Case No. #110375 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA SUPR E"ILED Oklahoma Water Resources Board, STATE O~'~~HOURT 0" ,. 41.-!r)i>'I1A '" fV'" Petitioner, FEB 1 0 2012 . MiCHAl:: " vs. CL~~K""i1(;i-IJE The United States on behalfof the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, a federally recognized Indian Tribe; the United States on behalf of the Chickasaw Nation, et al., Respondents. APPLICATION TO ASSUME ORIGINAL JURISDICTION PATRICK R. WYRICK, OBA #21874 NEAL LEADER, OBA #5310 Solicitor General Senior Assistant Attorney General 313 NE 21 sT Street 313 NE 21sT Street Oklahoma City, OK 73105 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 (405) 522-4448 (405) 522-4393 (405) 522-0669 FAX (405) 522-0669 FAX
[email protected] [email protected] TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE The Impetus for the Request 1 Brush v. Comm'r ofInt. Rev., 300 U.S. 352,366 (1937) 1 Title 82, § 105.6 2 McCarran Amendment, 43 U.S. c. § 666 2 The Reasons Why the Court Should Assume Original Jurisdiction 3 The Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan, Executive Report 4 The Specific Relief Requested 5 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF OKLAHOMA Oklahoma Water Resources Board, ) ) Petitioner, ) ) vs. ) No. ) The United States on behalfofthe ) Choctaw Nation ofOklahoma, ) a federally recognized Indian Tribe; ) the United States on behalfofthe ) Chickasaw Nation" et aI., ) ) Respondents. ) Application to Assume Original Jurisdiction Petitioner, the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (the "OWRB") requests that the Court assume original jurisdiction over the Petition attached hereto. (See App. 1). In support ofthe Application and Petition, Petitioner would show this Court the following: The Impetus for the Request The importance of the issues presented in the Application to the State, its cities and towns, and citizens cannot be overstated.