Hiding Information in a Stream Control Transmission Protocol Wojciech Fr ączek 1, Wojciech Mazurczyk 1, Krzysztof Szczypiorski 1 1Institute of Telecommunications, Warsaw University of Technology Warsaw, Poland Email:
[email protected],{wmazurczyk, ksz}@tele.pw.edu.pl Abstract — The STCP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) marginalised for a few years [20]; however, now not only is a candidate for a new transport layer protocol that may security staff but also business and consulting firms are replace the TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and the UDP becoming continuously aware of the potential dangers and (User Datagram Protocol) protocols in future IP networks. possibilities it creates [10]. Currently, the SCTP is implemented in, or can be added to, Knowledge of the information hiding procedure is many popular operating systems (Windows, BSD, Linux, HP- helpful to develop countermeasures. Therefore, it is UX or Sun Solaris). This paper identifies and presents all important to identify potential, previously unknown possible “places” where hidden information can be exchanged possibilities for covert communication. Such identification is using an SCTP. The paper focuses mostly on proposing new especially important when new network protocols are steganographic methods that can be applied to an SCTP and forecasted to be widely deployed in future networks. For that can utilise new, characteristic SCTP features, such as multi-homing and multi-streaming. Moreover, for each example, detailed analyses of information hiding methods in method, the countermeasure is covered. When used with the IPv6 protocol header were presented by Lucena et al. [9]. malicious intent, a method may pose a threat to network In the present paper, we perform similar analyses, except for security.