monday, JANUARY 4, 2021 Intelligent . In-depth . Independent Issue Number 3576 / 4000 RIEL More than 20,000 Chinese firm set Bangkok imposes arrests made in to develop m’kiri partial lockdown 2020 Drug busts airport proposal to combat virus national – page 3 business – page 6 WORLD – page 10 Vietnam Sixteen inbound migrant finds first case of UK workers test virus-positive virus strain Mom Kunthear ers will manage to enter bodia at this time due to the in- “The teams will also have to place [all VIETNAM on January 2 identified without first being tested and isolated. creased risks of transmissions. returning citizens] in quarantine for 14 its first Covid-19 case infected with IXTEEN Cambodian migrant For now, Thai authorities are not “[Cambodian citizens] can face days in provinces bordering Thailand the newly-found, highly-contagious workers who returned from allowing their citizens or any for- detention and fines imposed by the no matter which route they used to variant discovered in the UK. Thailand have tested positive eign nationals to move between Thai authorities if they illegally trav- enter Cambodia,” the ministry said. The patient was a 45-year-old Viet- for Covid-19 in recent days. provinces in an attempt to bring el during the present ban. The committee tasked with pro- namese woman repatriated from the SAs a result the provincial authorities the outbreak under control. “For now, in order to protect the viding support to Cambodian mi- UK on a flight landing at Can Tho on the Cambodian-Thai border have On December 31, Cambodia’s health of [Cambodians in Thailand], grants who are living and working in International Airport on December increased restrictions on quarantine Ministry of Labour and Vocational their families and the public, Cam- Thailand is in regular contact with 22 but who was quarantined on accommodations and intensified Training called on all Cambodians bodian quarantine teams on the the Thai authorities. In the future, it arrival. their monitoring of all border cross- who are currently in Thailand to Cambodian-Thai border will have to said Thailand’s ministries of Interior The flight had 305 passengers on ing points, both legal and illegal, in the shelter in place and not attempt to take samples from [returning] work- board, 147 of whom were quaran- hope that no returning migrant work- travel within Thailand or to Cam- ers for Covid-19 testing. Continued – page 4 tined in Tra Vinh province, 137 in Vinh Long province, 17 in Can Tho city and four in Ho Chi Minh City. The Ho Chi Minh City Pasteur Institute has conducted genetic sequencing on the six Covid-19- positive cases detected among the 2020 rice exports nearly 3.6M tonnes 305 arrivals and Patient No 1,435 was found to have been infected Thou Vireak with the new strain of SARS-CoV-2. The woman has a 10-year his- CAMBODIA exported more than 3.58 tory of high blood pressure. million tonnes of milled rice and paddy Prior to her return to Vietnam, worth more than $1.26 billion in 2020, her health was reportedly stable. according to Minister of Agriculture, One day after being placed under Forestry and Fisheries Veng Sakhon. quarantine, typical Covid-19 symp- Outbound shipments of milled toms like sore throat and light fever rice accounted for 690,829 tonnes developed and her specimens were worth nearly $539 million last year, sent to lab for testing. which represents an 11.40 per cent The results came back positive on surge from 2019, he said. December 24 and she was moved The minister added that 76 Cam- to Tra Vinh province’s Hospital for bodian firms exported the milled Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases. rice to 60 international markets with As of December 31, the patient China absorbing the largest share of only suffered from light coughing, 289,439 tonnes, equivalent to 41.90 but no sore throat or breathing dif- per cent of the total. ficulties, while X-ray scans show The EU market took in 203,791 mild damages to her lungs. tonnes, (29.50 per cent) of Cambo- Her husband, who is currently in dian milled rice, six ASEAN coun- the UK, has also tested positive for tries imported 86,899 tonnes (12.58 the virus. per cent), while 29 other countries Ho Chi Minh City Pasteur Institute bought 110,700 tonnes (16.2 per has asked the health ministry for cent), he said. further guidelines in research and Meanwhile, Sakhon said, unofficial anti-epidemiological responses. paddy exports in 2020 weighed in at The new coronavirus variant, 2,893,951 tonnes worth more than $723 first detected in the UK and million and were shipped to neighbour- thought to be responsible for the ing countries, mainly Vietnam. rise in cases in the country, is He added that total paddy and deemed to be much more trans- milled-rice supply to domestic and missible than other variants but The Kingdom exported 690,829 tonnes of milled rice worth nearly $539 million last year. hENG CHIVOAN international markets last year clocked does not seem to be resulting in in at as much as $3.82 billion, under- cultural products on the interna- is likely to be valued at more than and Thailand have not been jeop- more serious or deadlier diseases, scoring the Kingdom’s untapped tional market,” said Sakhon. $4.49 billion, with exports account- ardised by the [reported] lack of and approved Covid-19 vaccines potential to meet overseas demand. According to the minister, ing for $2.17 billion. capital [among rice millers], and may could still be effective against it. “We are proud of the achievements 10,935,618 tonnes of paddy was har- State-owned Agricultural and have been [buoyed] by psychological Other than Vietnam, 33 countries of this agricultural export. We vested last year on 3,268,968ha. Rural Development Bank of Cam- factors stemming from the [growing] have reported infections with the believe it has reached a point where He said the total non-rice agricul- bodia (ARDB) director-general Kao global milled-rice market, leading variant, mostly among recent it provides a boom for the sector that tural product supply to domestic Thach told The Post on January 3: arrivals from the UK. VIET NAM NEWS/ reflects the availability of our agri- and international markets for 2020 “Recent paddy exports to Vietnam Continued – page 6 ASIA NEWS NETWORK

THE PHNOM PENH POST Deal sweetened for Khmer National higher education resources Inside page 4 2 THE PHNOM PENH POST january 4, 2021 National Courts’ decisions Road accidents, fatalities now published as on ‘sharp decline’ in 2020 reference source Mom Kunthear

Niem Chheng in the case or other sensitive INISTER of In- information, Malin said. terior and chair- THE Ministry of Justice has “This is the start of the pub- man of the Na- published 44 verdicts from lication of verdicts. We begin tional Road Safety civil litigation cases which with these 44 civil verdicts, and MCommittee (NRSC) Sar Kheng can be used as models for we will publish more civil and said late on December 31 that court precedents and for criminal cases in the future. the number of road traffic ac- study by the public and those This is meant as a tool for the cidents nationwide over the who work in pertinent fields. knowledge of students and le- course of the year had decreased Publication of the verdicts gal enforcement officials. But significantly compared to 2019. on December 31 came as the it takes some time because we Sar Kheng cited a report result of joint efforts with the need to carefully check them indicating that there were Japan International Coopera- before publishing in order to a total of 3,179 traffic acci- tion Agency (JICA), the minis- avoid conflicts with our profes- dents last year, a 23 per cent try announced on its website. sional standards,” he said. decrease of 942 from the total The published verdicts cover Legal expert Sok Sam Oeun 4,121 accidents which oc- mostly money lending and applauded the publication of curred in 2019. real estate agreements. the cases, saying he and oth- “The reduction in traffic ac- Ministry spokesperson Chin ers had been advocating for cidents in 2020 has lowered Malin said on January 3 that this for many years. Publish- the number of fatalities by 335, these verdicts were selected ing verdicts is vital for judges down 17 per cent from 2019 because they could serve as so that they can be used as when accidents claimed the models and revealing them to precedents when hearing lives of 1,981 people. In 2020, The number of road accidents nationwide last year had decreased significantly compared to 2019. hean rangsey the public will not affect the similar cases, he said. the death toll has dropped to reputations or confidentiality “We don’t want to see simi- 1,646.” Sar Kheng noted. and road users for their coop- dia as the death toll was still “Covid-19 is brutal and fast of parties involved in the cas- lar cases being tried differ- The number of accident-re- eration,” Sar Kheng said. high and most fatalities were spreading, but so far no one es. Students could take these ently. It is not acceptable that lated injuries also decreased He urged traffic police and motorcyclists, many of whom in Cambodia has died from it. court decisions as a basis for one group of judges decides by 1,455, or 24 per cent, from citizens across the country to did not wear helmets. Traffic accidents, however, result their studies, and they will also this way and another group 6,141 to 4,686. continue to respect traffic laws “This issue requires all road in deaths every day. That’s why we be of vital importance for law of judges decides another “Based on these results, on in order to protect lives and en- users to concentrate while all need to pay more attention.” enforcement officials, he said. way. We want the courts to be behalf of the NRSC, I would able further reductions in traf- driving and strictly comply According to a report by According to legal principle, able to rule with consistency,” like to express my apprecia- fic-related deaths and injuries. with all traffic laws,” she said. the National Police, over the all court verdicts must be made Sam Oeun said, adding that tion and praise to authorities NRSC secretary-general On December 29, Prime first two days of this year, available to the public unless verdicts based on precedents at all levels who have been ac- Min Manavy also expressed Minister Hun Sen called on there were 28 road accidents doing so would compromise will better serve the cause of tively involved in the imple- concerns about the frequency citizens to be careful and re- nationwide, resulting in 13 the privacy of those involved justice. mentation of the traffic law of road accidents in Cambo- duce traffic accidents. deaths and 31 injuries. Sub-decree on construction permit issued

Long Kimmarita Consisting of 54 articles and struction owners, building permits will be punishable as per 12 chapters, the sub-decree tenants and the public. the Criminal Code. THE government has issued was signed by Prime Minister It is also issued to ensure con- Ministry spokesman Seng a sub-decree on construction Hun Sen on December 30. struction and relocation works Lot could not be reached for permits, which define the juris- It annuls the old sub-decree follow the proper procedures comment. diction for authorities to issue issued in 1997 and all legal docu- and technical specifications. Phnom Penh municipal land construction, repair, relocation ments which contradict this new Minister of Land Management, management department direc- and project commencement sub-decree. The move came Urban Planning and Construction tor Sarin Vanna said on January permits and licence renewals. after the construction law came Chea Sophara has the authority 3 that the government also issued The permit applications will into force in November 2019. to issue a letter of approval for another sub-decree detailing the be processed through the so- The new sub-decree is issued construction and relocation for procedures on the approval, sus- called one-window service to to ensure the quality and safe- any construction covering more pension and revocation of the Justice minister Koeut Rith speaks during a press conference in Phnom increase the integrity of the ty of construction, protection than 3,000sqm with more than licence to use a building. Penh last year. heng chivoan approval process. of property and health of con- 11 floors or a basement or under- The government also issues a ground space deeper than 5m, separate sub-decree on terms the sub-decree said. and procedures to conduct an The minister is also author- inspection of construction sites. ised to issue permits for high- “These sub-decrees are the risk storage facility construction tools for enforcing the construc- and the construction of sport, tion law at the national level. The tourism, and cultural buildings government instruction is that or structures. He also has the everything is to go through one power to issue construction window service, which makes permits for a structure of 10m things easy,” Vanna said. in height or above. He urged the public to Municipal and provincial land understand these sub-decrees management department and apply for the permits directors, with approval from through the one window serv- the municipal and provincial ice. The officials in charge will governor, are authorised to facilitate the process, he said. issue a licence for construction Building and Wood Workers and relocation on a land area of Trade Union Federation of less than 3,000sqm and build- Cambodia (BWTUC) president ings of less than 11 floors. Sok Kin said the sub-decrees District and town governors were vital and could improve have the jurisdiction to issue a communication in the con- licence for any construction struction sector. He said in the covering no more than 500sqm past, some construction sites of land area with no basement did not follow the law. and building fences not more “These sub-decrees are impor- than 3m in height. tant because in the past, Cam- The sub-decree also defines bodia did not have a construc- the rights of those affected by tion law and [some] buildings the construction to file a com- have collapsed. Then we had the plaint against the construction [construction] law and now we to the authority or through have these sub-decrees. court procedures. “This is good for all because The sub-decree does not spec- employers must be account- ify penalties, but it states that the able and workers will benefit offence of forging construction from that,” he said. THE PHNOM PENH POST january 4, 2021 3 National​ Man detained for firing shots at police in Kandal Soth Koemsoeun The police said they had arrested him and impounded the truck at the A 27-year-old man was detained for commune police station in order for questioning by Kandal provincial his employer to resolve the matter police in the early hours of January as he was the purported owner of 2 for allegedly firing several shots at the vehicle. on-duty officers after crashing into The report continued that the em- three utility poles while driving a ployer – identified as Kong Chieb Leng, heavy truck in Koh Thom district’s 40, from Sa’ang district – came to the Sampov Puon commune. commune police station at about 3pm This incident was followed by fur- and agreed to fix the poles and recon- ther mayhem alleged to have been nect the downed power lines. committed by the suspect back at But the suspect then rushed into the police station when he grabbed a room in the police station and an AK-47 assault rifle and fired sev- locked himself inside after grabbing en warning shots in an attempt to one of three AK-47 rifles from an un- intimidate the police officers who locked cabinet. stood outside a room at the station The police and his employer tried the suspect had locked himself in. to lure the man out, but he refused. District police chief Sim Kheang The situation was then reported to said the man suspected of being the district and provincial police. Officials burn confiscated drugs in Svay Rieng province​ in August. supplied the driver of the heavy truck lives in At about 7pm, the suspect fired Sa’ang district. the rifle three times to intimidate “We arrested the suspect and sent the police so that they wouldn’t try him to the provincial police already. to make any further attempts to ap- Drug busts up last year, I think the provincial police are now prehend him. questioning him. No one was in- Provincial police chief Chhoeun jured in the shootout,” he said. Sochet led a group of officers to the According to the provincial police commune police station to provide report, the suspect destroyed three back up, and when they arrived the over three tonnes seized electrical utility poles and downed suspect then fired an additional four Soth Koemsoeun rifles, along with cars, motorcycles our officers seized large quantities on 60m of power transmission lines warning shots. and mobile phones. They requested site. Importantly, as drugs were trans- while driving the truck. The standoff continued for three RUG raids last year result- a freezing of assets for three bank ac- ported via Cambodia, we also cooper- He then damaged even more prop- more hours until police fired tear ed in 21,566 arrests nation- counts worth $20,000 and six proper- ated with Interpol,” he said. erty when he fired the gun off inside gas into the room before breaking in wide, with more than three ties – two houses, two parcels of land, Drug Addict Relief Association of of the local police station, which and disarming him. tonnes of contraband con- one condo unit and one warehouse. Cambodia executive director Meas broke three windows, destroyed a Sochet could not be reached for fiscatedD in connection with 10,461 Mak Chito, deputy National Police Sovann on January 3 applauded the computer, and damaged three cabi- comment on January 3. But deputy cases – all increases over 2019. chief in charge of drug crimes, said raids but urged police to conduct nets as well as the ceiling and roof of provincial chief Roeun Nara said A National Police report on Janu- on January 3 that the National Com- even more to further reduce drug Sampov Puon commune police sta- they plan to send the suspect to ary 3 summarising anti-drug activi- mittee for Combating Drugs would trafficking in Cambodia and the tion, the report details. court on January 4. ties last year indicated that 21,566 ask for a renewed mandate from the number of addicts. people, 1,334 of them women, and government this year to continue “Police conducted many drugs 389 foreigners of 19 nationalities, 52 implementing the sixth phase of its raids in 2020, and most were large- of them women, were among those anti-drug campaign after its remark- scale. But the number of drug vic- detained. able successes. tims has also increased at correc- Among 3,169kg of drug seizures, Chito called on business owners tional and rehabilitation centres, there were 767kg of crystal metham- to cooperate in providing informa- so we are very worried about the phetamine, 298kg of heroin, 113kg tion to local authorities when they potential socio-economic impact if of ketamine, 72kg of MDMA, 14kg suspect that drugs are being used or the prevalence of drugs continues of cathinones (also known as “bath trafficked at their locations so that rising,” he said. salts”), 9kg of benzodiazepines, police may intervene in a timely In 2019, police handled 9,809 drug 3kg of WY pills (popularly known manner and their businesses would cases and detained 20,490 suspects, as “yaba”) and a whopping total of not be detrimentally affected. of whom 799 were sentenced to pris- nearly 1,900kg of P2P (a precursor “We have raided more drug sites on. Drug seizures totalled 750kg, plus for producing meth). than in previous years because, during nearly 100kg of dried marijuana and Additionally, confiscations in- Covid-19, much drug production re- more than 90,000 cannabis plants. cluded 297,898 live cannabis plants, mained in warehouses. Traffickers had In a series of 61 particularly large 292kg of dried marijuana, 597 scales difficulty to sell inventory, so when they busts, police impounded 697kg of and 5,025kg of chemical fertilisers. had opportunities, they attempted to drugs and arrested 140 people, in- Police also seized 32 pistols and 26 export them in bulk. Consequently, cluding 27 suspected ringleaders. The man is arrested after firing several shots at the commune police station. police Former senior CNRP lawmaker’s return postponed

