Balzac’s Unknown Masterpiece: spotting the next big thing in art and science

Joseph L Goldstein

There is no shortage of advice on how to to create a sculpture in memory of the writer, tic skill that she seems to be actually alive. become a creative writer, a creative artist or a whose work by that time had achieved inter- When two younger painters who are great creative scientist. Just in the last decade, hun- national acclaim. To capture Balzac’s genius admirers of Frenhofer’s work finally per- dreds of books and articles have been writ- and the revolutionary nature of his work, suade Frenhofer to let them see the secret ten on the subject, and in hundreds of TED Rodin decided to misbehave and create a canvas, they are appalled and shocked. All lectures, inspired thinkers reveal their secrets revolutionary work of his own: rather than they see is an indecipherable jumble of for creative success. Despite this flood of con- producing a realistic physical likeness of his strange lines and paint. As they stare in hor- temporary advice, my favorite insight on cre- subject, he broke with the sculptural tradi- ror at the work, they mock the older artist ativity goes back over 100 years to the Irish tions of the past and created a semiabstract and conclude that their celebrated hero has playwright and wit Oscar Wilde, who famously figure in which only Balzac’s head remains gone mad. Realizing his failure, Frenhofer proclaimed that “a writer is someone who has visible, with the rest of his body wrapped in abruptly bids farewell to his two friends, taught his mind to misbehave”—an assertion the dressing gown that he wore when writ- burns his painting and mysteriously dies that can be applied to most creative individuals. ing (Fig. 1). , completed during the night. The tragedy of Frenhofer— One of the virtues of a misbehaving mind is in 1898, is considered the first truly modern and the brilliance of Balzac—is that the fic- its ability to spot the next big thing— whether sculpture1. tional artist had created the first abstract it be in art or in science. A great example of a Like Balzac’s The Human Comedy, Rodin’s painting, inventing abstract expressionism famous literary figure who passed the Oscar Balzac has stood the test of time. One of the 125 years before Jackson Pollock. Wilde ‘misbehavior test’ with flying colors best descriptions of Rodin’s sculpture is by the is the nineteenth-century novelist Honoré Belgian critic André Fontainas: “Balzac stands Picasso’s response to Balzac’s Unknown de Balzac. In the 1830s, Balzac conceived the with his huge head thrown back, alert like a Masterpiece idea of writing a series of works that would wild animal, drinking in with eyes, nostrils The artistic crisis that Frenhofer faced in describe the sweep and panorama of French and lips and scenting the fever of the human Balzac’s story exerted a profound effect on society in all its splendor and squalor, from the comedy”2. Bronze casts of Balzac are dis- Cezanne, Matisse and Picasso—all three of highest aristocrats and politicians to the low- played in virtually every major museum glob- whom were artists of genius whose master- est swindlers and prostitutes. Over a 16-year ally, and it is one of the most viewed museum piece paintings were so far ahead of their time period, he published a total of 91 novels and sculptures in the world. that few of their contemporaries could recog- short stories, and shortly before his death in nize them as such. Picasso passionately identi- 1850 he organized his 91 works into a multi- Balzac’s Unknown Masterpiece fied with Frenhofer’s failed quest for artistic volume collection that he titled The Human One of Balzac’s most celebrated and intrigu- perfection. In 1931, he produced 13 etchings Comedy. Balzac chose this title to contrast ing stories, The Unknown Masterpiece to be included in the hundredth-anniversary it with Dante’s The Divine Comedy, which (Le Chef-d’oeuvre inconnu), first published reprint of Balzac’s The Unknown Masterpiece. portrayed Hell, Purgatory and Heaven and in 1831 and later integrated into The Human These etchings deal with the theme of the art- had nothing to say about the realism of the Comedy, deals with the subject of creativity ist working with his model. Like Frenhofer’s earthly life that Balzac presented. The Human at its most fundamental level; it tells the tale abstract painting, Picasso’s drawings were Comedy contained many astute insights into of an artist ahead of his time3. The story is kept a closely guarded secret, and when they human behavior. One of the most original and set in seventeenth-century Paris in a studio first appeared in the centenary book, some of popular—and a prime example of his misbe- located at 7 Rue des Grands-Augustins in them looked like a mass of lines and smudges havior—was his discussion about how certain the 6th arrondissement. The plot is simple. of ink, such as the one in Figure 2. The jumble people get ahead in life through advantageous A famous aging artist, named Frenhofer, is of lines here was typical of Picasso’s misbehav- marriages rather than hard work. obsessed with finishing a painting that he ing. Did the morass of lines represent the yarn has been secretly working on for ten years of wool in the model’s hand, or was it meant Rodin’s response to Balzac and one that he claims will be his master- to be Frenhofer’s abstract painting? Today, Fifty years after Balzac’s death, the French piece—a painting that portrays a beautiful Picasso’s 13 Balzac etchings are considered government commissioned nude woman with such brilliance and artis- landmarks in the history of engraving.


