HE NEW Zeatand GAZETTE [No. 56
1:':HE NEW ZEAtAND GAZETTE [No. 56 Or~ers,Decoration8, and Medals POLIOE MEDALS FOR VALUABLE SERVICES- King's Police and Fire Servi?e.s Medal f?r Distinguished Service. Department of Internal Affairs. Indian Pollce Medal for MerltlOus SerVIce. Wellington, 13th September, 1949. Oolonial Police Medal for Meritious Service. HE following, issued in a supplement to the London Gazette JUBILEE, OORONATION AND DURBAR MEDALS- T of the 4th July, 1949, is published for general information. Queen Victoria's Jubilee Medal, 1887 (Gold, Silver and Bronze). W. E. PARRY, Minister of Internal Affair•. Queen Victoria's Police Jubilee Medal, 1887. Queen Victoria's Jubilee JlIIedal, 1897 (Gold, Silver and Bronze). CENTRAL CHANOERY OF THE ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD Queen Victoria's Police Jubilee Medal, 1897. Queen Victoria's Oommemoration Medal, 1900 (Ireland). St. Jame8's Palace, S.W.1. Kin" Edward VII's Ooronation Medal, 1902. 12th July, 1949. King Edward VII's Police Ooronation Medal, 1902 .. THE following list shows the order in which Orders, Decorations and King Edward VII's Durbar JlIIcdal, 1903 (Gold, S,iver and Medals should be worn, and is to be substituted for the list dated Bronze). ' 11 th February, 1947. It in no way affects the precedence conferred King Edward VII's Police ~Iedal, 1903 (Scotland). by the Statutes of certain Orders upon the Members thereof. King's Visit Oommemoration l'vIedal, 1903 (Ireland). VICTORIA OROSS. King 'George V's Ooronation Medal, 1911. GEORGE OROSS. King George V's Police Ooronation Medal, 1911. BRI1'ISH ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD, ETO. King's Visit Police Commemoration Medal, 1911 (Ireland).
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