Orm Bunthoeurn support for Sochua’s planned demanding the rights and po- and innocent people who return to Cambodia with her litical freedom. He noted that were used as political tools,” MU SOCHUA, former vice- delegation, though he did not her ambition to resurrect her he said. president of the Supreme believe the former CNRP lead- party was problematic. The ruling Cambodian Court-dissolved Cambo- ers would be able to abide by “Her plan to return to Cam- People’s Party spokesman Sok dia National Rescue Party their assurances to return at bodia is not easy because it Eysan said the government (CNRP), has postponed her this time. is fraught with political and did not grant passports to scheduled return to Cam- “I have no faith in her com- technical challenges, espe- members of outlawed organi- bodia, according to a press mitment because we all re- cially air travel restrictions. sations. release from the disbanded member November 9, 2019, There are not so many flights, He said that after the CNRP party’s leadership in exile. when Sam Rainsy and Mu and she faces health risks was dissolved, rebels resorted Sochua was set to depart Sochua herself announced posed by Covid-19,” he said. to establishing their illegal or- the US on January 4 but was their commitment to returning Am Sam Ath, deputy direc- ganisation abroad in order to obliged to reschedule after to Cambodia even more vehe- tor for rights group Licadho, attack, condemn, incite and cancellation of the flight by mently than this recently post- said that as a member of a destroy the interests of the na- Eva Airways. poned January 4 return. But civil society organisation, he tion and the people. Therefore, In a January 2 press release, the planned returns suffered wanted all politicians to act their activities were unaccept- the former CNRP announced humiliating failure,” he said. in the best interests of the na- able to the government. Former CNRP lawmaker Mu Sochua at the Phnom Penh Municipal the postponement, saying Court in 2017. HONG MENEA Kosal added that the alleged tion and the people. It would “The legitimate govern- Sochua and her accompany- justification for Sochua’s post- be best if they could negotiate ment does not acknowledge ing delegates would instead delays attributable to arrang- ted to doing so. If she returns, poning her return was not and solve problems without their position as legal. Hence, depart on January 15 and ar- ing flights, vaccination or I will support her to achieve a reasonable. Many other air threats or force. the government cannot is- rive at Phnom Penh Interna- quarantine. political solution. carriers also regularly travel “I think that politicians sue passports to them, either. tional Airport at 5:35pm on “I believe that perhaps she “However, if she cannot re- to Cambodia, he noted. should engage in negotiations The granting of passports is January 17 on Flight SQ5008, might get vaccinated, and turn, I will continue taking Cambodian Institute for and discussions by peaceful only for legal citizens. When barring further cancellations. I seriously believe that Her the stance of establishing a Democracy president Pa means to seek solutions that the outlawed rebels arrive in Former CNRP lawmaker Ou Excellency [Sochua] might new party,” he said. Chanroeun expressed the end these problems because, Cambodia, they will be held Chanroth said Sochua could return to Cambodia because Former CNRP activist Hun view that Sochua’s return so far, those who have suf- accountable under national return to Cambodia despite she has repeatedly commit- Kosal expressed pleasure and would constitute a statement fered have been supporters law,” he said. 4 THE PHNOM PENH POST january 4, 2021 National Agro-tourism soon Deal sweetened for Khmer to begin in K Thom Orm Bunthoeurn Some aspects of the project are higher education resources still being studied while others LOCAL firm Ka Sing Co Ltd, is are ready to implement. For Voun Dara collaborating with the Korean tourism, we are now setting up company I Loan D&C Co Ltd, to tents and boats for accommo- HE Ministry of Edu- develop more than 500ha in dating visitors and preparing cation, Youth and Kampong Thom province’s Pra- to launch these initiatives Sport and the Minis- sat Sambor district as agro- gradually from the beginning try of Economy and tourism areas in order to pro- of next year,” he said. FinanceT started an initiative mote agriculture and contribute Kampong Thom provincial to provide financial support to sustainable socio-economic Department of Agriculture, to writers and researchers in development. Forestry and Fisheries direc- higher education through a Ka Sing chairman Hang tor Pen Vanrith expressed “research, creativity and in- Sothy said the planned sites support for private sector novation” programme that would entertain visitors with investments in agriculture will author textbooks for use guided tours of plantations and hoped that it would result in higher education. and the local community in job creation that generates Education ministry spokes- beginning early next year. income for local people. man Ros Soveacha said the He said the project seeks to “We support the establishment funding initiative is intended capitalise on tourists visiting of agro-tourism to attract tour- to aid students by creating suf- Sambo Prey Kuk temple, ists and introduce them to the ficient resources for the study Phnom Santuk hillside, Thnou development of the agricultural of topics in higher education Sor Ta Prom waterfall and sector in the province as well as in the Khmer language. other areas in the province new opportunities for people to “The funding will help to im- who could pass by the agro- be able to earn extra income prove the culture of research tourism project and buy fruits through employment or growing here, inspire creativity and or vegetables to take home. their own products,” he said. push innovation in the educa- Tourists will be able to see and Sok Ratha, Kampong Thom tion sector in response to the learn about various types of farms provincial coordinator of the demands of labour markets and make purchases directly NGO Cambodian Human Rights and globalisation,” he said. from farmers, Sothy said. and Development Association, He reiterated that the pur- The project area will pro- described the agricultural sector pose of these programmes is to duce crops such as mangoes, as a core industry in the country boost the overall quantity and The purpose of the programmes is to boost the overall quantity and quality of higher education textbooks coconuts, corn and soybeans but said development was still quality of higher education available in Khmer. hEAN RANGSEY and include factories, bolster- relatively limited. textbooks available in Khmer. researchers and it will build specific curriculum. They are tion Services in Cambodia, ing local employment and “It’s good to see private It will also help to remedy a professional community also interested in cooperative said the initiative is giving supplying products for domes- businesses, the community a lack of resources in higher with greater expertise in writ- curriculum textbooks and re- students an opportunity to tic and export markets. and organisations participat- education for studying in the ing and revising textbooks search into the development gain valuable experience at Sothy said I Loan D&C would ing in the agricultural sector. Khmer language, which hin- for higher education in the of Khmer language study re- research and writing. invest $30 million for the con- Cultivation and animal hus- ders students and researchers. Khmer language. sources for online teaching or “Another benefit is that the struction of a fertilizer factory bandry will supply produce The funding initiative will The ministry intends to virtual universities, according education ministry also gets and a mango processing fac- and bring development at the increase the depth of profes- fund Khmer language text- to Soveacha. a source for creative ideas to tory that will begin by the end village level. More important- sional development and ex- books for general reading as Pech Bolen, president of [improve] the education sec- of 2021. ly, though, the developments perience for professors and well as books that follow a the Federation of Educa- tor,” he said. “We have been working on should benefit the local peo- this for more than three years. ple,” he said. Face masks, medical supplies sent to Nepal

