-121 -- The districts in and around are changing at a rapid pace, and the 2018 midterm elections proved that a leftward movement is currently sweeping across the district.

However, Republican infighting has also given Democrats favorability in TX-121. Democrats are emerging stronger than ever, and more unified than their Republican counterparts. Going into 2020, voters want to elect Representatives who will prioritize their needs over the political infighting we’ve seen Republicans use to consume entire legislative sessions. Texas Democrats are getting stronger while Texas Republicans continue to stumble over one another.

Other Top Targeted Districts

TX-96 -- As part of the Texodos, before having the opportunity to be thrown out of office, Republican Rep. Bill Zedler decided not to run for reelection. The vulnerable Texas Republican only won his district last election by 4 percentage points and, in the time that’s passed since, significant demographic changes, including increased diversity, have set the stage for a Democratic victory in 2020.

The Democratic nominee, Joe Drago, is steadfast in his dedication to building a better Texas for everyone. Republicans will experience just how much their party infrastructure has weakened when the voters head to the ballot box in November.

TX-54 -- District 54 has experienced dwindling Republican support at a truly remarkable pace. The Republican margin of victory was almost cut in half between 2016 (13.24%) and 2018 (7.6%). This trend in declining support has aptly set the stage for a Democratic victory in 2020.

Throughout his stint in the Texas State House, Republican Rep. Brad Buckley voted against a number of social welfare bills -- including a Hurricane Harvey relief bill -- that would have improved the lives of thousands of Texans.

Texas Democrats have identified where Republican weaknesses lie, as well as growing Democratic support, and are working harder than ever before to flip these districts come November.

TX-97 -- Republican Rep. has seen his support significantly dwindle over the years. Between 2016 and 2018, Goldman’s performance dropped from 57.2% to 53.2%. Goldman losing his grip on the district points to the statewide trend that has strengthened Democrats across Texas.

The legislator, who received a 92% rating from the National Rifle Association, is operating in a district with lessening Republican support. Texas Democrats have pinpointed District 97 for registration and mobilization to ensure we usher in strong Democratic leadership.

TX-14 -- Rep. John Raney has been an outspoken advocate of allowing firearms in classrooms, claiming that it will make our schools safer. Texans are tired of Republican inaction on real solutions when it comes to gun control. Our state has suffered numerous mass shootings and our communities have had enough. It’s time for Texans to have real leadership in the Texas House.

TX-14 is a flippable district for Democrats in 2020 because not only does the polling data highlight Republican weaknesses, but Texans are also tired of the same inaction from Republican legislators year after year. With 20.8% of the TX-14 population being 18 — 21-year-olds, Texas Democrats have an opportunity to register and mobilize a winning majority not just for 2020, but for years to come.

TX-92 -- Jonathan Stickland has built his entire political career around being as ineffective and obnoxious as possible, which is why the defamed Republican Representative has decided against running for reelection. Stickland was too far to the right for Texas and represents an increasingly Democratic district. His margin of victory in the 2018 election was one of the slimmest in the state, setting the stage for a Democratic victory in 2020.

TX-93 -- Republican Rep. Matt Krause has used his stint in government to spearhead discriminatory pieces of legislation, like the “Save Chick-fil-A” bill. In a county and district undergoing a big shift towards Democrats, rather than fight for meaningful change for Texas families, he’s set his sights on repressive social bills that are founded on exclusion and division.

In 2018, the Democratic nominee received 46.1% of the vote. Texas Democrats are poised to build on that progress. Democrats who are fighting for a better future for all Texans, regardless of sexual orientation, gender, race, or profession, are in a primed position to beat him. Our pool of qualified Democratic candidates in HD-93 are running to ensure Texas has better neighborhood schools, higher wages, and a fair shot for all.

TX-94 -- Republican Rep. has spearheaded ultra- conservative pieces of legislation that are founded in extremism and misogyny. Tinderholt’s bill, which would have criminalized abortion and allowed prosecutors to charge a woman who has an abortion with criminal homicide, is misogynistic and out of touch with the needs of everyday Texans.

Tinderholt won in 2018, but his Democratic opponent received 43.9% of the vote -- indicating that his seat is very much in play with presidential-level turnout. Texans in Tarrant County deserve a legislator who’s going to fight for progress, not set his sights on attacking women’s healthcare.

TX-126 -- In 2018, Republican Rep. only won the district by 54.9%, a big drop from the 58% won by the GOP State House candidate in 2018. The increasing diversity of the district (49.2% White, 21.1% Hispanic, 18.4% Black, 9.7% Asian) coupled with Texas Democrats’ expansive voter registration and protection efforts will turn TX-26 blue in November.

TX-32 -- Since the districts were drawn in 2011, TX-32 has become increasingly diverse (49.5% Hispanic, 4.3% Black, 1.8% Asian).

We helped fuel the shift in Nueces County -- from 47.12% for the Democrat at the top of the ticket in 2016 to 50.38% in 2018. That shift was enough to lead to down-ballot wins - - expanding Democratic representation on the 5-member commissioners court from one member to Democratic control with three members. In this district, Beto O’Rourke achieved 47% of the vote, laying the groundwork for a presidential year pick-up.

TX-29 -- Throughout his tenure in the Texas House, Ed Thompson has spearheaded extreme abortion bans that threaten women’s reproductive rights. The ideological and demographic shifts in Texas have pointed to one thing -- Texans don’t want conservative politicians dictating what a woman has the freedom to do with her body. Texas Democrats are closely tracking these shifts and how they augment Democratic support in key districts like TX-29.

TX-129 -- Rep. is a megaphone for Donald Trump’s obnoxious and hostile rhetoric on immigration, despite being from an increasingly diverse district. Texas Democrats are gearing up to elect leaders that celebrate inclusion and diversity, not xenophobia and hatred. Rep. Paul’s ineffective governance, in addition to demographic shifts in the district, have made TX-129 a flippable district for Democrats.

TX-133 -- Rep. Jim Murphy has shown poor judgment and a questionable sense of ethics in office -- specifically by earning hundreds of thousands of dollars a year while serving as a “consultant” for a political subdivision of the state. Taxpayers are struggling while Murphy gets rich, and Texas Democrats will make sure he’s held accountable.

TX-133 is primed for Democratic mobilization.