All Saints’ Cathedral, Nairobi


The All Saints’ Cathedral Trinity Centre o ers modern and well furnished meeting rooms, an CellCell GroupsGroups auditorium, a restaurant/cafeteria and serene grounds all within a pristine Christian environment.

We have meeting rooms that are ideal for fundraisers, training/seminars, individual graduation receptions, cocktails, dinners and parties. While the auditorium which has a sitting capacity of ININ THISTHIS ISSUEISSUE 1800 is ideal for international and local conferences, wedding services/receptions, concerts/plays, AGMs, graduation ceremonies and dinners. Additionally, the auditorium is tted CellCell Groups:Groups: AA placeplace toto belongbelong andand partnerpartner with translation booths and state of the art audio-visual equipment. VisitVisit toto MjiMji wawa HurumaHuruma Contact us for more information/booking on The Counselling Ministry 0728-217715 or Email: [email protected] The Counselling Ministry ANGLICAN OF KENYA ALL SAINTS’ CATHEDRAL P.O Box 40539 – 00100 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: 0732 600466 • 0702 645069 • 020 8004679 Pastoral Care & Counselling: 0705 318 392 E-mail: [email protected] Visit our website:


Provost/Vicar Pastoral Care and Sacraments 1 Pastoral letter from the Provost's Desk The Very Rev. Canon Sammy Wainaina Rev. Josephine Ngahu – Pillar Minister By The Very Rev. Canon Sammy Wainaina Mrs. Dorsila Kassums – Executive Assistant Rev. Joseph Kamau – Sacraments Minister Rev. Philip Owuor – Hospital Visitations Minister 6 News & Notices

Assistant Provost/Worship Pillar 7 Cell Groups: A place to belong and partner By Cledwyn Mamai Rev. Evans Omollo – Pillar Minister Evangelism & Outreach Pillar Mr. Atigala Luvai – Director of Music Rev. James Kimari – Pillar Minister Mr. Jandson Njoroge – Senior Verger 9 The Parables: The Net Mrs. Louise Githire – SOM/UDP Mr. Moses Odumbe – Assistant Director of Music By Kuria Murimi – 11 years Coordinator 10 Maundy Thursday Cathedral Administrator By Peter Kamau Mr. George Maina Youth & Young Adults Rev. Alfred Apela 17 Change Management At All Saints’ Cathedral Finance Manager Miss Esther Wagaturi – – Part 4: Clergy Care Moses Waweru Youth Ministry Coordinator By Dr. Julius Oladipo

20 Cell Group Leaders Visit to Mji wa Huruma Education & Discipleship Teens & Con rmation Home for The Elderly Rev. Lillian Karinga – Pillar Minister Rev. Kevin Kamotho By Joab Radak Rev. Mithali Ongachi – Children & Baptism Minister Mr. Grey Ngugi – Capt. Alice Kariuki – Women’s Ministry Coordinator Teens Ministry Coordinator 25 Cell Groups: Where you belong Mrs. Mercy Eunyalata – Children’s Coordinator By Prof. Dankit Nassiuma Miss Dorcas Ouma - Intern 28 The Counselling Ministry By Orukoh Collins

30 All Saints’ Cathedral School Annual Thanks Giving Ceremony By Francis Ndung’u ~ Deputy Principal

32 Crocheting: Therapeutic and addictive. Part II By Edith Kinuthia

33 Food Art: Tantalizing Chicken Masala By Beth Ndung’u Ngugi A Pastoral letter to all the Members of All Saints’ Cathedral from the Provost

By The Very Rev. Canon Sammy Wainaina

Dear members,

oday I have deviated from the sin yet and no disobedience; man is in Tnormal Provost’s desk to writing perfect intimacy with God. And yet, God you a personal pastoral letter. The declares that man is alone and that it is apostle Paul often wrote pastoral not good. Dr. Gilbert Bilezikian points letters (Epistles) to churches he served out: to encourage them and to address doctrinal issues affecting the churches “Community is deeply grounded in then. God is calling the Cathedral the nature of God. It flows from who back to the basics in matters of cell God is. Because he is community, he groups. For the Cathedral to grow and creates community. It is his gift of experience revival, the next big move is himself to humans. Therefore, the to create small communities where we making of community may not be regarded as an optional decision can partner, belong, connect and be for Christians. It is a compelling committed. and irrevocable necessity, a binding Biblical basis divine mandate for all believers at all times.” God himself is in a community of three persons in one—the Father, Son, When Jesus’ ministry began, he called and Holy Spirit—who exist in perfect 12 disciples to be his primary relational unity. So it is not surprising that from and ministry community. Did Jesus the beginning, God created us to be in need this diverse team to help him? community with one another. Genesis Not really. But Jesus chose to love 2:18 states: «It is not good for man to be them, teach them, and pour himself alone.» This passage is often used in the into relationships with them, thereby context of marriage, but it also speaks to creating the first “cell group.” our fundamental need to connect with others in the human community. What The apostles continued Jesus’ model is striking about this statement is that and formed a community of believers God makes it before the Fall. There’s no who loved God and loved one another.

News & Views May 2017 ◆ 1 Despite incredible persecution Other events marked the departure and against all odds, this rag tag from a focus on small groups (or care group of Jesus-followers launched cells) meeting in homes to a focus on small communities (ie church) that holy buildings. Believers made a shift proclaimed and changed from forming a sharing community the world forever. to attending large impersonal gatherings. Leadership no longer Hebrew 10:23-25 emerged from those with spiritual “Let us hold tightly without wavering gifting, but became hierarchical, to the hope we affirm, for God can be with positions being sought after and trusted to keep his promise. 24 Let us titles passed down. think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. 25 And In the early cells, gifted laypersons let us not neglect our meeting together, (both men and women) formed the as some people do, but encourage one leadership. In the fourth century the another, especially now that the day of focus moved to trained clergy (“holy his return is drawing near.” men”) who served the people from a distance. To further isolate believers, Why cell groups? even the Scriptures were no longer One perplexed pastor asked: “If cell available to the ordinary Christian. The groups worked in the first-century Dark Ages took its toll on the life of the church. Why not now?” We must literally church. rethink what the church should be and History also shows us that God was still ask ourselves what kind of a church working. In the 16th century, Martin Jesus envisioned when He said, “I will Luther began what some refer to as build my church?” Was the meeting in the Reformation of Theology. Then, the homes just a “necessity” for the early second reformation took place with church, or was it a divine strategy? and his contemporaries History shows us it was only after in the 1700s and was called, by some, Emperor Constantine ended the the Reformation of Spirituality. In the persecution of the church and began 20th century we began experiencing to build church buildings in AD 323 what can be called a third reformation-- that the church began its decline. Are Reformation of Structures. buildings bad? No, that’s not the point. John Wesley actually was getting But this was a major shift for the church back to first-century principles when in several areas. he started small groups and began training and releasing lay preachers. As

