Logic, Parables, and Argument TRUDY GOVIER & LOWELL AYERS Department of Philosophy University of Lethbridge Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract: We explore the relation‐ Résumé: Nous explorons la relation ship between argument and narra‐ entre l’argument et le récit dans les tive with reference to parables. paraboles. Généralement on croit Parables are typically thought to que les paraboles transmettent un convey a message. In examining a message. En examinant une parable, we can ask what that parabole, nous pouvons nous de- message is, whether the story told mander ce que ce message est, si provides reasons for the message, l'histoire racontée fournit des raisons and whether those reasons are pour ce message, et si ces raisons good reasons. In exploring these sont bonnes. Pour répondre à ces questions, we employ as an inves‐ questions, nous employons une tigative technique the strategy of technique d'enquête qui consiste à reconstructing parables as argu‐ reconstruire des paraboles en argu- ments. We then proceed to con‐ ments et ensuite à examiner la force sider the cogency of those argu‐ probante de ceux-ci. On peut offrir ments. One can offer arguments des arguments à travers des récits et through narratives and, in particu‐ des paraboles, mais, d'un point de lar, through parables, but that do‐ vue épistémique, ce faisant apporte ing so likely brings more risks probablement plus de risques que than benefits, from an epistemic d’avantages. point of view. Keywords: analogy, argument, conclusion, instantiation, message, narrative, reasons, representation, story, symbolism Some take the view that narratives and arguments fall into mutually exclusive categories, on the grounds that narratives are stories and arguments are attempts to support claims by offering reasons for them.