Structural Eng. /Earthquake Eng. Vol. 9, No. 1, 65s-76s, April 1992 Japan Society of Civil Engineers (Proc. of JSCE No. 446/1-19)


Hajime OHUCHI*, Takashi MATSUDA** and Yozo GOTO***

This paper describes numerical simulation studies on the bent collapse of the Cypress Viaduct during the Loma Prieta Earthquake and on the seismic performance of the same type bent retrofitted. The purpose of the 1st simulation is to identify bent dam- age due to ground conditions and structural types and that of the 2nd simulation is to estimate seismic performance of the retrofitted bent. Systematized analyses provided following conclusions: 1) Amplified ground motion was appropriately predicted based on the multiple reflection theory, 2) Finite element nonlinear analyses provided good agreement with test results both of pre-retrofitted and retrofitted bents, 3) Nonlinear dynamic response analyses provided quantitative explanation on the relationship be- tween ground conditions, bent types and bent collapses and also ensured sufficient seis- mic safety of the retrofitted bent. Keywords: collapse simulation, ground motion, nonlinear response

1. INTRODUCTION 2. GENERAL Catastrophic collapse of the Cypress Viaduct at (1) Damage Summary Loma Prieta Earthquake 1989, caused 41 fatalities As reported in the JSCE Reconnaissance Report and amount of economic losses in on the Loma Prieta Earthquake of Oct. 17, 19891), Bay area. A great concern was concentrated on the the cause of bent damages is considered as deeply engineering issue to be resolved with 48 bents related with the underlying ground condition and collapse in the 1.2km long part of I-880 at the the structure type. The Cypress north side section Cypress section. In the U. S., comprehensive was on reclaimed soft soil, while the south side seismic design specification was provided after the section on dense silty sand. In the north side, all the 1971 San Fernando Earthquake. However a great upper decks fell down onto lower decks except one number of bridges including the Cypress Viaduct, span portion. On the other hand in the south side were constructed in 1950's and 1960's. As the falling down of upper decks was prevented except results, seismic vulnerability of existing bridges and about 150m portion next to the north side. seismic strengthening method were urged to The bent types are conceptually categolized into investigate and a number of experimental and 3 structure types as shown in Fig.l due to location analytical studies have been conducted including of pinned joint and bent-cap structural type, i. e. field tests with survived bents. In these back- reinforced or prestressed concrete. B type bent was grounds, this paper presents numerical simulation employed in many parts and all collapsed in the studies on the collapse of the Cypress Viaduct and north side. Among five A type bents existed in the on the seismic performance of the retrofitted bent north side, two of them survived despite significant against several earthquakes consistent with the damages suffered. In the south end of north side, current U.S. seismic design guideline. A rational all the C type bents also collapsed. prediction of the Cypress Viaduct collapse is (2) Objectives of Present Study believed to contribute in the future earthquake Numerical simulations are classified into two hazard mitigation practice. Also a prediction on the phases, i. e. collapse simulation of existed bents and seismic performance of the retrofitted bent may seismic performance simulation of a retrofitted provide effective information in promoting seismic bent as shown in Fig. 2. strengthening program for similar type viaducts in The objective of 1st simulation is to provide rational answer to the following two questions Are bent collapse in the north side section and bent survival in the south side section predicted if * Member of JSCE. Dr. Eng., Chief Res. Engr. considering different ground conditions? and do B Tech. Research Inst. Obayashi Co. Ltd. (4-640 and C type bents collapse and an A Type bent not Shimokiyoto, Kiyose, Tokyo, Japan-204) ** Member of JSCE. M. Eng., Assist. Chief Research collapse in the north side section? As shown in Engr. Fig.2, analytical studies for this simulation consist *** Member of JSCE. M. Eng., Manager. of 4 parts: 0 Dynamic response analysis of ground,


Fig. 1 Bent Type-Conceptual Structure

-----: Comparison Between Analytical and Experimental Results

Phase-I Collapse Simulation of Existed Bents Phase-II Seismic Performance Simulation of a Retrofitted Bent

