Tho man was con- The Remusat Memoirs. Detroit Post and Tribune: If the Fu- ply the effect of emotion. scious of not having told the truth, and his THE BU YERS’ GUIDE. TH h'. JCSS. their usur- THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, 1’x; sionists attempt to go ahead with emotion at the thought of being found out MISCELLANEOUS.-_ Reveals. the of the supreme became so great that his heart’s action was What the Second Voluma every dr.y (Sundays excepted) by the pation pending opinion Published SATURDAY JANUARY 17. stopped* by it. osrgular. MORNING, court justices, they will exhibit themselves their PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., ^naaHUBWWSB— "trade Some persons acted entirely through once more in a flagrantly lawless and inde- emotions, and this was characteristic of tho It is said that the second volume of Madame 10a Exchange Portland. attach^ of 13 furnished At St., Eveky regular the Pkess sox. He did not this to their dis- cent The offer another softer say de Rcmusat’s Memoirs of is worthy T. Pullen, spirit. Republicans would act Napoleon Terms : Eight Dollars a Year. To mail subscrib- with a Card certificate signed by Stanley credit, ho would prefer they through of chance for an honorable settlement. They of Saint Simon himself. The eleven chapters a if in advance. let others do the intellect- ers Seven Dollars Year, paid Cedron^ RETAIL TRADE Editor. All railway, steamboat and bote managers tlioir emotions and to be Some of these however, did in the book us from the trial of Moreau will confer a favor upon us by demanding credentials offer to leave the whole controversy ual part. persons, bring PRESS their Nota- THE MAINE~STATE su- not seem to exercise intelligence. and of the down to the ^>0^3.- of every person claiming to represent our journal. decided the high arbitration of the the coronation Emperor a by in the fire at Turn Hall, several persons s Thursday Morning at $2.50 ME., bly court and con- published every OF PORTLAND, cour themselves to while peace after Austerlitz, when the if in advance at §2.00 a year. preme justices, pledging jumped from the top story, they might year, paid trouble if art are Hoarseness, Bronchitis,- Wo do not read anonymous letters and communi- and abide their have down without the slightest temporary society, literature and passed the Coughs, Colds, Croup, honorably accept by opin- got Rates of Advertising: One inch name and address of the writer are in had used their intelligence. in review. There is a of a of^space, and ail diseases cations. The If the do not—and they graphic picture welj length of column, constitutes a “square.” Sore Throat, Catarrh ion. Fusionists they The lecturer concluded with a reference to first 75 cenj* t»er FOHISOO. all cases indispensable, not necessarily for publica- known scene—the successful pleading of Mme. $1.50 per square, daily week; dare and abide this fair and those known as nervous people, or people of or $1.00; continu- tion as a of faith. not—accept by reek after; three insertions less, Is but guaranty good and disturbed. He ad- de for her husband’s life, in describ- first 60 cents. The following Trade Circular respect- confess restless energy easily Polignac n every other day after week, CHEST AND LUNGS. We cannot undertake to return or com- arbitration, they will thereby 7o OF THE THROAT, He- presorve high vised all sucn to consume plenty of fat or fat which in the official next day Talley- Half three insertions or less, cents; fully presented by the undersigned ing paper square, tnat are not used. know their to be un- to the fact 50 cents per week after. decide the a view to munications that they proceedings food, drawing attention the one week, $1.00: a bettei article but we arc to let the people whether in il Houses of Portland, with producing not dwell as maliciously upon additional. Wo oiler no reward for willing not to bo nervous. randQdid Special Notices, one-third ve-| and of articles lawful, and their claims to be neither just that fat people were apt bad “Amusements” and “Auction show the extent variety ceaseless iteration of Mine. Danlau (who Under head of Cure’ morc of those large of per week; three inser- casesof5.i’oui*thana11 1 handled, and the names CONTENTION nor legal. But, this time, the opinion her distracted “Sire, I am Sales,” $2.00 per square ovniin°«ic r»cnofliM other remedies. nest QUARTERLY accompanied niece), or dealers who make this City the and Bells. tions less, $1.50. the will be enforced. If favorable to Cap as he did when k state OF GEOnU^ — — judges the of HelvCtius,” Advertisements inserted !n the 31 AIN SYRUP market and trade centre for the people OF THE daughter Press” (which has a large circulation iu every part the they will enforce it. If fa- it to Mme. de lidmusat. Josephine’s first of Maine. Republicans Celling of the State), for $1.00 per square for insertion, ,lsiT,c.«“.l0“s™ Clubs of Cumberland inser- SYRUP 8F 6EDR8N We do not tell that Syrup of* Reform County. vorable to the the will there is no who was instrumental in and 50 cents for each subsequent vdllaatisfv the most skeptical. you Fusionists, opinion Of the devil’s drolleries with type lady-in-waiting, per square Tl,!J?ri?F"cTS ahdoaetr™ rf taken ,u also that Port- we do that it wilt prevent it tune, not to visit recounts her tion. Cedron wUl Jure Cousumpthu,,’but tell you [^“Parties prepared The quarterly Convention of the Reform Clubs of enforce itself, because there will be no oppo- end. For example bringing about the interview, to than any known remedy. the follow Address all communications will afford greater relief to the poor consumptive land, may order goods from Cumberland County will be held at Where wot in a pool of blood after the Restora- inasmuch as the ask Idling meeting Mine, de Polignac PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Jg classifications with perfect reliance sition, Republicans The bravest Tuscans lay, ing when she was chilled by the air of indif- Slsse S5c. Regular 3ise $1, that their orders will he at- South Wiuiihaui, Friday and Saturday, which is not right and lawful and tion, Trial promptly 30th and nothing where for “waddling” road “wallowing.” | tended to. Satisfaction guaranteed or Jnu. 31st* ference and constraint with which the Duchess, bv necessary._ “This where for received entertainments. Prepared refunded. It is that Club in the coun- provoked Pope’s ayah” who at first affected not to kuow her, money earnestly hoped every read “ire.” ty will be represented, and make this Convention The Tribune is disgusted at the “ayah” her. Josephine’ssuccessful intercession brought HOUSE one of interest and numberless suitors to her and the Bona- & Rockland, profit. altitude of the Maine In a on William Rufus occur the door, Concerts WIGGIN CO., Bulbs, A cordial invitation i9 extended to all friends in law-abiding Republi- passage have it abroad 3 Classical Subscription Me.| ACSBICUI.TI7RAI,Furnishing Goods, Plant Stands, &c, lines: parte princesses, unwilling to go & 22 Market the work and also to those who wish to unite “It is difficult WM. G. SAWYER CO.. Square good cans, and in its haste says: Who that she was the sole power at court, went into AT ItOSSINil HALL. ALL themselves with us. spacious regions gave SOLD BY Diamond whose blood has A beast! the business with much zeal, parad- DRUGGISTS.g 4 IflERffCAN 'WATCHES, The upval arrangements will be made with the for Western Republicans, wasteful interceding Rcritnl W. H. Ptlirr- ix and Silverware. their in their IVo. I -Piaua by Jewelry Railroads for reduction of fares, and free entertain- fraud for where the has a “waste for beasts!” protegees carriages. H. 201 Middle street been over this infamous original came the wood* of Boston. CHAS. LAMSON, ment furnished the citizens to all delegates. boiling With the foundation of the empire Ernst Pcrabo of by ^o.2-Piano Marital by a A. situation with No flushed that haughty Drown of a the incon- THE NEWEST MUSIC BOOKS Is O TUB CARIES; Drags, Paints, Oila, W. SEABUIIY, President, weeks, to view the patience. triumph establishment rigid ceremonial, Agts. Pratt's Astral Oil. W. II. P. FILES, Secretary. differs from the original tho capital veniences of which were increased by the Em- by Beolhoveu String: They are disgusted at the shilly-shallying of only by B^o°^E—Cooccrt W. W. WHIPPLE & CO., 21 Market Square and the addition of the fiual letter to tho last peror’s character. Half of his courtiers were Quartette of Boston. AMERICAN ANTHEM BOOK, ihese and at the nerveless, if a Vocalist. Subscription to 4 leaders, timid, word. new to the ways of a court, and more than Each concert to liavo Bv PQTMYECARY; Drugs, medicines, de23tf and per doz.) THE BLACK LIST. of so the course $2.00. List at Stockbridge’s. with 100 easy good Anthems, (#12 2\. Toilet Articles & Druggists’ Sundries. not manner in which they half lived in perpetual apprehension him, I-Syrup Edited A. Is pusillanimous a oc- J. U. Tessey and A. J. Abbfa-. by GEO. C. Cor. & Franklin Sts In of “Lord Ullin’s Daughter” was as well as FRYE, Congress Here is the list in black letters of the men al- reprint that the palace gloomy splendid. Johxsox. Tho anthems aro exceptionally good, frittered away their opportunities and curs the curious imm 4 reading: Mme. de litfrausat comments accutely on the numerous to two for every POTHECARIEsTciiemicnls, HALL. and sufficiently provide to come batik! ho cried *n Greek had ral- CITY REDUCES PACKAGE RATES AV.Imported Perfumes, Soaps, Toilet Articles &c. an accident being in im- lowed the Representatives Como back! experience of the Itoyalist uobles that Sunday in the year. whfl, by unhappy legally-elected Across the water. 21 & 22. In fie- FRED T. MRAHER & CO., 473 Congress St stormy lied to the and who, on finding them- and Thursday, Jan. Between 0,000 Offices of this Co. be cheated out of their seats, when one bold empire, Wednesday ale. official have deliberately orders and all the and Kiiddleand Wootern states; 4 BT PHOTOGRAPHY. portant positions, Here is a now version of selves amid titles, style England, time would have Scott, of all Connecting Llnco. permanent Photographs a specialty. word spoken at the right of a royal household, had just begun ABBEYS to offices nearly Dow’s Sacred A3LAbsolutely abused their trust, perverted the laws which He is gone on the mountain, ceremony Quartets Falmouth Hotel on some of their old time airs and by LAMSON, opposite driven the whole fusion crew out of doors. He is lost to the forest, to put graces a l!"? w tatr IP w r1 nnnriflinR A PTfV. hv and occurred that re- DUMPTI it was their sworn to execute justly taivc U SIUUUICI -U1 1CU lUUIUUlu, when suddenly something HlllPTI — FOR MALE duty If this had been in Illi- MONEY— VOICES, outrage attempted When our need was the sawdust. vealed to them the existence of a master as — CONANT, AND COLD. Per to their and in- steal CURRENCY AND Price $2.00. Dozen, $18.00. 478Va Congress St., opposite Preble Ileus impartially according spirit nois, if the Democracy had sought to practical as he was absolute,’whereon they Here a variation on is a fine which furnishes excellent Macaulay: heads. The cou-tior’s meth- Packages not croooding.$20, i 5c. This collection, 4 BTIST8' DUTPBIAL3, Architects’ Ac who have wicked to the seats of the the utterly lost^thoir SPANISH STUDENTSs for out the talent of the Male tent, sought by trickery legally-elected majority, And the red on Skiddaw roused the As led 20c. material bringing j\ Engineers’ Supplies, Picture Frames, Art Goods glare burglars ods with Bonaparte did hot pay. they their late Enormous Success at the .$40, that can now he formed in almost eveiy would have driven them out of Carlisle. Fresh from Quartets CYRUS F. DAVIS, No. 8 Elm St thwart the will of the as at Republicans to nothing they were speedily abandoned, and .$50, 25c. choir. people expressed _ to the man PARK BOSTON. neck and heels and taken their seats, and seems to foreshadow Mr. as it was risky work play every- THEATRE, /s,rj much smaller Blank Books Ac Stationery, Another which Large in proportion. ; tire atid who have not only brought dis- found it ‘the and easiest course BOOKNAccount Books of all kinds to order. polls the of Illinois would have seen to it Beecher in his military capacity: Ixody simplest L. 53 St people to be a servant. in the World THE DELUGE. HALL DAVIS, Exchange but have smirched Herminus on black Auster Largest Combination grace upon themselves them.” which recalls Jose- MERCHA&JS3E. that they kept Grave on steed. An episode is recounted Messrs. & Hickey.Proprietors. TOOK*, Stationery , r.rccrftis I > Sabbath School & Theological Books me iair iaiue 01 me ouiie phine’s 80 cts. norm Amerwau. xi wiu From a of a waterfall: with Mme. do Remusat in the of of the Novelty aud a.t Price in Boards §1.00. Paper HOYT, FUGG & DUNHAM, 193 Middle St miLADELPHlA description leries day Marvellous Array Pantomimic, Packages cxctcJirg Their names and a for Cborus unfortunately are. places From rock to rock the elephant Mile. Napoleon having taken fan- Musical Profession. This is just the time to adopt a Cantata A- SSIOES. ’The Largest ami (hose who have taken only giant Georges. of perhaps surprise Leaps with delirious bound, cv to a ladv of the court, his wife, in an access ! practice, ami the Deluge has tho advantage good '9 Best Assortment in the State. of all men that GRAND DOUBLE words. Not IiOOTS should be known they a over the field to in which HARLEQUINADE and striding music, and impressive M. G. PALMER, 230 Middle St superficial glance political where of course “elephact” is a varia lectio for of jealousy, storrnod tho apartment i^-181gfgg:ir^llilg?f-- difficult. the of find that Mr. Blaine is as in the “clement.” were seated. The lady ordered her horses ___ & SHOES. Constantly on hand Fine may receive just punishment being quite strong they and and made a scene with Jo- and Medium Goods at low prices, at native The fled, Bonaparte iSTEBS5s-9 i .ITER. BOOTS as infamous all citizens west as in his State. Indianapo- “If ever two great men might seem during the furniture and -±- IY A E1.KQ I T I If S- ff PRINTED Book. 225 Middle opp. Falmouth Hotel regarded by good sephine, smashing assuring Parlor Instruction LOWELL’S, St, whole lives to have moved in direct -COLUMBINES-™ HOOKS, and o!her mat- -r, icholly inprint, or- Organ lis Journal has taken the trouble to poll the their oppo- her of his fixed determination to have a di- A. IV. Johusou. Price $1.50. & '•ISOES. Your difficult and troub- and that the may learn by and Taller were Incidents! densd or sent by,dealers, &C..PRE-PAIP; By rising generation sition, Militon Jerry my vorce forthwith. mother,” said Hortense, A Feast of Fun! Happy from, feet fitted. of Gold Boot and finds that in one of the “My A instructor for Iteed Organs, BOOTSlesome properly Sign State, Indiana, will have rest. Trick Pantomime of complete easy J. 421 St the of wicked. they.” “will lose her crown, but she The Comic aifcsrisc, I 31bg- 2Qa. I 4ltia-2Sc. to the wants of those who wish to IRVING BROWN, Congress their example folly being Mr. Blaine leads adapted exactly battle-grounds of the Fall, Other women are less fortunate.” Speaking learn both easy light music and easy sacred music. A A fit SHOES. A Assort- A variation on Scott: Dumpty ORDERS FOR PERCIIASIXG GOODS Targe To this list will be hereafter the Grant a fair of Mmo. do Remusat, by the way, Humpty of Fine and Low Priced Goods. appended all the o*her candidates with was the wind was Hortense, an Pantomimic Cast, fiOOTS9 ment The way long, cold, presented with Unequalled t of this Co. will be promptly OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. St in detail on Corvisart's authority, the Left with any Agen DAVIS & OARTLAND, 210 Middle men as take The minstrel was old. gives aud Brilliant Array of Novelties.jalOdlw otherthan the ordinary jauS names of such other shall second. infernal to cure Hortenso's executed, without expense, _eod&wtf_ _ story that it wa3 attempted the d'TBRAKS. Manufacturer anil Importer what charge for carrying goods. are not Another on Macaulay: husband, Louis, of a persistent disease by Ay of Havana Cigars, wholesale and retail. offices to which they know they A Kennebunk correspondent of the Bid- Send Money and Parcels by Express; IN a on a block had laid his rittles the in the who “wasn’t much your WHY INVEST ERNESTO PONCE, cor. Exchange and Middle Sts Hard by, tiesh^r specialist story, INSURANCE. and socurity* and Journal writes to that cheapest quickostjTvith positive elected, and who become equally guilty by deford Union down. on postules but death on fits” called “circui- Carpet Cleaning the riffles and hid tliam in liis IV21. G. FARGO, Pres’t, Nevada and New .Mexico of our are as mad as Virginius caught up tous treatment”—to wit, by wrapping him, be- California, and Feather-Bed at FOREST CITY the vile conduct of paper “Some people DYEINR, Renovating taking advantage of gown. neath the silk and of his splendid bed, in A. EC. WIASLOW Agent BYE HOUSE, 13 Preble St, op. Preble House. hens in the because the Port- gold hung fence, the shirt and sheets of a beggar afflicted with a jal Boys’ & Children's. these malefactors: of the _d3m land Press in Mose Harri- new “The Pirates of cutaneous disorder. After the scene MINING STOCKS and Dealers. persists locating The opora, Penzance,” CH.OTillNB,"Men’sClothing Mannf’rs GOVERNOR, above alluded to, Josephine’s tears and C. 1). B. FISK & CO- under Preble House man, the in our town. He does not has already to be Thus Puck: rupturo Bribed, begun parodied. won the as usual, and When you can buy MAUVE I¥B3IVIIV€x ALONZO GABCELON.Lewiston submissiveness day, liniment. Youth’s & a and buildin’— our Boys’ but is builder isn't Bryant’s Vegetable STOCKS as likely to pay dividends as any of Men’s, COUNCILLORS, belong here, Kennebunkporter, “When the enterprising ibere was a reconciliation in which Napoleon, — FOB — on low markets and j Fine Goods & Gents’ Furnishing Gootls. Isn’t buildin’— the ul- Western mines. Iluy the get C'lJ.OTEIINR, mean too.” Is the Press himself foretold very clearly C. J. & F. R. FARRINGTON, 182 Middle St FRANK M. FOGG.Auburn a mighty one, lie and watch his fall— weeping, Face and Toothache, Sore the rise. 1 have for sale the following He loves to buildings timate for her to his policy Rheumatism, Neuralgia, B. BROWN.Fairfield for that fall— necessity yielding Bruises, Ac. A Bents’ Roods .SIMON never to be forgiven deplorable Buildings a woman of Tliroal, Chilblains, Sprains, Furnishing that are and and leaving him to wed capable MAINE MINING STOCKS: Goods a B. And estimate tlio number pulverized ATLANTIC I’oiiTi.AM), January G, 1880. CILOTHJiYGBoys’ and Children’s Specialty. JOHN FOSTER.Baugor error? the succession to the throne. Jose- killed in— and at ClIAS. MCCARTHY, Jr., 199 Middle St ...Portland _ assuring About a year ago I dislocated my aukle, CHARLES H. CHASE. llizedaiid killed iu— taste for luxury and society, says Mmo. After sev- phine’s times it has been very painful. applying strictly Pure HALSEY H. MONROE.Til omit* ton inciter of draft riots The mausion with the party wall— would have made it Insurance €©. was in- Douglass Copper, Eben F. Pii.lsbury, eight-inch de Rcmusat, impossible Mutual eral well known remedies without avail, 1 and Mauufr’d Fresh Daily. wall!” Confections:by, EDWIN C. .MOODY.York Party for her to rpake the best of a bad bargain by duced to try Bryant’s Liniment, .The result was, Atlantic ALLEN 5GG Congress St of Gen. Chamberlain as a “Pinafore Copper, GOW, Isle speaks herself: she remained one application relieved the pain at once. F. G. PARKER.Presque voluntarily sacrificing OF NEW YORK, with same l»ure Candies, While this “Pinafore Captain” to influence her own fate, to Have also used it for lame back, good Blue Hill Copper Captain.” U. S. Grant, Jr., is to unable ready recommend it to / French & American Styles, mfr’d daily. Burlington Hawkeyoi that she insisted result, and would cheerfully any- CIONFECTIONEBY, was Little Bound during those obey but declaring positively C. O. HUDSON, 13 Market Square holding Top take the flood that leads to fortune in Febru- AGAINST MARINE one suffering with Gouldsboro’ Silver, APPENDIX. on direct orders. INSURE RheumatismorSprai(, of 1S63 at the Kiugfield was fi- Hid Bloves, Ribbons, days Gettysburg, ary. It was long, however, ore tho quarrel Silver, / Worsted Crewels, &c CUMBERLAND COUNTY COMMISSIONER. one RISKS ONLY. Cherryfield CtORSETS,Laces, Eiabroideries, Patriot was hiding under a featherbed, shel- nally made up by Bonaparte's telling hor PARSOAS, Si A AGS & CO., E. S. MERRILL, 407 Congress St WILLIAM B. SKILL IN..No. Yarmouth Two ladies are discussing a third, who is, of would visit Paris Grant himself from the wrath of a and night that the Pope shortly at their New Silver, tering loyal for the coronation. This Company will take risks office, WDOEE8AEE DRCGGISTS, nilYCMKS! MANUFACTURER. SENATORS. course, absent. “She is really charming.” and that she was to prepare and and issue V} Baker of Cake and Pastry. disinclination to York, on Vessels, Cargoes Freights, Middle me. Acton Silver. Bread, Biseuit, indignant people. has such an air He had not manifested any risks binding a 117 & 119 Street, I’ortlaud, W. C. 23 & 30 Pearl St DANIEL W. TRUE,.Portland says one, “and above all, she open policies to merchants, making COBB, accede to her requests for a religiout GENERAL AGENTS. M IS. answers the frequent soon as water-borne. Wholesale and Retnil. WILLIA FIELD,.Brunswick Tjue to Senator Blaine of intelligence.” “Yes,” other, that it would bo diffi- CENT*. attempt implicate marriage, averring only PRICE TWENTY-FIVE E. EDWAKD A. “but there are no words to that air.” so that d1w JOHN 'SrSlORRIS, CtKOCSiEBY.WM. THOMES, GIBBS,.Bridgton an utter failure. cult to have a unite them secretly ianl2 under Music Hall in bribery business is priest 408 Congress St., ISAAC T. HOBSON,.Wiscnsset it would not come out that their union had not ASSETS. 