2 ◆ News & Views May 2017 time went on, however, the small-group Ø Second, the Acts cell groups concept declined in as well. were not only prayer groups. The early church was known for its Then the restoration of the fivefold fervent, effective prayer, but to ministries in the Pentecostal and label the groups “prayer cells” charismatic movements of the 20th would definitely be too narrow. century began to enable the church to Yet, did they pray in the care cells? again be empowered as she was in the Definitely. first century. God used Dr. David Yonggi Ø Third, there was much more than Cho to bring an awakening concerning mere fellowship going on in the the importance of cells to churches cell groups in Acts. A deep bonding worldwide. Structures began to change. of relationships took place and The “priesthood of the believer” true community was developed. became more than a principle given lip Members experienced a sense of service, as churches began a journey belonging and manifested caring back to small groups meeting in homes. and sharing in tangible ways. We must make the transition from a Real pastoral care was extended program-based church to a cell-based to everyone. Accountability was church. Back to the Acts model; in there; support and community life looking at the small-group pattern were real and valued. in Acts 2, we find certain obvious Cells must be the basic unit (building characteristics. block) of the church. Everything-- Ø First, while they did devote and I mean everything--flows in and themselves to the apostles’ through the cells in the local church. teaching, there was more to what Through these cells relationships are we have come to term cell groups built, evangelism takes place, new than just study. If you want Christians are nurtured, pastoral your cell groups to impact and care is given and new leaders are transform your community, they developed. cannot be primarily Bible study Cells must remain focused on their groups. Bible study will attract primary objectives: mostly Christians. The very name will discourage non-Christians (1) Evangelism and nurture: Each from coming. In fact, we prefer to cell group is to grow annually by an call such persons “pre-believers.” average of just two people. This is a Being called a pre-believer is not very manageable goal, and it produces as excluding as being called a non- amazing growth. William Temple Christian.

News & Views May 2017 ◆ 3 remarked, “The Church is the only and to help live out the reality of the organization that does not exist for Christian life on a day-to-day basis. itself, but those who live outside it”. The scripture, Church history and our own experience have taught us that (2) Pastoral care: they are the primary small groups are the most effective pastoral caregivers of the church. Every model for a dynamic church body, cell leadership team is trained in the which consistently administers the love skills necessary to fulfill this ministry. and grace of God. This interpersonal (3) Leadership development: through relationship model was the basis for relational discipleship. Jesus invested vibrant Christian life and growth in most of His time with the 12 disciples. the Church (see Acts He was not distracted from His task of 2:42-47). For this reason, cell groups making disciples, even though speaking will be the primary relational cell for to the adoring crowds seemed much connection to the church body here at more glamorous. These disciples were All Saints’ Cathedral. Please plug into a on a three-year internship with Him. cell group and grow into a community. They received on-the-job training. They were taught both by instruction and by Please register yourselves at the modeling. Information Tent on Sundays to join a cell group. If you cannot identify In conclusion, a cell group as a place your cell group area, please contact to connect is a small group of people the Zone leaders or clergy in charge within the church who meet regularly for assistance. to establish a sense of community

ALL SAINTS’ CATHEDRAL CELL GROUP LEADERS’ CONTACTS Name Cell group Email Telephone 1 Rev. Josephine Ngahu Clergy [email protected] 0722-449670 2 Rev. Joseph Kamau Minister [email protected] 0713-974905 Zone A: Ngong Rd/Waiyaki Way 3 Florence Khasakhala Zone Coordinator [email protected] 0727-934335 4 Lizzie Musyimi Kilimani I [email protected] 0722-746222 5 Jane Ngeta - Chairlady Kilimani II [email protected] 0722-743416 6 Marion Irungu Kileleshwa [email protected] 0722-568438 7 Esther Odhiambo Ngong Road [email protected] 0722-529854 8 BetiMaina Ngong’Rd [email protected] 0722-943579

4 ◆ News & Views May 2017 9 Nellie Kahuri Uthiru [email protected] 0724-993969 10 Emily Ambia Ngong [email protected] 11 Edith Andere Valley Arcade 0722-978219 12 Mercy Gachoya Lavington 0722526900 13 John Gitonga Karen [email protected] 14 Edward Ochieng Mamlaka [email protected] 0723-900956 15 Samson Dere Mamlaka 0725-225303 Zone B: Thika Rd /Waiyaki Way 16 Capt. Janice Maina Zone Coordinator [email protected] 0723-362934 17 Anne Njogu Ruiru 18 Patience Nyaoga Loresho [email protected] 19 Eunice C. Kung’u Pangani [email protected] 0719-892123 20 AnneOpondo Pangani [email protected] 0722-293095 21 Virginia Manyeki Westlands 0722-476096 22 Anne Ndirangu Ruaka [email protected] 0722-800037 23 Elizabeth Waruguru Kasarani [email protected] 0720-742729 24 Elizabeth Nganga Fourways [email protected] 0722-832300 25 Capt. Josephine Chege KahawaSukari 0722 192734 26 Regina Ngiria Ngara [email protected] 0721-906711 27 Josephine Imaya Ngara [email protected] 0727-514103 Zone D: Mombasa Rd/Ngong Rd 28 Peter Adongo Zone Coordinator [email protected] 29 Jane Koigi – Secretary Highrise [email protected] 0722-809197 30 Dr. Willis G. Mayabi South C [email protected] 0722-772278 31 Alice Olawo Langáta [email protected] 0718-781490 32 Esther Aduma Woodley [email protected] 0722-759088 33 Walter Omoke Satellite [email protected] 0722-658031 34 Capt. Alice Okeyo Golf Course [email protected] 0721-542669 35 Betty Omollo Nairobi West I [email protected] 0722-714857 36 BeulaHephziba Nairobi West II 37 William Eshikaty Rongai [email protected] 0722-631555 38 Wakaba Margaret Kibera 39 Eva Mdachi Jamhuri [email protected] 0722-564140

News & Views May 2017 ◆ 5 NEWS & NOTICES

Widows’ workshop - there will be a Widows’ workshop on 10th June 2017 from 9am to 4pm kindly register at the information tent.

