Report for Information

Report to Cabinet Item 12 October 2011 Report of Head of Planning Services 9 Subject Area – Vision and Development Document


To provide an update on the ongoing work on the use and development of land around Earlham Hall by the University of East Anglia, including a summary of the content of the Vision and Development Document (VADD) and the representations made on it.



1) endorse the Vision and Development Document for Earlham Hall; and 2) take it into consideration as part of the evidence base to support the preparation of the Sites Allocation and Development Management Policies Development Plan Documents.

Financial Consequences

There are no financial consequences for the council relating to endorsing this document.

Risk Assessment

Not applicable.

Strategic Priority and Outcome/Service Priorities

The report helps to meet the strategic priority “Strong and prosperous city – working to improve quality of life for residents, visitors and those who work in the city now and in the future” and the service plan priority to deliver the Local Development Framework for

Cabinet Member: Cllr Bremner

Ward: All

Contact Officers

Jo Hobbs, planner (development) 01603 212526

Graham Nelson, Head of Planning 01603 212530

Background Documents


See appendix 2 for links to further background information.



1. Since it was endorsed by Executive in July 2009 the council has been participating in a joint project with the University of East Anglia (UEA) to bring forward a revised planning framework for the UEA. Following the preparation of a Strategic Development Principles document in early 2010 a Development Framework Strategy (DFS) was prepared.

2. The DFS was intended to be part of the evidence base supporting allocations proposed in the Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) and relevant policies in the Development Management Policies DPD. However, it was also intended to set a strategic framework for the preparation of more detailed masterplans for various parts of the site.

3. The DFS was considered by Cabinet on 8 December 2010 where it was resolved to note that the DFS provided evidence that should be taken into account in the preparation of relevant DPD (subject to further consideration of a number of specific concerns). The meeting also agreed that the council should continue to participate in the steering group to oversee the preparation of a masterplan at Earlham Hall ensuring adequate public involvement and to nominate a councillor to represent Norwich City Council on this group.

4. Since December work has been continuing on the preparation of the masterplan which UEA are terming the Vision and Design Document (VADD). This work has been led by consultants acting on behalf of UEA but progress has been considered through a Steering Group comprising representatives from UEA and the council. The council has been represented on the Steering Group by the portfolio holder for planning supported by various planning officers. Local members and members of the Sustainable Development Panel have been kept informed of progress.

5. The emerging document will set out a more detailed framework within which planning applications for Earlham Hall, the former nursery garden and the former City Care depot can be prepared. It is intended to support the allocation of area as an Enterprise Centre (as proposed in the draft site allocations DPD published in Jan 2011).

6. Significant public consultation was conducted on the on the draft VADD. This was conducted between Friday 15 July and Friday 2 September 2011. An exhibition was held at UEA on 27 July 2011, which was well attended by around 50 people. There was also a week long exhibition in City Hall from 8 August to 12 August and all the documents were hosted on the city council website for interested parties. The comments from this consultation are considered below.

7. A Steering Group meeting was held on 13 September. This considered the outcome of the consultation and, subject to amendments proposed in response to the comments received and some further clarification following discussion at the meeting, agreed to finalise the VADD. It now falls to the council to consider

whether to endorse the document and take it into consideration in future planning matters.

8. This matter was considered by the Sustainable Development Panel on 28th September and the Panel agreed to note the vision and development document and recommend that the document is endorsed by the cabinet. Members of the Panel noted that the development had the potential to contribute to the improvement of Earlham Park and to bring forward measure which will assist the understanding of the historic importance of Earlham Hall and its association with the family and .

Content of the Vision and Development

9. The VADD sets a framework for the future development of the Earlham Hall Area. This acknowledges the sensitive nature of the area, especially those arising from the listed buildings on the site, the historic parkland, conservation area designation, relationship to the Yare Valley and the transport constraints on the area.

10. Notwithstanding these constraints, the VADD identifies the area as having significant potential for development, in addition to the restoration and reuse of the hall, courtyard and outbuildings for academic purposes, it envisages approximately 10,000 sq m of additional floorspace being provided over time on the remainder of the site. In the period up to 2015 in envisages approximately 3,000 sq m of this floorspace will be delivered through redevelopment of the former City Care depot site to provide for a business enterprise centre (which is currently the subject of a funding bid from the UEA). In the period beyond 2015 it envisages a further 7,000 sq m floorspace being provided mostly for employment related purposes in the nursery garden area. In the meantime it suggests this area could be used for wellbeing projects, such as “grow your own” schemes.