22 Street, Portland. are Exchange At The men engaged in the dirty work been blessed the Church. Mine, noli r(LOAK8, Cloakings Trimmings, SKA S. LIBBY,.Litncriek Boston Transcript: Jocky—“That horse previously by ___ Velvets. _ome*tic, him. of his mind. With this and Samuel 1,7 Nuts and Children’s Toys JAMES M. LEIGHTON,.Perry but vigorous piece Thurston, St at Marie Louise’s wed- F. W. LOCK WOOD, GEO. H. CUSHMAN, 48G Congress time with sausages of garlic STEPHEN D. LORD,.Lebanon Yesterday the Argus, for the first [Bangor Whig.] had PORTLAND. ST. it must be admitted that Napoleon FORMERLY AT « 1-2 CASCO PORTLAND. Range* and Stove*. Sole ding . W. NaSH, No. G Exchange St The Usurpation. from the New York World. It has never L iTnKe jusepnine Roffua Senate. was his I rtiall he pleased to see my former pa- memory” and “NVliat is your name?” brother, work. 1 Carpet (Crockery,' con- all others in need ot dental 1 The fusion, arc lost to all dared to repeat the World’s vigorous salutation. “Gre'try, as usual, tients, and House Goods. conspirators a!t of either branch of very frequent do at former prices, and ITIIiRNITFRE,and Furnishing The most significant shall continue to vyork my EAi ON & 123 Exchange St law. of the theft. sire,” was the response of an emiueut musician, Mutual Benefit satisfaction. HOOFER, CO., sense of decency or regard for Against demnation the warrant all work to give the Fusionists’ pretended Legislature, is at tho of the Set. Gooils. justly annoyed regular repetition Artificial Teeth S7.00 per & Fpholstery constitution and equity, against fetes and court- cav- law, against has also been direct and of Gar- Of the splendor of his «old ailing $ I .OO and upwards per Wholesale and Retail, Mr. Swan of Minot giving repudiation impeachment query. COMPANY 1,7ERNITIJRR Block will of the issued life Mme. de Remusat is a competent LIFE INSURANCE All other work in Boots. ARAD EVANS. No. 1 & 2 Free St. the declared people, they ..11_4-~ no 1 tmic/>nti»nnnts. methods the bogus generally ity. proportion. Rubber celon’s “counting-out” by adds that the Sun- claims if reluctant witness, and she t A Kcrosem- Fixture*, Lamps Ac. certificates of election to men whose that he tried fraud to create. On of AS The so. Does it refer to his Senate by himself never received a tithe of the ad N. J. E. B. & F. W. LOCKWOOD, Since tlic advance in all kinds 7T Old Fixtures Kebronzed. Standard says King NEWARK, great f of the State had at the Atwell of Linn of on over whose to know & 12S St the voters rejected the Monday Messrs. Penobscot, ulation lavished Bonaparte, Rn idler (foods it is important CLEVELAND MARSTOX, Exchange letter declining to act with fraudulent in corner of Union. of the of Knox and Barrett of throne the authorities of Paris inscribed gold Mutual. 228 1-2 Middle Street, when tlial you get a first Iiiro»enc A polls. The opinion Supreme Court, Somerset, Thompson Incorporated 1845. Purely you purchase AS Fixture*. Lamps good* House? letters “I Am That I Am” without anyone be- The WOON- and Gilded. him disre- __ as a committee on to S P. M. Sun- quality, reliable article. T Fixtures Rcbrouzed invited the Governor, was by Oxford, gubernatorial votes, the irreverence of the eu- Office hoars, S A. M. Ci 28 Market by ing with 1870 28 TAP Rubber Boots LEVI S. llRO^VN, Square that had examined the returns, impressed A«wt», Jan. 1, (par values). .*33.470,782 SOCKET DIAMOND of an reported they is a of his telling W ,Unou days, The men who failed Emotions and Nerves. There delightful story Ctovwlfir-R 31.11 3.3© 7 bo %lolOA.m._jalJeodlw and Ladies’ Fur*. garded. election, and the whole vote for Governor was 139,807, logy. for Men, Boys and Youths are acknowl- ENTS’ Fine Slat* the ladies of his household at bieakfast one day PROPOSALS FOR ARMY SUPPLIES. Sole for the Knox Silk Hat. and who were and fraudulently with 09,404 necessary to a choice; that Daniel 65 to be the best in the market. We (NX Agent illegally that the irreconcilable fashionables said of dividends of 1871) $2,357,424 U. S. edged E. N. 245 Middle St L. all Surplus,including Office of Commissary of Subsistence, A.., line of these We would FERRY, met and to F. Davis has 08,770; Joseph Smith, 47,049; to resent on New York Standard have a full goods. summoned, pretended organize Hammond Before the Young them, and of his determination any Surplus No. 151 HigliSs.. Boston, Mass., January 16,1880. Rood*. Neckwear, Dr. Wm. A. Alonzo Garcelou, 21,844; Bion Bradbury, 203, values). §5,^37,16118 in will be re- also invite you to examine our large stock Furnishing House. An Senate pro- slander of them as an attack upon himself, (market PROPOSALS. duplicate Underwear *c. Fine Shirts to order. Senate and alleged Men’s Hebrew Association. and 281 scattering. Of the latter 202 were ob- until 11 o clock A. M. Boots and Gents’ GENTS’ in of everybody’s vis- ceived at this office, of Ladies’ Fine Slippers, CUST1S & 493 St who in for Mr. so his total having, apparently, spite Otficeks. SEALED to the CHARLES CO., Congress ceeded to elect an alleged President, viously meant Davis, that that it was at all Tuesday, January 20, 1880, for furnishing suitable for Holiday iale embarrasment, no idea President. Opera Slippers, etc., Wholesale Bud Retail. vote was 08,972, or only 432 votes short of a clear Lewis C. Grover, Subsistence U. S. Army, a turn that he was awkward to remark, “Mme. A., they say that Department, Presents. We also carry large variety and Groceries. alleged acting Governor, over all other candidates Viee-Pres’t. cans Green Corn. 800 1-pound X Fine Teas, coffees Fancy [N. Y. Tribune.] majority so on down the B. 0 Treasurer. J. B. Pearson, 2 400 2-pound (XROCEKSES, lover is M. de B.,’“aud Miller, cans Mackerel, of l Gents’, Misses’and Children’s GEO. C. SHAW* CO- 583 Gong. & 235 Middle and before a joint convention parti- But the fact is that Garcelon's so- your B. J. Miller, Actuary. cans Mackerel, fresh. 120 5-pound adies’, qualified At the fourth entertainment of the Young significant those “I will have it un- e! a’. .Strong. Secretary. Chowder. J40 cans we offer whole list of present. F. H. Counsel. salt. 1,440 2-pound cans Clam medium of goods which and at no time has called Senate—the very body that would be H. N. Cougar, Adjuster. Teese, 80 grades Staple Fancy, in a House which which was at said the Emperor in conclusion and “Huckin’s” (80 Ox-Tail, SO Mock-Turtle, 185 Middle St. and Retail. cipated by Men’s Hebrew Association, given to their own to derstood,” Soups, at reasonable prices at (XSO€EBlli»,X Wholesale empowered, according claim, “that whoever attacks my court at- 484 St a to do business. The was warmly, J. J. OlIENERV & CO., CongAss had legal quorum Chiekering Hall last evening, and largely sit as judges in an impeachment of the Gov er- which did B. State the above mentioned articles to be of the tacks me,” a chivalrous declaration B. PECK, Agent “Eftf cases. B F. WHITNEY & CO. A Teas, of the court upon these acts has Wm. A. Hammond delivered nor lor abuse of his office—have repudiat ed best and in strapped dtl ROCEKIES PROVISIONS, opinion attended, Dr. not ono of the ladies from remarking quality, packed ^on forms of Flour and coudemued the methods prevent For HiiiiM' and New Hampshire, Blank JT Coffees, Canned 3oods, Grain. this morn- some and practically by would be fatal. Samples to accompany proposals. CX been invited and is a lecture the “Nervous System and that one more such defense office. I to be N. * J. D. LANG, Portland cor. Greer St again given upon certitieatcs were issued proposals procurable at this roposals C. hich eight wrongfully Of the household wo are given some endorsed Pro- meantime the it- a fraudulent Fusion For imperial addressed to .the undersigned and Skates. ing. But body calling of its Manifestations.” o make majority. income UNS, Revolvers, Fishing Tackle, very interesting details. Napoleon’s 28 EXCHANGE MINE. for Army Supplies.’ A. b. S' for Du Pent’s Powder Mills. has The nervous he first pointed out, ex- Garcelon’s Senate declare the vote for 'Gover- what BO. ST., PORTLAND, C0ll2m posals and A. A. C. S. Agent self the Legislature gone on, regard- system, was about 37,100,000 a year, exclusive of janl3 Capt. A. Q. M. REFORM ROOMS! G. L. 48 Exchange St find it in the returns and substan- janlGd3t BALLEY, and as __ DRESS both animal they service the less of that and enacted the isted in all organic beings, nor he took from the secret funds, po- appeal, as in the newspapers shortly af- the “con- Cutlery, Tools, in fact there was some reason to tially reported lice funds, the theatrical funds and Builders’ a Governor. The vegetable and and thus the Gover- E. Fairweather’s HARDWARE,Glass and Supplies. farce of electing pretender ter election; by declaring tributions” levied in war time. His household Mary 9 Market a that even that the throw- T. L. MERRILL & GO- No. Square ef- but not very strong one, nor vote virtually declaro has made an address, which he has the suppose, they were carefully drawn up, and pecula- Penn Mutual anala- ten thousands of votes becauso budgets The Fine New of out of only a Fl its. Special the fraudulent minerals were possessed something ing tion was as impossible as extravagance—some- PIANOS! a to call a message, to the or on a DRESS REFORM ROOMS, York Goods. Buffalo & Wolf Robes specialty frontery if so three aldermen signed returns, a was the sum HATS to a nervous system, or intelligence, thing over 33,000,000 year they MERRY, the Hatter, 237 Middle St This unofficial document we gous of a distinguishing mark on a ballot, or himself CO’Y STREET. Legislature. determine their form charge called for. The Emperor allowed LIFE INSURANCE 507 1-2 t'OXCSBESS it be called, which other of the resorted to by Cap*, Rlovcs. Eadie*’ Furs, might any llimsy pretexts a for his dress; it is well known to our readers this morning. not in- 38,000 year E. B. ROBINSON Buffalo* Fancy Robes. present at rate. But these matters he did the Governor and Council, is entirely unjusti- not suit him OF PSIIIiA»Er,rtSIA. Ladies’ Undergarments of all kinds cnt and HATS,Umbrellas, any that if an article of clothing did for sale tlie following celebrated JOHN G. HAYES & CO., No. 7 Market Square The and unhesitatingly to call at- was Has instruments: basted, or made. usurpers purpose, tend to deal with; his object.being fiable. either in make o> material, it Sons Grands nt. the Senate assumed to throw exactly, Chickering & Sons,Lindemau3& Cycloid Patterns cut from measure and warranted to Chronometer*, to the Court and its In no case have and that he was to in 1847. and those of other em- Watthe., proclaim it, ignore opin- tention to the nervous system as it "exists in the condemned, greatly.given incorporated Weber, Knabe, McCammon, Flannels ready made or to order. and Silverware. out votes on tho grounds put forth by Gov- breeches and to JEWEERY,Clocks, Charts, to the lawful inking or greasing his white Ladies’ and Children's Stocking Supporters. WM. SEN TER & 54 Exchange SI ions. They purpose defy only and to out some of its properties and Council in support of their villain- of to select CO., man, point ernor his boots using his boot for a poker, The best assortment leading pianos In effect declare that the burning by Net Assets, $0,011,080.31 and sold at Low Uinumuds, now in the State. They and manifestations ous action. they when he was or excitjd. He from in New England, extremely BOOM Watcke*, authority existing that have especially angry at MOTLEY BLOCK, 9, Silver and Plated Ware. is votes of the cities aud other places in the Prices. Ware Iiooms JEWEERY,Solid threaten to through their measures by The nervous system of man, he continued, usually rose at 7—if he wakened night Mass. Standard, $957,227.17 ARTER 521 Congress, cor. Casco S, carry been disfranchised by the Governor and Coun- Surplus, BAILEV & NOYES, Exc hange Nt. BROS- different elements: he bathed, ate or worked before go- if as have so far car- of two essentially the are justly enti- frequently No. 507 1-3 Congress .VEERY. Watches, Clocks, Silrel A force necessary, they composed cil as regards Legislature, to suffered from a foul §>t. as it is and a the Senate for Governor, ing sleep again—he PURELYMUTUAL. attended to as usual. noleodly Plated ware. Fine Watch Repairing. fraud. refuse to obey the cells, or gray matter, called, tled to be counted by and often fancied that he had been Tuning JE ried them by They other candidates w'hoso stomach SWEPT & SWIFT. 513 Congress Si which the action of and therefore for tho a their intention series of tubes or rods by poisoned. It took M. de Remusat long time Surplus returued auuually in reduction of prein- law, they insolently proclaim names are ou the same ballots, and in the same the chamber- uou-forfeit- Watches, Clocks and Silvc is communicated to every part of the to teach him to shave himself: Sams or to increase insurance. Policies &c. circumstances the brain Ware. Manufacturers of Masonic Goods, of disorder. Under returns. was moved to this of the Endowment pol- Stocks JEWEERY. inciting was lain through Napoleon’s ablc by the rules company. S frame. In former times it sup- vote has been Mining- J. A. MERRILL * CO., 239 Middle of all well- human If tho gubernatorial honestly uneasiness when in the barber’s hands. icies issued at life Kates. COAL like it becomes the duty visible ACADIA these, man did not have Garcolon’s Senate, then that Sen- of any counted it was torn off Watches, Clocks, Ac., posed that the mind by If a garment did not please him FOR 5 citizens to .to the defence of denounces Garcelou as a fraud, for reject- JSALE Silverware Manuf’rs, Gold and Silver Platers. meaning rally connection with the brain, but ate and thrown on tho floor or into the tire; in market for or Steam JEWEERY, very intimate the Senate declare it is their The best in the open grates ATWOOD * WENTWORTH, 509 Congress the lawful authorities as recognized by the in" returns which his nails, of which he was vaiu, he For Sale by Forest City Silver, existed in other portions of the body. This is for Governor, and also repudiate trimming purposes. CLOCKS am not duty to count used countless of scissors that wore M. Acton EWEERY WATCHES, and to these authorities, our at the day, pairs A. AUSTIN, Silver, Courts, support seen in conversation present claims of all their counted-in associates, Silverware. Fiue Repairing. the smashed off-hand if they were not sharp; the Son &■ Portland Acton Silver, J but when a young man addresses to one of obtained certificates GENEKAE. AGENT FOB Green, Lynch, ClIAS. H. LAM SON, 2U1 Middle Stree only by voice and moral aid, by personal notably who have only through he was to was cologne, of fool St. oodtf Deer Isle Silver, other sex the words “I love you with all out of such returns as only perfume partial seO I 7'2 Commercial the the wholesale throwing bottles a month. He [} RLOVEsTLacc*, Small wares am service if called upon. Our constitutional we read of the “bowels of which he required sixty Silver, my heart.” Then now declared valid for Governor. In the and New Eilgemoggin Ladies’ Furnishing Goods, wholesale and retail in are ate and drank little, though he was very fond Maine Hampshire, Atlantic K| liberties are menaced. We must not suffer and there were certain people of that on Copper, OWEN, -MOORE & GO- 507 & 509 Cungres j compassion,” acceptance report gubernatorial of at dinner he had everything served Jos. Hoag’s Prophecy, the East who believed that the liver was Fusionists have confessed the im- coffee; of Jan. cor- Annnomisic Copper Neck ■ mem to oe overmrown. votes the and fed at often cream Xee Middle ®t.y mentioned in the Press 12,—Augusta FFRNISMINH ROOMS, of the emotions, and there a young and at the at once hazard, taking sale at Fine *c. the seat of their attitude, tho entrees respondence,—for -nv- n ear, Gloves, Umbrellas, Shirts, “I love pudence present or a dish of sweets before touching MEN’S man would say to his ladylove, you time firmlv fixed tho brand of fraud upon PORTLAND, ME. At FARNSWORTH’S, 150 Exchange S same He wap a within doors, and News 3 Exchange St. Boston “That the Govern- all liver.” Council!— “shivery” sleeper Costello’s Stand, Transcript: with my Garcelou am* his infamous mated with his sec- 1803 tailor, a Flue «ri_- lln.le Ilmen m IPPftD/V»nlP PA 9 so found himself unequally WANTED This was made by Elder Hoag in UL S. GARDINER, was at the bottom of ACTIVE jYG-E^V'JL'S prediction Merchant...woiMmaut ,\f P-lntlna fnr < iAnt Ifitriftn’s \\ nar. or’s Council in Maine who was a sworn loe to a warm room. to date. It foretold the rebellion. there is mind. Now yon under- ond wife, and is verified 237 Middle S of gray matter he no21___ troubles another feariul Real Estate and Mining Stock Broker, A UU. S. 1- EKNALD, the to revolutionize the and car- to his morning talks with Corvisart The present election begin plot State, stand me when I say that I do not want put Cabinet Recreations. Detailing the drama of our went to the and if the physician act in history. St ■4 1 lU.SSKBY the convictions in a false to be charged with always point, Mailed for 13 cent*. Centennial Block, No. 93 Exchange ried it into against myself position, a Washington Letter] “Will he die?” was Price SO cents; HI MKS. E. K. FOWI.E, executiiyi hetrodox notions; therefore I make [From said "So-and-so is sick,” Educational. <*Lw* No. 4 Elm S t of the as asserted Gen. Cham- uttering have to which but janlo_lslltf Governor, by the soul. The soul is a matter The members of the cabinet sometimes the instant question, auy reply jan!3_ no referenced him unfavor- 101 */ the interviews with ladies, as the or "no” seemed to impress All Jrreiiiiums hi aiail x^xxv, 1TII.UNEKY & HI II, I.At'ES. berlain, is borne out by testimony from of faith. It does not matter to science, but tho very amusing "yes” Class- X>3Ft. O-AJES-ISnES©, S. A. what he will illustrate: with medicine as a science. It is worth in and HI FLOOD, corre- is a matter every man believes following ably Instruction English 437 Congress S t other side, also. The Washington soul I have called here that Mmo. de Remusat tells the m_.12_ Healer and Botanic chooses about: which requires no proof what- Young Lady—“Mr. Secretary, saying Magnetic that a to of IUUI kJlUUlLI. & FANCY WOODS, of the Globe says gentleman as and it is a matter to see if you can tell mo when Capt.-is story upon Corvisart’s authority Napoleon Physician, spondent ever. Ho faith, that she should Mourning Goods and Shrouds. Therefore be ordered away, and where ho will go to?” having suggested to Josephine Hivcn to private pupils by tlie subscriber, remain one week longer, till Jan. LAMSON, MVLUNEICY from Maine, and who was on exceedingly entirely with his conscience. you request, an heir whenever will, by MRS. 1. P. .JOHNSON, 459 Congress 8 I hold that the mind really do not know. Do you feign to be brought to bed of 17th. 'Great succees in all Chronic Diweases by of the will see from this that Secretary—“f | intimate terms with the members him ordered he could secure a sou one of his mistresses; the On of IIand«. a fancy woods, and soul are not the same thing. wish away?” by Earing with a of the birth of the of Rome Office hours 0 A. M. to 12 M. and 3 to 0 P. M, Flowers and Real Laces. Governor’s Council in the says that of tho faculties of Young Lady—“No, indeed” (this very at the time King j. w. COLCORD, MillineryVelvets, State, Tho lecturer then spoke such WILinOT STREET. Portland. Con- MRS. J. DRY Cor. Congress and Casco Si * four look and a slight increase in color;) the did not fail to allege that some 5? | DEN, he knows that the Governor’s the mind, dividing them into comprehen- conscious gossips Nuliatiou tree. All medicine* warranted Artist positively if were I would like to know, you substitution had been made. Street. Photographer, IVSiiAic Books, Strangs, Mnsica sive classes—perception, intellect, emotions “only you 143 Pearl as recommended. jan!2dlw* was to the Governor’s out her handker- had §120,000 a year and §24,000 Instruments and Merchandise. Council opposed will. He defined each and illustrated know, for you sec,” pulling Josephine MCSfiC, and an twice as _ £ 1 little in her allowance jaidif Falmouth Hotel, IRA C. STOCK-BRIDGE, 150 Exchange matter of the Courl various anecdotes. While on tho chief and putting her gloved finger for her benefactions, Opposite course in the Supreme them with Mr. her how- Timber & he remarked that mouth a la Mitchell, “you know large as that made to successor, who, Oak Piles, Ship Plank, & msit ROOKS, Pianos, that a subiect of the emotions many Maggie POKTLAIVD, ME. opinion. It is hardly conceivable don’t had no relations to support. Liberal GEO. A. LIBBY” TEACHER OF THE ORGAN MUMECOrgans, Musical Instruments, &e. believed love was tho strongest emotion -now, you?” ever, poor 1 people was she was in debt. DECK FtANK. Up one flight ovlv. O. K. 11A WES, 177 Middle £ 1 executive official left to himself would killed them- should I?” as the allowance always liar. I>HS' FIXE, j __no4d1 single or feeling, because many people “Secretary—"How CS PECIAI, attention to Church Music and I’ll tell She had a mania for miniatures and portraits, at Decern that is for love. Ilut who followed this Young Lady—“Then you,” (this quarter. Inquire I. HANGINW4, Interior take his name the infamy selves people to that was offered to her mony. Terms, SIO per Car Timber anil Plow ISeam*. Treenail* upon and fewor with a look of determination). ,‘I’m going and bought everything Middle tions, Drapery Work, Goods, &c. course became fewer every D. CHENEY’S, 258 Treenail Wedge* and Planlsing Wedge#, PAPER Upholstery But a of if are to order him the She her St._novl-dl) G. M. BoS WORTH No. 4 Free St. Bloc s Garcelon’s portion. body plotters did not do that sort of thing as they marry him, and you going without asking price. changed Pine anti IBemlocL Cam- | year; they a Kuilding we want to married before. That linen thrice a and never wore pair of Arc. PIANOS can off or at least divide the re to do. Times were men and off why get day liox WEBER &' & Sons who shirk used changed; ber, Hoard*, Sliiugle* ORWANS, Chickering 400 cashmere shawls, J3IANOS a business. It is all.” twice. She had X Knabe's, Lindeman & Sons’, Weber’s, and E* while women made it more or less stockings and skulk into obscurity, not of as blankets for her an 1 sponsibility and love have thought ordering used wraps, bedquilts, pet B. C. JORDAN, Maine, Stand without a rival for “Sympathetic, pure McCameron’s. BAILEY & NOYES, Agts, Excbang j; was a sort of partnership, although Secretary—“I Alfred, are not to be de- since he is to ongage in Nanoleon objected to a shawl as hiding OC2 their tool bears the brunt, entered into it, it was not to tho same extent him away,"and going dog. with Great Power.” & ORGANS. so would tear one __tf rich tone, combined as it was when he was such business, will not.” her beauty, and occasionally ME. The Best Inst; i. unts and Lowest Prices. terred such considerations.” They wil or of the same character pleasant TOPSHAM, PIANOS by Mr.