Mothers’ Union Educational Day - Mothers union will hold a-one day educational seminar on 17th June 2017 kindly register at the information tent.

Fun Day – The Cathedral’s annual Fun Day will be held on Thursday 1st June 2017 at All Saints Cathedral Primary School, Madaraka. All are welcome!

Couples’ Special Weekend Away – This event was rescheduled to 17th and 18th June 2017 at Pelican Hotel, Elementaita. The cost is Kshs. 12,500= per couple payable via the Cathedral Paybill 303036, account name: ‘Special Weekend’. Please register at the Information Tent (on Sundays) or via the Cathedral website

Pre-marital Counselling Classes – those who intend to marry are encouraged to join these classes which began on Friday 12th May 2017 at 5.30pm. Classes are ongoing on Fridays at 5.30pm. Please register at the Information Ten.

Centenary Mass Weddings – Couples whose marriages have not been blessed in church are requested to register themselves by completing a form at the Information Tent on Sundays. The ceremony for these couples is slated for 19th August 2017.

Men’s Mentorship Program – The Cathedral is calling upon men who are , 35 years and above to pioneer a Cathedral Men’s Mentorship program for young men ages 25 to 34. Please sign up at the Information Tent on Sundays.

6 ◆ News & Views May 2017 CELL GROUPS: A place to belong and partner

By Cledwyn Mamai

n Hebrews 10:25-25, the Bible tells congregation to handle. By coming Ius to, “…consider how to stimulate together in small groups, an individual one another to love and good deeds, will be able to share his/her spiritual not forsaking our own assembling needs with fellow believers and have together, as is the habit of some, but them addressed. This can be as simple encouraging one another and all as a word of encouragement as Proverbs the more as you see the day drawing 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so near.” Indeed all through Scripture, we one man sharpens the countenance of are reminded about the importance of his brother.” fellowship among believers. The book of Acts best illustrates how fellowship As human beings, we often overlook the among the early believers played a big power of a shared meal. In Acts 2:46, we role in the growth of the early church. As are told that in addition to teaching and Christians, we are called to fellowship fellowship, the early Christians “broke not just in houses of worship but also in bread in their homes and ate together small groups. A church should be large with glad and sincere hearts.” A shared enough to celebrate while remaining meal has an unexplained bond that small enough to care. brings people together. While this is, and should never be, the main reason The main thing that brought the for believers to gather together, sharing believers together in the early church a meal ensures that at the end of the was worship. Over the years, the fellowship, no one goes home with church grew in numbers and more an empty stomach. When Christians concentrated around churches. This gather in church on Sunday, everyone growth has meant that mainstream comes from their homes and meet worship happens on a set day of the in church meaning that it is possible week and so individual spiritual needs for one to have gone without food might not be met as a pastor has a large for a long period and put on a happy

News & Views May 2017 ◆ 7 demeanor on Sunday belying a myriad passion, priority, and trust. We cannot of problems. go out into the world and work at our jobs and deal with family and keep In addition to sharing a meal, meeting our passion for God at the same time in small groups ensures that those without help. And we cannot listen to having other needs apart from food the news and the politicians and worry can be assisted. about bills while In any society, “We need to see the naturally keeping there always exist example of others our trust in God. disparities in the We need to see the economic status and receive their encouragement. And example of others of members with and receive their some struggling we need others who encouragement. to meet their know us who can And we need others financial needs. In who know us who the same societies, remind us how God has taken care of our needs can remind us how there might be God has taken care those who are in the past. A small of our needs in the well off. Through group can provide all past. A small group the interactions in of this in a way a large can provide all of the small groups, congregation can’t.” this in a way a large those in need congregation can’t. can seek and find assistance. God knows we are In the current competitive job fragile creatures who need constant market, these interactions can be reminders of what we are supposed to avenues of networking that can help do. A small group is a key tool to help one get a job or even a business with this. Regularly meeting with a opportunity through referrals. committed group of believers allows us As Jesus was praying for the disciples to reinforce the core of what we believe and other believers before He was so we can live it out, learn more about crucified, Jesus prayed for their unity as God, and maintain the strength to serve He knew that it was only through being others. Churches shouldn’t just have one that they would be able to stand small groups to gather more people or against the wiles of the evil one. In order follow the next big trend. They should for us to exercise His teachings we need have small groups because they are the the support of others. To love God with best way to make and develop disciples all our heart and soul is to love Him with of Christ.

8 ◆ News & Views May 2017 The Parables The Net By Kuria Murimi – 11 years

ast month we focused on the parable Lof the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl. Its meaning is very simple. True Christians once they discover Jesus good fish in baskets but threw the bad Christ, give up all they have to follow away. This is how it will be at the end Him. A good example is Jesus’ disciples. of age.

The Net ~ Matthew 13:47-52 The angels will come and separate the The kingdom of heaven is like a net that wicked from the righteous and throw was let down into the lake and caught them into the fiery furnace where there all kinds of fish. When it was full, the will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. fishermen pulled it up on the shore. Then they sat down and collected the Are you the good fish or the bad fish?

News & Views May 2017 ◆ 9 MAUNDY THURSDAY

By Peter. K

esus gathered with his disciples and Agape meal: During the early days of Jfriends to share the Passover. It was the apostles a Christians’ meeting was an intimate group who (we assume) centered around a meal, That’s right- met every Passover to share the meal a meal! This is the agape meal. Long that Jews had shared every year since after the death of the apostles, the pre- the exodus from Egypt. On Maundy Nicene Church continued to practice the Thursday we also enter into the same agape or love feast. Yet, within a century relationship, trusting God to walk with or so after Constantine’s conversion, us and be with us in life as it continues. this important part of apostolic worship totally disappeared, not anymore! After Foot washing: It was the custom for the beautiful service at the Cathedral we a servant to wash the feet of guests all gathered at the Trinity Auditiorium at a meal. Jesus turned that concept and shared an agape meal consisting of on its head, because as the host he soup and bread. became the servant to his beloved friends. On Maundy Thursday 13th The night was exceptional, filled with April 2017 at 6pm our clergy led by His warmth and hope as beautiful music Grace the Archbishop Jackson Ole Sapit engulfed the air while the congregants emulated Jesus example by washing shared the love of Christ and received the congregant’s feet during this service. equal measure in return.