Continued from page 1 province, the province was pro- vided with two more resuscita- and Labour will jointly under- tion machines and five more take a headcount of foreign machines to monitor patient’s migrant workers before issu- vital signs along with 25 litres of ing temporary work permits disinfectant. to them. Sambath also said the minis- They intend to issue these try had sent specialist doctors Ka Sing’s project in Prasat Sambor district. SUPPLIED permits to Cambodian migrant from the Khmer-Soviet Friend- workers whether they have ship Hospital to assist the Pailin identity documents or not. Provincial Referral Hospital. Separately, a 52-year-old On the evening of December Cambodia migrant worker 31, Hun Sen ordered all border died on January 2 while being forces to maintain strict con- isolated at the 2nd Quarantine trol of all crossing points and Centre in Tbong Khmum prov- vigilantly monitor all activities ince. Health ministry spokes- taking place there. woman Or Vandine said on “These numbers worry me January 3 that the man appar- and as an emergency measure ently fell and hit his head on we need all provincial authori- a toilet seat. His first test for ties and [police and military] Covid-19 had proven negative Officials are set to deliver two million face masks and other medical forces on the border to stay on supplies to Nepal on Monday. FACEBOOK on December 30. alert and keep control over ev- Vandine said the worker She added that his body ers, six are being treated at the ery single migrant worker who had returned on December was examined and it was de- Battambang Provincial Refer- returns from Thailand,” he said. 28 from Thailand’s Chonburi termined that he had died ral Hospital and 10 at the Pailin The prime minister also province via the O’Smach in- from an injury to his head Provincial Referral Hospital. made a plea to all Cambodi- ternational border checkpoint that caused his skull to frac- On January 2, Prime Minister an migrant workers in Thai- in Oddar Meanchey province. ture and bleed. Hun Sen authorised the health land, whether they are there After a preliminary health The wife of the late 52-year- ministry to disburse a 650 mil- legally or illegally, to remain check, he had been placed on old reported that her husband lion riel aid package to the in place there until further a military truck that transport- had a history of heart problems provinces bordering the Cam- notice due to these difficult ed him to the Tbong Khmum and that he had been treated bodian-Thai border because circumstances. provincial quarantine centre. for a long time in Thailand. Her they are carrying the burden of Separately, on January 4 Doctors had been checking late husband had not informed organising and enforcing quar- Minister attached to the Prime his health every morning and anyone at the quarantine cen- antine for the returning mi- Minister Ouch Borith and all signs were normal. tre about his heart condition grant workers. The provinces other officials will deliver two “People were looking for since arriving there. set to receive the funds are Bat- million face masks and other him after they noticed he As of January 2, Cambodia tambang, Banteay Meanchey, medical supplies to Nepal. hadn’t been seen in a while. had recorded a total of 381 Oddar Meanchey and Pailin. Hun Sen has previously When they pried open the Covid-19 cases, with 362 re- Health ministry secretary of sent face masks and medical door of the bathroom, they coveries. Of the 19 remaining state York Sambath said because supplies to other countries in saw he was lying dead on the hospitalised, 16 are Cambodi- a number of returning migrant the region that were in need floor. This happened at about an migrant workers returning workers had tested positive for such as Laos, Myanmar and 9am on Saturday,” she said. from Thailand. Of the 16 work- Covid-19 on January 1 in Pailin East Timor. THE PHNOM PENH POST january 4, 2021 5 National​ Ministry set Tech solutions to benefit veterans to cut use of Voun Dara plastic with HE National Commit- tee for Disaster Man- water filters agement (NCDM) and the Cambodian Voun Dara VeteransT Association (CVA) have signed a memorandum THE Ministry of Environment of understanding (MoU) with is providing water distillers at Dragonfly Fintech (Cambo- some schools, pagodas and state dia) Plc and Proximax Co, Ltd institutions in some provinces to implement the use of in- and the capital to encourage formation technology (IT) so- monks, students and the public lutions in managing disasters to use refill bottles for drinking and veterans’ data. water to reduce the amount of The MoU was finalised on plastic waste in the country. January 2 by NCDM vice- Ministry spokesman Neth president Kun Kim, who is Pheaktra said on January 3 that also the CVA secretary-gener- the ministry had started in- al, Dragonfly Fintech general stalling water distillers at some manager Richard Chung and schools, pagodas, towns and Proximax founder and execu- other locations in late 2020. tive director Lon Wong at the The locations so far include CVA headquarters in Kandal 11 spots in Phnom Penh, nine province’s Kien Svay district. in Battambang province, and NCDM adviser Keo Vy told several at schools in Preah Si- The Post on January 3 that the hanouk province. aim of the MoU was to cooper- “The point of having the ate with the IT sector to jointly water distillers in operation at create the Volunteer Manage- some schools, pagodas and ment Information System other state-run institutions is (VMIS) and proprietary apps to reduce the use of plastic. The for the NCDM and CVA. water distillers assist monks, “The apps are intended to students and other people by be used for locations sup- providing them with clean plying information concern- NCDM vice president Kun Kim during the MoU signing ceremony on Saturday. NCDM drinking water using [non-dis- ing veterans and disasters in people could be prepared for maX Sirius technology. “The VMIS system will be would lend strong support to posable] refill bottles,” he said. Cambodia, in the region and problems in advance. Kim said at the signing cere- used for managing veterans’ the companies’ efforts to pro- He added that it also helped around world,” he said. Vy explained that the com- mony that the project would be confidential data. It handles vide payment and financial by offering clean water at low He added that the apps pany partners would work to extremely important for carry- large quantities of data quick- services to Cambodian vet- cost to the people and that would also play an important integrate the IT systems. The ing out disaster relief work and ly and will be effective for erans as well as improve their the ministry supports any role in providing information VMIS and the apps would be managing the data of veterans both institutions,” he said. economic conditions and projects that help to reduce regarding danger signs so that created with the latest Proxi- across the Kingdom. Chung said this cooperation standards of living. the use of plastic. In Siem Reap province, he said partner NGOs had al- ready donated some 40,000 refill bottles to students at pri- mary and secondary schools. River Festival cancelled on Covid concerns “In 2021, we will work hand in hand with our partners like the Khouth Sophak Chakrya local and international festival attendees. Coca-Cola Company and any The host province for the next River companies that make or sell THE seventh River Festival – scheduled Festival, once it is possible for it to take water distillers to [expand the to be held on March 14 in Kampong place, is to be Kampong Thom province. programme] and install them Thom province – will be postponed un- Kampong Thom borders the Tonle at more schools,” he said. til 2022 due to the ongoing Covid-19 pan- Sap Lake and there are several impor- He said plastic in Cambodia demic, Ministry of Tourism spokesman tant cultural and historical attrac- is a big concern and it is now Top Sopheak said on January 3. tions in the province such as Sambor necessary to take action to According to Sopheak, the River Festi- Prei Kuk, Kouk Nokor, Phnom Santuk reduce and prevent the use of val was inaugurated in 2015 by the tour- and Boeung Samrith. [disposable] plastic. ism ministry in order to boost the num- Sopheak regrets having to cancel this Over 10,000 tonnes of plastic ber of tourists visiting Cambodia’s rivers. year’s festival but until the Covid-19 vac- waste is produced every day na- Cambodia’s rivers are an important cines have been widely deployed in Cam- tionwide and 20 per cent of all source of jobs and sustenance but the bodia, the risk of such an event spreading of the waste produced in Cam- ministry wanted to also promote the the virus is just too great, he said. bodia is plastic, he explained. rivers as tourist attractions due to the “It is necessary that we postpone Recently, the government is- role they play in Cambodia’s culture, the River Festival until next year in sued a sub-decree on manage- traditions, and history. order to support the efforts to halt ment and use of plastic that set Lessons on these topics as well as on the spread of Covid-19,” he said. the price for a plastic bag at su- important natural landmarks in Cam- The sixth River Festival, held in per markets at 400 riel ($0.10), bodia have always been included in past Battambang province on March 14, according to Pheaktra. River Festivals along with exhibitions of was organised under the theme River “Three years after issuing the local products and crafts for purchase by of Peace, River of Prosperity. Revellers participate in River Festival activities in 2019. ministry of tourism sub-decree we have noted that the use of plastic bags at super markets has been reduced by some 30 per cent and the pub- lic has also become aware of the Gov’t announces partnership for educational content issue and increased their use of water refill bottles in order to Mom Kunthear Soveacha told The Post that cation from formal schools geography and history. Addi- during her first visit in 2008 as reduce plastic waste,” he said. the government welcomed and other private academic tionally, there will be humani- an adviser with Women’s Me- Battambang provincial en- THE Ministry of Education, cooperation from all sectors institutes, according to MKI ties subjects like philosophy, dia Centre of Cambodia. vironment department direc- Youth and Sport has part- to help with promoting qual- founder and managing direc- sociology, psychology and During that three-year stay tor Kort Boran said that after nered with MK International ity educational materials for tor Mary K Evjen Olsen. global cultural content from until 2011, Olsen and her in- installing four water distillers Investment and Develop- the public. Minister Hang Chuon Naron literature, music, art and film. ternational team produced initially, the ministry has now ment Co Ltd (MKI), of Nor- “The focus of this coopera- expressed the government’s The programmes will be a feature-length documen- provided five more distillers at way to produce more than 70 tion is on producing and dis- pleasure in partnering with available free of charge on tary titled Total Brokenness state-run facilities and schools. educational videos over the tributing a total of 72 audio- MKI to provide Cambodi- social media platforms such exposing the crisis of child “The [water distillers] can next three years for teens and visual presentations in an ans with diverse video pro- as YouTube and Facebook rape and abuse which was be used with [any tempera- adults in the Kingdom. entertaining form during the grammes designed for fun and as well as the ministry’s E- then ongoing. She also pro- ture] water to provide clean The cultural content devel- next three years, between 2021 non-stressful learning experi- Learning Digital TV channel duced Women in Their 40s, drinking water that meets a oper signed a memorandum and 2023,” he said. ences in various subjects. which already has more than a TV documentary series for high standard for health and of understanding (MoU) with The purpose of the videos Dubbed the “Knowledge three million followers. NHK Japan and Asia Media hygiene. The [distillers] re- the ministry last week, agree- is to improve the level of gen- Project”, the videos will focus These programmes consti- Corp Singapore. duce plastic use and reduce ing to invest $1.8 million for eral knowledge among mem- on various topics including tute the realisation of a 10-year- MKI was founded by Olsen [water] costs for citizens and the creation of the “edutain- bers of the public age 12 and health, nutrition, natural sci- long personal dream for Olsen, and partners in 2005 and cur- civil servants, while benefit- ment” programmes. up who have limited oppor- ences, technology, economics who described Cambodia as a rently operates in Europe, ing the environment and our Ministry spokesman Ros tunities for advanced edu- and finance, medicine, world place which captured her heart North America and Asia. health,” Boran said. 6 THE PHNOM PENH POST JANUARY 4, 2021 Business

USD / KHR USD / CAD USD / CNY USD / JPY USD / MYR USD / SGD USD / THB AUD / USD EUR / USD GBP / USD 4,072 1.2750 6.5414 103.13 4.0225 1.3224 29.98 0.7702 1.2290 1.3659

Trading Information on Cambodia Securities Exchange Date: December 31, 2020 Auction Trading Method (ATM) No Stock Closing Price Opening Price High Low 1 ABC 17,100 17,160 17,160 17,100 2 GTI 3,200 - 3,200 3,200 3 PAS 14,200 14,160 14,200 14,000 4 PEPC 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 5 PPAP 11,700 11,700 11,700 11,500 6 PPSP 1,180 1,150 1,180 1,150 7 PWSA 6,100 6,100 6,100 6,100 CRF export China firm to develop M’kiri airport brand set to Hin Pisei decreased significantly, the province welcomed a total of buoy sales OURISM to the King- 11,004 tourists over the three dom’s northeast cor- days from December 31, 2020 ridor could experi- to January 2, 2021.” of milled rice ence a remarkable SSCA spokesman Sin Continued from page 1 metamorphosisT after the gov- Chansereyvutha could not ernment decided in principle be reached for comment on millers to buy paddy exclusively of a Chinese company to study January 3. to [fulfil] milled-rice [orders].” and develop a proposal to build However, Mondulkiri pro- Pann Chantrea, owner of Thorn a regional-level airport in Mon- vincial governor Svay Sam Chea Rice Mill in Tbong Khmum dulkiri province, according to Eang said in mid-2020 that province’s O’Reang-ou district, industry insiders. provincial authorities are noted that much of Cambodia’s The Council of Ministers demarcating a 600ha plot paddy production was absorbed said in a December 31 letter for the new airport some by the Vietnamese market through that Powerchina Internation- 22km from Sen Monorom brokers who transported wet pad- al Group Ltd would have to town, while the existing dy during the current harvest. cover the cost of the project’s airfield just north of town is Chantrea said: “Nowadays, most feasibility study which is to be planned to be developed as local traders transport paddy to sell conducted by the State Secre- a public park. at the Cambodian-Vietnamese bor- tariat of Civil Aviation (SSCA). He said the old airfield der, predominantly white rice, of The letter was signed by the dates back to 1979 when which Vietnamese traders buy a lot. council’s permanent secretary Cambodia was liberated “Usually exporting a lot to Viet- of state Hing Thoraksy and from the Khmer Rouge, but nam is not good for local rice addressed to the ministers of noted that it is too small millers because we’ll be faced Economy and Finance; and and the surrounding area is with a shortage of paddy to mill Land Management, Urban occupied by too many resi- for export. As I see it, it’d be better Planning and Construction, dents for it to be developed to mill rice before exporting it.” Mondulkiri province is designated by the government as the Kingdom’s fourth economic pole, following the SSCA and Mondulkiri pro- Phnom Penh and the provinces of Preah Sihanouk and Siem Reap. HONG MENEA into an effective airport for Cambodia Rice Federation (CRF) vincial governor. the modern age. president Song Saran plans to The government also au- the year-end holidays (from Meanwhile, Daly, assistant only her first name. “The new site is about 22km launch the “Malys Angkor” brand thorised the SSCA to lead December 31 to January 2) a manager of Mayura Hill Re- Mondulkiri provincial De- away from Sen Monorom of fragrant rice exports in mid-2021 preparation of a Framework relatively large number of local sort, said new infrastructure partment of Tourism direc- town to O’Raing district’s Sen and require all millers and export- Agreement with Powerchina families chose Mondulkiri as would also make Mondulkiri tor Ngin Sovimean said that Monorom commune, [and ers to attach its label to their prod- in accordance with appli- their destination, with many more attractive for tours. while Covid-19 continues to the project] is an endeavour ucts bound for China and the EU. cable procedures for the staying in hotels and guest- While there are plenty of drastically reduce the num- to expand the scale of domes- “We will continue to work to boost Phnom Penh-Sihanoukville houses, while others opted to tourists now, she noted that ber of international arrivals tic and international air traf- our high quality milled rice exports. and Phnom Penh-Bavet ex- pitch their own tents. most are local. to the Kingdom, the number fic and will depend on study We look forward to continuing to pressway projects. “When the Mondulkiri air- “I expect that when Covid- of locals showing up to the of technicians and relevant work to improve the livelihoods of Sin Chansopheap, owner of port launches, I believe that 19 is under control and there province for the new year’s ministries,” Sam Eang said. those in the Cambodian rice indus- Chomkatae Bungalows in the the number of tourists – es- is another airport, the num- countdown grew by about Mondulkiri is designated try,” he said on December 30. Mondulkiri provincial capital pecially international ones – ber of tourists to Mondulkiri 2.7 per cent year-on-year. by the government as the “We truly thank all our partners of Sen Monorom town, said coming through here will see will highly increase, as there’ll He said: “Mondulkiri is a Kingdom’s fourth economic and I send the most cordial bless- the new airport will attract high growth as it is a natural be more attractions to visit, natural tourist destination, pole, following Phnom Penh ings to the countries that import more tourists to the province. tourist destination,” Chanso- with 100 per cent natural so although the number of and the provinces of Preah milled rice from Cambodia and She pointed out that during pheap said. beauty,” said Daly, who gave international visitors has Sihanouk and Siem Reap. our partners.” Malaysia’s Maybank gets awards for Cambodia performance