-ain’t off and throw it on the tiro, when the Empress SAMUEL THURSTON, No. 3 Free St Bloc man. And too, a great deal of Young Lady—“Oh! you good into a young then, She never a not be to skulk obscurity, emo- so "Now I’ll have of time to would ring for another. opened Jan CEO. D. permitted the trouble of love was produced by the I’m glad. plenty Term will commence .MONDAY, FSUS8ELL, O'J'OVES, Range*, ana Furnaces. or took a she never did work Tlie ’Winter has then: was a factor book up pen, any to Sole for Magee Furnace Co.’s Goods. Their wrong-doing brought upon tion of anxiety, which secondary get ready.” Kor or circulars apply Jolin E. Dow. and Retail Agent for Bosto Agents sonus in her card and is of a sort and never was bored. At 5 1880 particulars liisnro! Wholesale A, N. NOYES & 12 Exchange 1 in the matter. by causes Another young lady ay yetshe SON, honest men. Anxiety, produced D. L. Principal. New condemnation by all when the takes Malmaison she retained all her taste for luxury ’delKTliS&Tim SMITH, THU VETERAN INS. AGENT, anil vicinity; Maine anil Hampshire other than love had also been known to lead admitted following colloquy Furnace*, and Ranges. satin and new' rib- It was more har- and died in becoming pink Bosto Sole for the “Falmouth to commit suicide. place: delGTTSCm 123 Treuioat St., STOVES,Agents Range.” The Argus has at last got up courage people “Youug have called to see if you bous, put on in expectation of a visit* from PORTLAND F. & C. B. NASH, 172 & 174 Fore S t rowing to the mind than any other emotion. Lady—“I OFFICE NO. 191 MIDDLE Gen. Chamberlain as i of bis will not to Lieut.-to come Alexauder I. ST, enough to denounce If an individual obtained the mastery give permission Settle WINTHROP FURNACES, Of the whom she met at court Mme. A. E. Pennell First-Clan* Office* and Prompt he would never suffer much from his here from'A-?” people • &c. it has had emotions a PRATT’S Winthrop Ranges, Winthrop Parlors, usurper. Heretofore only praise his near relatives us some meut of Cos*e* Specialty. janlSeodlw S S 1 the A Secretary-“Any of de Remusat gives graphic pictures. ANDREW MU UNIX, 109 Centre intelligence, continued speakei. great and for him. It had but commendatior au excessive sick?” her Now it is himself, grave pre- nothing many damaged their minds by scanning closely. Napoleon VOCAL TEACHER/i rilAlLOK. Always on hand tlie be*t of the sir. His friends want to at the and paying not iho for orders virtue of whicl use of their and organ Young Lady—“No, occupied, play LIFT French and Goods. Garcelon’s by emotions, every or HEALTH ROOMS, OIL ) 1 German, English so and can have him come attention to tragedian comedian— 9 in see him much, you slightest ASTRAL W. H. KOHLiNG, 89 Exchange : But when the Genera body became disarranged consequence; Chamberlain acts. busi- if want to?” "You are condemned to amuse The Unamus- 07 St. hence persons who were engaged in keen you Residence Gray Biddle Street > orders in I soe how it is. If will said to M. de Remusat, who 33? and BEST. rglASIjOR. to carry out those gooc ness or intellectual conflict suffer from Secretary—“Oh! you able,” Talleyrand dc27 STTlilm SAFEST Latest attempts dyspep- Nowit is steadier than X Importations. of the heart. sav are his sweetheart, lie shall come.” had charge of the theatres. Talley- _ Furnishes a clearer, softer, light ga A. E. No. 3 Free St. Bloc faith the to abuse him. In or sia or perhaps some affection They you PORTLAND, MAINE. WEBB, Argus begins he is!” this rand, with his haudsomo stupid wife, accepted W. W. WHIFFLE^ CO., Agents, heard now and then of persons dropping down "Youug Lady—“Yes, sir, saying 31 Market Square. rilAILOR. A full line el Seasonable der to win the of that journa both hands her face at hours’ notice, and of whom the Oc7eod3m approbation dead, and this was often called by the euphe- witli hiding twenty-four FOR SAL.E. J. H. 04UBERT, Proprietor X Goods always on hand, that lie said that a stupid woman could dtf it is to one’s trust. uistic name of “visitation by God.’’ He re- The secretary says gave permission diplomatist C. U. CHESUKY, 261 yfr Middle i ,t necessary betray to to herself while a one ■ f in that ollicsr to him witty store, doing n {foot LOAA membered a case in point. A witness who to como, telegraphing only compromise A casti Grocery TO c within the hour. All secretaries her husband —Talleyrand rent low $20,*M)0 Wood auil xlletalli is was lie, lost confidence in lhat effect might compromise and riiaucc lor Business. |TNDEETAliSiBS, The fraudulent Legislature rewardinf his evidence tellinga an insult and business, location good, Good 1U &o. are not like the one we are of, so with his to put up with at once or Good Note Caskets, CotliuS, Shrouds, Caps, his of and in his excitement speaking patienco if app led established business in Portland i On Firat Class Mortgages S. RICH & 133 ! it the thieves who made its existence powers deceiving, above to and his Rare opportunity WELL _S. SON, Exchange possiblo “I God strike me dead If it is not young ladies must net presume upon the his cleverness avenge it, “gracious >• U. uakioa offered for sale for a short time. Location o said, hope for selling. A' and To Let. 0 is the lie was incidents for not be as successful as insolence;” or Fouche, "active, auimated, Reason to Houses and Store, For Sale Apply. ITNDEBTAKKBS, CnakeU, Coffin*, To the thieves the spoils, and he dead. This called they might Lo Lowell Street > Congress St. $1000 SL’OUO capital requires ] belong so,” dropped a deal of for C. 1.. B., Real state Broker, 180 Mldd e U and every for funerals. but it was sim- our two fair friends were. always a little uneasy, talkative, good Manager to WM. H. .1EKR1S, Heal Estate Agent. W. H. WALDRON, Robes, requisite of the Maine Fusionists. death by the visitation of God, N* H' Apply Stairs. sep34-oodtf McKENNA & DOUGHEU 424 Congress ! It gan M“3h<>*1Cr d3w ja9 dtf Street Up will give wie amyums ui tucutc uo*» r*'- a member. The language of the Court touching the Mr, Lewis of introduced tlio fol- that failure and make titute each House with a to suit ; the members elect being read a3 they appear Springfield the and the live years following 1870. vision be made as will remedy majority power of the Houses to compel the attendance of cediug war, and Its benefit JANUARY 17. over- i the official returns and the decision of the order: The not iuta the of the the Normal school more effective SATURDAY JURYING, heir own purposes, thus strangling and by their members the Constitutional lowing ordinary receipts Treasury (in opinion given the first was more will as court, be before a dedimvs Justice with- and United States during period $298,- widespread. FOILED S brewing the popular honestly express- qualified in 35 Maine, 503,) applies ouly to those who, Ordered, That the rulos be suspended 1 COLLEGES. was $ and a Sen- from and during the last period id the ballot, Tho doctrine of that act 1 and tints constitute organize legal out vacating their seats, absent themselves that 11.15 a. m. this be as the 509,285.56, by day assigned (14* > The great mass of these amounts said that ho had the ate. tho sessions of the to which were elected. bal- 9(54,870.88. The management of the State College lias proved a liar,” of whom Napoleon jives to tlie executive department power I body they time for this House to go into election by has been derived from custom duties, excise and It would be to the of our Con- successful the year in regard to its in- a Jacobin and was now a rich Jacobin— 0 rob the of the have ! alikejcontrary spirit the from the the for the quite during been people Legislature they Am.—To the 14th, 24th and 25th questions to hold lot of persons persons having direct taxation. These receipts several years its financial affairs. The who to stitution detrimental to public policy struction, attendance and tiiat was all the in him; or Duroc, ilioscn upon them one serve its we answer as follows: audg four number of votes in the list for are in the report of the Secretary of the change and.force proposed that a man niiaht be compelled to accept an office of highest given farm department has fully paid its own expenses, whether the master he >wn It the fountain of to the which l here transcribe, together with did not ever ask himself purposes. poisons very In the general provisions of the constitution, such character. We therefore answer the question Governor, and make returns thereof Treasury, and I am convinced that under the continued pru- tlie the amount of the state and taxes for those served was a great man or not boing content egislation and tends to corrupt legislative article 9, certain oaths or affirmations are pro- in the negative. Senate. county dent management of its trustees this institution can the, man It strikes a ! ow n that he was the master; or Savary, SUM COURT GIVES lepartment of tho State. |death vided for persons elected, appointed or com- Question 27. in years: be made, from its resources, nearly, if not THE This order rise to a brief debate, tlie heart of and gave This table is for the years from 1850 to I860, in- self-sustaining, and so since tho who had to be continually corrupted, “ignorant tlow at popular government missioned to the offices therein mentioned. It 27. In case the official returns of the vote quite, especially a which Mr. of Wiscasset sus- clusive and in rotation: law the lalt authorizes a but with a desire to learn and clear eudevs fountain and great bulwark—tlie that those before whom the or Ingalls opposed passed by Legislature enough, its| appears prescribed cast for Governor should be lost, concealed for which I think no rather than of tho as tlie ballot— Mr. of Lin- U. S. Receipts. State Tax. County Tax. reasonable charge tuition, instinct to judge; untruthful vill people expressed by oaths were to be administered refused to act accident or is it pension of the rules, and Plaisted and is ! unaccessible by fraud, cornpe- :> student would object to. not in^conflict with at bot- ITS 1 Each House lias tlie same and Si 74,050,099.24 $ 201,153.54 171.025.00 manner but false: harsh in frightened CONSPIRACY farce. power and that now there is no Governor v THE it votes existing tent to the for Governor by using coln made extended remarks, denouncing 08,955,312.57 200,929.20 173,900.00 t of r.mgress, chapter 180, approved duly 5, tom:” or Cambaceres, who was won when any s charged with the same duty to declare the and Council before whom can be admin- record of the State they certified copies of the official as a and a for- 200,919.30 218,810.00 dishing colleges. at its own members and in Chamberlain dictator, advising 40,065,305.90 one told him that the carriages thronging (lection of organize istered. The oath is prescribed. The terms several cities, towns and plantations in tho 52.677,100.92 200.919.30 224,100.00 or Le as of movement. lie said thoir had TEMl’EKANC’E. his door were a public nuisance: Brim, my legitimate way before tlie passage are the essential features. Its binding force State? ward opponents 56,054.599.85 207,181.70 229,800.00 and never of use DEATH BEOW. act. The of and the suppression of an old man, “rather wicked, hat upon its terms, not on the magistrate nt- made a mistake in them dishonest, subject temperance depends Ans.—In our recent answer to questions prese supposing the sale of will be to or Murat, whom the Emperor Question 5. it is administered. If there is no $298,509,085.52 $1,011,103.14 $1,018,235.00 intoxicating liquors, undoubtedly anybody;” whom ed the Governor we said in substance that one of “Our action ever because lie by by lacking in courage or in ability. upon your attention. It ever has, and had no confidence in, but employed 5. Does the same rule when the mem- and Council,or a Governor and the of the constitutional of a This table is|for the years from 1871 to 1875, 1 n- urged apply Governor being objects requirements and will agitate the public mind, until some effectual Of all theso how- one same time and will convince them of their great mistake, clusive and in rotation: did not fear him. portraits, ber summoned appears by the returns to he Council they refuse to administer the oath to record of the vote, to be made at the method is devised by which the sale of intoxicants the Cha- manner was ever, four—those of Delille, poet, llected only because of some error in the name representative or to all; for there can be a re- authenticated in like with the return, that we are able to carry out our honest con- U. S. Receipts. State Tax. County Tax. for beverage will be rendered impossible, or at least de Stael and Mine, do to the result of mistake, acci- $ teaubriand, Mine, jr initials of the candidate not summoned, fusal to all equally as to one, what is the re- guard against possible victions. Let tlio be what they $ 374,431,104.94 .$1,125,851.30 338,100.00 be followed by certain punishment. The penalties dent or fraud in tlio official return of votes. When consequences are Genlis—are the most olaborate. Of Chateau- such error is to Can the 304,394.229.91 1,202.482,71 301,200.00 already established for the various violations when correctable by law under sult? Is anarchy triumph? gov- of the vote for are con- till I “It isn’t such returns Governor lost, may I am ready to stand for the right 322,177,073.78 1,114,197.05 316,644.00 and means are afforded for briand, we have Napoleon’s mot, bay- the decision of the and the olhcial re- he or its action sufficient.y severe, ample court, ernment destroyed paralyzed cealed or inaccessible by accident or fraud, the re- but in it is troubles lim- * in veins.” 299,941,090.84 1,124,286.16 323,453.05 the enforcement of the law; practice ing M. de Chateaubriand that ;ords state tlie name and initials Hil- there no Governor and Council be- be ascer- have spilled every- drop of blood my correctly, because is sult of tho election may still 284,020,771.41 898,753.10 337,250.00 found that officers to whom its prosecution is en- him what lie asks,” and also Napo- is to be taken? of the of- it's paying ler the facts of tlie Lincoln Senatorial district fore whom the prescribed oath tained by using certified copies Mr. Laughlin of Carmel also spoke. trusted. have in instances, been remiss or negligent leon’s remark that the distinguished author’s mil the not. The oath from the ficial records mentioned in the question. either from local Representative districts of Exeter, Wo think prescribed The rules were and the order $1,044,904,870.88 $5,566,570.98 $1,010,G47.56 in the duty imposed upon them; for the of a Breton rela- a Neither the carelessness nor the turpitude of the suspended this letter asking pardon Newcastle, Gouldsboro, Webster and Robbins- necessity of the case, may be taken before Tho amount of municipal taxation for the several influence or some other cause, and to remedy was and rather officers charged with the making or the custody of a of laws of the Gover- tive caught in a conspiracy dry ton, as recited in the statement herewith sub- authorized to administer oaths. given passage. years of the period considered, 1 have not before defect, by chapter 0*2, 1872, Brit- magistrate the returns can be suffered to defeat the will of the these officers to enforce "I must make an example in or sworn before can Mr. of Minot then offered the follow- for the when it was $3,683,- nor was authorized t<> direct haughty: mitted; when the member summoned ap- The members must l>o they as in the election so as the Swan me, except year 1870, this will him a chance to write people expressed long and tho average for the five succeeding this and other criminal laws, and upon further tany, aiui give by the returns to he elected re- act. It is their action that a Governor and can ascertain it from the records thus 141, years pears only by by Legislature ing: have been less than that while it wilful to the facts to the some which lie will read in the the can sum, neglect report legislature. pathetic pages, jecting the returns of one town because un- Council thereafter is to bo elected and gov- made. True, the constitution provides that tho Sec- hardly iu a false in women OF THE Ordered, That a committee of five be ap- has probably been more. Taking that sum as the This law places the (.iovernor position, Faubourg Saint Germain—tlm pretty THE CORRECTNESS the town a at- ernment continued. It cannot be retary of State shall on the first Wednesdry of Jan- issue a without signed by clerk,- though duly presumed to sort and average, we have as a total amount of municipal that it requires him to command over and that will console Cha- in the lists before the Senate and House of pointed by the Speaker receive, will cry them, tested copy of the record of said town is seas- that the framers of the constitution had uary lay taxation for that $18,415,705. From such any effectual means to s- cure obedience. In case Kvmusat that hut this is and count the votes for the candidates for Gover- period, teaubriand.” Mule, de says offered as a substitute and un- that the oatli had better not be Representatives, provision directory, as I have had access I estimate the the officer to with such command, onably rejected, contemplation the to data to, average neglects comply seemed to her accurate REPUBLICAN POSITIONS a failure to comply with it cannot defeat right nor to be returned to the Senate pursuant n will have Napoleon’s esiimate der the facts as recited in the statement of tlio administered at all than administered by* any municipal taxation per year during the first period tho term of the tin Governor expired Cha- of the Legislature to ascertain and declare the re- the to be the ballot. next and when next she received a note from Lebanon district? other officer than the one therein. constitution, given upon under consideration, did not oxceed $1,200,000, or when the legislature convenes, frequently day designated sult of the election. When tho framers of our con- that fiat be had betm at The the as tlio a total of the officer’s term will likewise have expired by teaubriand saying present ASSERTED. This is one of the most reliable tests by stitution and our have taken such Speaker appointed following $0,000,000. tol&e the .Ins.—In tho answers of January 8,1880, this legislators pains Political economists apportion the burden of in- time. To remedy that defect L recommend you to the execution and had shivered dogs which to a directory from a manda- to the evidence of votes cast and to the committee: Swan of of court held that ill cases like those stated in distinguish perpetuate Minot, Bradbury direct taxes, such as are derived from customs and pass an act, wnereby, upon proper bearing before his cousin’s blood; he was in deep vs. (>7 328. that evidence the effect, not ouly of I lap up this it is the of the Governor tory provision.—State Smith, Maine, guard against Heard of of Cam- excise, in to population. On that basis tho Governor and Council, or before a justice of the but not sad, but bis irritation question duty accident, but of human fallibility or perfidity, it is Norway, Biddeford, Perry proportion mourning, very and Council to hear evidence and determine 15. Maine’s part of the federal taxes collected during Supreme Judicial Court, such officer may be sus- increased.” Question not to be thrown because the Secretary of and Norwood of Westfield. against the Emperor bad notably if away den, the first was or about $5,900- pended from performing any official duties until the whether the record or return is correct, and 15. When the term of one Governor has ex- State fails or is unable to with this direc- period one-flftieth, author is summed on anotliei comply of the last was or abwut shall act tho of such official The great up to to re- The committee took their stand in front 000, and during one-.sixtietb, legislature upon charge they determined the record bo crrect, by law and no successor has been chosen, tion. Tho constitution is to be construed when prac- Governor to as one whom it was better to read than to Law and Order is Destined to pired $27,000,000. The total amount of taxes thus paid neg ect, ami authorizing the appoint page ceive it or a certified of it, to correct President of the Senate become ticable in all its parts, not so as to thwart, but so as the clerk’s desk. When tlio members had all as de Stael it is said that with a duly copy can.the Acting our for those periods are as follows: some person to perforin the duties of such officer, know. Of Mine, 212 of tlie to advance its main the continuance and or- by people tlie return as is provided in chapter Governor if at his election twenty votes only object, voted it was that tlio whole number in case of vacancy created by resignation or death. face she would have been happier for conduct of the government the We reported Tax. 1855-1860. 1870-1875. passable acts of 1877. But in such a case they are re- are cast for and and those derly by people. That law as it now stands is of little consequence was too Prevail. against him, twenty in affirmative. > $27,0< she wonkl have been calmer; she pas- answer the question the of votes thrown was 70; necessary to a choice Federal.$5,900,00< >0,000 and must so remain in this or some to determine an issue of fact whether votes are made as described in 12 ? until amended not to liavo been ioved much and too quired up question The questions before us are attested in the usual State. 1,011,103 5,566,570 sionate correct. so far as 39. L. Smith had 70 votes and Atonzo other way to give it vitality. the record or return is And, Ans.—Ouv to the 15th is in the mode and to come from bodies. Joseph 1,018,235 1,616,647 imaginative not to think oftan that she was lov- reply question neg- purport organized County. their action is concerned, in determining ative; that one whose only title to the Presidency of They are of the utmost importance. Our answers Garcelon had 70 votes. Municipal. 