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I A man who warned student front a suicide attempt. Asher later called Public Safety can.” lillts said the work of scyt.‘ Nehal Asher kicked off a five; and told them he intended to kill Asher was unavailable for departments kept the cyent trout police of his plans tojump hour standoff was started around 7 himself. comment. His family refused to turning tragic to his death was persuaded pm. when he called Public Safety “The call came in at 6:58 Saturday comment on the situation. "There was trite! .tL’tillc} to step away from the frotn a phone near the bridge he night from the blue light phone on Traffic was stopped frorn all cooperation helping out." he said bridge. said he would yuntp off. Pullen." lillis said. directions to the bridge. After Asher walked oll tltc body Asher. an NCSl' student in I992. Members of the Counseling “Raleigh Police Department he was taken to “aim: \ledtcal Bv Ros BATCHO had been seen before the ittcidcnt Center attempted to convince Asher helped blocked off traffic on Pullen Center. later. he was taken to Assstw; Ntws End‘s»? on the Pullen Road bridge over the not to rump. Road and EMS was standing by." Dorothea l)t‘\ llt'\ lttl train tracks that do ide campus. "in a situation like that. you are lillis said. psychological t.'|l.tllttlt. More than two dozen police and "lie was sittittg on the bridge looking for all the time you can Amtrak helped by delaying one of ~"There was no cllltlL' -l‘lll\ said lt.‘.ti’ll lt't tx"t "t'tt ll“ l't' t‘ counselors spent their Saturday earlier and was asked to leave." said get." lillis‘ said. "You are going to its trains that was scheduled to pass loiiy Robinson. .lll \‘ (‘ start: llli ii. i i'.'. “‘ ‘ y ‘ "ll .tlt night coaxing a former NC. State Larry lillis’ of Public Safety. talk arid listen for as loitg as you through campus at 8 pm. basketball player died when he shot

Looks lusty » Report Man W: sparks attacks

debate woman I Despite some criticism, prominent members of the I A woman stili‘i't‘ctl minor seminar said there are no injuries yylit-ii «tie was serious problems with early attacked ll‘t is ottltt t'atriptts drafts of the Watauga llilllllttitlli ‘.is; “tt'ls. Seminar. ii\ l “ ”ti" ll" By' “-st Toscmx ..~.>- t’-'~ 'Ltkw When a controversial draft r version of tlte Watauga Seminar it report was circulated among some \\ ' tl faculty and administrators in late .tt\ January. some people thought it l. was the product of the proy'ost's office. x‘kilc'i i..\.uuiii.i.m ti .ti i-harsL‘ That put Proyost Phillip Stiles in a \lwulr ‘ lulu“! Ilk- bind. ' t ”The people in this were people i.\. ’ l who reported to me." Stiles said. lit t explaining why he took the unusual i‘. step of publicly attacking the \\' report. which centered on NC. lit. State's affiriiiatiy'e action policies 1 : t iii admitting students and the l ‘ t 'c academic success of black students. "A \. Stiles said he also sent otit memos L Nib-q t. . 5.x: ll , to black faculty and staff because As the summer months approach. N.C. formers display their fresh produce at Raleigh’s Farmer‘s Market. The market, on t't" he had asked tlte Watauga Seminar. Lake Wheeler Road. is open every weekend. Venders display fresh fruits. vegetables and home-baked goodies. In t. ,~ tit an informal group of NCSL’ y}: I‘t \" professors. to address the topic of diversity at NCSl'. “People told tne that there was a report that had a lot of inaccuracies "During the summer. in it arid also that it bothered a Avent Ferry Complex to cost $2 million bunch of people." Stiles said. people get out more. In a Feb. 22 memo to black faculty. Stiles wrote: “Virtually which gives more everyone who has provided more than early estimates indicated targets for people to information to the seminar group that l have spoken with said they harm." were misquoted. misconstrued. and. I Several residence halls when they starting The dorm is slated to be ttilly Air in some cases. misused in the draft “Theiworkrers found a mess conditioned and house both women of the Watauga Seminar report are under construction this tearing the stuff out.” and men in the fall. While workers lari‘y lillis. widely circulated." summer. install air conditioning eqtiipiiient. Public Safety In a 4 1/2 page memo to Watauga — George Worsley. they will also wire the building for Seminar members. Stiles pointed BY [)sy'l-I Blasts'ros more extensive itriproyentents. such out a series of alleged flaws in the Niwf E; ' vice chancellor of finance and business as the l‘iiiforitt Wiring Plan, illlt‘ .ilbhk .‘ l‘ ty‘!l‘.l"v l.l\\ til .i draft report: “You have denigrated NC. State's newest dorm w ill cost walls than was expected. The cost are lots of jobs available. scheduled to be implemented in tape thit ‘ll. 