Questioning the HIV–AIDS Hypothesis: 30 Years of Dissent

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Questioning the HIV–AIDS Hypothesis: 30 Years of Dissent View metadata, citation and similar papers at brought to you by CORE GENERAL COMMENTARY published: 13provided February by 2015 Frontiers - Publisher Connector PUBLIC HEALTH doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2015.00030 Commentary on “Questioning the HIV–AIDS hypothesis: 30 years of dissent” Seth C. Kalichman* Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA *Correspondence: [email protected] Edited by: John B. F.De Wit, The University of New South Wales, Australia Reviewed by: Philippe C. G. Adam, The University of New South Wales, Australia Keywords: AIDS denialism, HIV/AIDS, Duesberg, pseudoscience A commentary on indeed still exist. AIDS denialists are the cause of AIDS, simply because there is no best known for having joined with former such debate. Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis: President of South Africa Thabo Mbeki to Goodson is dismissive of science and 30 years of dissent create the impression that there is a debate medicine. Like the AIDS denialists she gives by Goodson P. Front Public Health (2014) among scientists as to whether HIV causes credence, her views are myopic. Consider 2:154. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2014.00154 AIDS. Tragically, more than 330,000 South her summary of the leading “scientists” Africans needlessly died and 35,000 babies who have, for decades, questioned HIV as The Earth is spherical. The holocaust were born with HIV infection as a result the cause of AIDS. Sadly, Goodson has not occurred. Man did walk on the moon. of Mbeki’s denialist policies (8–11). The been forthright in her characterization of Carbon dioxide emissions are warming harms of AIDS denialism continue today these characters despite having full aware- the planet. And yes, HIV causes AIDS. and extend beyond the boarders of South ness of their complete records. She cites These truths are established by an accu- Africa. One group that tracks the activi- my book Denying AIDS (12), which dis- mulation of accepted and irrefutable facts. ties of AIDS denialists, www.AIDSTruth. cusses both their credentials and credibility. Nevertheless, individuals are free to deny org post the tragic stories of over 25 promi- In Denying AIDS, I note that at the start facts and believe whatever they choose. nent AIDS denialists who have died of of the AIDS crisis there were numerous But believing does not make it so. There AIDS. There are numerous testimonials potential explanations offered to explain are plenty of forums to express erroneous from family members and friends of people this new disease. However, the fact that opinions, especially on the Internet (1,2). who have refused to accept their HIV diag- AIDS is caused by an infectious agent, to AIDS denialists, those who state that HIV noses and decline treatment because they become called HIV,was determined within is harmless and not the cause of AIDS, have been persuaded by AIDS denialists just a few years. But despite the facts, a have created an abundance of such outlets into thinking their HIV test is invalid, HIV small group of rogue scientists, headed by and are free to spew as much misinfor- is harmless, and antiretroviral medications Peter Duesberg, held fast to failed the- mation about this deadly disease as they are toxic poisons (see www.denyingaids. ories. Although they consider themselves wish. Occasionally, the filter of scientific For those most vulnera- dissident scientists,they are actually denial- peer review has failed and AIDS denial- ble to medical misinformation, especially ists because they utilize specific tactics to ism has made its way into reputable sci- people dealing with the trauma of a life evade and deny reality. AIDS denialists entific journals. When a journal’s unfortu- threatening medical diagnosis,it can be dif- were obscure and mostly ignored until the nate error of disseminating AIDS denialism ficult to distinguish the fraudulent claims advent of the world-wide-web. The rise of is discovered, publishers and editors have of AIDS denialists from credible science the Internet afforded denialists to amplify typically taken corrective action through and medicine. their volume and expand their reach. AIDS retractions, statements of concern, errata, Goodson’s article is a primer on AIDS denialists have created a pseudoscience that and explanatory editorials (3–6). I was denialism unlike any seen in what is pur- has had its own “journals” and has even therefore invited by the publishers of Fron- portedly a peer-reviewed journal. Goodson conducted unethical and illegal human tiers in Public Health to contribute this relies on material found in articles more research. While some AIDS denialists have comment in response to Patricia Good- than two decades old, a time when HIV advanced degrees, none has