10 ◆ News & Views May 2017 The Service

The Archbishop delivers the Homily The Utensils for the feet washing ceremony

The Covenant Choir all elegant lit the night with their beautiful voices echoing through the cathedral walls

News & Views May 2017 ◆ 11 The Cathedral’s Director of Music Atigala Luvai (left) on the organ and Stephen Mutangili (right) plays the trumpet

Washing of the feet

His Grace washes the feet of a congregant, as another congregant in deep worship awaits her turn.

12 ◆ News & Views May 2017 The Provost attends his warden Mr. Jared Ogutu as the Assistant Provost washes the feet of the Director of Music, Atigala Luvai

Rev. Father Enock Opuka ministers to the British High Commissioner to Kenya Nick Hailey while his daughter looks (left) and to the right Father Opuka ministers to His Grace the Archbishop

News & Views May 2017 ◆ 13 Canon Peter Gachuhi ministers to a congregant (left) while a bare footed Archbishop watches as the service unfolds

The Agape Meal

14 ◆ News & Views May 2017 Everything was set up in readiness for the Agape Meal at the Trinity Auditorium

Congregants streaming in, serving the agape meal and finally Agnes Sabata (Choir member) takes a bite!

Congregants sharing a bowl of soup while; Rev. Francis Awando (Archbishop’s Chaplain) enjoys his meal (right)

News & Views May 2017 ◆ 15 His Grace the Archbishop enjoys his All smiles enjoying the atmosphere! agape meal

The British High Commissioner Nick Hailey (center) and his daughter in conversation with His Grace and the Provost (right - background)

Photography by Peter Kamau


By Dr. Julius Oladipo

y brother, Emmanuel, the firstborn Mof my dad, graduated from university in 1966 and went straight Let’s start on the other side. Pastors’ to serve full-time in the Fellowship of wives have unique needs. The wife of a Christian Students of Northern Nigeria. pastor in the USA wrote, “Ministry can He was topmost in his class, and one of be a lonely place. I wish I had been told his mates on learning about his choice ‘You are in for a lonely life’ and how to of job wrote him a stinker. “What a deal with that.” Another said, “I learned waste!” he exclaimed in the letter. It the hard way that a pastor’s spouse is took the friend over 20 years before he neither clergy nor laity.” A third said, managed to ‘forgive’ Emmanuel for “We have been actively involved in the ‘senseless’ career decision. I here pastoral work for the last 16 years pronounce blessing upon you: “May the and I believe I have met the worst of firstborn of your child (or grandchild) humanity within the church. There be a pastor.” How many are saying are so many of preconceived ideas on ‘amen’ to that prayer? Some most likely who/what a pastor’s wife ought be and are saying, ‘Amen, but, Lord, please, what she ought to do.” Of course, that’s I mean an attached clergy, and that in America, not in Africa, and, certainly is after that child would have got his that does not apply in All Saints. Really? MBA and has settled his family while working in the bank”. Why is vocational It is a universal phenomenon, an ministry, full-time Christian service, not inherent feature of church culture. a top choice career? And, besides her own load, the heat of incessant church politics bears heavily At the Cathedral, the clergy are held in on her mind. How have we been easing high esteem; and so it should be. But the situation for the wives of our (male) are we doing enough on clergy care? pastors? What should we be doing and What more can we do? And are there what should we avoid doing, towards things we should be doing differently discharging our responsibility of care? for greater effectiveness? The same goes about the challenges of

News & Views May 2017 ◆ 17 the pastor’s kid. Does that even come implies that the clergy, who carry the to mind at all? We need to earnestly Bishop’s licence, are in control in the explore these issues more and see parish. But, the Provost, the Vicar of what the Lord desires us to do more as ASC parish, does not have the final say; individual parishioners and as a body. he can hardly overrule in any critical issue. And sometimes that may not be The success of a leader depends exciting. considerably on the inclination of the followership. Scripture enjoins us to Leading an elite megachurch is not a be responsive to the leadership of our simple task. How could we make the pastors so that their work may be a joy work less strenuous for our clergy? In rather than a burden, Hebrews 13:17. the rural parish, the pastor is referred to “How odd of God/ To choose the Jews!”, as ‘our father-in-the-Lord’. Yes, we call said British journalist William Norman him ‘mchungaji’, but how many of us Ewer (1885-1976). The Israelites were see ourselves as his ‘sheep’? Scripture an example of difficult followers. They urges deference and submissiveness gave their successive leaders serious (Hebrews 13:7; 1 Thessalonians 5:12- headache. The Bible described Moses 13). as “a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the In a place like the Cathedral managing earth”, Numbers 12:3. The Israelites calls and appointments with clergy can stretched his patience to breaking be a source of headache for both the point. He said, “The Lord was angry parishioners and clergy, particularly with me because of you” (Deuteronomy the Provost. By the year 2000, the 1:37; 4:21). Unlike that, it is pleasurable membership of ASC had reached a to lead the All Saints members. Ask our notable level. The number of members pastors! At ASC, committee meetings who deserved direct landline calls and are refreshing times for the clergy. One priority appointments had become of the wives of the American pastors too high to enable the Provost have referred to earlier said, “He comes home time to settle to any serious work. drained every time they have those When a new Provost assumed duty meetings”. Not so with us. Constructive in 2002, one of the first things he did criticisms, as and when required, are was to get PCC to establish the post offered in a manner that generates light of Administrative Assistant, with the rather than heat. So it should be, and so role of managing the Provost’s diary. it always is. Isn’t it? He took the decision that all calls meant for the Provost would be routed The Cathedral is a unique Anglican through the AA, such that only calls on church. Anglican is Episcopal, which essential issues got passed over to the