Fig. 2 Analytical Study Procedure

(II) Soil-foundation dynamic interaction analysis, (III)the nearby site, the transverse motion of bridge Static nonlinear analysis of bent and (IV)Nonlinear axis is considered as dominant. Accordingly, all the dynamic response analysis of bent. The objective of above analyses are carried out against transverse 2nd simulation is to provide similar rational answer motion of bridge axis neglecting structural con- to the following question: How much structural tribution from the members parallel to the bridge margin does the retrofitted bent possess against longitudinal axis such as box girders except their earthquakes with acceleration amplitude consistent gravity load. with the current seismic design standard? As shown 3. COLLAPSE SIMULATIONS in Fig. 2, analytical studies for this simulation consist of two parts: (V) Static nonlinear analysis of (1) Dynamic Response of Ground retrofitted bent and (VI) Nonlinear dynamic re- a) Analytical Method sponse analysis of retrofitted bent. Results from A dynamic response analysis of a multi-layered part 0 and (II) analyses are also utilized as an input ground is conducted based on the reflection theory. motion and foundation characteristics for the part An equivalent linearization method is utilized to (VI) dynamic response analyses. consider nonlinear behavior of soil material From the damage observation of survived bents properties becasuse of comparatively small input and from the available accelerogram observed in acceleration of 0.035 G from bedrock. Soil layer

78 (66s) Structural Eng. /Earthquake Eng. Vol. 9, No. 1, 65s-76s, April 1992 Tanan Society of Civil Engineers (Proc. of TSCE No. 446/1-19)

(A) North Side (A) South Side (B) North Side Transmitting Boundary Transmitting Boundary

(B) South Side

Fig. 5 Axsymmetric Finite Element Models for Interac- tion Analysis

Fig. 3 Calculated Transfer Function Between Bedrock and Ground Surface

(A) North Side (max 194 gal)

(B) South Side (max 135 gal)

C) Input Motion (Incident Wave Only)

Fig. 4 Ground Surface Acceleration Based on Multiple Reflection Theory Fig. 6 Frequency Dependent Characteristics of Spring in the north side and south side sections are modelled on the basis of boring log datas2 and PS the Cyress Section. A half of EW component, is velocity logging datas3)5. A significant difference utilized as the incident wave from bedrock. appears from the surface to 16.5m depth below b) Analytical Results ground line (G. L.), i. e. soft bay mud from 2 to 6m Fig. 3 illustrates the calculated transfer function depth in the north side while dense silty sand between bedrock and ground surface, in which the from 4.5 to 16.5m depth in the south side. An first natural period predicted is respectively 0.61 accelerogram recorded at Yerba Buena Island, and 0.68 Hz in each side and its amplification rocky outcrop about 7km distant from the Cypress factor is nearly equal to each other, however the Section (EW: 0.067 G, NS: 0.029 G) is employed amplification in the higher frequency region (1 Hz as an input wave from bedrock. This island consists 4Hz) is larger in the north side than in the south of Franciscan formation identical to the bedrock of side. The analytical period agrees fairly well with


