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Topeka-AUG-2018 SEE PAGE 199 Topeka EDITION ! s includes Lawrence, Manhattan, Emporia & Holton FREE NE! WEEKEND The Area’s Most Complete Event Guide TAKE O GETAWAY ELMONT GOSPEL OPRY Page 13 CELEBRATING F AITH, FA MILY A N D C OM MUNITY IN N OR T HEAST KA NSAS facebook /m etrovoicenews Celebrating our 12th year! VISIT US AT or VOLUME 12 • NUMBER 12 August 2018 TO ADVERTISE, CONTRIBUTE, SUBSCRIBE OR RECEIVE BULK COPIES, CALL 785-235-3340 OR EMAIL [email protected] Half of Kansa s at high NEW R ESIDENT ch urc h g uide Serving your neighbor risk for West Nile Virus Topeka Bible Church S ee in s i d e T he K ansa s Department of Health er! and Environment (KDHE) has issued a b ac k co v high-risk warning for West Nile virus infect ions (W NV) for northcentral, 1 0 B i bl ica l tip s for sout hcentra l, and southwest Kansas. Northeas t, sout heast, and northwest a h a p p y m ar r iag e Kans as ar e a t mod erate risk for W NV in fections . Wes t Nile vi rus can b e sp read to peo - ple th ro u g h m osqu ito b ite s , but it is not sprea d from p erson t o person. A bo ut o ne in five pe ople who are Bill Eberting prepares to cook up burgers and hot dogs for the residnets of Timberlee apartments and the Ripley Park area in fe cte d dev elop a fever and other sym ptoms. About one out of 150 infected peo ple devel op swelling of the Man y peop le w o nde r “What can I small inheritance on a used school chips and Kool-Aid that Sunday after - do? I’m just one person, and I don’t bus, trailer to haul tables and sup - noon. bra in o r b ra in tis sue, th at in some cases, c an re s ult in d ea th. Th e re ar e no have mu ch m on e y.” B ut o ne p erson plies, with a grill mounted on the Since then a benefactor has donat - can make a big difference to a lot of back, and three freezers to hold the ed 4,000 hamburgers and over 1,000 vaccine s or m edic at ions to trea t WN V. Peop le wh o h ave h ad W N V befo re are people. food that he believed would be donat - hotdogs, several cases of burritos, With sum mer com es b r oken air ed. buns, chips, condiments, paper plates, considered imm un e. condit ioners, lo ng trips in the car, Bill E bert in g is 69 yea rs ol d, dis - A few weeks ago, Eberting invited cups and a sundry of other goods “Know your r isk a nd take acti on to pro jects th at a r e sta rte d b ut n o t co m - abled, and lives on $800/month social Joe Weir to drive by Ripley Park to see have been donated to help out with p reve nt mos q u it o bi te s to protect your - p le ted , visiti ng r e lative s an d o ther security and $200/month in food and experience what he loves to do. Eberting’s Sunday outreaches. self and yo ur fa mily against W est Nile a ctivit i es ce nt ral to every family and stamps – and yet on a recent Sunday Weir showed up only to find that Eberting and Weir, along with a few virus”, said Dr. Greg Lakin, State Health marriage. Sometimes the summer fills he served 140 hamburgers, 120 hot none of his help made it, and he was friends and relatives, have been help - Officer.” up quickly, causing stress on a rela - dogs and gav e away 130 pounds of alone with his propane cooker leaking ing s erve the people around Ripley KDHE recommends the following tionship. A quick look at the scriptures chicken to the un derprivileg ed resi - gas. Weir drove home and loaded up Park ever since. Several of the resi - prevention measures: will show you what true happiness in a dents of t he Timberlee apartm ent his grill i n the pickup an d th ey dents hav e also pitched in to help. When you are outdoors, use insect marriage really means. complex. Eberting spent his dad’s cooked and served eighty hot dogs, n Please see NEIGHBOR page 2 n Please see VIRUS page 3 Here are just 10 Bible verses that clue us in on how a godly marriage should work: Fi ght in g H u m a n Trafficking by Cutting Demand for Prostitution • Never bring up mistakes of the A new awareness campaign in Kansas wants to create