'tl tn l’trélci‘: l‘atk African«American students by your students 50 percent more in student of extra man hours add tip. contractors can be picky. Luckadoo IWS. catly ll‘ the: ”not: oi lithe-1 false statements about them." fees than was predicted iti Luckadoo said. and Worsely said. Work on a new 24-hour desk and Raleigh polite it. -l:li looking for Despite the criticism they've December. according to Tim There were other factors that Ninety percent of the surprise game rootn has made meeting the sitspct is lit that .tIl.ttk received. prorninettt members of Luckadoo. director of Housing and made the early estimates fall short costs are due to building codes that 90-day deadline that much harder. \‘~.trtttct ‘.yt‘atltt't sets the stage lv‘t the seminar said there are no Residence Life. of the actual cost of renovating the ritust be met in state buildings. The l uckadoo said this type of \tolt‘ttt c l'llls said serious problems with draft repons The contract price for building the building into a dorm. state imposes tougher codes on its The Wll'lng and its installation “littttttz' ‘ltt- sttr'tutcr people get completed so far. Avent Ferry Complex soared from For starters. the nature of own buildings than it does for crew are funded by the out more Mini: 1' .'s more targets “We‘re fairly confident we were $4 million to $6 million when the construction leaves a lot of roorii private or commercial buildings. Telecotnntuntcation ( )ffice for people :. “ta." i ilts \altl close to being accurate on the first building and property needed extra for guess work. said George Changes had to tnade to the fire “Some personnel from our ow it "l’tttplt' used it be more .twatc ol and second draft." said John repairs. Another reason was that Worsley. Vice chancellor of finance protection system. The addition of staff and others hate been the dattzjcts :ttti '\v.*.l “ Riddle. a history professor who contracting firms who bid for the and business. You rarely know fire alarms and sprinklers drove the contracted out." Luckadoo said llll\.ll‘t'.'.l'\t'l‘ll‘t'1‘.lit"\ ill“ wrote part of the draft report. project. he said. were at an cost of the project up. "Profits front \(‘Sl .. l\tl ll: l‘th‘lllt' ilkt it' lt'.t\t lllClT “[Administratorsl were searching exactly what's behind a wall —~ Teleconimunicatitin‘s lorigdistancc Itatl windows “Mimi tlit\\lt during for a way to attack the integrity and advantage: it was a contractor's until you remove that wall and look. The butlding also had to meet sales will pay for most of the w iritig tltc stizrttttct. llits sti.‘ "lttit \ott accuracy of the report." market. Contract firms could set he said. strict Americans with Disabilities installation " ‘llllllltl it‘tk \ ‘iil tlttt‘ts and keep In memos to the provost several their price. Luckadoo said. “The electrical wiring was a big Act codes. something the hotel Luckadoo said Housing and the \\lllli\‘\\" rotted tip to pit-\cnt administrators who gave talks to Barrihill. a Raleigh firm. took the one [costswisel because it's difficult didn‘t come close to. Residence life should liayc the cat‘iai loin: the seminar said their information job in April. when its bid was lower to estimate what kind of condition entire university wired by the lllt‘lt‘ .tlt' st trial otl.ct ways to was used incorrectly or than other competitors. it's in." Worsley said. “The workers Other projects summer of WW. 'tlttlt‘t'l "-l‘lll\c'll i ll:\ \att'i inaccurately. Early estimates were rough and found a mess when they starting Crews in Bragaw. midway "It’ll be gradual. a little at a time l Bruce Mallette. associate director didn't factor in the unknowable. tearing the stuff out." through a project to give the dorm This is a big protect,” he said ”l'scott «.'tyti r- sltll [titty lthkl When workers began pulling the The bond issue being passed last air conditioning and co-ed facilities. Right now. Watauga is the only dtiiing the ‘II nittet.~ he said “l‘eel building apart in April they found November paved the way for more have said they will meet the August dorm on campus to be equipped lice to list’ the blue light phones (‘I Sm» WAtAUGA. Page 2 about twice as much asbestos in the construction in the area. When there deadline, Luckadoo said. with the Uniform Wiring Plait call l’ublit \llt’ly at WIS NW.“