(A) North Side Max=173gal

(B) South Side Max=8Sgal

(A) Typical Failure Sequence of a B type Bent (Ref. 9) Fig. 7 Effective Ground Surface Acceleration the measured value of 0.7 Hz in the ambient vibration6. Fig.4 illustrates the calculated ground surface acceleration waves with maximum accelera- tions of 194 gal in the north side and of 135 gal in the south side. In these analyses, the attained maximum shear strain of each layer is in the range of 6.5X10-5-9.4X10-5. (2) Soil-Foundation Dynamic Interaction a) Analytical Method (B) A Shear CrackAlong Bent Down Rebar As a pair of bent columns stand on the indepen- in the Joint (Ref.9) dent foundation with each other, a unit of pile cap- Fig. 8 A Typical Bent Failure pile foundation system is idealized. Representative analytical bents to be discussed in this paper are bedrock. No. 96, 88 and 71 for A, B and C type bent (3) Static Nonlinear Behavior of Bents respectively. An asymmeric dynamic response A typical bent failure sequence7 and an critical analysis is conducted with using axsymmetric finite shear crack along bent down rebar in the joint are elements as shown in Fig. 5. The material charac- illustrated in Fig. 8. The objectives in this section teristics of ground layers such as shear stiffness and are to predict this critical shear failure and load- damping are modelled by the results obtained in displacement relationships for the nonlinear dyna- the previous ground response analysis. The non- mic response analysis in the following section. linear behavior such as slip between soil and Caltrans conducted horizontal loading tests8),9to foundation is neglected because no ground surface estimate ultimate loading capacity of the existing cracks suggesting significant slip were observed in bent (undestructive test) and to investigate seismic the post-earthquake field investigation. performance of the retrofitted bent (destructive b) Analytical Results test) with using the survived bent No. 45-47 The horizontal stiffness of the spring which categorized as B type in the present study. The corresponds to a model of the ground and an accuracy of present analyses will be verified effective input acceleration on the top of pile cap through comparison with this nondestructive test are evaluated to be used for the three degrees of result. freedom system model as shown in Fig. 17. Fig. 6 a) Analytical Method illustrates frequency dependent characteristics of Material constants are assumed as follows on the the spring analytically obtained from load-displace- basis of the sampling test results and design ment relationship under horizontal harmonic informations8: for concrete, f'=443kgf/cmz, ft= excitation at the pile top. The real part corresponds 7.5 6300psi=595psi=42kgf/cmz, E=2.8X to stiffness while the imaginary part damping 105kgf/cmz and for steel reinfocement, f=3032 characteristics. The real part for the south side kgf/cmz (Grade 40 steel), ES=2X10kgf/cmz. provides about 3.5 times that for the north side. The case of tensile strength of f=60kgf/cmz is The effective input motion which is required to additionaly analized to discuss the effect of materi- take the kinematic interaction into account, is al constant variation on the nonlinear behavior. shown in Fig. 7. It is calculated by using axsymmet- Two dimensional finite element nonlinear analy- ric finite element models shown in Fig. 5 with input ses are conducted with the concrete constitutive of the prescribed earthquake wave from the virtual law proposed by Darwin and Pecknold10. The

80 (68s) Structural Eng./Earthquake Eng. Vol. 9, No. 1, 65s-76s, April 1992 Japan Society of Civil Engineers (Proc. of JSCE No. 446/1-19)

Fig. 10 Crack Pattorn at Final Stage (B Type Bent)

Fig. 9 Dimention and Reinforcement Detail of B Type Fig. 11 Horizontal Strain sx Contour at Ultimate Stage Bent-No.88 (Ref. 11) (B Type Bent) analytical structure is modelled into plane stress finite elements for concrete and truss elements for steel reinforcing bars except beam elements for four D32 (No. 10) steel reinforcing bars in the pinned joints as shown in Fig. 9 with assuming perfect bond between concrete and reinforcement. It is noted that tied hoops as shown in Fig. 12, utilized for lateral confinement in the columns and pedestals, are modelled as continuous truss ele- ments. Multi layered reinforcements in the bent caps Fig. 12 Configuration of Transverse Reinforcement in and columns are idealized as a single layer the Joint Region respectively in each internal and external location so that the ultimate moment capacity of idealized bent (B type)11). section is equivalent to that of original one. b) Analytical Results The upper and the lower concrete parts through An ultimate crack pattern of B type bent is shear keys are assumed as monolithically con- illustrated in Fig. 10. Even during dead load nected except those through fiber board. No application, the shear crack initiates in the pedestal damage suffered in the past is also assumed with all below the pinned joint of upper column due to bents. shear force outward the joint. With horizontal load After applying dead load, i.e. weight of bent increasing, this crack propagates diagonally along caps and one span length box girder, static bent down rebar in the joint and then vertically into horizontal load uniformly distributed in each bent concrete outer-coverage, which corresponds the cap is increased. A horizontal load distribution on failure mode illustrared in Fig. 8. The left end of the height is determined based on the elastic first upper bent cap is critical in flexural crack shown as mode. Fig.9 illustrates dimension and steel the broken line in Fig. 10, which suggest the reinforcement arrangements of the representative flexural crack concentration at upper bent cap end