perfection, and the National Gallery’s invita- Titian represents Frenhofer, and Poussin and tion would provide him a unique opportunity Courbet represent Frenhofer’s two younger to bring his ideas on this work to fruition. artist friends; all three were scanned digitally A brief background on Richard Hamilton from reproductions of their well-known self- will help those not familiar with his career to portraits. The three artists are absorbed in appreciate how he responded to The Unknown deep thought, perplexed by the mysterious Masterpiece. Hamilton is one of the most sensuality of the nude in front of them. A influential British artists of the twentieth notable feature of the montage is the empty century. He is widely regarded as the founder easel that is centrally placed between Poussin of the Pop Art movement in the 1950s; his and Courbet. This H-shaped easel is identical work predates that of Andy Warhol and Roy to the one that Hamilton used in his studio Lichtenstein by several years. One of his and may be meant to represent the specter of early iconic works was a 1956 collage titled Hamilton himself. Just What Is It That Makes Today’s Homes So The reclining nude is perfectly shaped, but Different, So Appealing?, in which he used she appears unreal in her glossy skin: digi- images cut from mass-circulation magazines. tally exact, but artistically artificial. Days after The collage depicts a contemporary and completing his digital montage, Hamilton : a muscleman holding a giant lollipop and died on the eve of his ninetieth birthday. a nude woman on a sofa with a lampshade on His original intention was to use the digital her head are enjoying their living room filled montage as a guide for creating an authen- with all sorts of new consumables, including tic oil painting, which he believed would a television, a vacuum cleaner and a canned achieve Frenhofer’s ideal of living purity that ham on the coffee table. is missing in Hamilton’s pixilated version. As According to the art critic John Russell, fate would have it, Hamilton’s ‘masterpiece’, with this collage Hamilton “single-handedly like that of Frenhofer, will forever remain an laid down the terms within which Pop Art was unknown masterpiece—a bittersweet irony Figure 1 Auguste Rodin, Monument to Balzac. to operate”4. In fact, the first time the word if ever there was one. The empty H-shaped 1897–1898. Bronze. Height, 9 feet, 3 inches. ‘pop’ ever appeared in a painting was when it easel in the digital montage now takes on an Museum of Modern Art, New York. was emblazoned on the lollipop at the center eerie meaning that the misbehaving mind of of Hamilton’s collage. Hamilton may or may not have intended. We Picasso was so haunted by the ghost of If anyone had a misbehaving mind in the will never know. Balzac and by the tragedy of Frenhofer that Oscar Wilde sense, it was Richard Hamilton— in 1937 he moved his studio to a townhouse he was the epitome of British pluck and pro- Spotting the next big thing located at 7 Rue des Grands-Augustins, the found originality. Over a 60-year career, he The misbehaving minds of Balzac, Rodin, exact same building in which The Unknown innovated, experimented and reinvented Picasso, Hamilton and Balzac’s Frenhofer Masterpiece was set 100 years earlier. Soon himself, spotting the next big thing in art endowed each of them with the uncanny abil- after Picasso moved into his new studio, before any of his contemporaries. At age 80, ity to spot the next big thing before anyone German warplanes bombed the Spanish Hamilton taught himself computer graph- else. Spotting the next big thing is a distin- Basque city of Guernica, and Picasso imme- ics. One of his most politically provocative guishing characteristic of scientists who win diately abandoned all projects and devoted his computer-generated paintings, titled Shock Lasker Awards and Nobel Prizes. As discussed full energy—night and day—to one large can- and Awe, depicts a life-size Tony Blair dressed below, this year’s Lasker winners were the first vas, which he completed within three