How To REACH Us: Kieter Sutherland Editorial . . .5t 5-241 t News Sports and Woody Advertising . . 5t5 2079 Forget what you thou ht about Terry Harvey stays home instead of Harrelson combine Fox ...... 5l S'Sl 33 to make for a not- Campus Forum . techie: [email protected] new clothes’ prices. T ere are going to play professional so-clazzling Press Releases... . .lechpress-l@ncsu edu some less expensive options. with the Rangers. silverscreen Page 2 ) Page ) performance. Mailing Address: Page 5 > Technician, Box 8608, Raleigh, NC 276958608 Sports Page 3 l at ceterci...... Page 5 Offices: Opinion...... Page 4 l Classifieds ...... Page 6 Suite 323, Student Center Annex. NCSU Campus 5) June 15, 1994 I’ug‘v - ~— .Vt‘Ws , f WHAI's HAPPENING New: 1 1111\14—“ Office.. I1) Tu:1~‘d;1).1ur1c the I"1 I I -. I W.l A Whats Happening pOIICY . . f \I RUHKS I\.1111113.1 .1;‘ Hr than"2 FL:I\IT.IIIOI‘I\i‘v R1..r.1111‘‘1 1 . III RII \\I III I l \ 1. .1 -. ‘_ 111.«. 1111:~»II11’ 111111111I’ed1n, i 1 . \C~\11‘II\ 111“ be “111 hL‘kJnkcIICKI .1111.~.~..1~1~ « 1- 1 \ 1- 11 1 11 ' 1 ' ~.-11\I.1\\1111111‘ I.‘ DEBATE — N C SIJIC 1 ‘ 11" 12 ' ‘-' ’14}11111'dflV81IabIe -'=11:-:.‘1z“""‘”'“"::” 1» ~—1--1-1~.-..~ -—~—«~11.—v--1-~:I':—,m‘-'v1r;r.z1.11"1“1I-111.111- uncrmtcd.c11111.1c1J.11111-.1'~‘ .‘ 1‘ " Inkun.._,R \1\ 11’ “ .. '11.' 111.1..1‘ , :111011511111ned1‘11 m that are; ‘ 1 1 . j 111 111., 1.1II Ihc Larsen .11 5I5~~IIIJ 11r P1111111: -111.'.‘ .1 .i I{,. 1 " 1.111.1'111‘111. ' I") ‘ . LIIIIIIIIIIH‘IIUII‘ 1‘ ‘IHIICIII‘ 1 i R.1.1c.1111111.1I John “11.1111.prcwdcnx. .'.II11.IL11KI‘ \in ‘1. I 11-. 1 1‘ I 1 11 1‘5""‘1 ”1113/ I”? ”0 Ionger '1. 1~ 171.11 .11 ‘15 .1155"—5~1"3 I’I1111\.I.1\. Inn. 2111111: 1.. 11 1 1 1 .11-111,«, 111.! 1,1:1me from 1 '1 INFORMATION 511111 11- 11 111?. \1\ 1 .1 .. "' III \I)l I\I. \1a1.Ic111\, .\I11~I1111’ Inlcrcucd In I..11111:.I1.1.1 1-1 .11 l \1‘ I\ I R \\II R \I \ 1 '11 ,1i . 1'11"..11.I" > 41411180i ’1‘ . The1 ‘ ' 1.1.1 11111111_~.'h le.1111’ I111 ”11111111111111! I’1111111 .1" I I\ l R ‘1 \II R \I \ ‘ ‘ I. " I“ I‘M“) 1.1r ”W'e' I' 1 K ‘11 ‘x ' IIIC I‘WJ .1I11111t .1CII\IIIC\. .‘.1ll .1.I.I1:. 11:..1' 1' - 1~ 11111 I fly TwrhrIlCldfl \ ‘1 \.,11'11.1r \‘1.1~\111n Tuck. ‘5" :I.\.\.\ .4111“! II: ‘ 1 ‘1' 1 I ., y , . 1: ; . 1 ’1; 3,1111‘ deemed -1:.».1:11...111111 INTRAHL‘Rus 11.-.1.1..11. 1- \1. ' 114 . .1, , 1 11111151111111 ,1 ..111:111_~1.1 5.1...11 1.1111 I111 11.1.1 1111.121" 1 1 1: ‘ ‘ ‘ \\11.211-.111I.1_\. 1.1111‘ 1‘ .1 i‘1' ‘ “WI 59nd \. 1.: .:\1 I1: 11.1111‘ III11111‘111'11111 I‘iRII) \\ 1 .1 1111‘ ,’\1..11;I.Ir|? NEWS \ .1 ‘1\ 1I1.‘ 1111I11\\cr \111Ic1 I1.1I.I "'" " 11‘, .1. ' 1' 1011.1 ~ I511r111t111111.11111n.‘11111.1.1 INIRIHI R \l 5

. ' WSuIvan dOIm WI 900“L C(II/e new COIII1 ”)utel‘ Iab I \ pron-ct. that began In. March I‘lllk. r1111!“, , 1’11. .14. --.1 ..‘1 \I- 1 I,. -. ,I In. .. \111I.1 u'rutc the hrst- computer lab "I1 “I11.‘;. ‘1‘ 1....1‘111....‘111 11 1 1 . 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1\‘111111111111 II~. 1.1111!. 1111 thls. campus. ““1““l\ \L' 1‘1IIL‘1-113 1 I 11,‘1 .11'"11 A)“1' 1‘..1 .1 1 ' 1. ‘1 . .1. “.1:'I 11'1 1.11M:1 ‘ “I ‘ _ 61111111111111 \11Ih [\111 11.1 1111 1'. \ '. .I ‘1: "“‘II-“W” Hi ”\If 81‘5““ SILWC .\L’III‘C\ 11 11'1I.'11' 1‘. ‘ “I. Could11111I1g111‘.1.I‘..11.I‘ . 1 1 1.1 1. 1 , .. ‘ 11. Ihc. .‘1111111111111\.11. '1 . 11. 1111 1 . .1111111I1 'In 1 " I\‘.‘~I.I;'IICL‘ IIAII I\ .Ix‘u,‘ IO IIJHII; IhC NI. V \IJIL'. IL‘II'.. IIII‘. .1 1..11'1-' 1' I i 1 I .I1L-1..L'.’\. _ . .z: 1 11 “III 111~1.1!l II1c111 ‘ I 11 11111 \ IE 1.‘11\1.1I\1cn11.1\g‘r.1I[.1rgc! \‘Illdcmx rc:.11’.II:.‘\\ "1 . 1 l "'11” ,. .~:.1 .1:.11‘.;1cr~1111.:1cl \1c11111111.1hlc I1.1\c .1.:.1.1\~111:1I.1 \1-11..1~ 1.1 I i K I ~ Ii’.’ ,‘ .1 'I'.1 $1111.11 Immune the} were .1r11undthc glqu 1:1? 1..‘.I :1, ' 1 1 1 1 .1' I‘1 .«17 II1.I 1.11:1} ‘IhL’r PF‘IL‘CH. lIIICFIICIx1III\\1 II: " I‘ III I“‘ :. \1 1\I1 Bu1I11r'11m1'I1c 1.111.1111\.‘:1.1 1-1: . . .. ~~ ' ‘1 1‘1I‘H

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CUI'IVERSE K§VVBIISS $5.00 1! -1"( o OFF Save 510.100 .1111:1 1'1! 11"1 1I1..IIII! \I 1 i‘.’ .1I‘I.11 1I111\.' ! Tennis and Racquetball Stringing Serv1ce a: .8111e 55.1111 -" .. _T}-.~.~y‘ u..- .111\1‘..:!1I.11I1Ini. ”Li:-‘IE.€=I ‘ ( ‘I.“;'\'1 \I‘I‘I’ I F r2 clav 1331!. day 1\1111<1~1<‘1114 g 1' (7.1153 (It-gal I 8009/6 CIIII/Ins Iree Huggere I\I'IRI\h I WI l Rewind ”flflflflls Sauconyf‘) 1 oyat’ ,Ft'usfi Coming soon: 2223 \Vent Fern Road ' \Iissinn \‘dIItV ShuppingIenter 'I'IIII GRAPES (6/241) 834-0271 AMERICAN NOCOVERWITHCOLLEGEID — WRESS VISA II111111~.T\I1111 71-11 111 1.111 .\ II In 7,: St” II) ILIII (\ p [1]. \HH 1_ 11”] ‘IIIII. . I L--. $1 Bottle Beer Help Wanted: Saturday'> 01111: Technician has writing posiIions open in Q” departments. lnIeresIed? Drop by our oIIices and IiII ouI on oppIicuIion. 01" email KeiIh Jordan at [email protected] 7440 Six Forks Road i89ra.&UplNoanlpnqulndl w1Ih any questions. Across from Applebee’s 0 870-6425 W RIB/IO?ONO01EQETIOQHJIMEIEIAOC)0G13931103 Technician Sports

June 15, 1994 Page 3