DCOUT: Diagonal Crack Outward the Joint DCINT: Diagonal Crack Inward the Joint FC: Flexural Crack

Y: Rebar Tensile Yielding

Fig. 15 Load-DisplacementRelationship (C Type Bent)

Fig. 13 Load-Displacement Relationship (A Type Bent)

DCOUT: Diagonal Crack Outward the Joint DCINT: Diagonal Crack Inward the Joint FC: Flexural Crack

Fig. 16 Load-Displacement Relationship (Bent No. 46)

shear reinforcement in the pedestal ultimately yield. In the C type bent with pinned joints at both upper column tops, the shear crack initiates from Fig. 14 Load-Displacement Relationship (B Type Bent) pedestal to joint at relatively high horizontal load. However because one of upper columns resists no as shown in Fig. 8 when considering insufficient horizontal load, the lateral shear force concentrates anchorage of D57 (No. 18) lower straight reinforce- on the other column, resulting in lower ultimate ment (see Fig. 9) and bond depression under cyclic loading capacity and lower lateral stiffness horizontal load. Fig. 11. illustrates horizontal strain obtained rather than the B type bent. contour of sx at ultimate stage in which the strain The ultimate loading capacity of the B or C type concentration in the joint is to be comparable to bent is numerically determined by the load level the failure surface of Fig. 8. When additionally when the internal lateral shear force in the critical considering less and insufficient shear reinforce- column rapidly decrease umbalancing with the ment, i.e. tied hoop utilized as shown in Fig. 12, external horizontal load. this type of shear failure must be likely encouraged. c) Comparison with Undestructive Test Re- Horizontal load-displacement relationships for sults A, B and C type bents are respectively shown in In the field loading test, the horizontal load was Fig. 13 to 15. As shown in Fig. 13, the analytical applied only at the upper bent cap. Fig. 16 result predicts flexural yieldingtype failure in the A illustrates load-displacement relationships where type bent. In the B type bent, after the joint shear the analytical result (ft=42kgf/cm2) agrees with cracks extend to the concrete coverage, most of experimental result in the ascending part. The

82 (70s) Structural Eng./Earthquake Eng. Vol. 9, No. 1, 65s-76s, April 1992 Japan Society of Civil Engineers (Proc. of JSCE No. 446/I-19)