Post Staff bodia” and “Best CSR Initiative” prizes. oritise our customers’ financial security Maybank2E (M2E), and a memoran- cotton and silk, the release said. Maybank Cambodia CEO Mohd and communities’ wellbeing in every- dum of understanding with the Maybank Cambodia said it worked MAYBANK (Cambodia) Plc nabbed Hanif Suadi said in the release: thing we do, to ensure that we provide National Bank of Cambodia on cross- with the government to raise finan- three awards recognising its excep- “These recognitions underscore a consistent brand experience for all.” border payment and remittance cial literacy among Cambodia, and tional performance in the Kingdom, Maybank’s sustained efforts in Maybank Cambodia said the between the Kingdom and Malaysia. that its “CashVille Kidz Financial Lit- it said in a January 1 press release. building closer relationships with awards showcase its role in boosting And when Covid-19 gripped the eracy Program” was featured on the Asiamoney Best Bank Awards 2020 our stakeholders and focusing on economic growth and helping com- Kingdom, it supported government Ministry of Education, Youth and presented it the “Best International delivering consistent value through munities be more sustainable. initiatives to tackle the pandemic, Sport’s digital learning platform. Bank Cambodia 2020”, while Global all our products and services. It said: “Maybank’s strategy is provided restructuring and resched- Hanif said: “Being deeply rooted Banking Finance Awards 2020 gave it “Our regional strength, brand repu- focused on areas where it believes it uling of financing facilities and in the communities we serve, we the “Best CSR [corporate social tation and mission of humanising can make a significant difference in implemented a moratorium on loan believe our success inherently tied responsibility] Bank Cambodia 2020” financial services have been the driv- fulfilling its customers’ and commu- repayments for impacted customers, to our communities’ achievements, and “Best Retail Bank Cambodia ing force in cultivating engagement nities’ ambitions, supporting busi- according to the release. which is why our stakeholders’ 2020”, Maybank Cambodia said. platforms that connect with our stake- nesses – big and small – to succeed In collaboration with social enterprise needs and experience will remain a The Malaysian-owned lender noted holders as well as positively impacting in Cambodia and beyond as well as Color Silk, the lender’s Maybank Wom- key priority for us. that it received honourable recogni- the communities we serve. empowering its employees.” en Eco-Weavers programme trained “We dedicate the awards to our cus- tion in October by the Retail Banker “By staying true to these values, we It listed its key achievements as its more than 250 Cambodian women tomers, employees and all stakehold- International Asia Trailblazer Awards continuously drive the Cambodian foreign-exchange services, digital weavers and produced over 110,000 ers for their support, trust and confi- 2020 for its “Best Retail Bank – Cam- banking industry, and constantly pri- platforms Maybank2U (M2U) and hand-woven face masks made of pure dence in Maybank Cambodia.” THE PHNOM PENH POST january 4, 2021 7 Business Thai exports PPSP inks land lease contract with to countries with FTA up knitwear producer Marvel Garment in pandemic HE export of farm, fishery Thou Vireak and livestock products to T18 countries that Thailand HE Cambodia Securi- has free-trade agreements (FTA) ties Exchange- (CSX) with inched up one per cent listed Phnom Penh year-on-year to $13.52 billion in SEZ Plc (PPSP) has the first 11 months of last year, signedT a lease agreement for Department of Trade Negotia- an additional 3.7ha of land tions director-general Auramon with Marvel Garment Co Ltd, Supthaweethum said. a leading knitwear manufac- In November alone, the export turer from China, PPSP said in of farm goods to these countries a January 2 press release. grew 12 per cent month-on-month PPSP is the company be- to $1.23 billion. Though exports to hind the Phnom Penh Spe- all countries increased, shipments cial Economic Zone (PPSEZ), to China surged 18 per cent, Japan a 357.3ha industrial park in nine per cent, the ASEAN region Kambol district’s Kantaok 11 per cent, South Korea five per commune on the outskirts of cent, India 16 per cent, Peru 223 the capital. per cent and Chile 344 per cent. Marvel Garment is the Auramon said the export of local arm of leading Chi- Thai farm, fishery and livestock nese clothing manufacturer products has grown continuously Shenzhou International this year despite the Covid-19 Group Holdings Ltd. pandemic. PPSP said its chairman Tan She called on exporters to reap Kak Khun signed the deal with the benefit of FTAs by carrying out Marvel Garment general man- stringent quality control to ensure ager Yan Delin last month. the products are safe from the It said: “The agreement in- virus or contamination. volves 3.7ha of land, which is a She added that six countries symbol of cooperation between that Thailand has an FTA with, the two companies in order to namely , New Zealand, create employment and pro- Hong Kong, Singapore, Brunei mote national industry.” and Cambodia, have cancelled It noted that Marvel Garment Marvel Garment general manager Yan Delin (left) and PPSP chairman Tan Kak Khun. SUPPLIED import tariffs levied on Thai rice. is the largest vertically inte- Meanwhile, 15 FTA countries grated knitwear manufacturer up preparations of dormito- PPSP CEO Hiroshi Uematsu total employees increased Cambodia’s economy in these comprising nine ASEAN nations, in China and has been build- ries and surrounding facili- told The Post on December from 21,000 in January last of toughest times.” China, Australia, New Zealand, ing new production facilities ties to accommodate its tar- 22 that the warehouse would year to 26,000 in November In the third quarter of last Chile, Peru and Hong Kong have since March 2019 in PPSEZ. get of 10,000 workers by the be used to store produc- while the total export value year, the PPSP reported to- lifted import tariff for Thai cas- As more production lines end of the year, PPSP said in tion materials and was con- hit $547 million in the first 11 tal revenue of 10,228,877,000 sava, while 16 countries (ASEAN are completed, the compa- the release. structed with total floor area months of last year, increas- riel ($2.5 million), up 19.53 plus Japan, South Korea, Hong ny has stressed its “urgent PPSP on December 21 broke of 5,850sqm on a 12,325sqm ing 13.7 per cent from the per cent year-on-year, and Kong, Australia, New Zealand, need” to increase its pool of ground on a new rental ware- plot inside the PPSEZ. $481 million chalked up in net income to the tune of Chile and Peru) have removed workers from 3,000 early in house which is expected to be Construction is slated to be the same period of 2019. 1,088,761,000 riel, up 134.86 tariff for all rubber products from October to 6,000 by the end operational in July, according completed in seven months, He said: “I think that facto- per cent year-on-year, ac- Thailand. The Nation (Thailand)/ASIA of next month. to a senior official of the in- he said. ries in PPSEZ are providing cording to a financial report NEWS NETWORK The company is stepping dustrial zone operator. As a result, Uematsu said, considerable contributions to filed to the CSX. Bitcoin passes $30K for first time Vietnam unveils plans to BITCOIN, the leading virtual spruce up major ports in currency, saw its price pass $30,000 on January 2 for the line with int’l standards first time in just its latest record high. DEVELOPMENT of major ports gateways in the northern city The first decentralised crypto- and port clusters will get prior- of Hai Phong, the southern currency surpassed $30,823.30 ity in the new master plan for province of Ba Ria-Vung Tau at 1313 GMT, according to data Vietnam’s port system for 2021- and the central economic zone compiled by the Bloomberg 2030, Deputy Minister of Trans- will be given priority for devel- news agency, having broken port Nguyen Nhat has said. opment of major ports and $20,000 on December 16. Speaking at a conference held clusters that can accommo- Analyst Timo Emden noted by the Vietnam Maritime date large container ships. that “the appetite for risk”, which Administration in Hai Phong Nhat called for focus on is reflected in buying of bitcoin, city on December 30, he said the developing Hai Phong and Cai “remains unshakeable”. development of a synchronised Mep ports into international “More historic highs could seaport network would be standard ports. follow,” the Germany-based essential to meet the burgeon- The cost of developing a port analyst added. ing export demand and keep system is estimated at around Just 12 years old, bitcoin has pace with the country’s socio- 150-200 trillion dong ($6.4-8.6 seen a meteoric rise since economic development. billion) over the next 10 years March, when it stood at $5,000, Vietnam lacks a large inter- without including the cost of spurred by online payments national standard port while a specialised ports and berths. giant PayPal saying it would number of small ones have The country’s ports have enable account holders to use inadequate infrastructure, attracted enormous invest- cryptocurrency. resulting in inefficient port ment in recent years, resulting After PayPal’s announce- operations, according to the in a steady increase in cargo ment in October, analysts at deputy minister. capacity, he pointed out. investment banking giant The plan seeks to improve Despite the impact of the Bitcoin surpassed $30,823.30 on Saturday at 1313 GMT. pIXABAY JPMorgan Chase compared the efficiency of investment in Covid-19 pandemic, Vietnam’s the cryptocurrency to gold. the rise of cryptocurrencies own digital unit, Libra. asset, launched in late 2008, as ports, promote marine infra- ports handled more than 689 “Bitcoin could compete more and the dwindling global use Unregulated by any central to whether it should be seen as structure and connectivity with million tonnes of cargo in intensely with gold as an ‘alter- of cash by announcing plans bank, bitcoin emerged as an a form of money, an asset or a other transport infrastructure 2020, a four per cent increase native’ currency over the com- for bank-backed digital units. attractive option for investors commodity. and reduce logistics costs. from the previous year. ing years given that millennials Several central banks includ- with an appetite for the exotic After the unit surpassed It targets increasing annual As of 2019, there were 34 will become over time a more ing those of China and Sweden – although criminals have also $1,000 for the first time in 2013, cargo capacity to 1.14-1.42 bil- ports in the country with 588 important component of inves- – but also the US Federal Reserve picked up on its under-the- it increasingly began to attract lion tonnes and passenger berths and a total cargo capac- tors’ universe,” they said. – are also testing digital applica- radar appeal. the attention of financial insti- capacity to 10.1-10.3 million ity of 664.6 million tonnes a A number of central banks tions in response to Facebook’s Debate has meanwhile raged tutions and has experienced by 2030, and to fulfil these tar- year. VIET NAM NEWS/ASIA NEWS NET- have meanwhile responded to recent moves to produce its over the status of the digital wild price swings. AFP gets, international maritime WORK Monday, January 4, 2021 SECC to continue making strides in 2021 to build on past successes