18 ◆ News & Views May 2017 Provost. The ‘reform’ did not go down out for new horizons during annual well with many. At one time, there was a leaves would be quite motivating. move to abolish the AA post. However, the number of positions in the AA post Everyone assumes that other people has been increased progressively. How are visiting the clergy, and as such, the are the AAs managing the diaries of clergy may not get visited. Everyone appointments? And, in these days of assumes that the clergy receive gifts ‘direct call’ mobile phone, how are our from other people in festive seasons, clergy coping with these calls? with the result that they may not receive at all. Individual congregants Obviously, it is a disservice for me to and families are to take own decision to call or go if I am not adding value. serve these servants of God. Incidentally, people who have clues on complex issues rarely go over and wait Remuneration is part of clergy care (I on long queues to offer their insights. Corinthians 9:9-11, 13-14; I Timothy They should. It is part of clergy care 5:17-19). Being often in arrears on to backstop these leaders with ideas clergy’s salaries is a prevalent problem on issues crying for solutions. Also, in denominations all over Africa, the feedback on what is working well Anglican included. Fortunately, ASC cheers up a leader. Scripture says, “How has no problem on money. But there is beautiful are the feet of those who the challenge of how to define equity bring good news!” However, bad news and parity in the pay structure of a is sickening. We are to avoid going with megachurch relative to others in the stories of who said what and whom the same urban diocese. Scripture says Provost should be careful about. that a Christian (a lay person or clergy) who cannot provide for the needs of A key aspect of clergy care is to support his/her family is worse than an infidel them to observe their day-offs and (I Timothy 5:8). That is the bottom-line. leave times. In general their days-off are On top of that, the sitting room that will Saturdays and Mondays. It would be receive the elite congregant must be very helpful to avoid calling on day-offs commensurate. And such a visitor is not and in the evenings, unless in cases of welcomed with uji. Hence, we must also extreme emergencies. We could even support the megachurch pastor to meet do better. Some of the congregants are such additional needs. privileged to have accumulated loyalty mileage benefits as frequent flyers. Along with all these, we have the Sharing some part of such benefits with obligation of praying regularly for our our clergy and their spouses to flight clergy and their families. This is the will of God.


Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, giving preference to one another; . . . ‘what are we doing as distributing to the needs of the saints, Christians for those who given to hospitality.” are in need?’ Love has no meaning unless it is demonstrated by giving, and having By Joab Radak the ability to give in this manner comes from sacrifice and labour. It is through n the book of Acts 20:35 Paul writes the guidance of these two scriptures that: “I have shown you in every way, I that the Cell Group Ministry has often by labouring like this, that you must chosen to visit the needy to share with support the weak. And remember them both earthly needs as well as the the words of the Lord Jesus, that spiritual food. The objective of this visit He said, ‘It is more blessed to give was to extend pastoral care to the aged. than to receive” and in the book of Romans 12:10, 13 helps to clarify this This was on Wednesday 29th of March purpose: “Be kindly affectionate to one 2017 at about 9.30 am that cell group another with brotherly love, in honour leaders under the leadership of Rev.

Rev. Kamau flanked by some of the Cell Group leaders during the visit

20 ◆ News & Views May 2017 Joseph Kamau set out for a tour of City County, and was then hosting 42 Mji wa Huruma, home for the aged. elderly people, some of whom had The team comprised of Rev. Joseph been referred to the home by the city Kamau – Minister and Team leader, authorities, others by police, while Mrs Florence Khasakala – Zone A others had been referred by social Coordinator, Ms. Anne Opondo – Cell workers from the Nairobi City County. Leader Pangani, Mrs. Nellie Kahuri – Cell The home only takes in those who Leader Uthiru, Mrs. Marion Irungu – Cell have been referred by recognised Leader Kileleshwa, Mr Joab Radak – Cell authorities within Nairobi County City Leader Avenue Park/Tassia and Mrs. and who in most cases are in dire need Joan Orenda – Cell Leader Huruma and of support, as some cannot trace their Mrs. Margaret Njenga relatives, some have - Cell Leader Buru been abandoned in Buru and of course “Love has no hospitals after serious the pilot. meaning unless it cases of injuries arising from thuggery The team arrived is demonstrated or accidents while at Mji wa Huruma by giving, and others are rescued at about 10.30am having the ability to from the street life and were welcomed of Nairobi. Despite by the Manager give in this manner coming from stressful of the home Ms. comes from sacrifice backgrounds, the Margaret Ndichu. and labour.” senior citizens looked She expressed her happy and cheerful gratefulness for our despite some of visit to the facility and she went ahead them having varied disabilities, some and introduced the senior citizens being sick and bed ridden, others were who made it to the “kamkunji’’. She retarded mentally, others were very explained that majority of the senior old and hence could not be able to citizens in the facility were Christians as walk and the youngest of them all by some had received salvation and knew the name Njeri was dumped at KNH as the Lord. she had been beaten and left for dead, After the welcome, she gave a brief but thanks to God she recovered and history of the facility, which she said was referred to the home by the social was being managed by the Nairobi workers.

News & Views May 2017 ◆ 21 Rev. Kamau flanked by some of the Cell Group leaders during the visit

The facility has a workforce of 8 staff who from and why we had gone to visit take care of the senior citizens, some them. After the introductions, Marion clean them, their clothes and houses, and Joab were requested to give some some cook the food, while others work remarks and words of encouragement on the shamba to produce some food on behalf of the team. Marion talked for them. The other churches around encouraged them by asking them that which shared with them occasionally they should always be thankful to God included: Ridgeways Baptist, PCEA for the duration of life that He has given Evergreen, Ridgeways Catholic and St. unto them for it was not easy to attain Bartholomew - Nyari. certain ages that some of them had attained. This was all because of God’s After this brief history, the All Saints love and that it why we were there also teamThe meeting began with prayers to extend our love to them. Joab on his from Rev. Kamau, who welcomed Mrs. part was also grateful to God for giving Khasakhala to introduce the team us such an opportunity to share with from All Saints, of which she did with the elderly who to us were our parents humility and explained to the Wazee and grandparents, he quoted from the who we were, where we were coming

22 ◆ News & Views May 2017 book of Proverbs 3:27: “Do not withhold these things put on charity, which is good from those who deserve it, when the bond of perfectness. 15, And let the it is your power to act”. Looking at this peace of God rule in your hearts, to the verse, he expounded that we are all which also ye are called in one body; children of God and despite out different and be ye thankful. 16, Let the word of stations in life, it was important that Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; those who have should never withhold teaching and admonishing one another whatever God has given them from in psalms and hymns and spiritual those who did not have anything and it songs, singing with grace in your hearts was against that spirit that as a Church to the Lord “. we had to share the little that God has Rev. Kamau expounded that it was given us with those who deserved like because of peace that we were there we did on that day. He echoed the at that particular moment sharing the sentiments of the group leader of the word of God. He further cited that true Wazee who had cited that there were peace comes from God and that is what so many Kenyan’s living around them the Colossian church was prayed for. who despite being blessed, were felt He went on to encourage us that we too big to pass through the gate of Mji could have good food, a nice house, wa Huruma to visit them. But us a cell a beautiful bed or anything good but group leaders it was out duty always to without peace we could not enjoy visit and offer words of encouragement these goodies. Only peace from God is where possible. sufficient. Money is good but it cannot After the words of encouragement there buy everything as the most important was an interlude of Christian songs thing above all is God. He reminded us from the Wazee before Florence invited that love comes from God and as such Rev Kamau to share a word which we are children of God and that your was got from the letter to Colossians brother or sister is that who you live 3:12-16 - Put on therefore, as the elect with or next to. He lamented that in of God, holy and beloved, bowels of our beautiful country of Kenya, being mercies, kindness, humbleness of thankful/grateful was slowly but surely mind, meekness, longsuffering; 13, diminishing, people are demanding Forbearing one another, and forgiving everything as a right forgetting that one another, if any man have a quarrel all thing come from God, on this earth 2 against any: even as Christ forgave we own nothing. Looking at Vs 15, he you, so also do ye. 14, And above all reminded us that if we pursue our rights