Table 1 Natural Frequency of Bents Upper Story

Lower Story

Pile Cap Ms. Spring With Taking Interaction Effect into Account

Fig. 17 Three Degrees of Freedom System Model for Nonlinear Dynamic Response ( )*: Forced Vibration Test Results predicted ultimate loading capacity is 156 tonf in result of 2.5Hz7 for the B type bent. The obtained comparison with 210 tonf in the experiment8). acceleration time histories and shear force-relative Because ultimate load is deeply dependent on displacement hystresis in the critical upper story shear cracks in the joint, the case with concrete are tabulated in Table 2 in which characteristic tensile strength of ff=60kgf/cm2 is alternatively responses can be identified due to bent types and analized to discuss its influence. The larger but ground conditions. In the north side B and C type more approximate ultimate loading capacity with bents, the upper story collapses immeadiately after 234 tonf is obtained for this case. The stiffness the maximum ground surface acceleration. On the difference between f=42 and 60kgf/cm2 cases other hand in the south side, both type bents depends on the difference of crack growth especial- survive with some stiffness reduction appearance. ly during dead load application. When considering The A type bent in the north side does not collapse possible initial crack existence in the experimental with hysteretic damping effect due to flexural bent, the tensile strength between these values may yielding. This analytical performance ensures be more reasonable to use. However because of survival of actual No. 95 and No. 96 bents despite better prediction in stiffness, the case of f=42 considerable damages observed. It is considered kgf/cm2 is employed in all the following analyses. that flexural yielding type hysteresis characteristics (4) Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Bents significantly contribute on preventing bent from a) Analytical Method catastrophic collapse. Nonlinear dynamic response analyses are con- 4. SEISMIC PERFORMANCE SIMULA- ducted with using a three degrees of freedom TION OF A RETROFITTED BENT system model including a spring taking soil-founda- tion interaction effect into account as shown in (1) Static Nonlinear Behavior of a Retrofitted Fig. 17. As for the enveloping curve of hysteresis Bent models, shear force-relative displacements ob- As described in the section 3.3, Caltrans tained from the finite element nonlinear analyses conducted horizontal loading tests of retrofitted are idealized into tri-linear type model. As for the bents using survivedNo. 45 to No. 47 bents with less hysteretic rule, the flexural-failure-type degrading damages.8 After comparison with destructive test stiffness response model, so called Takeda model12) results to verify the accuracy, the analytical results is utilized for both upper and lower stories of the A for the following dynamic response analysis are to type bent. In the B and C type bents, the similar be discussed. model is utilized for the lower story, while the a) Analytical Method origin-orient hysteresis model for the upper story The retrofitted No. 46 bent13, presently catego- failed in brittle shear. Based on the dynamic rized as B type bent is analized in this chapter. The interaction analysis in the section 3(2), the spring jacking forces with prestressing rods (0 35mm for characteristics at base (Fig. 17) is idealized as a bent cap flexural strengthening) are modelled by a linear elastic model with damping calculated pair of nodal forces and prestressing rods 5 35mm, considering strain energy for radiation damping. 1 25mm for column confinement and diagonal Superstructure damping is assumed as of 3%. rock bolts in the beam column joint are respective- b) Analytical Results ly modelled as one of reinforcements. A Grade 40 Table 1 shows elastic natural frequencies obtain- steel is assumed for rock bolts and steel tubings to ed from the three degrees of freedom system be combined with prestressing rods for column analyses. The analytical 1st natural frequency of confinement. 2.55Hz agrees well with the forced vibration test Inadequate and insufficient anchorage effect of


Table 2 Comparison of Bent Responses Between North Side and South Side

the bent cap lower reinforcement (D57) as b) Analytical Results described in the section 3(3) b), should be consid- A comparison between experimental and analy- ered. The insufficient anchorage directed depress- tical load-displacement relationship in the destruc- ion is modelled by reducing yielding strength of tive test is shown in Fig. 18 to represent good D57 rebar in the joints from fs=3023kgf/cm2 to approximation of a finite element nonlinear fsy=fstip=1890 kgf/cm2based on the pull-out test analysis. Analytical result in general ensure results14 which provided the developed tensile flexural type failure with fairly good agreement stress-bar size relationship of reinforcing bar. with experimental results. Material constants and another assumption in the Analytical load-displacement relationships, analysis are similar with those provided in the which are to be idealized for the hysteresis model in section 3(3). the following dynamic response analysis, are shown

84 (72s) Structural Eng./Earthquake Eng. Vol. 9, No. 1, 65s-76s, April 1992 Japan Society of Civil Engineers (Pros. of JSCE No. 446/1-19)



S: Rebar Bond Slip Y: Rebar Tensile Yielding C: Concrete Crushing

S: Rebar Bond Slip Y: Rebar Tensile Yielding C: Concrete Crush



Fig. 18 Load-Displacement Relationship (Retrofitted Fig. 19 Load-Displacement Relationship Bent No.46) (Retrofitted B Type Bent)

Cypress -----EL-Centro-NS --Hachinohe-EW -----Taft-EW

Fig. 20 Elastic Acceleration Spectrum

in Fig. 19. The analytical bent is the same as that spectrums by the previously predicted acceleration compared with destructive test result. The loca- wave on the Cypress north side and the representa- tions of yield hinges produced are also completely tive acceleration records in the past. The elastic same as that. However, they appear in about 10% seismic response spectrums for three soil types earlier load stage because of loadings imposed on specified in the Seismic Design Guidline15 are also both upper and lower bent caps. shown. Design response fitted waves are respec- (2) Design Response Spectrum and Input tively produced for 3 soil types by modifying Motion acceleration amplitude of these waves with its Fig. 20 illustrates elastic acceleration response phase angle unchanged.


(A) Original Cvpress

Upper Story Acc. Upper Story

Lower Story Ace.