n alignment with the vi- sion of the Royal Govern- ment of Cambodia and the Financial Sector Develop- Iment Plan, the securities market was established as a means for mobilising and allocating capital to finance the many types of investment, and to promote national economic growth. The Kingdom’s securities market continues to make considerable strides since its establishment more than 10 years ago, particularly over the past few years and despite the challenges of the global Covid- 19 pandemic. In 2021, the SECC plans to launch the collective invest- ment scheme (CIS) to boost market efficiency and effec- tively mobilise remaining cash in the economy. Eight fund management, 10 trustee and two distribution companies have been licensed to carry out CIS operations. And alongside all its local activities, the SECC also plays an active role on the inter- national stage, with it set to be a vice-chair at the 2021 Asean Capital Markets Forum (ACMF), which will be chaired by Brunei. SECC director-general Sou Socheat. Supplied The ACMF is a high-level grouping of Asean securities million from the third quarter regulators established under of 2019 to 2020. In addition, the auspices of the regional five central counterparties, 31 bloc’s finance ministers, whose Summary of Cambodian securities market data as of 2020 derivatives brokers, and 94 primary responsibility is to de- derivatives agents have been velop regional securities market Market Capitalisation USD 2.45 Billions licensed and granted accredita- integration. tion by the SECC to carry out Currently, seven listed 1 Average Trading Volume Of Shares Per Day 60,034 derivatives trading – with there companies have issued shares now being some 4,744 trading on the Cambodia Securities 2 Average Trading Value Per Day 127,170 accounts. Exchange (CSX), with capital At the same time, the SECC mobilisation of around $101 3 Stock Issuers 7 continually promotes the million. Six listed firms have securities sector, raising aware- issued corporate bonds, raising 4 Bond Issuers 6 ness among private companies, more than $143 million, while public institutions, potential total market capitalisation is 5 Securities Underwriters 6 companies and those approved approximately $2.45 billion to work as professionals in the (around 10 per cent of GDP). 6 Securities Dealers 1 securities sector, as well as the Additionally, a growth board general public. has been established to imple- 7 Securities Brokerage Firms 4 As a result, as of 2020, the ment the government’s policy SECC had conducted 20 train- of promoting the financing of 8 Financial Advisers 3 ing courses for some 1,635 SMEs through the securities approved participants, with 61 market. 9 Securities Selling Firms 2 people taking part in an online The securities market cannot training session. Training was operate smoothly without four 10 Fund Management Companies 8 also held for 72 public inves- key players – market operator, tors and university students, securities intermediaries, securi- 11 Trustees 10 with 8,775 participants in total. ties issuers, and both local and Thirty courses were held for foreign investors – while to 12 Distribution Companies 3 interested companies, with a to- ensure it operates sustainably, tal of 1,850 participants, while efficiently, transparently and 13 Central Counterparties 5 2,000 high school students took in an orderly manner, it also part in 10 training sessions. requires further market partici- 14 Derivatives Brokerage Firms 31 Eleven workshops for some 350 pants to take part, such as fund journalists were also held. management companies. 15 Law Firms 14 Overall, the SECC has or- The derivatives market is ganised 143 training sessions, another part of the securities 16 Audit Firms 9 with one course held online, for market, which is traded mainly Cash Settlement Agents 5 a total of 14,671 participants. on contract for differences 17 (CFD), including for currencies, 18 Valuation Companies 3 precious metals, commodities Prepared by: Department of (agricultural products) and 19 Transfer Agents, Registrar Agents and Paying Agents 3 Research, Training, Securities crude oil. Market Development, and IRs This market was established 20 Bondholder Representatives 1 Securities and Exchange in 2016, and trading volume Commission of Cambodia has increased significantly from 21 Number Of Investors 26,000+ Email: [email protected] $183 million to around $325 H/P: 023 885 611 THE PHNOM PENH POST january 4, 2021 9 World A dozen US Republican Lockdowns, alcohol bans as senators plan to oppose Biden win certification nations fight resurgent virus A group of US Republican January 6’s session – the power senators led by veteran law- to overturn the election result. maker Ted Cruz said on Janu- Pence opposed that effort, ary 2 they will challenge Joe and a federal judge in the Biden’s election win – the lat- state of on January 1 re- est last-ditch move to support jected the suit. President Donald Trump’s ef- On January 2, a federal forts to undermine the vote. appeals court upheld that The initiative, which ap- dismissal. pears certain to fail, flies in The Hawley and Gohmert the face of rulings in dozens challenges will ensure that of courts and the findings by Congress must meet to hear officials in several key states, the complaints. that there were no widespread The Congress sessions, sure voting problems. to be contentious, will play The Republicans’ statement, out against a backdrop of pro- signed by Cruz and six other Trump rallies in Washington, current senators along with DC next week encouraged by four senators-elect, asserts that the president himself. “allegations of fraud and ir- As with Trump’s other at- regularities in the 2020 election tempts to reverse his election exceed any in our lifetimes”. defeat, the latest political ma- The group said that when noeuvring appears doomed. Congress convenes in a joint Democrats control the House, session on January 6 – for what and many Republicans are normally would be a pro-forma expected to vote on January 6 certification of Biden’s victory – for certification. they will demand the creation The 11 senators conceded of a special commission to that most Democrats and conduct an “emergency 10-day “more than a few Republi- audit” of the election results. cans” would likely oppose A medical worker has a look on his computer before administering the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine to a patient, at the Hotel-Dieu hospital in The statement says individ- their initiative. Paris on Saturday as part of a vaccination campaign for healthcare workers aged 50 years or over. afp ual states could then convene Among them is Republican special legislative sessions Senator Pat Toomey of Penn- ountries across on January 2 for flouting anti- ume of orders but the world- In Russia, health minister and potentially revise their sylvania, whose state was a the world tightened Covid measures at an illegal wide shortage of production Mikhail Murashko said more vote totals. battleground that helped tip restrictions on their rave. capacity.” than 800,000 people had re- Trump tweeted on January 2: Biden into the win column. Its populations on Jan- In Tokyo, the city’s governor The bloc would help drug ceived the domestically pro- “An attempt to steal a landslide result is expected to be among uaryC 2 to fight a resurgence on January 2 asked Japan’s gov- companies in their efforts to duced Sputnik V vaccine and win. Can’t let it happen!” those contested on January 6. in the coronavirus, as the EU ernment to declare a new state expand production, Kyriakides that 1.5 million doses had Posting a list of the 11 sena- Toomey said on Twitter: “A offered to help drug compa- of emergency as the country added. “The situation will im- been distributed throughout tors, Trump added: “And af- fundamental, defining fea- nies expand vaccine produc- battles a third wave, with re- prove step by step.” the country of around 147 ter they see the facts, plenty ture of a democratic republic tion to improve distribution cord numbers of new cases. India on January 2 staged na- million. more to come . . . Our Country is the right of the people to “bottlenecks”. And South Korea extended its tionwide drills to start one of The Kremlin has held back will love them for it!” elect their own leaders.”AFP From local curfews to alco- anti-virus curbs until January the world’s biggest coronavirus on imposing nationwide virus They join Senator Josh Haw- hol bans and complete lock- 17 in the greater Seoul area, in- vaccination programmes as its restrictions, instead placing its ley of the state of Missouri, who downs, governments are try- cluding a ban on gatherings of drug regulator prepared to ap- hopes on the mass vaccination said earlier that he planned to ing to tackle a surge in cases. more than four people, which prove the AstraZeneca-Oxford drive to end the pandemic and raise objections on January 6. The coronavirus has killed will be widened to cover the University shot. save its struggling economy. A Republican member of more than 1.8 million people whole country. In the US, the vaccination The French government, the House of Representatives, globally since emerging in The soaring number of infec- programme has been beset facing the threat of a new wave Louie Gohmert, has also an- December 2019, according tions around the world means by logistical problems, while of Covid-19 infections, length- nounced his plan to oppose to a tally from official sources the race to vaccinate is set to the world’s worst-hit country ened an overnight curfew by certification, and more than compiled by AFP. dominate the coming year. on January 1 passed 20 mil- two hours in parts of the coun- 100 House Republicans report- But experts fear the worst Delays in getting the vac- lion cases. try to help combat the virus. edly will back his challenge. is yet to come, predicting a cines in Europe were not the The US has seen a worrying The curfew will start at Gohmert sought to further sharp rise in infections and fault of the EU, said the bloc’s surge in coronavirus infections 6:00pm, rather than 8pm in raise the stakes with a lawsuit A button featuring US deaths after weeks of holiday health commissioner Stella in recent months and on Janu- parts of France, mainly in the President-elect Joe Biden and Vice that would have given Vice- President-elect Kamala Harris’ gatherings. Kyriakides. ary 2 saw its highest number country’s east. Paris has, for President Mike Pence – tradi- inauguration is on display by a French police booked hun- She said: “The bottleneck yet recorded in one day, with now, been spared the addi- tionally in a ceremonial role in street vendor. GETTY IMAGES/Afp dreds of New Year revellers at the moment is not the vol- more than 277,000. tional restriction. afp Top health official: EU ready to help expand vaccine production

The EU is ready to help drug Kyriakides noted that Brus- for additional vaccine doses And it is awaiting more data companies expand coronavi- sels had provided €100 mil- from BioNTech for a long on a candidate from Astra- rus vaccine production to clear lion ($121 million) to German time and are again ready to Zeneca and Oxford University, a “bottleneck” in distribution, firm BioNTech, which devel- help expand production ca- which has already been ap- its top health official Stella Kyri- oped a vaccine with US giant pacities. proved in the UK. akides said on January 2. Pfizer, to help build produc- “Other manufacturers with But Kyriakides insisted that Health commissioner Kyriak- tion capacity. whom we have contracts are Europe is not falling behind ides told German news agency And she said the bloc was on the verge of having their in its joint procurement pro- Deutsche Presse-Agentur ready to do more, for Pfizer- vaccines approved by the gramme, backed by the 27 GmbH (DPA) that any delay in BioNTech and other compa- EU,” Kyriakides said. member states. getting approved vaccines out nies with candidate vaccines, The European Medicines She said: “If all vaccine can- was down to production capac- as the vaccination campaign Agency, which advises the didates are approved, Europe ity shortage, not EU planning. gets into gear. European Commission, ap- will have more than two billion “The bottleneck at the mo- “The situation will improve proved the Pfizer-BioNTech doses of vaccine available for ment is not the volume of or- step by step,” she promised, vaccine on December 21. all 450 million Europeans and ders but the worldwide short- one week after vaccinations But it is not expected to their neighbours. age of production capacity,” began at widely varying paces rule on a potential alternative “And that’s what it’s all about The EU has provided €100 million ($121 million) to German firm she said, in comments distrib- among EU member states. from US company Moderna – Europe can get out of this cri- BioNTech, which developed a vaccine with US giant Pfizer, to help build uted by her office. “We have been negotiating until January 6. sis fastest together.” AFP production capacity. AFP 10 THE PHNOM PENH POST january 4, 2021 ASEAN Ratsadon Facebook Bangkok imposes partial lockdown angkok’s nightlife went quiet as a ban page admin on bars, nightclubs and restaurant al- out on bail coholB sales went into effect on January 2, among a raft of An adminstrator of pro- restrictions aimed at curbing democracy group Ratsadon’s the kingdom’s rising corona- Facebook page, who has been virus toll. charged with lese majeste, was Thailand initially appeared granted bail on January 2. to have escaped the worst The calendar reportedly in- of the virus, registering just cluded pictures of Ratsadon’s under 4,000 total cases in icon – a rubber duck – as well November, despite being the as messages mocking issues second country to detect an pertaining to the monarchy. infection this month. The pictures reportedly be- But an outbreak last month came grounds for the charge at a massive seafood mar- of violating Section 112 of the ket has spiralled into a re- Criminal Code. surgence, with infections Thai Lawyers for Human now detected in 53 of the Rights said police had ar- kingdom’s 77 provinces. By rested the admin without January 2 the caseload had showing an arrest warrant or jumped to over 7,300. informing him of his rights. In Bangkok, where more They presented only a search than 2,600 active cases have warrant issued by the Tal- been detected, city authori- ing Chan Criminal Court in ties acted swiftly and an- Bangkok. nounced a partial lockdown The admin was initially de- to go into effect on January 2. tained at Nong Khaem Police Bars and nightclubs, box- Station and the commission- ing stadiums, cockfighting er there denied a bail bond of- rings and massage parlours fered by the suspect’s lawyer. – as well as beauty salons and The admin on January 2 gyms – will be among a slew morning was sent to Taling of businesses affected. A policeman lies on the sidewalk next to his colleagues deployed to prevent mass political gatherings after the recent Covid-19 outbreak in central Bangkok on Thursday. afp Chan Criminal Court for de- The capital also announced tention. The court decided to on January 1 that public cine to prevent the new surge,” business owners to prepare. tions, with business owners a spa owner, on the official allow detention of the suspect schools will be closed for two said Taweesin Visanuyothin, Authorities worried about expressing frustration with Facebook page of Bangkok’s as the charge against him was weeks, while more than a doz- a spokesman for Thailand’s inciting alarm nationwide the partial lockdown. governor. severe. en virus checkpoints were set Covid-19 taskforce. had been reluctant to classify “I comply with the mea- Thailand’s economy has However, it granted him bail up on January 2 across the city. Nationwide restrictions and the new emergence of the vi- sures strictly, yet I now need to been hit hard by the corona- late as a member of Parliament “We don’t want to use ex- closures are expected to go rus as a “second wave”. close my business while there virus, and is among the worst- of the Move Forward Party of- treme measures like a lock- into effect from January 4 to But anger resounded across are many people scrambling affected in Southeast Asia due fered a bail bond. THE NATION down and putting up a curfew, February 1, he added, allowing Thai social media on January on the skytrain everyday,” to its reliance on tourism and (THAILAND)/ASIA NEWS NETWORK but we need a stronger medi- a two-day “grace period” for 2 over the renewed restric- wrote Aksika Chantarawinji, exports. AFP

