Portland Daily Press: March 24,1870
^ PO: LTLAND ~ Established Jane ‘id, 1S62. lot, 8. ~ PORTLAND. THURSDAY MORNING. MAROR 9.4. 1R”7r> _ jLcr/HH uit per annum, in aavance. The Portland Daily Press __MISCELLANEOUS. •M ISCELLAJiEOCS. Is every day (Sundays excepted) b> INSURANCE. published _ die of the the daily press song hooks and a Louisians lottery Portland Publishing Co., A-. DAILY PRESS. ticket. Disgusted with his ill luck, he imme- ROTOn>y & CO. Statement" diately sold the lot to an old daikey standing At 109 Exchange Street, Portland. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. near, who carried it to bis a EETAIL DEALERS IN OF IDE PORTLAND. employer, large a Holyoke corn Terms:—Eight Dollars Year in advance BOOTS OF factor, tor investigation. The payment BURT’S of the $li',0C0 over the courter Is a result of We invite the attention of both and that a Tlie Maine State AND HI. F. Insurance Co. City Thursday Moraine;, March 1870. investigation, and makes fitting moral Press Boots, Shoes and 24, to the Rubbers readers to story.” MASS. Country the following list of Port- Is Thursday OTHER CELEBRATED MANUFACTURE SALEM, guardian published every Morning a land Americnnvln Pari*.—1 Pacini BcTolation $2.50 a year; if paid in at i BUSINESS which arc Brceal Publication. advance, 82.00 Statement at the Con lition of o HOUSES, among on said Company » Fire and in l'rog>e»«. year. Opposite ST. JULIAN, Constantly hand. Marine Ins. Go,, is as it _ the most The Atlantic for April better, seems tha 1st day of January, 1870. reliable establishments in the City. Before the American in Office, Na.
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