News & Views May 2017 ◆ 23 then being thankful will disappear, Florence thanked the Minister for the Paul urges Colossians to be thankful word of God and summed up the word always. And in Vs 16, he cited that the and the presentations that had been word of God to remain in us as wisdom earlier given before inviting Ms Ndichu, demands from us that we identify who asked one of the Wazees to give a everything in our lives with God, but vote of thanks. On their part they were to the contrary most people in Kenya very grateful for our visit and the sharing identify themselves with their tribes or of the word with them and the gifts that political leaders. The political leaders we had taken to them and they urged us have continually made promises to always pray for them and whenever

Residents of Mji wa Huruma or pledges that are beyond their time always go back to visit them. capability, which is not right. He urged After which Joan prayed for the gifts us to always give others hope through that we had taken to the home which such visits and sharing, through songs they did receive with jubilation, this and poems, and as such we should be included: Ugali flour, rice, toiletries, and people who praise the Lord always in cooking fat. our deeds and acts. Rev Kamau ended the sermon with a word of prayer. To God Be the Glory and Honour!

24 ◆ News & Views May 2017 CELL GROUPS: Where you belong

By Prof. Dankit Nassiuma

Africa International University, Nairobi

3. The Sea of Galilee and the Dead Cell groups: Where you belong Sea share water from the Jordan river. One sea is dead and the other They go by various names - house one is alive. Cell groups make you fellowships, bible study groups, etc. In alive as they allow what you have AIU, we call them Grace Groups-a place learned in the church to flow to where the grace of God is shared. All others. staff, students and faculty as well as their families belong to grace groups. The preaching ministry and the one Three important things about cell to another ministry groups include the following: The scriptures, in the book of Acts speak 1. Cells in a human body are the of the preaching ministry (in the temple) basic building blocks of life. They and the one to another ministry (in the are estimated to be 37.2 trillion homes). Not everybody can preach but of them in the body and depend cell groups provide an opportunity for on one another, either directly the ministry to one another, which is a or indirectly, to keep the body necessary partner with the preaching functioning as one unit. Like the ministry for the growth of the Church. cells in a human body that give life, The church is a community of people cell groups are the basic building Mark 3:31-35 in a covenant whose blocks of a healthy church. members are all ministers. “And He gave some to be apostles, to others 2. Cell groups are a treatment prophets, evangelists, shepherds and for the prevalent virus called teachers, to equip the saints for the ‘individualism’. As the wise man said, work of ministry, for building up the “A man who isolates himself seeks body of Christ” Ephesians 4:11–12. his own desire; He rages against all wise judgment.”(Proverbs18:1). The Holy Spirit ministers to the body Individualism kills the Church and through each member - each part of communities.

News & Views May 2017 ◆ 25 the body has a role. The ministry of sharing in each other’s situations. The the word is commanded from all the book of acts tells us that believers were members to the other members. It is taught in the temple, but also in homes a command with urgency because the and points out three things that happen return of Christ is near. “Take care, in cell groups: brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you 1. Spiritual growth and maturity ~ to fall away from the living God. But verses 42-43 exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you There is teaching/doctrine, fellowship may be hardened by the deceitfulness and prayer. A cell group helps you to of sin.” Hebrews 3:12–13. apply the Bible to every area of your life. You grow into a Christian who is “And let us consider how to stir up also a doctor, a lawyer, a businessman, one another to love and good works, a politician; rather than being a not neglecting to meet together, as is professional who is also a Christian. the habit of some, but encouraging Cell groups encourage more learning, one another, and all the more as you cultivating leadership skills and see the Day drawing near.” Hebrews exercising ministry gifts to one another. 10:24–25 2. Relationships are built ~ verses In the absence of the ministry to one 44-46 another as a partner with preaching ü In cell groups, there is sharing, praying and getting to know one The impulse to hide in the crowd another as unique individuals - is very strong. One can easily avoid unity, joy and gladness. People the challenge to repentance and are affirmed and encouraged. redemption. You tend to neglect ü There is building of relationships efforts of personal application. The that establish accountability (in oopportunity for questions leading simplicity) and the removal of to growth is missing. Accountability masks and thus allowing healing for follow-through on good vows and to take place. There is mentoring resolves is missing. Prayer support for a and transmission of values; “As specific need or conviction or resolve is iron sharpens iron, so one man not there. sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17. Impact of cell groups ~ (Acts ü There is the meeting of needs- 2:41-47) touching somebody else. For AIU, it is a place where students, staff James 2:14-17 tells us that and faculty interact and pray together faith without works is dead and for one another, comforting and faith - genuine sees

26 ◆ News & Views May 2017 and meets the needs of others. Ø They feel that they’ve arrived You need to taste and see the and there’s nothing to learn joy of giving without expecting from the cell groups. If you have anything in return. arrived and know it all, belong 3. Causing growth in the Church to a cell group and help others verse 47 get there. Ø Praise and worship was noticed in They have no time – you create the homes of the early Church and time for what is worthwhile. this attracted others. It is a place to share what God has done for you. A Conclusion: Where you belong safe place for young believers to be If you do not belong to a cell group discipled and grow. It’s a safe place where God is moving in wondrous ways, to invite your unbelieving friends then where do you belong? to and a place where you learn to share your faith. The profits of cell • Cells matter to the body while solo groups are unlimited. You need cells die. The cell group beckons to belong to one! you to an authentic Christian life that gives you an opportunity to Strangely enough, some people touch someone for Christ. avoid and do not belong to any cell group... • Our education, status, wealth and power are good, but the lives that Ø They fear being known and you touch for Christ are the only exposed - the crowd seems ones that will last for eternity. safer. Religion for its own All other ground and things are sake finds safety in the crowd unfortunately still sinking sand- but Christianity blooms in except the cross of Christ. The cell fellowship where masks are group will help you learn to stand removed. on solid ground-so that you can Ø They do not like to have build an eternal house. their beliefs challenged - it’s personal. Tested faith stands • If only God knows what you’re strong. Unchallenged faith doing, since you know He won’t never grows - but dies slowly. tell anybody, you tend to make all kinds of excuses for yourself. But if Ø They do not like to be you must tell a group of others, you accountable to anybody - too begin to monitor your behavior and conscious of their social class your behavior improves. Belong to and do not want to mix with a cell group. ordinary people - the ground at the throne of God is level-try it early.