Fresh call for Indonesia to legalise medical marijuana Lack of English teachers in A grieving mother has phlegm without having to guilty of being involved in the and Nafiah Murhayati, whose HCMC’s primary schools made yet another call for In- struggle [to breathe] like he “marijuana trade” can face life 10-year-old daughter has had donesia to legalise the use of did in the last days of his life.” sentences and a 10 billion ru- epilepsy and spastic diple- Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) is work in suburban districts, he cannabis for medical purpos- Upon returning to Indone- piah fine. gia – a form of cerebral palsy facing a severe shortage of Eng- said. es. The substance is banned sia, Dwi had to stop her son’s In their petition, Dwi and – since infancy, according to lish teachers in primary schools, “Although Cu Chi district does in the country under the 2009 therapy or face years in prison the two other mothers assert- the ICJR. partly because of stricter quali- not require much, the number Narcotics Law, which is one – even for the mere possession ed that the medical marijuana The girl has suffered from ty criteria required under a new of primary English teachers ap- of the world’s strictest drug of marijuana. ban violated the constitution- motor impairment and re- recruitment programme. plying for the position has not regulations. “To date, Dwi remains com- al right to enjoy the benefits of peated seizures daily, allowing Some of the Vietnamese met demand,” Toan said. Dwi Pertiwi, the mother of mitted to [the cause] because scientific advancement and to her only to crawl and move city’s districts have been able to Tran Trong Khiem said that Musa bin Hassan Pedersen, she doesn’t want other kids to have health care. They point- her hands. Meanwhile, the 12- hire only one English teacher, previous generations of English who lived with cerebral palsy be like Musa, who could have ed to dozens of other coun- year-old has undergone thera- where demand had been for teachers need to graduate with until his death at the age of 16, actually received good treat- tries that had legally provided pies and taken medications more than 30. an English major and have cer- joined two fellow mothers and ment if it was not banned by treatments using cannabis paid for by the Health Care and Tan Phu district Depart- tificates of pedagogical skills. a coalition of activist groups to the law,” one of Dwi’s lawyers, and its derivatives, such as Social Security Agency (BPJS ment of Education and Train- However, the new recruitment file a petition challenging the Erasmus Napitupulu of the Cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetra- Kesehatan), but a planned new ing deputy head Tran Trong scheme asks candidates to have law with the Constitutional Institute for Criminal Justice hydrocannabinol (THC). policy would limit the age of Khiem said that as HCMC was a degree from universities of ed- Court on November 21. Reform (ICJR), told the Jakar- Gadjah Mada University those receiving the treatments currently organising an English ucation, and this has resulted in The preliminary hearings ta Post. professor of pharmacology to five years old. programme for all students, a shortage of English teachers in had barely begun when Musa Under the law, cannabis is and clinical pharmacy Zullies Accompanying the three many primary schools have primary schools in recent years. died on December 26 after his a type-1 narcotic, meaning it Ikawati said these derivatives mothers in their petition had a difficult time recruiting In fact, there are many gradu- condition deteriorated as a is forbidden for medical use had been used by other coun- are the ICJR, the Commu- enough English teachers. ates with English proficiency result of breathing difficulties and its production is explic- tries to treat anorexia in HIV nity Legal Aid Institute (LBH During the 2020-2021 aca- since most universities have and hypoxia, according to the itly banned except for certain patients, nausea and vomiting Masyarakat) and Rumah Ce- demic year, the district had to specialised English training coalition. research purposes. It is listed caused by chemotherapy and mara, a community-based or- hire 34 English teachers, but courses, but there are not many Musa had caught pneumo- alongside 65 other drugs, in- seizures. ganisation helping drug users only received seven applica- graduates from pedagogical nia at only 40 days old, the cluding opium, cocaine and She said regulations should and people living with HIV/ tions, and six of them were universities. coalition said, but diagnostic methamphetamine. The law be open to scientific develop- AIDS. hired. In addition, because of the and treatment errors had re- places narcotics into three ments, which would be better Last month, the UN’ com- Similarly, Go Vap district low pay, English teachers’ turn- sulted in the development of classifications, and those that than having patients secretly mission on narcotic drugs People’s Committee needed 30 over rate is high, especially at meningitis, an inflammation are not listed as type 1 may be self-experiment with mari- followed the World Health Or- teachers in English teachers for public schools. Many teachers of the brain that, in infants, is used for medical or more gen- juana. ganisation’s recommendation primary schools. have decided to leave and work a risk factor for cerebral palsy. eral research purposes. “Cannabis, as a plant, can from 2019 to remove medical Go Vap district Department at private institutions where In 2016, Musa underwent The use of cannabis is pun- be categorised as a type-1 cannabis from the list of the of Education and Training head they can earn a higher salary. cannabis therapy in Australia ishable by up to four years in narcotic because it is prone world’s most dangerous, high- Nguyen Thanh Thuy said the To maintain the minimum for a month, which, according prison in Indonesia. to being misused, let’s admit ly addictive drugs. The move is district was able to recruit only number of English teachers, to Dwi, caused a significant The illegal possession of it. But when it is processed expected to facilitate scientific one teacher. most schools have signed con- improvement in his health. marijuana is punishable by a into medications, they should research into the drug’s me- Cu Chi district Department tracts with teachers from lan- He no longer experienced sei- maximum of 12 years in prison be categorised as type-2 nar- dicinal and therapeutic po- of Education and Training head guage centres. zures and did not have to take and a maximum of eight bil- cotics, which can be used for tential, although non-medical Tran Van Toan said English However, schools can only his prescribed medication. lion rupiah ($563,000) in fines. medical purposes,” she told and non-scientific uses re- teacher recruitment in urban sign contracts with language The Advocacy Coalition for Producing, exporting, import- the Post. main illegal. According to the districts faces difficulties and is centres approved by HCMC’s Narcotics Usage for Medica- ing or distributing marijuana The two other mothers UN, more than 50 countries even more challenging for sub- Department of Education and tion said: “Under such condi- can result in a prison sentence fighting for the cause are Santi have adopted medicinal can- urban districts such as Cu Chi, Training, based on quality eval- tions, according to Dwi, Musa of up to 15 years and a 10 bil- Warastuti, whose 12-year-old nabis programmes. THE JAKARTA Binh Chanh and Go Vap. uation criteria. VIET NAM NEWS/ASIA could more easily release lion rupiah fine. Those found has Japanese Encephalitis, POST/ASIA NEWS NETWORK Not many teachers want to NEWS NETWORK THE PHNOM PENH POST january 4, 2021 11 Opinion Science has delivered, will WTO follow?

EDITORIAL PERSONNEL Opinion Publisher & Chief Executive Offi cer Brajendra Navnit Ly Tayseng Managing Editor Post Khmer PROPOSAL by India, South Sam Rith Deputy Chief of Staff Africa and eight other coun- Phak Seangly tries calls on the World Business Editor Trade Organisation (WTO) May Kunmakara toA exempt member countries from Deputy Business Editor enforcing some patents and other Sangeetha Amarthalingam Intellectual Property (IP) rights under Deputy Head of Lifestyle Desk the organisation’s Agreement on Pan Simala Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Senior Reporters Property Rights, known as TRIPS, for Meas Sokchea, Niem Chheng a limited period of time. Reporters The idea is to ensure that IP rights do Khouth Sophak Chakrya, Kim Sarom, not restrict the rapid scaling-up of manufacturing of Covid-19 vaccines Long Kimmarita, Hin Pisei, Mom Kunthear, and treatments. While a few members Hong Raksmey, Pann Rethea, Voun Dara, Roth Sochieata, Orm Bunthoeurn, have raised concerns about the pro- posal, a large proportion of the WTO Soth Koemsoeun, Thou Vireak, Nov Sivutha membership supports it. It has also Photographers received the backing of various inter- Heng Chivoan, Hong Menea, Hean Rangsey national organisations, multilateral Web Editor agencies and global civil society. Leang Phannara Unprecedented times call for unor- Digital Teams thodox measures. We saw this in the Sous Chanthy, Pang Vichea, Suy Sovandy efficacy of strict lockdowns for a lim- SIEM REAP BUREAU ited period, as a policy invention, in Offi ce Manager curtailing the spread of the pandem- Sophearith Blondeel ic. The International Monetary Fund PRODUCTION & PRINTING (IMF) in its October 2020 edition of Head of Desktop Publishing Nhim Sokphyrak World Economic Outlook states: An artists gives finishing touches to a mural depicting frontline workers carrying a Covid-19 vaccine in Kolkata, India, on January 2. afp “However, the risk of worse growth Desktop Publishing outcomes than projected remains agreed on one account that there is an true international collaboration. and skills held by scientist, research- Suon Savatdy, Chum Sokunthy, Danh Borath sizable. If the virus resurges, progress urgent need to scale-up the manufac- Why is there a need to go beyond ers, public health experts and univer- Tep Thoeun Thyda, Tim Borith, Than Veasna on treatments and vaccines is slower turing capacity for vaccines and thera- existing global cooperation initiatives? sities that have enabled the cross- than anticipated, or countries’ access peutics to meet the massive global Global cooperation initiatives such country collaborations and enormous to them remains unequal, economic needs. The TRIPS waiver proposal seeks as the COVAX Mechanism and the public funding that has facilitated the activity could be lower than expect- to fulfil this need by ensuring that IP ACT-Accelerator are inadequate to development of vaccines in record HEAD OFFICE ed, with renewed social distancing barriers do not get in the way of such meet the massive global needs of 7.8 time – and not alone IP. Post Media Co, Ltd. and tighter lockdowns”. scaling up of manufacturing capacity. billion people. The ACT-A initiative The TRIPS waiver proposal is a tar- The Elements Condominium Level 7, The situation appears to be grim- The existing flexibilities under the aims to procure two billion doses of geted and proportionate response to Hun Sen Boulevard, Phum Prek Talong, mer than predicted, we have already TRIPS Agreement are not adequate, as vaccines by the end of the next year the exceptional public health emer- Sangkat Chak Angre Krom,12353, Phnom lost seven per cent of economic out- these were not designed with pan- and distribute them fairly around the gency that the world faces today. Such Penh, Cambodia put from the baseline scenario pro- demics in mind. Compulsory licences world. With a two-dose regime, how- a waiver is well within the provisions Tel: 023 888 161, 023 888 162 jected in 2019. That translates to a loss are issued on a country-by-country, ever, this will only cover one billion of Article IX of the Marrakesh Agree- Cellcard: 078 555 166, 078 555 133 of more than $6 trillion of global gross case-by-case and product-by-product people. That means that even if ACT-A ment, which established the WTO. It Smart: 086 822 999, 086 277 999 domestic product (GDP). Even a per basis, where every jurisdiction with an is fully financed and successful, which can help in ensuring that human lives SIEM REAP cent improvement in global GDP from IP regime would have to issue sepa- is not the case presently, there would are not lost for want of a timely and No 629, Street 6 Dangkum Commune the baseline scenario would add more rate compulsory licences, practically not be enough vaccines for the major- affordable access to vaccines. Tel: 063 966 290, Fax: 063 966 590 than $800 billion in global output, off- making collaboration among coun- ity of the global population. The adoption of the waiver will also COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT setting the loss certainly of a much tries extremely onerous. During the initial few months of the re-establish the WTO’s credibility and Chief Operating Offi cer lower order to a sector of economy on While we encourage the use of current pandemic, we have seen that show that the multilateral trading James Ong Soon Teck account of the waiver. TRIPS flexibilities, the same are time- shelves were emptied by those who system continues to be relevant and Advertising Department Merely a signal to ensure timely consuming and cumbersome to had access to masks, personal pro- can deliver in times of a crisis. Now is Chap Narith, 017 996 241 and affordable access to vaccines and implement. Hence, only their use tective equipment, sanitisers, gloves the time for WTO members to act Hun Channet, 017 578 768 treatments will work as a big confi- cannot ensure the timely access to and other essential Covid-19 items and adopt the waiver to save lives Prach Monnyreak, 015 239 293 dence booster for demand revival in affordable vaccines and treatments. even without their immediate need. and help in getting the economy Keo Puthy, 012 966 605 the economy. With the emergence of Similarly, we have not seen very The same should not happen with back on the revival path quickly. Phon Sok Chea, 012 717 404 successful vaccines, there appears to encouraging progress on WHO’s vaccines. Eventually, the world was While making the vaccines available Jessa Piastro, 092 445 983 be some hope on the horizon. Covid-19-Technolgoy Access Pool or able to ramp up manufacturing of was a test of science, making them CIRCULATION & DISTRIBUTION But how will these be made acces- the C-TAP initiative, which encour- Covid-19 essentials, as there were no accessible and affordable is going to Acting Distribution Manager sible and affordable to global popula- ages voluntary contribution of IP, barriers hindering that. At present, be a test of humanity. History should Thenh Rithy, 087 888 854 tion? The fundamental question is technology and data to support the we need the same pooling of IP rights remember us for the AAA rating i.e. Circulation Supervisor whether there will be enough of Cov- global sharing and scaling-up of the and know-how for scaling up the for Availability, Accessibility and Nou Chanthy, 096 999 2828 id-19 vaccines to go around. As manufacturing of Covid-19 medical manufacturing of vaccines and treat- Affordability of Covid-19 vaccines and Yim Veasna, 015 814 499 things stand, even the most optimis- products. Voluntary licences, even ments, which unfortunately has not treatments and not for a single A rat- ADMINISTRATION tic scenarios today cannot assure where they exist, are shrouded in been forthcoming, necessitating the ing for Availability only. Our future Admin & HR Manager access to Covid-19 vaccines and ther- secrecy. Their terms and conditions need for the waiver. generations deserve nothing less. THE Pich Socheat apeutics for the majority of the popu- are not transparent. Their scope is It is the pandemic – an extraordi- JARKATA POST/ASIA NEWS NETWORK Assistants to Admin & HR Manager lation, in rich as well as poor coun- limited to specific amounts or for a nary, once in a lifetime event – that Nhel Soaphea tries, by the end of 2021. limited subset of countries, thereby has mobilised the collaboration of The writer is the Indian ambassador and permanent Financial Director All the members of the WTO have encouraging nationalism rather than multiple stakeholders. It is knowledge representative to the World Trade Organisation. Heang Tangmeng Chief Accountant Sren Vicheka Treasurers Sok Sophorn, Yon Sovannara, Cheam Sopheak, Huy Hamsovannary IT Manager Seng Nak, Vong Oun