months. in a pistol-carrying cowboy costume, presid- to spot how the endoplasmic reticulum senses At its unveiling in 1937 at the Paris Exhibition, ing over the invasion of Iraq. harmful unfolded proteins and corrects them Guernica—not surprisingly—perplexed the Once Hamilton had mastered the intri- (Basic Award), how the tremors of advanced critics. But unlike the tragic Frenhofer, the cacies of digital technology, he devoted his Parkinson’s disease can be alleviated (Clinical imperturbable Picasso was unfazed by the full energy, beginning in early 2010, to the Award) and how certain people with early- negative criticism, and he lived to see his work National Gallery project: his homage to onset breast and/or ovarian cancer owe their evolve from an unknown painting to a highly Balzac’s The Unknown Masterpiece. Using disease to an inherited gene, BRCA1 (Special celebrated masterpiece. computer graphics, he composed a mon- Achievement Award). tage consisting of four known images that he Richard Hamilton’s response to Balzac’s assembled digitally and refined with the use Basic Award: unfolding a scientific Unknown Masterpiece of Photoshop’s Bezier’s curves—nothing was masterpiece In early 2010, the National Gallery of London painted5. This year’s Lasker Basic Medical Research invited the British painter and collage artist The centerpiece of Hamilton’s digital Award is given to two scientists for their dis- Richard Hamilton to stage an exhibit of his montage is a reclining nude representing coveries concerning the unfolded protein most recent work. At the time, Hamilton was Frenhofer’s muse (Fig. 3). Hamilton created response (UPR)—an intracellular quality 88 years old and still exceptionally active this image from a digital scan of a photograph control system that detects harmful mis- and productive. The timing for the exhibit of a nineteenth-century nude whose pose folded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum was remarkably propitious: Hamilton, like harks back to Titian’s famous Venus of Urbino (ER) and then signals the nucleus to carry Picasso before him, had come under the spell from 1538. The nude is surrounded by three out corrective measures. The two recipients of Balzac’s short story on the search for artistic famous artists—Poussin, Courbet and Titian. are Kazutoshi Mori (Kyoto University) and


intron. The two separated RNA exons result- ing from this unconventional cytosolic splic- ing reaction are joined together by a tRNA-like RNA ligase, generating a mature mRNA. This mRNA is now translated to produce an evolu- tionarily conserved gene-regulatory bZIP pro- tein (Hac1 in yeast; XBP1 in mammals), which activates transcription of the multiple genes mediating the UPR, as described above. The mammalian version of yeast Ire1 was identi- fied in 1998 in independent studies by David Ron (New York University Langone Medical Center) and Randal J. Kaufman (University of Michigan Medical Center). The next key event in the Ire1 story occurred in 2005 when Walter, in collabora- tion with Robert Stroud (UCSF), solved the crystal structure of the ER lumenal domain of Ire1, providing insight into how monomeric Ire1 is initially oliogmerized and activated by misfolded proteins. The structural stud- ies, combined with biochemical evidence, Figure 2 Pablo Picasso, Painter and Model Knitting. 1927. One of 13 etchings from the special suggest that the lumenal domain forms an centenary edition of Balzac’s The Unknown Masterpiece. 