6,000,000 18,415,705 BEXEFJCIABIES. “Her life was not precisely that of a woman ing that fact, we think tlieir determination is con- the Senate is by virtue of such an election cannot are entirely based on the assumption of the exist- This shows that our of The beneficiary institutions of the State for the and could not be that of a man—it lacked re- The report was accepted and the clerk was presentation proportion DAVIS TO BE OUR clusive, subject, of course, to be reversed by become the acting Governor because he is not a le- ence of the facts as therein set forth. We cannot federal taxation increased in those two periods care and support of the insane, the blind, the deaf ail irredeemable for happiness CORPORAL President of the Senate, if of the vot- an answer if wo would. with a and and for the of unfortunate pose, privation tlie House. If, however, they should refuse to gal twenty decline charged delivering message announcing nearly five fold, our county one and one half fold, dumb, reformation and even for talent.” As for Mine, de Genlis at such choice of President of the Senate eight In a case like the the remarks of Chief and for tlie relief of disabled soldiers, their hear evidence and determine the question, ing present, the result to the Senate. and our municipal three fold, and all on: taxation youths, loved and exalted the Revolution and NEXT GOVERNOR. diu not appear to be elected by the official returns Justice Marshall, in Cohens vs. are par- the latter has bet u widows and children, will claim a share of your at- she reason of refusal, issue Virginia, aggregated during period nearly and should, by -.such under the Constitution and the decision of the “It is most lie A was received from the Senate tention. are all commendable and availed herself of its and growing old, that ticularly applicable. true,” says, message four fold as great as during the former period. They objects, liberty the summons to the candidate not elected and were not in fact there was then “that this court will not take if of the continued aid of the State. Those somewhat and rallied to conrt, elected, jurisdiction with the information that that chamber had Whilst the burden of our taxes has been thus in- worthy prudish quite proud, fall under the rule above stated. no be no valid election of but it true that or subse- would legal quorum and could it should not, is equally our has been slightly dimin- who are severely afflicted from birth, the cause of order. Said Napoleon ono day, had The elected L. creased, population Question 6. permanent officers, notwithstanding the eight it must take jurisdiction if it should. Joseph Smith Governor. 5 ished. quently from some innate cause, must receive that after at one of her works, “When been summoned the Governor andCouncil. With- as the avoid a care and attention which in most cases an glancing Jan. 1(>.—The document in 1 by Judiciary cannot, Legislature may, The House the to the Sen- I am aware that this increase is largely dno to tho only asy- Genlis wishes to define virtue she Ban'goe, following (i. If tlie summon; described question a and with the it of the joined following can our out legal quorum eight participating measure because approaches the confines unavoidable expenses resulting from the contest for lum afford—those waifs scattered through a and such summons in tlio nrn^oA/iin(rt.r> pxi In si on of thnsp rurhtfnllv it is ate committee to wait on L. Smith and and of always speaks of it as she would of discov- will be forwarded by special messenger of the is void, persons holding constitution. We cannot pass it by because Joseph the preservation of our nation, and that we may not community without the guidance protection take in tlie of either Senate elected in their there could be no valid elec- doubtful. With whatever doubts or whatever diffi- the honor and of fond and watchful parents, must be snatched from Judicial Court to-morrow part organization place, inform him that ho had been elected Gover- by action consistent with integrity ery!’’ _ Supreme morning, of the To with a we must decide in item the of ruin are and or House of Representatives, and without the tion of President Senate. proceed culties case may be attended, it, the state be able to effect a reduction such ways they following, placed addressed to Hon. A. President the of the Senate without first deter- if it be before ue. We have no more nor: Messrs. of Wiscasset, Farrell of In order to eliminate the amounts where they will receive such instiuction and form Joseph Locke, votes of suoli persons tliero are less than six- organization brought right Ingalls of expenditure. and declaring its own membership when at- to decline the exercise of jurisdiction which ig given to tho war in our state taxes, let us com- sucn iiauiis as win renaer cnem useiui memoera or of tho Senate, and Hon. Geo. E. Weeks, teen members in tlie Senate and loss than mining Van Buren, Milliken of Burnham, Staples of chargeable tention was-properly called to the fact hat persons than to usurp that which is not given. The one or the 1878 and 1879 with I860, the year society, and justice to the man who has given his members in tho nouso voting for of Whit- pare years Hi TELEGRAPH. Speaker of the House of Representatives— seventy-six were present acting without right and that members the other would be treason to the constitution. Parsonstield, McLaughlin Carmel, next preceding the war, wholly uninfluenced by its life or limb in the cause of the preservation of our and of the officers of the so-called to entertain a common that he and his against anj- were excluded, the Secretary refusing Questions may occur which we would gladly i,avoid, man of and Rafter of Damaris- effects, and the assessments being for a larger sum country demands family Augusta, Me.: bodies to Harrison, Senate or Housq, have such any legal motion for the correction of the roll and refusing hut we cannot avoid them.” than anterior year, may safely be presumed to should be held in grateful remembrance by the Bangor. Jan 10, 1880. cotta. any Me., orornnization or officers? allow an appeal from this ruling, and the Senate John Appleton, be sufficiently adequate to defray all the ordinary State. It will be for you to determine what sums The undersigned, Justices of tho Supreme taking no action although protest was made, was Charles W. Walton, The in of that shall be appropriated lor these various objects with Ans.—If was made to the admissi- House concurred with the Senate expenses year. Judicial Court, have the honor to submit' objection illegal and void. William G. Barrows, due regard to the ability of the State, and consistent of the illegally summoned persons as set a convention for the election of seven In 1860 the state assess- of REVOLUTION. the following answers to the interrogatories bility Questions 16 and 17. Charles Danforth, holding wito the calls humanity. fortli in the statement presented to us, and the John A. Peters, ment was.$207,181.70 proposed and based upon tho accompanying President of the Executive Councillors, and when the conven- BANK EXAMINER AND INSURANCE COMMISSIONER. houses took no action thereon, then an organi- 16. Can a legally chosen Artemas Libbey, Treas. estimate of direct statement of facts: tion was formed the were elected: The banks in the State to be in a zation of the House or Senate in the manner Senate become acting Governor until he has Joseph W. Symonds. following taxes. 72,500.00 savings appear 1. comparatively prosperous condition. The prompt Question described in this would be and been legally qualified as such, in addition to To Joseph A. President of the and 1st District—Edwin C. York. -$279,681.70 question illegal Locke, Senate, Moody, Less for action of our Bank Examiner has required and af- 1. Have the Governor and Council a right The court the on a his as President of the Senate ? George Speaker of the House of Repre- 2d Charles H. Portland. appr. public void. expressed opinion qualification Weeks, Chase, debt and interest.. 93,000.00 forded them a firmer basis and doubtless saved to to summon a to oaths be ad- Maine. Smith Threatening Resist under the constitution person former occasion that the Senato could organize 17. Can such qualifying legally sentatives, Augusta, 3d John B. Redman, Ellsworth. much loss to depositors. The large and varied in- a in Senate or House a of the T C./vnlinortr A*. attend and take seat tho with less than a quorum of members (35 Me. ministered by President pro tempore 4th Henry A. Priest, Vassalboro. terests of our citizens in such institutions, and in the official returns of the Senate and make the offices of Bank Examiner and of Representatives who by where less than a quorum were elected—a Senate, in joint convention 5th William M. Rust, Belfast. penses. #180,681.70 insurance, the Court. 563) as Supreme under the decision of the court does not appear of that when it House of when less than 6th John B. In 1878 state assess- Insurance Commissioner of the first importance, condition things might happen Representatives, .THE USUPERS. Foster, Bangor. and the welfare of the or not voted or the House ara guardians of those interests to be elected, but defeated, for; a majority of votes to elect Senators. seventy-six members of present 7th “Charles R. Whidden, Calais. ment.#899,712.70 required Treas. estimate of direct people requires that all suitable provisions should would such summons be merely void as exceed- That decision met the necessities of that oc- or voting on the motion to proceed to joint con- The House then took a recess until! p. in. taxes. 272,000.00 be made to render those officers still more prompt ing the powers of tho Governor and Council casion. But the doctrine of that case cannot vention ? and efficient. On the House v> ont into -1,171,712.70 under the constitution? a is in fact elected. the letter of the constitution it is at re-assembling joint apply when quorum Ans.—Under Less appr. for public LAND AGENT. MILITARY COMPANIES NOTI- least doubtful whether the President of the Senate convention with the Joseph Ans.—An election has been had by the elec- 7 and 8. Senate, qualified debt, interest, sinking I am informed that all the State lauds have been Questions is to take a new oath before the tors of this State. The of the several required exercising Crowd at L. Smith and he was then His fund and pensions.... 480,000.00 sold and but little remains for a land agent to do NOT TO OBEY GEN. rights 7. Without such legal organization in either office of Governor. When that office has become Pillsbury’s Playing inaugurated. FIED voted for the votes cast. other than collect the notes in payment of land or persons depend upon House or or without sixteen members vacant in the manner the was received with State Senate, specified therein, prac- message applause. Leaving for ordinary ex- and to execute deeds to settlers, etc. If Tho result should be truly determined in accord- six members in the tice since the of the state has, we be- stumpage, CHAMBERLAIN. in the Senate and seventy organization Government. officers were tiien elected as follows: penses. 080,712.70 such information is eorrect, I see no valid reason ance with the constitution and laws of the State. on the meas- lieve, been uniform against requiring such new oath state assessment.. House, present and voting given 1870, 899,712.70 why we may not dispense with this office altogether. It was the of the Governor and Council and to such the interpretation of the con- of State—Prince A. Sawyer. duty ure, can any valid law bo enacted, any legal practice Secretary Treas. estimate of direct It would be withiu the duties of the State ,™r stitution in the absence of or man- M. Folsom. properly 4 thus to declare it. Any declaration of the whatever be express provision Adjutant General—Melville Taxes. 272,000.00 Treasurer to of such and officer be chosen, or any business ifest intention to the think receive payment notes, "vote not thus ascertained and declared is un- if contrary,we etfectjshould State Treasurer—Clias A. White. -1,171,712.70 the of State could be authorized to exe- legally done, except to adjourn; and any be given. Secretary authorized and void. The Governor and Coun- Attorney General—William H. McLellan. Less app. public debt, cute conveyances whenever satisfactory evidence [Special Dispatch to the Press.] business, what business? To the sixteenth question, we reply that a legally AND the returns and undertook to de- FIAT COUNCILLORS interest, sinking should be to the Governor and Council cil examined a formed and chosen President of the Senate may become acting The House then ordered 1,000 of the presented 8. Without legal organization copies fund, pensions, and that the terms of the sale had been or sub- Augusta, Jan. 1G.—Smith, the fusion Gov. clare the result as appeared by the returns. members Governor without the administration of other actually legal officers chosen by seventy-six any ELECTED message to be and then adjourned over officers heretofore with. The duties thus imjtosed Coun- Various the true construc- oath thau that which he has taken in his STATE OFFICERS printed stantially complied ernor, has been in consultation with his questions involving and in the House of Represen- qualifying paid by county. 017,134.00 would be so that 1 do not any ad- present voting office of Senator. until to-morrow. slight apprehend tion of the Constitution, and statutes vot- force would be re- and men tho fusionists at relating tatives and sixteen members present and ditional compensation or clerical cil leading among virtue of The answer to the sixteenth question renders a for thereto, arose, and.the Governor, by in the can either house Leaving ordinary quired. the House to A few ing Senate, compel reply to the seventeenth unnecessary. Augusta up midnight. his constitutional prerogative, called upon this the attendance of absont members? expenses. 554,578.70 MILITIA. the Question 18. That of 1878 being an amount 32/a time9 that of military men were proseut. The opinion was court for its opinion upon questions pro- Situated as we are, upon the outskirts of the Un- .4)15.—Without a organization formed Careers Will be Brief. 1800. of the By the provisions of tho Constitu- legal IS. When twelve persons are legally elect- Whose Very A FIAT MESSAGE. ion—a frontier State—with a extended sea generally expressed that tho opinion pounded. and officers chosen mem- In these facts and will bo fouud if largely tion the court was required to expound and legal by seventy-six ed members of the House of Representatives figures one, coast, we are liable—although it is a bare possibility no more than the bers and in the House of Rep- not the eause of the arrest of our State an in com- court was worthy of regard construe the provisions of the Constitution and present voting from the five cities of Portland, Lewiston, principal —to incursion from a foreign power, or, 16 members and vot- in its career of prosperity, almost unimpeded and mon other to domestic it is men. were it full answers to those resentatives, by present unmis- Senate. with suites/ disturbance, opinion of-seveu other Opinions statutes involved; Rockland, Bath and Saco, and that fact era over-taxation gave in the Senate the measure, no uninterrupted until the of began, well for us to foster and the organization The of this court was ing upon given on official returns and Mr. At- encourage about the situation and it opinion appears the by Augusta, Jan. 16.—In tlio Senate the cause of the actual loss of as shown so fairly interchanged questions. officers can bo chosen, nor law nor takably population of a military force, under control of the state, thus obtained in one of tho modes in passed, the decision of the court oil the facts recited in the census of 1870. and of the discon- to the fort. Before tak- provided No less than from the committee on by popnlar that prompt action may be had in emergency. was resolved hoid business done except to adjourn. well, gubernatorial tent manifested our last any the Constitution for an authoritative determin- in the statement herewith submitted, have THE ADDRESS WHICH PILLS- during political campaign. Our present organization appears to afford sufficient to read the can constitute a quorum of the vote of that tho whole number There can be no the mind ing any action Smith proposes ation of “important questions of law.” The seventy-six those twelve members elect a right to take part 1879, reported misinterpreting popular nucleus for this purpose, if it can be kept near its House of nor can less than at this time; desire to be relieved of all bur- decision. He will, however, the law thus determined is the conclusive guide of Representatives, in the and all subsequent proceed- of votes returned was 138,807. No choice lias they maximum. Some of the companies, however, have appoint sixteen members—now that a elects— organization den of not and mini- and Council in the plurality a summons from the BURY WROTE Itaxation absolutely imperatively been reduced in numbers to, or below, the staff before tho Governor performance ings of the House witiiout effected tho and the committee last members of his military morning, constitute a- of the nor can been by neonle, necessary. The Legislature, though laboring mum. Such measures or inducements should be af- of their ministerial duties. action on quorum Senate, Governor and no other hold- Any Council, persons under began a worthy and no- as defection and and will as his Chief of Staff either liouso without a legal organization report that Daniel F. Davis, Joseph D. Smith, great disadvantages, forded will tend to check this pro- designate their part in determining the vote as it ap- ing summonses for the same seats ? ble work, and it will be well fer us to continue this, to its full formed and ivithout officers chosen com- the mote enlistments to restore the regiment General Clark S. Edwards of Bethel. tho returns in violation of tho legal as Alonzo Garcelon and Bion Bradbury and to in all an d has pears by pro- members. It is Ans.—To the eighteenth question we answer Jare require departments rigid economy capacity. From the slight inspection, which it pel the attendance of absent strict It. W. Black of and Col. visions of the constitution and law thus de- follows: It appears from the statement of facts that candidates. f integrity. been my privilege to enjoy, the and sol- Capt. Augusta J. the House or Senate when formed and organ- Smith Delivered. A careful examination of the items of gentlemanly clared is a usurpation of authority and must the members from the five cities of Portland, Lewis- And Joe expenditure dierly conduct and bearing of ot the several compa- Blood of Auburn will be two of his aids-de- has the to such atten- The was accepted and sent to the for the two of time above will W. be held void. It only remains to apply those ized that power compel ton, Rockland Bath and Saco were duly elected as report periocs considered, nies, their regularity and promptness in all the evo- it is not within the of as before the Governor and indicate what classes have been and and E. W. French of Eastport will to the embraced in the dance, and power per- well by the returns House. augmented lutions and manual, attest the efficiency compe- camp. Jlaj. principles subjects what new demands the have sons who are merely members elect to do so. Council; that by law a summons should of right upon treasury grown tency of the officers, as well as the ability aud close be his military secretary. Gen. Mr. Hobson, of Lincoln, presented the fol- THE EXPIRING BREATH OF AN those However desirable and nec- probably questions propounded. attendance under our Constitution have been issued to them; that in fact no summons up during years. attention of the rank and file. and Council have no to The may tho Fusion Adjutant General, has Tho Governor right house was issued, and that thus names were not bourne on which was read and tabled: essary such new and augmented appropriations may Folsom, be by such penalties as each lowing, to BIENNIAL SESSIONS. summon a person to attend and take his seat compelled the roll certified to the House asjjrovided by R. S., ALLEGED GOVERNOR. have been at the time, it is within your province sent to all tho military companies Until a legal organization has Whereas, it has become apparent that the and this will where The last submitted to the a pro dispatches in the Senate or House of Representatives may provide. c. 2 sec. 25. A motion was seasonably made that determine, comparison suggest legislature people been effected there is no House to provide pen- control of official is a dangerous reductions be without detriment to the posed ameudinent of the constitution whereby our in tho State notifying them that Gen. Chamber who the returns before them was not voted these members appearing by the returns before the patronage may applied by for such Until a sliold bo the influence of the vast welfare of the State, and in many instances to the annual elections ami sessions of the legislature for was defeated. To sum- alties purpose. legal organi- House to have been duly elected, permit- power by directing lain lias been relioved and instruct- for, or being voted of the and would be to biennial elections and sessions. zation is completed there is no officer in either ted to participate in its organization, but the assist- army of ollice holders in one cliannol, enacting positive advantage objects purposes changed mon one for whom no votes had been cast to be Tho wisdom of that in such an alte- them to no orders unless house to issue a warrant the absent ant clerk refused to put the motion and to entertain the assessment of sums of money for [Special Despatch to tlio Press.] sought accomplished. body proposing ing obey a violation of official against large ration a would bo deliberate duty. an the constitution the returns were has been approved very large majority the Fusion Governor. members. No such power was committed or appeal. By election purposes, exciting tho ambition of un- Augusta, Jan. Senate selected EDUCATION. by issued by Smith, To summon those whom the returns show before the House. By those returns the Representa- 1<>.