-, ·-

In State: NYS- NARAL P.O. Box 52. New York, N.Y. 10028 NARAL 212-871-0269 National Abortion In Washington: NARAL Rights (825 15 StrHt NW, Washington, DC 20005 Action league 202-347-7774)

To preserve for every American woman, poor or rich, the option of safe, legal abortion. June 1979

From Albany-Health c·ommi ttee passes no anti-abortion bills to Assembly floor for a vote•Anti-abortion leader withdraws "parental rights" bill to await outcome of Supreme Court case, saying "we will re.turn"(p.2)

From Washington-Rep. Hyde returns to most harsh anti-abortion language. First 1979 abortion-related votes in June. NAHAL and other free choice groups target June 18 for mail, visits and Capitol steps Pro-choice Rally ( see P•4 ) •••

In New York City-Religious Leaders for Free Choice to publicly affirm commitment to the Constitution and its protection of religious freedom and huma.n liberty with church service followed by procession to steps of Federal Hall on June 29 (p.4). To be honored: distinguished Congressional defenders of the Constitution who have been targeted for defeat by anti-choice forces ( see p. 3 ) •••

Many places-anti-abortion "hit list" in possible effort to dominate press attention and distract it from their lack of success in State legislatures, and pro-choice successes in two 1979 polls (p.3) •••

ANTI-CHOICE CONGRESS MEMBERS AGAIN USE APPROPRIATIONS PROCESS TO TRY TO IMPOSE THEIR VIEWS ON THOSE WHO RECEIVE FEDERALLY AIDED HEALTH CARE ••• '19 Hyde plan: This year's Appropriations bill for the Departments of Labor/HEW FY 1980 (for the Fi1~cal Year 1980) which funds health care for the poor under the Medicaid program will come to the House of Will Congress Representatives around June 21. Rep. Henry Hyde (R-Ill.) has practice harsh again introduced his infamous Hyde Amendment meant to deny funds uninformed under this act if and when the patient chooses abortion. The medicine one exception: to save the life of the woman. Or in other words, agAin? not in the two other cases gained in previous years' battles over 1ne Hyde Amendment: in cases of severe and long-lasting health dam~ge and for victims of rape or incest. (Total bill, 873 billion, last year abortion cost,S424,000 ) All-out To deal with all their votes ahead, the MESSAGE to Congress must be: CAmpa.ign to "Government should fund both childbirth and abortion as availabl• flood medical procedures under its health plans for Medicaid, the Peace Congress with Corps., the military; and leave the decision to the individual. pro-choice I/we support use of public funds for patients who choose abortion mail for whatever reason, otherwise its legality is meaningless. Funds to arrive should be extended to include the three cases agreed upon last June 18 year plus the othe'r real reasons why people choose abortion: genetic defects, mental and other health reasons • .1\.11 should add: "I'M PRO-CHOICE, AND I VOTE" (see p.2).

ntn I - -·-·-- ... -- --··- ---

"I'm pro-choice The NARAL Annual Meeting in Washington April28-9 focused on the and I vote"­ importance of the 1980 elections as the watershed event for both our theme. anti-abortionists and pro-choice advocates. There wa.s discussion of (For postcards the need for more participation in the political process by indiv­ at no cost iduals who are pro-choice and of the political activities available send stamped to individuals. Only 23% of Americans work or contribute in political envelope. ) campaigns and thus potentially influence candidates' thinking. We visit About 35 New York Staters stayed over on Monday to visit the NYS Congress to delegation to Congress and lobby for abortion rights. Of special protest interest was our meeting with Senator Moynihan who 01pparently feels discrimination great pressure on this issue, is personally troubled by it, feels in health not enough gratitude from our side, says he will continue to vote care plans pro-choice. From the meeting with us he went to the Senate and voted against the anti-sex-education amendment Senator Helms was using to try to defeat legislation to separa.te out the Department of Education from HEW. Helms did not use an anti-abortion amendment as expected.