Harvey doesn’t mess with Texas games at tlLlLIIIt,‘IIt.ttl‘ tor the I The two-sport star is “We thought for an Ilth—round selection he Woltpack last seasoir ,iii.l helped staying at NC. State after lead the team to .r 7 ‘3 iv. out and ii turning down a contract to had a very good chance to advance with us. berth in the Hall ot l'arrrt' It: in? play professional baseball Any college pitcher who signs with Texas As it pllcltct. llaticy i "liltlrt'ii .l with the Rangers. lb 5 record with .l I M l I" \ iii liis knows he’s got a chance to advance quickly first two seasons He oitiii rl tIiiiit because of the state of our pitching [on the team all ,‘\lllCll‘\ll lintiots is a BYScorersJEFFDREWEDIIOI? sophomore alter posting a Ill l major—league Ievel].” record. irirliidine .I It i hit: -r . ui-r Both sides called the negotiations Florida State professional. Both said the final Harvey struggled this war: .Illl‘i offer was fair. — Sandy Johnson. taking hits Ioi a lilll season with tile But when it came time for Terry ' assistant general football team llairiptiwrl Io. m.-43‘3‘a...“I Harvey to choose between NC. nagging injuries.\t'_\ a I R \ '--nt State and professional baseball, fair swelled ltt R lft tlt'\["lll‘ .t ill ‘ wasn‘t good enough. one on Friday. The R.tll_L‘L‘ts contract Harvey turned down an record Harvey decided to return to the proposed one baseball only tontiart otter from the New York Yankees "\Vc looked at lllu potetrti i|_ ..c Wolfpack baseball and football and another that would liaye lll IWI alter his senior year in high didn't worry about li.s \IJIs Ittat teams Friday when he turned down allowed Harvey to play college \\ hool. The Yankees drafted him in much." Johnson said \‘r. ilitlllk'll a final contract offer front the Texas football and iiiinor~leaguc baseball the I‘lth round last year. him III the Ilth roniid bet .io-a at Rangers. who had selected the Harvey had earlier decided he ‘llc‘s a young man with a lot of tell we had a cliaiite to run ’iitii right—handed pitcher in the Ilth didn‘t want to play college lootbatl options. we just ga\e hint another \Ve‘r'c sorry It didn‘t work “Ill <,"van-"(0‘s.5...”\... round of ‘s and minor-league baseball because option a start in professional "We thought lot an Ilth round amateur draft. Harvey was the of the physical and mental demands baseball." said Sandy Johnson. the selection he had a wry It tsl e I‘ltlls t' starting quarterback on the football of playing both spoils. Ilc then Rangers assistant general manager to ad\ancc with its \ii; college team last season. decided that the Rangers had not tor player personnel and scouting pitcher who signs with lL"\.t\ “I just didn‘t like the offer. I don‘t offered enough money to gm- up "We lelt we made a very fair offer knows he's got .i . ll.ttlt\' to .iil\.:llLL‘ want to get into specifics or football. He made the choice to stay in quickly lierause ot this one ot oiir anything like that." Harvey said "It was going to take a lot to gei sc liool .. pitching [on the ltrdli‘l league ‘ y y i Monday in a telephone interview me to give up on State." Harvey .loIinson declined to discuss the levell" from his home in Dacula. (la. “1 said. “I'm here for the duration *spcc‘llics oi either offer. ...1);)...ngam just felt it would benefit me more to You couldn't get me out ot here llai‘ycy has one year of eligibility Harvey said he plans to play Jim HiiIIMAN/Fllt come back to school." with a hand grenade. [21llL'\\u left in baseball but has two in football this tall and baseball this For the third time. Terry Howey has turned down the pros. This Rangers officials and Harvey had This is the third time llatycy has tootball because he redshirted the year. he gave up all the Texas barbeque he could eat. two l'aceAto-face meetings. the last declined to sign a minor league I992 season. Harvey started seven s“ HApvrv, f'.i;‘r‘ o

Mitchum carries Slawtcr to Wolfpack repeat in North & South the North R South amateur. his former him for match play. He played poorly again improved drairiatically. In a tight match shot advantage. \Vhen Kemp conicdcd a I The rising junior becomes the teatiimatc didn't hesitate to volunteer. in the first round of match play but with Justin Roof of Conway. SC. Slaw'ter par putt at the I-tth hole. Slaiatr‘r iiad won second consecutive NC. State Mitchum completed a stellar four-year managed to slip past Scott Taylor ot needed it Iotttrttttdc‘t‘ ()7 to lLIkC it l-Up the North 5.