a culture where buying sex past. is aimed at cutting the demand for pros - is not acceptable. He said it’s not a victim - Stop criticizing others or it will titution as a way to fight human traffic k - less crime. The aim is to curb the cultural come back on you. If you forgive oth - ing. appetite for enslaving and purchasing ers, you will be forgiven(Luke 6:37). The campaign involves state agencies people for sex. • Ne glect the whole world rather and lo cal adv ocacy gr ou ps teaming up to “The m oney goes som ewhere,” he said. than each other. push the D eman d an E nd initiative . “It fuels a mark etpla ce. And how do you benefit if you gain Kansas has joined 10 other states in the “That in turn enables traffickers and the whole world but lose your own campa ign, wh ich inv olv es edu cation and exploiters to do to h uman beings things soul in the process? (Mark 8:36) anno uncem ents warn in g peo ple that that are un lawful an d wr ong.” • Ne ver go to sleep with an argu- buyer s of sex fac e charg es, as we ll as the Bar ry Feaker, execu tive dir ect or of the ment unsettled. seller s. Top eka Rescu e Mi ssion, has been at the And don’t sin by letting anger gain Kansas At tor ney Gen eral De rek forefront of the orchestrating of a plan to Schmidt, at a press conference at the understand the extent of the sex market - Pl ease see M ARRI AGE TI PS page 3 n Capitol building, said that the campaign n Please see SEX TRAFFICKING page 4 2 • August 2018 ________________________ _________________________ Facebook/MetroVoiceNews ________________________ Topeka Metro Voice Bob Dole’s Final Mission: Greet Each WWII Vet Who Visits Memorial He Helped Build Life Lessons Frodmreary raoom L!) ittle One SING, DANCE It wasn’t the by Kim Davis “Oh, my gosh, Bob Dole!” visitors “It’s just about the one public service motor vehicles exclaim, eager to meet the man who has left that I’m doing,” Dole said. “We don’t office, but After a lifetime of serving his country, spent a lifetime serving America. have many of the World War II vets left. & BE SILLY Zechariah and I Bob Dole, a former U.S. senator and Dole finds a shady spot to shield him It’s important to me.” by Jessica S. Hosman were patiently presidential candidate, has a final mis - from the summer heat, and smiles as Dole led the campaign to raise the sion: continue to serve his country. At busloads of World War II veterans stop $170 million for the World War II waiting for what Jessica Hosman Words of wisdom from a seven-year- seemed like hours 94, his service looks a little different to say hello. Most of the aging veterans Memorial that opened in 2004. old: “Sing, dance and be silly… because for a fireworks show recently. While we these days, but the World War II veteran arrive at the memorial at no cost, thanks Sometimes, Dole’s wife, former Sen. God wants you to!” I think he has a valid waited, he wanted to play. We didn’t turn still has plenty left to give. to the nonprofit Honor Flight Network. Elizabeth Dole, joins him. “It’s great, all point. Life is way too short to be serious all to video games and facebook… we turned Every Saturday, Dole these tremendous men and the time. Why do we as adults have such a to each other and started to dance, laugh suits up and heads to the women,” she says. hard time taking the time to breathe and and play tag. I was cognizant after-the-fact National World War II “Bob has a goal,” just be goofy every once in awhile? that I was only one of few adults in a Memorial. It’s not a quick Elizabeth Dole says. “He My son sings all the time. While he’s crowd of hundreds that wasn’t tuned into and easy journey — just wants to make a positive starting to be a bit more inhibited as he my cellphone during the wait. Instead, I getting dressed takes difference in one person’s gets older, when he’s behind closed doors was tuned into my son. And I was capti - roughly half an hour, as a life every day.” he knows no constraints.
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