11. The VADD identifies the overarching development and design parameters in order for the level of development proposed to be taken forward. The headlines from these are set out in Appendix 1, considerable further detail is set out in the VADD itself. These parameters address the following issues:

1. Spatial, Functional and Intellectual relationships; 2. Access and Travel; 3. Listed Building/Conservation Area/Heritage; 4. Landscaping and Arboriculture; 5. Energy and Environment; 6. Flood Risk, Surface Water and Drainage, Foul Water, and Water Efficiency; 7. Contamination; 8. Archaeology; 9. Ecology and Biodiversity; 10. Phasing.

12. The VADD also sets some more specific parameters relevant to each of the individual building elements.

Consultation Responses on the Document

13. Notwithstanding the fact that around 50 people attended the public exhibition and there was considerable press coverage about the proposals only 16 written responses were received by UEA to the consultation. These were summarised by Bidwells for UEA as follows:

 11 people were in favour of all of the VADD's proposals;  2 people had mixed responses, objecting to the Enterprise Centre but supporting the Earlham Hall proposals.  1 person was against all the proposals.  2 people (English Heritage and Anglian Water) had no comments to make at this stage.

14. They went on to summarise the main issues raised during the consultation as follows:

 Support for the repair and refurbishment of Earlham Hall;  The need for public access to the Hall and its grounds and the need to improve linkages between the Hall and the University and surrounding parkland;  Surprise at the state of Earlham Hall and gardens;  The state of the former works depot;  The need to make more of the Hall's previous occupants and uses, especially Elizabeth Fry and the Gurneys;  Traffic generation, particularly on Earlham Hall and to some extent Bluebell Road;  Car parking provision on and around campus;  Support for the Enterprise Centre, but concern over potential impacts on the Hall and on Traffic generation;  Concern over the growth of UEA and its impact on local residents;  Noise and disturbance from student houses;  The need to ensure development of the Enterprise Centre is sympathetic to Earlham Hall, its grounds and the park.

15. The city council provided officer comments on the draft VADD which are included in the above. Additionally this response provided detailed comments on the information required to inform a screening opinion as to whether a full Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) would be likely to be required in order to determine a planning application. This identified that further information would be required to determine whether a full EIA would be required for the development. This information has been highlighted now as an EIA can have implications for the timescale of a planning application. UEA are currently considering this and are working to produce this information in advance of submitting a planning application on the site.

16. Officer’s are now satisfied that insofar as it is reasonable to do so any concerns that the council expressed in the consultation response have been picked it the final version of the VADD. However, it should be noted that this is clearly not the case for all the representations made on the VADD. Some of the representations (notably the views of the Earlham Road Residents’

Association) clearly object to the principle of the development proposed in the VADD irrespective of how sensitively it is designed or carefully controlled.

17. It is now proposed that the council endorse the final content of the VADD. It should be noted that this will not give it the status as part of the Development Plan or of a council policy statement, but in view of its consistency with the current and emerging planning framework, strategies for economic development, and the thorough and open process by which it has been prepared it is considered reasonable that the council endorse this document and agree to take into consideration as part of the evidence base to support the preparation of the Sites Allocation and Development Management Policies DPDs.

18. If Cabinet agree to this recommendation it should be noted that the VADD is also highly likely to be considered material to the determination of any planning application for significant development in the Earlham Hall area which may be submitted in advance of the adoption of the emerging plans.

Appendix 1

Summary of Overarching Development and Design Parameters in VADD

1. Earlham Hall Area Spatial, Functional and Intellectual relationships:

a) Development in the Earlham Hall area will need to develop spatial, functional and intellectual relationships with the UEA, the rest of the Norwich Research Park, the local community, Norwich and beyond.