—'JJhe intended to be committed into the hands of men, thereby resulting in the con- for which of our devolve The fusion loaders seem to fear Gen. Chamber- were not elected would bo equally such viola- tives above named appeared to be elected. Their scrupulous Jaseph L. Smith to wear the empty honor of The great and comprehensive purposes constitution. Thus will upon you not and acting as an or- trol of the floating vote of any State whore it is our have formed themselves into a pol- the of onr statute laws in re- and tion. Either would be intruders without right persons comprising seats were not contested. The Governor and Coun- and both branches went the people body necessity amending lain more than the Supreme Court, they and house. It has fre- and to tho dominant Governor, through itic known as t he State of are concisely set to the duties ami tenure of office of many of The summons thus ganized completed cil could not without a violation of their constfrtf^ ■attempted, giving party Maine, gard into a legislative body. him at a forth in the of our iu these state ami officers in order to con- are arranging tonight for vigorous action to quently happened in our history that legisla- tional duty neglect to issue to them a summon** nor undue advantage in perpetuating its power: old established forms of inaugurating preamble constitution, onr county fully given would bo void as in excess of any pow- “to establish insure domestic tran- to the intent of the amendment. tive bodies have been delayed days and some- the Secretary of State to place their names on the therefore late hour after had des- words, justice, form him from making an aggressive ers conferred the Constitution. Grant this in the afternoon, they for mutual our prevent by able to an certified roll which it was his duty to furnish. The the of to quility, provide defence, promote times weeks without being complete Resolved, That it is duty Congress to ourselves and our PUBLIC DEBT. movement. declare that action lio power and the rights of the peoplo to elect Governor and Council could not withhold Ids Council several hours previous. common welfare, and to secure They any for the want of a legally tako such as to restrict the ignated at an orgazization quorum. steps ar/necessary the blessings of liberty.” It is for these debt there will mature this their officers is end. their summons from those appearing to be elected. in attendance wore those posterity Of the public year now take will bo treasonable and say he ttie selection of The spectators mostly that our is ordained; and of the may O. could not order a summons to issue to some appointing power by placing paramount objects government bonds amounting to $307,000, by repeal Questions 2, 3 and 4. Question They elec- of taxation are claim will be dealt with as a traitor to be elected and withhold it from others. postmasters in the hands of the people by of fusion sympathies, Republicans generally and that all the burdens imposed act creating a sinking fund we meet this large summarily make the appearing borne the The attainment of summons a U. To up legal quorum required it would be in their to select tion in the town or where the office is lo- upon and by people. 2. Has tho holder of any such If they could, power city and not to bo to w and should he arrest force anb orders can the of keeping away desiring present tbo6d aliouid o*oi bv itwi iu vify wlWIMJVW to" $386,000 by promulgat- on pny vote in either house, vote from the members fo be elected those and the of other Sue'in°ing to take a part in the organization or sub- appearing cated, placing appointment a is author- the of which re- right counted who summoned in witness, as one of them told us, “a ceremony a law is enacted or public expenditure $5,166,900 in 1889. larger part ed Smith, tho fusion Governor. any person be though who should and those who should not take part officers with tho legislatures of war by sequent proceedings of cither House, to the ex- government ized. sults from the equalization of the municipal does not appear to be elected by the official the organization of tne House. The section 25, R. States where the office is located, that was a itself the clusion of the members rightfull elected, as tho several burning disgrace.” Among the instrumentalities provided by the wise debts. At the time the state took upon returns under tho Constitution and the deci- S., c. 2, restricts the vote to those whose names are returns under the decision of and tako such other immediate action as may the men who formed our constitution for the accom- of this it was confidently expected shown by said borne on the certified roll. The the vote Mr. Smith, after producing printed slips payment debt, JUBILANT. sion of the court? restricting in named in the assume all state war or does such rest in said last he to the use of money plishment of the preamble, that the United States would the court; right to those only whose names are thus borne is at vari- necessary prevent of his commenced it at a purposes of the of the House is intimidation and to' secure message reading none held a In their esteem than edu- but from the history of the reduction named Ilicuiuei, to iud oauiuoiuu ui uro mcui- .4ns.—Not if the attention ance with the constitution in so far as it restricts elections, to prevent higher place debts, of our funda- now remains that this are and to 5 o’clock. He its in cation of the and in the article national little prospect ber summoned from tho same district? called to the fact that such persons illegal- and limits the action of the House to those whom to every person the unrestricted right priv- quarter bogan delivery youth, debt, mental law, they declared that “a general diffusion will bo realized, and we should conduct summons were issued under tho facts lv mminmierl and obiection is seasonably made the Governor and Council may select, and not to of his opinion at the ballot box a monotonous and was expectation y. If ilege expressing low, voice, evidently of the advantages of education was essential to the the of our bonds with a view that each for the those to be chosenlandwho the House may or payment recited in the statement herewith submitted to the counting of such persons purpose appearing without fear, molestation bribery. the and liberties of the its own war indebtedness. It has determine to be members. The twelve member< had embarrassed, and then after ho had got fairly preservation of rights peo- state must pay to Lewis Voter of the of up a quorum, and tho House does to vote on tho and made it the of the the of this state to pay its REJOICING Farmington district, making to act in the of the House. Before the Senate proceeded so and indistinct that ple.” they duty legislature been practiced policy REPUBLICANS the their .wight organization under way he read fast the several towns to make suitable the action of the Daniel Snow of Skowhegan, Alfred Cushman not act upon questioned admisability. on of the ro- “to require pro- obligations at maturity, though Their election was patent inspection constitutional candidates that the House sent to of Ashland, James O White of Jay, Leonard By the constitution article 4, section 5, Tho those in the rear of the hall could scarcoly vision at their own expense for the support and legislature of 1875 and 1878 seems contemplate of Mr.' Strickland of Aroostook maintenance of schools.” a want of or to pay at maturity THE COURT’S DE- of N. of Senate shall on the first Wednesday The ion whether their names should l>3 added up for Governor, was no in public policy, inabilility OVER H. Beals Lisbon, Osgood Bradbury ques hear what he said. There change is it the of the due. are elected To what extent constitutional duty the bonds now falling W. Johnson of New Shar- January annually determine who to the roll was not submitted to its determination. said he had no doubt as to the of the Sioneham, George validity the tone of his voice as ho had it at state to for the education of its youth ? It A continuation of the policy our state has hereto- of of votes to be Senators in eacli Upon the facts set forth they appeared to pitched provide on, Lincoln H. Leighton Cherryfield, by plurality it was a If it seems to me that there is oue safe and just rule fore to me to be advisable, if it is in CISION. be and were and it is not to be Senate and believed legal body. from the time he commenced pursued,appears Aaron H. Woodcock of district. elected, pre- the beginiug,and all in this To the whole of this amount Vanceboro, Harper that the House such facts would if not Avhich should govern legislation regard, any waypracticable. pay and 12. sumed knowing was then our doings are legal, but to of Allen of Fairfield, Joshua E. Jordan of Sears- Questions 10,11 legal until he finished he only removed his eyes from namely, that ii is the of the public provide this year, in the uresent condition business, might have prescribed their action if the Clerk had per- duty the summons either of the then oar action was null and void. Whatever so much education as all the youth of the state can too heavy a burden upon peo- port, would such give 10. Can tho Governor and Conucil mitted the action to be put. These members had a the once. The is the perhaps impose legally printed copy following What the limits of such an education are is which could be better borne by it above named a to take part in the members to take in the of the Houso was for and dis- enjoy. ple, apportioning persons right administer the oath to the right part organization may bo the result bo peace, to and have two thus taking up -r the qualifying should otherwise determine. message: happily not left speculation; they on this and the following years, or subsequent proceedings of of the House of when until it theory and ’be of organization elect Representatives countenanced any resistauco if the and since been settled by practical experience all the bonds of this year before maturity or would such rest in H. possible Gentlemen of the Senate House of lleprescnta~ long Fusionists and Di- House, right Cyrus on a yea and nay vote, as shown by tho record, 10. the general judgment of the people. When the state those falling due in 1883, and this undoubtedly Depressed Hiram S. Question of our action was established. tires. and think the Thomas of the Farmington district, members on both sides, in- illegality of the im- or through its requirements of the towns, would be the most prudent course, I only seventy-throe 19. Can a House of Assembling here for the performance directly, of the John Representatives legally of Patten of I’enob- all the children a to so it. As the law now Steward Skowhegan district, vote on the motion to request the at- A committee consisting duties to us, it Is becom- has given to good practical Eng- people would prefer pay clusive, or act under a certified roll contain- portant severally assigned has caused them to be instructed in of these bonds may be vided. Burnham of the Ashland district, John It. for that organize a11.1 Thmniwmi nf we should above all remember with devout lish education, stands by act 1878, chap. 56, tendance of the Governor and Council that o a one hundred and names ing 41. ns.nntiol k.snntiua It- Vi n«>l* 5 cent, to 1890, to be then Eaton of the Jay district, William H. Thomas ing thirty-nine only, thankfulness that beneficent Providence which has extended at per interest, purpose? and no to the five cities was to sort and formed its whole so far as schools are in installments of $200,000. Would of tho Lisbon district, A. F. Andrews of the of tho House giving representation Knox, appointed receive, so kindly and carefully watched over our Stato dur- duty, public paid yearly 11. Can a valid organization concerned. When the goes that not the more pay $100,000 yearly David N. Norton of the of Portland, Rockland, Lewiston, Bath aud for the the year that is now passed. While some of our legislature beyond people readily Stoneham district, be made under the Revised Statutes, count votes governor. They reported ing amounts of the raised continue the interest t hen chapter under the facts as stated in 18. sister States have been visited with a terrible and applies large moneys by now, than paying .and New Sharon C. Baker of the Saco, question a and whether we in district, Henry section 23, when under the fact3 as stated in whole numbsr of votes 18; necessary for taxation to the support of Normal Setups High pay $290,000 annually. But pay A. Rolfe the 2, without admitting at once the twelve members that the EX- district, Charles of was entered at the aud for instruction in all the sciences and two or ten I would suggest act VICTORIA WOODHULL’S Cherryfield question 10, a protest time, ? choice 10. L. Smith had 18. The graciously preserved free from such direful calam- Schools, one, years, Vanceboro A. B. Colo of the Fairfield from said cities Jo%iph branches of in the learned referred to reduced the rate of interest offered In a district, that no was manifest on the yea and ity. Our fields have been crowned with a plentiful higher study required quorum L. Smith was the levied we with the COUNSELS district, and Robert French of tho Searsport that tho Ails.—The House cannot legally organize or act report was accepted and Joseph and Peace has continued to shed her inesti- professions, when it devotes money upon former act, and that may consistently HUSBAND nay vote, and notwithstanding protest harvest, of I bonds reduce of the sum- under a certified roll of 189 mimes only, and giving the land. the mass for the superior education the tew, market value of state and national district, to the exclusion persons to a motion to and declared elected Governor of Maine. mable blessings throughout clerk refused put adjourn no to the five cities duly am it transcends the spirit if not the that offer still further. the same districts? representation named, provided In the acceptance oftlie position of power and re- apprehensive RESISTANCE. moned from aild administered the a committee in a that the Governor appeared the from the cities and The were appointed now and the solemn ob- letter of the law, and treads path have been made and circulated through- were issued under the facts representatives appeared following sponsibility you occupy, by organic Charges 4. If summons their seats and the House took uo action does not lead to the of the “common that intimidation and violence have- oath? claimed of the Senate to wait on Mr. you have assumed, you have pledged your- promotion out the Union recited in the statement herewith submitted, to on the part ligation to aftect the results of 12. Can the Governor aud Council legally whatever upon the question of their right to par- self to a faithful performance of the trust commit- welfare.” been u-ed in different States Daniel W.True of Cumberland mem- in the the clerk to Smith and inform him that he had been elec- Tlio wise and excellent comments lately made by their late elections. Without an opinion county,Edward administer the qualifying oaths to the ticipate organization, refusing ted to you by the people, and for the sacred observ- expressing entertain a motion made for that and refus- Governor Robinson of New York are quite as appli- ns to the truth or of such charges, 1 would re- A. Gibbs of Cumberland county, Rudolplius bers elect of the Senate when only twenty purpose ted Governor: Messrs. Patteu of Penobscot, ance of that pledge at all times you are accountable falsity to entertain au appeal from his thereon. It cable to this as to that State. He says, “The only fer to them as a matter that causes grave anxiety in Heads Advise Sub- P. Thompson of Franklin county, James R. both sides vote on tho mo- ing ruling to those by whom you have been so intrusted. But the Cooler members, inclusive, of and Strickland of Aroos- reason which can be for one class breast and a subversion of the of John Den- 20. True Cumberland would be needless for me to attempt to recapitulate good urged taxing every patriotic prin- Talbot Washington county, Q. tion to their for that purpose, Question of the children of of Even in our own request presence those are and set forth of citizeus for the education ciples of our form government. nett of York county, would such summons summoned 20. Where are olocted mem- took. duties; they clearly plainly mission. and of that twenty, eight though persons legally and be stated or de- another class is the necessity of giving the children State there are like charges of fraudulent and op- a in the constitution, may briefly either of the above named persons right the official re- the Houso from the dis- was read to the House a sufficient common school education means to control the action of give did not appear to be elected by bers of ltepreseutative ^ message proposing termined by the rule of a strict and earnest endeav- of all classes pressive employed to take in the or Subsequent and the decision aud and that to enable them to understand their duties and ex- the evidence too strong and di- part organization turns under the constitution tricts cf Skowhegan Farmington, a convention for the election'of seven or to study and comply with the will of the people, voters, supported by the Senate; or would such joint as citizens of a free admit of a reasonable that such is the proceedings of right the and were not in fact elected? fact on the official re- and to secure and the welfare of the State ercise their rights country gov- rect to doubt, of court, unmistakably appoars promote too notorious to Andrew Hawes of Cumberland executive councillors. that as a erned by the voice. When we go beyond lamentable fact, and further it fs rest in county, to the turns and by the decision of the court on the •and the benefits of its inhabitants. Taking popular Ans.—These three questions referring this and take from one man the money necessary to that not content with the employment of such were*receiv- David Duran of Cumberland county, Henry in tho statement herewith sub- The of State transmitted of >all our deliberations and actions—so long deny •Augusta, Jan. 16.—Despatches of members the administration facts recited Deputy Secretary guide another man in the arts and as in our elections, there H. qualification by as we do not seek to or oppose its educate the children of criminal methods charged C. Brewer of Cumberland county, George for those have members on evade, transgress ed in this this that the oath be answered to- mitted districts, those the of the standing committee elec- has sciences we an act'of injustice under the was devised and act ually put into operation a scheme city evening stating Fernald of Franklin Alden Bradford of the required may report evident requirements, or to exceed the powers it perpetrate county, elect a to take in the form of law. What is worse than this, instead of to overawe and intimidate our late chief Court had sustained the Re- By the constitution the oath is to bo right part organization tions of the executive council, to which was conferred, we cannot go astray—or at least be de- magistrate Supreme solidly of Washington county, George R. Wakefield gether. of the House the masses of the children so as to constitutional and discharge of the du- taken and subscribed in the presence of the and all subsequent proceedings prived of the sincere consciousness of an honest en- educating pre- in the legal in Hundreds of Re- of York and J. W. Dearborn of York referred the returns of votes given in at the them ior ihe and industries upon ties of his office. The ttrm and dignified man- publicans every position. county, and Council. Revised without a summons, the persons summoned deavor to subserve the best interests of our fellow pare pursuits high to the exclusion of the sum- Governor By thejstatute, which must for a living, we educate ner in which he and his under the abuse are in the and there is re- county, persons returned their summonses and declined election of last year upon the citizens. they depend councillors, publicans city great 23, tho clerk of the pre- having September as discontented their moned from the same districts? Statutes, chap. 2,’sec. to the want of sufficient to ex- them in such a way to make thqm and indignities heaped upon them, discharged until the to serve as on the that March Owing opportunity constitu- them. The fusionists are cor- ceding House shall preside Represen- Representatives ground resolve of the legislature approved 4, of the of State with with their condition, unfit to discharge its duties in duties in conformity with the joicing among third and fourth were not elected? amine the reports departments roponsible Alls.—The second, ques- “shall be and elect a they a manner most beneficial to their own interests and laws and the established his Col. Blood and oth. tatives elect qualified the constitution so as to that care and consideration* which is desirable, I do tion, the precedents by respondingly depressed. lie answered The answer IS79, amending provide those of and will receive the tions may together. and if no appear he shall pre- Ans.