19.5 × 21.8 cm. Exhibited at Juan March MHC class I–like protein-binding groove that Foundation, Madrid, from October 2011 to February 2012. binds unfolded proteins directly and shifts the inactive monomeric form of Ire1 to its active Peter Walter (University of California, San Three parallel pathways, each mediated by a oligomeric state. Thus, in unstressed cells BiP Francisco (UCSF)). different integral ER transmembrane protein, binds to the lumenal domain of monomeric Newly synthesized secretory and trans- are now known to execute the UPR. The first Ire1, stabilizing it in an inactive form. Then, membrane proteins that are translocated pathway—the Ire1 pathway—was revealed when unfolded proteins accumulate, BiP dis- into the lumen of the ER must be correctly by Walter and Mori in a series of elegant sociates from Ire1’s lumenal domain, allow- folded and assembled to prevent their aggre- genetic and biochemical studies of yeast cells ing the binding of unfolded proteins, which gation and cellular toxicity. The accumula- beginning in the late 1980s and early 1990s. in turn leads to Ire1’s oligomerization and full tion of aggregated unfolded proteins creates Although their work was done independently, activation. the condition of ER stress, which in turn it was remarkably complementary over a ten- The second UPR pathway, called the ATF6 triggers the UPR, a process that stimulates year period. At the time they began their pathway, was discovered by Mori in 1996 in transcription of multiple genes that enhance studies, Walter was a newly minted assistant mammalian cells. Yeast cells express neither the ER’s protein-folding machinery. Genes professor at UCSF, and Mori was a postdoc- the ATF6 pathway nor the third UPR path- whose transcription is enhanced by the toral fellow with Mary-Jane Gething and way (discussed below). ATF6 is a type II UPR include those encoding ER chaperones Joseph F. Sambrook at the University of Texas ER transmembrane protein containing two (e.g., BiP and calnexin), protein-modifying Southwestern Medical Center (he moved back domains, an N-terminal lumenal domain enzymes (e.g., glycosyltransferases), proteins to Japan in 1993 and became a professor at and a C-terminal cytoplasmic domain. The involved in expansion of the ER (e.g., lipid Kyoto University several years later). activation of ATF6 by ER stress is strikingly synthesis enzymes) and components of the Mori and Walter discovered that the accu- different from that of Ire1. In the unstressed ER-associated degradation (ERAD) pathway mulation of misfolded proteins in the ER state, the BiP chaperone binds to the lume- that degrade aggregated proteins. activates a type I ER transmembrane protein nal domain of ATF6. Under stressed condi- The concept of the UPR emerged 25 years called Ire1. Ire1 contains an N-terminal ER tions, the accumulation of unfolded proteins ago from research in many laboratories, lumenal domain and a C-terminal cytoplasmic leads to dissociation of BiP from ATF6, which notably those of Amy S. Lee (University of domain. The cytoplasmic domain itself con- then allows the packaging of ATF6 into Southern California), Mary-Jane Gething tains two subdomains, one with a kinase activ- COPII-coated vesicles for transport to the and Joseph F. Sambrook (University of ity and the other with an RNase activity. In the Golgi apparatus. In the Golgi, ATF6 under- Texas Southwestern Medical Center), presence of ER stress, when unfolded proteins goes a sequential two-step cleavage by two Linda Hendershot (University of Alabama, accumulate, monomeric Ire1 forms higher- membrane-bound proteases, S1P and S2P, Birmingham) and Hugh Pelham (UK Medical order oligomers triggered by self-association resulting in the release of the cytoplasmic Research Council Laboratory of Molecular of the ER lumenal domain. This oligomeriza- bZIP transcription factor domain of ATF6. Biology). But the central question remained tion leads to autophosphorylation of Ire1’s The released portion of ATF6 then moves unanswered: how does an essential process cytoplasmic domain, producing a conforma- to the nucleus to activate UPR target genes, originating in the lumen of the ER (i.e., accu- tional change that acts as a molecular switch including those encoding BiP, ERAD compo- mulation of unfolded proteins) signal a pro- to activate Ire1’s RNase activity. Once fully nents and XBP1. Cleaved ATF6 can activate cess in the nucleus that corrects the situation activated, Ire1 then cleaves a specific cytosolic UPR target genes either by dimerizing with (i.e., gene transcription)? RNA molecule at two positions, excising an itself or by forming a heterodimer with XBP1.


