26. ASHINGTON. . annexed, joint net income £230, with residence and 39 r8o. Bundon, a detached part of this parish, has been acres of glebe, in the gift of Charles Goring esq. of tran.sferred to Wiston and Rokers to Washington, under Wiston, , and held since 1878 by the Rev. the provisions of the "Divided Parishes Act." Charles Abel Heurtley M.A. <>f Oriel College, Oxford, Parish Clerk, Je~se Gumbrell. who is also sequestrator of Wal'Illinghurst and rural Post, M. 0. & T. 0., T. M. 0., E. D., P. P., S. B. & A. dean of StoTI"ington (div. 3). The Wesleyan chapel, & I. Office.-George Duke, sub-postmaste1'. Letters built in t8gz, has 130 sittings. Queen Elizabeth visited arrive from R. S.O. at 7 a.m. & 2 p.m. As·hington in I591. The Duke of Norfolk K.G. who is week days & 7 a. m. sundays; dispatched at 9.15 a..m. lord of the man{)r and Charles Goring esq. of Wiston & 5-45 p.m. week days & 9.25 a.m. sundays pa1'k are the principal land!owners. The soil is mixed; Wall Letter -Box cleared at 7·55 a..m. & 5·57 p.ni.; sun- subsoil, clay. The ooie-f crops are wheat, barley, oats, days, 9·35 a.m tu-rnips and mangold wurtzel; area, 1,oi2 acres; ratea-ble Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1872, fOT 100 value, Ashington, £9oo; the population in 1901 was childrren; ave-rage attendance, 54; Walt.Ambler, ma.ste:r Bridger Major "\Villiam, Holmbush Edwards Waiter, grocer & assistant Thorns George, Swan inn Butch& George overseeT Tidey George, builder Creber William, Oak villa Finch William, farmer Tumman Henry John, registrar of Heurtley Rev. Charles Abel M.A. Goacher George, f_armr. Church farm births & deaths for ths Washington (rector & rural dean), Rectory Mockett Henry, wheelwright sub-district & relieving & vaccina- W rst Mrs. Mill house · Muddle Jn. & Charles, millers (water) tion officer for No. :o~ district of COliM:E RCIA.L. Old John, grocer umon Baker Alfred Baker, butcher Oliver Carlos, carrier, Fern cottage Tyrrell Peter, hire carter Boxall George, farmer Reeves Geo. farmer, Whitelands farm ·wood Robert, farmer, Bennett's farm Chalcroft William, boot maker Songhurst George, insurance agent Wood Waiter, blacksmith Cripps Emma (Mrs.), Red Lion P.H Standing Arthur, market gardener Woolven Henry, tailor Puke George, grocer, wine & spirit Steer Thomas (Mr;l.), farmer Woolven John, wheelwright merchant & draper, Post office Stoner Charles, carpenter & builder

ASHURST is a parish and village. 2 miles south~west William Hemy Campion C.B., V.D. of Danny Park, Has­ from railway station, IS north-west socks, W. A. Thornton esq. and Arthur Lloyd esq. of from and II south from Ilorsham, in the Mid Coombe-wood, Addington, Croydon, are the principal division of the county, Steyning petty sessional division, lan-downe1's. The soil is mixed; subsoil, principally clay. . hundred, rape of , Steyn.ing The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, bean~ and peas. union, Brighton county court district, rural dean&y The area is 2,355 acres; rateable value, £2,I53; the of (3rd division) and archdeaconry and diocese population in rgor was 315. of Chiche~ter. The church of St. James is a ~mall but Under the. provisions of the Divided Parishes Act, ancient structure of flint, in the Norman, Early English Heath Farm hlls been transferred from Ashurst to Steyn· and Decorated styles, and has a tower with spire, con­ 'ing, and Upper Rosbrooks Farm to West Grinstead. taining 3 bells: the :stained east window is a memorial t-o William Stanrford esq. of Easton, d. 1871: the ohurch Letters through Steyning R S.O. The nearest money was restored and reseated in I877, at a cost of £r,45o, order & telegraph office is at Partridge Green, abou1 and has r6B sittings. The register dates from the year 2 miles distant. Letters Te<:eived at 8 a.m. & 6.40 1560. The living is a rectory, net yoorly value £250, p.m.; dispatched at 7·15 a.m. & 6.5o p.m including 5 acree of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Wall Letter Box cleared at 7.15 a..m. & 6.50 p.m.; no Magdalen College, Oxford, and held .since 1897 by the collection on sundays Rev. Arthur Aubert Ja.ckson M..A. of that college. Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 1863, for 64 Charles Goring esq. of Wiston Park, who is lo1'd of the children; ave-rage attendance, 37; Mrs. Anna. Thorn­ manor, Frank Thomas Wisden esq. of Henfield, Col. dike, mistress Jackson Rev. Arthur Aubert M.A. Bristow John, farmer, Pepper's farm Hoadley John, farmer, Horsebridg{l The Rectory Carter William Henry, churchwarden common Jefiery Misses, Binesfield & farmer, Batt's farm Lepard Hugh Cyril, estate agent to Stagg Mrs. A. Gratwickes Crouch Caleb, farmer, Jessuns Arthur Lloyd esq. Bates farm Stanford Alfred, Eaton's Dumbrell Henry & William, butchers, Nailard Albert, farmer Thornton W. A. Lock Farm house Wellings farm Short Louis Henry, farmer, Ford frm Weller Joseph Charles, Brook cottage Dumbrell John, Fountain inn Stanford Alfred, farmer, Eaton's farm Etheridge Arthur, shopkeeper Stepney Alfred, shopkeeper COM:M:ERCI.AL. IHedger J ames, farmer, Clayland farm Tweed Thomas '-'· blacksmith Berry Rufus, farmer, Sweetmans Woolven Percy, wheelwright I BALCOM:BE is a villagE) and parish with a station on near Balcombe house, has been -found on analysis to the , Brighton and South Coas·t railway, which at equal in quality those of Tun:bridge Wells. Good this place passes through a tunnel 1,133 yards in length, building and other stone is obtained from quames in and is also ca.rried on a viaduct of 37 arches, over the the parish and neighbourhood. In I89J (May 24th), 11 valley of the Ouse. Balcumbe is 17 miles north from metal pot containing 11.2 gold and 742 silver coins was Brighton, 33 from London and 4 north from Cuckfield, found on the Stock Croft, in the village, and claimed by in the North&n division of the county, Buttinghill hun­ the Crown as treasure trove. Bakombe Place, the Tll!i­ dred., Lewes rape, Cuckfield petty sessional division, dence of Edwin Tate esq. J.P. is a mansion of !!tone in union and county court district, II'ural deanery 0f Lewe~ the Tudor style. Forest Farm, a mode-rn Tudor man· (third division), wrchdeaconry of Lewes and diocese of sion, is the residence {)f Lieut.-Col. Lord Frederick John . The water works of the Cuckfield Rural Fitz Roy J.P. Brantridge, the property and residence District Council, formerly the property of the Mid Sussex of Finlay Campbell esq. D.L. !!tands in a well-timbered Water Co. Limited, were erected on an eminence in this park of 8o acres. Balcombe House is the residence of pa1'ish in r8go, and supply the vilhlge and the adjoining Leonard ,Messel esq. M.A. Highley Manor, a modern parishes of .A.rdingly, Bolney, Cuckfield, Hayward's Heath, mansion of red b-rick, pleasantly situated on an eminence Lind'field, Warninglid and Wivehfield. The church of St. at the foot of the Highbeach Wanen, and commanding Mary is of stone in mixed styles, and has a tower with extensive woodland scenery, is the residence of H. Faure spire, containing a clock and 6 bells: there are nine Walker esq. J.P. There are two manors in this pari!h, stained windows ; the interior was restored in I 873, and viz.: Ditchelling mano-r, of which the Marquess of Aber­ affords sittings for 470 persons. The register dates from gavenny K.G. is lord; the Rectory manor, of which the the year I539· The living is a rectory, net income £3oi, rector j,s lOTd; these, with Sir Weetman Dickinson PeaT· with residence and 8o acres of glebe, in the gift of Philip son, 'hart. M.P. of Paddockhurst, Edwin Tate esq. J.P. Secretan ,esq. of Slau~ham park, and held since r868 Finlay CamtJbell esq. D.L. Lt.-Col. Lord F. J. Fitz Roy, by the Rev. Richard Gawler Mead M.A. of St. John's af Forest farm, and Henry Fau-re Walker esq. are the College, Oambridge, prebendary of Chichester, and rural principal land'owners. The soil i~ mixed. The chief dean of Lewes (third division). Here is a Congregational crops are wheat and oats. The area is 4,766 acres of chapel, erected in I893, seating 150 pe-rsons, and a Bap­ land, a great portion of which is wood and forest, and 29 tist chapel. The reading room and club, erected on the of water; rateable value, [25,372 (the railway being Highley Manor Estate, form a memo1'ial to the late rated at a large amount); the population in rgo1 was Robert Oradock Nichols esq. and include also a library, I,o52. Highbeach Warren has an area of r,r8o acres games room and kitchen. The working men's club and included in Balcombe. institute, erected by private. subscription, was opened in P!!Jrish Clerk, Robert Bourn. f902. There a-re several chalybeate springs, one of which, Sexton, Thomas J efiery.