News & Views May 2017 ◆ 27 The Counselling Ministry

By Orukoh Collins

his ministry was re-established in TMay last year (2016) in the Pastoral Care Pillar under the leadership of the Pillar Minister Rev. Josephine Ngahu. The ministry has its members we integrate; meaning: approaching drawn from the church (professional the discipline and profession of Christian counselors) who have counseling with a commitment to qualifications in various counseling having one’s Christian convictions and psychology fields. The ministry shape every aspect of our services. has grounded its work in biblical truth, to appropriate the creative and helpful Apart from the ministry undertaking aspects of professional practice & counselling activities in the church, it approaches to psychotherapy in a way also reaches out to the vulnerable and that has Christian integrity. By this, needy in the society.

Pupils of Dr. Ribeiro at one of the group therapy sessions

28 ◆ News & Views May 2017 Ministry Visit to Parklands Primary (monthly activity)

Are you passionate about children, especially adolescents or teenagers? Well, The All Saints Cathedral Counseling Ministry has something for you! If you are a parent of a teenager or teenagers may be you can identify with what the Counsellors are experiencing during their monthly visits to Dr. Ribeiro Primary School in Parklands, Nairobi. Adolescence is a time of increased decision making about the future and counselors have made up their mind to be part of this Rev. Joseph Kamau sharing a word process in the lives of these pupils during one of the visits trusting God for a great future for them. The Bible says, “Train up a child for this service of help to the pupils in the way he should go and in the end that aim at helping them realize their he will not depart from it.” Proverbs potentials and live healthy lives. 22.6 A healthy teenager is complete all Having in mind sources of round. In 1948 the World Health adolescents’ problems, during our Organization (WHO), defined health as interactions several issues immerge a complete state of physical, mental, ranging from personal, intrapersonal, psychological, spiritual and social and interpersonal challenges that wellbeing and not merely the absence the children experience including of disease or infirmity. Therefore, Education issues, Relational issues, counselors have resolved to brace the Emotional issues, Familial issues. The challenges that the adolescents at Dr. school management have welcomed Ribeiro Parklands Primary School go the initiative and opened the doors through.


By Francis Ndung’u ~ Deputy Principal

he All Saints’ Cathedral School’s Another important aspect of this event Tannual Thanks giving ceremony was to recognize and award all those was held on 24th March 2017, an event who performed well academically and attended by almost all parents, BOM in other disciplines such as Sports, members, distinguished guests, staff Discipline, leadership, Choir and Music members and pupils. etc.

The event kicked off at 10am when the The pupils who were rewarded ranged School Principal Mrs. Dorothy Ogutu, from pre-school to class 8 and had inspecting a guard of honour mounted scored more than 400 marks throughout to her by the Scouts. The main objective the year. of this event was to give our Lord all the glory and honour for blessing the work The guest of honour was Mr. Oina who of our hands with encouraging results is the Quality and Standards through out last year. Officer (QASO) – Lang’ata Sub County.

A cross section of the parents in attendance

30 ◆ News & Views May 2017 The School Chaplain, Rev. Kevin well in the KCPE 2016 results were also Kamotho conducted the Thanksgiving awarded tokens of appreciation. and prayers service. The Thanks giving day ceremony ended The parents were also rewarded, at 1pm. Afterwards, the guests, parents basing on their participation in school and students were all served with a development as well as positive sumptuous lunch. contributions towards the school’s growth. Members of staff who performed

Class 3 and 4 girls present a shairi (poem) on uzalendo (good citizenship)

We thank and appreciate all the stakeholders for playing their part and making our ceremony a great success.

News & Views May 2017 ◆ 31 Crocheting: Therapeutic and addictive. Part II

By Edith Kinuthia

Introduction to making Granny Squares:

As a continuation to my earlier edition and introduction to this therapeutic and addictive Let us learn to make a Granny square, below are simple steps to activity, this time I want to talk about make a 10x10 Granny Square, or you Granny Squares. What are Granny can log on to get the Squares and why this name? History pattern. Crocheting is addictive and has it that way back in the early 1800s’ fun, especially when watching TV or ladies especially grannies in Europe socializing. Ladies are now forming were crocheting multi coloured networks to use their different talents squares which they would join and to help society and crocheting is one make beautiful, blankets, throws, of them. cushions and mats for home décor and to give out as donation to children’s What you need: - homes, hospitals, churches and thrift • Crochet needle no.6m shops during the winter season. • Chunky yarn, four colours

32 ◆ News & Views May 2017 Steps to Crochet the Granny Square This set of stitches is the first “shell” of the granny square. A shell consists 1. To start your granny square, make of three double crochets together in a magic circle and secure with a the same space. Please note that the stitch. ... chain of 3 takes the place of a double 2. Chain three (counting as 1 dc), crochet. then work two double crochet (dc) into the ch1 space from the The first round will consist of four previous round. shells. You will need to chain 2 stitches between each shell in the first round. 3. Your granny square is now complete. • Chain 2 and make another shell by Belows is one completed granny doing three double crochets into square, one completed blanket. the ring (this is shell number 2). • Chain 2 again, make another shell More elaborate easy steps: by doing three double crochets into Step 1: Making the First Round - the ring (this is shell number 3). From Slipknot to Joining • Chain 2, yet again, and make the last shell for round one. • Make a slipknot with your yarn and insert the hook into the knot. Chain You now have 4 shells and are ready to 4 stitches. join them together.

• Insert your hook into the first stitch • Chain 2 stitches then insert your (closest to the slipknot). hook into the second stitch of the first shell you made (the second • Yarn over and pull the yarn through stitch on the chain 3 we did directly the stitch. Slip the stitch through after making the ring). the loop on your hook. • With your hook through the stitch, yarn over and pull through. Slip This creates the ring (center of the stitch through the loop on your granny square). Take note of the hole hook. in the center of the ring, this is where all the work will be done for the first That concludes the first round. All round. subsequent rounds are just a repeat of this round. The only difference is the • Chain 3 stitches. number of shells you will make and • Double crochet into the ring the amount of chain stitches between • Double crochet into the ring again. shells.