- South llllL‘ with .l ti and 4 golfer to win the prestigous career with the Wolt'pack golf team last 'l‘us‘caloosa. Ala. 2 and l. \ictoiy victory amateur championship at year. An all-America in I993. Mitchum While waiting to play his afternoon “It w as a tough match and he won it." "It was kind of hard not to he ended." Pinehurst. celebrated his graduation with a \tctory at match. Slawter wandered over to a hitting \Iitchtiiii said "It gayc him a lot of Slawter said Monday "I had Iii} parents the North at South. the pr‘cstigous amateur range where Mitchum. a native of Southern confidence " there and tour or fi\e guys trorrr lt‘v. lt.'.llll Bi .l EH DRl-ZyV championship held at the historic Pinehurst Pines. was getting in some practice. l;iioiigti ctllllltlt‘lch‘ to prill out two more had come up to support me ” so. in . Et or it: Resort and Country Club. “He told me he was going to get a caddy w ins and arlyancc to the 36-hole For Slawter. the \ictorx is ”it llo‘sl SIaw'ter struggled early in his bid to keep because after the morning match. he didn‘t championship against qualifying medalist prestigious ol an accoinplrsbctl arr-er When N C State golf team member Mark the North dc South title in Wolfpack hands. feel like lugging his bag again," Mitchum KCHII Kemp After leading just l—up after former high school all \iriez'...i \Iawtr-r Slawter told Kelly Mitchum he needed a His qualifying rounds of 73 and 76 last said, “I told him l'd do it." l8 holes. Slawter won the third. fourth and caddy tor his second round of match play at Tuesday and Wednesday barely qualified With Mitchum at his side. Slawter‘s play fifth holes at I’inebursi No 3 to take a four. .3: t’ SLAWTER, .‘M‘cr /:

Money not the determining factor

as State’s recruiting class grows announced earlier this spring that he PROUDLY DISPLAY YOUR I A pair of walk-ans. “I want us to be a would come to State without a center Steve Norton and scholarship .-\ ti toot ' name ol HIGH SCHOOL MEMORIES forward Jonathan Grisset. contender in the Fairmont. (’irissei \l.t's widely add depth to an already ACC, and I think this recruited. ANDACCOM PUSHMENTS impressive group of is possible with the “By the time I'm eligible. I think basketball recruits. they're going to be a ILdi good returning players and team." Norton said " Robinson is trying to rebuild the Enhanced Ivy/genuinehand-written B): .J_A>,iit:,,BRmWSim: Wrélttte new people. ” program. and I like the idea of being a part ol .i rebuilding rail igr‘ripliy and CIISI’Ollt‘Illt‘ITIc’tl ST NC. State's basketball recruiting program.” class is a bit bigger w and a bit — Les Robinson. Griss‘et and Norton add depth to a framed to last a lifetime . . . taller NC. State Coach recrurting class ranked third in the Steve Norton. a seven—frail center. ACC by recruiting espeit Rob has announced that he is (libbons. The class Ieaturcs highly transferring from Furman to join State this fall. He is the second regarded guards linua Benjamin Fm‘rictails , please call 1-9 mew-940s Coach Les Robinson‘s program. He Woll’pack recruit to turn down other and Clint “C C" Harrison. and will sit out next season. scholarship offers to walk on at small forward AI Pinkiris orwi'itc PEN ART, LIMITED, Norton. who averaged l0 points State. and I» rebounds at Furman last Jonathan Grisset of Allegany 317 Killlltflldll Dr:,tlalciglr,NC: 7w») season. will not be on scholarship at th.) Community College aw RECRUITS. I'iitri o >

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Great access to poor stacks I Hello, DOT? Summer Though the university tnay consider summer to be downtime. freshman school is just as important as orientation is in progress throughout the spring and fall semesters. the month ofJune. with its attendant invasion of new freshman and their his summer. DOT is repairing parents onto campus. And. of course. potholes big enough to summer school i.sjust as important for HAVE THE. ’ swallow a Dodge Neon. This is toiling students as the fall and spring SoU acre-:5 we ,1" A r. part of their five~ycar maintenance semesters are. so all of the 6 program designed to repave campus inconveniences are an unwelcome re) l parking lots. annoyance. Isn‘t it nice to know that all the money we pay the Division of At the very least DOT could slitii off Transportation for stickers and tickets the traffic lights at the corner of Dan is being put to good use‘.’ Allen Drive and Dunn Avenue. Since They have made a miniature the adjacent road and parking lot arc *E‘warwrwww-y-rvmp7'«-.~'.-i,~-Maw”? obstacle cotirse of campus parking both closed. that light is not needed to lots. All those traffic cones are great regulate traffic. fun for us summer school students. With courses crammed into fiver They take us back to the good old week sessions. this university is days in driver‘s education when we anything but slow in the summer. So would run over those big orange go ahead and hit one of those cones. cones that were always getting in the And honk loudly as you drive past way. DOT.