Ground Surface Ace Lower Story

(B) Modified Hachinohe

Upper Story Ace. Upper Story

Lower Story Ace.

Ground Surface Ace. Lower Story

(C) Modified EL-Centro

Upper Story Ace. Upper Story

Lower Story Ann.

Ground Surface Ace. Lower Story

Fig.21 Seismic Response of Retrofitted Bent (B Type)-Acceleration Time History and Shear Force-Relative Displacement Hysteresis

(3) Nonlinear Dynamic Responses of A Retro- upper and lower hysteresis characteristics in shear fitted Bent force-relative displacement relationship. a) Analytical Method b) Analytical Results A three degrees of freedom system model is used Analytical results are represented in Fig. 21. For for both the Cypress wave and the modified the original Cypress wave, both upper and lower Cypress wave, while a two degrees of freedom story responses remain in elastic. Except this case, system model is used for another three modified the shear force reaches beyond elastic limit but not waves because foundation and ground condition beyond yielding for any cases. The maximum are not identified. The Takeda Model with tn- response and the seismic performance evaluation in linear type enveloping is also idealized for both strength and ductility are provided in Table 3 for

86 (74s) Structural Eng./Earthquake Eng. Vol. 9, No. 1, 65s-76s, April 1992 Japan Society of Civil Engineers (Proc. of JSCE No. 446/I-19)

Table 3 Seismic Performance of a Retrofitted Bent

1st Story 2nd Story

each input motion respectively, where the ultimate On the other hand, the analysis of retrofitted strength and the ultimate displacement are tempor- bent provided good agreement with experimental arily defined by the yielding shear force Qy and the results, especially taking the effect of insufficient relative displacement & when concrete crush anchorage length of longitudinal reinforcement of initiates at the upper story column top respectively. bent cap into account by temporarily idealizing its For all input waves, sufficient safety factor is yield strength reduced. assured in both strength and ductility. These results 2) The multi degrees of freedom system indicate that if the present type bent is streng- nonlinear response analysis, on the basis of thened in shear so that flexural-yielding-type systematized analyses, i.e. on the amplified ground performance be assured, sufficient margin in motion, on the soil-foundation interaction and on seisimic performance can be provided against not the nonlinear behavior of the bents up to the only the Loma Pneta earthquake but the input ultimate, provided rational explanation for the motions consistent with the current seismic design sequential collapse scenario of the Cypress guideline as well. Viaduct. 5. CONCLUDING REMARKS With good correspondence to the damages observed in the site, it was predicted that an A type Based on the results presented, a number of bent in the north side survived due to its ductile conclusions can be summarized as follows flexural yielding behavior and both B and C type 1) The two dimensional finite element analyses bents in the north side collapsed in shear, while predicted nonlinear behaviors of the existed bents those in the south side survived due to little less and of the retrofitted bent up to the failure with amplified ground motion. good agreements in comparison with experimental For the deficiency of observed acceleration results. records in the Cypress Section, it can not directly The analyses of existed B and C type bents verify the accuracy of the calculated ground motion predicted final shear failure from the pedestal to in the present procedure. However, it should be the bent cap-column joint with yielding of insuffi- noted that the different damages of bents between cient shear reinforcement and also suggested the north and the south sides were appropriately flexural crack concentration at the end of second lead due to the different input motions predicted. story bent cap due to inadequate anchorage length Namely, the present procedure with considering of longitudinal reinforcement, those of which SH wave input, nonlinear material characteristics corresponds with the damages observed in the site. of soils and soil-foundation interaction, would be