Subsequent to the work of Mori and Walter, Parkinson’s disease is a chronic and pro- The story of the development of deep brain in 1999 Ronald C. Wek (Indiana University gressive neurodegenerative disorder that pro- stimulation can be told in two chapters. The School of Medicine) and David Ron inde- duces, in its early stages, multiple movement first chapter began 40 years ago with Mahlon pendently uncovered a third UPR pathway, abnormalities, including tremors, bradyki- DeLong. His detailed electrical recordings now called the PERK pathway. PERK is an nesia (slowness of movement), rigidity of the revolutionized our understanding of the integral transmembrane protein kinase, and arms and legs and impaired balance and coor- organization of the basal ganglia. He discov- its activation resembles that of Ire1. In the dination. In the later stages, problems con- ered that the basal ganglia was composed of unstressed state, the lumenal domain of PERK cerning cognition, behavior and depression multiple different neuronal circuits and path- interacts with BiP; but when unfolded pro- may arise. Parkinson’s disease affects ~1 mil- ways that control different motor and cogni- teins accumulate, BiP dissociates, triggering lion people in the United States and 7 million tive functions. PERK dimerization, autophosphorylation and in the world with a mean age of onset of 60 In 1990, DeLong experimented with a activation of its cytoplasmic kinase domain, years; it is the second most frequent neurode- monkey model of human Parkinson’s disease and then phosphorylation of a translation generative disorder after Alzheimer’s disease. in which the animals are treated with a toxic initiation factor. This latter action abruptly The motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease chemical, MPTP, which destroys dopaminer- attenuates protein synthesis, causing cell cycle result from the death of dopamine-producing gic neurons in the substantia nigra region. arrest. The net result is a reduction in the flux neurons in the basal ganglia of the brain. This loss of dopamine causes certain neurons of new proteins entering the ER, thus limiting Dopamine is a chemical neurotransmitter that in the basal ganglia to fire excessively and to the load of proteins to be folded. relays messages between the basal ganglia’s produce tremors in the monkeys, resembling The combined action of the three UPR substantia nigra and other parts of the brain those in humans. When DeLong created pathways in mammalian cells ensures main- to control movements of the body. Motor lesions in various regions of the monkeys’ tenance of ER homeostasis during physiologi- symptoms occur when 60-80% of the dopa- basal ganglia, he discovered that ablation cal conditions of protein trafficking through mine-containing neurons are damaged. Drug of one particular region—the subthalamic the secretory system. It also allows the cells treatment with orally administered l-DOPA, nucleus—dramatically ameliorated the to cope with pathological situations where which is converted in the brain to dopamine, tremors. mutant unfolded proteins accumulate, as is effective during the early stages of the dis- DeLong’s lesion experiments in the non- occurs in many inherited human diseases. For ease. For the last 40 years, l-DOPA has been human primate model provided a sound example, the most common form of heredi- widely used as a first-line therapy. In 1969, the rationale and a specific target for surgical tary a1-antitrypsin deficiency results from a late George Cotzias received a Lasker Clinical intervention in patients with Parkinson’s dis- mutant protein that does not fold properly Research Award for his demonstration of the ease. However, the subthalamic nucleus was and cannot be secreted from the liver into the therapeutic effectiveness of l-DOPA. But after not considered a suitable target for lesioning plasma. A decrease in plasma a1-antitrypsin five to ten years of therapy with l-DOPA, in humans because of its tiny size and the risk produces emphysema by depriving the lung most patients no longer respond, and their of inducing bleeding. of a potent inhibitor that protects the organ’s motor abnormalities become incapacitating. The second chapter in the deep brain stimu- elastic tissue against damage. Moreover, the In the past 15 years, deep brain stimulation lation story centers on the research of Alim misfolded mutant a1-antitrypsin that accu- has emerged as an effective therapy for many Benabid, who was trained both as a physi- mulates in the liver produces either severe patients who either no longer respond to or cist and as a neurosurgeon. At the time that liver damage (in individuals who apparently suffer complications from l-DOPA treatment. DeLong was carrying out his circuitry analysis do not elicit an adequate UPR) or mild to no damage (in those who apparently do elicit an adequate UPR). The UPR also plays a key role in the complex pathogenesis of many other diseases, including various forms of cancer (especially multiple myeloma, where large quantities of immunoglobulins are produced and accumulate in the ER), neurodegenera- tion and inflammation.