State Senate About a month after passage of the state's budget with state funds for tries again abortion included, the NYS Senate voted to cut off state funds for to deny state abortions except in the three cases when the abortion is eligible for funds for reimbursement by federal funds. That effort failed when the Assembly abortions for Health Committee rejected that bill on May 24, 1979· Medicaid eligible. ~he Assembly Health Committee in three tension-filled meetings during Assembly May also dealt with,and rejected, the following: Health Comm. R 6492 Mr. Howard's (Rep.-Con.-Suffolk) bill to add a Constitutional rejects range Amendment to the state Constitution outlawing abortion, of bills A 6107 Mr. Murphy's (Dem-con- Niagara) Omnibus anti-abortion bill meant to with requirements for phony informed consent and 24 hour waitin~ dissuade --peri-&d, pa~tal ~onee-n-t with 24 ho-u.r .wai..t.., spousaL. cnnsent _wi"UL patient and Dr. 5 day wait. This bill, like the Akron Ordinance it is based on, has been enjoined in four other places including Niagara County. Thanks to A 3434 Mrs. Connelly' s(Dem.) "Hospital Conscience" bill, to give Chair Tallon permission to hospitals to refUse to allow abortions. and Speaker Health Committee Chair James R. Tallon, Jr., ga•e each bill a fair Fink and to hearing and committe-e rejected all. those who Our opposition withdrew its bill to require parental consent or acted on our notification to await the outcome in a related case in the Supreme emergency Court literally saying "we '11 be back''• Many in the room were think­ alerts. ing "so will we". Next year an election year is expected to be the roughest yet. To prepare, thank Speaker Stanley Fink, Albany 12248 for this year's protection of the powerless abortion patient.

Abortions cut At the same time the New York Times reported that the NYC Roman off in NYC Catholic Archdiocese which administers health care at the public hospital run Metropolitan Hospital, because of its affiliation with the New York by archdiocese Medical College,has threatened to cut off abortion service at Met­ Worry exists ropolitan as they did administratively at Lincoln Hospital in the for another Bronx. The City Health and Hospital Corporation says abortions will continue there and plans to monitor the situation. Pro-choice activists believing that a hopeless assignment are sending thanks to Mayor Edward Koch (Gracie Mansion, NYC 10028) for his commitment and messages that it is time to separate the church from the city's health care system to protect public hospital abortions. --l 96th CONGRESS: ABORTION-RELATED VOTES OF NYS REPRESENTATIVES i {over for explanation of votes) REPRESENTATIVES ~ ·r, .:!! ~ Recorded Votes ·t E ~ ll ~ ~ l V) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 William Carney RC 1 52 I I I I IIIII I I I I I 2 D (ucc) 2 53.5 + + + + + A + + + + + 3 Jerome Ambro, Jr. D (RC) 2 j j j ----A - - - 4 Norman Lent RC (M) 4 s A ------5 John Wyd1er RC (E) 8 55·9 + ------A - -- A 6 Lester Wolff DL (J) 7 - + + + + + + + + A + + + + 7 Joseph Addabbo DRL (RC) 9 - + A + + + - + + + + + + + 8 Benjamin Rosenthal DL (J) 8 + + A + + + + + + + + + + + 9 D 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 DRL (RC) 5 s + ------A ll James Scheuer DL (J) 2 I I I + + + + + + + + + + + 12 DL (M) 4 + + + + + + + + + + A + + + 13 DL (J) 2 I + + + + + + + + + + + 14 Frederick Richmond DL (J) 2 ~j + + + + + + A + + + + 15 Leo Zeferetti DC (RC) 2 j I I ------16 DL (J) 3 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 17 John Murphy D (RC) 8 64182 s - A A ------+ - + 18 s. William Green R (J) 1 I I I I I I + + + + + + + + 19 DRL (RC) 4 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 20 Theodore Weiss DL (J) 1 + + + + + + + + 21 Robert Garcia DRL ( RC) 1 ~ j~ jii + + + A + + A + 22 Jonathan Bingham DL (ucc) 7 80190 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 23 Peter Peyser D 1 - -A I I I I I I I I I I 24 D (J) 2 75 I II + + + + + + + + + + 25 Hamilton Fish, Jr. RC (E) 5 71 - - + ------+ + 26 R (J) 3 55 - - + + + + + + + + + + + + 27 :Matthew McHugh DL ~RC) 2 68 I I I - - + --- - + + + + 28 Samuel Stratton D P) 10 56 - - + ------A A 29 RC 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 30 Robert McEwen RC ( P) 3 s ------31 Donald Mitchell RC (M) 3 s ------+ - 32 James Hanley D (RC) 7 80 ------+ 33 Gary Lee R l 58 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 34 Frank Horton R (P) 8 - + + + + + + + + + + + + + 35 ,Jr. R (M) 7 73 - + + + + + - + + - - + + + 36 John LaFalce DL (RC) 2 55 ------A + - - + 37 Henry Nowak DL (RC) 2 j ~ ~ --- -- + 38 RC (P) 4 62 ------39 Stanley Lundine D 2 I I I+ + + + + + + + + + + SENATORS R (J) term ends 1980 voted consistently pro-choice Daniel Moynihan DL (RC)term ends 1982 voted consistently pro-choice PRESIDENT Jimmy Carter