TO CONTACT US [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] © Post Media Co, Ltd The Phnom Penh Post is wholly owned and printed by Post Media Co Ltd. The title The Phnom Penh Post in either English or Khmer languages, its associ- ated logos or devices and the contents of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of Post Media Co Ltd. 12 THE PHNOM PENH POST january 4, 2021 Lifestyle Covid-19 puts the ‘soap’ back in soap operas ozens of peasants wear- farm that doubles as the soap’s set. ing face masks remain Colombia has recorded more immobile under the bak- than 1.5 million coronavirus cases ing midday sun in a cof- and over 42,000 deaths. feeD plantation in central Colombia. Suddenly a voice shouts out: “Face ‘Things became bleak’ masks off, we’re going to roll!” Coffee is a modern adaptation of a Colombia’s popular daytime soap famous soap written in the 1990s by operas – known as telenovelas in Latin Colombian screenwriter Fernando America – were forced off the screens Gaitan, who wrote the original tele- by the coronavirus pandemic. novela Yo soy Betty, la fea (I am Betty, But after six months of silence, the Ugly One) that inspired the hugely they are back in all their steamy and popular Ugly Betty series in the US. corny glory – kisses included. Filming was due to begin in April Filmed in the central-western Cal- but the pandemic put it on hold. Colombian actress Laura Londono (centre) reads a script on her mobile phone during the production of a new version of the Colombian das region, Cafe con aroma de mujer “Just 10 days before starting . . . soap opera Cafe con aroma de mujer (Coffee with the Scent of a Woman). afp (Coffee with the Scent of a Woman) is we were locked down for almost six test was the day before so . . . we operating under strict restrictions in months,” said Yalile Giordanelli, the were very safe,” said Cruz. terms of staffing capacity, the use of show’s executive producer. It’s impossible to entirely shield masks, personal protective equip- Many of the 270-strong produc- the cast from the virus, says Velez. ment and regular Covid-19 testing. tion staff had already arrived on set. But once the cameras roll “every- It’s constrained by a reduced budget Make-up artist Adriana Ortiz said: one is without face masks, confident and the perennial risk of being shut “We were told to pack up everything that the production has the situation down again – a far cry from the roman- and go home, but at that time it was under control as much as possible”. ticism of its characters and storylines. temporary . . . As the time passed The world of telenovelas is rife with Social distancing is a near-impos- things became bleak.” contradictions. sibility in an industry that relies on The RCN television channel that “Since people are enclosed at home close contacts, whether between was due to screen Coffee kept paying they’re watching more television . . . actors or in their interactions with a reduced salary during the months but on the other hand, industry in make-up or wardrobe artists. of lockdown. general, companies, . . . have stopped There are also dozens of people “We had to tighten the purse investing in advertisements” due working in close proximity behind strings,” said Ortiz, 54. to the economic crisis inflicting the the camera. The pandemic hasn’t been so country, said Giordanelli. Actors Laura Londono and Wil- kind to much of the arts and enter- It means television productions liam Levy, the stars of Coffee, talk to tainment industry, though. have smaller budgets while the pan- each other without masks, centime- The national statistics department demic has pushed up logistical costs. tres apart as the romance between says more than 200,000 jobs were Colombian actress Laura Londono (right) and Cuban actor William Levy perform a The virus, though, has not only their characters Paloma and Sebas- lost in the industry between October scene in the municipality of Chinchina, Caldas department, Colombia. afp disrupted revenues and schedules, tian bubbles to the surface. 2019 and the same month last year. tion companies began to gradually re- could mean actors needing to stay in it’s also affected storylines. “If we were astronauts we’d have The national media and commu- turn to work under strict protocols. isolation, which would delay filming. Script writers were forced to re- a different distance but we’re ac- nications association says televi- However, the production staff are write scenes involving parties or tors, we work with the voice and the sion channels RCN and Caracol had not in a bubble and everyone is al- ‘Safe kiss scene’ major social events in favour of body,” said Katherine Velez, who to cancel 38 productions between lowed to go home at weekends to Director Mauricio Cruz says the test- small family gatherings. plays Paloma’s mother, Carmenza. them after Colombia imposed a visit their families. ing is crucial to give confidence to ac- It’s created “a much more cosy, in- To ensure safety, the entire pro- lockdown in March. Testing everyone when they return tors working closely with each other. timate story” that is faithful to the duction staff take Covid tests every Colombia started lifting lockdown is costly but Giordanelli said it’s a price “Yesterday we did a kiss scene for difficult circumstances it’s filmed Monday and most of them live at the restrictions in September and produc- worth paying as any positive cases some promotional material . . . the under, said Giordanelli. afp Squirrels in New York’s Queens defy social distancing rules

People living in the Rego Park Most squirrels in are metropolis’ vast population of rats neighbourhood of Queens have of the eastern gray variety, according that roam the nightscape. reported several squirrel attacks to the New York City Department of The parks department warns over the past month, with one wom- Parks and Recreation, and along with against feeding squirrels, which can an needing emergency attention pigeons are daytime’s answer to the make them fear humans less. AFP after a bite to the hand. One resident told local media she leaves the house with pepper spray in case of encountering an aggres- sive squirrel or a pack, and others voiced fear for their children. “Next thing I know, it’s a cage match and I’m losing,” Micheline Frederick told the local ABC7 station of an instance that saw a squirrel bite or scratch her neck, necessitat- ing a precautionary rabies shot. The city’s health department advised residents in a statement “to hire a New York State licensed trapper”. “Squirrels and many other small rodents are rarely found to be infect- ed with rabies,” the health depart- ment said, telling residents to report A woman plays with two children on a street on The New York City Department of Parks and Recreation warns against feeding squirrels, any animal they spot that seems May 13 in the Queens borough of New York City. ​afp which can make them fear humans less. afp infected to local authorities. THE PHNOM PENH POST JANUARY 4, 2021 Email: [email protected] Socialite 13

Hyatt Regency PP brings classic chic to the capital

Luxury chain Hyatt Regency’s first hotel is coming to Phnom Penh, with the historic French colonial villa and new modern hotel on Street 178 to open its doors on Wednesday. “Dating back to 1900 as a family home, and having once served as a cafe, the beautiful old house has always been a place for people to meet – and Hyatt is ensuring it continues to welcome guests. The blend of old and new, the international with Khmer culture, the elegant building as the centrepiece tells a wonderful story and offers an amazing experience. And we build on that by offering something unique, with concepts new to the market,” said Hyatt Regency Phnom Penh general manager Herman Kemp. Alongside its nine state-of-the-art events spaces, the international standard five-star hotel has four delightfully designed main outlets redefining the eating and drinking experience. The bright and airy Market Cafe Restaurant & Lounge with impressive natural daylight, serves up delicious all-day dining and afternoon tea, while speakeasy-feel The Attic in the villa takes patrons back to the 1920s with its decor and Prohibition era-style cocktails. The hotel’s signature FiveFive Rooftop

Restaurant & Bar is sleek and contemporary, featuring stunning views of the city and the meeting of Phnom Penh’s rivers, while the RANG S EY H EAN soon-to-open early 20th century metro station-themed Metropole Underground will be the city’s first subterranean bar. photos photos 14 THE PHNOM PENH POST january 4, 2021 Lifestyle Thinking caps

Contrary to media claims, a Swiss study showed on Wednesday that dating app users were more likely to be seeking long-term relationships. Afp Dating app users more likely to seek serious relationship, study says

ontrary to warn- apps like Tinder and Grindr impact on the quality of re- ings that dating apps are largely based on rating lationships since they render are encouraging su- photos with a swipe review people incapable of investing “MONKEY’S UNCLE” perficial and short- system. in an exclusive or long-term livedC flings over true romance, This has raised fears about relationship,” report author ACROSS 51 Cigar with square-cut ends 19 Kind of barrier or boom a Swiss study showed on De- the impact on the ways peo- Gina Potarca, a researcher at 1 Theatrical hit, in slang 55 Speak to the people 21 Slog cember 30 that app users were ple interact, fall in love and UNIG’s the Institute of De- 5 Isle ___ (site off England) 59 United 25 Collectively more likely to be seeking long- create lasting connections. mography and Socioeconom- 10 Draws to a close 61 Barrel strip 27 Words carved in stone? term relationships. But a study conducted at the ics, said in a statement. 14 Wrinkly Jamaican fruit 62 Tailless simian 29 Create a statute Mobile apps have revolu- University of Geneva (UNIG) “Up to now, though, there 15 Grassland or rain forest 65 Between islands 31 Old-time Broadway greeting tionised the way people meet and published in the PLOS has been no evidence to prove 16 Calm under pressure 66 Mental conception 32 Porgy around the world, and are ONE journal indicates that this is the case.” 17 Make indistinct 67 Hops driers 33 Besides which quickly becoming the main app-formed couples actually Potarca used a 2018 family 18 Very unfit 68 Parker and Waterman 34 Sobbed way couples form in many have stronger “cohabition in- survey by the Swiss Federal 20 Trouble persistently 69 Old autocrat (Var.) 35 Originate countries. tentions” than couples who Statistical Office, analysing 22 Superman’s symbol 70 Rollicking good time 36 Starchy tropical root Unlike traditional dating meet offline. responses from over 3,000 23 Marveled aloud 71 Start of North Carolina’s motto 37 “... and the truth is not ___” sites, which require detailed “Large parts of the media people who were in a rela- 24 Holds fast DOWN 41 Rules of personal conduct user profiles, smartphone claim they have a negative tionship and had met their 26 Capitol Hill figure (Abbr.) 1 Forrest Gump’s friend 44 High-powered personality partner in the past decade. 28 Have a premonition 2 Gave the twice-over 46 Mediocre grades Her analysis showed that 30 Two-handed log cutter 3 Impressive poker hand 50 Flush of a sort couples who met through 35 Simple figures 4 Emergency exit of sorts 52 Green regions of desert an app were more motivated 38 Frozen spear 5 Kimono belt 53 They’re found on the range by the idea of living together 39 Lake ___ (Blue Nile source) 6 Used extreme subtlety 54 Make fun of than others. 40 Go with the flow 7 Groups of rioters 55 Brief notice in passing “The study doesn’t say 42 Crescent’s tip 8 Stock up on 56 X-ray dosages whether their final intention 43 Blows 9 Flanders on TV 57 Type of rug or code was to live together for the 45 Nut 10 Yodeler’s feedback 58 Certain mountain climber long or short term,” she said, 47 Walks leisurely 11 Russell Crowe film 60 It plans long trips adding though that since ex- 48 Wigwam kin 12 Unlikely Mensa candidate 63 Knock off pressed desire to marry re- 49 ___ usual 13 Kane’s Rosebud, e.g. 64 Winning finish? mained high across the board, “some of these couples likely Friday’s solution see cohabitation as a trial pe- riod prior to marriage”. The study also found that couples formed via dating apps expressed stronger de- sires and intentions to have children than others. Couples who met through dating apps meanwhile also expressed the same level of satisfaction about their rela- tionships as those who met their partners through more traditional means. Potarca said the findings Friday’s solution were especially encouraging at a time when the corona- virus pandemic continues to place traditional dating out of reach for many. “Knowing that dating apps have likely become even more popular during [2020’s] periods of lockdown and so- cial distancing, it is reassur- ing to dismiss alarming con- cerns about the long-term A man and a woman take part in an evening of ‘silent speed dating’ in a effects of using these tools,” bar in east London. Afp she said. Afp THE PHNOM PENH POST january 4, 2021 15 Sport Leverkusen miss chance to top Bundesliga

ayer Leverkusen blew 3-0 up at half-time thanks to the chance to go top a Baptiste Santamaria goal, a of the Bundesliga on Vincenzo Grifo penalty and an January 2 after stum- own goal by Senegal defender blingB to a 2-1 defeat at Eintracht Kasim Adams. Frankfurt following a second- Hoffenheim scored a sec- half own goal by Edmond Tap- ond-half consolation goal soba. through Togo winger Ihlas Be- With leaders Bayern Munich bou. at home to strugglers Mainz Borussia Moenchengelad- on January 3, Leverkusen bach, who host Manchester squandered the opportunity City in the first leg of the to reclaim first place as the Champions League last 16 next Bundesliga returned from a month, earned their first win two-week winter break. Third- in five league games with a 1-0 placed RB Leipzig can bridge victory at Arminia Bielefeld. the two-point gap and jump Swiss striker Breel Em- into first place if they win later bolo netted the winning goal at Stuttgart. just after half-time when he Leverkusen also lost to Bay- held off a defender and fired ern by the same scoreline be- home. fore Christmas. Mid-table Augsburg re- “I have made my feelings bounded after back-to-back clear in the dressing room. defeats with a 1-0 win at Co- We deserved to lose. Frankfurt logne with Brazilian winger had a better claim to the vic- Iago netting the late winner. tory,” Leverkusen head coach Bottom side Schalke are Peter Bosz told Sky. now 30 games without a win Leverkusen midfielder Na- after a 3-0 defeat away to Her- diem Amiri scored with a deft tha Berlin. back-heel flick to give the visi- They are one game short of tors the lead after only 10 min- Bayer Leverkusen’s Burkinabe defender Edmond Tapsoba scores an own goal in the team’s German first division Bundesliga football away match the Bundesliga record. at Eintracht Frankfurt in Frankfurt am Main, western Germany on Saturday. afp utes in Frankfurt. Schalke’s fourth head coach The hosts drew level 12 min- ua Zirkzee, after selling Dutch – into the Champions League situation by drawing the de- Union defender, then Roma- this season, who is a former utes later when Amin Younes forward Bas Dost to Brugge. places for the first time in the fence and passing to Sheraldo no Schmid had a goal ruled Tottenham manager, Chris- got in behind the defence to Zirkzee could back up Frank- club’s history – after their 2-0 Becker, who fired home on 12 offside. tian Gross got off to a losing score and Frankfurt grabbed furt’s top scorer Andre Silva, win at Werder Bremen. minutes. Hoffenheim lost both de- start. the winner when Japan mid- who has notched nine league Liverpool loanee Taiwo Awoniyi doubled Union’s fender Kevin Akpoguma and Arsenal loanee Matteo Gu- fielder Daichi Kamada put goals this season. Awoniyi, who has scored in lead on 28 minutes by tapping Germany midfielder Sebas- endouzi, Colombia striker in a cross which Leverkusen “He is a good, young foot- his last three league games, the ball over the line, just out tian Rudy with early leg inju- Jhon Cordoba and his replace- defender Tapsoba turned into baller with a lot of potential and capped another impressive of the reach of Bremen goal- ries as they crashed to a 3-1 ment, Poland forward Krzysz- his own net. we are looking for a player of his display with a goal and assist. keeper Jiri Pavlenka. home defeat to Freiburg. tof Piatek, scored for Hertha. Before kickoff, Frankfurt di- profile,” said Bobic. After Bremen lost the ball Bremen had a penalty ap- Having netted two minutes rector Fredi Bobic confirmed in their own half, the 23-year- peal turned down when a Winless in 30 league games after coming off the bench, reports his club are interested Awoniyi shines old Nigeria international took shot by Japan midfielderY uya With the hosts struggling Piatek had a second late goal in Bayern’s teenage striker Josh- Union Berlin rose to fourth advantage of a two-on-two Osako clipped the hand of a to reshuffle, Freiburg were ruled offside. afp Happy hooker as six-try La Rochelle deliver Top 14 rout