2. Access and Travel: a) The scale of development at the Earlham Hall area will need to be designed to ensure that adequate provision is made for all modes of transport that will need to access it, including pedestrians and cyclists.

b) New pedestrian/walking infrastructure at the Earlham Hall area will be designed to follow key desire lines to existing cycle/walking routes, the bus stops, the park’s grounds and to the campus. Appropriate signage building on the UEA Wayfinding project will be provided.

c) New cycling infrastructure at the Earlham Hall area will be designed to encourage cycle use and link into existing routes. Appropriate signage building on the UEA Wayfinding project will be provided.

d) Vehicular access and car parking at the Earlham Hall area will result in no net increase in private motor cars accessing the Earlham Hall/University Drive junction and no net increase in car parking provision across the campus.

e) New Infrastructure at the Earlham Hall area will be designed to encourage public transport.

f) Public access into the Earlham Hall Area will be maintained and where appropriate improved.

3 Listed Building/Conservation area/Heritage Issues:

a) A PPS5 compliant ‘Statement of Significance’/Conservation Statement for Earlham Hall and its setting will be required to accompany development proposals. Specialist consultants will utilise the accepted Conservation Management Plan methodology.

b) The location, scale and massing of new buildings in the Earlham Hall area will need to respect the scale and massing of Earlham Hall itself (as informed by the statement of significance).

c) Principal views and approaches to Earlham Hall are to be assessed and maintained and new buildings should not be proposed that will dominate the approach to the Hall in height or massing.

d) Detailed proposals for the Earlham Hall area will need to acknowledge the physical and functional relationships with the rest of UEA, Earlham Park, the NRP and wider Norwich.

4. Landscaping and arboriculture requirements: a) A Landscape Strategy, based on the recommendations in the Landscape and Visual Appraisal for Earlham Hall and Park (Bidwells, July 2010) will be required to ensure that new development at the Earlham Hall area helps to re-create the visual and physical link between the Hall and the surrounding parkland, e.g. by restoring the classic vistas.

5. Energy and Environmental performance: a) New buildings in the Earlham Area will be required to reach BREEAM Excellent rating or its equivalent in any future ratings mechanism.

6. Flood Risk, surface water and drainage: a) Detailed proposals for the Earlham Hall area will need to adopt the principles of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) for the drainage of surface water on this site. Particular emphasis will be put upon the need to protect the Broad and the River Yare from potential pollution events. Drainage solutions will need to have regard to the Campus Drainage Strategy. b Detailed proposals for the Earlham Hall area will need to have regard to the UEA Foul Drainage Strategy. c) Detailed proposals for the Earlham Hall area will need to adopt water efficiency measures to limit the required potable water usage.

7. Contamination: a) Detailed proposals for the Earlham Hall Area will need to have regard to the Geo-Environmental Survey and address any contamination issues that are identified.

8. Archaeology: a) Detailed proposals for the Earlham Hall area will need to ensure Archaeological assets are protected and fully addressed as part of any development.

9. Ecology and Biodiversity: a) Detailed proposals for the Earlham Hall area will need to include opportunities to preserve and if feasible enhance the Ecological and Biodiversity value of the area.

10. Phasing of building elements: a) The first phase of work (2011-2015) will include: 1). the repair and refurbishment of Earlham Hall and the courtyard buildings to a good state of repair and brought back into use for university related uses; and 2) the construction of the Enterprise

Centre on the former works depot. The Nursery Garden area will be used for University wellbeing projects, such as ‘grow your own’ until such time as it is needed for development. b) The second phase of work (2015- 2020) will be development of the redundant Nursery Garden, glasshouses and walled/kitchen garden area.

Appendix 2

Links to further information and relevant documentation:

Earlham Hall Area: Vision and Development Document (VADD). Bidwells for University of East Anglia. September 2011. LocalDevelopmentFramework.aspx under ‘Local Development Framework’

Outcome of Consultation on the Earlham Hall VADD. Bidwells for UEA. September 2011. LocalDevelopmentFramework.aspx under ‘Local Development Framework’

Report to Cabinet on 8th December 2010 regarding the Development Framework Strategy for UEA

Report to Sustainable Development Panel on 29 June 2011 on progress towards preparation of the Masterplan for Earlham Hall anel/default.aspx?InstanceID=3

Strategic Development Principles (May 2010) and accompanying Sustainability Appraisal ages/DevelopmentFrameworkStrategyForTheUniversity.aspx

DFS Final Version (Nov 2010) and accompanying Sustainability Appraisal LocalDevelopmentFramework.aspx under ‘Local Development Framework’

Earlham Hall Officer Guidance Note (May 2010)

Draft Vision and Development Document for consultation (2011) ages/EarlhamHallAreaVisionAndDevelopmentDocument.aspx