Pol. Part;y D=Democratic, R= Republican, L=Liberal, CcConservative Reli~on Religion as stated by the Representative. E=Episcopalian, J=Jewish M=Methodist, P=Presbyterian, Prot.=Protestant, RC=Catholic, UCC=Congregational Term Number of terms in office · Polls %favoring legal abortion in most recent poll of Congresional District SCA Sponsor Constitutional Amendment to ban legal abortion, except to save life of woman. 96th CONGRESS: ABORTION-RELATED VOTES OF NYS REPRESENTATIVES (on reverse side)

Recorded Votes: + = pro-free choice, - = anti-legal abortion, A = Absent * = has become law, / • not yet elected * 1. 6/21/73 Vote on Amendment to Lega.l Services Act; amendment denies poor women representa.tion by LSA attorneys in abortion-related cases 2. 5/29/74 Vote on Amendment to Community Services Act which denies use of Family Planning Assistance Funds under this act to pay for abortions 3. 6/28/74 Vote on Amendment to deny use of Federal funds for ~bortion services, referra.ls, drugs, devices (IUD), research. (Roncallo Amendment) * 4. 1976 Vote on Amendment which prohibited use of Il1"edicaid funds for abortions for indieent patients except to sAve the life of the woman (Hyde Amendment to 1977 La.bor/HEW Appropriations Bill) * 5. 1977 Votes on Hyde Amendment to 1978 Labor/HEW Appropriations Bill which prohibited use of Medicaid funds for abortions for indigent patients except to save the life of the woman (one physician must certify in writing), for victims of rape & incest, when reported within 60 days to a law enforcement agency or public health service (third party may do reporting), where severe and long lasting physical health damage to the woman would result if the pregnancy were carried to term (when deter­ mined by two physicians). 6. Switched 1977 Final Hyde Amendment vote 7. Motion to delete anti-abortion language, HEW Bill, failed 122-287, 6/13/78 B. To allow funding according to last year 1 s rules (see #5), failed 198-212, 6/13/78 9. Amendment to disallow abortion funds-military health plan, passed 226-163, 8/9/78 10. To silence Civil Rights Commission on abortion issue, passed 234-131, 9/6/78 11. Vote family planning funds (Title X), failed 193-193, 9/25/78 · 12. HEW, to allow funding according to last year's rules, defeated 188-216, 10/12/78 13. HEW, to allow funding according to last year's rules, passed 198-195, 10/14/78 14. Vote to send family planning funds bill back to committee, with instructions to include anti-abortion amendm~nt, defeated 137-232, 10/13/78

To learn your Representatives' names: Call Call: The Congress: 202-224-3121 Board of Elections/League of Women Voters. Telegram: Write: The Honorable 15 words, $2.00, Public Opinion Message House of Representatives,-:---~--:------Wash.D.C. 20515 100 words, $2.95, Mailgram U. S. Senate, Washington, D.C. 20510 Dial 800/257-2221 from 607,716,315,518. President ,White House,Wash.20500 Dial 800/257-2211 from 516, 914, 212. Visit: See your t~lephone book for their Dial 459-8100 from , Bronx, local district offices near you. .