Clinical Award: a new Parkinson’s disease This year’s Lasker~DeBakey Clinical Research Award is given to Mahlon R. DeLong (Emory University School of Medicine) and Alim- Louis Benabid (Université Joseph Fourier) for their development of deep brain stimula- tion, a surgical technique that reduces trem- ors and restores motor function in patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease. More than 100,000 patients with Parkinson’s worldwide have benefited from deep brain stimulation, which involves the implantation of a medical Figure 3 Richard Hamilton, Balzac (c). 2011 (printed 2012). 112 × 176 cm. Digital montage of device that sends electrical impulses to the known images. Epson inkjet on Hewlett-Packard Resolution canvas. Exhibited at National Gallery, subthalamic nuclear region of the brain. London, from October 2012 to January 2013.

vi VOLUME 20 | NUMBER 10 | OCTOBER 2014 NATURE MEDICINE FOREWORD and lesion experiments in nonhuman primates, tinue to be the undisputed leaders in tempo- Epidemiology and Genetics at Berkeley (she Benabid was developing new stereotactic rarily halting and reversing the devastating moved to the University of Washington in techniques for treating patients with essential motor abnormalities that occur in l-DOPA- 1995), she focused on breast cancer. The tremor. In 1987, in an operation intended to resistant Parkinson’s disease—an unimagi- prevailing dogma was that breast cancer place a lesion in the thalamic nucleus ventralis nable accomplishment several decades ago. arose from undefined interactions between intermedius (VIM) of such a patient, Benabid The distinguished neurobiologist Vernon B. genetic and environmental mishaps, and discovered that when he moved the electrode Mountcastle (Lasker Clinical Medical Award most geneticists doubted that breast can- along the insertion pathway to the VIM, the recipient in 1983) made the following obser- cer could be caused by a single gene. King’s patient’s tremor stopped when the stimulus vation: “I know of no other discovery in basic initial approach in the mid-1970s was to rate was increased from low frequency (1 Hz) neuroscience that has been applied with such develop mathematical models based on lim- to high frequency (100 Hz). When the stimu- success in treatment of human patients with ited data from a scant number of families lus was stopped, the tremor returned; when CNS [central nervous system] disease.” having two or more relatives affected with applied again, the tremor stopped; and it early-onset breast cancer (and, less often, returned again when the stimulus was again Special Achievement Award: having a ovarian cancer). This theoretical work soon stopped. This pivotal observation in his patient broad impact gave way to 15 years of tenacious and fear- with essential tremor, together with his knowl- The Lasker~Koshland Special Achievement less clinical investigation in which King and edge of DeLong’s findings in the nonhuman Award is given to Mary-Claire King her small group of colleagues identified and primates with Parkinson’s, led Benabid in the (University of Washington School of interviewed 23 extended families containing early 1990s to devise a bold surgical procedure: Medicine) for her bold, imaginative and 329 participating relatives, 146 of whom had he applied bilateral, high-frequency stimula- diverse contributions to medical science, breast cancer. Obtaining blood samples from tion to the subthalamic nucleus in humans evolutionary biology and human rights. the 329 participating relatives required mak- with advanced Parkinson’s disease. This strat- During her 45-year research career, she ing trips and/or contacting healthcare work- egy proved remarkably successful; it reduced identified the first gene locus that predis- ers in 40 states plus Puerto Rico, Canada, the tremors and markedly improved the qual- poses individuals to a hereditary form of Colombia and the United Kingdom. ity of life. These positive results were first breast cancer (BRCA1), demonstrated the In 1990, King reported the identifica- reported in 1995. The benefits of deep brain close similarity (99%) in coding-sequence