Thanks for the parking Commentary I The library has a great lf NCSU is to be known for its future, a group says. Now research capacities. it must have a substantial amount of new Suicides not worth society’s concern what about the present? information coming in through joumals. But for DH. Hill to find This past weekend. ti 3l

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Recruits get starring role Slawter arvey (vUIlll/li‘tt‘il from i‘itee’ i (‘ttrittriiie'iijriiiri I’ttee' t llillshoioiieh are on the liast team earned all, .\meiiea honors this spring, He hopes to be drafted \\ . I. \ t s‘ no je‘ettl’ts are IN W Sir“ l‘askethall gain; season as a sophomore With the again next Ma}. but knosss his age I. it in“ “'in will “is {Jill-sin sos‘vcr Sill”? “Ill Wolt‘paek. ! he'll be 13 could work : against him . \..1 [onII ..l.~‘[t\.~itti \ilCarolina\lali' Jetd}"hm”?.mhllwl‘l”.a Notlhuesl (tulllordinriker MeganJL‘ltl)‘ pei‘t'oiinanees.Bl” *lV-‘l‘llCSlauter‘C‘Cri‘lhadstrong)et to ' “it" it I I n I II hel me ,. o .. . s vetti .-:aiiies ““‘ 'l”m‘l ll“ \“l‘h ““‘l'nd “in a tournament this Isear until H' ‘ "‘I . IE‘II'II ’s‘I th' I “I?“ tin ‘t-‘1 i. i :: II Hei‘ia III” .il plasei' ol the seat eailiei this Suttda) .drI\L:‘I I‘dl‘l'I I“ II Hie. spl¥ i I», i ‘t i " HIM-1w” \l‘lllls‘ The keIs. Slanter said. uas his it" a “45”" lsUHN ' Matti.“ {he \Vest llte l\o_\s‘ iitil L'ltls l‘iskcll‘tll sCContl t'ttuttil tiltilc'lt. l Johnson said llttll \\liIlC Haney‘s re Hots ‘ l‘l‘ ‘ll‘all «game etines Will he plt\ed llllI\ [0 at tln ”1 ”WWJIH l “““ld lia\e J “‘“ls‘h age is a detriment. it won't t . \li. t\‘ l i‘l !\‘\“\\\‘l“‘lll lt.t“tltsl"i‘li- (\‘llsL'lllli lllk' \t‘ss'Cl lllliC l‘l” KCH‘ ltd”) hL'll‘cd lliL‘ I necessarih PI’LWL'lll lill“ liI'UHl hetng v. i said t’otzstaiiee 'aiae “Ill be l'\'L~ tiieetishoio Wk"... hl-H‘m‘ ‘illtl “HV 144““ ”1" ‘l i drafted tiC\l )ear. With a good ll ‘ l ‘ H": ll \ll““l “'l l‘llv‘ H senior season. Hai\e_\ could eonsinee seouts he‘s capable ol’ “[Slawter] told me he progressing qtiiekl} was going to get a "You nesei know. there's seseral ways it could go." Johnson said, Hometown caddy because after “The kid eould hase a hiret _\e.ii and (TJer :2 r_43 1"‘4 6-5 Concord the morning match, someone could take ti chance on L C flicit'WSOi‘fiE. ) 6-4 Reidsville he didn’t feel like him. That‘s kind oi what we did 6-6 Camilla, Go. this year.” lugging his bag again. HarseIs said he plans to spend the ‘JI‘:_.~ll‘.ttt‘. Lvtvsset 6-7 Fcirmont I told him I'd do it.” remainder of the summer relaxing S‘e . Norton (‘iCt‘n 70 Asheville and playing izoll This is the first \.ll‘llll‘i iii W‘L‘. he did not aualil) Kelly Mitehum. summer Hane} had not pl.iI\ed antlei l‘ioposition ~15 to pla} the organi/ed basehall siiiee alter his Recruits ‘iest ‘A .l\\‘il Rather than sit out. Former NC. State seventh-grade Isetir, Haney was a l’iiikitis decided to pla) tot ('liipola Uolter member ol~ Team l'SA last lllllli‘l College ilt \laiiianna. iii. summer. l1 1' .issiszss .,I II t'l‘ittllitls.xlil‘i all;...iItIIIliItIII.iIIsI::.iI::IlIl..‘. IlTIIIJIIIptIiInitIIi Int: tot olads iw ' HtiNiriiMoi‘ms/Fiii ..IIltImIll be nice ttItIIhIaveIaIstiptiiier ‘ ' ‘ ““7“ "“‘ "‘""“‘ «iriii totssaid ‘ ’\ “1‘4“!“ “'1 ”W l’mFl‘UN NC. State junior Mark Slawter blasted through two qualifying ”l" IH‘V‘I‘F “‘l‘l . 'IL‘F‘J‘II “In“ l x‘ * “ .3 i. iatikeii' 5 ”Mas theM ””‘ll‘lth twieednut tisol’iiikinstitlttrtc‘slo to”INthetoiii\ttllcgamesknee ehoose"““r‘c‘his““‘lmmclubs onl‘C'l‘Cdhis drises5'3“”and rounds and six match-ploy opponents at the North South. should‘“ W“ l”reallIs”‘L‘help.“WNW“ '“ Fm”- l‘ it i II l i’"'iIiI.IIsItIi" lll\oal‘.”if:tIIiI~Ii:‘IiIiI\aIrI‘.I.IiIiItIlI“m“ M \._'tlilast seasonols thatandhad\sallCLlbeen ollicertiitIinIi.