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THE ZIONIST RECORD Page N · neteen Around I the erson Cinemas I I "Daughters Courageous" at the j Colosseum j Mrs. Sarah Gertrude Millin will be Warner Bros. have achieved another the speaker at the Goodwill Luncheon triumph in their production of j The art of warm hospitalitv Club on Monday at the Carlton "Daughters Courageous," showing at Hotel. the Colosseum Theat1·e this week. The ,. has been perfected hv the Lane sisters, John Garfield Claude Amalgamated Hotel ·. Rule Miss Sally Richardson has been Rains, Jeffrey Lynn, Gale Page and for ~ue t reception, general seconded from the Prime Minister's May Robson head the cast in this I s~r~1ce and etiquette are office to be staff secretary to the brilliant film. In this week's excellent rigidly enforced. We try not Principal Commandant of the South supporting programme will be in- I to be mechanical but like African Women's Auxiliary Services. eluded a ballet of dancing interpreted your own ervants - courte She will resume duty as social and to Liszt's rhapsody No. 2 an<l pre- I personal secretary to the Prime Min sented by Madame N aruna. ous, quiet and deft. i~ter during the Pavliamentary s·es You will e'njoy the luxuriou s1on. and dignified atmosphere of Attractions at the Plaza I our hotels. May we have the l\lr. Israel Katz, B.A., LL.B., of "The Adventures of Robin Hood '' : honour of a vi it? Johannesburg, has been admitted in featuring Errol Flynn, will be sho~n j the Witwatersrand Division of the to-day at the Plaza Theatre, thus re- 1·he illusuaiwn atxne '"°"''JI Supreme Court as a Sworn Transla peating another popular success. Com- I Elizabeth, llumrttood Port tor in the English, Hebrew and Yid mencing to-morro"\v, Warner Bros. will dish languages for the Transvaal present Dick Powell, Ann Sheridan 4t' a~d ~llen Jenkins in "Naughty but Province. Nice. The war news, shorts and the ...A..___ _ Mr. Walter Blumenthal, of Dur rest of the supporting programme i. I AM A L c A M A ban, has recently been appointed a up to the usual high standard of en- Commissioner of Oaths. Photo by Jane Plotz. Mr. Maurice Samuel Rose, of 'Mr. Isador Epstein Bloemfontein, ha recently been ap te~~;;;;; B:~:~t ,~t t~: ~~~ing \ AFRICAN HOTEL pointed a Commissioner of Oaths. G o is to give a recital at the story of submarin warfare, will be Hall on Tuesday evening, shown nt the • I ti o Theatr thi.., h in t. l\lr. Epstein will w ek. Wallae B r ' and ( h t r interesting programme of Monis tak the leading roles and the HOTEL ELIZABETH TM ·s from Mozart, Brahms, film is claimed to be the most stir MRS. ETHEL HAYMAN ring sea adventure since the produc t \en, Chopin, etc. He will J lf r. JB Mrs. Ethel Hayman, the tion of "Mutiny on the Bounty." bl ntler some of the works of The supporting programme, including t composers. An interest well-known Zionist worker, has news of the war, shorts and Archie will m be the playing by returned to Johannesburg after Parkhouse in songs at the Wurlitzer, anist of two of his own a long stay overseas, during completes a good evening's entertain ~tions. The recital is under ment. pices of the Johannesburg which she visited Palestine, and It's Eas l Society. was a delegate to the Zionist Congress and Wizo Conference. To Buy e Mrs. Hayman also made an in "You Can't Take It With You ! " teresting tour of Canada on be nessful Ball at Pretoria On Friday eYening next, the 17th A Good ~ successful Simchas Torah half of the Youth Aliyah. inst., a play entitled, "You Can't le' held by the Pretoria Take It With You!" will be produced n Zionist League in the Me at the Library Theatre by "The Play Wat c e all on November 1st, in aid makers." It is expected that there ~.F. will be a distinguished audience pre ASK FOR 1l ... sent for the occasion. mmitte•~ responsible for the RESERVE OFFICERS were: Chairman, Mrs. S. 1 Vice-Chairman, Mrs. L. Bal His Excellency the Governor ROAMER a ~Iiss B. Rostovsky; Trea AND YOU'l_,L GET IT ~ ~. H. Sapirstein; Secretaries, General-in-Council has been EL. Rom and R. Moss; com- pleased to appoint the following Johannesburg Zionist Society 1 Iessrs. B. Taback, Friedman, to the Reserve of Officers in the ein, P. Landau, Kibel, B. Union Defence Forces : Miller, Klein, L. Goldstein, ZIONIST CQlNiVERSAZIONE L. Janover, D. Hellmann, On SU R\ Y, 12th instant, . Gottschalk, Ginsbe12g and Major Sydney Hubert Ash, at 8.15 p.m., Major Lionel Otto Leon, Lieut. Alexander Joseph Cohen, Lieut. At the Coronation Hall. Stanley Victor Emmanuel, Speaker: Aid of Youth Aliyah Lieut. Harold Clifford Leon, Dr. WULF SACHS. l Lieut. Jack Schlapo, Lieut. r ttle of champagne recently Ernest Simon, Lieut. Harold Subject : for by the Brakpan Com "SOME IMPLICATIONS OF rt' the Youth Aliyah, has been Steafel, and Lieut. Jacob THE WAR." ·a !rs. Tobianski, of Geduld. Lazarus Tucker. OBTA'INABLE AT ALL LEADL "G LEADING AMERICAN STYLES .JEWELLER ' , For ARRIVE MONTHLY 64 PRITCHARD STREET Better Shoes! I 02 ELOFF STREET 44 PRITCHARD STREET s~o' co. LTD. .