tion, by classic linkage analysis, of a gene stimulation typically last for about five years. genes between humans and chimpanzees locus at chromosomal site 17q21 that was Bilateral deep brain stimulation was and devised DNA-based strategies that responsible for the early-onset breast and/ approved by the US Food and Drug reunite missing persons or their remains or ovarian cancer in the 23 families. The Administration (FDA) for essential tremor with their families. existence of such a putative gene (which she in 1997 and for Parkinson’s disease in 2002. As a PhD graduate student at the named BRCA1) triggered enormous inter- Deep brain stimulation has also received University of California, Berkeley in the ests in many large labs. The race was now FDA approval for treatment of dystonia and early 1970s, King studied under the late on to isolate BRCA1 by positional cloning, obsessive-compulsive disorder and is cur- Allan Wilson, a pioneer in the use of molec- and after four years BRCA1 was isolated and rently being tested in multiple clinical trials ular approaches to understand human evo- sequenced by Mark Skolnick and his col- involving patients with drug-resistant cases of lution. Her doctoral thesis led to a highly leagues at Myriad Genetics. chronic pain, major depression and Tourette’s discussed and cited 1975 paper. Using gene The approach King used in identifying syndrome. and protein analysis techniques that were BRCA1 has become a model for detection The implanted device used for deep brain state of the art in the 1970s but are consid- of genes causing common complex diseases. stimulation has three components: a neuro- ered primitive by today’s standards, King The paradigm involves first identifying rare stimulator implanted subcutaneously below and Wilson showed that the protein-coding families in which a complex phenotype is the clavicle or over the abdomen, an electrode sequences in the genomes of humans and transmitted as a Mendelian trait, then find- implanted in the subthalamic nucleus above chimpanzees are nearly identical (99%)—a ing the responsible gene in those families the spinal cord (hence the name deep brain result that did not sit well with the tradi- and ultimately identifying mutations in the stimulation) and a thin-wire extension that tional evolutionary theory based on fossil same gene in affected individuals with little connects the neurostimulator to the elec- studies of the time. The major differences or no family history. This approach has been trode. After implantation, the device can be between humans and chimpanzees, accord- used for discovery of genes of large effect in programmed to fine-tune the dose of stimu- ing to the hypothesis advanced by King many common diseases and traits, includ- lation required to alleviate the tremors. The and Wilson, result from a small number of ing colon cancer, hyperlipidemia, coronary batteries typically last for three to five years. mutations affecting gene regulation and the heart disease, hypertension, Alzheimer’s How the electrical stimulation relieves the timing of gene expression during develop- disease, Parkinson’s disease and age-related motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease is not ment. This claim, controversial at the time, macular degeneration. completely understood. One prevailing view, was validated 30 years later when the chim- In the 20 years since the discovery of supported by optogenetic studies in rodent panzee genome sequence was published BRCA1, more than 10,000 papers on the models, is that in low-dopamine states the and compared to that of humans. The King- subject have appeared in the scientific lit- subthalamic nucleus is hyperactive and this Wilson ‘regulatory theory’ is now a central erature, and it is likely that many thousands hyperactivity is inhibited by high-frequency paradigm of human evolutionary research. more have appeared in the lay press. In addi- stimulation. During her graduate work, King became tion to BRCA1, a second breast cancer gene In their independent but complementary fascinated with the genetics of complex predisposing to early-onset disease, called studies carried out over the last 30 years, human diseases, and when she began her BRCA2, was mapped, identified and cloned DeLong and Benabid have been and con- independent career in 1976 as Professor of in 1995 by a team led by Michael Stratton