—To questiou 20, we answer iu the affirma- not feel at to make at take away the strong incentives which impede predecessors in office, worthy speaker, quorum sessions of liberty present any particular have the his clans are hero the fusionists covers much of tho unless the House has acted for biennial elections and biennial _ are able and to win for them- of all citizens who ers of urging to the first question ground side and the representatives elect present shall tive, upon the question suggestions in the several branches, but will reserve who really worthy highest econmium truly these Holders of sum- of their to act as members and determine to selves in learning and usefulness. welfare of the State at heart. The denial to stand and resist the court, go forward embraced by questions. from to day until a quorum ap- right the The whole number of votes all such as the subjects of future communications high positions practical up that the adjourn day the contrary. legislature. undoubted- When the State has to all the children a good of free of suffrage or undue influence over the monses which are void for the reason and are and a is of should occasion require. These reports, given right the but of the fu- pear qualified speaker thrown is at 58,015. The number common school it should leave them to exercise of that whether affected by bribes,by and impeach Judges, many Governor and Council have failed to Questions 21 and 22. reported ly, will in due time be submitted to you and receive education, right, correctly elected.” their own resources ami to follow such in or or threats announce their intention to votes in the word “Yes” written such attentions and at your hands as callings actual threatened personal violence, by siouists yield. the constitutional obligation resting while the sum- given having deliberations is perform Thus it will be seen that by 21. Can 11 members duly elected and and the of t he life as their capacities fit them for. To go beyond of withdrawal of employment or patronage, equal- to a in the their respective importance good are known to bo in favor of submit- them, have no right take part is to until a moned and seven other members not summon- or on them is 54,011. The number this is to rather than benefit them. It is no concern of any man, for Twenty upon statute the clerk preside quorum printed State may demand. * injure ly reprehensible. or in of school for 18G0 and or another man may and organization any subsequent proceedings shall and be it is not pro- hut to be elected a in the work “No” written or But there are for deliberation of A comparison reports what partv candidate principle ting. There is division general despon- appear qualified, ed, “appearing by plurality given having subjects your of the of the House to which are .official re^ 1878 of the last not before me) dis- in this or any other State, but iris high they wrongfully vided either in tlie constitution or the statute of all the votes returned” under the require- was vast and vital importance, which need no (that year being vote, in their ranks. thereon was 4,004. The roport closes the facts: est concern to all citizens that every man in every dency certificated. They are not in fact members. than a shall not be >• outs of the constitution and the decision of printed to inform of their existence in your midst. following that, a less number quorum port you 18G0. and exercise with freedom as shown are and so 1878. State shall have perfect Senators and But the members rightfully elected can the and vote on constitute and a Seu- tabled. They of such magnitude conspicuous, Republican Representatives qualified. Nor yea nay the court, organize legal No. scholars in the State.. the to vote for whatever party, candidate or the official returns and the of the of the 4 o’clock that they cannot but be seen, and are doubtless in .243,370 214,797 right will meet to-morrow afternoon at the State by opinion the’motion to request tho attendance ato, provided said eight members each receiv- The Senate took a recess until p. No. dur- he chooses. The people of Maine ought the heretofore the the minds of you all, and have already received Average attending principle court upon propositions by Governor and Council for the purpose of ad_ ed for Senator a plurality of all the votes cast is the 105,872 not and will not indorse that condition of affairs House and continue the work of to m. deepest thought. Principal among these ing year.110,700 Legislation. Governor to the court are entitled of as as your of schools which their fellow citizens of their presented ministering, the oath bejdeemed any impor and the official records well the official On the Senate ac- and constantly increasing depression Average length deprives plain fusion members will and act in the coming together again long-continued w’ks 21 w’ks 2 for the and sufficient Many probably partici- appear organization tance. If the Governor and Council had ap- returns show that fact? in our industrial, commercial and manufacturing for the year.21 d’ys constitutional right, simple to which the of the House for a joint Amount raised tax and reason that whoever consents to another’s being de- with the of the houses they belong, without a motion on a vote their au- 22. Can 62 duly summoned members elect cepted proposition interests, though there may now be a slight grain of by pate Republicans. peared for of his lias taken the first fatal step to- Unless tho House and Senate, in judging of the same. We there- of with convention to the Governor and Coun. hope of from the foreign demand our contribution, &c.$500,GOO 900,211 spoiled rights Mr of the has thority would have been of the House Representatives, together qualify prosperity himself of those same I Lamson, president Senate, and of but which from the nature of its origin Amount of public school wards despoiling rights. the election qualification members, fore answer that the qualifying oaths under 12 members elect not summoned from the cities also a convention for productions, that first see that our own to Gen. Chamberlain: oil, and proposed joint can be as It is for you— expenditure. GIG,809 133,042 would recommend you uldressed the followidg shall determine to tho contrary, a member be administered regarded only temporary. of the the constitution or statute may of Portland, Lewiston, Bath, Saco and Rock- the and more in- Amount laws are so framed as to protect the purity to the election of state officers. coming from people, paid Superintend- State of Maine, / without a summons who appears claim his branch in aud two members elect not summoned immediately in our own and second that ex- to the members elect of eithor any land, timately acquainted with their wants and wishes to ing School Committee... 13,714 30,339 ballot box State, you Department. seat is entitled to considera- aud House. It therefore that in 18G0 there were 28.- resolve the convictions of this Executive \ prima facie equal* numbers though a quorum must appear from the towns of Farmington and Skowhe- study and compare carefully the condition of all appears press by declaratory a member who has a summons. He the first business 579 more scholars in the State than in 1878, with ure in that behalf. Augusta, Jan. 16. tion with be qualified before proceeding to an election gan, constitute or organize a legal House of In the House this forenoon localities ef the State, aud so determine what legis- Legislat of tho its former an excess of average attendance of 4,897, while in FINANCE. is not to be deprived position belonging and if the whole number of votes when tho fourteen members a Mr. lative enactment will restore industry IO iviajor Lrenerai A/iiauiuKxmiii. of speaker, Representatives was the presentation of report by Dickey 1878 it exceeded in the amount of raised by nearly of the dereliction of those ana It is within twenty years that .1' millioiw nf Iliirrmi(>v ill f k a to him on account for is loss than a and there i3 above enumerated were in fact elected, aud prosperity. in amount of I guarantee that the body which assembled speaker quorum of Fort Kent from the committee on elections Maine her vast and extended shore of $400,000, and the expenditures by whoso it was to have him the that a tho official aud throughout cent, while the receipts from in House of on last, duty given upon the record to show that fact appears by returns by furnished and remunerative $410,703, certainly a very large increase to procure per bonds, increasing Representatives Monday absence of that evidence nothing Vassalboro’ case. Mr. river and ocean, steady taxation less than three millions would add fourteen usual summons. The was and there would the decision of the court, uo other in the Dickey reported two additional of school. The last and adjourned to same timo to-morrow, can quorum present acting porsons to thousands of laborers, and profitable only days length The volume otlior evidence of mem- employment more for the attention millions to our annual interest. present may be supplied by no summons for tho same seats? that Wm. the contestant, was elected, for and sent out two-tifths of item, though properly calling rnoet at that time in thoir respective Houses be election. holding Murray, investment capital, of bank and treasury notes, is near The House and Senate have the 13. in the merchant service of the of the several towns, and not especially falling with- paper currency, without interference bership. Question Ans.—It is the opinion of the court that questious received a of the votes legal- the sailing navigation 700 millions. The of the banks is by any party. to and determine whether having plurality is deserted in the of jurisdiction if indicative of policy aggressive D. same right consider 21 and 22 may be answered United States. Now the shipyard nearly province your less than an exclusive of the (Signed,) .James Lamson. what date in the 1880 do the conveniently together. thrown in Vassalboro’ the of increased expenses which and seeks nothing right first instance such to 13. At year answer is this. which and constitutionally here and there our coast is a vessel in practice permeates in the persons appear Our Circumstances may exist ly —only along other facts interest upon 700 millions of 4 per cent, continuous- of office of the State officers of construction. once the our whole school system. These and ap- Three companies of militia are under orders havebeen elected,and finally whether they were terms following will justify and render legal such an organization of and Windsor. The acceptance of the report process Maine, among ly reinvested in the same class of bonds, will ac- : the Govern- in lumber now takes pearing from such comparison will suggest to you all the elected in January, 1879, expire the Senate and such an of the House. leading States manufacturing, a sum above the total national Gen. Chamberlain but will not bo in fact elected, as they have of'any and organization it was made certain cumulate lo present from brought Executive the of \Ve think such would be and wfts doubted, whereupon an inferior rank, and the capital and labor formerly This the value of who for the of com- or, the Council, Secretary organizations justified into our common debt within 30 years/ represents persons appear purpose in that now seeks other waters and what abuse?, if any have crept to the unless needed. The Guards Lilt; vs nf+’fantAsl midnr negative. Speaker quo- aud exceeding in val- repute, youth term o£ and products, hay potatoes, lately end that such to these above 200 millions of public the that Lewis Voter and .Ins,—Tho Governor's office, of other can now And a benefit of this outlay, to the provi- corporations row morning. we are of opinion such circumstances, would constitute a legal legis- rum had not voted. Ho then directed the ue that any State, price fun is. that of his Council, at midnight to the farmer for his care aud sions may be made as will promote the greatest use- associates first named in three were also expired? lature, competent to perform all the functions con- barely sufficient pay that so divert vast re- question monitors to return tlieir divisions to see how fulness of our schools. The policy would public the first Wednesday of January, to that of our toil. The who could find constant not entitled to act, and that Cyrus A. Thomas following stitutionally belonging department laborer, lately venues into privato channels, is advocated from MAINE. other officers mentioned at such as afforded him and associates lastly named in the question 1880. The term of the government. Tumult and violence are not requis- many members were present, ami 76 were re- employment compensation FREE IliaII SCHOOLS. other than patriotic motives. I would therefore when their several ites to the due assertion of should a above the amount required for his daily act as in tho will expire legal rights. They surplus that a resolution adopted by you as an ex- of the Lockwood were entitled to in the House members, question and held out a of able The act creating freo high schools, and suspemlod suggest Meeting Company. as in the con- bef avoided whenever it is possible to do so. They ported. sustenance, just hope being of the sentiment of the of the state that Daniel W. True and those first named successors are elected proyided the of the action of the last again come pression people Jan. 10.—The directors of the and can never be except in cases of the extrem- Mr. asked the if it was nec- to better his condition, now finds earnings by Legislature,will at least Maine’s Waterville, stitution. justified Dickey Speaker iu force without action on Whether may not be disregarded by delegates in four were not entitled to act, aud est Such peaceful modes of other expendeii, and can with difficulty secure any your part. session question 24 and 2o- necessity. organization should, vote. days it shall be or is a to Lockwood Company of this place, in and others with him Questions 14, to a resort to essary that all members an occasional at a meagre prico to pro revived, repealed again suspended Congress. that Andrew Hawes are far preferable violence. No rights opportunity In a the discussions before the himsolf and those de- matter worthy of your serious deliberation. The T political public a semi-annual dividend were to act as members of the 14. When the terms of office of the Govern- should be lost those who assert them ruled it was not and vide food aud clothing for here today, declared named entitled by seasonably The Speaker necessary, one for a few the prominence of the impor- __Li.... .i:.l and no of report of the Superintendent for 1878, the last years past or and Council have or their offices and to the constitutional tribunals instead of pendent upon him, prospect improve- of national finance, on the Feb- expired, appeal a was He tlion de- I have the statistics in tant and all-pervading subject of three per cent, stock, payable nor to force. also that quorum present. ment. Whence comes this condition? What is its seen, gives following regard itself the of their are vacant, and thero is neither Governor resorting currency and banks, Ilos given the people true and House actupon question cause. It cannot be that the are less ener- to those schools: ruary 1st. The following vote was unani- members eloct of the Senate 23. clared the report accepted. people ideas and convictions upon these Both the Senate ‘and House, Council, can the Question or that there is enlarged matters, membership. getic or less ambitious of success, The number of terms. 314 with the business of be quali- In answer to a from Mr. Wales of and their close connection pros- mously passed: “meaning the bodies assembled to be organ- and House Representatives legally question less desire of usotui ana prontaoie inuusiry. wm Whole of all weeks. and commis- 23. Can the seventy-six members elect length 3,417 perity and welfare of our country. That in the of ized as wore debated from any action fied before a magistate appointed the ruled that the House in be to inquire and ascertain whether it has Whole number of scholars 11,849 Voted, present condition such,” enumerated constitute aud organize a Biddeford Speaker your duty attending... of our thinking and most intelligent men of the secre- sioned the Governor with the advice of the legal been or from want 9,304 Many matters to the in thereon by the conduct presiding by of the produced by injurious legislation Average. who were once wedded to the policy the pertaining government House of Representatives together with nine the report accepted the action State or pursued by The of such offi- Council under a dedimus by virtue accepting of legislation, whether by the general Total amount paid for instruction.$100,557.97 been led to see its this State, we cannot ask capitalists to join us tary and clerk. assumption potestatcm other members who were in fact elected na ional government have folly sections 85 elect, to seek the remedy and enact such of in the erection of a new and that tiio cers that no should bo entertained of tho revised statutes, chapter 2, committee. It therefore costs an average weekly tuition 53 and disastrous effect it must entail upon the people mill, questions and appear by the official returns and ihe aws as will restore State to its former rank. whose names and or any other of law ? by that he had not voted f;overnment, your cents, or for the academic term of twelve weeks a at The awakening euergy in business enter- question is indefinitely postponed. relative to the rights of persons 8G, by provision decision of the court to bo elected, though the Mr. Wales remarked large. 24. When the terms of offico of tho Gover- TAXATION. tuition of $0.30, an excess over the average tuitioii following so closely upon the large influx of are not upon the rolls furnished by are He wanted to hoar a state- prise Death an Old nine scat* aforesaid claimed by other con- understanding!}". in and if to this wo add the usual neces- into this and without which re- of Baptist Preacher. of but who were nor and Council have the acting Some'of the immediate causes of the deep dissatis- academies, currency country, the Secretary State, expired, who were summoned as in- been an to testants, by the Gover- ment of and, therefore moved a re- faction manifested in the late election may be sum- sary expenses in supporting schools, such fuel, sumption of specie i ayment would have Machias, Jan. l(i.—Daniel for more of was unwarrantable President of the Senate has refused qualify facts, Dodge, claimants seats, nor and Council but were not in fact and it would a tuition nearly, if proves the correctness members and tho elected vote the med up in one word—over-taxation. Privileged surance, &c., require impossibility, conclusively than a died here The statute of 1869, embodied in the Rovised tho duly summoned elect, consideration of the accepting report. not to usual tuitions. It ap- ol the contended for the national fifty years Baptist preacher, of and do not appeat to be elected by said official expensive systems of finance—extravagant adminis- quite, equal college position by party. sec. cannot either House of Representatives, made up was a dis- to me that of schools was that to check the severe laet 80 Statutes, ch. 2, 25, preclude acting returns under the decision of the court? Mr. Dickey replied that thero tration—subsideis for the benefit of the few at the pears this expeusiveness high It demonstrated depres- night, aged years. summoned and fourteen number it was not the Senate or House from amending and com- G2 members legally No of the of emolument, created will account for the constantly diminishing sion universally felt and and Ajis.—It will follow from the answers to questions crepancy in the vote of Vassalboro’. expense many—places number of schol- acknowledged roll of to others summoned but notin fact clooted for the of the incumbent rather than for and length of the schools, lessened only necessary to stop contraction, but to increase pleting the membership according 21 and that this for the reasons advantage XLVIth CONGRESS—1st Session. to bo elected the official re- 22, question, and list was used and none up. There the abuses that to- ars and the disfavor with which the system our medium. the facts. Each House has the constitutional not appearing by the circumstances there check posted the public good—are among growing circulating upon referred to, must be is a of our These discussions have had their influence in the for turns under tho decision of the court, refused was not a have a ruinous system of ovr regarded by largo portion community. to organize itself. The form received answered also in the affirmative. was a check list used, but it certified gether (developed of some HOUSE. right taxation. halls of Congress in their adoption latterly in tiie to admit to seats the fourteen members elected .... NORMAL SCHOOLS. aid and convenience effecting organiza- one. The testimony was conclusive on this to observe that it has been a measures of relief. It is with feelings of surprise 111 or the nine additional Question 2(5. I am happy principal Washington, Jail. 16. tion does not confer upon a temporarily presid- specified in questions that There are now in three Normal schools ami fearful that we see the recommen- It was on assessors to recently enunciated fby all political parties operation anticipations Resolution on the of War have members elect in 20 or any 20. When a receives a summons a point. imperative pre- the of which the State and certain bills there calling Secretary ing officer such conclusive power. We specified question person as retrenchment and economy should be enforced in aud branches, for supi>ort aj>- dation made to Congress, information as to the can the 7G members House of was The furnish towards future limits the for number, rank, name not failed to carefully consider the act of 1869 one of them, specified by member of the Representatives and pare a check list, but that negloctod. all of the government, and here, at propriates about $18,800 yearly. They proposed, looking upon departments iu our while the and annual pay of every officer on the retired into R. ch. sec. or the 85 members by returns the same to the Governor before the All whatever differences may exist iu other mat- about 340 of the teachers State, coinage of silver and the destruction of the green- —e. 67—incorporated S., 2, 25, question IS), specified voting had been a very loose operation. least, and of the was called to order one of the Leislature and all meet a common whole number employed is between 0,000 back currency. list army adopted. and so far as it declares that “no person shall 20, after being by assembling resigns his ters, you may upon grounJ. question the barriers that the law and constitution pro- last to If it is within the constitutional power and The House went into committee of the the of their members and a roll of tho members is it for him tb recall and can- Much was done by the legislature relieve 7,000. STATE VALUATION. be allowed to vote or take part in organiza- seat, competent of the State to educate and furnish teachers at re- were taken down. The ballot box had the from the burdens of taxation. They duty whole on the private calendar. tion of either branch of the as a elect read as they appear by the official cel that resignation after the Legislature has vides people it is its to The decennial valuation and apportionment of Legislature evidently believed that the popular complaints in all for our common schools, clearly duty his name the cer- turns, be before a dedimus justico assembled aud or can lie be com- outside the town house to enable teachers for all of the the State will devolve upon you. It is hardly nec- member unless appears upon qualified organized, been passed that direction were not without foundation, and I so educate ami provide parts and a to attend as a member? the time of their these schools essary for one to state that these subjects require METEOROLOGICAL. tified roll of that branch of the Legislature in and thus constitute organize legal pelled concur with that in that and State. At inception a sick man in a carriage to vote. fully legislature belief, the care and deliberation at so were considered as a matter of aud greatest your hands, INDICATIONS FOR THE NEXT TWENTY-FOUR which he claims to act,” wc think it clearly re- House of Representatives? sins.