effective to provide a precise effective input motion 3) Caltrans: Borehole Velocity Surveys at the Embarcadero for a simplified dynamic interaction model. in San Francisco and the Cypress Structure in Oakland, 3) The present type of bent retrofitted mainly August 1990. in shear provides sufficient seismic performance 4) Seed, H. B., et al.: Implication of Site Effects in the against input motions with acceleration amplitude Mexico City Earthquake of Sept. 1985 for Earthquake consistent with the current seismic design guide- Resistant Design Criteria in the San Fransisco Bay Area of line. California, UCB/EERC-89/03, Mar. 1989. 4) The collapse of the Cypress Viaduct is 5) Helly, E.J., et al.: Flatland Deposits of the San Francisco unlikely to provide effective lessons to the current Bay Region, California-Their Geology and Engineering seismic design practice in Japan because of the Properties, and Their Importance to Comprehensive unusual structural feature with less redundancy and Planning, Geological Survey Professional Paper 943. inadequate and insufficient reinforcement detail. 6) Ohmachi, T., et al.: Ground Motion Characteristics in the In recent years, neverthless, a number of existing Detected by Microtremor bridge columns with inadequate reinforcement Measurements-A Preliminary Assesments, Tokyo Insti- such as cut-off reinforcing bars in column mid- tute of Technology, No. 800104, Nov. 30, 1989. section, are urged to be strengthened even in 7) Nims, D. K., et al.: Collapse of the Cypress Street Viaduct Japan. The present study hopefully suggests one of as a Result of the Loma Prieta Earthquake, UCB/EERC- sophisticated method to evaluate seismic resistance 89/16, Nov. 1989. of these existing structures with higer accuracy. 8) Moehle, J. P. and Mahin, S. A.: Implications of Nondes- tructive and Destructive Tests on the Cypress Street ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Viaduct Structure, 7th US-Japan workshop on Bridge Most of informations and refernces utilized in Structure, UJNR, May 1990. the present study are from California Department 9) Housner, G. W., et al.: Competing Against Time, Report of Transportation, Geological Sur- to Governor George Deukmejian from the Governor's vey and University of California. Especially, Prof. Board of Inquiry on the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake, Idriss, University of California, Davis provided the May 1990. geologic Batas of the site. This paper is appreciably 10) Darwin, D. and Pecknold, D. A.: Inelastic Model for published in responding for their providing useful Cyclic Biaxial Loading of Reinforced Concrete, Civil Eng. materials. Dr. Eto, Mr. Ejiri and Mr. Naganuma Studies, Structural Series, No. 409, Univ. of Illinois, are appreciated for their consulting work through Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, July 1974. this project work. 11) Caltrans: As Built Plans, 10th to Distribution Structures, We hope this paper will provide one of useful July 26, 1957. materials for seismic hazard mitigation practice. 12) Takeda, T., et al.: Reinforced Concrete Response to Simulated Earthquakes, Jour. Structural Div., ASCE,

REFERENCES Vol.96, No. 5T12, pp. 2557-2573, 1970. 1) The Earthquake Engineering Committee: Reconaissance 13) Caltrans: Cypress Street Viaduct Bent 45, 46 and 47 report on the Loma Prieta Earthquake of Oct. 17, 1989, 2.2 Retrofit Detail-As Built Drawing, Dec. 1989. Analysis on the Damage Features of the Cypress Viaduct 14) Park, R. and Paulay, T.: Reinforced Concrete Structures, Caused by the Loma Prieta Earthquake of 1989, Proc. John Wiley & Sons, pp. 407. 410, 1975. 15) Applied Technology Council : Seismic Design Guideline JSCE, Vol. 422/I-14, Oct. 1990. 2) Caltrans: Log of Test Boring Concerning Cypress Viaduct, for Highway Brides, 2nd Printing, June 1986. 1990. (Received June 27, 1991)

サ イ プ レ ス 高 架 橋 の 崩 壊 と 補 強 後 橋 脚 の 耐 震 性 に 関 す る 一 考 察

大 内 一・ 松 田 隆・ 後 藤 洋 三 1989年 ロマ プ リエ タ地 震でのサ イプレス高架橋 の被災 と, 補強後橋脚 の耐震 性を数 値解析 により検討 した.橋 脚 の破壊 と損傷程度 は, 地盤条件 と橋脚構造 タイプに深 い因 果関係 を持つ と予想 され, 最初 の解析 はその一連の シナ リオに定量的説明 を加え ること を目的 とす る. また第2の 解析 は補強後橋脚の合衆国現行設 計 レベルの地震 に対する耐 震性 を検討す ることを目的とす る.

88 (76s)