NATURE MEDICINE VOLUME 20 | NUMBER 10 | OCTOBER 2014 vii FOREWORD and his colleagues (then at the UK Institute and resolving human rights abuses. special way how forward-looking genetic of Cancer Research). The abnormal proteins Motivated by a deep sense of social justice, research can benefit humanity and society. encoded by mutant versions of BRCA1 and King deployed genetic and genomic meth- BRCA2 fail to carry out their normal func- ods to identify orphaned children and then Joseph L. Goldstein is chair of the tion of repairing damaged DNA, thus com- reunite them with their biological grand- Lasker Awards jury. promising the integrity of the genome and parents. During the Argentinean military e-mail: [email protected] setting the stage for cancer. dictatorship of 1975-1983, the parents of The lifetime risk for breast cancer in hundreds of ‘lost children’ were murdered, Lasker Award recipients receive an honorarium, females with a germline mutation in BRCA1 after which the children were kidnapped and a citation highlighting their achievement and or BRCA2 is 70-80% as compared to 12% for illegally ‘adopted’ by wealthy military fami- an inscribed statuette of the Winged Victory of those without mutations in either gene. The lies. Using a variety of DNA-based assays, Samothrace, which is the Lasker Foundation’s lifetime risk for ovarian cancer is 40% for including the sequencing of PCR-amplified symbol of humankind’s victory over disability, individuals with a BRCA1 mutation and 12% segments of mitochondrial DNA extracted disease and death. for those with a BRCA2 mutation as com- from teeth, King was able to match more pared to 1.4% for those without these muta- than 100 of the kidnapped children to their To read the formal remarks of speakers at the tions. Diagnostic screening for BRCA1 and biological grandmothers or other persons Lasker ceremony, as well as detailed information BRCA2 mutations in women with a family who were their maternal relatives. King’s on this year’s awardees, please see http://www. history of breast and/or ovarian cancer is now genomic mitochondrial technique has also widely available, and many women who test been used to identify the human remains positive for these genes undergo prophylactic of American soldiers, including that of COMPETING FINANCIAL INTERESTS The author declares no competing financial interests. mastectomy and/or oophorectomy. an unidentified serviceman killed in the Two aspects of King’s career are especially Vietnam War and entombed for 14 years 1. Normand-Romain, A. L., Jurdin, C. & Pinét, H. 1898, le Balzac de Rodin. 1–463 (Musée Rodin, Paris, 1998). noteworthy and set her apart from other in the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington 2. Musée d’Orsay. Works in Focus: Auguste Rodin biomedical scientists. The first is the fact National Cemetery. Balzac. works-in-focus/search/commentaire/commentaire_id/ that even though she is a PhD without MD Mary-Claire King’s scientific career of balzac-7084.html?no_cache=1 (2006). credentials, she nonetheless conceived and 45 years began with a landmark study in 3. de Balzac, H. The Unknown Masterpiece. 1–135 (New carried out virtually single-handedly one of human evolution, was followed with a break- York Review of Books, New York, 2001) [transl.]. 4. Russell, J. Introduction to Richard Hamilton. Exhibition the most outstanding examples of patient- through discovery in breast cancer genetics catalogue. 14–19 (Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, oriented (translational) research in the last and has continued with genetic identifica- New York, 1973). 5. Riopelle, C. & Bracewell, M. Richard Hamilton: The 50 years, as described above. The second tion work to aid people in distressed situ- Late Works. Exhibition catalogue. 1–64 (National relates to her pioneering work in exposing ations. Her achievements epitomize in a Gallery Co., London, 2012).