—One who,under such circumstances, returns 1 think the history of taxation for the past twenty exiKjriment, of Gov- Mr. Wales was satisfied with the explana- whether have answered the that even and exact justice be done to all municipal- to the which declares 25. When tho terms offico of the his summons aud resigns his seat, thereby makes a years will convince any one. that such complaint is they yet fully expecta- HOURS. pugnant constitution, tions of their friends bo still of some doubt. ities. ernor and Council have and the acting vacancy in the House which is to assemble—which and withdrew his motion. well grounded and just. X hud, by examination of may that each House shall be the judge of the elec- expired tion of teachers them, in conclusion, allow mo to call your attention to War Office Chief Signal 1 sum- vacancy be filled by a new election.” the different that the average of the state tax The number furnished by though Dert, tion and of its own members. It Senate, made up of tho members legally “may Under was then conducted to the years, be the of and continued action. This qualification the of Art. Part of the Mr. Murray from I860 to 1880 was from 1350 to small in proportion to our whole number, may importance early Officer, Washington, D. U., > its moned and 8 others summoned but not in fact provisions IV., 1, § 0, Con- $201,747.78; i« more than important from the number aims to control the action of each withiu the be and from 1885 to silently exerting an influence upon other teachers in usually l A. M. to the stition,—that proper steps may taken by the Council chamber where he was qualified 1886, $993,099.38; 1870, $1,098,- and of the duties January 17, ) until a fuller or- elected, and not be elected by from the methods of and instruction of our importance devolving upon the constitutional powers after appearing municipal officers to that end it is necessary to re- 185.98; from 1870 to 1875, $1,113,314.19; government refuse and took his seat. so that we For New England. a and returns under the decision of the court, such irrevocable. If then returned 1874 to The increase iu taxa- which eannot be fully estimated, legislature. ganization—with majority determined gard resignation when once 1879, $829,551.78. schools, will have In all to can the mem- been should not undertake even determine You my co-operation national de- southeast to southwest fixed the Governor aud Council. their to admit the members seats, made it could be recalled at will, the of- The of the committee on gubernato- tion has not been confined to the state, but has hastily nowjto Slightly warm, winds, by By municipal report to itself a suc- signs, to ameliorate the and add to the thus seats with eleven mem- ficers could never know that the seat was similar iu the and municipal taxes. whether this theory has failed prove suffering, barometer and clear or cloudy action in certificates to men not ap- bers denied acting vacuted in the came down and was national, county of of our State. falling partly granting who has rial votes Senate It would tabulation to each cess and worthy of the continued patronage the prosperity in to be or to cer- bers elect summoned, after being called by resignation. One thus resigned cannot require too lengthy give weather, except the extreme northern por- pearing elected, refusing grant duly the facta I State. these schools are a failure iu a Josijrn L. Smith. a roll of be compelled to attend as a member; he is no in concurrence. of these in separate years, but to show If, however, tion slight rain or snow. tificates to men clearly elected, they may con- to order by one of their number, and longer aocepted Sch C Hanrahan, Baltimore—coal to AUCTION SALES. Sunday Services. Portland Fraternity. Hanraliau, MISCELLANEOUS Maine Central HR. _NEW ADVERTISEMENTS_ a. 3 and a instituted to Rol- THE PRESS. Bethel Church.—Services 10% in., 7% The Portland Fraternity, society Sch C H Foster, Coombs, Baltimore—coal p. m.; also Monday and Thursday evenings at 7% and Mills. F. O. BAILEY A CO„ free. to offer the people of Portland vicinity, ling p. m. All from sea and land are invited. Seats Sch Annie Lewis, Spurliug, Eastport—herring. rooms open to Seamen every day regular. especially the people, a place of pleasant Calais for New lork. SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 17. Reading young Sch Dolphin, Chadwick, Auctioneers and Commission Merchants Young Men’s Christian Association, Con- resort where they may be surro ; nded by Cleared. SPECIAL gress Street, corner Elm.—Meetings every wholesome and confident Cork—John Main. Mult urooui .*15 and 37 Exchange Mt. and at 7% m. Social elevating influence's, Barque Cliimcea, (Nor) liaave, THE PRESS Wednesday Saturday P- St Vincent—K Lewis & Co. at 9 a. m. the citizens of Sch Venelia, Allen, prayer meeting Sunday that its work is appreciated by New York—Runiery, P. O. DAILEY. C. W. ALLEN. be obtained at the Periodical Depots of N. G. Sch Rachel Jane, Carlmond, May First Lutheran Church, Elm St.—Rev. N. moro'to the benevolent Fessenden, Marquis, Brunei & Co., Andrews, Arm- Portland, appeals once Burnie & Co. Great Reduction pastor. Preaching at 10% a. m. and 3 p. Regular pale of Furniture and General Merchan Wentworth, Hodsdon, Hayden, W. P. Klestad, to it to more extended use- McFarland. strong, Cox, help carry forward SAILED—Sch May dise every Saturday, commencing at 10 o’clock a. m M corner Exchange and Fore St.; Wclander. jn. »rns, st. the of its formation. ix I’Kii'Ett or Consignments solicited. oclidtf Boston & Maine Depot, and Chisholm Bros., on all Second Congregational Church, Congress fulness, good purpose Island, has sold AND IMMENSE INVOICE Pastor. Capt Michael Stinson, of Swan's trains that run out of the city. cor. Pearl. Rev. C. A. Dickinson, Preaching The it has hitherto received Kent. Stin- at encouragement the schr Lucy Jane to Capt Calvin Capt of L. Hodsdon and H. B. Kendrick. at 10% a. in. and 3 p. m. Sunday School 13A Saco, to son will a one. &c., of J. O. Shaw. p. m. Social religious meetings, Sunday, Tuesday bids its officers believe that it is recognized purchase larger Furniture, Carpets, All are welcome. iston and Auburn, of Richard Foss, and Friday evenings. as a ual and that it shall not answering need, from merchants’ exchange. OF AT AUCTION. ieford, F. M. Burnham. Disciples of Christ hold services in Mer- gyThe be suffered to languish. That it has furnished to 15th inst, sch Wm Freder- Jellcrson’s Bookstore, cantile Library Hall, Farrington Block, Congress St. Sid fm Bilboa prev SATURDAY, Jan. 17th. at 10 A. M., at store B. G. Dennison and W. II. Marrett. as at 10% at means of ’' CLOAKS sell follows: and healthful re- DOLMANS AND we shall uswick, Lord’s Day Preaching self-improvement No. 35 Tapestry every barque Almira Robinson, ON Exchange street, imond, G. A. Beale, m. Observe the Apostles’ teaching, to the Fellow- kvr at Cardht 'l Bthhist, and new and second-hand Furni- creation to many young lads and misses, who Ingrain Carpets, dford’s Comer, H. Moody, ship, to Breaking of bread and to prayer at 3 p. m. AT THE ROOMS OE ture, Stoves. Beds and Bedding, Blankets. Kitchen 14th, ship San Joaquin, Drinktvat- ib/rland Mills, A. W. C. Cloudman. Prayer meeting at 7 p. m. All are invited. might otherwise have wasted both time and °Ar'at A^iuverp Furniture, Crockery and Glass Ware, Cutlery. &c. Uornam, J. Irish, Auctioneer*, ^ Woodford’s Corner M. E. Church.—Rev. Wil- power in the streots, is sufficient reason it Houghton, and Vests I' O. HAILEY A CO., Bh,r why at the Post Office. ^Wuhaina, Gentlemen’s Pantaloons Saccarappa, bur F.Berry, pastor. Preaching at 2% p. m. Prayer e,'A^tt CardeS Stoners, jaii 15 Rockland, < >. C. Andrews ami E. R. Spear. should liavo the earnest of all St John, MB ; 8tli, brig David Bugbee, _d3t meeting at 7 p. m. All are invited. Seats free. co-operation a, E. W. Dunbar L|Damarisco’ Asa Rec- who are interested in the welfare of the £ Freeport, VV. J. Parker. St. Stephen’s Church.—Rev. Dalton, rising F.A.R0SS& CO. F. 0. BAILEY & CO., a. m. and 3 m. K A D A. Thomaston, S. Delano. tor. Services at 10% p. Sunday generation, and in the of our ;?I F JIO good community. 1 MATCH. B. Lane. : school at 2 p. m. from for New ork, TO ■Yinalhaven, Tho finance committee are desirous Shin Beuj Sewall, Singapore AUCTIONEERS, Hutch- of secu- inst. asho e, m Waldoboro. G. Bliss. Harmon’s Hall, West End.—Rev. E. W. which put iiito Batavia 4th gdng one ^Jer ■ dWiscasset, Gibbs & Bundle L inson, pastor. Preaching at 10% a. in. by J. F. ring hundred subscribers, who shall he will discharge and go in Unlock for repairs for Boston, beforeire tar Yarmouth, C. E. Coombs. Hutchins, and 7 p. m. Sabbath School immediately to Sell Parallel, from Maclnas Customers ran save from 3 to 5 willing pay annually 5510 each, to tho con- been condomned ^Auburn, V. It. Foss, after sermon. Seats free. All are invited. ashore at Cape Porpoise has HORSE and CARRIAGE morning ported and has on our counters a and varied MART, t® Lisbon, C. E. .Judkins. tinuance of this most excellent organization. and The cargo et oltt iron junk We have fust received and placed large West Chapel, Congress St.—Rev. J. F. Morgan stripped. Mr Poiv dollars buying Hallow ell. II. H. Allan, at 3 been The vessel was owned by assortment of the above which will be ollercd at reasonable by pastor. Sunday School at 11 A. M. Preaching This, with the other resources at its command, resbipped. of par- goods Plum Pori laud. Me. t Augusta, F. Pierce. are ers of who recently purchased Street, p. m. meeting 7 p. in. Seats free.. All Boston, jiersteamer Prayer will amply sustain the present plan of its oili- ties at Cutler. The crew left here lttb by prices welcome. Auction Sale Every Saturday at 10 A. M. cers, and will put it on a permanent founda- Pensa- Bayside Parish.—Rev. B. F. Pitchard, pastor. f0Scb Am Walker, Poland, at Boston from 3XT032?lk7^rXil’X'XS"3?^]NrX>X3>J"GV and (J in. Sabbath struck™ CITY AND VICINITY. Preaching at 10% a. m., 2 p. tion. cola, reports, 11th insi, in a thick fog, Agent* for the Celebrated Concord Harne*. School at 11.45 a. m. and 1 m. Social meeting at her to leak about 500 p. are Handkerchief Shoal, causing and Cloaks It seems that who Dolmans hardly possible any after o»er 7% p. m. strokes per hour. She floated throwing Facts Worthy of Attention. RP able to aid in so good a service will refuse this thousand feet lumber. the latenes of the season we have added to our stock twenty-five St. Luke’s Cathedral, State St.—Clergy; ‘forty of us. Also great bargains in In looking over the statistics of Champagne Rev. H. A. Neely. Rev. C. \V. Haves. Morning ser" reasonable request. Lend a hand, good 1 PORTS. vice on 10% o’clock, evening service at 7. DOMESTIC for the ended, we find Sunday and build this whose kinds of importations year just at 3 m. service at 9 a. m. friends, all, up society Alex McNeil, all Sunday School p. Daily SAN FRANCISCO—Sid 14th, ship “1880. the importation of one brand, G. H. Mumm & and 5 p. m. influence for good cannot ho overestimated. Sproul, Yokohama. F. Curtis, Liverpool, Sami Co., is49,312 cases, exceeding the importation Ferry Village M. E. Church.—Rev. S. Cld 15th, ships Soltaire, Wetherbee. pastor. Sunday School at 10% a. m. Prof. Stewart’s Lecture. Watts. Lermond, Queenstown. Mens Overcoats is suc- Green- of other brand 22,52(i cases. Tt in. at ORLEANS—Ar llili, ship Marcia any by Preaching l>y the pastor at 2 p. Social service will be NEW Striped Mysian The lecture Prof. which the of 7 o’clock in the by Stewart, leaf. Bunker, Bordeaux. DRY GOODS. cess is in part due to growing prosperity evening. New York, BEFORE en- Cld Fink, Spencer, corner of and Lo- at Hall next Monday evening, 12th, brig Mary sell to our at the low of but tho secret of the steadi- St. Paul’s Church, Congress given City 1st sch E H Herriman, Which vve shall patrons price our conntry, grand at FERNAND1NA—Ar inst, cust St.—Rev. C. J. Ketchiun, rector. Services dorsed as it is so of our citi- for G. H. Mumm & Co., by many leading Smith. Havana. ly increasing demand 10% a. in. 7 p. m. Sabbath School at 3 p. m. II Shear- will draw out a audience. ‘'Mines SAVANNAH—Cld 14tli, sch Earl Potter, itself. No. 2— zens, large is the superiority of the Champagne First Parish Church.—(Unitarian), er. for Brunswick. Pastor. and in Maine” lias become an & . S O . Congress street.—Rev. Thomas Hill, D. 1)., Mining import- BRUNSWICK, GA—Ar 14th, sch Wm Connors, $ TAKING the a. m. An address in aid of the New York. “You May Break, You May Shatter Services at 10% ant feature in the industries of our State. It Morrissey, Bermuda, to load for F. A. Ross& Co. Portland Benevolent Rev. Mr. Clark of SC—Cld Starrett, of the roses will Society by PORT ROYAL, 12tli,sch Cephas vase if will, but tho scent is a free lecture on the of you the Williston church at 7 o’clock. Philosophy Mining Babbidge, Fernandina. and examine these eoats. in a Itc sure cling round it still,” was Written spirit Gospel Temperance Mission, Cor. Congress and Mines of Maine. At this ti ne, when so MOKEHEAD CITY—Ar 10th, sch Carrie Walker, 499 Cor. Brown. Extract of and Streets—Rev. S. F. Pearson, pastor. Russell, Wood’s Hole. Congress St., of ,T. & E. Atkinson’s Chapel much interest is manifested in our mines John dc4 prophetic as at being NC—Ar 13th, sch Somes, STOCK Services will be held follows: Every evening WILMINGTON, _TT&Stf White Roses. janl7S&Wlw m. at 9 a. in. in this state, a lecture on this given by Wall, Barren Island. 7% p. Sunday, Prayer meetings subject P C Mer- a. m. Sea- PORTRESS MONROE—Ar 15th, barque 3 and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 10% Prof. W. F. Stewart, geologist, from Nevada, R. H. C. & Co.’s Ad- son of Konor nt, fUA n. in. All are welcomed. riman, Young, Havre, seeking. Men Wanted.—See O from Lon- will no doubt attract a large audience at City Passed in, ship Belle O'Brien, Cnen, C. D. B. FISK utuno. sick. Streets.—Rev. Frank E. Clark. Preaching some extended remarks complimenting Bos- Colson, fm Winterport uosion; 0. D. with Priv- In ordering CS. II. OTUMM A CO’S vance wait to get down m. Elwell, Rockland Goods Sent C. FRENCH AND AMERICAN guard—don’t a. in. by the pastor Sabbath school at 3 p. Gorham, Kastport fordo; Ariosto, eod&wlw worth Post its &c. fni Boston for Rock- see that the labels and corks janIS Prayer meeting at 7 p. m. upon general appearance, for do; Geo W Baldwin, Lewis, Champagne, * India St. Universalist Church.- Rev. C. A. land. to Examine. bear its name and initials. Accidents. ilege COE, Court. pastor. Services at 3 and 7 p. m. Subject Superior Hayden, foreign forts. FREDK. DE BABY & CO., New os eveniug lecture—“Heads versus Hats.” On the 2d of January Mr. Geo. F. Hitchiugs York, CLOCKS, TIIE HATTER. BEFORE JUDGE BONNEV. Ar at Nov 10, barque Moliican, Berry, in fall on tho side- Sourabaya Sols Agents the IT. S. and Canadas. came in about 5 o’clock of this city had a violent icy which is new ami has been carefully se- Friday.—The grand jury Singapore. .. ,, entirely for 7 STT'3w in all indict- walk. Since then he has not been able to At Calcutta Dee 12, sliips Saratoga, Kendall, jaJ trade. We have also 197 middle Street, in the afternoon, reported forty-two A NOTABLE DECREASE IN FAILURES. lected for the Holiday New York; Sami Skolfield, Forsaith, for Boston. ja3 of which are liquor indictments, walk a has not left iris room' and suffers It _eodtf ments, twcDty-two step, Sid fm Saugor Dec S, ship Sumner Mead, Dixon, STOCK are not made The following arc those Boston. THE LARGEST and public. great pain. ,, MERRY, the Mercantile Honolulu Dee Jane A Falken- made Annual Circular of Ar at 12, barque public: Hubbard. Portland, O. W. lar- burg, T THE James N. Lowe, murder; Francis Mahone, Agency. I, Dec barque Mary I Baker, HATTER, Thomas STATE NEWS. Arat Belfast, 31, Linen Handkerchiefs ceny; Angus McMillan, larceny of gas; Baltimore. John John Norton, Thomas Sproul, Nickerson, Williams, Sid fm St Thomas 4th inst, barque Casco, Leavitt, 237 Middle of Gold Hat. Mackey, John Graham, larceny; Joseph Roberts, Nuevitas; sch Kate Wentworth, Cox, do. St., Sign WARE John Henry A. The by the Mercantile Janl7 eodtf SILVER AND PLATED William Dunn. Williams, larceny; figures presented YORK COUNTY. Arat Cardenas 7th inst, Irene, Yates, New Extra Size. Thomas Nick- brigs Onr stock of Zephyr Worsteds, Ladies’ Large Hawes, John Graham, John Norton. of Messrs. E. Russell & Co., in relation St John, NB. in New all of which will be and Agency woolen mill York; sch Laliaina, Houghton, Can- to be-found England, erson, Jerry Connors, for riot; Michael Haley Asa Hersom, employed in the for North of Germantown, Shetlands, to tho failures of afford a most conclusive In port 0th, barque Arietta, Nickels, gold at LOWEST PRICES. William Murphy, of cigars; Thomas DeCost, 187!), of L. R. Hersom & Brothers in Berwick, was Nichols, for do; brig Kaluna, vasses, is now complete and larceny Mark P. Hatteras; Noreno, &c., 300 Doz. Pure Linen at 5 cts. eacb compound larceny; Charles Allen, larceny; as to the condition of in the head a of gear- Proteus, Whittier, and David season. as- proof healthy business. struck Tuesday by piece Nash; Josefa, Davis; will be kept up during the 8 Sullivan, assault and battery; John F. Rafferty, do. -too .4 44 44 44 44 44 elaborate of statistics which became loosened and Hew off from Bugbee, Stowers, do; ecli Georgia, Coffin, James Cronan and to the array ing, v sault ami battery; John Moore. According th inert. A U Week®. Farr,-fm 44 l* the machine. He was Severniy bruised and bis Ar at Havana 7 ;£fih 44 44 John Williams, larceny: James P. Cafferty, larceny in the Annual Circular, it appears Cumberland, \V ebber, Cardenas; Jth, J S fine at IMVo fntpnt presented was cut so that a wan Portland; 400 kk very frsvtti « head badly physician Pensacola. kk kk that the mercantile failures for 1879 were G, Ingraham. Packard, worth each. sew cut. Went cents to forgery; Sawyer Harris, called to the Atwood & 14 rape; Royal St.Clair, up J Falker, Matanzas H. bid 8th, barque John Marsh, TRIMMINGS. Charles T. Benson, larceny; Win. Gates, a de- at 17 and larceny; G58 in number, compared with 10,478, There was felled on the farm of Mr. Wil- and New York. 50 Dozen Hemstitched of horse; arson: dames lair- larceny JennyjFrazier, a mammoth Ar at Matanzas 0th, Heury I Dewey, I. Lord and crease of 3,820. But it is in the amount of liam Hill of Eliot last week pine brig In this we have McGinnis, Cyrus Thomas, compound sch John II Converse, Allen, Rich- Department from which was cut and six cords of ing, New York; Doz. Hemstitched at 25 cents. larceny. liabilities that the decrease is most marked. tree, piled H O’Neil, marked several Pieces ot Itlack St. 150 mill The butt mond; 8th, brig Fanny Jennings, Havana; FREE LECTURE 509 wood and an foot Congress all Linen Hand- at ten eighteen log. low to One lot Mourning Court adjournod until Saturday morning In 1878 the indebtedness duo who Olh. Hattie, Dow, do. Silk Fringes very close. (jec22 CJ_MW&Ftf by parties of the tree was six feet in diameter, and it ot Hatteras. f* extra 25 cts. at which time the arraignments for jail de- Sid 7th. brig Alton, Perkins, North kerchiefs, value, o’clock, failed was 234 millions of dollars, while in took four men an hour and a half to cut it and H .Jen- ni full to take Ill port Pih, brigs Clytie, Dow, Fanny Gentlemen’s Pure Linen and livery will be made. Counsel are requested for North of schs Canton, 1879 tho liabilities were only 98 millions. In down. nings, O’Neil, Hatteras; sizes at 10, 12 1-2, 17 aud 22c. notice. Henley, and Albert W Smith, Loriug, for do. _ B. F. Deshon of was arrested LACES. Dances! at 9 cents. order to show that the reduction last year is Cape Porpoise fin St 14th. tiny C Goss, Boys' Colored Borders Marshal Grant of Sid John, NB. barques Fraternity Court. on last City Ames- Municipal as with but Monday by Penarth Roads; Jennie ljarkness, assortment of Fancy not only great compared 1878, with liisown Reynolds, lirctoiinc. Duchess, Thread and Elegant BEFORE JUDGE KNIGHT. Saco on charge of incest daughter. do. AS.WAL COURSE. burv, ,, FOtRTli Handkerchiefs for Ladies. Gents most favorably with other years, the schs FredDWeob, Valenciennes in Deal and Imita- Thursday.—Wm. John Murry, Dennis compares Abel M. Bryant of Kennebunk died last Ar at St Andrews, NB, 12tli, Prof. W. F. Children at from 15 to 75 Green, the failures cld on return); Forest Stewart, tion. Choice Edges and Cum- following table is given, by which at the of 82 years. When he was Goodman, Gloucester, (and Hamburg j examine. Donovan, John Brown, James Kenny, James Sunday age Piukham, Bootbbay, cld on return.) CITY "HALL, cents. Call and shown: of ho enlisted at Portland, as a Oak, (and very cheap. Fined and costs each, and in and liabilities since 1872 are 15 years ago mings. Tramps. $2 in the Third Regiment of Heavy Eve- and at labor. Year. Failures. Amount of Liabilities. drummer-boy, MI'OK JG. GRAIN waterproof Gnnulng erally growth wcll. jal7 SOLE WALKING HOOTS for teachers ci tne ivoiier oKai- ... CORK the managers and be lasting. But, as the months go by, tho signs Walter E. and Miss also Cloth walk- _4.*„„ In Brunswick. Jan. 8, Hersey toadies in Fr. Calf and Goat; top of • STUDLEY, ing Hall, execued by Lamson. It is worthy Sarah E. Hersey, both of Harpswell. JOB LOT, ing Boots. it is true, has been in as re- In Jan. Edw P. liocho, M. and Miss LADIES^GOODS. HEEL BOOTS in all widths for lation, indulged Bath, 15, D., SPRING notice. Street. LOT OF numerous articles, and at oue time bid Ellen S. Haley. Seamless Button: OSS Xv£ic3.oLIe A JOB DAVIS & CARTLAND, Misses and Children. af- gards 300 pairs Goat and Morocco and Rev. F. E. Clark will to-morrow hut was SALE of Burt’s Boots preach lair to become destructive; it not al- S, F, and I). EXCLUSIVE SS, M, and SHOES STREET. & Tichenor’s Newark custom made hand ternoon at the Free church, corner of lowed to go far enough to seriously increase DEATHS. 250 Goat and Morocco Side Lace Boots: AA, BOOTS 210 MIDDLE Banister Baptist pairs and or to disturb or Consisting of Ladies,’ Misses’ Children’s sewed Boots. In the production, domestic foreign A, B, 0, and 1). Hotel. eodtf made Cumberland and Casco streets. evening Morocco Box at half price at ocl7 Under Falmouth CIST UHL HOOTS of every description and the closed with numerous en- 300 pairs Boyd’s fine N. Y. Button, Goods, selling trade, year Gilbert’s Academy. to measure. will the earnest new and Dancing Rev. J. M. Lowden, pastor, by couraging signs of steadiness in extent and In Saco, Jan. 4, Elmer Percy, youngest son of Jas Toe, Low Vamp, Quarter Over Vamp, STAPLES’ BARGAIN SHOE STORE, E. 13 A A, A, and B. THE2 of the society and friends, repeat his character of trade, and also a firmness in prices and Lucy Scamman, aged years. ylrsh: 56 UNION STREET. request In York, Dec. Miss Miranda L. Brooks, ASSEMBLIES which are consistent with a de- 31, aged G. PAL-IflER, on vs. which only healthy — 2 oliiee desks and 1 recent lecture “Principle Policy,” ♦51 years, daughter of the late Hon. Solomon FOK SALE.