credibility in son’s article Questioning the HIV –AIDS first emerged and there were legitimate the scientific community. At best, Goodson hypothesis: 30 years of dissent (7). questions raised about a then unknown has confused AIDS denialists’ credentials At the expense of her own credibility as pathogen. Goodson’s article relies on self- with credibility. At worst, she intentionally well as the reputation of Frontiers in Pub- published books, blog posts, essays, and ignores their notoriety. lic Health, Patricia Goodson has actually fringe articles. There is no credible research For example, Goodson describes Peter performed a public service. It is important offered by Goodson to support her opinion Duesberg as a Professor of Molecular and for people to know that AIDS denialists do that there is any debate about HIV as the Cell Biology at University of California, February 2015 | Volume 3 | Article 30 | 1 Kalichman Commentary on Question HIV–AIDS Berkeley and a member of the National President of Rethinking AIDS and member 7. Goodson P. Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothe- Academy of Sciences. While it is true that of Mbeki’s AIDS Panel Etienne de Harven, sis: 30 years of dissent. Front Pub Health (2014) 2:154. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2014.00154 he was part of the group that isolated the and non-scientists including former math 8. Chigwedere P, Seage GR III, Gruskin S, Lee TH, first cancer gene and mapped the genetic instructor Rebecca Culshaw. Essex M. Estimating the lost benefits of antiretro- structure of retroviruses in 1970, Duesberg As academics and scientists, our creden- viral drug use in South Africa. J Acquir Immune later claimed, and still claims, that no such tials are based on the degrees we receive and Defic Syndr (2008) 49(4):410–5. doi:10.1097/QAI. genes exist (13). Duesberg has never con- the appointments we hold,neither of which 0b013e31818a6cd5 9. Chigwedere P,Essex M. AIDS denialism and public ducted any research on HIV and he was a are typically revocable. However, our cred- health practice. AIDS Behav (2010) 14(2):237–47. leading voice on Mbeki’s infamous South ibility is earned by the sum of our accom- doi:10.1007/s10461-009-9654-7 African Presidential AIDS Panel. Good- plishments, not just those things that we 10. Geffen N. Justice after AIDS denialism: should son describes Duesberg’s close compan- say and write that suit an opinion. When there be prosecutions and compensation? J Acquir ion David Rasnick as a trained biochemist his life’s work is considered in total, are Immune Defic Syndr (2009) 51(4):454–5. doi:10. 1097/QAI.0b013e3181ab6da2 who worked on protease inhibitors. How- we to believe that Henry Bauer is a seri- 11. Nattrass N. Mortal Combat: AIDS Denialism and ever, his work was only with rodents and ous scientist? Should we conclude that his the Struggle for Antiretrovirals in South Africa. never had anything to do with HIV. Ras- views on HIV causing AIDS are as credi- Scottsville: University of KwaZuluNatal Press nick is a former President of the AIDS ble as his research on the monsters of Loch (2007). 12. Kalichman S. Denying AIDS: Conspiracy Theories, denialist group Rethinking AIDS. Rasnick Ness? Does Dr. Mullis’ Nobel Prize offer Pseudscience, and Human Tragedy. New York, NY: is reported to have convinced Mbeki that him a lifetime pass on all of his views, Copernicus/Springer (2009). there is a scientific debate on the cause including those on the use of LSD, fak- 13. Duesberg P, Li R, Fabarius A, Hehlmann R. The of AIDS and suggested that Mbeki outlaw ing data, alien abductions, and HIV not chromosomal basis of cancer. Cell Oncol (2005) HIV testing and ban antiretroviral drugs causing AIDS? Does being elected to the 27(5–6):293–318. 14. Scudellari M. State of Denial. Nature Med (2010) (14, 15). Rasnick collaborated with Ger- National Academy of Sciences mean that 16(3):248. doi:10.1038/nm0310-248a man vitamin salesman Matthias Rath to Peter Duesberg is to be taken seriously 15. Kapp C. South African court bans vitamin trials conduct illegal clinical trials of vitamins as when he claims that there are no genetic for HIV/AIDS. Lancet (2008) 372:15. doi:10.1016/ a cure for AIDS. The South African courts influences involved in any form of cancer S0140-6736(08)60972-1 have found Rasnick guilty of conducting and that HIV is harmless? The full record 16. Mullis KB. Dancing Naked in the Mind Field. 1st ed. New York, NY: Pantheon Books (1998). unlawful clinical trials that may have killed of a scientist should be taken into account 17. Bauer H. The Enigma of Loch Ness: Making Sense people. Conveniently, Goodson makes no when considering credibility. Publishing an of a Mystery. Urbana: University of Illinois Press mention of these facts. article that blindly gives credence to AIDS (1986). It is also true that Kary Mullis was a 1993 denialism is now part of the record for 18.
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