Hooker Pierre Bourgarit scored a hat- after a 71st-minute try gave them a narrow forward Cameron Woki went over after trick of first-half tries to help La Rochelle 16-9 win at Montpellier. good work from Kiwi winger Ben Lam. crush rock-bottom Agen 43-13 on January It was a fifth successive Top 14 win for Fly-half Matthieu Jalibert, likely to be a 2 to bolster their French Top 14 title Toulouse who waited until the last half starter for France in the Six Nations, added hopes. hour to bring French international stars a second try. Agen may have had the consolation of Antoine Dupont, Thomas Ramos and The 22-year-old finished with 21 points. scoring the game’s first and last tries but Julien Marchand off the bench. Romain Buros, again set-up by former Bourgarit barrelled over in the 14th and Dupont was instrumental in setting up New Zealand Sevens star Lam, added the 35th minutes as well as the dying moments the decisive late try scored by No8 Antoine third score early in the second period. of the first half. Miquel. Isaia Toeava and Bryce Heem scored La Rochelle had a bonus point wrapped Toulon coach Patrice Collazo admitted Toulon’s tries after the interval to restore up by the break because Wiaan Liebenberg there was “zero positive” from his team’s a little respect. also went over in the 21st minute from a 31-18 defeat to Bordeaux. “There is zero positive for me. We con- five-metre scrum. The three-time European champions ceded 30 points,” said Collazo. Flanker and skipper Gregory Alldritt were out-scored three tries to two by a “Bordeaux wanted to win more than us. added two more scores after the break as Bordeaux side who had a 20-6 strangle- They played to win and we played to wait La Rochelle cruised to a third away win of hold by the break. and see what was going to happen. La Rochelle’s Bourgarit (centre) scores a try in the French Top 14 rugby the season. The home team never looked back after “But to win away, it is impossible against union match against Agen in southwestern France on Saturday. afp Toulouse stayed in touch in second place going into a third-minute lead when lock teams of the quality of Bordeaux.” afp Warner, Pucovski get nod for Australia as Burns dumped

Australia included David released after struggling in the clears the way for the 22-year- parts of the city in lockdown Warner and debutant Will first two Tests. old to make his Test debut, after and place restrictions on travel Pucovski in their squad for the “Unfortunately, Joe’s returns a blow to the helmet in a warm- to other states. third Test against India on haven’t been what he or the up match earlier this month. But officials were still confi- December 30, 2020, with selec- selectors would like or what we Australia won the opening dent the Test would be able to tors ditching Joe Burns after a consider he is capable of,” Test in Adelaide by eight wick- go ahead before the teams trav- poor start to the series. national selector Trevor Hohns ets, with India levelling the elled to Brisbane for the final Warner will return as he con- said. series on December 29 with an Test on January 15. tinues recovering from a groin Although Warner was still eight-wicket win in Mel- Australia squad: Tim Paine injury, while Pucovski is also recovering from his injury, bourne. (captain), Pat Cummins, Sean expected to be fit after a con- selectors were hoping the Despite an outbreak of Covid- Abbott, Cameron Green, Josh cussion, Cricket Australia said opener would be fit for the 19 in , Cricket Australia Hazlewood, Marcus Harris, in a statement. match at the Sydney Cricket has confirmed the third Test will Travis Head, Moises Henriques, Fast bowler Sean Abbott has Ground. be held at the SCG on January Marnus Labuschagne, Nathan also recovered from a calf strain “David has made strong 7, with players expected to Lyon, Michael Neser, James and was included in the 18-man progress in his recovery from arrive on January 4. Pattinson, Will Pucovski, Steve squad for the remainder of the injury and will be given every The virus cluster, which Smith, Mitchell Starc, Mitchell four-Test series. chance to play,” Hohns said. emerged earlier this month, Swepson, Matthew Wade, Dav- Australia’s Will Pucovski in a training session at the MCG in Melbourne, But out-of-form Burns was The selection of Pucovski has forced authorities to put id Warner. afp ahead of the third cricket Test match in Sydney on January 7. afp 16 THE PHNOM PENH POST january 4, 2021 Sport Spurs beat Leeds amid more Covid-19 woes

arry Kane and Son He- corner was headed home by Toby Al- ung-min were again Tot- derweireld. tenham’s talismans in a 3-0 win over Leeds to Rejuvenated Arsenal rampant revitaliseH their Premier League title Arsenal’s disastrous start to the challenge as Arsenal maintained their season has been turned around in a return to form with a 4-0 thrashing of week as they won for the third time West Brom. in eight days and in some style at However, it was another difficult day Sam Allardyce’s hapless West Brom. for the Premier League’s battle against Kieran Tierney’s stunning solo coronavirus as a third game this week effort and a brilliant team goal was postponed due to outbreaks, rounded off by Bukayo Saka put the while Tottenham and West Ham play- visitors into a comfortable half-time ers were caught breaking restrictions lead at a snow covered Hawthorns. by attending a Christmas party. Alexandre Lacazette’s quickfire double Burnley’s clash with Fulham, in the second-half completed the scor- scheduled for January 3, was called ing as the Gunners rose to 11th, within off due to a number of positive cases three points of the European places. among the Fulham squad. West Brom on the other hand re- Fulham’s trip to Tottenham was also main second from bottom and six postponed just hours before kick-off points adrift of safety after conceding on December 30, 2020, to the frustra- nine goals in their last two games. tion of Spurs boss Jose Mourinho. Sheffield United look destined for a But even as his side ended a four- return to the Championship as they game winless run against Leeds, remain without a win this season after Mourinho also lambasted three of his a 2-0 defeat at Crystal Palace. players for breaking coronavirus rules. Jeffrey Schlupp and Eberechi Eze’s Giovani Lo Celso, Erik Lamela brilliant run and finish secured the and Sergio Reguilon were pictured Eagles’ first win in six games. attending a large party with family Brighton edged two points clear of and friends over Christmas along the relegation zone by coming from with West Ham’s Manuel Lanzini. 3-1 down to salvage a 3-3 draw at “We are extremely disappointed home to Wolves. and strongly condemn this image Wolves have struggled to score showing some of our players with goals since losing Raul Jimenez to family and friends together at Christ- a fractured skull in November, but mas, particularly as we know the sac- bounced back with three in 25 min- rifices everybody around the country utes after Aaron Connelly’s early made to stay safe over the festive pe- Leeds United defender Luke Ayling (left) vies with Tottenham Hotspur striker Harry Kane in their English Premier League football opener for the Seagulls. match at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in London on Saturday. pool/afp riod,” a Tottenham statement said. Romain Saiss headed home Nel- “The matter will be dealt with in- “With low numbers of positive tests two games without a goal to move equalling the Premier League record son Semedo’s cross before Dan ternally.” across the overwhelming majority of Tottenham up to third and within set by Alan Shearer and Chris Sutton Burn’s own goal and Ruben Neves’s The latest breach by players will do clubs, the League continues to have four points of leaders Liverpool and for Blackburn in 1994-1995. penalty gave the visitors a com- little to ease the pressure on the Premier confidence in its Covid-19 protocols, Manchester United. “He knew I was there. Sometimes it manding half-time lead. League to halt the season as a “circuit- fully backed by the government, to Kane opened the scoring from the is telepathic,” said Son. However, Brighton were given a breaking” measure to cope with the enable fixtures to be played as sched- penalty spot before turning provider “To score 100 goals with one team lifeline from the spot themselves a soaring infection rates across England. uled,” the league said in a statement. for Son to slot home his 100th goal is a big thing. I’m very proud. It’s a minute into the second-half as Neal Despite the latest postponement, for the club. good way to start the new year.” Maupay converted before captain the Premier League again insisted ‘Telepathic’ Tottenham duo It was the 13th time Kane and Son The South Korean also got an as- Lewis Dunk’s towering header earned there were no plans for a pause. On the field, Kane and Son ended had combined for a goal this term, sist early in the second-half when his a point. afp Pochettino named PSG new coach Felix Alvarado defeats Mauricio Pochettino was owners. Pochettino played for charge of his first match on officially named the new coach the club from 2001 to 2003. January 9 at Saint-Etienne as to retain IBF light crown of French champions Paris His priority will be to sate the Ligue 1 resumes after the win- Saint-Germain (PSG) on Janu- Qatari-backed club’s hunger ter break with PSG one point Nicaragua’s Felix Alvarado It marked the second time Covid-19 pandemic. ary 2 after the sacking of for Champions League glory. off the leaders in third. stopped South Africa’s DeeJay Alvarado, whose twin brother Next on Alvarado’s wish list Thomas Tuchel. Tuchel, who oversaw the club’s Kriel after 99 seconds of the Rene fights at super feather- would be a rival world cham- PSG announced on its web- first ever Champions League Earned plaudits 10th round on January 2 to weight, has defended the IBF pion, whose ranks include a site that former Tottenham final appearance last season, Then, on February 16, he will retain his International Boxing crown he took from Filipino pair of Japanese unbeatens, manager Pochettino had guided Neymar and company be plotting the downfall of his Federation (IBF) in 2018. WBA super champion Hiroto signed a contract until June 30, into the knock-out stages this compatriot Lionel Messi’s Bar- title. Alvarado, 31, defended for Kyoguchi and WBC champion 2022 with an option for an season before being axed. celona at the Camp Nou, with Making his US debut in Dal- the first time in May 2019 by Kenshiro Teraji. additional year. Pochettino’s first major test the return leg on March 6. las, Texas, Alvarado improved to taking a 12-round decision “I want any of the other world “PSG are one of the biggest will be the Champions League Like Tuchel, Pochettino was 36-2 with his 31st stoppage from Japan’s Reiya Konishi in champions so I can show who clubs in the world,” the last-16 away leg at Barcelona sacked after leading Spurs to inside the distance. Kobe in May 2019. He had not is the best in the division,” 48-year-old told the club’s TV next month. their first ever appearance in a Alvarado stretched his win fought since then due to the Alvarado said. afp channel. So it’s not only He will take Champions League final, against streak to 18 fights since losing to important to win but to Liverpool in 2019. Although he Argentina’s win with style.” has yet to win any silverware, the by decision for a flyweight title However, he added: former PSG defender’s manage- in June 2014. “Discipline is important, rial stock is high. Kriel, a former IBF straw- respect, friendship Pochettino made Tottenham weight world champion, fell to between the players but a consistent Champions 16-2 with one drawn. The also all the staff.” League qualifier in four years 25-year-old from Johannesburg The Argentine at the Premier League club was knocked to the canvas in was the only before his departure in 2019. the second and fourth rounds. name in the His first coaching position “I knew this would be a tough frame to take over was at struggling Espanyol, fight,” Alvarado said. at the club after where in 2009 his first match in “I dropped him with a hook, PSG abruptly end- charge was against Barcelona. and I didn’t even expect for a ed Tuchel’s involve- Mauricio Pochettino was officially named He earned plaudits for sav- punch like that to land. But ment on December the new coach of ing the Spanish outfit, where rather than keep looking for 24, reportedly for French champions he played under fellow Argen- that punch, I kept pushing him Paris Saint-Germain comments viewed as tine Marcelo Bielsa in 1998, to the ropes to wear him Felix Alvarado poses during the weigh-in ahead of the IBF light flyweight on Saturday. afp critical of the Qatari from relegation. afp down.” title fight on Thursday.GETTY IMAGES/Afp