‘all the \IIlI“if“IlIiItI-IIIinIo:lIIlItIiiiIiIIIiIiItit“.IiI\liI\ItIIIlIIlIttlpILIIIIthe greens on h" PM“ . _. Harrisburg.Sltisster \shippedl’enn.I.RobertI4 andMurra)3 i.”ol'a linalslirst pl;i_\oll' hole to adsaiiee to the seseralWith lheinjuries.”mu includingoll to helpa groinheal l‘ i llltil‘." hi it i l‘_'\ Wm ”All“ [Ur l I‘m 5mg ’md Ni keel thy “‘hulc time, Amt lie “as third-round tttttIth firm“? ”‘I‘I‘FF‘W- “I “as planning to watch the last pull sullered near the end ol the e “l": I JIM” mm! H1 ”Emma, “ R‘HllI "3‘3“?” lh‘I‘lu‘lrIE‘lmIl‘lIl“ less holes oi the linal. but by l baseball season. HterC) said he I ii I II I I t I'I\I l’t'ilsli‘s \\|lIl gist. Li\ tlepthI Root birdied the first mo holes III gliiisii-i‘lrlltriiiiii hur‘i‘iiili13:i)\:‘iilLill' missed aliiioIst all ol it because \peets to be health} when lootball . .I iI l.Iii. I.,I m Mutei'i““"”“‘”“till”"lgood”C tehotindiiig1‘ an ”NM ltut Slauier [on shotsI down, IRool' Rock}‘ i, kMount.:kandJ.‘ ‘ Mmhm“Mark closedsaidlseinp”lhatout“I“so qiiiekl).ei‘eat to praetiee. opens. in August.. tlt ft "s “Imp then missed .i slioit putt on the lilth ..1 he :4“) | plaI\ed in the \CL. hack to»haek \sins IICI NC, ”I In looking lorxsard to H. 1 . im s»‘1' “thrill“. s {rind i<\“'l“”Iciwumn“”3113”,dun”:Whh “1,“.wal“‘””‘ ‘lml .lull:i, {31:2\rilnlxlllirc« f ‘:I gnen him J been\c'llillnfil?‘a liicnd(ii‘egol iiiine[.."lrnlmrdl'tor the pasthas Stale. I‘m real proudol‘hiiiif‘. . , satd.shouldIbIe\ ourc‘l‘Il.‘can II“1 won}21“: Hill“)about it ‘ it :ln tl \sheiille Hiehifiehool. He as Slanter rallied \iith hirdies‘on the fiw Iseai's." Slauter “mi “In tact. SlautIer liIl‘an‘ :‘I‘ trill-milm-lll Ith‘lI injuries \\ hen Isou're playing lFrida) niehtl. Ellllrl‘r I“ 2““ “\I ‘IIlr‘H‘IIL‘ l'u‘ football, that‘s in} philtisoph) You . l‘ 7- ‘is” . lthlille’tlas? \\to”Iplas..\llr\'tariii the NorthlialllCCarolinathat euaaneed“MI“ and l hiidies“ll l“‘l“_‘li'lIlll“se\eialW”holes”‘9” Hehe sta)“1deed \sithaboutmeIntul‘e plaIHnu ot issltr. . . . i tinia} unfit . oi jUst go out there and pla). ll Isoit season NW” Slasstei Lillmi‘lul will A one- Ci'Vh other. “C laughed ”hm” ” [ht Monroe MIMIC“! and lit with \sorrs about getting hit. that's \sheti \‘ “.e \‘Imlm “I“ also a teaitiiiiate oi shot lead heading iiiio the l th then hm he t‘eall) pl‘aIsed great." to pla) lIll numerous other amatLur you iiel'hurt." i‘ l ‘ lic'l‘i,‘.till|ll\ \l ,mms anNW,”the Charlotte“I” WWII”Ro\.ils enoiieiil’ars onto keepthe lslfl.‘slauieil““Il“‘lC‘s lllli' -1\‘l‘s‘\“CW hI\ shot l'romheadingBtiiesinto(‘reek.I|edthe liiial munldlmnh"With this ssin,. Mark heeoines i Him“) “lid he ”llUrIll'Hl. . .. l‘I‘TFl‘dll, , nit-i the it, MIN evinpeiitton “if Woll’paek Jll‘s‘ .. I hole btit missed the green \\|lll his nationally ieeogni/able name. s‘t‘ils‘ll Rd} Tanner 0‘ ll" *lul‘l‘m t t s mu Lama iodd l-‘allei ,hh NIH.” “W e l‘t‘ll't played great. \lasster approath. ehipped long and missed .\ ( State golt eoaeh Rteliard but had not spoken \sI‘ith lootball . ~ s s a \W i)“ ”1.,” l N hm,“ said “i couldn't out to pla) a such looter l'oi par Slauter tied Sskcs said "Winning: the North d; coach .\11ke()’Cain Neither eoaeh .~ R i i :t I i.i::e.i liiisset. “hp astuieeil again ” the match \sith a lolll'rltti‘l pat putt South is like “inning a (liand Slam could he reached tor eoiittiient '\ VIM“ and i. .i ”imlmd; l,\eii \sithotit .\litehum eaddIsing. and then hit a l5 loot birdie on the e\ei:t ” Monda). i if -, '.lli\ Lit‘llltllllllih ‘~ -- u.:m:gs:wa--IH “”‘Wm..-- -...... _...__.,. .-..W ... .. dummymans.a ., , i r; it .ie::e Ii' .. .. tee-\ttl and the ‘ W“ “mm“‘m‘w'"‘M“"“‘““‘""""‘-'“°‘"‘ ... ,-;.,.-. t' \l l‘ . ' ll “ lskw'toii \\ \ltelllll‘litllsllll) last (' . t “ \‘ season tiiisset oil! iedsliiit this "‘ F W" season and ll.t\ e tsso seats ’ II .I it it s.- .. ‘ti\ll ts eligihilit} ieiiiaining \slieii he ifLOOk we:IrIe fllllng space“ I l '.i ‘f’ 'litltl \Itile. lieoigia .iitil [\‘A‘lll-‘PIJF iii 1995, FE E \ ' ‘t' ‘ " s- .msset a ill prat lltC \sith the teain . .mi-‘I-IV‘witwrr.-n.I-' a; t . '.s I. s ’.;l‘ w ‘ ~ .....--.-...-.._.._._...... ~_, ”H """"D“‘— ""’“" ““"’""‘""“"“"“"' ”w,"I,“I L1,,“ "I on . s~.. '