Prepared by


---~··--·--···-·· ··-·· , _.. >

Pro-choice growth Redbook Jl'lagazine for June, 1979, carries a new Gallup poll that seen in 1979 asked, among other questions: "M:edicaid pays for the medical care polls of poor women, including fees for childbirth. Should Medicaid pay for abortions? 70% said yes, 28~ said no. 35% said that their attitude toward abortion changed over the years, and of those, 74% say they are more accepting of lega.l abortion, 19% are less. Non-election year Every state Legislature in 1979 has seen the introduction of and abortion anti-choice legislation. These have passed: the resolution to call rights on Congress to call aConstitutional Convention (to rewrite the federal Constitution to outlaw abortion) has been voted in 14 states this year and passed in only Mississippi which becomes the 14th state to pass the ConCon. North Dakota has passed a bill to re­ quire extra cost when private insurance policy includes abortion, and an omnibus ordinance against both abortion and public family planning funds (court case pending).

Anti-choice troops have issued their list of those they have chosen for defeat in 1980. All on their "Hit List" have in common political vulnerability, having been elected last time by a slim margin. Any defeats will be claimed as anti-choice victories, as happened after the 1978 elections before careful analysis showed that a variety of issues defeated the candidates.

The list: Sens. Leahy (Vt.), Culver (Iowa), Bayh (Ind.), McGovern (SD), Church (Ida.), Packwood (Ore.)l Reps. Drinan (Mass.) Hollenbeck (NJ), Edgar (Pa.), Fisher (Va .• ), Anderson (Ill.L Udall (Ar. ). Impact 80 is the ne.me of NARAL' s program to aid pro-choice efforts in those states.

If there is no "9" after your name on the mailing label, you are not paid up for ;-~- thl:E year.- Your pal'ticipation in both pragr811I ancr. dues is vi taL' -PTeaseJoin, or re-join •••

Neither pro-abortion, nor anti-abortion; just pro-choice •••

New York State NAHAL, Inc. (National Abortion Ri~hts Action League) P.O. Box 52, Gracie Station, New York, N.Y. 10028 Name------Address ------~------~------day______Street eveninq_City ______Zip __ Telephone

Enclosed is my membership to support NYS-NARAL 1 s action program this year (payable to NY5-NARAL, Inc.).

Sponsor $30 and up Organization $25.00 Family S25. 00 Regular $15.00 Limited Income S?.OO Total$.______plus._~-- Additional $______

Signa-ture ------~ --~~~--~------~------~-11!!~--,--·-..,


June 10-15 Send pro-choice mail ("I'm pro-choice and I vote") to arrive in Washington by the 18th (Your Representative, Washington 20515; Senators D. Moynihan and J. Javits, Washington, 20510) Write now to back up freedom of choice in childbearing for all women and men. Use Vot:i.ng Record to comment on their votes. Time to send Letters to the ·Editor to your newspaper. Organizations: time to write NYS Congressional delegation, use list enclosed.

June 18 NARAL, Religious Coalition for Abortion Ri~ts and others to

rally on west steps of the Capitol in Washington, 11:30 a.m. , ..... For NYC bus, call 212-261-5500, $12 round trip.

June 22-24 NY State NOW Conference in Ithaca - "Strategies for the Future". Gontact: Jean Pearson, NOW, 50 Dart Drive, Ithaca, NY 14850.

June 29 NYC Reli~ious Leaders for Free Choice, 10:45 a.m., Constitutional Convocation at John Street Methodist Church, 44 John Street (269-0014). IRT subways: Fulton Street stop. 8th Ave. & BMT subways: B 1 way-Nassau atop. Contact: 687-3368. Convocation will be followed by procession along route taken by George Washington to steps of Federal Hall.

NYS-NARAL Inc. P.O. BOX 52 New York City, N.Y. 10028

FIRST CLASS Kate Oser-W South St. Clintono NY 13323