—4 settees, large mand. The bank returns from the * much clearing Brooks. safe. jal7tf called forth so praise. houses of Every Thursday Evening. twenty-two leading cities, through In Bath, Jan. 14, Henry B. Lincoln, aged 58 years Lots 230 Middle will hold a Choicest House StrooJ. The Temperance Union praise which the hanks settle their balances, indicate In St George, Jan. 0, Capt. Daniel Pierson, aged Class in WALTZING and the GERMAN meets ParK Association. GOODS. Prcsuuipscot — MEN’S -•IN at Hall that the volume of trade for December was ♦ID 8 months. evening. jalTtf meeting and sacred concert Congress years every Tuesday The Annual of Stockholders of the 50 cent, than for In Boston, Jan. 14, Delia, daughter of the late Meeting the. at o’clock larger by nearly per tho same 200 pairs Men’s I leavy, Solid, Durable, Custom Park Association will be held SATUR- to-morrow evening, commencing 7J Richard aud Mary Feeney, aged 22 years. Presumpscot month in 1878; that the percentage of increas- Hand Pegged, Calf Boots: A, B, C, D, E, THE TWENTY-FOURTH, at this afternoon at 2 o’clock, at the Cath- Made, DAY, JANUARY FISH NETTINGS. Rev. J. K. Smyth will officiate. Readings by business over last was even [Funeral and F. promenadeT"concert, H. ed year greater in in Portland. four P. M, prompt, at the office of S. Tewksbury CENTER DEERING, edral Chapel, 100 Hand Double Congress Mrs. AV. E. Smith and Miss Lucy Googins, that month than for any other month in the in D. Jan. James pairs Sewed, Sole, 81 Free St. Drowned, Washington, C., 16, Boots. In aid of the Samaritan Association, of Offi- the for the and Ellen Business—Reports of Directors, Election Mrs. and music by a double year. Considering activity preced- H.f son of the late Janies Kirby, aged Custom Morocco on solos by Files, 100 pairs Hand Sewed, Made, cers for the aud to attend to any other Situated Clinton Avenue, three months, and the fact that specula- 1G years. ensuing year, of male voices. ing Leg, Calf Bools. business that come before said were In Salina, Kan., Jan. 1, Win. H. Jan. may legally meeting. quartette tive operations {largely restricted, the Capt. Randall, 250 pairs Calf aud Grain Balmorals. Tuesday Ev’ng, 20, Parallel to Pleasant Street, 53 of Freeport, Me. Per Order showing for the last month of the year is aged years,—formerly Narrow Goods a specialty. Your long, slim, nar- President. *s The Military. signi- At City Hall. Mimic by Chandler. S. H. TEWKSBURY, H.&G.W. LORD, The of the to row feet flitted at SIGN OF GOLD BOOT. are now offered for sale ficant. ability country buy and funeral service of the late William Tobin properly JOHN C. SMALL, Clerk. Janl7dtd Rumors were rife last night that the militia for all the merchandise manufactured jap^Tlie pay and will tako place at his late residence, IDO Congress Tickets 35, 3 for $1. Cake Solicited. had orders to not be in hi FOR III Commercial Boston. companies of this city received imported need doubted, the face of street, this morning at 10 o’clock. jal 7 SPECIAL DESIGNS ON EASY TERMS. St., in readiness for its power and what it has to sell, as either lipid themselves Augus- productive 421 CONGRESS STREET. left on the which will indicated the increased volume and Fine trees have been lots, A by variety OF AN It is intended to OF FISH ta or to march at once to the capital. DEPARTURE OCR STEAMERS OCEM 8iOi;SK, PICTURE FRAMES ad greatly to their attraction. MANUFACTURERS of its exports.” this avenue with double rows of shade of the NAME FROM FOR DATE. Found At Store. beautify of the Press saw Capt. AVeston Only My for su- reporter Notwithstanding these generally favorable CAPE EEIZABETIS, tree acd to make it the in ;8t beautiful site NETTINGS of every description .Portland.... — Jan 1G the First Lieutenant of the Mont- Lake Champlain.. Liverpool burban residences in the neighborhood of Portland. Infantry, the Bolivia.New Yok.. Jan 17 Ann- MACK- observations, following thoughtful para- Glasgow Will oiicn TO-DAY, SATURDAY, to N. S. GARDINER, for the Atlantic Coast. and several members of the —Jan 17 Applv gomery Guards, seems not out of Britanic.New York..Liverpool 171!., ISSO, lor TBit DAYS. ool7eodtf Centennial Block. graph place: York..London Jan 17 nary HERRING that no orders had been re Australia.New BROWN, CYRUS R PORGY and Blues. All stated DAVIS, EREL, “The sudden transition from a long and se- Bole via.New York. .Glasgow Jan 17 A. J. NICHOIA. THE SHOE DEALER. tf ceived of any kind. vere to a condition of the Italy.New York..Liverpool —Jan 17 d2t jal7 S ELM ST. NETTINGS, made from genuine depression highest dec 30 codtt ja!7 prosperity in tho trade of the country, may be Nevada.New York..Liverpool Jan 20 York..St .Jan 20 and CABLE laid HAD- Change of Time. productive of other things be’sides largo profits, San Domingo.New Domingo STATIOra! SIMM! HAWSER Andes.New York.. Kingston, J .. Jan 20 I. O. ©j F. On tbc 2(itli of this month the running time enhanced values and improved Tho in the prospects. Bothnia.New York..Liverpool —Jan 21 of the Odd Fellows’ Mutual A lino and the latest styles constantly LEY TWINE, the Best to at to Annual Meeting large on the Maine Central rail- overbuy high figures, stimu- York..Porto Rico Jan 21 on Also of passenger trains tendency Hadji.New Relief Associa:ion of Portland will be held at Stocks hand. late beyond the real York..Loudon Jan 21 THE Mining market. production demand, and, Canada.New at 7 o’clock is to be on account of more time Odd Fellows’ Hall, Tuesday Jan. 20, Vis road changed, above the extension of unwise as Jan 22 all, credits, Adriatic.New York..Liverpool.:.. Hamburg Edgings in the Attest: ISAAC F. CLARK, filled between and York.. Havana.Jan 22 evening. Sold Blank Books, or Small, being required Bangor Portland, the result of largely increased sales, are dan- City of Vera Cruz.New AND Sec y. Rouglit and Books, Orders, Large — Jan 22 jal7dlit the months of February and March. gers which every sagacious business man will Etna.New York..Kingston — AND — at short notice. during ...Liverpool —Jau 23 — DY — promptly, be most careful to avoid in just such times as Quebec.Portland The time for leaving Bangor in the morning Niagara...New York..Havana.Jan 24 those. While tho debt-paying power of nu- York. .Hav & VCruz Jan 24 Fancy Groods. o’clock and in the City of New York..New ! LOWEST PKICES. •will be 7 evening quartei merous traders has been increased —Jan 24 INSERTIONS immensely Sardinian :.Halifax.Liverpool T. H. MANSFIELD & CO., dey T.lh&SZm&wdmSl Bloom _ about tho revival of trade, it must not Turkish before 8. Tilts change will continue by be forgot- City of Berlin.New York..Liverpool ....Jan 24 ten that there are thousands of business men Ancboria.New York..Glasgow Jan 24 Try B. and then will go back to tin TORCHON FRANK CLARK, two months, they York.. Ian 27 LACES, FOR THE COMPLEXION. at 67 whose conditionfsix months ago was well nigh Montana.New Liverpool Exchange Street, Bookseller and TRY ALLEN (SOW’S running time. Gallia.’.5>ew York..Liverpool —Jan 28 Stationer, present hopeless. The condition of this class cannot docs not harden the skin but This preparation also Auction Sales of the same have been transformed from chronic IRISH EDGINGS, It contains no white List of Patents insecurity keeps it soft and pliable. 515 CONGRESS STREET. Weekly to entire the of a fow brief and will use no other. Jan- safety hy magic MINIATURE ALMANAC.JANUARY 17. lead. Try it once you to residents of Maine, dated months of renewed confidence and unwonted EVERY granted Sun rises.7.32 I High water. 2.2G CASHES FRILLINGS! FOR SALE BY ALE BRIJCfilSTN. SATURDAY, Proprietor ol' CLARK’S CIRCU- E Me. PURE 1880. for the Press by C. activity in trade. It is true that a vast num- Moon sets. lo’A Portland, CANDIES, 13, Reported Sun sets. 4.4D | ...11.41 Depot Exchange St., at A. M. LATING LIBHARV. of to the lO o'clock Patent 609 7th street, Wash ber traders, owiug enforced contrac- delU dtf deG dlmteod2m Foster, Solicitor, __ jftlO Pare. tion of tho last few years, -were in the best Frefill Ereiy Day and Strictly D. C.: ington, possible condition to avail themselves of the NTA-TtUSTE NEWS. Wo have opened by far the finest and cheapest Removal. 223,452. Henry A. Rideout. Calais, churn. sudden return to prosperity, and lines of the above goods that we have ever offered. VISITIM CARDS, Notice. no. 566 Congress street. consequently in the above the number of tlioso who have Pleas® call before purchasing goods that I have tak in. improved Cards. copartnership existing between the subscrib- WOULD Inform my patrons is OF lines. RESPECTFULLY, and Business rooms at y PORTLAND. JIB. dly Kidney Complaints their condition very great; but there yet re- PORT PORTLAND. Wedding ers, under the stvle and name of I larger and more centrully located No. apZN T1IE SYLVAN 1 of all descriptions are relieved at once, ant mains a great army whoso position did not per- SHURTLEFF & SOX, is hereby dissolved by mutu- Neal sit., fourth house from Congress »t., where^ WILLIAM S. be to see old aud new customers. S. T. cured Kiduey-AVort. It seems in mit participation, to any extent, in the FRIDAY, 1G. LOWELL, al consent. Sylvan Shurtleff assumes all liabilities shah happy Horses for Sale. speedily by large January of by measurement taught nature for the cure of all diseases o sudden which have been of ENGRAVER. of the nrm and is authorized to settle and receive Taylor’s system cutting this dav from Montreal, one ear- tended by gains made, while, Arrived. for sale. received of A. B. attended to. all demands due the firm. and patterns from 050 to 1X60 lbe. and no BUTLER, load horses, the kidneys caused by weakness debility course, degree prosperity will make safe St General Engraving promptly Work done at low A Trim- JUST weighing i St earner City of Portland, Pike, John NB, via SYLVAN astonishingly price*. or directed ti > those who lack business or SHURTLEFF, each. Will be sold low for cash good Its tonic powers are especially for credit capacity, for Boston. mer but first class need apply. paper. great Eafliport 191 Middle Street, GEO. A. SHURTLEFF. wanted,—none R. F. CHASK, Baldwin. removal of this class of diseases. Try i those whose character must, in case, make Sen M7 Middle Street. oo25ddm AIRS. E. EOVEWEEE. janl6d3t* the any Danl Pierson, Pierson, Brunswick, Ga, with No. PORTLAND, ME) dtf Portland, January 12, 1880. JanlGdlw to-day. jan!5eod&wlw them unworthy of confidence.” Mil eta 210,000 ft Southern pine to C W Richardson. ja!6 dtf jal • she had no RAILROADS. STEAMERS. “It was the tramp. He stole the bar and over to her side. I understand EXCURSIONS. .RAILROADS. MEDICAL. THE PRESS. wrecked the train.” money and could pay them nothing. “Mebbe he did, and mebbe he didn’t. Women will do anything for love.” CLYDE’S a Rumford Falls & Buckfield This I do know; Samson Gilder was wish- & Rochester R. R, 0X11 T# Love and a Lantern. the into the ditch. This is Portland ing president HAii^JaOAn. Philadelphia & Hew his bar and he was out on the line just be- $4.50 fore it Leave Canton at 4.30 and 9.40 a. xn. happened.” VISIT _ called to consider the Leave Mechanic Falls 7 a. m., 3.15 England Barstow’s is a small station on the The coroner's jury siding and killed THE m.; Portland at 1.30 p. m.; Lewis- and located out deatli of Thomas Starmore others, lTHi LINES <;. S. and Western railway .ton at 2 p. m. NEW YORK, STEAMSHIP bit of at Barstow’s on the night of the 25th President. on the at the edge of a scrubby siding WASHBURN, Jr., prairie met at. the switch-house and ocl3tf VIA # REMEDIES woods. The little village of Barstow is of February, Portland Oct. 13.1879. FROM BOSTON who were and to reach heard the evidence of the persons Acton Mines ! 01-35 COLONY KAIL. Dis- about a mile from the station, In connection with Infallibly Cure all Shin auil Mealp the known to have been present at the time of ROAD. Itching* it one has to take a rough road through BOSTON & MAINE RAILROAD. Portland & Worcester Line ease*; Mealy Eruption*, the disaster. Even the had been anil Irritation*. Tue line at this is tramp cap- EXCURSION TICKETS woods. point perfectly — AND — ju&xON TOTHE SOUTH, tured. He was seen in the woods WINTER ARRANGEMENT. The testimonials of cures of Skin and and reaches to the horizon in both prowling permanent straight Portland to East Lebanon Semi-Weekly Line, Quick Time. Low Diseases which have been the torture of a life- are essential to a near the line, and had been caught by the Scalp directions. These facts On and after Monday, Oct. Rater., Frequent Oepnrlure*. time, by the Cuticuka Remedies, are more won- that took section master and his men. ANB BETlBJf Train* meth- understanding of the events Every lS/tf. Pa**enger derful than any ever before performed by any right had his another PORTE AND Norwich Line Steamers. received and forwarded daily to FALL the station one about a year one said the tramp in hand will be sold Igpgawill LEAVE Freight ods or remedies known to the medical profession. place at night at 8.45 a. there with the Clyde Nieam- bar like the bar found under the train. —22-“"FOB RONTON m., 1 RIVER, connecting Cuticuka Resolvent, a powerful blood purifier, just Express Train leaves Grand Trunk Depot at p ero. WEDNDSDAY and SATUR- ago. 1.00, 3.30 p. m., arriving at Boston at 1.30, 5.30, Mailing every is the onlv agent which finds its way into sat He admitted stolen the bar from the m., Preble St. Station at 1.15 p. m. DAY to at purifying Old Sam Britton, station master, by having and 8.00 p. in. Returning, leave Boston at 7.30 a. m., Philadelphia direct, connecting the circulating fluid and thence through the oil and He had seen disaster Every Wednesday Saturday Connecting at New London same evening with the with Steam Lines to ChurlcM- stove in tire middle of the switch-house, railroad company. the 12.30, 3.30 p. in., arriving at Portland at 12.10, Philadelphia Clyde sweat to the surface of the skin, thus de- the FOR fast steamers of the Norwich Line at New N. D. glands the and had run lest he 8.00 p. m. arriving ton, WuMhiugtou, C., George- the elements with which these at the dull red coals in the ugly from woods, away 5.00, York next at 6 a. m. stroying poisonous idly looking For Reach, Pine Point, Old morning town, D. C., Alexandria, Yn., and all Rai been 10 of be After some time he had come Ncarborough State Rooms and Scats in Drawing vesselsnave daily charged. stove. His daughter, about years age, caught. 9 Orchard Reach, Naco, Hiddeford, and Tickets, and Water Lines. tko Great Skin Cure, external- back to find the bar lie had in the ■ Room Cars secured in advance at Rollins & Adams of Cuticuka, applied sat the little near the dropped Kennebunk at 8.45 a. m., 1.00, 3.30, 5.45 Through Rates named ami Bills Lading iven arrests all unnatural or morbid which by telegraph apparatus 22 and at the ly, growths in his He had the with on of dato train Exchange Street, Depots. from any point in New to Pbiladeli hi and tubes window that looked out down the line. By woods flight. bar Tickets good only day and by p. m. Gen. England cover the surface of the diseased glands Salmon J. W. PETERS, Ticket Agent. rates of and other information, to a him when He could all Portland at 7.20 A. M. For Well*, No. Rerwick, Fall*, For Freight, apply with Itching and Irritating Humors, speedily the aid of the lantern she was reading caught. prove this, leaving J. M. LUNT, Supt ocl3tf D. D. C. Scaly, Conveyance to the Mines can be secured at East Great E'all*. Koehe*ter, Farmington, MINK, Agent, it removes them, leaving the pores open, healthy, a because the bar was rusty from in the 190 Mass stray newspaper, the Iron Trade Review, lying Lebanon station. N. IK., Dover, New Market, Exeter, Washington Street, Boston, *nd free from diseased particles of matter. snow. and Wu. P. Ar General for a to but it be- J. W. Gen. Ticket Agent. Haverhill, Lawrence, Andover, Clyde Co., Managers. Thus and externally do these great rem- strange paper girl read, PETERS, internally The of the Centreville M. Eowell at 8.45 a. m., 1.00, 3.30 p. m. STEAMERS. No. 12 So. Delaware Ave., Philadelphia. edies act in cures that have to a dear and some singular reporters papers J. LUXT, Supt. jalOFS&Ttf conjunction, performing longed friend, at 8.45 a. 3.30 m. febO For Alton Ray m., p. __ astonished the most noted of the day. her She did who were present, called Mary Britton to physicians pictures had interested greatly. For Manchester and Concord (via Lawrence) the that a be dis- more She read and listened.' Xot a thing telegraph message might at 8.45 a. m.; (via Now Market Junction) at INMAN LINE room save the One of them a be- 3.30 m. BOSTON STEAMERS. SALT RHEUMTOR 30 YEARS stirred in the dull, bare little patched. placed paper p. UNITED STATES & 110YAL MAIL STEAMERS. fore her. TIGKETS Morning Train leaves Konuebunk for Portland at restless sounder on her table. The incessant New York to and Liverpool Face aud Greater l*art of 7.10, arrives at Portland at 8.07. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. QureuNtowu (be Ucad, fell on her ear and “A tramp has been found who admits clatter of the machine -TO— The 1.00 p. m. Trains connect with Sound Eine EVERY THURSDAY OR SATURDAY. tl:c Body, Fared. was stolen the but it is he did she heard it not. Elm City talking having bar, plain .Steamer* for New fork. of 6491 Tons I of Montreal 4490 Ts Potter: (lenilemcn.—l have yet to with City Berlin, City Messrs. Weeks & 40 miles and word not use it. All the evidence goes show The 3.30 p. m. trains make connections of '* of Brussels 3775 Rheum for fit) to Ceutreville, off, every City Richmond,4007 City been a great sufferer with Salt years, the wrecked the train out, of New lTork all rail. 3500 on the sounder. Yet she heard that engineer City of Chester, 4560 | City of New York in my head and face and extending was spelled 'ir'oirls. Ticket* to all Point* South and commencing to to the Through | These magnificent steamers are among the strong- over the of my body. I have taken gal- it for her mind was on the alert spite president.” Pure. We*t at rate*. greater part not, —VIA— Towe*t ami fastest on the Atlantic, and have for the blood of different These words Britton sent off Absolutely road connect with all est, largest lons of medicine kinds, catch another sound she was listening for. Mary by Trains on Boston & Maine modern hot and cold all of which did me no her and every improvement, including and tried good physicians, the he was wire to the whole United States, while Cream Tartar.—No other prepa- fteamers running between Portland Bangor, water and electric bcllB in that 1 could not Her father had let fall paper Made from Grape St. staterooms, revolving and I came to the conclusion of ad- or luxuri- Rockland, Mt. Desert, Machias, Eastport, Calais, good, not for a bitter lover sat near, already in the shadow ration makes such light, flaky hot breads, chairs in saloons, hath and smoking rooo)9, rbei be cured. Rut a friend called my attention to an He could read, without fear John and Halifax. Also connect with Grand Trunk reading. who read ous Can be eaten by dyspeptics &c. in the lTnwn on skin and I a box his mind harassed and calamity. The operators pastry. and Maine Central shops, article diseases, got kept vancing from food. or R. trains at Grand Trunk Station, For rates of and other disappointment of the ills ^resulting heavy indigestible Boston & lain Eastern R. passage information, apply of Cuticuka. The first application was a great re- off the words in distant cities heard every and Portland & trains at Transfer Star troubled. How long was this default of pay- Sold only in cans, by all Grocers. Ogdensburg to JOHN G. dai E, Agent, 31 Broadway, N. Y. and the third took the scales all off, and I felt the —AND tion. the Steamers lief, of the word distinctly, little knowing terrible Koval Baking Powdek Co., New iork. On and after Monday, Sept. 15, 1870. or to T. P. Ulc-liOtVAN, 422 CongrcMM like a new man. 1 have used three oO-cent boxes ment to tlie employes railway compa- ten minutes for refresh- Ht., were dl? All trains stop at Exeter Forest City and New Brunswick will alternately PORTLAND. en- last month’s trial under which they dispatched. jal eodly and my skin is smooth, and I consider myself ny to continue? The wages ap30_ ments. First class Dining Rooms at Portland, leave FRANKLIN WHARF, Portland, daily at 7 that this be seen some Never in after life did she that mes- ~ FALL RIVER OR and Boston. tirely cured. Hoping may by had not been and another month had forget Transfer Station, Exeter, Lawrence o’clock p. m., and INDIA WHARF, Boston, dally, there is is paid and one afflicted as 1 have boea (if any) my The line needed repairing. sage. THROUGH TICKETS to all points West at 5 o’clock p. m. (Sundays excepted). £ T. P. McGOWAN. £ earnest wish. And 1 recommend it to all nearly passed. WANTS. STONINGTON be had of M. E. Ticket are that se- cheerfully and there “this case South may William*, Passengers by this line reminded they nersons One of the was broken said the coroner, LINES, — FOR THE afflicted with like diseases. signals “Gentlemen,” Agent, Boston & Maine Depot, and at Union cure a comfortable rest and avoid the expense AGENT The track- the whole night’s Yours truly, 15. WILSON LOUD. were two bad ties on this section. seems to warrant me in referring Ticket Dfllce, 40 Exchange St. and inconvenience of arriving in Boston late at night. 1873. Wanted. FURBER. Gen. CIJNAKD, INUIAN and Agawam, Mass., Sept. 9, men had that very day that new matter to the for further exam- JAS. T. Supt. Tickets and Staterooms for sale at D. U. used for complained grand jury S4.00 I The Cuticura Soap should be cleansing that more salesman, to travel for a Flour and S. H. STEVENS, Gen. Agent, Portland, 272 Middle Street. to and better tools were needed, and ination.” experience YOUNG’S, WHITE STAR LINES, all diseased surfaces, as most soaps are injurious house. Shore Towns and ocll