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Wanted. (‘lean people for "fowl" place. l N I“ R .»\ l 0 V -\ l. l'fllhufillhllf salespeopk to Atti'h .it LOVERS... ll \ou are looking to rent some ll \tlll Aalil i tell that .‘l \eedatutor’ Want to help someone Pay is not chicken .p ‘<- F‘ll’l U‘ “F‘T “.04 Up to can or kiosk in North Mills “all or I RH \\ l'Rt)(iRl-SSI\'E. «VD properis to the true tiiisiand i‘i' s-iinenne sshai wt. i'JI 'l 'z‘ll eisc who needs it’ I'si hnit tun scratch and 33 M 54 n 'u. "we can roumt‘enm titt'iftg August \l tries \ i in HIRING people at Next look m- tiirthe' 'tietri ii. . :w Mantra-at ...n help (all sis 202» “0 s’t’s‘k‘dflumls‘ -:"al 'Il t 7;!lis" ir‘todd tall The Globetrotter 7315450 to l\t\ll‘l)l \ T'H \ l‘l'i L AND t'ail In 'Ulii am misi'uili at ‘ l ‘ "s‘l'vst's’t‘i " i" .1 "‘ silo! ‘ "' l‘ H. helm-en ‘I ill a m and ‘ ”UP in hours. i I i t 7am m «M \ hurts: Hans arrange intersieu lipe.‘ ez‘ l'XRl HUI" l’tls’ll IUNS TU 3H1”lu-tueeii‘tltitaiii anti i it“ 5“ F, "I. graduate student weks “ASH-I) NOW: Prnate l'utor For glm‘ £10an i I (sh k t e ‘3‘! 'r-ol't and “ward 'ietplul. but not required !i\ ll \ ltl \ll \‘lt \\ Hll l‘ r; in 5‘1 tot llll'lt lsll‘l' p tssll‘ll‘ l l l tram Sli tltl’SCssion lh‘ . ( K 5 A " "it "Rush 'tx Dri\er t'er‘ded divine first and t \R\I\t} $6.00 PER HOI R. 4 bedroom ‘\ lialhs iieu eaipei i‘.‘ia1i ‘i’l‘l'tl‘ ll 2: st“: .» ‘."l‘.L‘ H‘o 't\\ H“? Natural r 7" W‘s ‘ H" ‘ l "“N ‘4’ till-let's seeond summer session finals M i -\ll RUN ‘sl ‘II‘J HWr-llhl \eai ct \s‘l ol -\\flllul!lr .m-l ‘ClAt' -\t lliilliUl .. . :l‘lltti st-i‘t EXPERIENCED Tl TORS taniiliar in ('atneron Vllldtlt‘. ‘-V ' l f "s' 'ili‘rttmlti'tt .all this: sltltlt"l€s .siifi\ iiLit s it \l \l.\ l'l‘.‘:\.\('l€ PERSON nnmrdlalely. ss. sissi aid the ssotld ltt\t“- Yolk illlh‘e and wsah C‘atti lonnats ('hcap ram PY A k D . g , i at -. f . . t is .- tow msa tit Mime-a ms (.....d \liltl ll l-(iR s \sisr RALHUH out: outdosr smarts W vultl no it. Hi. Pt :«is. t’t‘ :iix. PY :ii. PY 5 l” “"‘1‘ try in \l \sls \ ~l\1\ll-iR drhing Is tn P\1Plt>\\”\l la" "SVN'H' final tun:-murd.ins in;duals :t:s.r‘z's-4 his .i..s\o tilsi'skt‘wt ti\s‘tll\”l'r.i‘ li'i.lllll.‘.l transmissmr; tron-e Work hours are Saturday it to the ‘tllk‘k' Hunter ‘ Found ads p in \tiiiimrr Resort Jobs lafit i. i all 4"" ""‘ Io tit) am i no p in and \‘undas runIn: in Technician. (‘Jll its interested in Spiritual l-ellwssshipand is! 'wa in» t in li-tat‘ons “'Brehlmwmun to work Jr hours too J on p m Positions are tor both loll! between it on a in and s on Hiblnal lea~ h ne‘ l’llptllll i“ l‘ i s i l' 14 H k" 7‘” ‘l H P'eteranls in afternoon d.i\s totaling [0 hours per weekend. p in There is a charge for running l‘resbilrrlan ( hutsh inn-Unit at the \' \iasia "-rss titular it. \‘tttJ-d has:- '"t and tmrat working “INJURY!“ tor college lost ads. however. i W t‘ »\ llllj tltsrrh-i Road in \ii ’tl ‘ezaii‘s ai' W“ ‘l "‘Wi should "C in e H1 hcal'h list” ‘77 students N'o selling e\periericc Worship lor more inlormation tall - ’r‘-"t ’Wl'l riecc‘ssars but must he enthusiasm. Pastor Roskamp 7‘1 07‘" 1'1? or t Kl IN} ‘sHII’\ \(H‘ illRl\t; Pv‘er-HME FILING AND DATA mature and have some daunting N’erd a roommate‘ Need a room ' 7X7 til H tot , s; our. in -r"i a ‘tpt Hg EN TRY POSITION. Sh Iii) Pt:R quite starting leJrIV between $6.00- Seek and se shall find in Ti‘elinii nm »e s‘n 5‘s t-l la ti 1 ‘J’ Hill R ‘ltlJ Htil RS PER DAY $8.00 per hour. Cull: l~d (iole. (trim/teas t'ali ‘1‘ 302‘) between our», u,.;u "-\iirl_i 'V.i\rl llJ'd-Jl. 40‘ mm Gnlc'sCls‘ualFurniture,lf‘i HIV ‘Jlliattl and‘otlpin . . I I xi w l'lt‘ | H ilvbear en t \laturc attractor. physically fit yam help “MEL $6 it; per hour WANI‘ED; Roommate ’flls {tile} 2’ ll‘l‘dv‘ smutm- anti i-iiii t'tt.:‘ r-iiipin-am-ni tenulc dppllt‘ant‘ needed to work in Cal! Ts: rib-toor7R7 5%! $313 oo'munih . l‘l untiiies dorm: Of {,1‘; V.» :‘xperrz'nte necessarst adult entertuinment field. immediate opening t'all Scott 23} ;Ilalttt' (all i :06 Transportation it must. Please call Him/message ' till/[y VJ 't’ii i‘iire illli V'TY‘tlil'W‘l ‘ilvrlfitHfl‘l'i Female roommate wanted to share ,im at: t'< HI bedroom townhouse in North if) "VT" Raleigh SIJSUtl/nionth l/l utilities \lust love dogs. 872-2890