News & Views May 2017 ◆ 33 Tantalizing Chicken Masala

By Beth Ndung’u Ngugi

aving gone this far into the year, Hmany are drained due to physical and mental exertion. I thought this over and decided to come up with a meal that will tantalize your taste buds and In a large skillet, melt butter in oil over kick start us to our rightful mental state! medium heat. Place chicken in the pan, and lightly brown. Turn over chicken A delicious, classic chicken dish — pieces, and add mushrooms. Pour in lightly coated chicken breasts braised wine. Cover skillet; simmer chicken 20 with masala wine and mushrooms. Easy minutes, turning once, until no longer and ideal for both a quick weeknight pink and juices run clear. entree and serving to company Notes: Ingredients • We use both olive oil and butter • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour orf coating because of the flavor in both. • Olive oil when fried at high • 1/2 teaspoon salt temperatures tends to lose its flavor • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper hence the extra flavor from butter • 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano • Chicken breasts can be simmered for • 4 skinless, boneless chicken breast longer depending on the thickness halves – pounded 1/4 inch thick of the flesh and how deep or shallow your pan is. Deep pans cook in less • 4 tablespoons butter time. • 4 tablespoons olive oil • 1 cup sliced mushrooms • 1/2 cup white wine. You can substitute with chicken stock.

Directions In a shallow dish or bowl, mix together the flour, salt, pepper and oregano. Have you tried this chicken breast Then coat the chicken pieces in flour recipe? Let me know if you liked it on mixture. [email protected]

34 ◆ News & Views May 2017 News & Views May 2017 ◆ 35 Sermon 4 Kids

Theme: Letting Your Light Shine Scripture: Let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16

I am sure that you all know the song, “This Little Light of Mine.” I want you to help me sing that song this morning. While we sing it, I’m going to hold this light up and let it shine all around. (Sing the song, but the light doesn’t shine) I wonder what is wrong my light isn’t shining. (Someone will probably notice that it isn’t plugged in.) Oh, here is the problem, my light wasn’t plugged in.

Let’s try it again. (Sing the song, but the light still doesn’t shine.) Well, I wonder what the problem is now? (Someone may suggest that the light wasn’t turned on.) Oh, here is the problem, my light wasn’t turned on. Let’s try it one more time. (Sing the song again and this time the light will shine.)

The Bible tells us that we should let our light shine. Before our light will shine, we must be plugged in and turned on. We must be plugged in to God’s power supply and we must be turned on for Jesus. When we invite Jesus into our heart, we have the power. When we come to Church to worship and praise Him and study His Word, we get turned on for Jesus. When we are plugged in and turned on, our light will shine.

Prayer: Dear Lord, we want our light to shine. We ask you to help us to remember that we need to be plugged in to your power and we need to be turned on for Jesus. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

36 ◆ News & Views May 2017 ANGLICAN CHURCH OF KENYA ALL SAINTS’ CATHEDRAL P.O Box 40539 – 00100 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: 0732 600466 • 0702 645069 • 020 8004679 Pastoral Care & Counselling: 0705 318 392 E-mail: [email protected] Visit our website:


Provost/Vicar Pastoral Care and Sacraments 1 Provost’s Desk: Pastoral letter from the Provost's Desk The Very Rev. Canon Sammy Wainaina Rev. Josephine Ngahu – Pillar Minister By The Very Rev. Canon Sammy Wainaina Mrs. Dorsila Kassums – Executive Assistant Rev. Joseph Kamau – Sacraments Minister Rev. Philip Owuor – Hospital Visitations Minister 6 News & Notices

Assistant Provost/Worship Pillar 7 Cell Groups: A place to belong and partner By Cledwyn Mamai Rev. Evans Omollo – Pillar Minister Evangelism & Outreach Pillar Mr. Atigala Luvai – Director of Music Rev. James Kimari – Pillar Minister Mr. Jandson Njoroge – Senior Verger 9 The Parables: The Net Mrs. Louise Githire – SOM/UDP Mr. Moses Odumbe – Assistant Director of Music By Kuria Murimi – 11 years Coordinator 10 Maundy Thursday Cathedral Administrator By Peter Kamau Mr. George Maina Youth & Young Adults Rev. Alfred Apela 17 Change Management At All Saints’ Cathedral Finance Manager Miss Esther Wagaturi – – Part 4: Clergy Care Moses Waweru Youth Ministry Coordinator By Dr. Julius Oladipo

20 Cell Group Leaders Visit to Mji wa Huruma Education & Discipleship Teens & Con rmation Home for The Elderly Rev. Lillian Karinga – Pillar Minister Rev. Kevin Kamotho By Joab Radak Rev. Mithali Ongachi – Children & Baptism Minister Mr. Grey Ngugi – Capt. Alice Kariuki – Women’s Ministry Coordinator Teens Ministry Coordinator 25 Cell Groups: Where you belong Mrs. Mercy Eunyalata – Children’s Coordinator By Prof. Dankit Nassiuma Miss Dorcas Ouma - Intern 28 The Counselling Ministry By Orukoh Collins

30 All Saints’ Cathedral School Annual Thanks Giving Ceremony By Francis Ndung’u ~ Deputy Principal

32 Crocheting: Therapeutic and addictive. Part II By Edith Kinuthia

33 Food Art: Tantalizing Chicken Masala By Beth Ndung’u Ngugi All Saints’ Cathedral, Nairobi


The All Saints’ Cathedral Trinity Centre o ers modern and well furnished meeting rooms, an CellCell GroupsGroups auditorium, a restaurant/cafeteria and serene grounds all within a pristine Christian environment.

We have meeting rooms that are ideal for fundraisers, training/seminars, individual graduation receptions, cocktails, dinners and parties. While the auditorium which has a sitting capacity of ININ THISTHIS ISSUEISSUE 1800 is ideal for international and local conferences, wedding services/receptions, concerts/plays, AGMs, graduation ceremonies and dinners. Additionally, the auditorium is tted CellCell Groups:Groups: AA placeplace toto belongbelong andand partnerpartner with translation booths and state of the art audio-visual equipment. VisitVisit toto MjiMji wawa HurumaHuruma Contact us for more information/booking on The Counselling Ministry 0728-217715 or Email: [email protected] The Counselling Ministry