ICD-9 Pick List

CODE DESCRIPTION V01.6 Screening for Contact to STD V01.6 STD Contact V01.71 Contact/Exposure to Varicella V01.8 Pertussis Contact V03.81 - HIV V03.82 Immunization - Streptococcal Pneumococcal V04.0 Immunization - Polio V04.89 Immunization - HPV V05.3 - Viral Hepatitis V04.81 Immunization - Influenza V05.4 Immunizations - Varicella V06.4 Immunization - MMR V06.5 Immunization - Tetanus - Diphtheria -TD-DT V07.9 Immunizations- PROPHYLACTIC MEASURE NOS V12.01 History of Active TB V12.40 History of Seizures V13.02 History of Urinary Tract Infection V15.41 History of Physical Abuse (includes sexual abuse) V15.42 History of Emotional Abuse V15.6 History of Poisoning V15.82 History of Tobacco Use V15.86 History of Exposure to Lead V22.0 Supervision of Normal First Pregnancy V22.1 Screening for Prenatal V22.1 Supervision of Other Normal Pregnancy V22.3 Pregnant State Incidental V23.3 Pregnancy with Grand Multiparty V23.41 Supervision of pregnancy with history of Pre-term Labor CODE DESCRIPTION V23.7 Insufficient Pre Natal Care V23.8 Other high risk pregnancy V23.9 Unspecified high risk pregnancy V24.1 Post Partum Care & Exam of lactating V24.2 Screening for Postpartum V25.03 ECP - Assessment/Screening/Counseling with treatment and/or RX written V25.09 Contraception Management V60.0 Lack of Housing V60.1 Inadequate Housing V60.3 Lives Alone V61.0 Family Disruption V61.10 Marital Problems V61.7 Other unwanted pregnancy V64.01 Immunizations-Vaccine Not Administered Acute Illness V64.02 Immunizations-Vaccine Not Administered Chronic Illness V64.03 Immunizations-Vaccine Not Administered Immune Compromised Status V64.04 Immunizations-Vaccine Not Administered Allergic V64.05 Immunizations-Vaccine Not Administered Refuse Caregiver V64.06 Immunizations-Vaccine Not Administered Refuse Patient V64.07 Immunizations-Vaccine Not Administered Refuse Religion V64.08 Immunizations-Vaccine Not Administered Patient Had Disease V64.09 Immunizations-Vaccine Not Administered Other Reason V68.89 Administrative Encounter (DNKA, Chart review, consultations, No Shows) V70.0 Screening for Child/Adolescent Health(Complete) V72.1 Screening for Hearing V72.41 Pregnancy/Test Negative V72.42 Pregnancy/Test Positive V73.2 Screening for Measles V73.89 Screening for Viral Disease, NEC (Hepatitis, etc) V73.98 Screening for Chlamydia CODE DESCRIPTION V74.1 Screening for Tuberculosis (TB) V74.5 Screening for STD V74.8 Screening for Pertussis V75.9 Screening for Communicable Disease (specify) V77.1 Screening for Diabetes Mellitus V77.3 Screening for Phenylketonuria (PKU) V77.8 Screening for Obesity V78.0 Screening for Hemoglobin/Anemia V79.0 Screening for Depression V79.3 Screening for Developmental Problems/Developmental tools V80.2 Screening for Eye Problems V80.3 Screening for Ear Problems V81.1 Screening for Blood Pressure/Hypertension V81.2 Cardiovascular Problems V81.4 Screening for Respiratory Conditions V82.0 Screening for Skin 521.30 Mouth Syndrome 706.10 Acne 760.71 Alcohol Exposure: Baby 760.71 Alcohol exposure to baby 795.50 TB - LTBI(Latent TB Infection) 011.90 Active TB - Pulmonary 079.98 Chlamydia 132.9 Lice / Crabs 304.92 Drug screen positive at birth 305.20 Marijuana use in pregnancy 305.60 Cocaine use in pregnancy 372.30 Conjunctivitis 380.40 Ear Wax 528.2 Canker Sore CODE DESCRIPTION 558.90 655.43 Alcohol Use in Pregnancy FET DAMG D/T DIS-ANTEPAR 655.43 Alcohol abuse/use in pregnancy 690.11 Cradle cap 691.0 Rash 703.0 Ingrown Toe Nail 760.72 Marijuana exposure to baby 760.75 Cocaine exposure to baby 774.6 Jaundice - Neonatal 782.1 Rash NONSPECIF SKIN ERUPT NEC 782.4 Jaundice 787.01 Nausea and Vomiting 787.02 Nausea Alone