Sunday Edition October 28, 2018 BARTOW COUNTY’S ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER $1.50 Elections supervisor addresses Angel voting concerns in Bartow investor BY JAMES SWIFT n’t,” Kirk said. “What’s actually happening is you
[email protected] touched ‘candidate A’ but the machine recorded it offers advice as a touch for ‘candidate B,’ but nothing ever Bartow County Elections Supervisor Joseph changed. Once you deselect and select ‘candidate at Bartow Kirk admits the county’s voting technology leaves A’ again and you see the mark next to ‘candidate much to be desired — but as outdated as the hard- A’s’ name, that’s being recorded that way.” ware may be, he nonetheless says residents should- The problem some voters are experiencing, Kirk business n’t be worried about their ballots not being tallied. said, is merely the result of a calibration error. “I’ll be the first to say it, we need to update our “All we have to do is go back and recalibrate voting system,” he said. “That being said, it is ac- them,” he said. “It’s a very simple process, it takes gathering curate, it counts votes properly, it is a system that about a minute to do ... if people have an issue with does one thing and it does it well — it counts votes.” the voting machines, please tell a poll worker BY JAMES SWIFT Although he’s heard complaints about the while you’re here. That way, we can take the ac-
[email protected] JAMES SWIFT/THE DAILY TRIBUNE NEWS county’s touch screen devices, he refutes accusa- tion right then.” Bartow County Elections Supervisor Joseph Kirk said touch tions that the machines are “flipping votes.” Take it from a man who, over screen problems reported by some early voters is simply a SEE ELECTION, PAGE 2A the last 25 years, has invested in calibration error.